path: root/doc/src/widgets
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-** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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-** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
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- \page tutorials-addressbook-fr.html
- \title Tutoriel "Carnet d'adresses"
- \brief Une introduction à la programation d'interface graphique montrant comment construire une application simple avec Qt.
- Ce tutoriel est une introduction à la programmation de GUI (interface utilisateur)
- à l'aide des outils fournis par la plateforme multiplate-forme Qt.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-screenshot.png
- Ce tutoriel va nous amener à découvrir quelques technologies fondamentales fournies
- par Qt, tel que:
- \list
- \li Les Widgets et leur mise en page à l'aide des layouts
- \li Les signaux et slots
- \li Les structures de données de collections
- \li Les entrées/sorties
- \endlist
- Si c'est votre premier contact avec Qt, lisez \l{How to Learn Qt}{Comment apprendre Qt}
- si ce n'est déjà fait.
- Le code source du tutoriel est distribué avec Qt dans le dossier \c examples/tutorials/addressbook
- Les chapitres du tutoriel:
- \list 1
- \li \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part1}{Conception de l'interface utilisateur}
- \li \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part2}{Ajouter des adresses}
- \li \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part3}{Navigation entre les éléments}
- \li \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part4}{éditer et supprimer des adresses}
- \li \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part5}{Ajout d'une fonction de recherche}
- \li \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part6}{Sauvegarde et chargement}
- \li \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part7}{Fonctionnalités avancées}
- \endlist
- La petite application que nous développerons ici ne possède pas tous les éléments
- des interfaces dernier cri, elle va nous permettre d'utiliser les techniques de base
- utilisées dans les applications plus complexes.
- Lorsque vous aurez terminé ce tutoriel, nous vous recommandons de poursuivre avec l'exemple
- "\l{mainwindows/application}{Application}", qui présente une interface simple utilisant
- les menus et barres d'outils, la barre d'état, etc.
- \page tutorials-addressbook-fr-part1.html
- \example tutorials/addressbook-fr/part1
- \title Carnet d'adresses 1 - Conception de l'interface utilisateur
- La première partie de ce tutoriel traite de la conception d'une interface graphique
- (GUI) basique, que l'on utilisera pour l'application Carnet d'adresses.
- La première étape dans la création d'applications graphiques est la conception de
- l'interface utilisateur. Dans ce chapitre, nous verrons comment créer les labels
- et champs de saisie nécessaires à l'implementation d'un carnet d'adresses de base.
- Le résultat attendu est illustré par la capture d'écran ci-dessous.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part1-screenshot.png
- Nous allons avoir besoin de deux objets QLabel, \c nameLabel et \c addressLabel,
- ainsi que deux champs de saisie: un objet QLineEdit, \c nameLine, et un objet
- QTextEdit, \c addressText, afin de permettre à l'utilisateur d'entrer le nom d'un
- contact et son adresse. Les widgets utilisés ainsi que leur placement sont visibles ci-dessous.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part1-labeled-screenshot.png
- Trois fichiers sont nécessaires à l'implémentation de ce carnet d'adresses:
- \list
- \li \c{addressbook.h} - le fichier de définition (header) pour la classe \c AddressBook,
- \li \c{addressbook.cpp} - le fichier source, qui comprend l'implémentation de la classe
- \c AddressBook
- \li \c{main.cpp} - le fichier qui contient la méthode \c main() , et
- une instance de la classe \c AddressBook.
- \endlist
- \section1 Programmation en Qt - héritage
- Lorsque l'on écrit des programmes avec Qt, on a généralement recours à
- l'héritage depuis des objets Qt, afin d'y ajouter des fonctionnalités.
- C'est l'un des concepts fondamentaux de la création de widgets personnalisés
- ou de collections de widgets. Utiliser l'héritage afin de compléter
- ou modifier le comportement d'un widget présente les avantages suivants:
- \list
- \li La possibilité d'implémenter des méthodes virtuelles et des méthodes
- virtuelles pures pour obtenir exactement ce que l'on souhaite, avec la possibilité
- d'utiliser l'implémentation de la classe mère si besoin est.
- \li Cela permet l'encapsulation partielle de l'interface utilisateur dans une classe,
- afin que les autres parties de l'application n'aient pas à se soucier de chacun des
- widgets qui forment l'interface utilisateur.
- \li La classe fille peut être utilisée pour créer de nombreux widgets personnalisés
- dans une même application ou bibliothèque, et le code de la classe fille peut être
- réutilisé dans d'autres projets
- \endlist
- Comme Qt ne fournit pas de widget standard pour un carnet d'adresses, nous
- partirons d'une classe de widget Qt standard et y ajouterons des fonctionnalités.
- La classe \c AddressBook crée dans ce tutoriel peut être réutilisée si on a besoin d'un
- widget carnet d'adresses basique.
- \section1 La classe AddressBook
- Le fichier \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part1/addressbook.h}{\c addressbook.h} permet de
- définir la classe \c AddressBook.
- On commence par définir \c AddressBook comme une classe fille de QWidget et déclarer
- un constructeur. On utilise également la macro Q_OBJECT pour indiquer que la classe
- exploite les fonctionnalités de signaux et slots offertes par Qt ainsi que
- l'internationalisation, bien que nous ne les utilisions pas à ce stade.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook-fr/part1/addressbook.h class definition
- La classe contient les déclarations de \c nameLine et \c addressText,
- les instances privées de QLineEdit et QTextEdit mentionnées précédemment.
- Vous verrez, dans les chapitres à venir que les informations contenues
- dans \c nameLine et \c addressText sont nécessaires à de nombreuses méthodes
- du carnet d'adresses.
- Il n'est pas nécessaire de déclarer les objets QLabel que nous allons utiliser
- puisque nous n'aurons pas besoin d'y faire référence après leur création.
- La façon dont Qt gère la parenté des objets est traitée dans la section suivante.
- La macro Q_OBJECT implémente des fonctionnalités parmi les plus avancées de Qt.
- Pour le moment, il est bon de voir la macro Q_OBJECT comme un raccourci nous
- permettant d'utiliser les méthodes \l{QObject::}{tr()} et \l{QObject::}{connect()}.
- Nous en avons maintenant terminé avec le fichier \c addressbook.h et allons
- passer à l'implémentation du fichier \c addressbook.cpp.
- \section1 Implémentation de la classe AddressBook
- Le constructeur de la classe \c{AddressBook} prend en paramètre un QWidget, \e parent.
- Par convention, on passe ce paramètre au constructeur de la classe mère.
- Ce concept de parenté, où un parent peut avoir un ou plusieurs enfants, est utile
- pour regrouper les Widgets avec Qt. Par exemple, si vous détruisez le parent,
- tous ses enfants seront détruits égalament.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.cpp constructor and input fields
- à l'intérieur de ce constructeur, on déclare et instancie deux objets locaux
- QLabel, \c nameLabel et \c addressLabel, de même on instancie \c nameLine et
- \c addressText. La méthode \l{QObject::tr()}{tr()} renvoie une version traduite
- de la chaîne de caractères, si elle existe; dans le cas contraire, elle renvoie
- la chaîne elle même. On peut voir cette méthode comme un marqueur \tt{<insérer
- la traduction ici>}, permettant de repérer les objets QString à considérer
- pour traduire une application. Vous remarquerez, dans les chapitres à venir
- comme dans les \l{Qt Examples}{exemples Qt}, qu'elle est utilisée chaque fois
- que l'on utilise une chaîne susceptible d'être traduite.
- Lorsque l'on programme avec Qt, il est utile de savoir comment fonctionnent les
- agencements ou layouts. Qt fournit trois classes principales de layouts pour
- contrôler le placement des widgets: QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout et QGridLayout.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part1-labeled-layout.png
- On utilise un QGridLayout pour positionner nos labels et champs de saisie de manière
- structurée. QGridLayout divise l'espace disponible en une grille, et place les
- widgets dans les cellules que l'on spécifie par les numéros de ligne et de colonne.
- Le diagramme ci-dessus présente les cellules et la position des widgets, et cette
- organisation est obtenue à l'aide du code suivant:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.cpp layout
- On remarque que le label \c AddressLabel est positionné en utilisant Qt::AlignTop
- comme argument optionnel. Ceci est destiné à assurer qu'il ne sera pas centré
- verticalement dans la cellule (1,0). Pour un aperçu rapide des layouts de Qt,
- consultez la section \l{Layout Management}.
- Afin d'installer l'objet layout dans un widget, il faut appeler la méthode
- \l{QWidget::setLayout()}{setLayout()} du widget en question:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.cpp setting the layout
- Enfin, on initialise le titre du widget à "Simple Address Book"
- \section1 Exécution de l'application
- Un fichier séparé, \c main.cpp, est utilisé pour la méthode \c main(). Dans cette
- fonction, on crée une instance de QApplication, \c app. QApplication se charge de
- des ressources communes à l'ensemble de l'application, tel que les polices de
- caractères et le curseur par défaut, ainsi que de l'exécution de la boucle d'évènements.
- De ce fait, il y a toujours un objet QApplication dans toute application graphique en Qt.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/main.cpp main function
- On construit un nouveau widget \c AddressBook sur la pile et on invoque
- sa méthode \l{QWidget::show()}{show()} pour l'afficher.
- Cependant, le widget ne sera pas visible tant que la boucle d'évènements
- n'aura pas été lancée. On démarre la boucle d'évènements en appelant la
- méthode \l{QApplication::}{exec()} de l'application; le résultat renvoyé
- par cette méthode est lui même utilisé comme valeur de retour pour la méthode
- \c main().
- On comprend maintenant pourquoi \c AddressBook a été créé sur la pile: à la fin
- du programme, l'objet sort du scope de la fonction \c main() et tous ses widgets enfants
- sont supprimés, assurant ainsi qu'il n'y aura pas de fuites de mémoire.
- \page tutorials-addressbook-fr-part2.html
- \example tutorials/addressbook-fr/part2
- \title Carnet d'adresses 2 - Ajouter des adresses
- La prochaine étape pour créer notre carnet d'adresses est d'ajouter un soupçon
- d'interactivité.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-add-contact.png
- Nous allons fournir un bouton que l'utilisateur peut
- cliquer pour ajouter un nouveau contact. Une structure de données est aussi
- nécessaire afin de pouvoir stocker les contacts en mémoire.
- \section1 Définition de la classe AddressBook
- Maintenant que nous avons mis en place les labels et les champs de saisie,
- nous ajoutons les boutons pour compléter le processus d'ajout d'un contact.
- Cela veut dire que notre fichier \c addressbook.h a maintenant trois
- objets QPushButton et trois slots publics correspondant.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.h slots
- Un slot est une méthode qui répond à un signal. Nous allons
- voir ce concept en détail lorsque nous implémenterons la classe \c{AddressBook}.
- Pour une explication détaillée du concept de signal et slot, vous pouvez
- vous référer au document \l{Signals and Slots}.
- Les trois objets QPushButton \c addButton, \c submitButton et \c cancelButton
- sont maintenant inclus dans la déclaration des variables privées, avec
- \c nameLine et \c addressText du chapitre précédent.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.h pushbutton declaration
- Nous avons besoin d'un conteneur pour stocker les contacts du carnet
- d'adresses, de façon à pouvoir les énumérer et les afficher.
- Un objet QMap, \c contacts, est utilisé pour ça, car il permet de stocker
- des paires clé-valeur: le nom du contact est la \e{clé} et l'adresse du contact
- est la \e{valeur}.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.h remaining private variables
- Nous déclarons aussi deux objects QString privés: \c oldName et \c oldAddress.
- Ces objets sont nécessaires pour conserver le nom et l'adresse du dernier contact
- affiché avant que l'utilisateur ne clique sur le bouton "Add". Grâce à ces variables
- si l'utilisateur clique sur "Cancel", il est possible de revenir
- à l'affichage du dernier contact.
- \section1 Implémentation de la classe AddressBook
- Dans le constructeur de \c AddressBook, \c nameLine et
- \c addressText sont mis en mode lecture seule, de façon à autoriser l'affichage
- mais pas la modification du contact courant.
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp setting readonly 1
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp setting readonly 2
- Ensuite, nous instancions les boutons \c addButton, \c submitButton, et
- \c cancelButton.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp pushbutton declaration
- Le bouton \c addButton est affiché en invoquant la méthode \l{QPushButton::show()}
- {show()}, tandis que \c submitButton et \c cancelButton sont cachés en invoquant
- \l{QPushButton::hide()}{hide()}. Ces deux boutons ne seront affichés que lorsque
- l'utilisateur cliquera sur "Add", et ceci est géré par la méthode \c addContact()
- décrite plus loin.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp connecting signals and slots
- Nous connectons le signal \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} de chaque bouton
- au slot qui gèrera l'action.
- L'image ci-dessous illustre ceci:
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-signals-and-slots.png
- Ensuite, nous arrangeons proprement les boutons sur la droite du widget
- AddressBook, et nous utilisons un QVBoxLayout pour les aligner verticalement.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp vertical layout
- La methode \l{QBoxLayout::addStretch()}{addStretch()} est utilisée pour
- assurer que les boutons ne sont pas répartis uniformément, mais regroupés
- dans la partie supperieure du widget. La figure ci-dessous montre la différence
- si \l{QBoxLayout::addStretch()}{addStretch()} est utilisé ou pas.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-stretch-effects.png
- Ensuite nous ajoutons \c buttonLayout1 à \c mainLayout, en utilisant
- \l{QGridLayout::addLayout()}{addLayout()}. Ceci nous permet d'imbriquer les
- mises en page puisque \c buttonLayout1 est maintenant un enfant de \c mainLayout.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp grid layout
- Les coordonnées du layout global ressemblent maintenant à ça:
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-labeled-layout.png
- Dans la méthode \c addContact(), nous stockons les détails du dernier
- contact affiché dans \c oldName et \c oldAddress. Ensuite, nous
- vidons ces champs de saisie et nous désactivons le mode
- lecture seule. Le focus est placé sur \c nameLine et on affiche
- \c submitButton et \c cancelButton.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp addContact
- La méthode \c submitContact() peut être divisée en trois parties:
- \list 1
- \li Nous extrayons les détails du contact depuis \c nameLine et \c addressText
- et les stockons dans des objets QString. Nous les validons pour s'assurer
- que l'utilisateur n'a pas cliqué sur "Add" avec des champs de saisie
- vides; sinon un message est affiché avec QMessageBox pour rappeller à
- l'utilisateur que les deux champs doivent être complétés.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp submitContact part1
- \li Ensuite, nous vérifions si le contact existe déjà. Si aucun contacts
- existant n'entre en conflit avec le nouveau, nous l'ajoutons à
- \c contacts et nous affichons un QMessageBox pour informer l'utilisateur
- que le contact a été ajouté.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp submitContact part2
- Si le contact existe déjà, nous affichons un QMessageBox pour informer
- l'utilisateur du problème.
