path: root/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-var-gvar-table.hh
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-var-gvar-table.hh')
1 files changed, 466 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-var-gvar-table.hh b/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-var-gvar-table.hh
index 4752a08fbe..d713084faf 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-var-gvar-table.hh
+++ b/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-var-gvar-table.hh
@@ -39,60 +39,261 @@
namespace OT {
-struct contour_point_t
+struct GlyphVariationData : TupleVariationData
+struct glyph_variations_t
- void init (float x_ = 0.f, float y_ = 0.f, bool is_end_point_ = false)
- { flag = 0; x = x_; y = y_; is_end_point = is_end_point_; }
+ using tuple_variations_t = TupleVariationData::tuple_variations_t;
+ hb_vector_t<tuple_variations_t> glyph_variations;
- void translate (const contour_point_t &p) { x += p.x; y += p.y; }
+ hb_vector_t<char> compiled_shared_tuples;
+ private:
+ unsigned shared_tuples_count = 0;
- float x = 0.f;
- float y = 0.f;
- uint8_t flag = 0;
- bool is_end_point = false;
+ /* shared coords-> index map after instantiation */
+ hb_hashmap_t<const hb_vector_t<char>*, unsigned> shared_tuples_idx_map;
-struct contour_point_vector_t : hb_vector_t<contour_point_t>
- void extend (const hb_array_t<contour_point_t> &a)
+ public:
+ unsigned compiled_shared_tuples_count () const
+ { return shared_tuples_count; }
+ unsigned compiled_byte_size () const
- unsigned int old_len = length;
- if (unlikely (!resize (old_len + a.length, false)))
- return;
- auto arrayZ = this->arrayZ + old_len;
- unsigned count = a.length;
- hb_memcpy (arrayZ, a.arrayZ, count * sizeof (arrayZ[0]));
+ unsigned byte_size = 0;
+ for (const auto& _ : glyph_variations)
+ byte_size += _.get_compiled_byte_size ();
+ return byte_size;
- void transform (const float (&matrix)[4])
+ bool create_from_glyphs_var_data (unsigned axis_count,
+ const hb_array_t<const F2DOT14> shared_tuples,
+ const hb_subset_plan_t *plan,
+ const hb_hashmap_t<hb_codepoint_t, hb_bytes_t>& new_gid_var_data_map)
- if (matrix[0] == 1.f && matrix[1] == 0.f &&
- matrix[2] == 0.f && matrix[3] == 1.f)
- return;
- auto arrayZ = this->arrayZ;
- unsigned count = length;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ if (unlikely (!glyph_variations.alloc (plan->new_to_old_gid_list.length, true)))
+ return false;
+ auto it = hb_iter (plan->new_to_old_gid_list);
+ for (auto &_ : it)
- contour_point_t &p = arrayZ[i];
- float x_ = p.x * matrix[0] + p.y * matrix[2];
- p.y = p.x * matrix[1] + p.y * matrix[3];
- p.x = x_;
+ hb_codepoint_t new_gid = _.first;
+ contour_point_vector_t *all_contour_points;
+ if (!new_gid_var_data_map.has (new_gid) ||
+ !plan->new_gid_contour_points_map.has (new_gid, &all_contour_points))
+ return false;
+ hb_bytes_t var_data = new_gid_var_data_map.get (new_gid);
+ const GlyphVariationData* p = reinterpret_cast<const GlyphVariationData*> (var_data.arrayZ);
+ hb_vector_t<unsigned> shared_indices;
+ GlyphVariationData::tuple_iterator_t iterator;
+ tuple_variations_t tuple_vars;
+ /* in case variation data is empty, push an empty struct into the vector,
+ * keep the vector in sync with the new_to_old_gid_list */
+ if (!var_data || ! p->has_data () || !all_contour_points->length ||
+ !GlyphVariationData::get_tuple_iterator (var_data, axis_count,
+ var_data.arrayZ,
+ shared_indices, &iterator))
+ {
+ glyph_variations.push (std::move (tuple_vars));
