path: root/src/3rdparty/D3D12MemoryAllocator/D3D12MemAlloc.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/D3D12MemoryAllocator/D3D12MemAlloc.cpp')
1 files changed, 10565 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/D3D12MemoryAllocator/D3D12MemAlloc.cpp b/src/3rdparty/D3D12MemoryAllocator/D3D12MemAlloc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..248ec409ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/D3D12MemoryAllocator/D3D12MemAlloc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,10565 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#include "D3D12MemAlloc.h"
+#include <combaseapi.h>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <utility>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <malloc.h> // for _aligned_malloc, _aligned_free
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ #include <shared_mutex>
+// Configuration Begin
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ #if !defined(WINVER) || WINVER < 0x0600
+ #error Required at least WinAPI version supporting: client = Windows Vista, server = Windows Server 2008.
+ #endif
+#ifndef D3D12MA_SORT
+ #define D3D12MA_SORT(beg, end, cmp) std::sort(beg, end, cmp)
+ #include <dxgi.h>
+ #if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4
+ #include <dxgi1_4.h>
+ #endif
+#ifndef D3D12MA_ASSERT
+ #include <cassert>
+ #define D3D12MA_ASSERT(cond) assert(cond)
+// Assert that will be called very often, like inside data structures e.g. operator[].
+// Making it non-empty can make program slow.
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(expr) //D3D12MA_ASSERT(expr)
+ #else
+ #define D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(expr)
+ #endif
+ /*
+ Minimum alignment of all allocations, in bytes.
+ Set to more than 1 for debugging purposes only. Must be power of two.
+ */
+ #define D3D12MA_DEBUG_ALIGNMENT (1)
+ // Minimum margin before and after every allocation, in bytes.
+ // Set nonzero for debugging purposes only.
+ #define D3D12MA_DEBUG_MARGIN (0)
+ /*
+ Set this to 1 for debugging purposes only, to enable single mutex protecting all
+ entry calls to the library. Can be useful for debugging multithreading issues.
+ */
+ #define D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX (0)
+Define this macro for debugging purposes only to force specific D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER,
+especially to test compatibility with D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_1 on modern GPUs.
+ /// Default size of a block allocated as single ID3D12Heap.
+ #define D3D12MA_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE (64ull * 1024 * 1024)
+#ifndef D3D12MA_DEBUG_LOG
+ #define D3D12MA_DEBUG_LOG(format, ...)
+ /*
+ #define D3D12MA_DEBUG_LOG(format, ...) do { \
+ wprintf(format, __VA_ARGS__); \
+ wprintf(L"\n"); \
+ } while(false)
+ */
+// Configuration End
+#define D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(ppType) __uuidof(**(ppType)), reinterpret_cast<void**>(ppType)
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnonnull-compare"
+namespace D3D12MA
+static constexpr UINT HEAP_TYPE_COUNT = 4;
+static constexpr UINT DEFAULT_POOL_MAX_COUNT = 9;
+static const UINT NEW_BLOCK_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX = 3;
+// Minimum size of a free suballocation to register it in the free suballocation collection.
+static const WCHAR* const HeapTypeNames[] =
+// Local copy of this enum, as it is provided only by <dxgi1_4.h>, so it may not be available.
+enum class ResourceClass
+ Unknown, Buffer, Non_RT_DS_Texture, RT_DS_Texture
+enum SuballocationType
+#ifndef _D3D12MA_FUNCTIONS
+static void* DefaultAllocate(size_t Size, size_t Alignment, void* /*pPrivateData*/)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ return _aligned_malloc(Size, Alignment);
+ return aligned_alloc(Alignment, Size);
+static void DefaultFree(void* pMemory, void* /*pPrivateData*/)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ return _aligned_free(pMemory);
+ return free(pMemory);
+static void* Malloc(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocs, size_t size, size_t alignment)
+ void* const result = (*allocs.pAllocate)(size, alignment, allocs.pPrivateData);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(result);
+ return result;
+static void Free(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocs, void* memory)
+ (*allocs.pFree)(memory, allocs.pPrivateData);
+template<typename T>
+static T* Allocate(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocs)
+ return (T*)Malloc(allocs, sizeof(T), __alignof(T));
+template<typename T>
+static T* AllocateArray(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocs, size_t count)
+ return (T*)Malloc(allocs, sizeof(T) * count, __alignof(T));
+#define D3D12MA_NEW(allocs, type) new(D3D12MA::Allocate<type>(allocs))(type)
+#define D3D12MA_NEW_ARRAY(allocs, type, count) new(D3D12MA::AllocateArray<type>((allocs), (count)))(type)
+template<typename T>
+void D3D12MA_DELETE(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocs, T* memory)
+ if (memory)
+ {
+ memory->~T();
+ Free(allocs, memory);
+ }
+template<typename T>
+void D3D12MA_DELETE_ARRAY(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocs, T* memory, size_t count)
+ if (memory)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = count; i--; )
+ {
+ memory[i].~T();
+ }
+ Free(allocs, memory);
+ }
+static void SetupAllocationCallbacks(ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& outAllocs, const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks)
+ if (allocationCallbacks)
+ {
+ outAllocs = *allocationCallbacks;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(outAllocs.pAllocate != NULL && outAllocs.pFree != NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ outAllocs.pAllocate = &DefaultAllocate;
+ outAllocs.pFree = &DefaultFree;
+ outAllocs.pPrivateData = NULL;
+ }
+#define SAFE_RELEASE(ptr) do { if(ptr) { (ptr)->Release(); (ptr) = NULL; } } while(false)
+#define D3D12MA_VALIDATE(cond) do { if(!(cond)) { \
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Validation failed: " #cond); \
+ return false; \
+} } while(false)
+template<typename T>
+static T D3D12MA_MIN(const T& a, const T& b) { return a <= b ? a : b; }
+template<typename T>
+static T D3D12MA_MAX(const T& a, const T& b) { return a <= b ? b : a; }
+template<typename T>
+static void D3D12MA_SWAP(T& a, T& b) { T tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; }
+// Scans integer for index of first nonzero bit from the Least Significant Bit (LSB). If mask is 0 then returns UINT8_MAX
+static UINT8 BitScanLSB(UINT64 mask)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_WIN64)
+ unsigned long pos;
+ if (_BitScanForward64(&pos, mask))
+ return static_cast<UINT8>(pos);
+ return UINT8_MAX;
+#elif defined __GNUC__ || defined __clang__
+ return static_cast<UINT8>(__builtin_ffsll(mask)) - 1U;
+ UINT8 pos = 0;
+ UINT64 bit = 1;
+ do
+ {
+ if (mask & bit)
+ return pos;
+ bit <<= 1;
+ } while (pos++ < 63);
+ return UINT8_MAX;
+// Scans integer for index of first nonzero bit from the Least Significant Bit (LSB). If mask is 0 then returns UINT8_MAX
+static UINT8 BitScanLSB(UINT32 mask)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ unsigned long pos;
+ if (_BitScanForward(&pos, mask))
+ return static_cast<UINT8>(pos);
+ return UINT8_MAX;
+#elif defined __GNUC__ || defined __clang__
+ return static_cast<UINT8>(__builtin_ffs(mask)) - 1U;
+ UINT8 pos = 0;
+ UINT32 bit = 1;
+ do
+ {
+ if (mask & bit)
+ return pos;
+ bit <<= 1;
+ } while (pos++ < 31);
+ return UINT8_MAX;
+// Scans integer for index of first nonzero bit from the Most Significant Bit (MSB). If mask is 0 then returns UINT8_MAX
+static UINT8 BitScanMSB(UINT64 mask)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_WIN64)
+ unsigned long pos;
+ if (_BitScanReverse64(&pos, mask))
+ return static_cast<UINT8>(pos);
+#elif defined __GNUC__ || defined __clang__
+ if (mask)
+ return 63 - static_cast<UINT8>(__builtin_clzll(mask));
+ UINT8 pos = 63;
+ UINT64 bit = 1ULL << 63;
+ do
+ {
+ if (mask & bit)
+ return pos;
+ bit >>= 1;
+ } while (pos-- > 0);
+ return UINT8_MAX;
+// Scans integer for index of first nonzero bit from the Most Significant Bit (MSB). If mask is 0 then returns UINT8_MAX
+static UINT8 BitScanMSB(UINT32 mask)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ unsigned long pos;
+ if (_BitScanReverse(&pos, mask))
+ return static_cast<UINT8>(pos);
+#elif defined __GNUC__ || defined __clang__
+ if (mask)
+ return 31 - static_cast<UINT8>(__builtin_clz(mask));
+ UINT8 pos = 31;
+ UINT32 bit = 1UL << 31;
+ do
+ {
+ if (mask & bit)
+ return pos;
+ bit >>= 1;
+ } while (pos-- > 0);
+ return UINT8_MAX;
+Returns true if given number is a power of two.
+T must be unsigned integer number or signed integer but always nonnegative.
+For 0 returns true.
+template <typename T>
+static bool IsPow2(T x) { return (x & (x - 1)) == 0; }
+// Aligns given value up to nearest multiply of align value. For example: AlignUp(11, 8) = 16.
+// Use types like UINT, uint64_t as T.
+template <typename T>
+static T AlignUp(T val, T alignment)
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(IsPow2(alignment));
+ return (val + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1);
+// Aligns given value down to nearest multiply of align value. For example: AlignUp(11, 8) = 8.
+// Use types like UINT, uint64_t as T.
+template <typename T>
+static T AlignDown(T val, T alignment)
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(IsPow2(alignment));
+ return val & ~(alignment - 1);
+// Division with mathematical rounding to nearest number.
+template <typename T>
+static T RoundDiv(T x, T y) { return (x + (y / (T)2)) / y; }
+template <typename T>
+static T DivideRoundingUp(T x, T y) { return (x + y - 1) / y; }
+static WCHAR HexDigitToChar(UINT8 digit)
+ if(digit < 10)
+ return L'0' + digit;
+ else
+ return L'A' + (digit - 10);
+Performs binary search and returns iterator to first element that is greater or
+equal to `key`, according to comparison `cmp`.
+Cmp should return true if first argument is less than second argument.
+Returned value is the found element, if present in the collection or place where
+new element with value (key) should be inserted.
+template <typename CmpLess, typename IterT, typename KeyT>
+static IterT BinaryFindFirstNotLess(IterT beg, IterT end, const KeyT& key, const CmpLess& cmp)
+ size_t down = 0, up = (end - beg);
+ while (down < up)
+ {
+ const size_t mid = (down + up) / 2;
+ if (cmp(*(beg + mid), key))
+ {
+ down = mid + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ up = mid;
+ }
+ }
+ return beg + down;
+Performs binary search and returns iterator to an element that is equal to `key`,
+according to comparison `cmp`.
+Cmp should return true if first argument is less than second argument.
+Returned value is the found element, if present in the collection or end if not
+template<typename CmpLess, typename IterT, typename KeyT>
+static IterT BinaryFindSorted(const IterT& beg, const IterT& end, const KeyT& value, const CmpLess& cmp)
+ IterT it = BinaryFindFirstNotLess<CmpLess, IterT, KeyT>(beg, end, value, cmp);
+ if (it == end ||
+ (!cmp(*it, value) && !cmp(value, *it)))
+ {
+ return it;
+ }
+ return end;
+static UINT HeapTypeToIndex(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE type)
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT: return 0;
+ case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD: return 1;
+ case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK: return 2;
+ case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_CUSTOM: return 3;
+ default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); return UINT_MAX;
+ }
+static D3D12_HEAP_TYPE IndexToHeapType(UINT heapTypeIndex)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(heapTypeIndex < 4);
+ // D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT starts at 1.
+ return (D3D12_HEAP_TYPE)(heapTypeIndex + 1);
+static UINT64 HeapFlagsToAlignment(D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS flags, bool denyMsaaTextures)
+ /*
+ Documentation of D3D12_HEAP_DESC structure says:
+ application must decide whether the heap will contain multi-sample
+ anti-aliasing (MSAA), in which case, the application must choose [this flag].
+ */
+ if (denyMsaaTextures)
+ const D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS denyAllTexturesFlags =
+ const bool canContainAnyTextures =
+ (flags & denyAllTexturesFlags) != denyAllTexturesFlags;
+ return canContainAnyTextures ?
+static ResourceClass HeapFlagsToResourceClass(D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags)
+ const bool allowBuffers = (heapFlags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_BUFFERS) == 0;
+ const bool allowRtDsTextures = (heapFlags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_RT_DS_TEXTURES) == 0;
+ const bool allowNonRtDsTextures = (heapFlags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_NON_RT_DS_TEXTURES) == 0;
+ const uint8_t allowedGroupCount = (allowBuffers ? 1 : 0) + (allowRtDsTextures ? 1 : 0) + (allowNonRtDsTextures ? 1 : 0);
+ if (allowedGroupCount != 1)
+ return ResourceClass::Unknown;
+ if (allowRtDsTextures)
+ return ResourceClass::RT_DS_Texture;
+ if (allowNonRtDsTextures)
+ return ResourceClass::Non_RT_DS_Texture;
+ return ResourceClass::Buffer;
+static bool IsHeapTypeStandard(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE type)
+ return type == D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT ||
+ type == D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD ||
+static D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES StandardHeapTypeToHeapProperties(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE type)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(IsHeapTypeStandard(type));
+ D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES result = {};
+ result.Type = type;
+ return result;
+static bool IsFormatCompressed(DXGI_FORMAT format)
+ switch (format)
+ {
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+// Only some formats are supported. For others it returns 0.
+static UINT GetBitsPerPixel(DXGI_FORMAT format)
+ switch (format)
+ {
+ case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT:
+ case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT:
+ case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT:
+ return 128;
+ case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT:
+ case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT:
+ return 96;
+ case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT:
+ case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM:
+ case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT:
+ case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM:
+ case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT:
+ return 64;
+ return 64;
+ return 64;
+ case DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UINT:
+ return 32;
+ return 32;
+ return 32;
+ return 32;
+ return 32;
+ return 16;
+ return 16;
+ return 8;
+ return 4;
+ return 8;
+ return 8;
+ return 4;
+ return 8;
+ return 8;
+ return 8;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T>
+static ResourceClass ResourceDescToResourceClass(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T& resDesc)
+ if (resDesc.Dimension == D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER)
+ return ResourceClass::Buffer;
+ // Else: it's surely a texture.
+ const bool isRenderTargetOrDepthStencil =
+ return isRenderTargetOrDepthStencil ? ResourceClass::RT_DS_Texture : ResourceClass::Non_RT_DS_Texture;
+// This algorithm is overly conservative.
+template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T>
+static bool CanUseSmallAlignment(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T& resourceDesc)
+ if (resourceDesc.Dimension != D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D)
+ return false;
+ return false;
+ if (resourceDesc.SampleDesc.Count > 1)
+ return false;
+ if (resourceDesc.DepthOrArraySize != 1)
+ return false;
+ UINT sizeX = (UINT)resourceDesc.Width;
+ UINT sizeY = resourceDesc.Height;
+ UINT bitsPerPixel = GetBitsPerPixel(resourceDesc.Format);
+ if (bitsPerPixel == 0)
+ return false;
+ if (IsFormatCompressed(resourceDesc.Format))
+ {
+ sizeX = DivideRoundingUp(sizeX, 4u);
+ sizeY = DivideRoundingUp(sizeY, 4u);
+ bitsPerPixel *= 16;
+ }
+ UINT tileSizeX = 0, tileSizeY = 0;
+ switch (bitsPerPixel)
+ {
+ case 8: tileSizeX = 64; tileSizeY = 64; break;
+ case 16: tileSizeX = 64; tileSizeY = 32; break;
+ case 32: tileSizeX = 32; tileSizeY = 32; break;
+ case 64: tileSizeX = 32; tileSizeY = 16; break;
+ case 128: tileSizeX = 16; tileSizeY = 16; break;
+ default: return false;
+ }
+ const UINT tileCount = DivideRoundingUp(sizeX, tileSizeX) * DivideRoundingUp(sizeY, tileSizeY);
+ return tileCount <= 16;
+static bool ValidateAllocateMemoryParameters(
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation)
+ return pAllocDesc &&
+ pAllocInfo &&
+ ppAllocation &&
+ (pAllocInfo->Alignment == 0 ||
+ pAllocInfo->SizeInBytes != 0 &&
+ pAllocInfo->SizeInBytes % (64ull * 1024) == 0;
+#endif // _D3D12MA_FUNCTIONS
+static void ClearStatistics(Statistics& outStats)
+ outStats.BlockCount = 0;
+ outStats.AllocationCount = 0;
+ outStats.BlockBytes = 0;
+ outStats.AllocationBytes = 0;
+static void ClearDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& outStats)
+ ClearStatistics(outStats.Stats);
+ outStats.UnusedRangeCount = 0;
+ outStats.AllocationSizeMin = UINT64_MAX;
+ outStats.AllocationSizeMax = 0;
+ outStats.UnusedRangeSizeMin = UINT64_MAX;
+ outStats.UnusedRangeSizeMax = 0;
+static void AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats, const Statistics& src)
+ inoutStats.BlockCount += src.BlockCount;
+ inoutStats.AllocationCount += src.AllocationCount;
+ inoutStats.BlockBytes += src.BlockBytes;
+ inoutStats.AllocationBytes += src.AllocationBytes;
+static void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats, const DetailedStatistics& src)
+ AddStatistics(inoutStats.Stats, src.Stats);
+ inoutStats.UnusedRangeCount += src.UnusedRangeCount;
+ inoutStats.AllocationSizeMin = D3D12MA_MIN(inoutStats.AllocationSizeMin, src.AllocationSizeMin);
+ inoutStats.AllocationSizeMax = D3D12MA_MAX(inoutStats.AllocationSizeMax, src.AllocationSizeMax);
+ inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMin = D3D12MA_MIN(inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMin, src.UnusedRangeSizeMin);
+ inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMax = D3D12MA_MAX(inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMax, src.UnusedRangeSizeMax);
+static void AddDetailedStatisticsAllocation(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats, UINT64 size)
+ inoutStats.Stats.AllocationCount++;
+ inoutStats.Stats.AllocationBytes += size;
+ inoutStats.AllocationSizeMin = D3D12MA_MIN(inoutStats.AllocationSizeMin, size);
+ inoutStats.AllocationSizeMax = D3D12MA_MAX(inoutStats.AllocationSizeMax, size);
+static void AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats, UINT64 size)
+ inoutStats.UnusedRangeCount++;
+ inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMin = D3D12MA_MIN(inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMin, size);
+ inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMax = D3D12MA_MAX(inoutStats.UnusedRangeSizeMax, size);
+#ifndef _D3D12MA_MUTEX
+#ifndef D3D12MA_MUTEX
+ class Mutex
+ {
+ public:
+ void Lock() { m_Mutex.lock(); }
+ void Unlock() { m_Mutex.unlock(); }
+ private:
+ std::mutex m_Mutex;
+ };
+ #define D3D12MA_MUTEX Mutex
+#ifndef D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ class RWMutex
+ {
+ public:
+ RWMutex() { InitializeSRWLock(&m_Lock); }
+ void LockRead() { AcquireSRWLockShared(&m_Lock); }
+ void UnlockRead() { ReleaseSRWLockShared(&m_Lock); }
+ void LockWrite() { AcquireSRWLockExclusive(&m_Lock); }
+ void UnlockWrite() { ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(&m_Lock); }
+ private:
+ SRWLOCK m_Lock;
+ };
+#else // #ifdef _WIN32
+ class RWMutex
+ {
+ public:
+ RWMutex() {}
+ void LockRead() { m_Mutex.lock_shared(); }
+ void UnlockRead() { m_Mutex.unlock_shared(); }
+ void LockWrite() { m_Mutex.lock(); }
+ void UnlockWrite() { m_Mutex.unlock(); }
+ private:
+ std::shared_timed_mutex m_Mutex;
+ };
+#endif // #ifdef _WIN32
+ #define D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX RWMutex
+#endif // #ifndef D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX
+// Helper RAII class to lock a mutex in constructor and unlock it in destructor (at the end of scope).
+struct MutexLock
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(MutexLock);
+ MutexLock(D3D12MA_MUTEX& mutex, bool useMutex = true) :
+ m_pMutex(useMutex ? &mutex : NULL)
+ {
+ if (m_pMutex) m_pMutex->Lock();
+ }
+ ~MutexLock() { if (m_pMutex) m_pMutex->Unlock(); }
+ D3D12MA_MUTEX* m_pMutex;
+// Helper RAII class to lock a RW mutex in constructor and unlock it in destructor (at the end of scope), for reading.
+struct MutexLockRead
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(MutexLockRead);
+ MutexLockRead(D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX& mutex, bool useMutex)
+ : m_pMutex(useMutex ? &mutex : NULL)
+ {
+ if(m_pMutex)
+ {
+ m_pMutex->LockRead();
+ }
+ }
+ ~MutexLockRead() { if (m_pMutex) m_pMutex->UnlockRead(); }
+ D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX* m_pMutex;
+// Helper RAII class to lock a RW mutex in constructor and unlock it in destructor (at the end of scope), for writing.
+struct MutexLockWrite
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(MutexLockWrite);
+ MutexLockWrite(D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX& mutex, bool useMutex)
+ : m_pMutex(useMutex ? &mutex : NULL)
+ {
+ if (m_pMutex) m_pMutex->LockWrite();
+ }
+ ~MutexLockWrite() { if (m_pMutex) m_pMutex->UnlockWrite(); }
+ D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX* m_pMutex;
+ static D3D12MA_MUTEX g_DebugGlobalMutex;
+ #define D3D12MA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK MutexLock debugGlobalMutexLock(g_DebugGlobalMutex, true);
+#endif // _D3D12MA_MUTEX
+#ifndef _D3D12MA_VECTOR
+Dynamically resizing continuous array. Class with interface similar to std::vector.
+T must be POD because constructors and destructors are not called and memcpy is
+used for these objects.
+template<typename T>
+class Vector
+ using value_type = T;
+ using iterator = T*;
+ using const_iterator = const T*;
+ // allocationCallbacks externally owned, must outlive this object.
+ Vector(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks);
+ Vector(size_t count, const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks);
+ Vector(const Vector<T>& src);
+ ~Vector();
+ const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& GetAllocs() const { return m_AllocationCallbacks; }
+ bool empty() const { return m_Count == 0; }
+ size_t size() const { return m_Count; }
+ T* data() { return m_pArray; }
+ const T* data() const { return m_pArray; }
+ void clear(bool freeMemory = false) { resize(0, freeMemory); }
+ iterator begin() { return m_pArray; }
+ iterator end() { return m_pArray + m_Count; }
+ const_iterator cbegin() const { return m_pArray; }
+ const_iterator cend() const { return m_pArray + m_Count; }
+ const_iterator begin() const { return cbegin(); }
+ const_iterator end() const { return cend(); }
+ void push_front(const T& src) { insert(0, src); }
+ void push_back(const T& src);
+ void pop_front();
+ void pop_back();
+ T& front();
+ T& back();
+ const T& front() const;
+ const T& back() const;
+ void reserve(size_t newCapacity, bool freeMemory = false);
+ void resize(size_t newCount, bool freeMemory = false);
+ void insert(size_t index, const T& src);
+ void remove(size_t index);
+ template<typename CmpLess>
+ size_t InsertSorted(const T& value, const CmpLess& cmp);
+ template<typename CmpLess>
+ bool RemoveSorted(const T& value, const CmpLess& cmp);
+ Vector& operator=(const Vector<T>& rhs);
+ T& operator[](size_t index);
+ const T& operator[](size_t index) const;
+ const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& m_AllocationCallbacks;
+ T* m_pArray;
+ size_t m_Count;
+ size_t m_Capacity;
+template<typename T>
+Vector<T>::Vector(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks)
+ : m_AllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks),
+ m_pArray(NULL),
+ m_Count(0),
+ m_Capacity(0) {}
+template<typename T>
+Vector<T>::Vector(size_t count, const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks)
+ : m_AllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks),
+ m_pArray(count ? AllocateArray<T>(allocationCallbacks, count) : NULL),
+ m_Count(count),
+ m_Capacity(count) {}
+template<typename T>
+Vector<T>::Vector(const Vector<T>& src)
+ : m_AllocationCallbacks(src.m_AllocationCallbacks),
+ m_pArray(src.m_Count ? AllocateArray<T>(src.m_AllocationCallbacks, src.m_Count) : NULL),
+ m_Count(src.m_Count),
+ m_Capacity(src.m_Count)
+ if (m_Count > 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(m_pArray, src.m_pArray, m_Count * sizeof(T));
+ }
+template<typename T>
+ Free(m_AllocationCallbacks, m_pArray);
+template<typename T>
+void Vector<T>::push_back(const T& src)
+ const size_t newIndex = size();
+ resize(newIndex + 1);
+ m_pArray[newIndex] = src;
+template<typename T>
+void Vector<T>::pop_front()
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ remove(0);
+template<typename T>
+void Vector<T>::pop_back()
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ resize(size() - 1);
+template<typename T>
+T& Vector<T>::front()
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ return m_pArray[0];
+template<typename T>
+T& Vector<T>::back()
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ return m_pArray[m_Count - 1];
+template<typename T>
+const T& Vector<T>::front() const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ return m_pArray[0];
+template<typename T>
+const T& Vector<T>::back() const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ return m_pArray[m_Count - 1];
+template<typename T>
+void Vector<T>::reserve(size_t newCapacity, bool freeMemory)
+ newCapacity = D3D12MA_MAX(newCapacity, m_Count);
+ if ((newCapacity < m_Capacity) && !freeMemory)
+ {
+ newCapacity = m_Capacity;
+ }
+ if (newCapacity != m_Capacity)
+ {
+ T* const newArray = newCapacity ? AllocateArray<T>(m_AllocationCallbacks, newCapacity) : NULL;
+ if (m_Count != 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(newArray, m_pArray, m_Count * sizeof(T));
+ }
+ Free(m_AllocationCallbacks, m_pArray);
+ m_Capacity = newCapacity;
+ m_pArray = newArray;
+ }
+template<typename T>
+void Vector<T>::resize(size_t newCount, bool freeMemory)
+ size_t newCapacity = m_Capacity;
+ if (newCount > m_Capacity)
+ {
+ newCapacity = D3D12MA_MAX(newCount, D3D12MA_MAX(m_Capacity * 3 / 2, (size_t)8));
+ }
+ else if (freeMemory)
+ {
+ newCapacity = newCount;
+ }
+ if (newCapacity != m_Capacity)
+ {
+ T* const newArray = newCapacity ? AllocateArray<T>(m_AllocationCallbacks, newCapacity) : NULL;
+ const size_t elementsToCopy = D3D12MA_MIN(m_Count, newCount);
+ if (elementsToCopy != 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(newArray, m_pArray, elementsToCopy * sizeof(T));
+ }
+ Free(m_AllocationCallbacks, m_pArray);
+ m_Capacity = newCapacity;
+ m_pArray = newArray;
+ }
+ m_Count = newCount;
+template<typename T>
+void Vector<T>::insert(size_t index, const T& src)
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(index <= m_Count);
+ const size_t oldCount = size();
+ resize(oldCount + 1);
+ if (index < oldCount)
+ {
+ memmove(m_pArray + (index + 1), m_pArray + index, (oldCount - index) * sizeof(T));
+ }
+ m_pArray[index] = src;
+template<typename T>
+void Vector<T>::remove(size_t index)
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(index < m_Count);
+ const size_t oldCount = size();
+ if (index < oldCount - 1)
+ {
+ memmove(m_pArray + index, m_pArray + (index + 1), (oldCount - index - 1) * sizeof(T));
+ }
+ resize(oldCount - 1);
+template<typename T> template<typename CmpLess>
+size_t Vector<T>::InsertSorted(const T& value, const CmpLess& cmp)
+ const size_t indexToInsert = BinaryFindFirstNotLess<CmpLess, iterator, T>(
+ m_pArray,
+ m_pArray + m_Count,
+ value,
+ cmp) - m_pArray;
+ insert(indexToInsert, value);
+ return indexToInsert;
+template<typename T> template<typename CmpLess>
+bool Vector<T>::RemoveSorted(const T& value, const CmpLess& cmp)
+ const iterator it = BinaryFindFirstNotLess(
+ m_pArray,
+ m_pArray + m_Count,
+ value,
+ cmp);
+ if ((it != end()) && !cmp(*it, value) && !cmp(value, *it))
+ {
+ size_t indexToRemove = it - begin();
+ remove(indexToRemove);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+template<typename T>
+Vector<T>& Vector<T>::operator=(const Vector<T>& rhs)
+ if (&rhs != this)
+ {
+ resize(rhs.m_Count);
+ if (m_Count != 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(m_pArray, rhs.m_pArray, m_Count * sizeof(T));
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+template<typename T>
+T& Vector<T>::operator[](size_t index)
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(index < m_Count);
+ return m_pArray[index];
+template<typename T>
+const T& Vector<T>::operator[](size_t index) const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(index < m_Count);
+ return m_pArray[index];
+#endif // _D3D12MA_VECTOR
+class StringBuilder
+ StringBuilder(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks) : m_Data(allocationCallbacks) {}
+ size_t GetLength() const { return m_Data.size(); }
+ LPCWSTR GetData() const { return; }
+ void Add(WCHAR ch) { m_Data.push_back(ch); }
+ void Add(LPCWSTR str);
+ void AddNewLine() { Add(L'\n'); }
+ void AddNumber(UINT num);
+ void AddNumber(UINT64 num);
+ void AddPointer(const void* ptr);
+ Vector<WCHAR> m_Data;
+void StringBuilder::Add(LPCWSTR str)
+ const size_t len = wcslen(str);
+ if (len > 0)
+ {
+ const size_t oldCount = m_Data.size();
+ m_Data.resize(oldCount + len);
+ memcpy( + oldCount, str, len * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ }
+void StringBuilder::AddNumber(UINT num)
+ WCHAR buf[11];
+ buf[10] = L'\0';
+ WCHAR *p = &buf[10];
+ do
+ {
+ *--p = L'0' + (num % 10);
+ num /= 10;
+ }
+ while (num);
+ Add(p);
+void StringBuilder::AddNumber(UINT64 num)
+ WCHAR buf[21];
+ buf[20] = L'\0';
+ WCHAR *p = &buf[20];
+ do
+ {
+ *--p = L'0' + (num % 10);
+ num /= 10;
+ }
+ while (num);
+ Add(p);
+void StringBuilder::AddPointer(const void* ptr)
+ WCHAR buf[21];
+ uintptr_t num = (uintptr_t)ptr;
+ buf[20] = L'\0';
+ WCHAR *p = &buf[20];
+ do
+ {
+ *--p = HexDigitToChar((UINT8)(num & 0xF));
+ num >>= 4;
+ }
+ while (num);
+ Add(p);
+#endif // _D3D12MA_STRING_BUILDER
+#ifndef _D3D12MA_JSON_WRITER
+Allows to conveniently build a correct JSON document to be written to the
+StringBuilder passed to the constructor.
+class JsonWriter
+ // stringBuilder - string builder to write the document to. Must remain alive for the whole lifetime of this object.
+ JsonWriter(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, StringBuilder& stringBuilder);
+ ~JsonWriter();
+ // Begins object by writing "{".
+ // Inside an object, you must call pairs of WriteString and a value, e.g.:
+ // j.BeginObject(true); j.WriteString("A"); j.WriteNumber(1); j.WriteString("B"); j.WriteNumber(2); j.EndObject();
+ // Will write: { "A": 1, "B": 2 }
+ void BeginObject(bool singleLine = false);
+ // Ends object by writing "}".
+ void EndObject();
+ // Begins array by writing "[".
+ // Inside an array, you can write a sequence of any values.
+ void BeginArray(bool singleLine = false);
+ // Ends array by writing "[".
+ void EndArray();
+ // Writes a string value inside "".
+ // pStr can contain any UTF-16 characters, including '"', new line etc. - they will be properly escaped.
+ void WriteString(LPCWSTR pStr);
+ // Begins writing a string value.
+ // Call BeginString, ContinueString, ContinueString, ..., EndString instead of
+ // WriteString to conveniently build the string content incrementally, made of
+ // parts including numbers.
+ void BeginString(LPCWSTR pStr = NULL);
+ // Posts next part of an open string.
+ void ContinueString(LPCWSTR pStr);
+ // Posts next part of an open string. The number is converted to decimal characters.
+ void ContinueString(UINT num);
+ void ContinueString(UINT64 num);
+ void ContinueString_Pointer(const void* ptr);
+ // Posts next part of an open string. Pointer value is converted to characters
+ // using "%p" formatting - shown as hexadecimal number, e.g.: 000000081276Ad00
+ // void ContinueString_Pointer(const void* ptr);
+ // Ends writing a string value by writing '"'.
+ void EndString(LPCWSTR pStr = NULL);
+ // Writes a number value.
+ void WriteNumber(UINT num);
+ void WriteNumber(UINT64 num);
+ // Writes a boolean value - false or true.
+ void WriteBool(bool b);
+ // Writes a null value.
+ void WriteNull();
+ void AddAllocationToObject(const Allocation& alloc);
+ void AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(const DetailedStatistics& stats);
+ static const WCHAR* const INDENT;
+ enum CollectionType
+ {
+ };
+ struct StackItem
+ {
+ CollectionType type;
+ UINT valueCount;
+ bool singleLineMode;
+ };
+ StringBuilder& m_SB;
+ Vector<StackItem> m_Stack;
+ bool m_InsideString;
+ void BeginValue(bool isString);
+ void WriteIndent(bool oneLess = false);
+const WCHAR* const JsonWriter::INDENT = L" ";
+JsonWriter::JsonWriter(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, StringBuilder& stringBuilder)
+ : m_SB(stringBuilder),
+ m_Stack(allocationCallbacks),
+ m_InsideString(false) {}
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_Stack.empty());
+void JsonWriter::BeginObject(bool singleLine)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ BeginValue(false);
+ m_SB.Add(L'{');
+ StackItem stackItem;
+ stackItem.type = COLLECTION_TYPE_OBJECT;
+ stackItem.valueCount = 0;
+ stackItem.singleLineMode = singleLine;
+ m_Stack.push_back(stackItem);
+void JsonWriter::EndObject()
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_Stack.empty() && m_Stack.back().type == COLLECTION_TYPE_OBJECT);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_Stack.back().valueCount % 2 == 0);
+ WriteIndent(true);
+ m_SB.Add(L'}');
+ m_Stack.pop_back();
+void JsonWriter::BeginArray(bool singleLine)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ BeginValue(false);
+ m_SB.Add(L'[');
+ StackItem stackItem;
+ stackItem.type = COLLECTION_TYPE_ARRAY;
+ stackItem.valueCount = 0;
+ stackItem.singleLineMode = singleLine;
+ m_Stack.push_back(stackItem);
+void JsonWriter::EndArray()
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_Stack.empty() && m_Stack.back().type == COLLECTION_TYPE_ARRAY);
+ WriteIndent(true);
+ m_SB.Add(L']');
+ m_Stack.pop_back();
+void JsonWriter::WriteString(LPCWSTR pStr)
+ BeginString(pStr);
+ EndString();
+void JsonWriter::BeginString(LPCWSTR pStr)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ BeginValue(true);
+ m_InsideString = true;
+ m_SB.Add(L'"');
+ if (pStr != NULL)
+ {
+ ContinueString(pStr);
+ }
+void JsonWriter::ContinueString(LPCWSTR pStr)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_InsideString);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStr);
+ for (const WCHAR *p = pStr; *p; ++p)
+ {
+ // the strings we encode are assumed to be in UTF-16LE format, the native
+ // windows wide character Unicode format. In this encoding Unicode code
+ // points U+0000 to U+D7FF and U+E000 to U+FFFF are encoded in two bytes,
+ // and everything else takes more than two bytes. We will reject any
+ // multi wchar character encodings for simplicity.