- Notre objet \c contacts est basé sur des paires clé-valeur formés par
- le nom et l'adresse, nous voulons nous assurer que la \e clé est unique.
- \li Une fois que les deux vérifications précédentes ont été traitées,
- nous restaurons les boutons à leur état normal à l'aide du code
- suivant:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp submitContact part3
- \endlist
- La capture d'écran ci-dessous montre l'affichage fournit par un objet
- QMessageBox, utilisé ici pour afficher un message d'information
- à l'utilisateur:
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-add-successful.png
- La méthode \c cancel() restaure les détails du dernier contact, active
- \c addButton, et cache \c submitButton et \c cancelButton.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp cancel
- L'idée générale pour augmenter la flexibilité lors de l'ajout d'un
- contact est de donner la possiblité de cliquer sur "Add"
- ou "Cancel" à n'importe quel moment.
- L'organigramme ci-dessous reprend l'ensemble des interactions dévelopées
- jusqu'ici:
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-add-flowchart.png
- \page tutorials-addressbook-fr-part3.html
- \example tutorials/addressbook-fr/part3
- \title Carnet d'adresses 3 - Navigation entre les éléments
- L'application "Carnet d'adresses" est maintenant à moitié terminée. Il
- nous faut maintenant ajouter quelques fonctions pour naviguer entre
- les contacts. Avant de commencer, il faut se décider sur le type de structure de
- données le plus approprié pour stocker les contacts.
- Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons utilisé un QMap utilisant des paires clé-valeur,
- avec le nom du contact comme \e clé, et l'adresse du contact comme \e valeur.
- Cela fonctionnait bien jusqu'ici, mais pour ajouter la navigation entre les
- entrées, quelques améliorations sont nécessaires.
- Nous améliorerons le QMap en le faisant ressembler à une structure de données
- similaire à une liste liée, où tous les éléments sont connectés, y compris
- le premier et le dernier élément. La figure ci-dessous illustre cette structure
- de donnée.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part3-linkedlist.png
- \section1 Définition de la classe AddressBook
- Pour ajouter les fonctions de navigation au carnet d'adresses, nous avons
- besoin de deux slots supplémentaires dans notre classe \c AddressBook:
- \c next() et \c previous(). Ceux-ci sont ajoutés au fichier addressbook.h:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.h navigation functions
- Nous avons aussi besoin de deux nouveaux objets QPushButton, nous ajoutons
- donc les variables privées \c nextButton et \c previousButton.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.h navigation pushbuttons
- \section1 Implémentation de la classe AddressBook
- A l'intérieur du constructeur de \c AddressBook, dans \c addressbook.cpp, nous
- instancions \c nextButton et \c previousButton et nous les désactivons
- par défaut. Nous faisons ceci car la navigation ne doit être activée
- que lorsqu'il y a plus d'un contact dans le carnet d'adresses.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp navigation pushbuttons
- Nous connectons alors ces boutons à leur slots respectifs:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp connecting navigation signals
- L'image ci-dessous montre l'interface utilisateur que nous allons créer.
- Remarquez que cela ressemble de plus en plus à l'interface du programme
- complet.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part3-screenshot.png
- Nous suivons les conventions pour les fonctions \c next() et \c previous()
- en plaçant \c nextButton à droite et \c previousButton à gauche. Pour
- faire cette mise en page intuitive, nous utilisons un QHBoxLayout pour
- placer les widgets côte à côte:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp navigation layout
- L'objet QHBoxLayout, \c buttonLayout2, est ensuite ajouté à \c mainLayout.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp adding navigation layout
- La figure ci-dessous montre les systèmes de coordonnées pour les widgets du
- \c mainLayout.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part3-labeled-layout.png
- Dans notre méthode \c addContact(), nous avons desactivé ces boutons
- pour être sûr que l'utilisateur n'utilise pas la navigation lors de
- l'ajout d'un contact.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp disabling navigation
- Dans notre méthode \c submitContact(), nous activons les boutons de
- navigation, \c nextButton et \c previousButton, en fonction de la
- taille de \c contacts. Commen mentionné plus tôt, la navigation n'est
- activée que si il y a plus d'un contact dans le carnet d'adresses.
- Les lignes suivantes montrent comment faire cela:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp enabling navigation
- Nous incluons aussi ces lignes de code dans le bouton \c cancel().
- Souvenez vous que nous voulons émuler une liste-liée ciruculaire à
- l'aide de l'objet QMap, \c contacts. Pour faire cela, nous obtenons un itérateur
- sur \c contact dans la méthode \c next(), et ensuite:
- \list
- \li Si l'itérateur n'est pas à la fin de \c contacts, nous l'incrémentons
- \li Si l'itérateur est à la fin de \c contacts, nous changeons sa position
- jusqu'au début de \c contacts. Cela donne l'illusion que notre QMap
- fonctionne comme une liste circulaire.
- \endlist
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp next() function
- Une fois que nous avons itéré jusqu'à l'objet recherché dans \c contacts,
- nous affichons son contenu sur \c nameLine et \c addressText.
- De la même façon, pour la méthode \c previous(), nous obtenons un
- itérateur sur \c contacts et ensuite:
- \list
- \li Si l'itérateur est à la fin de \c contacts, on réinitialise
- l'affichage et on retourne.
- \li Si l'itérateur est au début de \c contacts, on change sa
- position jusqu'à la fin
- \li Ensuite, on décrémente l'itérateur
- \endlist
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp previous() function
- à nouveau, nous affichons le contenu de l'objet courant dans \c contacts.
- \page tutorials-addressbook-fr-part4.html
- \example tutorials/addressbook-fr/part4
- \title Carnet d'Adresses 4 - éditer et supprimer des adresses
- Dans ce chapitre, nous verrons comment modifier les données des contacts
- contenus dans l'application carnet d'adresses.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-screenshot.png
- Nous avons maintenant un carnet d'adresses qui ne se contente pas de
- lister des contacts de façon ordonnée, mais permet également la
- navigation. Il serait pratique d'inclure des fonctions telles qu'éditer et
- supprimer, afin que les détails associés à un contact puissent être
- modifiés lorsque c'est nécessaire. Cependant, cela requiert une légère
- modification, sous la forme d'énumérations. Au chapitre précédent, nous avions deux
- modes: \c {AddingMode} et \c {NavigationMode}, mais ils n'étaient pas
- définis en tant qu'énumérations. Au lieu de ça, on activait et désactivait les
- boutons correspondants manuellement, au prix de multiples redondances dans
- le code.
- Dans ce chapitre, on définit l'énumération \c Mode avec trois valeurs possibles.
- \list
- \li \c{NavigationMode},
- \li \c{AddingMode}, et
- \li \c{EditingMode}.
- \endlist
- \section1 Définition de la classe AddressBook
- Le fichier \c addressbook.h est mis a jour pour contenir l'énumération \c Mode :
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h Mode enum
- On ajoute également deux nouveaux slots, \c editContact() et
- \c removeContact(), à notre liste de slots publics.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h edit and remove slots
- Afin de basculer d'un mode à l'autre, on introduit la méthode
- \c updateInterface() pour contrôller l'activation et la désactivation de
- tous les objets QPushButton. On ajoute également deux nouveaux boutons,
- \c editButton et \c removeButton, pour les fonctions d'édition
- et de suppression mentionnées plus haut.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h updateInterface() declaration
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h buttons declaration
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h mode declaration
- Enfin, on déclare \c currentMode pour garder une trace du mode
- actuellement utilisé.
- \section1 Implémentation de la classe AddressBook
- Il nous faut maintenant implémenter les fonctionnalités de changement de
- mode de l'application carnet d'adresses. Les boutons \c editButton et
- \c removeButton sont instanciés et désactivés par défaut, puisque le
- carnet d'adresses démarre sans aucun contact en mémoire.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp edit and remove buttons
- Ces boutons sont ensuite connectés à leurs slots respectifs,
- \c editContact() et \c removeContact(), avant d'être ajoutés à
- \c buttonLayout1.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp connecting edit and remove
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp adding edit and remove to the layout
- La methode \c editContact() place les anciens détails du contact dans
- \c oldName et \c oldAddress, avant de basculer vers le mode
- \c EditingMode. Dans ce mode, les boutons \c submitButton et
- \c cancelButton sont tous deux activés, l'utilisateur peut par conséquent
- modifier les détails du contact et cliquer sur l'un de ces deux boutons
- par la suite.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp editContact() function
- La méthode \c submitContact() a été divisée en deux avec un bloc
- \c{if-else}. On teste \c currentMode pour voir si le mode courant est
- \c AddingMode. Si c'est le cas, on procède à l'ajout.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp submitContact() function beginning
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp submitContact() function part1
- Sinon, on s'assure que \c currentMode est en \c EditingMode. Si c'est le
- cas, on compare \c oldName et \c name. Si le nom a changé, on supprime
- l'ancien contact de \c contacts et on insère le contact mis a jour.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp submitContact() function part2
- Si seule l'adresse a changé (i.e. \c oldAddress n'est pas identique à
- \c address), on met à jour l'adresse du contact. Enfin on règle
- \c currentMode à \c NavigationMode. C'est une étape importante puisque
- c'est cela qui réactive tous les boutons désactivés.
- Afin de retirer un contact du carnet d'adresses, on implémente la méthode
- \c removeContact(). Cette méthode vérifie que le contact est présent dans
- \c contacts.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp removeContact() function
- Si c'est le cas, on affiche une boîte de dialogue QMessageBox, demandant
- confirmation de la suppression à l'utilisateur. Une fois la confirmation
- effectuée, on appelle \c previous(), afin de s'assurer que l'interface
- utilisateur affiche une autre entrée, et on supprime le contact en
- utilisant le méthode \l{QMap::remove()}{remove()} de \l{QMap}. Dans un
- souci pratique, on informe l'utilisateur de la suppression par le biais
- d'une autre QMessageBox. Les deux boîtes de dialogue utilisées dans cette
- méthode sont représentées ci-dessous.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part4-remove.png
- \section2 Mise à jour de l'Interface utilisateur
- On a évoqué plus haut la méthode \c updateInterface() comme moyen
- d'activer et de désactiver les différents boutons de l'interface en
- fonction du mode. Cette méthode met à jour le mode courant selon
- l'argument \c mode qui lui est passé, en l'assignant à \c currentMode,
- avant de tester sa valeur.
- Chacun des boutons est ensuite activé ou désactivé, en fonction du mode.
- Le code source pour les cas \c AddingMode et \c EditingMode est visible
- ci-dessous:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp update interface() part 1
- Dans le cas de \c NavigationMode, en revanche, des tests conditionnels
- sont passés en paramètre de QPushButton::setEnabled(). Ceci permet de
- s'assurer que les boutons \c editButton et \c removeButton ne sont activés
- que s'il existe au moins un contact dans le carnet d'adresses;
- \c nextButton et \c previousButton ne sont activés que lorsqu'il existe
- plus d'un contact dans le carnet d'adresses.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp update interface() part 2
- En effectuant les opérations de réglage du mode et de mise à jour de
- l'interface utilisateur au sein de la même méthode, on est à l'abri de
- l'éventualité où l'interface utilisateur se "désynchronise" de l'état
- interne de l'application.
- \page tutorials-addressbook-fr-part5.html
- \example tutorials/addressbook-fr/part5
- \title Carnet d'adresse 5 - Ajout d'une fonction de recherche
- Dans ce chapitre, nous allons voir les possibilités pour rechercher
- des contacts dans le carnet d'adresse.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-screenshot.png
- Plus nous ajoutons des contacts dans l'application, plus
- il devient difficile de naviguer avec les boutons \e Next et \e Previous.
- Dans ce cas, une fonction de recherche serait plus efficace pour rechercher
- les contacts.
- La capture d'écran ci-dessus montre le bouton de recherche \e Find et sa position
- dans le paneau de bouton.
- Lorsque l'utilisateur clique sur le bouton \e Find, il est courant d'afficher
- une boîte de dialogue qui demande à l'utilisateur d'entrer un nom de contact.
- Qt fournit la classe QDialog, que nous sous-classons dans ce chapitre pour
- implémenter la class \c FindDialog.
- \section1 Définition de la classe FindDialog
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-finddialog.png
- Pour sous-classer QDialog, nous commençons par inclure le header de
- QDialog dans le fichier \c finddialog.h. De plus, nous déclarons les
- classes QLineEdit et QPushButton car nous utilisons ces widgets dans
- notre classe dialogue.
- Tout comme dans la classe \c AddressBook, la classe \c FindDialog utilise
- la macro Q_OBJECT et son constructeur est défini de façon à accepter
- un QWidget parent, même si cette boîte de dialogue sera affichée dans une
- fenêtre séparée.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.h FindDialog header
- Nous définissons la méthode publique \c getFindText() pour être utilisée
- par les classes qui instancient \c FindDialog, ce qui leur permet d'obtenir
- le texte entré par l'utilisateur. Un slot public, \c findClicked(), est
- défini pour prendre en charge le texte lorsque l'utilisateur clique sur
- le bouton \gui Find.
- Finalement, nous définissons les variables privées \c findButton,
- \c lineEdit et \c findText, qui correspondent respectivement au bouton
- \gui Find, au champ de texte dans lequel l'utilisateur tape le texte
- à rechercher, et à une variable interne stockant le texte pour une
- utilisation ultérieure.
- \section1 Implémentation de la classe FindDialog
- Dans le constructeur de \c FindDialog, nous instancions les objets des
- variables privées \c lineEdit, \c findButton et \c findText. Nous utilisons ensuite
- un QHBoxLayout pour positionner les widgets.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.cpp constructor
- Nous mettons en place la mise en page et le titre de la fenêtre, et
- nous connectons les signaux aux slots. Remarquez que le signal
- \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} de \c{findButton} est connecté
- à \c findClicked() et \l{QDialog::accept()}{accept()}. Le slot
- \l{QDialog::accept()}{accept()} fourni par le QDialog ferme
- la boîte de dialogue et lui donne le code de retour \l{QDialog::}{Accepted}.
- Nous utilisons cette fonction pour aider la méthode \c findContact() de la classe
- \c{AddressBook} à savoir si l'objet \c FindDialog a été fermé. Ceci sera
- expliqué plus loin lorsque nous verrons la méthode \c findContact().
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-signals-and-slots.png
- Dans \c findClicked(), nous validons le champ de texte pour nous
- assurer que l'utilisateur n'a pas cliqué sur le bouton \gui Find sans
- avoir entré un nom de contact. Ensuite, nous stockons le texte du champ
- d'entrée \c lineEdit dans \c findText. Et finalement nous vidons le
- contenu de \c lineEdit et cachons la boîte de dialogue.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.cpp findClicked() function
- La variable \c findText a un accesseur publique associé: \c getFindText().
- Étant donné que nous ne modifions \c findText directement que dans le
- constructeur et la méthode \c findClicked(), nous ne créons pas
- de manipulateurs associé à \c getFindText().
