path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/TextureStorage11.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/TextureStorage11.h')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/TextureStorage11.h b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/TextureStorage11.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// TextureStorage11.h: Defines the abstract rx::TextureStorage11 class and its concrete derived
+// classes TextureStorage11_2D and TextureStorage11_Cube, which act as the interface to the D3D11 texture.
+#include "libANGLE/Texture.h"
+#include "libANGLE/Error.h"
+#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/TextureStorage.h"
+#include <map>
+namespace gl
+struct ImageIndex;
+namespace rx
+class RenderTargetD3D;
+class RenderTarget11;
+class Renderer11;
+class SwapChain11;
+class Image11;
+class TextureStorage11 : public TextureStorage
+ public:
+ virtual ~TextureStorage11();
+ static TextureStorage11 *makeTextureStorage11(TextureStorage *storage);
+ static DWORD GetTextureBindFlags(GLenum internalFormat, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL featureLevel, bool renderTarget);
+ UINT getBindFlags() const;
+ virtual gl::Error getResource(ID3D11Resource **outResource) = 0;
+ virtual gl::Error getSRV(const gl::SamplerState &samplerState, ID3D11ShaderResourceView **outSRV);
+ virtual gl::Error getRenderTarget(const gl::ImageIndex &index, RenderTargetD3D **outRT) = 0;
+ virtual gl::Error generateMipmap(const gl::ImageIndex &sourceIndex, const gl::ImageIndex &destIndex);
+ virtual int getTopLevel() const;
+ virtual bool isRenderTarget() const;
+ virtual bool isManaged() const;
+ virtual int getLevelCount() const;
+ virtual UINT getSubresourceIndex(const gl::ImageIndex &index) const;
+ gl::Error generateSwizzles(GLenum swizzleRed, GLenum swizzleGreen, GLenum swizzleBlue, GLenum swizzleAlpha);
+ void invalidateSwizzleCacheLevel(int mipLevel);
+ void invalidateSwizzleCache();
+ gl::Error updateSubresourceLevel(ID3D11Resource *texture, unsigned int sourceSubresource,
+ const gl::ImageIndex &index, const gl::Box &copyArea);
+ gl::Error copySubresourceLevel(ID3D11Resource* dstTexture, unsigned int dstSubresource,
+ const gl::ImageIndex &index, const gl::Box &region);
+ virtual void associateImage(Image11* image, const gl::ImageIndex &index) = 0;
+ virtual void disassociateImage(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* expectedImage) = 0;
+ virtual bool isAssociatedImageValid(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* expectedImage) = 0;
+ virtual gl::Error releaseAssociatedImage(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* incomingImage) = 0;
+ virtual gl::Error copyToStorage(TextureStorage *destStorage);
+ virtual gl::Error setData(const gl::ImageIndex &index, ImageD3D *image, const gl::Box *destBox, GLenum type,
+ const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack, const uint8_t *pixelData);
+ protected:
+ TextureStorage11(Renderer11 *renderer, UINT bindFlags);
+ int getLevelWidth(int mipLevel) const;
+ int getLevelHeight(int mipLevel) const;
+ int getLevelDepth(int mipLevel) const;
+ // Some classes (e.g. TextureStorage11_2D) will override getMippedResource.
+ virtual gl::Error getMippedResource(ID3D11Resource **outResource) { return getResource(outResource); }
+ virtual gl::Error getSwizzleTexture(ID3D11Resource **outTexture) = 0;
+ virtual gl::Error getSwizzleRenderTarget(int mipLevel, ID3D11RenderTargetView **outRTV) = 0;
+ gl::Error getSRVLevel(int mipLevel, ID3D11ShaderResourceView **outSRV);
+ virtual gl::Error createSRV(int baseLevel, int mipLevels, DXGI_FORMAT format, ID3D11Resource *texture,
+ ID3D11ShaderResourceView **outSRV) const = 0;
+ void verifySwizzleExists(GLenum swizzleRed, GLenum swizzleGreen, GLenum swizzleBlue, GLenum swizzleAlpha);
+ Renderer11 *mRenderer;
+ int mTopLevel;
+ unsigned int mMipLevels;
+ GLenum mInternalFormat;
+ DXGI_FORMAT mTextureFormat;
+ DXGI_FORMAT mShaderResourceFormat;
+ DXGI_FORMAT mRenderTargetFormat;
+ DXGI_FORMAT mDepthStencilFormat;
+ DXGI_FORMAT mSwizzleTextureFormat;
+ DXGI_FORMAT mSwizzleShaderResourceFormat;
+ DXGI_FORMAT mSwizzleRenderTargetFormat;
+ unsigned int mTextureWidth;
+ unsigned int mTextureHeight;
+ unsigned int mTextureDepth;
+ struct SwizzleCacheValue
+ {
+ GLenum swizzleRed;
+ GLenum swizzleGreen;
+ GLenum swizzleBlue;
+ GLenum swizzleAlpha;
+ SwizzleCacheValue();
+ SwizzleCacheValue(GLenum red, GLenum green, GLenum blue, GLenum alpha);
+ bool operator ==(const SwizzleCacheValue &other) const;
+ bool operator !=(const SwizzleCacheValue &other) const;
+ };
+ SwizzleCacheValue mSwizzleCache[gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS];
+ private:
+ const UINT mBindFlags;
+ struct SRVKey
+ {
+ SRVKey(int baseLevel = 0, int mipLevels = 0, bool swizzle = false);
