path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/State.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/State.h')
1 files changed, 307 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/State.h b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/State.h
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index 0000000000..09be0b335d
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+++ b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/State.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// State.h: Defines the State class, encapsulating raw GL state
+#include "common/angleutils.h"
+#include "common/RefCountObject.h"
+#include "libGLESv2/angletypes.h"
+#include "libGLESv2/VertexAttribute.h"
+#include "libGLESv2/Renderbuffer.h"
+#include "libGLESv2/Texture.h"
+#include "libGLESv2/TransformFeedback.h"
+#include "libGLESv2/Program.h"
+#include "libGLESv2/Sampler.h"
+namespace gl
+class Query;
+class VertexArray;
+class Context;
+class State
+ public:
+ State();
+ ~State();
+ void setContext(Context *context) { mContext = context; }
+ // State chunk getters
+ const RasterizerState &getRasterizerState() const;
+ const BlendState &getBlendState() const;
+ const DepthStencilState &getDepthStencilState() const;
+ // Clear behavior setters & state parameter block generation function
+ void setClearColor(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha);
+ void setClearDepth(float depth);
+ void setClearStencil(int stencil);
+ ClearParameters getClearParameters(GLbitfield mask) const;
+ // Write mask manipulation
+ void setColorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha);
+ void setDepthMask(bool mask);
+ // Discard toggle & query
+ bool isRasterizerDiscardEnabled() const;
+ void setRasterizerDiscard(bool enabled);
+ // Face culling state manipulation
+ bool isCullFaceEnabled() const;
+ void setCullFace(bool enabled);
+ void setCullMode(GLenum mode);
+ void setFrontFace(GLenum front);
+ // Depth test state manipulation
+ bool isDepthTestEnabled() const;
+ void setDepthTest(bool enabled);
+ void setDepthFunc(GLenum depthFunc);
+ void setDepthRange(float zNear, float zFar);
+ void getDepthRange(float *zNear, float *zFar) const;
+ // Blend state manipulation
+ bool isBlendEnabled() const;
+ void setBlend(bool enabled);
+ void setBlendFactors(GLenum sourceRGB, GLenum destRGB, GLenum sourceAlpha, GLenum destAlpha);
+ void setBlendColor(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha);
+ void setBlendEquation(GLenum rgbEquation, GLenum alphaEquation);
+ const ColorF &getBlendColor() const;
+ // Stencil state maniupulation
+ bool isStencilTestEnabled() const;
+ void setStencilTest(bool enabled);
+ void setStencilParams(GLenum stencilFunc, GLint stencilRef, GLuint stencilMask);
+ void setStencilBackParams(GLenum stencilBackFunc, GLint stencilBackRef, GLuint stencilBackMask);
+ void setStencilWritemask(GLuint stencilWritemask);
+ void setStencilBackWritemask(GLuint stencilBackWritemask);
+ void setStencilOperations(GLenum stencilFail, GLenum stencilPassDepthFail, GLenum stencilPassDepthPass);
+ void setStencilBackOperations(GLenum stencilBackFail, GLenum stencilBackPassDepthFail, GLenum stencilBackPassDepthPass);
+ GLint getStencilRef() const;
+ GLint getStencilBackRef() const;
+ // Depth bias/polygon offset state manipulation
+ bool isPolygonOffsetFillEnabled() const;
+ void setPolygonOffsetFill(bool enabled);
+ void setPolygonOffsetParams(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units);
+ // Multisample coverage state manipulation
+ bool isSampleAlphaToCoverageEnabled() const;
+ void setSampleAlphaToCoverage(bool enabled);
+ bool isSampleCoverageEnabled() const;
+ void setSampleCoverage(bool enabled);
+ void setSampleCoverageParams(GLclampf value, bool invert);