- Puisque \c getFindText() est publique, les classes instanciant et
- utilisant \c FindDialog peuvent toujours accéder à la chaîne de
- caractères que l'utilisateur a entré et accepté.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.cpp getFindText() function
- \section1 Définition de la classe AddressBook
- Pour utiliser \c FindDialog depuis la classe \c AddressBook, nous
- incluons \c finddialog.h dans le fichier \c addressbook.h.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h include finddialog's header
- Jusqu'ici, toutes les fonctionnalités du carnet d'adresses ont un
- QPushButton et un slot correspondant. De la même façon, pour la
- fonctionnalité \gui Find, nous avons \c findButton et \c findContact().
- Le \c findButton est déclaré comme une variable privée et la
- méthode \c findContact() est déclarée comme un slot public.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h findContact() declaration
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h findButton declaration
- Finalement, nous déclarons la variable privée \c dialog que nous allons
- utiliser pour accéder à une instance de \c FindDialog.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h FindDialog declaration
- Une fois que nous avons instancié la boîte de dialogue, nous voulons l'utiliser
- plus qu'une fois. Utiliser une variable privée nous permet d'y référer
- à plus d'un endroit dans la classe.
- \section1 Implémentation de la classe AddressBook
- Dans le constructeur de \c AddressBook, nous instancions nos objets privés,
- \c findbutton et \c findDialog:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp instantiating findButton
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp instantiating FindDialog
- Ensuite, nous connectons le signal \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} de
- \c{findButton} à \c findContact().
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp signals and slots for find
- Maintenant, tout ce qui manque est le code de notre méthode \c findContact():
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp findContact() function
- Nous commençons par afficher l'instance de \c FindDialog, \c dialog.
- L'utilisateur peut alors entrer le nom du contact à rechercher. Lorsque
- l'utilisateur clique sur le bouton \c findButton, la boîte de dialogue est
- masquée et le code de retour devient QDialog::Accepted. Ce code de retour
- vient remplir la condition du premier if.
- Ensuite, nous extrayons le texte que nous utiliserons pour la recherche,
- il s'agit ici de \c contactName obtenu à l'aide de la méthode \c getFindText()
- de \c FindDialog. Si le contact existe dans le carnet d'adresse, nous
- l'affichons directement. Sinon, nous affichons le QMessageBox suivant pour
- indiquer que la recherche à échouée.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-notfound.png
- \page tutorials-addressbook-part6.html
- \example tutorials/addressbook-fr/part6
- \title Carnet d'Adresses 6 - Sauvegarde et chargement
- Ce chapitre couvre les fonctionnalités de gestion des fichiers de Qt que
- l'on utilise pour écrire les procédures de sauvegarde et chargement pour
- l'application carnet d'adresses.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part6-screenshot.png
- Bien que la navigation et la recherche de contacts soient des
- fonctionnalités importantes, notre carnet d'adresses ne sera pleinement
- utilisable qu'une fois que l'on pourra sauvegarder les contacts existants
- et les charger à nouveau par la suite.
- Qt fournit de nombreuses classes pour gérer les \l{Input/Output and
- Networking}{entrées et sorties}, mais nous avons choisi de nous contenter d'une
- combinaison de deux classes simples à utiliser ensemble: QFile et QDataStream.
- Un objet QFile représente un fichier sur le disque qui peut être lu, et
- dans lequel on peut écrire. QFile est une classe fille de la classe plus
- générique QIODevice, qui peut représenter différents types de
- périphériques.
- Un objet QDataStream est utilisé pour sérialiser des données binaires
- dans le but de les passer à un QIODevice pour les récupérer dans le
- futur. Pour lire ou écrire dans un QIODevice, il suffit d'ouvrir le
- flux, avec le périphérique approprié en paramètre, et d'y lire ou
- écrire.
- \section1 Définition de la classe AddressBook
- On déclare deux slots publics, \c saveToFile() et \c loadFromFile(),
- ainsi que deux objets QPushButton, \c loadButton et \c saveButton.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.h save and load functions declaration
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.h save and load buttons declaration
- \section1 Implémentation de la classe AddressBook
- Dans notre constructeur, on instancie \c loadButton et \c saveButton.
- Idéalement, l'interface serait plus conviviale avec des boutons
- affichant "Load contacts from a file" et "Save contacts to a file". Mais
- compte tenu de la dimension des autres boutons, on initialise les labels
- des boutons à \gui{Load...} et \gui{Save...}. Heureusement, Qt offre une
- façon simple d'ajouter des info-bulles avec
- \l{QWidget::setToolTip()}{setToolTip()}, et nous l'exploitons de la façon
- suivante pour nos boutons:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp tooltip 1
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp tooltip 2
- Bien qu'on ne cite pas le code correspondant ici, nous ajoutons ces deux boutons au
- layout de droite, \c button1Layout, comme pour les fonctionnalités précédentes, et
- nous connectons leurs signaux
- \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} à leurs slots respectifs.
- Pour la sauvegarde, on commence par récupérer le nom de fichier
- \c fileName, en utilisant QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(). C'est une
- méthode pratique fournie par QFileDialog, qui ouvre une boîte de
- dialogue modale et permet à l'utilisateur d'entrer un nom de fichier ou
- de choisir un fichier \c{.abk} existant. Les fichiers \c{.abk}
- correspondent à l'extension choisie pour la sauvegarde des contacts de
- notre carnet d'adresses.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp saveToFile() function part1
- La boîte de dialogue affichée est visible sur la capture d'écran ci-
- dessous.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part6-save.png
- Si \c fileName n'est pas vide, on crée un objet QFile, \c file, à partir
- de \c fileName. QFile fonctionne avec QDataStream puisqu'il dérive de
- QIODevice.
- Ensuite, on essaie d'ouvrir le fichier en écriture, ce qui correspond au
- mode \l{QIODevice::}{WriteOnly}. Si cela échoue, on en informe
- l'utilisateur avec une QMessageBox.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp saveToFile() function part2
- Dans le cas contraire, on instancie un objet QDataStream, \c out, afin
- d'écrire dans le fichier ouvert. QDataStream nécessite que la même
- version de flux soit utilisée pour la lecture et l'écriture. On s'assure
- que c'est le cas en spécifiant explicitement d'utiliser la
- \l{QDataStream::Qt_4_5}{version introduite avec Qt 4.5} avant de
- sérialiser les données vers le fichier \c file.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp saveToFile() function part3
- Pour le chargement, on récupère également \c fileName en utilisant
- QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(). Cette méthode est l'homologue de
- QFileDialog::getSaveFileName() et affiche également une boîte de
- dialogue modale permettant à l'utilisateur d'entrer un nom de fichier ou
- de selectionner un fichier \c{.abk} existant, afin de le charger dans le
- carnet d'adresses.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp loadFromFile() function part1
- Sous Windows, par exemple, cette méthode affiche une boîte de dialogue
- native pour la sélection de fichier, comme illustré sur la capture
- d'écran suivante:
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part6-load.png
- Si \c fileName n'est pas vide, on utilise une fois de plus un objet
- QFile, \c file, et on tente de l'ouvrir en lecture, avec le mode
- \l{QIODevice::}{ReadOnly}. De même que précédemment dans notre
- implémentation de \c saveToFile(), si cette tentative s'avère
- infructueuse, on en informe l'utilisateur par le biais d'une
- QMessageBox.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp loadFromFile() function part2
- Dans le cas contraire, on instancie un objet QDataStream, \c in, en
- spécifiant la version à utiliser comme précédemment, et on lit les
- informations sérialisées vers la structure de données \c contacts. Notez
- qu'on purge \c contacts avant d'y mettre les informations lues afin de
- simplifier le processus de lecture de fichier. Une façon plus avancée de
- procéder serait de lire les contacts dans un objet QMap temporaire, et
- de copier uniquement les contacts n'existant pas encore dans
- \c contacts.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp loadFromFile() function part3
- Pour afficher les contacts lus depuis le fichier, on doit d'abord
- valider les données obtenues afin de s'assurer que le fichier lu
- contient effectivement des entrées de carnet d'adresses. Si c'est le
- cas, on affiche le premier contact; sinon on informe l'utilisateur du
- problème par une QMessageBox. Enfin, on met à jour l'interface afin
- d'activer et de désactiver les boutons de façon appropriée.
- \page tutorials-addressbook-fr-part7.html
- \example tutorials/addressbook-fr/part7
- \title Carnet d'adresse 7 - Fonctionnalités avancées
- Ce chapitre couvre quelques fonctionnalités additionnelles qui
- feront de notre carnet d'adresses une application plus pratique
- pour une utilisation quotidienne.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part7-screenshot.png
- Bien que notre application carnet d'adresses soit utile en tant que telle,
- il serait pratique de pouvoir échanger les contacts avec d'autres applications.
- Le format vCard est un un format de fichier populaire pour échanger
- ce type de données.
- Dans ce chapitre, nous étendrons notre carnet d'adresses pour permettre
- d'exporter des contacts dans des fichiers vCard \c{.vcf}.
- \section1 Définition de la classe AddressBook
- Nous ajoutons un objet QPushButton, \c exportButton, et un slot
- public correspondant, \c exportAsVCard(), à notre classe \c AddressBook
- dans le fichier \c addressbook.h.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.h exportAsVCard() declaration
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.h exportButton declaration
- \section1 Implémentation de la classe AddressBook
- Dans le constructeur de \c AddressBook, nous connectons le signal
- \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} de \c{exportButton} au slot
- \c exportAsVCard().
- Nous ajoutons aussi ce bouton à \c buttonLayout1, le layout responsable
- du groupe de boutons sur la droite.
- Dans la méthode \c exportAsVCard(), nous commençons par extraire le
- nom du contact dans \n name. Nous déclarons \c firstname, \c lastName et
- \c nameList.
- Ensuite, nous cherchons la position du premier espace blanc de \c name.
- Si il y a un espace, nous séparons le nom du contact en \c firstName et
- \c lastName. Finalement, nous remplaçons l'espace par un underscore ("_").
- Si il n'y a pas d'espace, nous supposons que le contact ne comprend que
- le prénom.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part1
- Comme pour la méthode \c saveToFile(), nous ouvrons une boîte de dialogue
- pour donner la possibilité à l'utilisateur de choisir un emplacement pour
- le fichier. Avec le nom de fichier choisi, nous créons une instance de QFile
- pour y écrire.
- Nous essayons d'ouvrir le fichier en mode \l{QIODevice::}{WriteOnly}. Si
- cela échoue, nous affichons un QMessageBox pour informer l'utilisateur
- à propos de l'origine du problème et nous quittons la méthode. Sinon, nous passons le
- fichier comme paramètre pour créer un objet QTextStream, \c out. De la même façon que
- QDataStream, la classe QTextStream fournit les fonctionnalités pour
- lire et écrire des fichiers de texte. Grâce à celà, le fichier \c{.vcf}
- généré pourra être ouvert et édité à l'aide d'un simple éditeur de texte.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part2
- Nous écrivons ensuite un fichier vCard avec la balise \c{BEGIN:VCARD},
- suivit par \c{VERSION:2.1}.
- Le nom d'un contact est écrit à l'aide de la balise \c{N:}. Pour la balise
- \c{FN:}, qui remplit le titre du contact, nous devons vérifier si le contact
- à un nom de famille défini ou non. Si oui, nous utilions les détails de
- \c nameList pour remplir le champ, dans le cas contraire on écrit uniquement le contenu
- de \c firstName.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part3
- Nous continuons en écrivant l'adresse du contact. Les points-virgules
- dans l'adresse sont échappés à l'aide de "\\", les retours de ligne sont
- remplacés par des points-virgules, et les vigules sont remplacées par des espaces.
- Finalement nous écrivons les balises \c{ADR;HOME:;} suivies par l'adresse
- et la balise \c{END:VCARD}.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part4
- À la fin de la méthode, un QMessageBox est affiché pour informer l'utilisateur
- que la vCard a été exportée avec succès.
- \e{vCard est une marque déposée de \l{}
- {Internet Mail Consortium}}.
diff --git a/doc/src/widgets/addressbook.qdoc b/doc/src/widgets/addressbook.qdoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 27bdb0fac4..0000000000
--- a/doc/src/widgets/addressbook.qdoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,981 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
-** GNU Free Documentation License
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
-** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
-** this file.
-** Other Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
-** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
-** and Nokia.
- \page tutorials-addressbook.html
- \title Address Book Tutorial
- \brief An introduction to GUI programming, showing how to put together a
- simple yet fully-functioning application.
- This tutorial is an introduction to GUI programming with the Qt
- cross-platform framework.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-screenshot.png
- \omit
- It doesn't cover everything; the emphasis is on teaching the programming
- philosophy of GUI programming, and Qt's features are introduced as needed.
- Some commonly used features are never used in this tutorial.
- \endomit
- In this tutorial, you will learn about some of the basic
- components of Qt, including:
- \list
- \li Widgets and layout managers
- \li Container classes
- \li Signals and slots
- \li Input and output devices
- \endlist
- If you are new to Qt, we recommend reading \l{How to Learn Qt} first.
- Tutorial contents:
- \list 1
- \li \l{tutorials/addressbook/part1}{Designing the User Interface}
- \li \l{tutorials/addressbook/part2}{Adding Addresses}
- \li \l{tutorials/addressbook/part3}{Navigating between Entries}
- \li \l{tutorials/addressbook/part4}{Editing and Removing Addresses}
- \li \l{tutorials/addressbook/part5}{Adding a Find Function}
- \li \l{tutorials/addressbook/part6}{Loading and Saving}
- \li \l{tutorials/addressbook/part7}{Additional Features}
- \endlist
- The tutorial source code is located in \c{examples/tutorials/addressbook}.
- Although this little application does not look much like a
- fully-fledged modern GUI application, it uses many of the basic
- elements that are used in more complex applications. After you
- have worked through this tutorial, we recommend reading the
- \l{mainwindows/application}{Application} example, which presents a
- small GUI application, with menus, toolbars, a status bar, and so
- on.
- \page tutorials-addressbook-part1.html
- \example tutorials/addressbook/part1
- \title Part 1 - Designing the User Interface
- This first part covers the design of the basic graphical user
- interface (GUI) for our address book application.
- The first step in creating a GUI program is to design the user
- interface. Here the our goal is to set up the labels and input
- fields to implement a basic address book. The figure below is a
- screenshot of the expected output.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part1-screenshot.png
- We require two QLabel objects, \c nameLabel and \c addressLabel, as well
- as two input fields, a QLineEdit object, \c nameLine, and a QTextEdit
- object, \c addressText, to enable the user to enter a contact's name and
- address. The widgets used and their positions are shown in the figure
- below.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part1-labeled-screenshot.png
- There are three files used to implement this address book:
- \list
- \li \c{addressbook.h} - the definition file for the \c AddressBook
- class,
- \li \c{addressbook.cpp} - the implementation file for the
- \c AddressBook class, and
- \li \c{main.cpp} - the file containing a \c main() function, with
- an instance of \c AddressBook.
