path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/glslang.y
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/glslang.y')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 301 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/glslang.y b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/glslang.y
index e271de978c..6024898cb0 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/glslang.y
+++ b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/compiler/translator/glslang.y
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ WHICH GENERATES THE GLSL ES PARSER (glslang_tab.cpp AND glslang_tab.h).
#pragma warning(disable: 4189)
#pragma warning(disable: 4505)
#pragma warning(disable: 4701)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4702)
#include "angle_gl.h"
@@ -41,12 +42,11 @@ WHICH GENERATES THE GLSL ES PARSER (glslang_tab.cpp AND glslang_tab.h).
#define YYENABLE_NLS 0
-#define YYLEX_PARAM context->scanner
%expect 1 /* One shift reduce conflict because of if | else */
%parse-param {TParseContext* context}
+%param {void *scanner}
+%define api.pure full
%code requires {
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ WHICH GENERATES THE GLSL ES PARSER (glslang_tab.cpp AND glslang_tab.h).
TIntermNodePair nodePair;
TIntermTyped* intermTypedNode;
TIntermAggregate* intermAggregate;
+ TIntermSwitch* intermSwitch;
+ TIntermCase* intermCase;
union {
TPublicType type;
@@ -88,11 +90,11 @@ WHICH GENERATES THE GLSL ES PARSER (glslang_tab.cpp AND glslang_tab.h).
extern int yylex(YYSTYPE* yylval, YYLTYPE* yylloc, void* yyscanner);
-extern void yyerror(YYLTYPE* yylloc, TParseContext* context, const char* reason);
+extern void yyerror(YYLTYPE* yylloc, TParseContext* context, void *scanner, const char* reason);
#define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \
do { \
- if (YYID(N)) { \
+ if (N) { \
(Current).first_file = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 1).first_file; \
(Current).first_line = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 1).first_line; \
(Current).last_file = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, N).last_file; \
@@ -179,6 +181,8 @@ extern void yyerror(YYLTYPE* yylloc, TParseContext* context, const char* reason)
%type <interm.intermNode> declaration external_declaration
%type <interm.intermNode> for_init_statement compound_statement_no_new_scope
%type <interm.nodePair> selection_rest_statement for_rest_statement
+%type <interm.intermSwitch> switch_statement
+%type <interm.intermCase> case_label
%type <interm.intermNode> iteration_statement jump_statement statement_no_new_scope statement_with_scope
%type <interm> single_declaration init_declarator_list
@@ -269,28 +273,14 @@ postfix_expression
| function_call {
$$ = $1;
- | postfix_expression DOT identifier {
+ | postfix_expression DOT FIELD_SELECTION {
$$ = context->addFieldSelectionExpression($1, @2, *$3.string, @3);
| postfix_expression INC_OP {
- if (context->lValueErrorCheck(@2, "++", $1))
- context->recover();
- $$ = context->intermediate.addUnaryMath(EOpPostIncrement, $1, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->unaryOpError(@2, "++", $1->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- $$ = $1;
- }
+ $$ = context->addUnaryMathLValue(EOpPostIncrement, $1, @2);
| postfix_expression DEC_OP {
- if (context->lValueErrorCheck(@2, "--", $1))
- context->recover();
- $$ = context->intermediate.addUnaryMath(EOpPostDecrement, $1, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->unaryOpError(@2, "--", $1->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- $$ = $1;
- }
+ $$ = context->addUnaryMathLValue(EOpPostDecrement, $1, @2);
@@ -304,118 +294,12 @@ integer_expression
: function_call_or_method {
- TFunction* fnCall = $1.function;
- TOperator op = fnCall->getBuiltInOp();
- if (op != EOpNull)
+ bool fatalError = false;
+ $$ = context->addFunctionCallOrMethod($1.function, $1.intermNode, @1, &fatalError);
+ if (fatalError)
- //
- // Then this should be a constructor.
- // Don't go through the symbol table for constructors.
- // Their parameters will be verified algorithmically.
- //
- TType type(EbtVoid, EbpUndefined); // use this to get the type back
- if (context->constructorErrorCheck(@1, $1.intermNode, *fnCall, op, &type)) {
- $$ = 0;
- } else {
- //
- // It's a constructor, of type 'type'.
- //
- $$ = context->addConstructor($1.intermNode, &type, op, fnCall, @1);
- }
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->recover();
- $$ = context->intermediate.setAggregateOperator(0, op, @1);
- }
- $$->setType(type);
- } else {
- //
- // Not a constructor. Find it in the symbol table.
- //
- const TFunction* fnCandidate;
- bool builtIn;
- fnCandidate = context->findFunction(@1, fnCall, context->shaderVersion, &builtIn);
- if (fnCandidate) {
- //
- // A declared function.