+ void getSampleCoverageParams(GLclampf *value, bool *invert);
+ // Scissor test state toggle & query
+ bool isScissorTestEnabled() const;
+ void setScissorTest(bool enabled);
+ void setScissorParams(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+ const Rectangle &getScissor() const;
+ // Dither state toggle & query
+ bool isDitherEnabled() const;
+ void setDither(bool enabled);
+ // Generic state toggle & query
+ void setEnableFeature(GLenum feature, bool enabled);
+ bool getEnableFeature(GLenum feature);
+ // Line width state setter
+ void setLineWidth(GLfloat width);
+ // Hint setters
+ void setGenerateMipmapHint(GLenum hint);
+ void setFragmentShaderDerivativeHint(GLenum hint);
+ // Viewport state setter/getter
+ void setViewportParams(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+ const Rectangle &getViewport() const;
+ // Texture binding & active texture unit manipulation
+ void setActiveSampler(unsigned int active);
+ unsigned int getActiveSampler() const;
+ void setSamplerTexture(TextureType type, Texture *texture);
+ Texture *getSamplerTexture(unsigned int sampler, TextureType type) const;
+ GLuint getSamplerTextureId(unsigned int sampler, TextureType type) const;
+ void detachTexture(GLuint texture);
+ // Sampler object binding manipulation
+ void setSamplerBinding(GLuint textureUnit, Sampler *sampler);
+ GLuint getSamplerId(GLuint textureUnit) const;
+ Sampler *getSampler(GLuint textureUnit) const;
+ void detachSampler(GLuint sampler);
+ // Renderbuffer binding manipulation
+ void setRenderbufferBinding(Renderbuffer *renderbuffer);
+ GLuint getRenderbufferId() const;
+ Renderbuffer *getCurrentRenderbuffer();
+ void detachRenderbuffer(GLuint renderbuffer);
+ // Framebuffer binding manipulation
+ void setReadFramebufferBinding(Framebuffer *framebuffer);
+ void setDrawFramebufferBinding(Framebuffer *framebuffer);
+ Framebuffer *getTargetFramebuffer(GLenum target) const;
+ Framebuffer *getReadFramebuffer();
+ Framebuffer *getDrawFramebuffer();
+ const Framebuffer *getReadFramebuffer() const;
+ const Framebuffer *getDrawFramebuffer() const;
+ bool removeReadFramebufferBinding(GLuint framebuffer);
+ bool removeDrawFramebufferBinding(GLuint framebuffer);
+ // Vertex array object binding manipulation
+ void setVertexArrayBinding(VertexArray *vertexArray);
+ GLuint getVertexArrayId() const;
+ VertexArray *getVertexArray() const;
+ bool removeVertexArrayBinding(GLuint vertexArray);
+ // Program binding manipulation
+ void setCurrentProgram(GLuint programId, Program *newProgram);
+ void setCurrentProgramBinary(ProgramBinary *binary);
+ GLuint getCurrentProgramId() const;
+ ProgramBinary *getCurrentProgramBinary() const;
+ // Transform feedback object (not buffer) binding manipulation
+ void setTransformFeedbackBinding(TransformFeedback *transformFeedback);
+ TransformFeedback *getCurrentTransformFeedback() const;
+ void detachTransformFeedback(GLuint transformFeedback);
+ // Query binding manipulation
+ bool isQueryActive() const;
+ void setActiveQuery(GLenum target, Query *query);
+ GLuint getActiveQueryId(GLenum target) const;
+ Query *getActiveQuery(GLenum target) const;
+ //// Typed buffer binding point manipulation ////
+ void setArrayBufferBinding(Buffer *buffer);
+ GLuint getArrayBufferId() const;
+ bool removeArrayBufferBinding(GLuint buffer);
+ // GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER - Both indexed and generic targets
+ void setGenericUniformBufferBinding(Buffer *buffer);
+ void setIndexedUniformBufferBinding(GLuint index, Buffer *buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size);
+ GLuint getIndexedUniformBufferId(GLuint index) const;
+ Buffer *getIndexedUniformBuffer(GLuint index) const;
+ // GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER - Both indexed and generic targets