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool is_composite_glyph = false;
+ is_composite_glyph = plan->composite_new_gids.has (new_gid);
+ if (!p->decompile_tuple_variations (all_contour_points->length, true /* is_gvar */,
+ iterator, &(plan->axes_old_index_tag_map),
+ shared_indices, shared_tuples,
+ tuple_vars, /* OUT */
+ is_composite_glyph))
+ return false;
+ glyph_variations.push (std::move (tuple_vars));
+ return !glyph_variations.in_error () && glyph_variations.length == plan->new_to_old_gid_list.length;
- void translate (const contour_point_t& delta)
+ bool instantiate (const hb_subset_plan_t *plan)
- if (delta.x == 0.f && delta.y == 0.f)
- return;
- auto arrayZ = this->arrayZ;
- unsigned count = length;
+ unsigned count = plan->new_to_old_gid_list.length;
+ bool iup_optimize = false;
+ iup_optimize = plan->flags & HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_OPTIMIZE_IUP_DELTAS;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++)
- arrayZ[i].translate (delta);
+ {
+ hb_codepoint_t new_gid = plan->new_to_old_gid_list[i].first;
+ contour_point_vector_t *all_points;
+ if (!plan->new_gid_contour_points_map.has (new_gid, &all_points))
+ return false;
+ if (!glyph_variations[i].instantiate (plan->axes_location, plan->axes_triple_distances, all_points, iup_optimize))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
-struct GlyphVariationData : TupleVariationData
+ bool compile_bytes (const hb_map_t& axes_index_map,
+ const hb_map_t& axes_old_index_tag_map)
+ {
+ if (!compile_shared_tuples (axes_index_map, axes_old_index_tag_map))
+ return false;
+ for (tuple_variations_t& vars: glyph_variations)
+ if (!vars.compile_bytes (axes_index_map, axes_old_index_tag_map,
+ true, /* use shared points*/
+ &shared_tuples_idx_map))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool compile_shared_tuples (const hb_map_t& axes_index_map,
+ const hb_map_t& axes_old_index_tag_map)
+ {
+ /* key is pointer to compiled_peak_coords inside each tuple, hashing
+ * function will always deref pointers first */
+ hb_hashmap_t<const hb_vector_t<char>*, unsigned> coords_count_map;
+ /* count the num of shared coords */
+ for (tuple_variations_t& vars: glyph_variations)
+ {
+ for (tuple_delta_t& var : vars.tuple_vars)
+ {
+ if (!var.compile_peak_coords (axes_index_map, axes_old_index_tag_map))
+ return false;
+ unsigned* count;
+ if (coords_count_map.has (&(var.compiled_peak_coords), &count))
+ coords_count_map.set (&(var.compiled_peak_coords), *count + 1);
+ else
+ coords_count_map.set (&(var.compiled_peak_coords), 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!coords_count_map || coords_count_map.in_error ())
+ return false;
+ /* add only those coords that are used more than once into the vector and sort */
+ hb_vector_t<const hb_vector_t<char>*> shared_coords;
+ if (unlikely (!shared_coords.alloc (coords_count_map.get_population ())))
+ return false;
+ for (const auto _ : coords_count_map.iter ())
+ {
+ if (_.second == 1) continue;
+ shared_coords.push (_.first);
+ }
+ /* no shared tuples: no coords are used more than once */
+ if (!shared_coords) return true;
+ /* sorting based on the coords frequency first (high to low), then compare
+ * the coords bytes */
+ hb_qsort (shared_coords.arrayZ, shared_coords.length, sizeof (hb_vector_t<char>*), _cmp_coords, (void *) (&coords_count_map));
+ /* build shared_coords->idx map and shared tuples byte array */
+ shared_tuples_count = hb_min (0xFFFu + 1, shared_coords.length);
+ unsigned len = shared_tuples_count * (shared_coords[0]->length);