- \endlist
- \section1 Qt Programming - Subclassing
- When writing Qt programs, we usually subclass Qt objects to add
- functionality. This is one of the essential concepts behind creating
- custom widgets or collections of standard widgets. Subclassing to
- extend or change the behavior of a widget has the following advantages:
- \list
- \li We can write implementations of virtual or pure virtual functions to
- obtain exactly what we need, falling back on the base class's implementation
- when necessary.
- \li It allows us to encapsulate parts of the user interface within a class,
- so that the other parts of the application don't need to know about the
- individual widgets in the user interface.
- \li The subclass can be used to create multiple custom widgets in the same
- application or library, and the code for the subclass can be reused in other
- projects.
- \endlist
- Since Qt does not provide a specific address book widget, we subclass a
- standard Qt widget class and add features to it. The \c AddressBook class
- we create in this tutorial can be reused in situations where a basic address
- book widget is needed.
- \section1 Defining the AddressBook Class
- The \l{tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.h}{\c addressbook.h} file is
- used to define the \c AddressBook class.
- We start by defining \c AddressBook as a QWidget subclass and declaring
- a constructor. We also use the Q_OBJECT macro to indicate that the class
- uses internationalization and Qt's signals and slots features, even
- if we do not use all of these features at this stage.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.h class definition
- The class holds declarations of \c nameLine and \c addressText,
- the private instances of QLineEdit and QTextEdit mentioned
- earlier. The data stored in \c nameLine and \c addressText will
- be needed for many of the address book functions.
- We don't include declarations of the QLabel objects we will use
- because we will not need to reference them once they have been
- created. The way Qt tracks the ownership of objects is explained
- in the next section.
- The Q_OBJECT macro itself implements some of the more advanced features of Qt.
- For now, it is useful to think of the Q_OBJECT macro as a shortcut which allows
- us to use the \l{QObject::}{tr()} and \l{QObject::}{connect()} functions.
- We have now completed the \c addressbook.h file and we move on to
- implement the corresponding \c addressbook.cpp file.
- \section1 Implementing the AddressBook Class
- The constructor of \c AddressBook accepts a QWidget parameter, \a parent.
- By convention, we pass this parameter to the base class's constructor.
- This concept of ownership, where a parent can have one or more children,
- is useful for grouping widgets in Qt. For example, if you delete a parent,
- all of its children will be deleted as well.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.cpp constructor and input fields
- In this constructor, the QLabel objects \c nameLabel and \c
- addressLabel are instantiated, as well as \c nameLine and \c
- addressText. The \l{QObject::tr()}{tr()} function returns a
- translated version of the string, if there is one
- available. Otherwise it returns the string itself. This function
- marks its QString parameter as one that should be translated into
- other languages. It should be used wherever a translatable string
- appears.
- When programming with Qt, it is useful to know how layouts work.
- Qt provides three main layout classes: QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout
- and QGridLayout to handle the positioning of widgets.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part1-labeled-layout.png
- We use a QGridLayout to position our labels and input fields in a
- structured manner. QGridLayout divides the available space into a grid and
- places widgets in the cells we specify with row and column numbers. The
- diagram above shows the layout cells and the position of our widgets, and
- we specify this arrangement using the following code:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.cpp layout
- Notice that \c addressLabel is positioned using Qt::AlignTop as an
- additional argument. This is to make sure it is not vertically centered in
- cell (1,0). For a basic overview on Qt Layouts, refer to the
- \l{Layout Management} documentation.
- In order to install the layout object onto the widget, we have to invoke
- the widget's \l{QWidget::setLayout()}{setLayout()} function:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.cpp setting the layout
- Lastly, we set the widget's title to "Simple Address Book".
- \section1 Running the Application
- A separate file, \c main.cpp, is used for the \c main() function. Within
- this function, we instantiate a QApplication object, \c app. QApplication
- is responsible for various application-wide resources, such as the default
- font and cursor, and for running an event loop. Hence, there is always one
- QApplication object in every GUI application using Qt.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/main.cpp main function
- We construct a new \c AddressBook widget on the stack and invoke
- its \l{QWidget::show()}{show()} function to display it.
- However, the widget will not be shown until the application's event loop
- is started. We start the event loop by calling the application's
- \l{QApplication::}{exec()} function; the result returned by this function
- is used as the return value from the \c main() function. At this point,
- it becomes apparent why we instanciated \c AddressBook on the stack: It
- will now go out of scope. Therefore, \c AddressBook and all its child widgets
- will be deleted, thus preventing memory leaks.
- \page tutorials-addressbook-part2.html
- \example tutorials/addressbook/part2
- \title Part 2 - Adding Addresses
- The next step in creating the address book is to implement some
- user interactions.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-add-contact.png
- We will provide a push button that the user can click to add a new contact.
- Also, some form of data structure is needed to store these contacts in an
- organized way.
- \section1 Defining the AddressBook Class
- Now that we have the labels and input fields set up, we add push buttons to
- complete the process of adding a contact. This means that our
- \c addressbook.h file now has three QPushButton objects declared and three
- corresponding public slots.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.h slots
- A slot is a function that responds to a particular signal. We will discuss
- this concept in further detail when implementing the \c AddressBook class.
- However, for an overview of Qt's signals and slots concept, you can refer
- to the \l{Signals and Slots} document.
- Three QPushButton objects (\c addButton, \c submitButton, and
- \c cancelButton) are now included in our private variable declarations,
- along with \c nameLine and \c addressText.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.h pushbutton declaration
- We need a container to store our address book contacts, so that we can
- traverse and display them. A QMap object, \c contacts, is used for this
- purpose as it holds a key-value pair: the contact's name as the \e key,
- and the contact's address as the \e{value}.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.h remaining private variables
- We also declare two private QString objects, \c oldName and \c oldAddress.
- These objects are needed to hold the name and address of the contact that
- was last displayed, before the user clicked \gui Add. So, when the user clicks
- \gui Cancel, we can revert to displaying the details of the last contact.
- \section1 Implementing the AddressBook Class
- Within the constructor of \c AddressBook, we set the \c nameLine and
- \c addressText to read-only, so that we can only display but not edit
- existing contact details.
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp setting readonly 1
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp setting readonly 2
- Then, we instantiate our push buttons: \c addButton, \c submitButton, and
- \c cancelButton.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp pushbutton declaration
- The \c addButton is displayed by invoking the \l{QPushButton::show()}
- {show()} function, while the \c submitButton and \c cancelButton are
- hidden by invoking \l{QPushButton::hide()}{hide()}. These two push
- buttons will only be displayed when the user clicks \gui Add and this is
- handled by the \c addContact() function discussed below.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp connecting signals and slots
- We connect the push buttons' \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} signal
- to their respective slots. The figure below illustrates this.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-signals-and-slots.png
- Next, we arrange our push buttons neatly to the right of our address book
- widget, using a QVBoxLayout to line them up vertically.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp vertical layout
- The \l{QBoxLayout::addStretch()}{addStretch()} function is used to ensure
- the push buttons are not evenly spaced, but arranged closer to the top of
- the widget. The figure below shows the difference between using
- \l{QBoxLayout::addStretch()}{addStretch()} and not using it.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-stretch-effects.png
- We then add \c buttonLayout1 to \c mainLayout, using
- \l{QGridLayout::addLayout()}{addLayout()}. This gives us nested layouts
- as \c buttonLayout1 is now a child of \c mainLayout.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp grid layout
- Our layout coordinates now look like this:
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-labeled-layout.png
- In the \c addContact() function, we store the last displayed contact
- details in \c oldName and \c oldAddress. Then we clear these input
- fields and turn off the read-only mode. The focus is set on \c nameLine
- and we display \c submitButton and \c cancelButton.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp addContact
- The \c submitContact() function can be divided into three parts:
- \list 1
- \li We extract the contact's details from \c nameLine and \c addressText
- and store them in QString objects. We also validate to make sure that the
- user did not click \gui Submit with empty input fields; otherwise, a
- QMessageBox is displayed to remind the user for a name and address.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp submitContact part1
- \li We then proceed to check if the contact already exists. If it does not
- exist, we add the contact to \c contacts and we display a QMessageBox to
- inform the user that the contact has been added.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp submitContact part2
- If the contact already exists, again, we display a QMessageBox to inform
- the user about this, preventing the user from adding duplicate contacts.
- Our \c contacts object is based on key-value pairs of name and address,
- hence, we want to ensure that \e key is unique.
- \li Once we have handled both cases mentioned above, we restore the push
- buttons to their normal state with the following code:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp submitContact part3
- \endlist
- The screenshot below shows the QMessageBox object we use to display
- information messages to the user.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-add-successful.png
- The \c cancel() function restores the last displayed contact details and
- enables \c addButton, as well as hides \c submitButton and
- \c cancelButton.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp cancel
- The general idea behind adding a contact is to give the user the
- flexibility to click \gui Submit or \gui Cancel at any time. The flowchart below
- further explains this concept:
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-add-flowchart.png
- \page tutorials-addressbook-part3.html
- \example tutorials/addressbook/part3
- \title Part 3 - Navigating between Entries
- The address book is now about half complete. We should add the
- capability to navigate among the contacts, but first we must
- decide what sort of a data structure we need for containing these
- contacts.
- In the previous section, we used a QMap of key-value pairs with
- the contact's name as the \e key, and the contact's address as the
- \e value. This works well for our case. However, in order to
- navigate and display each entry, a little bit of enhancement is
- needed.
- We enhance the QMap by making it replicate a data structure similar to a
- circularly-linked list, where all elements are connected, including the
- first element and the last element. The figure below illustrates this data
- structure.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part3-linkedlist.png
- \section1 Defining the AddressBook Class
- To add navigation functions to the address book, we must add two
- more slots to the \c AddressBook class: \c next() and \c
- previous() to the \c addressbook.h file:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.h navigation functions
- We also require another two QPushButton objects, so we declare \c nextButton
- and \c previousButton as private variables:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.h navigation pushbuttons
- \section1 Implementing the AddressBook Class
- In the \c AddressBook constructor in \c addressbook.cpp, we instantiate
- \c nextButton and \c previousButton and disable them by default. This is
- because navigation is only enabled when there is more than one contact
- in the address book.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp navigation pushbuttons
- We then connect these push buttons to their respective slots:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp connecting navigation signals
- The image below is the expected graphical user interface.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part3-screenshot.png
- We follow basic conventions for \c next() and \c previous() functions by
- placing the \c nextButton on the right and the \c previousButton on the
- left. In order to achieve this intuitive layout, we use QHBoxLayout to
- place the widgets side-by-side:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp navigation layout
- The QHBoxLayout object, \c buttonLayout2, is then added to \c mainLayout.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp adding navigation layout
- The figure below shows the coordinates of the widgets in \c mainLayout.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part3-labeled-layout.png
- Within our \c addContact() function, we have to disable these buttons so
- that the user does not attempt to navigate while adding a contact.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp disabling navigation
- Also, in our \c submitContact() function, we enable the navigation
- buttons, \c nextButton and \c previousButton, depending on the size
- of \c contacts. As mentioned earlier, navigation is only enabled when
- there is more than one contact in the address book. The following lines
- of code demonstrates how to do this:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp enabling navigation
- We also include these lines of code in the \c cancel() function.
- Recall that we intend to emulate a circularly-linked list with our QMap
- object, \c contacts. So, in the \c next() function, we obtain an iterator
- for \c contacts and then:
- \list
- \li If the iterator is not at the end of \c contacts, we increment it
- by one.
- \li If the iterator is at the end of \c contacts, we move it to the
- beginning of \c contacts. This gives us the illusion that our QMap is
- working like a circularly-linked list.
- \endlist
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp next() function
- Once we have iterated to the correct object in \c contacts, we display
- its contents on \c nameLine and \c addressText.
- Similarly, for the \c previous() function, we obtain an iterator for
- \c contacts and then:
- \list
- \li If the iterator is at the end of \c contacts, we clear the
- display and return.
- \li If the iterator is at the beginning of \c contacts, we move it to
- the end.
- \li We then decrement the iterator by one.
- \endlist
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp previous() function
- Again, we display the contents of the current object in \c contacts.
- \page tutorials-addressbook-part4.html
- \example tutorials/addressbook/part4
- \title Part 4 - Editing and Removing Addresses
- Now we look at ways to modify the contents of contacts stored in
- the address book.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-screenshot.png
- We now have an address book that not only holds contacts in an
- organized manner, but also allows navigation. It would be
- convenient to include edit and remove functions so that a
- contact's details can be changed when needed. However, this
- requires a little improvement, in the form of enums. We defined
- two modes: \c{AddingMode} and \c{NavigationMode}, but they were
- not defined as enum values. Instead, we enabled and disabled the
- corresponding buttons manually, resulting in multiple lines of
- repeated code.
- Here we define the \c Mode enum with three different values:
- \list
- \li \c{NavigationMode},
- \li \c{AddingMode}, and
- \li \c{EditingMode}.
- \endlist
- \section1 Defining the AddressBook Class
- The \c addressbook.h file is updated to contain the \c Mode enum:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h Mode enum
- We also add two new slots, \c editContact() and \c removeContact(), to
- our current list of public slots.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h edit and remove slots
- In order to switch between modes, we introduce the \c updateInterface() function
- to control the enabling and disabling of all QPushButton objects. We also
- add two new push buttons, \c editButton and \c removeButton, for the edit
- and remove functions mentioned earlier.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h updateInterface() declaration
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h buttons declaration
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h mode declaration
- Lastly, we declare \c currentMode to keep track of the enum's current mode.
- \section1 Implementing the AddressBook Class
- We now implement the mode-changing features of the address
- book. The \c editButton and \c removeButton are instantiated and
- disabled by default. The address book starts with zero contacts
- in memory.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp edit and remove buttons
- These buttons are then connected to their respective slots, \c editContact()
- and \c removeContact(), and we add them to \c buttonLayout1.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp connecting edit and remove
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp adding edit and remove to the layout
- The \c editContact() function stores the contact's old details in
- \c oldName and \c oldAddress, before switching the mode to \c EditingMode.
- In this mode, the \c submitButton and \c cancelButton are both enabled,
- hence, the user can change the contact's details and click either button.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp editContact() function
- The \c submitContact() function has been divided in two with an \c{if-else}
- statement. We check \c currentMode to see if it's in \c AddingMode. If it is,
- we proceed with our adding process.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp submitContact() function beginning
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp submitContact() function part1
- Otherwise, we check to see if \c currentMode is in \c EditingMode. If it
- is, we compare \c oldName with \c name. If the name has changed, we remove
- the old contact from \c contacts and insert the newly updated contact.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp submitContact() function part2
- If only the address has changed (i.e., \c oldAddress is not the same as \c address),
- we update the contact's address. Lastly, we set \c currentMode to
- \c NavigationMode. This is an important step as it re-enables all the
- disabled push buttons.