- //
- if (builtIn && !fnCandidate->getExtension().empty() &&
- context->extensionErrorCheck(@1, fnCandidate->getExtension())) {
- context->recover();
- }
- op = fnCandidate->getBuiltInOp();
- if (builtIn && op != EOpNull) {
- //
- // A function call mapped to a built-in operation.
- //
- if (fnCandidate->getParamCount() == 1) {
- //
- // Treat it like a built-in unary operator.
- //
- $$ = context->intermediate.addUnaryMath(op, $1.intermNode, @1);
- const TType& returnType = fnCandidate->getReturnType();
- if (returnType.getBasicType() == EbtBool) {
- // Bool types should not have precision, so we'll override any precision
- // that might have been set by addUnaryMath.
- $$->setType(returnType);
- } else {
- // addUnaryMath has set the precision of the node based on the operand.
- $$->setTypePreservePrecision(returnType);
- }
- if ($$ == 0) {
- std::stringstream extraInfoStream;
- extraInfoStream << "built in unary operator function. Type: " << static_cast<TIntermTyped*>($1.intermNode)->getCompleteString();
- std::string extraInfo = extraInfoStream.str();
- context->error($1.intermNode->getLine(), " wrong operand type", "Internal Error", extraInfo.c_str());
- }
- } else {
- TIntermAggregate *aggregate = context->intermediate.setAggregateOperator($1.intermAggregate, op, @1);
- aggregate->setType(fnCandidate->getReturnType());
- aggregate->setPrecisionFromChildren();
- $$ = aggregate;
- }
- } else {
- // This is a real function call
- TIntermAggregate *aggregate = context->intermediate.setAggregateOperator($1.intermAggregate, EOpFunctionCall, @1);
- aggregate->setType(fnCandidate->getReturnType());
- // this is how we know whether the given function is a builtIn function or a user defined function
- // if builtIn == false, it's a userDefined -> could be an overloaded builtIn function also
- // if builtIn == true, it's definitely a builtIn function with EOpNull
- if (!builtIn)
- aggregate->setUserDefined();
- aggregate->setName(fnCandidate->getMangledName());
- // This needs to happen after the name is set
- if (builtIn)
- aggregate->setBuiltInFunctionPrecision();
- $$ = aggregate;
- TQualifier qual;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < fnCandidate->getParamCount(); ++i) {
- qual = fnCandidate->getParam(i).type->getQualifier();
- if (qual == EvqOut || qual == EvqInOut) {
- if (context->lValueErrorCheck($$->getLine(), "assign", (*($$->getAsAggregate()->getSequence()))[i]->getAsTyped())) {
- context->error($1.intermNode->getLine(), "Constant value cannot be passed for 'out' or 'inout' parameters.", "Error");
- context->recover();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- // error message was put out by PaFindFunction()
- // Put on a dummy node for error recovery
- ConstantUnion *unionArray = new ConstantUnion[1];
- unionArray->setFConst(0.0f);
- $$ = context->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtFloat, EbpUndefined, EvqConst), @1);
- context->recover();
- }
- delete fnCall;
@@ -484,6 +368,13 @@ function_identifier
TFunction *function = new TFunction($1.string, type);
$$ = function;
+ if (context->reservedErrorCheck(@1, *$1.string))
+ context->recover();
+ TType type(EbtVoid, EbpUndefined);
+ TFunction *function = new TFunction($1.string, type);
+ $$ = function;
+ }
@@ -491,40 +382,14 @@ unary_expression
$$ = $1;
| INC_OP unary_expression {
- if (context->lValueErrorCheck(@1, "++", $2))
- context->recover();
- $$ = context->intermediate.addUnaryMath(EOpPreIncrement, $2, @1);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->unaryOpError(@1, "++", $2->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- $$ = $2;
- }
+ $$ = context->addUnaryMathLValue(EOpPreIncrement, $2, @1);
| DEC_OP unary_expression {
- if (context->lValueErrorCheck(@1, "--", $2))
- context->recover();
- $$ = context->intermediate.addUnaryMath(EOpPreDecrement, $2, @1);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->unaryOpError(@1, "--", $2->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- $$ = $2;
- }
+ $$ = context->addUnaryMathLValue(EOpPreDecrement, $2, @1);
| unary_operator unary_expression {
if ($1.op != EOpNull) {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addUnaryMath($1.op, $2, @1);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- const char* errorOp = "";
- switch($1.op) {
- case EOpNegative: errorOp = "-"; break;
- case EOpPositive: errorOp = "+"; break;
- case EOpLogicalNot: errorOp = "!"; break;
- default: break;
- }
- context->unaryOpError(@1, errorOp, $2->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- $$ = $2;
- }
+ $$ = context->addUnaryMath($1.op, $2, @1);
} else
$$ = $2;
@@ -535,172 +400,117 @@ unary_operator
: PLUS { $$.op = EOpPositive; }
| DASH { $$.op = EOpNegative; }
| BANG { $$.op = EOpLogicalNot; }
+ | TILDE {
+ ES3_ONLY("~", @$, "bit-wise operator");
+ $$.op = EOpBitwiseNot;
+ }
// Grammar Note: No '*' or '&' unary ops. Pointers are not supported.