+ if (unlikely (!compiled_shared_tuples.alloc (len)))
+ return false;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < shared_tuples_count; i++)
+ {
+ shared_tuples_idx_map.set (shared_coords[i], i);
+ /* add a concat() in hb_vector_t? */
+ for (char c : shared_coords[i]->iter ())
+ compiled_shared_tuples.push (c);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ static int _cmp_coords (const void *pa, const void *pb, void *arg)
+ {
+ const hb_hashmap_t<const hb_vector_t<char>*, unsigned>* coords_count_map =
+ reinterpret_cast<const hb_hashmap_t<const hb_vector_t<char>*, unsigned>*> (arg);
+ /* shared_coords is hb_vector_t<const hb_vector_t<char>*> so casting pa/pb
+ * to be a pointer to a pointer */
+ const hb_vector_t<char>** a = reinterpret_cast<const hb_vector_t<char>**> (const_cast<void*>(pa));
+ const hb_vector_t<char>** b = reinterpret_cast<const hb_vector_t<char>**> (const_cast<void*>(pb));
+ bool has_a = coords_count_map->has (*a);
+ bool has_b = coords_count_map->has (*b);
+ if (has_a && has_b)
+ {
+ unsigned a_num = coords_count_map->get (*a);
+ unsigned b_num = coords_count_map->get (*b);
+ if (a_num != b_num)
+ return b_num - a_num;
+ return (*b)->as_array().cmp ((*a)->as_array ());
+ }
+ else if (has_a) return -1;
+ else if (has_b) return 1;
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ template<typename Iterator,
+ hb_requires (hb_is_iterator (Iterator))>
+ bool serialize_glyph_var_data (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
+ Iterator it,
+ bool long_offset,
+ unsigned num_glyphs,
+ char* glyph_var_data_offsets /* OUT: glyph var data offsets array */) const
+ {
+ if (long_offset)
+ {
+ ((HBUINT32 *) glyph_var_data_offsets)[0] = 0;
+ glyph_var_data_offsets += 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ((HBUINT16 *) glyph_var_data_offsets)[0] = 0;
+ glyph_var_data_offsets += 2;
+ }
+ unsigned glyph_offset = 0;
+ hb_codepoint_t last_gid = 0;
+ unsigned idx = 0;
+ TupleVariationData* cur_glyph = c->start_embed<TupleVariationData> ();
+ if (!cur_glyph) return_trace (false);
+ for (auto &_ : it)
+ {
+ hb_codepoint_t gid = _.first;
+ if (long_offset)
+ for (; last_gid < gid; last_gid++)
+ ((HBUINT32 *) glyph_var_data_offsets)[last_gid] = glyph_offset;
+ else
+ for (; last_gid < gid; last_gid++)
+ ((HBUINT16 *) glyph_var_data_offsets)[last_gid] = glyph_offset / 2;
+ if (idx >= glyph_variations.length) return_trace (false);
+ if (!cur_glyph->serialize (c, true, glyph_variations[idx])) return_trace (false);
+ TupleVariationData* next_glyph = c->start_embed<TupleVariationData> ();
+ glyph_offset += (char *) next_glyph - (char *) cur_glyph;
+ if (long_offset)
+ ((HBUINT32 *) glyph_var_data_offsets)[gid] = glyph_offset;
+ else
+ ((HBUINT16 *) glyph_var_data_offsets)[gid] = glyph_offset / 2;
+ last_gid++;
+ idx++;
+ cur_glyph = next_glyph;
+ }
+ if (long_offset)
+ for (; last_gid < num_glyphs; last_gid++)
+ ((HBUINT32 *) glyph_var_data_offsets)[last_gid] = glyph_offset;
+ else
+ for (; last_gid < num_glyphs; last_gid++)
+ ((HBUINT16 *) glyph_var_data_offsets)[last_gid] = glyph_offset / 2;
+ return_trace (true);
+ }
struct gvar
@@ -101,7 +302,9 @@ struct gvar
bool sanitize_shallow (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
- return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && (version.major == 1) &&
+ return_trace (c->check_struct (this) &&
+ hb_barrier () &&
+ (version.major == 1) &&
sharedTuples.sanitize (c, this, axisCount * sharedTupleCount) &&
(is_long_offset () ?