- To remove a contact from the address book, we implement the
- \c removeContact() function. This function checks to see if the contact
- exists in \c contacts.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp removeContact() function
- If it does, we display a QMessageBox, to confirm the removal with the
- user. Once the user has confirmed, we call \c previous() to ensure that the
- user interface shows another contact, and we remove the contact using \l{QMap}'s
- \l{QMap::remove()}{remove()} function. As a courtesy, we display a QMessageBox
- to inform the user. Both the message boxes used in this function are shown below:
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part4-remove.png
- \section2 Updating the User Interface
- We mentioned the \c updateInterface() function earlier as a means to
- enable and disable the push buttons depending on the current mode.
- The function updates the current mode according to the \c mode argument
- passed to it, assigning it to \c currentMode before checking its value.
- Each of the push buttons is then enabled or disabled, depending on the
- current mode. The code for \c AddingMode and \c EditingMode is shown below:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp update interface() part 1
- For \c NavigationMode, however, we include conditions within the parameters
- of the QPushButton::setEnabled() function. This is to ensure that
- \c editButton and \c removeButton are enabled when there is at least one
- contact in the address book; \c nextButton and \c previousButton are only
- enabled when there is more than one contact in the address book.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp update interface() part 2
- By setting the mode and updating the user interface in the same
- function, we avoid the possibility of the user interface getting
- out of sync with the internal state of the application.
- */
- \page tutorials-addressbook-part5.html
- \example tutorials/addressbook/part5
- \title Part 5 - Adding a Find Function
- Here we look at ways to locate contacts and addresses in the
- address book.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-screenshot.png
- As we add contacts to our address book, it becomes tedious to
- navigate the list with the \e Next and \e Previous buttons. A \e
- Find function would be more efficient. The screenshot above shows
- the \e Find button and its position on the panel of buttons.
- When the user clicks on the \e Find button, it is useful to
- display a dialog that prompts for a contact's name. Qt provides
- QDialog, which we subclass here to implement a \c FindDialog
- class.
- \section1 Defining the FindDialog Class
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-finddialog.png
- In order to subclass QDialog, we first include the header for QDialog in
- the \c finddialog.h file. Also, we use forward declaration to declare
- QLineEdit and QPushButton since we will be using those widgets in our
- dialog class.
- As in our \c AddressBook class, the \c FindDialog class includes
- the Q_OBJECT macro and its constructor is defined to accept a parent
- QWidget, even though the dialog will be opened as a separate window.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.h FindDialog header
- We define a public function, \c getFindText(), to be used by classes that
- instantiate \c FindDialog. This function allows these classes to obtain the
- search string entered by the user. A public slot, \c findClicked(), is also
- defined to handle the search string when the user clicks the \gui Find
- button.
- Lastly, we define the private variables, \c findButton, \c lineEdit
- and \c findText, corresponding to the \gui Find button, the line edit
- into which the user types the search string, and an internal string
- used to store the search string for later use.
- \section1 Implementing the FindDialog Class
- Within the constructor of \c FindDialog, we set up the private variables,
- \c lineEdit, \c findButton and \c findText. We use a QHBoxLayout to
- position the widgets.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.cpp constructor
- We set the layout and window title, as well as connect the signals to their
- respective slots. Notice that \c{findButton}'s \l{QPushButton::clicked()}
- {clicked()} signal is connected to to \c findClicked() and
- \l{QDialog::accept()}{accept()}. The \l{QDialog::accept()}{accept()} slot
- provided by QDialog hides the dialog and sets the result code to
- \l{QDialog::}{Accepted}. We use this function to help \c{AddressBook}'s
- \c findContact() function know when the \c FindDialog object has been
- closed. We will explain this logic in further detail when discussing the
- \c findContact() function.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-signals-and-slots.png
- In \c findClicked(), we validate \c lineEdit to ensure that the user
- did not click the \gui Find button without entering a contact's name. Then, we set
- \c findText to the search string, extracted from \c lineEdit. After that,
- we clear the contents of \c lineEdit and hide the dialog.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.cpp findClicked() function
- The \c findText variable has a public getter function, \c getFindText(),
- associated with it. Since we only ever set \c findText directly in both the
- constructor and in the \c findClicked() function, we do not create a
- setter function to accompany \c getFindText().
- Because \c getFindText() is public, classes instantiating and using
- \c FindDialog can always access the search string that the user has
- entered and accepted.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.cpp getFindText() function
- \section1 Defining the AddressBook Class
- To ensure we can use \c FindDialog from within our \c AddressBook class, we
- include \c finddialog.h in the \c addressbook.h file.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h include finddialog's header
- So far, all our address book features have a QPushButton and a
- corresponding slot. Similarly, for the \gui Find feature we have
- \c findButton and \c findContact().
- The \c findButton is declared as a private variable and the
- \c findContact() function is declared as a public slot.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h findContact() declaration
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h findButton declaration
- Lastly, we declare the private variable, \c dialog, which we will use to
- refer to an instance of \c FindDialog.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h FindDialog declaration
- Once we have instantiated a dialog, we will want to use it more than once;
- using a private variable allows us to refer to it from more than one place
- in the class.
- \section1 Implementing the AddressBook Class
- Within the \c AddressBook class's constructor, we instantiate our private
- objects, \c findButton and \c findDialog:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp instantiating findButton
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp instantiating FindDialog
- Next, we connect the \c{findButton}'s
- \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} signal to \c findContact().
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp signals and slots for find
- Now all that is left is the code for our \c findContact() function:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp findContact() function
- We start out by displaying the \c FindDialog instance, \c dialog. This is
- when the user enters a contact name to look up. Once the user clicks
- the dialog's \c findButton, the dialog is hidden and the result code is
- set to QDialog::Accepted. This ensures that
- our \c if statement is always true.
- We then proceed to extract the search string, which in this case is
- \c contactName, using \c{FindDialog}'s \c getFindText() function. If the
- contact exists in our address book, we display it immediately. Otherwise,
- we display the QMessageBox shown below to indicate that their search
- failed.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-notfound.png
- \page tutorials-addressbook-part6.html
- \example tutorials/addressbook/part6
- \title Part 6 - Loading and Saving
- This part covers the Qt file handling features we use to write
- loading and saving routines for the address book.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part6-screenshot.png
- Although browsing and searching the contact list are useful
- features, our address book is not complete until we can save
- existing contacts and load them again at a later time.
- Qt provides a number of classes for \l{Input/Output and Networking}
- {input and output}, but we have chosen to use two which are simple to use
- in combination: QFile and QDataStream.
- A QFile object represents a file on disk that can be read from and written
- to. QFile is a subclass of the more general QIODevice class which
- represents many different kinds of devices.
- A QDataStream object is used to serialize binary data so that it can be
- stored in a QIODevice and retrieved again later. Reading from a QIODevice
- and writing to it is as simple as opening the stream - with the respective
- device as a parameter - and reading from or writing to it.
- \section1 Defining the AddressBook Class
- We declare two public slots, \c saveToFile() and \c loadFromFile(), as well
- as two QPushButton objects, \c loadButton and \c saveButton.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.h save and load functions declaration
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.h save and load buttons declaration
- \section1 Implementing the AddressBook Class
- In our constructor, we instantiate \c loadButton and \c saveButton.
- Ideally, it would be more user-friendly to set the push buttons' labels
- to "Load contacts from a file" and "Save contacts to a file". However, due
- to the size of our other push buttons, we set the labels to \gui{Load...}
- and \gui{Save...}. Fortunately, Qt provides a simple way to set tooltips with
- \l{QWidget::setToolTip()}{setToolTip()} and we use it in the following way
- for our push buttons:
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp tooltip 1
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp tooltip 2
- Although it is not shown here, just like the other features we implemented,
- we add the push buttons to the layout panel on the right, \c buttonLayout1,
- and we connect the push buttons' \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()}
- signals to their respective slots.
- For the saving feature, we first obtain \c fileName using
- QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(). This is a convenience function provided
- by QFileDialog, which pops up a modal file dialog and allows the user to
- enter a file name or select any existing \c{.abk} file. The \c{.abk} file
- is our Address Book extension that we create when we save contacts.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp saveToFile() function part1
- The file dialog that pops up is displayed in the screenshot below:
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part6-save.png
- If \c fileName is not empty, we create a QFile object, \c file, with
- \c fileName. QFile works with QDataStream as QFile is a QIODevice.
- Next, we attempt to open the file in \l{QIODevice::}{WriteOnly} mode.
- If this is unsuccessful, we display a QMessageBox to inform the user.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp saveToFile() function part2
- Otherwise, we instantiate a QDataStream object, \c out, to write the open
- file. QDataStream requires that the same version of the stream is used
- for reading and writing. We ensure that this is the case by setting the
- version used to the \l{QDataStream::Qt_4_5}{version introduced with Qt 4.5}
- before serializing the data to \c file.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp saveToFile() function part3
- For the loading feature, we also obtain \c fileName using
- QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(). This function, the counterpart to
- QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(), also pops up the modal file dialog and
- allows the user to enter a file name or select any existing \c{.abk} file
- to load it into the address book.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp loadFromFile() function part1
- On Windows, for example, this function pops up a native file dialog, as
- shown in the following screenshot.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part6-load.png
- If \c fileName is not empty, again, we use a QFile object, \c file, and
- attempt to open it in \l{QIODevice::}{ReadOnly} mode. Similar to our
- implementation of \c saveToFile(), if this attempt is unsuccessful, we
- display a QMessageBox to inform the user.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp loadFromFile() function part2
- Otherwise, we instantiate a QDataStream object, \c in, set its version as
- above and read the serialized data into the \c contacts data structure.
- The \c contacts object is emptied before data is read into it to simplify
- the file reading process. A more advanced method would be to read the
- contacts into a temporary QMap object, and copy over non-duplicate contacts
- into \c contacts.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp loadFromFile() function part3
- To display the contacts that have been read from the file, we must first
- validate the data obtained to ensure that the file we read from actually
- contains address book contacts. If it does, we display the first contact;
- otherwise, we display a QMessageBox to inform the user about the problem.
- Lastly, we update the interface to enable and disable the push buttons
- accordingly.
- \page tutorials-addressbook-part7.html
- \example tutorials/addressbook/part7
- \title Part 7 - Additional Features
- This part covers some additional features that make the address
- book more convenient for the frequent user.
- \image addressbook-tutorial-part7-screenshot.png
- Although our address book is useful in isolation, it would be
- better if we could exchange contact data with other applications.
- The vCard format is a popular file format that can be used for
- this purpose. Here we extend our address book client to allow
- contacts to be exported to vCard \c{.vcf} files.
- \section1 Defining the AddressBook Class
- We add a QPushButton object, \c exportButton, and a corresponding public
- slot, \c exportAsVCard() to our \c AddressBook class in the
- \c addressbook.h file.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.h exportAsVCard() declaration
- \dots
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.h exportButton declaration
- \section1 Implementing the AddressBook Class
- Within the \c AddressBook constructor, we connect \c{exportButton}'s
- \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} signal to \c exportAsVCard().
- We also add this button to our \c buttonLayout1, the layout responsible
- for our panel of buttons on the right.
- In our \c exportAsVCard() function, we start by extracting the contact's
- name into \c name. We declare \c firstName, \c lastName and \c nameList.
- Next, we look for the index of the first white space in \c name. If there
- is a white space, we split the contact's name into \c firstName and
- \c lastName. Then, we replace the space with an underscore ("_").
- Alternately, if there is no white space, we assume that the contact only
- has a first name.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part1
- As with the \c saveToFile() function, we open a file dialog to let the user
- choose a location for the file. Using the file name chosen, we create an
- instance of QFile to write to.
- We attempt to open the file in \l{QIODevice::}{WriteOnly} mode. If this
- process fails, we display a QMessageBox to inform the user about the
- problem and return. Otherwise, we pass the file as a parameter to a
- QTextStream object, \c out. Like QDataStream, the QTextStream class
- provides functionality to read and write plain text to files. As a result,
- the \c{.vcf} file generated can be opened for editing in a text editor.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part2
- We then write out a vCard file with the \c{BEGIN:VCARD} tag, followed by
- the \c{VERSION:2.1} tag. The contact's name is written with the \c{N:}
- tag. For the \c{FN:} tag, which fills in the "File as" property of a vCard,
- we have to check whether the contact has a last name or not. If the contact
- does, we use the details in \c nameList to fill it. Otherwise, we write
- \c firstName only.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part3
- We proceed to write the contact's address. The semicolons in the address
- are escaped with "\\", the newlines are replaced with semicolons, and the
- commas are replaced with spaces. Lastly, we write the \c{ADR;HOME:;}
- tag, followed by \c address and then the \c{END:VCARD} tag.
- \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part4
- In the end, a QMessageBox is displayed to inform the user that the vCard
- has been successfully exported.
- \e{vCard is a trademark of the \l{}
- {Internet Mail Consortium}}.
diff --git a/doc/src/widgets/modelview.qdoc b/doc/src/widgets/modelview.qdoc
deleted file mode 100644
index fdd25def31..0000000000
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- \page modelview.html
- \ingroup tutorials
- \startpage {index.html}{Qt Reference Documentation}
- \title Model/View Tutorial
- \brief An introduction to ModelView programming
- Every UI developer should know about ModelView programming and the goal of
- this tutorial is to provide you with an easily understandable introduction
- to this topic.
- Table, list and tree widgets are components frequently used in GUIs. There
- are 2 different ways how these widgets can access their data. The
- traditional way involves widgets which include internal containers for
- storing data. This approach is very intuitive, however, in many non-trivial
- applications, it leads to data synchronization issues.
- The second approach is model/view programming, in
- which widgets do not maintain internal data containers. They access external
- data through a standardized interface and therefore avoid data duplication.
- This may seem complicated at first, but once you take a closer look, it is
- not only easy to grasp, but the many benefits of model/view programming also
- become clearer.
- \image treeview.png
- In the process, we will learn about some basic technologies provided by Qt,
- such as:
- \list
- \li The difference between standard and model/view widgets
- \li Adapters between forms and models
- \li Developing a simple model/view application
- \li Predefined models
- \li Intermediate topics such as:
- \list
- \li Tree views
- \li Selection
- \li Delegates
- \li Debugging with model test
- \endlist
- \endlist
- You will also learn whether your new application can be written easier with
- model/view programming or if classic widgets will work just as well.
- This tutorial includes example code for you to edit and integrate into your
- project. The tutorial's source code is located in Qt's
- \c examples/tutorials/modelview directory.
- For more detailed information you may also want to look at the
- \l{model-view-programming.html}{reference documentation}
- If you are completely new to Qt, please read \l{How to Learn Qt} if you
- have not already done so.
