path: root/examples/corelib/serialization/streambookmarks/doc/src
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1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/corelib/serialization/streambookmarks/doc/src/qxmlstreambookmarks.qdoc b/examples/corelib/serialization/streambookmarks/doc/src/qxmlstreambookmarks.qdoc
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+// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+ \example serialization/streambookmarks
+ \examplecategory {Data Processing & I/O}
+ \meta tag {network}
+ \title QXmlStream Bookmarks Example
+ \brief Demonstrates how to read and write XBEL files.
+ \ingroup xml-examples
+ The QXmlStream Bookmarks example provides a viewer for XML Bookmark Exchange
+ Language (XBEL) files. It can read bookmarks using Qt's QXmlStreamReader and
+ write them back out again using QXmlStreamWriter. As this example aims to
+ show how to use these reader and writer types, it provides no means to open
+ a bookmark, add a new one, or merge two bookmark files, and only minimal
+ scope for editing bookmarks. None the less, it could surely be extended with
+ such features, if desired.
+ \image screenshot.png
+ \section1 XbelWriter Class Definition
+ The \c XbelWriter class takes a \l{QTreeWidget}{tree widget} describing a
+ hierarchy of folders containing bookmarks. Its \c writeFile() provides the
+ means to write out this hierarchy, in XBEL format, to a given output device.
+ Internally, it records the tree widget it was given and packages a private
+ instance of QXmlStreamWriter, which provides it with the means to stream
+ XML. It has an internal \c writeItem() to write each item in its tree.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/xbelwriter.h 0
+ \section1 XbelWriter Class Implementation
+ The \c XbelWriter constructor accepts the \a treeWidget it will describe. It
+ stores that and enables \l{QXmlStreamWriter}'s auto-formatting property.
+ This last splits the data into several lines, with indentation to indicate
+ the structure of the tree, which makes the XML output easier to read.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/xbelwriter.cpp 0
+ The \c writeFile() function accepts a QIODevice object and directs its
+ QXmlStreamWriter member to write to this device, using \c setDevice(). This
+ function then writes the document type definition(DTD), the start element,
+ the version, and delegates writing of each of the \c{treeWidget}'s top-level
+ items to \c writeItem(). Finally, it closes the document and returns.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/xbelwriter.cpp 1
+ The \c writeItem() function accepts a QTreeWidgetItem object and writes to
+ its XML stream a representation of the object, which depends on its \c
+ UserRole, which can be one of a \c{"folder"}, \c{"bookmark"},
+ or \c{"separator"}. Within each folder, it calls itself recursively on each
+ child item, to recursively include a representation of each child within the
+ folder's XML element.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/xbelwriter.cpp 2
+ \section1 XbelReader Class Definition
+ The \c XbelReader takes a \l{QTreeWidget}{tree widget} to populate with
+ items describing a bookmark hierarchy. It supports reading XBEL data from a
+ QIODevice as a source of these items. If parsing of the XBEL data fails, it
+ can report what went wrong.
+ Internally, it records the QTreeWidget that it will populate and packages an
+ instance of QXmlStreamReader, the companion class to QXmlStreamWriter, which
+ it will use to read XBEL data.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/xbelreader.h 0
+ \section1 XbelReader Class Implementation
+ Since the XBEL reader is only concerned with reading XML elements, it makes
+ extensive use of the \l{QXmlStreamReader::}{readNextStartElement()}
+ convenience function.
+ The \c XbelReader constructor requires a QTreeWidget that it will populate.
+ It populates the tree widget's style with suitable icons: a folder icon that
+ changes form to indicate whether each folder as open or closed; and a
+ standard file icon for the individual bookmarks within those folders.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/xbelreader.cpp 0
+ The \c read() function accepts a QIODevice. It directs its QXmlStreamReader
+ member to read content from that device. Note that the XML input must be
+ well-formed to be accepted by QXmlStreamReader. First it reads the outer
+ structure and verifies the content is an XBEL 1.0 file; if it is, \c read()
+ delegates the actual reading of content to the internal \c readXBEL().