c->check_array (get_long_offset_array (), c->get_num_glyphs () + 1) :
@@ -112,9 +315,107 @@ struct gvar
bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
{ return sanitize_shallow (c); }
+ bool decompile_glyph_variations (hb_subset_context_t *c,
+ glyph_variations_t& glyph_vars /* OUT */) const
+ {
+ hb_hashmap_t<hb_codepoint_t, hb_bytes_t> new_gid_var_data_map;
+ auto it = hb_iter (c->plan->new_to_old_gid_list);
+ if (it->first == 0 && !(c->plan->flags & HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_NOTDEF_OUTLINE))
+ {
+ new_gid_var_data_map.set (0, hb_bytes_t ());
+ it++;
+ }
+ for (auto &_ : it)
+ {
+ hb_codepoint_t new_gid = _.first;
+ hb_codepoint_t old_gid = _.second;
+ hb_bytes_t var_data_bytes = get_glyph_var_data_bytes (c->source_blob, glyphCountX, old_gid);
+ new_gid_var_data_map.set (new_gid, var_data_bytes);
+ }
+ if (new_gid_var_data_map.in_error ()) return false;
+ hb_array_t<const F2DOT14> shared_tuples = (this+sharedTuples).as_array ((unsigned) sharedTupleCount * (unsigned) axisCount);
+ return glyph_vars.create_from_glyphs_var_data (axisCount, shared_tuples, c->plan, new_gid_var_data_map);
+ }
+ template<typename Iterator,
+ hb_requires (hb_is_iterator (Iterator))>
+ bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
+ const glyph_variations_t& glyph_vars,
+ Iterator it,
+ unsigned axis_count,
+ unsigned num_glyphs,
+ bool force_long_offsets) const
+ {
+ gvar *out = c->allocate_min<gvar> ();
+ if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (false);
+ out->version.major = 1;
+ out->version.minor = 0;
+ out->axisCount = axis_count;
+ out->glyphCountX = hb_min (0xFFFFu, num_glyphs);
+ unsigned glyph_var_data_size = glyph_vars.compiled_byte_size ();
+ bool long_offset = glyph_var_data_size & ~0xFFFFu || force_long_offsets;
+ out->flags = long_offset ? 1 : 0;
+ HBUINT8 *glyph_var_data_offsets = c->allocate_size<HBUINT8> ((long_offset ? 4 : 2) * (num_glyphs + 1), false);
+ if (!glyph_var_data_offsets) return_trace (false);
+ /* shared tuples */
+ unsigned shared_tuple_count = glyph_vars.compiled_shared_tuples_count ();
+ out->sharedTupleCount = shared_tuple_count;
+ if (!shared_tuple_count)
+ out->sharedTuples = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ hb_array_t<const char> shared_tuples = glyph_vars.compiled_shared_tuples.as_array ().copy (c);
+ if (!shared_tuples.arrayZ) return_trace (false);
+ out->sharedTuples = shared_tuples.arrayZ - (char *) out;
+ }
+ char *glyph_var_data = c->start_embed<char> ();
+ if (!glyph_var_data) return_trace (false);
+ out->dataZ = glyph_var_data - (char *) out;
+ return_trace (glyph_vars.serialize_glyph_var_data (c, it, long_offset, num_glyphs,
+ (char *) glyph_var_data_offsets));
+ }
+ bool instantiate (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ TRACE_SUBSET (this);
+ glyph_variations_t glyph_vars;
+ if (!decompile_glyph_variations (c, glyph_vars))
+ return_trace (false);
+ if (!glyph_vars.instantiate (c->plan)) return_trace (false);
+ if (!glyph_vars.compile_bytes (c->plan->axes_index_map, c->plan->axes_old_index_tag_map))
+ return_trace (false);
+ unsigned axis_count = c->plan->axes_index_map.get_population ();
+ unsigned num_glyphs = c->plan->num_output_glyphs ();
+ auto it = hb_iter (c->plan->new_to_old_gid_list);
+ bool force_long_offsets = false;
+ force_long_offsets = c->plan->flags & HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_IFTB_REQUIREMENTS;