+ bool operator<(const SRVKey &rhs) const;
+ int baseLevel;
+ int mipLevels;
+ bool swizzle;
+ };
+ typedef std::map<SRVKey, ID3D11ShaderResourceView *> SRVCache;
+ SRVCache mSrvCache;
+class TextureStorage11_2D : public TextureStorage11
+ public:
+ TextureStorage11_2D(Renderer11 *renderer, SwapChain11 *swapchain);
+ TextureStorage11_2D(Renderer11 *renderer, GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, int levels, bool hintLevelZeroOnly = false);
+ virtual ~TextureStorage11_2D();
+ static TextureStorage11_2D *makeTextureStorage11_2D(TextureStorage *storage);
+ virtual gl::Error getResource(ID3D11Resource **outResource);
+ virtual gl::Error getMippedResource(ID3D11Resource **outResource);
+ virtual gl::Error getRenderTarget(const gl::ImageIndex &index, RenderTargetD3D **outRT);
+ virtual gl::Error copyToStorage(TextureStorage *destStorage);
+ virtual void associateImage(Image11* image, const gl::ImageIndex &index);
+ virtual void disassociateImage(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* expectedImage);
+ virtual bool isAssociatedImageValid(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* expectedImage);
+ virtual gl::Error releaseAssociatedImage(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* incomingImage);
+ virtual gl::Error useLevelZeroWorkaroundTexture(bool useLevelZeroTexture);
+ protected:
+ virtual gl::Error getSwizzleTexture(ID3D11Resource **outTexture);
+ virtual gl::Error getSwizzleRenderTarget(int mipLevel, ID3D11RenderTargetView **outRTV);
+ gl::Error ensureTextureExists(int mipLevels);
+ private:
+ virtual gl::Error createSRV(int baseLevel, int mipLevels, DXGI_FORMAT format, ID3D11Resource *texture,
+ ID3D11ShaderResourceView **outSRV) const;
+ ID3D11Texture2D *mTexture;
+ RenderTarget11 *mRenderTarget[gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS];
+ // These are members related to the zero max-LOD workaround.
+ // D3D11 Feature Level 9_3 can't disable mipmaps on a mipmapped texture (i.e. solely sample from level zero).
+ // These members are used to work around this limitation.
+ // Usually only mTexture XOR mLevelZeroTexture will exist.
+ // For example, if an app creates a texture with only one level, then 9_3 will only create mLevelZeroTexture.
+ // However, in some scenarios, both textures have to be created. This incurs additional memory overhead.
+ // One example of this is an application that creates a texture, calls glGenerateMipmap, and then disables mipmaps on the texture.
+ // A more likely example is an app that creates an empty texture, renders to it, and then calls glGenerateMipmap
+ // TODO: In this rendering scenario, release the mLevelZeroTexture after mTexture has been created to save memory.
+ ID3D11Texture2D *mLevelZeroTexture;
+ RenderTarget11 *mLevelZeroRenderTarget;
+ bool mUseLevelZeroTexture;
+ // Swizzle-related variables
+ ID3D11Texture2D *mSwizzleTexture;
+ ID3D11RenderTargetView *mSwizzleRenderTargets[gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS];
+ Image11 *mAssociatedImages[gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS];
+class TextureStorage11_Cube : public TextureStorage11
+ public:
+ TextureStorage11_Cube(Renderer11 *renderer, GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, int size, int levels, bool hintLevelZeroOnly);
+ virtual ~TextureStorage11_Cube();
+ static TextureStorage11_Cube *makeTextureStorage11_Cube(TextureStorage *storage);
+ virtual UINT getSubresourceIndex(const gl::ImageIndex &index) const;
+ virtual gl::Error getResource(ID3D11Resource **outResource);
+ virtual gl::Error getMippedResource(ID3D11Resource **outResource);
+ virtual gl::Error getRenderTarget(const gl::ImageIndex &index, RenderTargetD3D **outRT);
+ virtual gl::Error copyToStorage(TextureStorage *destStorage);
+ virtual void associateImage(Image11* image, const gl::ImageIndex &index);
+ virtual void disassociateImage(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* expectedImage);
+ virtual bool isAssociatedImageValid(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* expectedImage);
+ virtual gl::Error releaseAssociatedImage(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* incomingImage);
+ virtual gl::Error useLevelZeroWorkaroundTexture(bool useLevelZeroTexture);
+ protected:
+ virtual gl::Error getSwizzleTexture(ID3D11Resource **outTexture);
+ virtual gl::Error getSwizzleRenderTarget(int mipLevel, ID3D11RenderTargetView **outRTV);
+ gl::Error ensureTextureExists(int mipLevels);
+ private:
+ virtual gl::Error createSRV(int baseLevel, int mipLevels, DXGI_FORMAT format, ID3D11Resource *texture,
+ ID3D11ShaderResourceView **outSRV) const;
+ static const size_t CUBE_FACE_COUNT = 6;
+ ID3D11Texture2D *mTexture;
+ // Level-zero workaround members. See TextureStorage11_2D's workaround members for a description.
