path: root/src/3rdparty/D3D12MemoryAllocator/D3D12MemAlloc.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#pragma once
+/** \mainpage D3D12 Memory Allocator
+<b>Version 2.1.0-development</b> (2022-12-15)
+Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. \n
+License: MIT
+Documentation of all members: D3D12MemAlloc.h
+\section main_table_of_contents Table of contents
+- \subpage quick_start
+ - [Project setup](@ref quick_start_project_setup)
+ - [Creating resources](@ref quick_start_creating_resources)
+ - [Resource reference counting](@ref quick_start_resource_reference_counting)
+ - [Mapping memory](@ref quick_start_mapping_memory)
+- \subpage custom_pools
+- \subpage defragmentation
+- \subpage statistics
+- \subpage resource_aliasing
+- \subpage linear_algorithm
+- \subpage virtual_allocator
+- \subpage configuration
+ - [Custom CPU memory allocator](@ref custom_memory_allocator)
+ - [Debug margins](@ref debug_margins)
+- \subpage general_considerations
+ - [Thread safety](@ref general_considerations_thread_safety)
+ - [Versioning and compatibility](@ref general_considerations_versioning_and_compatibility)
+ - [Features not supported](@ref general_considerations_features_not_supported)
+\section main_see_also See also
+- [Product page on GPUOpen](
+- [Source repository on GitHub](
+// If using this library on a platform different than Windows PC or want to use different version of DXGI,
+// you should include D3D12-compatible headers before this library on your own and define this macro.
+ #include <d3d12.h>
+ #include <dxgi1_4.h>
+// Define this macro to 0 to disable usage of DXGI 1.4 (needed for IDXGIAdapter3 and query for memory budget).
+#ifndef D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4
+ #ifdef __IDXGIAdapter3_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ #define D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4 1
+ #else
+ #define D3D12MA_DXGI_1_4 0
+ #endif
+When defined to value other than 0, the library will try to use
+for created textures when possible, which can save memory because some small textures
+may get their alignment 4K and their size a multiply of 4K instead of 64K.
+ Disables small texture alignment.
+ Enables conservative algorithm that will use small alignment only for some textures
+ that are surely known to support it.
+ Enables query for small alignment to D3D12 (based on Microsoft sample) which will
+ enable small alignment for more textures, but will also generate D3D Debug Layer
+ error #721 on call to ID3D12Device::GetResourceAllocationInfo, which you should just
+ ignore.
+/// \cond INTERNAL
+#define D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(className) \
+ private: \
+ className(const className&) = delete; \
+ className(className&&) = delete; \
+ className& operator=(const className&) = delete; \
+ className& operator=(className&&) = delete;
+// To be used with MAKE_HRESULT to define custom error codes.
+#define FACILITY_D3D12MA 3542
+If providing your own implementation, you need to implement a subset of std::atomic.
+#if !defined(D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT32) || !defined(D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT64)
+ #include <atomic>
+#ifndef D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT32
+ #define D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT32 std::atomic<UINT>
+#ifndef D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT64
+ #define D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT64 std::atomic<UINT64>
+#ifdef D3D12MA_EXPORTS
+ #define D3D12MA_API __declspec(dllexport)
+#elif defined(D3D12MA_IMPORTS)
+ #define D3D12MA_API __declspec(dllimport)
+ #define D3D12MA_API
+// Forward declaration if ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession is not defined inside the headers (older SDK, pre ID3D12Device4)
+struct ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession;
+// Define this enum even if SDK doesn't provide it, to simplify the API.
+#ifndef __ID3D12Device1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+typedef enum D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY
+ D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY_LOW = 0x50000000,
+namespace D3D12MA
+class D3D12MA_API IUnknownImpl : public IUnknown
+ virtual ~IUnknownImpl() = default;
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObject) override;
+ virtual void ReleaseThis() { delete this; }
+ D3D12MA_ATOMIC_UINT32 m_RefCount = {1};
+} // namespace D3D12MA
+/// \endcond
+namespace D3D12MA
+/// \cond INTERNAL
+class DefragmentationContextPimpl;
+class AllocatorPimpl;
+class PoolPimpl;
+class NormalBlock;
+class BlockVector;
+class CommittedAllocationList;
+class JsonWriter;
+class VirtualBlockPimpl;
+/// \endcond
+class Pool;
+class Allocator;
+struct Statistics;
+struct DetailedStatistics;
+struct TotalStatistics;
+/// \brief Unique identifier of single allocation done inside the memory heap.
+typedef UINT64 AllocHandle;
+/// Pointer to custom callback function that allocates CPU memory.
+using ALLOCATE_FUNC_PTR = void* (*)(size_t Size, size_t Alignment, void* pPrivateData);
+\brief Pointer to custom callback function that deallocates CPU memory.
+`pMemory = null` should be accepted and ignored.
+using FREE_FUNC_PTR = void (*)(void* pMemory, void* pPrivateData);
+/// Custom callbacks to CPU memory allocation functions.
+ /// %Allocation function.
+ /// Dellocation function.
+ /// Custom data that will be passed to allocation and deallocation functions as `pUserData` parameter.
+ void* pPrivateData;
+/// \brief Bit flags to be used with ALLOCATION_DESC::Flags.
+ /// Zero
+ /**
+ Set this flag if the allocation should have its own dedicated memory allocation (committed resource with implicit heap).
+ Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen textures used as render targets.
+ - When used with functions like D3D12MA::Allocator::CreateResource, it will use `ID3D12Device::CreateCommittedResource`,
+ so the created allocation will contain a resource (D3D12MA::Allocation::GetResource() `!= NULL`) but will not have
+ a heap (D3D12MA::Allocation::GetHeap() `== NULL`), as the heap is implicit.
+ - When used with raw memory allocation like D3D12MA::Allocator::AllocateMemory, it will use `ID3D12Device::CreateHeap`,
+ so the created allocation will contain a heap (D3D12MA::Allocation::GetHeap() `!= NULL`) and its offset will always be 0.
+ */
+ /**
+ Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing memory heaps and never create new such heap.
+ If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing heaps, allocation
+ fails with `E_OUTOFMEMORY` error.
+ You should not use D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED and
+ D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_FLAG_NEVER_ALLOCATE at the same time. It makes no sense.
+ */
+ /** Create allocation only if additional memory required for it, if any, won't exceed
+ memory budget. Otherwise return `E_OUTOFMEMORY`.
+ */
+ /** Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.
+ This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with #POOL_FLAG_ALGORITHM_LINEAR flag.
+ */
+ /** Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.
+ Use this when calling D3D12MA::Allocator::CreateResource() and similar to
+ guarantee creation of explicit heap for desired allocation and prevent it from using `CreateCommittedResource`,
+ so that new allocation object will always have `allocation->GetHeap() != NULL`.
+ */
+ /** Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation
+ to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
+ */
+ /** Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation -
+ not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find
+ to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
+ */
+ /** Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.
+ This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data.
+ Used internally by defragmentation, not recomended in typical usage.
+ */
+ /// A bit mask to extract only `STRATEGY` bits from entire set of flags.
+/// \brief Parameters of created D3D12MA::Allocation object. To be used with Allocator::CreateResource.
+ /// Flags.
+ /** \brief The type of memory heap where the new allocation should be placed.
+ When D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_DESC::CustomPool != NULL this member is ignored.
+ */
+ D3D12_HEAP_TYPE HeapType;
+ /** \brief Additional heap flags to be used when allocating memory.
+ In most cases it can be 0.
+ - If you use D3D12MA::Allocator::CreateResource(), you don't need to care.
+ or `D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_ONLY_RT_DS_TEXTURES` is added automatically.
+ - If you use D3D12MA::Allocator::AllocateMemory(), you should specify one of those `ALLOW_ONLY` flags.
+ Except when you validate that D3D12MA::Allocator::GetD3D12Options()`.ResourceHeapTier == D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_1` -
+ then you can leave it 0.
+ - You can specify additional flags if needed. Then the memory will always be allocated as
+ separate block using `D3D12Device::CreateCommittedResource` or `CreateHeap`, not as part of an existing larget block.
+ When D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_DESC::CustomPool != NULL this member is ignored.
+ */
+ D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS ExtraHeapFlags;
+ /** \brief Custom pool to place the new resource in. Optional.
+ When not NULL, the resource will be created inside specified custom pool.
+ */
+ Pool* CustomPool;
+ /// Custom general-purpose pointer that will be stored in D3D12MA::Allocation.
+ void* pPrivateData;
+/** \brief Calculated statistics of memory usage e.g. in a specific memory heap type,
+memory segment group, custom pool, or total.
+These are fast to calculate.
+See functions: D3D12MA::Allocator::GetBudget(), D3D12MA::Pool::GetStatistics().
+struct Statistics
+ /** \brief Number of D3D12 memory blocks allocated - `ID3D12Heap` objects and committed resources.
+ */
+ UINT BlockCount;
+ /** \brief Number of D3D12MA::Allocation objects allocated.
+ Committed allocations have their own blocks, so each one adds 1 to `AllocationCount` as well as `BlockCount`.
+ */
+ UINT AllocationCount;
+ /** \brief Number of bytes allocated in memory blocks.
+ */
+ UINT64 BlockBytes;
+ /** \brief Total number of bytes occupied by all D3D12MA::Allocation objects.
+ Always less or equal than `BlockBytes`.
+ Difference `(BlockBytes - AllocationBytes)` is the amount of memory allocated from D3D12
+ but unused by any D3D12MA::Allocation.
+ */
+ UINT64 AllocationBytes;
+/** \brief More detailed statistics than D3D12MA::Statistics.
+These are slower to calculate. Use for debugging purposes.
+See functions: D3D12MA::Allocator::CalculateStatistics(), D3D12MA::Pool::CalculateStatistics().
+Averages are not provided because they can be easily calculated as:
+UINT64 AllocationSizeAvg = DetailedStats.Statistics.AllocationBytes / detailedStats.Statistics.AllocationCount;
+UINT64 UnusedBytes = DetailedStats.Statistics.BlockBytes - DetailedStats.Statistics.AllocationBytes;
+UINT64 UnusedRangeSizeAvg = UnusedBytes / DetailedStats.UnusedRangeCount;
+struct DetailedStatistics
+ /// Basic statistics.
+ Statistics Stats;
+ /// Number of free ranges of memory between allocations.
+ UINT UnusedRangeCount;
+ /// Smallest allocation size. `UINT64_MAX` if there are 0 allocations.
+ UINT64 AllocationSizeMin;
+ /// Largest allocation size. 0 if there are 0 allocations.
+ UINT64 AllocationSizeMax;
+ /// Smallest empty range size. `UINT64_MAX` if there are 0 empty ranges.
+ UINT64 UnusedRangeSizeMin;
+ /// Largest empty range size. 0 if there are 0 empty ranges.
+ UINT64 UnusedRangeSizeMax;
+/** \brief General statistics from current state of the allocator -
+total memory usage across all memory heaps and segments.
+These are slower to calculate. Use for debugging purposes.
+See function D3D12MA::Allocator::CalculateStatistics().
+struct TotalStatistics
+ /** \brief One element for each type of heap located at the following indices:
+ - 1 = `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD`
+ - 3 = `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_CUSTOM`
+ */
+ DetailedStatistics HeapType[4];
+ /** \brief One element for each memory segment group located at the following indices:
+ Meaning of these segment groups is:
+ - When `IsUMA() == FALSE` (discrete graphics card):
+ - `DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL` (index 0) represents GPU memory
+ (resources allocated in `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT` or `D3D12_MEMORY_POOL_L1`).
+ - `DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL` (index 1) represents system memory
+ (resources allocated in `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD`, `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK`, or `D3D12_MEMORY_POOL_L0`).
+ - When `IsUMA() == TRUE` (integrated graphics chip):
+ - `DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL` = (index 0) represents memory shared for all the resources.
+ - `DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL` = (index 1) is unused and always 0.
