path: root/mkspecs/features/winrt/package_manifest.prf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mkspecs/features/winrt/package_manifest.prf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 196 deletions
diff --git a/mkspecs/features/winrt/package_manifest.prf b/mkspecs/features/winrt/package_manifest.prf
deleted file mode 100644
index 143b884dbf..0000000000
--- a/mkspecs/features/winrt/package_manifest.prf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-# This performs basic variable replacement on the contents of the WinRT manifest template, as
-# specified by WINRT_MANIFEST. The resulting manifest file is written to the output directory.
-# While the most common options are covered by the default template, the developer is expected
-# to make an application-level copy of the template in order to customize the manifest further.
-# Afterwards, they can override the default template by assigning their template to WINRT_MANIFEST.
-# All subkeys in WINRT_MANIFEST will be replaced if defined/found, so new variables can be easily
-# added.
-# The manifest is generated for each build pass for normal apps, and only once for vcapps.
-# - Normal apps have their package root directory in the same place as the target (one for each build pass).
-# - Visual Studio requires a design-mode manifest in the same location as the vcproj.
-!isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST): \
- if(build_pass:equals(TEMPLATE, "app"))| \
- if(!build_pass:equals(TEMPLATE, "vcapp")) {
- manifest_file.input = $$WINRT_MANIFEST
- contains(TEMPLATE, "vc.*") {
- } else {
- load(resolve_target)
- }
- contains(TEMPLATE, "vc.*"): \
- manifest_file.output = $$BUILD_DIR/Package.appxmanifest
- else: \
- manifest_file.output = $$BUILD_DIR/AppxManifest.xml
- !contains(WINRT_MANIFEST.CONFIG, "verbatim") {
- # Provide the C-runtime dependency
- equals(TEMPLATE, "app") {
- VCLIBS = Microsoft.VCLibs.$$replace(MSVC_VER, \\., ).00
- CONFIG(debug, debug|release): \
- VCLIBS = $${VCLIBS}.Debug
- else: \
- # VS 2017 still uses vclibs 140
- contains(MSVC_VER, "15.0"): VCLIBS = $$replace(VCLIBS, 150, 140)
- VCLIBS = "$${VCLIBS}\" MinVersion=\"\" Publisher=\"CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US"
- WINRT_MANIFEST.dependencies += $$VCLIBS
- }
- # Provide default values for required variables
- isEmpty( = $$TARGET
- isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.identity) {
- # Reuse the existing UUID if possible
- UUID_CACHE = $$OUT_PWD/.qmake.winrt_uuid_$$TARGET
- exists($$UUID_CACHE) {
- include($$UUID_CACHE)
- } else {
- WINRT_UUID = $$system(uuidgen)
- isEmpty(WINRT_UUID): error("Unable to generate a UUID. Make sure uuidgen is in your PATH.")
- write_file($$UUID_CACHE, WINRT_UUID)|error("Unable to write the UUID cache; aborting.")
- eval($$WINRT_UUID)
- }
- }
- isEmpty( = $$TARGET
- isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.architecture): WINRT_MANIFEST.architecture = $$VCPROJ_ARCH
- isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.version): WINRT_MANIFEST.version =
- isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.publisher): WINRT_MANIFEST.publisher = Default publisher display name
- isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.publisherid): WINRT_MANIFEST.publisherid = CN=$$(USERNAME)
- isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.phone_product_id): WINRT_MANIFEST.phone_product_id = $$WINRT_MANIFEST.identity
- isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.phone_publisher_id): WINRT_MANIFEST.phone_publisher_id = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
- isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.description): WINRT_MANIFEST.description = Default package description
- isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.background): WINRT_MANIFEST.background = green
- isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.foreground): WINRT_MANIFEST.foreground = light
- isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.default_language): WINRT_MANIFEST.default_language = en
- *-msvc2015|*-msvc2017 {
- isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.minVersion): WINRT_MANIFEST.minVersion = $$(UCRTVersion)
- isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.minVersion): error("No UCRTVersion found in environment."))
- isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.maxVersionTested): WINRT_MANIFEST.maxVersionTested = $$WINRT_MANIFEST.minVersion
- }
- INDENT = "$$escape_expand(\\r\\n) "
- WINRT_MANIFEST.rotation_preference = $$unique(WINRT_MANIFEST.rotation_preference)
- !isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.rotation_preference) {
- MANIFEST_ROTATION += "<$${VS_XML_NAMESPACE}:InitialRotationPreference>"
- for(ROTATION, WINRT_MANIFEST.rotation_preference): \
- MANIFEST_ROTATION += " <$${VS_XML_NAMESPACE}:Rotation Preference=\"$$ROTATION\" />"
- MANIFEST_ROTATION += "</$${VS_XML_NAMESPACE}:InitialRotationPreference>"
- WINRT_MANIFEST.rotation_preference = $$join(MANIFEST_ROTATION, $$INDENT, $$INDENT)
- }
- INDENT = "$$escape_expand(\\r\\n) "
- # All Windows 10 applications need to have internetClient.
- WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities += internetClient
- contains(WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities, defaults) {
- WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities -= defaults
- WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities += $$WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_default
- }
- contains(WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device, defaults) {
- WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device -= defaults
- WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device += $$WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device_default
- }
- appointments \
- blockedChatMessages \
- chat \
- contacts \
- enterpriseAuthentication \
- # internetClient is special, as it needs to be written without namespace
- #internetClient \
- musicLibrary \
- objects3D \
- phoneCall \
- picturesLibrary \
- removableStorage \
- sharedUserCertificates \
- userAccountInformation \
- videosLibrary \
- voipCall
- UAP3_CAPABILITIES += backgroundMediaPlayback remoteSystem userNotificationListener
- # Capabilities are given as a string list and may change with the configuration (network, sensors, etc.)
- WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities = $$unique(WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities)
- WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device = $$unique(WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device)
- !isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities)|!isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device) {
- MANIFEST_CAPABILITIES += "<Capabilities>"
- for (CAPABILITY, WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities) {
- MANIFEST_CAPABILITIES += " <uap:Capability Name=\"$$CAPABILITY\" />"
- else:contains(UAP3_CAPABILITIES, $$CAPABILITY): \
- MANIFEST_CAPABILITIES += " <uap3:Capability Name=\"$$CAPABILITY\" />"
- else: \
- MANIFEST_CAPABILITIES += " <Capability Name=\"$$CAPABILITY\" />"
- }
- for(CAPABILITY, WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device): \
- MANIFEST_CAPABILITIES += " <DeviceCapability Name=\"$$CAPABILITY\" />"
- MANIFEST_CAPABILITIES += "</Capabilities>"
- }
- # Dependencies are given as a string list. The CRT dependency is added automatically above.
- # For MSVC2015/2017 the dependencies are added in conjunction with TargetDeviceFamily
- # Due to the hard coded dependency on "Windows.Universal" the <Dependencies> tag
- # is already inside the MSVC2015 manifest.
- WINRT_MANIFEST.dependencies = $$unique(WINRT_MANIFEST.dependencies)
- !isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.dependencies) {
- for(DEPENDENCY, WINRT_MANIFEST.dependencies): \
- MANIFEST_DEPENDENCIES += " <PackageDependency Name=\"$$DEPENDENCY\" />"
- }
- # Provide default icons where needed
- isEmpty(WINRT_ASSETS_PATH): WINRT_ASSETS_PATH = $$[QT_HOST_DATA/get]/mkspecs/common/winrt_winphone/assets
- ICONS_FOUND = $$find(TEMPLATE_CONTENTS, \\\$\\\$\\{WINRT_MANIFEST\\.(logo|tile)_)
- ICONS_FOUND ~= s/.*\\\$\\\$\\{WINRT_MANIFEST\\.((logo|tile)_[^\}]+)\\}.*/\\1/g
- isEmpty(ICON_FILE) {
- equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_310x150"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_wide)
- else: equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_150x150"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_large)
- # Windows Phone specifics
- else: equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_480x800"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_splash)
- else: equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_71x71"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_medium)
- else: equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_44x44"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_small)
- # Windows RT specifics
- else: equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_620x300"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_splash)
- else: equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_70x70"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_medium)
- else: equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_30x30"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_small)
- }
- icon_$${ICON_NAME}.input = $$ICON_FILE
- icon_$${ICON_NAME}.output = $$BUILD_DIR/assets/$$basename(ICON_FILE)
- icon_$${ICON_NAME}.CONFIG = verbatim
- WINRT_MANIFEST.$${ICON_NAME} = assets/$$basename(ICON_FILE)
- }
- !contains(TEMPLATE, "vc.*") {
- winrt_manifest_install.files = $$manifest_file.output
- winrt_manifest_install.path = $$target.path
- winrt_assets_install.files = $$BUILD_DIR/assets/*
- winrt_assets_install.path = $$target.path/assets
- INSTALLS += winrt_manifest_install winrt_assets_install
- }
- } else {
- manifest_file.CONFIG += verbatim
- }
- QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES += manifest_file