+ return_trace (serialize (c->serializer, glyph_vars, it, axis_count, num_glyphs, force_long_offsets));
+ }
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
+ if (c->plan->all_axes_pinned)
+ return_trace (false);
+ if (c->plan->normalized_coords)
+ return_trace (instantiate (c));
unsigned glyph_count = version.to_int () ? c->plan->source->get_num_glyphs () : 0;
@@ -129,20 +430,23 @@ struct gvar
unsigned int num_glyphs = c->plan->num_output_glyphs ();
out->glyphCountX = hb_min (0xFFFFu, num_glyphs);
+ auto it = hb_iter (c->plan->new_to_old_gid_list);
+ if (it->first == 0 && !(c->plan->flags & HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_NOTDEF_OUTLINE))
+ it++;
unsigned int subset_data_size = 0;
- for (hb_codepoint_t gid = (c->plan->flags & HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_NOTDEF_OUTLINE) ? 0 : 1;
- gid < num_glyphs;
- gid++)
+ for (auto &_ : it)
- hb_codepoint_t old_gid;
- if (!c->plan->old_gid_for_new_gid (gid, &old_gid)) continue;
+ hb_codepoint_t old_gid = _.second;
subset_data_size += get_glyph_var_data_bytes (c->source_blob, glyph_count, old_gid).length;
- bool long_offset = subset_data_size & ~0xFFFFu;
+ bool long_offset = (subset_data_size & ~0xFFFFu);
+ long_offset = long_offset || (c->plan->flags & HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_IFTB_REQUIREMENTS);
out->flags = long_offset ? 1 : 0;
- HBUINT8 *subset_offsets = c->serializer->allocate_size<HBUINT8> ((long_offset ? 4 : 2) * (num_glyphs + 1));
+ HBUINT8 *subset_offsets = c->serializer->allocate_size<HBUINT8> ((long_offset ? 4 : 2) * (num_glyphs + 1), false);
if (!subset_offsets) return_trace (false);
/* shared tuples */
@@ -157,36 +461,63 @@ struct gvar
hb_memcpy (tuples, this+sharedTuples, shared_tuple_size);
- char *subset_data = c->serializer->allocate_size<char> (subset_data_size);
+ /* This ordering relative to the shared tuples array, which puts the glyphVariationData
+ last in the table, is required when HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_IFTB_REQUIREMENTS is set */
+ char *subset_data = c->serializer->allocate_size<char> (subset_data_size, false);
if (!subset_data) return_trace (false);
out->dataZ = subset_data - (char *) out;
+ if (long_offset)
+ {
+ ((HBUINT32 *) subset_offsets)[0] = 0;
+ subset_offsets += 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ((HBUINT16 *) subset_offsets)[0] = 0;
+ subset_offsets += 2;
+ }
unsigned int glyph_offset = 0;
- for (hb_codepoint_t gid = (c->plan->flags & HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_NOTDEF_OUTLINE) ? 0 : 1;
- gid < num_glyphs;
- gid++)
+ hb_codepoint_t last = 0;
+ it = hb_iter (c->plan->new_to_old_gid_list);
+ if (it->first == 0 && !(c->plan->flags & HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_NOTDEF_OUTLINE))
+ it++;
+ for (auto &_ : it)
- hb_codepoint_t old_gid;
- hb_bytes_t var_data_bytes = c->plan->old_gid_for_new_gid (gid, &old_gid)
- ? get_glyph_var_data_bytes (c->source_blob,
+ hb_codepoint_t gid = _.first;
+ hb_codepoint_t old_gid = _.second;
+ if (long_offset)
+ for (; last < gid; last++)
+ ((HBUINT32 *) subset_offsets)[last] = glyph_offset;
+ else
+ for (; last < gid; last++)
+ ((HBUINT16 *) subset_offsets)[last] = glyph_offset / 2;
+ hb_bytes_t var_data_bytes = get_glyph_var_data_bytes (c->source_blob,
- old_gid)
- : hb_bytes_t ();
+ old_gid);
+ hb_memcpy (subset_data, var_data_bytes.arrayZ, var_data_bytes.length);