+ */
+ DetailedStatistics MemorySegmentGroup[2];
+ /// Total statistics from all memory allocated from D3D12.
+ DetailedStatistics Total;
+/** \brief %Statistics of current memory usage and available budget for a specific memory segment group.
+These are fast to calculate. See function D3D12MA::Allocator::GetBudget().
+struct Budget
+ /** \brief %Statistics fetched from the library.
+ */
+ Statistics Stats;
+ /** \brief Estimated current memory usage of the program.
+ Fetched from system using `IDXGIAdapter3::QueryVideoMemoryInfo` if possible.
+ It might be different than `BlockBytes` (usually higher) due to additional implicit objects
+ also occupying the memory, like swapchain, pipeline state objects, descriptor heaps, command lists, or
+ heaps and resources allocated outside of this library, if any.
+ */
+ UINT64 UsageBytes;
+ /** \brief Estimated amount of memory available to the program.
+ Fetched from system using `IDXGIAdapter3::QueryVideoMemoryInfo` if possible.
+ It might be different (most probably smaller) than memory capacity returned
+ by D3D12MA::Allocator::GetMemoryCapacity() due to factors
+ external to the program, decided by the operating system.
+ Difference `BudgetBytes - UsageBytes` is the amount of additional memory that can probably
+ be allocated without problems. Exceeding the budget may result in various problems.
+ */
+ UINT64 BudgetBytes;
+/// \brief Represents single memory allocation done inside VirtualBlock.
+struct D3D12MA_API VirtualAllocation
+ /// \brief Unique idenitfier of current allocation. 0 means null/invalid.
+ AllocHandle AllocHandle;
+/** \brief Represents single memory allocation.
+It may be either implicit memory heap dedicated to a single resource or a
+specific region of a bigger heap plus unique offset.
+To create such object, fill structure D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_DESC and call function
+The object remembers size and some other information.
+To retrieve this information, use methods of this class.
+The object also remembers `ID3D12Resource` and "owns" a reference to it,
+so it calls `%Release()` on the resource when destroyed.
+class D3D12MA_API Allocation : public IUnknownImpl
+ /** \brief Returns offset in bytes from the start of memory heap.
+ You usually don't need to use this offset. If you create a buffer or a texture together with the allocation using function
+ D3D12MA::Allocator::CreateResource, functions that operate on that resource refer to the beginning of the resource,
+ not entire memory heap.
+ If the Allocation represents committed resource with implicit heap, returns 0.
+ */
+ UINT64 GetOffset() const;
+ /// Returns alignment that resource was created with.
+ UINT64 GetAlignment() const { return m_Alignment; }
+ /** \brief Returns size in bytes of the allocation.
+ - If you created a buffer or a texture together with the allocation using function D3D12MA::Allocator::CreateResource,
+ this is the size of the resource returned by `ID3D12Device::GetResourceAllocationInfo`.
+ - For allocations made out of bigger memory blocks, this also is the size of the memory region assigned exclusively to this allocation.
+ - For resources created as committed, this value may not be accurate. DirectX implementation may optimize memory usage internally
+ so that you may even observe regions of `ID3D12Resource::GetGPUVirtualAddress()` + Allocation::GetSize() to overlap in memory and still work correctly.
+ */
+ UINT64 GetSize() const { return m_Size; }
+ /** \brief Returns D3D12 resource associated with this object.
+ Calling this method doesn't increment resource's reference counter.
+ */
+ ID3D12Resource* GetResource() const { return m_Resource; }
+ /// Releases the resource currently pointed by the allocation (if any), sets it to new one, incrementing its reference counter (if not null).
+ void SetResource(ID3D12Resource* pResource);
+ /** \brief Returns memory heap that the resource is created in.
+ If the Allocation represents committed resource with implicit heap, returns NULL.
+ */
+ ID3D12Heap* GetHeap() const;
+ /// Changes custom pointer for an allocation to a new value.
+ void SetPrivateData(void* pPrivateData) { m_pPrivateData = pPrivateData; }
+ /// Get custom pointer associated with the allocation.
+ void* GetPrivateData() const { return m_pPrivateData; }
+ /** \brief Associates a name with the allocation object. This name is for use in debug diagnostics and tools.
+ Internal copy of the string is made, so the memory pointed by the argument can be
+ changed of freed immediately after this call.
+ `Name` can be null.
+ */
+ void SetName(LPCWSTR Name);
+ /** \brief Returns the name associated with the allocation object.
+ Returned string points to an internal copy.
+ If no name was associated with the allocation, returns null.
+ */
+ LPCWSTR GetName() const { return m_Name; }
+ /** \brief Returns `TRUE` if the memory of the allocation was filled with zeros when the allocation was created.
+ Returns `TRUE` only if the allocator is sure that the entire memory where the
+ allocation was created was filled with zeros at the moment the allocation was made.
+ Returns `FALSE` if the memory could potentially contain garbage data.
+ If it's a render-target or depth-stencil texture, it then needs proper
+ initialization with `ClearRenderTargetView`, `ClearDepthStencilView`, `DiscardResource`,
+ or a copy operation, as described on page
+ "ID3D12Device::CreatePlacedResource method - Notes on the required resource initialization" in Microsoft documentation.
+ Please note that rendering a fullscreen triangle or quad to the texture as
+ a render target is not a proper way of initialization!
+ See also articles:
+ - "Coming to DirectX 12: More control over memory allocation" on DirectX Developer Blog
+ - ["Initializing DX12 Textures After Allocation and Aliasing"](
+ */
+ BOOL WasZeroInitialized() const { return m_PackedData.WasZeroInitialized(); }
+ void ReleaseThis() override;
+ friend class AllocatorPimpl;
+ friend class BlockVector;
+ friend class CommittedAllocationList;
+ friend class JsonWriter;
+ friend class BlockMetadata_Linear;
+ friend class DefragmentationContextPimpl;
+ friend struct CommittedAllocationListItemTraits;
+ template<typename T> friend void D3D12MA_DELETE(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS&, T*);
+ template<typename T> friend class PoolAllocator;
+ enum Type
+ {
+ };
+ AllocatorPimpl* m_Allocator;
+ UINT64 m_Size;
+ UINT64 m_Alignment;
+ ID3D12Resource* m_Resource;
+ void* m_pPrivateData;
+ wchar_t* m_Name;
+ union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ CommittedAllocationList* list;
+ Allocation* prev;
+ Allocation* next;
+ } m_Committed;
+ struct
+ {
+ AllocHandle allocHandle;
+ NormalBlock* block;
+ } m_Placed;
+ struct
+ {
+ // Beginning must be compatible with m_Committed.
+ CommittedAllocationList* list;
+ Allocation* prev;
+ Allocation* next;
+ ID3D12Heap* heap;
+ } m_Heap;
+ };
+ struct PackedData
+ {
+ public:
+ PackedData() :
+ m_Type(0), m_ResourceDimension(0), m_ResourceFlags(0), m_TextureLayout(0), m_WasZeroInitialized(0) { }
+ Type GetType() const { return (Type)m_Type; }
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION GetResourceDimension() const { return (D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION)m_ResourceDimension; }
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAGS GetResourceFlags() const { return (D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAGS)m_ResourceFlags; }
+ D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT GetTextureLayout() const { return (D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT)m_TextureLayout; }
+ BOOL WasZeroInitialized() const { return (BOOL)m_WasZeroInitialized; }
+ void SetType(Type type);
+ void SetResourceDimension(D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION resourceDimension);
+ void SetResourceFlags(D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAGS resourceFlags);
+ void SetTextureLayout(D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT textureLayout);
+ void SetWasZeroInitialized(BOOL wasZeroInitialized) { m_WasZeroInitialized = wasZeroInitialized ? 1 : 0; }
+ private:
+ UINT m_Type : 2; // enum Type
+ UINT m_ResourceDimension : 3; // enum D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION
+ UINT m_ResourceFlags : 24; // flags D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAGS
+ UINT m_TextureLayout : 9; // enum D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT
+ UINT m_WasZeroInitialized : 1; // BOOL
+ } m_PackedData;
+ Allocation(AllocatorPimpl* allocator, UINT64 size, UINT64 alignment, BOOL wasZeroInitialized);
+ // Nothing here, everything already done in Release.
+ virtual ~Allocation() = default;
+ void InitCommitted(CommittedAllocationList* list);
+ void InitPlaced(AllocHandle allocHandle, NormalBlock* block);
+ void InitHeap(CommittedAllocationList* list, ID3D12Heap* heap);
+ void SwapBlockAllocation(Allocation* allocation);
+ // If the Allocation represents committed resource with implicit heap, returns UINT64_MAX.
+ AllocHandle GetAllocHandle() const;
+ NormalBlock* GetBlock();
+ template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T>
+ void SetResourcePointer(ID3D12Resource* resource, const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T* pResourceDesc);
+ void FreeName();
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(Allocation)
+/// Flags to be passed as DEFRAGMENTATION_DESC::Flags.
+ /** Use simple but fast algorithm for defragmentation.
+ May not achieve best results but will require least time to compute and least allocations to copy.
+ */
+ /** Default defragmentation algorithm, applied also when no `ALGORITHM` flag is specified.
+ Offers a balance between defragmentation quality and the amount of allocations and bytes that need to be moved.
+ */
+ /** Perform full defragmentation of memory.
+ Can result in notably more time to compute and allocations to copy, but will achieve best memory packing.
+ */
+ /// A bit mask to extract only `ALGORITHM` bits from entire set of flags.
+/** \brief Parameters for defragmentation.
+To be used with functions Allocator::BeginDefragmentation() and Pool::BeginDefragmentation().
+ /// Flags.
+ /** \brief Maximum numbers of bytes that can be copied during single pass, while moving allocations to different places.
+ 0 means no limit.
+ */
+ UINT64 MaxBytesPerPass;
+ /** \brief Maximum number of allocations that can be moved during single pass to a different place.
+ 0 means no limit.
+ */
+ UINT32 MaxAllocationsPerPass;
+/// Operation performed on single defragmentation move.
+ /** Resource has been recreated at `pDstTmpAllocation`, data has been copied, old resource has been destroyed.
+ `pSrcAllocation` will be changed to point to the new place. This is the default value set by DefragmentationContext::BeginPass().
+ */
+ /// Set this value if you cannot move the allocation. New place reserved at `pDstTmpAllocation` will be freed. `pSrcAllocation` will remain unchanged.
+ /// Set this value if you decide to abandon the allocation and you destroyed the resource. New place reserved `pDstTmpAllocation` will be freed, along with `pSrcAllocation`.
+/// Single move of an allocation to be done for defragmentation.
+ /** \brief Operation to be performed on the allocation by DefragmentationContext::EndPass().
+ Default value is #DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_COPY. You can modify it.
+ */
+ /// %Allocation that should be moved.
+ Allocation* pSrcAllocation;
+ /** \brief Temporary allocation pointing to destination memory that will replace `pSrcAllocation`.
+ Use it to retrieve new `ID3D12Heap` and offset to create new `ID3D12Resource` and then store it here via Allocation::SetResource().
+ \warning Do not store this allocation in your data structures! It exists only temporarily, for the duration of the defragmentation pass,
+ to be used for storing newly created resource. DefragmentationContext::EndPass() will destroy it and make `pSrcAllocation` point to this memory.
+ */
+ Allocation* pDstTmpAllocation;
+/** \brief Parameters for incremental defragmentation steps.
+To be used with function DefragmentationContext::BeginPass().
+ /// Number of elements in the `pMoves` array.
+ UINT32 MoveCount;
+ /** \brief Array of moves to be performed by the user in the current defragmentation pass.
+ Pointer to an array of `MoveCount` elements, owned by %D3D12MA, created in DefragmentationContext::BeginPass(), destroyed in DefragmentationContext::EndPass().
+ For each element, you should:
+ 1. Create a new resource in the place pointed by `pMoves[i].pDstTmpAllocation->GetHeap()` + `pMoves[i].pDstTmpAllocation->GetOffset()`.