- \section1 1. Introduction
- Model/View is a technology used to separate data from views in widgets that
- handle data sets. Standard widgets are not designed for separating data
- from views and this is why Qt 4 has two different types of widgets. Both
- types of widgets look the same, but they interact with data differently.
- \table
- \row
- \li Standard widgets use data that is part of the widget.
- \li \image standardwidget.png
- \row
- \li View classes operate on external data (the model)
- \li \image modelview.png
- \endtable
- \section2 1.1 Standard Widgets
- Let's have a closer look at a standard table widget. A table widget is a 2D
- array of the data elements that the user can change. The table widget can be
- integrated into a program flow by reading and writing the data elements that
- the table widget provides.
- This method is very intuitive and useful in many applications, but displaying
- and editing a database table with a standard table widget can be problematic.
- Two copies of the data have to be coordinated: one outside the
- widget; one inside the widget. The developer is responsible for
- synchronizing both versions. Besides this, the tight coupling of presentation and data
- makes it harder to write unit tests.
- \section2 1.2 Model/View to the Rescue
- Model/view stepped up to provide a solution that uses a more versatile
- architecture. Model/view eliminates the data consistency problems that may
- occur with standard widgets. Model/view also makes it easier to use more
- than one view of the same data because one model can be passed on to many
- views. The most important difference is that model/view widgets do not store
- data behind the table cells. In fact, they operate directly from your data.
- Since view classes do not know your data's structure, you need to provide a
- wrapper to make your data conform to the QAbstractItemModel interface. A
- view uses this interface to read from and write to your data. Any instance
- of a class that implements QAbstractItemModel is said to be a model. Once
- the view receives a pointer to a model, it will read and display its content
- and be its editor.
- \section2 1.3 Overview of the Model/View Widgets
- Here is an overview of the model/view widgets and their corresponding
- standard widgets.
- \table
- \header
- \li Widget
- \li Standard Widget\br
- (an item based convenience class)
- \li Model/View View Class\br
- (for use with external data)
- \row
- \li \inlineimage listview.png
- \li \l QListWidget
- \li \l QListView
- \row
- \li \inlineimage tableview.png
- \li \l QTableWidget
- \li \l QTableView
- \row
- \li \inlineimage treeview.png
- \li \l QTreeWidget
- \li \l QTreeView
- \row
- \li \inlineimage columnview.png
- \li
- \li \l QColumnView shows a tree as a hierarchy of lists
- \row
- \li \inlineimage modelview-combobox.png
- \li {2, 1} \l QComboBox can work as both a view class and also
- as a traditional widget
- \endtable
- \section2 1.4 Using Adapters between Forms and Models
- Having adapters between forms and models can come in handy.
- We can edit data stored in tables directly from within the table itself, but
- it's much more comfortable to edit data in text fields. There is no direct
- model/view counterpart that separates data and views for widgets that
- operate on one value (QLineEdit, QCheckBox ...) instead of a dataset, so we
- need an adapter in order to connect the form to the source of data.
- \l QDataWidgetMapper is a great solution because it maps form widgets to a
- table row and makes it very easy to build forms for database tables.
- \image widgetmapper.png
- Another example of an adapter is \l QCompleter. Qt has \l QCompleter for
- providing auto-completions in Qt widgets such as \l QComboBox and, as shown
- below, \l QLineEdit. \l QCompleter uses a model as its data source.
- \image qcompleter.png
- \section1 2. A Simple Model/View Application
- If you want to develop a model/view application, where should you start?
- We recommend starting with a simple example and extending it step-by-step.
- This makes understanding the architecture a lot easier. Trying to understand
- the model/view architecture in detail before invoking the IDE has proven
- to be less convenient for many developers. It is substantially easier to
- start with a simple model/view application that has demo data. Give it a
- try! Simply replace the data in the examples below with your own.
- Below are 7 very simple and independent applications that show different
- sides of model/view programming. The source code can be found inside the
- \c{examples/tutorials/modelview} directory.
- \section2 2.1 A Read Only Table
- We start with an application that uses a QTableView to show data. We will
- add editing capabilities later.
- (file source: examples/tutorials/modelview/1_readonly/main.cpp)
- \snippet examples/tutorials/modelview/1_readonly/main.cpp Quoting ModelView Tutorial
- We have the usual \l {modelview-part2-main-cpp.html}{main()} function:
- Here is the interesting part: We create an instance of MyModel and use
- \l{QTableView::setModel()}{tableView.setModel(&myModel);} to pass a
- pointer of it to to \l{QTableView}{tableView}. \l{QTableView}{tableView}
- will invoke the methods of the pointer it has received to find out two
- things:
- \list
- \li How many rows and columns should be displayed.
- \li What content should be printed into each cell.
- \endlist
- The model needs some code to respond to this.
- We have a table data set, so let's start with QAbstractTableModel since it
- is easier to use than the more general QAbstractItemModel.
- (file source: examples/tutorials/modelview/1_readonly/mymodel.h)
- \snippet examples/tutorials/modelview/1_readonly/mymodel.h Quoting ModelView Tutorial
- QAbstractTableModel requires the implementation of three abstract methods.
- (file source: examples/tutorials/modelview/1_readonly/mymodel.cpp)
- \snippet examples/tutorials/modelview/1_readonly/mymodel.cpp Quoting ModelView Tutorial
- The number of rows and columns is provided by
- \l{QAbstractItemModel::rowCount()}{MyModel::rowCount()} and
- \l{QAbstractItemModel::columnCount()}{MyModel::columnCount()}. When the view
- has to know what the cell's text is, it calls the method
- \l{QAbstractItemModel::data()}{MyModel::data()}. Row and column information
- is specified with parameter \c index and the role is set to
- \l{Qt::ItemDataRole}{Qt::DisplayRole}. Other roles are covered in the next
- section. In our example, the data that should be displayed is generated. In
- a real application, \c MyModel would have a member called \c MyData, which
- serves as the target for all reading and writing operations.
- This small example demonstrates the passive nature of a model. The model
- does not know when it will be used or which data is needed. It simply
- provides data each time the view requests it.
- What happens when the model's data needs to be changed? How does the view
- realize that data has changed and needs to be read again? The model has to
- emit a signal that indicates what range of cells has changed. This will be
- demonstrated in section 2.3.
- \section2 2.2 Extending the Read Only Example with Roles
- In addition to controlling what text the view displays, the model also
- controls the text's appearance. When we slightly change the model, we get
- the following result: \image readonlytable_role.png
- In fact, nothing except for the \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{data()} method
- needs to be changed to set fonts, background colour, alignment and a
- checkbox.
- Below is the \l{QAbstractItemModel::data()}{data()} method that produces the
- result shown above. The difference is that this time we use parameter int
- role to return different pieces of information depending on its value.
- (file source: examples/tutorials/modelview/2_formatting/mymodel.cpp)
- \snippet examples/tutorials/modelview/2_formatting/mymodel.cpp Quoting ModelView Tutorial
- Each formatting property will be requested from the model with a separate
- call to the \l{QAbstractItemModel::data()}{data()} method. The \c role
- parameter is used to let the model know which property is being requested:
- \table
- \header
- \li \l{Qt::ItemDataRole}{enum Qt::ItemDataRole}
- \li Meaning
- \li Type
- \row
- \li \l{Qt::ItemDataRole}{}Qt::DisplayRole
- \li text
- \li QString
- \row
- \li \l{Qt::ItemDataRole}{Qt::FontRole}
- \li font
- \li QFont
- \row
- \li \l{Qt::ItemDataRole}{BackgroundRole}
- \li brush for the background of the cell
- \li QBrush
- \row
- \li \l{Qt::ItemDataRole}{Qt::TextAlignmentRole}
- \li text alignment
- \li \l{Qt::AlignmentFlag}{enum Qt::AlignmentFlag}
- \row
- \li {1, 3} \l{Qt::ItemDataRole}{Qt::CheckStateRole}
- \li {1, 3} suppresses checkboxes with \l{QVariant}{QVariant()},
- sets checkboxes with \l{Qt::CheckState}{Qt::Checked}
- or \l{Qt::CheckState}{Qt::Unchecked}
- \li {1, 3} \l{Qt::ItemDataRole}{enum Qt::ItemDataRole}
- \endtable
- Refer to the Qt namespace documentation to learn more about the
- \l{Qt::ItemDataRole}{Qt::ItemDataRole} enum's capabilities.
- Now we need to determine how using a separated model impacts the
- application's performance, so let's trace how often the view calls the
- \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{data()} method. In order to track how often the
- view calls the model, we have put a debug statement in the
- \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{data()} method, which logs onto the error output
- stream. In our small example, \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{data()} will be
- called 42 times.
- Each time you hover the cursor over the field,
- \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{data()} will be called again \mdash 7 times for
- each cell. That's why it is important to make sure that your data is
- available when \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{data()} is invoked and expensive
- lookup operations are cached.
- \section2 2.3 A Clock inside a Table Cell
- \image clock.png
- We still have a read only table, but this time the content changes every
- second because we are showing the current time.
- (file source: examples/tutorials/modelview/3_changingmodel/mymodel.cpp)
- \snippet examples/tutorials/modelview/3_changingmodel/mymodel.cpp quoting mymodel_QVariant
- Something is missing to make the clock tick. We need to tell the view every
- second that the time has changed and that it needs to be read again. We do
- this with a timer. In the constructor, we set its interval to 1 second and
- connect its timeout signal.
- (file source: examples/tutorials/modelview/3_changingmodel/mymodel.cpp)
- \snippet examples/tutorials/modelview/3_changingmodel/mymodel.cpp quoting mymodel_a
- Here is the corresponding slot:
- (file source: examples/tutorials/modelview/3_changingmodel/mymodel.cpp)
- \snippet examples/tutorials/modelview/3_changingmodel/mymodel.cpp quoting mymodel_b
- We ask the view to read the data in the top left cell again by emitting the
- \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{dataChanged()} signal. Note that we did not
- explicitly connect the \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{dataChanged()} signal to the
- view. This happened automatically when we called \l{QTableView::}{setModel()}.
- \section2 2.4 Setting up Headers for Columns and Rows
- Headers can be hidden via a view method: \c{tableView->verticalHeader()->hide();}
- \image modelview-header.png
- The header content, however, is set via the model, so we reimplement the
- \l{QAbstractItemModel::headerData()}{headerData()} method:
- (file source: examples/tutorials/modelview/4_headers/mymodel.cpp)
- \snippet examples/tutorials/modelview/4_headers/mymodel.cpp quoting mymodel_c
- Note that method \l{QAbstractItemModel::headerData()}{headerData()} also has
- a parameter role which has the same meaning as in
- \l{QAbstractItemModel::data()}{MyModel::data()}.
- \section2 2.5 The Minimal Editing Example
- In this example, we are going to build an application that automatically
- populates a window title with content by repeating values entered into table
- cells. To be able to access the window title easily we put the QTableView in
- a QMainWindow.
- The model decides whether editing capabilities are available. We only have
- to modify the model in order for the available editing capabilities to be
- enabled. This is done by reimplementing the following virtual methods:
- \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{setData()} and \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{flags()}.
- (file source: examples/tutorials/modelview/5_edit/mymodel.h)
- \snippet examples/tutorials/modelview/5_edit/mymodel.h Quoting ModelView Tutorial
- We use \c the two-dimensional array QString \c m_gridData to store our data.
- This makes \c m_gridData the core of \c MyModel. The rest of \c MyModel acts
- like a wrapper and adapts \c m_gridData to the QAbstractItemModel
- interface. We have also introduced the \c editCompleted() signal, which
- makes it possible to transfer the modified text to the window title.
- (file source: examples/tutorials/modelview/5_edit/mymodel.cpp)
- \snippet examples/tutorials/modelview/5_edit/mymodel.cpp quoting mymodel_e
- \l{QAbstractItemModel::setData()}{setData()} will be called each time the
- user edits a cell. The \c index parameter tells us which field has been
- edited and \c value provides the result of the editing process. The role
- will always be set to \l Qt::EditRole because our cells only contain text.
- If a checkbox were present and user permissions are set to allow the
- checkbox to be selected, calls would also be made with the role set to
- \l Qt::CheckStateRole.
- (file source: examples/tutorials/modelview/5_edit/mymodel.cpp)
- \snippet examples/tutorials/modelview/5_edit/mymodel.cpp quoting mymodel_f
- Various properties of a cell can be adjusted with
- \l{QAbstractItemModel::flags()}{flags()}.
- Returning \l{Qt::ItemFlag}{Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled}
- is enough to show an editor that a cell can be selected.
- If editing one cell modifies more data than the data in that particular
- cell, the model must emit a \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{dataChanged()} signal
- in order for the data that has been changed to be read.
- \section1 3. Intermediate Topics
- \section2 3.1 TreeView
- You can convert the example above into an application with a tree view.
- Simply replace QTableView with QTreeView, which results in a read/write
- tree. No changes have to be made to the model. The tree won't have any
- hierarchies because there aren't any hierarchies in the model itself.
- \image dummy_tree.png
- QListView, QTableView and QTreeView all use a model abstraction, which is a
- merged list, table and tree. This makes it possible to use several different
- types of view classes from the same model.
- \image list_table_tree.png
- This is how our example model looks so far:
- \image example_model.png
- We want to present a real tree. We have wrapped our data in the examples
- above in order to make a model. This time we use QStandardItemModel, which
- is a container for hierarchical data that also implements
- QAbstractItemModel. To show a tree, QStandardItemModel must be populated
- with \l{QStandardItem}s, which are able to hold all the standard properties
- of items like text, fonts, checkboxes or brushes.
- \image tree_2_with_algorithm.png
- (file source: examples/tutorials/modelview/6_treeview/mainwindow.cpp)
- \snippet examples/tutorials/modelview/6_treeview/mainwindow.cpp Quoting ModelView Tutorial
- We simply instantiate a QStandardItemModel and add a couple of
- \l{QStandardItem}{QStandardItems} to the constructor. We can then make a
- hierarchical data structure because a QStandardItem can hold other
- \l{QStandardItem}{QStandardItems}. Nodes are collapsed and expanded within
- the view.
- \section2 3.2 Working with Selections
- We want to access a selected item's content in order to output it into the
- window title together with the hierarchy level.
- \image selection2.png
- So let's create a couple of items:
- (file source: examples/tutorials/modelview/7_selections/mainwindow.cpp)
- \snippet examples/tutorials/modelview/7_selections/mainwindow.cpp quoting modelview_a
- Views manage selections within a separate selection model, which can be
- retrieved with the \l{QAbstractItemView::}{selectionModel()} method. We
- retrieve the selection Model in order to connect a slot to its
- \l{QAbstractItemView::}{selectionChanged()} signal.