+ subset_data += var_data_bytes.length;
+ glyph_offset += var_data_bytes.length;
if (long_offset)
((HBUINT32 *) subset_offsets)[gid] = glyph_offset;
((HBUINT16 *) subset_offsets)[gid] = glyph_offset / 2;
- if (var_data_bytes.length > 0)
- hb_memcpy (subset_data, var_data_bytes.arrayZ, var_data_bytes.length);
- subset_data += var_data_bytes.length;
- glyph_offset += var_data_bytes.length;
+ last++; // Skip over gid
if (long_offset)
- ((HBUINT32 *) subset_offsets)[num_glyphs] = glyph_offset;
+ for (; last < num_glyphs; last++)
+ ((HBUINT32 *) subset_offsets)[last] = glyph_offset;
- ((HBUINT16 *) subset_offsets)[num_glyphs] = glyph_offset / 2;
+ for (; last < num_glyphs; last++)
+ ((HBUINT16 *) subset_offsets)[last] = glyph_offset / 2;
return_trace (true);
@@ -235,21 +566,24 @@ struct gvar
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++)
hb_array_t<const F2DOT14> tuple = shared_tuples.sub_array (axis_count * i, axis_count);
- int idx = -1;
+ int idx1 = -1, idx2 = -1;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < axis_count; j++)
- F2DOT14 peak = tuple.arrayZ[j];
+ const F2DOT14 &peak = tuple.arrayZ[j];
if (peak.to_int () != 0)
- if (idx != -1)
+ if (idx1 == -1)
+ idx1 = j;
+ else if (idx2 == -1)
+ idx2 = j;
+ else
- idx = -1;
+ idx1 = idx2 = -1;
- idx = j;
- shared_tuple_active_idx[i] = idx;
+ shared_tuple_active_idx.arrayZ[i] = {idx1, idx2};
~accelerator_t () { table.destroy (); }
@@ -285,10 +619,9 @@ struct gvar
bool apply_deltas_to_points (hb_codepoint_t glyph,
hb_array_t<int> coords,
- const hb_array_t<contour_point_t> points) const
+ const hb_array_t<contour_point_t> points,
+ bool phantom_only = false) const
- if (!coords) return true;
if (unlikely (glyph >= glyphCount)) return true;
hb_bytes_t var_data_bytes = table->get_glyph_var_data_bytes (table.get_blob (), glyphCount, glyph);
@@ -311,16 +644,17 @@ struct gvar
hb_vector_t<unsigned> end_points; // Populated lazily
unsigned num_coords = table->axisCount;
- hb_array_t<const F2DOT14> shared_tuples = (table+table->sharedTuples).as_array (table->sharedTupleCount * table->axisCount);
+ hb_array_t<const F2DOT14> shared_tuples = (table+table->sharedTuples).as_array (table->sharedTupleCount * num_coords);
hb_vector_t<unsigned int> private_indices;
hb_vector_t<int> x_deltas;
hb_vector_t<int> y_deltas;
+ unsigned count = points.length;
bool flush = false;
float scalar = iterator.current_tuple->calculate_scalar (coords, num_coords, shared_tuples,
- shared_tuple_active_idx.in_error () ? nullptr : &shared_tuple_active_idx);
+ &shared_tuple_active_idx);
if (scalar == 0.f) continue;
const HBUINT8 *p = iterator.get_serialized_data ();
unsigned int length = iterator.current_tuple->get_data_size ();
@@ -329,8 +663,10 @@ struct gvar
if (!deltas)
- if (unlikely (!deltas_vec.resize (points.length))) return false;
+ if (unlikely (!deltas_vec.resize (count, false))) return false;
deltas = deltas_vec.as_array ();
+ hb_memset (deltas.arrayZ + (phantom_only ? count - 4 : 0), 0,
+ (phantom_only ? 4 : count) * sizeof (deltas[0]));
const HBUINT8 *end = p + length;
@@ -350,7 +686,7 @@ struct gvar
if (!apply_to_all)
- if (!orig_points)
+ if (!orig_points && !phantom_only)
orig_points_vec.extend (points);
if (unlikely (orig_points_vec.in_error ())) return false;
@@ -359,15 +695,17 @@ struct gvar
if (flush)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
+ for (unsigned int i = phantom_only ? count - 4 : 0; i < count; i++)