+ 2. Store new resource in `pMoves[i].pDstTmpAllocation` by using Allocation::SetResource(). It will later replace old resource from `pMoves[i].pSrcAllocation`.
+ 3. Copy data from the `pMoves[i].pSrcAllocation` e.g. using `D3D12GraphicsCommandList::CopyResource`.
+ 4. Make sure these commands finished executing on the GPU.
+ Only then you can finish defragmentation pass by calling DefragmentationContext::EndPass().
+ After this call, the allocation will point to the new place in memory.
+ Alternatively, if you cannot move specific allocation,
+ Alternatively, if you decide you want to completely remove the allocation,
+ Then, after DefragmentationContext::EndPass() the allocation will be released.
+ */
+/// %Statistics returned for defragmentation process by function DefragmentationContext::GetStats().
+ /// Total number of bytes that have been copied while moving allocations to different places.
+ UINT64 BytesMoved;
+ /// Total number of bytes that have been released to the system by freeing empty heaps.
+ UINT64 BytesFreed;
+ /// Number of allocations that have been moved to different places.
+ UINT32 AllocationsMoved;
+ /// Number of empty `ID3D12Heap` objects that have been released to the system.
+ UINT32 HeapsFreed;
+/** \brief Represents defragmentation process in progress.
+You can create this object using Allocator::BeginDefragmentation (for default pools) or
+Pool::BeginDefragmentation (for a custom pool).
+class D3D12MA_API DefragmentationContext : public IUnknownImpl
+ /** \brief Starts single defragmentation pass.
+ \param[out] pPassInfo Computed informations for current pass.
+ \returns
+ - `S_OK` if no more moves are possible. Then you can omit call to DefragmentationContext::EndPass() and simply end whole defragmentation.
+ - `S_FALSE` if there are pending moves returned in `pPassInfo`. You need to perform them, call DefragmentationContext::EndPass(),
+ and then preferably try another pass with DefragmentationContext::BeginPass().
+ */
+ /** \brief Ends single defragmentation pass.
+ \param pPassInfo Computed informations for current pass filled by DefragmentationContext::BeginPass() and possibly modified by you.
+ \return Returns `S_OK` if no more moves are possible or `S_FALSE` if more defragmentations are possible.
+ Ends incremental defragmentation pass and commits all defragmentation moves from `pPassInfo`.
+ After this call:
+ - %Allocation at `pPassInfo[i].pSrcAllocation` that had `pPassInfo[i].Operation ==` #DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_COPY
+ (which is the default) will be pointing to the new destination place.
+ - %Allocation at `pPassInfo[i].pSrcAllocation` that had `pPassInfo[i].operation ==` #DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_DESTROY
+ will be released.
+ If no more moves are possible you can end whole defragmentation.
+ */
+ /** \brief Returns statistics of the defragmentation performed so far.
+ */
+ void GetStats(DEFRAGMENTATION_STATS* pStats);
+ void ReleaseThis() override;
+ friend class Pool;
+ friend class Allocator;
+ template<typename T> friend void D3D12MA_DELETE(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS&, T*);
+ DefragmentationContextPimpl* m_Pimpl;
+ DefragmentationContext(AllocatorPimpl* allocator,
+ BlockVector* poolVector);
+ ~DefragmentationContext();
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(DefragmentationContext)
+/// \brief Bit flags to be used with POOL_DESC::Flags.
+ /// Zero
+ /** \brief Enables alternative, linear allocation algorithm in this pool.
+ Specify this flag to enable linear allocation algorithm, which always creates
+ new allocations after last one and doesn't reuse space from allocations freed in
+ between. It trades memory consumption for simplified algorithm and data
+ structure, which has better performance and uses less memory for metadata.
+ By using this flag, you can achieve behavior of free-at-once, stack,
+ ring buffer, and double stack.
+ For details, see documentation chapter \ref linear_algorithm.
+ */
+ /** \brief Optimization, allocate MSAA textures as committed resources always.
+ Specify this flag to create MSAA textures with implicit heaps, as if they were created
+ with flag D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED. Usage of this flags enables pool to create its heaps
+ on smaller alignment not suitable for MSAA textures.
+ */
+ // Bit mask to extract only `ALGORITHM` bits from entire set of flags.
+/// \brief Parameters of created D3D12MA::Pool object. To be used with D3D12MA::Allocator::CreatePool.
+struct POOL_DESC
+ /// Flags.
+ /** \brief The parameters of memory heap where allocations of this pool should be placed.
+ In the simplest case, just fill it with zeros and set `Type` to one of: `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT`,
+ `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD`, `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK`. Additional parameters can be used e.g. to utilize UMA.
+ */
+ D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES HeapProperties;
+ /** \brief Heap flags to be used when allocating heaps of this pool.
+ It should contain one of these values, depending on type of resources you are going to create in this heap:
+ Except if ResourceHeapTier = 2, then it may be `D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_ALL_BUFFERS_AND_TEXTURES` = 0.
+ You can specify additional flags if needed.
+ */
+ D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS HeapFlags;
+ /** \brief Size of a single heap (memory block) to be allocated as part of this pool, in bytes. Optional.
+ Specify nonzero to set explicit, constant size of memory blocks used by this pool.
+ Leave 0 to use default and let the library manage block sizes automatically.
+ Then sizes of particular blocks may vary.
+ */
+ UINT64 BlockSize;
+ /** \brief Minimum number of heaps (memory blocks) to be always allocated in this pool, even if they stay empty. Optional.
+ Set to 0 to have no preallocated blocks and allow the pool be completely empty.
+ */
+ UINT MinBlockCount;
+ /** \brief Maximum number of heaps (memory blocks) that can be allocated in this pool. Optional.
+ Set to 0 to use default, which is `UINT64_MAX`, which means no limit.
+ Set to same value as D3D12MA::POOL_DESC::MinBlockCount to have fixed amount of memory allocated
+ throughout whole lifetime of this pool.
+ */
+ UINT MaxBlockCount;
+ /** \brief Additional minimum alignment to be used for all allocations created from this pool. Can be 0.
+ Leave 0 (default) not to impose any additional alignment. If not 0, it must be a power of two.
+ */
+ UINT64 MinAllocationAlignment;
+ /** \brief Additional parameter allowing pool to create resources with passed protected session.
+ If not null then all the heaps and committed resources will be created with this parameter.
+ Valid only if ID3D12Device4 interface is present in current Windows SDK!
+ */
+ ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession* pProtectedSession;
+ /** \brief Residency priority to be set for all allocations made in this pool. Optional.
+ Set this parameter to one of the possible enum values e.g. `D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY_HIGH`
+ to apply specific residency priority to all allocations made in this pool:
+ `ID3D12Heap` memory blocks used to sub-allocate for placed resources, as well as
+ committed resources or heaps created when D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED is used.
+ This can increase/decrease chance that the memory will be pushed out from VRAM
+ to system RAM when the system runs out of memory, which is invisible to the developer
+ using D3D12 API while it can degrade performance.
+ Priority is set using function `ID3D12Device1::SetResidencyPriority`.
+ It is performed only when `ID3D12Device1` interface is defined and successfully obtained.
+ Otherwise, this parameter is ignored.
+ This parameter is optional. If you set it to `D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY(0)`,
+ residency priority will not be set for allocations made in this pool.
+ There is no equivalent parameter for allocations made in default pools.
+ If you want to set residency priority for such allocation, you need to do it manually:
+ allocate with D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED and call
+ `ID3D12Device1::SetResidencyPriority`, passing `allocation->GetResource()`.
+ */
+ D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY ResidencyPriority;
+/** \brief Custom memory pool
+Represents a separate set of heaps (memory blocks) that can be used to create
+D3D12MA::Allocation-s and resources in it. Usually there is no need to create custom
+pools - creating resources in default pool is sufficient.
+To create custom pool, fill D3D12MA::POOL_DESC and call D3D12MA::Allocator::CreatePool.
+class D3D12MA_API Pool : public IUnknownImpl
+ /** \brief Returns copy of parameters of the pool.
+ These are the same parameters as passed to D3D12MA::Allocator::CreatePool.
+ */
+ POOL_DESC GetDesc() const;
+ /** \brief Retrieves basic statistics of the custom pool that are fast to calculate.
+ \param[out] pStats %Statistics of the current pool.
+ */
+ void GetStatistics(Statistics* pStats);
+ /** \brief Retrieves detailed statistics of the custom pool that are slower to calculate.
+ \param[out] pStats %Statistics of the current pool.
+ */
+ void CalculateStatistics(DetailedStatistics* pStats);
+ /** \brief Associates a name with the pool. This name is for use in debug diagnostics and tools.
+ Internal copy of the string is made, so the memory pointed by the argument can be
+ changed of freed immediately after this call.
+ `Name` can be NULL.
+ */
+ void SetName(LPCWSTR Name);
+ /** \brief Returns the name associated with the pool object.
+ Returned string points to an internal copy.
+ If no name was associated with the allocation, returns NULL.
+ */
+ LPCWSTR GetName() const;
+ /** \brief Begins defragmentation process of the current pool.
+ \param pDesc Structure filled with parameters of defragmentation.
+ \param[out] ppContext Context object that will manage defragmentation.
+ \returns
+ - `S_OK` if defragmentation can begin.
+ - `E_NOINTERFACE` if defragmentation is not supported.
+ For more information about defragmentation, see documentation chapter:
+ [Defragmentation](@ref defragmentation).
+ */
+ HRESULT BeginDefragmentation(const DEFRAGMENTATION_DESC* pDesc, DefragmentationContext** ppContext);
+ void ReleaseThis() override;
+ friend class Allocator;
+ friend class AllocatorPimpl;
+ template<typename T> friend void D3D12MA_DELETE(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS&, T*);
+ PoolPimpl* m_Pimpl;
+ Pool(Allocator* allocator, const POOL_DESC &desc);
+ ~Pool();
+/// \brief Bit flags to be used with ALLOCATOR_DESC::Flags.
+ /// Zero
+ /**
+ Allocator and all objects created from it will not be synchronized internally,
+ so you must guarantee they are used from only one thread at a time or
+ synchronized by you.
+ Using this flag may increase performance because internal mutexes are not used.
+ */
+ /**
+ Every allocation will have its own memory block.
+ To be used for debugging purposes.
+ */
+ /**
+ Heaps created for the default pools will be created with flag `D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED`,
+ allowing for their memory to be not zeroed by the system if possible,
+ which can speed up allocation.
+ Only affects default pools.
+ To use the flag with @ref custom_pools, you need to add it manually:
+ \code
+ poolDesc.heapFlags |= D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED;
+ \endcode
+ Only avaiable if `ID3D12Device8` is present. Otherwise, the flag is ignored.
+ */
+ /** \brief Optimization, allocate MSAA textures as committed resources always.
+ Specify this flag to create MSAA textures with implicit heaps, as if they were created
+ with flag D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED. Usage of this flags enables all default pools
+ to create its heaps on smaller alignment not suitable for MSAA textures.
+ */
+/// \brief Parameters of created Allocator object. To be used with CreateAllocator().
+ /// Flags.
+ /** Direct3D device object that the allocator should be attached to.
+ Allocator is doing `AddRef`/`Release` on this object.
+ */
+ ID3D12Device* pDevice;
+ /** \brief Preferred size of a single `ID3D12Heap` block to be allocated.
+ Set to 0 to use default, which is currently 64 MiB.
+ */
+ UINT64 PreferredBlockSize;
+ /** \brief Custom CPU memory allocation callbacks. Optional.
+ Optional, can be null. When specified, will be used for all CPU-side memory allocations.
+ */
+ const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* pAllocationCallbacks;
+ /** DXGI Adapter object that you use for D3D12 and this allocator.
+ Allocator is doing `AddRef`/`Release` on this object.