: unary_expression { $$ = $1; }
| multiplicative_expression STAR unary_expression {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpMul, $1, $3, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->binaryOpError(@2, "*", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- $$ = $1;
- }
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMath(EOpMul, $1, $3, @2);
| multiplicative_expression SLASH unary_expression {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpDiv, $1, $3, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->binaryOpError(@2, "/", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- $$ = $1;
- }
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMath(EOpDiv, $1, $3, @2);
+ }
+ | multiplicative_expression PERCENT unary_expression {
+ ES3_ONLY("%", @2, "integer modulus operator");
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMath(EOpIMod, $1, $3, @2);
: multiplicative_expression { $$ = $1; }
| additive_expression PLUS multiplicative_expression {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpAdd, $1, $3, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->binaryOpError(@2, "+", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- $$ = $1;
- }
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMath(EOpAdd, $1, $3, @2);
| additive_expression DASH multiplicative_expression {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpSub, $1, $3, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->binaryOpError(@2, "-", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- $$ = $1;
- }
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMath(EOpSub, $1, $3, @2);
: additive_expression { $$ = $1; }
+ | shift_expression LEFT_OP additive_expression {
+ ES3_ONLY("<<", @2, "bit-wise operator");
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMath(EOpBitShiftLeft, $1, $3, @2);
+ }
+ | shift_expression RIGHT_OP additive_expression {
+ ES3_ONLY(">>", @2, "bit-wise operator");
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMath(EOpBitShiftRight, $1, $3, @2);
+ }
: shift_expression { $$ = $1; }
| relational_expression LEFT_ANGLE shift_expression {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLessThan, $1, $3, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->binaryOpError(@2, "<", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- ConstantUnion *unionArray = new ConstantUnion[1];
- unionArray->setBConst(false);
- $$ = context->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined, EvqConst), @2);
- }
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMathBooleanResult(EOpLessThan, $1, $3, @2);
| relational_expression RIGHT_ANGLE shift_expression {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpGreaterThan, $1, $3, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->binaryOpError(@2, ">", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- ConstantUnion *unionArray = new ConstantUnion[1];
- unionArray->setBConst(false);
- $$ = context->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined, EvqConst), @2);
- }
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMathBooleanResult(EOpGreaterThan, $1, $3, @2);
| relational_expression LE_OP shift_expression {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLessThanEqual, $1, $3, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->binaryOpError(@2, "<=", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- ConstantUnion *unionArray = new ConstantUnion[1];
- unionArray->setBConst(false);
- $$ = context->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined, EvqConst), @2);
- }
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMathBooleanResult(EOpLessThanEqual, $1, $3, @2);
| relational_expression GE_OP shift_expression {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpGreaterThanEqual, $1, $3, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->binaryOpError(@2, ">=", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- ConstantUnion *unionArray = new ConstantUnion[1];
- unionArray->setBConst(false);
- $$ = context->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined, EvqConst), @2);
- }
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMathBooleanResult(EOpGreaterThanEqual, $1, $3, @2);
: relational_expression { $$ = $1; }
| equality_expression EQ_OP relational_expression {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpEqual, $1, $3, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->binaryOpError(@2, "==", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- ConstantUnion *unionArray = new ConstantUnion[1];
- unionArray->setBConst(false);
- $$ = context->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined, EvqConst), @2);
- }
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMathBooleanResult(EOpEqual, $1, $3, @2);