+ UINT val = (UINT)*p;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(((val <= 0xD7FF) || (0xE000 <= val && val <= 0xFFFF)) &&
+ "Character not currently supported.");
+ switch (*p)
+ {
+ case L'"': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'"'); break;
+ case L'\\': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'\\'); break;
+ case L'/': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'/'); break;
+ case L'\b': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'b'); break;
+ case L'\f': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'f'); break;
+ case L'\n': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'n'); break;
+ case L'\r': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L'r'); break;
+ case L'\t': m_SB.Add(L'\\'); m_SB.Add(L't'); break;
+ default:
+ // conservatively use encoding \uXXXX for any Unicode character
+ // requiring more than one byte.
+ if (32 <= val && val < 256)
+ m_SB.Add(*p);
+ else
+ {
+ m_SB.Add(L'\\');
+ m_SB.Add(L'u');
+ for (UINT i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+ {
+ UINT hexDigit = (val & 0xF000) >> 12;
+ val <<= 4;
+ if (hexDigit < 10)
+ m_SB.Add(L'0' + (WCHAR)hexDigit);
+ else
+ m_SB.Add(L'A' + (WCHAR)hexDigit);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void JsonWriter::ContinueString(UINT num)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_InsideString);
+ m_SB.AddNumber(num);
+void JsonWriter::ContinueString(UINT64 num)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_InsideString);
+ m_SB.AddNumber(num);
+void JsonWriter::ContinueString_Pointer(const void* ptr)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_InsideString);
+ m_SB.AddPointer(ptr);
+void JsonWriter::EndString(LPCWSTR pStr)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_InsideString);
+ if (pStr)
+ ContinueString(pStr);
+ m_SB.Add(L'"');
+ m_InsideString = false;
+void JsonWriter::WriteNumber(UINT num)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ BeginValue(false);
+ m_SB.AddNumber(num);
+void JsonWriter::WriteNumber(UINT64 num)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ BeginValue(false);
+ m_SB.AddNumber(num);
+void JsonWriter::WriteBool(bool b)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ BeginValue(false);
+ if (b)
+ m_SB.Add(L"true");
+ else
+ m_SB.Add(L"false");
+void JsonWriter::WriteNull()
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ BeginValue(false);
+ m_SB.Add(L"null");
+void JsonWriter::AddAllocationToObject(const Allocation& alloc)
+ WriteString(L"Type");
+ switch (alloc.m_PackedData.GetResourceDimension()) {
+ WriteString(L"UNKNOWN");
+ break;
+ WriteString(L"BUFFER");
+ break;
+ WriteString(L"TEXTURE1D");
+ break;
+ WriteString(L"TEXTURE2D");
+ break;
+ WriteString(L"TEXTURE3D");
+ break;
+ default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0); break;
+ }
+ WriteString(L"Size");
+ WriteNumber(alloc.GetSize());
+ WriteString(L"Usage");
+ WriteNumber((UINT)alloc.m_PackedData.GetResourceFlags());
+ void* privateData = alloc.GetPrivateData();
+ if (privateData)
+ {
+ WriteString(L"CustomData");
+ BeginString();
+ ContinueString_Pointer(privateData);
+ EndString();
+ }
+ LPCWSTR name = alloc.GetName();
+ if (name != NULL)
+ {
+ WriteString(L"Name");
+ WriteString(name);
+ }
+ if (alloc.m_PackedData.GetTextureLayout())
+ {
+ WriteString(L"Layout");
+ WriteNumber((UINT)alloc.m_PackedData.GetTextureLayout());
+ }
+void JsonWriter::AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(const DetailedStatistics& stats)
+ BeginObject();
+ WriteString(L"BlockCount");
+ WriteNumber(stats.Stats.BlockCount);
+ WriteString(L"BlockBytes");
+ WriteNumber(stats.Stats.BlockBytes);
+ WriteString(L"AllocationCount");
+ WriteNumber(stats.Stats.AllocationCount);
+ WriteString(L"AllocationBytes");
+ WriteNumber(stats.Stats.AllocationBytes);
+ WriteString(L"UnusedRangeCount");
+ WriteNumber(stats.UnusedRangeCount);
+ if (stats.Stats.AllocationCount > 1)
+ {
+ WriteString(L"AllocationSizeMin");
+ WriteNumber(stats.AllocationSizeMin);
+ WriteString(L"AllocationSizeMax");
+ WriteNumber(stats.AllocationSizeMax);
+ }
+ if (stats.UnusedRangeCount > 1)
+ {
+ WriteString(L"UnusedRangeSizeMin");
+ WriteNumber(stats.UnusedRangeSizeMin);
+ WriteString(L"UnusedRangeSizeMax");
+ WriteNumber(stats.UnusedRangeSizeMax);
+ }
+ EndObject();
+void JsonWriter::BeginValue(bool isString)
+ if (!m_Stack.empty())
+ {
+ StackItem& currItem = m_Stack.back();
+ if (currItem.type == COLLECTION_TYPE_OBJECT && currItem.valueCount % 2 == 0)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(isString);
+ }
+ if (currItem.type == COLLECTION_TYPE_OBJECT && currItem.valueCount % 2 == 1)
+ {
+ m_SB.Add(L':'); m_SB.Add(L' ');
+ }
+ else if (currItem.valueCount > 0)
+ {
+ m_SB.Add(L','); m_SB.Add(L' ');
+ WriteIndent();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WriteIndent();
+ }
+ ++currItem.valueCount;
+ }
+void JsonWriter::WriteIndent(bool oneLess)
+ if (!m_Stack.empty() && !m_Stack.back().singleLineMode)
+ {
+ m_SB.AddNewLine();
+ size_t count = m_Stack.size();
+ if (count > 0 && oneLess)
+ {
+ --count;
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ m_SB.Add(INDENT);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // _D3D12MA_JSON_WRITER
+Allocator for objects of type T using a list of arrays (pools) to speed up
+allocation. Number of elements that can be allocated is not bounded because
+allocator can create multiple blocks.
+T should be POD because constructor and destructor is not called in Alloc or
+template<typename T>
+class PoolAllocator
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(PoolAllocator)
+ // allocationCallbacks externally owned, must outlive this object.
+ PoolAllocator(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, UINT firstBlockCapacity);
+ ~PoolAllocator() { Clear(); }
+ void Clear();
+ template<typename... Types>
+ T* Alloc(Types... args);
+ void Free(T* ptr);
+ union Item
+ {
+ UINT NextFreeIndex; // UINT32_MAX means end of list.
+ alignas(T) char Value[sizeof(T)];
+ };
+ struct ItemBlock
+ {
+ Item* pItems;
+ UINT Capacity;
+ UINT FirstFreeIndex;
+ };
+ const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& m_AllocationCallbacks;
+ const UINT m_FirstBlockCapacity;
+ Vector<ItemBlock> m_ItemBlocks;
+ ItemBlock& CreateNewBlock();
+template<typename T>
+PoolAllocator<T>::PoolAllocator(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, UINT firstBlockCapacity)
+ : m_AllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks),
+ m_FirstBlockCapacity(firstBlockCapacity),
+ m_ItemBlocks(allocationCallbacks)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_FirstBlockCapacity > 1);
+template<typename T>
+void PoolAllocator<T>::Clear()
+ for(size_t i = m_ItemBlocks.size(); i--; )
+ {
+ D3D12MA_DELETE_ARRAY(m_AllocationCallbacks, m_ItemBlocks[i].pItems, m_ItemBlocks[i].Capacity);
+ }
+ m_ItemBlocks.clear(true);
+template<typename T> template<typename... Types>
+T* PoolAllocator<T>::Alloc(Types... args)
+ for(size_t i = m_ItemBlocks.size(); i--; )
+ {
+ ItemBlock& block = m_ItemBlocks[i];
+ // This block has some free items: Use first one.
+ if(block.FirstFreeIndex != UINT32_MAX)
+ {
+ Item* const pItem = &block.pItems[block.FirstFreeIndex];
+ block.FirstFreeIndex = pItem->NextFreeIndex;
+ T* result = (T*)&pItem->Value;
+ new(result)T(std::forward<Types>(args)...); // Explicit constructor call.
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ // No block has free item: Create new one and use it.
+ ItemBlock& newBlock = CreateNewBlock();
+ Item* const pItem = &newBlock.pItems[0];
+ newBlock.FirstFreeIndex = pItem->NextFreeIndex;
+ T* result = (T*)pItem->Value;
+ new(result)T(std::forward<Types>(args)...); // Explicit constructor call.
+ return result;
+template<typename T>
+void PoolAllocator<T>::Free(T* ptr)
+ // Search all memory blocks to find ptr.
+ for(size_t i = m_ItemBlocks.size(); i--; )
+ {
+ ItemBlock& block = m_ItemBlocks[i];
+ Item* pItemPtr;
+ memcpy(&pItemPtr, &ptr, sizeof(pItemPtr));
+ // Check if pItemPtr is in address range of this block.
+ if((pItemPtr >= block.pItems) && (pItemPtr < block.pItems + block.Capacity))
+ {
+ ptr->~T(); // Explicit destructor call.
+ const UINT index = static_cast<UINT>(pItemPtr - block.pItems);
+ pItemPtr->NextFreeIndex = block.FirstFreeIndex;
+ block.FirstFreeIndex = index;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Pointer doesn't belong to this memory pool.");
+template<typename T>
+typename PoolAllocator<T>::ItemBlock& PoolAllocator<T>::CreateNewBlock()
+ const UINT newBlockCapacity = m_ItemBlocks.empty() ?
+ m_FirstBlockCapacity : m_ItemBlocks.back().Capacity * 3 / 2;
+ const ItemBlock newBlock = {
+ D3D12MA_NEW_ARRAY(m_AllocationCallbacks, Item, newBlockCapacity),
+ newBlockCapacity,
+ 0 };
+ m_ItemBlocks.push_back(newBlock);
+ // Setup singly-linked list of all free items in this block.
+ for(UINT i = 0; i < newBlockCapacity - 1; ++i)
+ {
+ newBlock.pItems[i].NextFreeIndex = i + 1;
+ }
+ newBlock.pItems[newBlockCapacity - 1].NextFreeIndex = UINT32_MAX;
+ return m_ItemBlocks.back();
+#endif // _D3D12MA_POOL_ALLOCATOR
+#ifndef _D3D12MA_LIST
+Doubly linked list, with elements allocated out of PoolAllocator.
+Has custom interface, as well as STL-style interface, including iterator and
+template<typename T>
+class List
+ struct Item
+ {
+ Item* pPrev;
+ Item* pNext;
+ T Value;
+ };
+ class reverse_iterator;
+ class const_reverse_iterator;
+ class iterator
+ {
+ friend class List<T>;
+ friend class const_iterator;
+ public:
+ iterator() = default;
+ iterator(const reverse_iterator& src)
+ : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {}
+ T& operator*() const;
+ T* operator->() const;
+ iterator& operator++();
+ iterator& operator--();
+ iterator operator++(int);
+ iterator operator--(int);
+ bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const;
+ bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const;
+ private:
+ List<T>* m_pList = NULL;
+ Item* m_pItem = NULL;
+ iterator(List<T>* pList, Item* pItem) : m_pList(pList), m_pItem(pItem) {}
+ };
+ class reverse_iterator
+ {
+ friend class List<T>;
+ friend class const_reverse_iterator;
+ public:
+ reverse_iterator() = default;
+ reverse_iterator(const iterator& src)
+ : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {}
+ T& operator*() const;
+ T* operator->() const;
+ reverse_iterator& operator++();
+ reverse_iterator& operator--();
+ reverse_iterator operator++(int);
+ reverse_iterator operator--(int);
+ bool operator==(const reverse_iterator& rhs) const;
+ bool operator!=(const reverse_iterator& rhs) const;
+ private:
+ List<T>* m_pList = NULL;
+ Item* m_pItem = NULL;
+ reverse_iterator(List<T>* pList, Item* pItem)
+ : m_pList(pList), m_pItem(pItem) {}
+ };
+ class const_iterator
+ {
+ friend class List<T>;
+ public:
+ const_iterator() = default;
+ const_iterator(const iterator& src)
+ : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {}
+ const_iterator(const reverse_iterator& src)
+ : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {}
+ const_iterator(const const_reverse_iterator& src)
+ : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {}
+ iterator dropConst() const;
+ const T& operator*() const;
+ const T* operator->() const;
+ const_iterator& operator++();
+ const_iterator& operator--();
+ const_iterator operator++(int);
+ const_iterator operator--(int);
+ bool operator==(const const_iterator& rhs) const;
+ bool operator!=(const const_iterator& rhs) const;
+ private:
+ const List<T>* m_pList = NULL;
+ const Item* m_pItem = NULL;
+ const_iterator(const List<T>* pList, const Item* pItem)
+ : m_pList(pList), m_pItem(pItem) {}
+ };
+ class const_reverse_iterator
+ {
+ friend class List<T>;
+ public:
+ const_reverse_iterator() = default;
+ const_reverse_iterator(const iterator& src)
+ : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {}
+ const_reverse_iterator(const reverse_iterator& src)
+ : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {}
+ const_reverse_iterator(const const_iterator& src)
+ : m_pList(src.m_pList), m_pItem(src.m_pItem) {}
+ reverse_iterator dropConst() const;
+ const T& operator*() const;
+ const T* operator->() const;
+ const_reverse_iterator& operator++();
+ const_reverse_iterator& operator--();
+ const_reverse_iterator operator++(int);
+ const_reverse_iterator operator--(int);
+ bool operator==(const const_reverse_iterator& rhs) const;
+ bool operator!=(const const_reverse_iterator& rhs) const;
+ private:
+ const List<T>* m_pList = NULL;
+ const Item* m_pItem = NULL;
+ const_reverse_iterator(const List<T>* pList, const Item* pItem)
+ : m_pList(pList), m_pItem(pItem) {}
+ };
+ // allocationCallbacks externally owned, must outlive this object.
+ List(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks);
+ // Intentionally not calling Clear, because that would be unnecessary
+ // computations to return all items to m_ItemAllocator as free.
+ ~List() = default;
+ size_t GetCount() const { return m_Count; }
+ bool IsEmpty() const { return m_Count == 0; }
+ Item* Front() { return m_pFront; }
+ const Item* Front() const { return m_pFront; }
+ Item* Back() { return m_pBack; }
+ const Item* Back() const { return m_pBack; }
+ bool empty() const { return IsEmpty(); }
+ size_t size() const { return GetCount(); }
+ void push_back(const T& value) { PushBack(value); }
+ iterator insert(iterator it, const T& value) { return iterator(this, InsertBefore(it.m_pItem, value)); }
+ void clear() { Clear(); }
+ void erase(iterator it) { Remove(it.m_pItem); }
+ iterator begin() { return iterator(this, Front()); }
+ iterator end() { return iterator(this, NULL); }
+ reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(this, Back()); }
+ reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(this, NULL); }
+ const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(this, Front()); }
+ const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(this, NULL); }
+ const_iterator begin() const { return cbegin(); }
+ const_iterator end() const { return cend(); }
+ const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(this, Back()); }
+ const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(this, NULL); }
+ const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return crbegin(); }
+ const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return crend(); }
+ Item* PushBack();
+ Item* PushFront();
+ Item* PushBack(const T& value);
+ Item* PushFront(const T& value);
+ void PopBack();
+ void PopFront();
+ // Item can be null - it means PushBack.
+ Item* InsertBefore(Item* pItem);
+ // Item can be null - it means PushFront.
+ Item* InsertAfter(Item* pItem);
+ Item* InsertBefore(Item* pItem, const T& value);
+ Item* InsertAfter(Item* pItem, const T& value);
+ void Clear();
+ void Remove(Item* pItem);
+ const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& m_AllocationCallbacks;
+ PoolAllocator<Item> m_ItemAllocator;
+ Item* m_pFront;
+ Item* m_pBack;
+ size_t m_Count;
+template<typename T>
+T& List<T>::iterator::operator*() const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL);
+ return m_pItem->Value;
+template<typename T>
+T* List<T>::iterator::operator->() const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL);
+ return &m_pItem->Value;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::iterator& List<T>::iterator::operator++()
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL);
+ m_pItem = m_pItem->pNext;
+ return *this;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::iterator& List<T>::iterator::operator--()
+ if (m_pItem != NULL)
+ {
+ m_pItem = m_pItem->pPrev;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(!m_pList->IsEmpty());
+ m_pItem = m_pList->Back();
+ }
+ return *this;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::iterator::operator++(int)
+ iterator result = *this;
+ ++* this;
+ return result;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::iterator::operator--(int)
+ iterator result = *this;
+ --* this;
+ return result;
+template<typename T>
+bool List<T>::iterator::operator==(const iterator& rhs) const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList);
+ return m_pItem == rhs.m_pItem;
+template<typename T>
+bool List<T>::iterator::operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList);
+ return m_pItem != rhs.m_pItem;
+template<typename T>
+T& List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator*() const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL);
+ return m_pItem->Value;
+template<typename T>
+T* List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator->() const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL);
+ return &m_pItem->Value;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::reverse_iterator& List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator++()
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL);
+ m_pItem = m_pItem->pPrev;
+ return *this;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::reverse_iterator& List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator--()
+ if (m_pItem != NULL)
+ {
+ m_pItem = m_pItem->pNext;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(!m_pList->IsEmpty());
+ m_pItem = m_pList->Front();
+ }
+ return *this;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::reverse_iterator List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator++(int)
+ reverse_iterator result = *this;
+ ++* this;
+ return result;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::reverse_iterator List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator--(int)
+ reverse_iterator result = *this;
+ --* this;
+ return result;
+template<typename T>
+bool List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator==(const reverse_iterator& rhs) const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList);
+ return m_pItem == rhs.m_pItem;
+template<typename T>
+bool List<T>::reverse_iterator::operator!=(const reverse_iterator& rhs) const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList);
+ return m_pItem != rhs.m_pItem;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::const_iterator::dropConst() const
+ return iterator(const_cast<List<T>*>(m_pList), const_cast<Item*>(m_pItem));
+template<typename T>
+const T& List<T>::const_iterator::operator*() const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL);
+ return m_pItem->Value;
+template<typename T>
+const T* List<T>::const_iterator::operator->() const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL);
+ return &m_pItem->Value;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::const_iterator& List<T>::const_iterator::operator++()
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL);
+ m_pItem = m_pItem->pNext;
+ return *this;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::const_iterator& List<T>::const_iterator::operator--()
+ if (m_pItem != NULL)
+ {
+ m_pItem = m_pItem->pPrev;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(!m_pList->IsEmpty());
+ m_pItem = m_pList->Back();
+ }
+ return *this;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::const_iterator List<T>::const_iterator::operator++(int)
+ const_iterator result = *this;
+ ++* this;
+ return result;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::const_iterator List<T>::const_iterator::operator--(int)
+ const_iterator result = *this;
+ --* this;
+ return result;
+template<typename T>
+bool List<T>::const_iterator::operator==(const const_iterator& rhs) const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList);
+ return m_pItem == rhs.m_pItem;
+template<typename T>
+bool List<T>::const_iterator::operator!=(const const_iterator& rhs) const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList);
+ return m_pItem != rhs.m_pItem;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::reverse_iterator List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::dropConst() const
+ return reverse_iterator(const_cast<List<T>*>(m_pList), const_cast<Item*>(m_pItem));
+template<typename T>
+const T& List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator*() const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL);
+ return m_pItem->Value;
+template<typename T>
+const T* List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator->() const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL);
+ return &m_pItem->Value;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::const_reverse_iterator& List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator++()
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pItem != NULL);
+ m_pItem = m_pItem->pPrev;
+ return *this;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::const_reverse_iterator& List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator--()
+ if (m_pItem != NULL)
+ {
+ m_pItem = m_pItem->pNext;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(!m_pList->IsEmpty());
+ m_pItem = m_pList->Front();
+ }
+ return *this;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::const_reverse_iterator List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator++(int)
+ const_reverse_iterator result = *this;
+ ++* this;
+ return result;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::const_reverse_iterator List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator--(int)
+ const_reverse_iterator result = *this;
+ --* this;
+ return result;
+template<typename T>
+bool List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator==(const const_reverse_iterator& rhs) const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList);
+ return m_pItem == rhs.m_pItem;
+template<typename T>
+bool List<T>::const_reverse_iterator::operator!=(const const_reverse_iterator& rhs) const
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList);
+ return m_pItem != rhs.m_pItem;
+template<typename T>
+List<T>::List(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks)
+ : m_AllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks),
+ m_ItemAllocator(allocationCallbacks, 128),
+ m_pFront(NULL),
+ m_pBack(NULL),
+ m_Count(0) {}
+template<typename T>
+void List<T>::Clear()
+ if(!IsEmpty())
+ {
+ Item* pItem = m_pBack;
+ while(pItem != NULL)
+ {
+ Item* const pPrevItem = pItem->pPrev;
+ m_ItemAllocator.Free(pItem);
+ pItem = pPrevItem;
+ }
+ m_pFront = NULL;
+ m_pBack = NULL;
+ m_Count = 0;
+ }
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::PushBack()
+ Item* const pNewItem = m_ItemAllocator.Alloc();
+ pNewItem->pNext = NULL;
+ if(IsEmpty())
+ {
+ pNewItem->pPrev = NULL;
+ m_pFront = pNewItem;
+ m_pBack = pNewItem;
+ m_Count = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pNewItem->pPrev = m_pBack;
+ m_pBack->pNext = pNewItem;
+ m_pBack = pNewItem;
+ ++m_Count;
+ }
+ return pNewItem;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::PushFront()
+ Item* const pNewItem = m_ItemAllocator.Alloc();
+ pNewItem->pPrev = NULL;
+ if(IsEmpty())
+ {
+ pNewItem->pNext = NULL;
+ m_pFront = pNewItem;
+ m_pBack = pNewItem;
+ m_Count = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pNewItem->pNext = m_pFront;
+ m_pFront->pPrev = pNewItem;
+ m_pFront = pNewItem;
+ ++m_Count;
+ }
+ return pNewItem;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::PushBack(const T& value)
+ Item* const pNewItem = PushBack();
+ pNewItem->Value = value;
+ return pNewItem;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::PushFront(const T& value)
+ Item* const pNewItem = PushFront();
+ pNewItem->Value = value;
+ return pNewItem;
+template<typename T>
+void List<T>::PopBack()
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ Item* const pBackItem = m_pBack;
+ Item* const pPrevItem = pBackItem->pPrev;
+ if(pPrevItem != NULL)
+ {
+ pPrevItem->pNext = NULL;
+ }
+ m_pBack = pPrevItem;
+ m_ItemAllocator.Free(pBackItem);
+ --m_Count;
+template<typename T>
+void List<T>::PopFront()
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ Item* const pFrontItem = m_pFront;
+ Item* const pNextItem = pFrontItem->pNext;
+ if(pNextItem != NULL)
+ {
+ pNextItem->pPrev = NULL;
+ }
+ m_pFront = pNextItem;
+ m_ItemAllocator.Free(pFrontItem);
+ --m_Count;
+template<typename T>
+void List<T>::Remove(Item* pItem)
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ if(pItem->pPrev != NULL)
+ {
+ pItem->pPrev->pNext = pItem->pNext;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pFront == pItem);
+ m_pFront = pItem->pNext;
+ }
+ if(pItem->pNext != NULL)
+ {
+ pItem->pNext->pPrev = pItem->pPrev;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pBack == pItem);
+ m_pBack = pItem->pPrev;
+ }
+ m_ItemAllocator.Free(pItem);
+ --m_Count;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::InsertBefore(Item* pItem)
+ if(pItem != NULL)
+ {
+ Item* const prevItem = pItem->pPrev;
+ Item* const newItem = m_ItemAllocator.Alloc();
+ newItem->pPrev = prevItem;
+ newItem->pNext = pItem;
+ pItem->pPrev = newItem;
+ if(prevItem != NULL)
+ {
+ prevItem->pNext = newItem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pFront == pItem);
+ m_pFront = newItem;
+ }
+ ++m_Count;
+ return newItem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return PushBack();
+ }
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::InsertAfter(Item* pItem)
+ if(pItem != NULL)
+ {
+ Item* const nextItem = pItem->pNext;
+ Item* const newItem = m_ItemAllocator.Alloc();
+ newItem->pNext = nextItem;
+ newItem->pPrev = pItem;
+ pItem->pNext = newItem;
+ if(nextItem != NULL)
+ {
+ nextItem->pPrev = newItem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pBack == pItem);
+ m_pBack = newItem;
+ }
+ ++m_Count;
+ return newItem;
+ }
+ else
+ return PushFront();
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::InsertBefore(Item* pItem, const T& value)
+ Item* const newItem = InsertBefore(pItem);
+ newItem->Value = value;
+ return newItem;
+template<typename T>
+typename List<T>::Item* List<T>::InsertAfter(Item* pItem, const T& value)
+ Item* const newItem = InsertAfter(pItem);
+ newItem->Value = value;
+ return newItem;
+#endif // _D3D12MA_LIST_FUNCTIONS
+#endif // _D3D12MA_LIST
+Expected interface of ItemTypeTraits:
+struct MyItemTypeTraits
+ using ItemType = MyItem;
+ static ItemType* GetPrev(const ItemType* item) { return item->myPrevPtr; }
+ static ItemType* GetNext(const ItemType* item) { return item->myNextPtr; }
+ static ItemType*& AccessPrev(ItemType* item) { return item->myPrevPtr; }
+ static ItemType*& AccessNext(ItemType* item) { return item->myNextPtr; }
+template<typename ItemTypeTraits>
+class IntrusiveLinkedList
+ using ItemType = typename ItemTypeTraits::ItemType;
+ static ItemType* GetPrev(const ItemType* item) { return ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(item); }
+ static ItemType* GetNext(const ItemType* item) { return ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(item); }
+ // Movable, not copyable.
+ IntrusiveLinkedList() = default;
+ IntrusiveLinkedList(const IntrusiveLinkedList&) = delete;
+ IntrusiveLinkedList(IntrusiveLinkedList&& src);
+ IntrusiveLinkedList& operator=(const IntrusiveLinkedList&) = delete;
+ IntrusiveLinkedList& operator=(IntrusiveLinkedList&& src);
+ ~IntrusiveLinkedList() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(IsEmpty()); }
+ size_t GetCount() const { return m_Count; }
+ bool IsEmpty() const { return m_Count == 0; }
+ ItemType* Front() { return m_Front; }
+ ItemType* Back() { return m_Back; }
+ const ItemType* Front() const { return m_Front; }
+ const ItemType* Back() const { return m_Back; }
+ void PushBack(ItemType* item);
+ void PushFront(ItemType* item);
+ ItemType* PopBack();
+ ItemType* PopFront();
+ // MyItem can be null - it means PushBack.
+ void InsertBefore(ItemType* existingItem, ItemType* newItem);
+ // MyItem can be null - it means PushFront.
+ void InsertAfter(ItemType* existingItem, ItemType* newItem);
+ void Remove(ItemType* item);
+ void RemoveAll();
+ ItemType* m_Front = NULL;
+ ItemType* m_Back = NULL;
+ size_t m_Count = 0;
+template<typename ItemTypeTraits>
+IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::IntrusiveLinkedList(IntrusiveLinkedList&& src)
+ : m_Front(src.m_Front), m_Back(src.m_Back), m_Count(src.m_Count)
+ src.m_Front = src.m_Back = NULL;
+ src.m_Count = 0;
+template<typename ItemTypeTraits>
+IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>& IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::operator=(IntrusiveLinkedList&& src)
+ if (&src != this)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(IsEmpty());
+ m_Front = src.m_Front;
+ m_Back = src.m_Back;
+ m_Count = src.m_Count;
+ src.m_Front = src.m_Back = NULL;
+ src.m_Count = 0;
+ }
+ return *this;
+template<typename ItemTypeTraits>
+void IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::PushBack(ItemType* item)
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(item) == NULL && ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(item) == NULL);
+ if (IsEmpty())
+ {
+ m_Front = item;
+ m_Back = item;
+ m_Count = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(item) = m_Back;
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(m_Back) = item;
+ m_Back = item;
+ ++m_Count;
+ }
+template<typename ItemTypeTraits>
+void IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::PushFront(ItemType* item)
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(item) == NULL && ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(item) == NULL);
+ if (IsEmpty())
+ {
+ m_Front = item;
+ m_Back = item;
+ m_Count = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(item) = m_Front;
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(m_Front) = item;
+ m_Front = item;
+ ++m_Count;
+ }
+template<typename ItemTypeTraits>
+typename IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::ItemType* IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::PopBack()
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ ItemType* const backItem = m_Back;
+ ItemType* const prevItem = ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(backItem);
+ if (prevItem != NULL)
+ {
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(prevItem) = NULL;
+ }
+ m_Back = prevItem;
+ --m_Count;
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(backItem) = NULL;
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(backItem) = NULL;
+ return backItem;
+template<typename ItemTypeTraits>
+typename IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::ItemType* IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::PopFront()
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ ItemType* const frontItem = m_Front;
+ ItemType* const nextItem = ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(frontItem);
+ if (nextItem != NULL)
+ {
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(nextItem) = NULL;
+ }
+ m_Front = nextItem;
+ --m_Count;
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(frontItem) = NULL;
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(frontItem) = NULL;
+ return frontItem;
+template<typename ItemTypeTraits>
+void IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::InsertBefore(ItemType* existingItem, ItemType* newItem)
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(newItem != NULL && ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(newItem) == NULL && ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(newItem) == NULL);
+ if (existingItem != NULL)
+ {
+ ItemType* const prevItem = ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(existingItem);
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(newItem) = prevItem;
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(newItem) = existingItem;
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(existingItem) = newItem;
+ if (prevItem != NULL)
+ {
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(prevItem) = newItem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Front == existingItem);
+ m_Front = newItem;
+ }
+ ++m_Count;
+ }
+ else
+ PushBack(newItem);
+template<typename ItemTypeTraits>
+void IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::InsertAfter(ItemType* existingItem, ItemType* newItem)
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(newItem != NULL && ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(newItem) == NULL && ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(newItem) == NULL);
+ if (existingItem != NULL)
+ {
+ ItemType* const nextItem = ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(existingItem);
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(newItem) = nextItem;
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(newItem) = existingItem;
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(existingItem) = newItem;
+ if (nextItem != NULL)
+ {
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(nextItem) = newItem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Back == existingItem);
+ m_Back = newItem;
+ }
+ ++m_Count;
+ }
+ else
+ return PushFront(newItem);
+template<typename ItemTypeTraits>
+void IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::Remove(ItemType* item)
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(item != NULL && m_Count > 0);
+ if (ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(item) != NULL)
+ {
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(item)) = ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(item);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Front == item);
+ m_Front = ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(item);
+ }
+ if (ItemTypeTraits::GetNext(item) != NULL)
+ {
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(item)) = ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(item);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Back == item);
+ m_Back = ItemTypeTraits::GetPrev(item);
+ }
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(item) = NULL;
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(item) = NULL;
+ --m_Count;
+template<typename ItemTypeTraits>
+void IntrusiveLinkedList<ItemTypeTraits>::RemoveAll()
+ if (!IsEmpty())
+ {
+ ItemType* item = m_Back;
+ while (item != NULL)
+ {
+ ItemType* const prevItem = ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(item);
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessPrev(item) = NULL;
+ ItemTypeTraits::AccessNext(item) = NULL;
+ item = prevItem;
+ }
+ m_Front = NULL;
+ m_Back = NULL;
+ m_Count = 0;
+ }
+Thread-safe wrapper over PoolAllocator free list, for allocation of Allocation objects.
+class AllocationObjectAllocator
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(AllocationObjectAllocator);
+ AllocationObjectAllocator(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks)
+ : m_Allocator(allocationCallbacks, 1024) {}
+ template<typename... Types>
+ Allocation* Allocate(Types... args);
+ void Free(Allocation* alloc);
+ D3D12MA_MUTEX m_Mutex;
+ PoolAllocator<Allocation> m_Allocator;
+template<typename... Types>
+Allocation* AllocationObjectAllocator::Allocate(Types... args)
+ MutexLock mutexLock(m_Mutex);
+ return m_Allocator.Alloc(std::forward<Types>(args)...);
+void AllocationObjectAllocator::Free(Allocation* alloc)
+ MutexLock mutexLock(m_Mutex);
+ m_Allocator.Free(alloc);
+Represents a region of NormalBlock that is either assigned and returned as
+allocated memory block or free.
+struct Suballocation
+ UINT64 offset;
+ UINT64 size;
+ void* privateData;
+ SuballocationType type;
+using SuballocationList = List<Suballocation>;
+// Comparator for offsets.
+struct SuballocationOffsetLess
+ bool operator()(const Suballocation& lhs, const Suballocation& rhs) const
+ {
+ return lhs.offset < rhs.offset;
+ }
+struct SuballocationOffsetGreater
+ bool operator()(const Suballocation& lhs, const Suballocation& rhs) const
+ {
+ return lhs.offset > rhs.offset;
+ }
+struct SuballocationItemSizeLess
+ bool operator()(const SuballocationList::iterator lhs, const SuballocationList::iterator rhs) const
+ {
+ return lhs->size < rhs->size;
+ }
+ bool operator()(const SuballocationList::iterator lhs, UINT64 rhsSize) const
+ {
+ return lhs->size < rhsSize;
+ }
+Parameters of planned allocation inside a NormalBlock.
+struct AllocationRequest
+ AllocHandle allocHandle;
+ UINT64 size;
+ UINT64 algorithmData;
+ UINT64 sumFreeSize; // Sum size of free items that overlap with proposed allocation.
+ UINT64 sumItemSize; // Sum size of items to make lost that overlap with proposed allocation.
+ SuballocationList::iterator item;
+ BOOL zeroInitialized = FALSE; // TODO Implement proper handling in TLSF and Linear, using ZeroInitializedRange class.
+Keeps track of the range of bytes that are surely initialized with zeros.
+Everything outside of it is considered uninitialized memory that may contain
+garbage data.
+The range is left-inclusive.
+class ZeroInitializedRange
+ void Reset(UINT64 size);
+ BOOL IsRangeZeroInitialized(UINT64 beg, UINT64 end) const;
+ void MarkRangeAsUsed(UINT64 usedBeg, UINT64 usedEnd);
+ UINT64 m_ZeroBeg = 0, m_ZeroEnd = 0;
+void ZeroInitializedRange::Reset(UINT64 size)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(size > 0);
+ m_ZeroBeg = 0;
+ m_ZeroEnd = size;
+BOOL ZeroInitializedRange::IsRangeZeroInitialized(UINT64 beg, UINT64 end) const
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(beg < end);
+ return m_ZeroBeg <= beg && end <= m_ZeroEnd;
+void ZeroInitializedRange::MarkRangeAsUsed(UINT64 usedBeg, UINT64 usedEnd)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(usedBeg < usedEnd);
+ // No new bytes marked.
+ if (usedEnd <= m_ZeroBeg || m_ZeroEnd <= usedBeg)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // All bytes marked.
+ if (usedBeg <= m_ZeroBeg && m_ZeroEnd <= usedEnd)
+ {
+ m_ZeroBeg = m_ZeroEnd = 0;
+ }
+ // Some bytes marked.
