path: root/examples/corelib/serialization/cbordump/
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/corelib/serialization/cbordump/')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/corelib/serialization/cbordump/ b/examples/corelib/serialization/cbordump/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..26a0f969e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/corelib/serialization/cbordump/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+#!/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+"""Digest cbor-tags.xml file into code for insertion into main.cpp
+See main.cpp's comment on how to regenerate its GENERATED CODE.
+See ./ --help for further details on how to invoke.
+You can import this is a module without invoking the script.
+def firstChild(parent, tag):
+ """Return parent's first child element with the given tag."""
+ return next(node for node in parent.childNodes
+ if node.nodeType == parent.ELEMENT_NODE and node.nodeName == tag)
+def nodeAttrIs(node, attr, seek):
+ """Checks whether the node has a given value for an attribute
+ Takes the node to check, the name of the attribute and the value
+ to check against. Returns true if the node does have that value
+ for the named attribute."""
+ if node.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ return False
+ if node.attributes is None or attr not in node.attributes:
+ return False
+ return node.attributes[attr].value == seek
+def getRfcValue(node):
+ """Extract RFC reference from an <xref type="rfc" ...> element
+ Some of these have a reference including section details as the
+ body of the element, otherwise the data attribute should identify
+ the RFC. If neither is found, an empty string is returned."""
+ if node.childNodes:
+ return node.childNodes[0].nodeValue # Maybe accumulate several children ?
+ if node.attributes is None or 'data' not in node.attributes:
+ return ''
+ return node.attributes['data'].value
+def readRegistry(filename):
+ """Handles the XML parsing and returns the relevant parts.
+ Single argument is the path to the cbor-tags.xml file; returns a
+ twople of the title element's text and an interator over the
+ record nodes. Checks some things are as expected while doing so."""
+ from xml.dom.minidom import parse
+ doc = parse(filename).documentElement
+ assert nodeAttrIs(doc, 'id', 'cbor-tags')
+ title = firstChild(doc, 'title').childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ registry = firstChild(doc, 'registry')
+ assert nodeAttrIs(registry, 'id', 'tags')
+ records = (node for node in registry.childNodes if node.nodeName == 'record')
+ return title, records
+def digest(record):
+ """Digest a single record from cbor-tags.xml
+ If the record is not of interest, returns the twople (None, None).
+ For records of interest, returns (n, t) where n is the numeric tag
+ code of the record and t is a text describing it. If the record,
+ or its semantics field, has an xref child with type="rfc", the RFC
+ mentioned there is included with the text of the semantics; such a
+ record is of interest, provided it has a semantics field and no
+ dash in its value. Records with a value field containing a dash
+ (indicating a range) are not of interest. Records with a value of
+ 256 or above are only of interest if they include an RFC."""
+ data = {}
+ for kid in record.childNodes:
+ if kid.nodeName == 'xref':
+ if not nodeAttrIs(kid, 'type', 'rfc'):
+ continue
+ rfc = getRfcValue(kid)
+ if rfc:
+ # Potentially stomping one taken from semantics
+ data['rfc'] = rfc
+ elif kid.nodeName == 'semantics':
+ text = rfc = ''
+ for part in kid.childNodes:
+ if part.nodeType == kid.TEXT_NODE:
+ text += part.nodeValue
+ elif part.nodeType == kid.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if part.nodeName != 'xref' or not nodeAttrIs(part, 'type', 'rfc'):
+ continue # potentially append content to text
+ assert not rfc, ('Duplicate RFC ?', rfc, part)
+ rfc = getRfcValue(part)
+ if rfc:
+ if text.endswith('()'):
+ text = text[:-2].rstrip()
+ if 'rfc' not in data:
+ data['rfc'] = rfc
+ data['semantics'] = ' '.join(text.split())
+ elif kid.nodeName == 'value':
+ data['value'] = kid.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ text = data.get('semantics')
+ if not text or 'value' not in data or '-' in data['value']:
+ return None, None
+ value = int(data['value'])
+ if 'rfc' in data:
+ rfc = data["rfc"].replace('rfc', 'RFC')
+ text = f'{text} [{rfc}]'
+ elif value >= 256:
+ return None, None
+ return value, text
+def entries(records):
+ """Digest each record of interest into a value and text.
+ The value and text form the raw material of the tagDescriptions
+ array in main.cpp; see digest for which records are retained."""
+ for record in records:
+ value, text = digest(record)
+ if value is not None:
+ yield value, text
+def marginBound(text, prior, left, right):
+ """Split up a string literal for tidy display.
+ The first parameter, text, is the content of the string literal;
+ quotes shall be added. It may be split into several fragments,
+ each quoted, so as to abide by line length constraints.
+ The remaining parameters are integers: prior is the text already
+ present on the line before text is to be added; left is the width
+ of the left margin for all subsequent lines; and right is the
+ right margin to stay within, where possible. The returned string
+ is either a space with the whole quoted text following, to fit on
+ the line already started to length prior, or a sequence of quoted
+ strings, each preceded by a newline and indent of width left."""
+ if prior + 3 + len(text) < right: # 1 for space, 2 for quotes
+ return f' "{text}"'
+ width = right - left - 2 # 2 for the quotes
+ words = iter(text.split(' '))
+ lines, current = [''], [next(words)]
+ for word in words:
+ if len(word) + sum(len(w) + 1 for w in current) > width:
+ line = ' '.join(current)
+ lines.append(f'"{line}"')
+ current = ['', word]
+ else:
+ current.append(word)
+ line = ' '.join(current)
+ lines.append(f'"{line}"')
+ return ('\n' + ' ' * left).join(lines)
+def main(argv, speak):
+ """Takes care of driving the process.
+ Takes the command-line argument list (whose first entry is the
+ name of this script) and standard output (or compatible stream of
+ your choosing) to which to write data. If the --out option is
+ specified in the arguments, the file it names is used in place of
+ this output stream."""
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
+ parser = ArgumentParser(
+ description='Digest cbor-tags.xml into code to insert in main.cpp',
+ formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+ parser.add_argument('path', help='path of the cbor-tags.xml file',
+ default='cbor-tags.xml')
+ parser.add_argument('--out', help='file to write instead of standard output')
+ args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
+ emit = (open(args.out) if args.out else speak).write
+ title, records = readRegistry(args.path)
+ emit(f"""\
+struct CborTagDescription
+ QCborTag tag;
+ const char *description; // with space and parentheses
+// {title}
+static const CborTagDescription tagDescriptions[] = {{
+ // from
+ for value, text in sorted(entries(records)):
+ prior = f' {{ QCborTag({value}),'
+ body = marginBound(f' ({text})', len(prior), 6, 96)
+ emit(f"{prior}{body} }},\n")
+ emit("""\
+ { QCborTag(-1), nullptr }
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv, sys.stdout))