points.arrayZ[i].translate (deltas.arrayZ[i]);
flush = false;
- hb_memset (deltas.arrayZ, 0, deltas.get_size ());
+ hb_memset (deltas.arrayZ + (phantom_only ? count - 4 : 0), 0,
+ (phantom_only ? 4 : count) * sizeof (deltas[0]));
- if (scalar != 1.0f)
+ {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_deltas; i++)
unsigned int pt_index;
@@ -378,34 +716,68 @@ struct gvar
pt_index = indices[i];
if (unlikely (pt_index >= deltas.length)) continue;
+ if (phantom_only && pt_index < count - 4) continue;
auto &delta = deltas.arrayZ[pt_index];
delta.flag = 1; /* this point is referenced, i.e., explicit deltas specified */
delta.x += x_deltas.arrayZ[i] * scalar;
delta.y += y_deltas.arrayZ[i] * scalar;
+ }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_deltas; i++)
+ {
+ /* Ouch. Four cases... for optimization. */
+ if (scalar != 1.0f)
- unsigned int pt_index;
if (apply_to_all)
- pt_index = i;
+ for (unsigned int i = phantom_only ? count - 4 : 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned int pt_index = i;
+ auto &delta = deltas.arrayZ[pt_index];
+ delta.x += x_deltas.arrayZ[i] * scalar;
+ delta.y += y_deltas.arrayZ[i] * scalar;
+ }
- {
- pt_index = indices[i];
- if (unlikely (pt_index >= deltas.length)) continue;
- }
- auto &delta = deltas.arrayZ[pt_index];
- delta.flag = 1; /* this point is referenced, i.e., explicit deltas specified */
- delta.x += x_deltas.arrayZ[i];
- delta.y += y_deltas.arrayZ[i];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_deltas; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned int pt_index = indices[i];
+ if (unlikely (pt_index >= deltas.length)) continue;
+ if (phantom_only && pt_index < count - 4) continue;
+ auto &delta = deltas.arrayZ[pt_index];
+ delta.flag = 1; /* this point is referenced, i.e., explicit deltas specified */
+ delta.x += x_deltas.arrayZ[i] * scalar;
+ delta.y += y_deltas.arrayZ[i] * scalar;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (apply_to_all)
+ for (unsigned int i = phantom_only ? count - 4 : 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned int pt_index = i;
+ auto &delta = deltas.arrayZ[pt_index];
+ delta.x += x_deltas.arrayZ[i];
+ delta.y += y_deltas.arrayZ[i];
+ }
+ else
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_deltas; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned int pt_index = indices[i];
+ if (unlikely (pt_index >= deltas.length)) continue;
+ if (phantom_only && pt_index < count - 4) continue;
+ auto &delta = deltas.arrayZ[pt_index];
+ delta.flag = 1; /* this point is referenced, i.e., explicit deltas specified */
+ delta.x += x_deltas.arrayZ[i];
+ delta.y += y_deltas.arrayZ[i];
+ }
+ }
/* infer deltas for unreferenced points */
- if (!apply_to_all)
+ if (!apply_to_all && !phantom_only)
if (!end_points)
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < points.length; ++i)
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (points.arrayZ[i].is_end_point)
end_points.push (i);
if (unlikely (end_points.in_error ())) return false;
@@ -465,8 +837,10 @@ struct gvar
} while (iterator.move_to_next ());
if (flush)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = phantom_only ? count - 4 : 0; i < count; i++)
points.arrayZ[i].translate (deltas.arrayZ[i]);
+ }
return true;
@@ -476,7 +850,7 @@ struct gvar
hb_blob_ptr_t<gvar> table;
unsigned glyphCount;
- hb_vector_t<signed> shared_tuple_active_idx;
+ hb_vector_t<hb_pair_t<int, int>> shared_tuple_active_idx;