+ else
+ {
+ const UINT64 remainingZeroBefore = usedBeg > m_ZeroBeg ? usedBeg - m_ZeroBeg : 0;
+ const UINT64 remainingZeroAfter = usedEnd < m_ZeroEnd ? m_ZeroEnd - usedEnd : 0;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(remainingZeroBefore > 0 || remainingZeroAfter > 0);
+ if (remainingZeroBefore > remainingZeroAfter)
+ {
+ m_ZeroEnd = usedBeg;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_ZeroBeg = usedEnd;
+ }
+ }
+Data structure used for bookkeeping of allocations and unused ranges of memory
+in a single ID3D12Heap memory block.
+class BlockMetadata
+ BlockMetadata(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual);
+ virtual ~BlockMetadata() = default;
+ virtual void Init(UINT64 size) { m_Size = size; }
+ // Validates all data structures inside this object. If not valid, returns false.
+ virtual bool Validate() const = 0;
+ UINT64 GetSize() const { return m_Size; }
+ bool IsVirtual() const { return m_IsVirtual; }
+ virtual size_t GetAllocationCount() const = 0;
+ virtual size_t GetFreeRegionsCount() const = 0;
+ virtual UINT64 GetSumFreeSize() const = 0;
+ virtual UINT64 GetAllocationOffset(AllocHandle allocHandle) const = 0;
+ // Returns true if this block is empty - contains only single free suballocation.
+ virtual bool IsEmpty() const = 0;
+ virtual void GetAllocationInfo(AllocHandle allocHandle, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO& outInfo) const = 0;
+ // Tries to find a place for suballocation with given parameters inside this block.
+ // If succeeded, fills pAllocationRequest and returns true.
+ // If failed, returns false.
+ virtual bool CreateAllocationRequest(
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ UINT32 strategy,
+ AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) = 0;
+ // Makes actual allocation based on request. Request must already be checked and valid.
+ virtual void Alloc(
+ const AllocationRequest& request,
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ void* PrivateData) = 0;
+ virtual void Free(AllocHandle allocHandle) = 0;
+ // Frees all allocations.
+ // Careful! Don't call it if there are Allocation objects owned by pPrivateData of of cleared allocations!
+ virtual void Clear() = 0;
+ virtual AllocHandle GetAllocationListBegin() const = 0;
+ virtual AllocHandle GetNextAllocation(AllocHandle prevAlloc) const = 0;
+ virtual UINT64 GetNextFreeRegionSize(AllocHandle alloc) const = 0;
+ virtual void* GetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle) const = 0;
+ virtual void SetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle, void* privateData) = 0;
+ virtual void AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) const = 0;
+ virtual void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) const = 0;
+ virtual void WriteAllocationInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) const = 0;
+ virtual void DebugLogAllAllocations() const = 0;
+ const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* GetAllocs() const { return m_pAllocationCallbacks; }
+ UINT64 GetDebugMargin() const { return IsVirtual() ? 0 : D3D12MA_DEBUG_MARGIN; }
+ void DebugLogAllocation(UINT64 offset, UINT64 size, void* privateData) const;
+ void PrintDetailedMap_Begin(JsonWriter& json,
+ UINT64 unusedBytes,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ size_t unusedRangeCount) const;
+ void PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(JsonWriter& json,
+ UINT64 offset, UINT64 size, void* privateData) const;
+ void PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(JsonWriter& json,
+ UINT64 offset, UINT64 size) const;
+ void PrintDetailedMap_End(JsonWriter& json) const;
+ UINT64 m_Size;
+ bool m_IsVirtual;
+ const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* m_pAllocationCallbacks;
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(BlockMetadata);
+BlockMetadata::BlockMetadata(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual)
+ : m_Size(0),
+ m_IsVirtual(isVirtual),
+ m_pAllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocationCallbacks);
+void BlockMetadata::DebugLogAllocation(UINT64 offset, UINT64 size, void* privateData) const
+ if (IsVirtual())
+ {
+ D3D12MA_DEBUG_LOG(L"UNFREED VIRTUAL ALLOCATION; Offset: %llu; Size: %llu; PrivateData: %p", offset, size, privateData);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(privateData != NULL);
+ Allocation* allocation = reinterpret_cast<Allocation*>(privateData);
+ privateData = allocation->GetPrivateData();
+ LPCWSTR name = allocation->GetName();
+ D3D12MA_DEBUG_LOG(L"UNFREED ALLOCATION; Offset: %llu; Size: %llu; PrivateData: %p; Name: %s",
+ offset, size, privateData, name ? name : L"D3D12MA_Empty");
+ }
+void BlockMetadata::PrintDetailedMap_Begin(JsonWriter& json,
+ UINT64 unusedBytes, size_t allocationCount, size_t unusedRangeCount) const
+ json.WriteString(L"TotalBytes");
+ json.WriteNumber(GetSize());
+ json.WriteString(L"UnusedBytes");
+ json.WriteNumber(unusedBytes);
+ json.WriteString(L"Allocations");
+ json.WriteNumber((UINT64)allocationCount);
+ json.WriteString(L"UnusedRanges");
+ json.WriteNumber((UINT64)unusedRangeCount);
+ json.WriteString(L"Suballocations");
+ json.BeginArray();
+void BlockMetadata::PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(JsonWriter& json,
+ UINT64 offset, UINT64 size, void* privateData) const
+ json.BeginObject(true);
+ json.WriteString(L"Offset");
+ json.WriteNumber(offset);
+ if (IsVirtual())
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"Size");
+ json.WriteNumber(size);
+ if (privateData)
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"CustomData");
+ json.WriteNumber((uintptr_t)privateData);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const Allocation* const alloc = (const Allocation*)privateData;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(alloc);
+ json.AddAllocationToObject(*alloc);
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+void BlockMetadata::PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(JsonWriter& json,
+ UINT64 offset, UINT64 size) const
+ json.BeginObject(true);
+ json.WriteString(L"Offset");
+ json.WriteNumber(offset);
+ json.WriteString(L"Type");
+ json.WriteString(L"FREE");
+ json.WriteString(L"Size");
+ json.WriteNumber(size);
+ json.EndObject();
+void BlockMetadata::PrintDetailedMap_End(JsonWriter& json) const
+ json.EndArray();
+#endif // _D3D12MA_BLOCK_METADATA
+#if 0
+class BlockMetadata_Generic : public BlockMetadata
+ BlockMetadata_Generic(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual);
+ virtual ~BlockMetadata_Generic() = default;
+ size_t GetAllocationCount() const override { return m_Suballocations.size() - m_FreeCount; }
+ UINT64 GetSumFreeSize() const override { return m_SumFreeSize; }
+ UINT64 GetAllocationOffset(AllocHandle allocHandle) const override { return (UINT64)allocHandle - 1; }
+ void Init(UINT64 size) override;
+ bool Validate() const override;
+ bool IsEmpty() const override;
+ void GetAllocationInfo(AllocHandle allocHandle, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO& outInfo) const override;
+ bool CreateAllocationRequest(
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) override;
+ void Alloc(
+ const AllocationRequest& request,
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ void* privateData) override;
+ void Free(AllocHandle allocHandle) override;
+ void Clear() override;
+ void SetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle, void* privateData) override;
+ void AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) const override;
+ void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) const override;
+ void WriteAllocationInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) const override;
+ UINT m_FreeCount;
+ UINT64 m_SumFreeSize;
+ SuballocationList m_Suballocations;
+ // Suballocations that are free and have size greater than certain threshold.
+ // Sorted by size, ascending.
+ Vector<SuballocationList::iterator> m_FreeSuballocationsBySize;
+ ZeroInitializedRange m_ZeroInitializedRange;
+ SuballocationList::const_iterator FindAtOffset(UINT64 offset) const;
+ bool ValidateFreeSuballocationList() const;
+ // Checks if requested suballocation with given parameters can be placed in given pFreeSuballocItem.
+ // If yes, fills pOffset and returns true. If no, returns false.
+ bool CheckAllocation(
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ SuballocationList::const_iterator suballocItem,
+ AllocHandle* pAllocHandle,
+ UINT64* pSumFreeSize,
+ UINT64* pSumItemSize,
+ BOOL *pZeroInitialized) const;
+ // Given free suballocation, it merges it with following one, which must also be free.
+ void MergeFreeWithNext(SuballocationList::iterator item);
+ // Releases given suballocation, making it free.
+ // Merges it with adjacent free suballocations if applicable.
+ // Returns iterator to new free suballocation at this place.
+ SuballocationList::iterator FreeSuballocation(SuballocationList::iterator suballocItem);
+ // Given free suballocation, it inserts it into sorted list of
+ // m_FreeSuballocationsBySize if it's suitable.
+ void RegisterFreeSuballocation(SuballocationList::iterator item);
+ // Given free suballocation, it removes it from sorted list of
+ // m_FreeSuballocationsBySize if it's suitable.
+ void UnregisterFreeSuballocation(SuballocationList::iterator item);
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(BlockMetadata_Generic)
+BlockMetadata_Generic::BlockMetadata_Generic(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual)
+ : BlockMetadata(allocationCallbacks, isVirtual),
+ m_FreeCount(0),
+ m_SumFreeSize(0),
+ m_Suballocations(*allocationCallbacks),
+ m_FreeSuballocationsBySize(*allocationCallbacks)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocationCallbacks);
+void BlockMetadata_Generic::Init(UINT64 size)
+ BlockMetadata::Init(size);
+ m_ZeroInitializedRange.Reset(size);
+ m_FreeCount = 1;
+ m_SumFreeSize = size;
+ Suballocation suballoc = {};
+ suballoc.offset = 0;
+ suballoc.size = size;
+ suballoc.type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE;
+ suballoc.privateData = NULL;
+ m_Suballocations.push_back(suballoc);
+ SuballocationList::iterator suballocItem = m_Suballocations.end();
+ --suballocItem;
+ m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.push_back(suballocItem);
+bool BlockMetadata_Generic::Validate() const
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(!m_Suballocations.empty());
+ // Expected offset of new suballocation as calculated from previous ones.
+ UINT64 calculatedOffset = 0;
+ // Expected number of free suballocations as calculated from traversing their list.
+ UINT calculatedFreeCount = 0;
+ // Expected sum size of free suballocations as calculated from traversing their list.
+ UINT64 calculatedSumFreeSize = 0;
+ // Expected number of free suballocations that should be registered in
+ // m_FreeSuballocationsBySize calculated from traversing their list.
+ size_t freeSuballocationsToRegister = 0;
+ // True if previous visited suballocation was free.
+ bool prevFree = false;
+ for (const auto& subAlloc : m_Suballocations)
+ {
+ // Actual offset of this suballocation doesn't match expected one.
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(subAlloc.offset == calculatedOffset);
+ const bool currFree = (subAlloc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE);
+ // Two adjacent free suballocations are invalid. They should be merged.
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(!prevFree || !currFree);
+ const Allocation* const alloc = (Allocation*)subAlloc.privateData;
+ if (!IsVirtual())
+ {
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(currFree == (alloc == NULL));
+ }
+ if (currFree)
+ {
+ calculatedSumFreeSize += subAlloc.size;
+ ++calculatedFreeCount;
+ {
+ ++freeSuballocationsToRegister;
+ }
+ // Margin required between allocations - every free space must be at least that large.
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(subAlloc.size >= GetDebugMargin());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!IsVirtual())
+ {
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(alloc->GetOffset() == subAlloc.offset);
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(alloc->GetSize() == subAlloc.size);
+ }
+ // Margin required between allocations - previous allocation must be free.
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(GetDebugMargin() == 0 || prevFree);
+ }
+ calculatedOffset += subAlloc.size;
+ prevFree = currFree;
+ }
+ // Number of free suballocations registered in m_FreeSuballocationsBySize doesn't
+ // match expected one.
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size() == freeSuballocationsToRegister);
+ UINT64 lastSize = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ SuballocationList::iterator suballocItem = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[i];
+ // Only free suballocations can be registered in m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.
+ // They must be sorted by size ascending.
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballocItem->size >= lastSize);
+ lastSize = suballocItem->size;
+ }
+ // Check if totals match calculacted values.
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(ValidateFreeSuballocationList());
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(calculatedOffset == GetSize());
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(calculatedSumFreeSize == m_SumFreeSize);
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(calculatedFreeCount == m_FreeCount);
+ return true;
+bool BlockMetadata_Generic::IsEmpty() const
+ return (m_Suballocations.size() == 1) && (m_FreeCount == 1);
+void BlockMetadata_Generic::GetAllocationInfo(AllocHandle allocHandle, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO& outInfo) const
+ Suballocation& suballoc = *FindAtOffset((UINT64)allocHandle - 1).dropConst();
+ outInfo.Offset = suballoc.offset;
+ outInfo.Size = suballoc.size;
+ outInfo.pPrivateData = suballoc.privateData;
+bool BlockMetadata_Generic::CreateAllocationRequest(
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocSize > 0);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!upperAddress && "ALLOCATION_FLAG_UPPER_ADDRESS can be used only with linear algorithm.");
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pAllocationRequest != NULL);
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate());
+ // There is not enough total free space in this block to fullfill the request: Early return.
+ if (m_SumFreeSize < allocSize + GetDebugMargin())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // New algorithm, efficiently searching freeSuballocationsBySize.
+ const size_t freeSuballocCount = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size();
+ if (freeSuballocCount > 0)
+ {
+ // Find first free suballocation with size not less than allocSize + GetDebugMargin().
+ SuballocationList::iterator* const it = BinaryFindFirstNotLess(
+ + freeSuballocCount,
+ allocSize + GetDebugMargin(),
+ SuballocationItemSizeLess());
+ size_t index = it -;
+ for (; index < freeSuballocCount; ++index)
+ {
+ if (CheckAllocation(
+ allocSize,
+ allocAlignment,
+ m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[index],
+ &pAllocationRequest->allocHandle,
+ &pAllocationRequest->sumFreeSize,
+ &pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize,
+ &pAllocationRequest->zeroInitialized))
+ {
+ pAllocationRequest->item = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[index];
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void BlockMetadata_Generic::Alloc(
+ const AllocationRequest& request,
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ void* privateData)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(request.item != m_Suballocations.end());
+ Suballocation& suballoc = *request.item;
+ // Given suballocation is a free block.
+ // Given offset is inside this suballocation.
+ UINT64 offset = (UINT64)request.allocHandle - 1;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(offset >= suballoc.offset);
+ const UINT64 paddingBegin = offset - suballoc.offset;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(suballoc.size >= paddingBegin + allocSize);
+ const UINT64 paddingEnd = suballoc.size - paddingBegin - allocSize;
+ // Unregister this free suballocation from m_FreeSuballocationsBySize and update
+ // it to become used.
+ UnregisterFreeSuballocation(request.item);
+ suballoc.offset = offset;
+ suballoc.size = allocSize;
+ suballoc.privateData = privateData;
+ // If there are any free bytes remaining at the end, insert new free suballocation after current one.
+ if (paddingEnd)
+ {
+ Suballocation paddingSuballoc = {};
+ paddingSuballoc.offset = offset + allocSize;
+ paddingSuballoc.size = paddingEnd;
+ paddingSuballoc.type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE;
+ SuballocationList::iterator next = request.item;
+ ++next;
+ const SuballocationList::iterator paddingEndItem =
+ m_Suballocations.insert(next, paddingSuballoc);
+ RegisterFreeSuballocation(paddingEndItem);
+ }
+ // If there are any free bytes remaining at the beginning, insert new free suballocation before current one.
+ if (paddingBegin)
+ {
+ Suballocation paddingSuballoc = {};
+ paddingSuballoc.offset = offset - paddingBegin;
+ paddingSuballoc.size = paddingBegin;
+ paddingSuballoc.type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE;
+ const SuballocationList::iterator paddingBeginItem =
+ m_Suballocations.insert(request.item, paddingSuballoc);
+ RegisterFreeSuballocation(paddingBeginItem);
+ }
+ // Update totals.
+ m_FreeCount = m_FreeCount - 1;
+ if (paddingBegin > 0)
+ {
+ ++m_FreeCount;
+ }
+ if (paddingEnd > 0)
+ {
+ ++m_FreeCount;
+ }
+ m_SumFreeSize -= allocSize;
+ m_ZeroInitializedRange.MarkRangeAsUsed(offset, offset + allocSize);
+void BlockMetadata_Generic::Free(AllocHandle allocHandle)
+ FreeSuballocation(FindAtOffset((UINT64)allocHandle - 1).dropConst());
+void BlockMetadata_Generic::Clear()
+ m_FreeCount = 1;
+ m_SumFreeSize = GetSize();
+ m_Suballocations.clear();
+ Suballocation suballoc = {};
+ suballoc.offset = 0;
+ suballoc.size = GetSize();
+ suballoc.type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE;
+ m_Suballocations.push_back(suballoc);
+ m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.clear();
+ m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.push_back(m_Suballocations.begin());
+SuballocationList::const_iterator BlockMetadata_Generic::FindAtOffset(UINT64 offset) const
+ const UINT64 last = m_Suballocations.crbegin()->offset;
+ if (last == offset)
+ return m_Suballocations.crbegin();
+ const UINT64 first = m_Suballocations.cbegin()->offset;
+ if (first == offset)
+ return m_Suballocations.cbegin();
+ const size_t suballocCount = m_Suballocations.size();
+ const UINT64 step = (last - first + m_Suballocations.cbegin()->size) / suballocCount;
+ auto findSuballocation = [&](auto begin, auto end) -> SuballocationList::const_iterator
+ {
+ for (auto suballocItem = begin;
+ suballocItem != end;
+ ++suballocItem)
+ {
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = *suballocItem;
+ if (suballoc.offset == offset)
+ return suballocItem;
+ }
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(false && "Not found!");
+ return m_Suballocations.end();
+ };
+ // If requested offset is closer to the end of range, search from the end
+ if ((offset - first) > suballocCount * step / 2)
+ {
+ return findSuballocation(m_Suballocations.crbegin(), m_Suballocations.crend());
+ }
+ return findSuballocation(m_Suballocations.cbegin(), m_Suballocations.cend());
+bool BlockMetadata_Generic::ValidateFreeSuballocationList() const
+ UINT64 lastSize = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0, count = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size(); i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ const SuballocationList::iterator it = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[i];
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(it->size >= lastSize);
+ lastSize = it->size;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool BlockMetadata_Generic::CheckAllocation(
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ SuballocationList::const_iterator suballocItem,
+ AllocHandle* pAllocHandle,
+ UINT64* pSumFreeSize,
+ UINT64* pSumItemSize,
+ BOOL* pZeroInitialized) const
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocSize > 0);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(suballocItem != m_Suballocations.cend());
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pAllocHandle != NULL && pZeroInitialized != NULL);
+ *pSumFreeSize = 0;
+ *pSumItemSize = 0;
+ *pZeroInitialized = FALSE;
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = *suballocItem;
+ *pSumFreeSize = suballoc.size;
+ // Size of this suballocation is too small for this request: Early return.
+ if (suballoc.size < allocSize)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Start from offset equal to beginning of this suballocation and debug margin of previous allocation if present.
+ UINT64 offset = suballoc.offset + (suballocItem == m_Suballocations.cbegin() ? 0 : GetDebugMargin());
+ // Apply alignment.
+ offset = AlignUp(offset, allocAlignment);
+ // Calculate padding at the beginning based on current offset.
+ const UINT64 paddingBegin = offset - suballoc.offset;
+ // Fail if requested size plus margin after is bigger than size of this suballocation.
+ if (paddingBegin + allocSize + GetDebugMargin() > suballoc.size)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // All tests passed: Success. Offset is already filled.
+ *pZeroInitialized = m_ZeroInitializedRange.IsRangeZeroInitialized(offset, offset + allocSize);
+ *pAllocHandle = (AllocHandle)(offset + 1);
+ return true;
+void BlockMetadata_Generic::MergeFreeWithNext(SuballocationList::iterator item)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(item != m_Suballocations.end());
+ SuballocationList::iterator nextItem = item;
+ ++nextItem;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(nextItem != m_Suballocations.end());
+ item->size += nextItem->size;
+ --m_FreeCount;
+ m_Suballocations.erase(nextItem);
+SuballocationList::iterator BlockMetadata_Generic::FreeSuballocation(SuballocationList::iterator suballocItem)
+ // Change this suballocation to be marked as free.
+ Suballocation& suballoc = *suballocItem;
+ suballoc.type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE;
+ suballoc.privateData = NULL;
+ // Update totals.
+ ++m_FreeCount;
+ m_SumFreeSize += suballoc.size;
+ // Merge with previous and/or next suballocation if it's also free.
+ bool mergeWithNext = false;
+ bool mergeWithPrev = false;
+ SuballocationList::iterator nextItem = suballocItem;
+ ++nextItem;
+ if ((nextItem != m_Suballocations.end()) && (nextItem->type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE))
+ {
+ mergeWithNext = true;
+ }
+ SuballocationList::iterator prevItem = suballocItem;
+ if (suballocItem != m_Suballocations.begin())
+ {
+ --prevItem;
+ if (prevItem->type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ mergeWithPrev = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mergeWithNext)
+ {
+ UnregisterFreeSuballocation(nextItem);
+ MergeFreeWithNext(suballocItem);
+ }
+ if (mergeWithPrev)
+ {
+ UnregisterFreeSuballocation(prevItem);
+ MergeFreeWithNext(prevItem);
+ RegisterFreeSuballocation(prevItem);
+ return prevItem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RegisterFreeSuballocation(suballocItem);
+ return suballocItem;
+ }
+void BlockMetadata_Generic::RegisterFreeSuballocation(SuballocationList::iterator item)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->size > 0);
+ // You may want to enable this validation at the beginning or at the end of
+ // this function, depending on what do you want to check.
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ValidateFreeSuballocationList());
+ {
+ if (m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.empty())
+ {
+ m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.push_back(item);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.InsertSorted(item, SuballocationItemSizeLess());
+ }
+ }
+ //D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ValidateFreeSuballocationList());
+void BlockMetadata_Generic::UnregisterFreeSuballocation(SuballocationList::iterator item)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->size > 0);
+ // You may want to enable this validation at the beginning or at the end of
+ // this function, depending on what do you want to check.
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ValidateFreeSuballocationList());
+ {
+ SuballocationList::iterator* const it = BinaryFindFirstNotLess(
+ + m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size(),
+ item,
+ SuballocationItemSizeLess());
+ for (size_t index = it -;
+ index < m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size();
+ ++index)
+ {
+ if (m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[index] == item)
+ {
+ m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.remove(index);
+ return;
+ }
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT((m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[index]->size == item->size) && "Not found.");
+ }
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Not found.");
+ }
+ //D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ValidateFreeSuballocationList());
+void BlockMetadata_Generic::SetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle, void* privateData)
+ Suballocation& suballoc = *FindAtOffset((UINT64)allocHandle - 1).dropConst();
+ suballoc.privateData = privateData;
+void BlockMetadata_Generic::AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) const
+ inoutStats.BlockCount++;
+ inoutStats.AllocationCount += (UINT)m_Suballocations.size() - m_FreeCount;
+ inoutStats.BlockBytes += GetSize();
+ inoutStats.AllocationBytes += GetSize() - m_SumFreeSize;
+void BlockMetadata_Generic::AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) const
+ inoutStats.Stats.BlockCount++;
+ inoutStats.Stats.BlockBytes += GetSize();
+ for (const auto& suballoc : m_Suballocations)
+ {
+ if (suballoc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, suballoc.size);
+ else
+ AddDetailedStatisticsAllocation(inoutStats, suballoc.size);
+ }
+void BlockMetadata_Generic::WriteAllocationInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) const
+ PrintDetailedMap_Begin(json, GetSumFreeSize(), GetAllocationCount(), m_FreeCount);
+ for (const auto& suballoc : m_Suballocations)
+ {
+ if (suballoc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, suballoc.offset, suballoc.size);
+ else
+ PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, suballoc.offset, suballoc.size, suballoc.privateData);
+ }
+ PrintDetailedMap_End(json);
+#endif // #if 0
+class BlockMetadata_Linear : public BlockMetadata
+ BlockMetadata_Linear(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual);
+ virtual ~BlockMetadata_Linear() = default;
+ UINT64 GetSumFreeSize() const override { return m_SumFreeSize; }
+ bool IsEmpty() const override { return GetAllocationCount() == 0; }
+ UINT64 GetAllocationOffset(AllocHandle allocHandle) const override { return (UINT64)allocHandle - 1; };
+ void Init(UINT64 size) override;
+ bool Validate() const override;
+ size_t GetAllocationCount() const override;
+ size_t GetFreeRegionsCount() const override;
+ void GetAllocationInfo(AllocHandle allocHandle, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO& outInfo) const override;
+ bool CreateAllocationRequest(
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ UINT32 strategy,
+ AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) override;
+ void Alloc(
+ const AllocationRequest& request,
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ void* privateData) override;
+ void Free(AllocHandle allocHandle) override;
+ void Clear() override;
+ AllocHandle GetAllocationListBegin() const override;
+ AllocHandle GetNextAllocation(AllocHandle prevAlloc) const override;
+ UINT64 GetNextFreeRegionSize(AllocHandle alloc) const override;
+ void* GetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle) const override;
+ void SetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle, void* privateData) override;
+ void AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) const override;
+ void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) const override;
+ void WriteAllocationInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) const override;
+ void DebugLogAllAllocations() const override;
+ /*
+ There are two suballocation vectors, used in ping-pong way.
+ The one with index m_1stVectorIndex is called 1st.
+ The one with index (m_1stVectorIndex ^ 1) is called 2nd.
+ 2nd can be non-empty only when 1st is not empty.
+ When 2nd is not empty, m_2ndVectorMode indicates its mode of operation.
+ */
+ typedef Vector<Suballocation> SuballocationVectorType;
+ {
+ };
+ {
+ /*
+ Suballocations in 2nd vector are created later than the ones in 1st, but they
+ all have smaller offset.
+ */
+ /*
+ Suballocations in 2nd vector are upper side of double stack.
+ They all have offsets higher than those in 1st vector.
+ Top of this stack means smaller offsets, but higher indices in this vector.
+ */
+ };
+ UINT64 m_SumFreeSize;
+ SuballocationVectorType m_Suballocations0, m_Suballocations1;
+ UINT32 m_1stVectorIndex;
+ SECOND_VECTOR_MODE m_2ndVectorMode;
+ // Number of items in 1st vector with hAllocation = null at the beginning.
+ size_t m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ // Number of other items in 1st vector with hAllocation = null somewhere in the middle.
+ size_t m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ // Number of items in 2nd vector with hAllocation = null.
+ size_t m_2ndNullItemsCount;
+ SuballocationVectorType& AccessSuballocations1st() { return m_1stVectorIndex ? m_Suballocations1 : m_Suballocations0; }
+ SuballocationVectorType& AccessSuballocations2nd() { return m_1stVectorIndex ? m_Suballocations0 : m_Suballocations1; }
+ const SuballocationVectorType& AccessSuballocations1st() const { return m_1stVectorIndex ? m_Suballocations1 : m_Suballocations0; }
+ const SuballocationVectorType& AccessSuballocations2nd() const { return m_1stVectorIndex ? m_Suballocations0 : m_Suballocations1; }
+ Suballocation& FindSuballocation(UINT64 offset) const;
+ bool ShouldCompact1st() const;
+ void CleanupAfterFree();
+ bool CreateAllocationRequest_LowerAddress(
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest);
+ bool CreateAllocationRequest_UpperAddress(
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest);
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(BlockMetadata_Linear)
+BlockMetadata_Linear::BlockMetadata_Linear(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual)
+ : BlockMetadata(allocationCallbacks, isVirtual),
+ m_SumFreeSize(0),
+ m_Suballocations0(*allocationCallbacks),
+ m_Suballocations1(*allocationCallbacks),
+ m_1stVectorIndex(0),
+ m_2ndVectorMode(SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY),
+ m_1stNullItemsBeginCount(0),
+ m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount(0),
+ m_2ndNullItemsCount(0)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocationCallbacks);
+void BlockMetadata_Linear::Init(UINT64 size)
+ BlockMetadata::Init(size);
+ m_SumFreeSize = size;
+bool BlockMetadata_Linear::Validate() const
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(GetSumFreeSize() <= GetSize());
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballocations2nd.empty() == (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY));
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(!suballocations1st.empty() ||
+ suballocations2nd.empty() ||
+ m_2ndVectorMode != SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER);
+ if (!suballocations1st.empty())
+ {
+ // Null item at the beginning should be accounted into m_1stNullItemsBeginCount.
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].type != SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE);
+ // Null item at the end should be just pop_back().
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballocations1st.back().type != SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE);
+ }
+ if (!suballocations2nd.empty())
+ {
+ // Null item at the end should be just pop_back().
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballocations2nd.back().type != SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE);
+ }
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount <= suballocations1st.size());
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(m_2ndNullItemsCount <= suballocations2nd.size());
+ UINT64 sumUsedSize = 0;
+ const size_t suballoc1stCount = suballocations1st.size();
+ UINT64 offset = 0;
+ if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ const size_t suballoc2ndCount = suballocations2nd.size();
+ size_t nullItem2ndCount = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < suballoc2ndCount; ++i)
+ {
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[i];
+ const bool currFree = (suballoc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE);
+ const Allocation* alloc = (Allocation*)suballoc.privateData;
+ if (!IsVirtual())
+ {
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(currFree == (alloc == NULL));
+ }
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballoc.offset >= offset);
+ if (!currFree)
+ {
+ if (!IsVirtual())
+ {
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(GetAllocationOffset(alloc->GetAllocHandle()) == suballoc.offset);
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(alloc->GetSize() == suballoc.size);
+ }
+ sumUsedSize += suballoc.size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++nullItem2ndCount;
+ }
+ offset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size + GetDebugMargin();
+ }
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(nullItem2ndCount == m_2ndNullItemsCount);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; ++i)
+ {
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[i];
+ suballoc.privateData == NULL);
+ }
+ size_t nullItem1stCount = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ for (size_t i = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; i < suballoc1stCount; ++i)
+ {
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[i];
+ const bool currFree = (suballoc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE);
+ const Allocation* alloc = (Allocation*)suballoc.privateData;
+ if (!IsVirtual())
+ {
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(currFree == (alloc == NULL));
+ }
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballoc.offset >= offset);
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(i >= m_1stNullItemsBeginCount || currFree);
+ if (!currFree)
+ {
+ if (!IsVirtual())
+ {
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(GetAllocationOffset(alloc->GetAllocHandle()) == suballoc.offset);
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(alloc->GetSize() == suballoc.size);
+ }
+ sumUsedSize += suballoc.size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++nullItem1stCount;
+ }
+ offset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size + GetDebugMargin();
+ }
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(nullItem1stCount == m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount);
+ if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK)
+ {
+ const size_t suballoc2ndCount = suballocations2nd.size();
+ size_t nullItem2ndCount = 0;
+ for (size_t i = suballoc2ndCount; i--; )
+ {
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[i];
+ const bool currFree = (suballoc.type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE);
+ const Allocation* alloc = (Allocation*)suballoc.privateData;
+ if (!IsVirtual())
+ {
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(currFree == (alloc == NULL));
+ }
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(suballoc.offset >= offset);
+ if (!currFree)
+ {
+ if (!IsVirtual())
+ {
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(GetAllocationOffset(alloc->GetAllocHandle()) == suballoc.offset);
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(alloc->GetSize() == suballoc.size);
+ }
+ sumUsedSize += suballoc.size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++nullItem2ndCount;
+ }
+ offset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size + GetDebugMargin();
+ }
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(nullItem2ndCount == m_2ndNullItemsCount);
+ }
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(offset <= GetSize());
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(m_SumFreeSize == GetSize() - sumUsedSize);
+ return true;
+size_t BlockMetadata_Linear::GetAllocationCount() const
+ return AccessSuballocations1st().size() - m_1stNullItemsBeginCount - m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount +
+ AccessSuballocations2nd().size() - m_2ndNullItemsCount;
+size_t BlockMetadata_Linear::GetFreeRegionsCount() const
+ // Function only used for defragmentation, which is disabled for this algorithm
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ return SIZE_MAX;
+void BlockMetadata_Linear::GetAllocationInfo(AllocHandle allocHandle, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO& outInfo) const
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = FindSuballocation((UINT64)allocHandle - 1);
+ outInfo.Offset = suballoc.offset;
+ outInfo.Size = suballoc.size;
+ outInfo.pPrivateData = suballoc.privateData;
+bool BlockMetadata_Linear::CreateAllocationRequest(
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ UINT32 strategy,
+ AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocSize > 0 && "Cannot allocate empty block!");
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pAllocationRequest != NULL);
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate());
+ pAllocationRequest->size = allocSize;
+ return upperAddress ?
+ CreateAllocationRequest_UpperAddress(
+ allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest) :
+ CreateAllocationRequest_LowerAddress(
+ allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest);
+void BlockMetadata_Linear::Alloc(
+ const AllocationRequest& request,
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ void* privateData)
+ UINT64 offset = (UINT64)request.allocHandle - 1;
+ const Suballocation newSuballoc = { offset, request.size, privateData, SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_ALLOCATION };
+ switch (request.algorithmData)
+ {
+ {
+ "CRITICAL ERROR: Trying to use linear allocator as double stack while it was already used as ring buffer.");
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ suballocations2nd.push_back(newSuballoc);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(suballocations1st.empty() ||
+ offset >= suballocations1st.back().offset + suballocations1st.back().size);
+ // Check if it fits before the end of the block.
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(offset + request.size <= GetSize());
+ suballocations1st.push_back(newSuballoc);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ // New allocation at the end of 2-part ring buffer, so before first allocation from 1st vector.
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!suballocations1st.empty() &&
+ offset + request.size <= suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].offset);
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ switch (m_2ndVectorMode)
+ {
+ // First allocation from second part ring buffer.
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(suballocations2nd.empty());
+ break;
+ // 2-part ring buffer is already started.
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!suballocations2nd.empty());
+ break;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "CRITICAL ERROR: Trying to use linear allocator as ring buffer while it was already used as double stack.");
+ break;
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ suballocations2nd.push_back(newSuballoc);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+ m_SumFreeSize -= newSuballoc.size;
+void BlockMetadata_Linear::Free(AllocHandle allocHandle)
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ UINT64 offset = (UINT64)allocHandle - 1;
+ if (!suballocations1st.empty())
+ {
+ // First allocation: Mark it as next empty at the beginning.
+ Suballocation& firstSuballoc = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount];
+ if (firstSuballoc.offset == offset)
+ {
+ firstSuballoc.type = SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE;
+ firstSuballoc.privateData = NULL;
+ m_SumFreeSize += firstSuballoc.size;
+ ++m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ CleanupAfterFree();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Last allocation in 2-part ring buffer or top of upper stack (same logic).
+ if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER ||
+ {
+ Suballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations2nd.back();
+ if (lastSuballoc.offset == offset)
+ {
+ m_SumFreeSize += lastSuballoc.size;
+ suballocations2nd.pop_back();
+ CleanupAfterFree();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Last allocation in 1st vector.
+ else if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY)
+ {
+ Suballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations1st.back();
+ if (lastSuballoc.offset == offset)
+ {
+ m_SumFreeSize += lastSuballoc.size;
+ suballocations1st.pop_back();
+ CleanupAfterFree();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Suballocation refSuballoc;
+ refSuballoc.offset = offset;
+ // Rest of members stays uninitialized intentionally for better performance.
+ // Item from the middle of 1st vector.