+ ID3D11Texture2D *mLevelZeroTexture;
+ RenderTarget11 *mLevelZeroRenderTarget[CUBE_FACE_COUNT];
+ bool mUseLevelZeroTexture;
+ ID3D11Texture2D *mSwizzleTexture;
+ ID3D11RenderTargetView *mSwizzleRenderTargets[gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS];
+class TextureStorage11_3D : public TextureStorage11
+ public:
+ TextureStorage11_3D(Renderer11 *renderer, GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget,
+ GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, int levels);
+ virtual ~TextureStorage11_3D();
+ static TextureStorage11_3D *makeTextureStorage11_3D(TextureStorage *storage);
+ virtual gl::Error getResource(ID3D11Resource **outResource);
+ // Handles both layer and non-layer RTs
+ virtual gl::Error getRenderTarget(const gl::ImageIndex &index, RenderTargetD3D **outRT);
+ virtual void associateImage(Image11* image, const gl::ImageIndex &index);
+ virtual void disassociateImage(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* expectedImage);
+ virtual bool isAssociatedImageValid(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* expectedImage);
+ virtual gl::Error releaseAssociatedImage(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* incomingImage);
+ protected:
+ virtual gl::Error getSwizzleTexture(ID3D11Resource **outTexture);
+ virtual gl::Error getSwizzleRenderTarget(int mipLevel, ID3D11RenderTargetView **outRTV);
+ private:
+ virtual gl::Error createSRV(int baseLevel, int mipLevels, DXGI_FORMAT format, ID3D11Resource *texture,
+ ID3D11ShaderResourceView **outSRV) const;
+ typedef std::pair<int, int> LevelLayerKey;
+ typedef std::map<LevelLayerKey, RenderTarget11*> RenderTargetMap;
+ RenderTargetMap mLevelLayerRenderTargets;
+ RenderTarget11 *mLevelRenderTargets[gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS];
+ ID3D11Texture3D *mTexture;
+ ID3D11Texture3D *mSwizzleTexture;
+ ID3D11RenderTargetView *mSwizzleRenderTargets[gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS];
+ Image11 *mAssociatedImages[gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS];
+class TextureStorage11_2DArray : public TextureStorage11
+ public:
+ TextureStorage11_2DArray(Renderer11 *renderer, GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget,
+ GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, int levels);
+ virtual ~TextureStorage11_2DArray();
+ static TextureStorage11_2DArray *makeTextureStorage11_2DArray(TextureStorage *storage);
+ virtual gl::Error getResource(ID3D11Resource **outResource);
+ virtual gl::Error getRenderTarget(const gl::ImageIndex &index, RenderTargetD3D **outRT);
+ virtual void associateImage(Image11* image, const gl::ImageIndex &index);
+ virtual void disassociateImage(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* expectedImage);
+ virtual bool isAssociatedImageValid(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* expectedImage);
+ virtual gl::Error releaseAssociatedImage(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11* incomingImage);
+ protected:
+ virtual gl::Error getSwizzleTexture(ID3D11Resource **outTexture);
+ virtual gl::Error getSwizzleRenderTarget(int mipLevel, ID3D11RenderTargetView **outRTV);
+ private:
+ virtual gl::Error createSRV(int baseLevel, int mipLevels, DXGI_FORMAT format, ID3D11Resource *texture,
+ ID3D11ShaderResourceView **outSRV) const;
+ typedef std::pair<int, int> LevelLayerKey;
+ typedef std::map<LevelLayerKey, RenderTarget11*> RenderTargetMap;
+ RenderTargetMap mRenderTargets;
+ ID3D11Texture2D *mTexture;
+ ID3D11Texture2D *mSwizzleTexture;
+ ID3D11RenderTargetView *mSwizzleRenderTargets[gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS];
+ typedef std::map<LevelLayerKey, Image11*> ImageMap;
+ ImageMap mAssociatedImages;