+ void setGenericTransformFeedbackBufferBinding(Buffer *buffer);
+ void setIndexedTransformFeedbackBufferBinding(GLuint index, Buffer *buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size);
+ GLuint getIndexedTransformFeedbackBufferId(GLuint index) const;
+ Buffer *getIndexedTransformFeedbackBuffer(GLuint index) const;
+ GLuint getIndexedTransformFeedbackBufferOffset(GLuint index) const;
+ void setCopyReadBufferBinding(Buffer *buffer);
+ void setCopyWriteBufferBinding(Buffer *buffer);
+ void setPixelPackBufferBinding(Buffer *buffer);
+ void setPixelUnpackBufferBinding(Buffer *buffer);
+ // Retrieve typed buffer by target (non-indexed)
+ Buffer *getTargetBuffer(GLenum target) const;
+ // Vertex attrib manipulation
+ void setEnableVertexAttribArray(unsigned int attribNum, bool enabled);
+ void setVertexAttribf(GLuint index, const GLfloat values[4]);
+ void setVertexAttribu(GLuint index, const GLuint values[4]);
+ void setVertexAttribi(GLuint index, const GLint values[4]);
+ void setVertexAttribState(unsigned int attribNum, Buffer *boundBuffer, GLint size, GLenum type,
+ bool normalized, bool pureInteger, GLsizei stride, const void *pointer);
+ const VertexAttribute &getVertexAttribState(unsigned int attribNum) const;
+ const VertexAttribCurrentValueData &getVertexAttribCurrentValue(unsigned int attribNum) const;
+ const VertexAttribCurrentValueData *getVertexAttribCurrentValues() const;
+ const void *getVertexAttribPointer(unsigned int attribNum) const;
+ // Pixel pack state manipulation
+ void setPackAlignment(GLint alignment);
+ GLint getPackAlignment() const;
+ void setPackReverseRowOrder(bool reverseRowOrder);
+ bool getPackReverseRowOrder() const;
+ const PixelPackState &getPackState() const;
+ // Pixel unpack state manipulation
+ void setUnpackAlignment(GLint alignment);
+ GLint getUnpackAlignment() const;
+ const PixelUnpackState &getUnpackState() const;
+ // State query functions
+ void getBooleanv(GLenum pname, GLboolean *params);
+ void getFloatv(GLenum pname, GLfloat *params);
+ void getIntegerv(GLenum pname, GLint *params);
+ bool getIndexedIntegerv(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint *data);
+ bool getIndexedInteger64v(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint64 *data);
+ private:
+ Context *mContext;
+ ColorF mColorClearValue;
+ GLclampf mDepthClearValue;
+ int mStencilClearValue;
+ RasterizerState mRasterizer;
+ bool mScissorTest;
+ Rectangle mScissor;
+ BlendState mBlend;
+ ColorF mBlendColor;
+ bool mSampleCoverage;
+ GLclampf mSampleCoverageValue;
+ bool mSampleCoverageInvert;
+ DepthStencilState mDepthStencil;
+ GLint mStencilRef;
+ GLint mStencilBackRef;
+ GLfloat mLineWidth;
+ GLenum mGenerateMipmapHint;
+ GLenum mFragmentShaderDerivativeHint;
+ Rectangle mViewport;
+ float mNearZ;
+ float mFarZ;
+ unsigned int mActiveSampler; // Active texture unit selector - GL_TEXTURE0
+ BindingPointer<Buffer> mArrayBuffer;
+ Framebuffer *mReadFramebuffer;
+ Framebuffer *mDrawFramebuffer;
+ BindingPointer<Renderbuffer> mRenderbuffer;
+ GLuint mCurrentProgramId;
+ BindingPointer<ProgramBinary> mCurrentProgramBinary;
+ VertexAttribCurrentValueData mVertexAttribCurrentValues[MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS]; // From glVertexAttrib
+ VertexArray *mVertexArray;
+ typedef std::map< GLenum, BindingPointer<Query> > ActiveQueryMap;
+ ActiveQueryMap mActiveQueries;
+ BindingPointer<Buffer> mGenericUniformBuffer;
+ BindingPointer<TransformFeedback> mTransformFeedback;
+ BindingPointer<Buffer> mGenericTransformFeedbackBuffer;
+ OffsetBindingPointer<Buffer> mTransformFeedbackBuffers[IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFERS];
+ BindingPointer<Buffer> mCopyReadBuffer;
+ BindingPointer<Buffer> mCopyWriteBuffer;
+ PixelUnpackState mUnpack;
+ PixelPackState mPack;
+#endif // LIBGLESV2_STATE_H_