+ {
+ const SuballocationVectorType::iterator it = BinaryFindSorted(
+ suballocations1st.begin() + m_1stNullItemsBeginCount,
+ suballocations1st.end(),
+ refSuballoc,
+ SuballocationOffsetLess());
+ if (it != suballocations1st.end())
+ {
+ it->privateData = NULL;
+ ++m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ m_SumFreeSize += it->size;
+ CleanupAfterFree();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_2ndVectorMode != SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY)
+ {
+ // Item from the middle of 2nd vector.
+ const SuballocationVectorType::iterator it = m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER ?
+ BinaryFindSorted(suballocations2nd.begin(), suballocations2nd.end(), refSuballoc, SuballocationOffsetLess()) :
+ BinaryFindSorted(suballocations2nd.begin(), suballocations2nd.end(), refSuballoc, SuballocationOffsetGreater());
+ if (it != suballocations2nd.end())
+ {
+ it->privateData = NULL;
+ ++m_2ndNullItemsCount;
+ m_SumFreeSize += it->size;
+ CleanupAfterFree();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Allocation to free not found in linear allocator!");
+void BlockMetadata_Linear::Clear()
+ m_SumFreeSize = GetSize();
+ m_Suballocations0.clear();
+ m_Suballocations1.clear();
+ // Leaving m_1stVectorIndex unchanged - it doesn't matter.
+ m_2ndVectorMode = SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY;
+ m_1stNullItemsBeginCount = 0;
+ m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount = 0;
+ m_2ndNullItemsCount = 0;
+AllocHandle BlockMetadata_Linear::GetAllocationListBegin() const
+ // Function only used for defragmentation, which is disabled for this algorithm
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ return (AllocHandle)0;
+AllocHandle BlockMetadata_Linear::GetNextAllocation(AllocHandle prevAlloc) const
+ // Function only used for defragmentation, which is disabled for this algorithm
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ return (AllocHandle)0;
+UINT64 BlockMetadata_Linear::GetNextFreeRegionSize(AllocHandle alloc) const
+ // Function only used for defragmentation, which is disabled for this algorithm
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ return 0;
+void* BlockMetadata_Linear::GetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle) const
+ return FindSuballocation((UINT64)allocHandle - 1).privateData;
+void BlockMetadata_Linear::SetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle, void* privateData)
+ Suballocation& suballoc = FindSuballocation((UINT64)allocHandle - 1);
+ suballoc.privateData = privateData;
+void BlockMetadata_Linear::AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) const
+ inoutStats.BlockCount++;
+ inoutStats.AllocationCount += (UINT)GetAllocationCount();
+ inoutStats.BlockBytes += GetSize();
+ inoutStats.AllocationBytes += GetSize() - m_SumFreeSize;
+void BlockMetadata_Linear::AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) const
+ inoutStats.Stats.BlockCount++;
+ inoutStats.Stats.BlockBytes += GetSize();
+ const UINT64 size = GetSize();
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ const size_t suballoc1stCount = suballocations1st.size();
+ const size_t suballoc2ndCount = suballocations2nd.size();
+ UINT64 lastOffset = 0;
+ if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ const UINT64 freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].offset;
+ size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = 0;
+ while (lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end.
+ while (nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount &&
+ suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].privateData == NULL)
+ {
+ ++nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if (nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount)
+ {
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ AddDetailedStatisticsAllocation(inoutStats, suballoc.size);
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ ++nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd.
+ if (lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd)
+ {
+ const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd - lastOffset;
+ AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t nextAlloc1stIndex = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ const UINT64 freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd =
+ m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK ? suballocations2nd.back().offset : size;
+ while (lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end.
+ while (nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount &&
+ suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex].privateData == NULL)
+ {
+ ++nextAlloc1stIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if (nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount)
+ {
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ AddDetailedStatisticsAllocation(inoutStats, suballoc.size);
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ ++nextAlloc1stIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd.
+ if (lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd)
+ {
+ const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd - lastOffset;
+ AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK)
+ {
+ size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = suballocations2nd.size() - 1;
+ while (lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end.
+ while (nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX &&
+ suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].privateData == NULL)
+ {
+ --nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if (nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX)
+ {
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ AddDetailedStatisticsAllocation(inoutStats, suballoc.size);
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ --nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to size.
+ if (lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = size - lastOffset;
+ AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void BlockMetadata_Linear::WriteAllocationInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) const
+ const UINT64 size = GetSize();
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ const size_t suballoc1stCount = suballocations1st.size();
+ const size_t suballoc2ndCount = suballocations2nd.size();
+ size_t unusedRangeCount = 0;
+ UINT64 usedBytes = 0;
+ UINT64 lastOffset = 0;
+ size_t alloc2ndCount = 0;
+ if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ const UINT64 freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].offset;
+ size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = 0;
+ while (lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAlloc2ndIndex to the end.
+ while (nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount &&
+ suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].privateData == NULL)
+ {
+ ++nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if (nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount)
+ {
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ ++unusedRangeCount;
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ ++alloc2ndCount;
+ usedBytes += suballoc.size;
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ ++nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if (lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd.
+ ++unusedRangeCount;
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t nextAlloc1stIndex = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ size_t alloc1stCount = 0;
+ const UINT64 freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd =
+ m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK ? suballocations2nd.back().offset : size;
+ while (lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end.
+ while (nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount &&
+ suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex].privateData == NULL)
+ {
+ ++nextAlloc1stIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if (nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount)
+ {
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ ++unusedRangeCount;
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ ++alloc1stCount;
+ usedBytes += suballoc.size;
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ ++nextAlloc1stIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if (lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd.
+ ++unusedRangeCount;
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK)
+ {
+ size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = suballocations2nd.size() - 1;
+ while (lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAlloc2ndIndex to the end.
+ while (nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX &&
+ suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].privateData == NULL)
+ {
+ --nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if (nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX)
+ {
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ ++unusedRangeCount;
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ ++alloc2ndCount;
+ usedBytes += suballoc.size;
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ --nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if (lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to size.
+ ++unusedRangeCount;
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const UINT64 unusedBytes = size - usedBytes;
+ PrintDetailedMap_Begin(json, unusedBytes, alloc1stCount + alloc2ndCount, unusedRangeCount);
+ lastOffset = 0;
+ if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ const UINT64 freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].offset;
+ size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = 0;
+ while (lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAlloc2ndIndex to the end.
+ while (nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount &&
+ suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].privateData == NULL)
+ {
+ ++nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if (nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount)
+ {
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, suballoc.offset, suballoc.size, suballoc.privateData);
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ ++nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if (lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd.
+ const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd - lastOffset;
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nextAlloc1stIndex = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ while (lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end.
+ while (nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount &&
+ suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex].privateData == NULL)
+ {
+ ++nextAlloc1stIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if (nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount)
+ {
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, suballoc.offset, suballoc.size, suballoc.privateData);
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ ++nextAlloc1stIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if (lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd.
+ const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd - lastOffset;
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK)
+ {
+ size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = suballocations2nd.size() - 1;
+ while (lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAlloc2ndIndex to the end.
+ while (nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX &&
+ suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].privateData == NULL)
+ {
+ --nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if (nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX)
+ {
+ const Suballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if (lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, suballoc.offset, suballoc.size, suballoc.privateData);
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ --nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if (lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to size.
+ const UINT64 unusedRangeSize = size - lastOffset;
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PrintDetailedMap_End(json);
+void BlockMetadata_Linear::DebugLogAllAllocations() const
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ for (auto it = suballocations1st.begin() + m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; it != suballocations1st.end(); ++it)
+ if (it->type != SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ DebugLogAllocation(it->offset, it->size, it->privateData);
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ for (auto it = suballocations2nd.begin(); it != suballocations2nd.end(); ++it)
+ if (it->type != SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ DebugLogAllocation(it->offset, it->size, it->privateData);
+Suballocation& BlockMetadata_Linear::FindSuballocation(UINT64 offset) const
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ Suballocation refSuballoc;
+ refSuballoc.offset = offset;
+ // Rest of members stays uninitialized intentionally for better performance.
+ // Item from the 1st vector.
+ {
+ const SuballocationVectorType::const_iterator it = BinaryFindSorted(
+ suballocations1st.begin() + m_1stNullItemsBeginCount,
+ suballocations1st.end(),
+ refSuballoc,
+ SuballocationOffsetLess());
+ if (it != suballocations1st.end())
+ {
+ return const_cast<Suballocation&>(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_2ndVectorMode != SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY)
+ {
+ // Rest of members stays uninitialized intentionally for better performance.
+ const SuballocationVectorType::const_iterator it = m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER ?
+ BinaryFindSorted(suballocations2nd.begin(), suballocations2nd.end(), refSuballoc, SuballocationOffsetLess()) :
+ BinaryFindSorted(suballocations2nd.begin(), suballocations2nd.end(), refSuballoc, SuballocationOffsetGreater());
+ if (it != suballocations2nd.end())
+ {
+ return const_cast<Suballocation&>(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Allocation not found in linear allocator!");
+ return const_cast<Suballocation&>(suballocations1st.back()); // Should never occur.
+bool BlockMetadata_Linear::ShouldCompact1st() const
+ const size_t nullItemCount = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ const size_t suballocCount = AccessSuballocations1st().size();
+ return suballocCount > 32 && nullItemCount * 2 >= (suballocCount - nullItemCount) * 3;
+void BlockMetadata_Linear::CleanupAfterFree()
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ if (IsEmpty())
+ {
+ suballocations1st.clear();
+ suballocations2nd.clear();
+ m_1stNullItemsBeginCount = 0;
+ m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount = 0;
+ m_2ndNullItemsCount = 0;
+ m_2ndVectorMode = SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const size_t suballoc1stCount = suballocations1st.size();
+ const size_t nullItem1stCount = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(nullItem1stCount <= suballoc1stCount);
+ // Find more null items at the beginning of 1st vector.
+ while (m_1stNullItemsBeginCount < suballoc1stCount &&
+ suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ ++m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ --m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ }
+ // Find more null items at the end of 1st vector.
+ while (m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount > 0 &&
+ suballocations1st.back().type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ --m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ suballocations1st.pop_back();
+ }
+ // Find more null items at the end of 2nd vector.
+ while (m_2ndNullItemsCount > 0 &&
+ suballocations2nd.back().type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ --m_2ndNullItemsCount;
+ suballocations2nd.pop_back();
+ }
+ // Find more null items at the beginning of 2nd vector.
+ while (m_2ndNullItemsCount > 0 &&
+ suballocations2nd[0].type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ --m_2ndNullItemsCount;
+ suballocations2nd.remove(0);
+ }
+ if (ShouldCompact1st())
+ {
+ const size_t nonNullItemCount = suballoc1stCount - nullItem1stCount;
+ size_t srcIndex = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ for (size_t dstIndex = 0; dstIndex < nonNullItemCount; ++dstIndex)
+ {
+ while (suballocations1st[srcIndex].type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ ++srcIndex;
+ }
+ if (dstIndex != srcIndex)
+ {
+ suballocations1st[dstIndex] = suballocations1st[srcIndex];
+ }
+ ++srcIndex;
+ }
+ suballocations1st.resize(nonNullItemCount);
+ m_1stNullItemsBeginCount = 0;
+ m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount = 0;
+ }
+ // 2nd vector became empty.
+ if (suballocations2nd.empty())
+ {
+ m_2ndVectorMode = SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY;
+ }
+ // 1st vector became empty.
+ if (suballocations1st.size() - m_1stNullItemsBeginCount == 0)
+ {
+ suballocations1st.clear();
+ m_1stNullItemsBeginCount = 0;
+ if (!suballocations2nd.empty() && m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ // Swap 1st with 2nd. Now 2nd is empty.
+ m_2ndVectorMode = SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY;
+ m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount = m_2ndNullItemsCount;
+ while (m_1stNullItemsBeginCount < suballocations2nd.size() &&
+ suballocations2nd[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].type == SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ ++m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ --m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ }
+ m_2ndNullItemsCount = 0;
+ m_1stVectorIndex ^= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate());
+bool BlockMetadata_Linear::CreateAllocationRequest_LowerAddress(
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ const UINT64 blockSize = GetSize();
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY || m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK)
+ {
+ // Try to allocate at the end of 1st vector.
+ UINT64 resultBaseOffset = 0;
+ if (!suballocations1st.empty())
+ {
+ const Suballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations1st.back();
+ resultBaseOffset = lastSuballoc.offset + lastSuballoc.size + GetDebugMargin();
+ }
+ // Start from offset equal to beginning of free space.
+ UINT64 resultOffset = resultBaseOffset;
+ // Apply alignment.
+ resultOffset = AlignUp(resultOffset, allocAlignment);
+ const UINT64 freeSpaceEnd = m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK ?
+ suballocations2nd.back().offset : blockSize;
+ // There is enough free space at the end after alignment.
+ if (resultOffset + allocSize + GetDebugMargin() <= freeSpaceEnd)
+ {
+ // All tests passed: Success.
+ pAllocationRequest->allocHandle = (AllocHandle)(resultOffset + 1);
+ // pAllocationRequest->item, customData unused.
+ pAllocationRequest->algorithmData = ALLOC_REQUEST_END_OF_1ST;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Wrap-around to end of 2nd vector. Try to allocate there, watching for the
+ // beginning of 1st vector as the end of free space.
+ if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY || m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!suballocations1st.empty());
+ UINT64 resultBaseOffset = 0;
+ if (!suballocations2nd.empty())
+ {
+ const Suballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations2nd.back();
+ resultBaseOffset = lastSuballoc.offset + lastSuballoc.size + GetDebugMargin();
+ }
+ // Start from offset equal to beginning of free space.
+ UINT64 resultOffset = resultBaseOffset;
+ // Apply alignment.
+ resultOffset = AlignUp(resultOffset, allocAlignment);
+ size_t index1st = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ // There is enough free space at the end after alignment.
+ if ((index1st == suballocations1st.size() && resultOffset + allocSize + GetDebugMargin() <= blockSize) ||
+ (index1st < suballocations1st.size() && resultOffset + allocSize + GetDebugMargin() <= suballocations1st[index1st].offset))
+ {
+ // All tests passed: Success.
+ pAllocationRequest->allocHandle = (AllocHandle)(resultOffset + 1);
+ pAllocationRequest->algorithmData = ALLOC_REQUEST_END_OF_2ND;
+ // pAllocationRequest->item, customData unused.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool BlockMetadata_Linear::CreateAllocationRequest_UpperAddress(
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ const UINT64 blockSize = GetSize();
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ if (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Trying to use pool with linear algorithm as double stack, while it is already being used as ring buffer.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Try to allocate before 2nd.back(), or end of block if 2nd.empty().
+ if (allocSize > blockSize)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ UINT64 resultBaseOffset = blockSize - allocSize;
+ if (!suballocations2nd.empty())
+ {
+ const Suballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations2nd.back();
+ resultBaseOffset = lastSuballoc.offset - allocSize;
+ if (allocSize > lastSuballoc.offset)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Start from offset equal to end of free space.
+ UINT64 resultOffset = resultBaseOffset;
+ // Apply debugMargin at the end.
+ if (GetDebugMargin() > 0)
+ {
+ if (resultOffset < GetDebugMargin())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ resultOffset -= GetDebugMargin();
+ }
+ // Apply alignment.
+ resultOffset = AlignDown(resultOffset, allocAlignment);
+ // There is enough free space.
+ const UINT64 endOf1st = !suballocations1st.empty() ?
+ suballocations1st.back().offset + suballocations1st.back().size : 0;
+ if (endOf1st + GetDebugMargin() <= resultOffset)
+ {
+ // All tests passed: Success.
+ pAllocationRequest->allocHandle = (AllocHandle)(resultOffset + 1);
+ // pAllocationRequest->item unused.
+ pAllocationRequest->algorithmData = ALLOC_REQUEST_UPPER_ADDRESS;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+class BlockMetadata_TLSF : public BlockMetadata
+ BlockMetadata_TLSF(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual);
+ virtual ~BlockMetadata_TLSF();
+ size_t GetAllocationCount() const override { return m_AllocCount; }
+ size_t GetFreeRegionsCount() const override { return m_BlocksFreeCount + 1; }
+ UINT64 GetSumFreeSize() const override { return m_BlocksFreeSize + m_NullBlock->size; }
+ bool IsEmpty() const override { return m_NullBlock->offset == 0; }
+ UINT64 GetAllocationOffset(AllocHandle allocHandle) const override { return ((Block*)allocHandle)->offset; };
+ void Init(UINT64 size) override;
+ bool Validate() const override;
+ void GetAllocationInfo(AllocHandle allocHandle, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO& outInfo) const override;
+ bool CreateAllocationRequest(
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ UINT32 strategy,
+ AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) override;
+ void Alloc(
+ const AllocationRequest& request,
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ void* privateData) override;
+ void Free(AllocHandle allocHandle) override;
+ void Clear() override;
+ AllocHandle GetAllocationListBegin() const override;
+ AllocHandle GetNextAllocation(AllocHandle prevAlloc) const override;
+ UINT64 GetNextFreeRegionSize(AllocHandle alloc) const override;
+ void* GetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle) const override;
+ void SetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle, void* privateData) override;
+ void AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) const override;
+ void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) const override;
+ void WriteAllocationInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) const override;
+ void DebugLogAllAllocations() const override;
+ // According to original paper it should be preferable 4 or 5:
+ // M. Masmano, I. Ripoll, A. Crespo, and J. Real "TLSF: a New Dynamic Memory Allocator for Real-Time Systems"
+ //
+ static const UINT8 SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX = 5;
+ static const UINT16 SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE = 256;
+ static const UINT8 MEMORY_CLASS_SHIFT = 7;
+ class Block
+ {
+ public:
+ UINT64 offset;
+ UINT64 size;
+ Block* prevPhysical;
+ Block* nextPhysical;
+ void MarkFree() { prevFree = NULL; }
+ void MarkTaken() { prevFree = this; }
+ bool IsFree() const { return prevFree != this; }
+ void*& PrivateData() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(!IsFree()); return privateData; }
+ Block*& PrevFree() { return prevFree; }
+ Block*& NextFree() { D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(IsFree()); return nextFree; }
+ private:
+ Block* prevFree; // Address of the same block here indicates that block is taken
+ union
+ {
+ Block* nextFree;
+ void* privateData;
+ };
+ };
+ size_t m_AllocCount = 0;
+ // Total number of free blocks besides null block
+ size_t m_BlocksFreeCount = 0;
+ // Total size of free blocks excluding null block
+ UINT64 m_BlocksFreeSize = 0;
+ UINT32 m_IsFreeBitmap = 0;
+ UINT8 m_MemoryClasses = 0;
+ UINT32 m_InnerIsFreeBitmap[MAX_MEMORY_CLASSES];
+ UINT32 m_ListsCount = 0;
+ /*
+ * 0: 0-3 lists for small buffers
+ * 1+: 0-(2^SLI-1) lists for normal buffers
+ */
+ Block** m_FreeList = NULL;
+ PoolAllocator<Block> m_BlockAllocator;
+ Block* m_NullBlock = NULL;
+ UINT8 SizeToMemoryClass(UINT64 size) const;
+ UINT16 SizeToSecondIndex(UINT64 size, UINT8 memoryClass) const;
+ UINT32 GetListIndex(UINT8 memoryClass, UINT16 secondIndex) const;
+ UINT32 GetListIndex(UINT64 size) const;
+ void RemoveFreeBlock(Block* block);
+ void InsertFreeBlock(Block* block);
+ void MergeBlock(Block* block, Block* prev);
+ Block* FindFreeBlock(UINT64 size, UINT32& listIndex) const;
+ bool CheckBlock(
+ Block& block,
+ UINT32 listIndex,
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest);
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(BlockMetadata_TLSF)
+BlockMetadata_TLSF::BlockMetadata_TLSF(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* allocationCallbacks, bool isVirtual)
+ : BlockMetadata(allocationCallbacks, isVirtual),
+ m_BlockAllocator(*allocationCallbacks, INITIAL_BLOCK_ALLOC_COUNT)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocationCallbacks);
+ D3D12MA_DELETE_ARRAY(*GetAllocs(), m_FreeList, m_ListsCount);
+void BlockMetadata_TLSF::Init(UINT64 size)
+ BlockMetadata::Init(size);
+ m_NullBlock = m_BlockAllocator.Alloc();
+ m_NullBlock->size = size;
+ m_NullBlock->offset = 0;
+ m_NullBlock->prevPhysical = NULL;
+ m_NullBlock->nextPhysical = NULL;
+ m_NullBlock->MarkFree();
+ m_NullBlock->NextFree() = NULL;
+ m_NullBlock->PrevFree() = NULL;
+ UINT8 memoryClass = SizeToMemoryClass(size);
+ UINT16 sli = SizeToSecondIndex(size, memoryClass);
+ m_ListsCount = (memoryClass == 0 ? 0 : (memoryClass - 1) * (1UL << SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX) + sli) + 1;
+ if (IsVirtual())
+ m_ListsCount += 1UL << SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX;
+ else
+ m_ListsCount += 4;
+ m_MemoryClasses = memoryClass + 2;
+ memset(m_InnerIsFreeBitmap, 0, MAX_MEMORY_CLASSES * sizeof(UINT32));
+ m_FreeList = D3D12MA_NEW_ARRAY(*GetAllocs(), Block*, m_ListsCount);
+ memset(m_FreeList, 0, m_ListsCount * sizeof(Block*));
+bool BlockMetadata_TLSF::Validate() const
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(GetSumFreeSize() <= GetSize());
+ UINT64 calculatedSize = m_NullBlock->size;
+ UINT64 calculatedFreeSize = m_NullBlock->size;
+ size_t allocCount = 0;
+ size_t freeCount = 0;
+ // Check integrity of free lists
+ for (UINT32 list = 0; list < m_ListsCount; ++list)
+ {
+ Block* block = m_FreeList[list];
+ if (block != NULL)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(block->IsFree());
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(block->PrevFree() == NULL);
+ while (block->NextFree())
+ {
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(block->NextFree()->IsFree());
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(block->NextFree()->PrevFree() == block);
+ block = block->NextFree();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(m_NullBlock->nextPhysical == NULL);
+ if (m_NullBlock->prevPhysical)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(m_NullBlock->prevPhysical->nextPhysical == m_NullBlock);
+ }
+ // Check all blocks
+ UINT64 nextOffset = m_NullBlock->offset;
+ for (Block* prev = m_NullBlock->prevPhysical; prev != NULL; prev = prev->prevPhysical)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(prev->offset + prev->size == nextOffset);
+ nextOffset = prev->offset;
+ calculatedSize += prev->size;
+ UINT32 listIndex = GetListIndex(prev->size);
+ if (prev->IsFree())
+ {
+ ++freeCount;
+ // Check if free block belongs to free list
+ Block* freeBlock = m_FreeList[listIndex];
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(freeBlock != NULL);
+ bool found = false;
+ do
+ {
+ if (freeBlock == prev)
+ found = true;
+ freeBlock = freeBlock->NextFree();
+ } while (!found && freeBlock != NULL);
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(found);
+ calculatedFreeSize += prev->size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++allocCount;
+ // Check if taken block is not on a free list
+ Block* freeBlock = m_FreeList[listIndex];
+ while (freeBlock)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(freeBlock != prev);
+ freeBlock = freeBlock->NextFree();
+ }
+ }
+ if (prev->prevPhysical)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(prev->prevPhysical->nextPhysical == prev);
+ }
+ }
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(nextOffset == 0);
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(calculatedSize == GetSize());
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(calculatedFreeSize == GetSumFreeSize());
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(allocCount == m_AllocCount);
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(freeCount == m_BlocksFreeCount);
+ return true;
+void BlockMetadata_TLSF::GetAllocationInfo(AllocHandle allocHandle, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO& outInfo) const
+ Block* block = (Block*)allocHandle;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!block->IsFree() && "Cannot get allocation info for free block!");
+ outInfo.Offset = block->offset;
+ outInfo.Size = block->size;
+ outInfo.pPrivateData = block->PrivateData();
+bool BlockMetadata_TLSF::CreateAllocationRequest(
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ UINT32 strategy,
+ AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocSize > 0 && "Cannot allocate empty block!");
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!upperAddress && "ALLOCATION_FLAG_UPPER_ADDRESS can be used only with linear algorithm.");
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pAllocationRequest != NULL);
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate());
+ allocSize += GetDebugMargin();
+ // Quick check for too small pool
+ if (allocSize > GetSumFreeSize())
+ return false;
+ // If no free blocks in pool then check only null block
+ if (m_BlocksFreeCount == 0)
+ return CheckBlock(*m_NullBlock, m_ListsCount, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest);
+ // Round up to the next block
+ UINT64 sizeForNextList = allocSize;
+ UINT16 smallSizeStep = SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE / (IsVirtual() ? 1 << SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX : 4);
+ if (allocSize > SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE)
+ {
+ sizeForNextList += (1ULL << (BitScanMSB(allocSize) - SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX));
+ }
+ else if (allocSize > SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE - smallSizeStep)
+ sizeForNextList = SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE + 1;
+ else
+ sizeForNextList += smallSizeStep;
+ UINT32 nextListIndex = 0;
+ UINT32 prevListIndex = 0;
+ Block* nextListBlock = NULL;
+ Block* prevListBlock = NULL;
+ // Check blocks according to strategies
+ {
+ // Quick check for larger block first
+ nextListBlock = FindFreeBlock(sizeForNextList, nextListIndex);
+ if (nextListBlock != NULL && CheckBlock(*nextListBlock, nextListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest))
+ return true;
+ // If not fitted then null block
+ if (CheckBlock(*m_NullBlock, m_ListsCount, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest))
+ return true;
+ // Null block failed, search larger bucket
+ while (nextListBlock)
+ {
+ if (CheckBlock(*nextListBlock, nextListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest))
+ return true;
+ nextListBlock = nextListBlock->NextFree();
+ }
+ // Failed again, check best fit bucket
+ prevListBlock = FindFreeBlock(allocSize, prevListIndex);
+ while (prevListBlock)
+ {
+ if (CheckBlock(*prevListBlock, prevListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest))
+ return true;
+ prevListBlock = prevListBlock->NextFree();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ // Check best fit bucket
+ prevListBlock = FindFreeBlock(allocSize, prevListIndex);
+ while (prevListBlock)
+ {
+ if (CheckBlock(*prevListBlock, prevListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest))
+ return true;
+ prevListBlock = prevListBlock->NextFree();
+ }
+ // If failed check null block
+ if (CheckBlock(*m_NullBlock, m_ListsCount, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest))
+ return true;
+ // Check larger bucket
+ nextListBlock = FindFreeBlock(sizeForNextList, nextListIndex);
+ while (nextListBlock)
+ {
+ if (CheckBlock(*nextListBlock, nextListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest))
+ return true;
+ nextListBlock = nextListBlock->NextFree();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ // Perform search from the start
+ Vector<Block*> blockList(m_BlocksFreeCount, *GetAllocs());
+ size_t i = m_BlocksFreeCount;
+ for (Block* block = m_NullBlock->prevPhysical; block != NULL; block = block->prevPhysical)
+ {
+ if (block->IsFree() && block->size >= allocSize)
+ blockList[--i] = block;
+ }
+ for (; i < m_BlocksFreeCount; ++i)
+ {
+ Block& block = *blockList[i];
+ if (CheckBlock(block, GetListIndex(block.size), allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest))
+ return true;
+ }
+ // If failed check null block
+ if (CheckBlock(*m_NullBlock, m_ListsCount, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest))
+ return true;
+ // Whole range searched, no more memory
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check larger bucket
+ nextListBlock = FindFreeBlock(sizeForNextList, nextListIndex);
+ while (nextListBlock)
+ {
+ if (CheckBlock(*nextListBlock, nextListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest))
+ return true;
+ nextListBlock = nextListBlock->NextFree();
+ }
+ // If failed check null block
+ if (CheckBlock(*m_NullBlock, m_ListsCount, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest))
+ return true;
+ // Check best fit bucket
+ prevListBlock = FindFreeBlock(allocSize, prevListIndex);
+ while (prevListBlock)
+ {
+ if (CheckBlock(*prevListBlock, prevListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest))
+ return true;
+ prevListBlock = prevListBlock->NextFree();
+ }
+ }
+ // Worst case, full search has to be done
+ while (++nextListIndex < m_ListsCount)
+ {
+ nextListBlock = m_FreeList[nextListIndex];
+ while (nextListBlock)
+ {
+ if (CheckBlock(*nextListBlock, nextListIndex, allocSize, allocAlignment, pAllocationRequest))
+ return true;
+ nextListBlock = nextListBlock->NextFree();
+ }
+ }
+ // No more memory sadly
+ return false;
+void BlockMetadata_TLSF::Alloc(
+ const AllocationRequest& request,
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ void* privateData)
+ // Get block and pop it from the free list
+ Block* currentBlock = (Block*)request.allocHandle;
+ UINT64 offset = request.algorithmData;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(currentBlock != NULL);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(currentBlock->offset <= offset);
+ if (currentBlock != m_NullBlock)
+ RemoveFreeBlock(currentBlock);
+ // Append missing alignment to prev block or create new one
+ UINT64 misssingAlignment = offset - currentBlock->offset;
+ if (misssingAlignment)
+ {
+ Block* prevBlock = currentBlock->prevPhysical;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(prevBlock != NULL && "There should be no missing alignment at offset 0!");
+ if (prevBlock->IsFree() && prevBlock->size != GetDebugMargin())
+ {
+ UINT32 oldList = GetListIndex(prevBlock->size);
+ prevBlock->size += misssingAlignment;
+ // Check if new size crosses list bucket
+ if (oldList != GetListIndex(prevBlock->size))
+ {
+ prevBlock->size -= misssingAlignment;
+ RemoveFreeBlock(prevBlock);
+ prevBlock->size += misssingAlignment;
+ InsertFreeBlock(prevBlock);
+ }
+ else
+ m_BlocksFreeSize += misssingAlignment;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Block* newBlock = m_BlockAllocator.Alloc();
+ currentBlock->prevPhysical = newBlock;
+ prevBlock->nextPhysical = newBlock;
+ newBlock->prevPhysical = prevBlock;
+ newBlock->nextPhysical = currentBlock;
+ newBlock->size = misssingAlignment;
+ newBlock->offset = currentBlock->offset;
+ newBlock->MarkTaken();
+ InsertFreeBlock(newBlock);
+ }
+ currentBlock->size -= misssingAlignment;
+ currentBlock->offset += misssingAlignment;
+ }
+ UINT64 size = request.size + GetDebugMargin();
+ if (currentBlock->size == size)
+ {
+ if (currentBlock == m_NullBlock)
+ {
+ // Setup new null block
+ m_NullBlock = m_BlockAllocator.Alloc();
+ m_NullBlock->size = 0;
+ m_NullBlock->offset = currentBlock->offset + size;
+ m_NullBlock->prevPhysical = currentBlock;
+ m_NullBlock->nextPhysical = NULL;
+ m_NullBlock->MarkFree();
+ m_NullBlock->PrevFree() = NULL;
+ m_NullBlock->NextFree() = NULL;
+ currentBlock->nextPhysical = m_NullBlock;
+ currentBlock->MarkTaken();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(currentBlock->size > size && "Proper block already found, shouldn't find smaller one!");
+ // Create new free block
+ Block* newBlock = m_BlockAllocator.Alloc();
+ newBlock->size = currentBlock->size - size;
+ newBlock->offset = currentBlock->offset + size;
+ newBlock->prevPhysical = currentBlock;
+ newBlock->nextPhysical = currentBlock->nextPhysical;
+ currentBlock->nextPhysical = newBlock;
+ currentBlock->size = size;
+ if (currentBlock == m_NullBlock)
+ {
+ m_NullBlock = newBlock;
+ m_NullBlock->MarkFree();
+ m_NullBlock->NextFree() = NULL;
+ m_NullBlock->PrevFree() = NULL;
+ currentBlock->MarkTaken();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newBlock->nextPhysical->prevPhysical = newBlock;
+ newBlock->MarkTaken();
+ InsertFreeBlock(newBlock);
+ }
+ }
+ currentBlock->PrivateData() = privateData;
+ if (GetDebugMargin() > 0)
+ {
+ currentBlock->size -= GetDebugMargin();
+ Block* newBlock = m_BlockAllocator.Alloc();
+ newBlock->size = GetDebugMargin();
+ newBlock->offset = currentBlock->offset + currentBlock->size;
+ newBlock->prevPhysical = currentBlock;
+ newBlock->nextPhysical = currentBlock->nextPhysical;
+ newBlock->MarkTaken();
+ currentBlock->nextPhysical->prevPhysical = newBlock;
+ currentBlock->nextPhysical = newBlock;
+ InsertFreeBlock(newBlock);
+ }
+ ++m_AllocCount;
+void BlockMetadata_TLSF::Free(AllocHandle allocHandle)
+ Block* block = (Block*)allocHandle;
+ Block* next = block->nextPhysical;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!block->IsFree() && "Block is already free!");
+ --m_AllocCount;
+ if (GetDebugMargin() > 0)
+ {
+ RemoveFreeBlock(next);
+ MergeBlock(next, block);
+ block = next;
+ next = next->nextPhysical;
+ }
+ // Try merging
+ Block* prev = block->prevPhysical;
+ if (prev != NULL && prev->IsFree() && prev->size != GetDebugMargin())
+ {
+ RemoveFreeBlock(prev);
+ MergeBlock(block, prev);
+ }
+ if (!next->IsFree())
+ InsertFreeBlock(block);
+ else if (next == m_NullBlock)
+ MergeBlock(m_NullBlock, block);
+ else
+ {
+ RemoveFreeBlock(next);
+ MergeBlock(next, block);
+ InsertFreeBlock(next);
+ }
+void BlockMetadata_TLSF::Clear()
+ m_AllocCount = 0;
+ m_BlocksFreeCount = 0;
+ m_BlocksFreeSize = 0;
+ m_IsFreeBitmap = 0;
+ m_NullBlock->offset = 0;
+ m_NullBlock->size = GetSize();
+ Block* block = m_NullBlock->prevPhysical;
+ m_NullBlock->prevPhysical = NULL;
+ while (block)
+ {
+ Block* prev = block->prevPhysical;
+ m_BlockAllocator.Free(block);
+ block = prev;
+ }
+ memset(m_FreeList, 0, m_ListsCount * sizeof(Block*));
+ memset(m_InnerIsFreeBitmap, 0, m_MemoryClasses * sizeof(UINT32));
+AllocHandle BlockMetadata_TLSF::GetAllocationListBegin() const
+ if (m_AllocCount == 0)
+ return (AllocHandle)0;
+ for (Block* block = m_NullBlock->prevPhysical; block; block = block->prevPhysical)
+ {
+ if (!block->IsFree())
+ return (AllocHandle)block;
+ }
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(false && "If m_AllocCount > 0 then should find any allocation!");
+ return (AllocHandle)0;
+AllocHandle BlockMetadata_TLSF::GetNextAllocation(AllocHandle prevAlloc) const
+ Block* startBlock = (Block*)prevAlloc;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!startBlock->IsFree() && "Incorrect block!");
+ for (Block* block = startBlock->prevPhysical; block; block = block->prevPhysical)
+ {
+ if (!block->IsFree())
+ return (AllocHandle)block;
+ }
+ return (AllocHandle)0;
+UINT64 BlockMetadata_TLSF::GetNextFreeRegionSize(AllocHandle alloc) const
+ Block* block = (Block*)alloc;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!block->IsFree() && "Incorrect block!");
+ if (block->prevPhysical)
+ return block->prevPhysical->IsFree() ? block->prevPhysical->size : 0;
+ return 0;
+void* BlockMetadata_TLSF::GetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle) const
+ Block* block = (Block*)allocHandle;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!block->IsFree() && "Cannot get user data for free block!");
+ return block->PrivateData();
+void BlockMetadata_TLSF::SetAllocationPrivateData(AllocHandle allocHandle, void* privateData)
+ Block* block = (Block*)allocHandle;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!block->IsFree() && "Trying to set user data for not allocated block!");
+ block->PrivateData() = privateData;
+void BlockMetadata_TLSF::AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats) const
+ inoutStats.BlockCount++;
+ inoutStats.AllocationCount += static_cast<UINT>(m_AllocCount);
+ inoutStats.BlockBytes += GetSize();
+ inoutStats.AllocationBytes += GetSize() - GetSumFreeSize();
+void BlockMetadata_TLSF::AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats) const
+ inoutStats.Stats.BlockCount++;
+ inoutStats.Stats.BlockBytes += GetSize();
+ for (Block* block = m_NullBlock->prevPhysical; block != NULL; block = block->prevPhysical)
+ {
+ if (block->IsFree())
+ AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, block->size);
+ else
+ AddDetailedStatisticsAllocation(inoutStats, block->size);
+ }
+ if (m_NullBlock->size > 0)
+ AddDetailedStatisticsUnusedRange(inoutStats, m_NullBlock->size);
+void BlockMetadata_TLSF::WriteAllocationInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json) const
+ size_t blockCount = m_AllocCount + m_BlocksFreeCount;
+ Vector<Block*> blockList(blockCount, *GetAllocs());
+ size_t i = blockCount;
+ if (m_NullBlock->size > 0)
+ {
+ ++blockCount;
+ blockList.push_back(m_NullBlock);
+ }
+ for (Block* block = m_NullBlock->prevPhysical; block != NULL; block = block->prevPhysical)
+ {
+ blockList[--i] = block;
+ }
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(i == 0);
+ PrintDetailedMap_Begin(json, GetSumFreeSize(), GetAllocationCount(), m_BlocksFreeCount + static_cast<bool>(m_NullBlock->size));
+ for (; i < blockCount; ++i)
+ {
+ Block* block = blockList[i];
+ if (block->IsFree())
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, block->offset, block->size);
+ else
+ PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, block->offset, block->size, block->PrivateData());
+ }
+ PrintDetailedMap_End(json);
+void BlockMetadata_TLSF::DebugLogAllAllocations() const
+ for (Block* block = m_NullBlock->prevPhysical; block != NULL; block = block->prevPhysical)
+ {
+ if (!block->IsFree())
+ {
+ DebugLogAllocation(block->offset, block->size, block->PrivateData());
+ }
+ }
+UINT8 BlockMetadata_TLSF::SizeToMemoryClass(UINT64 size) const
+ if (size > SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE)
+ return BitScanMSB(size) - MEMORY_CLASS_SHIFT;
+ return 0;
+UINT16 BlockMetadata_TLSF::SizeToSecondIndex(UINT64 size, UINT8 memoryClass) const
+ if (memoryClass == 0)
+ {
+ if (IsVirtual())
+ return static_cast<UINT16>((size - 1) / 8);
+ else
+ return static_cast<UINT16>((size - 1) / 64);
+ }
+ return static_cast<UINT16>((size >> (memoryClass + MEMORY_CLASS_SHIFT - SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX)) ^ (1U << SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX));
+UINT32 BlockMetadata_TLSF::GetListIndex(UINT8 memoryClass, UINT16 secondIndex) const
+ if (memoryClass == 0)
+ return secondIndex;
+ const UINT32 index = static_cast<UINT32>(memoryClass - 1) * (1 << SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX) + secondIndex;
+ if (IsVirtual())
+ return index + (1 << SECOND_LEVEL_INDEX);
+ else
+ return index + 4;
+UINT32 BlockMetadata_TLSF::GetListIndex(UINT64 size) const
+ UINT8 memoryClass = SizeToMemoryClass(size);
+ return GetListIndex(memoryClass, SizeToSecondIndex(size, memoryClass));
+void BlockMetadata_TLSF::RemoveFreeBlock(Block* block)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(block != m_NullBlock);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(block->IsFree());
+ if (block->NextFree() != NULL)
+ block->NextFree()->PrevFree() = block->PrevFree();
+ if (block->PrevFree() != NULL)
+ block->PrevFree()->NextFree() = block->NextFree();
+ else
+ {
+ UINT8 memClass = SizeToMemoryClass(block->size);
+ UINT16 secondIndex = SizeToSecondIndex(block->size, memClass);
+ UINT32 index = GetListIndex(memClass, secondIndex);
+ m_FreeList[index] = block->NextFree();
+ if (block->NextFree() == NULL)
+ {
+ m_InnerIsFreeBitmap[memClass] &= ~(1U << secondIndex);
+ if (m_InnerIsFreeBitmap[memClass] == 0)
+ m_IsFreeBitmap &= ~(1UL << memClass);
+ }
+ }
+ block->MarkTaken();
+ block->PrivateData() = NULL;
+ --m_BlocksFreeCount;
+ m_BlocksFreeSize -= block->size;
+void BlockMetadata_TLSF::InsertFreeBlock(Block* block)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(block != m_NullBlock);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!block->IsFree() && "Cannot insert block twice!");
+ UINT8 memClass = SizeToMemoryClass(block->size);
+ UINT16 secondIndex = SizeToSecondIndex(block->size, memClass);
+ UINT32 index = GetListIndex(memClass, secondIndex);
+ block->PrevFree() = NULL;
+ block->NextFree() = m_FreeList[index];
+ m_FreeList[index] = block;
+ if (block->NextFree() != NULL)
+ block->NextFree()->PrevFree() = block;
+ else
+ {
+ m_InnerIsFreeBitmap[memClass] |= 1U << secondIndex;
+ m_IsFreeBitmap |= 1UL << memClass;
+ }
+ ++m_BlocksFreeCount;
+ m_BlocksFreeSize += block->size;
+void BlockMetadata_TLSF::MergeBlock(Block* block, Block* prev)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(block->prevPhysical == prev && "Cannot merge seperate physical regions!");
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(!prev->IsFree() && "Cannot merge block that belongs to free list!");
+ block->offset = prev->offset;
+ block->size += prev->size;
+ block->prevPhysical = prev->prevPhysical;
+ if (block->prevPhysical)
+ block->prevPhysical->nextPhysical = block;
+ m_BlockAllocator.Free(prev);
+BlockMetadata_TLSF::Block* BlockMetadata_TLSF::FindFreeBlock(UINT64 size, UINT32& listIndex) const
+ UINT8 memoryClass = SizeToMemoryClass(size);
+ UINT32 innerFreeMap = m_InnerIsFreeBitmap[memoryClass] & (~0U << SizeToSecondIndex(size, memoryClass));
+ if (!innerFreeMap)
+ {
+ // Check higher levels for avaiable blocks
+ UINT32 freeMap = m_IsFreeBitmap & (~0UL << (memoryClass + 1));
+ if (!freeMap)
+ return NULL; // No more memory avaible
+ // Find lowest free region
+ memoryClass = BitScanLSB(freeMap);
+ innerFreeMap = m_InnerIsFreeBitmap[memoryClass];
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(innerFreeMap != 0);
+ }
+ // Find lowest free subregion
+ listIndex = GetListIndex(memoryClass, BitScanLSB(innerFreeMap));
+ return m_FreeList[listIndex];
+bool BlockMetadata_TLSF::CheckBlock(
+ Block& block,
+ UINT32 listIndex,
+ UINT64 allocSize,
+ UINT64 allocAlignment,
+ AllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(block.IsFree() && "Block is already taken!");
+ UINT64 alignedOffset = AlignUp(block.offset, allocAlignment);
+ if (block.size < allocSize + alignedOffset - block.offset)
+ return false;
+ // Alloc successful
+ pAllocationRequest->allocHandle = (AllocHandle)&block;
+ pAllocationRequest->size = allocSize - GetDebugMargin();
+ pAllocationRequest->algorithmData = alignedOffset;
+ // Place block at the start of list if it's normal block
+ if (listIndex != m_ListsCount && block.PrevFree())
+ {
+ block.PrevFree()->NextFree() = block.NextFree();
+ if (block.NextFree())
+ block.NextFree()->PrevFree() = block.PrevFree();
+ block.PrevFree() = NULL;
+ block.NextFree() = m_FreeList[listIndex];
+ m_FreeList[listIndex] = &block;
+ if (block.NextFree())
+ block.NextFree()->PrevFree() = &block;
+ }
+ return true;
+#ifndef _D3D12MA_MEMORY_BLOCK
+Represents a single block of device memory (heap).