+ */
+ IDXGIAdapter* pAdapter;
+\brief Represents main object of this library initialized for particular `ID3D12Device`.
+Fill structure D3D12MA::ALLOCATOR_DESC and call function CreateAllocator() to create it.
+Call method `Release()` to destroy it.
+It is recommended to create just one object of this type per `ID3D12Device` object,
+right after Direct3D 12 is initialized and keep it alive until before Direct3D device is destroyed.
+class D3D12MA_API Allocator : public IUnknownImpl
+ /// Returns cached options retrieved from D3D12 device.
+ const D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS& GetD3D12Options() const;
+ /** \brief Returns true if `D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_ARCHITECTURE1::UMA` was found to be true.
+ For more information about how to use it, see articles in Microsoft Docs articles:
+ - "UMA Optimizations: CPU Accessible Textures and Standard Swizzle"
+ - "D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_ARCHITECTURE structure (d3d12.h)"
+ - "ID3D12Device::GetCustomHeapProperties method (d3d12.h)"
+ */
+ BOOL IsUMA() const;
+ /** \brief Returns true if `D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_ARCHITECTURE1::CacheCoherentUMA` was found to be true.
+ For more information about how to use it, see articles in Microsoft Docs articles:
+ - "UMA Optimizations: CPU Accessible Textures and Standard Swizzle"
+ - "D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_ARCHITECTURE structure (d3d12.h)"
+ - "ID3D12Device::GetCustomHeapProperties method (d3d12.h)"
+ */
+ BOOL IsCacheCoherentUMA() const;
+ /** \brief Returns total amount of memory of specific segment group, in bytes.
+ This information is taken from `DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC`.
+ It is not recommended to use this number.
+ You should preferably call GetBudget() and limit memory usage to D3D12MA::Budget::BudgetBytes instead.
+ - When IsUMA() `== FALSE` (discrete graphics card):
+ - `GetMemoryCapacity(DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL)` returns the size of the video memory.
+ - `GetMemoryCapacity(DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL)` returns the size of the system memory available for D3D12 resources.
+ - When IsUMA() `== TRUE` (integrated graphics chip):
+ - `GetMemoryCapacity(DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL)` returns the size of the shared memory available for all D3D12 resources.
+ All memory is considered "local".
+ - `GetMemoryCapacity(DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL)` is not applicable and returns 0.
+ */
+ UINT64 GetMemoryCapacity(UINT memorySegmentGroup) const;
+ /** \brief Allocates memory and creates a D3D12 resource (buffer or texture). This is the main allocation function.
+ The function is similar to `ID3D12Device::CreateCommittedResource`, but it may
+ really call `ID3D12Device::CreatePlacedResource` to assign part of a larger,
+ existing memory heap to the new resource, which is the main purpose of this
+ whole library.
+ If `ppvResource` is null, you receive only `ppAllocation` object from this function.
+ It holds pointer to `ID3D12Resource` that can be queried using function D3D12MA::Allocation::GetResource().
+ Reference count of the resource object is 1.
+ It is automatically destroyed when you destroy the allocation object.
+ If `ppvResource` is not null, you receive pointer to the resource next to allocation object.
+ Reference count of the resource object is then increased by calling `QueryInterface`, so you need to manually `Release` it
+ along with the allocation.
+ \param pAllocDesc Parameters of the allocation.
+ \param pResourceDesc Description of created resource.
+ \param InitialResourceState Initial resource state.
+ \param pOptimizedClearValue Optional. Either null or optimized clear value.
+ \param[out] ppAllocation Filled with pointer to new allocation object created.
+ \param riidResource IID of a resource to be returned via `ppvResource`.
+ \param[out] ppvResource Optional. If not null, filled with pointer to new resouce created.
+ \note This function creates a new resource. Sub-allocation of parts of one large buffer,
+ although recommended as a good practice, is out of scope of this library and could be implemented
+ by the user as a higher-level logic on top of it, e.g. using the \ref virtual_allocator feature.
+ */
+ HRESULT CreateResource(
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE *pOptimizedClearValue,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource);
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ /** \brief Similar to Allocator::CreateResource, but supports new structure `D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1`.
+ It internally uses `ID3D12Device8::CreateCommittedResource2` or `ID3D12Device8::CreatePlacedResource1`.
+ To work correctly, `ID3D12Device8` interface must be available in the current system. Otherwise, `E_NOINTERFACE` is returned.
+ */
+ HRESULT CreateResource2(
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE *pOptimizedClearValue,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource);
+#endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ /** \brief Similar to Allocator::CreateResource2, but there are initial layout instead of state and
+ castable formats list
+ It internally uses `ID3D12Device10::CreateCommittedResource3` or `ID3D12Device10::CreatePlacedResource2`.
+ To work correctly, `ID3D12Device10` interface must be available in the current system. Otherwise, `E_NOINTERFACE` is returned.
+ */
+ HRESULT CreateResource3(const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT InitialLayout,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue,
+ UINT32 NumCastableFormats,
+ DXGI_FORMAT* pCastableFormats,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource);
+#endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ /** \brief Allocates memory without creating any resource placed in it.
+ This function is similar to `ID3D12Device::CreateHeap`, but it may really assign
+ part of a larger, existing heap to the allocation.
+ `pAllocDesc->heapFlags` should contain one of these values, depending on type of resources you are going to create in this memory:
+ Except if you validate that ResourceHeapTier = 2 - then `heapFlags`
+ Additional flags in `heapFlags` are allowed as well.
+ `pAllocInfo->SizeInBytes` must be multiply of 64KB.
+ `pAllocInfo->Alignment` must be one of the legal values as described in documentation of `D3D12_HEAP_DESC`.
+ If you use D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED you will get a separate memory block -
+ a heap that always has offset 0.
+ */
+ HRESULT AllocateMemory(
+ const ALLOCATION_DESC* pAllocDesc,
+ Allocation** ppAllocation);
+ /** \brief Creates a new resource in place of an existing allocation. This is useful for memory aliasing.
+ \param pAllocation Existing allocation indicating the memory where the new resource should be created.
+ It can be created using D3D12MA::Allocator::CreateResource and already have a resource bound to it,
+ or can be a raw memory allocated with D3D12MA::Allocator::AllocateMemory.
+ It must not be created as committed so that `ID3D12Heap` is available and not implicit.
+ \param AllocationLocalOffset Additional offset in bytes to be applied when allocating the resource.
+ Local from the start of `pAllocation`, not the beginning of the whole `ID3D12Heap`!
+ If the new resource should start from the beginning of the `pAllocation` it should be 0.
+ \param pResourceDesc Description of the new resource to be created.
+ \param InitialResourceState
+ \param pOptimizedClearValue
+ \param riidResource
+ \param[out] ppvResource Returns pointer to the new resource.
+ The resource is not bound with `pAllocation`.
+ This pointer must not be null - you must get the resource pointer and `Release` it when no longer needed.
+ Memory requirements of the new resource are checked for validation.
+ If its size exceeds the end of `pAllocation` or required alignment is not fulfilled
+ considering `pAllocation->GetOffset() + AllocationLocalOffset`, the function
+ returns `E_INVALIDARG`.
+ */
+ HRESULT CreateAliasingResource(
+ Allocation* pAllocation,
+ UINT64 AllocationLocalOffset,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE *pOptimizedClearValue,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource);
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ /** \brief Similar to Allocator::CreateAliasingResource, but supports new structure `D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1`.
+ It internally uses `ID3D12Device8::CreatePlacedResource1`.
+ To work correctly, `ID3D12Device8` interface must be available in the current system. Otherwise, `E_NOINTERFACE` is returned.
+ */
+ HRESULT CreateAliasingResource1(Allocation* pAllocation,
+ UINT64 AllocationLocalOffset,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource);
+#endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device8_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ /** \brief Similar to Allocator::CreateAliasingResource1, but there are initial layout instead of state and
+ castable formats list
+ It internally uses `ID3D12Device10::CreatePlacedResource2`.
+ To work correctly, `ID3D12Device10` interface must be available in the current system. Otherwise, `E_NOINTERFACE` is returned.
+ */
+ HRESULT CreateAliasingResource2(Allocation* pAllocation,
+ UINT64 AllocationLocalOffset,
+ const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1* pResourceDesc,
+ D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT InitialLayout,
+ const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE* pOptimizedClearValue,
+ UINT32 NumCastableFormats,
+ DXGI_FORMAT* pCastableFormats,
+ REFIID riidResource,
+ void** ppvResource);
+#endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device10_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+ /** \brief Creates custom pool.
+ */
+ HRESULT CreatePool(
+ const POOL_DESC* pPoolDesc,
+ Pool** ppPool);
+ /** \brief Sets the index of the current frame.
+ This function is used to set the frame index in the allocator when a new game frame begins.
+ */
+ void SetCurrentFrameIndex(UINT frameIndex);
+ /** \brief Retrieves information about current memory usage and budget.
+ \param[out] pLocalBudget Optional, can be null.
+ \param[out] pNonLocalBudget Optional, can be null.
+ - When IsUMA() `== FALSE` (discrete graphics card):
+ - `pLocalBudget` returns the budget of the video memory.
+ - `pNonLocalBudget` returns the budget of the system memory available for D3D12 resources.
+ - When IsUMA() `== TRUE` (integrated graphics chip):
+ - `pLocalBudget` returns the budget of the shared memory available for all D3D12 resources.
+ All memory is considered "local".
+ - `pNonLocalBudget` is not applicable and returns zeros.
+ This function is called "get" not "calculate" because it is very fast, suitable to be called
+ every frame or every allocation. For more detailed statistics use CalculateStatistics().
+ Note that when using allocator from multiple threads, returned information may immediately
+ become outdated.
+ */
+ void GetBudget(Budget* pLocalBudget, Budget* pNonLocalBudget);
+ /** \brief Retrieves statistics from current state of the allocator.
+ This function is called "calculate" not "get" because it has to traverse all
+ internal data structures, so it may be quite slow. Use it for debugging purposes.
+ For faster but more brief statistics suitable to be called every frame or every allocation,
+ use GetBudget().
+ Note that when using allocator from multiple threads, returned information may immediately
+ become outdated.
+ */
+ void CalculateStatistics(TotalStatistics* pStats);
+ /** \brief Builds and returns statistics as a string in JSON format.
+ *
+ @param[out] ppStatsString Must be freed using Allocator::FreeStatsString.
+ @param DetailedMap `TRUE` to include full list of allocations (can make the string quite long), `FALSE` to only return statistics.
+ */
+ void BuildStatsString(WCHAR** ppStatsString, BOOL DetailedMap) const;
+ /// Frees memory of a string returned from Allocator::BuildStatsString.
+ void FreeStatsString(WCHAR* pStatsString) const;
+ /** \brief Begins defragmentation process of the default pools.
+ \param pDesc Structure filled with parameters of defragmentation.
+ \param[out] ppContext Context object that will manage defragmentation.
+ For more information about defragmentation, see documentation chapter:
+ [Defragmentation](@ref defragmentation).
+ */
+ void BeginDefragmentation(const DEFRAGMENTATION_DESC* pDesc, DefragmentationContext** ppContext);
+ void ReleaseThis() override;
+ friend D3D12MA_API HRESULT CreateAllocator(const ALLOCATOR_DESC*, Allocator**);
+ template<typename T> friend void D3D12MA_DELETE(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS&, T*);
+ friend class DefragmentationContext;
+ friend class Pool;
+ Allocator(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, const ALLOCATOR_DESC& desc);
+ ~Allocator();
+ AllocatorPimpl* m_Pimpl;
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(Allocator)
+/// \brief Bit flags to be used with VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC::Flags.
+ /// Zero
+ /** \brief Enables alternative, linear allocation algorithm in this virtual block.
+ Specify this flag to enable linear allocation algorithm, which always creates
+ new allocations after last one and doesn't reuse space from allocations freed in
+ between. It trades memory consumption for simplified algorithm and data
+ structure, which has better performance and uses less memory for metadata.