- (file source: examples/tutorials/modelview/7_selections/mainwindow.cpp)
- \snippet examples/tutorials/modelview/7_selections/mainwindow.cpp quoting modelview_b
- We get the model index that corresponds to the selection by calling
- \l{QItemSelectionModel::currentIndex()}{treeView->selectionModel()->currentIndex()}
- and we get the the field's string by using the model index. Then we just
- calculate the item's \c hierarchyLevel. Top level items do not have parents
- and the \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{parent()} method will return a default
- constructed \l{QModelIndex}{QModelIndex()}. This is why we use the
- \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{parent()} method to iterate to the top level while
- counting the steps performed during iteration.
- The selection model (as shown above) can be retrieved, but it can also be
- set with \l{QAbstractItemView}{QAbstractItemView::setSelectionModel}. This
- is how it's possible to have 3 view classes with synchronized selections
- because only one instance of a selection model is used. To share a selection
- model between 3 views use \l{QAbstractItemView::}{selectionModel()} and
- assign the result to the second and third view class with
- \l{QAbstractItemView::}{setSelectionModel()}.
- \section2 3.3 Predefined Models
- The typical way to use model/view is to wrap specific data to make it usable
- with view classes. Qt, however, also provides predefined models for common
- underlying data structures. If one of the available data structures is
- suitable for your application, a predefined model can be a good choice.
- \table
- \row
- \li QStringListModel
- \li Stores a list of strings
- \row
- \li QStandardItemModel
- \li Stores arbitrary hierarchical items
- \row
- \li QFileSystemModel\br
- QDirModel
- \li Encapsulate the local file system
- \row
- \li QSqlQueryModel
- \li Encapsulate an SQL result set
- \row
- \li QSqlTableModel
- \li Encapsulates an SQL table
- \row
- \li QSqlRelationalTableModel
- \li Encapsulates an SQL table with foreign keys
- \row
- \li QSortFilterProxyModel
- \li Sorts and/or filters another model
- \endtable
- \section2 3.4 Delegates
- In all examples so far, data is presented as text or a checkbox in a cell
- and is edited as text or a checkbox. The component that provides these
- presentation and editing services is called a \e delegate. We are only just
- beginning to work with the delegate because the view uses a default
- delegate. But imagine that we want to have a different editor (e.g., a
- slider or a drop down list) Or imagine that we want to present data as
- graphics.
- Let's take a look at an example called \l{Star Delegate Example}{Star
- Delegate}, in which stars are used to show a rating:
- \image stardelegate.png
- The view has a \l{QAbstractItemView::}{setItemDelegate()} method that
- replaces the default delegate and installs a custom delegate.
- A new delegate can be written by creating a class that inherits from
- QStyledItemDelegate. In order to write a delegate that displays stars and
- has no input capabilities, we only need to override 2 methods.
- \code
- class StarDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
- {
- public:
- StarDelegate(QWidget *parent = 0);
- void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
- const QModelIndex &index) const;
- QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
- const QModelIndex &index) const;
- };
- \endcode
- \l{QStyledItemDelegate::}{paint()} draws stars depending on the content of
- the underlying data. The data can be looked up by calling
- \l{QModelIndex::data()}{}. The delegate's
- \l{QAbstractItemDelegate::}{sizeHint()} method is used to obtain each
- star's dimensions, so the the cell will provide enough height and width to
- accommodate the stars.
- Writing custom delegates is the right choice if you want to show your data
- with a custom graphical representation inside the grid of the view class. If
- you want to leave the grid, you would not use a custom delegate but a custom
- view class.
- Other references to delegates in Qt Documentation:
- \list
- \li \l{Spin Box Delegate Example}
- \li \l{QAbstractItemDelegate}{QAbstractItemDelegate Class Reference}
- \li \l{QSqlRelationalDelegate}{QSqlRelationalDelegate Class Reference}
- \li \l{QStyledItemDelegate}{QStyledItemDelegate Class Reference}
- \li \l{QItemDelegate}{QItemDelegate Class Reference}
- \endlist
- \section2 3.5 Debugging with ModelTest
- The passive nature of models provides new challenges for programmers.
- Inconsistencies in the model can cause the application to crash. Since the
- model is hit by numerous calls from the view, it is hard to find out which
- call has crashed the application and which operation has introduced the
- problem.
- Qt Labs provides software called
- \l{}{ModelTest},
- which checks models while your programming is running. Every time the model
- is changed, ModelTest scans the model and reports errors with an assert.
- This is especially important for tree models, since their hierarchical
- nature leaves many possibilities for subtle inconsistencies.
- Unlike view classes, ModelTest uses out of range indexes to test the model.
- This means your application may crash with ModelTest even if it runs
- perfectly without it. So you also need to handle all of the indexes that are
- out of range when using ModelTest.
- \section1 4. Good Sources of Additional Information
- \section2 4.1 Books
- Model/View programming is covered quite extensively in the documentation of
- Qt but also in several good books.
- \list 1
- \li \b{C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4} / Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield,
- \e{Prentice Hall, 2nd edition}, ISBN 0-13-235416-0. Also available in
- German: \b{C++ GUI Programmierung mit Qt 4: Die offizielle Einführung},
- \e{Addison-Wesley}, ISBN 3-827327-29-6
- \li \b{The Book of Qt4, The Art of Building Qt Applications} / Daniel Molkentin,
- \e{Open Source Press}, ISBN 1-59327-147-6.
- Translated from \b{Qt 4, Einführung in die Applikationsentwicklung},
- \e{Open Source Press}, ISBN 3-937514-12-0.
- \li \b{Foundations of Qt Development} / Johan Thelin, \e{Apress}, ISBN 1-59059-831-8.
- \li \b{Advanced Qt Programming} / Mark Summerfield, \e{Prentice Hall}, ISBN 0-321-63590-6.
- This book covers Model/View programming on more than 150 pages.
- \endlist
- More information about these books is available on the
- \l{Books about Qt Programming}{Qt Web site}.
- The following list provides an overview of example programs contained in the first three
- books listed above. Some of them make very good templates for developing similar
- applications.
- \table
- \header
- \li Example name
- \li View class used
- \li Model used
- \li Aspects covered
- \li
- \row
- \li Team Leaders
- \li QListview
- \li QStringListModel
- \li
- \li Book 1, Chapter 10, Figure 10.6
- \row
- \li Directory Viewer
- \li QTreeView
- \li QDirModel
- \li
- \li Book 1, Chapter 10, Figure 10.7
- \row
- \li Color Names
- \li QListView
- \li QSortFilterProxyModel
- applied to QStringListModel
- \li
- \li Book 1, Chapter 10, Figure 10.8
- \row
- \li Currencies
- \li QTableView
- \li custom model based on
- QAbstractTableModel
- \li Read only
- \li Book 1, Chapter 10, Figure 10.10
- \row
- \li Cities
- \li QTableView
- \li Custom model based on
- QAbstractTableModel
- \li Read / write
- \li Book 1, Chapter 10, Figure 10.12
- \row
- \li Boolean Parser
- \li QTreeView
- \li Custom model based on
- QAbstractItemModel
- \li Read only
- \li Book 1, Chapter 10, Figure 10.14
- \row
- \li Track Editor
- \li {2, 1} QTableWidget
- \li Custom delegate providing a custom editor
- \li Book 1, Chapter 10, Figure 10.15
- \row
- \li Four directory views
- \li QListView
- QTableView
- QTreeView
- \li QDirModel
- \li Demonstrates the use of multiple views
- \li Book2, Chapter 8.2
- \row
- \li Address Book
- \li QListView
- QTableView
- QTreeView
- \li Custom model based on
- QAbstractTableModel
- \li Read / write
- \li Book2, Chapter 8.4
- \row
- \li Address Book with sorting
- \li
- \li QProxyModel
- \li Introducing sort and filter capabilities
- \li Book2, Chapter 8.5
- \row
- \li Address Book
- with checkboxes
- \li
- \li
- \li Introducing checkboxes in model/view
- \li Book2, Chapter 8.6
- \row
- \li Address Book with transposed grid
- \li
- \li Custom proxy Model based on QAbstractProxyModel
- \li Introducing a custom model
- \li Book2, Chapter 8.7
- \row
- \li Address Book with drag and drop
- \li
- \li
- \li Introducing drag and drop support
- \li Book2, Chapter 8.8
- \row
- \li Address Book with custom editor
- \li
- \li
- \li Introducing custom delegates
- \li Book2, Chapter 8.9
- \row
- \li Views
- \li QListView
- QTableView
- QTreeView
- \li QStandardItemModel
- \li Read only
- \li Book 3, Chapter 5, figure 5-3
- \row
- \li Bardelegate
- \li QTableView
- \li
- \li Custom delegate for presentation based on QAbstractItemDelegate
- \li Book 3, Chapter 5, figure 5-5
- \row
- \li Editdelegate
- \li QTableView
- \li
- \li Custom delegate for editing based on QAbstractItemDelegate
- \li Book 3, Chapter 5, figure 5-6
- \row
- \li Singleitemview
- \li Custom view based on QAbstractItemView
- \li
- \li Custom view
- \li Book 3,
- Chapter 5,
- figure 5-7
- \row
- \li listmodel
- \li QTableView
- \li Custom Model based on QAbstractTableModel
- \li Read only
- \li Book 3, Chapter 5, Figure 5-8
- \row
- \li treemodel
- \li QTreeView
- \li Custom Model based on QAbstractItemModel
- \li Read only
- \li Book 3, Chapter 5, Figure 5-10
- \row
- \li edit integers
- \li QListView
- \li Custom Model based on QAbstractListModel
- \li Read / write
- \li Book 3, Chapter 5, Listing 5-37, Figure 5-11
- \row
- \li sorting
- \li QTableView
- \li QSortFilterProxyModel applied to QStringListModel
- \li Demonstrates sorting
- \li Book 3, Chapter 5, Figure 5-12
- \endtable
- \section2 4.2 Qt Documentation
- Qt 5.0 comes with 19 examples for model/view.
- The examples can be found on the \l{Item Views Examples} page.
- \table
- \header
- \li Example name
- \li View class used
- \li Model used
- \li Aspects covered
- \row
- \li Address Book
- \li QTableView
- \li QAbstractTableModel
- QSortFilterProxyModel
- \li Usage of QSortFilterProxyModel to generate different
- subsets from one data pool
- \row
- \li Basic Sort/Filter Model
- \li QTreeView
- \li QStandardItemModel
- QSortFilterProxyModel
- \li
- \row
- \li Chart
- \li Custom view
- \li QStandardItemModel
- \li Designing custom views that cooperate with selection models
- \row
- \li Color Editor Factory
- \li {2, 1} QTableWidget
- \li Enhancing the standard delegate with a new custom editor to choose colours
- \row
- \li Combo Widget Mapper
- \li QDataWidgetMapper to map QLineEdit, QTextEdit and QComboBox
- \li QStandardItemModel
- \li Shows how a QComboBox can serve as a view class
- \row
- \li Custom Sort/Filter Model
- \li QTreeView
- \li QStandardItemModel
- QSortFilterProxyModel
- \li Subclass QSortFilterProxyModel for advanced sorting and filtering
- \row
- \li Dir View
- \li QTreeView
- \li QDirModel
- \li Very small example to demonstrate how to assign a model to a view
- \row
- \li Editable Tree Model
- \li QTreeView
- \li Custom tree model
- \li Comprehensive example for working with trees, demonstrates
- editing cells and tree structure with an underlying custom
- model
- \row
- \li Fetch More
- \li QListView
- \li Custom list model
- \li Dynamically changing model
- \row
- \li Frozen Column
- \li QTableView
- \li QStandardItemModel
- \li
- \row
- \li Interview
- \li Multiple
- \li Custom item model
- \li Multiple views
- \row
- \li Pixelator
- \li QTableView
- \li Custom table model
- \li Implementation of a custom delegate
- \row
- \li Puzzle
- \li QListView
- \li Custom list model
- \li Model/view with drag and drop
- \row
- \li Simple DOM Model
- \li QTreeView
- \li Custom tree model
- \li Read only example for a custom tree model
- \row
- \li Simple Tree Model
- \li QTreeView
- \li Custom tree model
- \li Read only example for a custom tree model
- \row
- \li Simple Widget Mapper
- \li QDataWidgetMapper to map QLineEdit, QTextEdit and QSpinBox
- \li QStandardItemModel
- \li Basic QDataWidgetMapper usage
- \row
- \li Spin Box Delegate
- \li QTableView
- \li QStandardItemModel
- \li Custom delegate that uses a spin box as a cell editor
- \row
- \li Spreadsheet
- \li {2, 1} QTableView
- \li Custom delegates
- \row
- \li Star Delegate
- \li {2, 1} QTableWidget
- \li Comprehensive custom delegate example.
- \endtable
- A \l{Model/View Programming}{reference document} for model/view technology
- is also available.
- \page modelview-part2-main-cpp.html
- \title main.cpp
- \quotefile tutorials/modelview/1_readonly/main.cpp
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-** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
-** GNU Free Documentation License
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
-** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
-** this file.
-** Other Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
-** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
-** and Nokia.
- \page widgets-tutorial.html
- \ingroup tutorials
- \title Widgets Tutorial
- \brief This tutorial covers basic usage of widgets and layouts, showing how
- they are used to build GUI applications.
- \section1 Introduction
- Widgets are the basic building blocks for graphical user interface
- (GUI) applications built with Qt. Each GUI component (e.g.
- buttons, labels, text editor) is a \l{QWidget}{widget} that is
- placed somewhere within a user interface window, or is displayed
- as an independent window. Each type of widge is provided by a
- subclass of QWidget, which is itself a subclass of QObject.
- QWidget is not an abstract class. It can be used as a container
- for other widgets, and it can be subclassed with minimal effort to
- create new, custom widgets. QWidget is often used to create a
- window inside which other \l{QWidget}s are placed.
- As with \l{QObject}s, \l{QWidget}s can be created with parent
- objects to indicate ownership, ensuring that objects are deleted
- when they are no longer used. With widgets, these parent-child
- relationships have an additional meaning: Each child widget is
- displayed within the screen area occupied by its parent widget.
- This means that when you delete a window widget, all the child
- widgets it contains are also deleted.
- \section1 Writing a main Function
- Many of the GUI examples provided with Qt follow the pattern of
- having a \c{main.cpp} file, which contains the standard code to
- initialize the application, plus any number of other source/header
- files that contain the application logic and custom GUI components.
- A typical \c main() function in \c{main.cpp} looks like this:
- \snippet doc/src/snippets/widgets-tutorial/template.cpp main.cpp body
- First, a QApplication object is constructed, which can be
- configured with arguments passed in from the command line. After
- the widgets have been created and shown, QApplication::exec() is
- called to start Qt's event loop. Control passes to Qt until this
- function returns. Finally, \c{main()} returns the value returned
- by QApplication::exec().
- \section1 Simple widget examples
- Each of theses simple widget examples is written entirely within
- the \c main() function.