+Base class for inheritance.
+Thread-safety: This class must be externally synchronized.
+class MemoryBlock
+ // Creates the ID3D12Heap.
+ MemoryBlock(
+ AllocatorPimpl* allocator,
+ const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps,
+ D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags,
+ UINT64 size,
+ UINT id);
+ virtual ~MemoryBlock();
+ const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& GetHeapProperties() const { return m_HeapProps; }
+ D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS GetHeapFlags() const { return m_HeapFlags; }
+ UINT64 GetSize() const { return m_Size; }
+ UINT GetId() const { return m_Id; }
+ ID3D12Heap* GetHeap() const { return m_Heap; }
+ AllocatorPimpl* const m_Allocator;
+ const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES m_HeapProps;
+ const D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS m_HeapFlags;
+ const UINT64 m_Size;
+ const UINT m_Id;
+ HRESULT Init(ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* pProtectedSession, bool denyMsaaTextures);
+ ID3D12Heap* m_Heap = NULL;
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(MemoryBlock)
+#endif // _D3D12MA_MEMORY_BLOCK
+#ifndef _D3D12MA_NORMAL_BLOCK
+Represents a single block of device memory (heap) with all the data about its
+regions (aka suballocations, Allocation), assigned and free.
+Thread-safety: This class must be externally synchronized.
+class NormalBlock : public MemoryBlock
+ BlockMetadata* m_pMetadata;
+ NormalBlock(
+ AllocatorPimpl* allocator,
+ BlockVector* blockVector,
+ const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps,
+ D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags,
+ UINT64 size,
+ UINT id);
+ virtual ~NormalBlock();
+ BlockVector* GetBlockVector() const { return m_BlockVector; }
+ // 'algorithm' should be one of the *_ALGORITHM_* flags in enums POOL_FLAGS or VIRTUAL_BLOCK_FLAGS
+ HRESULT Init(UINT32 algorithm, ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* pProtectedSession, bool denyMsaaTextures);
+ // Validates all data structures inside this object. If not valid, returns false.
+ bool Validate() const;
+ BlockVector* m_BlockVector;
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(NormalBlock)
+#endif // _D3D12MA_NORMAL_BLOCK
+struct CommittedAllocationListItemTraits
+ using ItemType = Allocation;
+ static ItemType* GetPrev(const ItemType* item)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_COMMITTED || item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_HEAP);
+ return item->m_Committed.prev;
+ }
+ static ItemType* GetNext(const ItemType* item)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_COMMITTED || item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_HEAP);
+ return item->;
+ }
+ static ItemType*& AccessPrev(ItemType* item)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_COMMITTED || item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_HEAP);
+ return item->m_Committed.prev;
+ }
+ static ItemType*& AccessNext(ItemType* item)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_COMMITTED || item->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_HEAP);
+ return item->;
+ }
+Stores linked list of Allocation objects that are of TYPE_COMMITTED or TYPE_HEAP.
+Thread-safe, synchronized internally.
+class CommittedAllocationList
+ CommittedAllocationList() = default;
+ void Init(bool useMutex, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType, PoolPimpl* pool);
+ ~CommittedAllocationList();
+ D3D12_HEAP_TYPE GetHeapType() const { return m_HeapType; }
+ PoolPimpl* GetPool() const { return m_Pool; }
+ UINT GetMemorySegmentGroup(AllocatorPimpl* allocator) const;
+ void AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats);
+ void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats);
+ // Writes JSON array with the list of allocations.
+ void BuildStatsString(JsonWriter& json);
+ void Register(Allocation* alloc);
+ void Unregister(Allocation* alloc);
+ using CommittedAllocationLinkedList = IntrusiveLinkedList<CommittedAllocationListItemTraits>;
+ bool m_UseMutex = true;
+ PoolPimpl* m_Pool = NULL;
+ D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX m_Mutex;
+ CommittedAllocationLinkedList m_AllocationList;
+struct CommittedAllocationParameters
+ CommittedAllocationList* m_List = NULL;
+ D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES m_HeapProperties = {};
+ D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS m_HeapFlags = D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_NONE;
+ ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* m_ProtectedSession = NULL;
+ bool m_CanAlias = false;
+ bool IsValid() const { return m_List != NULL; }
+// Simple variant data structure to hold all possible variations of ID3D12Device*::CreateCommittedResource* and ID3D12Device*::CreatePlacedResource* arguments
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue)
+ , pResourceDesc(pResourceDesc)
+ , InitialResourceState(InitialResourceState)
+ , pOptimizedClearValue(pOptimizedClearValue)
+ {
+ }
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue)
+ , pResourceDesc1(pResourceDesc)
+ , InitialResourceState(InitialResourceState)
+ , pOptimizedClearValue(pOptimizedClearValue)
+ {
+ }
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT InitialLayout,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue,
+ UINT32 NumCastableFormats,
+ DXGI_FORMAT* pCastableFormats)
+ , pResourceDesc1(pResourceDesc)
+ , InitialLayout(InitialLayout)
+ , pOptimizedClearValue(pOptimizedClearValue)
+ , NumCastableFormats(NumCastableFormats)
+ , pCastableFormats(pCastableFormats)
+ {
+ }
+ enum VARIANT
+ {
+ };
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC* GetResourceDesc() const
+ {
+ return pResourceDesc;
+ }
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC*& AccessResourceDesc()
+ {
+ return pResourceDesc;
+ }
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC* GetBaseResourceDesc() const
+ {
+ // D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1 can be cast to D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC by discarding the new members at the end.
+ return pResourceDesc;
+ }
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES GetInitialResourceState() const
+ {
+ return InitialResourceState;
+ }
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* GetOptimizedClearValue() const
+ {
+ return pOptimizedClearValue;
+ }
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* GetResourceDesc1() const
+ {
+ return pResourceDesc1;
+ }
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1*& AccessResourceDesc1()
+ {
+ return pResourceDesc1;
+ }
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT GetInitialLayout() const
+ {
+ return InitialLayout;
+ }
+ UINT32 GetNumCastableFormats() const
+ {
+ return NumCastableFormats;
+ }
+ DXGI_FORMAT* GetCastableFormats() const
+ {
+ return pCastableFormats;
+ }
+ union
+ {
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC* pResourceDesc;
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc1;
+ };
+ union
+ {
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState;
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT InitialLayout;
+ };
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue;
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ UINT32 NumCastableFormats;
+ DXGI_FORMAT* pCastableFormats;
+#ifndef _D3D12MA_BLOCK_VECTOR
+Sequence of NormalBlock. Represents memory blocks allocated for a specific
+heap type and possibly resource type (if only Tier 1 is supported).
+Synchronized internally with a mutex.
+class BlockVector
+ friend class DefragmentationContextPimpl;
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(BlockVector)
+ BlockVector(
+ AllocatorPimpl* hAllocator,
+ const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps,
+ D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags,
+ UINT64 preferredBlockSize,
+ size_t minBlockCount,
+ size_t maxBlockCount,
+ bool explicitBlockSize,
+ UINT64 minAllocationAlignment,
+ UINT32 algorithm,
+ bool denyMsaaTextures,
+ ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* pProtectedSession,
+ D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY residencyPriority);
+ ~BlockVector();
+ D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY GetResidencyPriority() const { return m_ResidencyPriority; }
+ const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& GetHeapProperties() const { return m_HeapProps; }
+ D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS GetHeapFlags() const { return m_HeapFlags; }
+ UINT64 GetPreferredBlockSize() const { return m_PreferredBlockSize; }
+ UINT32 GetAlgorithm() const { return m_Algorithm; }
+ bool DeniesMsaaTextures() const { return m_DenyMsaaTextures; }
+ // To be used only while the m_Mutex is locked. Used during defragmentation.
+ size_t GetBlockCount() const { return m_Blocks.size(); }
+ // To be used only while the m_Mutex is locked. Used during defragmentation.
+ NormalBlock* GetBlock(size_t index) const { return m_Blocks[index]; }
+ D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX& GetMutex() { return m_Mutex; }
+ HRESULT CreateMinBlocks();
+ bool IsEmpty();
+ HRESULT Allocate(
+ UINT64 size,
+ UINT64 alignment,
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ Allocation** pAllocations);
+ void Free(Allocation* hAllocation);
+ HRESULT CreateResource(
+ UINT64 size,
+ UINT64 alignment,
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc,
+ const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource);
+ void AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats);
+ void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats);
+ void WriteBlockInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json);
+ AllocatorPimpl* const m_hAllocator;
+ const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES m_HeapProps;
+ const D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS m_HeapFlags;
+ const UINT64 m_PreferredBlockSize;
+ const size_t m_MinBlockCount;
+ const size_t m_MaxBlockCount;
+ const bool m_ExplicitBlockSize;
+ const UINT64 m_MinAllocationAlignment;
+ const UINT32 m_Algorithm;
+ const bool m_DenyMsaaTextures;
+ ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* const m_ProtectedSession;
+ const D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY m_ResidencyPriority;
+ /* There can be at most one allocation that is completely empty - a
+ hysteresis to avoid pessimistic case of alternating creation and destruction
+ of a ID3D12Heap. */
+ bool m_HasEmptyBlock;
+ D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX m_Mutex;
+ // Incrementally sorted by sumFreeSize, ascending.
+ Vector<NormalBlock*> m_Blocks;
+ UINT m_NextBlockId;
+ bool m_IncrementalSort = true;
+ // Disable incremental sorting when freeing allocations
+ void SetIncrementalSort(bool val) { m_IncrementalSort = val; }
+ UINT64 CalcSumBlockSize() const;
+ UINT64 CalcMaxBlockSize() const;
+ // Finds and removes given block from vector.
+ void Remove(NormalBlock* pBlock);
+ // Performs single step in sorting m_Blocks. They may not be fully sorted
+ // after this call.
+ void IncrementallySortBlocks();
+ void SortByFreeSize();
+ HRESULT AllocatePage(
+ UINT64 size,
+ UINT64 alignment,
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc,
+ Allocation** pAllocation);
+ HRESULT AllocateFromBlock(
+ NormalBlock* pBlock,
+ UINT64 size,
+ UINT64 alignment,
+ void* pPrivateData,
+ UINT32 strategy,
+ Allocation** pAllocation);
+ HRESULT CommitAllocationRequest(
+ AllocationRequest& allocRequest,
+ NormalBlock* pBlock,
+ UINT64 size,
+ UINT64 alignment,
+ void* pPrivateData,
+ Allocation** pAllocation);
+ HRESULT CreateBlock(
+ UINT64 blockSize,
+ size_t* pNewBlockIndex);
+#endif // _D3D12MA_BLOCK_VECTOR
+class CurrentBudgetData
+ bool ShouldUpdateBudget() const { return m_OperationsSinceBudgetFetch >= 30; }
+ void GetStatistics(Statistics& outStats, UINT group) const;
+ void GetBudget(bool useMutex,
+ UINT64* outLocalUsage, UINT64* outLocalBudget,
+ UINT64* outNonLocalUsage, UINT64* outNonLocalBudget);
+#if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4
+ HRESULT UpdateBudget(IDXGIAdapter3* adapter3, bool useMutex);
+ void AddAllocation(UINT group, UINT64 allocationBytes);
+ void RemoveAllocation(UINT group, UINT64 allocationBytes);
+ void AddBlock(UINT group, UINT64 blockBytes);
+ void RemoveBlock(UINT group, UINT64 blockBytes);
+ D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT32 m_OperationsSinceBudgetFetch = {0};
+ D3D12MA_RW_MUTEX m_BudgetMutex;
+void CurrentBudgetData::GetStatistics(Statistics& outStats, UINT group) const
+ outStats.BlockCount = m_BlockCount[group];
+ outStats.AllocationCount = m_AllocationCount[group];
+ outStats.BlockBytes = m_BlockBytes[group];
+ outStats.AllocationBytes = m_AllocationBytes[group];
+void CurrentBudgetData::GetBudget(bool useMutex,
+ UINT64* outLocalUsage, UINT64* outLocalBudget,
+ UINT64* outNonLocalUsage, UINT64* outNonLocalBudget)
+ MutexLockRead lockRead(m_BudgetMutex, useMutex);
+ if (outLocalUsage)
+ {
+ const UINT64 blockBytes = m_BlockBytes[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY];
+ const UINT64 blockBytesAtD3D12Fetch = m_BlockBytesAtD3D12Fetch[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY];
+ *outLocalUsage = D3D12Usage + blockBytes > blockBytesAtD3D12Fetch ?
+ D3D12Usage + blockBytes - blockBytesAtD3D12Fetch : 0;
+ }
+ if (outLocalBudget)
+ *outLocalBudget = m_D3D12Budget[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY];
+ if (outNonLocalUsage)
+ {
+ const UINT64 blockBytes = m_BlockBytes[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL_COPY];
+ const UINT64 blockBytesAtD3D12Fetch = m_BlockBytesAtD3D12Fetch[DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL_COPY];
+ *outNonLocalUsage = D3D12Usage + blockBytes > blockBytesAtD3D12Fetch ?
+ D3D12Usage + blockBytes - blockBytesAtD3D12Fetch : 0;
+ }
+ if (outNonLocalBudget)
+#if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4
+HRESULT CurrentBudgetData::UpdateBudget(IDXGIAdapter3* adapter3, bool useMutex)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(adapter3);
+ const HRESULT hrLocal = adapter3->QueryVideoMemoryInfo(0, DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL, &infoLocal);
+ const HRESULT hrNonLocal = adapter3->QueryVideoMemoryInfo(0, DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL, &infoNonLocal);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hrLocal) || SUCCEEDED(hrNonLocal))
+ {
+ MutexLockWrite lockWrite(m_BudgetMutex, useMutex);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hrLocal))
+ {
+ m_D3D12Usage[0] = infoLocal.CurrentUsage;
+ m_D3D12Budget[0] = infoLocal.Budget;
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hrNonLocal))
+ {
+ m_D3D12Usage[1] = infoNonLocal.CurrentUsage;
+ m_D3D12Budget[1] = infoNonLocal.Budget;
+ }
+ m_BlockBytesAtD3D12Fetch[0] = m_BlockBytes[0];
+ m_BlockBytesAtD3D12Fetch[1] = m_BlockBytes[1];
+ m_OperationsSinceBudgetFetch = 0;
+ }
+ return FAILED(hrLocal) ? hrLocal : hrNonLocal;
+#endif // #if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4
+void CurrentBudgetData::AddAllocation(UINT group, UINT64 allocationBytes)
+ ++m_AllocationCount[group];
+ m_AllocationBytes[group] += allocationBytes;
+ ++m_OperationsSinceBudgetFetch;
+void CurrentBudgetData::RemoveAllocation(UINT group, UINT64 allocationBytes)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_AllocationBytes[group] >= allocationBytes);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_AllocationCount[group] > 0);
+ m_AllocationBytes[group] -= allocationBytes;
+ --m_AllocationCount[group];
+ ++m_OperationsSinceBudgetFetch;
+void CurrentBudgetData::AddBlock(UINT group, UINT64 blockBytes)
+ ++m_BlockCount[group];
+ m_BlockBytes[group] += blockBytes;
+ ++m_OperationsSinceBudgetFetch;
+void CurrentBudgetData::RemoveBlock(UINT group, UINT64 blockBytes)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_BlockBytes[group] >= blockBytes);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_BlockCount[group] > 0);
+ m_BlockBytes[group] -= blockBytes;
+ --m_BlockCount[group];
+ ++m_OperationsSinceBudgetFetch;
+class DefragmentationContextPimpl
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(DefragmentationContextPimpl)
+ DefragmentationContextPimpl(
+ AllocatorPimpl* hAllocator,
+ BlockVector* poolVector);
+ ~DefragmentationContextPimpl();
+ void GetStats(DEFRAGMENTATION_STATS& outStats) { outStats = m_GlobalStats; }
+ const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& GetAllocs() const { return m_Moves.GetAllocs(); }
+ // Max number of allocations to ignore due to size constraints before ending single pass
+ static const UINT8 MAX_ALLOCS_TO_IGNORE = 16;
+ enum class CounterStatus { Pass, Ignore, End };
+ struct FragmentedBlock
+ {
+ UINT32 data;
+ NormalBlock* block;
+ };
+ struct StateBalanced
+ {
+ UINT64 avgFreeSize = 0;
+ UINT64 avgAllocSize = UINT64_MAX;
+ };
+ struct MoveAllocationData
+ {
+ UINT64 size;
+ UINT64 alignment;
+ };
+ const UINT64 m_MaxPassBytes;
+ const UINT32 m_MaxPassAllocations;
+ UINT8 m_IgnoredAllocs = 0;
+ UINT32 m_Algorithm;
+ UINT32 m_BlockVectorCount;
+ BlockVector* m_PoolBlockVector;
+ BlockVector** m_pBlockVectors;
+ size_t m_ImmovableBlockCount = 0;
+ DEFRAGMENTATION_STATS m_GlobalStats = { 0 };
+ DEFRAGMENTATION_STATS m_PassStats = { 0 };
+ void* m_AlgorithmState = NULL;
+ static MoveAllocationData GetMoveData(AllocHandle handle, BlockMetadata* metadata);
+ CounterStatus CheckCounters(UINT64 bytes);
+ bool IncrementCounters(UINT64 bytes);
+ bool ReallocWithinBlock(BlockVector& vector, NormalBlock* block);
+ bool AllocInOtherBlock(size_t start, size_t end, MoveAllocationData& data, BlockVector& vector);
+ bool ComputeDefragmentation(BlockVector& vector, size_t index);
+ bool ComputeDefragmentation_Fast(BlockVector& vector);
+ bool ComputeDefragmentation_Balanced(BlockVector& vector, size_t index, bool update);
+ bool ComputeDefragmentation_Full(BlockVector& vector);
+ void UpdateVectorStatistics(BlockVector& vector, StateBalanced& state);
+#ifndef _D3D12MA_POOL_PIMPL
+class PoolPimpl
+ friend class Allocator;
+ friend struct PoolListItemTraits;
+ PoolPimpl(AllocatorPimpl* allocator, const POOL_DESC& desc);
+ ~PoolPimpl();
+ AllocatorPimpl* GetAllocator() const { return m_Allocator; }
+ const POOL_DESC& GetDesc() const { return m_Desc; }
+ bool SupportsCommittedAllocations() const { return m_Desc.BlockSize == 0; }
+ LPCWSTR GetName() const { return m_Name; }
+ BlockVector* GetBlockVector() { return m_BlockVector; }
+ CommittedAllocationList* GetCommittedAllocationList() { return SupportsCommittedAllocations() ? &m_CommittedAllocations : NULL; }
+ HRESULT Init();
+ void GetStatistics(Statistics& outStats);
+ void CalculateStatistics(DetailedStatistics& outStats);
+ void AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats);
+ void SetName(LPCWSTR Name);
+ AllocatorPimpl* m_Allocator; // Externally owned object.
+ POOL_DESC m_Desc;
+ BlockVector* m_BlockVector; // Owned object.
+ CommittedAllocationList m_CommittedAllocations;
+ wchar_t* m_Name;
+ PoolPimpl* m_PrevPool = NULL;
+ PoolPimpl* m_NextPool = NULL;
+ void FreeName();
+struct PoolListItemTraits
+ using ItemType = PoolPimpl;
+ static ItemType* GetPrev(const ItemType* item) { return item->m_PrevPool; }
+ static ItemType* GetNext(const ItemType* item) { return item->m_NextPool; }
+ static ItemType*& AccessPrev(ItemType* item) { return item->m_PrevPool; }
+ static ItemType*& AccessNext(ItemType* item) { return item->m_NextPool; }
+#endif // _D3D12MA_POOL_PIMPL
+class AllocatorPimpl
+ friend class Allocator;
+ friend class Pool;
+ std::atomic_uint32_t m_RefCount = {1};
+ CurrentBudgetData m_Budget;
+ AllocatorPimpl(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, const ALLOCATOR_DESC& desc);
+ ~AllocatorPimpl();
+ ID3D12Device* GetDevice() const { return m_Device; }
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ ID3D12Device1* GetDevice1() const { return m_Device1; }
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ ID3D12Device4* GetDevice4() const { return m_Device4; }
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ ID3D12Device8* GetDevice8() const { return m_Device8; }
+ // Shortcut for "Allocation Callbacks", because this function is called so often.
+ const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& GetAllocs() const { return m_AllocationCallbacks; }
+ const D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS& GetD3D12Options() const { return m_D3D12Options; }
+ BOOL IsUMA() const { return m_D3D12Architecture.UMA; }
+ BOOL IsCacheCoherentUMA() const { return m_D3D12Architecture.CacheCoherentUMA; }
+ bool SupportsResourceHeapTier2() const { return m_D3D12Options.ResourceHeapTier >= D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_2; }
+ bool UseMutex() const { return m_UseMutex; }
+ AllocationObjectAllocator& GetAllocationObjectAllocator() { return m_AllocationObjectAllocator; }
+ UINT GetCurrentFrameIndex() const { return m_CurrentFrameIndex.load(); }
+ /*
+ If SupportsResourceHeapTier2():
+ else:
+ 0: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT + buffer
+ 1: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT + texture
+ 2: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT + texture RT or DS
+ 3: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD + buffer
+ 4: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD + texture
+ 5: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD + texture RT or DS
+ 6: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK + buffer
+ 7: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK + texture
+ 8: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK + texture RT or DS
+ */
+ UINT GetDefaultPoolCount() const { return SupportsResourceHeapTier2() ? 3 : 9; }
+ BlockVector** GetDefaultPools() { return m_BlockVectors; }
+ HRESULT Init(const ALLOCATOR_DESC& desc);
+ bool HeapFlagsFulfillResourceHeapTier(D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS flags) const;
+ UINT StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType) const;
+ UINT HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps) const;
+ UINT64 GetMemoryCapacity(UINT memorySegmentGroup) const;
+ HRESULT CreatePlacedResourceWrap(
+ ID3D12Heap *pHeap,
+ UINT64 HeapOffset,
+ const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource);
+ HRESULT CreateResource(
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc,
+ const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource);
+ HRESULT CreateAliasingResource(
+ Allocation* pAllocation,
+ UINT64 AllocationLocalOffset,
+ const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource);
+ HRESULT AllocateMemory(
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation);
+ // Unregisters allocation from the collection of dedicated allocations.
+ // Allocation object must be deleted externally afterwards.
+ void FreeCommittedMemory(Allocation* allocation);
+ // Unregisters allocation from the collection of placed allocations.
+ // Allocation object must be deleted externally afterwards.
+ void FreePlacedMemory(Allocation* allocation);
+ // Unregisters allocation from the collection of dedicated allocations and destroys associated heap.
+ // Allocation object must be deleted externally afterwards.
+ void FreeHeapMemory(Allocation* allocation);
+ void SetResidencyPriority(ID3D12Pageable* obj, D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY priority) const;
+ void SetCurrentFrameIndex(UINT frameIndex);
+ // For more deailed stats use outCutomHeaps to access statistics divided into L0 and L1 group
+ void CalculateStatistics(TotalStatistics& outStats, DetailedStatistics outCutomHeaps[2] = NULL);
+ void GetBudget(Budget* outLocalBudget, Budget* outNonLocalBudget);
+ void GetBudgetForHeapType(Budget& outBudget, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType);
+ void BuildStatsString(WCHAR** ppStatsString, BOOL detailedMap);
+ void FreeStatsString(WCHAR* pStatsString);
+ using PoolList = IntrusiveLinkedList<PoolListItemTraits>;
+ const bool m_UseMutex;
+ const bool m_AlwaysCommitted;
+ const bool m_MsaaAlwaysCommitted;
+ bool m_DefaultPoolsNotZeroed = false;
+ ID3D12Device* m_Device; // AddRef
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ ID3D12Device1* m_Device1 = NULL; // AddRef, optional
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ ID3D12Device4* m_Device4 = NULL; // AddRef, optional
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ ID3D12Device8* m_Device8 = NULL; // AddRef, optional
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ ID3D12Device10* m_Device10 = NULL; // AddRef, optional
+ IDXGIAdapter* m_Adapter; // AddRef
+#if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4
+ IDXGIAdapter3* m_Adapter3 = NULL; // AddRef, optional
+ UINT64 m_PreferredBlockSize;
+ ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS m_AllocationCallbacks;
+ D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT32 m_CurrentFrameIndex;
+ DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC m_AdapterDesc;
+ D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS m_D3D12Options;
+ AllocationObjectAllocator m_AllocationObjectAllocator;
+ PoolList m_Pools[HEAP_TYPE_COUNT];
+ // Default pools.
+ BlockVector* m_BlockVectors[DEFAULT_POOL_MAX_COUNT];
+ CommittedAllocationList m_CommittedAllocations[STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT];
+ /*
+ Heuristics that decides whether a resource should better be placed in its own,
+ dedicated allocation (committed resource rather than placed resource).
+ */
+ template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T>
+ static bool PrefersCommittedAllocation(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T& resourceDesc);
+ // Allocates and registers new committed resource with implicit heap, as dedicated allocation.
+ // Creates and returns Allocation object and optionally D3D12 resource.
+ HRESULT AllocateCommittedResource(
+ const CommittedAllocationParameters& committedAllocParams,
+ UINT64 resourceSize, bool withinBudget, void* pPrivateData,
+ const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource);
+ // Allocates and registers new heap without any resources placed in it, as dedicated allocation.
+ // Creates and returns Allocation object.
+ HRESULT AllocateHeap(
+ const CommittedAllocationParameters& committedAllocParams,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO& allocInfo, bool withinBudget,
+ void* pPrivateData, Allocation** ppAllocation);
+ template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T>
+ HRESULT CalcAllocationParams(const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, UINT64 allocSize,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T* resDesc, // Optional
+ BlockVector*& outBlockVector, CommittedAllocationParameters& outCommittedAllocationParams, bool& outPreferCommitted);
+ // Returns UINT32_MAX if index cannot be calculcated.
+ UINT CalcDefaultPoolIndex(const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, ResourceClass resourceClass) const;
+ void CalcDefaultPoolParams(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE& outHeapType, D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS& outHeapFlags, UINT index) const;
+ // Registers Pool object in m_Pools.
+ void RegisterPool(Pool* pool, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType);
+ // Unregisters Pool object from m_Pools.
+ void UnregisterPool(Pool* pool, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType);
+ HRESULT UpdateD3D12Budget();
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO GetResourceAllocationInfoNative(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC& resourceDesc) const;
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO GetResourceAllocationInfoNative(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1& resourceDesc) const;
+ template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T>
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO GetResourceAllocationInfo(D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T& inOutResourceDesc) const;
+ bool NewAllocationWithinBudget(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType, UINT64 size);
+ // Writes object { } with data of given budget.