+ By using this flag, you can achieve behavior of free-at-once, stack,
+ ring buffer, and double stack.
+ For details, see documentation chapter \ref linear_algorithm.
+ */
+ // Bit mask to extract only `ALGORITHM` bits from entire set of flags.
+/// Parameters of created D3D12MA::VirtualBlock object to be passed to CreateVirtualBlock().
+ /// Flags.
+ /** \brief Total size of the block.
+ Sizes can be expressed in bytes or any units you want as long as you are consistent in using them.
+ For example, if you allocate from some array of structures, 1 can mean single instance of entire structure.
+ */
+ UINT64 Size;
+ /** \brief Custom CPU memory allocation callbacks. Optional.
+ Optional, can be null. When specified, will be used for all CPU-side memory allocations.
+ */
+ const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS* pAllocationCallbacks;
+/// \brief Bit flags to be used with VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_DESC::Flags.
+ /// Zero
+ /** \brief Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.
+ This flag is only allowed for virtual blocks created with #VIRTUAL_BLOCK_FLAG_ALGORITHM_LINEAR flag.
+ */
+ /// Allocation strategy that tries to minimize memory usage.
+ /// Allocation strategy that tries to minimize allocation time.
+ /** \brief Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.
+ This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data.
+ */
+ /** \brief A bit mask to extract only `STRATEGY` bits from entire set of flags.
+ These strategy flags are binary compatible with equivalent flags in #ALLOCATION_FLAGS.
+ */
+/// Parameters of created virtual allocation to be passed to VirtualBlock::Allocate().
+ /// Flags.
+ /** \brief Size of the allocation.
+ Cannot be zero.
+ */
+ UINT64 Size;
+ /** \brief Required alignment of the allocation.
+ Must be power of two. Special value 0 has the same meaning as 1 - means no special alignment is required, so allocation can start at any offset.
+ */
+ UINT64 Alignment;
+ /** \brief Custom pointer to be associated with the allocation.
+ It can be fetched or changed later.
+ */
+ void* pPrivateData;
+/// Parameters of an existing virtual allocation, returned by VirtualBlock::GetAllocationInfo().
+ /// \brief Offset of the allocation.
+ UINT64 Offset;
+ /** \brief Size of the allocation.
+ Same value as passed in VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_DESC::Size.
+ */
+ UINT64 Size;
+ /** \brief Custom pointer associated with the allocation.
+ Same value as passed in VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_DESC::pPrivateData or VirtualBlock::SetAllocationPrivateData().
+ */
+ void* pPrivateData;
+/** \brief Represents pure allocation algorithm and a data structure with allocations in some memory block, without actually allocating any GPU memory.
+This class allows to use the core algorithm of the library custom allocations e.g. CPU memory or
+sub-allocation regions inside a single GPU buffer.
+To create this object, fill in D3D12MA::VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC and call CreateVirtualBlock().
+To destroy it, call its method `VirtualBlock::Release()`.
+You need to free all the allocations within this block or call Clear() before destroying it.
+This object is not thread-safe - should not be used from multiple threads simultaneously, must be synchronized externally.
+class D3D12MA_API VirtualBlock : public IUnknownImpl
+ /** \brief Returns true if the block is empty - contains 0 allocations.
+ */
+ BOOL IsEmpty() const;
+ /** \brief Returns information about an allocation - its offset, size and custom pointer.
+ */
+ void GetAllocationInfo(VirtualAllocation allocation, VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO* pInfo) const;
+ /** \brief Creates new allocation.
+ \param pDesc
+ \param[out] pAllocation Unique indentifier of the new allocation within single block.
+ \param[out] pOffset Returned offset of the new allocation. Optional, can be null.
+ \return `S_OK` if allocation succeeded, `E_OUTOFMEMORY` if it failed.
+ If the allocation failed, `pAllocation->AllocHandle` is set to 0 and `pOffset`, if not null, is set to `UINT64_MAX`.
+ */
+ HRESULT Allocate(const VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_DESC* pDesc, VirtualAllocation* pAllocation, UINT64* pOffset);
+ /** \brief Frees the allocation.
+ Calling this function with `allocation.AllocHandle == 0` is correct and does nothing.
+ */
+ void FreeAllocation(VirtualAllocation allocation);
+ /** \brief Frees all the allocations.
+ */
+ void Clear();
+ /** \brief Changes custom pointer for an allocation to a new value.
+ */
+ void SetAllocationPrivateData(VirtualAllocation allocation, void* pPrivateData);
+ /** \brief Retrieves basic statistics of the virtual block that are fast to calculate.
+ \param[out] pStats %Statistics of the virtual block.
+ */
+ void GetStatistics(Statistics* pStats) const;
+ /** \brief Retrieves detailed statistics of the virtual block that are slower to calculate.
+ \param[out] pStats %Statistics of the virtual block.
+ */
+ void CalculateStatistics(DetailedStatistics* pStats) const;
+ /** \brief Builds and returns statistics as a string in JSON format, including the list of allocations with their parameters.
+ @param[out] ppStatsString Must be freed using VirtualBlock::FreeStatsString.
+ */
+ void BuildStatsString(WCHAR** ppStatsString) const;
+ /** \brief Frees memory of a string returned from VirtualBlock::BuildStatsString.
+ */
+ void FreeStatsString(WCHAR* pStatsString) const;
+ void ReleaseThis() override;
+ friend D3D12MA_API HRESULT CreateVirtualBlock(const VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC*, VirtualBlock**);
+ template<typename T> friend void D3D12MA_DELETE(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS&, T*);
+ VirtualBlockPimpl* m_Pimpl;
+ VirtualBlock(const ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS& allocationCallbacks, const VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC& desc);
+ ~VirtualBlock();
+ D3D12MA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VirtualBlock)
+/** \brief Creates new main D3D12MA::Allocator object and returns it through `ppAllocator`.
+You normally only need to call it once and keep a single Allocator object for your `ID3D12Device`.
+D3D12MA_API HRESULT CreateAllocator(const ALLOCATOR_DESC* pDesc, Allocator** ppAllocator);
+/** \brief Creates new D3D12MA::VirtualBlock object and returns it through `ppVirtualBlock`.
+Note you don't need to create D3D12MA::Allocator to use virtual blocks.
+D3D12MA_API HRESULT CreateVirtualBlock(const VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC* pDesc, VirtualBlock** ppVirtualBlock);
+} // namespace D3D12MA
+/// \cond INTERNAL
+/// \endcond
+\page quick_start Quick start
+\section quick_start_project_setup Project setup and initialization
+This is a small, standalone C++ library. It consists of a pair of 2 files:
+"D3D12MemAlloc.h" header file with public interface and "D3D12MemAlloc.cpp" with
+internal implementation. The only external dependencies are WinAPI, Direct3D 12,
+and parts of C/C++ standard library (but STL containers, exceptions, or RTTI are
+not used).
+The library is developed and tested using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, but it
+should work with other compilers as well. It is designed for 64-bit code.
+To use the library in your project:
+(1.) Copy files `D3D12MemAlloc.cpp`, `%D3D12MemAlloc.h` to your project.
+(2.) Make `D3D12MemAlloc.cpp` compiling as part of the project, as C++ code.
+(3.) Include library header in each CPP file that needs to use the library.
+#include "D3D12MemAlloc.h"
+(4.) Right after you created `ID3D12Device`, fill D3D12MA::ALLOCATOR_DESC
+structure and call function D3D12MA::CreateAllocator to create the main
+D3D12MA::Allocator object.
+Please note that all symbols of the library are declared inside #D3D12MA namespace.
+IDXGIAdapter* adapter = (...)
+ID3D12Device* device = (...)
+D3D12MA::ALLOCATOR_DESC allocatorDesc = {};
+allocatorDesc.pDevice = device;
+allocatorDesc.pAdapter = adapter;
+D3D12MA::Allocator* allocator;
+HRESULT hr = D3D12MA::CreateAllocator(&allocatorDesc, &allocator);
+(5.) Right before destroying the D3D12 device, destroy the allocator object.
+Objects of this library must be destroyed by calling `Release` method.
+They are somewhat compatible with COM: they implement `IUnknown` interface with its virtual methods: `AddRef`, `Release`, `QueryInterface`,
+and they are reference-counted internally.
+You can use smart pointers designed for COM with objects of this library - e.g. `CComPtr` or `Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr`.
+The reference counter is thread-safe.
+`QueryInterface` method supports only `IUnknown`, as classes of this library don't define their own GUIDs.
+\section quick_start_creating_resources Creating resources
+To use the library for creating resources (textures and buffers), call method
+D3D12MA::Allocator::CreateResource in the place where you would previously call
+The function has similar syntax, but it expects structure D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_DESC
+to be passed along with `D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC` and other parameters for created
+resource. This structure describes parameters of the desired memory allocation,
+including choice of `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE`.
+The function returns a new object of type D3D12MA::Allocation.
+It represents allocated memory and can be queried for size, offset, `ID3D12Heap`.
+It also holds a reference to the `ID3D12Resource`, which can be accessed by calling D3D12MA::Allocation::GetResource().
+D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC resourceDesc = {};
+resourceDesc.Dimension = D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D;
+resourceDesc.Alignment = 0;
+resourceDesc.Width = 1024;
+resourceDesc.Height = 1024;
+resourceDesc.DepthOrArraySize = 1;
+resourceDesc.MipLevels = 1;
+resourceDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
+resourceDesc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
+resourceDesc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;
+resourceDesc.Layout = D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN;
+resourceDesc.Flags = D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_NONE;
+D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_DESC allocationDesc = {};
+allocationDesc.HeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT;
+D3D12MA::Allocation* allocation;
+HRESULT hr = allocator->CreateResource(
+ &allocationDesc,
+ &resourceDesc,
+ &allocation,
+// Use allocation->GetResource()...
+You need to release the allocation object when no longer needed.
+This will also release the D3D12 resource.
+The advantage of using the allocator instead of creating committed resource, and
+the main purpose of this library, is that it can decide to allocate bigger memory
+heap internally using `ID3D12Device::CreateHeap` and place multiple resources in
+it, at different offsets, using `ID3D12Device::CreatePlacedResource`. The library
+manages its own collection of allocated memory blocks (heaps) and remembers which
+parts of them are occupied and which parts are free to be used for new resources.
+It is important to remember that resources created as placed don't have their memory
+initialized to zeros, but may contain garbage data, so they need to be fully initialized
+before usage, e.g. using Clear (`ClearRenderTargetView`), Discard (`DiscardResource`),
+or copy (`CopyResource`).
+The library also automatically handles resource heap tier.
+When `D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS::ResourceHeapTier` equals `D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_1`,
+resources of 3 types: buffers, textures that are render targets or depth-stencil,
+and other textures must be kept in separate heaps. When `D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_2`,
+they can be kept together. By using this library, you don't need to handle this
+\section quick_start_resource_reference_counting Resource reference counting
+`ID3D12Resource` and other interfaces of Direct3D 12 use COM, so they are reference-counted.
+Objects of this library are reference-counted as well.
+An object of type D3D12MA::Allocation remembers the resource (buffer or texture)
+that was created together with this memory allocation
+and holds a reference to the `ID3D12Resource` object.
+(Note this is a difference to Vulkan Memory Allocator, where a `VmaAllocation` object has no connection
+with the buffer or image that was created with it.)
+Thus, it is important to manage the resource reference counter properly.
+<b>The simplest use case</b> is shown in the code snippet above.
+When only D3D12MA::Allocation object is obtained from a function call like D3D12MA::Allocator::CreateResource,
+it remembers the `ID3D12Resource` that was created with it and holds a reference to it.
+The resource can be obtained by calling `allocation->GetResource()`, which doesn't increment the resource
+reference counter.
+Calling `allocation->Release()` will decrease the resource reference counter, which is = 1 in this case,
+so the resource will be released.