- \list
- \li \l {tutorials/widgets/toplevel} {Creating a window}
- \li \l {tutorials/widgets/childwidget} {Creating child widgets}
- \li \l {tutorials/widgets/windowlayout} {Using layouts}
- \li \l {tutorials/widgets/nestedlayouts} {Nested layouts}
- \endlist
- \section1 Real world widget examples
- In these \l{Widget examples} {more advanced examples}, the code
- that creates the widgets and layouts is stored in other files. For
- example, the GUI for a main window may be created in the
- constructor of a QMainWindow subclass.
- \section1 Building The Examples
- If you installed a binary package to get Qt, or if you compiled Qt
- yourself, the examples described in this tutorial should already
- be built and ready to run. If you wish to modify and recompile
- them, follow these steps:
- \list 1
- \li From a command prompt, enter the directory containing the
- example you have modified.
- \li Type \c qmake and press \key{Return}. If this doesn't work,
- make sure that the executable is on your path, or enter its
- full location.
- \li On Linux/Unix and Mac OS X, type \c make and press
- \key{Return}; on Windows with Visual Studio, type \c nmake and
- press \key{Return}.
- \endlist
- An executable file is created in the current directory. On
- Windows, this file may be located in a \c debug or \c release
- subdirectory. You can run this executable to see the example code
- at work.
- \example tutorials/widgets/toplevel
- \title Widgets Tutorial - Creating a Window
- If a widget is created without a parent, it is treated as a window, or
- \e{top-level widget}, when it is shown. Since it has no parent object to
- ensure that it is deleted when no longer needed, it is up to the
- developer to keep track of the top-level widgets in an application.
- In the following example, we use QWidget to create and show a window with
- a default size:
- \div {class="qt-code"}
- \table
- \row
- \li \snippet tutorials/widgets/toplevel/main.cpp main program
- \li \inlineimage widgets-tutorial-toplevel.png
- \endtable
- \enddiv
- To create a real GUI, we need to place widgets inside the window. To do
- this, we pass a QWidget instance to a widget's constructor, as we will
- demonstrate in the next part of this tutorial.
- \example tutorials/widgets/childwidget
- \title Widgets Tutorial - Child Widgets
- We can add a child widget to the window created in the previous example by
- passing \c window as the parent to its constructor. In this case, we add a
- button to the window and place it in a specific location:
- \div {class="qt-code"}
- \table
- \row
- \li \snippet tutorials/widgets/childwidget/main.cpp main program
- \li \inlineimage widgets-tutorial-childwidget.png
- \endtable
- \enddiv
- The button is now a child of the window and will be deleted when the
- window is destroyed. Note that hiding or closing the window does not
- automatically destroy it. It will be destroyed when the example exits.
- \example tutorials/widgets/windowlayout
- \title Widgets Tutorial - Using Layouts
- Usually, child widgets are arranged inside a window using layout objects
- rather than by specifying positions and sizes explicitly. Here, we
- construct a label and line edit widget that we would like to arrange
- side-by-side.
- \div {class="qt-code"}
- \table
- \row
- \li \snippet tutorials/widgets/windowlayout/main.cpp main program
- \li \inlineimage widgets-tutorial-windowlayout.png
- \endtable
- \enddiv
- The \c layout object we construct manages the positions and sizes of
- widgets supplied to it with the \l{QHBoxLayout::}{addWidget()} function.
- The layout itself is supplied to the window itself in the call to
- \l{QWidget::}{setLayout()}. Layouts are only visible through the effects
- they have on the widgets (and other layouts) they are responsible for
- managing.
- In the example above, the ownership of each widget is not immediately
- clear. Since we construct the widgets and the layout without parent
- objects, we would expect to see an empty window and two separate windows
- containing a label and a line edit. However, when we tell the layout to
- manage the label and line edit and set the layout on the window, both the
- widgets and the layout itself are ''reparented'' to become children of
- the window.
- \example tutorials/widgets/nestedlayouts
- \title Widgets Tutorial - Nested Layouts
- Just as widgets can contain other widgets, layouts can be used to provide
- different levels of grouping for widgets. Here, we want to display a
- label alongside a line edit at the top of a window, above a table view
- showing the results of a query.
- We achieve this by creating two layouts: \c{queryLayout} is a QHBoxLayout
- that contains QLabel and QLineEdit widgets placed side-by-side;
- \c{mainLayout} is a QVBoxLayout that contains \c{queryLayout} and a
- QTableView arranged vertically.
- \div {class="qt-code"}
- \table
- \row
- \li \snippet tutorials/widgets/nestedlayouts/main.cpp first part
- \snippet tutorials/widgets/nestedlayouts/main.cpp last part
- \li \inlineimage widgets-tutorial-nestedlayouts.png
- \endtable
- \enddiv
- Note that we call the \c{mainLayout}'s \l{QBoxLayout::}{addLayout()}
- function to insert the \c{queryLayout} above the \c{resultView} table.
- We have omitted the code that sets up the model containing the data shown
- by the QTableView widget, \c resultView. For completeness, we show this below.
- As well as QHBoxLayout and QVBoxLayout, Qt also provides QGridLayout
- and QFormLayout classes to help with more complex user interfaces.
- These can be seen if you run \l{Qt Designer}.
- \section1 Setting up the Model
- In the code above, we did not show where the table's data came from
- because we wanted to concentrate on the use of layouts. Here, we see
- that the model holds a number of items corresponding to rows, each of
- which is set up to contain data for two columns.
- \snippet tutorials/widgets/nestedlayouts/main.cpp set up the model
- The use of models and views is covered in the
- \l{Item Views Examples} and in the \l{Model/View Programming} overview.
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-** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
-** GNU Free Documentation License
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
-** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
-** this file.
-** Other Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
-** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
-** and Nokia.
- \group standard-dialogs
- \ingroup qt-gui-concepts
- \title Standard Dialogs
- \brief A list of Qt classes for implementing standard dialogs.
- \page dialogs.html
- \title Dialog Windows
- \ingroup qt-gui-concepts
- \brief An overview over dialog windows.
- \previouspage Application Main Window
- \contentspage Application Windows and Dialogs
- \nextpage Desktop Integration
- Dialogs can be \e{modal}, in which case the user is required to provide
- necessary information before work in the main window
- can continue, or \e{modeless}. Modeless dialogs do not prevent the user from
- interacting with any of the other windows in the application.
- Qt provides a set of ready-made dialogs for file, font, color-selection
- and more.
- \annotatedlist standard-dialogs
- Custom dialogs can be easily created by composing regular widgets into
- a QDialog. These classes are specifically designed for building custom
- dialogs:
- \annotatedlist dialog-classes
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-** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
-** GNU Free Documentation License
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
-** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
-** this file.
-** Other Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
-** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
-** and Nokia.
- \group mainwindow-classes
- \title Main Window and Related Classes
- \page application-windows.html
- \title Window and Dialog Widgets
- \brief Windows and Dialogs in Qt.
- \ingroup qt-gui-concepts
- A \l{Widgets Tutorial}{widget} that is not embedded in a parent widget is called a window.
- (Usually, windows have a frame and a title bar, although it is also possible to create
- windows without such decoration using suitable window flags). In Qt, QMainWindow
- and the various subclasses of QDialog are the most common window types.
- In applications, windows provide the screen space upon which the user
- interface is built. Windows separate applications visually from each other
- and usually provide a window decoration that allows the user to resize and
- position the applications according to his preferences. Windows are typically
- integrated into the desktop environment and to some degree managed by the
- window management system that the desktop environment provides. For instance,
- selected windows of an application are represented in the task bar.
- \section1 Primary and Secondary Windows
- Any QWidget that has no parent will become a window, and will on most platforms
- be listed in the desktop's task bar. This is usually only wanted for one
- window in the application, the \e{primary window}.
- In addition, a QWidget that has a parent can become a window by setting the
- \l{Qt::WindowType}{Qt::WA_Window} flag. Depending on the window management system
- such \e{secondary windows} are usually stacked on top of their respective parent
- window, and not have a task bar entry of their own.
- The QMainWindow and the QDialog classes set the Qt::WA_Window flag in their
- constructor, as they are designed to be used as windows and provide facilities
- that are not wanted for child widgets.
- \section1 Main Windows and Dialogs
- The \l{Application Main Window} provides the framework for building the
- application's main user interface, and are created by subclassing QMainWindow.
- QMainWindow has its own layout to which you can add a \l{QMenuBar}{menu bar},
- \l{QToolBar}{tool bars}, \l{QDockWidget}{dockable widgets} and a
- \l{QStatusBar}{status bar}. The center area can be occupied by any kind of
- QWidget.
- \l{Dialog Windows} are used as secondary windows that present the user with
- options and choices. Dialogs are created by subclassing QDialog and using
- \l{Widgets and Layouts}{widgets and layouts} to implement the user interface.
- In addition, Qt provides a number of ready-made standard dialogs that can be
- used for standard tasks like file or font selection.
- Both main windows and dialogs can be created with \QD, Qt's visual design tool.
- Using \QD is a lot faster than hand-coding, and makes it easy to test different
- design ideas. Creating designs visually and reading the code generated by
- \l{uic} is a great way to learn Qt!
- \keyword window geometry
- \section1 Window Geometry
- QWidget provides several functions that deal with a widget's
- geometry. Some of these functions operate on the pure client area
- (i.e. the window excluding the window frame), others include the
- window frame. The differentiation is done in a way that covers the
- most common usage transparently.
- \list
- \li \b{Including the window frame:}
- \l{QWidget::x()}{x()},
- \l{QWidget::y()}{y()},
- \l{QWidget::frameGeometry()}{frameGeometry()},
- \l{QWidget::pos()}{pos()}, and
- \l{QWidget::move()}{move()}.
- \li \b{Excluding the window frame:}
- \l{QWidget::geometry()}{geometry()},
- \l{QWidget::width()}{width()},
- \l{QWidget::height()}{height()},
- \l{QWidget::rect()}{rect()}, and
- \l{QWidget::size()}{size()}.
- \endlist
- Note that the distinction only matters for decorated top-level
- widgets. For all child widgets, the frame geometry is equal to the
- widget's client geometry.
- This diagram shows most of the functions in use:
- \img geometry.png Geometry diagram
- \section2 X11 Peculiarities
- On X11, a window does not have a frame until the window manager
- decorates it. This happens asynchronously at some point in time
- after calling QWidget::show() and the first paint event the
- window receives, or it does not happen at all. Bear in mind that
- X11 is policy-free (others call it flexible). Thus you cannot
- make any safe assumption about the decoration frame your window
- will get. Basic rule: There's always one user who uses a window
- manager that breaks your assumption, and who will complain to
- you.
- Furthermore, a toolkit cannot simply place windows on the screen. All
- Qt can do is to send certain hints to the window manager. The window
- manager, a separate process, may either obey, ignore or misunderstand
- them. Due to the partially unclear Inter-Client Communication
- Conventions Manual (ICCCM), window placement is handled quite
- differently in existing window managers.
- X11 provides no standard or easy way to get the frame geometry
- once the window is decorated. Qt solves this problem with nifty
- heuristics and clever code that works on a wide range of window
- managers that exist today. Don't be surprised if you find one
- where QWidget::frameGeometry() returns wrong results though.
- Nor does X11 provide a way to maximize a window.
- QWidget::showMaximized() has to emulate the feature. Its result
- depends on the result of QWidget::frameGeometry() and the
- capability of the window manager to do proper window placement,
- neither of which can be guaranteed.
- \page mainwindow.html
- \title Application Main Window
- \ingroup qt-gui-concepts
- \brief Creating the application window.
- \tableofcontents
- \section1 Overview of the Main Window Classes
- These classes provide everything you need for a typical modern main
- application window, like the main window itself, menu and tool bars,
- a status bar, etc.
- \annotatedlist mainwindow-classes
- \section1 The Main Window Classes
- Qt 4 provides the following classes for managing main windows and
- associated user interface components:
- \list
- \li QMainWindow remains the central class around which applications
- can be built. The interface to this class has been simplified, and
- much of the functionality previously included in this class is now
- present in the companion QDockWidget and QToolBar classes.
- \li QDockWidget provides a widget that can be used to create
- detachable tool palettes or helper windows. Dock widgets keep track
- of their own properties, and they can be moved, closed, and floated
- as external windows.
- \li QToolBar provides a generic toolbar widget that can hold a
- number of different action-related widgets, such as buttons,
- drop-down menus, comboboxes, and spin boxes. The emphasis on a
- unified action model in Qt 4 means that toolbars cooperate well
- with menus and keyboard shortcuts.
- \endlist
- \section1 Example Code
- Using QMainWindow is straightforward. Generally, we subclass
- QMainWindow and set up menus, toolbars, and dock widgets inside
- the QMainWindow constructor.
- To add a menu bar to the main window, we simply create the menus, and
- add them to the main window's menu bar. Note that the
- QMainWindow::menuBar() function will automatically create the menu bar
- the first time it is called. You can also call
- QMainWindow::setMenuBar() to use a custom menu bar in the main window.
- \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-mainwindow.cpp 0
- \dots
- \snippet examples/mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp 5
- \dots
- Once actions have been created, we can add them to the main window
- components. To begin with, we add them to the pop-up menus:
- \snippet examples/mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp 10
- \dots
- \snippet examples/mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp 11
- \dots
- The QToolBar and QMenu classes use Qt's action system to provide a
- consistent API. In the above code, some existing actions were added to
- the file menu with the QMenu::addAction() function. QToolBar also
- provides this function, making it easy to reuse actions in different
- parts of the main window. This avoids unnecessary duplication of work.
- We create a toolbar as a child of the main window, and add the desired
- actions to it:
- \snippet examples/mainwindows/sdi/mainwindow.cpp 0
- \dots
- \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-mainwindow.cpp 1
- In this example, the toolbar is restricted to the top and bottom
- toolbar areas of the main window, and is initially placed in the
- top tool bar area. We can see that the actions specified by \c
- newAct and \c openAct will be displayed both on the toolbar and in
- the file menu.
- QDockWidget is used in a similar way to QToolBar. We create a
- dock widget as a child of the main window, and add widgets as children
- of the dock widget:
- \snippet doc/src/snippets/dockwidgets/mainwindow.cpp 0
- In this example, the dock widget can only be placed in the left and
- right dock areas, and it is initially placed in the left dock area.
- The QMainWindow API allows the programmer to customize which dock
- widget areas occupy the four corners of the dock widget area. If
- required, the default can be changed with the
- QMainWindow::setCorner() function:
- \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-mainwindow.cpp 2
- The following diagram shows the configuration produced by the above code.
- Note that the left and right dock widgets will occupy the top and bottom
- corners of the main window in this layout.
- \image mainwindow-docks-example.png
- Once all of the main window components have been set up, the central widget
- is created and installed by using code similar to the following:
- \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-mainwindow.cpp 3
- The central widget can be any subclass of QWidget.