+ static void WriteBudgetToJson(JsonWriter& json, const Budget& budget);
+AllocatorPimpl::AllocatorPimpl(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, const ALLOCATOR_DESC& desc)
+ : m_UseMutex((desc.Flags & ALLOCATOR_FLAG_SINGLETHREADED) == 0),
+ m_AlwaysCommitted((desc.Flags & ALLOCATOR_FLAG_ALWAYS_COMMITTED) != 0),
+ m_MsaaAlwaysCommitted((desc.Flags & ALLOCATOR_FLAG_MSAA_TEXTURES_ALWAYS_COMMITTED) != 0),
+ m_Device(desc.pDevice),
+ m_Adapter(desc.pAdapter),
+ m_PreferredBlockSize(desc.PreferredBlockSize != 0 ? desc.PreferredBlockSize : D3D12MA_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE),
+ m_AllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks),
+ m_CurrentFrameIndex(0),
+ // Below this line don't use allocationCallbacks but m_AllocationCallbacks!!!
+ m_AllocationObjectAllocator(m_AllocationCallbacks)
+ // desc.pAllocationCallbacks intentionally ignored here, preprocessed by CreateAllocator.
+ ZeroMemory(&m_D3D12Options, sizeof(m_D3D12Options));
+ ZeroMemory(&m_D3D12Architecture, sizeof(m_D3D12Architecture));
+ ZeroMemory(m_BlockVectors, sizeof(m_BlockVectors));
+ for (UINT i = 0; i < STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++i)
+ {
+ m_CommittedAllocations[i].Init(
+ m_UseMutex,
+ NULL); // pool
+ }
+ m_Device->AddRef();
+ m_Adapter->AddRef();
+HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::Init(const ALLOCATOR_DESC& desc)
+#if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4
+ desc.pAdapter->QueryInterface(D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_Adapter3));
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ m_Device->QueryInterface(D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_Device1));
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ m_Device->QueryInterface(D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_Device4));
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ m_Device->QueryInterface(D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_Device8));
+ {
+ D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS7 options7 = {};
+ if(SUCCEEDED(m_Device->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D12_FEATURE_D3D12_OPTIONS7, &options7, sizeof(options7))))
+ {
+ // DEFAULT_POOLS_NOT_ZEROED both supported and enabled by the user.
+ m_DefaultPoolsNotZeroed = true;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ m_Device->QueryInterface(D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_Device10));
+ HRESULT hr = m_Adapter->GetDesc(&m_AdapterDesc);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ hr = m_Device->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D12_FEATURE_D3D12_OPTIONS, &m_D3D12Options, sizeof(m_D3D12Options));
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ m_D3D12Options.ResourceHeapTier = (D3D12MA_FORCE_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER);
+ hr = m_Device->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D12_FEATURE_ARCHITECTURE, &m_D3D12Architecture, sizeof(m_D3D12Architecture));
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ m_D3D12Architecture.UMA = FALSE;
+ m_D3D12Architecture.CacheCoherentUMA = FALSE;
+ }
+ D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES heapProps = {};
+ const UINT defaultPoolCount = GetDefaultPoolCount();
+ for (UINT i = 0; i < defaultPoolCount; ++i)
+ {
+ D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags;
+ CalcDefaultPoolParams(heapProps.Type, heapFlags, i);
+ if(m_DefaultPoolsNotZeroed)
+ {
+ }
+ m_BlockVectors[i] = D3D12MA_NEW(GetAllocs(), BlockVector)(
+ this, // hAllocator
+ heapProps, // heapType
+ heapFlags, // heapFlags
+ m_PreferredBlockSize,
+ 0, // minBlockCount
+ SIZE_MAX, // maxBlockCount
+ false, // explicitBlockSize
+ D3D12MA_DEBUG_ALIGNMENT, // minAllocationAlignment
+ 0, // Default algorithm,
+ m_MsaaAlwaysCommitted,
+ NULL, // pProtectedSession
+ D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY_NONE); // residencyPriority
+ // No need to call m_pBlockVectors[i]->CreateMinBlocks here, becase minBlockCount is 0.
+ }
+#if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4
+ UpdateD3D12Budget();
+ return S_OK;
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ SAFE_RELEASE(m_Device10);
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ SAFE_RELEASE(m_Device8);
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ SAFE_RELEASE(m_Device4);
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ SAFE_RELEASE(m_Device1);
+#if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4
+ SAFE_RELEASE(m_Adapter3);
+ SAFE_RELEASE(m_Adapter);
+ SAFE_RELEASE(m_Device);
+ for (UINT i = DEFAULT_POOL_MAX_COUNT; i--; )
+ {
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(GetAllocs(), m_BlockVectors[i]);
+ }
+ for (UINT i = HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; i--; )
+ {
+ if (!m_Pools[i].IsEmpty())
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Unfreed pools found!");
+ }
+ }
+bool AllocatorPimpl::HeapFlagsFulfillResourceHeapTier(D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS flags) const
+ if (SupportsResourceHeapTier2())
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const bool allowBuffers = (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_BUFFERS) == 0;
+ const bool allowRtDsTextures = (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_RT_DS_TEXTURES) == 0;
+ const bool allowNonRtDsTextures = (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_NON_RT_DS_TEXTURES) == 0;
+ const uint8_t allowedGroupCount = (allowBuffers ? 1 : 0) + (allowRtDsTextures ? 1 : 0) + (allowNonRtDsTextures ? 1 : 0);
+ return allowedGroupCount == 1;
+ }
+UINT AllocatorPimpl::StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType) const
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(IsHeapTypeStandard(heapType));
+ if (IsUMA())
+ return heapType == D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT ?
+UINT AllocatorPimpl::HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps) const
+ if (IsUMA())
+ if (heapProps.MemoryPoolPreference == D3D12_MEMORY_POOL_UNKNOWN)
+ return StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(heapProps.Type);
+ return heapProps.MemoryPoolPreference == D3D12_MEMORY_POOL_L1 ?
+UINT64 AllocatorPimpl::GetMemoryCapacity(UINT memorySegmentGroup) const
+ switch (memorySegmentGroup)
+ {
+ return IsUMA() ?
+ m_AdapterDesc.DedicatedVideoMemory + m_AdapterDesc.SharedSystemMemory : m_AdapterDesc.DedicatedVideoMemory;
+ return IsUMA() ? 0 : m_AdapterDesc.SharedSystemMemory;
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ return UINT64_MAX;
+ }
+HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::CreatePlacedResourceWrap(
+ ID3D12Heap *pHeap,
+ UINT64 HeapOffset,
+ const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource)
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ {
+ if (!m_Device10)
+ {
+ }
+ return m_Device10->CreatePlacedResource2(pHeap, HeapOffset,
+ createParams.GetResourceDesc1(), createParams.GetInitialLayout(),
+ createParams.GetOptimizedClearValue(), createParams.GetNumCastableFormats(),
+ createParams.GetCastableFormats(), riidResource, ppvResource);
+ } else
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ {
+ if (!m_Device8)
+ {
+ }
+ return m_Device8->CreatePlacedResource1(pHeap, HeapOffset,
+ createParams.GetResourceDesc1(), createParams.GetInitialResourceState(),
+ createParams.GetOptimizedClearValue(), riidResource, ppvResource);
+ } else
+ {
+ return m_Device->CreatePlacedResource(pHeap, HeapOffset,
+ createParams.GetResourceDesc(), createParams.GetInitialResourceState(),
+ createParams.GetOptimizedClearValue(), riidResource, ppvResource);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::CreateResource(
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc,
+ const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pAllocDesc && createParams.GetBaseResourceDesc() && ppAllocation);
+ *ppAllocation = NULL;
+ if (ppvResource)
+ {
+ *ppvResource = NULL;
+ }
+ CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS finalCreateParams = createParams;
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC finalResourceDesc;
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1 finalResourceDesc1;
+ {
+ finalResourceDesc = *createParams.GetResourceDesc();
+ finalCreateParams.AccessResourceDesc() = &finalResourceDesc;
+ resAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfo(finalResourceDesc);
+ }
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ {
+ if (!m_Device8)
+ {
+ }
+ finalResourceDesc1 = *createParams.GetResourceDesc1();
+ finalCreateParams.AccessResourceDesc1() = &finalResourceDesc1;
+ resAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfo(finalResourceDesc1);
+ }
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ else if (createParams.Variant == CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_LAYOUT)
+ {
+ if (!m_Device10)
+ {
+ }
+ finalResourceDesc1 = *createParams.GetResourceDesc1();
+ finalCreateParams.AccessResourceDesc1() = &finalResourceDesc1;
+ resAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfo(finalResourceDesc1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(IsPow2(resAllocInfo.Alignment));
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes > 0);
+ BlockVector* blockVector = NULL;
+ CommittedAllocationParameters committedAllocationParams = {};
+ bool preferCommitted = false;
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ {
+ hr = CalcAllocationParams<D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1>(*pAllocDesc, resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes,
+ createParams.GetResourceDesc1(),
+ blockVector, committedAllocationParams, preferCommitted);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hr = CalcAllocationParams<D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC>(*pAllocDesc, resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes,
+ createParams.GetResourceDesc(),
+ blockVector, committedAllocationParams, preferCommitted);
+ }
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ const bool withinBudget = (pAllocDesc->Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_WITHIN_BUDGET) != 0;
+ if (committedAllocationParams.IsValid() && preferCommitted)
+ {
+ hr = AllocateCommittedResource(committedAllocationParams,
+ resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes, withinBudget, pAllocDesc->pPrivateData,
+ finalCreateParams, ppAllocation, riidResource, ppvResource);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ }
+ if (blockVector != NULL)
+ {
+ hr = blockVector->CreateResource(resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes, resAllocInfo.Alignment,
+ *pAllocDesc, finalCreateParams,
+ ppAllocation, riidResource, ppvResource);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ }
+ if (committedAllocationParams.IsValid() && !preferCommitted)
+ {
+ hr = AllocateCommittedResource(committedAllocationParams,
+ resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes, withinBudget, pAllocDesc->pPrivateData,
+ finalCreateParams, ppAllocation, riidResource, ppvResource);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ }
+ return hr;
+HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::AllocateMemory(
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation)
+ *ppAllocation = NULL;
+ BlockVector* blockVector = NULL;
+ CommittedAllocationParameters committedAllocationParams = {};
+ bool preferCommitted = false;
+ HRESULT hr = CalcAllocationParams<D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC>(*pAllocDesc, pAllocInfo->SizeInBytes,
+ NULL, // pResDesc
+ blockVector, committedAllocationParams, preferCommitted);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ const bool withinBudget = (pAllocDesc->Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_WITHIN_BUDGET) != 0;
+ if (committedAllocationParams.IsValid() && preferCommitted)
+ {
+ hr = AllocateHeap(committedAllocationParams, *pAllocInfo, withinBudget, pAllocDesc->pPrivateData, ppAllocation);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ }
+ if (blockVector != NULL)
+ {
+ hr = blockVector->Allocate(pAllocInfo->SizeInBytes, pAllocInfo->Alignment,
+ *pAllocDesc, 1, (Allocation**)ppAllocation);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ }
+ if (committedAllocationParams.IsValid() && !preferCommitted)
+ {
+ hr = AllocateHeap(committedAllocationParams, *pAllocInfo, withinBudget, pAllocDesc->pPrivateData, ppAllocation);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ }
+ return hr;
+HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::CreateAliasingResource(
+ Allocation* pAllocation,
+ UINT64 AllocationLocalOffset,
+ const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource)
+ *ppvResource = NULL;
+ CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS finalCreateParams = createParams;
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC finalResourceDesc;
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1 finalResourceDesc1;
+ {
+ finalResourceDesc = *createParams.GetResourceDesc();
+ finalCreateParams.AccessResourceDesc() = &finalResourceDesc;
+ resAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfo(finalResourceDesc);
+ }
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ {
+ if (!m_Device8)
+ {
+ }
+ finalResourceDesc1 = *createParams.GetResourceDesc1();
+ finalCreateParams.AccessResourceDesc1() = &finalResourceDesc1;
+ resAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfo(finalResourceDesc1);
+ }
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ else if (createParams.Variant == CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS::VARIANT_WITH_LAYOUT)
+ {
+ if (!m_Device10)
+ {
+ }
+ finalResourceDesc1 = *createParams.GetResourceDesc1();
+ finalCreateParams.AccessResourceDesc1() = &finalResourceDesc1;
+ resAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfo(finalResourceDesc1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(IsPow2(resAllocInfo.Alignment));
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes > 0);
+ ID3D12Heap* const existingHeap = pAllocation->GetHeap();
+ const UINT64 existingOffset = pAllocation->GetOffset();
+ const UINT64 existingSize = pAllocation->GetSize();
+ const UINT64 newOffset = existingOffset + AllocationLocalOffset;
+ if (existingHeap == NULL ||
+ AllocationLocalOffset + resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes > existingSize ||
+ newOffset % resAllocInfo.Alignment != 0)
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ return CreatePlacedResourceWrap(existingHeap, newOffset, finalCreateParams, riidResource, ppvResource);
+void AllocatorPimpl::FreeCommittedMemory(Allocation* allocation)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocation && allocation->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_COMMITTED);
+ CommittedAllocationList* const allocList = allocation->m_Committed.list;
+ allocList->Unregister(allocation);
+ const UINT memSegmentGroup = allocList->GetMemorySegmentGroup(this);
+ const UINT64 allocSize = allocation->GetSize();
+ m_Budget.RemoveAllocation(memSegmentGroup, allocSize);
+ m_Budget.RemoveBlock(memSegmentGroup, allocSize);
+void AllocatorPimpl::FreePlacedMemory(Allocation* allocation)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocation && allocation->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_PLACED);
+ NormalBlock* const block = allocation->m_Placed.block;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(block);
+ BlockVector* const blockVector = block->GetBlockVector();
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(blockVector);
+ m_Budget.RemoveAllocation(HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(block->GetHeapProperties()), allocation->GetSize());
+ blockVector->Free(allocation);
+void AllocatorPimpl::FreeHeapMemory(Allocation* allocation)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocation && allocation->m_PackedData.GetType() == Allocation::TYPE_HEAP);
+ CommittedAllocationList* const allocList = allocation->m_Committed.list;
+ allocList->Unregister(allocation);
+ SAFE_RELEASE(allocation->m_Heap.heap);
+ const UINT memSegmentGroup = allocList->GetMemorySegmentGroup(this);
+ const UINT64 allocSize = allocation->GetSize();
+ m_Budget.RemoveAllocation(memSegmentGroup, allocSize);
+ m_Budget.RemoveBlock(memSegmentGroup, allocSize);
+void AllocatorPimpl::SetResidencyPriority(ID3D12Pageable* obj, D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY priority) const
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ if (priority != D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY_NONE && m_Device1)
+ {
+ // Intentionally ignoring the result.
+ m_Device1->SetResidencyPriority(1, &obj, &priority);
+ }
+void AllocatorPimpl::SetCurrentFrameIndex(UINT frameIndex)
+#if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4
+ UpdateD3D12Budget();
+void AllocatorPimpl::CalculateStatistics(TotalStatistics& outStats, DetailedStatistics outCutomHeaps[2])
+ // Init stats
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; i++)
+ ClearDetailedStatistics(outStats.HeapType[i]);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_COUNT; i++)
+ ClearDetailedStatistics(outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[i]);
+ ClearDetailedStatistics(outStats.Total);
+ if (outCutomHeaps)
+ {
+ ClearDetailedStatistics(outCutomHeaps[0]);
+ ClearDetailedStatistics(outCutomHeaps[1]);
+ }
+ // Process default pools. 3 standard heap types only. Add them to outStats.HeapType[i].
+ if (SupportsResourceHeapTier2())
+ {
+ for (size_t heapTypeIndex = 0; heapTypeIndex < STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++heapTypeIndex)
+ {
+ BlockVector* const pBlockVector = m_BlockVectors[heapTypeIndex];
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pBlockVector);
+ pBlockVector->AddDetailedStatistics(outStats.HeapType[heapTypeIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (size_t heapTypeIndex = 0; heapTypeIndex < STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++heapTypeIndex)
+ {
+ for (size_t heapSubType = 0; heapSubType < 3; ++heapSubType)
+ {
+ BlockVector* const pBlockVector = m_BlockVectors[heapTypeIndex * 3 + heapSubType];
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pBlockVector);
+ pBlockVector->AddDetailedStatistics(outStats.HeapType[heapTypeIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Sum them up to memory segment groups.
+ AddDetailedStatistics(
+ outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT)],
+ outStats.HeapType[0]);
+ AddDetailedStatistics(
+ outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD)],
+ outStats.HeapType[1]);
+ AddDetailedStatistics(
+ outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK)],
+ outStats.HeapType[2]);
+ // Process custom pools.
+ DetailedStatistics tmpStats;
+ for (size_t heapTypeIndex = 0; heapTypeIndex < HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++heapTypeIndex)
+ {
+ MutexLockRead lock(m_PoolsMutex[heapTypeIndex], m_UseMutex);
+ PoolList& poolList = m_Pools[heapTypeIndex];
+ for (PoolPimpl* pool = poolList.Front(); pool != NULL; pool = poolList.GetNext(pool))
+ {
+ const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& poolHeapProps = pool->GetDesc().HeapProperties;
+ ClearDetailedStatistics(tmpStats);
+ pool->AddDetailedStatistics(tmpStats);
+ AddDetailedStatistics(
+ outStats.HeapType[heapTypeIndex], tmpStats);
+ UINT memorySegment = HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(poolHeapProps);
+ AddDetailedStatistics(
+ outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[memorySegment], tmpStats);
+ if (outCutomHeaps)
+ AddDetailedStatistics(outCutomHeaps[memorySegment], tmpStats);
+ }
+ }
+ // Process committed allocations. 3 standard heap types only.
+ for (UINT heapTypeIndex = 0; heapTypeIndex < STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++heapTypeIndex)
+ {
+ ClearDetailedStatistics(tmpStats);
+ m_CommittedAllocations[heapTypeIndex].AddDetailedStatistics(tmpStats);
+ AddDetailedStatistics(
+ outStats.HeapType[heapTypeIndex], tmpStats);
+ AddDetailedStatistics(
+ outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(IndexToHeapType(heapTypeIndex))], tmpStats);
+ }
+ // Sum up memory segment groups to totals.
+ AddDetailedStatistics(outStats.Total, outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[0]);
+ AddDetailedStatistics(outStats.Total, outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[1]);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.BlockCount ==
+ outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[0].Stats.BlockCount + outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[1].Stats.BlockCount);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.AllocationCount ==
+ outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[0].Stats.AllocationCount + outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[1].Stats.AllocationCount);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.BlockBytes ==
+ outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[0].Stats.BlockBytes + outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[1].Stats.BlockBytes);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.AllocationBytes ==
+ outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[0].Stats.AllocationBytes + outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[1].Stats.AllocationBytes);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.UnusedRangeCount ==
+ outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[0].UnusedRangeCount + outStats.MemorySegmentGroup[1].UnusedRangeCount);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.BlockCount ==
+ outStats.HeapType[0].Stats.BlockCount + outStats.HeapType[1].Stats.BlockCount +
+ outStats.HeapType[2].Stats.BlockCount + outStats.HeapType[3].Stats.BlockCount);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.AllocationCount ==
+ outStats.HeapType[0].Stats.AllocationCount + outStats.HeapType[1].Stats.AllocationCount +
+ outStats.HeapType[2].Stats.AllocationCount + outStats.HeapType[3].Stats.AllocationCount);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.BlockBytes ==
+ outStats.HeapType[0].Stats.BlockBytes + outStats.HeapType[1].Stats.BlockBytes +
+ outStats.HeapType[2].Stats.BlockBytes + outStats.HeapType[3].Stats.BlockBytes);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.Stats.AllocationBytes ==
+ outStats.HeapType[0].Stats.AllocationBytes + outStats.HeapType[1].Stats.AllocationBytes +
+ outStats.HeapType[2].Stats.AllocationBytes + outStats.HeapType[3].Stats.AllocationBytes);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(outStats.Total.UnusedRangeCount ==
+ outStats.HeapType[0].UnusedRangeCount + outStats.HeapType[1].UnusedRangeCount +
+ outStats.HeapType[2].UnusedRangeCount + outStats.HeapType[3].UnusedRangeCount);
+void AllocatorPimpl::GetBudget(Budget* outLocalBudget, Budget* outNonLocalBudget)
+ if (outLocalBudget)
+ m_Budget.GetStatistics(outLocalBudget->Stats, DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY);
+ if (outNonLocalBudget)
+ m_Budget.GetStatistics(outNonLocalBudget->Stats, DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL_COPY);
+#if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4
+ if (m_Adapter3)
+ {
+ if (!m_Budget.ShouldUpdateBudget())
+ {
+ m_Budget.GetBudget(m_UseMutex,
+ outLocalBudget ? &outLocalBudget->UsageBytes : NULL,
+ outLocalBudget ? &outLocalBudget->BudgetBytes : NULL,
+ outNonLocalBudget ? &outNonLocalBudget->UsageBytes : NULL,
+ outNonLocalBudget ? &outNonLocalBudget->BudgetBytes : NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UpdateD3D12Budget();
+ GetBudget(outLocalBudget, outNonLocalBudget); // Recursion
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (outLocalBudget)
+ {
+ outLocalBudget->UsageBytes = outLocalBudget->Stats.BlockBytes;
+ outLocalBudget->BudgetBytes = GetMemoryCapacity(DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL_COPY) * 8 / 10; // 80% heuristics.
+ }
+ if (outNonLocalBudget)
+ {
+ outNonLocalBudget->UsageBytes = outNonLocalBudget->Stats.BlockBytes;
+ outNonLocalBudget->BudgetBytes = GetMemoryCapacity(DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL_COPY) * 8 / 10; // 80% heuristics.
+ }
+ }
+void AllocatorPimpl::GetBudgetForHeapType(Budget& outBudget, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType)
+ switch (heapType)
+ {
+ GetBudget(&outBudget, NULL);
+ break;
+ GetBudget(NULL, &outBudget);
+ break;
+ default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ }
+void AllocatorPimpl::BuildStatsString(WCHAR** ppStatsString, BOOL detailedMap)
+ StringBuilder sb(GetAllocs());
+ {
+ Budget localBudget = {}, nonLocalBudget = {};
+ GetBudget(&localBudget, &nonLocalBudget);
+ TotalStatistics stats;
+ DetailedStatistics customHeaps[2];
+ CalculateStatistics(stats, customHeaps);
+ JsonWriter json(GetAllocs(), sb);
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"General");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"API");
+ json.WriteString(L"Direct3D 12");
+ json.WriteString(L"GPU");
+ json.WriteString(m_AdapterDesc.Description);
+ json.WriteString(L"DedicatedVideoMemory");
+ json.WriteNumber((UINT64)m_AdapterDesc.DedicatedVideoMemory);
+ json.WriteString(L"DedicatedSystemMemory");
+ json.WriteNumber((UINT64)m_AdapterDesc.DedicatedSystemMemory);
+ json.WriteString(L"SharedSystemMemory");
+ json.WriteNumber((UINT64)m_AdapterDesc.SharedSystemMemory);
+ json.WriteString(L"ResourceHeapTier");
+ json.WriteNumber(static_cast<UINT>(m_D3D12Options.ResourceHeapTier));
+ json.WriteString(L"ResourceBindingTier");
+ json.WriteNumber(static_cast<UINT>(m_D3D12Options.ResourceBindingTier));
+ json.WriteString(L"TiledResourcesTier");
+ json.WriteNumber(static_cast<UINT>(m_D3D12Options.TiledResourcesTier));
+ json.WriteString(L"TileBasedRenderer");
+ json.WriteBool(m_D3D12Architecture.TileBasedRenderer);
+ json.WriteString(L"UMA");
+ json.WriteBool(m_D3D12Architecture.UMA);
+ json.WriteString(L"CacheCoherentUMA");
+ json.WriteBool(m_D3D12Architecture.CacheCoherentUMA);
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"Total");
+ json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(stats.Total);
+ }
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"MemoryInfo");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"L0");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"Budget");
+ WriteBudgetToJson(json, IsUMA() ? localBudget : nonLocalBudget); // When UMA device only L0 present as local
+ json.WriteString(L"Stats");
+ json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(stats.MemorySegmentGroup[!IsUMA()]);
+ json.WriteString(L"MemoryPools");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ if (IsUMA())
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"DEFAULT");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"Stats");
+ json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(stats.HeapType[0]);
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ json.WriteString(L"UPLOAD");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"Stats");
+ json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(stats.HeapType[1]);
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ json.WriteString(L"READBACK");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"Stats");
+ json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(stats.HeapType[2]);
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ json.WriteString(L"CUSTOM");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"Stats");
+ json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(customHeaps[!IsUMA()]);
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ if (!IsUMA())
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"L1");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"Budget");
+ WriteBudgetToJson(json, localBudget);
+ json.WriteString(L"Stats");
+ json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(stats.MemorySegmentGroup[0]);
+ json.WriteString(L"MemoryPools");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"DEFAULT");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"Stats");
+ json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(stats.HeapType[0]);
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ json.WriteString(L"CUSTOM");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"Stats");
+ json.AddDetailedStatisticsInfoObject(customHeaps[0]);
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ if (detailedMap)
+ {
+ const auto writeHeapInfo = [&](BlockVector* blockVector, CommittedAllocationList* committedAllocs, bool customHeap)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(blockVector);
+ D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS flags = blockVector->GetHeapFlags();
+ json.WriteString(L"Flags");
+ json.BeginArray(true);
+ {
+ if (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_SHARED)
+ json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_SHARED");
+ if (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_DISPLAY)
+ json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_DISPLAY");
+ json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_CROSS_ADAPTER");
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ if (flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_DENY_BUFFERS)
+ json.WriteString(L"HEAP_FLAG_DENY_BUFFERS");
+ flags &= ~(D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_SHARED
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ );
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ if (flags != 0)
+ json.WriteNumber((UINT)flags);
+ if (customHeap)
+ {
+ const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& properties = blockVector->GetHeapProperties();
+ switch (properties.MemoryPoolPreference)
+ {
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ json.WriteString(L"MEMORY_POOL_UNKNOWN");
+ break;
+ case D3D12_MEMORY_POOL_L0:
+ json.WriteString(L"MEMORY_POOL_L0");
+ break;
+ case D3D12_MEMORY_POOL_L1:
+ json.WriteString(L"MEMORY_POOL_L1");
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (properties.CPUPageProperty)
+ {
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ json.EndArray();
+ json.WriteString(L"PreferredBlockSize");
+ json.WriteNumber(blockVector->GetPreferredBlockSize());
+ json.WriteString(L"Blocks");
+ blockVector->WriteBlockInfoToJson(json);
+ json.WriteString(L"DedicatedAllocations");
+ json.BeginArray();
+ if (committedAllocs)
+ committedAllocs->BuildStatsString(json);
+ json.EndArray();
+ };
+ json.WriteString(L"DefaultPools");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ if (SupportsResourceHeapTier2())
+ {
+ for (uint8_t heapType = 0; heapType < STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++heapType)
+ {
+ json.WriteString(HeapTypeNames[heapType]);
+ json.BeginObject();
+ writeHeapInfo(m_BlockVectors[heapType], m_CommittedAllocations + heapType, false);
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint8_t heapType = 0; heapType < STANDARD_HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++heapType)
+ {
+ for (uint8_t heapSubType = 0; heapSubType < 3; ++heapSubType)
+ {
+ static const WCHAR* const heapSubTypeName[] = {
+ L" - Buffers",
+ L" - Textures",
+ L" - Textures RT/DS",
+ };
+ json.BeginString(HeapTypeNames[heapType]);
+ json.EndString(heapSubTypeName[heapSubType]);
+ json.BeginObject();
+ writeHeapInfo(m_BlockVectors[heapType + heapSubType], m_CommittedAllocations + heapType, false);
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ json.WriteString(L"CustomPools");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ for (uint8_t heapTypeIndex = 0; heapTypeIndex < HEAP_TYPE_COUNT; ++heapTypeIndex)
+ {
+ MutexLockRead mutex(m_PoolsMutex[heapTypeIndex], m_UseMutex);
+ auto* item = m_Pools[heapTypeIndex].Front();
+ if (item != NULL)
+ {
+ size_t index = 0;
+ json.WriteString(HeapTypeNames[heapTypeIndex]);
+ json.BeginArray();
+ do
+ {
+ json.BeginObject();
+ json.WriteString(L"Name");
+ json.BeginString();
+ json.ContinueString(index++);
+ if (item->GetName())
+ {
+ json.ContinueString(L" - ");
+ json.ContinueString(item->GetName());
+ }
+ json.EndString();
+ writeHeapInfo(item->GetBlockVector(), item->GetCommittedAllocationList(), heapTypeIndex == 3);
+ json.EndObject();
+ } while ((item = PoolList::GetNext(item)) != NULL);
+ json.EndArray();
+ }
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ const size_t length = sb.GetLength();
+ WCHAR* result = AllocateArray<WCHAR>(GetAllocs(), length + 2);
+ result[0] = 0xFEFF;
+ memcpy(result + 1, sb.GetData(), length * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ result[length + 1] = L'\0';
+ *ppStatsString = result;
+void AllocatorPimpl::FreeStatsString(WCHAR* pStatsString)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStatsString);
+ Free(GetAllocs(), pStatsString);
+template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T>
+bool AllocatorPimpl::PrefersCommittedAllocation(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T& resourceDesc)
+ // Intentional. It may change in the future.
+ return false;
+HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::AllocateCommittedResource(
+ const CommittedAllocationParameters& committedAllocParams,
+ UINT64 resourceSize, bool withinBudget, void* pPrivateData,
+ const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation, REFIID riidResource, void** ppvResource)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(committedAllocParams.IsValid());
+ ID3D12Resource* res = NULL;
+ // Allocate aliasing memory with explicit heap
+ if (committedAllocParams.m_CanAlias)
+ {
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO heapAllocInfo = {};
+ heapAllocInfo.SizeInBytes = resourceSize;
+ heapAllocInfo.Alignment = HeapFlagsToAlignment(committedAllocParams.m_HeapFlags, m_MsaaAlwaysCommitted);
+ hr = AllocateHeap(committedAllocParams, heapAllocInfo, withinBudget, pPrivateData, ppAllocation);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = CreatePlacedResourceWrap((*ppAllocation)->GetHeap(), 0,
+ createParams, D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&res));
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (ppvResource != NULL)
+ hr = res->QueryInterface(riidResource, ppvResource);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ (*ppAllocation)->SetResourcePointer(res, createParams.GetBaseResourceDesc());
+ return hr;
+ }
+ res->Release();
+ }
+ FreeHeapMemory(*ppAllocation);
+ }
+ return hr;
+ }
+ if (withinBudget &&
+ !NewAllocationWithinBudget(committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties.Type, resourceSize))
+ {
+ }
+ /* D3D12 ERROR:
+ * ID3D12Device::CreateCommittedResource:
+ * When creating a committed resource, D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS must not have either
+ * These flags will be set automatically to correspond with the committed resource type.
+ *
+ */
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ {
+ if (!m_Device10)
+ {
+ }
+ hr = m_Device10->CreateCommittedResource3(
+ &committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties,
+ committedAllocParams.m_HeapFlags & ~RESOURCE_CLASS_HEAP_FLAGS,
+ createParams.GetResourceDesc1(), createParams.GetInitialLayout(),
+ createParams.GetOptimizedClearValue(), committedAllocParams.m_ProtectedSession,
+ createParams.GetNumCastableFormats(), createParams.GetCastableFormats(),
+ D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&res));
+ } else
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ {
+ if (!m_Device8)
+ {
+ }
+ hr = m_Device8->CreateCommittedResource2(
+ &committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties,
+ committedAllocParams.m_HeapFlags & ~RESOURCE_CLASS_HEAP_FLAGS,
+ createParams.GetResourceDesc1(), createParams.GetInitialResourceState(),
+ createParams.GetOptimizedClearValue(), committedAllocParams.m_ProtectedSession,
+ D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&res));
+ } else
+ {
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ if (m_Device4)
+ {
+ hr = m_Device4->CreateCommittedResource1(
+ &committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties,
+ committedAllocParams.m_HeapFlags & ~RESOURCE_CLASS_HEAP_FLAGS,
+ createParams.GetResourceDesc(), createParams.GetInitialResourceState(),
+ createParams.GetOptimizedClearValue(), committedAllocParams.m_ProtectedSession,
+ D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&res));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (committedAllocParams.m_ProtectedSession == NULL)
+ {
+ hr = m_Device->CreateCommittedResource(
+ &committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties,
+ committedAllocParams.m_HeapFlags & ~RESOURCE_CLASS_HEAP_FLAGS,
+ createParams.GetResourceDesc(), createParams.GetInitialResourceState(),
+ createParams.GetOptimizedClearValue(), D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&res));
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ SetResidencyPriority(res, committedAllocParams.m_ResidencyPriority);
+ if (ppvResource != NULL)
+ {
+ hr = res->QueryInterface(riidResource, ppvResource);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ BOOL wasZeroInitialized = TRUE;
+ if((committedAllocParams.m_HeapFlags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED) != 0)
+ {
+ wasZeroInitialized = FALSE;
+ }
+ Allocation* alloc = m_AllocationObjectAllocator.Allocate(
+ this, resourceSize, createParams.GetBaseResourceDesc()->Alignment, wasZeroInitialized);
+ alloc->InitCommitted(committedAllocParams.m_List);
+ alloc->SetResourcePointer(res, createParams.GetBaseResourceDesc());
+ alloc->SetPrivateData(pPrivateData);
+ *ppAllocation = alloc;
+ committedAllocParams.m_List->Register(alloc);
+ const UINT memSegmentGroup = HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties);
+ m_Budget.AddBlock(memSegmentGroup, resourceSize);
+ m_Budget.AddAllocation(memSegmentGroup, resourceSize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::AllocateHeap(
+ const CommittedAllocationParameters& committedAllocParams,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO& allocInfo, bool withinBudget,
+ void* pPrivateData, Allocation** ppAllocation)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(committedAllocParams.IsValid());
+ *ppAllocation = nullptr;
+ if (withinBudget &&
+ !NewAllocationWithinBudget(committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties.Type, allocInfo.SizeInBytes))
+ {
+ }
+ D3D12_HEAP_DESC heapDesc = {};
+ heapDesc.SizeInBytes = allocInfo.SizeInBytes;
+ heapDesc.Properties = committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties;
+ heapDesc.Alignment = allocInfo.Alignment;
+ heapDesc.Flags = committedAllocParams.m_HeapFlags;
+ ID3D12Heap* heap = nullptr;
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ if (m_Device4)
+ hr = m_Device4->CreateHeap1(&heapDesc, committedAllocParams.m_ProtectedSession, D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&heap));
+ else
+ {
+ if (committedAllocParams.m_ProtectedSession == NULL)
+ hr = m_Device->CreateHeap(&heapDesc, D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&heap));
+ else
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ SetResidencyPriority(heap, committedAllocParams.m_ResidencyPriority);
+ BOOL wasZeroInitialized = TRUE;
+ if((heapDesc.Flags & D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED) != 0)
+ {
+ wasZeroInitialized = FALSE;
+ }
+ (*ppAllocation) = m_AllocationObjectAllocator.Allocate(this, allocInfo.SizeInBytes, allocInfo.Alignment, wasZeroInitialized);
+ (*ppAllocation)->InitHeap(committedAllocParams.m_List, heap);
+ (*ppAllocation)->SetPrivateData(pPrivateData);
+ committedAllocParams.m_List->Register(*ppAllocation);
+ const UINT memSegmentGroup = HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(committedAllocParams.m_HeapProperties);
+ m_Budget.AddBlock(memSegmentGroup, allocInfo.SizeInBytes);
+ m_Budget.AddAllocation(memSegmentGroup, allocInfo.SizeInBytes);
+ }
+ return hr;
+template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T>
+HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::CalcAllocationParams(const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, UINT64 allocSize,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T* resDesc,
+ BlockVector*& outBlockVector, CommittedAllocationParameters& outCommittedAllocationParams, bool& outPreferCommitted)
+ outBlockVector = NULL;
+ outCommittedAllocationParams = CommittedAllocationParameters();
+ outPreferCommitted = false;
+ bool msaaAlwaysCommitted;
+ if (allocDesc.CustomPool != NULL)
+ {
+ PoolPimpl* const pool = allocDesc.CustomPool->m_Pimpl;
+ msaaAlwaysCommitted = pool->GetBlockVector()->DeniesMsaaTextures();
+ outBlockVector = pool->GetBlockVector();
+ const auto& desc = pool->GetDesc();
+ outCommittedAllocationParams.m_ProtectedSession = desc.pProtectedSession;
+ outCommittedAllocationParams.m_HeapProperties = desc.HeapProperties;
+ outCommittedAllocationParams.m_HeapFlags = desc.HeapFlags;
+ outCommittedAllocationParams.m_List = pool->GetCommittedAllocationList();
+ outCommittedAllocationParams.m_ResidencyPriority = pool->GetDesc().ResidencyPriority;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!IsHeapTypeStandard(allocDesc.HeapType))
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ msaaAlwaysCommitted = m_MsaaAlwaysCommitted;
+ outCommittedAllocationParams.m_HeapProperties = StandardHeapTypeToHeapProperties(allocDesc.HeapType);
+ outCommittedAllocationParams.m_HeapFlags = allocDesc.ExtraHeapFlags;
+ outCommittedAllocationParams.m_List = &m_CommittedAllocations[HeapTypeToIndex(allocDesc.HeapType)];
+ // outCommittedAllocationParams.m_ResidencyPriority intentionally left with default value.