+<b>Second option</b> is to retrieve a pointer to the resource along with D3D12MA::Allocation.
+Last parameters of the resource creation function can be used for this purpose.
+D3D12MA::Allocation* allocation;
+ID3D12Resource* resource;
+HRESULT hr = allocator->CreateResource(
+ &allocationDesc,
+ &resourceDesc,
+ &allocation,
+ IID_PPV_ARGS(&resource));
+// Use resource...
+In this case, returned pointer `resource` is equal to `allocation->GetResource()`,
+but the creation function additionally increases resource reference counter for the purpose of returning it from this call
+(it actually calls `QueryInterface` internally), so the resource will have the counter = 2.
+The resource then need to be released along with the allocation, in this particular order,
+to make sure the resource is destroyed before its memory heap can potentially be freed.
+<b>More advanced use cases</b> are possible when we consider that an D3D12MA::Allocation object can just hold
+a reference to any resource.
+It can be changed by calling D3D12MA::Allocation::SetResource. This function
+releases the old resource and calls `AddRef` on the new one.
+Special care must be taken when performing <b>defragmentation</b>.
+The new resource created at the destination place should be set as `pass.pMoves[i].pDstTmpAllocation->SetResource(newRes)`,
+but it is moved to the source allocation at end of the defragmentation pass,
+while the old resource accessible through `pass.pMoves[i].pSrcAllocation->GetResource()` is then released.
+For more information, see documentation chapter \ref defragmentation.
+\section quick_start_mapping_memory Mapping memory
+The process of getting regular CPU-side pointer to the memory of a resource in
+Direct3D is called "mapping". There are rules and restrictions to this process,
+as described in D3D12 documentation of `ID3D12Resource::Map` method.
+Mapping happens on the level of particular resources, not entire memory heaps,
+and so it is out of scope of this library. Just as the documentation of the `Map` function says:
+- Returned pointer refers to data of particular subresource, not entire memory heap.
+- You can map same resource multiple times. It is ref-counted internally.
+- Mapping is thread-safe.
+- Unmapping is not required before resource destruction.
+- Unmapping may not be required before using written data - some heap types on
+ some platforms support resources persistently mapped.
+When using this library, you can map and use your resources normally without
+considering whether they are created as committed resources or placed resources in one large heap.
+Example for buffer created and filled in `UPLOAD` heap type:
+const UINT64 bufSize = 65536;
+const float* bufData = (...);
+D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC resourceDesc = {};
+resourceDesc.Dimension = D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER;
+resourceDesc.Alignment = 0;
+resourceDesc.Width = bufSize;
+resourceDesc.Height = 1;
+resourceDesc.DepthOrArraySize = 1;
+resourceDesc.MipLevels = 1;
+resourceDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN;
+resourceDesc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
+resourceDesc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;
+resourceDesc.Layout = D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT_ROW_MAJOR;
+resourceDesc.Flags = D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_NONE;
+D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_DESC allocationDesc = {};
+allocationDesc.HeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD;
+D3D12Resource* resource;
+D3D12MA::Allocation* allocation;
+HRESULT hr = allocator->CreateResource(
+ &allocationDesc,
+ &resourceDesc,
+ &allocation,
+ IID_PPV_ARGS(&resource));
+void* mappedPtr;
+hr = resource->Map(0, NULL, &mappedPtr);
+memcpy(mappedPtr, bufData, bufSize);
+resource->Unmap(0, NULL);
+\page custom_pools Custom memory pools
+A "pool" is a collection of memory blocks that share certain properties.
+Allocator creates 3 default pools: for `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT`, `UPLOAD`, `READBACK`.
+A default pool automatically grows in size. Size of allocated blocks is also variable and managed automatically.
+Typical allocations are created in these pools. You can also create custom pools.
+\section custom_pools_usage Usage
+To create a custom pool, fill in structure D3D12MA::POOL_DESC and call function D3D12MA::Allocator::CreatePool
+to obtain object D3D12MA::Pool. Example:
+POOL_DESC poolDesc = {};
+poolDesc.HeapProperties.Type = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT;
+Pool* pool;
+HRESULT hr = allocator->CreatePool(&poolDesc, &pool);
+To allocate resources out of a custom pool, only set member D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_DESC::CustomPool.
+ALLOCATION_DESC allocDesc = {};
+allocDesc.CustomPool = pool;
+D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC resDesc = ...
+Allocation* alloc;
+hr = allocator->CreateResource(&allocDesc, &resDesc,
+All allocations must be released before releasing the pool.
+The pool must be released before relasing the allocator.
+\section custom_pools_features_and_benefits Features and benefits
+While it is recommended to use default pools whenever possible for simplicity and to give the allocator
+more opportunities for internal optimizations, custom pools may be useful in following cases:
+- To keep some resources separate from others in memory.
+- To keep track of memory usage of just a specific group of resources. %Statistics can be queried using
+ D3D12MA::Pool::CalculateStatistics.
+- To use specific size of a memory block (`ID3D12Heap`). To set it, use member D3D12MA::POOL_DESC::BlockSize.
+ When set to 0, the library uses automatically determined, variable block sizes.
+- To reserve some minimum amount of memory allocated. To use it, set member D3D12MA::POOL_DESC::MinBlockCount.
+- To limit maximum amount of memory allocated. To use it, set member D3D12MA::POOL_DESC::MaxBlockCount.
+- To use extended parameters of the D3D12 memory allocation. While resources created from default pools
+ can only specify `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT`, `UPLOAD`, `READBACK`, a custom pool may use non-standard
+ `D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES` (member D3D12MA::POOL_DESC::HeapProperties) and `D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS`
+ (D3D12MA::POOL_DESC::HeapFlags), which is useful e.g. for cross-adapter sharing or UMA
+ (see also D3D12MA::Allocator::IsUMA).
+New versions of this library support creating **committed allocations in custom pools**.
+It is supported only when D3D12MA::POOL_DESC::BlockSize = 0.
+To use this feature, set D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_DESC::CustomPool to the pointer to your custom pool and
+ALLOCATION_DESC allocDesc = {};
+allocDesc.CustomPool = pool;
+D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC resDesc = ...
+Allocation* alloc;
+ID3D12Resource* res;
+hr = allocator->CreateResource(&allocDesc, &resDesc,
+This feature may seem unnecessary, but creating committed allocations from custom pools may be useful
+in some cases, e.g. to have separate memory usage statistics for some group of resources or to use
+extended allocation parameters, like custom `D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES`, which are available only in custom pools.
+\page defragmentation Defragmentation
+Interleaved allocations and deallocations of many objects of varying size can
+cause fragmentation over time, which can lead to a situation where the library is unable
+to find a continuous range of free memory for a new allocation despite there is
+enough free space, just scattered across many small free ranges between existing
+To mitigate this problem, you can use defragmentation feature.
+It doesn't happen automatically though and needs your cooperation,
+because %D3D12MA is a low level library that only allocates memory.
+It cannot recreate buffers and textures in a new place as it doesn't remember the contents of `D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC` structure.
+It cannot copy their contents as it doesn't record any commands to a command list.
+D3D12MA::DefragmentationContext* defragCtx;
+allocator->BeginDefragmentation(&defragDesc, &defragCtx);
+ HRESULT hr = defragCtx->BeginPass(&pass);
+ if(hr == S_OK)
+ break;
+ else if(hr != S_FALSE)
+ // Handle error...
+ for(UINT i = 0; i < pass.MoveCount; ++i)
+ {
+ // Inspect pass.pMoves[i].pSrcAllocation, identify what buffer/texture it represents.
+ MyEngineResourceData* resData = (MyEngineResourceData*)pMoves[i].pSrcAllocation->GetPrivateData();
+ // Recreate this buffer/texture as placed at pass.pMoves[i].pDstTmpAllocation.
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC resDesc = ...
+ ID3D12Resource* newRes;
+ hr = device->CreatePlacedResource(
+ pass.pMoves[i].pDstTmpAllocation->GetHeap(),
+ pass.pMoves[i].pDstTmpAllocation->GetOffset(), &resDesc,
+ // Check hr...
+ // Store new resource in the pDstTmpAllocation.
+ pass.pMoves[i].pDstTmpAllocation->SetResource(newRes);
+ // Copy its content to the new place.
+ cmdList->CopyResource(
+ pass.pMoves[i].pDstTmpAllocation->GetResource(),
+ pass.pMoves[i].pSrcAllocation->GetResource());
+ }
+ // Make sure the copy commands finished executing.
+ cmdQueue->ExecuteCommandLists(...);
+ // ...
+ WaitForSingleObject(fenceEvent, INFINITE);
+ // Update appropriate descriptors to point to the new places...
+ hr = defragCtx->EndPass(&pass);
+ if(hr == S_OK)
+ break;
+ else if(hr != S_FALSE)
+ // Handle error...
+Although functions like D3D12MA::Allocator::CreateResource()
+create an allocation and a buffer/texture at once, these are just a shortcut for
+allocating memory and creating a placed resource.
+Defragmentation works on memory allocations only. You must handle the rest manually.
+Defragmentation is an iterative process that should repreat "passes" as long as related functions
+return `S_FALSE` not `S_OK`.
+In each pass:
+1. D3D12MA::DefragmentationContext::BeginPass() function call:
+ - Calculates and returns the list of allocations to be moved in this pass.
+ Note this can be a time-consuming process.
+ - Reserves destination memory for them by creating temporary destination allocations
+ that you can query for their `ID3D12Heap` + offset using methods like D3D12MA::Allocation::GetHeap().
+2. Inside the pass, **you should**:
+ - Inspect the returned list of allocations to be moved.
+ - Create new buffers/textures as placed at the returned destination temporary allocations.
+ - Copy data from source to destination resources if necessary.
+ - Store the pointer to the new resource in the temporary destination allocation.
+3. D3D12MA::DefragmentationContext::EndPass() function call:
+ - Frees the source memory reserved for the allocations that are moved.
+ - Modifies source D3D12MA::Allocation objects that are moved to point to the destination reserved memory
+ and destination resource, while source resource is released.
+ - Frees `ID3D12Heap` blocks that became empty.
+Defragmentation algorithm tries to move all suitable allocations.
+You can, however, refuse to move some of them inside a defragmentation pass, by setting
+This is not recommended and may result in suboptimal packing of the allocations after defragmentation.
+If you cannot ensure any allocation can be moved, it is better to keep movable allocations separate in a custom pool.
+Inside a pass, for each allocation that should be moved:
+- You should copy its data from the source to the destination place by calling e.g. `CopyResource()`.
+ - You need to make sure these commands finished executing before the source buffers/textures are released by D3D12MA::DefragmentationContext::EndPass().
+- If a resource doesn't contain any meaningful data, e.g. it is a transient render-target texture to be cleared,
+ filled, and used temporarily in each rendering frame, you can just recreate this texture
+ without copying its data.
+- If the resource is in `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK` memory, you can copy its data on the CPU
+ using `memcpy()`.
+- If you cannot move the allocation, you can set `pass.pMoves[i].Operation` to D3D12MA::DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_IGNORE.
+ This will cancel the move.
+ - D3D12MA::DefragmentationContext::EndPass() will then free the destination memory
+ not the source memory of the allocation, leaving it unchanged.
+- If you decide the allocation is unimportant and can be destroyed instead of moved (e.g. it wasn't used for long time),
+ you can set `pass.pMoves[i].Operation` to D3D12MA::DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_DESTROY.
+ - D3D12MA::DefragmentationContext::EndPass() will then free both source and destination memory, and will destroy the source D3D12MA::Allocation object.
+You can defragment a specific custom pool by calling D3D12MA::Pool::BeginDefragmentation
+or all the default pools by calling D3D12MA::Allocator::BeginDefragmentation (like in the example above).
+Defragmentation is always performed in each pool separately.
+Allocations are never moved between different heap types.
+The size of the destination memory reserved for a moved allocation is the same as the original one.