| equality_expression NE_OP relational_expression {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpNotEqual, $1, $3, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->binaryOpError(@2, "!=", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- ConstantUnion *unionArray = new ConstantUnion[1];
- unionArray->setBConst(false);
- $$ = context->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined, EvqConst), @2);
- }
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMathBooleanResult(EOpNotEqual, $1, $3, @2);
: equality_expression { $$ = $1; }
+ | and_expression AMPERSAND equality_expression {
+ ES3_ONLY("&", @2, "bit-wise operator");
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMath(EOpBitwiseAnd, $1, $3, @2);
+ }
: and_expression { $$ = $1; }
+ | exclusive_or_expression CARET and_expression {
+ ES3_ONLY("^", @2, "bit-wise operator");
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMath(EOpBitwiseXor, $1, $3, @2);
+ }
: exclusive_or_expression { $$ = $1; }
+ | inclusive_or_expression VERTICAL_BAR exclusive_or_expression {
+ ES3_ONLY("|", @2, "bit-wise operator");
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMath(EOpBitwiseOr, $1, $3, @2);
+ }
: inclusive_or_expression { $$ = $1; }
| logical_and_expression AND_OP inclusive_or_expression {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLogicalAnd, $1, $3, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->binaryOpError(@2, "&&", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- ConstantUnion *unionArray = new ConstantUnion[1];
- unionArray->setBConst(false);
- $$ = context->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined, EvqConst), @2);
- }
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMathBooleanResult(EOpLogicalAnd, $1, $3, @2);
: logical_and_expression { $$ = $1; }
| logical_xor_expression XOR_OP logical_and_expression {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLogicalXor, $1, $3, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->binaryOpError(@2, "^^", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- ConstantUnion *unionArray = new ConstantUnion[1];
- unionArray->setBConst(false);
- $$ = context->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined, EvqConst), @2);
- }
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMathBooleanResult(EOpLogicalXor, $1, $3, @2);
: logical_xor_expression { $$ = $1; }
| logical_or_expression OR_OP logical_xor_expression {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLogicalOr, $1, $3, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->binaryOpError(@2, "||", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- ConstantUnion *unionArray = new ConstantUnion[1];
- unionArray->setBConst(false);
- $$ = context->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined, EvqConst), @2);
- }
+ $$ = context->addBinaryMathBooleanResult(EOpLogicalOr, $1, $3, @2);
@@ -727,12 +537,7 @@ assignment_expression
| unary_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression {
if (context->lValueErrorCheck(@2, "assign", $1))
- $$ = context->intermediate.addAssign($2.op, $1, $3, @2);
- if ($$ == 0) {
- context->assignError(@2, "assign", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- context->recover();
- $$ = $1;
- }
+ $$ = context->addAssign($2.op, $1, $3, @2);
@@ -740,8 +545,32 @@ assignment_operator
: EQUAL { $$.op = EOpAssign; }
| MUL_ASSIGN { $$.op = EOpMulAssign; }
| DIV_ASSIGN { $$.op = EOpDivAssign; }
+ ES3_ONLY("%=", @$, "integer modulus operator");
+ $$.op = EOpIModAssign;
+ }
| ADD_ASSIGN { $$.op = EOpAddAssign; }
| SUB_ASSIGN { $$.op = EOpSubAssign; }
+ ES3_ONLY("<<=", @$, "bit-wise operator");
+ $$.op = EOpBitShiftLeftAssign;
+ }
+ ES3_ONLY(">>=", @$, "bit-wise operator");
+ $$.op = EOpBitShiftRightAssign;
+ }
+ ES3_ONLY("&=", @$, "bit-wise operator");
+ $$.op = EOpBitwiseAndAssign;
+ }
+ ES3_ONLY("^=", @$, "bit-wise operator");
+ $$.op = EOpBitwiseXorAssign;
+ }
+ ES3_ONLY("|=", @$, "bit-wise operator");
+ $$.op = EOpBitwiseOrAssign;
+ }
@@ -877,7 +706,7 @@ function_prototype
// Insert the unmangled name to detect potential future redefinition as a variable.
TFunction *function = new TFunction(NewPoolTString($1->getName().c_str()), $1->getReturnType());
- context->symbolTable.getOuterLevel()->insert(function);
+ context->symbolTable.getOuterLevel()->insertUnmangled(function);
@@ -1599,12 +1428,14 @@ statement
| simple_statement { $$ = $1; }
-// Grammar Note: No labeled statements; 'goto' is not supported.
+// Grammar Note: Labeled statements for SWITCH only; 'goto' is not supported.
: declaration_statement { $$ = $1; }
| expression_statement { $$ = $1; }
| selection_statement { $$ = $1; }
+ | switch_statement { $$ = $1; }
+ | case_label { $$ = $1; }
| iteration_statement { $$ = $1; }
| jump_statement { $$ = $1; }
@@ -1677,7 +1508,21 @@ selection_rest_statement
-// Grammar Note: No 'switch'. Switch statements not supported.