+ const ResourceClass resourceClass = (resDesc != NULL) ?
+ ResourceDescToResourceClass(*resDesc) : HeapFlagsToResourceClass(allocDesc.ExtraHeapFlags);
+ const UINT defaultPoolIndex = CalcDefaultPoolIndex(allocDesc, resourceClass);
+ if (defaultPoolIndex != UINT32_MAX)
+ {
+ outBlockVector = m_BlockVectors[defaultPoolIndex];
+ const UINT64 preferredBlockSize = outBlockVector->GetPreferredBlockSize();
+ if (allocSize > preferredBlockSize)
+ {
+ outBlockVector = NULL;
+ }
+ else if (allocSize > preferredBlockSize / 2)
+ {
+ // Heuristics: Allocate committed memory if requested size if greater than half of preferred block size.
+ outPreferCommitted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ const D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS extraHeapFlags = allocDesc.ExtraHeapFlags & ~RESOURCE_CLASS_HEAP_FLAGS;
+ if (outBlockVector != NULL && extraHeapFlags != 0)
+ {
+ outBlockVector = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((allocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED) != 0 ||
+ m_AlwaysCommitted)
+ {
+ outBlockVector = NULL;
+ }
+ if ((allocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_NEVER_ALLOCATE) != 0)
+ {
+ outCommittedAllocationParams.m_List = NULL;
+ }
+ outCommittedAllocationParams.m_CanAlias = allocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_CAN_ALIAS;
+ if (resDesc != NULL)
+ {
+ if (resDesc->SampleDesc.Count > 1 && msaaAlwaysCommitted)
+ outBlockVector = NULL;
+ if (!outPreferCommitted && PrefersCommittedAllocation(*resDesc))
+ outPreferCommitted = true;
+ }
+ return (outBlockVector != NULL || outCommittedAllocationParams.m_List != NULL) ? S_OK : E_INVALIDARG;
+UINT AllocatorPimpl::CalcDefaultPoolIndex(const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, ResourceClass resourceClass) const
+ D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS extraHeapFlags = allocDesc.ExtraHeapFlags & ~RESOURCE_CLASS_HEAP_FLAGS;
+ // If allocator was created with ALLOCATOR_FLAG_DEFAULT_POOLS_NOT_ZEROED, also ignore
+ if(m_DefaultPoolsNotZeroed)
+ {
+ extraHeapFlags &= ~D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED;
+ }
+ if (extraHeapFlags != 0)
+ {
+ return UINT32_MAX;
+ }
+ UINT poolIndex = UINT_MAX;
+ switch (allocDesc.HeapType)
+ {
+ case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT: poolIndex = 0; break;
+ case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD: poolIndex = 1; break;
+ case D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK: poolIndex = 2; break;
+ default: D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ if (SupportsResourceHeapTier2())
+ return poolIndex;
+ else
+ {
+ switch (resourceClass)
+ {
+ case ResourceClass::Buffer:
+ return poolIndex * 3;
+ case ResourceClass::Non_RT_DS_Texture:
+ return poolIndex * 3 + 1;
+ case ResourceClass::RT_DS_Texture:
+ return poolIndex * 3 + 2;
+ default:
+ return UINT32_MAX;
+ }
+ }
+void AllocatorPimpl::CalcDefaultPoolParams(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE& outHeapType, D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS& outHeapFlags, UINT index) const
+ outHeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT;
+ outHeapFlags = D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_NONE;
+ if (!SupportsResourceHeapTier2())
+ {
+ switch (index % 3)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ }
+ index /= 3;
+ }
+ switch (index)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ outHeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ outHeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ outHeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK;
+ break;
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ }
+void AllocatorPimpl::RegisterPool(Pool* pool, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType)
+ const UINT heapTypeIndex = HeapTypeToIndex(heapType);
+ MutexLockWrite lock(m_PoolsMutex[heapTypeIndex], m_UseMutex);
+ m_Pools[heapTypeIndex].PushBack(pool->m_Pimpl);
+void AllocatorPimpl::UnregisterPool(Pool* pool, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType)
+ const UINT heapTypeIndex = HeapTypeToIndex(heapType);
+ MutexLockWrite lock(m_PoolsMutex[heapTypeIndex], m_UseMutex);
+ m_Pools[heapTypeIndex].Remove(pool->m_Pimpl);
+HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::UpdateD3D12Budget()
+#if D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4
+ if (m_Adapter3)
+ return m_Budget.UpdateBudget(m_Adapter3, m_UseMutex);
+ else
+ return S_OK;
+D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO AllocatorPimpl::GetResourceAllocationInfoNative(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC& resourceDesc) const
+ return m_Device->GetResourceAllocationInfo(0, 1, &resourceDesc);
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO AllocatorPimpl::GetResourceAllocationInfoNative(const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1& resourceDesc) const
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_Device8 != NULL);
+ return m_Device8->GetResourceAllocationInfo2(0, 1, &resourceDesc, &info1Unused);
+#endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T>
+D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO AllocatorPimpl::GetResourceAllocationInfo(D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T& inOutResourceDesc) const
+ /* Optional optimization: Microsoft documentation says:
+ Your application can forgo using GetResourceAllocationInfo for buffer resources
+ (D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER). Buffers have the same size on all adapters,
+ which is merely the smallest multiple of 64KB that's greater or equal to
+ */
+ if (inOutResourceDesc.Alignment == 0 &&
+ inOutResourceDesc.Dimension == D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER)
+ {
+ return {
+ AlignUp<UINT64>(inOutResourceDesc.Width, D3D12_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT), // SizeInBytes
+ }
+ if (inOutResourceDesc.Alignment == 0 &&
+ inOutResourceDesc.Dimension == D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D &&
+ && CanUseSmallAlignment(inOutResourceDesc)
+ )
+ {
+ /*
+ The algorithm here is based on Microsoft sample: "Small Resources Sample"
+ */
+ const UINT64 smallAlignmentToTry = inOutResourceDesc.SampleDesc.Count > 1 ?
+ inOutResourceDesc.Alignment = smallAlignmentToTry;
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO smallAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfoNative(inOutResourceDesc);
+ // Check if alignment requested has been granted.
+ if (smallAllocInfo.Alignment == smallAlignmentToTry)
+ {
+ return smallAllocInfo;
+ }
+ inOutResourceDesc.Alignment = 0; // Restore original
+ }
+ return GetResourceAllocationInfoNative(inOutResourceDesc);
+bool AllocatorPimpl::NewAllocationWithinBudget(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType, UINT64 size)
+ Budget budget = {};
+ GetBudgetForHeapType(budget, heapType);
+ return budget.UsageBytes + size <= budget.BudgetBytes;
+void AllocatorPimpl::WriteBudgetToJson(JsonWriter& json, const Budget& budget)
+ json.BeginObject();
+ {
+ json.WriteString(L"BudgetBytes");
+ json.WriteNumber(budget.BudgetBytes);
+ json.WriteString(L"UsageBytes");
+ json.WriteNumber(budget.UsageBytes);
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+class VirtualBlockPimpl
+ const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS m_AllocationCallbacks;
+ const UINT64 m_Size;
+ BlockMetadata* m_Metadata;
+ VirtualBlockPimpl(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, const VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC& desc);
+ ~VirtualBlockPimpl();
+VirtualBlockPimpl::VirtualBlockPimpl(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, const VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC& desc)
+ : m_AllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks), m_Size(desc.Size)
+ {
+ m_Metadata = D3D12MA_NEW(allocationCallbacks, BlockMetadata_Linear)(&m_AllocationCallbacks, true);
+ break;
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ case 0:
+ m_Metadata = D3D12MA_NEW(allocationCallbacks, BlockMetadata_TLSF)(&m_AllocationCallbacks, true);
+ break;
+ }
+ m_Metadata->Init(m_Size);
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(m_AllocationCallbacks, m_Metadata);
+ AllocatorPimpl* allocator,
+ const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps,
+ D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags,
+ UINT64 size,
+ UINT id)
+ : m_Allocator(allocator),
+ m_HeapProps(heapProps),
+ m_HeapFlags(heapFlags),
+ m_Size(size),
+ m_Id(id) {}
+ if (m_Heap)
+ {
+ m_Heap->Release();
+ m_Allocator->m_Budget.RemoveBlock(
+ m_Allocator->HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(m_HeapProps), m_Size);
+ }
+HRESULT MemoryBlock::Init(ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* pProtectedSession, bool denyMsaaTextures)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_Heap == NULL && m_Size > 0);
+ D3D12_HEAP_DESC heapDesc = {};
+ heapDesc.SizeInBytes = m_Size;
+ heapDesc.Properties = m_HeapProps;
+ heapDesc.Alignment = HeapFlagsToAlignment(m_HeapFlags, denyMsaaTextures);
+ heapDesc.Flags = m_HeapFlags;
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ ID3D12Device4* const device4 = m_Allocator->GetDevice4();
+ if (device4)
+ hr = m_Allocator->GetDevice4()->CreateHeap1(&heapDesc, pProtectedSession, D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_Heap));
+ else
+ {
+ if (pProtectedSession == NULL)
+ hr = m_Allocator->GetDevice()->CreateHeap(&heapDesc, D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_Heap));
+ else
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ m_Allocator->m_Budget.AddBlock(
+ m_Allocator->HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(m_HeapProps), m_Size);
+ }
+ return hr;
+ AllocatorPimpl* allocator,
+ BlockVector* blockVector,
+ const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps,
+ D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags,
+ UINT64 size,
+ UINT id)
+ : MemoryBlock(allocator, heapProps, heapFlags, size, id),
+ m_pMetadata(NULL),
+ m_BlockVector(blockVector) {}
+ if (m_pMetadata != NULL)
+ {
+ // Define macro D3D12MA_DEBUG_LOG to receive the list of the unfreed allocations.
+ if (!m_pMetadata->IsEmpty())
+ m_pMetadata->DebugLogAllAllocations();
+ // Hitting it means you have some memory leak - unreleased Allocation objects.
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_pMetadata->IsEmpty() && "Some allocations were not freed before destruction of this memory block!");
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), m_pMetadata);
+ }
+HRESULT NormalBlock::Init(UINT32 algorithm, ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* pProtectedSession, bool denyMsaaTextures)
+ HRESULT hr = MemoryBlock::Init(pProtectedSession, denyMsaaTextures);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ switch (algorithm)
+ {
+ m_pMetadata = D3D12MA_NEW(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), BlockMetadata_Linear)(&m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ case 0:
+ m_pMetadata = D3D12MA_NEW(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), BlockMetadata_TLSF)(&m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), false);
+ break;
+ }
+ m_pMetadata->Init(m_Size);
+ return hr;
+bool NormalBlock::Validate() const
+ D3D12MA_VALIDATE(GetHeap() &&
+ m_pMetadata &&
+ m_pMetadata->GetSize() != 0 &&
+ m_pMetadata->GetSize() == GetSize());
+ return m_pMetadata->Validate();
+void CommittedAllocationList::Init(bool useMutex, D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType, PoolPimpl* pool)
+ m_UseMutex = useMutex;
+ m_HeapType = heapType;
+ m_Pool = pool;
+ if (!m_AllocationList.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Unfreed committed allocations found!");
+ }
+UINT CommittedAllocationList::GetMemorySegmentGroup(AllocatorPimpl* allocator) const
+ if (m_Pool)
+ return allocator->HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(m_Pool->GetDesc().HeapProperties);
+ else
+ return allocator->StandardHeapTypeToMemorySegmentGroup(m_HeapType);
+void CommittedAllocationList::AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats)
+ MutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_UseMutex);
+ for (Allocation* alloc = m_AllocationList.Front();
+ alloc != NULL; alloc = m_AllocationList.GetNext(alloc))
+ {
+ const UINT64 size = alloc->GetSize();
+ inoutStats.BlockCount++;
+ inoutStats.AllocationCount++;
+ inoutStats.BlockBytes += size;
+ inoutStats.AllocationBytes += size;
+ }
+void CommittedAllocationList::AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats)
+ MutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_UseMutex);
+ for (Allocation* alloc = m_AllocationList.Front();
+ alloc != NULL; alloc = m_AllocationList.GetNext(alloc))
+ {
+ const UINT64 size = alloc->GetSize();
+ inoutStats.Stats.BlockCount++;
+ inoutStats.Stats.BlockBytes += size;
+ AddDetailedStatisticsAllocation(inoutStats, size);
+ }
+void CommittedAllocationList::BuildStatsString(JsonWriter& json)
+ MutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_UseMutex);
+ for (Allocation* alloc = m_AllocationList.Front();
+ alloc != NULL; alloc = m_AllocationList.GetNext(alloc))
+ {
+ json.BeginObject(true);
+ json.AddAllocationToObject(*alloc);
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+void CommittedAllocationList::Register(Allocation* alloc)
+ MutexLockWrite lock(m_Mutex, m_UseMutex);
+ m_AllocationList.PushBack(alloc);
+void CommittedAllocationList::Unregister(Allocation* alloc)
+ MutexLockWrite lock(m_Mutex, m_UseMutex);
+ m_AllocationList.Remove(alloc);
+ AllocatorPimpl* hAllocator,
+ const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProps,
+ D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags,
+ UINT64 preferredBlockSize,
+ size_t minBlockCount,
+ size_t maxBlockCount,
+ bool explicitBlockSize,
+ UINT64 minAllocationAlignment,
+ UINT32 algorithm,
+ bool denyMsaaTextures,
+ ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* pProtectedSession,
+ D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY residencyPriority)
+ : m_hAllocator(hAllocator),
+ m_HeapProps(heapProps),
+ m_HeapFlags(heapFlags),
+ m_PreferredBlockSize(preferredBlockSize),
+ m_MinBlockCount(minBlockCount),
+ m_MaxBlockCount(maxBlockCount),
+ m_ExplicitBlockSize(explicitBlockSize),
+ m_MinAllocationAlignment(minAllocationAlignment),
+ m_Algorithm(algorithm),
+ m_DenyMsaaTextures(denyMsaaTextures),
+ m_ProtectedSession(pProtectedSession),
+ m_ResidencyPriority(residencyPriority),
+ m_HasEmptyBlock(false),
+ m_Blocks(hAllocator->GetAllocs()),
+ m_NextBlockId(0) {}
+ for (size_t i = m_Blocks.size(); i--; )
+ {
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(m_hAllocator->GetAllocs(), m_Blocks[i]);
+ }
+HRESULT BlockVector::CreateMinBlocks()
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_MinBlockCount; ++i)
+ {
+ HRESULT hr = CreateBlock(m_PreferredBlockSize, NULL);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+bool BlockVector::IsEmpty()
+ MutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ return m_Blocks.empty();
+HRESULT BlockVector::Allocate(
+ UINT64 size,
+ UINT64 alignment,
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ Allocation** pAllocations)
+ size_t allocIndex;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ {
+ MutexLockWrite lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ for (allocIndex = 0; allocIndex < allocationCount; ++allocIndex)
+ {
+ hr = AllocatePage(
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ allocDesc,
+ pAllocations + allocIndex);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ // Free all already created allocations.
+ while (allocIndex--)
+ {
+ Free(pAllocations[allocIndex]);
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(pAllocations, sizeof(Allocation*) * allocationCount);
+ }
+ return hr;
+void BlockVector::Free(Allocation* hAllocation)
+ NormalBlock* pBlockToDelete = NULL;
+ bool budgetExceeded = false;
+ if (IsHeapTypeStandard(m_HeapProps.Type))
+ {
+ Budget budget = {};
+ m_hAllocator->GetBudgetForHeapType(budget, m_HeapProps.Type);
+ budgetExceeded = budget.UsageBytes >= budget.BudgetBytes;
+ }
+ // Scope for lock.
+ {
+ MutexLockWrite lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ NormalBlock* pBlock = hAllocation->m_Placed.block;
+ pBlock->m_pMetadata->Free(hAllocation->GetAllocHandle());
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBlock->Validate());
+ const size_t blockCount = m_Blocks.size();
+ // pBlock became empty after this deallocation.
+ if (pBlock->m_pMetadata->IsEmpty())
+ {
+ // Already has empty Allocation. We don't want to have two, so delete this one.
+ if ((m_HasEmptyBlock || budgetExceeded) &&
+ blockCount > m_MinBlockCount)
+ {
+ pBlockToDelete = pBlock;
+ Remove(pBlock);
+ }
+ // We now have first empty block.
+ else
+ {
+ m_HasEmptyBlock = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // pBlock didn't become empty, but we have another empty block - find and free that one.
+ // (This is optional, heuristics.)
+ else if (m_HasEmptyBlock && blockCount > m_MinBlockCount)
+ {
+ NormalBlock* pLastBlock = m_Blocks.back();
+ if (pLastBlock->m_pMetadata->IsEmpty())
+ {
+ pBlockToDelete = pLastBlock;
+ m_Blocks.pop_back();
+ m_HasEmptyBlock = false;
+ }
+ }
+ IncrementallySortBlocks();
+ }
+ // Destruction of a free Allocation. Deferred until this point, outside of mutex
+ // lock, for performance reason.
+ if (pBlockToDelete != NULL)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(m_hAllocator->GetAllocs(), pBlockToDelete);
+ }
+HRESULT BlockVector::CreateResource(
+ UINT64 size,
+ UINT64 alignment,
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc,
+ const CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS& createParams,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource)
+ HRESULT hr = Allocate(size, alignment, allocDesc, 1, ppAllocation);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ ID3D12Resource* res = NULL;
+ hr = m_hAllocator->CreatePlacedResourceWrap(
+ (*ppAllocation)->m_Placed.block->GetHeap(),
+ (*ppAllocation)->GetOffset(),
+ createParams,
+ D3D12MA_IID_PPV_ARGS(&res));
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (ppvResource != NULL)
+ {
+ hr = res->QueryInterface(riidResource, ppvResource);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ (*ppAllocation)->SetResourcePointer(res, createParams.GetBaseResourceDesc());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res->Release();
+ SAFE_RELEASE(*ppAllocation);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SAFE_RELEASE(*ppAllocation);
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+void BlockVector::AddStatistics(Statistics& inoutStats)
+ MutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Blocks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const NormalBlock* const pBlock = m_Blocks[i];
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pBlock);
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBlock->Validate());
+ pBlock->m_pMetadata->AddStatistics(inoutStats);
+ }
+void BlockVector::AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats)
+ MutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Blocks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const NormalBlock* const pBlock = m_Blocks[i];
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pBlock);
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBlock->Validate());
+ pBlock->m_pMetadata->AddDetailedStatistics(inoutStats);
+ }
+void BlockVector::WriteBlockInfoToJson(JsonWriter& json)
+ MutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ json.BeginObject();
+ for (size_t i = 0, count = m_Blocks.size(); i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ const NormalBlock* const pBlock = m_Blocks[i];
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pBlock);
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBlock->Validate());
+ json.BeginString();
+ json.ContinueString(pBlock->GetId());
+ json.EndString();
+ json.BeginObject();
+ pBlock->m_pMetadata->WriteAllocationInfoToJson(json);
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+UINT64 BlockVector::CalcSumBlockSize() const
+ UINT64 result = 0;
+ for (size_t i = m_Blocks.size(); i--; )
+ {
+ result += m_Blocks[i]->m_pMetadata->GetSize();
+ }
+ return result;
+UINT64 BlockVector::CalcMaxBlockSize() const
+ UINT64 result = 0;
+ for (size_t i = m_Blocks.size(); i--; )
+ {
+ result = D3D12MA_MAX(result, m_Blocks[i]->m_pMetadata->GetSize());
+ if (result >= m_PreferredBlockSize)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+void BlockVector::Remove(NormalBlock* pBlock)
+ for (size_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < m_Blocks.size(); ++blockIndex)
+ {
+ if (m_Blocks[blockIndex] == pBlock)
+ {
+ m_Blocks.remove(blockIndex);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+void BlockVector::IncrementallySortBlocks()
+ if (!m_IncrementalSort)
+ return;
+ // Bubble sort only until first swap.
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < m_Blocks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (m_Blocks[i - 1]->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize() > m_Blocks[i]->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize())
+ {
+ D3D12MA_SWAP(m_Blocks[i - 1], m_Blocks[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void BlockVector::SortByFreeSize()
+ D3D12MA_SORT(m_Blocks.begin(), m_Blocks.end(),
+ [](auto* b1, auto* b2)
+ {
+ return b1->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize() < b2->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize();
+ });
+HRESULT BlockVector::AllocatePage(
+ UINT64 size,
+ UINT64 alignment,
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc,
+ Allocation** pAllocation)
+ // Early reject: requested allocation size is larger that maximum block size for this block vector.
+ if (size + D3D12MA_DEBUG_MARGIN > m_PreferredBlockSize)
+ {
+ }
+ UINT64 freeMemory = UINT64_MAX;
+ if (IsHeapTypeStandard(m_HeapProps.Type))
+ {
+ Budget budget = {};
+ m_hAllocator->GetBudgetForHeapType(budget, m_HeapProps.Type);
+ freeMemory = (budget.UsageBytes < budget.BudgetBytes) ? (budget.BudgetBytes - budget.UsageBytes) : 0;
+ }
+ const bool canCreateNewBlock =
+ ((allocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_NEVER_ALLOCATE) == 0) &&
+ (m_Blocks.size() < m_MaxBlockCount) &&
+ // Even if we don't have to stay within budget with this allocation, when the
+ // budget would be exceeded, we don't want to allocate new blocks, but always
+ // create resources as committed.
+ freeMemory >= size;
+ // 1. Search existing allocations
+ {
+ // Forward order in m_Blocks - prefer blocks with smallest amount of free space.
+ for (size_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < m_Blocks.size(); ++blockIndex)
+ {
+ NormalBlock* const pCurrBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pCurrBlock);
+ HRESULT hr = AllocateFromBlock(
+ pCurrBlock,
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ allocDesc.Flags,
+ allocDesc.pPrivateData,
+ pAllocation);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 2. Try to create new block.
+ if (canCreateNewBlock)
+ {
+ // Calculate optimal size for new block.
+ UINT64 newBlockSize = m_PreferredBlockSize;
+ UINT newBlockSizeShift = 0;
+ if (!m_ExplicitBlockSize)
+ {
+ // Allocate 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 as first blocks.
+ const UINT64 maxExistingBlockSize = CalcMaxBlockSize();
+ for (UINT i = 0; i < NEW_BLOCK_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX; ++i)
+ {
+ const UINT64 smallerNewBlockSize = newBlockSize / 2;
+ if (smallerNewBlockSize > maxExistingBlockSize && smallerNewBlockSize >= size * 2)
+ {
+ newBlockSize = smallerNewBlockSize;
+ ++newBlockSizeShift;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t newBlockIndex = 0;
+ HRESULT hr = newBlockSize <= freeMemory ?
+ CreateBlock(newBlockSize, &newBlockIndex) : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+ // Allocation of this size failed? Try 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 of m_PreferredBlockSize.
+ if (!m_ExplicitBlockSize)
+ {
+ while (FAILED(hr) && newBlockSizeShift < NEW_BLOCK_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX)
+ {
+ const UINT64 smallerNewBlockSize = newBlockSize / 2;
+ if (smallerNewBlockSize >= size)
+ {
+ newBlockSize = smallerNewBlockSize;
+ ++newBlockSizeShift;
+ hr = newBlockSize <= freeMemory ?
+ CreateBlock(newBlockSize, &newBlockIndex) : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ NormalBlock* const pBlock = m_Blocks[newBlockIndex];
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSize() >= size);
+ hr = AllocateFromBlock(
+ pBlock,
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ allocDesc.Flags,
+ allocDesc.pPrivateData,
+ pAllocation);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Allocation from new block failed, possibly due to D3D12MA_DEBUG_MARGIN or alignment.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+HRESULT BlockVector::AllocateFromBlock(
+ NormalBlock* pBlock,
+ UINT64 size,
+ UINT64 alignment,
+ void* pPrivateData,
+ UINT32 strategy,
+ Allocation** pAllocation)
+ alignment = D3D12MA_MAX(alignment, m_MinAllocationAlignment);
+ AllocationRequest currRequest = {};
+ if (pBlock->m_pMetadata->CreateAllocationRequest(
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ strategy,
+ &currRequest))
+ {
+ return CommitAllocationRequest(currRequest, pBlock, size, alignment, pPrivateData, pAllocation);
+ }
+HRESULT BlockVector::CommitAllocationRequest(
+ AllocationRequest& allocRequest,
+ NormalBlock* pBlock,
+ UINT64 size,
+ UINT64 alignment,
+ void* pPrivateData,
+ Allocation** pAllocation)
+ // We no longer have an empty Allocation.