+Alignment of an allocation as it was determined using `GetResourceAllocationInfo()` is also respected after defragmentation.
+Buffers/textures should be recreated with the same `D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC` parameters as the original ones.
+You can perform the defragmentation incrementally to limit the number of allocations and bytes to be moved
+in each pass, e.g. to call it in sync with render frames and not to experience too big hitches.
+See members: D3D12MA::DEFRAGMENTATION_DESC::MaxBytesPerPass, D3D12MA::DEFRAGMENTATION_DESC::MaxAllocationsPerPass.
+<b>Thread safety:</b>
+It is safe to perform the defragmentation asynchronously to render frames and other Direct3D 12 and %D3D12MA
+usage, possibly from multiple threads, with the exception that allocations
+returned in D3D12MA::DEFRAGMENTATION_PASS_MOVE_INFO::pMoves shouldn't be released until the defragmentation pass is ended.
+During the call to D3D12MA::DefragmentationContext::BeginPass(), any operations on the memory pool
+affected by the defragmentation are blocked by a mutex.
+What it means in practice is that you shouldn't free any allocations from the defragmented pool
+since the moment a call to `BeginPass` begins. Otherwise, a thread performing the `allocation->Release()`
+would block for the time `BeginPass` executes and then free the allocation when it finishes, while the allocation
+could have ended up on the list of allocations to move.
+A solution to freeing allocations during defragmentation is to find such allocation on the list
+`pass.pMoves[i]` and set its operation to D3D12MA::DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_DESTROY instead of
+calling `allocation->Release()`, or simply deferring the release to the time after defragmentation finished.
+<b>Mapping</b> is out of scope of this library and so it is not preserved after an allocation is moved during defragmentation.
+You need to map the new resource yourself if needed.
+\note Defragmentation is not supported in custom pools created with D3D12MA::POOL_FLAG_ALGORITHM_LINEAR.
+\page statistics Statistics
+This library contains several functions that return information about its internal state,
+especially the amount of memory allocated from D3D12.
+\section statistics_numeric_statistics Numeric statistics
+If you need to obtain basic statistics about memory usage per memory segment group, together with current budget,
+you can call function D3D12MA::Allocator::GetBudget() and inspect structure D3D12MA::Budget.
+This is useful to keep track of memory usage and stay withing budget.
+D3D12MA::Budget localBudget;
+allocator->GetBudget(&localBudget, NULL);
+printf("My GPU memory currently has %u allocations taking %llu B,\n",
+ localBudget.Statistics.AllocationCount,
+ localBudget.Statistics.AllocationBytes);
+printf("allocated out of %u D3D12 memory heaps taking %llu B,\n",
+ localBudget.Statistics.BlockCount,
+ localBudget.Statistics.BlockBytes);
+printf("D3D12 reports total usage %llu B with budget %llu B.\n",
+ localBudget.UsageBytes,
+ localBudget.BudgetBytes);
+You can query for more detailed statistics per heap type, memory segment group, and totals,
+including minimum and maximum allocation size and unused range size,
+by calling function D3D12MA::Allocator::CalculateStatistics() and inspecting structure D3D12MA::TotalStatistics.
+This function is slower though, as it has to traverse all the internal data structures,
+so it should be used only for debugging purposes.
+You can query for statistics of a custom pool using function D3D12MA::Pool::GetStatistics()
+or D3D12MA::Pool::CalculateStatistics().
+You can query for information about a specific allocation using functions of the D3D12MA::Allocation class,
+e.g. `GetSize()`, `GetOffset()`, `GetHeap()`.
+\section statistics_json_dump JSON dump
+You can dump internal state of the allocator to a string in JSON format using function D3D12MA::Allocator::BuildStatsString().
+The result is guaranteed to be correct JSON.
+It uses Windows Unicode (UTF-16) encoding.
+Any strings provided by user (see D3D12MA::Allocation::SetName())
+are copied as-is and properly escaped for JSON.
+It must be freed using function D3D12MA::Allocator::FreeStatsString().
+The format of this JSON string is not part of official documentation of the library,
+but it will not change in backward-incompatible way without increasing library major version number
+and appropriate mention in changelog.
+The JSON string contains all the data that can be obtained using D3D12MA::Allocator::CalculateStatistics().
+It can also contain detailed map of allocated memory blocks and their regions -
+free and occupied by allocations.
+This allows e.g. to visualize the memory or assess fragmentation.
+\page resource_aliasing Resource aliasing (overlap)
+New explicit graphics APIs (Vulkan and Direct3D 12), thanks to manual memory
+management, give an opportunity to alias (overlap) multiple resources in the
+same region of memory - a feature not available in the old APIs (Direct3D 11, OpenGL).
+It can be useful to save video memory, but it must be used with caution.
+For example, if you know the flow of your whole render frame in advance, you
+are going to use some intermediate textures or buffers only during a small range of render passes,
+and you know these ranges don't overlap in time, you can create these resources in
+the same place in memory, even if they have completely different parameters (width, height, format etc.).
+![Resource aliasing (overlap)](../gfx/Aliasing.png)
+Such scenario is possible using D3D12MA, but you need to create your resources
+using special function D3D12MA::Allocator::CreateAliasingResource.
+Before that, you need to allocate memory with parameters calculated using formula:
+- allocation size = max(size of each resource)
+- allocation alignment = max(alignment of each resource)
+Following example shows two different textures created in the same place in memory,
+allocated to fit largest of them.
+D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC resDesc1 = {};
+resDesc1.Alignment = 0;
+resDesc1.Width = 1920;
+resDesc1.Height = 1080;
+resDesc1.DepthOrArraySize = 1;
+resDesc1.MipLevels = 1;
+resDesc1.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
+resDesc1.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
+resDesc1.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;
+resDesc1.Layout = D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN;
+D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC resDesc2 = {};
+resDesc2.Alignment = 0;
+resDesc2.Width = 1024;
+resDesc2.Height = 1024;
+resDesc2.DepthOrArraySize = 1;
+resDesc2.MipLevels = 0;
+resDesc2.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
+resDesc2.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
+resDesc2.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;
+resDesc2.Layout = D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN;
+const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO allocInfo1 =
+ device->GetResourceAllocationInfo(0, 1, &resDesc1);
+const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO allocInfo2 =
+ device->GetResourceAllocationInfo(0, 1, &resDesc2);
+D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO finalAllocInfo = {};
+finalAllocInfo.Alignment = std::max(allocInfo1.Alignment, allocInfo2.Alignment);
+finalAllocInfo.SizeInBytes = std::max(allocInfo1.SizeInBytes, allocInfo2.SizeInBytes);
+D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_DESC allocDesc = {};
+allocDesc.HeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT;
+allocDesc.ExtraHeapFlags = D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_ONLY_RT_DS_TEXTURES;
+D3D12MA::Allocation* alloc;
+hr = allocator->AllocateMemory(&allocDesc, &finalAllocInfo, &alloc);
+assert(alloc != NULL && alloc->GetHeap() != NULL);
+ID3D12Resource* res1;
+hr = allocator->CreateAliasingResource(
+ alloc,
+ 0, // AllocationLocalOffset
+ &resDesc1,
+ NULL, // pOptimizedClearValue
+ IID_PPV_ARGS(&res1));
+ID3D12Resource* res2;
+hr = allocator->CreateAliasingResource(
+ alloc,
+ 0, // AllocationLocalOffset
+ &resDesc2,
+ NULL, // pOptimizedClearValue
+ IID_PPV_ARGS(&res2));
+// You can use res1 and res2, but not at the same time!
+Remember that using resouces that alias in memory requires proper synchronization.
+You need to issue a special barrier of type `D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_TYPE_ALIASING`.
+You also need to treat a resource after aliasing as uninitialized - containing garbage data.
+For example, if you use `res1` and then want to use `res2`, you need to first initialize `res2`
+using either Clear, Discard, or Copy to the entire resource.
+Additional considerations:
+- D3D12 also allows to interpret contents of memory between aliasing resources consistently in some cases,
+ which is called "data inheritance". For details, see
+ Microsoft documentation chapter "Memory Aliasing and Data Inheritance".
+- You can create more complex layout where different textures and buffers are bound
+ at different offsets inside one large allocation. For example, one can imagine
+ a big texture used in some render passes, aliasing with a set of many small buffers
+ used in some further passes. To bind a resource at non-zero offset of an allocation,
+ call D3D12MA::Allocator::CreateAliasingResource with appropriate value of `AllocationLocalOffset` parameter.
+- Resources of the three categories: buffers, textures with `RENDER_TARGET` or `DEPTH_STENCIL` flags, and all other textures,
+ can be placed in the same memory only when `allocator->GetD3D12Options().ResourceHeapTier >= D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_2`.
+ Otherwise they must be placed in different memory heap types, and thus aliasing them is not possible.
+\page linear_algorithm Linear allocation algorithm
+Each D3D12 memory block managed by this library has accompanying metadata that
+keeps track of used and unused regions. By default, the metadata structure and
+algorithm tries to find best place for new allocations among free regions to
+optimize memory usage. This way you can allocate and free objects in any order.
+![Default allocation algorithm](../gfx/Linear_allocator_1_algo_default.png)
+Sometimes there is a need to use simpler, linear allocation algorithm. You can
+create custom pool that uses such algorithm by adding flag
+D3D12MA::POOL_FLAG_ALGORITHM_LINEAR to D3D12MA::POOL_DESC::Flags while creating
+D3D12MA::Pool object. Then an alternative metadata management is used. It always
+creates new allocations after last one and doesn't reuse free regions after
+allocations freed in the middle. It results in better allocation performance and
+less memory consumed by metadata.
+![Linear allocation algorithm](../gfx/Linear_allocator_2_algo_linear.png)
+With this one flag, you can create a custom pool that can be used in many ways:
+free-at-once, stack, double stack, and ring buffer. See below for details.
+You don't need to specify explicitly which of these options you are going to use - it is detected automatically.
+\section linear_algorithm_free_at_once Free-at-once
+In a pool that uses linear algorithm, you still need to free all the allocations
+individually by calling `allocation->Release()`. You can free
+them in any order. New allocations are always made after last one - free space
+in the middle is not reused. However, when you release all the allocation and
+the pool becomes empty, allocation starts from the beginning again. This way you
+can use linear algorithm to speed up creation of allocations that you are going
+to release all at once.
+This mode is also available for pools created with D3D12MA::POOL_DESC::MaxBlockCount
+value that allows multiple memory blocks.
+\section linear_algorithm_stack Stack
+When you free an allocation that was created last, its space can be reused.
+Thanks to this, if you always release allocations in the order opposite to their
+creation (LIFO - Last In First Out), you can achieve behavior of a stack.
+This mode is also available for pools created with D3D12MA::POOL_DESC::MaxBlockCount
+value that allows multiple memory blocks.
+\section linear_algorithm_double_stack Double stack
+The space reserved by a custom pool with linear algorithm may be used by two
+- First, default one, growing up from offset 0.
+- Second, "upper" one, growing down from the end towards lower offsets.
+To make allocation from the upper stack, add flag D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_FLAG_UPPER_ADDRESS
+![Double stack](../gfx/Linear_allocator_7_double_stack.png)
+Double stack is available only in pools with one memory block -
+D3D12MA::POOL_DESC::MaxBlockCount must be 1. Otherwise behavior is undefined.
+When the two stacks' ends meet so there is not enough space between them for a
+new allocation, such allocation fails with usual `E_OUTOFMEMORY` error.
+\section linear_algorithm_ring_buffer Ring buffer
+When you free some allocations from the beginning and there is not enough free space
+for a new one at the end of a pool, allocator's "cursor" wraps around to the
+beginning and starts allocation there. Thanks to this, if you always release
+allocations in the same order as you created them (FIFO - First In First Out),
+you can achieve behavior of a ring buffer / queue.
+![Ring buffer](../gfx/Linear_allocator_5_ring_buffer.png)
+Ring buffer is available only in pools with one memory block -
+D3D12MA::POOL_DESC::MaxBlockCount must be 1. Otherwise behavior is undefined.
+\section linear_algorithm_additional_considerations Additional considerations
+Linear algorithm can also be used with \ref virtual_allocator.
+\page virtual_allocator Virtual allocator
+As an extra feature, the core allocation algorithm of the library is exposed through a simple and convenient API of "virtual allocator".
+It doesn't allocate any real GPU memory. It just keeps track of used and free regions of a "virtual block".
+You can use it to allocate your own memory or other objects, even completely unrelated to D3D12.
+A common use case is sub-allocation of pieces of one large GPU buffer.
+\section virtual_allocator_creating_virtual_block Creating virtual block
+To use this functionality, there is no main "allocator" object.
+You don't need to have D3D12MA::Allocator object created.
+All you need to do is to create a separate D3D12MA::VirtualBlock object for each block of memory you want to be managed by the allocator:
+-# Fill in D3D12MA::ALLOCATOR_DESC structure.
+-# Call D3D12MA::CreateVirtualBlock. Get new D3D12MA::VirtualBlock object.
+D3D12MA::VIRTUAL_BLOCK_DESC blockDesc = {};
+blockDesc.Size = 1048576; // 1 MB
+D3D12MA::VirtualBlock *block;
+HRESULT hr = CreateVirtualBlock(&blockDesc, &block);
+\section virtual_allocator_making_virtual_allocations Making virtual allocations
+D3D12MA::VirtualBlock object contains internal data structure that keeps track of free and occupied regions
+using the same code as the main D3D12 memory allocator.
+A single allocation is identified by a lightweight structure D3D12MA::VirtualAllocation.
+You will also likely want to know the offset at which the allocation was made in the block.
+In order to make an allocation:
+-# Fill in D3D12MA::VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_DESC structure.
+-# Call D3D12MA::VirtualBlock::Allocate. Get new D3D12MA::VirtualAllocation value that identifies the allocation.
+allocDesc.Size = 4096; // 4 KB
+D3D12MA::VirtualAllocation alloc;
+UINT64 allocOffset;
+hr = block->Allocate(&allocDesc, &alloc, &allocOffset);
+ // Use the 4 KB of your memory starting at allocOffset.
+ // Allocation failed - no space for it could be found. Handle this error!
+\section virtual_allocator_deallocation Deallocation
+When no longer needed, an allocation can be freed by calling D3D12MA::VirtualBlock::FreeAllocation.
+When whole block is no longer needed, the block object can be released by calling `block->Release()`.
+All allocations must be freed before the block is destroyed, which is checked internally by an assert.
+However, if you don't want to call `block->FreeAllocation` for each allocation, you can use D3D12MA::VirtualBlock::Clear to free them all at once -
+a feature not available in normal D3D12 memory allocator.
+\section virtual_allocator_allocation_parameters Allocation parameters
+You can attach a custom pointer to each allocation by using D3D12MA::VirtualBlock::SetAllocationPrivateData.
+Its default value is `NULL`.
+It can be used to store any data that needs to be associated with that allocation - e.g. an index, a handle, or a pointer to some
+larger data structure containing more information. Example:
+struct CustomAllocData
+ std::string m_AllocName;
+CustomAllocData* allocData = new CustomAllocData();
+allocData->m_AllocName = "My allocation 1";
+block->SetAllocationPrivateData(alloc, allocData);
+The pointer can later be fetched, along with allocation offset and size, by passing the allocation handle to function
+D3D12MA::VirtualBlock::GetAllocationInfo and inspecting returned structure D3D12MA::VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO.
+If you allocated a new object to be used as the custom pointer, don't forget to delete that object before freeing the allocation!
+block->GetAllocationInfo(alloc, &allocInfo);
+delete (CustomAllocData*)allocInfo.pPrivateData;
+\section virtual_allocator_alignment_and_units Alignment and units
+It feels natural to express sizes and offsets in bytes.
+If an offset of an allocation needs to be aligned to a multiply of some number (e.g. 4 bytes), you can fill optional member
+D3D12MA::VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_DESC::Alignment to request it. Example:
+allocDesc.Size = 4096; // 4 KB
+allocDesc.Alignment = 4; // Returned offset must be a multiply of 4 B
+D3D12MA::VirtualAllocation alloc;
+UINT64 allocOffset;
+hr = block->Allocate(&allocDesc, &alloc, &allocOffset);
+Alignments of different allocations made from one block may vary.
+However, if all alignments and sizes are always multiply of some size e.g. 4 B or `sizeof(MyDataStruct)`,
+you can express all sizes, alignments, and offsets in multiples of that size instead of individual bytes.
+It might be more convenient, but you need to make sure to use this new unit consistently in all the places:
+- Using offset returned by D3D12MA::VirtualBlock::Allocate and D3D12MA::VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_INFO::Offset
+\section virtual_allocator_statistics Statistics
+You can obtain brief statistics of a virtual block using D3D12MA::VirtualBlock::GetStatistics().
+The function fills structure D3D12MA::Statistics - same as used by the normal D3D12 memory allocator.
+D3D12MA::Statistics stats;
+printf("My virtual block has %llu bytes used by %u virtual allocations\n",
+ stats.AllocationBytes, stats.AllocationCount);
+More detailed statistics can be obtained using function D3D12MA::VirtualBlock::CalculateStatistics(),
+but they are slower to calculate.
+You can also request a full list of allocations and free regions as a string in JSON format by calling
+Returned string must be later freed using D3D12MA::VirtualBlock::FreeStatsString.
+The format of this string may differ from the one returned by the main D3D12 allocator, but it is similar.
+\section virtual_allocator_additional_considerations Additional considerations
+Alternative, linear algorithm can be used with virtual allocator - see flag
+D3D12MA::VIRTUAL_BLOCK_FLAG_ALGORITHM_LINEAR and documentation: \ref linear_algorithm.
+Note that the "virtual allocator" functionality is implemented on a level of individual memory blocks.
+Keeping track of a whole collection of blocks, allocating new ones when out of free space,
+deleting empty ones, and deciding which one to try first for a new allocation must be implemented by the user.
+\page configuration Configuration
+Please check file `D3D12MemAlloc.cpp` lines between "Configuration Begin" and
+"Configuration End" to find macros that you can define to change the behavior of
+the library, primarily for debugging purposes.
+\section custom_memory_allocator Custom CPU memory allocator
+If you use custom allocator for CPU memory rather than default C++ operator `new`
+and `delete` or `malloc` and `free` functions, you can make this library using
+your allocator as well by filling structure D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS and
+passing it as optional member D3D12MA::ALLOCATOR_DESC::pAllocationCallbacks.
+Functions pointed there will be used by the library to make any CPU-side
+allocations. Example:
+#include <malloc.h>
+void* CustomAllocate(size_t Size, size_t Alignment, void* pPrivateData)
+ void* memory = _aligned_malloc(Size, Alignment);
+ // Your extra bookkeeping here...
+ return memory;
+void CustomFree(void* pMemory, void* pPrivateData)
+ // Your extra bookkeeping here...
+ _aligned_free(pMemory);
+D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_CALLBACKS allocationCallbacks = {};
+allocationCallbacks.pAllocate = &CustomAllocate;
+allocationCallbacks.pFree = &CustomFree;
+D3D12MA::ALLOCATOR_DESC allocatorDesc = {};
+allocatorDesc.pDevice = device;
+allocatorDesc.pAdapter = adapter;
+allocatorDesc.pAllocationCallbacks = &allocationCallbacks;
+D3D12MA::Allocator* allocator;
+HRESULT hr = D3D12MA::CreateAllocator(&allocatorDesc, &allocator);
+\section debug_margins Debug margins
+By default, allocations are laid out in memory blocks next to each other if possible
+(considering required alignment returned by `ID3D12Device::GetResourceAllocationInfo`).
+![Allocations without margin](../gfx/Margins_1.png)
+Define macro `D3D12MA_DEBUG_MARGIN` to some non-zero value (e.g. 16) inside "D3D12MemAlloc.cpp"
+to enforce specified number of bytes as a margin after every allocation.
+![Allocations with margin](../gfx/Margins_2.png)
+If your bug goes away after enabling margins, it means it may be caused by memory
+being overwritten outside of allocation boundaries. It is not 100% certain though.
+Change in application behavior may also be caused by different order and distribution
+of allocations across memory blocks after margins are applied.
+Margins work with all memory heap types.
+Margin is applied only to placed allocations made out of memory heaps and not to committed
+allocations, which have their own, implicit memory heap of specific size.
+It is thus not applied to allocations made using D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED flag
+or those automatically decided to put into committed allocations, e.g. due to its large size.
+Margins appear in [JSON dump](@ref statistics_json_dump) as part of free space.
+Note that enabling margins increases memory usage and fragmentation.
+Margins do not apply to \ref virtual_allocator.
+\page general_considerations General considerations
+\section general_considerations_thread_safety Thread safety
+- The library has no global state, so separate D3D12MA::Allocator objects can be used independently.
+ In typical applications there should be no need to create multiple such objects though - one per `ID3D12Device` is enough.
+- All calls to methods of D3D12MA::Allocator class are safe to be made from multiple
+ threads simultaneously because they are synchronized internally when needed.
+- When the allocator is created with D3D12MA::ALLOCATOR_FLAG_SINGLETHREADED,
+ calls to methods of D3D12MA::Allocator class must be made from a single thread or synchronized by the user.
+ Using this flag may improve performance.
+- D3D12MA::VirtualBlock is not safe to be used from multiple threads simultaneously.
+\section general_considerations_versioning_and_compatibility Versioning and compatibility
+The library uses [**Semantic Versioning**](,
+which means version numbers follow convention: Major.Minor.Patch (e.g. 2.3.0), where:
+- Incremented Patch version means a release is backward- and forward-compatible,
+ introducing only some internal improvements, bug fixes, optimizations etc.
+ or changes that are out of scope of the official API described in this documentation.
+- Incremented Minor version means a release is backward-compatible,
+ so existing code that uses the library should continue to work, while some new
+ symbols could have been added: new structures, functions, new values in existing
+ enums and bit flags, new structure members, but not new function parameters.
+- Incrementing Major version means a release could break some backward compatibility.
+All changes between official releases are documented in file "".
+\warning Backward compatiblity is considered on the level of C++ source code, not binary linkage.
+Adding new members to existing structures is treated as backward compatible if initializing
+the new members to binary zero results in the old behavior.
+You should always fully initialize all library structures to zeros and not rely on their
+exact binary size.
+\section general_considerations_features_not_supported Features not supported
+Features deliberately excluded from the scope of this library:
+- **Descriptor allocation.** Although also called "heaps", objects that represent
+ descriptors are separate part of the D3D12 API from buffers and textures.
+ You can still use \ref virtual_allocator to manage descriptors and their ranges inside a descriptor heap.
+- **Support for reserved (tiled) resources.** We don't recommend using them.
+- Support for `ID3D12Device::Evict` and `MakeResident`. We don't recommend using them.
+ You can call them on the D3D12 objects manually.
+ Plese keep in mind, however, that eviction happens on the level of entire `ID3D12Heap` memory blocks
+ and not individual buffers or textures which may be placed inside them.
+- **Handling CPU memory allocation failures.** When dynamically creating small C++
+ objects in CPU memory (not the GPU memory), allocation failures are not
+ handled gracefully, because that would complicate code significantly and
+ is usually not needed in desktop PC applications anyway.
+ Success of an allocation is just checked with an assert.
+- **Code free of any compiler warnings.**
+ There are many preprocessor macros that make some variables unused, function parameters unreferenced,
+ or conditional expressions constant in some configurations.
+ The code of this library should not be bigger or more complicated just to silence these warnings.
+ It is recommended to disable such warnings instead.
+- This is a C++ library. **Bindings or ports to any other programming languages** are welcome as external projects but
+ are not going to be included into this repository.