+ : SWITCH LEFT_PAREN expression RIGHT_PAREN { ++context->mSwitchNestingLevel; } compound_statement {
+ $$ = context->addSwitch($3, $6, @1);
+ --context->mSwitchNestingLevel;
+ }
+ ;
+ : CASE constant_expression COLON {
+ $$ = context->addCase($2, @1);
+ }
+ $$ = context->addDefault(@1);
+ }
+ ;
// In 1996 c++ draft, conditions can include single declarations
@@ -1703,22 +1548,22 @@ condition
- : WHILE LEFT_PAREN { context->symbolTable.push(); ++context->loopNestingLevel; } condition RIGHT_PAREN statement_no_new_scope {
+ : WHILE LEFT_PAREN { context->symbolTable.push(); ++context->mLoopNestingLevel; } condition RIGHT_PAREN statement_no_new_scope {
$$ = context->intermediate.addLoop(ELoopWhile, 0, $4, 0, $6, @1);
- --context->loopNestingLevel;
+ --context->mLoopNestingLevel;
- | DO { ++context->loopNestingLevel; } statement_with_scope WHILE LEFT_PAREN expression RIGHT_PAREN SEMICOLON {
+ | DO { ++context->mLoopNestingLevel; } statement_with_scope WHILE LEFT_PAREN expression RIGHT_PAREN SEMICOLON {
if (context->boolErrorCheck(@8, $6))
$$ = context->intermediate.addLoop(ELoopDoWhile, 0, $6, 0, $3, @4);
- --context->loopNestingLevel;
+ --context->mLoopNestingLevel;
- | FOR LEFT_PAREN { context->symbolTable.push(); ++context->loopNestingLevel; } for_init_statement for_rest_statement RIGHT_PAREN statement_no_new_scope {
+ | FOR LEFT_PAREN { context->symbolTable.push(); ++context->mLoopNestingLevel; } for_init_statement for_rest_statement RIGHT_PAREN statement_no_new_scope {
$$ = context->intermediate.addLoop(ELoopFor, $4, reinterpret_cast<TIntermTyped*>($5.node1), reinterpret_cast<TIntermTyped*>($5.node2), $7, @1);
- --context->loopNestingLevel;
+ --context->mLoopNestingLevel;
@@ -1753,40 +1598,20 @@ for_rest_statement
- if (context->loopNestingLevel <= 0) {
- context->error(@1, "continue statement only allowed in loops", "");
- context->recover();
- }
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBranch(EOpContinue, @1);
+ $$ = context->addBranch(EOpContinue, @1);
- if (context->loopNestingLevel <= 0) {
- context->error(@1, "break statement only allowed in loops", "");
- context->recover();
- }
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBranch(EOpBreak, @1);
+ $$ = context->addBranch(EOpBreak, @1);
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBranch(EOpReturn, @1);
- if (context->currentFunctionType->getBasicType() != EbtVoid) {
- context->error(@1, "non-void function must return a value", "return");
- context->recover();
- }
+ $$ = context->addBranch(EOpReturn, @1);
| RETURN expression SEMICOLON {
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBranch(EOpReturn, $2, @1);
- context->functionReturnsValue = true;
- if (context->currentFunctionType->getBasicType() == EbtVoid) {
- context->error(@1, "void function cannot return a value", "return");
- context->recover();
- } else if (*(context->currentFunctionType) != $2->getType()) {
- context->error(@1, "function return is not matching type:", "return");
- context->recover();
- }
+ $$ = context->addBranch(EOpReturn, $2, @1);
FRAG_ONLY("discard", @1);
- $$ = context->intermediate.addBranch(EOpKill, @1);
+ $$ = context->addBranch(EOpKill, @1);
@@ -1857,7 +1682,7 @@ function_definition
// Remember the return type for later checking for RETURN statements.
context->currentFunctionType = &(prevDec->getReturnType());
- context->functionReturnsValue = false;
+ context->mFunctionReturnsValue = false;
// Insert parameters into the symbol table.
@@ -1896,12 +1721,12 @@ function_definition
context->intermediate.setAggregateOperator(paramNodes, EOpParameters, @1);
$1.intermAggregate = paramNodes;
- context->loopNestingLevel = 0;
+ context->mLoopNestingLevel = 0;
compound_statement_no_new_scope {
//?? Check that all paths return a value if return type != void ?
// May be best done as post process phase on intermediate code
- if (context->currentFunctionType->getBasicType() != EbtVoid && ! context->functionReturnsValue) {
+ if (context->currentFunctionType->getBasicType() != EbtVoid && ! context->mFunctionReturnsValue) {
context->error(@1, "function does not return a value:", "", $1.function->getName().c_str());
@@ -1923,5 +1748,5 @@ function_definition
int glslang_parse(TParseContext* context) {
- return yyparse(context);
+ return yyparse(context, context->scanner);