+ Otherwise, the \l{QXmlStreamReader::}{raiseError()} function is used to
+ record an error message. The reader itself may also do the same if it
+ encounters errors in the input. When \c read() has finished, it returns
+ true if there were no errors.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/xbelreader.cpp 1
+ If \c read() returns false, its caller can obtain a description of the
+ error, complete with line and column number within the stream, by calling
+ the \c errorString() function.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/xbelreader.cpp 2
+ The \c readXBEL() function reads the name of a startElement and calls the
+ appropriate function to read it, depending on whether if its tag name
+ is \c{"folder"}, \c{"bookmark"} or \c{"separator"}. Any other elements
+ encountered are skipped. The function starts with a precondition, verifying
+ that the XML reader has just opened an \c{"xbel"} element.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/xbelreader.cpp 3
+ The \c readBookmark() function creates a new editable item representing a
+ single bookmark. It records the XML \c{"href"} attribute of the current
+ element as second column text of the item and provisionally sets its first
+ column text to \c{"Unknown title"} before scanning the rest of the element
+ for a title element to over-ride that, skipping any unrecognized child
+ elements.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/xbelreader.cpp 5
+ The \c readTitle() function reads a bookmark's title and records it as the
+ title (first column text) of the item for which it was called.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/xbelreader.cpp 6
+ The \c readSeparator() function creates a separator and sets its flags. The
+ separator item's text is set to 30 centered dots. The rest of the element is
+ then skipped using \l{QXmlStreamReader::}{skipCurrentElement()}.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/xbelreader.cpp 6
+ The \c readFolder() function creates an item and iterates the content of the
+ folder element, adding children to this item to represent the contents of
+ the folder element. The loop over folder content is similar in form to the
+ one in \c readXBEL(), save that it now accepts a title element to set the
+ title of the folder.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/xbelreader.cpp 7
+ The \c createChildItem() helper function creates a new tree widget item
+ that's either a child of the given item or, if no parent item is given, a
+ direct child of the tree widget. It sets the new item's \c UserRole to the
+ tag name of the current XML element, matching how XbelWriter::writeFile()
+ uses that \c UserRole.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/xbelreader.cpp 8
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Definition
+ The \c MainWindow class is a subclass of QMainWindow, with a \c File menu
+ and a \c Help menu.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/mainwindow.h 0
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Implementation
+ The \c MainWindow constructor sets up its QTreeWidget object, \c treeWidget,
+ as its own central widget, with column headings for the title and location
+ of each book-mark. It configures a custom menu that enables the user to
+ perform actions on individual bookmarks within the tree widget.
+ It invokes \c createMenus() to set up its own menus and their corresponding
+ actions. It sets its title, announces itself as ready and sets its size to a
+ reasonable proportion of the available screen space.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ A custom menu, triggered when the user right-clicks on a bookmark, provides
+ for copying the bookmark as a link or directing a desktop browser to open
+ the URL it references. This menu is implemented (when relevant features are
+ enabled) by \c onCustomContextMenuRequested().
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/mainwindow.cpp 1
+ The \c createMenus() function creates the \c fileMenu and \c helpMenu and
+ adds QAction objects to them, bound variously to the \c open(), \c saveAs()
+ and \c about() functions, along with QWidget::close() and
+ QApplication::aboutQt(). The connections are as shown below:
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/mainwindow.cpp 2
+ This creates the menu shown in the screenshots below:
+ \table
+ \row
+ \li \inlineimage filemenu.png
+ \li \inlineimage helpmenu.png
+ \endtable
+ The \c open() function, when triggered, offers the user a file dialog to use
+ to select a bookmarks file. If a file is selected, it is parsed using an \c
+ XBelReader to populate the \c treeWidget with bookmarks. If problems arise
+ with opening or parsing the file, a suitable warning message is displayed to
+ the user, including file name and error message. Otherwise, the bookmarks
+ read from the file are displayed and the window's status bar briefly reports
+ that the file has been loaded.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/mainwindow.cpp 3
+ The \c saveAs() function displays a QFileDialog, prompting the user for a \c
+ fileName, to which to save a copy of the bookmarks data. Similar to the \c
+ open() function, this function also displays a warning message if the file
+ cannot be written to.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/mainwindow.cpp 4
+ The \c about() function displays a QMessageBox with a brief description of
+ the example, or general information about Qt and the version of it in use.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/mainwindow.cpp 5
+ \section1 \c{main()} Function
+ The \c main() function instantiates \c MainWindow and invokes the \c show()
+ function to display it, then its \c open(), as this is most likely what the
+ user shall want to do first.
+ \snippet serialization/streambookmarks/main.cpp 0
+ See the \l{} {XML Bookmark
+ Exchange Language Resource Page} for more information about XBEL files.