+ if (pBlock->m_pMetadata->IsEmpty())
+ m_HasEmptyBlock = false;
+ *pAllocation = m_hAllocator->GetAllocationObjectAllocator().Allocate(m_hAllocator, size, alignment, allocRequest.zeroInitialized);
+ pBlock->m_pMetadata->Alloc(allocRequest, size, *pAllocation);
+ (*pAllocation)->InitPlaced(allocRequest.allocHandle, pBlock);
+ (*pAllocation)->SetPrivateData(pPrivateData);
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBlock->Validate());
+ m_hAllocator->m_Budget.AddAllocation(m_hAllocator->HeapPropertiesToMemorySegmentGroup(m_HeapProps), size);
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT BlockVector::CreateBlock(
+ UINT64 blockSize,
+ size_t* pNewBlockIndex)
+ NormalBlock* const pBlock = D3D12MA_NEW(m_hAllocator->GetAllocs(), NormalBlock)(
+ m_hAllocator,
+ this,
+ m_HeapProps,
+ m_HeapFlags,
+ blockSize,
+ m_NextBlockId++);
+ HRESULT hr = pBlock->Init(m_Algorithm, m_ProtectedSession, m_DenyMsaaTextures);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(m_hAllocator->GetAllocs(), pBlock);
+ return hr;
+ }
+ m_hAllocator->SetResidencyPriority(pBlock->GetHeap(), m_ResidencyPriority);
+ m_Blocks.push_back(pBlock);
+ if (pNewBlockIndex != NULL)
+ {
+ *pNewBlockIndex = m_Blocks.size() - 1;
+ }
+ return hr;
+ AllocatorPimpl* hAllocator,
+ BlockVector* poolVector)
+ : m_MaxPassBytes(desc.MaxBytesPerPass == 0 ? UINT64_MAX : desc.MaxBytesPerPass),
+ m_MaxPassAllocations(desc.MaxAllocationsPerPass == 0 ? UINT32_MAX : desc.MaxAllocationsPerPass),
+ m_Moves(hAllocator->GetAllocs())
+ if (poolVector != NULL)
+ {
+ m_BlockVectorCount = 1;
+ m_PoolBlockVector = poolVector;
+ m_pBlockVectors = &m_PoolBlockVector;
+ m_PoolBlockVector->SetIncrementalSort(false);
+ m_PoolBlockVector->SortByFreeSize();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_BlockVectorCount = hAllocator->GetDefaultPoolCount();
+ m_PoolBlockVector = NULL;
+ m_pBlockVectors = hAllocator->GetDefaultPools();
+ for (UINT32 i = 0; i < m_BlockVectorCount; ++i)
+ {
+ BlockVector* vector = m_pBlockVectors[i];
+ if (vector != NULL)
+ {
+ vector->SetIncrementalSort(false);
+ vector->SortByFreeSize();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch (m_Algorithm)
+ {
+ case 0: // Default algorithm
+ {
+ m_AlgorithmState = D3D12MA_NEW_ARRAY(hAllocator->GetAllocs(), StateBalanced, m_BlockVectorCount);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_PoolBlockVector != NULL)
+ m_PoolBlockVector->SetIncrementalSort(true);
+ else
+ {
+ for (UINT32 i = 0; i < m_BlockVectorCount; ++i)
+ {
+ BlockVector* vector = m_pBlockVectors[i];
+ if (vector != NULL)
+ vector->SetIncrementalSort(true);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_AlgorithmState)
+ {
+ switch (m_Algorithm)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_DELETE_ARRAY(m_Moves.GetAllocs(), reinterpret_cast<StateBalanced*>(m_AlgorithmState), m_BlockVectorCount);
+ break;
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ }
+HRESULT DefragmentationContextPimpl::DefragmentPassBegin(DEFRAGMENTATION_PASS_MOVE_INFO& moveInfo)
+ if (m_PoolBlockVector != NULL)
+ {
+ MutexLockWrite lock(m_PoolBlockVector->GetMutex(), m_PoolBlockVector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ if (m_PoolBlockVector->GetBlockCount() > 1)
+ ComputeDefragmentation(*m_PoolBlockVector, 0);
+ else if (m_PoolBlockVector->GetBlockCount() == 1)
+ ReallocWithinBlock(*m_PoolBlockVector, m_PoolBlockVector->GetBlock(0));
+ // Setup index into block vector
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Moves.size(); ++i)
+ m_Moves[i].pDstTmpAllocation->SetPrivateData(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (UINT32 i = 0; i < m_BlockVectorCount; ++i)
+ {
+ if (m_pBlockVectors[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ MutexLockWrite lock(m_pBlockVectors[i]->GetMutex(), m_pBlockVectors[i]->m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ bool end = false;
+ size_t movesOffset = m_Moves.size();
+ if (m_pBlockVectors[i]->GetBlockCount() > 1)
+ {
+ end = ComputeDefragmentation(*m_pBlockVectors[i], i);
+ }
+ else if (m_pBlockVectors[i]->GetBlockCount() == 1)
+ {
+ end = ReallocWithinBlock(*m_pBlockVectors[i], m_pBlockVectors[i]->GetBlock(0));
+ }
+ // Setup index into block vector
+ for (; movesOffset < m_Moves.size(); ++movesOffset)
+ m_Moves[movesOffset].pDstTmpAllocation->SetPrivateData(reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(i)));
+ if (end)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ moveInfo.MoveCount = static_cast<UINT32>(m_Moves.size());
+ if (moveInfo.MoveCount > 0)
+ {
+ moveInfo.pMoves =;
+ return S_FALSE;
+ }
+ moveInfo.pMoves = NULL;
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT DefragmentationContextPimpl::DefragmentPassEnd(DEFRAGMENTATION_PASS_MOVE_INFO& moveInfo)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(moveInfo.MoveCount > 0 ? moveInfo.pMoves != NULL : true);
+ HRESULT result = S_OK;
+ Vector<FragmentedBlock> immovableBlocks(m_Moves.GetAllocs());
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < moveInfo.MoveCount; ++i)
+ {
+ DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE& move = moveInfo.pMoves[i];
+ size_t prevCount = 0, currentCount = 0;
+ UINT64 freedBlockSize = 0;
+ UINT32 vectorIndex;
+ BlockVector* vector;
+ if (m_PoolBlockVector != NULL)
+ {
+ vectorIndex = 0;
+ vector = m_PoolBlockVector;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vectorIndex = static_cast<UINT32>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(move.pDstTmpAllocation->GetPrivateData()));
+ vector = m_pBlockVectors[vectorIndex];
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(vector != NULL);
+ }
+ switch (move.Operation)
+ {
+ {
+ move.pSrcAllocation->SwapBlockAllocation(move.pDstTmpAllocation);
+ // Scope for locks, Free have it's own lock
+ {
+ MutexLockRead lock(vector->GetMutex(), vector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ prevCount = vector->GetBlockCount();
+ freedBlockSize = move.pDstTmpAllocation->GetBlock()->m_pMetadata->GetSize();
+ }
+ move.pDstTmpAllocation->Release();
+ {
+ MutexLockRead lock(vector->GetMutex(), vector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ currentCount = vector->GetBlockCount();
+ }
+ result = S_FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ m_PassStats.BytesMoved -= move.pSrcAllocation->GetSize();
+ --m_PassStats.AllocationsMoved;
+ move.pDstTmpAllocation->Release();
+ NormalBlock* newBlock = move.pSrcAllocation->GetBlock();
+ bool notPresent = true;
+ for (const FragmentedBlock& block : immovableBlocks)
+ {
+ if (block.block == newBlock)
+ {
+ notPresent = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (notPresent)
+ immovableBlocks.push_back({ vectorIndex, newBlock });
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ m_PassStats.BytesMoved -= move.pSrcAllocation->GetSize();
+ --m_PassStats.AllocationsMoved;
+ // Scope for locks, Free have it's own lock
+ {
+ MutexLockRead lock(vector->GetMutex(), vector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ prevCount = vector->GetBlockCount();
+ freedBlockSize = move.pSrcAllocation->GetBlock()->m_pMetadata->GetSize();
+ }
+ move.pSrcAllocation->Release();
+ {
+ MutexLockRead lock(vector->GetMutex(), vector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ currentCount = vector->GetBlockCount();
+ }
+ freedBlockSize *= prevCount - currentCount;
+ UINT64 dstBlockSize;
+ {
+ MutexLockRead lock(vector->GetMutex(), vector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ dstBlockSize = move.pDstTmpAllocation->GetBlock()->m_pMetadata->GetSize();
+ }
+ move.pDstTmpAllocation->Release();
+ {
+ MutexLockRead lock(vector->GetMutex(), vector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ freedBlockSize += dstBlockSize * (currentCount - vector->GetBlockCount());
+ currentCount = vector->GetBlockCount();
+ }
+ result = S_FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ if (prevCount > currentCount)
+ {
+ size_t freedBlocks = prevCount - currentCount;
+ m_PassStats.HeapsFreed += static_cast<UINT32>(freedBlocks);
+ m_PassStats.BytesFreed += freedBlockSize;
+ }
+ }
+ moveInfo.MoveCount = 0;
+ moveInfo.pMoves = NULL;
+ m_Moves.clear();
+ // Update stats
+ m_GlobalStats.AllocationsMoved += m_PassStats.AllocationsMoved;
+ m_GlobalStats.BytesFreed += m_PassStats.BytesFreed;
+ m_GlobalStats.BytesMoved += m_PassStats.BytesMoved;
+ m_GlobalStats.HeapsFreed += m_PassStats.HeapsFreed;
+ m_PassStats = { 0 };
+ // Move blocks with immovable allocations according to algorithm
+ if (immovableBlocks.size() > 0)
+ {
+ // Move to the begining
+ for (const FragmentedBlock& block : immovableBlocks)
+ {
+ BlockVector* vector = m_pBlockVectors[];
+ MutexLockWrite lock(vector->GetMutex(), vector->m_hAllocator->UseMutex());
+ for (size_t i = m_ImmovableBlockCount; i < vector->GetBlockCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (vector->GetBlock(i) == block.block)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_SWAP(vector->m_Blocks[i], vector->m_Blocks[m_ImmovableBlockCount++]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+bool DefragmentationContextPimpl::ComputeDefragmentation(BlockVector& vector, size_t index)
+ switch (m_Algorithm)
+ {
+ return ComputeDefragmentation_Fast(vector);
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ return ComputeDefragmentation_Balanced(vector, index, true);
+ return ComputeDefragmentation_Full(vector);
+ }
+DefragmentationContextPimpl::MoveAllocationData DefragmentationContextPimpl::GetMoveData(
+ AllocHandle handle, BlockMetadata* metadata)
+ MoveAllocationData moveData;
+ moveData.move.pSrcAllocation = (Allocation*)metadata->GetAllocationPrivateData(handle);
+ moveData.size = moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetSize();
+ moveData.alignment = moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetAlignment();
+ moveData.flags = ALLOCATION_FLAG_NONE;
+ return moveData;
+DefragmentationContextPimpl::CounterStatus DefragmentationContextPimpl::CheckCounters(UINT64 bytes)
+ // Ignore allocation if will exceed max size for copy
+ if (m_PassStats.BytesMoved + bytes > m_MaxPassBytes)
+ {
+ if (++m_IgnoredAllocs < MAX_ALLOCS_TO_IGNORE)
+ return CounterStatus::Ignore;
+ else
+ return CounterStatus::End;
+ }
+ return CounterStatus::Pass;
+bool DefragmentationContextPimpl::IncrementCounters(UINT64 bytes)
+ m_PassStats.BytesMoved += bytes;
+ // Early return when max found
+ if (++m_PassStats.AllocationsMoved >= m_MaxPassAllocations || m_PassStats.BytesMoved >= m_MaxPassBytes)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT((m_PassStats.AllocationsMoved == m_MaxPassAllocations ||
+ m_PassStats.BytesMoved == m_MaxPassBytes) && "Exceeded maximal pass threshold!");
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool DefragmentationContextPimpl::ReallocWithinBlock(BlockVector& vector, NormalBlock* block)
+ BlockMetadata* metadata = block->m_pMetadata;
+ for (AllocHandle handle = metadata->GetAllocationListBegin();
+ handle != (AllocHandle)0;
+ handle = metadata->GetNextAllocation(handle))
+ {
+ MoveAllocationData moveData = GetMoveData(handle, metadata);
+ // Ignore newly created allocations by defragmentation algorithm
+ if (moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetPrivateData() == this)
+ continue;
+ switch (CheckCounters(moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetSize()))
+ {
+ case CounterStatus::Ignore:
+ continue;
+ case CounterStatus::End:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ case CounterStatus::Pass:
+ break;
+ }
+ UINT64 offset = moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetOffset();
+ if (offset != 0 && metadata->GetSumFreeSize() >= moveData.size)
+ {
+ AllocationRequest request = {};
+ if (metadata->CreateAllocationRequest(
+ moveData.size,
+ moveData.alignment,
+ false,
+ &request))
+ {
+ if (metadata->GetAllocationOffset(request.allocHandle) < offset)
+ {
+ if (SUCCEEDED(vector.CommitAllocationRequest(
+ request,
+ block,
+ moveData.size,
+ moveData.alignment,
+ this,
+ &moveData.move.pDstTmpAllocation)))
+ {
+ m_Moves.push_back(moveData.move);
+ if (IncrementCounters(moveData.size))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool DefragmentationContextPimpl::AllocInOtherBlock(size_t start, size_t end, MoveAllocationData& data, BlockVector& vector)
+ for (; start < end; ++start)
+ {
+ NormalBlock* dstBlock = vector.GetBlock(start);
+ if (dstBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize() >= data.size)
+ {
+ if (SUCCEEDED(vector.AllocateFromBlock(dstBlock,
+ data.size,
+ data.alignment,
+ data.flags,
+ this,
+ 0,
+ &data.move.pDstTmpAllocation)))
+ {
+ m_Moves.push_back(data.move);
+ if (IncrementCounters(data.size))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool DefragmentationContextPimpl::ComputeDefragmentation_Fast(BlockVector& vector)
+ // Move only between blocks
+ // Go through allocations in last blocks and try to fit them inside first ones
+ for (size_t i = vector.GetBlockCount() - 1; i > m_ImmovableBlockCount; --i)
+ {
+ BlockMetadata* metadata = vector.GetBlock(i)->m_pMetadata;
+ for (AllocHandle handle = metadata->GetAllocationListBegin();
+ handle != (AllocHandle)0;
+ handle = metadata->GetNextAllocation(handle))
+ {
+ MoveAllocationData moveData = GetMoveData(handle, metadata);
+ // Ignore newly created allocations by defragmentation algorithm
+ if (moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetPrivateData() == this)
+ continue;
+ switch (CheckCounters(moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetSize()))
+ {
+ case CounterStatus::Ignore:
+ continue;
+ case CounterStatus::End:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ case CounterStatus::Pass:
+ break;
+ }
+ // Check all previous blocks for free space
+ if (AllocInOtherBlock(0, i, moveData, vector))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool DefragmentationContextPimpl::ComputeDefragmentation_Balanced(BlockVector& vector, size_t index, bool update)
+ // Go over every allocation and try to fit it in previous blocks at lowest offsets,
+ // if not possible: realloc within single block to minimize offset (exclude offset == 0),
+ // but only if there are noticable gaps between them (some heuristic, ex. average size of allocation in block)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_AlgorithmState != NULL);
+ StateBalanced& vectorState = reinterpret_cast<StateBalanced*>(m_AlgorithmState)[index];
+ if (update && vectorState.avgAllocSize == UINT64_MAX)
+ UpdateVectorStatistics(vector, vectorState);
+ const size_t startMoveCount = m_Moves.size();
+ UINT64 minimalFreeRegion = vectorState.avgFreeSize / 2;
+ for (size_t i = vector.GetBlockCount() - 1; i > m_ImmovableBlockCount; --i)
+ {
+ NormalBlock* block = vector.GetBlock(i);
+ BlockMetadata* metadata = block->m_pMetadata;
+ UINT64 prevFreeRegionSize = 0;
+ for (AllocHandle handle = metadata->GetAllocationListBegin();
+ handle != (AllocHandle)0;
+ handle = metadata->GetNextAllocation(handle))
+ {
+ MoveAllocationData moveData = GetMoveData(handle, metadata);
+ // Ignore newly created allocations by defragmentation algorithm
+ if (moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetPrivateData() == this)
+ continue;
+ switch (CheckCounters(moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetSize()))
+ {
+ case CounterStatus::Ignore:
+ continue;
+ case CounterStatus::End:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ case CounterStatus::Pass:
+ break;
+ }
+ // Check all previous blocks for free space
+ const size_t prevMoveCount = m_Moves.size();
+ if (AllocInOtherBlock(0, i, moveData, vector))
+ return true;
+ UINT64 nextFreeRegionSize = metadata->GetNextFreeRegionSize(handle);
+ // If no room found then realloc within block for lower offset
+ UINT64 offset = moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetOffset();
+ if (prevMoveCount == m_Moves.size() && offset != 0 && metadata->GetSumFreeSize() >= moveData.size)
+ {
+ // Check if realloc will make sense
+ if (prevFreeRegionSize >= minimalFreeRegion ||
+ nextFreeRegionSize >= minimalFreeRegion ||
+ moveData.size <= vectorState.avgFreeSize ||
+ moveData.size <= vectorState.avgAllocSize)
+ {
+ AllocationRequest request = {};
+ if (metadata->CreateAllocationRequest(
+ moveData.size,
+ moveData.alignment,
+ false,
+ &request))
+ {
+ if (metadata->GetAllocationOffset(request.allocHandle) < offset)
+ {
+ if (SUCCEEDED(vector.CommitAllocationRequest(
+ request,
+ block,
+ moveData.size,
+ moveData.alignment,
+ this,
+ &moveData.move.pDstTmpAllocation)))
+ {
+ m_Moves.push_back(moveData.move);
+ if (IncrementCounters(moveData.size))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ prevFreeRegionSize = nextFreeRegionSize;
+ }
+ }
+ // No moves perfomed, update statistics to current vector state
+ if (startMoveCount == m_Moves.size() && !update)
+ {
+ vectorState.avgAllocSize = UINT64_MAX;
+ return ComputeDefragmentation_Balanced(vector, index, false);
+ }
+ return false;
+bool DefragmentationContextPimpl::ComputeDefragmentation_Full(BlockVector& vector)
+ // Go over every allocation and try to fit it in previous blocks at lowest offsets,
+ // if not possible: realloc within single block to minimize offset (exclude offset == 0)
+ for (size_t i = vector.GetBlockCount() - 1; i > m_ImmovableBlockCount; --i)
+ {
+ NormalBlock* block = vector.GetBlock(i);
+ BlockMetadata* metadata = block->m_pMetadata;
+ for (AllocHandle handle = metadata->GetAllocationListBegin();
+ handle != (AllocHandle)0;
+ handle = metadata->GetNextAllocation(handle))
+ {
+ MoveAllocationData moveData = GetMoveData(handle, metadata);
+ // Ignore newly created allocations by defragmentation algorithm
+ if (moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetPrivateData() == this)
+ continue;
+ switch (CheckCounters(moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetSize()))
+ {
+ case CounterStatus::Ignore:
+ continue;
+ case CounterStatus::End:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ case CounterStatus::Pass:
+ break;
+ }
+ // Check all previous blocks for free space
+ const size_t prevMoveCount = m_Moves.size();
+ if (AllocInOtherBlock(0, i, moveData, vector))
+ return true;
+ // If no room found then realloc within block for lower offset
+ UINT64 offset = moveData.move.pSrcAllocation->GetOffset();
+ if (prevMoveCount == m_Moves.size() && offset != 0 && metadata->GetSumFreeSize() >= moveData.size)
+ {
+ AllocationRequest request = {};
+ if (metadata->CreateAllocationRequest(
+ moveData.size,
+ moveData.alignment,
+ false,
+ &request))
+ {
+ if (metadata->GetAllocationOffset(request.allocHandle) < offset)
+ {
+ if (SUCCEEDED(vector.CommitAllocationRequest(
+ request,
+ block,
+ moveData.size,
+ moveData.alignment,
+ this,
+ &moveData.move.pDstTmpAllocation)))
+ {
+ m_Moves.push_back(moveData.move);
+ if (IncrementCounters(moveData.size))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void DefragmentationContextPimpl::UpdateVectorStatistics(BlockVector& vector, StateBalanced& state)
+ size_t allocCount = 0;
+ size_t freeCount = 0;
+ state.avgFreeSize = 0;
+ state.avgAllocSize = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vector.GetBlockCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ BlockMetadata* metadata = vector.GetBlock(i)->m_pMetadata;
+ allocCount += metadata->GetAllocationCount();
+ freeCount += metadata->GetFreeRegionsCount();
+ state.avgFreeSize += metadata->GetSumFreeSize();
+ state.avgAllocSize += metadata->GetSize();
+ }
+ state.avgAllocSize = (state.avgAllocSize - state.avgFreeSize) / allocCount;
+ state.avgFreeSize /= freeCount;
+PoolPimpl::PoolPimpl(AllocatorPimpl* allocator, const POOL_DESC& desc)
+ : m_Allocator(allocator),
+ m_Desc(desc),
+ m_BlockVector(NULL),
+ m_Name(NULL)
+ const bool explicitBlockSize = desc.BlockSize != 0;
+ const UINT64 preferredBlockSize = explicitBlockSize ? desc.BlockSize : D3D12MA_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ UINT maxBlockCount = desc.MaxBlockCount != 0 ? desc.MaxBlockCount : UINT_MAX;
+#ifndef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_Desc.pProtectedSession == NULL);
+ m_BlockVector = D3D12MA_NEW(allocator->GetAllocs(), BlockVector)(
+ allocator, desc.HeapProperties, desc.HeapFlags,
+ preferredBlockSize,
+ desc.MinBlockCount, maxBlockCount,
+ explicitBlockSize,
+ D3D12MA_MAX(desc.MinAllocationAlignment, (UINT64)D3D12MA_DEBUG_ALIGNMENT),
+ (desc.Flags & POOL_FLAG_ALGORITHM_MASK) != 0,
+ desc.pProtectedSession,
+ desc.ResidencyPriority);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_PrevPool == NULL && m_NextPool == NULL);
+ FreeName();
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), m_BlockVector);
+HRESULT PoolPimpl::Init()
+ m_CommittedAllocations.Init(m_Allocator->UseMutex(), m_Desc.HeapProperties.Type, this);
+ return m_BlockVector->CreateMinBlocks();
+void PoolPimpl::GetStatistics(Statistics& outStats)
+ ClearStatistics(outStats);
+ m_BlockVector->AddStatistics(outStats);
+ m_CommittedAllocations.AddStatistics(outStats);
+void PoolPimpl::CalculateStatistics(DetailedStatistics& outStats)
+ ClearDetailedStatistics(outStats);
+ AddDetailedStatistics(outStats);
+void PoolPimpl::AddDetailedStatistics(DetailedStatistics& inoutStats)
+ m_BlockVector->AddDetailedStatistics(inoutStats);
+ m_CommittedAllocations.AddDetailedStatistics(inoutStats);
+void PoolPimpl::SetName(LPCWSTR Name)
+ FreeName();
+ if (Name)
+ {
+ const size_t nameCharCount = wcslen(Name) + 1;
+ m_Name = D3D12MA_NEW_ARRAY(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), WCHAR, nameCharCount);
+ memcpy(m_Name, Name, nameCharCount * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ }
+void PoolPimpl::FreeName()
+ if (m_Name)
+ {
+ const size_t nameCharCount = wcslen(m_Name) + 1;
+ D3D12MA_DELETE_ARRAY(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), m_Name, nameCharCount);
+ m_Name = NULL;
+ }
+HRESULT CreateAllocator(const ALLOCATOR_DESC* pDesc, Allocator** ppAllocator)
+ if (!pDesc || !ppAllocator || !pDesc->pDevice || !pDesc->pAdapter ||
+ !(pDesc->PreferredBlockSize == 0 || (pDesc->PreferredBlockSize >= 16 && pDesc->PreferredBlockSize < 0x10000000000ull)))
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to CreateAllocator.");
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS allocationCallbacks;
+ SetupAllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks, pDesc->pAllocationCallbacks);
+ *ppAllocator = D3D12MA_NEW(allocationCallbacks, Allocator)(allocationCallbacks, *pDesc);
+ HRESULT hr = (*ppAllocator)->m_Pimpl->Init(*pDesc);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(allocationCallbacks, *ppAllocator);
+ *ppAllocator = NULL;
+ }
+ return hr;
+HRESULT CreateVirtualBlock(const VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC* pDesc, VirtualBlock** ppVirtualBlock)
+ if (!pDesc || !ppVirtualBlock)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to CreateVirtualBlock.");
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS allocationCallbacks;
+ SetupAllocationCallbacks(allocationCallbacks, pDesc->pAllocationCallbacks);
+ *ppVirtualBlock = D3D12MA_NEW(allocationCallbacks, VirtualBlock)(allocationCallbacks, *pDesc);
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IUnknownImpl::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObject)
+ if (ppvObject == NULL)
+ return E_POINTER;
+ if (riid == IID_IUnknown)
+ {
+ ++m_RefCount;
+ *ppvObject = this;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ *ppvObject = NULL;
+ return ++m_RefCount;
+ const uint32_t newRefCount = --m_RefCount;
+ if (newRefCount == 0)
+ ReleaseThis();
+ return newRefCount;
+void Allocation::PackedData::SetType(Type type)
+ const UINT u = (UINT)type;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(u < (1u << 2));
+ m_Type = u;
+void Allocation::PackedData::SetResourceDimension(D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION resourceDimension)
+ const UINT u = (UINT)resourceDimension;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(u < (1u << 3));
+ m_ResourceDimension = u;
+void Allocation::PackedData::SetResourceFlags(D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAGS resourceFlags)
+ const UINT u = (UINT)resourceFlags;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(u < (1u << 24));
+ m_ResourceFlags = u;
+void Allocation::PackedData::SetTextureLayout(D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT textureLayout)
+ const UINT u = (UINT)textureLayout;
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(u < (1u << 9));
+ m_TextureLayout = u;
+UINT64 Allocation::GetOffset() const
+ switch (m_PackedData.GetType())
+ {
+ case TYPE_HEAP:
+ return 0;
+ return m_Placed.block->m_pMetadata->GetAllocationOffset(m_Placed.allocHandle);
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+void Allocation::SetResource(ID3D12Resource* pResource)
+ if (pResource != m_Resource)
+ {
+ if (m_Resource)
+ m_Resource->Release();
+ m_Resource = pResource;
+ if (m_Resource)
+ m_Resource->AddRef();
+ }
+ID3D12Heap* Allocation::GetHeap() const
+ switch (m_PackedData.GetType())
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ return m_Placed.block->GetHeap();
+ case TYPE_HEAP:
+ return m_Heap.heap;
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+void Allocation::SetName(LPCWSTR Name)
+ FreeName();
+ if (Name)
+ {
+ const size_t nameCharCount = wcslen(Name) + 1;
+ m_Name = D3D12MA_NEW_ARRAY(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), WCHAR, nameCharCount);
+ memcpy(m_Name, Name, nameCharCount * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ }
+void Allocation::ReleaseThis()
+ if (this == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ SAFE_RELEASE(m_Resource);
+ switch (m_PackedData.GetType())
+ {
+ m_Allocator->FreeCommittedMemory(this);
+ break;
+ m_Allocator->FreePlacedMemory(this);
+ break;
+ case TYPE_HEAP:
+ m_Allocator->FreeHeapMemory(this);
+ break;
+ }
+ FreeName();
+ m_Allocator->GetAllocationObjectAllocator().Free(this);
+Allocation::Allocation(AllocatorPimpl* allocator, UINT64 size, UINT64 alignment, BOOL wasZeroInitialized)
+ : m_Allocator{ allocator },
+ m_Size{ size },
+ m_Alignment{ alignment },
+ m_Resource{ NULL },
+ m_pPrivateData{ NULL },
+ m_Name{ NULL }
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocator);
+ m_PackedData.SetType(TYPE_COUNT);
+ m_PackedData.SetResourceDimension(D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_UNKNOWN);
+ m_PackedData.SetResourceFlags(D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_NONE);
+ m_PackedData.SetTextureLayout(D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN);
+ m_PackedData.SetWasZeroInitialized(wasZeroInitialized);
+void Allocation::InitCommitted(CommittedAllocationList* list)
+ m_PackedData.SetType(TYPE_COMMITTED);
+ m_Committed.list = list;
+ m_Committed.prev = NULL;
+ = NULL;
+void Allocation::InitPlaced(AllocHandle allocHandle, NormalBlock* block)
+ m_PackedData.SetType(TYPE_PLACED);
+ m_Placed.allocHandle = allocHandle;
+ m_Placed.block = block;
+void Allocation::InitHeap(CommittedAllocationList* list, ID3D12Heap* heap)
+ m_PackedData.SetType(TYPE_HEAP);
+ m_Heap.list = list;
+ m_Committed.prev = NULL;
+ = NULL;
+ m_Heap.heap = heap;
+void Allocation::SwapBlockAllocation(Allocation* allocation)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocation != NULL);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_PackedData.GetType() == TYPE_PLACED);
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocation->m_PackedData.GetType() == TYPE_PLACED);
+ D3D12MA_SWAP(m_Resource, allocation->m_Resource);
+ m_PackedData.SetWasZeroInitialized(allocation->m_PackedData.WasZeroInitialized());
+ m_Placed.block->m_pMetadata->SetAllocationPrivateData(m_Placed.allocHandle, allocation);
+ D3D12MA_SWAP(m_Placed, allocation->m_Placed);
+ m_Placed.block->m_pMetadata->SetAllocationPrivateData(m_Placed.allocHandle, this);
+AllocHandle Allocation::GetAllocHandle() const
+ switch (m_PackedData.GetType())
+ {
+ case TYPE_HEAP:
+ return (AllocHandle)0;
+ return m_Placed.allocHandle;
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ return (AllocHandle)0;
+ }
+NormalBlock* Allocation::GetBlock()
+ switch (m_PackedData.GetType())
+ {
+ case TYPE_HEAP:
+ return NULL;
+ return m_Placed.block;
+ default:
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T>
+void Allocation::SetResourcePointer(ID3D12Resource* resource, const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T* pResourceDesc)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_Resource == NULL && pResourceDesc);
+ m_Resource = resource;
+ m_PackedData.SetResourceDimension(pResourceDesc->Dimension);
+ m_PackedData.SetResourceFlags(pResourceDesc->Flags);
+ m_PackedData.SetTextureLayout(pResourceDesc->Layout);
+void Allocation::FreeName()
+ if (m_Name)
+ {
+ const size_t nameCharCount = wcslen(m_Name) + 1;
+ D3D12MA_DELETE_ARRAY(m_Allocator->GetAllocs(), m_Name, nameCharCount);
+ m_Name = NULL;
+ }
+HRESULT DefragmentationContext::BeginPass(DEFRAGMENTATION_PASS_MOVE_INFO* pPassInfo)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pPassInfo);
+ return m_Pimpl->DefragmentPassBegin(*pPassInfo);
+HRESULT DefragmentationContext::EndPass(DEFRAGMENTATION_PASS_MOVE_INFO* pPassInfo)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pPassInfo);
+ return m_Pimpl->DefragmentPassEnd(*pPassInfo);
+void DefragmentationContext::GetStats(DEFRAGMENTATION_STATS* pStats)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStats);
+ m_Pimpl->GetStats(*pStats);
+void DefragmentationContext::ReleaseThis()
+ if (this == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(), this);
+DefragmentationContext::DefragmentationContext(AllocatorPimpl* allocator,
+ BlockVector* poolVector)
+ : m_Pimpl(D3D12MA_NEW(allocator->GetAllocs(), DefragmentationContextPimpl)(allocator, desc, poolVector)) {}
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(), m_Pimpl);
+POOL_DESC Pool::GetDesc() const
+ return m_Pimpl->GetDesc();
+void Pool::GetStatistics(Statistics* pStats)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStats);
+ m_Pimpl->GetStatistics(*pStats);
+void Pool::CalculateStatistics(DetailedStatistics* pStats)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStats);
+ m_Pimpl->CalculateStatistics(*pStats);
+void Pool::SetName(LPCWSTR Name)
+ m_Pimpl->SetName(Name);
+LPCWSTR Pool::GetName() const
+ return m_Pimpl->GetName();
+HRESULT Pool::BeginDefragmentation(const DEFRAGMENTATION_DESC* pDesc, DefragmentationContext** ppContext)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pDesc && ppContext);
+ // Check for support
+ if (m_Pimpl->GetBlockVector()->GetAlgorithm() & POOL_FLAG_ALGORITHM_LINEAR)
+ AllocatorPimpl* allocator = m_Pimpl->GetAllocator();
+ *ppContext = D3D12MA_NEW(allocator->GetAllocs(), DefragmentationContext)(allocator, *pDesc, m_Pimpl->GetBlockVector());
+ return S_OK;
+void Pool::ReleaseThis()
+ if (this == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Pimpl->GetAllocator()->GetAllocs(), this);
+Pool::Pool(Allocator* allocator, const POOL_DESC& desc)
+ : m_Pimpl(D3D12MA_NEW(allocator->m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(), PoolPimpl)(allocator->m_Pimpl, desc)) {}
+ m_Pimpl->GetAllocator()->UnregisterPool(this, m_Pimpl->GetDesc().HeapProperties.Type);
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Pimpl->GetAllocator()->GetAllocs(), m_Pimpl);
+#endif // _D3D12MA_POOL_FUNCTIONS
+const D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS& Allocator::GetD3D12Options() const
+ return m_Pimpl->GetD3D12Options();
+BOOL Allocator::IsUMA() const
+ return m_Pimpl->IsUMA();
+BOOL Allocator::IsCacheCoherentUMA() const
+ return m_Pimpl->IsCacheCoherentUMA();
+UINT64 Allocator::GetMemoryCapacity(UINT memorySegmentGroup) const
+ return m_Pimpl->GetMemoryCapacity(memorySegmentGroup);
+HRESULT Allocator::CreateResource(
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource)
+ if (!pAllocDesc || !pResourceDesc || !ppAllocation)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::CreateResource.");
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ return m_Pimpl->CreateResource(
+ pAllocDesc,
+ CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS(pResourceDesc, InitialResourceState, pOptimizedClearValue),
+ ppAllocation,
+ riidResource,
+ ppvResource);
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+HRESULT Allocator::CreateResource2(
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource)
+ if (!pAllocDesc || !pResourceDesc || !ppAllocation)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::CreateResource2.");
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ return m_Pimpl->CreateResource(
+ pAllocDesc,
+ CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS(pResourceDesc, InitialResourceState, pOptimizedClearValue),
+ ppAllocation,
+ riidResource,
+ ppvResource);
+#endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+HRESULT Allocator::CreateResource3(
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT InitialLayout,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue,
+ UINT32 NumCastableFormats,
+ DXGI_FORMAT* pCastableFormats,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource)
+ if (!pAllocDesc || !pResourceDesc || !ppAllocation)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::CreateResource3.");
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ return m_Pimpl->CreateResource(
+ pAllocDesc,
+ CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS(pResourceDesc, InitialLayout, pOptimizedClearValue, NumCastableFormats, pCastableFormats),
+ ppAllocation,
+ riidResource,
+ ppvResource);
+#endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+HRESULT Allocator::AllocateMemory(
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation)
+ if (!ValidateAllocateMemoryParameters(pAllocDesc, pAllocInfo, ppAllocation))
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::AllocateMemory.");
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ return m_Pimpl->AllocateMemory(pAllocDesc, pAllocInfo, ppAllocation);
+HRESULT Allocator::CreateAliasingResource(
+ Allocation* pAllocation,
+ UINT64 AllocationLocalOffset,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource)
+ if (!pAllocation || !pResourceDesc || !ppvResource)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::CreateAliasingResource.");
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ return m_Pimpl->CreateAliasingResource(
+ pAllocation,
+ AllocationLocalOffset,
+ CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS(pResourceDesc, InitialResourceState, pOptimizedClearValue),
+ riidResource,
+ ppvResource);
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+HRESULT Allocator::CreateAliasingResource1(
+ Allocation* pAllocation,
+ UINT64 AllocationLocalOffset,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource)
+ if (!pAllocation || !pResourceDesc || !ppvResource)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::CreateAliasingResource.");
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ return m_Pimpl->CreateAliasingResource(
+ pAllocation,
+ AllocationLocalOffset,
+ CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS(pResourceDesc, InitialResourceState, pOptimizedClearValue),
+ riidResource,
+ ppvResource);
+#endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+HRESULT Allocator::CreateAliasingResource2(
+ Allocation* pAllocation,
+ UINT64 AllocationLocalOffset,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT InitialLayout,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue,
+ UINT32 NumCastableFormats,
+ DXGI_FORMAT* pCastableFormats,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource)
+ if (!pAllocation || !pResourceDesc || !ppvResource)
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::CreateAliasingResource.");
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ return m_Pimpl->CreateAliasingResource(
+ pAllocation,
+ AllocationLocalOffset,
+ CREATE_RESOURCE_PARAMS(pResourceDesc, InitialLayout, pOptimizedClearValue, NumCastableFormats, pCastableFormats),
+ riidResource,
+ ppvResource);
+#endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+HRESULT Allocator::CreatePool(
+ const POOL_DESC* pPoolDesc,
+ Pool** ppPool)
+ if (!pPoolDesc || !ppPool ||
+ (pPoolDesc->MaxBlockCount > 0 && pPoolDesc->MaxBlockCount < pPoolDesc->MinBlockCount) ||
+ (pPoolDesc->MinAllocationAlignment > 0 && !IsPow2(pPoolDesc->MinAllocationAlignment)))
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to Allocator::CreatePool.");
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ if (!m_Pimpl->HeapFlagsFulfillResourceHeapTier(pPoolDesc->HeapFlags))
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid pPoolDesc->HeapFlags passed to Allocator::CreatePool. Did you forget to handle ResourceHeapTier=1?");
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ * ppPool = D3D12MA_NEW(m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(), Pool)(this, *pPoolDesc);
+ HRESULT hr = (*ppPool)->m_Pimpl->Init();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ m_Pimpl->RegisterPool(*ppPool, pPoolDesc->HeapProperties.Type);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(), *ppPool);
+ *ppPool = NULL;
+ }
+ return hr;
+void Allocator::SetCurrentFrameIndex(UINT frameIndex)
+ m_Pimpl->SetCurrentFrameIndex(frameIndex);
+void Allocator::GetBudget(Budget* pLocalBudget, Budget* pNonLocalBudget)
+ if (pLocalBudget == NULL && pNonLocalBudget == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_Pimpl->GetBudget(pLocalBudget, pNonLocalBudget);
+void Allocator::CalculateStatistics(TotalStatistics* pStats)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStats);
+ m_Pimpl->CalculateStatistics(*pStats);
+void Allocator::BuildStatsString(WCHAR** ppStatsString, BOOL DetailedMap) const
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(ppStatsString);
+ m_Pimpl->BuildStatsString(ppStatsString, DetailedMap);
+void Allocator::FreeStatsString(WCHAR* pStatsString) const
+ if (pStatsString != NULL)
+ {
+ m_Pimpl->FreeStatsString(pStatsString);
+ }
+void Allocator::BeginDefragmentation(const DEFRAGMENTATION_DESC* pDesc, DefragmentationContext** ppContext)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pDesc && ppContext);
+ *ppContext = D3D12MA_NEW(m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(), DefragmentationContext)(m_Pimpl, *pDesc, NULL);
+void Allocator::ReleaseThis()
+ // Copy is needed because otherwise we would call destructor and invalidate the structure with callbacks before using it to free memory.
+ const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS allocationCallbacksCopy = m_Pimpl->GetAllocs();
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(allocationCallbacksCopy, this);
+Allocator::Allocator(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, const ALLOCATOR_DESC& desc)
+ : m_Pimpl(D3D12MA_NEW(allocationCallbacks, AllocatorPimpl)(allocationCallbacks, desc)) {}
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Pimpl->GetAllocs(), m_Pimpl);
+BOOL VirtualBlock::IsEmpty() const
+ return m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->IsEmpty() ? TRUE : FALSE;
+void VirtualBlock::GetAllocationInfo(VirtualAllocation allocation, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO* pInfo) const
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocation.AllocHandle != (AllocHandle)0 && pInfo);
+ m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->GetAllocationInfo(allocation.AllocHandle, *pInfo);
+HRESULT VirtualBlock::Allocate(const VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_DESC* pDesc, VirtualAllocation* pAllocation, UINT64* pOffset)
+ if (!pDesc || !pAllocation || pDesc->Size == 0 || !IsPow2(pDesc->Alignment))
+ {
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid arguments passed to VirtualBlock::Allocate.");
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ const UINT64 alignment = pDesc->Alignment != 0 ? pDesc->Alignment : 1;
+ AllocationRequest allocRequest = {};
+ if (m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->CreateAllocationRequest(
+ pDesc->Size,
+ alignment,
+ &allocRequest))
+ {
+ m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Alloc(allocRequest, pDesc->Size, pDesc->pPrivateData);
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Validate());
+ pAllocation->AllocHandle = allocRequest.allocHandle;
+ if (pOffset)
+ *pOffset = m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->GetAllocationOffset(allocRequest.allocHandle);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ pAllocation->AllocHandle = (AllocHandle)0;
+ if (pOffset)
+ *pOffset = UINT64_MAX;
+void VirtualBlock::FreeAllocation(VirtualAllocation allocation)
+ if (allocation.AllocHandle == (AllocHandle)0)
+ return;
+ m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Free(allocation.AllocHandle);
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Validate());
+void VirtualBlock::Clear()
+ m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Clear();
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Validate());
+void VirtualBlock::SetAllocationPrivateData(VirtualAllocation allocation, void* pPrivateData)
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(allocation.AllocHandle != (AllocHandle)0);
+ m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->SetAllocationPrivateData(allocation.AllocHandle, pPrivateData);
+void VirtualBlock::GetStatistics(Statistics* pStats) const
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStats);
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Validate());
+ ClearStatistics(*pStats);
+ m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->AddStatistics(*pStats);
+void VirtualBlock::CalculateStatistics(DetailedStatistics* pStats) const
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(pStats);
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Validate());
+ ClearDetailedStatistics(*pStats);
+ m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->AddDetailedStatistics(*pStats);
+void VirtualBlock::BuildStatsString(WCHAR** ppStatsString) const
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(ppStatsString);
+ StringBuilder sb(m_Pimpl->m_AllocationCallbacks);
+ {
+ JsonWriter json(m_Pimpl->m_AllocationCallbacks, sb);
+ D3D12MA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->Validate());
+ json.BeginObject();
+ m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->WriteAllocationInfoToJson(json);
+ json.EndObject();
+ } // Scope for JsonWriter
+ const size_t length = sb.GetLength();
+ WCHAR* result = AllocateArray<WCHAR>(m_Pimpl->m_AllocationCallbacks, length + 1);
+ memcpy(result, sb.GetData(), length * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ result[length] = L'\0';
+ *ppStatsString = result;
+void VirtualBlock::FreeStatsString(WCHAR* pStatsString) const
+ if (pStatsString != NULL)
+ {
+ D3D12MA::Free(m_Pimpl->m_AllocationCallbacks, pStatsString);
+ }
+void VirtualBlock::ReleaseThis()
+ // Copy is needed because otherwise we would call destructor and invalidate the structure with callbacks before using it to free memory.
+ const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS allocationCallbacksCopy = m_Pimpl->m_AllocationCallbacks;
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(allocationCallbacksCopy, this);
+VirtualBlock::VirtualBlock(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, const VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC& desc)
+ : m_Pimpl(D3D12MA_NEW(allocationCallbacks, VirtualBlockPimpl)(allocationCallbacks, desc)) {}
+ // Hitting it means you have some memory leak - unreleased allocations in this virtual block.
+ D3D12MA_ASSERT(m_Pimpl->m_Metadata->IsEmpty() && "Some allocations were not freed before destruction of this virtual block!");
+ D3D12MA_DELETE(m_Pimpl->m_AllocationCallbacks, m_Pimpl);
+} // namespace D3D12MA
+#if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop