path: root/src/3rdparty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty')
14 files changed, 23110 insertions, 4793 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator.pri b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator.pri
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7466200dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator.pri
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/VulkanMemoryAllocator
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/LICENSE.txt b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbfe253391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/patches/0001-Avoid-compiler-warnings.patch b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/patches/0001-Avoid-compiler-warnings.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f459db6c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/patches/0001-Avoid-compiler-warnings.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+diff --git a/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h
+index a2f7a1b..fbe6f9e 100644
+--- a/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h
++++ b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h
+@@ -3661,7 +3661,7 @@ static void VmaWriteMagicValue(void* pData, VkDeviceSize offset)
+ {
+ uint32_t* pDst = (uint32_t*)((char*)pData + offset);
+ const size_t numberCount = VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN / sizeof(uint32_t);
+- for(size_t i = 0; i < numberCount; ++i, ++pDst)
++ for(size_t i = 0; i != numberCount; ++i, ++pDst)
+ {
+ }
+@@ -3671,7 +3671,7 @@ static bool VmaValidateMagicValue(const void* pData, VkDeviceSize offset)
+ {
+ const uint32_t* pSrc = (const uint32_t*)((const char*)pData + offset);
+ const size_t numberCount = VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN / sizeof(uint32_t);
+- for(size_t i = 0; i < numberCount; ++i, ++pSrc)
++ for(size_t i = 0; i != numberCount; ++i, ++pSrc)
+ {
+ {
+@@ -3866,7 +3866,7 @@ public:
+ template<typename U> VmaStlAllocator(const VmaStlAllocator<U>& src) : m_pCallbacks(src.m_pCallbacks) { }
+ T* allocate(size_t n) { return VmaAllocateArray<T>(m_pCallbacks, n); }
+- void deallocate(T* p, size_t n) { VmaFree(m_pCallbacks, p); }
++ void deallocate(T* p, size_t /*n*/) { VmaFree(m_pCallbacks, p); }
+ template<typename U>
+ bool operator==(const VmaStlAllocator<U>& rhs) const
+@@ -5214,7 +5214,7 @@ public:
+ virtual void FreeAtOffset(VkDeviceSize offset) = 0;
+ // Tries to resize (grow or shrink) space for given allocation, in place.
+- virtual bool ResizeAllocation(const VmaAllocation alloc, VkDeviceSize newSize) { return false; }
++ virtual bool ResizeAllocation(const VmaAllocation /*alloc*/, VkDeviceSize /*newSize*/) { return false; }
+ protected:
+ const VkAllocationCallbacks* GetAllocationCallbacks() const { return m_pAllocationCallbacks; }
+@@ -5574,7 +5574,7 @@ public:
+ virtual uint32_t MakeAllocationsLost(uint32_t currentFrameIndex, uint32_t frameInUseCount);
+- virtual VkResult CheckCorruption(const void* pBlockData) { return VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT; }
++ virtual VkResult CheckCorruption(const void* /*pBlockData*/) { return VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT; }
+ virtual void Alloc(
+ const VmaAllocationRequest& request,
+@@ -6133,7 +6133,7 @@ public:
+ bool overlappingMoveSupported);
+ virtual ~VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Fast();
+- virtual void AddAllocation(VmaAllocation hAlloc, VkBool32* pChanged) { ++m_AllocationCount; }
++ virtual void AddAllocation(VmaAllocation /*hAlloc*/, VkBool32* /*pChanged*/) { ++m_AllocationCount; }
+ virtual void AddAll() { m_AllAllocations = true; }
+ virtual VkResult Defragment(
+@@ -6318,7 +6318,7 @@ private:
+ // Redundant, for convenience not to fetch from m_hCustomPool->m_BlockVector or m_hAllocator->m_pBlockVectors.
+ VmaBlockVector* const m_pBlockVector;
+ const uint32_t m_CurrFrameIndex;
+- const uint32_t m_AlgorithmFlags;
++ /*const uint32_t m_AlgorithmFlags;*/
+ // Owner of this object.
+ VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm* m_pAlgorithm;
+@@ -7073,6 +7073,7 @@ void VmaJsonWriter::BeginValue(bool isString)
+ if(currItem.type == COLLECTION_TYPE_OBJECT &&
+ currItem.valueCount % 2 == 0)
+ {
++ (void) isString;
+ VMA_ASSERT(isString);
+ }
+@@ -7660,7 +7661,9 @@ bool VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::Validate() const
+ }
+ // Margin required between allocations - every free space must be at least that large.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+@@ -7806,6 +7809,7 @@ bool VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::CreateAllocationRequest(
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocSize > 0);
+ VMA_ASSERT(!upperAddress);
++ (void) upperAddress;
+ VMA_ASSERT(pAllocationRequest != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate());
+@@ -8033,6 +8037,7 @@ void VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::Alloc(
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(!upperAddress);
++ (void) upperAddress;
+ VMA_ASSERT(request.item != m_Suballocations.end());
+ VmaSuballocation& suballoc = *request.item;
+ // Given suballocation is a free block.
+@@ -9609,7 +9614,7 @@ bool VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::CreateAllocationRequest(
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaSuballocationType allocType,
+ bool canMakeOtherLost,
+- uint32_t strategy,
++ uint32_t /*strategy*/,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocSize > 0);
+@@ -9651,10 +9656,12 @@ bool VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::CreateAllocationRequest(
+ // Apply VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN at the end.
+ {
+ if(resultOffset < VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ resultOffset -= VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN;
+ }
+@@ -10542,18 +10549,19 @@ void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::PrintDetailedMap(class VmaJsonWriter& json) const
+ bool VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::CreateAllocationRequest(
+- uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+- uint32_t frameInUseCount,
++ uint32_t /*currentFrameIndex*/,
++ uint32_t /*frameInUseCount*/,
+ VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ VkDeviceSize allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaSuballocationType allocType,
+- bool canMakeOtherLost,
+- uint32_t strategy,
++ bool /*canMakeOtherLost*/,
++ uint32_t /*strategy*/,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(!upperAddress && "VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT can be used only with linear algorithm.");
++ (void) upperAddress;
+ // Simple way to respect bufferImageGranularity. May be optimized some day.
+ // Whenever it might be an OPTIMAL image...
+@@ -10593,8 +10601,8 @@ bool VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::CreateAllocationRequest(
+ }
+ bool VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::MakeRequestedAllocationsLost(
+- uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+- uint32_t frameInUseCount,
++ uint32_t /*currentFrameIndex*/,
++ uint32_t /*frameInUseCount*/,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ {
+ /*
+@@ -10604,7 +10612,7 @@ bool VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::MakeRequestedAllocationsLost(
+ return pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount == 0;
+ }
+-uint32_t VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::MakeAllocationsLost(uint32_t currentFrameIndex, uint32_t frameInUseCount)
++uint32_t VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::MakeAllocationsLost(uint32_t /*currentFrameIndex*/, uint32_t /*frameInUseCount*/)
+ {
+ /*
+ Lost allocations are not supported in buddy allocator at the moment.
+@@ -10615,9 +10623,9 @@ uint32_t VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::MakeAllocationsLost(uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::Alloc(
+ const VmaAllocationRequest& request,
+- VmaSuballocationType type,
++ VmaSuballocationType /*type*/,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+- bool upperAddress,
++ bool /*upperAddress*/,
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation)
+ {
+ const uint32_t targetLevel = AllocSizeToLevel(allocSize);
+@@ -10941,7 +10949,7 @@ void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::PrintDetailedMapNode(class VmaJsonWriter& json, con
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // class VmaDeviceMemoryBlock
+-VmaDeviceMemoryBlock::VmaDeviceMemoryBlock(VmaAllocator hAllocator) :
++VmaDeviceMemoryBlock::VmaDeviceMemoryBlock(VmaAllocator /*hAllocator*/) :
+ m_pMetadata(VMA_NULL),
+ m_MemoryTypeIndex(UINT32_MAX),
+ m_Id(0),
+@@ -11691,6 +11699,7 @@ VkResult VmaBlockVector::AllocatePage(
+ if(IsCorruptionDetectionEnabled())
+ {
+ VkResult res = pBestRequestBlock->WriteMagicValueAroundAllocation(m_hAllocator, bestRequest.offset, size);
++ (void) res;
+ VMA_ASSERT(res == VK_SUCCESS && "Couldn't map block memory to write magic value.");
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+@@ -11729,6 +11738,7 @@ void VmaBlockVector::Free(
+ if(IsCorruptionDetectionEnabled())
+ {
+ VkResult res = pBlock->ValidateMagicValueAroundAllocation(m_hAllocator, hAllocation->GetOffset(), hAllocation->GetSize());
++ (void) res;
+ VMA_ASSERT(res == VK_SUCCESS && "Couldn't map block memory to validate magic value.");
+ }
+@@ -11894,6 +11904,7 @@ VkResult VmaBlockVector::AllocateFromBlock(
+ if(IsCorruptionDetectionEnabled())
+ {
+ VkResult res = pBlock->WriteMagicValueAroundAllocation(m_hAllocator, currRequest.offset, size);
++ (void) res;
+ VMA_ASSERT(res == VK_SUCCESS && "Couldn't map block memory to write magic value.");
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+@@ -11903,7 +11914,8 @@ VkResult VmaBlockVector::AllocateFromBlock(
+ VkResult VmaBlockVector::CreateBlock(VkDeviceSize blockSize, size_t* pNewBlockIndex)
+ {
+- VkMemoryAllocateInfo allocInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_INFO };
++ VkMemoryAllocateInfo allocInfo = {};
+ allocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = m_MemoryTypeIndex;
+ allocInfo.allocationSize = blockSize;
+ VkDeviceMemory mem = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+@@ -11991,7 +12003,8 @@ void VmaBlockVector::ApplyDefragmentationMovesCpu(
+ if(pDefragCtx->res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize nonCoherentAtomSize = m_hAllocator->m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.nonCoherentAtomSize;
+- VkMappedMemoryRange memRange = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MAPPED_MEMORY_RANGE };
++ VkMappedMemoryRange memRange = {};
+ for(size_t moveIndex = 0; moveIndex < moveCount; ++moveIndex)
+ {
+@@ -12076,7 +12089,8 @@ void VmaBlockVector::ApplyDefragmentationMovesGpu(
+ // Go over all blocks. Create and bind buffer for whole block if necessary.
+ {
+- VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
++ VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = {};
+ bufCreateInfo.usage = VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT |
+@@ -12101,8 +12115,9 @@ void VmaBlockVector::ApplyDefragmentationMovesGpu(
+ // Go over all moves. Post data transfer commands to command buffer.
+ if(pDefragCtx->res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+- const VkDeviceSize nonCoherentAtomSize = m_hAllocator->m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.nonCoherentAtomSize;
+- VkMappedMemoryRange memRange = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MAPPED_MEMORY_RANGE };
++ /*const VkDeviceSize nonCoherentAtomSize = m_hAllocator->m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.nonCoherentAtomSize;
++ VkMappedMemoryRange memRange = {};
+ for(size_t moveIndex = 0; moveIndex < moveCount; ++moveIndex)
+ {
+@@ -12435,10 +12450,10 @@ VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic::VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic(
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ VmaBlockVector* pBlockVector,
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+- bool overlappingMoveSupported) :
++ bool /*overlappingMoveSupported*/) :
+ VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm(hAllocator, pBlockVector, currentFrameIndex),
+- m_AllAllocations(false),
+ m_AllocationCount(0),
++ m_AllAllocations(false),
+ m_BytesMoved(0),
+ m_AllocationsMoved(0),
+ m_Blocks(VmaStlAllocator<BlockInfo*>(hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks()))
+@@ -12813,7 +12828,7 @@ VkResult VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Fast::Defragment(
+ size_t freeSpaceOrigBlockIndex = m_BlockInfos[freeSpaceInfoIndex].origBlockIndex;
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pFreeSpaceBlock = m_pBlockVector->GetBlock(freeSpaceOrigBlockIndex);
+ VmaBlockMetadata_Generic* pFreeSpaceMetadata = (VmaBlockMetadata_Generic*)pFreeSpaceBlock->m_pMetadata;
+- VkDeviceSize freeSpaceBlockSize = pFreeSpaceMetadata->GetSize();
++ /*VkDeviceSize freeSpaceBlockSize = pFreeSpaceMetadata->GetSize();*/
+ // Same block
+ if(freeSpaceInfoIndex == srcBlockInfoIndex)
+@@ -13098,7 +13113,7 @@ VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext::VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext(
+ VmaPool hCustomPool,
+ VmaBlockVector* pBlockVector,
+ uint32_t currFrameIndex,
+- uint32_t algorithmFlags) :
++ uint32_t /*algorithmFlags*/) :
+ res(VK_SUCCESS),
+ mutexLocked(false),
+ blockContexts(VmaStlAllocator<VmaBlockDefragmentationContext>(hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks())),
+@@ -13106,7 +13121,7 @@ VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext::VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext(
+ m_hCustomPool(hCustomPool),
+ m_pBlockVector(pBlockVector),
+ m_CurrFrameIndex(currFrameIndex),
+- m_AlgorithmFlags(algorithmFlags),
++ /*m_AlgorithmFlags(algorithmFlags),*/
+ m_pAlgorithm(VMA_NULL),
+ m_Allocations(VmaStlAllocator<AllocInfo>(hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks())),
+ m_AllAllocations(false)
+@@ -14311,19 +14326,21 @@ VkResult VmaAllocator_T::AllocateDedicatedMemory(
+ bool map,
+ bool isUserDataString,
+ void* pUserData,
+- VkBuffer dedicatedBuffer,
+- VkImage dedicatedImage,
++ VkBuffer /*dedicatedBuffer*/,
++ VkImage /*dedicatedImage*/,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocationCount > 0 && pAllocations);
+- VkMemoryAllocateInfo allocInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_INFO };
++ VkMemoryAllocateInfo allocInfo = {};
+ allocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = memTypeIndex;
+ allocInfo.allocationSize = size;
+- VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR dedicatedAllocInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_DEDICATED_ALLOCATE_INFO_KHR };
++ VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR dedicatedAllocInfo = {};
+ if(m_UseKhrDedicatedAllocation)
+ {
+ if(dedicatedBuffer != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+@@ -14341,7 +14358,7 @@ VkResult VmaAllocator_T::AllocateDedicatedMemory(
+ size_t allocIndex;
+- VkResult res;
++ VkResult res = VK_SUCCESS;
+ for(allocIndex = 0; allocIndex < allocationCount; ++allocIndex)
+ {
+ res = AllocateDedicatedMemoryPage(
+@@ -14460,12 +14477,15 @@ void VmaAllocator_T::GetBufferMemoryRequirements(
+ if(m_UseKhrDedicatedAllocation)
+ {
++ VkBufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR memReqInfo = {};
+ memReqInfo.buffer = hBuffer;
+- VkMemoryDedicatedRequirementsKHR memDedicatedReq = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_DEDICATED_REQUIREMENTS_KHR };
++ VkMemoryDedicatedRequirementsKHR memDedicatedReq = {};
+- VkMemoryRequirements2KHR memReq2 = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS_2_KHR };
++ VkMemoryRequirements2KHR memReq2 = {};
+ memReq2.pNext = &memDedicatedReq;
+ (*m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR)(m_hDevice, &memReqInfo, &memReq2);
+@@ -14492,12 +14512,15 @@ void VmaAllocator_T::GetImageMemoryRequirements(
+ if(m_UseKhrDedicatedAllocation)
+ {
++ VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR memReqInfo = {};
+ memReqInfo.image = hImage;
+- VkMemoryDedicatedRequirementsKHR memDedicatedReq = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_DEDICATED_REQUIREMENTS_KHR };
++ VkMemoryDedicatedRequirementsKHR memDedicatedReq = {};
+- VkMemoryRequirements2KHR memReq2 = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS_2_KHR };
++ VkMemoryRequirements2KHR memReq2 = {};
+ memReq2.pNext = &memDedicatedReq;
+ (*m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR)(m_hDevice, &memReqInfo, &memReq2);
+@@ -14734,7 +14757,7 @@ VkResult VmaAllocator_T::ResizeAllocation(
+ }
+ else
+ {
++ return VkResult(-1000069000); // VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_POOL_MEMORY
+ }
+ default:
+@@ -15000,6 +15023,7 @@ void VmaAllocator_T::DestroyPool(VmaPool pool)
+ {
+ VmaMutexLockWrite lock(m_PoolsMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ bool success = VmaVectorRemoveSorted<VmaPointerLess>(m_Pools, pool);
++ (void) success;
+ VMA_ASSERT(success && "Pool not found in Allocator.");
+ }
+@@ -15248,7 +15272,8 @@ void VmaAllocator_T::FlushOrInvalidateAllocation(
+ const VkDeviceSize nonCoherentAtomSize = m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.nonCoherentAtomSize;
+- VkMappedMemoryRange memRange = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MAPPED_MEMORY_RANGE };
++ VkMappedMemoryRange memRange = {};
+ memRange.memory = hAllocation->GetMemory();
+ switch(hAllocation->GetType())
+@@ -15321,6 +15346,7 @@ void VmaAllocator_T::FreeDedicatedMemory(VmaAllocation allocation)
+ AllocationVectorType* const pDedicatedAllocations = m_pDedicatedAllocations[memTypeIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pDedicatedAllocations);
+ bool success = VmaVectorRemoveSorted<VmaPointerLess>(*pDedicatedAllocations, allocation);
++ (void) success;
+ VMA_ASSERT(success);
+ }
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/patches/0002-Fix-gcc8-warning.patch b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/patches/0002-Fix-gcc8-warning.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57a2f1a0f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/patches/0002-Fix-gcc8-warning.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+diff --git a/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h
+index fbe6f9e3e8..f043bdc289 100644
+--- a/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h
++++ b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h
+@@ -12074,7 +12074,8 @@ void VmaBlockVector::ApplyDefragmentationMovesGpu(
+ const size_t blockCount = m_Blocks.size();
+ pDefragCtx->blockContexts.resize(blockCount);
+- memset(pDefragCtx->, 0, blockCount * sizeof(VmaBlockDefragmentationContext));
++ for (size_t i = 0; i < blockCount; ++i)
++ pDefragCtx->blockContexts[i] = VmaBlockDefragmentationContext();
+ // Go over all moves. Mark blocks that are used with BLOCK_FLAG_USED.
+ const size_t moveCount = moves.size();
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/patches/0003-Disable-srwlock-for-mingw.patch b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/patches/0003-Disable-srwlock-for-mingw.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab7acfe40b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/patches/0003-Disable-srwlock-for-mingw.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff --git a/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h
+index f043bdc289..2355de091f 100644
+--- a/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h
++++ b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h
+@@ -3298,7 +3298,7 @@ void *aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size)
+ std::shared_mutex m_Mutex;
+ };
+ #define VMA_RW_MUTEX VmaRWMutex
+- #elif defined(_WIN32)
++ #elif defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
+ // Use SRWLOCK from WinAPI.
+ class VmaRWMutex
+ {
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/qt_attribution.json b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/qt_attribution.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2548856ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/qt_attribution.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ {
+ "Id": "VulkanMemoryAllocator",
+ "Name": "Vulkan Memory Allocator",
+ "QDocModule": "qtrhi",
+ "Description": "Vulkan Memory Allocator",
+ "QtUsage": "Memory management for the Vulkan backend of QRhi.",
+ "Homepage": "",
+ "Version": "2.2.0",
+ "License": "MIT License",
+ "LicenseId": "MIT",
+ "LicenseFile": "LICENSE.txt",
+ "Copyright": "Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved."
+ }
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2355de091f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/VulkanMemoryAllocator/vk_mem_alloc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16790 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \mainpage Vulkan Memory Allocator
+<b>Version 2.2.0</b> (2018-12-13)
+Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. \n
+License: MIT
+Documentation of all members: vk_mem_alloc.h
+\section main_table_of_contents Table of contents
+- <b>User guide</b>
+ - \subpage quick_start
+ - [Project setup](@ref quick_start_project_setup)
+ - [Initialization](@ref quick_start_initialization)
+ - [Resource allocation](@ref quick_start_resource_allocation)
+ - \subpage choosing_memory_type
+ - [Usage](@ref choosing_memory_type_usage)
+ - [Required and preferred flags](@ref choosing_memory_type_required_preferred_flags)
+ - [Explicit memory types](@ref choosing_memory_type_explicit_memory_types)
+ - [Custom memory pools](@ref choosing_memory_type_custom_memory_pools)
+ - \subpage memory_mapping
+ - [Mapping functions](@ref memory_mapping_mapping_functions)
+ - [Persistently mapped memory](@ref memory_mapping_persistently_mapped_memory)
+ - [Cache control](@ref memory_mapping_cache_control)
+ - [Finding out if memory is mappable](@ref memory_mapping_finding_if_memory_mappable)
+ - \subpage custom_memory_pools
+ - [Choosing memory type index](@ref custom_memory_pools_MemTypeIndex)
+ - [Linear allocation algorithm](@ref linear_algorithm)
+ - [Free-at-once](@ref linear_algorithm_free_at_once)
+ - [Stack](@ref linear_algorithm_stack)
+ - [Double stack](@ref linear_algorithm_double_stack)
+ - [Ring buffer](@ref linear_algorithm_ring_buffer)
+ - [Buddy allocation algorithm](@ref buddy_algorithm)
+ - \subpage defragmentation
+ - [Defragmenting CPU memory](@ref defragmentation_cpu)
+ - [Defragmenting GPU memory](@ref defragmentation_gpu)
+ - [Additional notes](@ref defragmentation_additional_notes)
+ - [Writing custom allocation algorithm](@ref defragmentation_custom_algorithm)
+ - \subpage lost_allocations
+ - \subpage statistics
+ - [Numeric statistics](@ref statistics_numeric_statistics)
+ - [JSON dump](@ref statistics_json_dump)
+ - \subpage allocation_annotation
+ - [Allocation user data](@ref allocation_user_data)
+ - [Allocation names](@ref allocation_names)
+ - \subpage debugging_memory_usage
+ - [Memory initialization](@ref debugging_memory_usage_initialization)
+ - [Margins](@ref debugging_memory_usage_margins)
+ - [Corruption detection](@ref debugging_memory_usage_corruption_detection)
+ - \subpage record_and_replay
+- \subpage usage_patterns
+ - [Simple patterns](@ref usage_patterns_simple)
+ - [Advanced patterns](@ref usage_patterns_advanced)
+- \subpage configuration
+ - [Pointers to Vulkan functions](@ref config_Vulkan_functions)
+ - [Custom host memory allocator](@ref custom_memory_allocator)
+ - [Device memory allocation callbacks](@ref allocation_callbacks)
+ - [Device heap memory limit](@ref heap_memory_limit)
+ - \subpage vk_khr_dedicated_allocation
+- \subpage general_considerations
+ - [Thread safety](@ref general_considerations_thread_safety)
+ - [Validation layer warnings](@ref general_considerations_validation_layer_warnings)
+ - [Allocation algorithm](@ref general_considerations_allocation_algorithm)
+ - [Features not supported](@ref general_considerations_features_not_supported)
+\section main_see_also See also
+- [Product page on GPUOpen](
+- [Source repository on GitHub](
+\page quick_start Quick start
+\section quick_start_project_setup Project setup
+Vulkan Memory Allocator comes in form of a single header file.
+You don't need to build it as a separate library project.
+You can add this file directly to your project and submit it to code repository next to your other source files.
+"Single header" doesn't mean that everything is contained in C/C++ declarations,
+like it tends to be in case of inline functions or C++ templates.
+It means that implementation is bundled with interface in a single file and needs to be extracted using preprocessor macro.
+If you don't do it properly, you will get linker errors.
+To do it properly:
+-# Include "vk_mem_alloc.h" file in each CPP file where you want to use the library.
+ This includes declarations of all members of the library.
+-# In exacly one CPP file define following macro before this include.
+ It enables also internal definitions.
+#include "vk_mem_alloc.h"
+It may be a good idea to create dedicated CPP file just for this purpose.
+Note on language: This library is written in C++, but has C-compatible interface.
+Thus you can include and use vk_mem_alloc.h in C or C++ code, but full
+implementation with `VMA_IMPLEMENTATION` macro must be compiled as C++, NOT as C.
+Please note that this library includes header `<vulkan/vulkan.h>`, which in turn
+includes `<windows.h>` on Windows. If you need some specific macros defined
+before including these headers (like `WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN` or
+`WINVER` for Windows, `VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR` for Vulkan), you must define
+them before every `#include` of this library.
+\section quick_start_initialization Initialization
+At program startup:
+-# Initialize Vulkan to have `VkPhysicalDevice` and `VkDevice` object.
+-# Fill VmaAllocatorCreateInfo structure and create #VmaAllocator object by
+ calling vmaCreateAllocator().
+VmaAllocatorCreateInfo allocatorInfo = {};
+allocatorInfo.physicalDevice = physicalDevice;
+allocatorInfo.device = device;
+VmaAllocator allocator;
+vmaCreateAllocator(&allocatorInfo, &allocator);
+\section quick_start_resource_allocation Resource allocation
+When you want to create a buffer or image:
+-# Fill `VkBufferCreateInfo` / `VkImageCreateInfo` structure.
+-# Fill VmaAllocationCreateInfo structure.
+-# Call vmaCreateBuffer() / vmaCreateImage() to get `VkBuffer`/`VkImage` with memory
+ already allocated and bound to it.
+VkBufferCreateInfo bufferInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
+bufferInfo.size = 65536;
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocInfo = {};
+allocInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY;
+VkBuffer buffer;
+VmaAllocation allocation;
+vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufferInfo, &allocInfo, &buffer, &allocation, nullptr);
+Don't forget to destroy your objects when no longer needed:
+vmaDestroyBuffer(allocator, buffer, allocation);
+\page choosing_memory_type Choosing memory type
+Physical devices in Vulkan support various combinations of memory heaps and
+types. Help with choosing correct and optimal memory type for your specific
+resource is one of the key features of this library. You can use it by filling
+appropriate members of VmaAllocationCreateInfo structure, as described below.
+You can also combine multiple methods.
+-# If you just want to find memory type index that meets your requirements, you
+ can use function vmaFindMemoryTypeIndex().
+-# If you want to allocate a region of device memory without association with any
+ specific image or buffer, you can use function vmaAllocateMemory(). Usage of
+ this function is not recommended and usually not needed.
+-# If you already have a buffer or an image created, you want to allocate memory
+ for it and then you will bind it yourself, you can use function
+ vmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer(), vmaAllocateMemoryForImage().
+ For binding you should use functions: vmaBindBufferMemory(), vmaBindImageMemory().
+-# If you want to create a buffer or an image, allocate memory for it and bind
+ them together, all in one call, you can use function vmaCreateBuffer(),
+ vmaCreateImage(). This is the recommended way to use this library.
+When using 3. or 4., the library internally queries Vulkan for memory types
+supported for that buffer or image (function `vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements()`)
+and uses only one of these types.
+If no memory type can be found that meets all the requirements, these functions
+You can leave VmaAllocationCreateInfo structure completely filled with zeros.
+It means no requirements are specified for memory type.
+It is valid, although not very useful.
+\section choosing_memory_type_usage Usage
+The easiest way to specify memory requirements is to fill member
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo::usage using one of the values of enum #VmaMemoryUsage.
+It defines high level, common usage types.
+For more details, see description of this enum.
+For example, if you want to create a uniform buffer that will be filled using
+transfer only once or infrequently and used for rendering every frame, you can
+do it using following code:
+VkBufferCreateInfo bufferInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
+bufferInfo.size = 65536;
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocInfo = {};
+allocInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY;
+VkBuffer buffer;
+VmaAllocation allocation;
+vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufferInfo, &allocInfo, &buffer, &allocation, nullptr);
+\section choosing_memory_type_required_preferred_flags Required and preferred flags
+You can specify more detailed requirements by filling members
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo::requiredFlags and VmaAllocationCreateInfo::preferredFlags
+with a combination of bits from enum `VkMemoryPropertyFlags`. For example,
+if you want to create a buffer that will be persistently mapped on host (so it
+must be `HOST_VISIBLE`) and preferably will also be `HOST_COHERENT` and `HOST_CACHED`,
+use following code:
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocInfo = {};
+VkBuffer buffer;
+VmaAllocation allocation;
+vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufferInfo, &allocInfo, &buffer, &allocation, nullptr);
+A memory type is chosen that has all the required flags and as many preferred
+flags set as possible.
+If you use VmaAllocationCreateInfo::usage, it is just internally converted to
+a set of required and preferred flags.
+\section choosing_memory_type_explicit_memory_types Explicit memory types
+If you inspected memory types available on the physical device and you have
+a preference for memory types that you want to use, you can fill member
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo::memoryTypeBits. It is a bit mask, where each bit set
+means that a memory type with that index is allowed to be used for the
+allocation. Special value 0, just like `UINT32_MAX`, means there are no
+restrictions to memory type index.
+Please note that this member is NOT just a memory type index.
+Still you can use it to choose just one, specific memory type.
+For example, if you already determined that your buffer should be created in
+memory type 2, use following code:
+uint32_t memoryTypeIndex = 2;
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocInfo = {};
+allocInfo.memoryTypeBits = 1u << memoryTypeIndex;
+VkBuffer buffer;
+VmaAllocation allocation;
+vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufferInfo, &allocInfo, &buffer, &allocation, nullptr);
+\section choosing_memory_type_custom_memory_pools Custom memory pools
+If you allocate from custom memory pool, all the ways of specifying memory
+requirements described above are not applicable and the aforementioned members
+of VmaAllocationCreateInfo structure are ignored. Memory type is selected
+explicitly when creating the pool and then used to make all the allocations from
+that pool. For further details, see \ref custom_memory_pools.
+\page memory_mapping Memory mapping
+To "map memory" in Vulkan means to obtain a CPU pointer to `VkDeviceMemory`,
+to be able to read from it or write to it in CPU code.
+Mapping is possible only of memory allocated from a memory type that has
+Functions `vkMapMemory()`, `vkUnmapMemory()` are designed for this purpose.
+You can use them directly with memory allocated by this library,
+but it is not recommended because of following issue:
+Mapping the same `VkDeviceMemory` block multiple times is illegal - only one mapping at a time is allowed.
+This includes mapping disjoint regions. Mapping is not reference-counted internally by Vulkan.
+Because of this, Vulkan Memory Allocator provides following facilities:
+\section memory_mapping_mapping_functions Mapping functions
+The library provides following functions for mapping of a specific #VmaAllocation: vmaMapMemory(), vmaUnmapMemory().
+They are safer and more convenient to use than standard Vulkan functions.
+You can map an allocation multiple times simultaneously - mapping is reference-counted internally.
+You can also map different allocations simultaneously regardless of whether they use the same `VkDeviceMemory` block.
+The way it's implemented is that the library always maps entire memory block, not just region of the allocation.
+For further details, see description of vmaMapMemory() function.
+// Having these objects initialized:
+struct ConstantBuffer
+ ...
+ConstantBuffer constantBufferData;
+VmaAllocator allocator;
+VkBuffer constantBuffer;
+VmaAllocation constantBufferAllocation;
+// You can map and fill your buffer using following code:
+void* mappedData;
+vmaMapMemory(allocator, constantBufferAllocation, &mappedData);
+memcpy(mappedData, &constantBufferData, sizeof(constantBufferData));
+vmaUnmapMemory(allocator, constantBufferAllocation);
+When mapping, you may see a warning from Vulkan validation layer similar to this one:
+<i>Mapping an image with layout VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL can result in undefined behavior if this memory is used by the device. Only GENERAL or PREINITIALIZED should be used.</i>
+It happens because the library maps entire `VkDeviceMemory` block, where different
+types of images and buffers may end up together, especially on GPUs with unified memory like Intel.
+You can safely ignore it if you are sure you access only memory of the intended
+object that you wanted to map.
+\section memory_mapping_persistently_mapped_memory Persistently mapped memory
+Kepping your memory persistently mapped is generally OK in Vulkan.
+You don't need to unmap it before using its data on the GPU.
+The library provides a special feature designed for that:
+Allocations made with #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT flag set in
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags stay mapped all the time,
+so you can just access CPU pointer to it any time
+without a need to call any "map" or "unmap" function.
+VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
+bufCreateInfo.size = sizeof(ConstantBuffer);
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
+allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_ONLY;
+VkBuffer buf;
+VmaAllocation alloc;
+VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
+vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &buf, &alloc, &allocInfo);
+// Buffer is already mapped. You can access its memory.
+memcpy(allocInfo.pMappedData, &constantBufferData, sizeof(constantBufferData));
+There are some exceptions though, when you should consider mapping memory only for a short period of time:
+- When operating system is Windows 7 or 8.x (Windows 10 is not affected because it uses WDDM2),
+ device is discrete AMD GPU,
+ and memory type is the special 256 MiB pool of `DEVICE_LOCAL + HOST_VISIBLE` memory
+ (selected when you use #VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_TO_GPU),
+ then whenever a memory block allocated from this memory type stays mapped
+ for the time of any call to `vkQueueSubmit()` or `vkQueuePresentKHR()`, this
+ block is migrated by WDDM to system RAM, which degrades performance. It doesn't
+ matter if that particular memory block is actually used by the command buffer
+ being submitted.
+- On Mac/MoltenVK there is a known bug - [Issue #175](
+ which requires unmapping before GPU can see updated texture.
+- Keeping many large memory blocks mapped may impact performance or stability of some debugging tools.
+\section memory_mapping_cache_control Cache control
+Memory in Vulkan doesn't need to be unmapped before using it on GPU,
+but unless a memory types has `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT` flag set,
+you need to manually invalidate cache before reading of mapped pointer
+and flush cache after writing to mapped pointer.
+Vulkan provides following functions for this purpose `vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges()`,
+`vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges()`, but this library provides more convenient
+functions that refer to given allocation object: vmaFlushAllocation(),
+Regions of memory specified for flush/invalidate must be aligned to
+`VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::nonCoherentAtomSize`. This is automatically ensured by the library.
+In any memory type that is `HOST_VISIBLE` but not `HOST_COHERENT`, all allocations
+within blocks are aligned to this value, so their offsets are always multiply of
+`nonCoherentAtomSize` and two different allocations never share same "line" of this size.
+Please note that memory allocated with #VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_ONLY is guaranteed to be `HOST_COHERENT`.
+Also, Windows drivers from all 3 PC GPU vendors (AMD, Intel, NVIDIA)
+currently provide `HOST_COHERENT` flag on all memory types that are
+`HOST_VISIBLE`, so on this platform you may not need to bother.
+\section memory_mapping_finding_if_memory_mappable Finding out if memory is mappable
+It may happen that your allocation ends up in memory that is `HOST_VISIBLE` (available for mapping)
+despite it wasn't explicitly requested.
+For example, application may work on integrated graphics with unified memory (like Intel) or
+allocation from video memory might have failed, so the library chose system memory as fallback.
+You can detect this case and map such allocation to access its memory on CPU directly,
+instead of launching a transfer operation.
+In order to do that: inspect `allocInfo.memoryType`, call vmaGetMemoryTypeProperties(),
+and look for `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT` flag in properties of that memory type.
+VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
+bufCreateInfo.size = sizeof(ConstantBuffer);
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
+allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY;
+allocCreateInfo.preferredFlags = VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT;
+VkBuffer buf;
+VmaAllocation alloc;
+VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
+vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &buf, &alloc, &allocInfo);
+VkMemoryPropertyFlags memFlags;
+vmaGetMemoryTypeProperties(allocator, allocInfo.memoryType, &memFlags);
+ // Allocation ended up in mappable memory. You can map it and access it directly.
+ void* mappedData;
+ vmaMapMemory(allocator, alloc, &mappedData);
+ memcpy(mappedData, &constantBufferData, sizeof(constantBufferData));
+ vmaUnmapMemory(allocator, alloc);
+ // Allocation ended up in non-mappable memory.
+ // You need to create CPU-side buffer in VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_ONLY and make a transfer.
+You can even use #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT flag while creating allocations
+that are not necessarily `HOST_VISIBLE` (e.g. using #VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY).
+If the allocation ends up in memory type that is `HOST_VISIBLE`, it will be persistently mapped and you can use it directly.
+If not, the flag is just ignored.
+VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
+bufCreateInfo.size = sizeof(ConstantBuffer);
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
+allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY;
+VkBuffer buf;
+VmaAllocation alloc;
+VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
+vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &buf, &alloc, &allocInfo);
+if(allocInfo.pUserData != nullptr)
+ // Allocation ended up in mappable memory.
+ // It's persistently mapped. You can access it directly.
+ memcpy(allocInfo.pMappedData, &constantBufferData, sizeof(constantBufferData));
+ // Allocation ended up in non-mappable memory.
+ // You need to create CPU-side buffer in VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_ONLY and make a transfer.
+\page custom_memory_pools Custom memory pools
+A memory pool contains a number of `VkDeviceMemory` blocks.
+The library automatically creates and manages default pool for each memory type available on the device.
+Default memory pool automatically grows in size.
+Size of allocated blocks is also variable and managed automatically.
+You can create custom pool and allocate memory out of it.
+It can be useful if you want to:
+- Keep certain kind of allocations separate from others.
+- Enforce particular, fixed size of Vulkan memory blocks.
+- Limit maximum amount of Vulkan memory allocated for that pool.
+- Reserve minimum or fixed amount of Vulkan memory always preallocated for that pool.
+To use custom memory pools:
+-# Fill VmaPoolCreateInfo structure.
+-# Call vmaCreatePool() to obtain #VmaPool handle.
+-# When making an allocation, set VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pool to this handle.
+ You don't need to specify any other parameters of this structure, like `usage`.
+// Create a pool that can have at most 2 blocks, 128 MiB each.
+VmaPoolCreateInfo poolCreateInfo = {};
+poolCreateInfo.memoryTypeIndex = ...
+poolCreateInfo.blockSize = 128ull * 1024 * 1024;
+poolCreateInfo.maxBlockCount = 2;
+VmaPool pool;
+vmaCreatePool(allocator, &poolCreateInfo, &pool);
+// Allocate a buffer out of it.
+VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
+bufCreateInfo.size = 1024;
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
+allocCreateInfo.pool = pool;
+VkBuffer buf;
+VmaAllocation alloc;
+VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
+vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &buf, &alloc, &allocInfo);
+You have to free all allocations made from this pool before destroying it.
+vmaDestroyBuffer(allocator, buf, alloc);
+vmaDestroyPool(allocator, pool);
+\section custom_memory_pools_MemTypeIndex Choosing memory type index
+When creating a pool, you must explicitly specify memory type index.
+To find the one suitable for your buffers or images, you can use helper functions
+vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo(), vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForImageInfo().
+You need to provide structures with example parameters of buffers or images
+that you are going to create in that pool.
+VkBufferCreateInfo exampleBufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
+exampleBufCreateInfo.size = 1024; // Whatever.
+exampleBufCreateInfo.usage = VK_BUFFER_USAGE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BIT | VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT; // Change if needed.
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
+allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY; // Change if needed.
+uint32_t memTypeIndex;
+vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo(allocator, &exampleBufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &memTypeIndex);
+VmaPoolCreateInfo poolCreateInfo = {};
+poolCreateInfo.memoryTypeIndex = memTypeIndex;
+// ...
+When creating buffers/images allocated in that pool, provide following parameters:
+- `VkBufferCreateInfo`: Prefer to pass same parameters as above.
+ Otherwise you risk creating resources in a memory type that is not suitable for them, which may result in undefined behavior.
+ Using different `VK_BUFFER_USAGE_` flags may work, but you shouldn't create images in a pool intended for buffers
+ or the other way around.
+- VmaAllocationCreateInfo: You don't need to pass same parameters. Fill only `pool` member.
+ Other members are ignored anyway.
+\section linear_algorithm Linear allocation algorithm
+Each Vulkan memory block managed by this library has accompanying metadata that
+keeps track of used and unused regions. By default, the metadata structure and
+algorithm tries to find best place for new allocations among free regions to
+optimize memory usage. This way you can allocate and free objects in any order.
+![Default allocation algorithm](../gfx/Linear_allocator_1_algo_default.png)
+Sometimes there is a need to use simpler, linear allocation algorithm. You can
+create custom pool that uses such algorithm by adding flag
+#VMA_POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT to VmaPoolCreateInfo::flags while creating
+#VmaPool object. Then an alternative metadata management is used. It always
+creates new allocations after last one and doesn't reuse free regions after
+allocations freed in the middle. It results in better allocation performance and
+less memory consumed by metadata.
+![Linear allocation algorithm](../gfx/Linear_allocator_2_algo_linear.png)
+With this one flag, you can create a custom pool that can be used in many ways:
+free-at-once, stack, double stack, and ring buffer. See below for details.
+\subsection linear_algorithm_free_at_once Free-at-once
+In a pool that uses linear algorithm, you still need to free all the allocations
+individually, e.g. by using vmaFreeMemory() or vmaDestroyBuffer(). You can free
+them in any order. New allocations are always made after last one - free space
+in the middle is not reused. However, when you release all the allocation and
+the pool becomes empty, allocation starts from the beginning again. This way you
+can use linear algorithm to speed up creation of allocations that you are going
+to release all at once.
+This mode is also available for pools created with VmaPoolCreateInfo::maxBlockCount
+value that allows multiple memory blocks.
+\subsection linear_algorithm_stack Stack
+When you free an allocation that was created last, its space can be reused.
+Thanks to this, if you always release allocations in the order opposite to their
+creation (LIFO - Last In First Out), you can achieve behavior of a stack.
+This mode is also available for pools created with VmaPoolCreateInfo::maxBlockCount
+value that allows multiple memory blocks.
+\subsection linear_algorithm_double_stack Double stack
+The space reserved by a custom pool with linear algorithm may be used by two
+- First, default one, growing up from offset 0.
+- Second, "upper" one, growing down from the end towards lower offsets.
+To make allocation from upper stack, add flag #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT
+to VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags.
+![Double stack](../gfx/Linear_allocator_7_double_stack.png)
+Double stack is available only in pools with one memory block -
+VmaPoolCreateInfo::maxBlockCount must be 1. Otherwise behavior is undefined.
+When the two stacks' ends meet so there is not enough space between them for a
+new allocation, such allocation fails with usual
+\subsection linear_algorithm_ring_buffer Ring buffer
+When you free some allocations from the beginning and there is not enough free space
+for a new one at the end of a pool, allocator's "cursor" wraps around to the
+beginning and starts allocation there. Thanks to this, if you always release
+allocations in the same order as you created them (FIFO - First In First Out),
+you can achieve behavior of a ring buffer / queue.
+![Ring buffer](../gfx/Linear_allocator_5_ring_buffer.png)
+Pools with linear algorithm support [lost allocations](@ref lost_allocations) when used as ring buffer.
+If there is not enough free space for a new allocation, but existing allocations
+from the front of the queue can become lost, they become lost and the allocation
+![Ring buffer with lost allocations](../gfx/Linear_allocator_6_ring_buffer_lost.png)
+Ring buffer is available only in pools with one memory block -
+VmaPoolCreateInfo::maxBlockCount must be 1. Otherwise behavior is undefined.
+\section buddy_algorithm Buddy allocation algorithm
+There is another allocation algorithm that can be used with custom pools, called
+"buddy". Its internal data structure is based on a tree of blocks, each having
+size that is a power of two and a half of its parent's size. When you want to
+allocate memory of certain size, a free node in the tree is located. If it's too
+large, it is recursively split into two halves (called "buddies"). However, if
+requested allocation size is not a power of two, the size of a tree node is
+aligned up to the nearest power of two and the remaining space is wasted. When
+two buddy nodes become free, they are merged back into one larger node.
+![Buddy allocator](../gfx/Buddy_allocator.png)
+The advantage of buddy allocation algorithm over default algorithm is faster
+allocation and deallocation, as well as smaller external fragmentation. The
+disadvantage is more wasted space (internal fragmentation).
+For more information, please read ["Buddy memory allocation" on Wikipedia](
+or other sources that describe this concept in general.
+To use buddy allocation algorithm with a custom pool, add flag
+#VMA_POOL_CREATE_BUDDY_ALGORITHM_BIT to VmaPoolCreateInfo::flags while creating
+#VmaPool object.
+Several limitations apply to pools that use buddy algorithm:
+- It is recommended to use VmaPoolCreateInfo::blockSize that is a power of two.
+ Otherwise, only largest power of two smaller than the size is used for
+ allocations. The remaining space always stays unused.
+- [Margins](@ref debugging_memory_usage_margins) and
+ [corruption detection](@ref debugging_memory_usage_corruption_detection)
+ don't work in such pools.
+- [Lost allocations](@ref lost_allocations) don't work in such pools. You can
+ use them, but they never become lost. Support may be added in the future.
+- [Defragmentation](@ref defragmentation) doesn't work with allocations made from
+ such pool.
+\page defragmentation Defragmentation
+Interleaved allocations and deallocations of many objects of varying size can
+cause fragmentation over time, which can lead to a situation where the library is unable
+to find a continuous range of free memory for a new allocation despite there is
+enough free space, just scattered across many small free ranges between existing
+To mitigate this problem, you can use defragmentation feature:
+structure #VmaDefragmentationInfo2, function vmaDefragmentationBegin(), vmaDefragmentationEnd().
+Given set of allocations,
+this function can move them to compact used memory, ensure more continuous free
+space and possibly also free some `VkDeviceMemory` blocks.
+What the defragmentation does is:
+- Updates #VmaAllocation objects to point to new `VkDeviceMemory` and offset.
+ After allocation has been moved, its VmaAllocationInfo::deviceMemory and/or
+ VmaAllocationInfo::offset changes. You must query them again using
+ vmaGetAllocationInfo() if you need them.
+- Moves actual data in memory.
+What it doesn't do, so you need to do it yourself:
+- Recreate buffers and images that were bound to allocations that were defragmented and
+ bind them with their new places in memory.
+ You must use `vkDestroyBuffer()`, `vkDestroyImage()`,
+ `vkCreateBuffer()`, `vkCreateImage()` for that purpose and NOT vmaDestroyBuffer(),
+ vmaDestroyImage(), vmaCreateBuffer(), vmaCreateImage(), because you don't need to
+ destroy or create allocation objects!
+- Recreate views and update descriptors that point to these buffers and images.
+\section defragmentation_cpu Defragmenting CPU memory
+Following example demonstrates how you can run defragmentation on CPU.
+Only allocations created in memory types that are `HOST_VISIBLE` can be defragmented.
+Others are ignored.
+The way it works is:
+- It temporarily maps entire memory blocks when necessary.
+- It moves data using `memmove()` function.
+// Given following variables already initialized:
+VkDevice device;
+VmaAllocator allocator;
+std::vector<VkBuffer> buffers;
+std::vector<VmaAllocation> allocations;
+const uint32_t allocCount = (uint32_t)allocations.size();
+std::vector<VkBool32> allocationsChanged(allocCount);
+VmaDefragmentationInfo2 defragInfo = {};
+defragInfo.allocationCount = allocCount;
+defragInfo.pAllocations =;
+defragInfo.pAllocationsChanged =;
+defragInfo.maxCpuBytesToMove = VK_WHOLE_SIZE; // No limit.
+defragInfo.maxCpuAllocationsToMove = UINT32_MAX; // No limit.
+VmaDefragmentationContext defragCtx;
+vmaDefragmentationBegin(allocator, &defragInfo, nullptr, &defragCtx);
+vmaDefragmentationEnd(allocator, defragCtx);
+for(uint32_t i = 0; i < allocCount; ++i)
+ if(allocationsChanged[i])
+ {
+ // Destroy buffer that is immutably bound to memory region which is no longer valid.
+ vkDestroyBuffer(device, buffers[i], nullptr);
+ // Create new buffer with same parameters.
+ VkBufferCreateInfo bufferInfo = ...;
+ vkCreateBuffer(device, &bufferInfo, nullptr, &buffers[i]);
+ // You can make dummy call to vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements here to silence validation layer warning.
+ // Bind new buffer to new memory region. Data contained in it is already moved.
+ VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
+ vmaGetAllocationInfo(allocator, allocations[i], &allocInfo);
+ vkBindBufferMemory(device, buffers[i], allocInfo.deviceMemory, allocInfo.offset);
+ }
+Setting VmaDefragmentationInfo2::pAllocationsChanged is optional.
+This output array tells whether particular allocation in VmaDefragmentationInfo2::pAllocations at the same index
+has been modified during defragmentation.
+You can pass null, but you then need to query every allocation passed to defragmentation
+for new parameters using vmaGetAllocationInfo() if you might need to recreate and rebind a buffer or image associated with it.
+If you use [Custom memory pools](@ref choosing_memory_type_custom_memory_pools),
+you can fill VmaDefragmentationInfo2::poolCount and VmaDefragmentationInfo2::pPools
+instead of VmaDefragmentationInfo2::allocationCount and VmaDefragmentationInfo2::pAllocations
+to defragment all allocations in given pools.
+You cannot use VmaDefragmentationInfo2::pAllocationsChanged in that case.
+You can also combine both methods.
+\section defragmentation_gpu Defragmenting GPU memory
+It is also possible to defragment allocations created in memory types that are not `HOST_VISIBLE`.
+To do that, you need to pass a command buffer that meets requirements as described in
+VmaDefragmentationInfo2::commandBuffer. The way it works is:
+- It creates temporary buffers and binds them to entire memory blocks when necessary.
+- It issues `vkCmdCopyBuffer()` to passed command buffer.
+// Given following variables already initialized:
+VkDevice device;
+VmaAllocator allocator;
+VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer;
+std::vector<VkBuffer> buffers;
+std::vector<VmaAllocation> allocations;
+const uint32_t allocCount = (uint32_t)allocations.size();
+std::vector<VkBool32> allocationsChanged(allocCount);
+VkCommandBufferBeginInfo cmdBufBeginInfo = ...;
+vkBeginCommandBuffer(commandBuffer, &cmdBufBeginInfo);
+VmaDefragmentationInfo2 defragInfo = {};
+defragInfo.allocationCount = allocCount;
+defragInfo.pAllocations =;
+defragInfo.pAllocationsChanged =;
+defragInfo.maxGpuBytesToMove = VK_WHOLE_SIZE; // Notice it's "GPU" this time.
+defragInfo.maxGpuAllocationsToMove = UINT32_MAX; // Notice it's "GPU" this time.
+defragInfo.commandBuffer = commandBuffer;
+VmaDefragmentationContext defragCtx;
+vmaDefragmentationBegin(allocator, &defragInfo, nullptr, &defragCtx);
+// Submit commandBuffer.
+// Wait for a fence that ensures commandBuffer execution finished.
+vmaDefragmentationEnd(allocator, defragCtx);
+for(uint32_t i = 0; i < allocCount; ++i)
+ if(allocationsChanged[i])
+ {
+ // Destroy buffer that is immutably bound to memory region which is no longer valid.
+ vkDestroyBuffer(device, buffers[i], nullptr);
+ // Create new buffer with same parameters.
+ VkBufferCreateInfo bufferInfo = ...;
+ vkCreateBuffer(device, &bufferInfo, nullptr, &buffers[i]);
+ // You can make dummy call to vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements here to silence validation layer warning.
+ // Bind new buffer to new memory region. Data contained in it is already moved.
+ VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
+ vmaGetAllocationInfo(allocator, allocations[i], &allocInfo);
+ vkBindBufferMemory(device, buffers[i], allocInfo.deviceMemory, allocInfo.offset);
+ }
+You can combine these two methods by specifying non-zero `maxGpu*` as well as `maxCpu*` parameters.
+The library automatically chooses best method to defragment each memory pool.
+You may try not to block your entire program to wait until defragmentation finishes,
+but do it in the background, as long as you carefully fullfill requirements described
+in function vmaDefragmentationBegin().
+\section defragmentation_additional_notes Additional notes
+While using defragmentation, you may experience validation layer warnings, which you just need to ignore.
+See [Validation layer warnings](@ref general_considerations_validation_layer_warnings).
+If you defragment allocations bound to images, these images should be created with
+`VK_IMAGE_CREATE_ALIAS_BIT` flag, to make sure that new image created with same
+parameters and pointing to data copied to another memory region will interpret
+its contents consistently. Otherwise you may experience corrupted data on some
+implementations, e.g. due to different pixel swizzling used internally by the graphics driver.
+If you defragment allocations bound to images, new images to be bound to new
+memory region after defragmentation should be created with `VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PREINITIALIZED`
+and then transitioned to their original layout from before defragmentation using
+an image memory barrier.
+Please don't expect memory to be fully compacted after defragmentation.
+Algorithms inside are based on some heuristics that try to maximize number of Vulkan
+memory blocks to make totally empty to release them, as well as to maximimze continuous
+empty space inside remaining blocks, while minimizing the number and size of allocations that
+need to be moved. Some fragmentation may still remain - this is normal.
+\section defragmentation_custom_algorithm Writing custom defragmentation algorithm
+If you want to implement your own, custom defragmentation algorithm,
+there is infrastructure prepared for that,
+but it is not exposed through the library API - you need to hack its source code.
+Here are steps needed to do this:
+-# Main thing you need to do is to define your own class derived from base abstract
+ class `VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm` and implement your version of its pure virtual methods.
+ See definition and comments of this class for details.
+-# Your code needs to interact with device memory block metadata.
+ If you need more access to its data than it's provided by its public interface,
+ declare your new class as a friend class e.g. in class `VmaBlockMetadata_Generic`.
+-# If you want to create a flag that would enable your algorithm or pass some additional
+ flags to configure it, add them to `VmaDefragmentationFlagBits` and use them in
+ VmaDefragmentationInfo2::flags.
+-# Modify function `VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext::Begin` to create object
+ of your new class whenever needed.
+\page lost_allocations Lost allocations
+If your game oversubscribes video memory, if may work OK in previous-generation
+graphics APIs (DirectX 9, 10, 11, OpenGL) because resources are automatically
+paged to system RAM. In Vulkan you can't do it because when you run out of
+memory, an allocation just fails. If you have more data (e.g. textures) that can
+fit into VRAM and you don't need it all at once, you may want to upload them to
+GPU on demand and "push out" ones that are not used for a long time to make room
+for the new ones, effectively using VRAM (or a cartain memory pool) as a form of
+cache. Vulkan Memory Allocator can help you with that by supporting a concept of
+"lost allocations".
+To create an allocation that can become lost, include #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_BECOME_LOST_BIT
+flag in VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. Before using a buffer or image bound to
+such allocation in every new frame, you need to query it if it's not lost.
+To check it, call vmaTouchAllocation().
+If the allocation is lost, you should not use it or buffer/image bound to it.
+You mustn't forget to destroy this allocation and this buffer/image.
+vmaGetAllocationInfo() can also be used for checking status of the allocation.
+Allocation is lost when returned VmaAllocationInfo::deviceMemory == `VK_NULL_HANDLE`.
+To create an allocation that can make some other allocations lost to make room
+Warning! Current implementation uses quite naive, brute force algorithm,
+which can make allocation calls that use #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_MAKE_OTHER_LOST_BIT
+flag quite slow. A new, more optimal algorithm and data structure to speed this
+up is planned for the future.
+<b>Q: When interleaving creation of new allocations with usage of existing ones,
+how do you make sure that an allocation won't become lost while it's used in the
+current frame?</b>
+It is ensured because vmaTouchAllocation() / vmaGetAllocationInfo() not only returns allocation
+status/parameters and checks whether it's not lost, but when it's not, it also
+atomically marks it as used in the current frame, which makes it impossible to
+become lost in that frame. It uses lockless algorithm, so it works fast and
+doesn't involve locking any internal mutex.
+<b>Q: What if my allocation may still be in use by the GPU when it's rendering a
+previous frame while I already submit new frame on the CPU?</b>
+You can make sure that allocations "touched" by vmaTouchAllocation() / vmaGetAllocationInfo() will not
+become lost for a number of additional frames back from the current one by
+specifying this number as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::frameInUseCount (for default
+memory pool) and VmaPoolCreateInfo::frameInUseCount (for custom pool).
+<b>Q: How do you inform the library when new frame starts?</b>
+You need to call function vmaSetCurrentFrameIndex().
+Example code:
+struct MyBuffer
+ VkBuffer m_Buf = nullptr;
+ VmaAllocation m_Alloc = nullptr;
+ // Called when the buffer is really needed in the current frame.
+ void EnsureBuffer();
+void MyBuffer::EnsureBuffer()
+ // Buffer has been created.
+ if(m_Buf != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ // Check if its allocation is not lost + mark it as used in current frame.
+ if(vmaTouchAllocation(allocator, m_Alloc))
+ {
+ // It's all OK - safe to use m_Buf.
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Buffer not yet exists or lost - destroy and recreate it.
+ vmaDestroyBuffer(allocator, m_Buf, m_Alloc);
+ VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
+ bufCreateInfo.size = 1024;
+ VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
+ allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY;
+ vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &m_Buf, &m_Alloc, nullptr);
+When using lost allocations, you may see some Vulkan validation layer warnings
+about overlapping regions of memory bound to different kinds of buffers and
+images. This is still valid as long as you implement proper handling of lost
+allocations (like in the example above) and don't use them.
+You can create an allocation that is already in lost state from the beginning using function
+vmaCreateLostAllocation(). It may be useful if you need a "dummy" allocation that is not null.
+You can call function vmaMakePoolAllocationsLost() to set all eligible allocations
+in a specified custom pool to lost state.
+Allocations that have been "touched" in current frame or VmaPoolCreateInfo::frameInUseCount frames back
+cannot become lost.
+<b>Q: Can I touch allocation that cannot become lost?</b>
+Yes, although it has no visible effect.
+Calls to vmaGetAllocationInfo() and vmaTouchAllocation() update last use frame index
+also for allocations that cannot become lost, but the only way to observe it is to dump
+internal allocator state using vmaBuildStatsString().
+You can use this feature for debugging purposes to explicitly mark allocations that you use
+in current frame and then analyze JSON dump to see for how long each allocation stays unused.
+\page statistics Statistics
+This library contains functions that return information about its internal state,
+especially the amount of memory allocated from Vulkan.
+Please keep in mind that these functions need to traverse all internal data structures
+to gather these information, so they may be quite time-consuming.
+Don't call them too often.
+\section statistics_numeric_statistics Numeric statistics
+You can query for overall statistics of the allocator using function vmaCalculateStats().
+Information are returned using structure #VmaStats.
+It contains #VmaStatInfo - number of allocated blocks, number of allocations
+(occupied ranges in these blocks), number of unused (free) ranges in these blocks,
+number of bytes used and unused (but still allocated from Vulkan) and other information.
+They are summed across memory heaps, memory types and total for whole allocator.
+You can query for statistics of a custom pool using function vmaGetPoolStats().
+Information are returned using structure #VmaPoolStats.
+You can query for information about specific allocation using function vmaGetAllocationInfo().
+It fill structure #VmaAllocationInfo.
+\section statistics_json_dump JSON dump
+You can dump internal state of the allocator to a string in JSON format using function vmaBuildStatsString().
+The result is guaranteed to be correct JSON.
+It uses ANSI encoding.
+Any strings provided by user (see [Allocation names](@ref allocation_names))
+are copied as-is and properly escaped for JSON, so if they use UTF-8, ISO-8859-2 or any other encoding,
+this JSON string can be treated as using this encoding.
+It must be freed using function vmaFreeStatsString().
+The format of this JSON string is not part of official documentation of the library,
+but it will not change in backward-incompatible way without increasing library major version number
+and appropriate mention in changelog.
+The JSON string contains all the data that can be obtained using vmaCalculateStats().
+It can also contain detailed map of allocated memory blocks and their regions -
+free and occupied by allocations.
+This allows e.g. to visualize the memory or assess fragmentation.
+\page allocation_annotation Allocation names and user data
+\section allocation_user_data Allocation user data
+You can annotate allocations with your own information, e.g. for debugging purposes.
+To do that, fill VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData field when creating
+an allocation. It's an opaque `void*` pointer. You can use it e.g. as a pointer,
+some handle, index, key, ordinal number or any other value that would associate
+the allocation with your custom metadata.
+VkBufferCreateInfo bufferInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
+// Fill bufferInfo...
+MyBufferMetadata* pMetadata = CreateBufferMetadata();
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
+allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY;
+allocCreateInfo.pUserData = pMetadata;
+VkBuffer buffer;
+VmaAllocation allocation;
+vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufferInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &buffer, &allocation, nullptr);
+The pointer may be later retrieved as VmaAllocationInfo::pUserData:
+VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
+vmaGetAllocationInfo(allocator, allocation, &allocInfo);
+MyBufferMetadata* pMetadata = (MyBufferMetadata*)allocInfo.pUserData;
+It can also be changed using function vmaSetAllocationUserData().
+Values of (non-zero) allocations' `pUserData` are printed in JSON report created by
+vmaBuildStatsString(), in hexadecimal form.
+\section allocation_names Allocation names
+There is alternative mode available where `pUserData` pointer is used to point to
+a null-terminated string, giving a name to the allocation. To use this mode,
+set #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT flag in VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags.
+Then `pUserData` passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData or argument to
+vmaSetAllocationUserData() must be either null or pointer to a null-terminated string.
+The library creates internal copy of the string, so the pointer you pass doesn't need
+to be valid for whole lifetime of the allocation. You can free it after the call.
+VkImageCreateInfo imageInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_CREATE_INFO };
+// Fill imageInfo...
+std::string imageName = "Texture: ";
+imageName += fileName;
+VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
+allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY;
+allocCreateInfo.pUserData = imageName.c_str();
+VkImage image;
+VmaAllocation allocation;
+vmaCreateImage(allocator, &imageInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &image, &allocation, nullptr);
+The value of `pUserData` pointer of the allocation will be different than the one
+you passed when setting allocation's name - pointing to a buffer managed
+internally that holds copy of the string.
+VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
+vmaGetAllocationInfo(allocator, allocation, &allocInfo);
+const char* imageName = (const char*)allocInfo.pUserData;
+printf("Image name: %s\n", imageName);
+That string is also printed in JSON report created by vmaBuildStatsString().
+\page debugging_memory_usage Debugging incorrect memory usage
+If you suspect a bug with memory usage, like usage of uninitialized memory or
+memory being overwritten out of bounds of an allocation,
+you can use debug features of this library to verify this.
+\section debugging_memory_usage_initialization Memory initialization
+If you experience a bug with incorrect and nondeterministic data in your program and you suspect uninitialized memory to be used,
+you can enable automatic memory initialization to verify this.
+To do it, define macro `VMA_DEBUG_INITIALIZE_ALLOCATIONS` to 1.
+#include "vk_mem_alloc.h"
+It makes memory of all new allocations initialized to bit pattern `0xDCDCDCDC`.
+Before an allocation is destroyed, its memory is filled with bit pattern `0xEFEFEFEF`.
+Memory is automatically mapped and unmapped if necessary.
+If you find these values while debugging your program, good chances are that you incorrectly
+read Vulkan memory that is allocated but not initialized, or already freed, respectively.
+Memory initialization works only with memory types that are `HOST_VISIBLE`.
+It works also with dedicated allocations.
+It doesn't work with allocations created with #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_BECOME_LOST_BIT flag,
+as they cannot be mapped.
+\section debugging_memory_usage_margins Margins
+By default, allocations are laid out in memory blocks next to each other if possible
+(considering required alignment, `bufferImageGranularity`, and `nonCoherentAtomSize`).
+![Allocations without margin](../gfx/Margins_1.png)
+Define macro `VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN` to some non-zero value (e.g. 16) to enforce specified
+number of bytes as a margin before and after every allocation.
+#define VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN 16
+#include "vk_mem_alloc.h"
+![Allocations with margin](../gfx/Margins_2.png)
+If your bug goes away after enabling margins, it means it may be caused by memory
+being overwritten outside of allocation boundaries. It is not 100% certain though.
+Change in application behavior may also be caused by different order and distribution
+of allocations across memory blocks after margins are applied.
+The margin is applied also before first and after last allocation in a block.
+It may occur only once between two adjacent allocations.
+Margins work with all types of memory.
+Margin is applied only to allocations made out of memory blocks and not to dedicated
+allocations, which have their own memory block of specific size.
+It is thus not applied to allocations made using #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT flag
+or those automatically decided to put into dedicated allocations, e.g. due to its
+large size or recommended by VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension.
+Margins are also not active in custom pools created with #VMA_POOL_CREATE_BUDDY_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.
+Margins appear in [JSON dump](@ref statistics_json_dump) as part of free space.
+Note that enabling margins increases memory usage and fragmentation.
+\section debugging_memory_usage_corruption_detection Corruption detection
+You can additionally define macro `VMA_DEBUG_DETECT_CORRUPTION` to 1 to enable validation
+of contents of the margins.
+#define VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN 16
+#include "vk_mem_alloc.h"
+When this feature is enabled, number of bytes specified as `VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN`
+(it must be multiply of 4) before and after every allocation is filled with a magic number.
+This idea is also know as "canary".
+Memory is automatically mapped and unmapped if necessary.
+This number is validated automatically when the allocation is destroyed.
+If it's not equal to the expected value, `VMA_ASSERT()` is executed.
+It clearly means that either CPU or GPU overwritten the memory outside of boundaries of the allocation,
+which indicates a serious bug.
+You can also explicitly request checking margins of all allocations in all memory blocks
+that belong to specified memory types by using function vmaCheckCorruption(),
+or in memory blocks that belong to specified custom pool, by using function
+Margin validation (corruption detection) works only for memory types that are
+\page record_and_replay Record and replay
+\section record_and_replay_introduction Introduction
+While using the library, sequence of calls to its functions together with their
+parameters can be recorded to a file and later replayed using standalone player
+application. It can be useful to:
+- Test correctness - check if same sequence of calls will not cause crash or
+ failures on a target platform.
+- Gather statistics - see number of allocations, peak memory usage, number of
+ calls etc.
+- Benchmark performance - see how much time it takes to replay the whole
+ sequence.
+\section record_and_replay_usage Usage
+<b>To record sequence of calls to a file:</b> Fill in
+VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pRecordSettings member while creating #VmaAllocator
+object. File is opened and written during whole lifetime of the allocator.
+<b>To replay file:</b> Use VmaReplay - standalone command-line program.
+Precompiled binary can be found in "bin" directory.
+Its source can be found in "src/VmaReplay" directory.
+Its project is generated by Premake.
+Command line syntax is printed when the program is launched without parameters.
+Basic usage:
+ VmaReplay.exe MyRecording.csv
+<b>Documentation of file format</b> can be found in file: "docs/Recording file".
+It's a human-readable, text file in CSV format (Comma Separated Values).
+\section record_and_replay_additional_considerations Additional considerations
+- Replaying file that was recorded on a different GPU (with different parameters
+ like `bufferImageGranularity`, `nonCoherentAtomSize`, and especially different
+ set of memory heaps and types) may give different performance and memory usage
+ results, as well as issue some warnings and errors.
+- Current implementation of recording in VMA, as well as VmaReplay application, is
+ coded and tested only on Windows. Inclusion of recording code is driven by
+ `VMA_RECORDING_ENABLED` macro. Support for other platforms should be easy to
+ add. Contributions are welcomed.
+- Currently calls to vmaDefragment() function are not recorded.
+\page usage_patterns Recommended usage patterns
+See also slides from talk:
+[Sawicki, Adam. Advanced Graphics Techniques Tutorial: Memory management in Vulkan and DX12. Game Developers Conference, 2018](
+\section usage_patterns_simple Simple patterns
+\subsection usage_patterns_simple_render_targets Render targets
+Any resources that you frequently write and read on GPU,
+e.g. images used as color attachments (aka "render targets"), depth-stencil attachments,
+images/buffers used as storage image/buffer (aka "Unordered Access View (UAV)").
+<b>What to do:</b>
+Create them in video memory that is fastest to access from GPU using
+Consider using [VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation](@ref vk_khr_dedicated_allocation) extension
+and/or manually creating them as dedicated allocations using #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT,
+especially if they are large or if you plan to destroy and recreate them e.g. when
+display resolution changes.
+Prefer to create such resources first and all other GPU resources (like textures and vertex buffers) later.
+\subsection usage_patterns_simple_immutable_resources Immutable resources
+Any resources that you fill on CPU only once (aka "immutable") or infrequently
+and then read frequently on GPU,
+e.g. textures, vertex and index buffers, constant buffers that don't change often.
+<b>What to do:</b>
+Create them in video memory that is fastest to access from GPU using
+To initialize content of such resource, create a CPU-side (aka "staging") copy of it
+in system memory - #VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_ONLY, map it, fill it,
+and submit a transfer from it to the GPU resource.
+You can keep the staging copy if you need it for another upload transfer in the future.
+If you don't, you can destroy it or reuse this buffer for uploading different resource
+after the transfer finishes.
+Prefer to create just buffers in system memory rather than images, even for uploading textures.
+Use `vkCmdCopyBufferToImage()`.
+Dont use images with `VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR`.
+\subsection usage_patterns_dynamic_resources Dynamic resources
+Any resources that change frequently (aka "dynamic"), e.g. every frame or every draw call,
+written on CPU, read on GPU.
+<b>What to do:</b>
+Create them using #VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_TO_GPU.
+You can map it and write to it directly on CPU, as well as read from it on GPU.
+This is a more complex situation. Different solutions are possible,
+and the best one depends on specific GPU type, but you can use this simple approach for the start.
+Prefer to write to such resource sequentially (e.g. using `memcpy`).
+Don't perform random access or any reads from it on CPU, as it may be very slow.
+\subsection usage_patterns_readback Readback
+Resources that contain data written by GPU that you want to read back on CPU,
+e.g. results of some computations.
+<b>What to do:</b>
+Create them using #VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_TO_CPU.
+You can write to them directly on GPU, as well as map and read them on CPU.
+\section usage_patterns_advanced Advanced patterns
+\subsection usage_patterns_integrated_graphics Detecting integrated graphics
+You can support integrated graphics (like Intel HD Graphics, AMD APU) better
+by detecting it in Vulkan.
+To do it, call `vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties()`, inspect
+`VkPhysicalDeviceProperties::deviceType` and look for `VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_INTEGRATED_GPU`.
+When you find it, you can assume that memory is unified and all memory types are comparably fast
+to access from GPU, regardless of `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT`.
+You can then sum up sizes of all available memory heaps and treat them as useful for
+your GPU resources, instead of only `DEVICE_LOCAL` ones.
+You can also prefer to create your resources in memory types that are `HOST_VISIBLE` to map them
+directly instead of submitting explicit transfer (see below).
+\subsection usage_patterns_direct_vs_transfer Direct access versus transfer
+For resources that you frequently write on CPU and read on GPU, many solutions are possible:
+-# Create one copy in video memory using #VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY,
+ second copy in system memory using #VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_ONLY and submit explicit tranfer each time.
+-# Create just single copy using #VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_TO_GPU, map it and fill it on CPU,
+ read it directly on GPU.
+-# Create just single copy using #VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_ONLY, map it and fill it on CPU,
+ read it directly on GPU.
+Which solution is the most efficient depends on your resource and especially on the GPU.
+It is best to measure it and then make the decision.
+Some general recommendations:
+- On integrated graphics use (2) or (3) to avoid unnecesary time and memory overhead
+ related to using a second copy and making transfer.
+- For small resources (e.g. constant buffers) use (2).
+ Discrete AMD cards have special 256 MiB pool of video memory that is directly mappable.
+ Even if the resource ends up in system memory, its data may be cached on GPU after first
+ fetch over PCIe bus.
+- For larger resources (e.g. textures), decide between (1) and (2).
+ You may want to differentiate NVIDIA and AMD, e.g. by looking for memory type that is
+ both `DEVICE_LOCAL` and `HOST_VISIBLE`. When you find it, use (2), otherwise use (1).
+Similarly, for resources that you frequently write on GPU and read on CPU, multiple
+solutions are possible:
+-# Create one copy in video memory using #VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY,
+ second copy in system memory using #VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_TO_CPU and submit explicit tranfer each time.
+-# Create just single copy using #VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_TO_CPU, write to it directly on GPU,
+ map it and read it on CPU.
+You should take some measurements to decide which option is faster in case of your specific
+If you don't want to specialize your code for specific types of GPUs, you can still make
+an simple optimization for cases when your resource ends up in mappable memory to use it
+directly in this case instead of creating CPU-side staging copy.
+For details see [Finding out if memory is mappable](@ref memory_mapping_finding_if_memory_mappable).
+\page configuration Configuration
+Please check "CONFIGURATION SECTION" in the code to find macros that you can define
+before each include of this file or change directly in this file to provide
+your own implementation of basic facilities like assert, `min()` and `max()` functions,
+mutex, atomic etc.
+The library uses its own implementation of containers by default, but you can switch to using
+STL containers instead.
+\section config_Vulkan_functions Pointers to Vulkan functions
+The library uses Vulkan functions straight from the `vulkan.h` header by default.
+If you want to provide your own pointers to these functions, e.g. fetched using
+`vkGetInstanceProcAddr()` and `vkGetDeviceProcAddr()`:
+-# Provide valid pointers through VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pVulkanFunctions.
+\section custom_memory_allocator Custom host memory allocator
+If you use custom allocator for CPU memory rather than default operator `new`
+and `delete` from C++, you can make this library using your allocator as well
+by filling optional member VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pAllocationCallbacks. These
+functions will be passed to Vulkan, as well as used by the library itself to
+make any CPU-side allocations.
+\section allocation_callbacks Device memory allocation callbacks
+The library makes calls to `vkAllocateMemory()` and `vkFreeMemory()` internally.
+You can setup callbacks to be informed about these calls, e.g. for the purpose
+of gathering some statistics. To do it, fill optional member
+\section heap_memory_limit Device heap memory limit
+If you want to test how your program behaves with limited amount of Vulkan device
+memory available without switching your graphics card to one that really has
+smaller VRAM, you can use a feature of this library intended for this purpose.
+To do it, fill optional member VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pHeapSizeLimit.
+\page vk_khr_dedicated_allocation VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation
+VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation is a Vulkan extension which can be used to improve
+performance on some GPUs. It augments Vulkan API with possibility to query
+driver whether it prefers particular buffer or image to have its own, dedicated
+allocation (separate `VkDeviceMemory` block) for better efficiency - to be able
+to do some internal optimizations.
+The extension is supported by this library. It will be used automatically when
+enabled. To enable it:
+1 . When creating Vulkan device, check if following 2 device extensions are
+supported (call `vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties()`).
+If yes, enable them (fill `VkDeviceCreateInfo::ppEnabledExtensionNames`).
+- VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2
+- VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation
+If you enabled these extensions:
+your #VmaAllocator`to inform the library that you enabled required extensions
+and you want the library to use them.
+vmaCreateAllocator(&allocatorInfo, &allocator);
+That's all. The extension will be automatically used whenever you create a
+buffer using vmaCreateBuffer() or image using vmaCreateImage().
+When using the extension together with Vulkan Validation Layer, you will receive
+warnings like this:
+ vkBindBufferMemory(): Binding memory to buffer 0x33 but vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements() has not been called on that buffer.
+It is OK, you should just ignore it. It happens because you use function
+`vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR()` instead of standard
+`vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements()`, while the validation layer seems to be
+unaware of it.
+To learn more about this extension, see:
+- [VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation in Vulkan specification](
+- [VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation unofficial manual](
+\page general_considerations General considerations
+\section general_considerations_thread_safety Thread safety
+- The library has no global state, so separate #VmaAllocator objects can be used
+ independently.
+ There should be no need to create multiple such objects though - one per `VkDevice` is enough.
+- By default, all calls to functions that take #VmaAllocator as first parameter
+ are safe to call from multiple threads simultaneously because they are
+ synchronized internally when needed.
+ flag, calls to functions that take such #VmaAllocator object must be
+ synchronized externally.
+- Access to a #VmaAllocation object must be externally synchronized. For example,
+ you must not call vmaGetAllocationInfo() and vmaMapMemory() from different
+ threads at the same time if you pass the same #VmaAllocation object to these
+ functions.
+\section general_considerations_validation_layer_warnings Validation layer warnings
+When using this library, you can meet following types of warnings issued by
+Vulkan validation layer. They don't necessarily indicate a bug, so you may need
+to just ignore them.
+- *vkBindBufferMemory(): Binding memory to buffer 0xeb8e4 but vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements() has not been called on that buffer.*
+ - It happens when VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension is enabled.
+ `vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR` function is used instead, while validation layer seems to be unaware of it.
+- *Mapping an image with layout VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL can result in undefined behavior if this memory is used by the device. Only GENERAL or PREINITIALIZED should be used.*
+ - It happens when you map a buffer or image, because the library maps entire
+ `VkDeviceMemory` block, where different types of images and buffers may end
+ up together, especially on GPUs with unified memory like Intel.
+- *Non-linear image 0xebc91 is aliased with linear buffer 0xeb8e4 which may indicate a bug.*
+ - It happens when you use lost allocations, and a new image or buffer is
+ created in place of an existing object that bacame lost.
+ - It may happen also when you use [defragmentation](@ref defragmentation).
+\section general_considerations_allocation_algorithm Allocation algorithm
+The library uses following algorithm for allocation, in order:
+-# Try to find free range of memory in existing blocks.
+-# If failed, try to create a new block of `VkDeviceMemory`, with preferred block size.
+-# If failed, try to create such block with size/2, size/4, size/8.
+ specified, try to find space in existing blocks, possilby making some other
+ allocations lost.
+-# If failed, try to allocate separate `VkDeviceMemory` for this allocation,
+-# If failed, choose other memory type that meets the requirements specified in
+ VmaAllocationCreateInfo and go to point 1.
+-# If failed, return `VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY`.
+\section general_considerations_features_not_supported Features not supported
+Features deliberately excluded from the scope of this library:
+- Data transfer. Uploading (straming) and downloading data of buffers and images
+ between CPU and GPU memory and related synchronization is responsibility of the user.
+- Allocations for imported/exported external memory. They tend to require
+ explicit memory type index and dedicated allocation anyway, so they don't
+ interact with main features of this library. Such special purpose allocations
+ should be made manually, using `vkCreateBuffer()` and `vkAllocateMemory()`.
+- Recreation of buffers and images. Although the library has functions for
+ buffer and image creation (vmaCreateBuffer(), vmaCreateImage()), you need to
+ recreate these objects yourself after defragmentation. That's because the big
+ structures `VkBufferCreateInfo`, `VkImageCreateInfo` are not stored in
+ #VmaAllocation object.
+- Handling CPU memory allocation failures. When dynamically creating small C++
+ objects in CPU memory (not Vulkan memory), allocation failures are not checked
+ and handled gracefully, because that would complicate code significantly and
+ is usually not needed in desktop PC applications anyway.
+- Code free of any compiler warnings. Maintaining the library to compile and
+ work correctly on so many different platforms is hard enough. Being free of
+ any warnings, on any version of any compiler, is simply not feasible.
+- This is a C++ library with C interface.
+ Bindings or ports to any other programming languages are welcomed as external projects and
+ are not going to be included into this repository.
+Define this macro to 0/1 to disable/enable support for recording functionality,
+available through VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pRecordSettings.
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ #else
+ #endif
+#ifndef NOMINMAX
+ #define NOMINMAX // For windows.h
+#ifndef VULKAN_H_
+ #include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
+ #include <windows.h>
+ #if VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 && VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation
+ #else
+ #endif
+/** \struct VmaAllocator
+\brief Represents main object of this library initialized.
+Fill structure #VmaAllocatorCreateInfo and call function vmaCreateAllocator() to create it.
+Call function vmaDestroyAllocator() to destroy it.
+It is recommended to create just one object of this type per `VkDevice` object,
+right after Vulkan is initialized and keep it alive until before Vulkan device is destroyed.
+/// Callback function called after successful vkAllocateMemory.
+typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vmaAllocateDeviceMemoryFunction)(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ uint32_t memoryType,
+ VkDeviceMemory memory,
+ VkDeviceSize size);
+/// Callback function called before vkFreeMemory.
+typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vmaFreeDeviceMemoryFunction)(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ uint32_t memoryType,
+ VkDeviceMemory memory,
+ VkDeviceSize size);
+/** \brief Set of callbacks that the library will call for `vkAllocateMemory` and `vkFreeMemory`.
+Provided for informative purpose, e.g. to gather statistics about number of
+allocations or total amount of memory allocated in Vulkan.
+Used in VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pDeviceMemoryCallbacks.
+typedef struct VmaDeviceMemoryCallbacks {
+ /// Optional, can be null.
+ PFN_vmaAllocateDeviceMemoryFunction pfnAllocate;
+ /// Optional, can be null.
+ PFN_vmaFreeDeviceMemoryFunction pfnFree;
+} VmaDeviceMemoryCallbacks;
+/// Flags for created #VmaAllocator.
+typedef enum VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits {
+ /** \brief Allocator and all objects created from it will not be synchronized internally, so you must guarantee they are used from only one thread at a time or synchronized externally by you.
+ Using this flag may increase performance because internal mutexes are not used.
+ */
+ /** \brief Enables usage of VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension.
+ Using this extenion will automatically allocate dedicated blocks of memory for
+ some buffers and images instead of suballocating place for them out of bigger
+ memory blocks (as if you explicitly used #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT
+ flag) when it is recommended by the driver. It may improve performance on some
+ GPUs.
+ You may set this flag only if you found out that following device extensions are
+ supported, you enabled them while creating Vulkan device passed as
+ VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want them to be used internally by this
+ library:
+ - VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2
+ - VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation
+When this flag is set, you can experience following warnings reported by Vulkan
+validation layer. You can ignore them.
+> vkBindBufferMemory(): Binding memory to buffer 0x2d but vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements() has not been called on that buffer.
+ */
+} VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits;
+typedef VkFlags VmaAllocatorCreateFlags;
+/** \brief Pointers to some Vulkan functions - a subset used by the library.
+Used in VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pVulkanFunctions.
+typedef struct VmaVulkanFunctions {
+ PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties;
+ PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties;
+ PFN_vkAllocateMemory vkAllocateMemory;
+ PFN_vkFreeMemory vkFreeMemory;
+ PFN_vkMapMemory vkMapMemory;
+ PFN_vkUnmapMemory vkUnmapMemory;
+ PFN_vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges;
+ PFN_vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges;
+ PFN_vkBindBufferMemory vkBindBufferMemory;
+ PFN_vkBindImageMemory vkBindImageMemory;
+ PFN_vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements;
+ PFN_vkGetImageMemoryRequirements vkGetImageMemoryRequirements;
+ PFN_vkCreateBuffer vkCreateBuffer;
+ PFN_vkDestroyBuffer vkDestroyBuffer;
+ PFN_vkCreateImage vkCreateImage;
+ PFN_vkDestroyImage vkDestroyImage;
+ PFN_vkCmdCopyBuffer vkCmdCopyBuffer;
+ PFN_vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR;
+ PFN_vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR;
+} VmaVulkanFunctions;
+/// Flags to be used in VmaRecordSettings::flags.
+typedef enum VmaRecordFlagBits {
+ /** \brief Enables flush after recording every function call.
+ Enable it if you expect your application to crash, which may leave recording file truncated.
+ It may degrade performance though.
+ */
+} VmaRecordFlagBits;
+typedef VkFlags VmaRecordFlags;
+/// Parameters for recording calls to VMA functions. To be used in VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pRecordSettings.
+typedef struct VmaRecordSettings
+ /// Flags for recording. Use #VmaRecordFlagBits enum.
+ VmaRecordFlags flags;
+ /** \brief Path to the file that should be written by the recording.
+ Suggested extension: "csv".
+ If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
+ It will be opened for the whole time #VmaAllocator object is alive.
+ If opening this file fails, creation of the whole allocator object fails.
+ */
+ const char* pFilePath;
+} VmaRecordSettings;
+/// Description of a Allocator to be created.
+typedef struct VmaAllocatorCreateInfo
+ /// Flags for created allocator. Use #VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits enum.
+ VmaAllocatorCreateFlags flags;
+ /// Vulkan physical device.
+ /** It must be valid throughout whole lifetime of created allocator. */
+ VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice;
+ /// Vulkan device.
+ /** It must be valid throughout whole lifetime of created allocator. */
+ VkDevice device;
+ /// Preferred size of a single `VkDeviceMemory` block to be allocated from large heaps > 1 GiB. Optional.
+ /** Set to 0 to use default, which is currently 256 MiB. */
+ VkDeviceSize preferredLargeHeapBlockSize;
+ /// Custom CPU memory allocation callbacks. Optional.
+ /** Optional, can be null. When specified, will also be used for all CPU-side memory allocations. */
+ const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocationCallbacks;
+ /// Informative callbacks for `vkAllocateMemory`, `vkFreeMemory`. Optional.
+ /** Optional, can be null. */
+ const VmaDeviceMemoryCallbacks* pDeviceMemoryCallbacks;
+ /** \brief Maximum number of additional frames that are in use at the same time as current frame.
+ This value is used only when you make allocations with
+ VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_BECOME_LOST_BIT flag. Such allocation cannot become
+ lost if allocation.lastUseFrameIndex >= allocator.currentFrameIndex - frameInUseCount.
+ For example, if you double-buffer your command buffers, so resources used for
+ rendering in previous frame may still be in use by the GPU at the moment you
+ allocate resources needed for the current frame, set this value to 1.
+ If you want to allow any allocations other than used in the current frame to
+ become lost, set this value to 0.
+ */
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount;
+ /** \brief Either null or a pointer to an array of limits on maximum number of bytes that can be allocated out of particular Vulkan memory heap.
+ If not NULL, it must be a pointer to an array of
+ `VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties::memoryHeapCount` elements, defining limit on
+ maximum number of bytes that can be allocated out of particular Vulkan memory
+ heap.
+ Any of the elements may be equal to `VK_WHOLE_SIZE`, which means no limit on that
+ heap. This is also the default in case of `pHeapSizeLimit` = NULL.
+ If there is a limit defined for a heap:
+ - If user tries to allocate more memory from that heap using this allocator,
+ the allocation fails with `VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY`.
+ - If the limit is smaller than heap size reported in `VkMemoryHeap::size`, the
+ value of this limit will be reported instead when using vmaGetMemoryProperties().
+ Warning! Using this feature may not be equivalent to installing a GPU with
+ smaller amount of memory, because graphics driver doesn't necessary fail new
+ allocations with `VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY` result when memory capacity is
+ exceeded. It may return success and just silently migrate some device memory
+ blocks to system RAM. This driver behavior can also be controlled using
+ VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior extension.
+ */
+ const VkDeviceSize* pHeapSizeLimit;
+ /** \brief Pointers to Vulkan functions. Can be null if you leave define `VMA_STATIC_VULKAN_FUNCTIONS 1`.
+ If you leave define `VMA_STATIC_VULKAN_FUNCTIONS 1` in configuration section,
+ you can pass null as this member, because the library will fetch pointers to
+ Vulkan functions internally in a static way, like:
+ vulkanFunctions.vkAllocateMemory = &vkAllocateMemory;
+ Fill this member if you want to provide your own pointers to Vulkan functions,
+ e.g. fetched using `vkGetInstanceProcAddr()` and `vkGetDeviceProcAddr()`.
+ */
+ const VmaVulkanFunctions* pVulkanFunctions;
+ /** \brief Parameters for recording of VMA calls. Can be null.
+ If not null, it enables recording of calls to VMA functions to a file.
+ If support for recording is not enabled using `VMA_RECORDING_ENABLED` macro,
+ creation of the allocator object fails with `VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT`.
+ */
+ const VmaRecordSettings* pRecordSettings;
+} VmaAllocatorCreateInfo;
+/// Creates Allocator object.
+VkResult vmaCreateAllocator(
+ const VmaAllocatorCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
+ VmaAllocator* pAllocator);
+/// Destroys allocator object.
+void vmaDestroyAllocator(
+ VmaAllocator allocator);
+PhysicalDeviceProperties are fetched from physicalDevice by the allocator.
+You can access it here, without fetching it again on your own.
+void vmaGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties** ppPhysicalDeviceProperties);
+PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties are fetched from physicalDevice by the allocator.
+You can access it here, without fetching it again on your own.
+void vmaGetMemoryProperties(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties** ppPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties);
+\brief Given Memory Type Index, returns Property Flags of this memory type.
+This is just a convenience function. Same information can be obtained using
+void vmaGetMemoryTypeProperties(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ uint32_t memoryTypeIndex,
+ VkMemoryPropertyFlags* pFlags);
+/** \brief Sets index of the current frame.
+This function must be used if you make allocations with
+#VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_MAKE_OTHER_LOST_BIT flags to inform the allocator
+when a new frame begins. Allocations queried using vmaGetAllocationInfo() cannot
+become lost in the current frame.
+void vmaSetCurrentFrameIndex(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ uint32_t frameIndex);
+/** \brief Calculated statistics of memory usage in entire allocator.
+typedef struct VmaStatInfo
+ /// Number of `VkDeviceMemory` Vulkan memory blocks allocated.
+ uint32_t blockCount;
+ /// Number of #VmaAllocation allocation objects allocated.
+ uint32_t allocationCount;
+ /// Number of free ranges of memory between allocations.
+ uint32_t unusedRangeCount;
+ /// Total number of bytes occupied by all allocations.
+ VkDeviceSize usedBytes;
+ /// Total number of bytes occupied by unused ranges.
+ VkDeviceSize unusedBytes;
+ VkDeviceSize allocationSizeMin, allocationSizeAvg, allocationSizeMax;
+ VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSizeMin, unusedRangeSizeAvg, unusedRangeSizeMax;
+} VmaStatInfo;
+/// General statistics from current state of Allocator.
+typedef struct VmaStats
+ VmaStatInfo memoryType[VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPES];
+ VmaStatInfo memoryHeap[VK_MAX_MEMORY_HEAPS];
+ VmaStatInfo total;
+} VmaStats;
+/// Retrieves statistics from current state of the Allocator.
+void vmaCalculateStats(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaStats* pStats);
+/// Builds and returns statistics as string in JSON format.
+/** @param[out] ppStatsString Must be freed using vmaFreeStatsString() function.
+void vmaBuildStatsString(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ char** ppStatsString,
+ VkBool32 detailedMap);
+void vmaFreeStatsString(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ char* pStatsString);
+/** \struct VmaPool
+\brief Represents custom memory pool
+Fill structure VmaPoolCreateInfo and call function vmaCreatePool() to create it.
+Call function vmaDestroyPool() to destroy it.
+For more information see [Custom memory pools](@ref choosing_memory_type_custom_memory_pools).
+typedef enum VmaMemoryUsage
+ /** No intended memory usage specified.
+ Use other members of VmaAllocationCreateInfo to specify your requirements.
+ */
+ /** Memory will be used on device only, so fast access from the device is preferred.
+ It usually means device-local GPU (video) memory.
+ No need to be mappable on host.
+ It is roughly equivalent of `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT`.
+ Usage:
+ - Resources written and read by device, e.g. images used as attachments.
+ - Resources transferred from host once (immutable) or infrequently and read by
+ device multiple times, e.g. textures to be sampled, vertex buffers, uniform
+ (constant) buffers, and majority of other types of resources used on GPU.
+ Allocation may still end up in `HOST_VISIBLE` memory on some implementations.
+ In such case, you are free to map it.
+ You can use #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT with this usage type.
+ */
+ /** Memory will be mappable on host.
+ It usually means CPU (system) memory.
+ Guarantees to be `HOST_VISIBLE` and `HOST_COHERENT`.
+ CPU access is typically uncached. Writes may be write-combined.
+ Resources created in this pool may still be accessible to the device, but access to them can be slow.
+ It is roughly equivalent of `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD`.
+ Usage: Staging copy of resources used as transfer source.
+ */
+ /**
+ Memory that is both mappable on host (guarantees to be `HOST_VISIBLE`) and preferably fast to access by GPU.
+ CPU access is typically uncached. Writes may be write-combined.
+ Usage: Resources written frequently by host (dynamic), read by device. E.g. textures, vertex buffers, uniform buffers updated every frame or every draw call.
+ */
+ /** Memory mappable on host (guarantees to be `HOST_VISIBLE`) and cached.
+ It is roughly equivalent of `D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK`.
+ Usage:
+ - Resources written by device, read by host - results of some computations, e.g. screen capture, average scene luminance for HDR tone mapping.
+ - Any resources read or accessed randomly on host, e.g. CPU-side copy of vertex buffer used as source of transfer, but also used for collision detection.
+ */
+} VmaMemoryUsage;
+/// Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags.
+typedef enum VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits {
+ /** \brief Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.
+ Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.
+ This flag must also be used for host visible resources that you want to map
+ simultaneously because otherwise they might end up as regions of the same
+ `VkDeviceMemory`, while mapping same `VkDeviceMemory` multiple times
+ simultaneously is illegal.
+ You should not use this flag if VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pool is not null.
+ */
+ /** \brief Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing `VkDeviceMemory` blocks and never create new such block.
+ If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation
+ fails with `VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY` error.
+ #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.
+ If VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pool is not null, this flag is implied and ignored. */
+ /** \brief Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.
+ Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.
+ Is it valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not
+ `HOST_VISIBLE`. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is
+ useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU
+ (`DEVICE_LOCAL`) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that
+ support it (e.g. Intel GPU).
+ You should not use this flag together with #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_BECOME_LOST_BIT.
+ */
+ /** Allocation created with this flag can become lost as a result of another
+ allocation with #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_MAKE_OTHER_LOST_BIT flag, so you
+ must check it before use.
+ To check if allocation is not lost, call vmaGetAllocationInfo() and check if
+ VmaAllocationInfo::deviceMemory is not `VK_NULL_HANDLE`.
+ For details about supporting lost allocations, see Lost Allocations
+ chapter of User Guide on Main Page.
+ You should not use this flag together with #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT.
+ */
+ /** While creating allocation using this flag, other allocations that were
+ created with flag #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_BECOME_LOST_BIT can become lost.
+ For details about supporting lost allocations, see Lost Allocations
+ chapter of User Guide on Main Page.
+ */
+ /** Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a
+ null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the
+ string is made and stored in allocation's `pUserData`. The string is automatically
+ freed together with the allocation. It is also used in vmaBuildStatsString().
+ */
+ /** Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.
+ This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with #VMA_POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.
+ */
+ /** Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the
+ allocation.
+ */
+ /** Allocation strategy that chooses biggest possible free range for the
+ allocation.
+ */
+ /** Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the
+ allocation.
+ "First" doesn't necessarily means the one with smallest offset in memory,
+ but rather the one that is easiest and fastest to find.
+ */
+ /** Allocation strategy that tries to minimize memory usage.
+ */
+ /** Allocation strategy that tries to minimize allocation time.
+ */
+ /** Allocation strategy that tries to minimize memory fragmentation.
+ */
+ /** A bit mask to extract only `STRATEGY` bits from entire set of flags.
+ */
+} VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits;
+typedef VkFlags VmaAllocationCreateFlags;
+typedef struct VmaAllocationCreateInfo
+ /// Use #VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits enum.
+ VmaAllocationCreateFlags flags;
+ /** \brief Intended usage of memory.
+ You can leave #VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_UNKNOWN if you specify memory requirements in other way. \n
+ If `pool` is not null, this member is ignored.
+ */
+ VmaMemoryUsage usage;
+ /** \brief Flags that must be set in a Memory Type chosen for an allocation.
+ Leave 0 if you specify memory requirements in other way. \n
+ If `pool` is not null, this member is ignored.*/
+ VkMemoryPropertyFlags requiredFlags;
+ /** \brief Flags that preferably should be set in a memory type chosen for an allocation.
+ Set to 0 if no additional flags are prefered. \n
+ If `pool` is not null, this member is ignored. */
+ VkMemoryPropertyFlags preferredFlags;
+ /** \brief Bitmask containing one bit set for every memory type acceptable for this allocation.
+ Value 0 is equivalent to `UINT32_MAX` - it means any memory type is accepted if
+ it meets other requirements specified by this structure, with no further
+ restrictions on memory type index. \n
+ If `pool` is not null, this member is ignored.
+ */
+ uint32_t memoryTypeBits;
+ /** \brief Pool that this allocation should be created in.
+ Leave `VK_NULL_HANDLE` to allocate from default pool. If not null, members:
+ `usage`, `requiredFlags`, `preferredFlags`, `memoryTypeBits` are ignored.
+ */
+ VmaPool pool;
+ /** \brief Custom general-purpose pointer that will be stored in #VmaAllocation, can be read as VmaAllocationInfo::pUserData and changed using vmaSetAllocationUserData().
+ null or pointer to a null-terminated string. The string will be then copied to
+ internal buffer, so it doesn't need to be valid after allocation call.
+ */
+ void* pUserData;
+} VmaAllocationCreateInfo;
+\brief Helps to find memoryTypeIndex, given memoryTypeBits and VmaAllocationCreateInfo.
+This algorithm tries to find a memory type that:
+- Is allowed by memoryTypeBits.
+- Contains all the flags from pAllocationCreateInfo->requiredFlags.
+- Matches intended usage.
+- Has as many flags from pAllocationCreateInfo->preferredFlags as possible.
+\return Returns VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT if not found. Receiving such result
+from this function or any other allocating function probably means that your
+device doesn't support any memory type with requested features for the specific
+type of resource you want to use it for. Please check parameters of your
+resource, like image layout (OPTIMAL versus LINEAR) or mip level count.
+VkResult vmaFindMemoryTypeIndex(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ uint32_t memoryTypeBits,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ uint32_t* pMemoryTypeIndex);
+\brief Helps to find memoryTypeIndex, given VkBufferCreateInfo and VmaAllocationCreateInfo.
+It can be useful e.g. to determine value to be used as VmaPoolCreateInfo::memoryTypeIndex.
+It internally creates a temporary, dummy buffer that never has memory bound.
+It is just a convenience function, equivalent to calling:
+- `vkCreateBuffer`
+- `vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements`
+- `vmaFindMemoryTypeIndex`
+- `vkDestroyBuffer`
+VkResult vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkBufferCreateInfo* pBufferCreateInfo,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ uint32_t* pMemoryTypeIndex);
+\brief Helps to find memoryTypeIndex, given VkImageCreateInfo and VmaAllocationCreateInfo.
+It can be useful e.g. to determine value to be used as VmaPoolCreateInfo::memoryTypeIndex.
+It internally creates a temporary, dummy image that never has memory bound.
+It is just a convenience function, equivalent to calling:
+- `vkCreateImage`
+- `vkGetImageMemoryRequirements`
+- `vmaFindMemoryTypeIndex`
+- `vkDestroyImage`
+VkResult vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForImageInfo(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkImageCreateInfo* pImageCreateInfo,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ uint32_t* pMemoryTypeIndex);
+/// Flags to be passed as VmaPoolCreateInfo::flags.
+typedef enum VmaPoolCreateFlagBits {
+ /** \brief Use this flag if you always allocate only buffers and linear images or only optimal images out of this pool and so Buffer-Image Granularity can be ignored.
+ This is an optional optimization flag.
+ If you always allocate using vmaCreateBuffer(), vmaCreateImage(),
+ vmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer(), then you don't need to use it because allocator
+ knows exact type of your allocations so it can handle Buffer-Image Granularity
+ in the optimal way.
+ If you also allocate using vmaAllocateMemoryForImage() or vmaAllocateMemory(),
+ exact type of such allocations is not known, so allocator must be conservative
+ in handling Buffer-Image Granularity, which can lead to suboptimal allocation
+ (wasted memory). In that case, if you can make sure you always allocate only
+ buffers and linear images or only optimal images out of this pool, use this flag
+ to make allocator disregard Buffer-Image Granularity and so make allocations
+ faster and more optimal.
+ */
+ /** \brief Enables alternative, linear allocation algorithm in this pool.
+ Specify this flag to enable linear allocation algorithm, which always creates
+ new allocations after last one and doesn't reuse space from allocations freed in
+ between. It trades memory consumption for simplified algorithm and data
+ structure, which has better performance and uses less memory for metadata.
+ By using this flag, you can achieve behavior of free-at-once, stack,
+ ring buffer, and double stack. For details, see documentation chapter
+ \ref linear_algorithm.
+ When using this flag, you must specify VmaPoolCreateInfo::maxBlockCount == 1 (or 0 for default).
+ For more details, see [Linear allocation algorithm](@ref linear_algorithm).
+ */
+ /** \brief Enables alternative, buddy allocation algorithm in this pool.
+ It operates on a tree of blocks, each having size that is a power of two and
+ a half of its parent's size. Comparing to default algorithm, this one provides
+ faster allocation and deallocation and decreased external fragmentation,
+ at the expense of more memory wasted (internal fragmentation).
+ For more details, see [Buddy allocation algorithm](@ref buddy_algorithm).
+ */
+ /** Bit mask to extract only `ALGORITHM` bits from entire set of flags.
+ */
+} VmaPoolCreateFlagBits;
+typedef VkFlags VmaPoolCreateFlags;
+/** \brief Describes parameter of created #VmaPool.
+typedef struct VmaPoolCreateInfo {
+ /** \brief Vulkan memory type index to allocate this pool from.
+ */
+ uint32_t memoryTypeIndex;
+ /** \brief Use combination of #VmaPoolCreateFlagBits.
+ */
+ VmaPoolCreateFlags flags;
+ /** \brief Size of a single `VkDeviceMemory` block to be allocated as part of this pool, in bytes. Optional.
+ Specify nonzero to set explicit, constant size of memory blocks used by this
+ pool.
+ Leave 0 to use default and let the library manage block sizes automatically.
+ Sizes of particular blocks may vary.
+ */
+ VkDeviceSize blockSize;
+ /** \brief Minimum number of blocks to be always allocated in this pool, even if they stay empty.
+ Set to 0 to have no preallocated blocks and allow the pool be completely empty.
+ */
+ size_t minBlockCount;
+ /** \brief Maximum number of blocks that can be allocated in this pool. Optional.
+ Set to 0 to use default, which is `SIZE_MAX`, which means no limit.
+ Set to same value as VmaPoolCreateInfo::minBlockCount to have fixed amount of memory allocated
+ throughout whole lifetime of this pool.
+ */
+ size_t maxBlockCount;
+ /** \brief Maximum number of additional frames that are in use at the same time as current frame.
+ This value is used only when you make allocations with
+ #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_BECOME_LOST_BIT flag. Such allocation cannot become
+ lost if allocation.lastUseFrameIndex >= allocator.currentFrameIndex - frameInUseCount.
+ For example, if you double-buffer your command buffers, so resources used for
+ rendering in previous frame may still be in use by the GPU at the moment you
+ allocate resources needed for the current frame, set this value to 1.
+ If you want to allow any allocations other than used in the current frame to
+ become lost, set this value to 0.
+ */
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount;
+} VmaPoolCreateInfo;
+/** \brief Describes parameter of existing #VmaPool.
+typedef struct VmaPoolStats {
+ /** \brief Total amount of `VkDeviceMemory` allocated from Vulkan for this pool, in bytes.
+ */
+ VkDeviceSize size;
+ /** \brief Total number of bytes in the pool not used by any #VmaAllocation.
+ */
+ VkDeviceSize unusedSize;
+ /** \brief Number of #VmaAllocation objects created from this pool that were not destroyed or lost.
+ */
+ size_t allocationCount;
+ /** \brief Number of continuous memory ranges in the pool not used by any #VmaAllocation.
+ */
+ size_t unusedRangeCount;
+ /** \brief Size of the largest continuous free memory region available for new allocation.
+ Making a new allocation of that size is not guaranteed to succeed because of
+ possible additional margin required to respect alignment and buffer/image
+ granularity.
+ */
+ VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSizeMax;
+ /** \brief Number of `VkDeviceMemory` blocks allocated for this pool.
+ */
+ size_t blockCount;
+} VmaPoolStats;
+/** \brief Allocates Vulkan device memory and creates #VmaPool object.
+@param allocator Allocator object.
+@param pCreateInfo Parameters of pool to create.
+@param[out] pPool Handle to created pool.
+VkResult vmaCreatePool(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VmaPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
+ VmaPool* pPool);
+/** \brief Destroys #VmaPool object and frees Vulkan device memory.
+void vmaDestroyPool(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaPool pool);
+/** \brief Retrieves statistics of existing #VmaPool object.
+@param allocator Allocator object.
+@param pool Pool object.
+@param[out] pPoolStats Statistics of specified pool.
+void vmaGetPoolStats(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaPool pool,
+ VmaPoolStats* pPoolStats);
+/** \brief Marks all allocations in given pool as lost if they are not used in current frame or VmaPoolCreateInfo::frameInUseCount back from now.
+@param allocator Allocator object.
+@param pool Pool.
+@param[out] pLostAllocationCount Number of allocations marked as lost. Optional - pass null if you don't need this information.
+void vmaMakePoolAllocationsLost(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaPool pool,
+ size_t* pLostAllocationCount);
+/** \brief Checks magic number in margins around all allocations in given memory pool in search for corruptions.
+Corruption detection is enabled only when `VMA_DEBUG_DETECT_CORRUPTION` macro is defined to nonzero,
+`VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN` is defined to nonzero and the pool is created in memory type that is
+`HOST_VISIBLE` and `HOST_COHERENT`. For more information, see [Corruption detection](@ref debugging_memory_usage_corruption_detection).
+Possible return values:
+- `VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT` - corruption detection is not enabled for specified pool.
+- `VK_SUCCESS` - corruption detection has been performed and succeeded.
+- `VK_ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILED_EXT` - corruption detection has been performed and found memory corruptions around one of the allocations.
+ `VMA_ASSERT` is also fired in that case.
+- Other value: Error returned by Vulkan, e.g. memory mapping failure.
+VkResult vmaCheckPoolCorruption(VmaAllocator allocator, VmaPool pool);
+/** \struct VmaAllocation
+\brief Represents single memory allocation.
+It may be either dedicated block of `VkDeviceMemory` or a specific region of a bigger block of this type
+plus unique offset.
+There are multiple ways to create such object.
+You need to fill structure VmaAllocationCreateInfo.
+For more information see [Choosing memory type](@ref choosing_memory_type).
+Although the library provides convenience functions that create Vulkan buffer or image,
+allocate memory for it and bind them together,
+binding of the allocation to a buffer or an image is out of scope of the allocation itself.
+Allocation object can exist without buffer/image bound,
+binding can be done manually by the user, and destruction of it can be done
+independently of destruction of the allocation.
+The object also remembers its size and some other information.
+To retrieve this information, use function vmaGetAllocationInfo() and inspect
+returned structure VmaAllocationInfo.
+Some kinds allocations can be in lost state.
+For more information, see [Lost allocations](@ref lost_allocations).
+/** \brief Parameters of #VmaAllocation objects, that can be retrieved using function vmaGetAllocationInfo().
+typedef struct VmaAllocationInfo {
+ /** \brief Memory type index that this allocation was allocated from.
+ It never changes.
+ */
+ uint32_t memoryType;
+ /** \brief Handle to Vulkan memory object.
+ Same memory object can be shared by multiple allocations.
+ It can change after call to vmaDefragment() if this allocation is passed to the function, or if allocation is lost.
+ If the allocation is lost, it is equal to `VK_NULL_HANDLE`.
+ */
+ VkDeviceMemory deviceMemory;
+ /** \brief Offset into deviceMemory object to the beginning of this allocation, in bytes. (deviceMemory, offset) pair is unique to this allocation.
+ It can change after call to vmaDefragment() if this allocation is passed to the function, or if allocation is lost.
+ */
+ VkDeviceSize offset;
+ /** \brief Size of this allocation, in bytes.
+ It never changes, unless allocation is lost.
+ */
+ VkDeviceSize size;
+ /** \brief Pointer to the beginning of this allocation as mapped data.
+ If the allocation hasn't been mapped using vmaMapMemory() and hasn't been
+ created with #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT flag, this value null.
+ It can change after call to vmaMapMemory(), vmaUnmapMemory().
+ It can also change after call to vmaDefragment() if this allocation is passed to the function.
+ */
+ void* pMappedData;
+ /** \brief Custom general-purpose pointer that was passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData or set using vmaSetAllocationUserData().
+ It can change after call to vmaSetAllocationUserData() for this allocation.
+ */
+ void* pUserData;
+} VmaAllocationInfo;
+/** \brief General purpose memory allocation.
+@param[out] pAllocation Handle to allocated memory.
+@param[out] pAllocationInfo Optional. Information about allocated memory. It can be later fetched using function vmaGetAllocationInfo().
+You should free the memory using vmaFreeMemory() or vmaFreeMemoryPages().
+It is recommended to use vmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer(), vmaAllocateMemoryForImage(),
+vmaCreateBuffer(), vmaCreateImage() instead whenever possible.
+VkResult vmaAllocateMemory(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkMemoryRequirements* pVkMemoryRequirements,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation,
+ VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo);
+/** \brief General purpose memory allocation for multiple allocation objects at once.
+@param allocator Allocator object.
+@param pVkMemoryRequirements Memory requirements for each allocation.
+@param pCreateInfo Creation parameters for each alloction.
+@param allocationCount Number of allocations to make.
+@param[out] pAllocations Pointer to array that will be filled with handles to created allocations.
+@param[out] pAllocationInfo Optional. Pointer to array that will be filled with parameters of created allocations.
+You should free the memory using vmaFreeMemory() or vmaFreeMemoryPages().
+Word "pages" is just a suggestion to use this function to allocate pieces of memory needed for sparse binding.
+It is just a general purpose allocation function able to make multiple allocations at once.
+It may be internally optimized to be more efficient than calling vmaAllocateMemory() `allocationCount` times.
+All allocations are made using same parameters. All of them are created out of the same memory pool and type.
+If any allocation fails, all allocations already made within this function call are also freed, so that when
+returned result is not `VK_SUCCESS`, `pAllocation` array is always entirely filled with `VK_NULL_HANDLE`.
+VkResult vmaAllocateMemoryPages(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkMemoryRequirements* pVkMemoryRequirements,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations,
+ VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo);
+@param[out] pAllocation Handle to allocated memory.
+@param[out] pAllocationInfo Optional. Information about allocated memory. It can be later fetched using function vmaGetAllocationInfo().
+You should free the memory using vmaFreeMemory().
+VkResult vmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VkBuffer buffer,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation,
+ VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo);
+/// Function similar to vmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer().
+VkResult vmaAllocateMemoryForImage(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VkImage image,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation,
+ VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo);
+/** \brief Frees memory previously allocated using vmaAllocateMemory(), vmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer(), or vmaAllocateMemoryForImage().
+Passing `VK_NULL_HANDLE` as `allocation` is valid. Such function call is just skipped.
+void vmaFreeMemory(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+/** \brief Frees memory and destroys multiple allocations.
+Word "pages" is just a suggestion to use this function to free pieces of memory used for sparse binding.
+It is just a general purpose function to free memory and destroy allocations made using e.g. vmaAllocateMemory(),
+vmaAllocateMemoryPages() and other functions.
+It may be internally optimized to be more efficient than calling vmaFreeMemory() `allocationCount` times.
+Allocations in `pAllocations` array can come from any memory pools and types.
+Passing `VK_NULL_HANDLE` as elements of `pAllocations` array is valid. Such entries are just skipped.
+void vmaFreeMemoryPages(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations);
+/** \brief Tries to resize an allocation in place, if there is enough free memory after it.
+Tries to change allocation's size without moving or reallocating it.
+You can both shrink and grow allocation size.
+When growing, it succeeds only when the allocation belongs to a memory block with enough
+free space after it.
+Returns `VK_SUCCESS` if allocation's size has been successfully changed.
+Returns `VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_POOL_MEMORY` if allocation's size could not be changed.
+After successful call to this function, VmaAllocationInfo::size of this allocation changes.
+All other parameters stay the same: memory pool and type, alignment, offset, mapped pointer.
+- Calling this function on allocation that is in lost state fails with result `VK_ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILED_EXT`.
+- Calling this function with `newSize` same as current allocation size does nothing and returns `VK_SUCCESS`.
+- Resizing dedicated allocations, as well as allocations created in pools that use linear
+ or buddy algorithm, is not supported.
+ The function returns `VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT` in such cases.
+ Support may be added in the future.
+VkResult vmaResizeAllocation(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ VkDeviceSize newSize);
+/** \brief Returns current information about specified allocation and atomically marks it as used in current frame.
+Current paramters of given allocation are returned in `pAllocationInfo`.
+This function also atomically "touches" allocation - marks it as used in current frame,
+just like vmaTouchAllocation().
+If the allocation is in lost state, `pAllocationInfo->deviceMemory == VK_NULL_HANDLE`.
+Although this function uses atomics and doesn't lock any mutex, so it should be quite efficient,
+you can avoid calling it too often.
+- You can retrieve same VmaAllocationInfo structure while creating your resource, from function
+ vmaCreateBuffer(), vmaCreateImage(). You can remember it if you are sure parameters don't change
+ (e.g. due to defragmentation or allocation becoming lost).
+- If you just want to check if allocation is not lost, vmaTouchAllocation() will work faster.
+void vmaGetAllocationInfo(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo);
+/** \brief Returns `VK_TRUE` if allocation is not lost and atomically marks it as used in current frame.
+If the allocation has been created with #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_BECOME_LOST_BIT flag,
+this function returns `VK_TRUE` if it's not in lost state, so it can still be used.
+It then also atomically "touches" the allocation - marks it as used in current frame,
+so that you can be sure it won't become lost in current frame or next `frameInUseCount` frames.
+If the allocation is in lost state, the function returns `VK_FALSE`.
+Memory of such allocation, as well as buffer or image bound to it, should not be used.
+Lost allocation and the buffer/image still need to be destroyed.
+If the allocation has been created without #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_BECOME_LOST_BIT flag,
+this function always returns `VK_TRUE`.
+VkBool32 vmaTouchAllocation(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+/** \brief Sets pUserData in given allocation to new value.
+If the allocation was created with VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT,
+pUserData must be either null, or pointer to a null-terminated string. The function
+makes local copy of the string and sets it as allocation's `pUserData`. String
+passed as pUserData doesn't need to be valid for whole lifetime of the allocation -
+you can free it after this call. String previously pointed by allocation's
+pUserData is freed from memory.
+If the flag was not used, the value of pointer `pUserData` is just copied to
+allocation's `pUserData`. It is opaque, so you can use it however you want - e.g.
+as a pointer, ordinal number or some handle to you own data.
+void vmaSetAllocationUserData(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ void* pUserData);
+/** \brief Creates new allocation that is in lost state from the beginning.
+It can be useful if you need a dummy, non-null allocation.
+You still need to destroy created object using vmaFreeMemory().
+Returned allocation is not tied to any specific memory pool or memory type and
+not bound to any image or buffer. It has size = 0. It cannot be turned into
+a real, non-empty allocation.
+void vmaCreateLostAllocation(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation);
+/** \brief Maps memory represented by given allocation and returns pointer to it.
+Maps memory represented by given allocation to make it accessible to CPU code.
+When succeeded, `*ppData` contains pointer to first byte of this memory.
+If the allocation is part of bigger `VkDeviceMemory` block, the pointer is
+correctly offseted to the beginning of region assigned to this particular
+Mapping is internally reference-counted and synchronized, so despite raw Vulkan
+function `vkMapMemory()` cannot be used to map same block of `VkDeviceMemory`
+multiple times simultaneously, it is safe to call this function on allocations
+assigned to the same memory block. Actual Vulkan memory will be mapped on first
+mapping and unmapped on last unmapping.
+If the function succeeded, you must call vmaUnmapMemory() to unmap the
+allocation when mapping is no longer needed or before freeing the allocation, at
+the latest.
+It also safe to call this function multiple times on the same allocation. You
+must call vmaUnmapMemory() same number of times as you called vmaMapMemory().
+It is also safe to call this function on allocation created with
+#VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT flag. Its memory stays mapped all the time.
+You must still call vmaUnmapMemory() same number of times as you called
+vmaMapMemory(). You must not call vmaUnmapMemory() additional time to free the
+"0-th" mapping made automatically due to #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT flag.
+This function fails when used on allocation made in memory type that is not
+This function always fails when called for allocation that was created with
+#VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_BECOME_LOST_BIT flag. Such allocations cannot be
+VkResult vmaMapMemory(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ void** ppData);
+/** \brief Unmaps memory represented by given allocation, mapped previously using vmaMapMemory().
+For details, see description of vmaMapMemory().
+void vmaUnmapMemory(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+/** \brief Flushes memory of given allocation.
+Calls `vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges()` for memory associated with given range of given allocation.
+- `offset` must be relative to the beginning of allocation.
+- `size` can be `VK_WHOLE_SIZE`. It means all memory from `offset` the the end of given allocation.
+- `offset` and `size` don't have to be aligned.
+ They are internally rounded down/up to multiply of `nonCoherentAtomSize`.
+- If `size` is 0, this call is ignored.
+- If memory type that the `allocation` belongs to is not `HOST_VISIBLE` or it is `HOST_COHERENT`,
+ this call is ignored.
+void vmaFlushAllocation(VmaAllocator allocator, VmaAllocation allocation, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size);
+/** \brief Invalidates memory of given allocation.
+Calls `vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges()` for memory associated with given range of given allocation.
+- `offset` must be relative to the beginning of allocation.
+- `size` can be `VK_WHOLE_SIZE`. It means all memory from `offset` the the end of given allocation.
+- `offset` and `size` don't have to be aligned.
+ They are internally rounded down/up to multiply of `nonCoherentAtomSize`.
+- If `size` is 0, this call is ignored.
+- If memory type that the `allocation` belongs to is not `HOST_VISIBLE` or it is `HOST_COHERENT`,
+ this call is ignored.
+void vmaInvalidateAllocation(VmaAllocator allocator, VmaAllocation allocation, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size);
+/** \brief Checks magic number in margins around all allocations in given memory types (in both default and custom pools) in search for corruptions.
+@param memoryTypeBits Bit mask, where each bit set means that a memory type with that index should be checked.
+Corruption detection is enabled only when `VMA_DEBUG_DETECT_CORRUPTION` macro is defined to nonzero,
+`VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN` is defined to nonzero and only for memory types that are
+`HOST_VISIBLE` and `HOST_COHERENT`. For more information, see [Corruption detection](@ref debugging_memory_usage_corruption_detection).
+Possible return values:
+- `VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT` - corruption detection is not enabled for any of specified memory types.
+- `VK_SUCCESS` - corruption detection has been performed and succeeded.
+- `VK_ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILED_EXT` - corruption detection has been performed and found memory corruptions around one of the allocations.
+ `VMA_ASSERT` is also fired in that case.
+- Other value: Error returned by Vulkan, e.g. memory mapping failure.
+VkResult vmaCheckCorruption(VmaAllocator allocator, uint32_t memoryTypeBits);
+/** \struct VmaDefragmentationContext
+\brief Represents Opaque object that represents started defragmentation process.
+Fill structure #VmaDefragmentationInfo2 and call function vmaDefragmentationBegin() to create it.
+Call function vmaDefragmentationEnd() to destroy it.
+/// Flags to be used in vmaDefragmentationBegin(). None at the moment. Reserved for future use.
+typedef enum VmaDefragmentationFlagBits {
+} VmaDefragmentationFlagBits;
+typedef VkFlags VmaDefragmentationFlags;
+/** \brief Parameters for defragmentation.
+To be used with function vmaDefragmentationBegin().
+typedef struct VmaDefragmentationInfo2 {
+ /** \brief Reserved for future use. Should be 0.
+ */
+ VmaDefragmentationFlags flags;
+ /** \brief Number of allocations in `pAllocations` array.
+ */
+ uint32_t allocationCount;
+ /** \brief Pointer to array of allocations that can be defragmented.
+ The array should have `allocationCount` elements.
+ The array should not contain nulls.
+ Elements in the array should be unique - same allocation cannot occur twice.
+ It is safe to pass allocations that are in the lost state - they are ignored.
+ All allocations not present in this array are considered non-moveable during this defragmentation.
+ */
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations;
+ /** \brief Optional, output. Pointer to array that will be filled with information whether the allocation at certain index has been changed during defragmentation.
+ The array should have `allocationCount` elements.
+ You can pass null if you are not interested in this information.
+ */
+ VkBool32* pAllocationsChanged;
+ /** \brief Numer of pools in `pPools` array.
+ */
+ uint32_t poolCount;
+ /** \brief Either null or pointer to array of pools to be defragmented.
+ All the allocations in the specified pools can be moved during defragmentation
+ and there is no way to check if they were really moved as in `pAllocationsChanged`,
+ so you must query all the allocations in all these pools for new `VkDeviceMemory`
+ and offset using vmaGetAllocationInfo() if you might need to recreate buffers
+ and images bound to them.
+ The array should have `poolCount` elements.
+ The array should not contain nulls.
+ Elements in the array should be unique - same pool cannot occur twice.
+ Using this array is equivalent to specifying all allocations from the pools in `pAllocations`.
+ It might be more efficient.
+ */
+ VmaPool* pPools;
+ /** \brief Maximum total numbers of bytes that can be copied while moving allocations to different places using transfers on CPU side, like `memcpy()`, `memmove()`.
+ `VK_WHOLE_SIZE` means no limit.
+ */
+ VkDeviceSize maxCpuBytesToMove;
+ /** \brief Maximum number of allocations that can be moved to a different place using transfers on CPU side, like `memcpy()`, `memmove()`.
+ `UINT32_MAX` means no limit.
+ */
+ uint32_t maxCpuAllocationsToMove;
+ /** \brief Maximum total numbers of bytes that can be copied while moving allocations to different places using transfers on GPU side, posted to `commandBuffer`.
+ `VK_WHOLE_SIZE` means no limit.
+ */
+ VkDeviceSize maxGpuBytesToMove;
+ /** \brief Maximum number of allocations that can be moved to a different place using transfers on GPU side, posted to `commandBuffer`.
+ `UINT32_MAX` means no limit.
+ */
+ uint32_t maxGpuAllocationsToMove;
+ /** \brief Optional. Command buffer where GPU copy commands will be posted.
+ If not null, it must be a valid command buffer handle that supports Transfer queue type.
+ It must be in the recording state and outside of a render pass instance.
+ You need to submit it and make sure it finished execution before calling vmaDefragmentationEnd().
+ Passing null means that only CPU defragmentation will be performed.
+ */
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer;
+} VmaDefragmentationInfo2;
+/** \brief Deprecated. Optional configuration parameters to be passed to function vmaDefragment().
+\deprecated This is a part of the old interface. It is recommended to use structure #VmaDefragmentationInfo2 and function vmaDefragmentationBegin() instead.
+typedef struct VmaDefragmentationInfo {
+ /** \brief Maximum total numbers of bytes that can be copied while moving allocations to different places.
+ Default is `VK_WHOLE_SIZE`, which means no limit.
+ */
+ VkDeviceSize maxBytesToMove;
+ /** \brief Maximum number of allocations that can be moved to different place.
+ Default is `UINT32_MAX`, which means no limit.
+ */
+ uint32_t maxAllocationsToMove;
+} VmaDefragmentationInfo;
+/** \brief Statistics returned by function vmaDefragment(). */
+typedef struct VmaDefragmentationStats {
+ /// Total number of bytes that have been copied while moving allocations to different places.
+ VkDeviceSize bytesMoved;
+ /// Total number of bytes that have been released to the system by freeing empty `VkDeviceMemory` objects.
+ VkDeviceSize bytesFreed;
+ /// Number of allocations that have been moved to different places.
+ uint32_t allocationsMoved;
+ /// Number of empty `VkDeviceMemory` objects that have been released to the system.
+ uint32_t deviceMemoryBlocksFreed;
+} VmaDefragmentationStats;
+/** \brief Begins defragmentation process.
+@param allocator Allocator object.
+@param pInfo Structure filled with parameters of defragmentation.
+@param[out] pStats Optional. Statistics of defragmentation. You can pass null if you are not interested in this information.
+@param[out] pContext Context object that must be passed to vmaDefragmentationEnd() to finish defragmentation.
+@return `VK_SUCCESS` and `*pContext == null` if defragmentation finished within this function call. `VK_NOT_READY` and `*pContext != null` if defragmentation has been started and you need to call vmaDefragmentationEnd() to finish it. Negative value in case of error.
+Use this function instead of old, deprecated vmaDefragment().
+Warning! Between the call to vmaDefragmentationBegin() and vmaDefragmentationEnd():
+- You should not use any of allocations passed as `pInfo->pAllocations` or
+ any allocations that belong to pools passed as `pInfo->pPools`,
+ including calling vmaGetAllocationInfo(), vmaTouchAllocation(), or access
+ their data.
+- Some mutexes protecting internal data structures may be locked, so trying to
+ make or free any allocations, bind buffers or images, map memory, or launch
+ another simultaneous defragmentation in between may cause stall (when done on
+ another thread) or deadlock (when done on the same thread), unless you are
+ 100% sure that defragmented allocations are in different pools.
+- Information returned via `pStats` and `pInfo->pAllocationsChanged` are undefined.
+ They become valid after call to vmaDefragmentationEnd().
+- If `pInfo->commandBuffer` is not null, you must submit that command buffer
+ and make sure it finished execution before calling vmaDefragmentationEnd().
+VkResult vmaDefragmentationBegin(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VmaDefragmentationInfo2* pInfo,
+ VmaDefragmentationStats* pStats,
+ VmaDefragmentationContext *pContext);
+/** \brief Ends defragmentation process.
+Use this function to finish defragmentation started by vmaDefragmentationBegin().
+It is safe to pass `context == null`. The function then does nothing.
+VkResult vmaDefragmentationEnd(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaDefragmentationContext context);
+/** \brief Deprecated. Compacts memory by moving allocations.
+@param pAllocations Array of allocations that can be moved during this compation.
+@param allocationCount Number of elements in pAllocations and pAllocationsChanged arrays.
+@param[out] pAllocationsChanged Array of boolean values that will indicate whether matching allocation in pAllocations array has been moved. This parameter is optional. Pass null if you don't need this information.
+@param pDefragmentationInfo Configuration parameters. Optional - pass null to use default values.
+@param[out] pDefragmentationStats Statistics returned by the function. Optional - pass null if you don't need this information.
+@return `VK_SUCCESS` if completed, negative error code in case of error.
+\deprecated This is a part of the old interface. It is recommended to use structure #VmaDefragmentationInfo2 and function vmaDefragmentationBegin() instead.
+This function works by moving allocations to different places (different
+`VkDeviceMemory` objects and/or different offsets) in order to optimize memory
+usage. Only allocations that are in `pAllocations` array can be moved. All other
+allocations are considered nonmovable in this call. Basic rules:
+- Only allocations made in memory types that have
+ flags can be compacted. You may pass other allocations but it makes no sense -
+ these will never be moved.
+- Custom pools created with #VMA_POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT or
+ #VMA_POOL_CREATE_BUDDY_ALGORITHM_BIT flag are not defragmented. Allocations
+ passed to this function that come from such pools are ignored.
+ created as dedicated allocations for any other reason are also ignored.
+- Both allocations made with or without #VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT
+ flag can be compacted. If not persistently mapped, memory will be mapped
+ temporarily inside this function if needed.
+- You must not pass same #VmaAllocation object multiple times in `pAllocations` array.
+The function also frees empty `VkDeviceMemory` blocks.
+Warning: This function may be time-consuming, so you shouldn't call it too often
+(like after every resource creation/destruction).
+You can call it on special occasions (like when reloading a game level or
+when you just destroyed a lot of objects). Calling it every frame may be OK, but
+you should measure that on your platform.
+For more information, see [Defragmentation](@ref defragmentation) chapter.
+VkResult vmaDefragment(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VkBool32* pAllocationsChanged,
+ const VmaDefragmentationInfo *pDefragmentationInfo,
+ VmaDefragmentationStats* pDefragmentationStats);
+/** \brief Binds buffer to allocation.
+Binds specified buffer to region of memory represented by specified allocation.
+Gets `VkDeviceMemory` handle and offset from the allocation.
+If you want to create a buffer, allocate memory for it and bind them together separately,
+you should use this function for binding instead of standard `vkBindBufferMemory()`,
+because it ensures proper synchronization so that when a `VkDeviceMemory` object is used by multiple
+allocations, calls to `vkBind*Memory()` or `vkMapMemory()` won't happen from multiple threads simultaneously
+(which is illegal in Vulkan).
+It is recommended to use function vmaCreateBuffer() instead of this one.
+VkResult vmaBindBufferMemory(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ VkBuffer buffer);
+/** \brief Binds image to allocation.
+Binds specified image to region of memory represented by specified allocation.
+Gets `VkDeviceMemory` handle and offset from the allocation.
+If you want to create an image, allocate memory for it and bind them together separately,
+you should use this function for binding instead of standard `vkBindImageMemory()`,
+because it ensures proper synchronization so that when a `VkDeviceMemory` object is used by multiple
+allocations, calls to `vkBind*Memory()` or `vkMapMemory()` won't happen from multiple threads simultaneously
+(which is illegal in Vulkan).
+It is recommended to use function vmaCreateImage() instead of this one.
+VkResult vmaBindImageMemory(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ VkImage image);
+@param[out] pBuffer Buffer that was created.
+@param[out] pAllocation Allocation that was created.
+@param[out] pAllocationInfo Optional. Information about allocated memory. It can be later fetched using function vmaGetAllocationInfo().
+This function automatically:
+-# Creates buffer.
+-# Allocates appropriate memory for it.
+-# Binds the buffer with the memory.
+If any of these operations fail, buffer and allocation are not created,
+returned value is negative error code, *pBuffer and *pAllocation are null.
+If the function succeeded, you must destroy both buffer and allocation when you
+no longer need them using either convenience function vmaDestroyBuffer() or
+separately, using `vkDestroyBuffer()` and vmaFreeMemory().
+VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension is used internally to query driver whether
+it requires or prefers the new buffer to have dedicated allocation. If yes,
+and if dedicated allocation is possible (VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pool is null
+and VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT is not used), it creates dedicated
+allocation for this buffer, just like when using
+VkResult vmaCreateBuffer(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkBufferCreateInfo* pBufferCreateInfo,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ VkBuffer* pBuffer,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation,
+ VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo);
+/** \brief Destroys Vulkan buffer and frees allocated memory.
+This is just a convenience function equivalent to:
+vkDestroyBuffer(device, buffer, allocationCallbacks);
+vmaFreeMemory(allocator, allocation);
+It it safe to pass null as buffer and/or allocation.
+void vmaDestroyBuffer(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VkBuffer buffer,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+/// Function similar to vmaCreateBuffer().
+VkResult vmaCreateImage(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkImageCreateInfo* pImageCreateInfo,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ VkImage* pImage,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation,
+ VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo);
+/** \brief Destroys Vulkan image and frees allocated memory.
+This is just a convenience function equivalent to:
+vkDestroyImage(device, image, allocationCallbacks);
+vmaFreeMemory(allocator, allocation);
+It it safe to pass null as image and/or allocation.
+void vmaDestroyImage(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VkImage image,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+// For Visual Studio IntelliSense.
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && defined(__INTELLISENSE__)
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+Define some of these macros before each #include of this header or change them
+here if you need other then default behavior depending on your environment.
+Define this macro to 1 to make the library fetch pointers to Vulkan functions
+internally, like:
+ vulkanFunctions.vkAllocateMemory = &vkAllocateMemory;
+Define to 0 if you are going to provide you own pointers to Vulkan functions via
+// Define this macro to 1 to make the library use STL containers instead of its own implementation.
+/* Set this macro to 1 to make the library including and using STL containers:
+std::pair, std::vector, std::list, std::unordered_map.
+Set it to 0 or undefined to make the library using its own implementation of
+the containers.
+ #define VMA_USE_STL_VECTOR 1
+ #define VMA_USE_STL_LIST 1
+ // Minimum Visual Studio 2015 Update 2
+ #if defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && _MSC_FULL_VER >= 190023918
+ #endif
+ #include <vector>
+ #include <unordered_map>
+ #include <list>
+Following headers are used in this CONFIGURATION section only, so feel free to
+remove them if not needed.
+#include <cassert> // for assert
+#include <algorithm> // for min, max
+#include <mutex>
+#include <atomic> // for std::atomic
+#ifndef VMA_NULL
+ // Value used as null pointer. Define it to e.g.: nullptr, NULL, 0, (void*)0.
+ #define VMA_NULL nullptr
+#if defined(__ANDROID_API__) && (__ANDROID_API__ < 16)
+#include <cstdlib>
+void *aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size)
+ // alignment must be >= sizeof(void*)
+ if(alignment < sizeof(void*))
+ {
+ alignment = sizeof(void*);
+ }
+ return memalign(alignment, size);
+#elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__ANDROID__)
+#include <cstdlib>
+void *aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size)
+ // alignment must be >= sizeof(void*)
+ if(alignment < sizeof(void*))
+ {
+ alignment = sizeof(void*);
+ }
+ void *pointer;
+ if(posix_memalign(&pointer, alignment, size) == 0)
+ return pointer;
+ return VMA_NULL;
+// If your compiler is not compatible with C++11 and definition of
+// aligned_alloc() function is missing, uncommeting following line may help:
+//#include <malloc.h>
+// Normal assert to check for programmer's errors, especially in Debug configuration.
+#ifndef VMA_ASSERT
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define VMA_ASSERT(expr) assert(expr)
+ #else
+ #define VMA_ASSERT(expr)
+ #endif
+// Assert that will be called very often, like inside data structures e.g. operator[].
+// Making it non-empty can make program slow.
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(expr) //VMA_ASSERT(expr)
+ #else
+ #define VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(expr)
+ #endif
+#ifndef VMA_ALIGN_OF
+ #define VMA_ALIGN_OF(type) (__alignof(type))
+ #if defined(_WIN32)
+ #define VMA_SYSTEM_ALIGNED_MALLOC(size, alignment) (_aligned_malloc((size), (alignment)))
+ #else
+ #define VMA_SYSTEM_ALIGNED_MALLOC(size, alignment) (aligned_alloc((alignment), (size) ))
+ #endif
+ #if defined(_WIN32)
+ #define VMA_SYSTEM_FREE(ptr) _aligned_free(ptr)
+ #else
+ #define VMA_SYSTEM_FREE(ptr) free(ptr)
+ #endif
+#ifndef VMA_MIN
+ #define VMA_MIN(v1, v2) (std::min((v1), (v2)))
+#ifndef VMA_MAX
+ #define VMA_MAX(v1, v2) (std::max((v1), (v2)))
+#ifndef VMA_SWAP
+ #define VMA_SWAP(v1, v2) std::swap((v1), (v2))
+#ifndef VMA_SORT
+ #define VMA_SORT(beg, end, cmp) std::sort(beg, end, cmp)
+#ifndef VMA_DEBUG_LOG
+ #define VMA_DEBUG_LOG(format, ...)
+ /*
+ #define VMA_DEBUG_LOG(format, ...) do { \
+ printf(format, __VA_ARGS__); \
+ printf("\n"); \
+ } while(false)
+ */
+// Define this macro to 1 to enable functions: vmaBuildStatsString, vmaFreeStatsString.
+ static inline void VmaUint32ToStr(char* outStr, size_t strLen, uint32_t num)
+ {
+ snprintf(outStr, strLen, "%u", static_cast<unsigned int>(num));
+ }
+ static inline void VmaUint64ToStr(char* outStr, size_t strLen, uint64_t num)
+ {
+ snprintf(outStr, strLen, "%llu", static_cast<unsigned long long>(num));
+ }
+ static inline void VmaPtrToStr(char* outStr, size_t strLen, const void* ptr)
+ {
+ snprintf(outStr, strLen, "%p", ptr);
+ }
+#ifndef VMA_MUTEX
+ class VmaMutex
+ {
+ public:
+ void Lock() { m_Mutex.lock(); }
+ void Unlock() { m_Mutex.unlock(); }
+ private:
+ std::mutex m_Mutex;
+ };
+ #define VMA_MUTEX VmaMutex
+// Read-write mutex, where "read" is shared access, "write" is exclusive access.
+#ifndef VMA_RW_MUTEX
+ // Use std::shared_mutex from C++17.
+ #include <shared_mutex>
+ class VmaRWMutex
+ {
+ public:
+ void LockRead() { m_Mutex.lock_shared(); }
+ void UnlockRead() { m_Mutex.unlock_shared(); }
+ void LockWrite() { m_Mutex.lock(); }
+ void UnlockWrite() { m_Mutex.unlock(); }
+ private:
+ std::shared_mutex m_Mutex;
+ };
+ #define VMA_RW_MUTEX VmaRWMutex
+ #elif defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
+ // Use SRWLOCK from WinAPI.
+ class VmaRWMutex
+ {
+ public:
+ VmaRWMutex() { InitializeSRWLock(&m_Lock); }
+ void LockRead() { AcquireSRWLockShared(&m_Lock); }
+ void UnlockRead() { ReleaseSRWLockShared(&m_Lock); }
+ void LockWrite() { AcquireSRWLockExclusive(&m_Lock); }
+ void UnlockWrite() { ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(&m_Lock); }
+ private:
+ SRWLOCK m_Lock;
+ };
+ #define VMA_RW_MUTEX VmaRWMutex
+ #else
+ // Less efficient fallback: Use normal mutex.
+ class VmaRWMutex
+ {
+ public:
+ void LockRead() { m_Mutex.Lock(); }
+ void UnlockRead() { m_Mutex.Unlock(); }
+ void LockWrite() { m_Mutex.Lock(); }
+ void UnlockWrite() { m_Mutex.Unlock(); }
+ private:
+ VMA_MUTEX m_Mutex;
+ };
+ #define VMA_RW_MUTEX VmaRWMutex
+ #endif // #if VMA_USE_STL_SHARED_MUTEX
+#endif // #ifndef VMA_RW_MUTEX
+If providing your own implementation, you need to implement a subset of std::atomic:
+- Constructor(uint32_t desired)
+- uint32_t load() const
+- void store(uint32_t desired)
+- bool compare_exchange_weak(uint32_t& expected, uint32_t desired)
+#ifndef VMA_ATOMIC_UINT32
+ #define VMA_ATOMIC_UINT32 std::atomic<uint32_t>
+ /**
+ Every allocation will have its own memory block.
+ Define to 1 for debugging purposes only.
+ */
+ /**
+ Minimum alignment of all allocations, in bytes.
+ Set to more than 1 for debugging purposes only. Must be power of two.
+ */
+ /**
+ Minimum margin before and after every allocation, in bytes.
+ Set nonzero for debugging purposes only.
+ */
+ #define VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN (0)
+ /**
+ Define this macro to 1 to automatically fill new allocations and destroyed
+ allocations with some bit pattern.
+ */
+ /**
+ Define this macro to 1 together with non-zero value of VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN to
+ enable writing magic value to the margin before and after every allocation and
+ validating it, so that memory corruptions (out-of-bounds writes) are detected.
+ */
+ /**
+ Set this to 1 for debugging purposes only, to enable single mutex protecting all
+ entry calls to the library. Can be useful for debugging multithreading issues.
+ */
+ /**
+ Minimum value for VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::bufferImageGranularity.
+ Set to more than 1 for debugging purposes only. Must be power of two.
+ */
+ /// Maximum size of a memory heap in Vulkan to consider it "small".
+ #define VMA_SMALL_HEAP_MAX_SIZE (1024ull * 1024 * 1024)
+ /// Default size of a block allocated as single VkDeviceMemory from a "large" heap.
+ #define VMA_DEFAULT_LARGE_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE (256ull * 1024 * 1024)
+ #define VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(className) \
+ private: \
+ className(const className&) = delete; \
+ className& operator=(const className&) = delete;
+static const uint32_t VMA_FRAME_INDEX_LOST = UINT32_MAX;
+// Decimal 2139416166, float NaN, little-endian binary 66 E6 84 7F.
+static const uint32_t VMA_CORRUPTION_DETECTION_MAGIC_VALUE = 0x7F84E666;
+static const uint32_t VMA_ALLOCATION_INTERNAL_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET = 0x10000000u;
+static VkAllocationCallbacks VmaEmptyAllocationCallbacks = {
+// Returns number of bits set to 1 in (v).
+static inline uint32_t VmaCountBitsSet(uint32_t v)
+ uint32_t c = v - ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555);
+ c = ((c >> 2) & 0x33333333) + (c & 0x33333333);
+ c = ((c >> 4) + c) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
+ c = ((c >> 8) + c) & 0x00FF00FF;
+ c = ((c >> 16) + c) & 0x0000FFFF;
+ return c;
+// Aligns given value up to nearest multiply of align value. For example: VmaAlignUp(11, 8) = 16.
+// Use types like uint32_t, uint64_t as T.
+template <typename T>
+static inline T VmaAlignUp(T val, T align)
+ return (val + align - 1) / align * align;
+// Aligns given value down to nearest multiply of align value. For example: VmaAlignUp(11, 8) = 8.
+// Use types like uint32_t, uint64_t as T.
+template <typename T>
+static inline T VmaAlignDown(T val, T align)
+ return val / align * align;
+// Division with mathematical rounding to nearest number.
+template <typename T>
+static inline T VmaRoundDiv(T x, T y)
+ return (x + (y / (T)2)) / y;
+Returns true if given number is a power of two.
+T must be unsigned integer number or signed integer but always nonnegative.
+For 0 returns true.
+template <typename T>
+inline bool VmaIsPow2(T x)
+ return (x & (x-1)) == 0;
+// Returns smallest power of 2 greater or equal to v.
+static inline uint32_t VmaNextPow2(uint32_t v)
+ v--;
+ v |= v >> 1;
+ v |= v >> 2;
+ v |= v >> 4;
+ v |= v >> 8;
+ v |= v >> 16;
+ v++;
+ return v;
+static inline uint64_t VmaNextPow2(uint64_t v)
+ v--;
+ v |= v >> 1;
+ v |= v >> 2;
+ v |= v >> 4;
+ v |= v >> 8;
+ v |= v >> 16;
+ v |= v >> 32;
+ v++;
+ return v;
+// Returns largest power of 2 less or equal to v.
+static inline uint32_t VmaPrevPow2(uint32_t v)
+ v |= v >> 1;
+ v |= v >> 2;
+ v |= v >> 4;
+ v |= v >> 8;
+ v |= v >> 16;
+ v = v ^ (v >> 1);
+ return v;
+static inline uint64_t VmaPrevPow2(uint64_t v)
+ v |= v >> 1;
+ v |= v >> 2;
+ v |= v >> 4;
+ v |= v >> 8;
+ v |= v >> 16;
+ v |= v >> 32;
+ v = v ^ (v >> 1);
+ return v;
+static inline bool VmaStrIsEmpty(const char* pStr)
+ return pStr == VMA_NULL || *pStr == '\0';
+static const char* VmaAlgorithmToStr(uint32_t algorithm)
+ switch(algorithm)
+ {
+ return "Linear";
+ return "Buddy";
+ case 0:
+ return "Default";
+ default:
+ return "";
+ }
+#ifndef VMA_SORT
+template<typename Iterator, typename Compare>
+Iterator VmaQuickSortPartition(Iterator beg, Iterator end, Compare cmp)
+ Iterator centerValue = end; --centerValue;
+ Iterator insertIndex = beg;
+ for(Iterator memTypeIndex = beg; memTypeIndex < centerValue; ++memTypeIndex)
+ {
+ if(cmp(*memTypeIndex, *centerValue))
+ {
+ if(insertIndex != memTypeIndex)
+ {
+ VMA_SWAP(*memTypeIndex, *insertIndex);
+ }
+ ++insertIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ if(insertIndex != centerValue)
+ {
+ VMA_SWAP(*insertIndex, *centerValue);
+ }
+ return insertIndex;
+template<typename Iterator, typename Compare>
+void VmaQuickSort(Iterator beg, Iterator end, Compare cmp)
+ if(beg < end)
+ {
+ Iterator it = VmaQuickSortPartition<Iterator, Compare>(beg, end, cmp);
+ VmaQuickSort<Iterator, Compare>(beg, it, cmp);
+ VmaQuickSort<Iterator, Compare>(it + 1, end, cmp);
+ }
+#define VMA_SORT(beg, end, cmp) VmaQuickSort(beg, end, cmp)
+#endif // #ifndef VMA_SORT
+Returns true if two memory blocks occupy overlapping pages.
+ResourceA must be in less memory offset than ResourceB.
+Algorithm is based on "Vulkan 1.0.39 - A Specification (with all registered Vulkan extensions)"
+chapter 11.6 "Resource Memory Association", paragraph "Buffer-Image Granularity".
+static inline bool VmaBlocksOnSamePage(
+ VkDeviceSize resourceAOffset,
+ VkDeviceSize resourceASize,
+ VkDeviceSize resourceBOffset,
+ VkDeviceSize pageSize)
+ VMA_ASSERT(resourceAOffset + resourceASize <= resourceBOffset && resourceASize > 0 && pageSize > 0);
+ VkDeviceSize resourceAEnd = resourceAOffset + resourceASize - 1;
+ VkDeviceSize resourceAEndPage = resourceAEnd & ~(pageSize - 1);
+ VkDeviceSize resourceBStart = resourceBOffset;
+ VkDeviceSize resourceBStartPage = resourceBStart & ~(pageSize - 1);
+ return resourceAEndPage == resourceBStartPage;
+enum VmaSuballocationType
+Returns true if given suballocation types could conflict and must respect
+VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::bufferImageGranularity. They conflict if one is buffer
+or linear image and another one is optimal image. If type is unknown, behave
+static inline bool VmaIsBufferImageGranularityConflict(
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType1,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType2)
+ if(suballocType1 > suballocType2)
+ {
+ VMA_SWAP(suballocType1, suballocType2);
+ }
+ switch(suballocType1)
+ {
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return false;
+ default:
+ return true;
+ }
+static void VmaWriteMagicValue(void* pData, VkDeviceSize offset)
+ uint32_t* pDst = (uint32_t*)((char*)pData + offset);
+ const size_t numberCount = VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN / sizeof(uint32_t);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != numberCount; ++i, ++pDst)
+ {
+ }
+static bool VmaValidateMagicValue(const void* pData, VkDeviceSize offset)
+ const uint32_t* pSrc = (const uint32_t*)((const char*)pData + offset);
+ const size_t numberCount = VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN / sizeof(uint32_t);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != numberCount; ++i, ++pSrc)
+ {
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// Helper RAII class to lock a mutex in constructor and unlock it in destructor (at the end of scope).
+struct VmaMutexLock
+ VmaMutexLock(VMA_MUTEX& mutex, bool useMutex) :
+ m_pMutex(useMutex ? &mutex : VMA_NULL)
+ { if(m_pMutex) { m_pMutex->Lock(); } }
+ ~VmaMutexLock()
+ { if(m_pMutex) { m_pMutex->Unlock(); } }
+ VMA_MUTEX* m_pMutex;
+// Helper RAII class to lock a RW mutex in constructor and unlock it in destructor (at the end of scope), for reading.
+struct VmaMutexLockRead
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaMutexLockRead)
+ VmaMutexLockRead(VMA_RW_MUTEX& mutex, bool useMutex) :
+ m_pMutex(useMutex ? &mutex : VMA_NULL)
+ { if(m_pMutex) { m_pMutex->LockRead(); } }
+ ~VmaMutexLockRead() { if(m_pMutex) { m_pMutex->UnlockRead(); } }
+ VMA_RW_MUTEX* m_pMutex;
+// Helper RAII class to lock a RW mutex in constructor and unlock it in destructor (at the end of scope), for writing.
+struct VmaMutexLockWrite
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaMutexLockWrite)
+ VmaMutexLockWrite(VMA_RW_MUTEX& mutex, bool useMutex) :
+ m_pMutex(useMutex ? &mutex : VMA_NULL)
+ { if(m_pMutex) { m_pMutex->LockWrite(); } }
+ ~VmaMutexLockWrite() { if(m_pMutex) { m_pMutex->UnlockWrite(); } }
+ VMA_RW_MUTEX* m_pMutex;
+ static VMA_MUTEX gDebugGlobalMutex;
+ #define VMA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX_LOCK VmaMutexLock debugGlobalMutexLock(gDebugGlobalMutex, true);
+// Minimum size of a free suballocation to register it in the free suballocation collection.
+Performs binary search and returns iterator to first element that is greater or
+equal to (key), according to comparison (cmp).
+Cmp should return true if first argument is less than second argument.
+Returned value is the found element, if present in the collection or place where
+new element with value (key) should be inserted.
+template <typename CmpLess, typename IterT, typename KeyT>
+static IterT VmaBinaryFindFirstNotLess(IterT beg, IterT end, const KeyT &key, CmpLess cmp)
+ size_t down = 0, up = (end - beg);
+ while(down < up)
+ {
+ const size_t mid = (down + up) / 2;
+ if(cmp(*(beg+mid), key))
+ {
+ down = mid + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ up = mid;
+ }
+ }
+ return beg + down;
+Returns true if all pointers in the array are not-null and unique.
+Warning! O(n^2) complexity. Use only inside VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT.
+T must be pointer type, e.g. VmaAllocation, VmaPool.
+template<typename T>
+static bool VmaValidatePointerArray(uint32_t count, const T* arr)
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ const T iPtr = arr[i];
+ if(iPtr == VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for(uint32_t j = i + 1; j < count; ++j)
+ {
+ if(iPtr == arr[j])
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// Memory allocation
+static void* VmaMalloc(const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocationCallbacks, size_t size, size_t alignment)
+ if((pAllocationCallbacks != VMA_NULL) &&
+ (pAllocationCallbacks->pfnAllocation != VMA_NULL))
+ {
+ return (*pAllocationCallbacks->pfnAllocation)(
+ pAllocationCallbacks->pUserData,
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return VMA_SYSTEM_ALIGNED_MALLOC(size, alignment);
+ }
+static void VmaFree(const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocationCallbacks, void* ptr)
+ if((pAllocationCallbacks != VMA_NULL) &&
+ (pAllocationCallbacks->pfnFree != VMA_NULL))
+ {
+ (*pAllocationCallbacks->pfnFree)(pAllocationCallbacks->pUserData, ptr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+template<typename T>
+static T* VmaAllocate(const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocationCallbacks)
+ return (T*)VmaMalloc(pAllocationCallbacks, sizeof(T), VMA_ALIGN_OF(T));
+template<typename T>
+static T* VmaAllocateArray(const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocationCallbacks, size_t count)
+ return (T*)VmaMalloc(pAllocationCallbacks, sizeof(T) * count, VMA_ALIGN_OF(T));
+#define vma_new(allocator, type) new(VmaAllocate<type>(allocator))(type)
+#define vma_new_array(allocator, type, count) new(VmaAllocateArray<type>((allocator), (count)))(type)
+template<typename T>
+static void vma_delete(const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocationCallbacks, T* ptr)
+ ptr->~T();
+ VmaFree(pAllocationCallbacks, ptr);
+template<typename T>
+static void vma_delete_array(const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocationCallbacks, T* ptr, size_t count)
+ if(ptr != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ for(size_t i = count; i--; )
+ {
+ ptr[i].~T();
+ }
+ VmaFree(pAllocationCallbacks, ptr);
+ }
+// STL-compatible allocator.
+template<typename T>
+class VmaStlAllocator
+ const VkAllocationCallbacks* const m_pCallbacks;
+ typedef T value_type;
+ VmaStlAllocator(const VkAllocationCallbacks* pCallbacks) : m_pCallbacks(pCallbacks) { }
+ template<typename U> VmaStlAllocator(const VmaStlAllocator<U>& src) : m_pCallbacks(src.m_pCallbacks) { }
+ T* allocate(size_t n) { return VmaAllocateArray<T>(m_pCallbacks, n); }
+ void deallocate(T* p, size_t /*n*/) { VmaFree(m_pCallbacks, p); }
+ template<typename U>
+ bool operator==(const VmaStlAllocator<U>& rhs) const
+ {
+ return m_pCallbacks == rhs.m_pCallbacks;
+ }
+ template<typename U>
+ bool operator!=(const VmaStlAllocator<U>& rhs) const
+ {
+ return m_pCallbacks != rhs.m_pCallbacks;
+ }
+ VmaStlAllocator& operator=(const VmaStlAllocator& x) = delete;
+#define VmaVector std::vector
+template<typename T, typename allocatorT>
+static void VmaVectorInsert(std::vector<T, allocatorT>& vec, size_t index, const T& item)
+ vec.insert(vec.begin() + index, item);
+template<typename T, typename allocatorT>
+static void VmaVectorRemove(std::vector<T, allocatorT>& vec, size_t index)
+ vec.erase(vec.begin() + index);
+#else // #if VMA_USE_STL_VECTOR
+/* Class with interface compatible with subset of std::vector.
+T must be POD because constructors and destructors are not called and memcpy is
+used for these objects. */
+template<typename T, typename AllocatorT>
+class VmaVector
+ typedef T value_type;
+ VmaVector(const AllocatorT& allocator) :
+ m_Allocator(allocator),
+ m_pArray(VMA_NULL),
+ m_Count(0),
+ m_Capacity(0)
+ {
+ }
+ VmaVector(size_t count, const AllocatorT& allocator) :
+ m_Allocator(allocator),
+ m_pArray(count ? (T*)VmaAllocateArray<T>(allocator.m_pCallbacks, count) : VMA_NULL),
+ m_Count(count),
+ m_Capacity(count)
+ {
+ }
+ VmaVector(const VmaVector<T, AllocatorT>& src) :
+ m_Allocator(src.m_Allocator),
+ m_pArray(src.m_Count ? (T*)VmaAllocateArray<T>(src.m_Allocator.m_pCallbacks, src.m_Count) : VMA_NULL),
+ m_Count(src.m_Count),
+ m_Capacity(src.m_Count)
+ {
+ if(m_Count != 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(m_pArray, src.m_pArray, m_Count * sizeof(T));
+ }
+ }
+ ~VmaVector()
+ {
+ VmaFree(m_Allocator.m_pCallbacks, m_pArray);
+ }
+ VmaVector& operator=(const VmaVector<T, AllocatorT>& rhs)
+ {
+ if(&rhs != this)
+ {
+ resize(rhs.m_Count);
+ if(m_Count != 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(m_pArray, rhs.m_pArray, m_Count * sizeof(T));
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool empty() const { return m_Count == 0; }
+ size_t size() const { return m_Count; }
+ T* data() { return m_pArray; }
+ const T* data() const { return m_pArray; }
+ T& operator[](size_t index)
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(index < m_Count);
+ return m_pArray[index];
+ }
+ const T& operator[](size_t index) const
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(index < m_Count);
+ return m_pArray[index];
+ }
+ T& front()
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ return m_pArray[0];
+ }
+ const T& front() const
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ return m_pArray[0];
+ }
+ T& back()
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ return m_pArray[m_Count - 1];
+ }
+ const T& back() const
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ return m_pArray[m_Count - 1];
+ }
+ void reserve(size_t newCapacity, bool freeMemory = false)
+ {
+ newCapacity = VMA_MAX(newCapacity, m_Count);
+ if((newCapacity < m_Capacity) && !freeMemory)
+ {
+ newCapacity = m_Capacity;
+ }
+ if(newCapacity != m_Capacity)
+ {
+ T* const newArray = newCapacity ? VmaAllocateArray<T>(m_Allocator, newCapacity) : VMA_NULL;
+ if(m_Count != 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(newArray, m_pArray, m_Count * sizeof(T));
+ }
+ VmaFree(m_Allocator.m_pCallbacks, m_pArray);
+ m_Capacity = newCapacity;
+ m_pArray = newArray;
+ }
+ }
+ void resize(size_t newCount, bool freeMemory = false)
+ {
+ size_t newCapacity = m_Capacity;
+ if(newCount > m_Capacity)
+ {
+ newCapacity = VMA_MAX(newCount, VMA_MAX(m_Capacity * 3 / 2, (size_t)8));
+ }
+ else if(freeMemory)
+ {
+ newCapacity = newCount;
+ }
+ if(newCapacity != m_Capacity)
+ {
+ T* const newArray = newCapacity ? VmaAllocateArray<T>(m_Allocator.m_pCallbacks, newCapacity) : VMA_NULL;
+ const size_t elementsToCopy = VMA_MIN(m_Count, newCount);
+ if(elementsToCopy != 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(newArray, m_pArray, elementsToCopy * sizeof(T));
+ }
+ VmaFree(m_Allocator.m_pCallbacks, m_pArray);
+ m_Capacity = newCapacity;
+ m_pArray = newArray;
+ }
+ m_Count = newCount;
+ }
+ void clear(bool freeMemory = false)
+ {
+ resize(0, freeMemory);
+ }
+ void insert(size_t index, const T& src)
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(index <= m_Count);
+ const size_t oldCount = size();
+ resize(oldCount + 1);
+ if(index < oldCount)
+ {
+ memmove(m_pArray + (index + 1), m_pArray + index, (oldCount - index) * sizeof(T));
+ }
+ m_pArray[index] = src;
+ }
+ void remove(size_t index)
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(index < m_Count);
+ const size_t oldCount = size();
+ if(index < oldCount - 1)
+ {
+ memmove(m_pArray + index, m_pArray + (index + 1), (oldCount - index - 1) * sizeof(T));
+ }
+ resize(oldCount - 1);
+ }
+ void push_back(const T& src)
+ {
+ const size_t newIndex = size();
+ resize(newIndex + 1);
+ m_pArray[newIndex] = src;
+ }
+ void pop_back()
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ resize(size() - 1);
+ }
+ void push_front(const T& src)
+ {
+ insert(0, src);
+ }
+ void pop_front()
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ remove(0);
+ }
+ typedef T* iterator;
+ iterator begin() { return m_pArray; }
+ iterator end() { return m_pArray + m_Count; }
+ AllocatorT m_Allocator;
+ T* m_pArray;
+ size_t m_Count;
+ size_t m_Capacity;
+template<typename T, typename allocatorT>
+static void VmaVectorInsert(VmaVector<T, allocatorT>& vec, size_t index, const T& item)
+ vec.insert(index, item);
+template<typename T, typename allocatorT>
+static void VmaVectorRemove(VmaVector<T, allocatorT>& vec, size_t index)
+ vec.remove(index);
+#endif // #if VMA_USE_STL_VECTOR
+template<typename CmpLess, typename VectorT>
+size_t VmaVectorInsertSorted(VectorT& vector, const typename VectorT::value_type& value)
+ const size_t indexToInsert = VmaBinaryFindFirstNotLess(
+ + vector.size(),
+ value,
+ CmpLess()) -;
+ VmaVectorInsert(vector, indexToInsert, value);
+ return indexToInsert;
+template<typename CmpLess, typename VectorT>
+bool VmaVectorRemoveSorted(VectorT& vector, const typename VectorT::value_type& value)
+ CmpLess comparator;
+ typename VectorT::iterator it = VmaBinaryFindFirstNotLess(
+ vector.begin(),
+ vector.end(),
+ value,
+ comparator);
+ if((it != vector.end()) && !comparator(*it, value) && !comparator(value, *it))
+ {
+ size_t indexToRemove = it - vector.begin();
+ VmaVectorRemove(vector, indexToRemove);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+template<typename CmpLess, typename IterT, typename KeyT>
+IterT VmaVectorFindSorted(const IterT& beg, const IterT& end, const KeyT& value)
+ CmpLess comparator;
+ IterT it = VmaBinaryFindFirstNotLess<CmpLess, IterT, KeyT>(
+ beg, end, value, comparator);
+ if(it == end ||
+ (!comparator(*it, value) && !comparator(value, *it)))
+ {
+ return it;
+ }
+ return end;
+// class VmaPoolAllocator
+Allocator for objects of type T using a list of arrays (pools) to speed up
+allocation. Number of elements that can be allocated is not bounded because
+allocator can create multiple blocks.
+template<typename T>
+class VmaPoolAllocator
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaPoolAllocator)
+ VmaPoolAllocator(const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocationCallbacks, size_t itemsPerBlock);
+ ~VmaPoolAllocator();
+ void Clear();
+ T* Alloc();
+ void Free(T* ptr);
+ union Item
+ {
+ uint32_t NextFreeIndex;
+ T Value;
+ };
+ struct ItemBlock
+ {
+ Item* pItems;
+ uint32_t FirstFreeIndex;
+ };
+ const VkAllocationCallbacks* m_pAllocationCallbacks;
+ size_t m_ItemsPerBlock;
+ VmaVector< ItemBlock, VmaStlAllocator<ItemBlock> > m_ItemBlocks;
+ ItemBlock& CreateNewBlock();
+template<typename T>
+VmaPoolAllocator<T>::VmaPoolAllocator(const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocationCallbacks, size_t itemsPerBlock) :
+ m_pAllocationCallbacks(pAllocationCallbacks),
+ m_ItemsPerBlock(itemsPerBlock),
+ m_ItemBlocks(VmaStlAllocator<ItemBlock>(pAllocationCallbacks))
+ VMA_ASSERT(itemsPerBlock > 0);
+template<typename T>
+ Clear();
+template<typename T>
+void VmaPoolAllocator<T>::Clear()
+ for(size_t i = m_ItemBlocks.size(); i--; )
+ vma_delete_array(m_pAllocationCallbacks, m_ItemBlocks[i].pItems, m_ItemsPerBlock);
+ m_ItemBlocks.clear();
+template<typename T>
+T* VmaPoolAllocator<T>::Alloc()
+ for(size_t i = m_ItemBlocks.size(); i--; )
+ {
+ ItemBlock& block = m_ItemBlocks[i];
+ // This block has some free items: Use first one.
+ if(block.FirstFreeIndex != UINT32_MAX)
+ {
+ Item* const pItem = &block.pItems[block.FirstFreeIndex];
+ block.FirstFreeIndex = pItem->NextFreeIndex;
+ return &pItem->Value;
+ }
+ }
+ // No block has free item: Create new one and use it.
+ ItemBlock& newBlock = CreateNewBlock();
+ Item* const pItem = &newBlock.pItems[0];
+ newBlock.FirstFreeIndex = pItem->NextFreeIndex;
+ return &pItem->Value;
+template<typename T>
+void VmaPoolAllocator<T>::Free(T* ptr)
+ // Search all memory blocks to find ptr.
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < m_ItemBlocks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ ItemBlock& block = m_ItemBlocks[i];
+ // Casting to union.
+ Item* pItemPtr;
+ memcpy(&pItemPtr, &ptr, sizeof(pItemPtr));
+ // Check if pItemPtr is in address range of this block.
+ if((pItemPtr >= block.pItems) && (pItemPtr < block.pItems + m_ItemsPerBlock))
+ {
+ const uint32_t index = static_cast<uint32_t>(pItemPtr - block.pItems);
+ pItemPtr->NextFreeIndex = block.FirstFreeIndex;
+ block.FirstFreeIndex = index;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Pointer doesn't belong to this memory pool.");
+template<typename T>
+typename VmaPoolAllocator<T>::ItemBlock& VmaPoolAllocator<T>::CreateNewBlock()
+ ItemBlock newBlock = {
+ vma_new_array(m_pAllocationCallbacks, Item, m_ItemsPerBlock), 0 };
+ m_ItemBlocks.push_back(newBlock);
+ // Setup singly-linked list of all free items in this block.
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < m_ItemsPerBlock - 1; ++i)
+ newBlock.pItems[i].NextFreeIndex = i + 1;
+ newBlock.pItems[m_ItemsPerBlock - 1].NextFreeIndex = UINT32_MAX;
+ return m_ItemBlocks.back();
+// class VmaRawList, VmaList
+#define VmaList std::list
+#else // #if VMA_USE_STL_LIST
+template<typename T>
+struct VmaListItem
+ VmaListItem* pPrev;
+ VmaListItem* pNext;
+ T Value;
+// Doubly linked list.
+template<typename T>
+class VmaRawList
+ typedef VmaListItem<T> ItemType;
+ VmaRawList(const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocationCallbacks);
+ ~VmaRawList();
+ void Clear();
+ size_t GetCount() const { return m_Count; }
+ bool IsEmpty() const { return m_Count == 0; }
+ ItemType* Front() { return m_pFront; }
+ const ItemType* Front() const { return m_pFront; }
+ ItemType* Back() { return m_pBack; }
+ const ItemType* Back() const { return m_pBack; }
+ ItemType* PushBack();
+ ItemType* PushFront();
+ ItemType* PushBack(const T& value);
+ ItemType* PushFront(const T& value);
+ void PopBack();
+ void PopFront();
+ // Item can be null - it means PushBack.
+ ItemType* InsertBefore(ItemType* pItem);
+ // Item can be null - it means PushFront.
+ ItemType* InsertAfter(ItemType* pItem);
+ ItemType* InsertBefore(ItemType* pItem, const T& value);
+ ItemType* InsertAfter(ItemType* pItem, const T& value);
+ void Remove(ItemType* pItem);
+ const VkAllocationCallbacks* const m_pAllocationCallbacks;
+ VmaPoolAllocator<ItemType> m_ItemAllocator;
+ ItemType* m_pFront;
+ ItemType* m_pBack;
+ size_t m_Count;
+template<typename T>
+VmaRawList<T>::VmaRawList(const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) :
+ m_pAllocationCallbacks(pAllocationCallbacks),
+ m_ItemAllocator(pAllocationCallbacks, 128),
+ m_pFront(VMA_NULL),
+ m_pBack(VMA_NULL),
+ m_Count(0)
+template<typename T>
+ // Intentionally not calling Clear, because that would be unnecessary
+ // computations to return all items to m_ItemAllocator as free.
+template<typename T>
+void VmaRawList<T>::Clear()
+ if(IsEmpty() == false)
+ {
+ ItemType* pItem = m_pBack;
+ while(pItem != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ ItemType* const pPrevItem = pItem->pPrev;
+ m_ItemAllocator.Free(pItem);
+ pItem = pPrevItem;
+ }
+ m_pFront = VMA_NULL;
+ m_pBack = VMA_NULL;
+ m_Count = 0;
+ }
+template<typename T>
+VmaListItem<T>* VmaRawList<T>::PushBack()
+ ItemType* const pNewItem = m_ItemAllocator.Alloc();
+ pNewItem->pNext = VMA_NULL;
+ if(IsEmpty())
+ {
+ pNewItem->pPrev = VMA_NULL;
+ m_pFront = pNewItem;
+ m_pBack = pNewItem;
+ m_Count = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pNewItem->pPrev = m_pBack;
+ m_pBack->pNext = pNewItem;
+ m_pBack = pNewItem;
+ ++m_Count;
+ }
+ return pNewItem;
+template<typename T>
+VmaListItem<T>* VmaRawList<T>::PushFront()
+ ItemType* const pNewItem = m_ItemAllocator.Alloc();
+ pNewItem->pPrev = VMA_NULL;
+ if(IsEmpty())
+ {
+ pNewItem->pNext = VMA_NULL;
+ m_pFront = pNewItem;
+ m_pBack = pNewItem;
+ m_Count = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pNewItem->pNext = m_pFront;
+ m_pFront->pPrev = pNewItem;
+ m_pFront = pNewItem;
+ ++m_Count;
+ }
+ return pNewItem;
+template<typename T>
+VmaListItem<T>* VmaRawList<T>::PushBack(const T& value)
+ ItemType* const pNewItem = PushBack();
+ pNewItem->Value = value;
+ return pNewItem;
+template<typename T>
+VmaListItem<T>* VmaRawList<T>::PushFront(const T& value)
+ ItemType* const pNewItem = PushFront();
+ pNewItem->Value = value;
+ return pNewItem;
+template<typename T>
+void VmaRawList<T>::PopBack()
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ ItemType* const pBackItem = m_pBack;
+ ItemType* const pPrevItem = pBackItem->pPrev;
+ if(pPrevItem != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ pPrevItem->pNext = VMA_NULL;
+ }
+ m_pBack = pPrevItem;
+ m_ItemAllocator.Free(pBackItem);
+ --m_Count;
+template<typename T>
+void VmaRawList<T>::PopFront()
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ ItemType* const pFrontItem = m_pFront;
+ ItemType* const pNextItem = pFrontItem->pNext;
+ if(pNextItem != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ pNextItem->pPrev = VMA_NULL;
+ }
+ m_pFront = pNextItem;
+ m_ItemAllocator.Free(pFrontItem);
+ --m_Count;
+template<typename T>
+void VmaRawList<T>::Remove(ItemType* pItem)
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_Count > 0);
+ if(pItem->pPrev != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ pItem->pPrev->pNext = pItem->pNext;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pFront == pItem);
+ m_pFront = pItem->pNext;
+ }
+ if(pItem->pNext != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ pItem->pNext->pPrev = pItem->pPrev;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pBack == pItem);
+ m_pBack = pItem->pPrev;
+ }
+ m_ItemAllocator.Free(pItem);
+ --m_Count;
+template<typename T>
+VmaListItem<T>* VmaRawList<T>::InsertBefore(ItemType* pItem)
+ if(pItem != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ ItemType* const prevItem = pItem->pPrev;
+ ItemType* const newItem = m_ItemAllocator.Alloc();
+ newItem->pPrev = prevItem;
+ newItem->pNext = pItem;
+ pItem->pPrev = newItem;
+ if(prevItem != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ prevItem->pNext = newItem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pFront == pItem);
+ m_pFront = newItem;
+ }
+ ++m_Count;
+ return newItem;
+ }
+ else
+ return PushBack();
+template<typename T>
+VmaListItem<T>* VmaRawList<T>::InsertAfter(ItemType* pItem)
+ if(pItem != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ ItemType* const nextItem = pItem->pNext;
+ ItemType* const newItem = m_ItemAllocator.Alloc();
+ newItem->pNext = nextItem;
+ newItem->pPrev = pItem;
+ pItem->pNext = newItem;
+ if(nextItem != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ nextItem->pPrev = newItem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pBack == pItem);
+ m_pBack = newItem;
+ }
+ ++m_Count;
+ return newItem;
+ }
+ else
+ return PushFront();
+template<typename T>
+VmaListItem<T>* VmaRawList<T>::InsertBefore(ItemType* pItem, const T& value)
+ ItemType* const newItem = InsertBefore(pItem);
+ newItem->Value = value;
+ return newItem;
+template<typename T>
+VmaListItem<T>* VmaRawList<T>::InsertAfter(ItemType* pItem, const T& value)
+ ItemType* const newItem = InsertAfter(pItem);
+ newItem->Value = value;
+ return newItem;
+template<typename T, typename AllocatorT>
+class VmaList
+ class iterator
+ {
+ public:
+ iterator() :
+ m_pList(VMA_NULL),
+ m_pItem(VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ T& operator*() const
+ {
+ return m_pItem->Value;
+ }
+ T* operator->() const
+ {
+ return &m_pItem->Value;
+ }
+ iterator& operator++()
+ {
+ m_pItem = m_pItem->pNext;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ iterator& operator--()
+ {
+ if(m_pItem != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ m_pItem = m_pItem->pPrev;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(!m_pList->IsEmpty());
+ m_pItem = m_pList->Back();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ iterator operator++(int)
+ {
+ iterator result = *this;
+ ++*this;
+ return result;
+ }
+ iterator operator--(int)
+ {
+ iterator result = *this;
+ --*this;
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList);
+ return m_pItem == rhs.m_pItem;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList);
+ return m_pItem != rhs.m_pItem;
+ }
+ private:
+ VmaRawList<T>* m_pList;
+ VmaListItem<T>* m_pItem;
+ iterator(VmaRawList<T>* pList, VmaListItem<T>* pItem) :
+ m_pList(pList),
+ m_pItem(pItem)
+ {
+ }
+ friend class VmaList<T, AllocatorT>;
+ };
+ class const_iterator
+ {
+ public:
+ const_iterator() :
+ m_pList(VMA_NULL),
+ m_pItem(VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ const_iterator(const iterator& src) :
+ m_pList(src.m_pList),
+ m_pItem(src.m_pItem)
+ {
+ }
+ const T& operator*() const
+ {
+ return m_pItem->Value;
+ }
+ const T* operator->() const
+ {
+ return &m_pItem->Value;
+ }
+ const_iterator& operator++()
+ {
+ m_pItem = m_pItem->pNext;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ const_iterator& operator--()
+ {
+ if(m_pItem != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ m_pItem = m_pItem->pPrev;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(!m_pList->IsEmpty());
+ m_pItem = m_pList->Back();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ const_iterator operator++(int)
+ {
+ const_iterator result = *this;
+ ++*this;
+ return result;
+ }
+ const_iterator operator--(int)
+ {
+ const_iterator result = *this;
+ --*this;
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const const_iterator& rhs) const
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList);
+ return m_pItem == rhs.m_pItem;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const const_iterator& rhs) const
+ {
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(m_pList == rhs.m_pList);
+ return m_pItem != rhs.m_pItem;
+ }
+ private:
+ const_iterator(const VmaRawList<T>* pList, const VmaListItem<T>* pItem) :
+ m_pList(pList),
+ m_pItem(pItem)
+ {
+ }
+ const VmaRawList<T>* m_pList;
+ const VmaListItem<T>* m_pItem;
+ friend class VmaList<T, AllocatorT>;
+ };
+ VmaList(const AllocatorT& allocator) : m_RawList(allocator.m_pCallbacks) { }
+ bool empty() const { return m_RawList.IsEmpty(); }
+ size_t size() const { return m_RawList.GetCount(); }
+ iterator begin() { return iterator(&m_RawList, m_RawList.Front()); }
+ iterator end() { return iterator(&m_RawList, VMA_NULL); }
+ const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(&m_RawList, m_RawList.Front()); }
+ const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(&m_RawList, VMA_NULL); }
+ void clear() { m_RawList.Clear(); }
+ void push_back(const T& value) { m_RawList.PushBack(value); }
+ void erase(iterator it) { m_RawList.Remove(it.m_pItem); }
+ iterator insert(iterator it, const T& value) { return iterator(&m_RawList, m_RawList.InsertBefore(it.m_pItem, value)); }
+ VmaRawList<T> m_RawList;
+#endif // #if VMA_USE_STL_LIST
+// class VmaMap
+// Unused in this version.
+#if 0
+#define VmaPair std::pair
+#define VMA_MAP_TYPE(KeyT, ValueT) \
+ std::unordered_map< KeyT, ValueT, std::hash<KeyT>, std::equal_to<KeyT>, VmaStlAllocator< std::pair<KeyT, ValueT> > >
+template<typename T1, typename T2>
+struct VmaPair
+ T1 first;
+ T2 second;
+ VmaPair() : first(), second() { }
+ VmaPair(const T1& firstSrc, const T2& secondSrc) : first(firstSrc), second(secondSrc) { }
+/* Class compatible with subset of interface of std::unordered_map.
+KeyT, ValueT must be POD because they will be stored in VmaVector.
+template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT>
+class VmaMap
+ typedef VmaPair<KeyT, ValueT> PairType;
+ typedef PairType* iterator;
+ VmaMap(const VmaStlAllocator<PairType>& allocator) : m_Vector(allocator) { }
+ iterator begin() { return m_Vector.begin(); }
+ iterator end() { return m_Vector.end(); }
+ void insert(const PairType& pair);
+ iterator find(const KeyT& key);
+ void erase(iterator it);
+ VmaVector< PairType, VmaStlAllocator<PairType> > m_Vector;
+#define VMA_MAP_TYPE(KeyT, ValueT) VmaMap<KeyT, ValueT>
+template<typename FirstT, typename SecondT>
+struct VmaPairFirstLess
+ bool operator()(const VmaPair<FirstT, SecondT>& lhs, const VmaPair<FirstT, SecondT>& rhs) const
+ {
+ return lhs.first < rhs.first;
+ }
+ bool operator()(const VmaPair<FirstT, SecondT>& lhs, const FirstT& rhsFirst) const
+ {
+ return lhs.first < rhsFirst;
+ }
+template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT>
+void VmaMap<KeyT, ValueT>::insert(const PairType& pair)
+ const size_t indexToInsert = VmaBinaryFindFirstNotLess(
+ + m_Vector.size(),
+ pair,
+ VmaPairFirstLess<KeyT, ValueT>()) -;
+ VmaVectorInsert(m_Vector, indexToInsert, pair);
+template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT>
+VmaPair<KeyT, ValueT>* VmaMap<KeyT, ValueT>::find(const KeyT& key)
+ PairType* it = VmaBinaryFindFirstNotLess(
+ + m_Vector.size(),
+ key,
+ VmaPairFirstLess<KeyT, ValueT>());
+ if((it != m_Vector.end()) && (it->first == key))
+ {
+ return it;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return m_Vector.end();
+ }
+template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT>
+void VmaMap<KeyT, ValueT>::erase(iterator it)
+ VmaVectorRemove(m_Vector, it - m_Vector.begin());
+#endif // #if 0
+class VmaDeviceMemoryBlock;
+struct VmaAllocation_T
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaAllocation_T)
+ static const uint8_t MAP_COUNT_FLAG_PERSISTENT_MAP = 0x80;
+ enum FLAGS
+ {
+ };
+ {
+ };
+ VmaAllocation_T(uint32_t currentFrameIndex, bool userDataString) :
+ m_Alignment(1),
+ m_Size(0),
+ m_pUserData(VMA_NULL),
+ m_LastUseFrameIndex(currentFrameIndex),
+ m_Type((uint8_t)ALLOCATION_TYPE_NONE),
+ m_SuballocationType((uint8_t)VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_UNKNOWN),
+ m_MapCount(0),
+ m_Flags(userDataString ? (uint8_t)FLAG_USER_DATA_STRING : 0)
+ {
+ m_CreationFrameIndex = currentFrameIndex;
+ m_BufferImageUsage = 0;
+ }
+ ~VmaAllocation_T()
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT((m_MapCount & ~MAP_COUNT_FLAG_PERSISTENT_MAP) == 0 && "Allocation was not unmapped before destruction.");
+ // Check if owned string was freed.
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_pUserData == VMA_NULL);
+ }
+ void InitBlockAllocation(
+ VmaPool hPool,
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* block,
+ VkDeviceSize offset,
+ VkDeviceSize alignment,
+ VkDeviceSize size,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocationType,
+ bool mapped,
+ bool canBecomeLost)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(block != VMA_NULL);
+ m_Type = (uint8_t)ALLOCATION_TYPE_BLOCK;
+ m_Alignment = alignment;
+ m_Size = size;
+ m_MapCount = mapped ? MAP_COUNT_FLAG_PERSISTENT_MAP : 0;
+ m_SuballocationType = (uint8_t)suballocationType;
+ m_BlockAllocation.m_hPool = hPool;
+ m_BlockAllocation.m_Block = block;
+ m_BlockAllocation.m_Offset = offset;
+ m_BlockAllocation.m_CanBecomeLost = canBecomeLost;
+ }
+ void InitLost()
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_LastUseFrameIndex.load() == VMA_FRAME_INDEX_LOST);
+ m_Type = (uint8_t)ALLOCATION_TYPE_BLOCK;
+ m_BlockAllocation.m_hPool = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ m_BlockAllocation.m_Block = VMA_NULL;
+ m_BlockAllocation.m_Offset = 0;
+ m_BlockAllocation.m_CanBecomeLost = true;
+ }
+ void ChangeBlockAllocation(
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* block,
+ VkDeviceSize offset);
+ void ChangeSize(VkDeviceSize newSize);
+ void ChangeOffset(VkDeviceSize newOffset);
+ // pMappedData not null means allocation is created with MAPPED flag.
+ void InitDedicatedAllocation(
+ uint32_t memoryTypeIndex,
+ VkDeviceMemory hMemory,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocationType,
+ void* pMappedData,
+ VkDeviceSize size)
+ {
+ m_Alignment = 0;
+ m_Size = size;
+ m_SuballocationType = (uint8_t)suballocationType;
+ m_MapCount = (pMappedData != VMA_NULL) ? MAP_COUNT_FLAG_PERSISTENT_MAP : 0;
+ m_DedicatedAllocation.m_MemoryTypeIndex = memoryTypeIndex;
+ m_DedicatedAllocation.m_hMemory = hMemory;
+ m_DedicatedAllocation.m_pMappedData = pMappedData;
+ }
+ ALLOCATION_TYPE GetType() const { return (ALLOCATION_TYPE)m_Type; }
+ VkDeviceSize GetAlignment() const { return m_Alignment; }
+ VkDeviceSize GetSize() const { return m_Size; }
+ bool IsUserDataString() const { return (m_Flags & FLAG_USER_DATA_STRING) != 0; }
+ void* GetUserData() const { return m_pUserData; }
+ void SetUserData(VmaAllocator hAllocator, void* pUserData);
+ VmaSuballocationType GetSuballocationType() const { return (VmaSuballocationType)m_SuballocationType; }
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* GetBlock() const
+ {
+ return m_BlockAllocation.m_Block;
+ }
+ VkDeviceSize GetOffset() const;
+ VkDeviceMemory GetMemory() const;
+ uint32_t GetMemoryTypeIndex() const;
+ bool IsPersistentMap() const { return (m_MapCount & MAP_COUNT_FLAG_PERSISTENT_MAP) != 0; }
+ void* GetMappedData() const;
+ bool CanBecomeLost() const;
+ VmaPool GetPool() const;
+ uint32_t GetLastUseFrameIndex() const
+ {
+ return m_LastUseFrameIndex.load();
+ }
+ bool CompareExchangeLastUseFrameIndex(uint32_t& expected, uint32_t desired)
+ {
+ return m_LastUseFrameIndex.compare_exchange_weak(expected, desired);
+ }
+ /*
+ - If hAllocation.LastUseFrameIndex + frameInUseCount < allocator.CurrentFrameIndex,
+ makes it lost by setting LastUseFrameIndex = VMA_FRAME_INDEX_LOST and returns true.
+ - Else, returns false.
+ If hAllocation is already lost, assert - you should not call it then.
+ If hAllocation was not created with CAN_BECOME_LOST_BIT, assert.
+ */
+ bool MakeLost(uint32_t currentFrameIndex, uint32_t frameInUseCount);
+ void DedicatedAllocCalcStatsInfo(VmaStatInfo& outInfo)
+ {
+ outInfo.blockCount = 1;
+ outInfo.allocationCount = 1;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeCount = 0;
+ outInfo.usedBytes = m_Size;
+ outInfo.unusedBytes = 0;
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMin = outInfo.allocationSizeMax = m_Size;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = UINT64_MAX;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = 0;
+ }
+ void BlockAllocMap();
+ void BlockAllocUnmap();
+ VkResult DedicatedAllocMap(VmaAllocator hAllocator, void** ppData);
+ void DedicatedAllocUnmap(VmaAllocator hAllocator);
+ uint32_t GetCreationFrameIndex() const { return m_CreationFrameIndex; }
+ uint32_t GetBufferImageUsage() const { return m_BufferImageUsage; }
+ void InitBufferImageUsage(uint32_t bufferImageUsage)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_BufferImageUsage == 0);
+ m_BufferImageUsage = bufferImageUsage;
+ }
+ void PrintParameters(class VmaJsonWriter& json) const;
+ VkDeviceSize m_Alignment;
+ VkDeviceSize m_Size;
+ void* m_pUserData;
+ VMA_ATOMIC_UINT32 m_LastUseFrameIndex;
+ uint8_t m_Type; // ALLOCATION_TYPE
+ uint8_t m_SuballocationType; // VmaSuballocationType
+ // Bit 0x80 is set when allocation was created with VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT.
+ // Bits with mask 0x7F are reference counter for vmaMapMemory()/vmaUnmapMemory().
+ uint8_t m_MapCount;
+ uint8_t m_Flags; // enum FLAGS
+ // Allocation out of VmaDeviceMemoryBlock.
+ struct BlockAllocation
+ {
+ VmaPool m_hPool; // Null if belongs to general memory.
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* m_Block;
+ VkDeviceSize m_Offset;
+ bool m_CanBecomeLost;
+ };
+ // Allocation for an object that has its own private VkDeviceMemory.
+ struct DedicatedAllocation
+ {
+ uint32_t m_MemoryTypeIndex;
+ VkDeviceMemory m_hMemory;
+ void* m_pMappedData; // Not null means memory is mapped.
+ };
+ union
+ {
+ // Allocation out of VmaDeviceMemoryBlock.
+ BlockAllocation m_BlockAllocation;
+ // Allocation for an object that has its own private VkDeviceMemory.
+ DedicatedAllocation m_DedicatedAllocation;
+ };
+ uint32_t m_CreationFrameIndex;
+ uint32_t m_BufferImageUsage; // 0 if unknown.
+ void FreeUserDataString(VmaAllocator hAllocator);
+Represents a region of VmaDeviceMemoryBlock that is either assigned and returned as
+allocated memory block or free.
+struct VmaSuballocation
+ VkDeviceSize offset;
+ VkDeviceSize size;
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation;
+ VmaSuballocationType type;
+// Comparator for offsets.
+struct VmaSuballocationOffsetLess
+ bool operator()(const VmaSuballocation& lhs, const VmaSuballocation& rhs) const
+ {
+ return lhs.offset < rhs.offset;
+ }
+struct VmaSuballocationOffsetGreater
+ bool operator()(const VmaSuballocation& lhs, const VmaSuballocation& rhs) const
+ {
+ return lhs.offset > rhs.offset;
+ }
+typedef VmaList< VmaSuballocation, VmaStlAllocator<VmaSuballocation> > VmaSuballocationList;
+// Cost of one additional allocation lost, as equivalent in bytes.
+static const VkDeviceSize VMA_LOST_ALLOCATION_COST = 1048576;
+Parameters of planned allocation inside a VmaDeviceMemoryBlock.
+If canMakeOtherLost was false:
+- item points to a FREE suballocation.
+- itemsToMakeLostCount is 0.
+If canMakeOtherLost was true:
+- item points to first of sequence of suballocations, which are either FREE,
+ or point to VmaAllocations that can become lost.
+- itemsToMakeLostCount is the number of VmaAllocations that need to be made lost for
+ the requested allocation to succeed.
+struct VmaAllocationRequest
+ VkDeviceSize offset;
+ VkDeviceSize sumFreeSize; // Sum size of free items that overlap with proposed allocation.
+ VkDeviceSize sumItemSize; // Sum size of items to make lost that overlap with proposed allocation.
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator item;
+ size_t itemsToMakeLostCount;
+ void* customData;
+ VkDeviceSize CalcCost() const
+ {
+ return sumItemSize + itemsToMakeLostCount * VMA_LOST_ALLOCATION_COST;
+ }
+Data structure used for bookkeeping of allocations and unused ranges of memory
+in a single VkDeviceMemory block.
+class VmaBlockMetadata
+ VmaBlockMetadata(VmaAllocator hAllocator);
+ virtual ~VmaBlockMetadata() { }
+ virtual void Init(VkDeviceSize size) { m_Size = size; }
+ // Validates all data structures inside this object. If not valid, returns false.
+ virtual bool Validate() const = 0;
+ VkDeviceSize GetSize() const { return m_Size; }
+ virtual size_t GetAllocationCount() const = 0;
+ virtual VkDeviceSize GetSumFreeSize() const = 0;
+ virtual VkDeviceSize GetUnusedRangeSizeMax() const = 0;
+ // Returns true if this block is empty - contains only single free suballocation.
+ virtual bool IsEmpty() const = 0;
+ virtual void CalcAllocationStatInfo(VmaStatInfo& outInfo) const = 0;
+ // Shouldn't modify blockCount.
+ virtual void AddPoolStats(VmaPoolStats& inoutStats) const = 0;
+ virtual void PrintDetailedMap(class VmaJsonWriter& json) const = 0;
+ // Tries to find a place for suballocation with given parameters inside this block.
+ // If succeeded, fills pAllocationRequest and returns true.
+ // If failed, returns false.
+ virtual bool CreateAllocationRequest(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ VkDeviceSize allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaSuballocationType allocType,
+ bool canMakeOtherLost,
+ uint32_t strategy,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) = 0;
+ virtual bool MakeRequestedAllocationsLost(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest) = 0;
+ virtual uint32_t MakeAllocationsLost(uint32_t currentFrameIndex, uint32_t frameInUseCount) = 0;
+ virtual VkResult CheckCorruption(const void* pBlockData) = 0;
+ // Makes actual allocation based on request. Request must already be checked and valid.
+ virtual void Alloc(
+ const VmaAllocationRequest& request,
+ VmaSuballocationType type,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation) = 0;
+ // Frees suballocation assigned to given memory region.
+ virtual void Free(const VmaAllocation allocation) = 0;
+ virtual void FreeAtOffset(VkDeviceSize offset) = 0;
+ // Tries to resize (grow or shrink) space for given allocation, in place.
+ virtual bool ResizeAllocation(const VmaAllocation /*alloc*/, VkDeviceSize /*newSize*/) { return false; }
+ const VkAllocationCallbacks* GetAllocationCallbacks() const { return m_pAllocationCallbacks; }
+ void PrintDetailedMap_Begin(class VmaJsonWriter& json,
+ VkDeviceSize unusedBytes,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ size_t unusedRangeCount) const;
+ void PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(class VmaJsonWriter& json,
+ VkDeviceSize offset,
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation) const;
+ void PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(class VmaJsonWriter& json,
+ VkDeviceSize offset,
+ VkDeviceSize size) const;
+ void PrintDetailedMap_End(class VmaJsonWriter& json) const;
+ VkDeviceSize m_Size;
+ const VkAllocationCallbacks* m_pAllocationCallbacks;
+#define VMA_VALIDATE(cond) do { if(!(cond)) { \
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Validation failed: " #cond); \
+ return false; \
+ } } while(false)
+class VmaBlockMetadata_Generic : public VmaBlockMetadata
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaBlockMetadata_Generic)
+ VmaBlockMetadata_Generic(VmaAllocator hAllocator);
+ virtual ~VmaBlockMetadata_Generic();
+ virtual void Init(VkDeviceSize size);
+ virtual bool Validate() const;
+ virtual size_t GetAllocationCount() const { return m_Suballocations.size() - m_FreeCount; }
+ virtual VkDeviceSize GetSumFreeSize() const { return m_SumFreeSize; }
+ virtual VkDeviceSize GetUnusedRangeSizeMax() const;
+ virtual bool IsEmpty() const;
+ virtual void CalcAllocationStatInfo(VmaStatInfo& outInfo) const;
+ virtual void AddPoolStats(VmaPoolStats& inoutStats) const;
+ virtual void PrintDetailedMap(class VmaJsonWriter& json) const;
+ virtual bool CreateAllocationRequest(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ VkDeviceSize allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaSuballocationType allocType,
+ bool canMakeOtherLost,
+ uint32_t strategy,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest);
+ virtual bool MakeRequestedAllocationsLost(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest);
+ virtual uint32_t MakeAllocationsLost(uint32_t currentFrameIndex, uint32_t frameInUseCount);
+ virtual VkResult CheckCorruption(const void* pBlockData);
+ virtual void Alloc(
+ const VmaAllocationRequest& request,
+ VmaSuballocationType type,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation);
+ virtual void Free(const VmaAllocation allocation);
+ virtual void FreeAtOffset(VkDeviceSize offset);
+ virtual bool ResizeAllocation(const VmaAllocation alloc, VkDeviceSize newSize);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // For defragmentation
+ bool IsBufferImageGranularityConflictPossible(
+ VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity,
+ VmaSuballocationType& inOutPrevSuballocType) const;
+ friend class VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic;
+ friend class VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Fast;
+ uint32_t m_FreeCount;
+ VkDeviceSize m_SumFreeSize;
+ VmaSuballocationList m_Suballocations;
+ // Suballocations that are free and have size greater than certain threshold.
+ // Sorted by size, ascending.
+ VmaVector< VmaSuballocationList::iterator, VmaStlAllocator< VmaSuballocationList::iterator > > m_FreeSuballocationsBySize;
+ bool ValidateFreeSuballocationList() const;
+ // Checks if requested suballocation with given parameters can be placed in given pFreeSuballocItem.
+ // If yes, fills pOffset and returns true. If no, returns false.
+ bool CheckAllocation(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ VkDeviceSize allocAlignment,
+ VmaSuballocationType allocType,
+ VmaSuballocationList::const_iterator suballocItem,
+ bool canMakeOtherLost,
+ VkDeviceSize* pOffset,
+ size_t* itemsToMakeLostCount,
+ VkDeviceSize* pSumFreeSize,
+ VkDeviceSize* pSumItemSize) const;
+ // Given free suballocation, it merges it with following one, which must also be free.
+ void MergeFreeWithNext(VmaSuballocationList::iterator item);
+ // Releases given suballocation, making it free.
+ // Merges it with adjacent free suballocations if applicable.
+ // Returns iterator to new free suballocation at this place.
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator FreeSuballocation(VmaSuballocationList::iterator suballocItem);
+ // Given free suballocation, it inserts it into sorted list of
+ // m_FreeSuballocationsBySize if it's suitable.
+ void RegisterFreeSuballocation(VmaSuballocationList::iterator item);
+ // Given free suballocation, it removes it from sorted list of
+ // m_FreeSuballocationsBySize if it's suitable.
+ void UnregisterFreeSuballocation(VmaSuballocationList::iterator item);
+Allocations and their references in internal data structure look like this:
+if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY):
+ 0 +-------+
+ | |
+ | |
+ | |
+ +-------+
+ | Alloc | 1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount]
+ +-------+
+ | Alloc | 1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + 1]
+ +-------+
+ | ... |
+ +-------+
+ | Alloc | 1st[1st.size() - 1]
+ +-------+
+ | |
+ | |
+ | |
+GetSize() +-------+
+if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER):
+ 0 +-------+
+ | Alloc | 2nd[0]
+ +-------+
+ | Alloc | 2nd[1]
+ +-------+
+ | ... |
+ +-------+
+ | Alloc | 2nd[2nd.size() - 1]
+ +-------+
+ | |
+ | |
+ | |
+ +-------+
+ | Alloc | 1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount]
+ +-------+
+ | Alloc | 1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + 1]
+ +-------+
+ | ... |
+ +-------+
+ | Alloc | 1st[1st.size() - 1]
+ +-------+
+ | |
+GetSize() +-------+
+if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK):
+ 0 +-------+
+ | |
+ | |
+ | |
+ +-------+
+ | Alloc | 1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount]
+ +-------+
+ | Alloc | 1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + 1]
+ +-------+
+ | ... |
+ +-------+
+ | Alloc | 1st[1st.size() - 1]
+ +-------+
+ | |
+ | |
+ | |
+ +-------+
+ | Alloc | 2nd[2nd.size() - 1]
+ +-------+
+ | ... |
+ +-------+
+ | Alloc | 2nd[1]
+ +-------+
+ | Alloc | 2nd[0]
+GetSize() +-------+
+class VmaBlockMetadata_Linear : public VmaBlockMetadata
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaBlockMetadata_Linear)
+ VmaBlockMetadata_Linear(VmaAllocator hAllocator);
+ virtual ~VmaBlockMetadata_Linear();
+ virtual void Init(VkDeviceSize size);
+ virtual bool Validate() const;
+ virtual size_t GetAllocationCount() const;
+ virtual VkDeviceSize GetSumFreeSize() const { return m_SumFreeSize; }
+ virtual VkDeviceSize GetUnusedRangeSizeMax() const;
+ virtual bool IsEmpty() const { return GetAllocationCount() == 0; }
+ virtual void CalcAllocationStatInfo(VmaStatInfo& outInfo) const;
+ virtual void AddPoolStats(VmaPoolStats& inoutStats) const;
+ virtual void PrintDetailedMap(class VmaJsonWriter& json) const;
+ virtual bool CreateAllocationRequest(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ VkDeviceSize allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaSuballocationType allocType,
+ bool canMakeOtherLost,
+ uint32_t strategy,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest);
+ virtual bool MakeRequestedAllocationsLost(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest);
+ virtual uint32_t MakeAllocationsLost(uint32_t currentFrameIndex, uint32_t frameInUseCount);
+ virtual VkResult CheckCorruption(const void* pBlockData);
+ virtual void Alloc(
+ const VmaAllocationRequest& request,
+ VmaSuballocationType type,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation);
+ virtual void Free(const VmaAllocation allocation);
+ virtual void FreeAtOffset(VkDeviceSize offset);
+ /*
+ There are two suballocation vectors, used in ping-pong way.
+ The one with index m_1stVectorIndex is called 1st.
+ The one with index (m_1stVectorIndex ^ 1) is called 2nd.
+ 2nd can be non-empty only when 1st is not empty.
+ When 2nd is not empty, m_2ndVectorMode indicates its mode of operation.
+ */
+ typedef VmaVector< VmaSuballocation, VmaStlAllocator<VmaSuballocation> > SuballocationVectorType;
+ {
+ /*
+ Suballocations in 2nd vector are created later than the ones in 1st, but they
+ all have smaller offset.
+ */
+ /*
+ Suballocations in 2nd vector are upper side of double stack.
+ They all have offsets higher than those in 1st vector.
+ Top of this stack means smaller offsets, but higher indices in this vector.
+ */
+ };
+ VkDeviceSize m_SumFreeSize;
+ SuballocationVectorType m_Suballocations0, m_Suballocations1;
+ uint32_t m_1stVectorIndex;
+ SECOND_VECTOR_MODE m_2ndVectorMode;
+ SuballocationVectorType& AccessSuballocations1st() { return m_1stVectorIndex ? m_Suballocations1 : m_Suballocations0; }
+ SuballocationVectorType& AccessSuballocations2nd() { return m_1stVectorIndex ? m_Suballocations0 : m_Suballocations1; }
+ const SuballocationVectorType& AccessSuballocations1st() const { return m_1stVectorIndex ? m_Suballocations1 : m_Suballocations0; }
+ const SuballocationVectorType& AccessSuballocations2nd() const { return m_1stVectorIndex ? m_Suballocations0 : m_Suballocations1; }
+ // Number of items in 1st vector with hAllocation = null at the beginning.
+ size_t m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ // Number of other items in 1st vector with hAllocation = null somewhere in the middle.
+ size_t m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ // Number of items in 2nd vector with hAllocation = null.
+ size_t m_2ndNullItemsCount;
+ bool ShouldCompact1st() const;
+ void CleanupAfterFree();
+- GetSize() is the original size of allocated memory block.
+- m_UsableSize is this size aligned down to a power of two.
+ All allocations and calculations happen relative to m_UsableSize.
+- GetUnusableSize() is the difference between them.
+ It is repoted as separate, unused range, not available for allocations.
+Node at level 0 has size = m_UsableSize.
+Each next level contains nodes with size 2 times smaller than current level.
+m_LevelCount is the maximum number of levels to use in the current object.
+class VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy : public VmaBlockMetadata
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy)
+ VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy(VmaAllocator hAllocator);
+ virtual ~VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy();
+ virtual void Init(VkDeviceSize size);
+ virtual bool Validate() const;
+ virtual size_t GetAllocationCount() const { return m_AllocationCount; }
+ virtual VkDeviceSize GetSumFreeSize() const { return m_SumFreeSize + GetUnusableSize(); }
+ virtual VkDeviceSize GetUnusedRangeSizeMax() const;
+ virtual bool IsEmpty() const { return m_Root->type == Node::TYPE_FREE; }
+ virtual void CalcAllocationStatInfo(VmaStatInfo& outInfo) const;
+ virtual void AddPoolStats(VmaPoolStats& inoutStats) const;
+ virtual void PrintDetailedMap(class VmaJsonWriter& json) const;
+ virtual bool CreateAllocationRequest(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ VkDeviceSize allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaSuballocationType allocType,
+ bool canMakeOtherLost,
+ uint32_t strategy,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest);
+ virtual bool MakeRequestedAllocationsLost(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest);
+ virtual uint32_t MakeAllocationsLost(uint32_t currentFrameIndex, uint32_t frameInUseCount);
+ virtual VkResult CheckCorruption(const void* /*pBlockData*/) { return VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT; }
+ virtual void Alloc(
+ const VmaAllocationRequest& request,
+ VmaSuballocationType type,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation);
+ virtual void Free(const VmaAllocation allocation) { FreeAtOffset(allocation, allocation->GetOffset()); }
+ virtual void FreeAtOffset(VkDeviceSize offset) { FreeAtOffset(VMA_NULL, offset); }
+ static const VkDeviceSize MIN_NODE_SIZE = 32;
+ static const size_t MAX_LEVELS = 30;
+ struct ValidationContext
+ {
+ size_t calculatedAllocationCount;
+ size_t calculatedFreeCount;
+ VkDeviceSize calculatedSumFreeSize;
+ ValidationContext() :
+ calculatedAllocationCount(0),
+ calculatedFreeCount(0),
+ calculatedSumFreeSize(0) { }
+ };
+ struct Node
+ {
+ VkDeviceSize offset;
+ enum TYPE
+ {
+ } type;
+ Node* parent;
+ Node* buddy;
+ union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ Node* prev;
+ Node* next;
+ } free;
+ struct
+ {
+ VmaAllocation alloc;
+ } allocation;
+ struct
+ {
+ Node* leftChild;
+ } split;
+ };
+ };
+ // Size of the memory block aligned down to a power of two.
+ VkDeviceSize m_UsableSize;
+ uint32_t m_LevelCount;
+ Node* m_Root;
+ struct {
+ Node* front;
+ Node* back;
+ } m_FreeList[MAX_LEVELS];
+ // Number of nodes in the tree with type == TYPE_ALLOCATION.
+ size_t m_AllocationCount;
+ // Number of nodes in the tree with type == TYPE_FREE.
+ size_t m_FreeCount;
+ // This includes space wasted due to internal fragmentation. Doesn't include unusable size.
+ VkDeviceSize m_SumFreeSize;
+ VkDeviceSize GetUnusableSize() const { return GetSize() - m_UsableSize; }
+ void DeleteNode(Node* node);
+ bool ValidateNode(ValidationContext& ctx, const Node* parent, const Node* curr, uint32_t level, VkDeviceSize levelNodeSize) const;
+ uint32_t AllocSizeToLevel(VkDeviceSize allocSize) const;
+ inline VkDeviceSize LevelToNodeSize(uint32_t level) const { return m_UsableSize >> level; }
+ // Alloc passed just for validation. Can be null.
+ void FreeAtOffset(VmaAllocation alloc, VkDeviceSize offset);
+ void CalcAllocationStatInfoNode(VmaStatInfo& outInfo, const Node* node, VkDeviceSize levelNodeSize) const;
+ // Adds node to the front of FreeList at given level.
+ // node->type must be FREE.
+ // node->free.prev, next can be undefined.
+ void AddToFreeListFront(uint32_t level, Node* node);
+ // Removes node from FreeList at given level.
+ // node->type must be FREE.
+ // node->free.prev, next stay untouched.
+ void RemoveFromFreeList(uint32_t level, Node* node);
+ void PrintDetailedMapNode(class VmaJsonWriter& json, const Node* node, VkDeviceSize levelNodeSize) const;
+Represents a single block of device memory (`VkDeviceMemory`) with all the
+data about its regions (aka suballocations, #VmaAllocation), assigned and free.
+Thread-safety: This class must be externally synchronized.
+class VmaDeviceMemoryBlock
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaDeviceMemoryBlock)
+ VmaBlockMetadata* m_pMetadata;
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock(VmaAllocator hAllocator);
+ ~VmaDeviceMemoryBlock()
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_MapCount == 0 && "VkDeviceMemory block is being destroyed while it is still mapped.");
+ }
+ // Always call after construction.
+ void Init(
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ uint32_t newMemoryTypeIndex,
+ VkDeviceMemory newMemory,
+ VkDeviceSize newSize,
+ uint32_t id,
+ uint32_t algorithm);
+ // Always call before destruction.
+ void Destroy(VmaAllocator allocator);
+ VkDeviceMemory GetDeviceMemory() const { return m_hMemory; }
+ uint32_t GetMemoryTypeIndex() const { return m_MemoryTypeIndex; }
+ uint32_t GetId() const { return m_Id; }
+ void* GetMappedData() const { return m_pMappedData; }
+ // Validates all data structures inside this object. If not valid, returns false.
+ bool Validate() const;
+ VkResult CheckCorruption(VmaAllocator hAllocator);
+ // ppData can be null.
+ VkResult Map(VmaAllocator hAllocator, uint32_t count, void** ppData);
+ void Unmap(VmaAllocator hAllocator, uint32_t count);
+ VkResult WriteMagicValueAroundAllocation(VmaAllocator hAllocator, VkDeviceSize allocOffset, VkDeviceSize allocSize);
+ VkResult ValidateMagicValueAroundAllocation(VmaAllocator hAllocator, VkDeviceSize allocOffset, VkDeviceSize allocSize);
+ VkResult BindBufferMemory(
+ const VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ const VmaAllocation hAllocation,
+ VkBuffer hBuffer);
+ VkResult BindImageMemory(
+ const VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ const VmaAllocation hAllocation,
+ VkImage hImage);
+ uint32_t m_MemoryTypeIndex;
+ uint32_t m_Id;
+ VkDeviceMemory m_hMemory;
+ /*
+ Protects access to m_hMemory so it's not used by multiple threads simultaneously, e.g. vkMapMemory, vkBindBufferMemory.
+ Also protects m_MapCount, m_pMappedData.
+ Allocations, deallocations, any change in m_pMetadata is protected by parent's VmaBlockVector::m_Mutex.
+ */
+ VMA_MUTEX m_Mutex;
+ uint32_t m_MapCount;
+ void* m_pMappedData;
+struct VmaPointerLess
+ bool operator()(const void* lhs, const void* rhs) const
+ {
+ return lhs < rhs;
+ }
+struct VmaDefragmentationMove
+ size_t srcBlockIndex;
+ size_t dstBlockIndex;
+ VkDeviceSize srcOffset;
+ VkDeviceSize dstOffset;
+ VkDeviceSize size;
+class VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm;
+Sequence of VmaDeviceMemoryBlock. Represents memory blocks allocated for a specific
+Vulkan memory type.
+Synchronized internally with a mutex.
+struct VmaBlockVector
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaBlockVector)
+ VmaBlockVector(
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ uint32_t memoryTypeIndex,
+ VkDeviceSize preferredBlockSize,
+ size_t minBlockCount,
+ size_t maxBlockCount,
+ VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ bool isCustomPool,
+ bool explicitBlockSize,
+ uint32_t algorithm);
+ ~VmaBlockVector();
+ VkResult CreateMinBlocks();
+ uint32_t GetMemoryTypeIndex() const { return m_MemoryTypeIndex; }
+ VkDeviceSize GetPreferredBlockSize() const { return m_PreferredBlockSize; }
+ VkDeviceSize GetBufferImageGranularity() const { return m_BufferImageGranularity; }
+ uint32_t GetFrameInUseCount() const { return m_FrameInUseCount; }
+ uint32_t GetAlgorithm() const { return m_Algorithm; }
+ void GetPoolStats(VmaPoolStats* pStats);
+ bool IsEmpty() const { return m_Blocks.empty(); }
+ bool IsCorruptionDetectionEnabled() const;
+ VkResult Allocate(
+ VmaPool hCurrentPool,
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ VkDeviceSize size,
+ VkDeviceSize alignment,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations);
+ void Free(
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation);
+ // Adds statistics of this BlockVector to pStats.
+ void AddStats(VmaStats* pStats);
+ void PrintDetailedMap(class VmaJsonWriter& json);
+ void MakePoolAllocationsLost(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ size_t* pLostAllocationCount);
+ VkResult CheckCorruption();
+ // Saves results in pCtx->res.
+ void Defragment(
+ class VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* pCtx,
+ VmaDefragmentationStats* pStats,
+ VkDeviceSize& maxCpuBytesToMove, uint32_t& maxCpuAllocationsToMove,
+ VkDeviceSize& maxGpuBytesToMove, uint32_t& maxGpuAllocationsToMove,
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
+ void DefragmentationEnd(
+ class VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* pCtx,
+ VmaDefragmentationStats* pStats);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // To be used only while the m_Mutex is locked. Used during defragmentation.
+ size_t GetBlockCount() const { return m_Blocks.size(); }
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* GetBlock(size_t index) const { return m_Blocks[index]; }
+ size_t CalcAllocationCount() const;
+ bool IsBufferImageGranularityConflictPossible() const;
+ friend class VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic;
+ const VmaAllocator m_hAllocator;
+ const uint32_t m_MemoryTypeIndex;
+ const VkDeviceSize m_PreferredBlockSize;
+ const size_t m_MinBlockCount;
+ const size_t m_MaxBlockCount;
+ const VkDeviceSize m_BufferImageGranularity;
+ const uint32_t m_FrameInUseCount;
+ const bool m_IsCustomPool;
+ const bool m_ExplicitBlockSize;
+ const uint32_t m_Algorithm;
+ /* There can be at most one allocation that is completely empty - a
+ hysteresis to avoid pessimistic case of alternating creation and destruction
+ of a VkDeviceMemory. */
+ bool m_HasEmptyBlock;
+ VMA_RW_MUTEX m_Mutex;
+ // Incrementally sorted by sumFreeSize, ascending.
+ VmaVector< VmaDeviceMemoryBlock*, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDeviceMemoryBlock*> > m_Blocks;
+ uint32_t m_NextBlockId;
+ VkDeviceSize CalcMaxBlockSize() const;
+ // Finds and removes given block from vector.
+ void Remove(VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock);
+ // Performs single step in sorting m_Blocks. They may not be fully sorted
+ // after this call.
+ void IncrementallySortBlocks();
+ VkResult AllocatePage(
+ VmaPool hCurrentPool,
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ VkDeviceSize size,
+ VkDeviceSize alignment,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation);
+ // To be used only without CAN_MAKE_OTHER_LOST flag.
+ VkResult AllocateFromBlock(
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock,
+ VmaPool hCurrentPool,
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ VkDeviceSize size,
+ VkDeviceSize alignment,
+ VmaAllocationCreateFlags allocFlags,
+ void* pUserData,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType,
+ uint32_t strategy,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation);
+ VkResult CreateBlock(VkDeviceSize blockSize, size_t* pNewBlockIndex);
+ // Saves result to pCtx->res.
+ void ApplyDefragmentationMovesCpu(
+ class VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* pDefragCtx,
+ const VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >& moves);
+ // Saves result to pCtx->res.
+ void ApplyDefragmentationMovesGpu(
+ class VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* pDefragCtx,
+ const VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >& moves,
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
+ /*
+ Used during defragmentation. pDefragmentationStats is optional. It's in/out
+ - updated with new data.
+ */
+ void FreeEmptyBlocks(VmaDefragmentationStats* pDefragmentationStats);
+struct VmaPool_T
+ VmaBlockVector m_BlockVector;
+ VmaPool_T(
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ const VmaPoolCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VkDeviceSize preferredBlockSize);
+ ~VmaPool_T();
+ uint32_t GetId() const { return m_Id; }
+ void SetId(uint32_t id) { VMA_ASSERT(m_Id == 0); m_Id = id; }
+ //void PrintDetailedMap(class VmaStringBuilder& sb);
+ uint32_t m_Id;
+Performs defragmentation:
+- Updates `pBlockVector->m_pMetadata`.
+- Updates allocations by calling ChangeBlockAllocation() or ChangeOffset().
+- Does not move actual data, only returns requested moves as `moves`.
+class VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm)
+ VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm(
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ VmaBlockVector* pBlockVector,
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex) :
+ m_hAllocator(hAllocator),
+ m_pBlockVector(pBlockVector),
+ m_CurrentFrameIndex(currentFrameIndex)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm()
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void AddAllocation(VmaAllocation hAlloc, VkBool32* pChanged) = 0;
+ virtual void AddAll() = 0;
+ virtual VkResult Defragment(
+ VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >& moves,
+ VkDeviceSize maxBytesToMove,
+ uint32_t maxAllocationsToMove) = 0;
+ virtual VkDeviceSize GetBytesMoved() const = 0;
+ virtual uint32_t GetAllocationsMoved() const = 0;
+ VmaAllocator const m_hAllocator;
+ VmaBlockVector* const m_pBlockVector;
+ const uint32_t m_CurrentFrameIndex;
+ struct AllocationInfo
+ {
+ VmaAllocation m_hAllocation;
+ VkBool32* m_pChanged;
+ AllocationInfo() :
+ m_hAllocation(VK_NULL_HANDLE),
+ m_pChanged(VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ AllocationInfo(VmaAllocation hAlloc, VkBool32* pChanged) :
+ m_hAllocation(hAlloc),
+ m_pChanged(pChanged)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+class VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic : public VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic)
+ VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic(
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ VmaBlockVector* pBlockVector,
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ bool overlappingMoveSupported);
+ virtual ~VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic();
+ virtual void AddAllocation(VmaAllocation hAlloc, VkBool32* pChanged);
+ virtual void AddAll() { m_AllAllocations = true; }
+ virtual VkResult Defragment(
+ VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >& moves,
+ VkDeviceSize maxBytesToMove,
+ uint32_t maxAllocationsToMove);
+ virtual VkDeviceSize GetBytesMoved() const { return m_BytesMoved; }
+ virtual uint32_t GetAllocationsMoved() const { return m_AllocationsMoved; }
+ uint32_t m_AllocationCount;
+ bool m_AllAllocations;
+ VkDeviceSize m_BytesMoved;
+ uint32_t m_AllocationsMoved;
+ struct AllocationInfoSizeGreater
+ {
+ bool operator()(const AllocationInfo& lhs, const AllocationInfo& rhs) const
+ {
+ return lhs.m_hAllocation->GetSize() > rhs.m_hAllocation->GetSize();
+ }
+ };
+ struct AllocationInfoOffsetGreater
+ {
+ bool operator()(const AllocationInfo& lhs, const AllocationInfo& rhs) const
+ {
+ return lhs.m_hAllocation->GetOffset() > rhs.m_hAllocation->GetOffset();
+ }
+ };
+ struct BlockInfo
+ {
+ size_t m_OriginalBlockIndex;
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* m_pBlock;
+ bool m_HasNonMovableAllocations;
+ VmaVector< AllocationInfo, VmaStlAllocator<AllocationInfo> > m_Allocations;
+ BlockInfo(const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) :
+ m_OriginalBlockIndex(SIZE_MAX),
+ m_pBlock(VMA_NULL),
+ m_HasNonMovableAllocations(true),
+ m_Allocations(pAllocationCallbacks)
+ {
+ }
+ void CalcHasNonMovableAllocations()
+ {
+ const size_t blockAllocCount = m_pBlock->m_pMetadata->GetAllocationCount();
+ const size_t defragmentAllocCount = m_Allocations.size();
+ m_HasNonMovableAllocations = blockAllocCount != defragmentAllocCount;
+ }
+ void SortAllocationsBySizeDescending()
+ {
+ VMA_SORT(m_Allocations.begin(), m_Allocations.end(), AllocationInfoSizeGreater());
+ }
+ void SortAllocationsByOffsetDescending()
+ {
+ VMA_SORT(m_Allocations.begin(), m_Allocations.end(), AllocationInfoOffsetGreater());
+ }
+ };
+ struct BlockPointerLess
+ {
+ bool operator()(const BlockInfo* pLhsBlockInfo, const VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pRhsBlock) const
+ {
+ return pLhsBlockInfo->m_pBlock < pRhsBlock;
+ }
+ bool operator()(const BlockInfo* pLhsBlockInfo, const BlockInfo* pRhsBlockInfo) const
+ {
+ return pLhsBlockInfo->m_pBlock < pRhsBlockInfo->m_pBlock;
+ }
+ };
+ // 1. Blocks with some non-movable allocations go first.
+ // 2. Blocks with smaller sumFreeSize go first.
+ struct BlockInfoCompareMoveDestination
+ {
+ bool operator()(const BlockInfo* pLhsBlockInfo, const BlockInfo* pRhsBlockInfo) const
+ {
+ if(pLhsBlockInfo->m_HasNonMovableAllocations && !pRhsBlockInfo->m_HasNonMovableAllocations)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(!pLhsBlockInfo->m_HasNonMovableAllocations && pRhsBlockInfo->m_HasNonMovableAllocations)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(pLhsBlockInfo->m_pBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize() < pRhsBlockInfo->m_pBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize())
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef VmaVector< BlockInfo*, VmaStlAllocator<BlockInfo*> > BlockInfoVector;
+ BlockInfoVector m_Blocks;
+ VkResult DefragmentRound(
+ VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >& moves,
+ VkDeviceSize maxBytesToMove,
+ uint32_t maxAllocationsToMove);
+ size_t CalcBlocksWithNonMovableCount() const;
+ static bool MoveMakesSense(
+ size_t dstBlockIndex, VkDeviceSize dstOffset,
+ size_t srcBlockIndex, VkDeviceSize srcOffset);
+class VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Fast : public VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Fast)
+ VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Fast(
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ VmaBlockVector* pBlockVector,
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ bool overlappingMoveSupported);
+ virtual ~VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Fast();
+ virtual void AddAllocation(VmaAllocation /*hAlloc*/, VkBool32* /*pChanged*/) { ++m_AllocationCount; }
+ virtual void AddAll() { m_AllAllocations = true; }
+ virtual VkResult Defragment(
+ VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >& moves,
+ VkDeviceSize maxBytesToMove,
+ uint32_t maxAllocationsToMove);
+ virtual VkDeviceSize GetBytesMoved() const { return m_BytesMoved; }
+ virtual uint32_t GetAllocationsMoved() const { return m_AllocationsMoved; }
+ struct BlockInfo
+ {
+ size_t origBlockIndex;
+ };
+ class FreeSpaceDatabase
+ {
+ public:
+ FreeSpaceDatabase()
+ {
+ FreeSpace s = {};
+ s.blockInfoIndex = SIZE_MAX;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < MAX_COUNT; ++i)
+ {
+ m_FreeSpaces[i] = s;
+ }
+ }
+ void Register(size_t blockInfoIndex, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size)
+ {
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Find first invalid or the smallest structure.
+ size_t bestIndex = SIZE_MAX;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < MAX_COUNT; ++i)
+ {
+ // Empty structure.
+ if(m_FreeSpaces[i].blockInfoIndex == SIZE_MAX)
+ {
+ bestIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(m_FreeSpaces[i].size < size &&
+ (bestIndex == SIZE_MAX || m_FreeSpaces[bestIndex].size > m_FreeSpaces[i].size))
+ {
+ bestIndex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bestIndex != SIZE_MAX)
+ {
+ m_FreeSpaces[bestIndex].blockInfoIndex = blockInfoIndex;
+ m_FreeSpaces[bestIndex].offset = offset;
+ m_FreeSpaces[bestIndex].size = size;
+ }
+ }
+ bool Fetch(VkDeviceSize alignment, VkDeviceSize size,
+ size_t& outBlockInfoIndex, VkDeviceSize& outDstOffset)
+ {
+ size_t bestIndex = SIZE_MAX;
+ VkDeviceSize bestFreeSpaceAfter = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < MAX_COUNT; ++i)
+ {
+ // Structure is valid.
+ if(m_FreeSpaces[i].blockInfoIndex != SIZE_MAX)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize dstOffset = VmaAlignUp(m_FreeSpaces[i].offset, alignment);
+ // Allocation fits into this structure.
+ if(dstOffset + size <= m_FreeSpaces[i].offset + m_FreeSpaces[i].size)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize freeSpaceAfter = (m_FreeSpaces[i].offset + m_FreeSpaces[i].size) -
+ (dstOffset + size);
+ if(bestIndex == SIZE_MAX || freeSpaceAfter > bestFreeSpaceAfter)
+ {
+ bestIndex = i;
+ bestFreeSpaceAfter = freeSpaceAfter;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(bestIndex != SIZE_MAX)
+ {
+ outBlockInfoIndex = m_FreeSpaces[bestIndex].blockInfoIndex;
+ outDstOffset = VmaAlignUp(m_FreeSpaces[bestIndex].offset, alignment);
+ {
+ // Leave this structure for remaining empty space.
+ const VkDeviceSize alignmentPlusSize = (outDstOffset - m_FreeSpaces[bestIndex].offset) + size;
+ m_FreeSpaces[bestIndex].offset += alignmentPlusSize;
+ m_FreeSpaces[bestIndex].size -= alignmentPlusSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This structure becomes invalid.
+ m_FreeSpaces[bestIndex].blockInfoIndex = SIZE_MAX;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private:
+ static const size_t MAX_COUNT = 4;
+ struct FreeSpace
+ {
+ size_t blockInfoIndex; // SIZE_MAX means this structure is invalid.
+ VkDeviceSize offset;
+ VkDeviceSize size;
+ } m_FreeSpaces[MAX_COUNT];
+ };
+ const bool m_OverlappingMoveSupported;
+ uint32_t m_AllocationCount;
+ bool m_AllAllocations;
+ VkDeviceSize m_BytesMoved;
+ uint32_t m_AllocationsMoved;
+ VmaVector< BlockInfo, VmaStlAllocator<BlockInfo> > m_BlockInfos;
+ void PreprocessMetadata();
+ void PostprocessMetadata();
+ void InsertSuballoc(VmaBlockMetadata_Generic* pMetadata, const VmaSuballocation& suballoc);
+struct VmaBlockDefragmentationContext
+ {
+ BLOCK_FLAG_USED = 0x00000001,
+ };
+ uint32_t flags;
+ VkBuffer hBuffer;
+ VmaBlockDefragmentationContext() :
+ flags(0),
+ {
+ }
+class VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext)
+ VkResult res;
+ bool mutexLocked;
+ VmaVector< VmaBlockDefragmentationContext, VmaStlAllocator<VmaBlockDefragmentationContext> > blockContexts;
+ VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext(
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ VmaPool hCustomPool, // Optional.
+ VmaBlockVector* pBlockVector,
+ uint32_t currFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t flags);
+ ~VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext();
+ VmaPool GetCustomPool() const { return m_hCustomPool; }
+ VmaBlockVector* GetBlockVector() const { return m_pBlockVector; }
+ VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm* GetAlgorithm() const { return m_pAlgorithm; }
+ void AddAllocation(VmaAllocation hAlloc, VkBool32* pChanged);
+ void AddAll() { m_AllAllocations = true; }
+ void Begin(bool overlappingMoveSupported);
+ const VmaAllocator m_hAllocator;
+ // Null if not from custom pool.
+ const VmaPool m_hCustomPool;
+ // Redundant, for convenience not to fetch from m_hCustomPool->m_BlockVector or m_hAllocator->m_pBlockVectors.
+ VmaBlockVector* const m_pBlockVector;
+ const uint32_t m_CurrFrameIndex;
+ /*const uint32_t m_AlgorithmFlags;*/
+ // Owner of this object.
+ VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm* m_pAlgorithm;
+ struct AllocInfo
+ {
+ VmaAllocation hAlloc;
+ VkBool32* pChanged;
+ };
+ // Used between constructor and Begin.
+ VmaVector< AllocInfo, VmaStlAllocator<AllocInfo> > m_Allocations;
+ bool m_AllAllocations;
+struct VmaDefragmentationContext_T
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaDefragmentationContext_T)
+ VmaDefragmentationContext_T(
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ uint32_t currFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t flags,
+ VmaDefragmentationStats* pStats);
+ ~VmaDefragmentationContext_T();
+ void AddPools(uint32_t poolCount, VmaPool* pPools);
+ void AddAllocations(
+ uint32_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations,
+ VkBool32* pAllocationsChanged);
+ /*
+ Returns:
+ - `VK_SUCCESS` if succeeded and object can be destroyed immediately.
+ - `VK_NOT_READY` if succeeded but the object must remain alive until vmaDefragmentationEnd().
+ - Negative value if error occured and object can be destroyed immediately.
+ */
+ VkResult Defragment(
+ VkDeviceSize maxCpuBytesToMove, uint32_t maxCpuAllocationsToMove,
+ VkDeviceSize maxGpuBytesToMove, uint32_t maxGpuAllocationsToMove,
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VmaDefragmentationStats* pStats);
+ const VmaAllocator m_hAllocator;
+ const uint32_t m_CurrFrameIndex;
+ const uint32_t m_Flags;
+ VmaDefragmentationStats* const m_pStats;
+ // Owner of these objects.
+ VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* m_DefaultPoolContexts[VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPES];
+ // Owner of these objects.
+ VmaVector< VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext*, VmaStlAllocator<VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext*> > m_CustomPoolContexts;
+class VmaRecorder
+ VmaRecorder();
+ VkResult Init(const VmaRecordSettings& settings, bool useMutex);
+ void WriteConfiguration(
+ const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties& devProps,
+ const VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties& memProps,
+ bool dedicatedAllocationExtensionEnabled);
+ ~VmaRecorder();
+ void RecordCreateAllocator(uint32_t frameIndex);
+ void RecordDestroyAllocator(uint32_t frameIndex);
+ void RecordCreatePool(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VmaPoolCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VmaPool pool);
+ void RecordDestroyPool(uint32_t frameIndex, VmaPool pool);
+ void RecordAllocateMemory(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VkMemoryRequirements& vkMemReq,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+ void RecordAllocateMemoryPages(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VkMemoryRequirements& vkMemReq,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ uint64_t allocationCount,
+ const VmaAllocation* pAllocations);
+ void RecordAllocateMemoryForBuffer(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VkMemoryRequirements& vkMemReq,
+ bool requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ bool prefersDedicatedAllocation,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+ void RecordAllocateMemoryForImage(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VkMemoryRequirements& vkMemReq,
+ bool requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ bool prefersDedicatedAllocation,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+ void RecordFreeMemory(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+ void RecordFreeMemoryPages(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ uint64_t allocationCount,
+ const VmaAllocation* pAllocations);
+ void RecordResizeAllocation(
+ uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ VkDeviceSize newSize);
+ void RecordSetAllocationUserData(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ const void* pUserData);
+ void RecordCreateLostAllocation(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+ void RecordMapMemory(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+ void RecordUnmapMemory(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+ void RecordFlushAllocation(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size);
+ void RecordInvalidateAllocation(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size);
+ void RecordCreateBuffer(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VkBufferCreateInfo& bufCreateInfo,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& allocCreateInfo,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+ void RecordCreateImage(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VkImageCreateInfo& imageCreateInfo,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& allocCreateInfo,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+ void RecordDestroyBuffer(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+ void RecordDestroyImage(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+ void RecordTouchAllocation(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+ void RecordGetAllocationInfo(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation);
+ void RecordMakePoolAllocationsLost(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaPool pool);
+ void RecordDefragmentationBegin(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VmaDefragmentationInfo2& info,
+ VmaDefragmentationContext ctx);
+ void RecordDefragmentationEnd(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaDefragmentationContext ctx);
+ struct CallParams
+ {
+ uint32_t threadId;
+ double time;
+ };
+ class UserDataString
+ {
+ public:
+ UserDataString(VmaAllocationCreateFlags allocFlags, const void* pUserData);
+ const char* GetString() const { return m_Str; }
+ private:
+ char m_PtrStr[17];
+ const char* m_Str;
+ };
+ bool m_UseMutex;
+ VmaRecordFlags m_Flags;
+ FILE* m_File;
+ VMA_MUTEX m_FileMutex;
+ int64_t m_Freq;
+ int64_t m_StartCounter;
+ void GetBasicParams(CallParams& outParams);
+ // T must be a pointer type, e.g. VmaAllocation, VmaPool.
+ template<typename T>
+ void PrintPointerList(uint64_t count, const T* pItems)
+ {
+ if(count)
+ {
+ fprintf(m_File, "%p", pItems[0]);
+ for(uint64_t i = 1; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ fprintf(m_File, " %p", pItems[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintPointerList(uint64_t count, const VmaAllocation* pItems);
+ void Flush();
+// Main allocator object.
+struct VmaAllocator_T
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaAllocator_T)
+ bool m_UseMutex;
+ bool m_UseKhrDedicatedAllocation;
+ VkDevice m_hDevice;
+ bool m_AllocationCallbacksSpecified;
+ VkAllocationCallbacks m_AllocationCallbacks;
+ VmaDeviceMemoryCallbacks m_DeviceMemoryCallbacks;
+ // Number of bytes free out of limit, or VK_WHOLE_SIZE if no limit for that heap.
+ VkDeviceSize m_HeapSizeLimit[VK_MAX_MEMORY_HEAPS];
+ VMA_MUTEX m_HeapSizeLimitMutex;
+ VkPhysicalDeviceProperties m_PhysicalDeviceProperties;
+ VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties m_MemProps;
+ // Default pools.
+ VmaBlockVector* m_pBlockVectors[VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPES];
+ // Each vector is sorted by memory (handle value).
+ typedef VmaVector< VmaAllocation, VmaStlAllocator<VmaAllocation> > AllocationVectorType;
+ AllocationVectorType* m_pDedicatedAllocations[VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPES];
+ VMA_RW_MUTEX m_DedicatedAllocationsMutex[VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPES];
+ VmaAllocator_T(const VmaAllocatorCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
+ VkResult Init(const VmaAllocatorCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
+ ~VmaAllocator_T();
+ const VkAllocationCallbacks* GetAllocationCallbacks() const
+ {
+ return m_AllocationCallbacksSpecified ? &m_AllocationCallbacks : 0;
+ }
+ const VmaVulkanFunctions& GetVulkanFunctions() const
+ {
+ return m_VulkanFunctions;
+ }
+ VkDeviceSize GetBufferImageGranularity() const
+ {
+ return VMA_MAX(
+ m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.bufferImageGranularity);
+ }
+ uint32_t GetMemoryHeapCount() const { return m_MemProps.memoryHeapCount; }
+ uint32_t GetMemoryTypeCount() const { return m_MemProps.memoryTypeCount; }
+ uint32_t MemoryTypeIndexToHeapIndex(uint32_t memTypeIndex) const
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(memTypeIndex < m_MemProps.memoryTypeCount);
+ return m_MemProps.memoryTypes[memTypeIndex].heapIndex;
+ }
+ // True when specific memory type is HOST_VISIBLE but not HOST_COHERENT.
+ bool IsMemoryTypeNonCoherent(uint32_t memTypeIndex) const
+ {
+ return (m_MemProps.memoryTypes[memTypeIndex].propertyFlags & (VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT | VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT)) ==
+ }
+ // Minimum alignment for all allocations in specific memory type.
+ VkDeviceSize GetMemoryTypeMinAlignment(uint32_t memTypeIndex) const
+ {
+ return IsMemoryTypeNonCoherent(memTypeIndex) ?
+ VMA_MAX((VkDeviceSize)VMA_DEBUG_ALIGNMENT, m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.nonCoherentAtomSize) :
+ }
+ bool IsIntegratedGpu() const
+ {
+ return m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.deviceType == VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_INTEGRATED_GPU;
+ }
+ VmaRecorder* GetRecorder() const { return m_pRecorder; }
+ void GetBufferMemoryRequirements(
+ VkBuffer hBuffer,
+ VkMemoryRequirements& memReq,
+ bool& requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ bool& prefersDedicatedAllocation) const;
+ void GetImageMemoryRequirements(
+ VkImage hImage,
+ VkMemoryRequirements& memReq,
+ bool& requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ bool& prefersDedicatedAllocation) const;
+ // Main allocation function.
+ VkResult AllocateMemory(
+ const VkMemoryRequirements& vkMemReq,
+ bool requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ bool prefersDedicatedAllocation,
+ VkBuffer dedicatedBuffer,
+ VkImage dedicatedImage,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations);
+ // Main deallocation function.
+ void FreeMemory(
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ const VmaAllocation* pAllocations);
+ VkResult ResizeAllocation(
+ const VmaAllocation alloc,
+ VkDeviceSize newSize);
+ void CalculateStats(VmaStats* pStats);
+ void PrintDetailedMap(class VmaJsonWriter& json);
+ VkResult DefragmentationBegin(
+ const VmaDefragmentationInfo2& info,
+ VmaDefragmentationStats* pStats,
+ VmaDefragmentationContext* pContext);
+ VkResult DefragmentationEnd(
+ VmaDefragmentationContext context);
+ void GetAllocationInfo(VmaAllocation hAllocation, VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo);
+ bool TouchAllocation(VmaAllocation hAllocation);
+ VkResult CreatePool(const VmaPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, VmaPool* pPool);
+ void DestroyPool(VmaPool pool);
+ void GetPoolStats(VmaPool pool, VmaPoolStats* pPoolStats);
+ void SetCurrentFrameIndex(uint32_t frameIndex);
+ uint32_t GetCurrentFrameIndex() const { return m_CurrentFrameIndex.load(); }
+ void MakePoolAllocationsLost(
+ VmaPool hPool,
+ size_t* pLostAllocationCount);
+ VkResult CheckPoolCorruption(VmaPool hPool);
+ VkResult CheckCorruption(uint32_t memoryTypeBits);
+ void CreateLostAllocation(VmaAllocation* pAllocation);
+ VkResult AllocateVulkanMemory(const VkMemoryAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo, VkDeviceMemory* pMemory);
+ void FreeVulkanMemory(uint32_t memoryType, VkDeviceSize size, VkDeviceMemory hMemory);
+ VkResult Map(VmaAllocation hAllocation, void** ppData);
+ void Unmap(VmaAllocation hAllocation);
+ VkResult BindBufferMemory(VmaAllocation hAllocation, VkBuffer hBuffer);
+ VkResult BindImageMemory(VmaAllocation hAllocation, VkImage hImage);
+ void FlushOrInvalidateAllocation(
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation,
+ VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size,
+ void FillAllocation(const VmaAllocation hAllocation, uint8_t pattern);
+ VkDeviceSize m_PreferredLargeHeapBlockSize;
+ VkPhysicalDevice m_PhysicalDevice;
+ VMA_ATOMIC_UINT32 m_CurrentFrameIndex;
+ VMA_RW_MUTEX m_PoolsMutex;
+ // Protected by m_PoolsMutex. Sorted by pointer value.
+ VmaVector<VmaPool, VmaStlAllocator<VmaPool> > m_Pools;
+ uint32_t m_NextPoolId;
+ VmaVulkanFunctions m_VulkanFunctions;
+ VmaRecorder* m_pRecorder;
+ void ImportVulkanFunctions(const VmaVulkanFunctions* pVulkanFunctions);
+ VkDeviceSize CalcPreferredBlockSize(uint32_t memTypeIndex);
+ VkResult AllocateMemoryOfType(
+ VkDeviceSize size,
+ VkDeviceSize alignment,
+ bool dedicatedAllocation,
+ VkBuffer dedicatedBuffer,
+ VkImage dedicatedImage,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ uint32_t memTypeIndex,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations);
+ // Helper function only to be used inside AllocateDedicatedMemory.
+ VkResult AllocateDedicatedMemoryPage(
+ VkDeviceSize size,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType,
+ uint32_t memTypeIndex,
+ const VkMemoryAllocateInfo& allocInfo,
+ bool map,
+ bool isUserDataString,
+ void* pUserData,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation);
+ // Allocates and registers new VkDeviceMemory specifically for dedicated allocations.
+ VkResult AllocateDedicatedMemory(
+ VkDeviceSize size,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType,
+ uint32_t memTypeIndex,
+ bool map,
+ bool isUserDataString,
+ void* pUserData,
+ VkBuffer dedicatedBuffer,
+ VkImage dedicatedImage,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations);
+ // Tries to free pMemory as Dedicated Memory. Returns true if found and freed.
+ void FreeDedicatedMemory(VmaAllocation allocation);
+// Memory allocation #2 after VmaAllocator_T definition
+static void* VmaMalloc(VmaAllocator hAllocator, size_t size, size_t alignment)
+ return VmaMalloc(&hAllocator->m_AllocationCallbacks, size, alignment);
+static void VmaFree(VmaAllocator hAllocator, void* ptr)
+ VmaFree(&hAllocator->m_AllocationCallbacks, ptr);
+template<typename T>
+static T* VmaAllocate(VmaAllocator hAllocator)
+ return (T*)VmaMalloc(hAllocator, sizeof(T), VMA_ALIGN_OF(T));
+template<typename T>
+static T* VmaAllocateArray(VmaAllocator hAllocator, size_t count)
+ return (T*)VmaMalloc(hAllocator, sizeof(T) * count, VMA_ALIGN_OF(T));
+template<typename T>
+static void vma_delete(VmaAllocator hAllocator, T* ptr)
+ if(ptr != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ ptr->~T();
+ VmaFree(hAllocator, ptr);
+ }
+template<typename T>
+static void vma_delete_array(VmaAllocator hAllocator, T* ptr, size_t count)
+ if(ptr != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ for(size_t i = count; i--; )
+ ptr[i].~T();
+ VmaFree(hAllocator, ptr);
+ }
+// VmaStringBuilder
+class VmaStringBuilder
+ VmaStringBuilder(VmaAllocator alloc) : m_Data(VmaStlAllocator<char>(alloc->GetAllocationCallbacks())) { }
+ size_t GetLength() const { return m_Data.size(); }
+ const char* GetData() const { return; }
+ void Add(char ch) { m_Data.push_back(ch); }
+ void Add(const char* pStr);
+ void AddNewLine() { Add('\n'); }
+ void AddNumber(uint32_t num);
+ void AddNumber(uint64_t num);
+ void AddPointer(const void* ptr);
+ VmaVector< char, VmaStlAllocator<char> > m_Data;
+void VmaStringBuilder::Add(const char* pStr)
+ const size_t strLen = strlen(pStr);
+ if(strLen > 0)
+ {
+ const size_t oldCount = m_Data.size();
+ m_Data.resize(oldCount + strLen);
+ memcpy( + oldCount, pStr, strLen);
+ }
+void VmaStringBuilder::AddNumber(uint32_t num)
+ char buf[11];
+ VmaUint32ToStr(buf, sizeof(buf), num);
+ Add(buf);
+void VmaStringBuilder::AddNumber(uint64_t num)
+ char buf[21];
+ VmaUint64ToStr(buf, sizeof(buf), num);
+ Add(buf);
+void VmaStringBuilder::AddPointer(const void* ptr)
+ char buf[21];
+ VmaPtrToStr(buf, sizeof(buf), ptr);
+ Add(buf);
+// VmaJsonWriter
+class VmaJsonWriter
+ VMA_CLASS_NO_COPY(VmaJsonWriter)
+ VmaJsonWriter(const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocationCallbacks, VmaStringBuilder& sb);
+ ~VmaJsonWriter();
+ void BeginObject(bool singleLine = false);
+ void EndObject();
+ void BeginArray(bool singleLine = false);
+ void EndArray();
+ void WriteString(const char* pStr);
+ void BeginString(const char* pStr = VMA_NULL);
+ void ContinueString(const char* pStr);
+ void ContinueString(uint32_t n);
+ void ContinueString(uint64_t n);
+ void ContinueString_Pointer(const void* ptr);
+ void EndString(const char* pStr = VMA_NULL);
+ void WriteNumber(uint32_t n);
+ void WriteNumber(uint64_t n);
+ void WriteBool(bool b);
+ void WriteNull();
+ static const char* const INDENT;
+ {
+ };
+ struct StackItem
+ {
+ uint32_t valueCount;
+ bool singleLineMode;
+ };
+ VmaStringBuilder& m_SB;
+ VmaVector< StackItem, VmaStlAllocator<StackItem> > m_Stack;
+ bool m_InsideString;
+ void BeginValue(bool isString);
+ void WriteIndent(bool oneLess = false);
+const char* const VmaJsonWriter::INDENT = " ";
+VmaJsonWriter::VmaJsonWriter(const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocationCallbacks, VmaStringBuilder& sb) :
+ m_SB(sb),
+ m_Stack(VmaStlAllocator<StackItem>(pAllocationCallbacks)),
+ m_InsideString(false)
+ VMA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_Stack.empty());
+void VmaJsonWriter::BeginObject(bool singleLine)
+ VMA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ BeginValue(false);
+ m_SB.Add('{');
+ StackItem item;
+ item.valueCount = 0;
+ item.singleLineMode = singleLine;
+ m_Stack.push_back(item);
+void VmaJsonWriter::EndObject()
+ VMA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ WriteIndent(true);
+ m_SB.Add('}');
+ VMA_ASSERT(!m_Stack.empty() && m_Stack.back().type == COLLECTION_TYPE_OBJECT);
+ m_Stack.pop_back();
+void VmaJsonWriter::BeginArray(bool singleLine)
+ VMA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ BeginValue(false);
+ m_SB.Add('[');
+ StackItem item;
+ item.valueCount = 0;
+ item.singleLineMode = singleLine;
+ m_Stack.push_back(item);
+void VmaJsonWriter::EndArray()
+ VMA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ WriteIndent(true);
+ m_SB.Add(']');
+ VMA_ASSERT(!m_Stack.empty() && m_Stack.back().type == COLLECTION_TYPE_ARRAY);
+ m_Stack.pop_back();
+void VmaJsonWriter::WriteString(const char* pStr)
+ BeginString(pStr);
+ EndString();
+void VmaJsonWriter::BeginString(const char* pStr)
+ VMA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ BeginValue(true);
+ m_SB.Add('"');
+ m_InsideString = true;
+ if(pStr != VMA_NULL && pStr[0] != '\0')
+ {
+ ContinueString(pStr);
+ }
+void VmaJsonWriter::ContinueString(const char* pStr)
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_InsideString);
+ const size_t strLen = strlen(pStr);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < strLen; ++i)
+ {
+ char ch = pStr[i];
+ if(ch == '\\')
+ {
+ m_SB.Add("\\\\");
+ }
+ else if(ch == '"')
+ {
+ m_SB.Add("\\\"");
+ }
+ else if(ch >= 32)
+ {
+ m_SB.Add(ch);
+ }
+ else switch(ch)
+ {
+ case '\b':
+ m_SB.Add("\\b");
+ break;
+ case '\f':
+ m_SB.Add("\\f");
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ m_SB.Add("\\n");
+ break;
+ case '\r':
+ m_SB.Add("\\r");
+ break;
+ case '\t':
+ m_SB.Add("\\t");
+ break;
+ default:
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Character not currently supported.");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void VmaJsonWriter::ContinueString(uint32_t n)
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_InsideString);
+ m_SB.AddNumber(n);
+void VmaJsonWriter::ContinueString(uint64_t n)
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_InsideString);
+ m_SB.AddNumber(n);
+void VmaJsonWriter::ContinueString_Pointer(const void* ptr)
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_InsideString);
+ m_SB.AddPointer(ptr);
+void VmaJsonWriter::EndString(const char* pStr)
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_InsideString);
+ if(pStr != VMA_NULL && pStr[0] != '\0')
+ {
+ ContinueString(pStr);
+ }
+ m_SB.Add('"');
+ m_InsideString = false;
+void VmaJsonWriter::WriteNumber(uint32_t n)
+ VMA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ BeginValue(false);
+ m_SB.AddNumber(n);
+void VmaJsonWriter::WriteNumber(uint64_t n)
+ VMA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ BeginValue(false);
+ m_SB.AddNumber(n);
+void VmaJsonWriter::WriteBool(bool b)
+ VMA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ BeginValue(false);
+ m_SB.Add(b ? "true" : "false");
+void VmaJsonWriter::WriteNull()
+ VMA_ASSERT(!m_InsideString);
+ BeginValue(false);
+ m_SB.Add("null");
+void VmaJsonWriter::BeginValue(bool isString)
+ if(!m_Stack.empty())
+ {
+ StackItem& currItem = m_Stack.back();
+ if(currItem.type == COLLECTION_TYPE_OBJECT &&
+ currItem.valueCount % 2 == 0)
+ {
+ (void) isString;
+ VMA_ASSERT(isString);
+ }
+ if(currItem.type == COLLECTION_TYPE_OBJECT &&
+ currItem.valueCount % 2 != 0)
+ {
+ m_SB.Add(": ");
+ }
+ else if(currItem.valueCount > 0)
+ {
+ m_SB.Add(", ");
+ WriteIndent();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WriteIndent();
+ }
+ ++currItem.valueCount;
+ }
+void VmaJsonWriter::WriteIndent(bool oneLess)
+ if(!m_Stack.empty() && !m_Stack.back().singleLineMode)
+ {
+ m_SB.AddNewLine();
+ size_t count = m_Stack.size();
+ if(count > 0 && oneLess)
+ {
+ --count;
+ }
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ m_SB.Add(INDENT);
+ }
+ }
+void VmaAllocation_T::SetUserData(VmaAllocator hAllocator, void* pUserData)
+ if(IsUserDataString())
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(pUserData == VMA_NULL || pUserData != m_pUserData);
+ FreeUserDataString(hAllocator);
+ if(pUserData != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ const char* const newStrSrc = (char*)pUserData;
+ const size_t newStrLen = strlen(newStrSrc);
+ char* const newStrDst = vma_new_array(hAllocator, char, newStrLen + 1);
+ memcpy(newStrDst, newStrSrc, newStrLen + 1);
+ m_pUserData = newStrDst;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pUserData = pUserData;
+ }
+void VmaAllocation_T::ChangeBlockAllocation(
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* block,
+ VkDeviceSize offset)
+ VMA_ASSERT(block != VMA_NULL);
+ // Move mapping reference counter from old block to new block.
+ if(block != m_BlockAllocation.m_Block)
+ {
+ uint32_t mapRefCount = m_MapCount & ~MAP_COUNT_FLAG_PERSISTENT_MAP;
+ if(IsPersistentMap())
+ ++mapRefCount;
+ m_BlockAllocation.m_Block->Unmap(hAllocator, mapRefCount);
+ block->Map(hAllocator, mapRefCount, VMA_NULL);
+ }
+ m_BlockAllocation.m_Block = block;
+ m_BlockAllocation.m_Offset = offset;
+void VmaAllocation_T::ChangeSize(VkDeviceSize newSize)
+ VMA_ASSERT(newSize > 0);
+ m_Size = newSize;
+void VmaAllocation_T::ChangeOffset(VkDeviceSize newOffset)
+ m_BlockAllocation.m_Offset = newOffset;
+VkDeviceSize VmaAllocation_T::GetOffset() const
+ switch(m_Type)
+ {
+ return m_BlockAllocation.m_Offset;
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+VkDeviceMemory VmaAllocation_T::GetMemory() const
+ switch(m_Type)
+ {
+ return m_BlockAllocation.m_Block->GetDeviceMemory();
+ return m_DedicatedAllocation.m_hMemory;
+ default:
+ return VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ }
+uint32_t VmaAllocation_T::GetMemoryTypeIndex() const
+ switch(m_Type)
+ {
+ return m_BlockAllocation.m_Block->GetMemoryTypeIndex();
+ return m_DedicatedAllocation.m_MemoryTypeIndex;
+ default:
+ return UINT32_MAX;
+ }
+void* VmaAllocation_T::GetMappedData() const
+ switch(m_Type)
+ {
+ if(m_MapCount != 0)
+ {
+ void* pBlockData = m_BlockAllocation.m_Block->GetMappedData();
+ VMA_ASSERT(pBlockData != VMA_NULL);
+ return (char*)pBlockData + m_BlockAllocation.m_Offset;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return VMA_NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ VMA_ASSERT((m_DedicatedAllocation.m_pMappedData != VMA_NULL) == (m_MapCount != 0));
+ return m_DedicatedAllocation.m_pMappedData;
+ default:
+ return VMA_NULL;
+ }
+bool VmaAllocation_T::CanBecomeLost() const
+ switch(m_Type)
+ {
+ return m_BlockAllocation.m_CanBecomeLost;
+ return false;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+VmaPool VmaAllocation_T::GetPool() const
+ return m_BlockAllocation.m_hPool;
+bool VmaAllocation_T::MakeLost(uint32_t currentFrameIndex, uint32_t frameInUseCount)
+ VMA_ASSERT(CanBecomeLost());
+ /*
+ Warning: This is a carefully designed algorithm.
+ Do not modify unless you really know what you're doing :)
+ */
+ uint32_t localLastUseFrameIndex = GetLastUseFrameIndex();
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ if(localLastUseFrameIndex == VMA_FRAME_INDEX_LOST)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(localLastUseFrameIndex + frameInUseCount >= currentFrameIndex)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else // Last use time earlier than current time.
+ {
+ if(CompareExchangeLastUseFrameIndex(localLastUseFrameIndex, VMA_FRAME_INDEX_LOST))
+ {
+ // Setting hAllocation.LastUseFrameIndex atomic to VMA_FRAME_INDEX_LOST is enough to mark it as LOST.
+ // Calling code just needs to unregister this allocation in owning VmaDeviceMemoryBlock.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Correspond to values of enum VmaSuballocationType.
+static const char* VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_NAMES[] = {
+ "FREE",
+void VmaAllocation_T::PrintParameters(class VmaJsonWriter& json) const
+ json.WriteString("Type");
+ json.WriteString(VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_NAMES[m_SuballocationType]);
+ json.WriteString("Size");
+ json.WriteNumber(m_Size);
+ if(m_pUserData != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ json.WriteString("UserData");
+ if(IsUserDataString())
+ {
+ json.WriteString((const char*)m_pUserData);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ json.BeginString();
+ json.ContinueString_Pointer(m_pUserData);
+ json.EndString();
+ }
+ }
+ json.WriteString("CreationFrameIndex");
+ json.WriteNumber(m_CreationFrameIndex);
+ json.WriteString("LastUseFrameIndex");
+ json.WriteNumber(GetLastUseFrameIndex());
+ if(m_BufferImageUsage != 0)
+ {
+ json.WriteString("Usage");
+ json.WriteNumber(m_BufferImageUsage);
+ }
+void VmaAllocation_T::FreeUserDataString(VmaAllocator hAllocator)
+ VMA_ASSERT(IsUserDataString());
+ if(m_pUserData != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ char* const oldStr = (char*)m_pUserData;
+ const size_t oldStrLen = strlen(oldStr);
+ vma_delete_array(hAllocator, oldStr, oldStrLen + 1);
+ m_pUserData = VMA_NULL;
+ }
+void VmaAllocation_T::BlockAllocMap()
+ if((m_MapCount & ~MAP_COUNT_FLAG_PERSISTENT_MAP) < 0x7F)
+ {
+ ++m_MapCount;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Allocation mapped too many times simultaneously.");
+ }
+void VmaAllocation_T::BlockAllocUnmap()
+ if((m_MapCount & ~MAP_COUNT_FLAG_PERSISTENT_MAP) != 0)
+ {
+ --m_MapCount;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Unmapping allocation not previously mapped.");
+ }
+VkResult VmaAllocation_T::DedicatedAllocMap(VmaAllocator hAllocator, void** ppData)
+ if(m_MapCount != 0)
+ {
+ if((m_MapCount & ~MAP_COUNT_FLAG_PERSISTENT_MAP) < 0x7F)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_DedicatedAllocation.m_pMappedData != VMA_NULL);
+ *ppData = m_DedicatedAllocation.m_pMappedData;
+ ++m_MapCount;
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Dedicated allocation mapped too many times simultaneously.");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VkResult result = (*hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkMapMemory)(
+ hAllocator->m_hDevice,
+ m_DedicatedAllocation.m_hMemory,
+ 0, // offset
+ 0, // flags
+ ppData);
+ if(result == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ m_DedicatedAllocation.m_pMappedData = *ppData;
+ m_MapCount = 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+void VmaAllocation_T::DedicatedAllocUnmap(VmaAllocator hAllocator)
+ if((m_MapCount & ~MAP_COUNT_FLAG_PERSISTENT_MAP) != 0)
+ {
+ --m_MapCount;
+ if(m_MapCount == 0)
+ {
+ m_DedicatedAllocation.m_pMappedData = VMA_NULL;
+ (*hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkUnmapMemory)(
+ hAllocator->m_hDevice,
+ m_DedicatedAllocation.m_hMemory);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Unmapping dedicated allocation not previously mapped.");
+ }
+static void VmaPrintStatInfo(VmaJsonWriter& json, const VmaStatInfo& stat)
+ json.BeginObject();
+ json.WriteString("Blocks");
+ json.WriteNumber(stat.blockCount);
+ json.WriteString("Allocations");
+ json.WriteNumber(stat.allocationCount);
+ json.WriteString("UnusedRanges");
+ json.WriteNumber(stat.unusedRangeCount);
+ json.WriteString("UsedBytes");
+ json.WriteNumber(stat.usedBytes);
+ json.WriteString("UnusedBytes");
+ json.WriteNumber(stat.unusedBytes);
+ if(stat.allocationCount > 1)
+ {
+ json.WriteString("AllocationSize");
+ json.BeginObject(true);
+ json.WriteString("Min");
+ json.WriteNumber(stat.allocationSizeMin);
+ json.WriteString("Avg");
+ json.WriteNumber(stat.allocationSizeAvg);
+ json.WriteString("Max");
+ json.WriteNumber(stat.allocationSizeMax);
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ if(stat.unusedRangeCount > 1)
+ {
+ json.WriteString("UnusedRangeSize");
+ json.BeginObject(true);
+ json.WriteString("Min");
+ json.WriteNumber(stat.unusedRangeSizeMin);
+ json.WriteString("Avg");
+ json.WriteNumber(stat.unusedRangeSizeAvg);
+ json.WriteString("Max");
+ json.WriteNumber(stat.unusedRangeSizeMax);
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+struct VmaSuballocationItemSizeLess
+ bool operator()(
+ const VmaSuballocationList::iterator lhs,
+ const VmaSuballocationList::iterator rhs) const
+ {
+ return lhs->size < rhs->size;
+ }
+ bool operator()(
+ const VmaSuballocationList::iterator lhs,
+ VkDeviceSize rhsSize) const
+ {
+ return lhs->size < rhsSize;
+ }
+// class VmaBlockMetadata
+VmaBlockMetadata::VmaBlockMetadata(VmaAllocator hAllocator) :
+ m_Size(0),
+ m_pAllocationCallbacks(hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks())
+void VmaBlockMetadata::PrintDetailedMap_Begin(class VmaJsonWriter& json,
+ VkDeviceSize unusedBytes,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ size_t unusedRangeCount) const
+ json.BeginObject();
+ json.WriteString("TotalBytes");
+ json.WriteNumber(GetSize());
+ json.WriteString("UnusedBytes");
+ json.WriteNumber(unusedBytes);
+ json.WriteString("Allocations");
+ json.WriteNumber((uint64_t)allocationCount);
+ json.WriteString("UnusedRanges");
+ json.WriteNumber((uint64_t)unusedRangeCount);
+ json.WriteString("Suballocations");
+ json.BeginArray();
+void VmaBlockMetadata::PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(class VmaJsonWriter& json,
+ VkDeviceSize offset,
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation) const
+ json.BeginObject(true);
+ json.WriteString("Offset");
+ json.WriteNumber(offset);
+ hAllocation->PrintParameters(json);
+ json.EndObject();
+void VmaBlockMetadata::PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(class VmaJsonWriter& json,
+ VkDeviceSize offset,
+ VkDeviceSize size) const
+ json.BeginObject(true);
+ json.WriteString("Offset");
+ json.WriteNumber(offset);
+ json.WriteString("Type");
+ json.WriteString("Size");
+ json.WriteNumber(size);
+ json.EndObject();
+void VmaBlockMetadata::PrintDetailedMap_End(class VmaJsonWriter& json) const
+ json.EndArray();
+ json.EndObject();
+// class VmaBlockMetadata_Generic
+VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::VmaBlockMetadata_Generic(VmaAllocator hAllocator) :
+ VmaBlockMetadata(hAllocator),
+ m_FreeCount(0),
+ m_SumFreeSize(0),
+ m_Suballocations(VmaStlAllocator<VmaSuballocation>(hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks())),
+ m_FreeSuballocationsBySize(VmaStlAllocator<VmaSuballocationList::iterator>(hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks()))
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::Init(VkDeviceSize size)
+ VmaBlockMetadata::Init(size);
+ m_FreeCount = 1;
+ m_SumFreeSize = size;
+ VmaSuballocation suballoc = {};
+ suballoc.offset = 0;
+ suballoc.size = size;
+ suballoc.hAllocation = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ m_Suballocations.push_back(suballoc);
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator suballocItem = m_Suballocations.end();
+ --suballocItem;
+ m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.push_back(suballocItem);
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::Validate() const
+ VMA_VALIDATE(!m_Suballocations.empty());
+ // Expected offset of new suballocation as calculated from previous ones.
+ VkDeviceSize calculatedOffset = 0;
+ // Expected number of free suballocations as calculated from traversing their list.
+ uint32_t calculatedFreeCount = 0;
+ // Expected sum size of free suballocations as calculated from traversing their list.
+ VkDeviceSize calculatedSumFreeSize = 0;
+ // Expected number of free suballocations that should be registered in
+ // m_FreeSuballocationsBySize calculated from traversing their list.
+ size_t freeSuballocationsToRegister = 0;
+ // True if previous visited suballocation was free.
+ bool prevFree = false;
+ for(VmaSuballocationList::const_iterator suballocItem = m_Suballocations.cbegin();
+ suballocItem != m_Suballocations.cend();
+ ++suballocItem)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& subAlloc = *suballocItem;
+ // Actual offset of this suballocation doesn't match expected one.
+ VMA_VALIDATE(subAlloc.offset == calculatedOffset);
+ const bool currFree = (subAlloc.type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE);
+ // Two adjacent free suballocations are invalid. They should be merged.
+ VMA_VALIDATE(!prevFree || !currFree);
+ VMA_VALIDATE(currFree == (subAlloc.hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE));
+ if(currFree)
+ {
+ calculatedSumFreeSize += subAlloc.size;
+ ++calculatedFreeCount;
+ {
+ ++freeSuballocationsToRegister;
+ }
+ // Margin required between allocations - every free space must be at least that large.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_VALIDATE(subAlloc.hAllocation->GetOffset() == subAlloc.offset);
+ VMA_VALIDATE(subAlloc.hAllocation->GetSize() == subAlloc.size);
+ // Margin required between allocations - previous allocation must be free.
+ }
+ calculatedOffset += subAlloc.size;
+ prevFree = currFree;
+ }
+ // Number of free suballocations registered in m_FreeSuballocationsBySize doesn't
+ // match expected one.
+ VMA_VALIDATE(m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size() == freeSuballocationsToRegister);
+ VkDeviceSize lastSize = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator suballocItem = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[i];
+ // Only free suballocations can be registered in m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.
+ // They must be sorted by size ascending.
+ VMA_VALIDATE(suballocItem->size >= lastSize);
+ lastSize = suballocItem->size;
+ }
+ // Check if totals match calculacted values.
+ VMA_VALIDATE(ValidateFreeSuballocationList());
+ VMA_VALIDATE(calculatedOffset == GetSize());
+ VMA_VALIDATE(calculatedSumFreeSize == m_SumFreeSize);
+ VMA_VALIDATE(calculatedFreeCount == m_FreeCount);
+ return true;
+VkDeviceSize VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::GetUnusedRangeSizeMax() const
+ if(!m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.empty())
+ {
+ return m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.back()->size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::IsEmpty() const
+ return (m_Suballocations.size() == 1) && (m_FreeCount == 1);
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::CalcAllocationStatInfo(VmaStatInfo& outInfo) const
+ outInfo.blockCount = 1;
+ const uint32_t rangeCount = (uint32_t)m_Suballocations.size();
+ outInfo.allocationCount = rangeCount - m_FreeCount;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeCount = m_FreeCount;
+ outInfo.unusedBytes = m_SumFreeSize;
+ outInfo.usedBytes = GetSize() - outInfo.unusedBytes;
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMin = UINT64_MAX;
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMax = 0;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = UINT64_MAX;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = 0;
+ for(VmaSuballocationList::const_iterator suballocItem = m_Suballocations.cbegin();
+ suballocItem != m_Suballocations.cend();
+ ++suballocItem)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = *suballocItem;
+ if(suballoc.type != VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMin = VMA_MIN(outInfo.allocationSizeMin, suballoc.size);
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMax = VMA_MAX(outInfo.allocationSizeMax, suballoc.size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = VMA_MIN(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin, suballoc.size);
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MAX(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax, suballoc.size);
+ }
+ }
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::AddPoolStats(VmaPoolStats& inoutStats) const
+ const uint32_t rangeCount = (uint32_t)m_Suballocations.size();
+ inoutStats.size += GetSize();
+ inoutStats.unusedSize += m_SumFreeSize;
+ inoutStats.allocationCount += rangeCount - m_FreeCount;
+ inoutStats.unusedRangeCount += m_FreeCount;
+ inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MAX(inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax, GetUnusedRangeSizeMax());
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::PrintDetailedMap(class VmaJsonWriter& json) const
+ PrintDetailedMap_Begin(json,
+ m_SumFreeSize, // unusedBytes
+ m_Suballocations.size() - (size_t)m_FreeCount, // allocationCount
+ m_FreeCount); // unusedRangeCount
+ size_t i = 0;
+ for(VmaSuballocationList::const_iterator suballocItem = m_Suballocations.cbegin();
+ suballocItem != m_Suballocations.cend();
+ ++suballocItem, ++i)
+ {
+ if(suballocItem->type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, suballocItem->offset, suballocItem->size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, suballocItem->offset, suballocItem->hAllocation);
+ }
+ }
+ PrintDetailedMap_End(json);
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::CreateAllocationRequest(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ VkDeviceSize allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaSuballocationType allocType,
+ bool canMakeOtherLost,
+ uint32_t strategy,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocSize > 0);
+ VMA_ASSERT(!upperAddress);
+ (void) upperAddress;
+ VMA_ASSERT(pAllocationRequest != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate());
+ // There is not enough total free space in this block to fullfill the request: Early return.
+ if(canMakeOtherLost == false &&
+ m_SumFreeSize < allocSize + 2 * VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // New algorithm, efficiently searching freeSuballocationsBySize.
+ const size_t freeSuballocCount = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size();
+ if(freeSuballocCount > 0)
+ {
+ {
+ // Find first free suballocation with size not less than allocSize + 2 * VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN.
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator* const it = VmaBinaryFindFirstNotLess(
+ + freeSuballocCount,
+ allocSize + 2 * VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN,
+ VmaSuballocationItemSizeLess());
+ size_t index = it -;
+ for(; index < freeSuballocCount; ++index)
+ {
+ if(CheckAllocation(
+ currentFrameIndex,
+ frameInUseCount,
+ bufferImageGranularity,
+ allocSize,
+ allocAlignment,
+ allocType,
+ m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[index],
+ false, // canMakeOtherLost
+ &pAllocationRequest->offset,
+ &pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount,
+ &pAllocationRequest->sumFreeSize,
+ &pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize))
+ {
+ pAllocationRequest->item = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[index];
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ for(VmaSuballocationList::iterator it = m_Suballocations.begin();
+ it != m_Suballocations.end();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ if(it->type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE && CheckAllocation(
+ currentFrameIndex,
+ frameInUseCount,
+ bufferImageGranularity,
+ allocSize,
+ allocAlignment,
+ allocType,
+ it,
+ false, // canMakeOtherLost
+ &pAllocationRequest->offset,
+ &pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount,
+ &pAllocationRequest->sumFreeSize,
+ &pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize))
+ {
+ pAllocationRequest->item = it;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ // Search staring from biggest suballocations.
+ for(size_t index = freeSuballocCount; index--; )
+ {
+ if(CheckAllocation(
+ currentFrameIndex,
+ frameInUseCount,
+ bufferImageGranularity,
+ allocSize,
+ allocAlignment,
+ allocType,
+ m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[index],
+ false, // canMakeOtherLost
+ &pAllocationRequest->offset,
+ &pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount,
+ &pAllocationRequest->sumFreeSize,
+ &pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize))
+ {
+ pAllocationRequest->item = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[index];
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(canMakeOtherLost)
+ {
+ // Brute-force algorithm. TODO: Come up with something better.
+ pAllocationRequest->sumFreeSize = VK_WHOLE_SIZE;
+ pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize = VK_WHOLE_SIZE;
+ VmaAllocationRequest tmpAllocRequest = {};
+ for(VmaSuballocationList::iterator suballocIt = m_Suballocations.begin();
+ suballocIt != m_Suballocations.end();
+ ++suballocIt)
+ {
+ if(suballocIt->type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE ||
+ suballocIt->hAllocation->CanBecomeLost())
+ {
+ if(CheckAllocation(
+ currentFrameIndex,
+ frameInUseCount,
+ bufferImageGranularity,
+ allocSize,
+ allocAlignment,
+ allocType,
+ suballocIt,
+ canMakeOtherLost,
+ &tmpAllocRequest.offset,
+ &tmpAllocRequest.itemsToMakeLostCount,
+ &tmpAllocRequest.sumFreeSize,
+ &tmpAllocRequest.sumItemSize))
+ {
+ tmpAllocRequest.item = suballocIt;
+ if(tmpAllocRequest.CalcCost() < pAllocationRequest->CalcCost() ||
+ {
+ *pAllocationRequest = tmpAllocRequest;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize != VK_WHOLE_SIZE)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::MakeRequestedAllocationsLost(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ while(pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount > 0)
+ {
+ if(pAllocationRequest->item->type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ ++pAllocationRequest->item;
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(pAllocationRequest->item != m_Suballocations.end());
+ VMA_ASSERT(pAllocationRequest->item->hAllocation != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ VMA_ASSERT(pAllocationRequest->item->hAllocation->CanBecomeLost());
+ if(pAllocationRequest->item->hAllocation->MakeLost(currentFrameIndex, frameInUseCount))
+ {
+ pAllocationRequest->item = FreeSuballocation(pAllocationRequest->item);
+ --pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate());
+ VMA_ASSERT(pAllocationRequest->item != m_Suballocations.end());
+ VMA_ASSERT(pAllocationRequest->item->type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE);
+ return true;
+uint32_t VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::MakeAllocationsLost(uint32_t currentFrameIndex, uint32_t frameInUseCount)
+ uint32_t lostAllocationCount = 0;
+ for(VmaSuballocationList::iterator it = m_Suballocations.begin();
+ it != m_Suballocations.end();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ it->hAllocation->CanBecomeLost() &&
+ it->hAllocation->MakeLost(currentFrameIndex, frameInUseCount))
+ {
+ it = FreeSuballocation(it);
+ ++lostAllocationCount;
+ }
+ }
+ return lostAllocationCount;
+VkResult VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::CheckCorruption(const void* pBlockData)
+ for(VmaSuballocationList::iterator it = m_Suballocations.begin();
+ it != m_Suballocations.end();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ {
+ if(!VmaValidateMagicValue(pBlockData, it->offset - VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN))
+ {
+ }
+ if(!VmaValidateMagicValue(pBlockData, it->offset + it->size))
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::Alloc(
+ const VmaAllocationRequest& request,
+ VmaSuballocationType type,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation)
+ VMA_ASSERT(!upperAddress);
+ (void) upperAddress;
+ VMA_ASSERT(request.item != m_Suballocations.end());
+ VmaSuballocation& suballoc = *request.item;
+ // Given suballocation is a free block.
+ // Given offset is inside this suballocation.
+ VMA_ASSERT(request.offset >= suballoc.offset);
+ const VkDeviceSize paddingBegin = request.offset - suballoc.offset;
+ VMA_ASSERT(suballoc.size >= paddingBegin + allocSize);
+ const VkDeviceSize paddingEnd = suballoc.size - paddingBegin - allocSize;
+ // Unregister this free suballocation from m_FreeSuballocationsBySize and update
+ // it to become used.
+ UnregisterFreeSuballocation(request.item);
+ suballoc.offset = request.offset;
+ suballoc.size = allocSize;
+ suballoc.type = type;
+ suballoc.hAllocation = hAllocation;
+ // If there are any free bytes remaining at the end, insert new free suballocation after current one.
+ if(paddingEnd)
+ {
+ VmaSuballocation paddingSuballoc = {};
+ paddingSuballoc.offset = request.offset + allocSize;
+ paddingSuballoc.size = paddingEnd;
+ paddingSuballoc.type = VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE;
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator next = request.item;
+ ++next;
+ const VmaSuballocationList::iterator paddingEndItem =
+ m_Suballocations.insert(next, paddingSuballoc);
+ RegisterFreeSuballocation(paddingEndItem);
+ }
+ // If there are any free bytes remaining at the beginning, insert new free suballocation before current one.
+ if(paddingBegin)
+ {
+ VmaSuballocation paddingSuballoc = {};
+ paddingSuballoc.offset = request.offset - paddingBegin;
+ paddingSuballoc.size = paddingBegin;
+ paddingSuballoc.type = VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE;
+ const VmaSuballocationList::iterator paddingBeginItem =
+ m_Suballocations.insert(request.item, paddingSuballoc);
+ RegisterFreeSuballocation(paddingBeginItem);
+ }
+ // Update totals.
+ m_FreeCount = m_FreeCount - 1;
+ if(paddingBegin > 0)
+ {
+ ++m_FreeCount;
+ }
+ if(paddingEnd > 0)
+ {
+ ++m_FreeCount;
+ }
+ m_SumFreeSize -= allocSize;
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::Free(const VmaAllocation allocation)
+ for(VmaSuballocationList::iterator suballocItem = m_Suballocations.begin();
+ suballocItem != m_Suballocations.end();
+ ++suballocItem)
+ {
+ VmaSuballocation& suballoc = *suballocItem;
+ if(suballoc.hAllocation == allocation)
+ {
+ FreeSuballocation(suballocItem);
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Not found!");
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::FreeAtOffset(VkDeviceSize offset)
+ for(VmaSuballocationList::iterator suballocItem = m_Suballocations.begin();
+ suballocItem != m_Suballocations.end();
+ ++suballocItem)
+ {
+ VmaSuballocation& suballoc = *suballocItem;
+ if(suballoc.offset == offset)
+ {
+ FreeSuballocation(suballocItem);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Not found!");
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::ResizeAllocation(const VmaAllocation alloc, VkDeviceSize newSize)
+ typedef VmaSuballocationList::iterator iter_type;
+ for(iter_type suballocItem = m_Suballocations.begin();
+ suballocItem != m_Suballocations.end();
+ ++suballocItem)
+ {
+ VmaSuballocation& suballoc = *suballocItem;
+ if(suballoc.hAllocation == alloc)
+ {
+ iter_type nextItem = suballocItem;
+ ++nextItem;
+ // Should have been ensured on higher level.
+ VMA_ASSERT(newSize != alloc->GetSize() && newSize > 0);
+ // Shrinking.
+ if(newSize < alloc->GetSize())
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize sizeDiff = suballoc.size - newSize;
+ // There is next item.
+ if(nextItem != m_Suballocations.end())
+ {
+ // Next item is free.
+ if(nextItem->type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ // Grow this next item backward.
+ UnregisterFreeSuballocation(nextItem);
+ nextItem->offset -= sizeDiff;
+ nextItem->size += sizeDiff;
+ RegisterFreeSuballocation(nextItem);
+ }
+ // Next item is not free.
+ else
+ {
+ // Create free item after current one.
+ VmaSuballocation newFreeSuballoc;
+ newFreeSuballoc.hAllocation = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ newFreeSuballoc.offset = suballoc.offset + newSize;
+ newFreeSuballoc.size = sizeDiff;
+ newFreeSuballoc.type = VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE;
+ iter_type newFreeSuballocIt = m_Suballocations.insert(nextItem, newFreeSuballoc);
+ RegisterFreeSuballocation(newFreeSuballocIt);
+ ++m_FreeCount;
+ }
+ }
+ // This is the last item.
+ else
+ {
+ // Create free item at the end.
+ VmaSuballocation newFreeSuballoc;
+ newFreeSuballoc.hAllocation = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ newFreeSuballoc.offset = suballoc.offset + newSize;
+ newFreeSuballoc.size = sizeDiff;
+ newFreeSuballoc.type = VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE;
+ m_Suballocations.push_back(newFreeSuballoc);
+ iter_type newFreeSuballocIt = m_Suballocations.end();
+ RegisterFreeSuballocation(--newFreeSuballocIt);
+ ++m_FreeCount;
+ }
+ suballoc.size = newSize;
+ m_SumFreeSize += sizeDiff;
+ }
+ // Growing.
+ else
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize sizeDiff = newSize - suballoc.size;
+ // There is next item.
+ if(nextItem != m_Suballocations.end())
+ {
+ // Next item is free.
+ if(nextItem->type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ // There is not enough free space, including margin.
+ if(nextItem->size < sizeDiff + VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // There is more free space than required.
+ if(nextItem->size > sizeDiff)
+ {
+ // Move and shrink this next item.
+ UnregisterFreeSuballocation(nextItem);
+ nextItem->offset += sizeDiff;
+ nextItem->size -= sizeDiff;
+ RegisterFreeSuballocation(nextItem);
+ }
+ // There is exactly the amount of free space required.
+ else
+ {
+ // Remove this next free item.
+ UnregisterFreeSuballocation(nextItem);
+ m_Suballocations.erase(nextItem);
+ --m_FreeCount;
+ }
+ }
+ // Next item is not free - there is no space to grow.
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // This is the last item - there is no space to grow.
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ suballoc.size = newSize;
+ m_SumFreeSize -= sizeDiff;
+ }
+ // We cannot call Validate() here because alloc object is updated to new size outside of this call.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Not found!");
+ return false;
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::ValidateFreeSuballocationList() const
+ VkDeviceSize lastSize = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0, count = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size(); i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocationList::iterator it = m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[i];
+ VMA_VALIDATE(it->size >= lastSize);
+ lastSize = it->size;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::CheckAllocation(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ VkDeviceSize allocAlignment,
+ VmaSuballocationType allocType,
+ VmaSuballocationList::const_iterator suballocItem,
+ bool canMakeOtherLost,
+ VkDeviceSize* pOffset,
+ size_t* itemsToMakeLostCount,
+ VkDeviceSize* pSumFreeSize,
+ VkDeviceSize* pSumItemSize) const
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocSize > 0);
+ VMA_ASSERT(suballocItem != m_Suballocations.cend());
+ VMA_ASSERT(pOffset != VMA_NULL);
+ *itemsToMakeLostCount = 0;
+ *pSumFreeSize = 0;
+ *pSumItemSize = 0;
+ if(canMakeOtherLost)
+ {
+ if(suballocItem->type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ *pSumFreeSize = suballocItem->size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(suballocItem->hAllocation->CanBecomeLost() &&
+ suballocItem->hAllocation->GetLastUseFrameIndex() + frameInUseCount < currentFrameIndex)
+ {
+ ++*itemsToMakeLostCount;
+ *pSumItemSize = suballocItem->size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remaining size is too small for this request: Early return.
+ if(GetSize() - suballocItem->offset < allocSize)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Start from offset equal to beginning of this suballocation.
+ *pOffset = suballocItem->offset;
+ // Apply VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN at the beginning.
+ {
+ *pOffset += VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN;
+ }
+ // Apply alignment.
+ *pOffset = VmaAlignUp(*pOffset, allocAlignment);
+ // Check previous suballocations for BufferImageGranularity conflicts.
+ // Make bigger alignment if necessary.
+ if(bufferImageGranularity > 1)
+ {
+ bool bufferImageGranularityConflict = false;
+ VmaSuballocationList::const_iterator prevSuballocItem = suballocItem;
+ while(prevSuballocItem != m_Suballocations.cbegin())
+ {
+ --prevSuballocItem;
+ const VmaSuballocation& prevSuballoc = *prevSuballocItem;
+ if(VmaBlocksOnSamePage(prevSuballoc.offset, prevSuballoc.size, *pOffset, bufferImageGranularity))
+ {
+ if(VmaIsBufferImageGranularityConflict(prevSuballoc.type, allocType))
+ {
+ bufferImageGranularityConflict = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // Already on previous page.
+ break;
+ }
+ if(bufferImageGranularityConflict)
+ {
+ *pOffset = VmaAlignUp(*pOffset, bufferImageGranularity);
+ }
+ }
+ // Now that we have final *pOffset, check if we are past suballocItem.
+ // If yes, return false - this function should be called for another suballocItem as starting point.
+ if(*pOffset >= suballocItem->offset + suballocItem->size)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Calculate padding at the beginning based on current offset.
+ const VkDeviceSize paddingBegin = *pOffset - suballocItem->offset;
+ // Calculate required margin at the end.
+ const VkDeviceSize requiredEndMargin = VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN;
+ const VkDeviceSize totalSize = paddingBegin + allocSize + requiredEndMargin;
+ // Another early return check.
+ if(suballocItem->offset + totalSize > GetSize())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Advance lastSuballocItem until desired size is reached.
+ // Update itemsToMakeLostCount.
+ VmaSuballocationList::const_iterator lastSuballocItem = suballocItem;
+ if(totalSize > suballocItem->size)
+ {
+ VkDeviceSize remainingSize = totalSize - suballocItem->size;
+ while(remainingSize > 0)
+ {
+ ++lastSuballocItem;
+ if(lastSuballocItem == m_Suballocations.cend())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(lastSuballocItem->type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ *pSumFreeSize += lastSuballocItem->size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(lastSuballocItem->hAllocation != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ if(lastSuballocItem->hAllocation->CanBecomeLost() &&
+ lastSuballocItem->hAllocation->GetLastUseFrameIndex() + frameInUseCount < currentFrameIndex)
+ {
+ ++*itemsToMakeLostCount;
+ *pSumItemSize += lastSuballocItem->size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ remainingSize = (lastSuballocItem->size < remainingSize) ?
+ remainingSize - lastSuballocItem->size : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check next suballocations for BufferImageGranularity conflicts.
+ // If conflict exists, we must mark more allocations lost or fail.
+ if(bufferImageGranularity > 1)
+ {
+ VmaSuballocationList::const_iterator nextSuballocItem = lastSuballocItem;
+ ++nextSuballocItem;
+ while(nextSuballocItem != m_Suballocations.cend())
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& nextSuballoc = *nextSuballocItem;
+ if(VmaBlocksOnSamePage(*pOffset, allocSize, nextSuballoc.offset, bufferImageGranularity))
+ {
+ if(VmaIsBufferImageGranularityConflict(allocType, nextSuballoc.type))
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(nextSuballoc.hAllocation != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ if(nextSuballoc.hAllocation->CanBecomeLost() &&
+ nextSuballoc.hAllocation->GetLastUseFrameIndex() + frameInUseCount < currentFrameIndex)
+ {
+ ++*itemsToMakeLostCount;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Already on next page.
+ break;
+ }
+ ++nextSuballocItem;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = *suballocItem;
+ *pSumFreeSize = suballoc.size;
+ // Size of this suballocation is too small for this request: Early return.
+ if(suballoc.size < allocSize)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Start from offset equal to beginning of this suballocation.
+ *pOffset = suballoc.offset;
+ // Apply VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN at the beginning.
+ {
+ *pOffset += VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN;
+ }
+ // Apply alignment.
+ *pOffset = VmaAlignUp(*pOffset, allocAlignment);
+ // Check previous suballocations for BufferImageGranularity conflicts.
+ // Make bigger alignment if necessary.
+ if(bufferImageGranularity > 1)
+ {
+ bool bufferImageGranularityConflict = false;
+ VmaSuballocationList::const_iterator prevSuballocItem = suballocItem;
+ while(prevSuballocItem != m_Suballocations.cbegin())
+ {
+ --prevSuballocItem;
+ const VmaSuballocation& prevSuballoc = *prevSuballocItem;
+ if(VmaBlocksOnSamePage(prevSuballoc.offset, prevSuballoc.size, *pOffset, bufferImageGranularity))
+ {
+ if(VmaIsBufferImageGranularityConflict(prevSuballoc.type, allocType))
+ {
+ bufferImageGranularityConflict = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // Already on previous page.
+ break;
+ }
+ if(bufferImageGranularityConflict)
+ {
+ *pOffset = VmaAlignUp(*pOffset, bufferImageGranularity);
+ }
+ }
+ // Calculate padding at the beginning based on current offset.
+ const VkDeviceSize paddingBegin = *pOffset - suballoc.offset;
+ // Calculate required margin at the end.
+ const VkDeviceSize requiredEndMargin = VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN;
+ // Fail if requested size plus margin before and after is bigger than size of this suballocation.
+ if(paddingBegin + allocSize + requiredEndMargin > suballoc.size)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Check next suballocations for BufferImageGranularity conflicts.
+ // If conflict exists, allocation cannot be made here.
+ if(bufferImageGranularity > 1)
+ {
+ VmaSuballocationList::const_iterator nextSuballocItem = suballocItem;
+ ++nextSuballocItem;
+ while(nextSuballocItem != m_Suballocations.cend())
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& nextSuballoc = *nextSuballocItem;
+ if(VmaBlocksOnSamePage(*pOffset, allocSize, nextSuballoc.offset, bufferImageGranularity))
+ {
+ if(VmaIsBufferImageGranularityConflict(allocType, nextSuballoc.type))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Already on next page.
+ break;
+ }
+ ++nextSuballocItem;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // All tests passed: Success. pOffset is already filled.
+ return true;
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::MergeFreeWithNext(VmaSuballocationList::iterator item)
+ VMA_ASSERT(item != m_Suballocations.end());
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator nextItem = item;
+ ++nextItem;
+ VMA_ASSERT(nextItem != m_Suballocations.end());
+ item->size += nextItem->size;
+ --m_FreeCount;
+ m_Suballocations.erase(nextItem);
+VmaSuballocationList::iterator VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::FreeSuballocation(VmaSuballocationList::iterator suballocItem)
+ // Change this suballocation to be marked as free.
+ VmaSuballocation& suballoc = *suballocItem;
+ suballoc.hAllocation = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ // Update totals.
+ ++m_FreeCount;
+ m_SumFreeSize += suballoc.size;
+ // Merge with previous and/or next suballocation if it's also free.
+ bool mergeWithNext = false;
+ bool mergeWithPrev = false;
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator nextItem = suballocItem;
+ ++nextItem;
+ if((nextItem != m_Suballocations.end()) && (nextItem->type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE))
+ {
+ mergeWithNext = true;
+ }
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator prevItem = suballocItem;
+ if(suballocItem != m_Suballocations.begin())
+ {
+ --prevItem;
+ if(prevItem->type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ mergeWithPrev = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(mergeWithNext)
+ {
+ UnregisterFreeSuballocation(nextItem);
+ MergeFreeWithNext(suballocItem);
+ }
+ if(mergeWithPrev)
+ {
+ UnregisterFreeSuballocation(prevItem);
+ MergeFreeWithNext(prevItem);
+ RegisterFreeSuballocation(prevItem);
+ return prevItem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RegisterFreeSuballocation(suballocItem);
+ return suballocItem;
+ }
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::RegisterFreeSuballocation(VmaSuballocationList::iterator item)
+ VMA_ASSERT(item->size > 0);
+ // You may want to enable this validation at the beginning or at the end of
+ // this function, depending on what do you want to check.
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ValidateFreeSuballocationList());
+ {
+ if(m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.empty())
+ {
+ m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.push_back(item);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VmaVectorInsertSorted<VmaSuballocationItemSizeLess>(m_FreeSuballocationsBySize, item);
+ }
+ }
+ //VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ValidateFreeSuballocationList());
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::UnregisterFreeSuballocation(VmaSuballocationList::iterator item)
+ VMA_ASSERT(item->size > 0);
+ // You may want to enable this validation at the beginning or at the end of
+ // this function, depending on what do you want to check.
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ValidateFreeSuballocationList());
+ {
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator* const it = VmaBinaryFindFirstNotLess(
+ + m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size(),
+ item,
+ VmaSuballocationItemSizeLess());
+ for(size_t index = it -;
+ index < m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.size();
+ ++index)
+ {
+ if(m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[index] == item)
+ {
+ VmaVectorRemove(m_FreeSuballocationsBySize, index);
+ return;
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT((m_FreeSuballocationsBySize[index]->size == item->size) && "Not found.");
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Not found.");
+ }
+ //VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(ValidateFreeSuballocationList());
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Generic::IsBufferImageGranularityConflictPossible(
+ VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity,
+ VmaSuballocationType& inOutPrevSuballocType) const
+ if(bufferImageGranularity == 1 || IsEmpty())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ VkDeviceSize minAlignment = VK_WHOLE_SIZE;
+ bool typeConflictFound = false;
+ for(VmaSuballocationList::const_iterator it = m_Suballocations.cbegin();
+ it != m_Suballocations.cend();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocationType suballocType = it->type;
+ {
+ minAlignment = VMA_MIN(minAlignment, it->hAllocation->GetAlignment());
+ if(VmaIsBufferImageGranularityConflict(inOutPrevSuballocType, suballocType))
+ {
+ typeConflictFound = true;
+ }
+ inOutPrevSuballocType = suballocType;
+ }
+ }
+ return typeConflictFound || minAlignment >= bufferImageGranularity;
+// class VmaBlockMetadata_Linear
+VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::VmaBlockMetadata_Linear(VmaAllocator hAllocator) :
+ VmaBlockMetadata(hAllocator),
+ m_SumFreeSize(0),
+ m_Suballocations0(VmaStlAllocator<VmaSuballocation>(hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks())),
+ m_Suballocations1(VmaStlAllocator<VmaSuballocation>(hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks())),
+ m_1stVectorIndex(0),
+ m_2ndVectorMode(SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY),
+ m_1stNullItemsBeginCount(0),
+ m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount(0),
+ m_2ndNullItemsCount(0)
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::Init(VkDeviceSize size)
+ VmaBlockMetadata::Init(size);
+ m_SumFreeSize = size;
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::Validate() const
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ VMA_VALIDATE(suballocations2nd.empty() == (m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY));
+ VMA_VALIDATE(!suballocations1st.empty() ||
+ suballocations2nd.empty() ||
+ m_2ndVectorMode != SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER);
+ if(!suballocations1st.empty())
+ {
+ // Null item at the beginning should be accounted into m_1stNullItemsBeginCount.
+ VMA_VALIDATE(suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].hAllocation != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ // Null item at the end should be just pop_back().
+ VMA_VALIDATE(suballocations1st.back().hAllocation != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ }
+ if(!suballocations2nd.empty())
+ {
+ // Null item at the end should be just pop_back().
+ VMA_VALIDATE(suballocations2nd.back().hAllocation != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ }
+ VMA_VALIDATE(m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount <= suballocations1st.size());
+ VMA_VALIDATE(m_2ndNullItemsCount <= suballocations2nd.size());
+ VkDeviceSize sumUsedSize = 0;
+ const size_t suballoc1stCount = suballocations1st.size();
+ VkDeviceSize offset = VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN;
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ const size_t suballoc2ndCount = suballocations2nd.size();
+ size_t nullItem2ndCount = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < suballoc2ndCount; ++i)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[i];
+ const bool currFree = (suballoc.type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE);
+ VMA_VALIDATE(currFree == (suballoc.hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE));
+ VMA_VALIDATE(suballoc.offset >= offset);
+ if(!currFree)
+ {
+ VMA_VALIDATE(suballoc.hAllocation->GetOffset() == suballoc.offset);
+ VMA_VALIDATE(suballoc.hAllocation->GetSize() == suballoc.size);
+ sumUsedSize += suballoc.size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++nullItem2ndCount;
+ }
+ offset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size + VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN;
+ }
+ VMA_VALIDATE(nullItem2ndCount == m_2ndNullItemsCount);
+ }
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; ++i)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[i];
+ suballoc.hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ }
+ size_t nullItem1stCount = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ for(size_t i = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount; i < suballoc1stCount; ++i)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[i];
+ const bool currFree = (suballoc.type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE);
+ VMA_VALIDATE(currFree == (suballoc.hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE));
+ VMA_VALIDATE(suballoc.offset >= offset);
+ VMA_VALIDATE(i >= m_1stNullItemsBeginCount || currFree);
+ if(!currFree)
+ {
+ VMA_VALIDATE(suballoc.hAllocation->GetOffset() == suballoc.offset);
+ VMA_VALIDATE(suballoc.hAllocation->GetSize() == suballoc.size);
+ sumUsedSize += suballoc.size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++nullItem1stCount;
+ }
+ offset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size + VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN;
+ }
+ VMA_VALIDATE(nullItem1stCount == m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount);
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK)
+ {
+ const size_t suballoc2ndCount = suballocations2nd.size();
+ size_t nullItem2ndCount = 0;
+ for(size_t i = suballoc2ndCount; i--; )
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[i];
+ const bool currFree = (suballoc.type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE);
+ VMA_VALIDATE(currFree == (suballoc.hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE));
+ VMA_VALIDATE(suballoc.offset >= offset);
+ if(!currFree)
+ {
+ VMA_VALIDATE(suballoc.hAllocation->GetOffset() == suballoc.offset);
+ VMA_VALIDATE(suballoc.hAllocation->GetSize() == suballoc.size);
+ sumUsedSize += suballoc.size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++nullItem2ndCount;
+ }
+ offset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size + VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN;
+ }
+ VMA_VALIDATE(nullItem2ndCount == m_2ndNullItemsCount);
+ }
+ VMA_VALIDATE(offset <= GetSize());
+ VMA_VALIDATE(m_SumFreeSize == GetSize() - sumUsedSize);
+ return true;
+size_t VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::GetAllocationCount() const
+ return AccessSuballocations1st().size() - (m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount) +
+ AccessSuballocations2nd().size() - m_2ndNullItemsCount;
+VkDeviceSize VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::GetUnusedRangeSizeMax() const
+ const VkDeviceSize size = GetSize();
+ /*
+ We don't consider gaps inside allocation vectors with freed allocations because
+ they are not suitable for reuse in linear allocator. We consider only space that
+ is available for new allocations.
+ */
+ if(IsEmpty())
+ {
+ return size;
+ }
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ switch(m_2ndVectorMode)
+ {
+ /*
+ Available space is after end of 1st, as well as before beginning of 1st (which
+ whould make it a ring buffer).
+ */
+ {
+ const size_t suballocations1stCount = suballocations1st.size();
+ VMA_ASSERT(suballocations1stCount > m_1stNullItemsBeginCount);
+ const VmaSuballocation& firstSuballoc = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount];
+ const VmaSuballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations1st[suballocations1stCount - 1];
+ return VMA_MAX(
+ firstSuballoc.offset,
+ size - (lastSuballoc.offset + lastSuballoc.size));
+ }
+ break;
+ /*
+ Available space is only between end of 2nd and beginning of 1st.
+ */
+ {
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ const VmaSuballocation& lastSuballoc2nd = suballocations2nd.back();
+ const VmaSuballocation& firstSuballoc1st = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount];
+ return firstSuballoc1st.offset - (lastSuballoc2nd.offset + lastSuballoc2nd.size);
+ }
+ break;
+ /*
+ Available space is only between end of 1st and top of 2nd.
+ */
+ {
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ const VmaSuballocation& topSuballoc2nd = suballocations2nd.back();
+ const VmaSuballocation& lastSuballoc1st = suballocations1st.back();
+ return topSuballoc2nd.offset - (lastSuballoc1st.offset + lastSuballoc1st.size);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::CalcAllocationStatInfo(VmaStatInfo& outInfo) const
+ const VkDeviceSize size = GetSize();
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ const size_t suballoc1stCount = suballocations1st.size();
+ const size_t suballoc2ndCount = suballocations2nd.size();
+ outInfo.blockCount = 1;
+ outInfo.allocationCount = (uint32_t)GetAllocationCount();
+ outInfo.unusedRangeCount = 0;
+ outInfo.usedBytes = 0;
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMin = UINT64_MAX;
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMax = 0;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = UINT64_MAX;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = 0;
+ VkDeviceSize lastOffset = 0;
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].offset;
+ size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = 0;
+ while(lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end.
+ while(nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount &&
+ suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ ++nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if(nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if(lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ ++outInfo.unusedRangeCount;
+ outInfo.unusedBytes += unusedRangeSize;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = VMA_MIN(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin, unusedRangeSize);
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MIN(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ outInfo.usedBytes += suballoc.size;
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMin = VMA_MIN(outInfo.allocationSizeMin, suballoc.size);
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMax = VMA_MIN(outInfo.allocationSizeMax, suballoc.size);
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ ++nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd.
+ if(lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd - lastOffset;
+ ++outInfo.unusedRangeCount;
+ outInfo.unusedBytes += unusedRangeSize;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = VMA_MIN(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin, unusedRangeSize);
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MIN(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t nextAlloc1stIndex = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ const VkDeviceSize freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd =
+ m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK ? suballocations2nd.back().offset : size;
+ while(lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end.
+ while(nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount &&
+ suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ ++nextAlloc1stIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if(nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if(lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ ++outInfo.unusedRangeCount;
+ outInfo.unusedBytes += unusedRangeSize;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = VMA_MIN(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin, unusedRangeSize);
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MIN(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ outInfo.usedBytes += suballoc.size;
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMin = VMA_MIN(outInfo.allocationSizeMin, suballoc.size);
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMax = VMA_MIN(outInfo.allocationSizeMax, suballoc.size);
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ ++nextAlloc1stIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd.
+ if(lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd - lastOffset;
+ ++outInfo.unusedRangeCount;
+ outInfo.unusedBytes += unusedRangeSize;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = VMA_MIN(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin, unusedRangeSize);
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MIN(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK)
+ {
+ size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = suballocations2nd.size() - 1;
+ while(lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end.
+ while(nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX &&
+ suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ --nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if(nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if(lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ ++outInfo.unusedRangeCount;
+ outInfo.unusedBytes += unusedRangeSize;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = VMA_MIN(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin, unusedRangeSize);
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MIN(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ outInfo.usedBytes += suballoc.size;
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMin = VMA_MIN(outInfo.allocationSizeMin, suballoc.size);
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMax = VMA_MIN(outInfo.allocationSizeMax, suballoc.size);
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ --nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to size.
+ if(lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = size - lastOffset;
+ ++outInfo.unusedRangeCount;
+ outInfo.unusedBytes += unusedRangeSize;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = VMA_MIN(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin, unusedRangeSize);
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MIN(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ outInfo.unusedBytes = size - outInfo.usedBytes;
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::AddPoolStats(VmaPoolStats& inoutStats) const
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ const VkDeviceSize size = GetSize();
+ const size_t suballoc1stCount = suballocations1st.size();
+ const size_t suballoc2ndCount = suballocations2nd.size();
+ inoutStats.size += size;
+ VkDeviceSize lastOffset = 0;
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].offset;
+ size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ while(lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAlloc2ndIndex to the end.
+ while(nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount &&
+ suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ ++nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if(nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if(lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ inoutStats.unusedSize += unusedRangeSize;
+ ++inoutStats.unusedRangeCount;
+ inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MAX(inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ ++inoutStats.allocationCount;
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ ++nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if(lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd - lastOffset;
+ inoutStats.unusedSize += unusedRangeSize;
+ ++inoutStats.unusedRangeCount;
+ inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MAX(inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t nextAlloc1stIndex = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ const VkDeviceSize freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd =
+ m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK ? suballocations2nd.back().offset : size;
+ while(lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end.
+ while(nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount &&
+ suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ ++nextAlloc1stIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if(nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if(lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ inoutStats.unusedSize += unusedRangeSize;
+ ++inoutStats.unusedRangeCount;
+ inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MAX(inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ ++inoutStats.allocationCount;
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ ++nextAlloc1stIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if(lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd - lastOffset;
+ inoutStats.unusedSize += unusedRangeSize;
+ ++inoutStats.unusedRangeCount;
+ inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MAX(inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK)
+ {
+ size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = suballocations2nd.size() - 1;
+ while(lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAlloc2ndIndex to the end.
+ while(nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX &&
+ suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ --nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if(nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if(lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ inoutStats.unusedSize += unusedRangeSize;
+ ++inoutStats.unusedRangeCount;
+ inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MAX(inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ ++inoutStats.allocationCount;
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ --nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if(lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to size.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = size - lastOffset;
+ inoutStats.unusedSize += unusedRangeSize;
+ ++inoutStats.unusedRangeCount;
+ inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MAX(inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::PrintDetailedMap(class VmaJsonWriter& json) const
+ const VkDeviceSize size = GetSize();
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ const SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ const size_t suballoc1stCount = suballocations1st.size();
+ const size_t suballoc2ndCount = suballocations2nd.size();
+ size_t unusedRangeCount = 0;
+ VkDeviceSize usedBytes = 0;
+ VkDeviceSize lastOffset = 0;
+ size_t alloc2ndCount = 0;
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].offset;
+ size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = 0;
+ while(lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAlloc2ndIndex to the end.
+ while(nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount &&
+ suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ ++nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if(nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if(lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ ++unusedRangeCount;
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ ++alloc2ndCount;
+ usedBytes += suballoc.size;
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ ++nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if(lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd.
+ ++unusedRangeCount;
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t nextAlloc1stIndex = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ size_t alloc1stCount = 0;
+ const VkDeviceSize freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd =
+ m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK ? suballocations2nd.back().offset : size;
+ while(lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end.
+ while(nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount &&
+ suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ ++nextAlloc1stIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if(nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if(lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ ++unusedRangeCount;
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ ++alloc1stCount;
+ usedBytes += suballoc.size;
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ ++nextAlloc1stIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if(lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd.
+ ++unusedRangeCount;
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK)
+ {
+ size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = suballocations2nd.size() - 1;
+ while(lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAlloc2ndIndex to the end.
+ while(nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX &&
+ suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ --nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if(nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if(lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ ++unusedRangeCount;
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ ++alloc2ndCount;
+ usedBytes += suballoc.size;
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ --nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if(lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to size.
+ ++unusedRangeCount;
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedBytes = size - usedBytes;
+ PrintDetailedMap_Begin(json, unusedBytes, alloc1stCount + alloc2ndCount, unusedRangeCount);
+ lastOffset = 0;
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].offset;
+ size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = 0;
+ while(lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAlloc2ndIndex to the end.
+ while(nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount &&
+ suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ ++nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if(nextAlloc2ndIndex < suballoc2ndCount)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if(lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, suballoc.offset, suballoc.hAllocation);
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ ++nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if(lastOffset < freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd - lastOffset;
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = freeSpace2ndTo1stEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nextAlloc1stIndex = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ while(lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAllocIndex to the end.
+ while(nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount &&
+ suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ ++nextAlloc1stIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if(nextAlloc1stIndex < suballoc1stCount)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[nextAlloc1stIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if(lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, suballoc.offset, suballoc.hAllocation);
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ ++nextAlloc1stIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if(lastOffset < freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd - lastOffset;
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = freeSpace1stTo2ndEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK)
+ {
+ size_t nextAlloc2ndIndex = suballocations2nd.size() - 1;
+ while(lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ // Find next non-null allocation or move nextAlloc2ndIndex to the end.
+ while(nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX &&
+ suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ --nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // Found non-null allocation.
+ if(nextAlloc2ndIndex != SIZE_MAX)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[nextAlloc2ndIndex];
+ // 1. Process free space before this allocation.
+ if(lastOffset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to suballoc.offset.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = suballoc.offset - lastOffset;
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // 2. Process this allocation.
+ // There is allocation with suballoc.offset, suballoc.size.
+ PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, suballoc.offset, suballoc.hAllocation);
+ // 3. Prepare for next iteration.
+ lastOffset = suballoc.offset + suballoc.size;
+ --nextAlloc2ndIndex;
+ }
+ // We are at the end.
+ else
+ {
+ if(lastOffset < size)
+ {
+ // There is free space from lastOffset to size.
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = size - lastOffset;
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, lastOffset, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ // End of loop.
+ lastOffset = size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PrintDetailedMap_End(json);
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::CreateAllocationRequest(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ VkDeviceSize allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaSuballocationType allocType,
+ bool canMakeOtherLost,
+ uint32_t /*strategy*/,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocSize > 0);
+ VMA_ASSERT(pAllocationRequest != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate());
+ const VkDeviceSize size = GetSize();
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ if(upperAddress)
+ {
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Trying to use pool with linear algorithm as double stack, while it is already being used as ring buffer.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Try to allocate before 2nd.back(), or end of block if 2nd.empty().
+ if(allocSize > size)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ VkDeviceSize resultBaseOffset = size - allocSize;
+ if(!suballocations2nd.empty())
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations2nd.back();
+ resultBaseOffset = lastSuballoc.offset - allocSize;
+ if(allocSize > lastSuballoc.offset)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Start from offset equal to end of free space.
+ VkDeviceSize resultOffset = resultBaseOffset;
+ // Apply VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN at the end.
+ {
+ if(resultOffset < VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ resultOffset -= VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN;
+ }
+ // Apply alignment.
+ resultOffset = VmaAlignDown(resultOffset, allocAlignment);
+ // Check next suballocations from 2nd for BufferImageGranularity conflicts.
+ // Make bigger alignment if necessary.
+ if(bufferImageGranularity > 1 && !suballocations2nd.empty())
+ {
+ bool bufferImageGranularityConflict = false;
+ for(size_t nextSuballocIndex = suballocations2nd.size(); nextSuballocIndex--; )
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& nextSuballoc = suballocations2nd[nextSuballocIndex];
+ if(VmaBlocksOnSamePage(resultOffset, allocSize, nextSuballoc.offset, bufferImageGranularity))
+ {
+ if(VmaIsBufferImageGranularityConflict(nextSuballoc.type, allocType))
+ {
+ bufferImageGranularityConflict = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // Already on previous page.
+ break;
+ }
+ if(bufferImageGranularityConflict)
+ {
+ resultOffset = VmaAlignDown(resultOffset, bufferImageGranularity);
+ }
+ }
+ // There is enough free space.
+ const VkDeviceSize endOf1st = !suballocations1st.empty() ?
+ suballocations1st.back().offset + suballocations1st.back().size :
+ 0;
+ if(endOf1st + VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN <= resultOffset)
+ {
+ // Check previous suballocations for BufferImageGranularity conflicts.
+ // If conflict exists, allocation cannot be made here.
+ if(bufferImageGranularity > 1)
+ {
+ for(size_t prevSuballocIndex = suballocations1st.size(); prevSuballocIndex--; )
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& prevSuballoc = suballocations1st[prevSuballocIndex];
+ if(VmaBlocksOnSamePage(prevSuballoc.offset, prevSuballoc.size, resultOffset, bufferImageGranularity))
+ {
+ if(VmaIsBufferImageGranularityConflict(allocType, prevSuballoc.type))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Already on next page.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // All tests passed: Success.
+ pAllocationRequest->offset = resultOffset;
+ pAllocationRequest->sumFreeSize = resultBaseOffset + allocSize - endOf1st;
+ pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize = 0;
+ // pAllocationRequest->item unused.
+ pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else // !upperAddress
+ {
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY || m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK)
+ {
+ // Try to allocate at the end of 1st vector.
+ VkDeviceSize resultBaseOffset = 0;
+ if(!suballocations1st.empty())
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations1st.back();
+ resultBaseOffset = lastSuballoc.offset + lastSuballoc.size;
+ }
+ // Start from offset equal to beginning of free space.
+ VkDeviceSize resultOffset = resultBaseOffset;
+ // Apply VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN at the beginning.
+ {
+ resultOffset += VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN;
+ }
+ // Apply alignment.
+ resultOffset = VmaAlignUp(resultOffset, allocAlignment);
+ // Check previous suballocations for BufferImageGranularity conflicts.
+ // Make bigger alignment if necessary.
+ if(bufferImageGranularity > 1 && !suballocations1st.empty())
+ {
+ bool bufferImageGranularityConflict = false;
+ for(size_t prevSuballocIndex = suballocations1st.size(); prevSuballocIndex--; )
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& prevSuballoc = suballocations1st[prevSuballocIndex];
+ if(VmaBlocksOnSamePage(prevSuballoc.offset, prevSuballoc.size, resultOffset, bufferImageGranularity))
+ {
+ if(VmaIsBufferImageGranularityConflict(prevSuballoc.type, allocType))
+ {
+ bufferImageGranularityConflict = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // Already on previous page.
+ break;
+ }
+ if(bufferImageGranularityConflict)
+ {
+ resultOffset = VmaAlignUp(resultOffset, bufferImageGranularity);
+ }
+ }
+ const VkDeviceSize freeSpaceEnd = m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK ?
+ suballocations2nd.back().offset : size;
+ // There is enough free space at the end after alignment.
+ if(resultOffset + allocSize + VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN <= freeSpaceEnd)
+ {
+ // Check next suballocations for BufferImageGranularity conflicts.
+ // If conflict exists, allocation cannot be made here.
+ if(bufferImageGranularity > 1 && m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_DOUBLE_STACK)
+ {
+ for(size_t nextSuballocIndex = suballocations2nd.size(); nextSuballocIndex--; )
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& nextSuballoc = suballocations2nd[nextSuballocIndex];
+ if(VmaBlocksOnSamePage(resultOffset, allocSize, nextSuballoc.offset, bufferImageGranularity))
+ {
+ if(VmaIsBufferImageGranularityConflict(allocType, nextSuballoc.type))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Already on previous page.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // All tests passed: Success.
+ pAllocationRequest->offset = resultOffset;
+ pAllocationRequest->sumFreeSize = freeSpaceEnd - resultBaseOffset;
+ pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize = 0;
+ // pAllocationRequest->item unused.
+ pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Wrap-around to end of 2nd vector. Try to allocate there, watching for the
+ // beginning of 1st vector as the end of free space.
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY || m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(!suballocations1st.empty());
+ VkDeviceSize resultBaseOffset = 0;
+ if(!suballocations2nd.empty())
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations2nd.back();
+ resultBaseOffset = lastSuballoc.offset + lastSuballoc.size;
+ }
+ // Start from offset equal to beginning of free space.
+ VkDeviceSize resultOffset = resultBaseOffset;
+ // Apply VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN at the beginning.
+ {
+ resultOffset += VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN;
+ }
+ // Apply alignment.
+ resultOffset = VmaAlignUp(resultOffset, allocAlignment);
+ // Check previous suballocations for BufferImageGranularity conflicts.
+ // Make bigger alignment if necessary.
+ if(bufferImageGranularity > 1 && !suballocations2nd.empty())
+ {
+ bool bufferImageGranularityConflict = false;
+ for(size_t prevSuballocIndex = suballocations2nd.size(); prevSuballocIndex--; )
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& prevSuballoc = suballocations2nd[prevSuballocIndex];
+ if(VmaBlocksOnSamePage(prevSuballoc.offset, prevSuballoc.size, resultOffset, bufferImageGranularity))
+ {
+ if(VmaIsBufferImageGranularityConflict(prevSuballoc.type, allocType))
+ {
+ bufferImageGranularityConflict = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // Already on previous page.
+ break;
+ }
+ if(bufferImageGranularityConflict)
+ {
+ resultOffset = VmaAlignUp(resultOffset, bufferImageGranularity);
+ }
+ }
+ pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount = 0;
+ pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize = 0;
+ size_t index1st = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ if(canMakeOtherLost)
+ {
+ while(index1st < suballocations1st.size() &&
+ resultOffset + allocSize + VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN > suballocations1st[index1st].offset)
+ {
+ // Next colliding allocation at the beginning of 1st vector found. Try to make it lost.
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[index1st];
+ if(suballoc.type == VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ // No problem.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(suballoc.hAllocation != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ if(suballoc.hAllocation->CanBecomeLost() &&
+ suballoc.hAllocation->GetLastUseFrameIndex() + frameInUseCount < currentFrameIndex)
+ {
+ ++pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount;
+ pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize += suballoc.size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ ++index1st;
+ }
+ // Check next suballocations for BufferImageGranularity conflicts.
+ // If conflict exists, we must mark more allocations lost or fail.
+ if(bufferImageGranularity > 1)
+ {
+ while(index1st < suballocations1st.size())
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[index1st];
+ if(VmaBlocksOnSamePage(resultOffset, allocSize, suballoc.offset, bufferImageGranularity))
+ {
+ if(suballoc.hAllocation != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ // Not checking actual VmaIsBufferImageGranularityConflict(allocType, suballoc.type).
+ if(suballoc.hAllocation->CanBecomeLost() &&
+ suballoc.hAllocation->GetLastUseFrameIndex() + frameInUseCount < currentFrameIndex)
+ {
+ ++pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount;
+ pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize += suballoc.size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Already on next page.
+ break;
+ }
+ ++index1st;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // There is enough free space at the end after alignment.
+ if((index1st == suballocations1st.size() && resultOffset + allocSize + VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN < size) ||
+ (index1st < suballocations1st.size() && resultOffset + allocSize + VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN <= suballocations1st[index1st].offset))
+ {
+ // Check next suballocations for BufferImageGranularity conflicts.
+ // If conflict exists, allocation cannot be made here.
+ if(bufferImageGranularity > 1)
+ {
+ for(size_t nextSuballocIndex = index1st;
+ nextSuballocIndex < suballocations1st.size();
+ nextSuballocIndex++)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& nextSuballoc = suballocations1st[nextSuballocIndex];
+ if(VmaBlocksOnSamePage(resultOffset, allocSize, nextSuballoc.offset, bufferImageGranularity))
+ {
+ if(VmaIsBufferImageGranularityConflict(allocType, nextSuballoc.type))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Already on next page.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // All tests passed: Success.
+ pAllocationRequest->offset = resultOffset;
+ pAllocationRequest->sumFreeSize =
+ (index1st < suballocations1st.size() ? suballocations1st[index1st].offset : size)
+ - resultBaseOffset
+ - pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize;
+ // pAllocationRequest->item unused.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::MakeRequestedAllocationsLost(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ if(pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount == 0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ size_t index1st = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ size_t madeLostCount = 0;
+ while(madeLostCount < pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(index1st < suballocations1st.size());
+ VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[index1st];
+ if(suballoc.type != VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(suballoc.hAllocation != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ VMA_ASSERT(suballoc.hAllocation->CanBecomeLost());
+ if(suballoc.hAllocation->MakeLost(currentFrameIndex, frameInUseCount))
+ {
+ suballoc.hAllocation = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ m_SumFreeSize += suballoc.size;
+ ++m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ ++madeLostCount;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ ++index1st;
+ }
+ CleanupAfterFree();
+ //VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate()); // Already called by ClanupAfterFree().
+ return true;
+uint32_t VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::MakeAllocationsLost(uint32_t currentFrameIndex, uint32_t frameInUseCount)
+ uint32_t lostAllocationCount = 0;
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ for(size_t i = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount, count = suballocations1st.size(); i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[i];
+ if(suballoc.type != VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE &&
+ suballoc.hAllocation->CanBecomeLost() &&
+ suballoc.hAllocation->MakeLost(currentFrameIndex, frameInUseCount))
+ {
+ suballoc.hAllocation = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ ++m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ m_SumFreeSize += suballoc.size;
+ ++lostAllocationCount;
+ }
+ }
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ for(size_t i = 0, count = suballocations2nd.size(); i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[i];
+ if(suballoc.type != VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE &&
+ suballoc.hAllocation->CanBecomeLost() &&
+ suballoc.hAllocation->MakeLost(currentFrameIndex, frameInUseCount))
+ {
+ suballoc.hAllocation = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ ++m_2ndNullItemsCount;
+ ++lostAllocationCount;
+ }
+ }
+ if(lostAllocationCount)
+ {
+ CleanupAfterFree();
+ }
+ return lostAllocationCount;
+VkResult VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::CheckCorruption(const void* pBlockData)
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ for(size_t i = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount, count = suballocations1st.size(); i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations1st[i];
+ if(suballoc.type != VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ if(!VmaValidateMagicValue(pBlockData, suballoc.offset - VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN))
+ {
+ }
+ if(!VmaValidateMagicValue(pBlockData, suballoc.offset + suballoc.size))
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ for(size_t i = 0, count = suballocations2nd.size(); i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ const VmaSuballocation& suballoc = suballocations2nd[i];
+ if(suballoc.type != VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ if(!VmaValidateMagicValue(pBlockData, suballoc.offset - VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN))
+ {
+ }
+ if(!VmaValidateMagicValue(pBlockData, suballoc.offset + suballoc.size))
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::Alloc(
+ const VmaAllocationRequest& request,
+ VmaSuballocationType type,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation)
+ const VmaSuballocation newSuballoc = { request.offset, allocSize, hAllocation, type };
+ if(upperAddress)
+ {
+ "CRITICAL ERROR: Trying to use linear allocator as double stack while it was already used as ring buffer.");
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ suballocations2nd.push_back(newSuballoc);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ // First allocation.
+ if(suballocations1st.empty())
+ {
+ suballocations1st.push_back(newSuballoc);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // New allocation at the end of 1st vector.
+ if(request.offset >= suballocations1st.back().offset + suballocations1st.back().size)
+ {
+ // Check if it fits before the end of the block.
+ VMA_ASSERT(request.offset + allocSize <= GetSize());
+ suballocations1st.push_back(newSuballoc);
+ }
+ // New allocation at the end of 2-part ring buffer, so before first allocation from 1st vector.
+ else if(request.offset + allocSize <= suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].offset)
+ {
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ switch(m_2ndVectorMode)
+ {
+ // First allocation from second part ring buffer.
+ VMA_ASSERT(suballocations2nd.empty());
+ break;
+ // 2-part ring buffer is already started.
+ VMA_ASSERT(!suballocations2nd.empty());
+ break;
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "CRITICAL ERROR: Trying to use linear allocator as ring buffer while it was already used as double stack.");
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ suballocations2nd.push_back(newSuballoc);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_SumFreeSize -= newSuballoc.size;
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::Free(const VmaAllocation allocation)
+ FreeAtOffset(allocation->GetOffset());
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::FreeAtOffset(VkDeviceSize offset)
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ if(!suballocations1st.empty())
+ {
+ // First allocation: Mark it as next empty at the beginning.
+ VmaSuballocation& firstSuballoc = suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount];
+ if(firstSuballoc.offset == offset)
+ {
+ firstSuballoc.type = VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE;
+ firstSuballoc.hAllocation = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ m_SumFreeSize += firstSuballoc.size;
+ ++m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ CleanupAfterFree();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Last allocation in 2-part ring buffer or top of upper stack (same logic).
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER ||
+ {
+ VmaSuballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations2nd.back();
+ if(lastSuballoc.offset == offset)
+ {
+ m_SumFreeSize += lastSuballoc.size;
+ suballocations2nd.pop_back();
+ CleanupAfterFree();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Last allocation in 1st vector.
+ else if(m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY)
+ {
+ VmaSuballocation& lastSuballoc = suballocations1st.back();
+ if(lastSuballoc.offset == offset)
+ {
+ m_SumFreeSize += lastSuballoc.size;
+ suballocations1st.pop_back();
+ CleanupAfterFree();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Item from the middle of 1st vector.
+ {
+ VmaSuballocation refSuballoc;
+ refSuballoc.offset = offset;
+ // Rest of members stays uninitialized intentionally for better performance.
+ SuballocationVectorType::iterator it = VmaVectorFindSorted<VmaSuballocationOffsetLess>(
+ suballocations1st.begin() + m_1stNullItemsBeginCount,
+ suballocations1st.end(),
+ refSuballoc);
+ if(it != suballocations1st.end())
+ {
+ it->hAllocation = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ ++m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ m_SumFreeSize += it->size;
+ CleanupAfterFree();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(m_2ndVectorMode != SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY)
+ {
+ // Item from the middle of 2nd vector.
+ VmaSuballocation refSuballoc;
+ refSuballoc.offset = offset;
+ // Rest of members stays uninitialized intentionally for better performance.
+ SuballocationVectorType::iterator it = m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER ?
+ VmaVectorFindSorted<VmaSuballocationOffsetLess>(suballocations2nd.begin(), suballocations2nd.end(), refSuballoc) :
+ VmaVectorFindSorted<VmaSuballocationOffsetGreater>(suballocations2nd.begin(), suballocations2nd.end(), refSuballoc);
+ if(it != suballocations2nd.end())
+ {
+ it->hAllocation = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ ++m_2ndNullItemsCount;
+ m_SumFreeSize += it->size;
+ CleanupAfterFree();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Allocation to free not found in linear allocator!");
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::ShouldCompact1st() const
+ const size_t nullItemCount = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ const size_t suballocCount = AccessSuballocations1st().size();
+ return suballocCount > 32 && nullItemCount * 2 >= (suballocCount - nullItemCount) * 3;
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Linear::CleanupAfterFree()
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations1st = AccessSuballocations1st();
+ SuballocationVectorType& suballocations2nd = AccessSuballocations2nd();
+ if(IsEmpty())
+ {
+ suballocations1st.clear();
+ suballocations2nd.clear();
+ m_1stNullItemsBeginCount = 0;
+ m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount = 0;
+ m_2ndNullItemsCount = 0;
+ m_2ndVectorMode = SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const size_t suballoc1stCount = suballocations1st.size();
+ const size_t nullItem1stCount = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount + m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ VMA_ASSERT(nullItem1stCount <= suballoc1stCount);
+ // Find more null items at the beginning of 1st vector.
+ while(m_1stNullItemsBeginCount < suballoc1stCount &&
+ suballocations1st[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ ++m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ --m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ }
+ // Find more null items at the end of 1st vector.
+ while(m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount > 0 &&
+ suballocations1st.back().hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ --m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ suballocations1st.pop_back();
+ }
+ // Find more null items at the end of 2nd vector.
+ while(m_2ndNullItemsCount > 0 &&
+ suballocations2nd.back().hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ --m_2ndNullItemsCount;
+ suballocations2nd.pop_back();
+ }
+ if(ShouldCompact1st())
+ {
+ const size_t nonNullItemCount = suballoc1stCount - nullItem1stCount;
+ size_t srcIndex = m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ for(size_t dstIndex = 0; dstIndex < nonNullItemCount; ++dstIndex)
+ {
+ while(suballocations1st[srcIndex].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ ++srcIndex;
+ }
+ if(dstIndex != srcIndex)
+ {
+ suballocations1st[dstIndex] = suballocations1st[srcIndex];
+ }
+ ++srcIndex;
+ }
+ suballocations1st.resize(nonNullItemCount);
+ m_1stNullItemsBeginCount = 0;
+ m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount = 0;
+ }
+ // 2nd vector became empty.
+ if(suballocations2nd.empty())
+ {
+ m_2ndVectorMode = SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY;
+ }
+ // 1st vector became empty.
+ if(suballocations1st.size() - m_1stNullItemsBeginCount == 0)
+ {
+ suballocations1st.clear();
+ m_1stNullItemsBeginCount = 0;
+ if(!suballocations2nd.empty() && m_2ndVectorMode == SECOND_VECTOR_RING_BUFFER)
+ {
+ // Swap 1st with 2nd. Now 2nd is empty.
+ m_2ndVectorMode = SECOND_VECTOR_EMPTY;
+ m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount = m_2ndNullItemsCount;
+ while(m_1stNullItemsBeginCount < suballocations2nd.size() &&
+ suballocations2nd[m_1stNullItemsBeginCount].hAllocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ ++m_1stNullItemsBeginCount;
+ --m_1stNullItemsMiddleCount;
+ }
+ m_2ndNullItemsCount = 0;
+ m_1stVectorIndex ^= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(Validate());
+// class VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy
+VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy(VmaAllocator hAllocator) :
+ VmaBlockMetadata(hAllocator),
+ m_Root(VMA_NULL),
+ m_AllocationCount(0),
+ m_FreeCount(1),
+ m_SumFreeSize(0)
+ memset(m_FreeList, 0, sizeof(m_FreeList));
+ DeleteNode(m_Root);
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::Init(VkDeviceSize size)
+ VmaBlockMetadata::Init(size);
+ m_UsableSize = VmaPrevPow2(size);
+ m_SumFreeSize = m_UsableSize;
+ // Calculate m_LevelCount.
+ m_LevelCount = 1;
+ while(m_LevelCount < MAX_LEVELS &&
+ LevelToNodeSize(m_LevelCount) >= MIN_NODE_SIZE)
+ {
+ ++m_LevelCount;
+ }
+ Node* rootNode = vma_new(GetAllocationCallbacks(), Node)();
+ rootNode->offset = 0;
+ rootNode->type = Node::TYPE_FREE;
+ rootNode->parent = VMA_NULL;
+ rootNode->buddy = VMA_NULL;
+ m_Root = rootNode;
+ AddToFreeListFront(0, rootNode);
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::Validate() const
+ // Validate tree.
+ ValidationContext ctx;
+ if(!ValidateNode(ctx, VMA_NULL, m_Root, 0, LevelToNodeSize(0)))
+ {
+ VMA_VALIDATE(false && "ValidateNode failed.");
+ }
+ VMA_VALIDATE(m_AllocationCount == ctx.calculatedAllocationCount);
+ VMA_VALIDATE(m_SumFreeSize == ctx.calculatedSumFreeSize);
+ // Validate free node lists.
+ for(uint32_t level = 0; level < m_LevelCount; ++level)
+ {
+ VMA_VALIDATE(m_FreeList[level].front == VMA_NULL ||
+ m_FreeList[level].front->free.prev == VMA_NULL);
+ for(Node* node = m_FreeList[level].front;
+ node != VMA_NULL;
+ node = node->
+ {
+ VMA_VALIDATE(node->type == Node::TYPE_FREE);
+ if(node-> == VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ VMA_VALIDATE(m_FreeList[level].back == node);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_VALIDATE(node->>free.prev == node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Validate that free lists ar higher levels are empty.
+ for(uint32_t level = m_LevelCount; level < MAX_LEVELS; ++level)
+ {
+ VMA_VALIDATE(m_FreeList[level].front == VMA_NULL && m_FreeList[level].back == VMA_NULL);
+ }
+ return true;
+VkDeviceSize VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::GetUnusedRangeSizeMax() const
+ for(uint32_t level = 0; level < m_LevelCount; ++level)
+ {
+ if(m_FreeList[level].front != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ return LevelToNodeSize(level);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::CalcAllocationStatInfo(VmaStatInfo& outInfo) const
+ const VkDeviceSize unusableSize = GetUnusableSize();
+ outInfo.blockCount = 1;
+ outInfo.allocationCount = outInfo.unusedRangeCount = 0;
+ outInfo.usedBytes = outInfo.unusedBytes = 0;
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMax = outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = 0;
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMin = outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = UINT64_MAX;
+ outInfo.allocationSizeAvg = outInfo.unusedRangeSizeAvg = 0; // Unused.
+ CalcAllocationStatInfoNode(outInfo, m_Root, LevelToNodeSize(0));
+ if(unusableSize > 0)
+ {
+ ++outInfo.unusedRangeCount;
+ outInfo.unusedBytes += unusableSize;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MAX(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax, unusableSize);
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = VMA_MIN(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin, unusableSize);
+ }
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::AddPoolStats(VmaPoolStats& inoutStats) const
+ const VkDeviceSize unusableSize = GetUnusableSize();
+ inoutStats.size += GetSize();
+ inoutStats.unusedSize += m_SumFreeSize + unusableSize;
+ inoutStats.allocationCount += m_AllocationCount;
+ inoutStats.unusedRangeCount += m_FreeCount;
+ inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MAX(inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax, GetUnusedRangeSizeMax());
+ if(unusableSize > 0)
+ {
+ ++inoutStats.unusedRangeCount;
+ // Not updating inoutStats.unusedRangeSizeMax with unusableSize because this space is not available for allocations.
+ }
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::PrintDetailedMap(class VmaJsonWriter& json) const
+ // TODO optimize
+ VmaStatInfo stat;
+ CalcAllocationStatInfo(stat);
+ PrintDetailedMap_Begin(
+ json,
+ stat.unusedBytes,
+ stat.allocationCount,
+ stat.unusedRangeCount);
+ PrintDetailedMapNode(json, m_Root, LevelToNodeSize(0));
+ const VkDeviceSize unusableSize = GetUnusableSize();
+ if(unusableSize > 0)
+ {
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json,
+ m_UsableSize, // offset
+ unusableSize); // size
+ }
+ PrintDetailedMap_End(json);
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::CreateAllocationRequest(
+ uint32_t /*currentFrameIndex*/,
+ uint32_t /*frameInUseCount*/,
+ VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ VkDeviceSize allocAlignment,
+ bool upperAddress,
+ VmaSuballocationType allocType,
+ bool /*canMakeOtherLost*/,
+ uint32_t /*strategy*/,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ VMA_ASSERT(!upperAddress && "VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT can be used only with linear algorithm.");
+ (void) upperAddress;
+ // Simple way to respect bufferImageGranularity. May be optimized some day.
+ // Whenever it might be an OPTIMAL image...
+ {
+ allocAlignment = VMA_MAX(allocAlignment, bufferImageGranularity);
+ allocSize = VMA_MAX(allocSize, bufferImageGranularity);
+ }
+ if(allocSize > m_UsableSize)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const uint32_t targetLevel = AllocSizeToLevel(allocSize);
+ for(uint32_t level = targetLevel + 1; level--; )
+ {
+ for(Node* freeNode = m_FreeList[level].front;
+ freeNode != VMA_NULL;
+ freeNode = freeNode->
+ {
+ if(freeNode->offset % allocAlignment == 0)
+ {
+ pAllocationRequest->offset = freeNode->offset;
+ pAllocationRequest->sumFreeSize = LevelToNodeSize(level);
+ pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize = 0;
+ pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount = 0;
+ pAllocationRequest->customData = (void*)(uintptr_t)level;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::MakeRequestedAllocationsLost(
+ uint32_t /*currentFrameIndex*/,
+ uint32_t /*frameInUseCount*/,
+ VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)
+ /*
+ Lost allocations are not supported in buddy allocator at the moment.
+ Support might be added in the future.
+ */
+ return pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount == 0;
+uint32_t VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::MakeAllocationsLost(uint32_t /*currentFrameIndex*/, uint32_t /*frameInUseCount*/)
+ /*
+ Lost allocations are not supported in buddy allocator at the moment.
+ Support might be added in the future.
+ */
+ return 0;
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::Alloc(
+ const VmaAllocationRequest& request,
+ VmaSuballocationType /*type*/,
+ VkDeviceSize allocSize,
+ bool /*upperAddress*/,
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation)
+ const uint32_t targetLevel = AllocSizeToLevel(allocSize);
+ uint32_t currLevel = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)request.customData;
+ Node* currNode = m_FreeList[currLevel].front;
+ VMA_ASSERT(currNode != VMA_NULL && currNode->type == Node::TYPE_FREE);
+ while(currNode->offset != request.offset)
+ {
+ currNode = currNode->;
+ VMA_ASSERT(currNode != VMA_NULL && currNode->type == Node::TYPE_FREE);
+ }
+ // Go down, splitting free nodes.
+ while(currLevel < targetLevel)
+ {
+ // currNode is already first free node at currLevel.
+ // Remove it from list of free nodes at this currLevel.
+ RemoveFromFreeList(currLevel, currNode);
+ const uint32_t childrenLevel = currLevel + 1;
+ // Create two free sub-nodes.
+ Node* leftChild = vma_new(GetAllocationCallbacks(), Node)();
+ Node* rightChild = vma_new(GetAllocationCallbacks(), Node)();
+ leftChild->offset = currNode->offset;
+ leftChild->type = Node::TYPE_FREE;
+ leftChild->parent = currNode;
+ leftChild->buddy = rightChild;
+ rightChild->offset = currNode->offset + LevelToNodeSize(childrenLevel);
+ rightChild->type = Node::TYPE_FREE;
+ rightChild->parent = currNode;
+ rightChild->buddy = leftChild;
+ // Convert current currNode to split type.
+ currNode->type = Node::TYPE_SPLIT;
+ currNode->split.leftChild = leftChild;
+ // Add child nodes to free list. Order is important!
+ AddToFreeListFront(childrenLevel, rightChild);
+ AddToFreeListFront(childrenLevel, leftChild);
+ ++m_FreeCount;
+ //m_SumFreeSize -= LevelToNodeSize(currLevel) % 2; // Useful only when level node sizes can be non power of 2.
+ ++currLevel;
+ currNode = m_FreeList[currLevel].front;
+ /*
+ We can be sure that currNode, as left child of node previously split,
+ also fullfills the alignment requirement.
+ */
+ }
+ // Remove from free list.
+ VMA_ASSERT(currLevel == targetLevel &&
+ currNode != VMA_NULL &&
+ currNode->type == Node::TYPE_FREE);
+ RemoveFromFreeList(currLevel, currNode);
+ // Convert to allocation node.
+ currNode->type = Node::TYPE_ALLOCATION;
+ currNode->allocation.alloc = hAllocation;
+ ++m_AllocationCount;
+ --m_FreeCount;
+ m_SumFreeSize -= allocSize;
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::DeleteNode(Node* node)
+ if(node->type == Node::TYPE_SPLIT)
+ {
+ DeleteNode(node->split.leftChild->buddy);
+ DeleteNode(node->split.leftChild);
+ }
+ vma_delete(GetAllocationCallbacks(), node);
+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::ValidateNode(ValidationContext& ctx, const Node* parent, const Node* curr, uint32_t level, VkDeviceSize levelNodeSize) const
+ VMA_VALIDATE(level < m_LevelCount);
+ VMA_VALIDATE(curr->parent == parent);
+ VMA_VALIDATE((curr->buddy == VMA_NULL) == (parent == VMA_NULL));
+ VMA_VALIDATE(curr->buddy == VMA_NULL || curr->buddy->buddy == curr);
+ switch(curr->type)
+ {
+ case Node::TYPE_FREE:
+ // curr->free.prev, next are validated separately.
+ ctx.calculatedSumFreeSize += levelNodeSize;
+ ++ctx.calculatedFreeCount;
+ break;
+ ++ctx.calculatedAllocationCount;
+ ctx.calculatedSumFreeSize += levelNodeSize - curr->allocation.alloc->GetSize();
+ VMA_VALIDATE(curr->allocation.alloc != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ break;
+ case Node::TYPE_SPLIT:
+ {
+ const uint32_t childrenLevel = level + 1;
+ const VkDeviceSize childrenLevelNodeSize = levelNodeSize / 2;
+ const Node* const leftChild = curr->split.leftChild;
+ VMA_VALIDATE(leftChild != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_VALIDATE(leftChild->offset == curr->offset);
+ if(!ValidateNode(ctx, curr, leftChild, childrenLevel, childrenLevelNodeSize))
+ {
+ VMA_VALIDATE(false && "ValidateNode for left child failed.");
+ }
+ const Node* const rightChild = leftChild->buddy;
+ VMA_VALIDATE(rightChild->offset == curr->offset + childrenLevelNodeSize);
+ if(!ValidateNode(ctx, curr, rightChild, childrenLevel, childrenLevelNodeSize))
+ {
+ VMA_VALIDATE(false && "ValidateNode for right child failed.");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+uint32_t VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::AllocSizeToLevel(VkDeviceSize allocSize) const
+ // I know this could be optimized somehow e.g. by using std::log2p1 from C++20.
+ uint32_t level = 0;
+ VkDeviceSize currLevelNodeSize = m_UsableSize;
+ VkDeviceSize nextLevelNodeSize = currLevelNodeSize >> 1;
+ while(allocSize <= nextLevelNodeSize && level + 1 < m_LevelCount)
+ {
+ ++level;
+ currLevelNodeSize = nextLevelNodeSize;
+ nextLevelNodeSize = currLevelNodeSize >> 1;
+ }
+ return level;
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::FreeAtOffset(VmaAllocation alloc, VkDeviceSize offset)
+ // Find node and level.
+ Node* node = m_Root;
+ VkDeviceSize nodeOffset = 0;
+ uint32_t level = 0;
+ VkDeviceSize levelNodeSize = LevelToNodeSize(0);
+ while(node->type == Node::TYPE_SPLIT)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize nextLevelSize = levelNodeSize >> 1;
+ if(offset < nodeOffset + nextLevelSize)
+ {
+ node = node->split.leftChild;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ node = node->split.leftChild->buddy;
+ nodeOffset += nextLevelSize;
+ }
+ ++level;
+ levelNodeSize = nextLevelSize;
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(node != VMA_NULL && node->type == Node::TYPE_ALLOCATION);
+ VMA_ASSERT(alloc == VK_NULL_HANDLE || node->allocation.alloc == alloc);
+ ++m_FreeCount;
+ --m_AllocationCount;
+ m_SumFreeSize += alloc->GetSize();
+ node->type = Node::TYPE_FREE;
+ // Join free nodes if possible.
+ while(level > 0 && node->buddy->type == Node::TYPE_FREE)
+ {
+ RemoveFromFreeList(level, node->buddy);
+ Node* const parent = node->parent;
+ vma_delete(GetAllocationCallbacks(), node->buddy);
+ vma_delete(GetAllocationCallbacks(), node);
+ parent->type = Node::TYPE_FREE;
+ node = parent;
+ --level;
+ //m_SumFreeSize += LevelToNodeSize(level) % 2; // Useful only when level node sizes can be non power of 2.
+ --m_FreeCount;
+ }
+ AddToFreeListFront(level, node);
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::CalcAllocationStatInfoNode(VmaStatInfo& outInfo, const Node* node, VkDeviceSize levelNodeSize) const
+ switch(node->type)
+ {
+ case Node::TYPE_FREE:
+ ++outInfo.unusedRangeCount;
+ outInfo.unusedBytes += levelNodeSize;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MAX(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax, levelNodeSize);
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = VMA_MAX(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin, levelNodeSize);
+ break;
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize allocSize = node->allocation.alloc->GetSize();
+ ++outInfo.allocationCount;
+ outInfo.usedBytes += allocSize;
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMax = VMA_MAX(outInfo.allocationSizeMax, allocSize);
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMin = VMA_MAX(outInfo.allocationSizeMin, allocSize);
+ const VkDeviceSize unusedRangeSize = levelNodeSize - allocSize;
+ if(unusedRangeSize > 0)
+ {
+ ++outInfo.unusedRangeCount;
+ outInfo.unusedBytes += unusedRangeSize;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MAX(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax, unusedRangeSize);
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = VMA_MAX(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin, unusedRangeSize);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Node::TYPE_SPLIT:
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize childrenNodeSize = levelNodeSize / 2;
+ const Node* const leftChild = node->split.leftChild;
+ CalcAllocationStatInfoNode(outInfo, leftChild, childrenNodeSize);
+ const Node* const rightChild = leftChild->buddy;
+ CalcAllocationStatInfoNode(outInfo, rightChild, childrenNodeSize);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::AddToFreeListFront(uint32_t level, Node* node)
+ VMA_ASSERT(node->type == Node::TYPE_FREE);
+ // List is empty.
+ Node* const frontNode = m_FreeList[level].front;
+ if(frontNode == VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_FreeList[level].back == VMA_NULL);
+ node->free.prev = node-> = VMA_NULL;
+ m_FreeList[level].front = m_FreeList[level].back = node;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(frontNode->free.prev == VMA_NULL);
+ node->free.prev = VMA_NULL;
+ node-> = frontNode;
+ frontNode->free.prev = node;
+ m_FreeList[level].front = node;
+ }
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::RemoveFromFreeList(uint32_t level, Node* node)
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_FreeList[level].front != VMA_NULL);
+ // It is at the front.
+ if(node->free.prev == VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_FreeList[level].front == node);
+ m_FreeList[level].front = node->;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Node* const prevFreeNode = node->free.prev;
+ VMA_ASSERT(prevFreeNode-> == node);
+ prevFreeNode-> = node->;
+ }
+ // It is at the back.
+ if(node-> == VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_FreeList[level].back == node);
+ m_FreeList[level].back = node->free.prev;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Node* const nextFreeNode = node->;
+ VMA_ASSERT(nextFreeNode->free.prev == node);
+ nextFreeNode->free.prev = node->free.prev;
+ }
+void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::PrintDetailedMapNode(class VmaJsonWriter& json, const Node* node, VkDeviceSize levelNodeSize) const
+ switch(node->type)
+ {
+ case Node::TYPE_FREE:
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, node->offset, levelNodeSize);
+ break;
+ {
+ PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, node->offset, node->allocation.alloc);
+ const VkDeviceSize allocSize = node->allocation.alloc->GetSize();
+ if(allocSize < levelNodeSize)
+ {
+ PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, node->offset + allocSize, levelNodeSize - allocSize);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Node::TYPE_SPLIT:
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize childrenNodeSize = levelNodeSize / 2;
+ const Node* const leftChild = node->split.leftChild;
+ PrintDetailedMapNode(json, leftChild, childrenNodeSize);
+ const Node* const rightChild = leftChild->buddy;
+ PrintDetailedMapNode(json, rightChild, childrenNodeSize);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+// class VmaDeviceMemoryBlock
+VmaDeviceMemoryBlock::VmaDeviceMemoryBlock(VmaAllocator /*hAllocator*/) :
+ m_pMetadata(VMA_NULL),
+ m_MemoryTypeIndex(UINT32_MAX),
+ m_Id(0),
+ m_hMemory(VK_NULL_HANDLE),
+ m_MapCount(0),
+ m_pMappedData(VMA_NULL)
+void VmaDeviceMemoryBlock::Init(
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ uint32_t newMemoryTypeIndex,
+ VkDeviceMemory newMemory,
+ VkDeviceSize newSize,
+ uint32_t id,
+ uint32_t algorithm)
+ m_MemoryTypeIndex = newMemoryTypeIndex;
+ m_Id = id;
+ m_hMemory = newMemory;
+ switch(algorithm)
+ {
+ m_pMetadata = vma_new(hAllocator, VmaBlockMetadata_Linear)(hAllocator);
+ break;
+ m_pMetadata = vma_new(hAllocator, VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy)(hAllocator);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Fall-through.
+ case 0:
+ m_pMetadata = vma_new(hAllocator, VmaBlockMetadata_Generic)(hAllocator);
+ }
+ m_pMetadata->Init(newSize);
+void VmaDeviceMemoryBlock::Destroy(VmaAllocator allocator)
+ // This is the most important assert in the entire library.
+ // Hitting it means you have some memory leak - unreleased VmaAllocation objects.
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_pMetadata->IsEmpty() && "Some allocations were not freed before destruction of this memory block!");
+ allocator->FreeVulkanMemory(m_MemoryTypeIndex, m_pMetadata->GetSize(), m_hMemory);
+ m_hMemory = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ vma_delete(allocator, m_pMetadata);
+ m_pMetadata = VMA_NULL;
+bool VmaDeviceMemoryBlock::Validate() const
+ (m_pMetadata->GetSize() != 0));
+ return m_pMetadata->Validate();
+VkResult VmaDeviceMemoryBlock::CheckCorruption(VmaAllocator hAllocator)
+ void* pData = nullptr;
+ VkResult res = Map(hAllocator, 1, &pData);
+ if(res != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return res;
+ }
+ res = m_pMetadata->CheckCorruption(pData);
+ Unmap(hAllocator, 1);
+ return res;
+VkResult VmaDeviceMemoryBlock::Map(VmaAllocator hAllocator, uint32_t count, void** ppData)
+ if(count == 0)
+ {
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_Mutex, hAllocator->m_UseMutex);
+ if(m_MapCount != 0)
+ {
+ m_MapCount += count;
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_pMappedData != VMA_NULL);
+ if(ppData != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ *ppData = m_pMappedData;
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VkResult result = (*hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkMapMemory)(
+ hAllocator->m_hDevice,
+ m_hMemory,
+ 0, // offset
+ 0, // flags
+ &m_pMappedData);
+ if(result == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ if(ppData != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ *ppData = m_pMappedData;
+ }
+ m_MapCount = count;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+void VmaDeviceMemoryBlock::Unmap(VmaAllocator hAllocator, uint32_t count)
+ if(count == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_Mutex, hAllocator->m_UseMutex);
+ if(m_MapCount >= count)
+ {
+ m_MapCount -= count;
+ if(m_MapCount == 0)
+ {
+ m_pMappedData = VMA_NULL;
+ (*hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkUnmapMemory)(hAllocator->m_hDevice, m_hMemory);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "VkDeviceMemory block is being unmapped while it was not previously mapped.");
+ }
+VkResult VmaDeviceMemoryBlock::WriteMagicValueAroundAllocation(VmaAllocator hAllocator, VkDeviceSize allocOffset, VkDeviceSize allocSize)
+ void* pData;
+ VkResult res = Map(hAllocator, 1, &pData);
+ if(res != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return res;
+ }
+ VmaWriteMagicValue(pData, allocOffset - VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN);
+ VmaWriteMagicValue(pData, allocOffset + allocSize);
+ Unmap(hAllocator, 1);
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+VkResult VmaDeviceMemoryBlock::ValidateMagicValueAroundAllocation(VmaAllocator hAllocator, VkDeviceSize allocOffset, VkDeviceSize allocSize)
+ void* pData;
+ VkResult res = Map(hAllocator, 1, &pData);
+ if(res != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return res;
+ }
+ if(!VmaValidateMagicValue(pData, allocOffset - VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN))
+ {
+ }
+ else if(!VmaValidateMagicValue(pData, allocOffset + allocSize))
+ {
+ }
+ Unmap(hAllocator, 1);
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+VkResult VmaDeviceMemoryBlock::BindBufferMemory(
+ const VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ const VmaAllocation hAllocation,
+ VkBuffer hBuffer)
+ VMA_ASSERT(hAllocation->GetType() == VmaAllocation_T::ALLOCATION_TYPE_BLOCK &&
+ hAllocation->GetBlock() == this);
+ // This lock is important so that we don't call vkBind... and/or vkMap... simultaneously on the same VkDeviceMemory from multiple threads.
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_Mutex, hAllocator->m_UseMutex);
+ return hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkBindBufferMemory(
+ hAllocator->m_hDevice,
+ hBuffer,
+ m_hMemory,
+ hAllocation->GetOffset());
+VkResult VmaDeviceMemoryBlock::BindImageMemory(
+ const VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ const VmaAllocation hAllocation,
+ VkImage hImage)
+ VMA_ASSERT(hAllocation->GetType() == VmaAllocation_T::ALLOCATION_TYPE_BLOCK &&
+ hAllocation->GetBlock() == this);
+ // This lock is important so that we don't call vkBind... and/or vkMap... simultaneously on the same VkDeviceMemory from multiple threads.
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_Mutex, hAllocator->m_UseMutex);
+ return hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkBindImageMemory(
+ hAllocator->m_hDevice,
+ hImage,
+ m_hMemory,
+ hAllocation->GetOffset());
+static void InitStatInfo(VmaStatInfo& outInfo)
+ memset(&outInfo, 0, sizeof(outInfo));
+ outInfo.allocationSizeMin = UINT64_MAX;
+ outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = UINT64_MAX;
+// Adds statistics srcInfo into inoutInfo, like: inoutInfo += srcInfo.
+static void VmaAddStatInfo(VmaStatInfo& inoutInfo, const VmaStatInfo& srcInfo)
+ inoutInfo.blockCount += srcInfo.blockCount;
+ inoutInfo.allocationCount += srcInfo.allocationCount;
+ inoutInfo.unusedRangeCount += srcInfo.unusedRangeCount;
+ inoutInfo.usedBytes += srcInfo.usedBytes;
+ inoutInfo.unusedBytes += srcInfo.unusedBytes;
+ inoutInfo.allocationSizeMin = VMA_MIN(inoutInfo.allocationSizeMin, srcInfo.allocationSizeMin);
+ inoutInfo.allocationSizeMax = VMA_MAX(inoutInfo.allocationSizeMax, srcInfo.allocationSizeMax);
+ inoutInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = VMA_MIN(inoutInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin, srcInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin);
+ inoutInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MAX(inoutInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax, srcInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax);
+static void VmaPostprocessCalcStatInfo(VmaStatInfo& inoutInfo)
+ inoutInfo.allocationSizeAvg = (inoutInfo.allocationCount > 0) ?
+ VmaRoundDiv<VkDeviceSize>(inoutInfo.usedBytes, inoutInfo.allocationCount) : 0;
+ inoutInfo.unusedRangeSizeAvg = (inoutInfo.unusedRangeCount > 0) ?
+ VmaRoundDiv<VkDeviceSize>(inoutInfo.unusedBytes, inoutInfo.unusedRangeCount) : 0;
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ const VmaPoolCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VkDeviceSize preferredBlockSize) :
+ m_BlockVector(
+ hAllocator,
+ createInfo.memoryTypeIndex,
+ createInfo.blockSize != 0 ? createInfo.blockSize : preferredBlockSize,
+ createInfo.minBlockCount,
+ createInfo.maxBlockCount,
+ (createInfo.flags & VMA_POOL_CREATE_IGNORE_BUFFER_IMAGE_GRANULARITY_BIT) != 0 ? 1 : hAllocator->GetBufferImageGranularity(),
+ createInfo.frameInUseCount,
+ true, // isCustomPool
+ createInfo.blockSize != 0, // explicitBlockSize
+ createInfo.flags & VMA_POOL_CREATE_ALGORITHM_MASK), // algorithm
+ m_Id(0)
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ uint32_t memoryTypeIndex,
+ VkDeviceSize preferredBlockSize,
+ size_t minBlockCount,
+ size_t maxBlockCount,
+ VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity,
+ uint32_t frameInUseCount,
+ bool isCustomPool,
+ bool explicitBlockSize,
+ uint32_t algorithm) :
+ m_hAllocator(hAllocator),
+ m_MemoryTypeIndex(memoryTypeIndex),
+ m_PreferredBlockSize(preferredBlockSize),
+ m_MinBlockCount(minBlockCount),
+ m_MaxBlockCount(maxBlockCount),
+ m_BufferImageGranularity(bufferImageGranularity),
+ m_FrameInUseCount(frameInUseCount),
+ m_IsCustomPool(isCustomPool),
+ m_ExplicitBlockSize(explicitBlockSize),
+ m_Algorithm(algorithm),
+ m_HasEmptyBlock(false),
+ m_Blocks(VmaStlAllocator<VmaDeviceMemoryBlock*>(hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks())),
+ m_NextBlockId(0)
+ for(size_t i = m_Blocks.size(); i--; )
+ {
+ m_Blocks[i]->Destroy(m_hAllocator);
+ vma_delete(m_hAllocator, m_Blocks[i]);
+ }
+VkResult VmaBlockVector::CreateMinBlocks()
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < m_MinBlockCount; ++i)
+ {
+ VkResult res = CreateBlock(m_PreferredBlockSize, VMA_NULL);
+ if(res != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+void VmaBlockVector::GetPoolStats(VmaPoolStats* pStats)
+ VmaMutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->m_UseMutex);
+ const size_t blockCount = m_Blocks.size();
+ pStats->size = 0;
+ pStats->unusedSize = 0;
+ pStats->allocationCount = 0;
+ pStats->unusedRangeCount = 0;
+ pStats->unusedRangeSizeMax = 0;
+ pStats->blockCount = blockCount;
+ for(uint32_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockCount; ++blockIndex)
+ {
+ const VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pBlock);
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBlock->Validate());
+ pBlock->m_pMetadata->AddPoolStats(*pStats);
+ }
+bool VmaBlockVector::IsCorruptionDetectionEnabled() const
+ (m_hAllocator->m_MemProps.memoryTypes[m_MemoryTypeIndex].propertyFlags & requiredMemFlags) == requiredMemFlags;
+static const uint32_t VMA_ALLOCATION_TRY_COUNT = 32;
+VkResult VmaBlockVector::Allocate(
+ VmaPool hCurrentPool,
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ VkDeviceSize size,
+ VkDeviceSize alignment,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations)
+ size_t allocIndex;
+ VkResult res = VK_SUCCESS;
+ {
+ VmaMutexLockWrite lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->m_UseMutex);
+ for(allocIndex = 0; allocIndex < allocationCount; ++allocIndex)
+ {
+ res = AllocatePage(
+ hCurrentPool,
+ currentFrameIndex,
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ createInfo,
+ suballocType,
+ pAllocations + allocIndex);
+ if(res != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(res != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ // Free all already created allocations.
+ while(allocIndex--)
+ {
+ Free(pAllocations[allocIndex]);
+ }
+ memset(pAllocations, 0, sizeof(VmaAllocation) * allocationCount);
+ }
+ return res;
+VkResult VmaBlockVector::AllocatePage(
+ VmaPool hCurrentPool,
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ VkDeviceSize size,
+ VkDeviceSize alignment,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation)
+ const bool isUpperAddress = (createInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT) != 0;
+ bool canMakeOtherLost = (createInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_MAKE_OTHER_LOST_BIT) != 0;
+ const bool mapped = (createInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT) != 0;
+ const bool isUserDataString = (createInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT) != 0;
+ const bool canCreateNewBlock =
+ ((createInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT) == 0) &&
+ (m_Blocks.size() < m_MaxBlockCount);
+ uint32_t strategy = createInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK;
+ // If linearAlgorithm is used, canMakeOtherLost is available only when used as ring buffer.
+ // Which in turn is available only when maxBlockCount = 1.
+ if(m_Algorithm == VMA_POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT && m_MaxBlockCount > 1)
+ {
+ canMakeOtherLost = false;
+ }
+ // Upper address can only be used with linear allocator and within single memory block.
+ if(isUpperAddress &&
+ (m_Algorithm != VMA_POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT || m_MaxBlockCount > 1))
+ {
+ }
+ // Validate strategy.
+ switch(strategy)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ // Early reject: requested allocation size is larger that maximum block size for this block vector.
+ if(size + 2 * VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN > m_PreferredBlockSize)
+ {
+ }
+ /*
+ Under certain condition, this whole section can be skipped for optimization, so
+ we move on directly to trying to allocate with canMakeOtherLost. That's the case
+ e.g. for custom pools with linear algorithm.
+ */
+ if(!canMakeOtherLost || canCreateNewBlock)
+ {
+ // 1. Search existing allocations. Try to allocate without making other allocations lost.
+ VmaAllocationCreateFlags allocFlagsCopy = createInfo.flags;
+ {
+ // Use only last block.
+ if(!m_Blocks.empty())
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pCurrBlock = m_Blocks.back();
+ VMA_ASSERT(pCurrBlock);
+ VkResult res = AllocateFromBlock(
+ pCurrBlock,
+ hCurrentPool,
+ currentFrameIndex,
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ allocFlagsCopy,
+ createInfo.pUserData,
+ suballocType,
+ strategy,
+ pAllocation);
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" Returned from last block #%u", (uint32_t)(m_Blocks.size() - 1));
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ {
+ // Forward order in m_Blocks - prefer blocks with smallest amount of free space.
+ for(size_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < m_Blocks.size(); ++blockIndex )
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pCurrBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pCurrBlock);
+ VkResult res = AllocateFromBlock(
+ pCurrBlock,
+ hCurrentPool,
+ currentFrameIndex,
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ allocFlagsCopy,
+ createInfo.pUserData,
+ suballocType,
+ strategy,
+ pAllocation);
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" Returned from existing block #%u", (uint32_t)blockIndex);
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ // Backward order in m_Blocks - prefer blocks with largest amount of free space.
+ for(size_t blockIndex = m_Blocks.size(); blockIndex--; )
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pCurrBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pCurrBlock);
+ VkResult res = AllocateFromBlock(
+ pCurrBlock,
+ hCurrentPool,
+ currentFrameIndex,
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ allocFlagsCopy,
+ createInfo.pUserData,
+ suballocType,
+ strategy,
+ pAllocation);
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" Returned from existing block #%u", (uint32_t)blockIndex);
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 2. Try to create new block.
+ if(canCreateNewBlock)
+ {
+ // Calculate optimal size for new block.
+ VkDeviceSize newBlockSize = m_PreferredBlockSize;
+ uint32_t newBlockSizeShift = 0;
+ const uint32_t NEW_BLOCK_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX = 3;
+ if(!m_ExplicitBlockSize)
+ {
+ // Allocate 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 as first blocks.
+ const VkDeviceSize maxExistingBlockSize = CalcMaxBlockSize();
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < NEW_BLOCK_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX; ++i)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize smallerNewBlockSize = newBlockSize / 2;
+ if(smallerNewBlockSize > maxExistingBlockSize && smallerNewBlockSize >= size * 2)
+ {
+ newBlockSize = smallerNewBlockSize;
+ ++newBlockSizeShift;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t newBlockIndex = 0;
+ VkResult res = CreateBlock(newBlockSize, &newBlockIndex);
+ // Allocation of this size failed? Try 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 of m_PreferredBlockSize.
+ if(!m_ExplicitBlockSize)
+ {
+ while(res < 0 && newBlockSizeShift < NEW_BLOCK_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize smallerNewBlockSize = newBlockSize / 2;
+ if(smallerNewBlockSize >= size)
+ {
+ newBlockSize = smallerNewBlockSize;
+ ++newBlockSizeShift;
+ res = CreateBlock(newBlockSize, &newBlockIndex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pBlock = m_Blocks[newBlockIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSize() >= size);
+ res = AllocateFromBlock(
+ pBlock,
+ hCurrentPool,
+ currentFrameIndex,
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ allocFlagsCopy,
+ createInfo.pUserData,
+ suballocType,
+ strategy,
+ pAllocation);
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" Created new block Size=%llu", newBlockSize);
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Allocation from new block failed, possibly due to VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN or alignment.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 3. Try to allocate from existing blocks with making other allocations lost.
+ if(canMakeOtherLost)
+ {
+ uint32_t tryIndex = 0;
+ for(; tryIndex < VMA_ALLOCATION_TRY_COUNT; ++tryIndex)
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBestRequestBlock = VMA_NULL;
+ VmaAllocationRequest bestRequest = {};
+ VkDeviceSize bestRequestCost = VK_WHOLE_SIZE;
+ // 1. Search existing allocations.
+ {
+ // Forward order in m_Blocks - prefer blocks with smallest amount of free space.
+ for(size_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < m_Blocks.size(); ++blockIndex )
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pCurrBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pCurrBlock);
+ VmaAllocationRequest currRequest = {};
+ if(pCurrBlock->m_pMetadata->CreateAllocationRequest(
+ currentFrameIndex,
+ m_FrameInUseCount,
+ m_BufferImageGranularity,
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ suballocType,
+ canMakeOtherLost,
+ strategy,
+ &currRequest))
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize currRequestCost = currRequest.CalcCost();
+ if(pBestRequestBlock == VMA_NULL ||
+ currRequestCost < bestRequestCost)
+ {
+ pBestRequestBlock = pCurrBlock;
+ bestRequest = currRequest;
+ bestRequestCost = currRequestCost;
+ if(bestRequestCost == 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ // Backward order in m_Blocks - prefer blocks with largest amount of free space.
+ for(size_t blockIndex = m_Blocks.size(); blockIndex--; )
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pCurrBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pCurrBlock);
+ VmaAllocationRequest currRequest = {};
+ if(pCurrBlock->m_pMetadata->CreateAllocationRequest(
+ currentFrameIndex,
+ m_FrameInUseCount,
+ m_BufferImageGranularity,
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ suballocType,
+ canMakeOtherLost,
+ strategy,
+ &currRequest))
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize currRequestCost = currRequest.CalcCost();
+ if(pBestRequestBlock == VMA_NULL ||
+ currRequestCost < bestRequestCost ||
+ {
+ pBestRequestBlock = pCurrBlock;
+ bestRequest = currRequest;
+ bestRequestCost = currRequestCost;
+ if(bestRequestCost == 0 ||
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(pBestRequestBlock != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ if(mapped)
+ {
+ VkResult res = pBestRequestBlock->Map(m_hAllocator, 1, VMA_NULL);
+ if(res != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pBestRequestBlock->m_pMetadata->MakeRequestedAllocationsLost(
+ currentFrameIndex,
+ m_FrameInUseCount,
+ &bestRequest))
+ {
+ // We no longer have an empty Allocation.
+ if(pBestRequestBlock->m_pMetadata->IsEmpty())
+ {
+ m_HasEmptyBlock = false;
+ }
+ // Allocate from this pBlock.
+ *pAllocation = vma_new(m_hAllocator, VmaAllocation_T)(currentFrameIndex, isUserDataString);
+ pBestRequestBlock->m_pMetadata->Alloc(bestRequest, suballocType, size, isUpperAddress, *pAllocation);
+ (*pAllocation)->InitBlockAllocation(
+ hCurrentPool,
+ pBestRequestBlock,
+ bestRequest.offset,
+ alignment,
+ size,
+ suballocType,
+ mapped,
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBestRequestBlock->Validate());
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" Returned from existing allocation #%u", (uint32_t)blockIndex);
+ (*pAllocation)->SetUserData(m_hAllocator, createInfo.pUserData);
+ {
+ m_hAllocator->FillAllocation(*pAllocation, VMA_ALLOCATION_FILL_PATTERN_CREATED);
+ }
+ if(IsCorruptionDetectionEnabled())
+ {
+ VkResult res = pBestRequestBlock->WriteMagicValueAroundAllocation(m_hAllocator, bestRequest.offset, size);
+ (void) res;
+ VMA_ASSERT(res == VK_SUCCESS && "Couldn't map block memory to write magic value.");
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ // else: Some allocations must have been touched while we are here. Next try.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Could not find place in any of the blocks - break outer loop.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Maximum number of tries exceeded - a very unlike event when many other
+ threads are simultaneously touching allocations making it impossible to make
+ lost at the same time as we try to allocate. */
+ {
+ }
+ }
+void VmaBlockVector::Free(
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation)
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlockToDelete = VMA_NULL;
+ // Scope for lock.
+ {
+ VmaMutexLockWrite lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->m_UseMutex);
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock = hAllocation->GetBlock();
+ if(IsCorruptionDetectionEnabled())
+ {
+ VkResult res = pBlock->ValidateMagicValueAroundAllocation(m_hAllocator, hAllocation->GetOffset(), hAllocation->GetSize());
+ (void) res;
+ VMA_ASSERT(res == VK_SUCCESS && "Couldn't map block memory to validate magic value.");
+ }
+ if(hAllocation->IsPersistentMap())
+ {
+ pBlock->Unmap(m_hAllocator, 1);
+ }
+ pBlock->m_pMetadata->Free(hAllocation);
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBlock->Validate());
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" Freed from MemoryTypeIndex=%u", memTypeIndex);
+ // pBlock became empty after this deallocation.
+ if(pBlock->m_pMetadata->IsEmpty())
+ {
+ // Already has empty Allocation. We don't want to have two, so delete this one.
+ if(m_HasEmptyBlock && m_Blocks.size() > m_MinBlockCount)
+ {
+ pBlockToDelete = pBlock;
+ Remove(pBlock);
+ }
+ // We now have first empty block.
+ else
+ {
+ m_HasEmptyBlock = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // pBlock didn't become empty, but we have another empty block - find and free that one.
+ // (This is optional, heuristics.)
+ else if(m_HasEmptyBlock)
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pLastBlock = m_Blocks.back();
+ if(pLastBlock->m_pMetadata->IsEmpty() && m_Blocks.size() > m_MinBlockCount)
+ {
+ pBlockToDelete = pLastBlock;
+ m_Blocks.pop_back();
+ m_HasEmptyBlock = false;
+ }
+ }
+ IncrementallySortBlocks();
+ }
+ // Destruction of a free Allocation. Deferred until this point, outside of mutex
+ // lock, for performance reason.
+ if(pBlockToDelete != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" Deleted empty allocation");
+ pBlockToDelete->Destroy(m_hAllocator);
+ vma_delete(m_hAllocator, pBlockToDelete);
+ }
+VkDeviceSize VmaBlockVector::CalcMaxBlockSize() const
+ VkDeviceSize result = 0;
+ for(size_t i = m_Blocks.size(); i--; )
+ {
+ result = VMA_MAX(result, m_Blocks[i]->m_pMetadata->GetSize());
+ if(result >= m_PreferredBlockSize)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+void VmaBlockVector::Remove(VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock)
+ for(uint32_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < m_Blocks.size(); ++blockIndex)
+ {
+ if(m_Blocks[blockIndex] == pBlock)
+ {
+ VmaVectorRemove(m_Blocks, blockIndex);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void VmaBlockVector::IncrementallySortBlocks()
+ {
+ // Bubble sort only until first swap.
+ for(size_t i = 1; i < m_Blocks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(m_Blocks[i - 1]->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize() > m_Blocks[i]->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize())
+ {
+ VMA_SWAP(m_Blocks[i - 1], m_Blocks[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+VkResult VmaBlockVector::AllocateFromBlock(
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock,
+ VmaPool hCurrentPool,
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ VkDeviceSize size,
+ VkDeviceSize alignment,
+ VmaAllocationCreateFlags allocFlags,
+ void* pUserData,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType,
+ uint32_t strategy,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation)
+ const bool isUpperAddress = (allocFlags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT) != 0;
+ const bool mapped = (allocFlags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT) != 0;
+ const bool isUserDataString = (allocFlags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT) != 0;
+ VmaAllocationRequest currRequest = {};
+ if(pBlock->m_pMetadata->CreateAllocationRequest(
+ currentFrameIndex,
+ m_FrameInUseCount,
+ m_BufferImageGranularity,
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ isUpperAddress,
+ suballocType,
+ false, // canMakeOtherLost
+ strategy,
+ &currRequest))
+ {
+ // Allocate from pCurrBlock.
+ VMA_ASSERT(currRequest.itemsToMakeLostCount == 0);
+ if(mapped)
+ {
+ VkResult res = pBlock->Map(m_hAllocator, 1, VMA_NULL);
+ if(res != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ // We no longer have an empty Allocation.
+ if(pBlock->m_pMetadata->IsEmpty())
+ {
+ m_HasEmptyBlock = false;
+ }
+ *pAllocation = vma_new(m_hAllocator, VmaAllocation_T)(currentFrameIndex, isUserDataString);
+ pBlock->m_pMetadata->Alloc(currRequest, suballocType, size, isUpperAddress, *pAllocation);
+ (*pAllocation)->InitBlockAllocation(
+ hCurrentPool,
+ pBlock,
+ currRequest.offset,
+ alignment,
+ size,
+ suballocType,
+ mapped,
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBlock->Validate());
+ (*pAllocation)->SetUserData(m_hAllocator, pUserData);
+ {
+ m_hAllocator->FillAllocation(*pAllocation, VMA_ALLOCATION_FILL_PATTERN_CREATED);
+ }
+ if(IsCorruptionDetectionEnabled())
+ {
+ VkResult res = pBlock->WriteMagicValueAroundAllocation(m_hAllocator, currRequest.offset, size);
+ (void) res;
+ VMA_ASSERT(res == VK_SUCCESS && "Couldn't map block memory to write magic value.");
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+VkResult VmaBlockVector::CreateBlock(VkDeviceSize blockSize, size_t* pNewBlockIndex)
+ VkMemoryAllocateInfo allocInfo = {};
+ allocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = m_MemoryTypeIndex;
+ allocInfo.allocationSize = blockSize;
+ VkDeviceMemory mem = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ VkResult res = m_hAllocator->AllocateVulkanMemory(&allocInfo, &mem);
+ if(res < 0)
+ {
+ return res;
+ }
+ // New VkDeviceMemory successfully created.
+ // Create new Allocation for it.
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pBlock = vma_new(m_hAllocator, VmaDeviceMemoryBlock)(m_hAllocator);
+ pBlock->Init(
+ m_hAllocator,
+ m_MemoryTypeIndex,
+ mem,
+ allocInfo.allocationSize,
+ m_NextBlockId++,
+ m_Algorithm);
+ m_Blocks.push_back(pBlock);
+ if(pNewBlockIndex != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ *pNewBlockIndex = m_Blocks.size() - 1;
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+void VmaBlockVector::ApplyDefragmentationMovesCpu(
+ class VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* pDefragCtx,
+ const VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >& moves)
+ const size_t blockCount = m_Blocks.size();
+ const bool isNonCoherent = m_hAllocator->IsMemoryTypeNonCoherent(m_MemoryTypeIndex);
+ {
+ BLOCK_FLAG_USED = 0x00000001,
+ };
+ struct BlockInfo
+ {
+ uint32_t flags;
+ void* pMappedData;
+ };
+ VmaVector< BlockInfo, VmaStlAllocator<BlockInfo> >
+ blockInfo(blockCount, VmaStlAllocator<BlockInfo>(m_hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks()));
+ memset(, 0, blockCount * sizeof(BlockInfo));
+ // Go over all moves. Mark blocks that are used with BLOCK_FLAG_USED.
+ const size_t moveCount = moves.size();
+ for(size_t moveIndex = 0; moveIndex < moveCount; ++moveIndex)
+ {
+ const VmaDefragmentationMove& move = moves[moveIndex];
+ blockInfo[move.srcBlockIndex].flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_USED;
+ blockInfo[move.dstBlockIndex].flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_USED;
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(pDefragCtx->res == VK_SUCCESS);
+ // Go over all blocks. Get mapped pointer or map if necessary.
+ for(size_t blockIndex = 0; pDefragCtx->res == VK_SUCCESS && blockIndex < blockCount; ++blockIndex)
+ {
+ BlockInfo& currBlockInfo = blockInfo[blockIndex];
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ if((currBlockInfo.flags & BLOCK_FLAG_USED) != 0)
+ {
+ currBlockInfo.pMappedData = pBlock->GetMappedData();
+ // It is not originally mapped - map it.
+ if(currBlockInfo.pMappedData == VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ pDefragCtx->res = pBlock->Map(m_hAllocator, 1, &currBlockInfo.pMappedData);
+ if(pDefragCtx->res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Go over all moves. Do actual data transfer.
+ if(pDefragCtx->res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize nonCoherentAtomSize = m_hAllocator->m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.nonCoherentAtomSize;
+ VkMappedMemoryRange memRange = {};
+ for(size_t moveIndex = 0; moveIndex < moveCount; ++moveIndex)
+ {
+ const VmaDefragmentationMove& move = moves[moveIndex];
+ const BlockInfo& srcBlockInfo = blockInfo[move.srcBlockIndex];
+ const BlockInfo& dstBlockInfo = blockInfo[move.dstBlockIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(srcBlockInfo.pMappedData && dstBlockInfo.pMappedData);
+ // Invalidate source.
+ if(isNonCoherent)
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pSrcBlock = m_Blocks[move.srcBlockIndex];
+ memRange.memory = pSrcBlock->GetDeviceMemory();
+ memRange.offset = VmaAlignDown(move.srcOffset, nonCoherentAtomSize);
+ memRange.size = VMA_MIN(
+ VmaAlignUp(move.size + (move.srcOffset - memRange.offset), nonCoherentAtomSize),
+ pSrcBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSize() - memRange.offset);
+ (*m_hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges)(m_hAllocator->m_hDevice, 1, &memRange);
+ }
+ memmove(
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(dstBlockInfo.pMappedData) + move.dstOffset,
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(srcBlockInfo.pMappedData) + move.srcOffset,
+ static_cast<size_t>(move.size));
+ if(IsCorruptionDetectionEnabled())
+ {
+ VmaWriteMagicValue(dstBlockInfo.pMappedData, move.dstOffset - VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN);
+ VmaWriteMagicValue(dstBlockInfo.pMappedData, move.dstOffset + move.size);
+ }
+ // Flush destination.
+ if(isNonCoherent)
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pDstBlock = m_Blocks[move.dstBlockIndex];
+ memRange.memory = pDstBlock->GetDeviceMemory();
+ memRange.offset = VmaAlignDown(move.dstOffset, nonCoherentAtomSize);
+ memRange.size = VMA_MIN(
+ VmaAlignUp(move.size + (move.dstOffset - memRange.offset), nonCoherentAtomSize),
+ pDstBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSize() - memRange.offset);
+ (*m_hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges)(m_hAllocator->m_hDevice, 1, &memRange);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Go over all blocks in reverse order. Unmap those that were mapped just for defragmentation.
+ // Regardless of pCtx->res == VK_SUCCESS.
+ for(size_t blockIndex = blockCount; blockIndex--; )
+ {
+ const BlockInfo& currBlockInfo = blockInfo[blockIndex];
+ if((currBlockInfo.flags & BLOCK_FLAG_MAPPED_FOR_DEFRAGMENTATION) != 0)
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ pBlock->Unmap(m_hAllocator, 1);
+ }
+ }
+void VmaBlockVector::ApplyDefragmentationMovesGpu(
+ class VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* pDefragCtx,
+ const VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >& moves,
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer)
+ const size_t blockCount = m_Blocks.size();
+ pDefragCtx->blockContexts.resize(blockCount);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < blockCount; ++i)
+ pDefragCtx->blockContexts[i] = VmaBlockDefragmentationContext();
+ // Go over all moves. Mark blocks that are used with BLOCK_FLAG_USED.
+ const size_t moveCount = moves.size();
+ for(size_t moveIndex = 0; moveIndex < moveCount; ++moveIndex)
+ {
+ const VmaDefragmentationMove& move = moves[moveIndex];
+ pDefragCtx->blockContexts[move.srcBlockIndex].flags |= VmaBlockDefragmentationContext::BLOCK_FLAG_USED;
+ pDefragCtx->blockContexts[move.dstBlockIndex].flags |= VmaBlockDefragmentationContext::BLOCK_FLAG_USED;
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(pDefragCtx->res == VK_SUCCESS);
+ // Go over all blocks. Create and bind buffer for whole block if necessary.
+ {
+ VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = {};
+ bufCreateInfo.usage = VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT |
+ for(size_t blockIndex = 0; pDefragCtx->res == VK_SUCCESS && blockIndex < blockCount; ++blockIndex)
+ {
+ VmaBlockDefragmentationContext& currBlockCtx = pDefragCtx->blockContexts[blockIndex];
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ if((currBlockCtx.flags & VmaBlockDefragmentationContext::BLOCK_FLAG_USED) != 0)
+ {
+ bufCreateInfo.size = pBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSize();
+ pDefragCtx->res = (*m_hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkCreateBuffer)(
+ m_hAllocator->m_hDevice, &bufCreateInfo, m_hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks(), &currBlockCtx.hBuffer);
+ if(pDefragCtx->res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ pDefragCtx->res = (*m_hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkBindBufferMemory)(
+ m_hAllocator->m_hDevice, currBlockCtx.hBuffer, pBlock->GetDeviceMemory(), 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Go over all moves. Post data transfer commands to command buffer.
+ if(pDefragCtx->res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ /*const VkDeviceSize nonCoherentAtomSize = m_hAllocator->m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.nonCoherentAtomSize;
+ VkMappedMemoryRange memRange = {};
+ for(size_t moveIndex = 0; moveIndex < moveCount; ++moveIndex)
+ {
+ const VmaDefragmentationMove& move = moves[moveIndex];
+ const VmaBlockDefragmentationContext& srcBlockCtx = pDefragCtx->blockContexts[move.srcBlockIndex];
+ const VmaBlockDefragmentationContext& dstBlockCtx = pDefragCtx->blockContexts[move.dstBlockIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(srcBlockCtx.hBuffer && dstBlockCtx.hBuffer);
+ VkBufferCopy region = {
+ move.srcOffset,
+ move.dstOffset,
+ move.size };
+ (*m_hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkCmdCopyBuffer)(
+ commandBuffer, srcBlockCtx.hBuffer, dstBlockCtx.hBuffer, 1, &region);
+ }
+ }
+ // Save buffers to defrag context for later destruction.
+ if(pDefragCtx->res == VK_SUCCESS && moveCount > 0)
+ {
+ pDefragCtx->res = VK_NOT_READY;
+ }
+void VmaBlockVector::FreeEmptyBlocks(VmaDefragmentationStats* pDefragmentationStats)
+ m_HasEmptyBlock = false;
+ for(size_t blockIndex = m_Blocks.size(); blockIndex--; )
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ if(pBlock->m_pMetadata->IsEmpty())
+ {
+ if(m_Blocks.size() > m_MinBlockCount)
+ {
+ if(pDefragmentationStats != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ ++pDefragmentationStats->deviceMemoryBlocksFreed;
+ pDefragmentationStats->bytesFreed += pBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSize();
+ }
+ VmaVectorRemove(m_Blocks, blockIndex);
+ pBlock->Destroy(m_hAllocator);
+ vma_delete(m_hAllocator, pBlock);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_HasEmptyBlock = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void VmaBlockVector::PrintDetailedMap(class VmaJsonWriter& json)
+ VmaMutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->m_UseMutex);
+ json.BeginObject();
+ if(m_IsCustomPool)
+ {
+ json.WriteString("MemoryTypeIndex");
+ json.WriteNumber(m_MemoryTypeIndex);
+ json.WriteString("BlockSize");
+ json.WriteNumber(m_PreferredBlockSize);
+ json.WriteString("BlockCount");
+ json.BeginObject(true);
+ if(m_MinBlockCount > 0)
+ {
+ json.WriteString("Min");
+ json.WriteNumber((uint64_t)m_MinBlockCount);
+ }
+ if(m_MaxBlockCount < SIZE_MAX)
+ {
+ json.WriteString("Max");
+ json.WriteNumber((uint64_t)m_MaxBlockCount);
+ }
+ json.WriteString("Cur");
+ json.WriteNumber((uint64_t)m_Blocks.size());
+ json.EndObject();
+ if(m_FrameInUseCount > 0)
+ {
+ json.WriteString("FrameInUseCount");
+ json.WriteNumber(m_FrameInUseCount);
+ }
+ if(m_Algorithm != 0)
+ {
+ json.WriteString("Algorithm");
+ json.WriteString(VmaAlgorithmToStr(m_Algorithm));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ json.WriteString("PreferredBlockSize");
+ json.WriteNumber(m_PreferredBlockSize);
+ }
+ json.WriteString("Blocks");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < m_Blocks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ json.BeginString();
+ json.ContinueString(m_Blocks[i]->GetId());
+ json.EndString();
+ m_Blocks[i]->m_pMetadata->PrintDetailedMap(json);
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ json.EndObject();
+void VmaBlockVector::Defragment(
+ class VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* pCtx,
+ VmaDefragmentationStats* pStats,
+ VkDeviceSize& maxCpuBytesToMove, uint32_t& maxCpuAllocationsToMove,
+ VkDeviceSize& maxGpuBytesToMove, uint32_t& maxGpuAllocationsToMove,
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer)
+ pCtx->res = VK_SUCCESS;
+ const VkMemoryPropertyFlags memPropFlags =
+ m_hAllocator->m_MemProps.memoryTypes[m_MemoryTypeIndex].propertyFlags;
+ const bool isHostVisible = (memPropFlags & VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT) != 0;
+ const bool isHostCoherent = (memPropFlags & VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT) != 0;
+ const bool canDefragmentOnCpu = maxCpuBytesToMove > 0 && maxCpuAllocationsToMove > 0 &&
+ isHostVisible;
+ const bool canDefragmentOnGpu = maxGpuBytesToMove > 0 && maxGpuAllocationsToMove > 0 &&
+ (VMA_DEBUG_DETECT_CORRUPTION == 0 || !(isHostVisible && isHostCoherent));
+ // There are options to defragment this memory type.
+ if(canDefragmentOnCpu || canDefragmentOnGpu)
+ {
+ bool defragmentOnGpu;
+ // There is only one option to defragment this memory type.
+ if(canDefragmentOnGpu != canDefragmentOnCpu)
+ {
+ defragmentOnGpu = canDefragmentOnGpu;
+ }
+ // Both options are available: Heuristics to choose the best one.
+ else
+ {
+ defragmentOnGpu = (memPropFlags & VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT) != 0 ||
+ m_hAllocator->IsIntegratedGpu();
+ }
+ bool overlappingMoveSupported = !defragmentOnGpu;
+ if(m_hAllocator->m_UseMutex)
+ {
+ m_Mutex.LockWrite();
+ pCtx->mutexLocked = true;
+ }
+ pCtx->Begin(overlappingMoveSupported);
+ // Defragment.
+ const VkDeviceSize maxBytesToMove = defragmentOnGpu ? maxGpuBytesToMove : maxCpuBytesToMove;
+ const uint32_t maxAllocationsToMove = defragmentOnGpu ? maxGpuAllocationsToMove : maxCpuAllocationsToMove;
+ VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> > moves =
+ VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >(VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove>(m_hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks()));
+ pCtx->res = pCtx->GetAlgorithm()->Defragment(moves, maxBytesToMove, maxAllocationsToMove);
+ // Accumulate statistics.
+ if(pStats != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize bytesMoved = pCtx->GetAlgorithm()->GetBytesMoved();
+ const uint32_t allocationsMoved = pCtx->GetAlgorithm()->GetAllocationsMoved();
+ pStats->bytesMoved += bytesMoved;
+ pStats->allocationsMoved += allocationsMoved;
+ VMA_ASSERT(bytesMoved <= maxBytesToMove);
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocationsMoved <= maxAllocationsToMove);
+ if(defragmentOnGpu)
+ {
+ maxGpuBytesToMove -= bytesMoved;
+ maxGpuAllocationsToMove -= allocationsMoved;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ maxCpuBytesToMove -= bytesMoved;
+ maxCpuAllocationsToMove -= allocationsMoved;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pCtx->res >= VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ if(defragmentOnGpu)
+ {
+ ApplyDefragmentationMovesGpu(pCtx, moves, commandBuffer);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ApplyDefragmentationMovesCpu(pCtx, moves);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void VmaBlockVector::DefragmentationEnd(
+ class VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* pCtx,
+ VmaDefragmentationStats* pStats)
+ // Destroy buffers.
+ for(size_t blockIndex = pCtx->blockContexts.size(); blockIndex--; )
+ {
+ VmaBlockDefragmentationContext& blockCtx = pCtx->blockContexts[blockIndex];
+ if(blockCtx.hBuffer)
+ {
+ (*m_hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkDestroyBuffer)(
+ m_hAllocator->m_hDevice, blockCtx.hBuffer, m_hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks());
+ }
+ }
+ if(pCtx->res >= VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ FreeEmptyBlocks(pStats);
+ }
+ if(pCtx->mutexLocked)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_hAllocator->m_UseMutex);
+ m_Mutex.UnlockWrite();
+ }
+size_t VmaBlockVector::CalcAllocationCount() const
+ size_t result = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < m_Blocks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ result += m_Blocks[i]->m_pMetadata->GetAllocationCount();
+ }
+ return result;
+bool VmaBlockVector::IsBufferImageGranularityConflictPossible() const
+ if(m_BufferImageGranularity == 1)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ VmaSuballocationType lastSuballocType = VMA_SUBALLOCATION_TYPE_FREE;
+ for(size_t i = 0, count = m_Blocks.size(); i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pBlock = m_Blocks[i];
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_Algorithm == 0);
+ VmaBlockMetadata_Generic* const pMetadata = (VmaBlockMetadata_Generic*)pBlock->m_pMetadata;
+ if(pMetadata->IsBufferImageGranularityConflictPossible(m_BufferImageGranularity, lastSuballocType))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void VmaBlockVector::MakePoolAllocationsLost(
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ size_t* pLostAllocationCount)
+ VmaMutexLockWrite lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->m_UseMutex);
+ size_t lostAllocationCount = 0;
+ for(uint32_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < m_Blocks.size(); ++blockIndex)
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pBlock);
+ lostAllocationCount += pBlock->m_pMetadata->MakeAllocationsLost(currentFrameIndex, m_FrameInUseCount);
+ }
+ if(pLostAllocationCount != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ *pLostAllocationCount = lostAllocationCount;
+ }
+VkResult VmaBlockVector::CheckCorruption()
+ if(!IsCorruptionDetectionEnabled())
+ {
+ }
+ VmaMutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->m_UseMutex);
+ for(uint32_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < m_Blocks.size(); ++blockIndex)
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pBlock);
+ VkResult res = pBlock->CheckCorruption(m_hAllocator);
+ if(res != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+void VmaBlockVector::AddStats(VmaStats* pStats)
+ const uint32_t memTypeIndex = m_MemoryTypeIndex;
+ const uint32_t memHeapIndex = m_hAllocator->MemoryTypeIndexToHeapIndex(memTypeIndex);
+ VmaMutexLockRead lock(m_Mutex, m_hAllocator->m_UseMutex);
+ for(uint32_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < m_Blocks.size(); ++blockIndex)
+ {
+ const VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pBlock);
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pBlock->Validate());
+ VmaStatInfo allocationStatInfo;
+ pBlock->m_pMetadata->CalcAllocationStatInfo(allocationStatInfo);
+ VmaAddStatInfo(pStats->total, allocationStatInfo);
+ VmaAddStatInfo(pStats->memoryType[memTypeIndex], allocationStatInfo);
+ VmaAddStatInfo(pStats->memoryHeap[memHeapIndex], allocationStatInfo);
+ }
+// VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic members definition
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ VmaBlockVector* pBlockVector,
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ bool /*overlappingMoveSupported*/) :
+ VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm(hAllocator, pBlockVector, currentFrameIndex),
+ m_AllocationCount(0),
+ m_AllAllocations(false),
+ m_BytesMoved(0),
+ m_AllocationsMoved(0),
+ m_Blocks(VmaStlAllocator<BlockInfo*>(hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks()))
+ // Create block info for each block.
+ const size_t blockCount = m_pBlockVector->m_Blocks.size();
+ for(size_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockCount; ++blockIndex)
+ {
+ BlockInfo* pBlockInfo = vma_new(m_hAllocator, BlockInfo)(m_hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks());
+ pBlockInfo->m_OriginalBlockIndex = blockIndex;
+ pBlockInfo->m_pBlock = m_pBlockVector->m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ m_Blocks.push_back(pBlockInfo);
+ }
+ // Sort them by m_pBlock pointer value.
+ VMA_SORT(m_Blocks.begin(), m_Blocks.end(), BlockPointerLess());
+ for(size_t i = m_Blocks.size(); i--; )
+ {
+ vma_delete(m_hAllocator, m_Blocks[i]);
+ }
+void VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic::AddAllocation(VmaAllocation hAlloc, VkBool32* pChanged)
+ // Now as we are inside VmaBlockVector::m_Mutex, we can make final check if this allocation was not lost.
+ if(hAlloc->GetLastUseFrameIndex() != VMA_FRAME_INDEX_LOST)
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock = hAlloc->GetBlock();
+ BlockInfoVector::iterator it = VmaBinaryFindFirstNotLess(m_Blocks.begin(), m_Blocks.end(), pBlock, BlockPointerLess());
+ if(it != m_Blocks.end() && (*it)->m_pBlock == pBlock)
+ {
+ AllocationInfo allocInfo = AllocationInfo(hAlloc, pChanged);
+ (*it)->m_Allocations.push_back(allocInfo);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ ++m_AllocationCount;
+ }
+VkResult VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic::DefragmentRound(
+ VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >& moves,
+ VkDeviceSize maxBytesToMove,
+ uint32_t maxAllocationsToMove)
+ if(m_Blocks.empty())
+ {
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ // This is a choice based on research.
+ // Option 1:
+ // Option 2:
+ // Option 3:
+ size_t srcBlockMinIndex = 0;
+ // When FAST_ALGORITHM, move allocations from only last out of blocks that contain non-movable allocations.
+ /*
+ {
+ const size_t blocksWithNonMovableCount = CalcBlocksWithNonMovableCount();
+ if(blocksWithNonMovableCount > 0)
+ {
+ srcBlockMinIndex = blocksWithNonMovableCount - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ size_t srcBlockIndex = m_Blocks.size() - 1;
+ size_t srcAllocIndex = SIZE_MAX;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ // 1. Find next allocation to move.
+ // 1.1. Start from last to first m_Blocks - they are sorted from most "destination" to most "source".
+ // 1.2. Then start from last to first m_Allocations.
+ while(srcAllocIndex >= m_Blocks[srcBlockIndex]->m_Allocations.size())
+ {
+ if(m_Blocks[srcBlockIndex]->m_Allocations.empty())
+ {
+ // Finished: no more allocations to process.
+ if(srcBlockIndex == srcBlockMinIndex)
+ {
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ --srcBlockIndex;
+ srcAllocIndex = SIZE_MAX;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ srcAllocIndex = m_Blocks[srcBlockIndex]->m_Allocations.size() - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ BlockInfo* pSrcBlockInfo = m_Blocks[srcBlockIndex];
+ AllocationInfo& allocInfo = pSrcBlockInfo->m_Allocations[srcAllocIndex];
+ const VkDeviceSize size = allocInfo.m_hAllocation->GetSize();
+ const VkDeviceSize srcOffset = allocInfo.m_hAllocation->GetOffset();
+ const VkDeviceSize alignment = allocInfo.m_hAllocation->GetAlignment();
+ const VmaSuballocationType suballocType = allocInfo.m_hAllocation->GetSuballocationType();
+ // 2. Try to find new place for this allocation in preceding or current block.
+ for(size_t dstBlockIndex = 0; dstBlockIndex <= srcBlockIndex; ++dstBlockIndex)
+ {
+ BlockInfo* pDstBlockInfo = m_Blocks[dstBlockIndex];
+ VmaAllocationRequest dstAllocRequest;
+ if(pDstBlockInfo->m_pBlock->m_pMetadata->CreateAllocationRequest(
+ m_CurrentFrameIndex,
+ m_pBlockVector->GetFrameInUseCount(),
+ m_pBlockVector->GetBufferImageGranularity(),
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ false, // upperAddress
+ suballocType,
+ false, // canMakeOtherLost
+ strategy,
+ &dstAllocRequest) &&
+ MoveMakesSense(
+ dstBlockIndex, dstAllocRequest.offset, srcBlockIndex, srcOffset))
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(dstAllocRequest.itemsToMakeLostCount == 0);
+ // Reached limit on number of allocations or bytes to move.
+ if((m_AllocationsMoved + 1 > maxAllocationsToMove) ||
+ (m_BytesMoved + size > maxBytesToMove))
+ {
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ VmaDefragmentationMove move;
+ move.srcBlockIndex = pSrcBlockInfo->m_OriginalBlockIndex;
+ move.dstBlockIndex = pDstBlockInfo->m_OriginalBlockIndex;
+ move.srcOffset = srcOffset;
+ move.dstOffset = dstAllocRequest.offset;
+ move.size = size;
+ moves.push_back(move);
+ pDstBlockInfo->m_pBlock->m_pMetadata->Alloc(
+ dstAllocRequest,
+ suballocType,
+ size,
+ false, // upperAddress
+ allocInfo.m_hAllocation);
+ pSrcBlockInfo->m_pBlock->m_pMetadata->FreeAtOffset(srcOffset);
+ allocInfo.m_hAllocation->ChangeBlockAllocation(m_hAllocator, pDstBlockInfo->m_pBlock, dstAllocRequest.offset);
+ if(allocInfo.m_pChanged != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ *allocInfo.m_pChanged = VK_TRUE;
+ }
+ ++m_AllocationsMoved;
+ m_BytesMoved += size;
+ VmaVectorRemove(pSrcBlockInfo->m_Allocations, srcAllocIndex);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If not processed, this allocInfo remains in pBlockInfo->m_Allocations for next round.
+ if(srcAllocIndex > 0)
+ {
+ --srcAllocIndex;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(srcBlockIndex > 0)
+ {
+ --srcBlockIndex;
+ srcAllocIndex = SIZE_MAX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+size_t VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic::CalcBlocksWithNonMovableCount() const
+ size_t result = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < m_Blocks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(m_Blocks[i]->m_HasNonMovableAllocations)
+ {
+ ++result;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+VkResult VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic::Defragment(
+ VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >& moves,
+ VkDeviceSize maxBytesToMove,
+ uint32_t maxAllocationsToMove)
+ if(!m_AllAllocations && m_AllocationCount == 0)
+ {
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ const size_t blockCount = m_Blocks.size();
+ for(size_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockCount; ++blockIndex)
+ {
+ BlockInfo* pBlockInfo = m_Blocks[blockIndex];
+ if(m_AllAllocations)
+ {
+ VmaBlockMetadata_Generic* pMetadata = (VmaBlockMetadata_Generic*)pBlockInfo->m_pBlock->m_pMetadata;
+ for(VmaSuballocationList::const_iterator it = pMetadata->m_Suballocations.begin();
+ it != pMetadata->m_Suballocations.end();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ {
+ AllocationInfo allocInfo = AllocationInfo(it->hAllocation, VMA_NULL);
+ pBlockInfo->m_Allocations.push_back(allocInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pBlockInfo->CalcHasNonMovableAllocations();
+ // This is a choice based on research.
+ // Option 1:
+ pBlockInfo->SortAllocationsByOffsetDescending();
+ // Option 2:
+ //pBlockInfo->SortAllocationsBySizeDescending();
+ }
+ // Sort m_Blocks this time by the main criterium, from most "destination" to most "source" blocks.
+ VMA_SORT(m_Blocks.begin(), m_Blocks.end(), BlockInfoCompareMoveDestination());
+ // This is a choice based on research.
+ const uint32_t roundCount = 2;
+ // Execute defragmentation rounds (the main part).
+ VkResult result = VK_SUCCESS;
+ for(uint32_t round = 0; (round < roundCount) && (result == VK_SUCCESS); ++round)
+ {
+ result = DefragmentRound(moves, maxBytesToMove, maxAllocationsToMove);
+ }
+ return result;
+bool VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic::MoveMakesSense(
+ size_t dstBlockIndex, VkDeviceSize dstOffset,
+ size_t srcBlockIndex, VkDeviceSize srcOffset)
+ if(dstBlockIndex < srcBlockIndex)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(dstBlockIndex > srcBlockIndex)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(dstOffset < srcOffset)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Fast
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ VmaBlockVector* pBlockVector,
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex,
+ bool overlappingMoveSupported) :
+ VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm(hAllocator, pBlockVector, currentFrameIndex),
+ m_OverlappingMoveSupported(overlappingMoveSupported),
+ m_AllocationCount(0),
+ m_AllAllocations(false),
+ m_BytesMoved(0),
+ m_AllocationsMoved(0),
+ m_BlockInfos(VmaStlAllocator<BlockInfo>(hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks()))
+VkResult VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Fast::Defragment(
+ VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >& moves,
+ VkDeviceSize maxBytesToMove,
+ uint32_t maxAllocationsToMove)
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_AllAllocations || m_pBlockVector->CalcAllocationCount() == m_AllocationCount);
+ const size_t blockCount = m_pBlockVector->GetBlockCount();
+ if(blockCount == 0 || maxBytesToMove == 0 || maxAllocationsToMove == 0)
+ {
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ PreprocessMetadata();
+ // Sort blocks in order from most destination.
+ m_BlockInfos.resize(blockCount);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < blockCount; ++i)
+ {
+ m_BlockInfos[i].origBlockIndex = i;
+ }
+ VMA_SORT(m_BlockInfos.begin(), m_BlockInfos.end(), [this](const BlockInfo& lhs, const BlockInfo& rhs) -> bool {
+ return m_pBlockVector->GetBlock(lhs.origBlockIndex)->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize() <
+ m_pBlockVector->GetBlock(rhs.origBlockIndex)->m_pMetadata->GetSumFreeSize();
+ });
+ FreeSpaceDatabase freeSpaceDb;
+ size_t dstBlockInfoIndex = 0;
+ size_t dstOrigBlockIndex = m_BlockInfos[dstBlockInfoIndex].origBlockIndex;
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pDstBlock = m_pBlockVector->GetBlock(dstOrigBlockIndex);
+ VmaBlockMetadata_Generic* pDstMetadata = (VmaBlockMetadata_Generic*)pDstBlock->m_pMetadata;
+ VkDeviceSize dstBlockSize = pDstMetadata->GetSize();
+ VkDeviceSize dstOffset = 0;
+ bool end = false;
+ for(size_t srcBlockInfoIndex = 0; !end && srcBlockInfoIndex < blockCount; ++srcBlockInfoIndex)
+ {
+ const size_t srcOrigBlockIndex = m_BlockInfos[srcBlockInfoIndex].origBlockIndex;
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pSrcBlock = m_pBlockVector->GetBlock(srcOrigBlockIndex);
+ VmaBlockMetadata_Generic* const pSrcMetadata = (VmaBlockMetadata_Generic*)pSrcBlock->m_pMetadata;
+ for(VmaSuballocationList::iterator srcSuballocIt = pSrcMetadata->m_Suballocations.begin();
+ !end && srcSuballocIt != pSrcMetadata->m_Suballocations.end(); )
+ {
+ VmaAllocation_T* const pAlloc = srcSuballocIt->hAllocation;
+ const VkDeviceSize srcAllocAlignment = pAlloc->GetAlignment();
+ const VkDeviceSize srcAllocSize = srcSuballocIt->size;
+ if(m_AllocationsMoved == maxAllocationsToMove ||
+ m_BytesMoved + srcAllocSize > maxBytesToMove)
+ {
+ end = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ const VkDeviceSize srcAllocOffset = srcSuballocIt->offset;
+ // Try to place it in one of free spaces from the database.
+ size_t freeSpaceInfoIndex;
+ VkDeviceSize dstAllocOffset;
+ if(freeSpaceDb.Fetch(srcAllocAlignment, srcAllocSize,
+ freeSpaceInfoIndex, dstAllocOffset))
+ {
+ size_t freeSpaceOrigBlockIndex = m_BlockInfos[freeSpaceInfoIndex].origBlockIndex;
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pFreeSpaceBlock = m_pBlockVector->GetBlock(freeSpaceOrigBlockIndex);
+ VmaBlockMetadata_Generic* pFreeSpaceMetadata = (VmaBlockMetadata_Generic*)pFreeSpaceBlock->m_pMetadata;
+ /*VkDeviceSize freeSpaceBlockSize = pFreeSpaceMetadata->GetSize();*/
+ // Same block
+ if(freeSpaceInfoIndex == srcBlockInfoIndex)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(dstAllocOffset <= srcAllocOffset);
+ // MOVE OPTION 1: Move the allocation inside the same block by decreasing offset.
+ VmaSuballocation suballoc = *srcSuballocIt;
+ suballoc.offset = dstAllocOffset;
+ suballoc.hAllocation->ChangeOffset(dstAllocOffset);
+ m_BytesMoved += srcAllocSize;
+ ++m_AllocationsMoved;
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator nextSuballocIt = srcSuballocIt;
+ ++nextSuballocIt;
+ pSrcMetadata->m_Suballocations.erase(srcSuballocIt);
+ srcSuballocIt = nextSuballocIt;
+ InsertSuballoc(pFreeSpaceMetadata, suballoc);
+ VmaDefragmentationMove move = {
+ srcOrigBlockIndex, freeSpaceOrigBlockIndex,
+ srcAllocOffset, dstAllocOffset,
+ srcAllocSize };
+ moves.push_back(move);
+ }
+ // Different block
+ else
+ {
+ // MOVE OPTION 2: Move the allocation to a different block.
+ VMA_ASSERT(freeSpaceInfoIndex < srcBlockInfoIndex);
+ VmaSuballocation suballoc = *srcSuballocIt;
+ suballoc.offset = dstAllocOffset;
+ suballoc.hAllocation->ChangeBlockAllocation(m_hAllocator, pFreeSpaceBlock, dstAllocOffset);
+ m_BytesMoved += srcAllocSize;
+ ++m_AllocationsMoved;
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator nextSuballocIt = srcSuballocIt;
+ ++nextSuballocIt;
+ pSrcMetadata->m_Suballocations.erase(srcSuballocIt);
+ srcSuballocIt = nextSuballocIt;
+ InsertSuballoc(pFreeSpaceMetadata, suballoc);
+ VmaDefragmentationMove move = {
+ srcOrigBlockIndex, freeSpaceOrigBlockIndex,
+ srcAllocOffset, dstAllocOffset,
+ srcAllocSize };
+ moves.push_back(move);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dstAllocOffset = VmaAlignUp(dstOffset, srcAllocAlignment);
+ // If the allocation doesn't fit before the end of dstBlock, forward to next block.
+ while(dstBlockInfoIndex < srcBlockInfoIndex &&
+ dstAllocOffset + srcAllocSize > dstBlockSize)
+ {
+ // But before that, register remaining free space at the end of dst block.
+ freeSpaceDb.Register(dstBlockInfoIndex, dstOffset, dstBlockSize - dstOffset);
+ ++dstBlockInfoIndex;
+ dstOrigBlockIndex = m_BlockInfos[dstBlockInfoIndex].origBlockIndex;
+ pDstBlock = m_pBlockVector->GetBlock(dstOrigBlockIndex);
+ pDstMetadata = (VmaBlockMetadata_Generic*)pDstBlock->m_pMetadata;
+ dstBlockSize = pDstMetadata->GetSize();
+ dstOffset = 0;
+ dstAllocOffset = 0;
+ }
+ // Same block
+ if(dstBlockInfoIndex == srcBlockInfoIndex)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(dstAllocOffset <= srcAllocOffset);
+ const bool overlap = dstAllocOffset + srcAllocSize > srcAllocOffset;
+ bool skipOver = overlap;
+ if(overlap && m_OverlappingMoveSupported && dstAllocOffset < srcAllocOffset)
+ {
+ // If destination and source place overlap, skip if it would move it
+ // by only < 1/64 of its size.
+ skipOver = (srcAllocOffset - dstAllocOffset) * 64 < srcAllocSize;
+ }
+ if(skipOver)
+ {
+ freeSpaceDb.Register(dstBlockInfoIndex, dstOffset, srcAllocOffset - dstOffset);
+ dstOffset = srcAllocOffset + srcAllocSize;
+ ++srcSuballocIt;
+ }
+ // MOVE OPTION 1: Move the allocation inside the same block by decreasing offset.
+ else
+ {
+ srcSuballocIt->offset = dstAllocOffset;
+ srcSuballocIt->hAllocation->ChangeOffset(dstAllocOffset);
+ dstOffset = dstAllocOffset + srcAllocSize;
+ m_BytesMoved += srcAllocSize;
+ ++m_AllocationsMoved;
+ ++srcSuballocIt;
+ VmaDefragmentationMove move = {
+ srcOrigBlockIndex, dstOrigBlockIndex,
+ srcAllocOffset, dstAllocOffset,
+ srcAllocSize };
+ moves.push_back(move);
+ }
+ }
+ // Different block
+ else
+ {
+ // MOVE OPTION 2: Move the allocation to a different block.
+ VMA_ASSERT(dstBlockInfoIndex < srcBlockInfoIndex);
+ VMA_ASSERT(dstAllocOffset + srcAllocSize <= dstBlockSize);
+ VmaSuballocation suballoc = *srcSuballocIt;
+ suballoc.offset = dstAllocOffset;
+ suballoc.hAllocation->ChangeBlockAllocation(m_hAllocator, pDstBlock, dstAllocOffset);
+ dstOffset = dstAllocOffset + srcAllocSize;
+ m_BytesMoved += srcAllocSize;
+ ++m_AllocationsMoved;
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator nextSuballocIt = srcSuballocIt;
+ ++nextSuballocIt;
+ pSrcMetadata->m_Suballocations.erase(srcSuballocIt);
+ srcSuballocIt = nextSuballocIt;
+ pDstMetadata->m_Suballocations.push_back(suballoc);
+ VmaDefragmentationMove move = {
+ srcOrigBlockIndex, dstOrigBlockIndex,
+ srcAllocOffset, dstAllocOffset,
+ srcAllocSize };
+ moves.push_back(move);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_BlockInfos.clear();
+ PostprocessMetadata();
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+void VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Fast::PreprocessMetadata()
+ const size_t blockCount = m_pBlockVector->GetBlockCount();
+ for(size_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockCount; ++blockIndex)
+ {
+ VmaBlockMetadata_Generic* const pMetadata =
+ (VmaBlockMetadata_Generic*)m_pBlockVector->GetBlock(blockIndex)->m_pMetadata;
+ pMetadata->m_FreeCount = 0;
+ pMetadata->m_SumFreeSize = pMetadata->GetSize();
+ pMetadata->m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.clear();
+ for(VmaSuballocationList::iterator it = pMetadata->m_Suballocations.begin();
+ it != pMetadata->m_Suballocations.end(); )
+ {
+ {
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator nextIt = it;
+ ++nextIt;
+ pMetadata->m_Suballocations.erase(it);
+ it = nextIt;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Fast::PostprocessMetadata()
+ const size_t blockCount = m_pBlockVector->GetBlockCount();
+ for(size_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockCount; ++blockIndex)
+ {
+ VmaBlockMetadata_Generic* const pMetadata =
+ (VmaBlockMetadata_Generic*)m_pBlockVector->GetBlock(blockIndex)->m_pMetadata;
+ const VkDeviceSize blockSize = pMetadata->GetSize();
+ // No allocations in this block - entire area is free.
+ if(pMetadata->m_Suballocations.empty())
+ {
+ pMetadata->m_FreeCount = 1;
+ //pMetadata->m_SumFreeSize is already set to blockSize.
+ VmaSuballocation suballoc = {
+ 0, // offset
+ blockSize, // size
+ VMA_NULL, // hAllocation
+ pMetadata->m_Suballocations.push_back(suballoc);
+ pMetadata->RegisterFreeSuballocation(pMetadata->m_Suballocations.begin());
+ }
+ // There are some allocations in this block.
+ else
+ {
+ VkDeviceSize offset = 0;
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator it;
+ for(it = pMetadata->m_Suballocations.begin();
+ it != pMetadata->m_Suballocations.end();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(it->offset >= offset);
+ // Need to insert preceding free space.
+ if(it->offset > offset)
+ {
+ ++pMetadata->m_FreeCount;
+ const VkDeviceSize freeSize = it->offset - offset;
+ VmaSuballocation suballoc = {
+ offset, // offset
+ freeSize, // size
+ VMA_NULL, // hAllocation
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator precedingFreeIt = pMetadata->m_Suballocations.insert(it, suballoc);
+ {
+ pMetadata->m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.push_back(precedingFreeIt);
+ }
+ }
+ pMetadata->m_SumFreeSize -= it->size;
+ offset = it->offset + it->size;
+ }
+ // Need to insert trailing free space.
+ if(offset < blockSize)
+ {
+ ++pMetadata->m_FreeCount;
+ const VkDeviceSize freeSize = blockSize - offset;
+ VmaSuballocation suballoc = {
+ offset, // offset
+ freeSize, // size
+ VMA_NULL, // hAllocation
+ VMA_ASSERT(it == pMetadata->m_Suballocations.end());
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator trailingFreeIt = pMetadata->m_Suballocations.insert(it, suballoc);
+ {
+ pMetadata->m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.push_back(trailingFreeIt);
+ }
+ }
+ pMetadata->m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.begin(),
+ pMetadata->m_FreeSuballocationsBySize.end(),
+ VmaSuballocationItemSizeLess());
+ }
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(pMetadata->Validate());
+ }
+void VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Fast::InsertSuballoc(VmaBlockMetadata_Generic* pMetadata, const VmaSuballocation& suballoc)
+ // TODO: Optimize somehow. Remember iterator instead of searching for it linearly.
+ VmaSuballocationList::iterator it = pMetadata->m_Suballocations.begin();
+ while(it != pMetadata->m_Suballocations.end())
+ {
+ if(it->offset < suballoc.offset)
+ {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ pMetadata->m_Suballocations.insert(it, suballoc);
+// VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ VmaPool hCustomPool,
+ VmaBlockVector* pBlockVector,
+ uint32_t currFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t /*algorithmFlags*/) :
+ res(VK_SUCCESS),
+ mutexLocked(false),
+ blockContexts(VmaStlAllocator<VmaBlockDefragmentationContext>(hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks())),
+ m_hAllocator(hAllocator),
+ m_hCustomPool(hCustomPool),
+ m_pBlockVector(pBlockVector),
+ m_CurrFrameIndex(currFrameIndex),
+ /*m_AlgorithmFlags(algorithmFlags),*/
+ m_pAlgorithm(VMA_NULL),
+ m_Allocations(VmaStlAllocator<AllocInfo>(hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks())),
+ m_AllAllocations(false)
+ vma_delete(m_hAllocator, m_pAlgorithm);
+void VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext::AddAllocation(VmaAllocation hAlloc, VkBool32* pChanged)
+ AllocInfo info = { hAlloc, pChanged };
+ m_Allocations.push_back(info);
+void VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext::Begin(bool overlappingMoveSupported)
+ const bool allAllocations = m_AllAllocations ||
+ m_Allocations.size() == m_pBlockVector->CalcAllocationCount();
+ /********************************
+ ********************************/
+ /*
+ Fast algorithm is supported only when certain criteria are met:
+ - All allocations in this block vector are moveable.
+ - There is no possibility of image/buffer granularity conflict.
+ */
+ if(VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN == 0 &&
+ allAllocations &&
+ !m_pBlockVector->IsBufferImageGranularityConflictPossible())
+ {
+ m_pAlgorithm = vma_new(m_hAllocator, VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Fast)(
+ m_hAllocator, m_pBlockVector, m_CurrFrameIndex, overlappingMoveSupported);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pAlgorithm = vma_new(m_hAllocator, VmaDefragmentationAlgorithm_Generic)(
+ m_hAllocator, m_pBlockVector, m_CurrFrameIndex, overlappingMoveSupported);
+ }
+ if(allAllocations)
+ {
+ m_pAlgorithm->AddAll();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(size_t i = 0, count = m_Allocations.size(); i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ m_pAlgorithm->AddAllocation(m_Allocations[i].hAlloc, m_Allocations[i].pChanged);
+ }
+ }
+// VmaDefragmentationContext
+ VmaAllocator hAllocator,
+ uint32_t currFrameIndex,
+ uint32_t flags,
+ VmaDefragmentationStats* pStats) :
+ m_hAllocator(hAllocator),
+ m_CurrFrameIndex(currFrameIndex),
+ m_Flags(flags),
+ m_pStats(pStats),
+ m_CustomPoolContexts(VmaStlAllocator<VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext*>(hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks()))
+ memset(m_DefaultPoolContexts, 0, sizeof(m_DefaultPoolContexts));
+ for(size_t i = m_CustomPoolContexts.size(); i--; )
+ {
+ VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* pBlockVectorCtx = m_CustomPoolContexts[i];
+ pBlockVectorCtx->GetBlockVector()->DefragmentationEnd(pBlockVectorCtx, m_pStats);
+ vma_delete(m_hAllocator, pBlockVectorCtx);
+ }
+ for(size_t i = m_hAllocator->m_MemProps.memoryTypeCount; i--; )
+ {
+ VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* pBlockVectorCtx = m_DefaultPoolContexts[i];
+ if(pBlockVectorCtx)
+ {
+ pBlockVectorCtx->GetBlockVector()->DefragmentationEnd(pBlockVectorCtx, m_pStats);
+ vma_delete(m_hAllocator, pBlockVectorCtx);
+ }
+ }
+void VmaDefragmentationContext_T::AddPools(uint32_t poolCount, VmaPool* pPools)
+ for(uint32_t poolIndex = 0; poolIndex < poolCount; ++poolIndex)
+ {
+ VmaPool pool = pPools[poolIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pool);
+ // Pools with algorithm other than default are not defragmented.
+ if(pool->m_BlockVector.GetAlgorithm() == 0)
+ {
+ VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* pBlockVectorDefragCtx = VMA_NULL;
+ for(size_t i = m_CustomPoolContexts.size(); i--; )
+ {
+ if(m_CustomPoolContexts[i]->GetCustomPool() == pool)
+ {
+ pBlockVectorDefragCtx = m_CustomPoolContexts[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!pBlockVectorDefragCtx)
+ {
+ pBlockVectorDefragCtx = vma_new(m_hAllocator, VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext)(
+ m_hAllocator,
+ pool,
+ &pool->m_BlockVector,
+ m_CurrFrameIndex,
+ m_Flags);
+ m_CustomPoolContexts.push_back(pBlockVectorDefragCtx);
+ }
+ pBlockVectorDefragCtx->AddAll();
+ }
+ }
+void VmaDefragmentationContext_T::AddAllocations(
+ uint32_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations,
+ VkBool32* pAllocationsChanged)
+ // Dispatch pAllocations among defragmentators. Create them when necessary.
+ for(uint32_t allocIndex = 0; allocIndex < allocationCount; ++allocIndex)
+ {
+ const VmaAllocation hAlloc = pAllocations[allocIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(hAlloc);
+ // DedicatedAlloc cannot be defragmented.
+ if((hAlloc->GetType() == VmaAllocation_T::ALLOCATION_TYPE_BLOCK) &&
+ // Lost allocation cannot be defragmented.
+ (hAlloc->GetLastUseFrameIndex() != VMA_FRAME_INDEX_LOST))
+ {
+ VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* pBlockVectorDefragCtx = VMA_NULL;
+ const VmaPool hAllocPool = hAlloc->GetPool();
+ // This allocation belongs to custom pool.
+ if(hAllocPool != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ // Pools with algorithm other than default are not defragmented.
+ if(hAllocPool->m_BlockVector.GetAlgorithm() == 0)
+ {
+ for(size_t i = m_CustomPoolContexts.size(); i--; )
+ {
+ if(m_CustomPoolContexts[i]->GetCustomPool() == hAllocPool)
+ {
+ pBlockVectorDefragCtx = m_CustomPoolContexts[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!pBlockVectorDefragCtx)
+ {
+ pBlockVectorDefragCtx = vma_new(m_hAllocator, VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext)(
+ m_hAllocator,
+ hAllocPool,
+ &hAllocPool->m_BlockVector,
+ m_CurrFrameIndex,
+ m_Flags);
+ m_CustomPoolContexts.push_back(pBlockVectorDefragCtx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // This allocation belongs to default pool.
+ else
+ {
+ const uint32_t memTypeIndex = hAlloc->GetMemoryTypeIndex();
+ pBlockVectorDefragCtx = m_DefaultPoolContexts[memTypeIndex];
+ if(!pBlockVectorDefragCtx)
+ {
+ pBlockVectorDefragCtx = vma_new(m_hAllocator, VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext)(
+ m_hAllocator,
+ VMA_NULL, // hCustomPool
+ m_hAllocator->m_pBlockVectors[memTypeIndex],
+ m_CurrFrameIndex,
+ m_Flags);
+ m_DefaultPoolContexts[memTypeIndex] = pBlockVectorDefragCtx;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pBlockVectorDefragCtx)
+ {
+ VkBool32* const pChanged = (pAllocationsChanged != VMA_NULL) ?
+ &pAllocationsChanged[allocIndex] : VMA_NULL;
+ pBlockVectorDefragCtx->AddAllocation(hAlloc, pChanged);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+VkResult VmaDefragmentationContext_T::Defragment(
+ VkDeviceSize maxCpuBytesToMove, uint32_t maxCpuAllocationsToMove,
+ VkDeviceSize maxGpuBytesToMove, uint32_t maxGpuAllocationsToMove,
+ VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VmaDefragmentationStats* pStats)
+ if(pStats)
+ {
+ memset(pStats, 0, sizeof(VmaDefragmentationStats));
+ }
+ if(commandBuffer == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ maxGpuBytesToMove = 0;
+ maxGpuAllocationsToMove = 0;
+ }
+ VkResult res = VK_SUCCESS;
+ // Process default pools.
+ for(uint32_t memTypeIndex = 0;
+ memTypeIndex < m_hAllocator->GetMemoryTypeCount() && res >= VK_SUCCESS;
+ ++memTypeIndex)
+ {
+ VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* pBlockVectorCtx = m_DefaultPoolContexts[memTypeIndex];
+ if(pBlockVectorCtx)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(pBlockVectorCtx->GetBlockVector());
+ pBlockVectorCtx->GetBlockVector()->Defragment(
+ pBlockVectorCtx,
+ pStats,
+ maxCpuBytesToMove, maxCpuAllocationsToMove,
+ maxGpuBytesToMove, maxGpuAllocationsToMove,
+ commandBuffer);
+ if(pBlockVectorCtx->res != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ res = pBlockVectorCtx->res;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Process custom pools.
+ for(size_t customCtxIndex = 0, customCtxCount = m_CustomPoolContexts.size();
+ customCtxIndex < customCtxCount && res >= VK_SUCCESS;
+ ++customCtxIndex)
+ {
+ VmaBlockVectorDefragmentationContext* pBlockVectorCtx = m_CustomPoolContexts[customCtxIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pBlockVectorCtx && pBlockVectorCtx->GetBlockVector());
+ pBlockVectorCtx->GetBlockVector()->Defragment(
+ pBlockVectorCtx,
+ pStats,
+ maxCpuBytesToMove, maxCpuAllocationsToMove,
+ maxGpuBytesToMove, maxGpuAllocationsToMove,
+ commandBuffer);
+ if(pBlockVectorCtx->res != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ res = pBlockVectorCtx->res;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+// VmaRecorder
+VmaRecorder::VmaRecorder() :
+ m_UseMutex(true),
+ m_Flags(0),
+ m_File(VMA_NULL),
+ m_Freq(INT64_MAX),
+ m_StartCounter(INT64_MAX)
+VkResult VmaRecorder::Init(const VmaRecordSettings& settings, bool useMutex)
+ m_UseMutex = useMutex;
+ m_Flags = settings.flags;
+ QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER*)&m_Freq);
+ QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*)&m_StartCounter);
+ // Open file for writing.
+ errno_t err = fopen_s(&m_File, settings.pFilePath, "wb");
+ if(err != 0)
+ {
+ }
+ // Write header.
+ fprintf(m_File, "%s\n", "Vulkan Memory Allocator,Calls recording");
+ fprintf(m_File, "%s\n", "1,5");
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ if(m_File != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ fclose(m_File);
+ }
+void VmaRecorder::RecordCreateAllocator(uint32_t frameIndex)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaCreateAllocator\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordDestroyAllocator(uint32_t frameIndex)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaDestroyAllocator\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordCreatePool(uint32_t frameIndex, const VmaPoolCreateInfo& createInfo, VmaPool pool)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaCreatePool,%u,%u,%llu,%llu,%llu,%u,%p\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ createInfo.memoryTypeIndex,
+ createInfo.flags,
+ createInfo.blockSize,
+ (uint64_t)createInfo.minBlockCount,
+ (uint64_t)createInfo.maxBlockCount,
+ createInfo.frameInUseCount,
+ pool);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordDestroyPool(uint32_t frameIndex, VmaPool pool)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaDestroyPool,%p\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ pool);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordAllocateMemory(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VkMemoryRequirements& vkMemReq,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ UserDataString userDataStr(createInfo.flags, createInfo.pUserData);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaAllocateMemory,%llu,%llu,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%p,%p,%s\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ vkMemReq.size,
+ vkMemReq.alignment,
+ vkMemReq.memoryTypeBits,
+ createInfo.flags,
+ createInfo.usage,
+ createInfo.requiredFlags,
+ createInfo.preferredFlags,
+ createInfo.memoryTypeBits,
+ createInfo.pool,
+ allocation,
+ userDataStr.GetString());
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordAllocateMemoryPages(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VkMemoryRequirements& vkMemReq,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ uint64_t allocationCount,
+ const VmaAllocation* pAllocations)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ UserDataString userDataStr(createInfo.flags, createInfo.pUserData);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaAllocateMemoryPages,%llu,%llu,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%p,", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ vkMemReq.size,
+ vkMemReq.alignment,
+ vkMemReq.memoryTypeBits,
+ createInfo.flags,
+ createInfo.usage,
+ createInfo.requiredFlags,
+ createInfo.preferredFlags,
+ createInfo.memoryTypeBits,
+ createInfo.pool);
+ PrintPointerList(allocationCount, pAllocations);
+ fprintf(m_File, ",%s\n", userDataStr.GetString());
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordAllocateMemoryForBuffer(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VkMemoryRequirements& vkMemReq,
+ bool requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ bool prefersDedicatedAllocation,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ UserDataString userDataStr(createInfo.flags, createInfo.pUserData);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer,%llu,%llu,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%p,%p,%s\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ vkMemReq.size,
+ vkMemReq.alignment,
+ vkMemReq.memoryTypeBits,
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation ? 1 : 0,
+ prefersDedicatedAllocation ? 1 : 0,
+ createInfo.flags,
+ createInfo.usage,
+ createInfo.requiredFlags,
+ createInfo.preferredFlags,
+ createInfo.memoryTypeBits,
+ createInfo.pool,
+ allocation,
+ userDataStr.GetString());
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordAllocateMemoryForImage(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VkMemoryRequirements& vkMemReq,
+ bool requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ bool prefersDedicatedAllocation,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ UserDataString userDataStr(createInfo.flags, createInfo.pUserData);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaAllocateMemoryForImage,%llu,%llu,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%p,%p,%s\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ vkMemReq.size,
+ vkMemReq.alignment,
+ vkMemReq.memoryTypeBits,
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation ? 1 : 0,
+ prefersDedicatedAllocation ? 1 : 0,
+ createInfo.flags,
+ createInfo.usage,
+ createInfo.requiredFlags,
+ createInfo.preferredFlags,
+ createInfo.memoryTypeBits,
+ createInfo.pool,
+ allocation,
+ userDataStr.GetString());
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordFreeMemory(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaFreeMemory,%p\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ allocation);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordFreeMemoryPages(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ uint64_t allocationCount,
+ const VmaAllocation* pAllocations)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaFreeMemoryPages,", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex);
+ PrintPointerList(allocationCount, pAllocations);
+ fprintf(m_File, "\n");
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordResizeAllocation(
+ uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ VkDeviceSize newSize)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaResizeAllocation,%p,%llu\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ allocation, newSize);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordSetAllocationUserData(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ const void* pUserData)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ UserDataString userDataStr(
+ pUserData);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaSetAllocationUserData,%p,%s\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ allocation,
+ userDataStr.GetString());
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordCreateLostAllocation(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaCreateLostAllocation,%p\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ allocation);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordMapMemory(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaMapMemory,%p\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ allocation);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordUnmapMemory(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaUnmapMemory,%p\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ allocation);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordFlushAllocation(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaFlushAllocation,%p,%llu,%llu\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ allocation,
+ offset,
+ size);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordInvalidateAllocation(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaInvalidateAllocation,%p,%llu,%llu\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ allocation,
+ offset,
+ size);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordCreateBuffer(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VkBufferCreateInfo& bufCreateInfo,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& allocCreateInfo,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ UserDataString userDataStr(allocCreateInfo.flags, allocCreateInfo.pUserData);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaCreateBuffer,%u,%llu,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%p,%p,%s\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ bufCreateInfo.flags,
+ bufCreateInfo.size,
+ bufCreateInfo.usage,
+ bufCreateInfo.sharingMode,
+ allocCreateInfo.flags,
+ allocCreateInfo.usage,
+ allocCreateInfo.requiredFlags,
+ allocCreateInfo.preferredFlags,
+ allocCreateInfo.memoryTypeBits,
+ allocCreateInfo.pool,
+ allocation,
+ userDataStr.GetString());
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordCreateImage(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VkImageCreateInfo& imageCreateInfo,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& allocCreateInfo,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ UserDataString userDataStr(allocCreateInfo.flags, allocCreateInfo.pUserData);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaCreateImage,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%p,%p,%s\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ imageCreateInfo.flags,
+ imageCreateInfo.imageType,
+ imageCreateInfo.format,
+ imageCreateInfo.extent.width,
+ imageCreateInfo.extent.height,
+ imageCreateInfo.extent.depth,
+ imageCreateInfo.mipLevels,
+ imageCreateInfo.arrayLayers,
+ imageCreateInfo.samples,
+ imageCreateInfo.tiling,
+ imageCreateInfo.usage,
+ imageCreateInfo.sharingMode,
+ imageCreateInfo.initialLayout,
+ allocCreateInfo.flags,
+ allocCreateInfo.usage,
+ allocCreateInfo.requiredFlags,
+ allocCreateInfo.preferredFlags,
+ allocCreateInfo.memoryTypeBits,
+ allocCreateInfo.pool,
+ allocation,
+ userDataStr.GetString());
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordDestroyBuffer(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaDestroyBuffer,%p\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ allocation);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordDestroyImage(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaDestroyImage,%p\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ allocation);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordTouchAllocation(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaTouchAllocation,%p\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ allocation);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordGetAllocationInfo(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaGetAllocationInfo,%p\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ allocation);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordMakePoolAllocationsLost(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaPool pool)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaMakePoolAllocationsLost,%p\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ pool);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordDefragmentationBegin(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ const VmaDefragmentationInfo2& info,
+ VmaDefragmentationContext ctx)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaDefragmentationBegin,%u,", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ info.flags);
+ PrintPointerList(info.allocationCount, info.pAllocations);
+ fprintf(m_File, ",");
+ PrintPointerList(info.poolCount, info.pPools);
+ fprintf(m_File, ",%llu,%u,%llu,%u,%p,%p\n",
+ info.maxCpuBytesToMove,
+ info.maxCpuAllocationsToMove,
+ info.maxGpuBytesToMove,
+ info.maxGpuAllocationsToMove,
+ info.commandBuffer,
+ ctx);
+ Flush();
+void VmaRecorder::RecordDefragmentationEnd(uint32_t frameIndex,
+ VmaDefragmentationContext ctx)
+ CallParams callParams;
+ GetBasicParams(callParams);
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_FileMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "%u,%.3f,%u,vmaDefragmentationEnd,%p\n", callParams.threadId, callParams.time, frameIndex,
+ ctx);
+ Flush();
+VmaRecorder::UserDataString::UserDataString(VmaAllocationCreateFlags allocFlags, const void* pUserData)
+ if(pUserData != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ {
+ m_Str = (const char*)pUserData;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf_s(m_PtrStr, "%p", pUserData);
+ m_Str = m_PtrStr;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_Str = "";
+ }
+void VmaRecorder::WriteConfiguration(
+ const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties& devProps,
+ const VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties& memProps,
+ bool dedicatedAllocationExtensionEnabled)
+ fprintf(m_File, "Config,Begin\n");
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDevice,apiVersion,%u\n", devProps.apiVersion);
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDevice,driverVersion,%u\n", devProps.driverVersion);
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDevice,vendorID,%u\n", devProps.vendorID);
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDevice,deviceID,%u\n", devProps.deviceID);
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDevice,deviceType,%u\n", devProps.deviceType);
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDevice,deviceName,%s\n", devProps.deviceName);
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDeviceLimits,maxMemoryAllocationCount,%u\n", devProps.limits.maxMemoryAllocationCount);
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDeviceLimits,bufferImageGranularity,%llu\n", devProps.limits.bufferImageGranularity);
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDeviceLimits,nonCoherentAtomSize,%llu\n", devProps.limits.nonCoherentAtomSize);
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDeviceMemory,HeapCount,%u\n", memProps.memoryHeapCount);
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < memProps.memoryHeapCount; ++i)
+ {
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDeviceMemory,Heap,%u,size,%llu\n", i, memProps.memoryHeaps[i].size);
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDeviceMemory,Heap,%u,flags,%u\n", i, memProps.memoryHeaps[i].flags);
+ }
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDeviceMemory,TypeCount,%u\n", memProps.memoryTypeCount);
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < memProps.memoryTypeCount; ++i)
+ {
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDeviceMemory,Type,%u,heapIndex,%u\n", i, memProps.memoryTypes[i].heapIndex);
+ fprintf(m_File, "PhysicalDeviceMemory,Type,%u,propertyFlags,%u\n", i, memProps.memoryTypes[i].propertyFlags);
+ }
+ fprintf(m_File, "Extension,VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation,%u\n", dedicatedAllocationExtensionEnabled ? 1 : 0);
+ fprintf(m_File, "Macro,VMA_DEBUG_ALIGNMENT,%llu\n", (VkDeviceSize)VMA_DEBUG_ALIGNMENT);
+ fprintf(m_File, "Macro,VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN,%llu\n", (VkDeviceSize)VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN);
+ fprintf(m_File, "Macro,VMA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX,%u\n", VMA_DEBUG_GLOBAL_MUTEX ? 1 : 0);
+ fprintf(m_File, "Macro,VMA_SMALL_HEAP_MAX_SIZE,%llu\n", (VkDeviceSize)VMA_SMALL_HEAP_MAX_SIZE);
+ fprintf(m_File, "Config,End\n");
+void VmaRecorder::GetBasicParams(CallParams& outParams)
+ outParams.threadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
+ LARGE_INTEGER counter;
+ QueryPerformanceCounter(&counter);
+ outParams.time = (double)(counter.QuadPart - m_StartCounter) / (double)m_Freq;
+void VmaRecorder::PrintPointerList(uint64_t count, const VmaAllocation* pItems)
+ if(count)
+ {
+ fprintf(m_File, "%p", pItems[0]);
+ for(uint64_t i = 1; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ fprintf(m_File, " %p", pItems[i]);
+ }
+ }
+void VmaRecorder::Flush()
+ if((m_Flags & VMA_RECORD_FLUSH_AFTER_CALL_BIT) != 0)
+ {
+ fflush(m_File);
+ }
+// VmaAllocator_T
+VmaAllocator_T::VmaAllocator_T(const VmaAllocatorCreateInfo* pCreateInfo) :
+ m_UseKhrDedicatedAllocation((pCreateInfo->flags & VMA_ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_BIT) != 0),
+ m_hDevice(pCreateInfo->device),
+ m_AllocationCallbacksSpecified(pCreateInfo->pAllocationCallbacks != VMA_NULL),
+ m_AllocationCallbacks(pCreateInfo->pAllocationCallbacks ?
+ *pCreateInfo->pAllocationCallbacks : VmaEmptyAllocationCallbacks),
+ m_PreferredLargeHeapBlockSize(0),
+ m_PhysicalDevice(pCreateInfo->physicalDevice),
+ m_CurrentFrameIndex(0),
+ m_Pools(VmaStlAllocator<VmaPool>(GetAllocationCallbacks())),
+ m_NextPoolId(0)
+ ,m_pRecorder(VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ // Needs to be multiply of uint32_t size because we are going to write VMA_CORRUPTION_DETECTION_MAGIC_VALUE to it.
+ VMA_ASSERT(VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN % sizeof(uint32_t) == 0);
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(pCreateInfo->physicalDevice && pCreateInfo->device);
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "VMA_ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_BIT set but required extensions are disabled by preprocessor macros.");
+ }
+ memset(&m_DeviceMemoryCallbacks, 0 ,sizeof(m_DeviceMemoryCallbacks));
+ memset(&m_PhysicalDeviceProperties, 0, sizeof(m_PhysicalDeviceProperties));
+ memset(&m_MemProps, 0, sizeof(m_MemProps));
+ memset(&m_pBlockVectors, 0, sizeof(m_pBlockVectors));
+ memset(&m_pDedicatedAllocations, 0, sizeof(m_pDedicatedAllocations));
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < VK_MAX_MEMORY_HEAPS; ++i)
+ {
+ m_HeapSizeLimit[i] = VK_WHOLE_SIZE;
+ }
+ if(pCreateInfo->pDeviceMemoryCallbacks != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ m_DeviceMemoryCallbacks.pfnAllocate = pCreateInfo->pDeviceMemoryCallbacks->pfnAllocate;
+ m_DeviceMemoryCallbacks.pfnFree = pCreateInfo->pDeviceMemoryCallbacks->pfnFree;
+ }
+ ImportVulkanFunctions(pCreateInfo->pVulkanFunctions);
+ (*m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties)(m_PhysicalDevice, &m_PhysicalDeviceProperties);
+ (*m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties)(m_PhysicalDevice, &m_MemProps);
+ VMA_ASSERT(VmaIsPow2(m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.bufferImageGranularity));
+ VMA_ASSERT(VmaIsPow2(m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.nonCoherentAtomSize));
+ m_PreferredLargeHeapBlockSize = (pCreateInfo->preferredLargeHeapBlockSize != 0) ?
+ pCreateInfo->preferredLargeHeapBlockSize : static_cast<VkDeviceSize>(VMA_DEFAULT_LARGE_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE);
+ if(pCreateInfo->pHeapSizeLimit != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ for(uint32_t heapIndex = 0; heapIndex < GetMemoryHeapCount(); ++heapIndex)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize limit = pCreateInfo->pHeapSizeLimit[heapIndex];
+ if(limit != VK_WHOLE_SIZE)
+ {
+ m_HeapSizeLimit[heapIndex] = limit;
+ if(limit < m_MemProps.memoryHeaps[heapIndex].size)
+ {
+ m_MemProps.memoryHeaps[heapIndex].size = limit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(uint32_t memTypeIndex = 0; memTypeIndex < GetMemoryTypeCount(); ++memTypeIndex)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize preferredBlockSize = CalcPreferredBlockSize(memTypeIndex);
+ m_pBlockVectors[memTypeIndex] = vma_new(this, VmaBlockVector)(
+ this,
+ memTypeIndex,
+ preferredBlockSize,
+ 0,
+ GetBufferImageGranularity(),
+ pCreateInfo->frameInUseCount,
+ false, // isCustomPool
+ false, // explicitBlockSize
+ false); // linearAlgorithm
+ // No need to call m_pBlockVectors[memTypeIndex][blockVectorTypeIndex]->CreateMinBlocks here,
+ // becase minBlockCount is 0.
+ m_pDedicatedAllocations[memTypeIndex] = vma_new(this, AllocationVectorType)(VmaStlAllocator<VmaAllocation>(GetAllocationCallbacks()));
+ }
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::Init(const VmaAllocatorCreateInfo* pCreateInfo)
+ VkResult res = VK_SUCCESS;
+ if(pCreateInfo->pRecordSettings != VMA_NULL &&
+ !VmaStrIsEmpty(pCreateInfo->pRecordSettings->pFilePath))
+ {
+ m_pRecorder = vma_new(this, VmaRecorder)();
+ res = m_pRecorder->Init(*pCreateInfo->pRecordSettings, m_UseMutex);
+ if(res != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return res;
+ }
+ m_pRecorder->WriteConfiguration(
+ m_PhysicalDeviceProperties,
+ m_MemProps,
+ m_UseKhrDedicatedAllocation);
+ m_pRecorder->RecordCreateAllocator(GetCurrentFrameIndex());
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pRecordSettings used, but not supported due to VMA_RECORDING_ENABLED not defined to 1.");
+ }
+ return res;
+ if(m_pRecorder != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ m_pRecorder->RecordDestroyAllocator(GetCurrentFrameIndex());
+ vma_delete(this, m_pRecorder);
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_Pools.empty());
+ for(size_t i = GetMemoryTypeCount(); i--; )
+ {
+ vma_delete(this, m_pDedicatedAllocations[i]);
+ vma_delete(this, m_pBlockVectors[i]);
+ }
+void VmaAllocator_T::ImportVulkanFunctions(const VmaVulkanFunctions* pVulkanFunctions)
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties = &vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties = &vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkAllocateMemory = &vkAllocateMemory;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkFreeMemory = &vkFreeMemory;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkMapMemory = &vkMapMemory;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkUnmapMemory = &vkUnmapMemory;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges = &vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges = &vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkBindBufferMemory = &vkBindBufferMemory;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkBindImageMemory = &vkBindImageMemory;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements = &vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetImageMemoryRequirements = &vkGetImageMemoryRequirements;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkCreateBuffer = &vkCreateBuffer;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkDestroyBuffer = &vkDestroyBuffer;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkCreateImage = &vkCreateImage;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkDestroyImage = &vkDestroyImage;
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkCmdCopyBuffer = &vkCmdCopyBuffer;
+ if(m_UseKhrDedicatedAllocation)
+ {
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR =
+ (PFN_vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR)vkGetDeviceProcAddr(m_hDevice, "vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR");
+ m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR =
+ (PFN_vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR)vkGetDeviceProcAddr(m_hDevice, "vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR");
+ }
+#define VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(funcName) \
+ if(pVulkanFunctions->funcName != VMA_NULL) m_VulkanFunctions.funcName = pVulkanFunctions->funcName;
+ if(pVulkanFunctions != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkAllocateMemory);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkFreeMemory);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkMapMemory);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkUnmapMemory);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkBindBufferMemory);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkBindImageMemory);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkGetImageMemoryRequirements);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkCreateBuffer);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkDestroyBuffer);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkCreateImage);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkDestroyImage);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkCmdCopyBuffer);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR);
+ VMA_COPY_IF_NOT_NULL(vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR);
+ }
+ // If these asserts are hit, you must either #define VMA_STATIC_VULKAN_FUNCTIONS 1
+ // or pass valid pointers as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pVulkanFunctions.
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkAllocateMemory != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkFreeMemory != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkMapMemory != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkUnmapMemory != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkBindBufferMemory != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkBindImageMemory != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetImageMemoryRequirements != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkCreateBuffer != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkDestroyBuffer != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkCreateImage != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkDestroyImage != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkCmdCopyBuffer != VMA_NULL);
+ if(m_UseKhrDedicatedAllocation)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR != VMA_NULL);
+ }
+VkDeviceSize VmaAllocator_T::CalcPreferredBlockSize(uint32_t memTypeIndex)
+ const uint32_t heapIndex = MemoryTypeIndexToHeapIndex(memTypeIndex);
+ const VkDeviceSize heapSize = m_MemProps.memoryHeaps[heapIndex].size;
+ const bool isSmallHeap = heapSize <= VMA_SMALL_HEAP_MAX_SIZE;
+ return isSmallHeap ? (heapSize / 8) : m_PreferredLargeHeapBlockSize;
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::AllocateMemoryOfType(
+ VkDeviceSize size,
+ VkDeviceSize alignment,
+ bool dedicatedAllocation,
+ VkBuffer dedicatedBuffer,
+ VkImage dedicatedImage,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ uint32_t memTypeIndex,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations)
+ VMA_ASSERT(pAllocations != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" AllocateMemory: MemoryTypeIndex=%u, AllocationCount=%zu, Size=%llu", memTypeIndex, allocationCount, vkMemReq.size);
+ VmaAllocationCreateInfo finalCreateInfo = createInfo;
+ // If memory type is not HOST_VISIBLE, disable MAPPED.
+ if((finalCreateInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT) != 0 &&
+ (m_MemProps.memoryTypes[memTypeIndex].propertyFlags & VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT) == 0)
+ {
+ finalCreateInfo.flags &= ~VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT;
+ }
+ VmaBlockVector* const blockVector = m_pBlockVectors[memTypeIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(blockVector);
+ const VkDeviceSize preferredBlockSize = blockVector->GetPreferredBlockSize();
+ bool preferDedicatedMemory =
+ dedicatedAllocation ||
+ // Heuristics: Allocate dedicated memory if requested size if greater than half of preferred block size.
+ size > preferredBlockSize / 2;
+ if(preferDedicatedMemory &&
+ (finalCreateInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT) == 0 &&
+ finalCreateInfo.pool == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ }
+ if((finalCreateInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT) != 0)
+ {
+ if((finalCreateInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT) != 0)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return AllocateDedicatedMemory(
+ size,
+ suballocType,
+ memTypeIndex,
+ (finalCreateInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT) != 0,
+ finalCreateInfo.pUserData,
+ dedicatedBuffer,
+ dedicatedImage,
+ allocationCount,
+ pAllocations);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VkResult res = blockVector->Allocate(
+ VK_NULL_HANDLE, // hCurrentPool
+ m_CurrentFrameIndex.load(),
+ size,
+ alignment,
+ finalCreateInfo,
+ suballocType,
+ allocationCount,
+ pAllocations);
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return res;
+ }
+ // 5. Try dedicated memory.
+ if((finalCreateInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT) != 0)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = AllocateDedicatedMemory(
+ size,
+ suballocType,
+ memTypeIndex,
+ (finalCreateInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT) != 0,
+ finalCreateInfo.pUserData,
+ dedicatedBuffer,
+ dedicatedImage,
+ allocationCount,
+ pAllocations);
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ // Succeeded: AllocateDedicatedMemory function already filld pMemory, nothing more to do here.
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" Allocated as DedicatedMemory");
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Everything failed: Return error code.
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" vkAllocateMemory FAILED");
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::AllocateDedicatedMemory(
+ VkDeviceSize size,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType,
+ uint32_t memTypeIndex,
+ bool map,
+ bool isUserDataString,
+ void* pUserData,
+ VkBuffer /*dedicatedBuffer*/,
+ VkImage /*dedicatedImage*/,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocationCount > 0 && pAllocations);
+ VkMemoryAllocateInfo allocInfo = {};
+ allocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = memTypeIndex;
+ allocInfo.allocationSize = size;
+ VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR dedicatedAllocInfo = {};
+ if(m_UseKhrDedicatedAllocation)
+ {
+ if(dedicatedBuffer != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(dedicatedImage == VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ dedicatedAllocInfo.buffer = dedicatedBuffer;
+ allocInfo.pNext = &dedicatedAllocInfo;
+ }
+ else if(dedicatedImage != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ dedicatedAllocInfo.image = dedicatedImage;
+ allocInfo.pNext = &dedicatedAllocInfo;
+ }
+ }
+ size_t allocIndex;
+ VkResult res = VK_SUCCESS;
+ for(allocIndex = 0; allocIndex < allocationCount; ++allocIndex)
+ {
+ res = AllocateDedicatedMemoryPage(
+ size,
+ suballocType,
+ memTypeIndex,
+ allocInfo,
+ map,
+ isUserDataString,
+ pUserData,
+ pAllocations + allocIndex);
+ if(res != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ // Register them in m_pDedicatedAllocations.
+ {
+ VmaMutexLockWrite lock(m_DedicatedAllocationsMutex[memTypeIndex], m_UseMutex);
+ AllocationVectorType* pDedicatedAllocations = m_pDedicatedAllocations[memTypeIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pDedicatedAllocations);
+ for(allocIndex = 0; allocIndex < allocationCount; ++allocIndex)
+ {
+ VmaVectorInsertSorted<VmaPointerLess>(*pDedicatedAllocations, pAllocations[allocIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" Allocated DedicatedMemory Count=%zu, MemoryTypeIndex=#%u", allocationCount, memTypeIndex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Free all already created allocations.
+ while(allocIndex--)
+ {
+ VmaAllocation currAlloc = pAllocations[allocIndex];
+ VkDeviceMemory hMemory = currAlloc->GetMemory();
+ /*
+ There is no need to call this, because Vulkan spec allows to skip vkUnmapMemory
+ before vkFreeMemory.
+ if(currAlloc->GetMappedData() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ (*m_VulkanFunctions.vkUnmapMemory)(m_hDevice, hMemory);
+ }
+ */
+ FreeVulkanMemory(memTypeIndex, currAlloc->GetSize(), hMemory);
+ currAlloc->SetUserData(this, VMA_NULL);
+ vma_delete(this, currAlloc);
+ }
+ memset(pAllocations, 0, sizeof(VmaAllocation) * allocationCount);
+ }
+ return res;
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::AllocateDedicatedMemoryPage(
+ VkDeviceSize size,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType,
+ uint32_t memTypeIndex,
+ const VkMemoryAllocateInfo& allocInfo,
+ bool map,
+ bool isUserDataString,
+ void* pUserData,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation)
+ VkDeviceMemory hMemory = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ VkResult res = AllocateVulkanMemory(&allocInfo, &hMemory);
+ if(res < 0)
+ {
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" vkAllocateMemory FAILED");
+ return res;
+ }
+ void* pMappedData = VMA_NULL;
+ if(map)
+ {
+ res = (*m_VulkanFunctions.vkMapMemory)(
+ m_hDevice,
+ hMemory,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ &pMappedData);
+ if(res < 0)
+ {
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" vkMapMemory FAILED");
+ FreeVulkanMemory(memTypeIndex, size, hMemory);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ *pAllocation = vma_new(this, VmaAllocation_T)(m_CurrentFrameIndex.load(), isUserDataString);
+ (*pAllocation)->InitDedicatedAllocation(memTypeIndex, hMemory, suballocType, pMappedData, size);
+ (*pAllocation)->SetUserData(this, pUserData);
+ {
+ FillAllocation(*pAllocation, VMA_ALLOCATION_FILL_PATTERN_CREATED);
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+void VmaAllocator_T::GetBufferMemoryRequirements(
+ VkBuffer hBuffer,
+ VkMemoryRequirements& memReq,
+ bool& requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ bool& prefersDedicatedAllocation) const
+ if(m_UseKhrDedicatedAllocation)
+ {
+ VkBufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR memReqInfo = {};
+ memReqInfo.buffer = hBuffer;
+ VkMemoryDedicatedRequirementsKHR memDedicatedReq = {};
+ VkMemoryRequirements2KHR memReq2 = {};
+ memReq2.pNext = &memDedicatedReq;
+ (*m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR)(m_hDevice, &memReqInfo, &memReq2);
+ memReq = memReq2.memoryRequirements;
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation = (memDedicatedReq.requiresDedicatedAllocation != VK_FALSE);
+ prefersDedicatedAllocation = (memDedicatedReq.prefersDedicatedAllocation != VK_FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (*m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements)(m_hDevice, hBuffer, &memReq);
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation = false;
+ prefersDedicatedAllocation = false;
+ }
+void VmaAllocator_T::GetImageMemoryRequirements(
+ VkImage hImage,
+ VkMemoryRequirements& memReq,
+ bool& requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ bool& prefersDedicatedAllocation) const
+ if(m_UseKhrDedicatedAllocation)
+ {
+ VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR memReqInfo = {};
+ memReqInfo.image = hImage;
+ VkMemoryDedicatedRequirementsKHR memDedicatedReq = {};
+ VkMemoryRequirements2KHR memReq2 = {};
+ memReq2.pNext = &memDedicatedReq;
+ (*m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR)(m_hDevice, &memReqInfo, &memReq2);
+ memReq = memReq2.memoryRequirements;
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation = (memDedicatedReq.requiresDedicatedAllocation != VK_FALSE);
+ prefersDedicatedAllocation = (memDedicatedReq.prefersDedicatedAllocation != VK_FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (*m_VulkanFunctions.vkGetImageMemoryRequirements)(m_hDevice, hImage, &memReq);
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation = false;
+ prefersDedicatedAllocation = false;
+ }
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::AllocateMemory(
+ const VkMemoryRequirements& vkMemReq,
+ bool requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ bool prefersDedicatedAllocation,
+ VkBuffer dedicatedBuffer,
+ VkImage dedicatedImage,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo& createInfo,
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations)
+ memset(pAllocations, 0, sizeof(VmaAllocation) * allocationCount);
+ VMA_ASSERT(VmaIsPow2(vkMemReq.alignment));
+ if(vkMemReq.size == 0)
+ {
+ }
+ if((createInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT) != 0 &&
+ {
+ }
+ if((createInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT) != 0 &&
+ {
+ }
+ if(requiresDedicatedAllocation)
+ {
+ if((createInfo.flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT) != 0)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT specified while dedicated allocation is required.");
+ }
+ if(createInfo.pool != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Pool specified while dedicated allocation is required.");
+ }
+ }
+ if((createInfo.pool != VK_NULL_HANDLE) &&
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "Specifying VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT when pool != null is invalid.");
+ }
+ if(createInfo.pool != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize alignmentForPool = VMA_MAX(
+ vkMemReq.alignment,
+ GetMemoryTypeMinAlignment(createInfo.pool->m_BlockVector.GetMemoryTypeIndex()));
+ return createInfo.pool->m_BlockVector.Allocate(
+ createInfo.pool,
+ m_CurrentFrameIndex.load(),
+ vkMemReq.size,
+ alignmentForPool,
+ createInfo,
+ suballocType,
+ allocationCount,
+ pAllocations);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Bit mask of memory Vulkan types acceptable for this allocation.
+ uint32_t memoryTypeBits = vkMemReq.memoryTypeBits;
+ uint32_t memTypeIndex = UINT32_MAX;
+ VkResult res = vmaFindMemoryTypeIndex(this, memoryTypeBits, &createInfo, &memTypeIndex);
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ VkDeviceSize alignmentForMemType = VMA_MAX(
+ vkMemReq.alignment,
+ GetMemoryTypeMinAlignment(memTypeIndex));
+ res = AllocateMemoryOfType(
+ vkMemReq.size,
+ alignmentForMemType,
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation || prefersDedicatedAllocation,
+ dedicatedBuffer,
+ dedicatedImage,
+ createInfo,
+ memTypeIndex,
+ suballocType,
+ allocationCount,
+ pAllocations);
+ // Succeeded on first try.
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return res;
+ }
+ // Allocation from this memory type failed. Try other compatible memory types.
+ else
+ {
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ // Remove old memTypeIndex from list of possibilities.
+ memoryTypeBits &= ~(1u << memTypeIndex);
+ // Find alternative memTypeIndex.
+ res = vmaFindMemoryTypeIndex(this, memoryTypeBits, &createInfo, &memTypeIndex);
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ alignmentForMemType = VMA_MAX(
+ vkMemReq.alignment,
+ GetMemoryTypeMinAlignment(memTypeIndex));
+ res = AllocateMemoryOfType(
+ vkMemReq.size,
+ alignmentForMemType,
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation || prefersDedicatedAllocation,
+ dedicatedBuffer,
+ dedicatedImage,
+ createInfo,
+ memTypeIndex,
+ suballocType,
+ allocationCount,
+ pAllocations);
+ // Allocation from this alternative memory type succeeded.
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return res;
+ }
+ // else: Allocation from this memory type failed. Try next one - next loop iteration.
+ }
+ // No other matching memory type index could be found.
+ else
+ {
+ // Not returning res, which is VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, because we already failed to allocate once.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Can't find any single memory type maching requirements. res is VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT.
+ else
+ return res;
+ }
+void VmaAllocator_T::FreeMemory(
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ const VmaAllocation* pAllocations)
+ VMA_ASSERT(pAllocations);
+ for(size_t allocIndex = allocationCount; allocIndex--; )
+ {
+ VmaAllocation allocation = pAllocations[allocIndex];
+ if(allocation != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ if(TouchAllocation(allocation))
+ {
+ {
+ }
+ switch(allocation->GetType())
+ {
+ case VmaAllocation_T::ALLOCATION_TYPE_BLOCK:
+ {
+ VmaBlockVector* pBlockVector = VMA_NULL;
+ VmaPool hPool = allocation->GetPool();
+ if(hPool != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ pBlockVector = &hPool->m_BlockVector;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const uint32_t memTypeIndex = allocation->GetMemoryTypeIndex();
+ pBlockVector = m_pBlockVectors[memTypeIndex];
+ }
+ pBlockVector->Free(allocation);
+ }
+ break;
+ FreeDedicatedMemory(allocation);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ allocation->SetUserData(this, VMA_NULL);
+ vma_delete(this, allocation);
+ }
+ }
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::ResizeAllocation(
+ const VmaAllocation alloc,
+ VkDeviceSize newSize)
+ if(newSize == 0 || alloc->GetLastUseFrameIndex() == VMA_FRAME_INDEX_LOST)
+ {
+ }
+ if(newSize == alloc->GetSize())
+ {
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ switch(alloc->GetType())
+ {
+ case VmaAllocation_T::ALLOCATION_TYPE_BLOCK:
+ if(alloc->GetBlock()->m_pMetadata->ResizeAllocation(alloc, newSize))
+ {
+ alloc->ChangeSize(newSize);
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(alloc->GetBlock()->m_pMetadata->Validate());
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return VkResult(-1000069000); // VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_POOL_MEMORY
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+void VmaAllocator_T::CalculateStats(VmaStats* pStats)
+ // Initialize.
+ InitStatInfo(pStats->total);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPES; ++i)
+ InitStatInfo(pStats->memoryType[i]);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < VK_MAX_MEMORY_HEAPS; ++i)
+ InitStatInfo(pStats->memoryHeap[i]);
+ // Process default pools.
+ for(uint32_t memTypeIndex = 0; memTypeIndex < GetMemoryTypeCount(); ++memTypeIndex)
+ {
+ VmaBlockVector* const pBlockVector = m_pBlockVectors[memTypeIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pBlockVector);
+ pBlockVector->AddStats(pStats);
+ }
+ // Process custom pools.
+ {
+ VmaMutexLockRead lock(m_PoolsMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ for(size_t poolIndex = 0, poolCount = m_Pools.size(); poolIndex < poolCount; ++poolIndex)
+ {
+ m_Pools[poolIndex]->m_BlockVector.AddStats(pStats);
+ }
+ }
+ // Process dedicated allocations.
+ for(uint32_t memTypeIndex = 0; memTypeIndex < GetMemoryTypeCount(); ++memTypeIndex)
+ {
+ const uint32_t memHeapIndex = MemoryTypeIndexToHeapIndex(memTypeIndex);
+ VmaMutexLockRead dedicatedAllocationsLock(m_DedicatedAllocationsMutex[memTypeIndex], m_UseMutex);
+ AllocationVectorType* const pDedicatedAllocVector = m_pDedicatedAllocations[memTypeIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pDedicatedAllocVector);
+ for(size_t allocIndex = 0, allocCount = pDedicatedAllocVector->size(); allocIndex < allocCount; ++allocIndex)
+ {
+ VmaStatInfo allocationStatInfo;
+ (*pDedicatedAllocVector)[allocIndex]->DedicatedAllocCalcStatsInfo(allocationStatInfo);
+ VmaAddStatInfo(pStats->total, allocationStatInfo);
+ VmaAddStatInfo(pStats->memoryType[memTypeIndex], allocationStatInfo);
+ VmaAddStatInfo(pStats->memoryHeap[memHeapIndex], allocationStatInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ // Postprocess.
+ VmaPostprocessCalcStatInfo(pStats->total);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < GetMemoryTypeCount(); ++i)
+ VmaPostprocessCalcStatInfo(pStats->memoryType[i]);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < GetMemoryHeapCount(); ++i)
+ VmaPostprocessCalcStatInfo(pStats->memoryHeap[i]);
+static const uint32_t VMA_VENDOR_ID_AMD = 4098;
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::DefragmentationBegin(
+ const VmaDefragmentationInfo2& info,
+ VmaDefragmentationStats* pStats,
+ VmaDefragmentationContext* pContext)
+ if(info.pAllocationsChanged != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ memset(info.pAllocationsChanged, 0, info.allocationCount * sizeof(VkBool32));
+ }
+ *pContext = vma_new(this, VmaDefragmentationContext_T)(
+ this, m_CurrentFrameIndex.load(), info.flags, pStats);
+ (*pContext)->AddPools(info.poolCount, info.pPools);
+ (*pContext)->AddAllocations(
+ info.allocationCount, info.pAllocations, info.pAllocationsChanged);
+ VkResult res = (*pContext)->Defragment(
+ info.maxCpuBytesToMove, info.maxCpuAllocationsToMove,
+ info.maxGpuBytesToMove, info.maxGpuAllocationsToMove,
+ info.commandBuffer, pStats);
+ if(res != VK_NOT_READY)
+ {
+ vma_delete(this, *pContext);
+ *pContext = VMA_NULL;
+ }
+ return res;
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::DefragmentationEnd(
+ VmaDefragmentationContext context)
+ vma_delete(this, context);
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+void VmaAllocator_T::GetAllocationInfo(VmaAllocation hAllocation, VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo)
+ if(hAllocation->CanBecomeLost())
+ {
+ /*
+ Warning: This is a carefully designed algorithm.
+ Do not modify unless you really know what you're doing :)
+ */
+ const uint32_t localCurrFrameIndex = m_CurrentFrameIndex.load();
+ uint32_t localLastUseFrameIndex = hAllocation->GetLastUseFrameIndex();
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ if(localLastUseFrameIndex == VMA_FRAME_INDEX_LOST)
+ {
+ pAllocationInfo->memoryType = UINT32_MAX;
+ pAllocationInfo->deviceMemory = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ pAllocationInfo->offset = 0;
+ pAllocationInfo->size = hAllocation->GetSize();
+ pAllocationInfo->pMappedData = VMA_NULL;
+ pAllocationInfo->pUserData = hAllocation->GetUserData();
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(localLastUseFrameIndex == localCurrFrameIndex)
+ {
+ pAllocationInfo->memoryType = hAllocation->GetMemoryTypeIndex();
+ pAllocationInfo->deviceMemory = hAllocation->GetMemory();
+ pAllocationInfo->offset = hAllocation->GetOffset();
+ pAllocationInfo->size = hAllocation->GetSize();
+ pAllocationInfo->pMappedData = VMA_NULL;
+ pAllocationInfo->pUserData = hAllocation->GetUserData();
+ return;
+ }
+ else // Last use time earlier than current time.
+ {
+ if(hAllocation->CompareExchangeLastUseFrameIndex(localLastUseFrameIndex, localCurrFrameIndex))
+ {
+ localLastUseFrameIndex = localCurrFrameIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32_t localCurrFrameIndex = m_CurrentFrameIndex.load();
+ uint32_t localLastUseFrameIndex = hAllocation->GetLastUseFrameIndex();
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(localLastUseFrameIndex != VMA_FRAME_INDEX_LOST);
+ if(localLastUseFrameIndex == localCurrFrameIndex)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else // Last use time earlier than current time.
+ {
+ if(hAllocation->CompareExchangeLastUseFrameIndex(localLastUseFrameIndex, localCurrFrameIndex))
+ {
+ localLastUseFrameIndex = localCurrFrameIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pAllocationInfo->memoryType = hAllocation->GetMemoryTypeIndex();
+ pAllocationInfo->deviceMemory = hAllocation->GetMemory();
+ pAllocationInfo->offset = hAllocation->GetOffset();
+ pAllocationInfo->size = hAllocation->GetSize();
+ pAllocationInfo->pMappedData = hAllocation->GetMappedData();
+ pAllocationInfo->pUserData = hAllocation->GetUserData();
+ }
+bool VmaAllocator_T::TouchAllocation(VmaAllocation hAllocation)
+ // This is a stripped-down version of VmaAllocator_T::GetAllocationInfo.
+ if(hAllocation->CanBecomeLost())
+ {
+ uint32_t localCurrFrameIndex = m_CurrentFrameIndex.load();
+ uint32_t localLastUseFrameIndex = hAllocation->GetLastUseFrameIndex();
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ if(localLastUseFrameIndex == VMA_FRAME_INDEX_LOST)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(localLastUseFrameIndex == localCurrFrameIndex)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else // Last use time earlier than current time.
+ {
+ if(hAllocation->CompareExchangeLastUseFrameIndex(localLastUseFrameIndex, localCurrFrameIndex))
+ {
+ localLastUseFrameIndex = localCurrFrameIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32_t localCurrFrameIndex = m_CurrentFrameIndex.load();
+ uint32_t localLastUseFrameIndex = hAllocation->GetLastUseFrameIndex();
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(localLastUseFrameIndex != VMA_FRAME_INDEX_LOST);
+ if(localLastUseFrameIndex == localCurrFrameIndex)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else // Last use time earlier than current time.
+ {
+ if(hAllocation->CompareExchangeLastUseFrameIndex(localLastUseFrameIndex, localCurrFrameIndex))
+ {
+ localLastUseFrameIndex = localCurrFrameIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::CreatePool(const VmaPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, VmaPool* pPool)
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" CreatePool: MemoryTypeIndex=%u, flags=%u", pCreateInfo->memoryTypeIndex, pCreateInfo->flags);
+ VmaPoolCreateInfo newCreateInfo = *pCreateInfo;
+ if(newCreateInfo.maxBlockCount == 0)
+ {
+ newCreateInfo.maxBlockCount = SIZE_MAX;
+ }
+ if(newCreateInfo.minBlockCount > newCreateInfo.maxBlockCount)
+ {
+ }
+ const VkDeviceSize preferredBlockSize = CalcPreferredBlockSize(newCreateInfo.memoryTypeIndex);
+ *pPool = vma_new(this, VmaPool_T)(this, newCreateInfo, preferredBlockSize);
+ VkResult res = (*pPool)->m_BlockVector.CreateMinBlocks();
+ if(res != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ vma_delete(this, *pPool);
+ *pPool = VMA_NULL;
+ return res;
+ }
+ // Add to m_Pools.
+ {
+ VmaMutexLockWrite lock(m_PoolsMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ (*pPool)->SetId(m_NextPoolId++);
+ VmaVectorInsertSorted<VmaPointerLess>(m_Pools, *pPool);
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+void VmaAllocator_T::DestroyPool(VmaPool pool)
+ // Remove from m_Pools.
+ {
+ VmaMutexLockWrite lock(m_PoolsMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ bool success = VmaVectorRemoveSorted<VmaPointerLess>(m_Pools, pool);
+ (void) success;
+ VMA_ASSERT(success && "Pool not found in Allocator.");
+ }
+ vma_delete(this, pool);
+void VmaAllocator_T::GetPoolStats(VmaPool pool, VmaPoolStats* pPoolStats)
+ pool->m_BlockVector.GetPoolStats(pPoolStats);
+void VmaAllocator_T::SetCurrentFrameIndex(uint32_t frameIndex)
+void VmaAllocator_T::MakePoolAllocationsLost(
+ VmaPool hPool,
+ size_t* pLostAllocationCount)
+ hPool->m_BlockVector.MakePoolAllocationsLost(
+ m_CurrentFrameIndex.load(),
+ pLostAllocationCount);
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::CheckPoolCorruption(VmaPool hPool)
+ return hPool->m_BlockVector.CheckCorruption();
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::CheckCorruption(uint32_t memoryTypeBits)
+ // Process default pools.
+ for(uint32_t memTypeIndex = 0; memTypeIndex < GetMemoryTypeCount(); ++memTypeIndex)
+ {
+ if(((1u << memTypeIndex) & memoryTypeBits) != 0)
+ {
+ VmaBlockVector* const pBlockVector = m_pBlockVectors[memTypeIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pBlockVector);
+ VkResult localRes = pBlockVector->CheckCorruption();
+ switch(localRes)
+ {
+ break;
+ case VK_SUCCESS:
+ finalRes = VK_SUCCESS;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return localRes;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Process custom pools.
+ {
+ VmaMutexLockRead lock(m_PoolsMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ for(size_t poolIndex = 0, poolCount = m_Pools.size(); poolIndex < poolCount; ++poolIndex)
+ {
+ if(((1u << m_Pools[poolIndex]->m_BlockVector.GetMemoryTypeIndex()) & memoryTypeBits) != 0)
+ {
+ VkResult localRes = m_Pools[poolIndex]->m_BlockVector.CheckCorruption();
+ switch(localRes)
+ {
+ break;
+ case VK_SUCCESS:
+ finalRes = VK_SUCCESS;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return localRes;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return finalRes;
+void VmaAllocator_T::CreateLostAllocation(VmaAllocation* pAllocation)
+ *pAllocation = vma_new(this, VmaAllocation_T)(VMA_FRAME_INDEX_LOST, false);
+ (*pAllocation)->InitLost();
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::AllocateVulkanMemory(const VkMemoryAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo, VkDeviceMemory* pMemory)
+ const uint32_t heapIndex = MemoryTypeIndexToHeapIndex(pAllocateInfo->memoryTypeIndex);
+ VkResult res;
+ if(m_HeapSizeLimit[heapIndex] != VK_WHOLE_SIZE)
+ {
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_HeapSizeLimitMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ if(m_HeapSizeLimit[heapIndex] >= pAllocateInfo->allocationSize)
+ {
+ res = (*m_VulkanFunctions.vkAllocateMemory)(m_hDevice, pAllocateInfo, GetAllocationCallbacks(), pMemory);
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ m_HeapSizeLimit[heapIndex] -= pAllocateInfo->allocationSize;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = (*m_VulkanFunctions.vkAllocateMemory)(m_hDevice, pAllocateInfo, GetAllocationCallbacks(), pMemory);
+ }
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS && m_DeviceMemoryCallbacks.pfnAllocate != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ (*m_DeviceMemoryCallbacks.pfnAllocate)(this, pAllocateInfo->memoryTypeIndex, *pMemory, pAllocateInfo->allocationSize);
+ }
+ return res;
+void VmaAllocator_T::FreeVulkanMemory(uint32_t memoryType, VkDeviceSize size, VkDeviceMemory hMemory)
+ if(m_DeviceMemoryCallbacks.pfnFree != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ (*m_DeviceMemoryCallbacks.pfnFree)(this, memoryType, hMemory, size);
+ }
+ (*m_VulkanFunctions.vkFreeMemory)(m_hDevice, hMemory, GetAllocationCallbacks());
+ const uint32_t heapIndex = MemoryTypeIndexToHeapIndex(memoryType);
+ if(m_HeapSizeLimit[heapIndex] != VK_WHOLE_SIZE)
+ {
+ VmaMutexLock lock(m_HeapSizeLimitMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ m_HeapSizeLimit[heapIndex] += size;
+ }
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::Map(VmaAllocation hAllocation, void** ppData)
+ if(hAllocation->CanBecomeLost())
+ {
+ }
+ switch(hAllocation->GetType())
+ {
+ case VmaAllocation_T::ALLOCATION_TYPE_BLOCK:
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pBlock = hAllocation->GetBlock();
+ char *pBytes = VMA_NULL;
+ VkResult res = pBlock->Map(this, 1, (void**)&pBytes);
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ *ppData = pBytes + (ptrdiff_t)hAllocation->GetOffset();
+ hAllocation->BlockAllocMap();
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ return hAllocation->DedicatedAllocMap(this, ppData);
+ default:
+ }
+void VmaAllocator_T::Unmap(VmaAllocation hAllocation)
+ switch(hAllocation->GetType())
+ {
+ case VmaAllocation_T::ALLOCATION_TYPE_BLOCK:
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pBlock = hAllocation->GetBlock();
+ hAllocation->BlockAllocUnmap();
+ pBlock->Unmap(this, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ hAllocation->DedicatedAllocUnmap(this);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::BindBufferMemory(VmaAllocation hAllocation, VkBuffer hBuffer)
+ VkResult res = VK_SUCCESS;
+ switch(hAllocation->GetType())
+ {
+ res = GetVulkanFunctions().vkBindBufferMemory(
+ m_hDevice,
+ hBuffer,
+ hAllocation->GetMemory(),
+ 0); //memoryOffset
+ break;
+ case VmaAllocation_T::ALLOCATION_TYPE_BLOCK:
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock = hAllocation->GetBlock();
+ VMA_ASSERT(pBlock && "Binding buffer to allocation that doesn't belong to any block. Is the allocation lost?");
+ res = pBlock->BindBufferMemory(this, hAllocation, hBuffer);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+ return res;
+VkResult VmaAllocator_T::BindImageMemory(VmaAllocation hAllocation, VkImage hImage)
+ VkResult res = VK_SUCCESS;
+ switch(hAllocation->GetType())
+ {
+ res = GetVulkanFunctions().vkBindImageMemory(
+ m_hDevice,
+ hImage,
+ hAllocation->GetMemory(),
+ 0); //memoryOffset
+ break;
+ case VmaAllocation_T::ALLOCATION_TYPE_BLOCK:
+ {
+ VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock = hAllocation->GetBlock();
+ VMA_ASSERT(pBlock && "Binding image to allocation that doesn't belong to any block. Is the allocation lost?");
+ res = pBlock->BindImageMemory(this, hAllocation, hImage);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+ return res;
+void VmaAllocator_T::FlushOrInvalidateAllocation(
+ VmaAllocation hAllocation,
+ VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size,
+ const uint32_t memTypeIndex = hAllocation->GetMemoryTypeIndex();
+ if(size > 0 && IsMemoryTypeNonCoherent(memTypeIndex))
+ {
+ const VkDeviceSize allocationSize = hAllocation->GetSize();
+ VMA_ASSERT(offset <= allocationSize);
+ const VkDeviceSize nonCoherentAtomSize = m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.nonCoherentAtomSize;
+ VkMappedMemoryRange memRange = {};
+ memRange.memory = hAllocation->GetMemory();
+ switch(hAllocation->GetType())
+ {
+ memRange.offset = VmaAlignDown(offset, nonCoherentAtomSize);
+ if(size == VK_WHOLE_SIZE)
+ {
+ memRange.size = allocationSize - memRange.offset;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(offset + size <= allocationSize);
+ memRange.size = VMA_MIN(
+ VmaAlignUp(size + (offset - memRange.offset), nonCoherentAtomSize),
+ allocationSize - memRange.offset);
+ }
+ break;
+ case VmaAllocation_T::ALLOCATION_TYPE_BLOCK:
+ {
+ // 1. Still within this allocation.
+ memRange.offset = VmaAlignDown(offset, nonCoherentAtomSize);
+ if(size == VK_WHOLE_SIZE)
+ {
+ size = allocationSize - offset;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(offset + size <= allocationSize);
+ }
+ memRange.size = VmaAlignUp(size + (offset - memRange.offset), nonCoherentAtomSize);
+ // 2. Adjust to whole block.
+ const VkDeviceSize allocationOffset = hAllocation->GetOffset();
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocationOffset % nonCoherentAtomSize == 0);
+ const VkDeviceSize blockSize = hAllocation->GetBlock()->m_pMetadata->GetSize();
+ memRange.offset += allocationOffset;
+ memRange.size = VMA_MIN(memRange.size, blockSize - memRange.offset);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+ switch(op)
+ {
+ (*GetVulkanFunctions().vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges)(m_hDevice, 1, &memRange);
+ break;
+ (*GetVulkanFunctions().vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges)(m_hDevice, 1, &memRange);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ // else: Just ignore this call.
+void VmaAllocator_T::FreeDedicatedMemory(VmaAllocation allocation)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocation && allocation->GetType() == VmaAllocation_T::ALLOCATION_TYPE_DEDICATED);
+ const uint32_t memTypeIndex = allocation->GetMemoryTypeIndex();
+ {
+ VmaMutexLockWrite lock(m_DedicatedAllocationsMutex[memTypeIndex], m_UseMutex);
+ AllocationVectorType* const pDedicatedAllocations = m_pDedicatedAllocations[memTypeIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pDedicatedAllocations);
+ bool success = VmaVectorRemoveSorted<VmaPointerLess>(*pDedicatedAllocations, allocation);
+ (void) success;
+ VMA_ASSERT(success);
+ }
+ VkDeviceMemory hMemory = allocation->GetMemory();
+ /*
+ There is no need to call this, because Vulkan spec allows to skip vkUnmapMemory
+ before vkFreeMemory.
+ if(allocation->GetMappedData() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ (*m_VulkanFunctions.vkUnmapMemory)(m_hDevice, hMemory);
+ }
+ */
+ FreeVulkanMemory(memTypeIndex, allocation->GetSize(), hMemory);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG(" Freed DedicatedMemory MemoryTypeIndex=%u", memTypeIndex);
+void VmaAllocator_T::FillAllocation(const VmaAllocation hAllocation, uint8_t pattern)
+ !hAllocation->CanBecomeLost() &&
+ (m_MemProps.memoryTypes[hAllocation->GetMemoryTypeIndex()].propertyFlags & VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT) != 0)
+ {
+ void* pData = VMA_NULL;
+ VkResult res = Map(hAllocation, &pData);
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ memset(pData, (int)pattern, (size_t)hAllocation->GetSize());
+ FlushOrInvalidateAllocation(hAllocation, 0, VK_WHOLE_SIZE, VMA_CACHE_FLUSH);
+ Unmap(hAllocation);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(0 && "VMA_DEBUG_INITIALIZE_ALLOCATIONS is enabled, but couldn't map memory to fill allocation.");
+ }
+ }
+void VmaAllocator_T::PrintDetailedMap(VmaJsonWriter& json)
+ bool dedicatedAllocationsStarted = false;
+ for(uint32_t memTypeIndex = 0; memTypeIndex < GetMemoryTypeCount(); ++memTypeIndex)
+ {
+ VmaMutexLockRead dedicatedAllocationsLock(m_DedicatedAllocationsMutex[memTypeIndex], m_UseMutex);
+ AllocationVectorType* const pDedicatedAllocVector = m_pDedicatedAllocations[memTypeIndex];
+ VMA_ASSERT(pDedicatedAllocVector);
+ if(pDedicatedAllocVector->empty() == false)
+ {
+ if(dedicatedAllocationsStarted == false)
+ {
+ dedicatedAllocationsStarted = true;
+ json.WriteString("DedicatedAllocations");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ }
+ json.BeginString("Type ");
+ json.ContinueString(memTypeIndex);
+ json.EndString();
+ json.BeginArray();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < pDedicatedAllocVector->size(); ++i)
+ {
+ json.BeginObject(true);
+ const VmaAllocation hAlloc = (*pDedicatedAllocVector)[i];
+ hAlloc->PrintParameters(json);
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ json.EndArray();
+ }
+ }
+ if(dedicatedAllocationsStarted)
+ {
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ {
+ bool allocationsStarted = false;
+ for(uint32_t memTypeIndex = 0; memTypeIndex < GetMemoryTypeCount(); ++memTypeIndex)
+ {
+ if(m_pBlockVectors[memTypeIndex]->IsEmpty() == false)
+ {
+ if(allocationsStarted == false)
+ {
+ allocationsStarted = true;
+ json.WriteString("DefaultPools");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ }
+ json.BeginString("Type ");
+ json.ContinueString(memTypeIndex);
+ json.EndString();
+ m_pBlockVectors[memTypeIndex]->PrintDetailedMap(json);
+ }
+ }
+ if(allocationsStarted)
+ {
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ }
+ // Custom pools
+ {
+ VmaMutexLockRead lock(m_PoolsMutex, m_UseMutex);
+ const size_t poolCount = m_Pools.size();
+ if(poolCount > 0)
+ {
+ json.WriteString("Pools");
+ json.BeginObject();
+ for(size_t poolIndex = 0; poolIndex < poolCount; ++poolIndex)
+ {
+ json.BeginString();
+ json.ContinueString(m_Pools[poolIndex]->GetId());
+ json.EndString();
+ m_Pools[poolIndex]->m_BlockVector.PrintDetailedMap(json);
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ }
+// Public interface
+VkResult vmaCreateAllocator(
+ const VmaAllocatorCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
+ VmaAllocator* pAllocator)
+ VMA_ASSERT(pCreateInfo && pAllocator);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaCreateAllocator");
+ *pAllocator = vma_new(pCreateInfo->pAllocationCallbacks, VmaAllocator_T)(pCreateInfo);
+ return (*pAllocator)->Init(pCreateInfo);
+void vmaDestroyAllocator(
+ VmaAllocator allocator)
+ if(allocator != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaDestroyAllocator");
+ VkAllocationCallbacks allocationCallbacks = allocator->m_AllocationCallbacks;
+ vma_delete(&allocationCallbacks, allocator);
+ }
+void vmaGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties **ppPhysicalDeviceProperties)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && ppPhysicalDeviceProperties);
+ *ppPhysicalDeviceProperties = &allocator->m_PhysicalDeviceProperties;
+void vmaGetMemoryProperties(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties** ppPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && ppPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties);
+ *ppPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties = &allocator->m_MemProps;
+void vmaGetMemoryTypeProperties(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ uint32_t memoryTypeIndex,
+ VkMemoryPropertyFlags* pFlags)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && pFlags);
+ VMA_ASSERT(memoryTypeIndex < allocator->GetMemoryTypeCount());
+ *pFlags = allocator->m_MemProps.memoryTypes[memoryTypeIndex].propertyFlags;
+void vmaSetCurrentFrameIndex(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ uint32_t frameIndex)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator);
+ allocator->SetCurrentFrameIndex(frameIndex);
+void vmaCalculateStats(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaStats* pStats)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && pStats);
+ allocator->CalculateStats(pStats);
+void vmaBuildStatsString(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ char** ppStatsString,
+ VkBool32 detailedMap)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && ppStatsString);
+ VmaStringBuilder sb(allocator);
+ {
+ VmaJsonWriter json(allocator->GetAllocationCallbacks(), sb);
+ json.BeginObject();
+ VmaStats stats;
+ allocator->CalculateStats(&stats);
+ json.WriteString("Total");
+ VmaPrintStatInfo(json,;
+ for(uint32_t heapIndex = 0; heapIndex < allocator->GetMemoryHeapCount(); ++heapIndex)
+ {
+ json.BeginString("Heap ");
+ json.ContinueString(heapIndex);
+ json.EndString();
+ json.BeginObject();
+ json.WriteString("Size");
+ json.WriteNumber(allocator->m_MemProps.memoryHeaps[heapIndex].size);
+ json.WriteString("Flags");
+ json.BeginArray(true);
+ if((allocator->m_MemProps.memoryHeaps[heapIndex].flags & VK_MEMORY_HEAP_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT) != 0)
+ {
+ json.WriteString("DEVICE_LOCAL");
+ }
+ json.EndArray();
+ if(stats.memoryHeap[heapIndex].blockCount > 0)
+ {
+ json.WriteString("Stats");
+ VmaPrintStatInfo(json, stats.memoryHeap[heapIndex]);
+ }
+ for(uint32_t typeIndex = 0; typeIndex < allocator->GetMemoryTypeCount(); ++typeIndex)
+ {
+ if(allocator->MemoryTypeIndexToHeapIndex(typeIndex) == heapIndex)
+ {
+ json.BeginString("Type ");
+ json.ContinueString(typeIndex);
+ json.EndString();
+ json.BeginObject();
+ json.WriteString("Flags");
+ json.BeginArray(true);
+ VkMemoryPropertyFlags flags = allocator->m_MemProps.memoryTypes[typeIndex].propertyFlags;
+ {
+ json.WriteString("DEVICE_LOCAL");
+ }
+ {
+ json.WriteString("HOST_VISIBLE");
+ }
+ {
+ json.WriteString("HOST_COHERENT");
+ }
+ {
+ json.WriteString("HOST_CACHED");
+ }
+ {
+ json.WriteString("LAZILY_ALLOCATED");
+ }
+ json.EndArray();
+ if(stats.memoryType[typeIndex].blockCount > 0)
+ {
+ json.WriteString("Stats");
+ VmaPrintStatInfo(json, stats.memoryType[typeIndex]);
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ if(detailedMap == VK_TRUE)
+ {
+ allocator->PrintDetailedMap(json);
+ }
+ json.EndObject();
+ }
+ const size_t len = sb.GetLength();
+ char* const pChars = vma_new_array(allocator, char, len + 1);
+ if(len > 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(pChars, sb.GetData(), len);
+ }
+ pChars[len] = '\0';
+ *ppStatsString = pChars;
+void vmaFreeStatsString(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ char* pStatsString)
+ if(pStatsString != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator);
+ size_t len = strlen(pStatsString);
+ vma_delete_array(allocator, pStatsString, len + 1);
+ }
+This function is not protected by any mutex because it just reads immutable data.
+VkResult vmaFindMemoryTypeIndex(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ uint32_t memoryTypeBits,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ uint32_t* pMemoryTypeIndex)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ VMA_ASSERT(pAllocationCreateInfo != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(pMemoryTypeIndex != VMA_NULL);
+ if(pAllocationCreateInfo->memoryTypeBits != 0)
+ {
+ memoryTypeBits &= pAllocationCreateInfo->memoryTypeBits;
+ }
+ uint32_t requiredFlags = pAllocationCreateInfo->requiredFlags;
+ uint32_t preferredFlags = pAllocationCreateInfo->preferredFlags;
+ const bool mapped = (pAllocationCreateInfo->flags & VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT) != 0;
+ if(mapped)
+ {
+ }
+ // Convert usage to requiredFlags and preferredFlags.
+ switch(pAllocationCreateInfo->usage)
+ {
+ break;
+ if(!allocator->IsIntegratedGpu() || (preferredFlags & VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT) == 0)
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ if(!allocator->IsIntegratedGpu() || (preferredFlags & VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT) == 0)
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ *pMemoryTypeIndex = UINT32_MAX;
+ uint32_t minCost = UINT32_MAX;
+ for(uint32_t memTypeIndex = 0, memTypeBit = 1;
+ memTypeIndex < allocator->GetMemoryTypeCount();
+ ++memTypeIndex, memTypeBit <<= 1)
+ {
+ // This memory type is acceptable according to memoryTypeBits bitmask.
+ if((memTypeBit & memoryTypeBits) != 0)
+ {
+ const VkMemoryPropertyFlags currFlags =
+ allocator->m_MemProps.memoryTypes[memTypeIndex].propertyFlags;
+ // This memory type contains requiredFlags.
+ if((requiredFlags & ~currFlags) == 0)
+ {
+ // Calculate cost as number of bits from preferredFlags not present in this memory type.
+ uint32_t currCost = VmaCountBitsSet(preferredFlags & ~currFlags);
+ // Remember memory type with lowest cost.
+ if(currCost < minCost)
+ {
+ *pMemoryTypeIndex = memTypeIndex;
+ if(currCost == 0)
+ {
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ minCost = currCost;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (*pMemoryTypeIndex != UINT32_MAX) ? VK_SUCCESS : VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT;
+VkResult vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkBufferCreateInfo* pBufferCreateInfo,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ uint32_t* pMemoryTypeIndex)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ VMA_ASSERT(pBufferCreateInfo != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(pAllocationCreateInfo != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(pMemoryTypeIndex != VMA_NULL);
+ const VkDevice hDev = allocator->m_hDevice;
+ VkBuffer hBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ VkResult res = allocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkCreateBuffer(
+ hDev, pBufferCreateInfo, allocator->GetAllocationCallbacks(), &hBuffer);
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ VkMemoryRequirements memReq = {};
+ allocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements(
+ hDev, hBuffer, &memReq);
+ res = vmaFindMemoryTypeIndex(
+ allocator,
+ memReq.memoryTypeBits,
+ pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ pMemoryTypeIndex);
+ allocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkDestroyBuffer(
+ hDev, hBuffer, allocator->GetAllocationCallbacks());
+ }
+ return res;
+VkResult vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForImageInfo(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkImageCreateInfo* pImageCreateInfo,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ uint32_t* pMemoryTypeIndex)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ VMA_ASSERT(pImageCreateInfo != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(pAllocationCreateInfo != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(pMemoryTypeIndex != VMA_NULL);
+ const VkDevice hDev = allocator->m_hDevice;
+ VkImage hImage = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ VkResult res = allocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkCreateImage(
+ hDev, pImageCreateInfo, allocator->GetAllocationCallbacks(), &hImage);
+ if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ VkMemoryRequirements memReq = {};
+ allocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkGetImageMemoryRequirements(
+ hDev, hImage, &memReq);
+ res = vmaFindMemoryTypeIndex(
+ allocator,
+ memReq.memoryTypeBits,
+ pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ pMemoryTypeIndex);
+ allocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkDestroyImage(
+ hDev, hImage, allocator->GetAllocationCallbacks());
+ }
+ return res;
+VkResult vmaCreatePool(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VmaPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
+ VmaPool* pPool)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && pCreateInfo && pPool);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaCreatePool");
+ VkResult res = allocator->CreatePool(pCreateInfo, pPool);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordCreatePool(allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(), *pCreateInfo, *pPool);
+ }
+ return res;
+void vmaDestroyPool(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaPool pool)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator);
+ if(pool == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaDestroyPool");
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordDestroyPool(allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(), pool);
+ }
+ allocator->DestroyPool(pool);
+void vmaGetPoolStats(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaPool pool,
+ VmaPoolStats* pPoolStats)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && pool && pPoolStats);
+ allocator->GetPoolStats(pool, pPoolStats);
+void vmaMakePoolAllocationsLost(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaPool pool,
+ size_t* pLostAllocationCount)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && pool);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordMakePoolAllocationsLost(allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(), pool);
+ }
+ allocator->MakePoolAllocationsLost(pool, pLostAllocationCount);
+VkResult vmaCheckPoolCorruption(VmaAllocator allocator, VmaPool pool)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && pool);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaCheckPoolCorruption");
+ return allocator->CheckPoolCorruption(pool);
+VkResult vmaAllocateMemory(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkMemoryRequirements* pVkMemoryRequirements,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation,
+ VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && pVkMemoryRequirements && pCreateInfo && pAllocation);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaAllocateMemory");
+ VkResult result = allocator->AllocateMemory(
+ *pVkMemoryRequirements,
+ false, // requiresDedicatedAllocation
+ false, // prefersDedicatedAllocation
+ VK_NULL_HANDLE, // dedicatedBuffer
+ VK_NULL_HANDLE, // dedicatedImage
+ *pCreateInfo,
+ 1, // allocationCount
+ pAllocation);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordAllocateMemory(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ *pVkMemoryRequirements,
+ *pCreateInfo,
+ *pAllocation);
+ }
+ if(pAllocationInfo != VMA_NULL && result == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ allocator->GetAllocationInfo(*pAllocation, pAllocationInfo);
+ }
+ return result;
+VkResult vmaAllocateMemoryPages(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkMemoryRequirements* pVkMemoryRequirements,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations,
+ VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo)
+ if(allocationCount == 0)
+ {
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && pVkMemoryRequirements && pCreateInfo && pAllocations);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaAllocateMemoryPages");
+ VkResult result = allocator->AllocateMemory(
+ *pVkMemoryRequirements,
+ false, // requiresDedicatedAllocation
+ false, // prefersDedicatedAllocation
+ VK_NULL_HANDLE, // dedicatedBuffer
+ VK_NULL_HANDLE, // dedicatedImage
+ *pCreateInfo,
+ allocationCount,
+ pAllocations);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordAllocateMemoryPages(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ *pVkMemoryRequirements,
+ *pCreateInfo,
+ (uint64_t)allocationCount,
+ pAllocations);
+ }
+ if(pAllocationInfo != VMA_NULL && result == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < allocationCount; ++i)
+ {
+ allocator->GetAllocationInfo(pAllocations[i], pAllocationInfo + i);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+VkResult vmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VkBuffer buffer,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation,
+ VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && buffer != VK_NULL_HANDLE && pCreateInfo && pAllocation);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer");
+ VkMemoryRequirements vkMemReq = {};
+ bool requiresDedicatedAllocation = false;
+ bool prefersDedicatedAllocation = false;
+ allocator->GetBufferMemoryRequirements(buffer, vkMemReq,
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ prefersDedicatedAllocation);
+ VkResult result = allocator->AllocateMemory(
+ vkMemReq,
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ prefersDedicatedAllocation,
+ buffer, // dedicatedBuffer
+ VK_NULL_HANDLE, // dedicatedImage
+ *pCreateInfo,
+ 1, // allocationCount
+ pAllocation);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordAllocateMemoryForBuffer(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ vkMemReq,
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ prefersDedicatedAllocation,
+ *pCreateInfo,
+ *pAllocation);
+ }
+ if(pAllocationInfo && result == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ allocator->GetAllocationInfo(*pAllocation, pAllocationInfo);
+ }
+ return result;
+VkResult vmaAllocateMemoryForImage(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VkImage image,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation,
+ VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && image != VK_NULL_HANDLE && pCreateInfo && pAllocation);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaAllocateMemoryForImage");
+ VkMemoryRequirements vkMemReq = {};
+ bool requiresDedicatedAllocation = false;
+ bool prefersDedicatedAllocation = false;
+ allocator->GetImageMemoryRequirements(image, vkMemReq,
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation, prefersDedicatedAllocation);
+ VkResult result = allocator->AllocateMemory(
+ vkMemReq,
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ prefersDedicatedAllocation,
+ VK_NULL_HANDLE, // dedicatedBuffer
+ image, // dedicatedImage
+ *pCreateInfo,
+ 1, // allocationCount
+ pAllocation);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordAllocateMemoryForImage(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ vkMemReq,
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ prefersDedicatedAllocation,
+ *pCreateInfo,
+ *pAllocation);
+ }
+ if(pAllocationInfo && result == VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ allocator->GetAllocationInfo(*pAllocation, pAllocationInfo);
+ }
+ return result;
+void vmaFreeMemory(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator);
+ if(allocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaFreeMemory");
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordFreeMemory(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ allocation);
+ }
+ allocator->FreeMemory(
+ 1, // allocationCount
+ &allocation);
+void vmaFreeMemoryPages(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations)
+ if(allocationCount == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaFreeMemoryPages");
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordFreeMemoryPages(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ (uint64_t)allocationCount,
+ pAllocations);
+ }
+ allocator->FreeMemory(allocationCount, pAllocations);
+VkResult vmaResizeAllocation(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ VkDeviceSize newSize)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && allocation);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaResizeAllocation");
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordResizeAllocation(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ allocation,
+ newSize);
+ }
+ return allocator->ResizeAllocation(allocation, newSize);
+void vmaGetAllocationInfo(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && allocation && pAllocationInfo);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordGetAllocationInfo(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ allocation);
+ }
+ allocator->GetAllocationInfo(allocation, pAllocationInfo);
+VkBool32 vmaTouchAllocation(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && allocation);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordTouchAllocation(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ allocation);
+ }
+ return allocator->TouchAllocation(allocation);
+void vmaSetAllocationUserData(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ void* pUserData)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && allocation);
+ allocation->SetUserData(allocator, pUserData);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordSetAllocationUserData(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ allocation,
+ pUserData);
+ }
+void vmaCreateLostAllocation(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && pAllocation);
+ allocator->CreateLostAllocation(pAllocation);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordCreateLostAllocation(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ *pAllocation);
+ }
+VkResult vmaMapMemory(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ void** ppData)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && allocation && ppData);
+ VkResult res = allocator->Map(allocation, ppData);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordMapMemory(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ allocation);
+ }
+ return res;
+void vmaUnmapMemory(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && allocation);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordUnmapMemory(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ allocation);
+ }
+ allocator->Unmap(allocation);
+void vmaFlushAllocation(VmaAllocator allocator, VmaAllocation allocation, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && allocation);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaFlushAllocation");
+ allocator->FlushOrInvalidateAllocation(allocation, offset, size, VMA_CACHE_FLUSH);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordFlushAllocation(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ allocation, offset, size);
+ }
+void vmaInvalidateAllocation(VmaAllocator allocator, VmaAllocation allocation, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && allocation);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaInvalidateAllocation");
+ allocator->FlushOrInvalidateAllocation(allocation, offset, size, VMA_CACHE_INVALIDATE);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordInvalidateAllocation(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ allocation, offset, size);
+ }
+VkResult vmaCheckCorruption(VmaAllocator allocator, uint32_t memoryTypeBits)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaCheckCorruption");
+ return allocator->CheckCorruption(memoryTypeBits);
+VkResult vmaDefragment(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocations,
+ size_t allocationCount,
+ VkBool32* pAllocationsChanged,
+ const VmaDefragmentationInfo *pDefragmentationInfo,
+ VmaDefragmentationStats* pDefragmentationStats)
+ // Deprecated interface, reimplemented using new one.
+ VmaDefragmentationInfo2 info2 = {};
+ info2.allocationCount = (uint32_t)allocationCount;
+ info2.pAllocations = pAllocations;
+ info2.pAllocationsChanged = pAllocationsChanged;
+ if(pDefragmentationInfo != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ info2.maxCpuAllocationsToMove = pDefragmentationInfo->maxAllocationsToMove;
+ info2.maxCpuBytesToMove = pDefragmentationInfo->maxBytesToMove;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ info2.maxCpuAllocationsToMove = UINT32_MAX;
+ info2.maxCpuBytesToMove = VK_WHOLE_SIZE;
+ }
+ // info2.flags, maxGpuAllocationsToMove, maxGpuBytesToMove, commandBuffer deliberately left zero.
+ VmaDefragmentationContext ctx;
+ VkResult res = vmaDefragmentationBegin(allocator, &info2, pDefragmentationStats, &ctx);
+ if(res == VK_NOT_READY)
+ {
+ res = vmaDefragmentationEnd( allocator, ctx);
+ }
+ return res;
+VkResult vmaDefragmentationBegin(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VmaDefragmentationInfo2* pInfo,
+ VmaDefragmentationStats* pStats,
+ VmaDefragmentationContext *pContext)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && pInfo && pContext);
+ // Degenerate case: Nothing to defragment.
+ if(pInfo->allocationCount == 0 && pInfo->poolCount == 0)
+ {
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ VMA_ASSERT(pInfo->allocationCount == 0 || pInfo->pAllocations != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_ASSERT(pInfo->poolCount == 0 || pInfo->pPools != VMA_NULL);
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(VmaValidatePointerArray(pInfo->allocationCount, pInfo->pAllocations));
+ VMA_HEAVY_ASSERT(VmaValidatePointerArray(pInfo->poolCount, pInfo->pPools));
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaDefragmentationBegin");
+ VkResult res = allocator->DefragmentationBegin(*pInfo, pStats, pContext);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordDefragmentationBegin(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(), *pInfo, *pContext);
+ }
+ return res;
+VkResult vmaDefragmentationEnd(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaDefragmentationContext context)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaDefragmentationEnd");
+ if(context != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordDefragmentationEnd(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(), context);
+ }
+ return allocator->DefragmentationEnd(context);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+VkResult vmaBindBufferMemory(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ VkBuffer buffer)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && allocation && buffer);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaBindBufferMemory");
+ return allocator->BindBufferMemory(allocation, buffer);
+VkResult vmaBindImageMemory(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VmaAllocation allocation,
+ VkImage image)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && allocation && image);
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaBindImageMemory");
+ return allocator->BindImageMemory(allocation, image);
+VkResult vmaCreateBuffer(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkBufferCreateInfo* pBufferCreateInfo,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ VkBuffer* pBuffer,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation,
+ VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && pBufferCreateInfo && pAllocationCreateInfo && pBuffer && pAllocation);
+ if(pBufferCreateInfo->size == 0)
+ {
+ }
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaCreateBuffer");
+ *pBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ *pAllocation = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ // 1. Create VkBuffer.
+ VkResult res = (*allocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkCreateBuffer)(
+ allocator->m_hDevice,
+ pBufferCreateInfo,
+ allocator->GetAllocationCallbacks(),
+ pBuffer);
+ if(res >= 0)
+ {
+ // 2. vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements.
+ VkMemoryRequirements vkMemReq = {};
+ bool requiresDedicatedAllocation = false;
+ bool prefersDedicatedAllocation = false;
+ allocator->GetBufferMemoryRequirements(*pBuffer, vkMemReq,
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation, prefersDedicatedAllocation);
+ // Make sure alignment requirements for specific buffer usages reported
+ // in Physical Device Properties are included in alignment reported by memory requirements.
+ if((pBufferCreateInfo->usage & VK_BUFFER_USAGE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT) != 0)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(vkMemReq.alignment %
+ allocator->m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment == 0);
+ }
+ if((pBufferCreateInfo->usage & VK_BUFFER_USAGE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BIT) != 0)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(vkMemReq.alignment %
+ allocator->m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment == 0);
+ }
+ if((pBufferCreateInfo->usage & VK_BUFFER_USAGE_STORAGE_BUFFER_BIT) != 0)
+ {
+ VMA_ASSERT(vkMemReq.alignment %
+ allocator->m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment == 0);
+ }
+ // 3. Allocate memory using allocator.
+ res = allocator->AllocateMemory(
+ vkMemReq,
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ prefersDedicatedAllocation,
+ *pBuffer, // dedicatedBuffer
+ VK_NULL_HANDLE, // dedicatedImage
+ *pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ 1, // allocationCount
+ pAllocation);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordCreateBuffer(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ *pBufferCreateInfo,
+ *pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ *pAllocation);
+ }
+ if(res >= 0)
+ {
+ // 3. Bind buffer with memory.
+ res = allocator->BindBufferMemory(*pAllocation, *pBuffer);
+ if(res >= 0)
+ {
+ // All steps succeeded.
+ (*pAllocation)->InitBufferImageUsage(pBufferCreateInfo->usage);
+ #endif
+ if(pAllocationInfo != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetAllocationInfo(*pAllocation, pAllocationInfo);
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ allocator->FreeMemory(
+ 1, // allocationCount
+ pAllocation);
+ *pAllocation = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ (*allocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkDestroyBuffer)(allocator->m_hDevice, *pBuffer, allocator->GetAllocationCallbacks());
+ *pBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ return res;
+ }
+ (*allocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkDestroyBuffer)(allocator->m_hDevice, *pBuffer, allocator->GetAllocationCallbacks());
+ *pBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ return res;
+ }
+ return res;
+void vmaDestroyBuffer(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VkBuffer buffer,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator);
+ if(buffer == VK_NULL_HANDLE && allocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaDestroyBuffer");
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordDestroyBuffer(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ allocation);
+ }
+ if(buffer != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ (*allocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkDestroyBuffer)(allocator->m_hDevice, buffer, allocator->GetAllocationCallbacks());
+ }
+ if(allocation != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ allocator->FreeMemory(
+ 1, // allocationCount
+ &allocation);
+ }
+VkResult vmaCreateImage(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ const VkImageCreateInfo* pImageCreateInfo,
+ const VmaAllocationCreateInfo* pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ VkImage* pImage,
+ VmaAllocation* pAllocation,
+ VmaAllocationInfo* pAllocationInfo)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator && pImageCreateInfo && pAllocationCreateInfo && pImage && pAllocation);
+ if(pImageCreateInfo->extent.width == 0 ||
+ pImageCreateInfo->extent.height == 0 ||
+ pImageCreateInfo->extent.depth == 0 ||
+ pImageCreateInfo->mipLevels == 0 ||
+ pImageCreateInfo->arrayLayers == 0)
+ {
+ }
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaCreateImage");
+ *pImage = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ *pAllocation = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ // 1. Create VkImage.
+ VkResult res = (*allocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkCreateImage)(
+ allocator->m_hDevice,
+ pImageCreateInfo,
+ allocator->GetAllocationCallbacks(),
+ pImage);
+ if(res >= 0)
+ {
+ VmaSuballocationType suballocType = pImageCreateInfo->tiling == VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL ?
+ // 2. Allocate memory using allocator.
+ VkMemoryRequirements vkMemReq = {};
+ bool requiresDedicatedAllocation = false;
+ bool prefersDedicatedAllocation = false;
+ allocator->GetImageMemoryRequirements(*pImage, vkMemReq,
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation, prefersDedicatedAllocation);
+ res = allocator->AllocateMemory(
+ vkMemReq,
+ requiresDedicatedAllocation,
+ prefersDedicatedAllocation,
+ VK_NULL_HANDLE, // dedicatedBuffer
+ *pImage, // dedicatedImage
+ *pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ suballocType,
+ 1, // allocationCount
+ pAllocation);
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordCreateImage(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ *pImageCreateInfo,
+ *pAllocationCreateInfo,
+ *pAllocation);
+ }
+ if(res >= 0)
+ {
+ // 3. Bind image with memory.
+ res = allocator->BindImageMemory(*pAllocation, *pImage);
+ if(res >= 0)
+ {
+ // All steps succeeded.
+ (*pAllocation)->InitBufferImageUsage(pImageCreateInfo->usage);
+ #endif
+ if(pAllocationInfo != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetAllocationInfo(*pAllocation, pAllocationInfo);
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ allocator->FreeMemory(
+ 1, // allocationCount
+ pAllocation);
+ *pAllocation = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ (*allocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkDestroyImage)(allocator->m_hDevice, *pImage, allocator->GetAllocationCallbacks());
+ *pImage = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ return res;
+ }
+ (*allocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkDestroyImage)(allocator->m_hDevice, *pImage, allocator->GetAllocationCallbacks());
+ *pImage = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ return res;
+ }
+ return res;
+void vmaDestroyImage(
+ VmaAllocator allocator,
+ VkImage image,
+ VmaAllocation allocation)
+ VMA_ASSERT(allocator);
+ if(image == VK_NULL_HANDLE && allocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ VMA_DEBUG_LOG("vmaDestroyImage");
+ if(allocator->GetRecorder() != VMA_NULL)
+ {
+ allocator->GetRecorder()->RecordDestroyImage(
+ allocator->GetCurrentFrameIndex(),
+ allocation);
+ }
+ if(image != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ (*allocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkDestroyImage)(allocator->m_hDevice, image, allocator->GetAllocationCallbacks());
+ }
+ if(allocation != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
+ {
+ allocator->FreeMemory(
+ 1, // allocationCount
+ &allocation);
+ }
+#endif // #ifdef VMA_IMPLEMENTATION
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libEGL/libEGL_mingw32.def b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libEGL/libEGL_mingw32.def
index e68d27295e..14eb331b3a 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libEGL/libEGL_mingw32.def
+++ b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libEGL/libEGL_mingw32.def
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
- eglBindAPI @14
- eglBindTexImage @20
- eglChooseConfig @7
- eglCopyBuffers @33
- eglCreateContext @23
- eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer @18
- eglCreatePbufferSurface @10
- eglCreatePixmapSurface @11
- eglCreateWindowSurface @9
- eglDestroyContext @24
- eglDestroySurface @12
- eglGetConfigAttrib @8
- eglGetConfigs @6
- eglGetCurrentContext @26
- eglGetCurrentDisplay @28
- eglGetCurrentSurface @27
- eglGetDisplay @2
- eglGetError @1
- eglGetProcAddress @34
- eglInitialize @3
- eglMakeCurrent @25
- eglQueryAPI @15
- eglQueryContext @29
- eglQueryString @5
- eglQuerySurface @13
- eglReleaseTexImage @21
- eglReleaseThread @17
- eglSurfaceAttrib @19
- eglSwapBuffers @32
- eglSwapInterval @22
- eglTerminate @4
- eglWaitClient @16
- eglWaitGL @30
- eglWaitNative @31
+ eglBindAPI@4 @14
+ eglBindTexImage@12 @20
+ eglChooseConfig@20 @7
+ eglCopyBuffers@12 @33
+ eglCreateContext@16 @23
+ eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer@20 @18
+ eglCreatePbufferSurface@12 @10
+ eglCreatePixmapSurface@16 @11
+ eglCreateWindowSurface@16 @9
+ eglDestroyContext@8 @24
+ eglDestroySurface@8 @12
+ eglGetConfigAttrib@16 @8
+ eglGetConfigs@16 @6
+ eglGetCurrentContext@0 @26
+ eglGetCurrentDisplay@0 @28
+ eglGetCurrentSurface@4 @27
+ eglGetDisplay@4 @2
+ eglGetError@0 @1
+ eglGetProcAddress@4 @34
+ eglInitialize@12 @3
+ eglMakeCurrent@16 @25
+ eglQueryAPI@0 @15
+ eglQueryContext@16 @29
+ eglQueryString@8 @5
+ eglQuerySurface@16 @13
+ eglReleaseTexImage@12 @21
+ eglReleaseThread@0 @17
+ eglSurfaceAttrib@16 @19
+ eglSwapBuffers@8 @32
+ eglSwapInterval@8 @22
+ eglTerminate@4 @4
+ eglWaitClient@0 @16
+ eglWaitGL@0 @30
+ eglWaitNative@4 @31
; Extensions
- eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT @35
- eglQuerySurfacePointerANGLE @36
- eglPostSubBufferNV @37
- eglQueryDisplayAttribEXT @48
- eglQueryDeviceAttribEXT @49
- eglQueryDeviceStringEXT @50
- eglCreateImageKHR @51
- eglDestroyImageKHR @52
- eglCreateDeviceANGLE @53
- eglReleaseDeviceANGLE @54
- eglCreateStreamKHR @55
- eglDestroyStreamKHR @56
- eglStreamAttribKHR @57
- eglQueryStreamKHR @58
- eglQueryStreamu64KHR @59
- eglStreamConsumerGLTextureExternalKHR @60
- eglStreamConsumerAcquireKHR @61
- eglStreamConsumerReleaseKHR @62
- eglStreamConsumerGLTextureExternalAttribsNV @63
- eglCreateStreamProducerD3DTextureNV12ANGLE @64
- eglStreamPostD3DTextureNV12ANGLE @65
- eglGetSyncValuesCHROMIUM @66
- eglSwapBuffersWithDamageEXT @67
- eglProgramCacheGetAttribANGLE @68
- eglProgramCachePopulateANGLE @69
- eglProgramCacheQueryANGLE @70
- eglProgramCacheResizeANGLE @71
+ eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT@12 @35
+ eglQuerySurfacePointerANGLE@16 @36
+ eglPostSubBufferNV@24 @37
+ eglQueryDisplayAttribEXT@12 @48
+ eglQueryDeviceAttribEXT@12 @49
+ eglQueryDeviceStringEXT@8 @50
+ eglCreateImageKHR@20 @51
+ eglDestroyImageKHR@8 @52
+ eglCreateDeviceANGLE@12 @53
+ eglReleaseDeviceANGLE@4 @54
+ eglCreateStreamKHR@8 @55
+ eglDestroyStreamKHR@8 @56
+ eglStreamAttribKHR@16 @57
+ eglQueryStreamKHR@16 @58
+ eglQueryStreamu64KHR@16 @59
+ eglStreamConsumerGLTextureExternalKHR@8 @60
+ eglStreamConsumerAcquireKHR@8 @61
+ eglStreamConsumerReleaseKHR@8 @62
+ eglStreamConsumerGLTextureExternalAttribsNV@12 @63
+ eglCreateStreamProducerD3DTextureNV12ANGLE@12 @64
+ eglStreamPostD3DTextureNV12ANGLE@16 @65
+ eglGetSyncValuesCHROMIUM@20 @66
+ eglSwapBuffersWithDamageEXT@16 @67
+ eglProgramCacheGetAttribANGLE@8 @68
+ eglProgramCachePopulateANGLE@20 @69
+ eglProgramCacheQueryANGLE@24 @70
+ eglProgramCacheResizeANGLE@12 @71
; 1.5 entry points
- eglCreateSync @38
- eglDestroySync @39
- eglClientWaitSync @40
- eglGetSyncAttrib @41
- eglCreateImage @42
- eglDestroyImage @43
- eglGetPlatformDisplay @44
- eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface @45
- eglCreatePlatformPixmapSurface @46
- eglWaitSync @47
+ eglCreateSync@12 @38
+ eglDestroySync@8 @39
+ eglClientWaitSync@20 @40
+ eglGetSyncAttrib@16 @41
+ eglCreateImage@20 @42
+ eglDestroyImage@8 @43
+ eglGetPlatformDisplay@12 @44
+ eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface@16 @45
+ eglCreatePlatformPixmapSurface@16 @46
+ eglWaitSync@12 @47
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libEGL/libEGLd_mingw32.def b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libEGL/libEGLd_mingw32.def
index e68d27295e..14eb331b3a 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libEGL/libEGLd_mingw32.def
+++ b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libEGL/libEGLd_mingw32.def
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
- eglBindAPI @14
- eglBindTexImage @20
- eglChooseConfig @7
- eglCopyBuffers @33
- eglCreateContext @23
- eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer @18
- eglCreatePbufferSurface @10
- eglCreatePixmapSurface @11
- eglCreateWindowSurface @9
- eglDestroyContext @24
- eglDestroySurface @12
- eglGetConfigAttrib @8
- eglGetConfigs @6
- eglGetCurrentContext @26
- eglGetCurrentDisplay @28
- eglGetCurrentSurface @27
- eglGetDisplay @2
- eglGetError @1
- eglGetProcAddress @34
- eglInitialize @3
- eglMakeCurrent @25
- eglQueryAPI @15
- eglQueryContext @29
- eglQueryString @5
- eglQuerySurface @13
- eglReleaseTexImage @21
- eglReleaseThread @17
- eglSurfaceAttrib @19
- eglSwapBuffers @32
- eglSwapInterval @22
- eglTerminate @4
- eglWaitClient @16
- eglWaitGL @30
- eglWaitNative @31
+ eglBindAPI@4 @14
+ eglBindTexImage@12 @20
+ eglChooseConfig@20 @7
+ eglCopyBuffers@12 @33
+ eglCreateContext@16 @23
+ eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer@20 @18
+ eglCreatePbufferSurface@12 @10
+ eglCreatePixmapSurface@16 @11
+ eglCreateWindowSurface@16 @9
+ eglDestroyContext@8 @24
+ eglDestroySurface@8 @12
+ eglGetConfigAttrib@16 @8
+ eglGetConfigs@16 @6
+ eglGetCurrentContext@0 @26
+ eglGetCurrentDisplay@0 @28
+ eglGetCurrentSurface@4 @27
+ eglGetDisplay@4 @2
+ eglGetError@0 @1
+ eglGetProcAddress@4 @34
+ eglInitialize@12 @3
+ eglMakeCurrent@16 @25
+ eglQueryAPI@0 @15
+ eglQueryContext@16 @29
+ eglQueryString@8 @5
+ eglQuerySurface@16 @13
+ eglReleaseTexImage@12 @21
+ eglReleaseThread@0 @17
+ eglSurfaceAttrib@16 @19
+ eglSwapBuffers@8 @32
+ eglSwapInterval@8 @22
+ eglTerminate@4 @4
+ eglWaitClient@0 @16
+ eglWaitGL@0 @30
+ eglWaitNative@4 @31
; Extensions
- eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT @35
- eglQuerySurfacePointerANGLE @36
- eglPostSubBufferNV @37
- eglQueryDisplayAttribEXT @48
- eglQueryDeviceAttribEXT @49
- eglQueryDeviceStringEXT @50
- eglCreateImageKHR @51
- eglDestroyImageKHR @52
- eglCreateDeviceANGLE @53
- eglReleaseDeviceANGLE @54
- eglCreateStreamKHR @55
- eglDestroyStreamKHR @56
- eglStreamAttribKHR @57
- eglQueryStreamKHR @58
- eglQueryStreamu64KHR @59
- eglStreamConsumerGLTextureExternalKHR @60
- eglStreamConsumerAcquireKHR @61
- eglStreamConsumerReleaseKHR @62
- eglStreamConsumerGLTextureExternalAttribsNV @63
- eglCreateStreamProducerD3DTextureNV12ANGLE @64
- eglStreamPostD3DTextureNV12ANGLE @65
- eglGetSyncValuesCHROMIUM @66
- eglSwapBuffersWithDamageEXT @67
- eglProgramCacheGetAttribANGLE @68
- eglProgramCachePopulateANGLE @69
- eglProgramCacheQueryANGLE @70
- eglProgramCacheResizeANGLE @71
+ eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT@12 @35
+ eglQuerySurfacePointerANGLE@16 @36
+ eglPostSubBufferNV@24 @37
+ eglQueryDisplayAttribEXT@12 @48
+ eglQueryDeviceAttribEXT@12 @49
+ eglQueryDeviceStringEXT@8 @50
+ eglCreateImageKHR@20 @51
+ eglDestroyImageKHR@8 @52
+ eglCreateDeviceANGLE@12 @53
+ eglReleaseDeviceANGLE@4 @54
+ eglCreateStreamKHR@8 @55
+ eglDestroyStreamKHR@8 @56
+ eglStreamAttribKHR@16 @57
+ eglQueryStreamKHR@16 @58
+ eglQueryStreamu64KHR@16 @59
+ eglStreamConsumerGLTextureExternalKHR@8 @60
+ eglStreamConsumerAcquireKHR@8 @61
+ eglStreamConsumerReleaseKHR@8 @62
+ eglStreamConsumerGLTextureExternalAttribsNV@12 @63
+ eglCreateStreamProducerD3DTextureNV12ANGLE@12 @64
+ eglStreamPostD3DTextureNV12ANGLE@16 @65
+ eglGetSyncValuesCHROMIUM@20 @66
+ eglSwapBuffersWithDamageEXT@16 @67
+ eglProgramCacheGetAttribANGLE@8 @68
+ eglProgramCachePopulateANGLE@20 @69
+ eglProgramCacheQueryANGLE@24 @70
+ eglProgramCacheResizeANGLE@12 @71
; 1.5 entry points
- eglCreateSync @38
- eglDestroySync @39
- eglClientWaitSync @40
- eglGetSyncAttrib @41
- eglCreateImage @42
- eglDestroyImage @43
- eglGetPlatformDisplay @44
- eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface @45
- eglCreatePlatformPixmapSurface @46
- eglWaitSync @47
+ eglCreateSync@12 @38
+ eglDestroySync@8 @39
+ eglClientWaitSync@20 @40
+ eglGetSyncAttrib@16 @41
+ eglCreateImage@20 @42
+ eglDestroyImage@8 @43
+ eglGetPlatformDisplay@12 @44
+ eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface@16 @45
+ eglCreatePlatformPixmapSurface@16 @46
+ eglWaitSync@12 @47
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/libGLESv2_mingw32.def b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/libGLESv2_mingw32.def
index 2ff4cc0579..a182c21a05 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/libGLESv2_mingw32.def
+++ b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/libGLESv2_mingw32.def
@@ -1,412 +1,411 @@
- glActiveTexture @1
- glAttachShader @2
- glBindAttribLocation @3
- glBindBuffer @4
- glBindFramebuffer @5
- glBindRenderbuffer @6
- glBindTexture @7
- glBlendColor @8
- glBlendEquation @9
- glBlendEquationSeparate @10
- glBlendFunc @11
- glBlendFuncSeparate @12
- glBufferData @13
- glBufferSubData @14
- glCheckFramebufferStatus @15
- glClear @16
- glClearColor @17
- glClearDepthf @18
- glClearStencil @19
- glColorMask @20
- glCompileShader @21
- glCompressedTexImage2D @22
- glCompressedTexSubImage2D @23
- glCopyTexImage2D @24
- glCopyTexSubImage2D @25
- glCreateProgram @26
- glCreateShader @27
- glCullFace @28
- glDeleteBuffers @29
- glDeleteFramebuffers @30
- glDeleteProgram @32
- glDeleteRenderbuffers @33
- glDeleteShader @34
- glDeleteTextures @31
- glDepthFunc @36
- glDepthMask @37
- glDepthRangef @38
- glDetachShader @35
- glDisable @39
- glDisableVertexAttribArray @40
- glDrawArrays @41
- glDrawElements @42
- glEnable @43
- glEnableVertexAttribArray @44
- glFinish @45
- glFlush @46
- glFramebufferRenderbuffer @47
- glFramebufferTexture2D @48
- glFrontFace @49
- glGenBuffers @50
- glGenFramebuffers @52
- glGenRenderbuffers @53
- glGenTextures @54
- glGenerateMipmap @51
- glGetActiveAttrib @55
- glGetActiveUniform @56
- glGetAttachedShaders @57
- glGetAttribLocation @58
- glGetBooleanv @59
- glGetBufferParameteriv @60
- glGetError @61
- glGetFloatv @62
- glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv @63
- glGetIntegerv @64
- glGetProgramInfoLog @66
- glGetProgramiv @65
- glGetRenderbufferParameteriv @67
- glGetShaderInfoLog @69
- glGetShaderPrecisionFormat @70
- glGetShaderSource @71
- glGetShaderiv @68
- glGetString @72
- glGetTexParameterfv @73
- glGetTexParameteriv @74
- glGetUniformLocation @77
- glGetUniformfv @75
- glGetUniformiv @76
- glGetVertexAttribPointerv @80
- glGetVertexAttribfv @78
- glGetVertexAttribiv @79
- glHint @81
- glIsBuffer @82
- glIsEnabled @83
- glIsFramebuffer @84
- glIsProgram @85
- glIsRenderbuffer @86
- glIsShader @87
- glIsTexture @88
- glLineWidth @89
- glLinkProgram @90
- glPixelStorei @91
- glPolygonOffset @92
- glReadPixels @93
- glReleaseShaderCompiler @94
- glRenderbufferStorage @95
- glSampleCoverage @96
- glScissor @97
- glShaderBinary @98
- glShaderSource @99
- glStencilFunc @100
- glStencilFuncSeparate @101
- glStencilMask @102
- glStencilMaskSeparate @103
- glStencilOp @104
- glStencilOpSeparate @105
- glTexImage2D @106
- glTexParameterf @107
- glTexParameterfv @108
- glTexParameteri @109
- glTexParameteriv @110
- glTexSubImage2D @111
- glUniform1f @112
- glUniform1fv @113
- glUniform1i @114
- glUniform1iv @115
- glUniform2f @116
- glUniform2fv @117
- glUniform2i @118
- glUniform2iv @119
- glUniform3f @120
- glUniform3fv @121
- glUniform3i @122
- glUniform3iv @123
- glUniform4f @124
- glUniform4fv @125
- glUniform4i @126
- glUniform4iv @127
- glUniformMatrix2fv @128
- glUniformMatrix3fv @129
- glUniformMatrix4fv @130
- glUseProgram @131
- glValidateProgram @132
- glVertexAttrib1f @133
- glVertexAttrib1fv @134
- glVertexAttrib2f @135
- glVertexAttrib2fv @136
- glVertexAttrib3f @137
- glVertexAttrib3fv @138
- glVertexAttrib4f @139
- glVertexAttrib4fv @140
- glVertexAttribPointer @141
- glViewport @142
+ glActiveTexture@4 @1
+ glAttachShader@8 @2
+ glBindAttribLocation@12 @3
+ glBindBuffer@8 @4
+ glBindFramebuffer@8 @5
+ glBindRenderbuffer@8 @6
+ glBindTexture@8 @7
+ glBlendColor@16 @8
+ glBlendEquation@4 @9
+ glBlendEquationSeparate@8 @10
+ glBlendFunc@8 @11
+ glBlendFuncSeparate@16 @12
+ glBufferData@16 @13
+ glBufferSubData@16 @14
+ glCheckFramebufferStatus@4 @15
+ glClear@4 @16
+ glClearColor@16 @17
+ glClearDepthf@4 @18
+ glClearStencil@4 @19
+ glColorMask@16 @20
+ glCompileShader@4 @21
+ glCompressedTexImage2D@32 @22
+ glCompressedTexSubImage2D@36 @23
+ glCopyTexImage2D@32 @24
+ glCopyTexSubImage2D@32 @25
+ glCreateProgram@0 @26
+ glCreateShader@4 @27
+ glCullFace@4 @28
+ glDeleteBuffers@8 @29
+ glDeleteFramebuffers@8 @30
+ glDeleteProgram@4 @32
+ glDeleteRenderbuffers@8 @33
+ glDeleteShader@4 @34
+ glDeleteTextures@8 @31
+ glDepthFunc@4 @36
+ glDepthMask@4 @37
+ glDepthRangef@8 @38
+ glDetachShader@8 @35
+ glDisable@4 @39
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray@4 @40
+ glDrawArrays@12 @41
+ glDrawElements@16 @42
+ glEnable@4 @43
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray@4 @44
+ glFinish@0 @45
+ glFlush@0 @46
+ glFramebufferRenderbuffer@16 @47
+ glFramebufferTexture2D@20 @48
+ glFrontFace@4 @49
+ glGenBuffers@8 @50
+ glGenFramebuffers@8 @52
+ glGenRenderbuffers@8 @53
+ glGenTextures@8 @54
+ glGenerateMipmap@4 @51
+ glGetActiveAttrib@28 @55
+ glGetActiveUniform@28 @56
+ glGetAttachedShaders@16 @57
+ glGetAttribLocation@8 @58
+ glGetBooleanv@8 @59
+ glGetBufferParameteriv@12 @60
+ glGetError@0 @61
+ glGetFloatv@8 @62
+ glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv@16 @63
+ glGetIntegerv@8 @64
+ glGetProgramInfoLog@16 @66
+ glGetProgramiv@12 @65
+ glGetRenderbufferParameteriv@12 @67
+ glGetShaderInfoLog@16 @69
+ glGetShaderPrecisionFormat@16 @70
+ glGetShaderSource@16 @71
+ glGetShaderiv@12 @68
+ glGetString@4 @72
+ glGetTexParameterfv@12 @73
+ glGetTexParameteriv@12 @74
+ glGetUniformLocation@8 @77
+ glGetUniformfv@12 @75
+ glGetUniformiv@12 @76
+ glGetVertexAttribPointerv@12 @80
+ glGetVertexAttribfv@12 @78
+ glGetVertexAttribiv@12 @79
+ glHint@8 @81
+ glIsBuffer@4 @82
+ glIsEnabled@4 @83
+ glIsFramebuffer@4 @84
+ glIsProgram@4 @85
+ glIsRenderbuffer@4 @86
+ glIsShader@4 @87
+ glIsTexture@4 @88
+ glLineWidth@4 @89
+ glLinkProgram@4 @90
+ glPixelStorei@8 @91
+ glPolygonOffset@8 @92
+ glReadPixels@28 @93
+ glReleaseShaderCompiler@0 @94
+ glRenderbufferStorage@16 @95
+ glSampleCoverage@8 @96
+ glScissor@16 @97
+ glShaderBinary@20 @98
+ glShaderSource@16 @99
+ glStencilFunc@12 @100
+ glStencilFuncSeparate@16 @101
+ glStencilMask@4 @102
+ glStencilMaskSeparate@8 @103
+ glStencilOp@12 @104
+ glStencilOpSeparate@16 @105
+ glTexImage2D@36 @106
+ glTexParameterf@12 @107
+ glTexParameterfv@12 @108
+ glTexParameteri@12 @109
+ glTexParameteriv@12 @110
+ glTexSubImage2D@36 @111
+ glUniform1f@8 @112
+ glUniform1fv@12 @113
+ glUniform1i@8 @114
+ glUniform1iv@12 @115
+ glUniform2f@12 @116
+ glUniform2fv@12 @117
+ glUniform2i@12 @118
+ glUniform2iv@12 @119
+ glUniform3f@16 @120
+ glUniform3fv@12 @121
+ glUniform3i@16 @122
+ glUniform3iv@12 @123
+ glUniform4f@20 @124
+ glUniform4fv@12 @125
+ glUniform4i@20 @126
+ glUniform4iv@12 @127
+ glUniformMatrix2fv@16 @128
+ glUniformMatrix3fv@16 @129
+ glUniformMatrix4fv@16 @130
+ glUseProgram@4 @131
+ glValidateProgram@4 @132
+ glVertexAttrib1f@8 @133
+ glVertexAttrib1fv@8 @134
+ glVertexAttrib2f@12 @135
+ glVertexAttrib2fv@8 @136
+ glVertexAttrib3f@16 @137
+ glVertexAttrib3fv@8 @138
+ glVertexAttrib4f@20 @139
+ glVertexAttrib4fv@8 @140
+ glVertexAttribPointer@24 @141
+ glViewport@16 @142
; Extensions
- glBlitFramebufferANGLE @149
- glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE @150
- glDeleteFencesNV @151
- glFinishFenceNV @152
- glGenFencesNV @153
- glGetFenceivNV @154
- glIsFenceNV @155
- glSetFenceNV @156
- glTestFenceNV @157
- glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE @159
- glTexStorage2DEXT @160
- glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT @161
- glReadnPixelsEXT @162
- glGetnUniformfvEXT @163
- glGetnUniformivEXT @164
- glGenQueriesEXT @165
- glDeleteQueriesEXT @166
- glIsQueryEXT @167
- glBeginQueryEXT @168
- glEndQueryEXT @169
- glGetQueryivEXT @170
- glGetQueryObjectuivEXT @171
- glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE @172
- glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE @173
- glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE @174
- glProgramBinaryOES @175
- glGetProgramBinaryOES @176
- glDrawBuffersEXT @179
- glMapBufferOES @285
- glUnmapBufferOES @286
- glGetBufferPointervOES @287
- glMapBufferRangeEXT @288
- glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT @289
- glDiscardFramebufferEXT @293
- glInsertEventMarkerEXT @294
- glPushGroupMarkerEXT @295
- glPopGroupMarkerEXT @296
- glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES @297
- glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES @298
- glBindVertexArrayOES @299
- glDeleteVertexArraysOES @300
- glGenVertexArraysOES @301
- glIsVertexArrayOES @302
- glDebugMessageControlKHR @303
- glDebugMessageInsertKHR @304
- glDebugMessageCallbackKHR @305
- glGetDebugMessageLogKHR @306
- glPushDebugGroupKHR @307
- glPopDebugGroupKHR @308
- glObjectLabelKHR @309
- glGetObjectLabelKHR @310
- glObjectPtrLabelKHR @311
- glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR @312
- glGetPointervKHR @313
- glQueryCounterEXT @314
- glGetQueryObjectivEXT @315
- glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT @316
- glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT @317
- glBindUniformLocationCHROMIUM @318
- glCoverageModulationCHROMIUM @319
+ glBlitFramebufferANGLE@40 @149
+ glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE@20 @150
+ glDeleteFencesNV@8 @151
+ glFinishFenceNV@4 @152
+ glGenFencesNV@8 @153
+ glGetFenceivNV@12 @154
+ glIsFenceNV@4 @155
+ glSetFenceNV@8 @156
+ glTestFenceNV@4 @157
+ glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE@16 @159
+ glTexStorage2DEXT@20 @160
+ glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT@0 @161
+ glReadnPixelsEXT@32 @162
+ glGetnUniformfvEXT@16 @163
+ glGetnUniformivEXT@16 @164
+ glGenQueriesEXT@8 @165
+ glDeleteQueriesEXT@8 @166
+ glIsQueryEXT@4 @167
+ glBeginQueryEXT@8 @168
+ glEndQueryEXT@4 @169
+ glGetQueryivEXT@12 @170
+ glGetQueryObjectuivEXT@12 @171
+ glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE@8 @172
+ glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE@16 @173
+ glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE@20 @174
+ glProgramBinaryOES@16 @175
+ glGetProgramBinaryOES@20 @176
+ glDrawBuffersEXT@8 @179
+ glMapBufferOES@8 @285
+ glUnmapBufferOES@4 @286
+ glGetBufferPointervOES@12 @287
+ glMapBufferRangeEXT@16 @288
+ glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT@12 @289
+ glDiscardFramebufferEXT@12 @293
+ glInsertEventMarkerEXT@8 @294
+ glPushGroupMarkerEXT@8 @295
+ glPopGroupMarkerEXT@0 @296
+ glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES@8 @297
+ glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES@8 @298
+ glBindVertexArrayOES@4 @299
+ glDeleteVertexArraysOES@8 @300
+ glGenVertexArraysOES@8 @301
+ glIsVertexArrayOES@4 @302
+ glDebugMessageControlKHR@24 @303
+ glDebugMessageInsertKHR@24 @304
+ glDebugMessageCallbackKHR@8 @305
+ glGetDebugMessageLogKHR@32 @306
+ glPushDebugGroupKHR@16 @307
+ glPopDebugGroupKHR@0 @308
+ glObjectLabelKHR@16 @309
+ glGetObjectLabelKHR@20 @310
+ glObjectPtrLabelKHR@12 @311
+ glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR@16 @312
+ glGetPointervKHR@8 @313
+ glQueryCounterEXT@8 @314
+ glGetQueryObjectivEXT@12 @315
+ glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT@12 @316
+ glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT@12 @317
+ glBindUniformLocationCHROMIUM@12 @318
+ glCoverageModulationCHROMIUM@4 @319
+ glMatrixLoadfCHROMIUM@8 @320
+ glMatrixLoadIdentityCHROMIUM@4 @321
+ glGenPathsCHROMIUM@4 @322
+ glDeletePathsCHROMIUM@8 @323
+ glIsPathCHROMIUM@4 @324
+ glPathCommandsCHROMIUM@24 @325
+ glPathParameterfCHROMIUM@12 @326
+ glPathParameteriCHROMIUM@12 @327
+ glGetPathParameterfvCHROMIUM@12 @328
+ glGetPathParameterivCHROMIUM@12 @329
+ glPathStencilFuncCHROMIUM@12 @330
+ glStencilFillPathCHROMIUM@12 @331
+ glStencilStrokePathCHROMIUM@12 @332
+ glCoverFillPathCHROMIUM@8 @333
+ glCoverStrokePathCHROMIUM@8 @334
+ glStencilThenCoverFillPathCHROMIUM@16 @335
+ glStencilThenCoverStrokePathCHROMIUM@16 @336
+ glCoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM@28 @337
+ glCoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM@28 @338
+ glStencilStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM@32 @339
+ glStencilFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM@32 @340
+ glStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM@36 @341
+ glStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM@36 @342
+ glBindFragmentInputLocationCHROMIUM@12 @343
+ glProgramPathFragmentInputGenCHROMIUM@20 @344
- glMatrixLoadfCHROMIUM @320
- glMatrixLoadIdentityCHROMIUM @321
- glGenPathsCHROMIUM @322
- glDeletePathsCHROMIUM @323
- glIsPathCHROMIUM @324
- glPathCommandsCHROMIUM @325
- glPathParameterfCHROMIUM @326
- glPathParameteriCHROMIUM @327
- glGetPathParameterfvCHROMIUM @328
- glGetPathParameterivCHROMIUM @329
- glPathStencilFuncCHROMIUM @330
- glStencilFillPathCHROMIUM @331
- glStencilStrokePathCHROMIUM @332
- glCoverFillPathCHROMIUM @333
- glCoverStrokePathCHROMIUM @334
- glStencilThenCoverFillPathCHROMIUM @335
- glStencilThenCoverStrokePathCHROMIUM @336
- glCoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM @337
- glCoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM @338
- glStencilStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM @339
- glStencilFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM @340
- glStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM @341
- glStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM @342
- glBindFragmentInputLocationCHROMIUM @343
- glProgramPathFragmentInputGenCHROMIUM @344
- glFramebufferTextureMultiviewLayeredANGLE @413
- glFramebufferTextureMultiviewSideBySideANGLE @414
- glRequestExtensionANGLE @415
+ glFramebufferTextureMultiviewLayeredANGLE@24 @413
+ glFramebufferTextureMultiviewSideBySideANGLE@24 @414
+ glRequestExtensionANGLE@4 @415
; GLES 3.0 Functions
- glReadBuffer @180
- glDrawRangeElements @181
- glTexImage3D @182
- glTexSubImage3D @183
- glCopyTexSubImage3D @184
- glCompressedTexImage3D @185
- glCompressedTexSubImage3D @186
- glGenQueries @187
- glDeleteQueries @188
- glIsQuery @189
- glBeginQuery @190
- glEndQuery @191
- glGetQueryiv @192
- glGetQueryObjectuiv @193
- glUnmapBuffer @194
- glGetBufferPointerv @195
- glDrawBuffers @196
- glUniformMatrix2x3fv @197
- glUniformMatrix3x2fv @198
- glUniformMatrix2x4fv @199
- glUniformMatrix4x2fv @200
- glUniformMatrix3x4fv @201
- glUniformMatrix4x3fv @202
- glBlitFramebuffer @203
- glRenderbufferStorageMultisample @204
- glFramebufferTextureLayer @205
- glMapBufferRange @206
- glFlushMappedBufferRange @207
- glBindVertexArray @208
- glDeleteVertexArrays @209
- glGenVertexArrays @210
- glIsVertexArray @211
- glGetIntegeri_v @212
- glBeginTransformFeedback @213
- glEndTransformFeedback @214
- glBindBufferRange @215
- glBindBufferBase @216
- glTransformFeedbackVaryings @217
- glGetTransformFeedbackVarying @218
- glVertexAttribIPointer @219
- glGetVertexAttribIiv @220
- glGetVertexAttribIuiv @221
- glVertexAttribI4i @222
- glVertexAttribI4ui @223
- glVertexAttribI4iv @224
- glVertexAttribI4uiv @225
- glGetUniformuiv @226
- glGetFragDataLocation @227
- glUniform1ui @228
- glUniform2ui @229
- glUniform3ui @230
- glUniform4ui @231
- glUniform1uiv @232
- glUniform2uiv @233
- glUniform3uiv @234
- glUniform4uiv @235
- glClearBufferiv @236
- glClearBufferuiv @237
- glClearBufferfv @238
- glClearBufferfi @239
- glGetStringi @240
- glCopyBufferSubData @241
- glGetUniformIndices @242
- glGetActiveUniformsiv @243
- glGetUniformBlockIndex @244
- glGetActiveUniformBlockiv @245
- glGetActiveUniformBlockName @246
- glUniformBlockBinding @247
- glDrawArraysInstanced @248
- glDrawElementsInstanced @249
- glFenceSync @250
- glIsSync @251
- glDeleteSync @252
- glClientWaitSync @253
- glWaitSync @254
- glGetInteger64v @255
- glGetSynciv @256
- glGetInteger64i_v @257
- glGetBufferParameteri64v @258
- glGenSamplers @259
- glDeleteSamplers @260
- glIsSampler @261
- glBindSampler @262
- glSamplerParameteri @263
- glSamplerParameteriv @264
- glSamplerParameterf @265
- glSamplerParameterfv @266
- glGetSamplerParameteriv @267
- glGetSamplerParameterfv @268
- glVertexAttribDivisor @269
- glBindTransformFeedback @270
- glDeleteTransformFeedbacks @271
- glGenTransformFeedbacks @272
- glIsTransformFeedback @273
- glPauseTransformFeedback @274
- glResumeTransformFeedback @275
- glGetProgramBinary @276
- glProgramBinary @277
- glProgramParameteri @278
- glInvalidateFramebuffer @279
- glInvalidateSubFramebuffer @280
- glTexStorage2D @281
- glTexStorage3D @282
- glGetInternalformativ @283
+ glReadBuffer@4 @180
+ glDrawRangeElements@24 @181
+ glTexImage3D@40 @182
+ glTexSubImage3D@44 @183
+ glCopyTexSubImage3D@36 @184
+ glCompressedTexImage3D@36 @185
+ glCompressedTexSubImage3D@44 @186
+ glGenQueries@8 @187
+ glDeleteQueries@8 @188
+ glIsQuery@4 @189
+ glBeginQuery@8 @190
+ glEndQuery@4 @191
+ glGetQueryiv@12 @192
+ glGetQueryObjectuiv@12 @193
+ glUnmapBuffer@4 @194
+ glGetBufferPointerv@12 @195
+ glDrawBuffers@8 @196
+ glUniformMatrix2x3fv@16 @197
+ glUniformMatrix3x2fv@16 @198
+ glUniformMatrix2x4fv@16 @199
+ glUniformMatrix4x2fv@16 @200
+ glUniformMatrix3x4fv@16 @201
+ glUniformMatrix4x3fv@16 @202
+ glBlitFramebuffer@40 @203
+ glRenderbufferStorageMultisample@20 @204
+ glFramebufferTextureLayer@20 @205
+ glMapBufferRange@16 @206
+ glFlushMappedBufferRange@12 @207
+ glBindVertexArray@4 @208
+ glDeleteVertexArrays@8 @209
+ glGenVertexArrays@8 @210
+ glIsVertexArray@4 @211
+ glGetIntegeri_v@12 @212
+ glBeginTransformFeedback@4 @213
+ glEndTransformFeedback@0 @214
+ glBindBufferRange@20 @215
+ glBindBufferBase@12 @216
+ glTransformFeedbackVaryings@16 @217
+ glGetTransformFeedbackVarying@28 @218
+ glVertexAttribIPointer@20 @219
+ glGetVertexAttribIiv@12 @220
+ glGetVertexAttribIuiv@12 @221
+ glVertexAttribI4i@20 @222
+ glVertexAttribI4ui@20 @223
+ glVertexAttribI4iv@8 @224
+ glVertexAttribI4uiv@8 @225
+ glGetUniformuiv@12 @226
+ glGetFragDataLocation@8 @227
+ glUniform1ui@8 @228
+ glUniform2ui@12 @229
+ glUniform3ui@16 @230
+ glUniform4ui@20 @231
+ glUniform1uiv@12 @232
+ glUniform2uiv@12 @233
+ glUniform3uiv@12 @234
+ glUniform4uiv@12 @235
+ glClearBufferiv@12 @236
+ glClearBufferuiv@12 @237
+ glClearBufferfv@12 @238
+ glClearBufferfi@16 @239
+ glGetStringi@8 @240
+ glCopyBufferSubData@20 @241
+ glGetUniformIndices@16 @242
+ glGetActiveUniformsiv@20 @243
+ glGetUniformBlockIndex@8 @244
+ glGetActiveUniformBlockiv@16 @245
+ glGetActiveUniformBlockName@20 @246
+ glUniformBlockBinding@12 @247
+ glDrawArraysInstanced@16 @248
+ glDrawElementsInstanced@20 @249
+ glFenceSync@8 @250
+ glIsSync@4 @251
+ glDeleteSync@4 @252
+ glClientWaitSync@16 @253
+ glWaitSync@16 @254
+ glGetInteger64v@8 @255
+ glGetSynciv@20 @256
+ glGetInteger64i_v@12 @257
+ glGetBufferParameteri64v@12 @258
+ glGenSamplers@8 @259
+ glDeleteSamplers@8 @260
+ glIsSampler@4 @261
+ glBindSampler@8 @262
+ glSamplerParameteri@12 @263
+ glSamplerParameteriv@12 @264
+ glSamplerParameterf@12 @265
+ glSamplerParameterfv@12 @266
+ glGetSamplerParameteriv@12 @267
+ glGetSamplerParameterfv@12 @268
+ glVertexAttribDivisor@8 @269
+ glBindTransformFeedback@8 @270
+ glDeleteTransformFeedbacks@8 @271
+ glGenTransformFeedbacks@8 @272
+ glIsTransformFeedback@4 @273
+ glPauseTransformFeedback@0 @274
+ glResumeTransformFeedback@0 @275
+ glGetProgramBinary@20 @276
+ glProgramBinary@16 @277
+ glProgramParameteri@12 @278
+ glInvalidateFramebuffer@12 @279
+ glInvalidateSubFramebuffer@28 @280
+ glTexStorage2D@20 @281
+ glTexStorage3D@24 @282
+ glGetInternalformativ@20 @283
; GLES 3.1 Functions
- glDispatchCompute @345
- glDispatchComputeIndirect @346
- glDrawArraysIndirect @347
- glDrawElementsIndirect @348
- glFramebufferParameteri @349
- glGetFramebufferParameteriv @350
- glGetProgramInterfaceiv @351
- glGetProgramResourceIndex @352
- glGetProgramResourceName @353
- glGetProgramResourceiv @354
- glGetProgramResourceLocation @355
- glUseProgramStages @356
- glActiveShaderProgram @357
- glCreateShaderProgramv @358
- glBindProgramPipeline @359
- glDeleteProgramPipelines @360
- glGenProgramPipelines @361
- glIsProgramPipeline @362
- glGetProgramPipelineiv @363
- glProgramUniform1i @364
- glProgramUniform2i @365
- glProgramUniform3i @366
- glProgramUniform4i @367
- glProgramUniform1ui @368
- glProgramUniform2ui @369
- glProgramUniform3ui @370
- glProgramUniform4ui @371
- glProgramUniform1f @372
- glProgramUniform2f @373
- glProgramUniform3f @374
- glProgramUniform4f @375
- glProgramUniform1iv @376
- glProgramUniform2iv @377
- glProgramUniform3iv @378
- glProgramUniform4iv @379
- glProgramUniform1uiv @380
- glProgramUniform2uiv @381
- glProgramUniform3uiv @382
- glProgramUniform4uiv @383
- glProgramUniform1fv @384
- glProgramUniform2fv @385
- glProgramUniform3fv @386
- glProgramUniform4fv @387
- glProgramUniformMatrix2fv @388
- glProgramUniformMatrix3fv @389
- glProgramUniformMatrix4fv @390
- glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv @391
- glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv @392
- glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv @393
- glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv @394
- glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv @395
- glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv @396
- glValidateProgramPipeline @397
- glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog @398
- glBindImageTexture @399
- glGetBooleani_v @400
- glMemoryBarrier @401
- glMemoryBarrierByRegion @402
- glTexStorage2DMultisample @403
- glGetMultisamplefv @404
- glSampleMaski @405
- glGetTexLevelParameteriv @406
- glGetTexLevelParameterfv @407
- glBindVertexBuffer @408
- glVertexAttribFormat @409
- glVertexAttribIFormat @410
- glVertexAttribBinding @411
- glVertexBindingDivisor @412
+ glDispatchCompute@12 @345
+ glDispatchComputeIndirect@4 @346
+ glDrawArraysIndirect@8 @347
+ glDrawElementsIndirect@12 @348
+ glFramebufferParameteri@12 @349
+ glGetFramebufferParameteriv@12 @350
+ glGetProgramInterfaceiv@16 @351
+ glGetProgramResourceIndex@12 @352
+ glGetProgramResourceName@24 @353
+ glGetProgramResourceiv@32 @354
+ glGetProgramResourceLocation@12 @355
+ glUseProgramStages@12 @356
+ glActiveShaderProgram@8 @357
+ glCreateShaderProgramv@12 @358
+ glBindProgramPipeline@4 @359
+ glDeleteProgramPipelines@8 @360
+ glGenProgramPipelines@8 @361
+ glIsProgramPipeline@4 @362
+ glGetProgramPipelineiv@12 @363
+ glProgramUniform1i@12 @364
+ glProgramUniform2i@16 @365
+ glProgramUniform3i@20 @366
+ glProgramUniform4i@24 @367
+ glProgramUniform1ui@12 @368
+ glProgramUniform2ui@16 @369
+ glProgramUniform3ui@20 @370
+ glProgramUniform4ui@24 @371
+ glProgramUniform1f@12 @372
+ glProgramUniform2f@16 @373
+ glProgramUniform3f@20 @374
+ glProgramUniform4f@24 @375
+ glProgramUniform1iv@16 @376
+ glProgramUniform2iv@16 @377
+ glProgramUniform3iv@16 @378
+ glProgramUniform4iv@16 @379
+ glProgramUniform1uiv@16 @380
+ glProgramUniform2uiv@16 @381
+ glProgramUniform3uiv@16 @382
+ glProgramUniform4uiv@16 @383
+ glProgramUniform1fv@16 @384
+ glProgramUniform2fv@16 @385
+ glProgramUniform3fv@16 @386
+ glProgramUniform4fv@16 @387
+ glProgramUniformMatrix2fv@20 @388
+ glProgramUniformMatrix3fv@20 @389
+ glProgramUniformMatrix4fv@20 @390
+ glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv@20 @391
+ glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv@20 @392
+ glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv@20 @393
+ glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv@20 @394
+ glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv@20 @395
+ glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv@20 @396
+ glValidateProgramPipeline@4 @397
+ glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog@16 @398
+ glBindImageTexture@28 @399
+ glGetBooleani_v@12 @400
+ glMemoryBarrier@4 @401
+ glMemoryBarrierByRegion@4 @402
+ glTexStorage2DMultisample@24 @403
+ glGetMultisamplefv@12 @404
+ glSampleMaski@8 @405
+ glGetTexLevelParameteriv@16 @406
+ glGetTexLevelParameterfv@16 @407
+ glBindVertexBuffer@16 @408
+ glVertexAttribFormat@20 @409
+ glVertexAttribIFormat@16 @410
+ glVertexAttribBinding@8 @411
+ glVertexBindingDivisor@8 @412
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/libGLESv2d_mingw32.def b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/libGLESv2d_mingw32.def
index 2ff4cc0579..a182c21a05 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/libGLESv2d_mingw32.def
+++ b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libGLESv2/libGLESv2d_mingw32.def
@@ -1,412 +1,411 @@
- glActiveTexture @1
- glAttachShader @2
- glBindAttribLocation @3
- glBindBuffer @4
- glBindFramebuffer @5
- glBindRenderbuffer @6
- glBindTexture @7
- glBlendColor @8
- glBlendEquation @9
- glBlendEquationSeparate @10
- glBlendFunc @11
- glBlendFuncSeparate @12
- glBufferData @13
- glBufferSubData @14
- glCheckFramebufferStatus @15
- glClear @16
- glClearColor @17
- glClearDepthf @18
- glClearStencil @19
- glColorMask @20
- glCompileShader @21
- glCompressedTexImage2D @22
- glCompressedTexSubImage2D @23
- glCopyTexImage2D @24
- glCopyTexSubImage2D @25
- glCreateProgram @26
- glCreateShader @27
- glCullFace @28
- glDeleteBuffers @29
- glDeleteFramebuffers @30
- glDeleteProgram @32
- glDeleteRenderbuffers @33
- glDeleteShader @34
- glDeleteTextures @31
- glDepthFunc @36
- glDepthMask @37
- glDepthRangef @38
- glDetachShader @35
- glDisable @39
- glDisableVertexAttribArray @40
- glDrawArrays @41
- glDrawElements @42
- glEnable @43
- glEnableVertexAttribArray @44
- glFinish @45
- glFlush @46
- glFramebufferRenderbuffer @47
- glFramebufferTexture2D @48
- glFrontFace @49
- glGenBuffers @50
- glGenFramebuffers @52
- glGenRenderbuffers @53
- glGenTextures @54
- glGenerateMipmap @51
- glGetActiveAttrib @55
- glGetActiveUniform @56
- glGetAttachedShaders @57
- glGetAttribLocation @58
- glGetBooleanv @59
- glGetBufferParameteriv @60
- glGetError @61
- glGetFloatv @62
- glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv @63
- glGetIntegerv @64
- glGetProgramInfoLog @66
- glGetProgramiv @65
- glGetRenderbufferParameteriv @67
- glGetShaderInfoLog @69
- glGetShaderPrecisionFormat @70
- glGetShaderSource @71
- glGetShaderiv @68
- glGetString @72
- glGetTexParameterfv @73
- glGetTexParameteriv @74
- glGetUniformLocation @77
- glGetUniformfv @75
- glGetUniformiv @76
- glGetVertexAttribPointerv @80
- glGetVertexAttribfv @78
- glGetVertexAttribiv @79
- glHint @81
- glIsBuffer @82
- glIsEnabled @83
- glIsFramebuffer @84
- glIsProgram @85
- glIsRenderbuffer @86
- glIsShader @87
- glIsTexture @88
- glLineWidth @89
- glLinkProgram @90
- glPixelStorei @91
- glPolygonOffset @92
- glReadPixels @93
- glReleaseShaderCompiler @94
- glRenderbufferStorage @95
- glSampleCoverage @96
- glScissor @97
- glShaderBinary @98
- glShaderSource @99
- glStencilFunc @100
- glStencilFuncSeparate @101
- glStencilMask @102
- glStencilMaskSeparate @103
- glStencilOp @104
- glStencilOpSeparate @105
- glTexImage2D @106
- glTexParameterf @107
- glTexParameterfv @108
- glTexParameteri @109
- glTexParameteriv @110
- glTexSubImage2D @111
- glUniform1f @112
- glUniform1fv @113
- glUniform1i @114
- glUniform1iv @115
- glUniform2f @116
- glUniform2fv @117
- glUniform2i @118
- glUniform2iv @119
- glUniform3f @120
- glUniform3fv @121
- glUniform3i @122
- glUniform3iv @123
- glUniform4f @124
- glUniform4fv @125
- glUniform4i @126
- glUniform4iv @127
- glUniformMatrix2fv @128
- glUniformMatrix3fv @129
- glUniformMatrix4fv @130
- glUseProgram @131
- glValidateProgram @132
- glVertexAttrib1f @133
- glVertexAttrib1fv @134
- glVertexAttrib2f @135
- glVertexAttrib2fv @136
- glVertexAttrib3f @137
- glVertexAttrib3fv @138
- glVertexAttrib4f @139
- glVertexAttrib4fv @140
- glVertexAttribPointer @141
- glViewport @142
+ glActiveTexture@4 @1
+ glAttachShader@8 @2
+ glBindAttribLocation@12 @3
+ glBindBuffer@8 @4
+ glBindFramebuffer@8 @5
+ glBindRenderbuffer@8 @6
+ glBindTexture@8 @7
+ glBlendColor@16 @8
+ glBlendEquation@4 @9
+ glBlendEquationSeparate@8 @10
+ glBlendFunc@8 @11
+ glBlendFuncSeparate@16 @12
+ glBufferData@16 @13
+ glBufferSubData@16 @14
+ glCheckFramebufferStatus@4 @15
+ glClear@4 @16
+ glClearColor@16 @17
+ glClearDepthf@4 @18
+ glClearStencil@4 @19
+ glColorMask@16 @20
+ glCompileShader@4 @21
+ glCompressedTexImage2D@32 @22
+ glCompressedTexSubImage2D@36 @23
+ glCopyTexImage2D@32 @24
+ glCopyTexSubImage2D@32 @25
+ glCreateProgram@0 @26
+ glCreateShader@4 @27
+ glCullFace@4 @28
+ glDeleteBuffers@8 @29
+ glDeleteFramebuffers@8 @30
+ glDeleteProgram@4 @32
+ glDeleteRenderbuffers@8 @33
+ glDeleteShader@4 @34
+ glDeleteTextures@8 @31
+ glDepthFunc@4 @36
+ glDepthMask@4 @37
+ glDepthRangef@8 @38
+ glDetachShader@8 @35
+ glDisable@4 @39
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray@4 @40
+ glDrawArrays@12 @41
+ glDrawElements@16 @42
+ glEnable@4 @43
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray@4 @44
+ glFinish@0 @45
+ glFlush@0 @46
+ glFramebufferRenderbuffer@16 @47
+ glFramebufferTexture2D@20 @48
+ glFrontFace@4 @49
+ glGenBuffers@8 @50
+ glGenFramebuffers@8 @52
+ glGenRenderbuffers@8 @53
+ glGenTextures@8 @54
+ glGenerateMipmap@4 @51
+ glGetActiveAttrib@28 @55
+ glGetActiveUniform@28 @56
+ glGetAttachedShaders@16 @57
+ glGetAttribLocation@8 @58
+ glGetBooleanv@8 @59
+ glGetBufferParameteriv@12 @60
+ glGetError@0 @61
+ glGetFloatv@8 @62
+ glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv@16 @63
+ glGetIntegerv@8 @64
+ glGetProgramInfoLog@16 @66
+ glGetProgramiv@12 @65
+ glGetRenderbufferParameteriv@12 @67
+ glGetShaderInfoLog@16 @69
+ glGetShaderPrecisionFormat@16 @70
+ glGetShaderSource@16 @71
+ glGetShaderiv@12 @68
+ glGetString@4 @72
+ glGetTexParameterfv@12 @73
+ glGetTexParameteriv@12 @74
+ glGetUniformLocation@8 @77
+ glGetUniformfv@12 @75
+ glGetUniformiv@12 @76
+ glGetVertexAttribPointerv@12 @80
+ glGetVertexAttribfv@12 @78
+ glGetVertexAttribiv@12 @79
+ glHint@8 @81
+ glIsBuffer@4 @82
+ glIsEnabled@4 @83
+ glIsFramebuffer@4 @84
+ glIsProgram@4 @85
+ glIsRenderbuffer@4 @86
+ glIsShader@4 @87
+ glIsTexture@4 @88
+ glLineWidth@4 @89
+ glLinkProgram@4 @90
+ glPixelStorei@8 @91
+ glPolygonOffset@8 @92
+ glReadPixels@28 @93
+ glReleaseShaderCompiler@0 @94
+ glRenderbufferStorage@16 @95
+ glSampleCoverage@8 @96
+ glScissor@16 @97
+ glShaderBinary@20 @98
+ glShaderSource@16 @99
+ glStencilFunc@12 @100
+ glStencilFuncSeparate@16 @101
+ glStencilMask@4 @102
+ glStencilMaskSeparate@8 @103
+ glStencilOp@12 @104
+ glStencilOpSeparate@16 @105
+ glTexImage2D@36 @106
+ glTexParameterf@12 @107
+ glTexParameterfv@12 @108
+ glTexParameteri@12 @109
+ glTexParameteriv@12 @110
+ glTexSubImage2D@36 @111
+ glUniform1f@8 @112
+ glUniform1fv@12 @113
+ glUniform1i@8 @114
+ glUniform1iv@12 @115
+ glUniform2f@12 @116
+ glUniform2fv@12 @117
+ glUniform2i@12 @118
+ glUniform2iv@12 @119
+ glUniform3f@16 @120
+ glUniform3fv@12 @121
+ glUniform3i@16 @122
+ glUniform3iv@12 @123
+ glUniform4f@20 @124
+ glUniform4fv@12 @125
+ glUniform4i@20 @126
+ glUniform4iv@12 @127
+ glUniformMatrix2fv@16 @128
+ glUniformMatrix3fv@16 @129
+ glUniformMatrix4fv@16 @130
+ glUseProgram@4 @131
+ glValidateProgram@4 @132
+ glVertexAttrib1f@8 @133
+ glVertexAttrib1fv@8 @134
+ glVertexAttrib2f@12 @135
+ glVertexAttrib2fv@8 @136
+ glVertexAttrib3f@16 @137
+ glVertexAttrib3fv@8 @138
+ glVertexAttrib4f@20 @139
+ glVertexAttrib4fv@8 @140
+ glVertexAttribPointer@24 @141
+ glViewport@16 @142
; Extensions
- glBlitFramebufferANGLE @149
- glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE @150
- glDeleteFencesNV @151
- glFinishFenceNV @152
- glGenFencesNV @153
- glGetFenceivNV @154
- glIsFenceNV @155
- glSetFenceNV @156
- glTestFenceNV @157
- glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE @159
- glTexStorage2DEXT @160
- glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT @161
- glReadnPixelsEXT @162
- glGetnUniformfvEXT @163
- glGetnUniformivEXT @164
- glGenQueriesEXT @165
- glDeleteQueriesEXT @166
- glIsQueryEXT @167
- glBeginQueryEXT @168
- glEndQueryEXT @169
- glGetQueryivEXT @170
- glGetQueryObjectuivEXT @171
- glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE @172
- glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE @173
- glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE @174
- glProgramBinaryOES @175
- glGetProgramBinaryOES @176
- glDrawBuffersEXT @179
- glMapBufferOES @285
- glUnmapBufferOES @286
- glGetBufferPointervOES @287
- glMapBufferRangeEXT @288
- glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT @289
- glDiscardFramebufferEXT @293
- glInsertEventMarkerEXT @294
- glPushGroupMarkerEXT @295
- glPopGroupMarkerEXT @296
- glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES @297
- glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES @298
- glBindVertexArrayOES @299
- glDeleteVertexArraysOES @300
- glGenVertexArraysOES @301
- glIsVertexArrayOES @302
- glDebugMessageControlKHR @303
- glDebugMessageInsertKHR @304
- glDebugMessageCallbackKHR @305
- glGetDebugMessageLogKHR @306
- glPushDebugGroupKHR @307
- glPopDebugGroupKHR @308
- glObjectLabelKHR @309
- glGetObjectLabelKHR @310
- glObjectPtrLabelKHR @311
- glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR @312
- glGetPointervKHR @313
- glQueryCounterEXT @314
- glGetQueryObjectivEXT @315
- glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT @316
- glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT @317
- glBindUniformLocationCHROMIUM @318
- glCoverageModulationCHROMIUM @319
+ glBlitFramebufferANGLE@40 @149
+ glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE@20 @150
+ glDeleteFencesNV@8 @151
+ glFinishFenceNV@4 @152
+ glGenFencesNV@8 @153
+ glGetFenceivNV@12 @154
+ glIsFenceNV@4 @155
+ glSetFenceNV@8 @156
+ glTestFenceNV@4 @157
+ glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE@16 @159
+ glTexStorage2DEXT@20 @160
+ glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT@0 @161
+ glReadnPixelsEXT@32 @162
+ glGetnUniformfvEXT@16 @163
+ glGetnUniformivEXT@16 @164
+ glGenQueriesEXT@8 @165
+ glDeleteQueriesEXT@8 @166
+ glIsQueryEXT@4 @167
+ glBeginQueryEXT@8 @168
+ glEndQueryEXT@4 @169
+ glGetQueryivEXT@12 @170
+ glGetQueryObjectuivEXT@12 @171
+ glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE@8 @172
+ glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE@16 @173
+ glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE@20 @174
+ glProgramBinaryOES@16 @175
+ glGetProgramBinaryOES@20 @176
+ glDrawBuffersEXT@8 @179
+ glMapBufferOES@8 @285
+ glUnmapBufferOES@4 @286
+ glGetBufferPointervOES@12 @287
+ glMapBufferRangeEXT@16 @288
+ glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT@12 @289
+ glDiscardFramebufferEXT@12 @293
+ glInsertEventMarkerEXT@8 @294
+ glPushGroupMarkerEXT@8 @295
+ glPopGroupMarkerEXT@0 @296
+ glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES@8 @297
+ glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES@8 @298
+ glBindVertexArrayOES@4 @299
+ glDeleteVertexArraysOES@8 @300
+ glGenVertexArraysOES@8 @301
+ glIsVertexArrayOES@4 @302
+ glDebugMessageControlKHR@24 @303
+ glDebugMessageInsertKHR@24 @304
+ glDebugMessageCallbackKHR@8 @305
+ glGetDebugMessageLogKHR@32 @306
+ glPushDebugGroupKHR@16 @307
+ glPopDebugGroupKHR@0 @308
+ glObjectLabelKHR@16 @309
+ glGetObjectLabelKHR@20 @310
+ glObjectPtrLabelKHR@12 @311
+ glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR@16 @312
+ glGetPointervKHR@8 @313
+ glQueryCounterEXT@8 @314
+ glGetQueryObjectivEXT@12 @315
+ glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT@12 @316
+ glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT@12 @317
+ glBindUniformLocationCHROMIUM@12 @318
+ glCoverageModulationCHROMIUM@4 @319
+ glMatrixLoadfCHROMIUM@8 @320
+ glMatrixLoadIdentityCHROMIUM@4 @321
+ glGenPathsCHROMIUM@4 @322
+ glDeletePathsCHROMIUM@8 @323
+ glIsPathCHROMIUM@4 @324
+ glPathCommandsCHROMIUM@24 @325
+ glPathParameterfCHROMIUM@12 @326
+ glPathParameteriCHROMIUM@12 @327
+ glGetPathParameterfvCHROMIUM@12 @328
+ glGetPathParameterivCHROMIUM@12 @329
+ glPathStencilFuncCHROMIUM@12 @330
+ glStencilFillPathCHROMIUM@12 @331
+ glStencilStrokePathCHROMIUM@12 @332
+ glCoverFillPathCHROMIUM@8 @333
+ glCoverStrokePathCHROMIUM@8 @334
+ glStencilThenCoverFillPathCHROMIUM@16 @335
+ glStencilThenCoverStrokePathCHROMIUM@16 @336
+ glCoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM@28 @337
+ glCoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM@28 @338
+ glStencilStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM@32 @339
+ glStencilFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM@32 @340
+ glStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM@36 @341
+ glStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM@36 @342
+ glBindFragmentInputLocationCHROMIUM@12 @343
+ glProgramPathFragmentInputGenCHROMIUM@20 @344
- glMatrixLoadfCHROMIUM @320
- glMatrixLoadIdentityCHROMIUM @321
- glGenPathsCHROMIUM @322
- glDeletePathsCHROMIUM @323
- glIsPathCHROMIUM @324
- glPathCommandsCHROMIUM @325
- glPathParameterfCHROMIUM @326
- glPathParameteriCHROMIUM @327
- glGetPathParameterfvCHROMIUM @328
- glGetPathParameterivCHROMIUM @329
- glPathStencilFuncCHROMIUM @330
- glStencilFillPathCHROMIUM @331
- glStencilStrokePathCHROMIUM @332
- glCoverFillPathCHROMIUM @333
- glCoverStrokePathCHROMIUM @334
- glStencilThenCoverFillPathCHROMIUM @335
- glStencilThenCoverStrokePathCHROMIUM @336
- glCoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM @337
- glCoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM @338
- glStencilStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM @339
- glStencilFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM @340
- glStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM @341
- glStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM @342
- glBindFragmentInputLocationCHROMIUM @343
- glProgramPathFragmentInputGenCHROMIUM @344
- glFramebufferTextureMultiviewLayeredANGLE @413
- glFramebufferTextureMultiviewSideBySideANGLE @414
- glRequestExtensionANGLE @415
+ glFramebufferTextureMultiviewLayeredANGLE@24 @413
+ glFramebufferTextureMultiviewSideBySideANGLE@24 @414
+ glRequestExtensionANGLE@4 @415
; GLES 3.0 Functions
- glReadBuffer @180
- glDrawRangeElements @181
- glTexImage3D @182
- glTexSubImage3D @183
- glCopyTexSubImage3D @184
- glCompressedTexImage3D @185
- glCompressedTexSubImage3D @186
- glGenQueries @187
- glDeleteQueries @188
- glIsQuery @189
- glBeginQuery @190
- glEndQuery @191
- glGetQueryiv @192
- glGetQueryObjectuiv @193
- glUnmapBuffer @194
- glGetBufferPointerv @195
- glDrawBuffers @196
- glUniformMatrix2x3fv @197
- glUniformMatrix3x2fv @198
- glUniformMatrix2x4fv @199
- glUniformMatrix4x2fv @200
- glUniformMatrix3x4fv @201
- glUniformMatrix4x3fv @202
- glBlitFramebuffer @203
- glRenderbufferStorageMultisample @204
- glFramebufferTextureLayer @205
- glMapBufferRange @206
- glFlushMappedBufferRange @207
- glBindVertexArray @208
- glDeleteVertexArrays @209
- glGenVertexArrays @210
- glIsVertexArray @211
- glGetIntegeri_v @212
- glBeginTransformFeedback @213
- glEndTransformFeedback @214
- glBindBufferRange @215
- glBindBufferBase @216
- glTransformFeedbackVaryings @217
- glGetTransformFeedbackVarying @218
- glVertexAttribIPointer @219
- glGetVertexAttribIiv @220
- glGetVertexAttribIuiv @221
- glVertexAttribI4i @222
- glVertexAttribI4ui @223
- glVertexAttribI4iv @224
- glVertexAttribI4uiv @225
- glGetUniformuiv @226
- glGetFragDataLocation @227
- glUniform1ui @228
- glUniform2ui @229
- glUniform3ui @230
- glUniform4ui @231
- glUniform1uiv @232
- glUniform2uiv @233
- glUniform3uiv @234
- glUniform4uiv @235
- glClearBufferiv @236
- glClearBufferuiv @237
- glClearBufferfv @238
- glClearBufferfi @239
- glGetStringi @240
- glCopyBufferSubData @241
- glGetUniformIndices @242
- glGetActiveUniformsiv @243
- glGetUniformBlockIndex @244
- glGetActiveUniformBlockiv @245
- glGetActiveUniformBlockName @246
- glUniformBlockBinding @247
- glDrawArraysInstanced @248
- glDrawElementsInstanced @249
- glFenceSync @250
- glIsSync @251
- glDeleteSync @252
- glClientWaitSync @253
- glWaitSync @254
- glGetInteger64v @255
- glGetSynciv @256
- glGetInteger64i_v @257
- glGetBufferParameteri64v @258
- glGenSamplers @259
- glDeleteSamplers @260
- glIsSampler @261
- glBindSampler @262
- glSamplerParameteri @263
- glSamplerParameteriv @264
- glSamplerParameterf @265
- glSamplerParameterfv @266
- glGetSamplerParameteriv @267
- glGetSamplerParameterfv @268
- glVertexAttribDivisor @269
- glBindTransformFeedback @270
- glDeleteTransformFeedbacks @271
- glGenTransformFeedbacks @272
- glIsTransformFeedback @273
- glPauseTransformFeedback @274
- glResumeTransformFeedback @275
- glGetProgramBinary @276
- glProgramBinary @277
- glProgramParameteri @278
- glInvalidateFramebuffer @279
- glInvalidateSubFramebuffer @280
- glTexStorage2D @281
- glTexStorage3D @282
- glGetInternalformativ @283
+ glReadBuffer@4 @180
+ glDrawRangeElements@24 @181
+ glTexImage3D@40 @182
+ glTexSubImage3D@44 @183
+ glCopyTexSubImage3D@36 @184
+ glCompressedTexImage3D@36 @185
+ glCompressedTexSubImage3D@44 @186
+ glGenQueries@8 @187
+ glDeleteQueries@8 @188
+ glIsQuery@4 @189
+ glBeginQuery@8 @190
+ glEndQuery@4 @191
+ glGetQueryiv@12 @192
+ glGetQueryObjectuiv@12 @193
+ glUnmapBuffer@4 @194
+ glGetBufferPointerv@12 @195
+ glDrawBuffers@8 @196
+ glUniformMatrix2x3fv@16 @197
+ glUniformMatrix3x2fv@16 @198
+ glUniformMatrix2x4fv@16 @199
+ glUniformMatrix4x2fv@16 @200
+ glUniformMatrix3x4fv@16 @201
+ glUniformMatrix4x3fv@16 @202
+ glBlitFramebuffer@40 @203
+ glRenderbufferStorageMultisample@20 @204
+ glFramebufferTextureLayer@20 @205
+ glMapBufferRange@16 @206
+ glFlushMappedBufferRange@12 @207
+ glBindVertexArray@4 @208
+ glDeleteVertexArrays@8 @209
+ glGenVertexArrays@8 @210
+ glIsVertexArray@4 @211
+ glGetIntegeri_v@12 @212
+ glBeginTransformFeedback@4 @213
+ glEndTransformFeedback@0 @214
+ glBindBufferRange@20 @215
+ glBindBufferBase@12 @216
+ glTransformFeedbackVaryings@16 @217
+ glGetTransformFeedbackVarying@28 @218
+ glVertexAttribIPointer@20 @219
+ glGetVertexAttribIiv@12 @220
+ glGetVertexAttribIuiv@12 @221
+ glVertexAttribI4i@20 @222
+ glVertexAttribI4ui@20 @223
+ glVertexAttribI4iv@8 @224
+ glVertexAttribI4uiv@8 @225
+ glGetUniformuiv@12 @226
+ glGetFragDataLocation@8 @227
+ glUniform1ui@8 @228
+ glUniform2ui@12 @229
+ glUniform3ui@16 @230
+ glUniform4ui@20 @231
+ glUniform1uiv@12 @232
+ glUniform2uiv@12 @233
+ glUniform3uiv@12 @234
+ glUniform4uiv@12 @235
+ glClearBufferiv@12 @236
+ glClearBufferuiv@12 @237
+ glClearBufferfv@12 @238
+ glClearBufferfi@16 @239
+ glGetStringi@8 @240
+ glCopyBufferSubData@20 @241
+ glGetUniformIndices@16 @242
+ glGetActiveUniformsiv@20 @243
+ glGetUniformBlockIndex@8 @244
+ glGetActiveUniformBlockiv@16 @245
+ glGetActiveUniformBlockName@20 @246
+ glUniformBlockBinding@12 @247
+ glDrawArraysInstanced@16 @248
+ glDrawElementsInstanced@20 @249
+ glFenceSync@8 @250
+ glIsSync@4 @251
+ glDeleteSync@4 @252
+ glClientWaitSync@16 @253
+ glWaitSync@16 @254
+ glGetInteger64v@8 @255
+ glGetSynciv@20 @256
+ glGetInteger64i_v@12 @257
+ glGetBufferParameteri64v@12 @258
+ glGenSamplers@8 @259
+ glDeleteSamplers@8 @260
+ glIsSampler@4 @261
+ glBindSampler@8 @262
+ glSamplerParameteri@12 @263
+ glSamplerParameteriv@12 @264
+ glSamplerParameterf@12 @265
+ glSamplerParameterfv@12 @266
+ glGetSamplerParameteriv@12 @267
+ glGetSamplerParameterfv@12 @268
+ glVertexAttribDivisor@8 @269
+ glBindTransformFeedback@8 @270
+ glDeleteTransformFeedbacks@8 @271
+ glGenTransformFeedbacks@8 @272
+ glIsTransformFeedback@4 @273
+ glPauseTransformFeedback@0 @274
+ glResumeTransformFeedback@0 @275
+ glGetProgramBinary@20 @276
+ glProgramBinary@16 @277
+ glProgramParameteri@12 @278
+ glInvalidateFramebuffer@12 @279
+ glInvalidateSubFramebuffer@28 @280
+ glTexStorage2D@20 @281
+ glTexStorage3D@24 @282
+ glGetInternalformativ@20 @283
; GLES 3.1 Functions
- glDispatchCompute @345
- glDispatchComputeIndirect @346
- glDrawArraysIndirect @347
- glDrawElementsIndirect @348
- glFramebufferParameteri @349
- glGetFramebufferParameteriv @350
- glGetProgramInterfaceiv @351
- glGetProgramResourceIndex @352
- glGetProgramResourceName @353
- glGetProgramResourceiv @354
- glGetProgramResourceLocation @355
- glUseProgramStages @356
- glActiveShaderProgram @357
- glCreateShaderProgramv @358
- glBindProgramPipeline @359
- glDeleteProgramPipelines @360
- glGenProgramPipelines @361
- glIsProgramPipeline @362
- glGetProgramPipelineiv @363
- glProgramUniform1i @364
- glProgramUniform2i @365
- glProgramUniform3i @366
- glProgramUniform4i @367
- glProgramUniform1ui @368
- glProgramUniform2ui @369
- glProgramUniform3ui @370
- glProgramUniform4ui @371
- glProgramUniform1f @372
- glProgramUniform2f @373
- glProgramUniform3f @374
- glProgramUniform4f @375
- glProgramUniform1iv @376
- glProgramUniform2iv @377
- glProgramUniform3iv @378
- glProgramUniform4iv @379
- glProgramUniform1uiv @380
- glProgramUniform2uiv @381
- glProgramUniform3uiv @382
- glProgramUniform4uiv @383
- glProgramUniform1fv @384
- glProgramUniform2fv @385
- glProgramUniform3fv @386
- glProgramUniform4fv @387
- glProgramUniformMatrix2fv @388
- glProgramUniformMatrix3fv @389
- glProgramUniformMatrix4fv @390
- glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv @391
- glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv @392
- glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv @393
- glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv @394
- glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv @395
- glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv @396
- glValidateProgramPipeline @397
- glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog @398
- glBindImageTexture @399
- glGetBooleani_v @400
- glMemoryBarrier @401
- glMemoryBarrierByRegion @402
- glTexStorage2DMultisample @403
- glGetMultisamplefv @404
- glSampleMaski @405
- glGetTexLevelParameteriv @406
- glGetTexLevelParameterfv @407
- glBindVertexBuffer @408
- glVertexAttribFormat @409
- glVertexAttribIFormat @410
- glVertexAttribBinding @411
- glVertexBindingDivisor @412
+ glDispatchCompute@12 @345
+ glDispatchComputeIndirect@4 @346
+ glDrawArraysIndirect@8 @347
+ glDrawElementsIndirect@12 @348
+ glFramebufferParameteri@12 @349
+ glGetFramebufferParameteriv@12 @350
+ glGetProgramInterfaceiv@16 @351
+ glGetProgramResourceIndex@12 @352
+ glGetProgramResourceName@24 @353
+ glGetProgramResourceiv@32 @354
+ glGetProgramResourceLocation@12 @355
+ glUseProgramStages@12 @356
+ glActiveShaderProgram@8 @357
+ glCreateShaderProgramv@12 @358
+ glBindProgramPipeline@4 @359
+ glDeleteProgramPipelines@8 @360
+ glGenProgramPipelines@8 @361
+ glIsProgramPipeline@4 @362
+ glGetProgramPipelineiv@12 @363
+ glProgramUniform1i@12 @364
+ glProgramUniform2i@16 @365
+ glProgramUniform3i@20 @366
+ glProgramUniform4i@24 @367
+ glProgramUniform1ui@12 @368
+ glProgramUniform2ui@16 @369
+ glProgramUniform3ui@20 @370
+ glProgramUniform4ui@24 @371
+ glProgramUniform1f@12 @372
+ glProgramUniform2f@16 @373
+ glProgramUniform3f@20 @374
+ glProgramUniform4f@24 @375
+ glProgramUniform1iv@16 @376
+ glProgramUniform2iv@16 @377
+ glProgramUniform3iv@16 @378
+ glProgramUniform4iv@16 @379
+ glProgramUniform1uiv@16 @380
+ glProgramUniform2uiv@16 @381
+ glProgramUniform3uiv@16 @382
+ glProgramUniform4uiv@16 @383
+ glProgramUniform1fv@16 @384
+ glProgramUniform2fv@16 @385
+ glProgramUniform3fv@16 @386
+ glProgramUniform4fv@16 @387
+ glProgramUniformMatrix2fv@20 @388
+ glProgramUniformMatrix3fv@20 @389
+ glProgramUniformMatrix4fv@20 @390
+ glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv@20 @391
+ glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv@20 @392
+ glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv@20 @393
+ glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv@20 @394
+ glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv@20 @395
+ glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv@20 @396
+ glValidateProgramPipeline@4 @397
+ glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog@16 @398
+ glBindImageTexture@28 @399
+ glGetBooleani_v@12 @400
+ glMemoryBarrier@4 @401
+ glMemoryBarrierByRegion@4 @402
+ glTexStorage2DMultisample@24 @403
+ glGetMultisamplefv@12 @404
+ glSampleMaski@8 @405
+ glGetTexLevelParameteriv@16 @406
+ glGetTexLevelParameterfv@16 @407
+ glBindVertexBuffer@16 @408
+ glVertexAttribFormat@20 @409
+ glVertexAttribIFormat@16 @410
+ glVertexAttribBinding@8 @411
+ glVertexBindingDivisor@8 @412
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/sqlite/qt_attribution.json b/src/3rdparty/sqlite/qt_attribution.json
index 30f266ee23..e6647b2700 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/sqlite/qt_attribution.json
+++ b/src/3rdparty/sqlite/qt_attribution.json
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
"Description": "SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine.",
"Homepage": "",
- "Version": "3.27.1",
- "DownloadLocation": "",
+ "Version": "3.28.0",
+ "DownloadLocation": "",
"License": "Public Domain",
"Copyright": "The authors disclaim copyright to the source code. However, a license can be obtained if needed."
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/sqlite/sqlite3.c b/src/3rdparty/sqlite/sqlite3.c
index 70e84b589c..440429527d 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/sqlite/sqlite3.c
+++ b/src/3rdparty/sqlite/sqlite3.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
** This file is an amalgamation of many separate C source files from SQLite
-** version 3.27.1. By combining all the individual C code files into this
+** version 3.28.0. By combining all the individual C code files into this
** single large file, the entire code can be compiled as a single translation
** unit. This allows many compilers to do optimizations that would not be
** possible if the files were compiled separately. Performance improvements
@@ -1162,9 +1162,9 @@ extern "C" {
** [sqlite3_libversion_number()], [sqlite3_sourceid()],
** [sqlite_version()] and [sqlite_source_id()].
-#define SQLITE_VERSION "3.27.1"
-#define SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER 3027001
-#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "2019-02-08 13:17:39 0eca3dd3d38b31c92b49ca2d311128b74584714d9e7de895b1a6286ef959a1dd"
+#define SQLITE_VERSION "3.28.0"
+#define SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER 3028000
+#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "2019-04-16 19:49:53 884b4b7e502b4e991677b53971277adfaf0a04a284f8e483e2553d0f83156b50"
** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Library Version Numbers
@@ -1228,6 +1228,9 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_libversion_number(void);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_compileoption_used(const char *zOptName);
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_compileoption_get(int N);
+# define sqlite3_compileoption_used(X) 0
+# define sqlite3_compileoption_get(X) ((void*)0)
@@ -3125,8 +3128,8 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
-** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable the two-argument
-** version of the [fts3_tokenizer()] function which is part of the
+** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable the
+** [fts3_tokenizer()] function which is part of the
** [FTS3] full-text search engine extension.
** There should be two additional arguments.
** The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable fts3_tokenizer() or
@@ -3238,6 +3241,17 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** <li> Direct writes to [shadow tables].
** </ul>
** </dd>
+** <dd>The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_WRITABLE_SCHEMA option activates or deactivates the
+** "writable_schema" flag. This has the same effect and is logically equivalent
+** to setting [PRAGMA writable_schema=ON] or [PRAGMA writable_schema=OFF].
+** The first argument to this setting is an integer which is 0 to disable
+** the writable_schema, positive to enable writable_schema, or negative to
+** leave the setting unchanged. The second parameter is a pointer to an
+** integer into which is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether the writable_schema
+** is enabled or disabled following this call.
+** </dd>
** </dl>
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAINDBNAME 1000 /* const char* */
@@ -3251,7 +3265,8 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRIGGER_EQP 1008 /* int int* */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_RESET_DATABASE 1009 /* int int* */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE 1010 /* int int* */
-#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAX 1010 /* Largest DBCONFIG */
+#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_WRITABLE_SCHEMA 1011 /* int int* */
+#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAX 1011 /* Largest DBCONFIG */
** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Extended Result Codes
@@ -3408,7 +3423,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_changes(sqlite3*);
** not. ^Changes to a view that are intercepted by INSTEAD OF triggers
** are not counted.
-** This the [sqlite3_total_changes(D)] interface only reports the number
+** The [sqlite3_total_changes(D)] interface only reports the number
** of rows that changed due to SQL statement run against database
** connection D. Any changes by other database connections are ignored.
** To detect changes against a database file from other database
@@ -4934,6 +4949,18 @@ SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_normalized_sql(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stmt_readonly(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
+** CAPI3REF: Query The EXPLAIN Setting For A Prepared Statement
+** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
+** ^The sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(S) interface returns 1 if the
+** prepared statement S is an EXPLAIN statement, or 2 if the
+** statement S is an EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN.
+** ^The sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(S) interface returns 0 if S is
+** an ordinary statement or a NULL pointer.
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
** CAPI3REF: Determine If A Prepared Statement Has Been Reset
** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
@@ -5072,7 +5099,9 @@ typedef struct sqlite3_context sqlite3_context;
** ^The fifth argument to the BLOB and string binding interfaces
** is a destructor used to dispose of the BLOB or
** string after SQLite has finished with it. ^The destructor is called
-** to dispose of the BLOB or string even if the call to bind API fails.
+** to dispose of the BLOB or string even if the call to the bind API fails,
+** except the destructor is not called if the third parameter is a NULL
+** pointer or the fourth parameter is negative.
** ^If the fifth argument is
** the special value [SQLITE_STATIC], then SQLite assumes that the
** information is in static, unmanaged space and does not need to be freed.
@@ -5989,6 +6018,8 @@ SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_memory_alarm(void(*)(void*,sqlite3_int6
** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_nochange&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>
** <td>&rarr;&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>True if the column is unchanged in an UPDATE
** against a virtual table.
+** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_frombind&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>
+** <td>&rarr;&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>True if value originated from a [bound parameter]
** </table></blockquote>
** <b>Details:</b>
@@ -6050,6 +6081,11 @@ SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_memory_alarm(void(*)(void*,sqlite3_int6
** than within an [xUpdate] method call for an UPDATE statement, then
** the return value is arbitrary and meaningless.
+** ^The sqlite3_value_frombind(X) interface returns non-zero if the
+** value X originated from one of the [sqlite3_bind_int|sqlite3_bind()]
+** interfaces. ^If X comes from an SQL literal value, or a table column,
+** and expression, then sqlite3_value_frombind(X) returns zero.
** Please pay particular attention to the fact that the pointer returned
** from [sqlite3_value_blob()], [sqlite3_value_text()], or
** [sqlite3_value_text16()] can be invalidated by a subsequent call to
@@ -6095,6 +6131,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_bytes16(sqlite3_value*);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_type(sqlite3_value*);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_numeric_type(sqlite3_value*);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_nochange(sqlite3_value*);
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_frombind(sqlite3_value*);
** CAPI3REF: Finding The Subtype Of SQL Values
@@ -6830,7 +6867,7 @@ SQLITE_API sqlite3 *sqlite3_db_handle(sqlite3_stmt*);
** associated with database N of connection D. ^The main database file
** has the name "main". If there is no attached database N on the database
** connection D, or if database N is a temporary or in-memory database, then
-** a NULL pointer is returned.
+** this function will return either a NULL pointer or an empty string.
** ^The filename returned by this function is the output of the
** xFullPathname method of the [VFS]. ^In other words, the filename
@@ -11931,7 +11968,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3rebaser_configure(
** in size. This function allocates and populates a buffer with a copy
** of the changeset rebased rebased according to the configuration of the
** rebaser object passed as the first argument. If successful, (*ppOut)
-** is set to point to the new buffer containing the rebased changset and
+** is set to point to the new buffer containing the rebased changeset and
** (*pnOut) to its size in bytes and SQLITE_OK returned. It is the
** responsibility of the caller to eventually free the new buffer using
** sqlite3_free(). Otherwise, if an error occurs, (*ppOut) and (*pnOut)
@@ -12340,7 +12377,7 @@ struct Fts5PhraseIter {
** Save the pointer passed as the second argument as the extension functions
** "auxiliary data". The pointer may then be retrieved by the current or any
** future invocation of the same fts5 extension function made as part of
-** of the same MATCH query using the xGetAuxdata() API.
+** the same MATCH query using the xGetAuxdata() API.
** Each extension function is allocated a single auxiliary data slot for
** each FTS query (MATCH expression). If the extension function is invoked
@@ -12355,7 +12392,7 @@ struct Fts5PhraseIter {
** The xDelete callback, if one is specified, is also invoked on the
** auxiliary data pointer after the FTS5 query has finished.
-** If an error (e.g. an OOM condition) occurs within this function, an
+** If an error (e.g. an OOM condition) occurs within this function,
** the auxiliary data is set to NULL and an error code returned. If the
** xDelete parameter was not NULL, it is invoked on the auxiliary data
** pointer before returning.
@@ -13381,7 +13418,7 @@ struct Hash {
unsigned int count; /* Number of entries in this table */
HashElem *first; /* The first element of the array */
struct _ht { /* the hash table */
- int count; /* Number of entries with this hash */
+ unsigned int count; /* Number of entries with this hash */
HashElem *chain; /* Pointer to first entry with this hash */
} *ht;
@@ -13522,99 +13559,94 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3HashClear(Hash*);
#define TK_PRECEDING 85
#define TK_RANGE 86
#define TK_UNBOUNDED 87
-#define TK_REINDEX 88
-#define TK_RENAME 89
-#define TK_CTIME_KW 90
-#define TK_ANY 91
-#define TK_BITAND 92
-#define TK_BITOR 93
-#define TK_LSHIFT 94
-#define TK_RSHIFT 95
-#define TK_PLUS 96
-#define TK_MINUS 97
-#define TK_STAR 98
-#define TK_SLASH 99
-#define TK_REM 100
-#define TK_CONCAT 101
-#define TK_COLLATE 102
-#define TK_BITNOT 103
-#define TK_ON 104
-#define TK_INDEXED 105
-#define TK_STRING 106
-#define TK_JOIN_KW 107
-#define TK_CONSTRAINT 108
-#define TK_DEFAULT 109
-#define TK_NULL 110
-#define TK_PRIMARY 111
-#define TK_UNIQUE 112
-#define TK_CHECK 113
-#define TK_REFERENCES 114
-#define TK_AUTOINCR 115
-#define TK_INSERT 116
-#define TK_DELETE 117
-#define TK_UPDATE 118
-#define TK_SET 119
-#define TK_DEFERRABLE 120
-#define TK_FOREIGN 121
-#define TK_DROP 122
-#define TK_UNION 123
-#define TK_ALL 124
-#define TK_EXCEPT 125
-#define TK_INTERSECT 126
-#define TK_SELECT 127
-#define TK_VALUES 128
-#define TK_DISTINCT 129
-#define TK_DOT 130
-#define TK_FROM 131
-#define TK_JOIN 132
-#define TK_USING 133
-#define TK_ORDER 134
-#define TK_GROUP 135
-#define TK_HAVING 136
-#define TK_LIMIT 137
-#define TK_WHERE 138
-#define TK_INTO 139
-#define TK_NOTHING 140
-#define TK_FLOAT 141
-#define TK_BLOB 142
-#define TK_INTEGER 143
-#define TK_VARIABLE 144
-#define TK_CASE 145
-#define TK_WHEN 146
-#define TK_THEN 147
-#define TK_ELSE 148
-#define TK_INDEX 149
-#define TK_ALTER 150
-#define TK_ADD 151
-#define TK_WINDOW 152
-#define TK_OVER 153
-#define TK_FILTER 154
-#define TK_TRUEFALSE 155
-#define TK_ISNOT 156
-#define TK_FUNCTION 157
-#define TK_COLUMN 158
-#define TK_AGG_FUNCTION 159
-#define TK_AGG_COLUMN 160
-#define TK_UMINUS 161
-#define TK_UPLUS 162
-#define TK_TRUTH 163
-#define TK_REGISTER 164
-#define TK_VECTOR 165
-#define TK_SELECT_COLUMN 166
-#define TK_IF_NULL_ROW 167
-#define TK_ASTERISK 168
-#define TK_SPAN 169
-#define TK_END_OF_FILE 170
-#define TK_SPACE 172
-#define TK_ILLEGAL 173
-/* The token codes above must all fit in 8 bits */
-#define TKFLG_MASK 0xff
-/* Flags that can be added to a token code when it is not
-** being stored in a u8: */
-#define TKFLG_DONTFOLD 0x100 /* Omit constant folding optimizations */
+#define TK_EXCLUDE 88
+#define TK_GROUPS 89
+#define TK_OTHERS 90
+#define TK_TIES 91
+#define TK_REINDEX 92
+#define TK_RENAME 93
+#define TK_CTIME_KW 94
+#define TK_ANY 95
+#define TK_BITAND 96
+#define TK_BITOR 97
+#define TK_LSHIFT 98
+#define TK_RSHIFT 99
+#define TK_PLUS 100
+#define TK_MINUS 101
+#define TK_STAR 102
+#define TK_SLASH 103
+#define TK_REM 104
+#define TK_CONCAT 105
+#define TK_COLLATE 106
+#define TK_BITNOT 107
+#define TK_ON 108
+#define TK_INDEXED 109
+#define TK_STRING 110
+#define TK_JOIN_KW 111
+#define TK_CONSTRAINT 112
+#define TK_DEFAULT 113
+#define TK_NULL 114
+#define TK_PRIMARY 115
+#define TK_UNIQUE 116
+#define TK_CHECK 117
+#define TK_REFERENCES 118
+#define TK_AUTOINCR 119
+#define TK_INSERT 120
+#define TK_DELETE 121
+#define TK_UPDATE 122
+#define TK_SET 123
+#define TK_DEFERRABLE 124
+#define TK_FOREIGN 125
+#define TK_DROP 126
+#define TK_UNION 127
+#define TK_ALL 128
+#define TK_EXCEPT 129
+#define TK_INTERSECT 130
+#define TK_SELECT 131
+#define TK_VALUES 132
+#define TK_DISTINCT 133
+#define TK_DOT 134
+#define TK_FROM 135
+#define TK_JOIN 136
+#define TK_USING 137
+#define TK_ORDER 138
+#define TK_GROUP 139
+#define TK_HAVING 140
+#define TK_LIMIT 141
+#define TK_WHERE 142
+#define TK_INTO 143
+#define TK_NOTHING 144
+#define TK_FLOAT 145
+#define TK_BLOB 146
+#define TK_INTEGER 147
+#define TK_VARIABLE 148
+#define TK_CASE 149
+#define TK_WHEN 150
+#define TK_THEN 151
+#define TK_ELSE 152
+#define TK_INDEX 153
+#define TK_ALTER 154
+#define TK_ADD 155
+#define TK_WINDOW 156
+#define TK_OVER 157
+#define TK_FILTER 158
+#define TK_TRUEFALSE 159
+#define TK_ISNOT 160
+#define TK_FUNCTION 161
+#define TK_COLUMN 162
+#define TK_AGG_FUNCTION 163
+#define TK_AGG_COLUMN 164
+#define TK_UMINUS 165
+#define TK_UPLUS 166
+#define TK_TRUTH 167
+#define TK_REGISTER 168
+#define TK_VECTOR 169
+#define TK_SELECT_COLUMN 170
+#define TK_IF_NULL_ROW 171
+#define TK_ASTERISK 172
+#define TK_SPAN 173
+#define TK_SPACE 174
+#define TK_ILLEGAL 175
/************** End of parse.h ***********************************************/
/************** Continuing where we left off in sqliteInt.h ******************/
@@ -14546,9 +14578,6 @@ struct BtreePayload {
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeInsert(BtCursor*, const BtreePayload *pPayload,
int flags, int seekResult);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeFirst(BtCursor*, int *pRes);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeSkipNext(BtCursor*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeLast(BtCursor*, int *pRes);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeNext(BtCursor*, int flags);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeEof(BtCursor*);
@@ -14906,25 +14935,25 @@ typedef struct VdbeOpList VdbeOpList;
#define OP_Offset 89 /* synopsis: r[P3] = sqlite_offset(P1) */
#define OP_Column 90 /* synopsis: r[P3]=PX */
#define OP_Affinity 91 /* synopsis: affinity(r[P1@P2]) */
-#define OP_BitAnd 92 /* same as TK_BITAND, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]&r[P2] */
-#define OP_BitOr 93 /* same as TK_BITOR, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]|r[P2] */
-#define OP_ShiftLeft 94 /* same as TK_LSHIFT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]<<r[P1] */
-#define OP_ShiftRight 95 /* same as TK_RSHIFT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]>>r[P1] */
-#define OP_Add 96 /* same as TK_PLUS, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]+r[P2] */
-#define OP_Subtract 97 /* same as TK_MINUS, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]-r[P1] */
-#define OP_Multiply 98 /* same as TK_STAR, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]*r[P2] */
-#define OP_Divide 99 /* same as TK_SLASH, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]/r[P1] */
-#define OP_Remainder 100 /* same as TK_REM, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]%r[P1] */
-#define OP_Concat 101 /* same as TK_CONCAT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]+r[P1] */
-#define OP_MakeRecord 102 /* synopsis: r[P3]=mkrec(r[P1@P2]) */
-#define OP_BitNot 103 /* same as TK_BITNOT, synopsis: r[P2]= ~r[P1] */
-#define OP_Count 104 /* synopsis: r[P2]=count() */
-#define OP_ReadCookie 105
-#define OP_String8 106 /* same as TK_STRING, synopsis: r[P2]='P4' */
-#define OP_SetCookie 107
-#define OP_ReopenIdx 108 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
-#define OP_OpenRead 109 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
-#define OP_OpenWrite 110 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
+#define OP_MakeRecord 92 /* synopsis: r[P3]=mkrec(r[P1@P2]) */
+#define OP_Count 93 /* synopsis: r[P2]=count() */
+#define OP_ReadCookie 94
+#define OP_SetCookie 95
+#define OP_BitAnd 96 /* same as TK_BITAND, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]&r[P2] */
+#define OP_BitOr 97 /* same as TK_BITOR, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]|r[P2] */
+#define OP_ShiftLeft 98 /* same as TK_LSHIFT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]<<r[P1] */
+#define OP_ShiftRight 99 /* same as TK_RSHIFT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]>>r[P1] */
+#define OP_Add 100 /* same as TK_PLUS, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]+r[P2] */
+#define OP_Subtract 101 /* same as TK_MINUS, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]-r[P1] */
+#define OP_Multiply 102 /* same as TK_STAR, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]*r[P2] */
+#define OP_Divide 103 /* same as TK_SLASH, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]/r[P1] */
+#define OP_Remainder 104 /* same as TK_REM, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]%r[P1] */
+#define OP_Concat 105 /* same as TK_CONCAT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]+r[P1] */
+#define OP_ReopenIdx 106 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
+#define OP_BitNot 107 /* same as TK_BITNOT, synopsis: r[P2]= ~r[P1] */
+#define OP_OpenRead 108 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
+#define OP_OpenWrite 109 /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
+#define OP_String8 110 /* same as TK_STRING, synopsis: r[P2]='P4' */
#define OP_OpenDup 111
#define OP_OpenAutoindex 112 /* synopsis: nColumn=P2 */
#define OP_OpenEphemeral 113 /* synopsis: nColumn=P2 */
@@ -14937,57 +14966,56 @@ typedef struct VdbeOpList VdbeOpList;
#define OP_Sequence 120 /* synopsis: r[P2]=cursor[P1].ctr++ */
#define OP_NewRowid 121 /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
#define OP_Insert 122 /* synopsis: intkey=r[P3] data=r[P2] */
-#define OP_InsertInt 123 /* synopsis: intkey=P3 data=r[P2] */
-#define OP_Delete 124
-#define OP_ResetCount 125
-#define OP_SorterCompare 126 /* synopsis: if key(P1)!=trim(r[P3],P4) goto P2 */
-#define OP_SorterData 127 /* synopsis: r[P2]=data */
-#define OP_RowData 128 /* synopsis: r[P2]=data */
-#define OP_Rowid 129 /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
-#define OP_NullRow 130
-#define OP_SeekEnd 131
-#define OP_SorterInsert 132 /* synopsis: key=r[P2] */
-#define OP_IdxInsert 133 /* synopsis: key=r[P2] */
-#define OP_IdxDelete 134 /* synopsis: key=r[P2@P3] */
-#define OP_DeferredSeek 135 /* synopsis: Move P3 to P1.rowid if needed */
-#define OP_IdxRowid 136 /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
-#define OP_Destroy 137
-#define OP_Clear 138
-#define OP_ResetSorter 139
-#define OP_CreateBtree 140 /* synopsis: r[P2]=root iDb=P1 flags=P3 */
-#define OP_Real 141 /* same as TK_FLOAT, synopsis: r[P2]=P4 */
-#define OP_SqlExec 142
-#define OP_ParseSchema 143
-#define OP_LoadAnalysis 144
-#define OP_DropTable 145
-#define OP_DropIndex 146
-#define OP_DropTrigger 147
-#define OP_IntegrityCk 148
-#define OP_RowSetAdd 149 /* synopsis: rowset(P1)=r[P2] */
-#define OP_Param 150
-#define OP_FkCounter 151 /* synopsis: fkctr[P1]+=P2 */
-#define OP_MemMax 152 /* synopsis: r[P1]=max(r[P1],r[P2]) */
-#define OP_OffsetLimit 153 /* synopsis: if r[P1]>0 then r[P2]=r[P1]+max(0,r[P3]) else r[P2]=(-1) */
-#define OP_AggInverse 154 /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] inverse(r[P2@P5]) */
-#define OP_AggStep 155 /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] step(r[P2@P5]) */
-#define OP_AggStep1 156 /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] step(r[P2@P5]) */
-#define OP_AggValue 157 /* synopsis: r[P3]=value N=P2 */
-#define OP_AggFinal 158 /* synopsis: accum=r[P1] N=P2 */
-#define OP_Expire 159
-#define OP_TableLock 160 /* synopsis: iDb=P1 root=P2 write=P3 */
-#define OP_VBegin 161
-#define OP_VCreate 162
-#define OP_VDestroy 163
-#define OP_VOpen 164
-#define OP_VColumn 165 /* synopsis: r[P3]=vcolumn(P2) */
-#define OP_VRename 166
-#define OP_Pagecount 167
-#define OP_MaxPgcnt 168
-#define OP_Trace 169
-#define OP_CursorHint 170
-#define OP_Noop 171
-#define OP_Explain 172
-#define OP_Abortable 173
+#define OP_Delete 123
+#define OP_ResetCount 124
+#define OP_SorterCompare 125 /* synopsis: if key(P1)!=trim(r[P3],P4) goto P2 */
+#define OP_SorterData 126 /* synopsis: r[P2]=data */
+#define OP_RowData 127 /* synopsis: r[P2]=data */
+#define OP_Rowid 128 /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
+#define OP_NullRow 129
+#define OP_SeekEnd 130
+#define OP_SorterInsert 131 /* synopsis: key=r[P2] */
+#define OP_IdxInsert 132 /* synopsis: key=r[P2] */
+#define OP_IdxDelete 133 /* synopsis: key=r[P2@P3] */
+#define OP_DeferredSeek 134 /* synopsis: Move P3 to P1.rowid if needed */
+#define OP_IdxRowid 135 /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
+#define OP_Destroy 136
+#define OP_Clear 137
+#define OP_ResetSorter 138
+#define OP_CreateBtree 139 /* synopsis: r[P2]=root iDb=P1 flags=P3 */
+#define OP_SqlExec 140
+#define OP_ParseSchema 141
+#define OP_LoadAnalysis 142
+#define OP_DropTable 143
+#define OP_DropIndex 144
+#define OP_Real 145 /* same as TK_FLOAT, synopsis: r[P2]=P4 */
+#define OP_DropTrigger 146
+#define OP_IntegrityCk 147
+#define OP_RowSetAdd 148 /* synopsis: rowset(P1)=r[P2] */
+#define OP_Param 149
+#define OP_FkCounter 150 /* synopsis: fkctr[P1]+=P2 */
+#define OP_MemMax 151 /* synopsis: r[P1]=max(r[P1],r[P2]) */
+#define OP_OffsetLimit 152 /* synopsis: if r[P1]>0 then r[P2]=r[P1]+max(0,r[P3]) else r[P2]=(-1) */
+#define OP_AggInverse 153 /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] inverse(r[P2@P5]) */
+#define OP_AggStep 154 /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] step(r[P2@P5]) */
+#define OP_AggStep1 155 /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] step(r[P2@P5]) */
+#define OP_AggValue 156 /* synopsis: r[P3]=value N=P2 */
+#define OP_AggFinal 157 /* synopsis: accum=r[P1] N=P2 */
+#define OP_Expire 158
+#define OP_TableLock 159 /* synopsis: iDb=P1 root=P2 write=P3 */
+#define OP_VBegin 160
+#define OP_VCreate 161
+#define OP_VDestroy 162
+#define OP_VOpen 163
+#define OP_VColumn 164 /* synopsis: r[P3]=vcolumn(P2) */
+#define OP_VRename 165
+#define OP_Pagecount 166
+#define OP_MaxPgcnt 167
+#define OP_Trace 168
+#define OP_CursorHint 169
+#define OP_Noop 170
+#define OP_Explain 171
+#define OP_Abortable 172
/* Properties such as "out2" or "jump" that are specified in
** comments following the "case" for each opcode in the vdbe.c
@@ -15011,17 +15039,17 @@ typedef struct VdbeOpList VdbeOpList;
/* 64 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10,\
/* 72 */ 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10,\
/* 80 */ 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00,\
-/* 88 */ 0x12, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26,\
-/* 96 */ 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x00, 0x12,\
-/* 104 */ 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\
+/* 88 */ 0x12, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00,\
+/* 96 */ 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26, 0x26,\
+/* 104 */ 0x26, 0x26, 0x00, 0x12, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00,\
/* 112 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\
/* 120 */ 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\
-/* 128 */ 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00,\
-/* 136 */ 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00,\
-/* 144 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x10, 0x00,\
-/* 152 */ 0x04, 0x1a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\
-/* 160 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10,\
-/* 168 */ 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,}
+/* 128 */ 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10,\
+/* 136 */ 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\
+/* 144 */ 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x10, 0x00, 0x04,\
+/* 152 */ 0x1a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\
+/* 160 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10,\
+/* 168 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,}
/* The sqlite3P2Values() routine is able to run faster if it knows
** the value of the largest JUMP opcode. The smaller the maximum
@@ -16326,6 +16354,7 @@ struct sqlite3 {
void (*xRollbackCallback)(void*); /* Invoked at every commit. */
void *pUpdateArg;
void (*xUpdateCallback)(void*,int, const char*,const char*,sqlite_int64);
+ Parse *pParse; /* Current parse */
void *pPreUpdateArg; /* First argument to xPreUpdateCallback */
void (*xPreUpdateCallback)( /* Registered using sqlite3_preupdate_hook() */
@@ -16459,7 +16488,8 @@ struct sqlite3 {
#define DBFLAG_SchemaChange 0x0001 /* Uncommitted Hash table changes */
#define DBFLAG_PreferBuiltin 0x0002 /* Preference to built-in funcs */
#define DBFLAG_Vacuum 0x0004 /* Currently in a VACUUM */
-#define DBFLAG_SchemaKnownOk 0x0008 /* Schema is known to be valid */
+#define DBFLAG_VacuumInto 0x0008 /* Currently running VACUUM INTO */
+#define DBFLAG_SchemaKnownOk 0x0010 /* Schema is known to be valid */
** Bits of the sqlite3.dbOptFlags field that are used by the
@@ -16467,7 +16497,7 @@ struct sqlite3 {
** selectively disable various optimizations.
#define SQLITE_QueryFlattener 0x0001 /* Query flattening */
- /* 0x0002 available for reuse */
+#define SQLITE_WindowFunc 0x0002 /* Use xInverse for window functions */
#define SQLITE_GroupByOrder 0x0004 /* GROUPBY cover of ORDERBY */
#define SQLITE_FactorOutConst 0x0008 /* Constant factoring */
#define SQLITE_DistinctOpt 0x0010 /* DISTINCT using indexes */
@@ -16585,7 +16615,6 @@ struct FuncDestructor {
#define SQLITE_FUNC_AFFINITY 0x4000 /* Built-in affinity() function */
#define SQLITE_FUNC_OFFSET 0x8000 /* Built-in sqlite_offset() function */
#define SQLITE_FUNC_WINDOW 0x00010000 /* Built-in window-only function */
-#define SQLITE_FUNC_WINDOW_SIZE 0x20000 /* Requires partition size as arg. */
#define SQLITE_FUNC_INTERNAL 0x00040000 /* For use by NestedParse() only */
@@ -17391,12 +17420,16 @@ struct Expr {
** The following are the meanings of bits in the Expr.flags field.
+** Value restrictions:
+** EP_Agg == NC_HasAgg == SF_HasAgg
+** EP_Win == NC_HasWin
#define EP_FromJoin 0x000001 /* Originates in ON/USING clause of outer join */
-#define EP_Agg 0x000002 /* Contains one or more aggregate functions */
+#define EP_Distinct 0x000002 /* Aggregate function with DISTINCT keyword */
#define EP_HasFunc 0x000004 /* Contains one or more functions of any kind */
#define EP_FixedCol 0x000008 /* TK_Column with a known fixed value */
-#define EP_Distinct 0x000010 /* Aggregate function with DISTINCT keyword */
+#define EP_Agg 0x000010 /* Contains one or more aggregate functions */
#define EP_VarSelect 0x000020 /* pSelect is correlated, not constant */
#define EP_DblQuoted 0x000040 /* token.z was originally in "..." */
#define EP_InfixFunc 0x000080 /* True for an infix function: LIKE, GLOB, etc */
@@ -17407,7 +17440,7 @@ struct Expr {
#define EP_Skip 0x001000 /* COLLATE, AS, or UNLIKELY */
#define EP_Reduced 0x002000 /* Expr struct EXPR_REDUCEDSIZE bytes only */
#define EP_TokenOnly 0x004000 /* Expr struct EXPR_TOKENONLYSIZE bytes only */
-#define EP_Static 0x008000 /* Held in memory not obtained from malloc() */
+#define EP_Win 0x008000 /* Contains window functions */
#define EP_MemToken 0x010000 /* Need to sqlite3DbFree() Expr.zToken */
#define EP_NoReduce 0x020000 /* Cannot EXPRDUP_REDUCE this Expr */
#define EP_Unlikely 0x040000 /* unlikely() or likelihood() function */
@@ -17419,6 +17452,7 @@ struct Expr {
#define EP_WinFunc 0x1000000 /* TK_FUNCTION with Expr.y.pWin set */
#define EP_Subrtn 0x2000000 /* Uses Expr.y.sub. TK_IN, _SELECT, or _EXISTS */
#define EP_Quoted 0x4000000 /* TK_ID was originally quoted */
+#define EP_Static 0x8000000 /* Held in memory not obtained from malloc() */
** The EP_Propagate mask is a set of properties that automatically propagate
@@ -17658,8 +17692,9 @@ struct NameContext {
** Allowed values for the NameContext, ncFlags field.
** Value constraints (all checked via assert()):
-** NC_HasAgg == SF_HasAgg
+** NC_HasAgg == SF_HasAgg == EP_Agg
** NC_MinMaxAgg == SF_MinMaxAgg == SQLITE_FUNC_MINMAX
+** NC_HasWin == EP_Win
#define NC_AllowAgg 0x0001 /* Aggregate functions are allowed here */
@@ -17675,6 +17710,7 @@ struct NameContext {
#define NC_MinMaxAgg 0x1000 /* min/max aggregates seen. See note above */
#define NC_Complex 0x2000 /* True if a function or subquery seen */
#define NC_AllowWin 0x4000 /* Window functions are allowed here */
+#define NC_HasWin 0x8000 /* One or more window functions seen */
** An instance of the following object describes a single ON CONFLICT
@@ -17989,6 +18025,7 @@ struct Parse {
AutoincInfo *pAinc; /* Information about AUTOINCREMENT counters */
Parse *pToplevel; /* Parse structure for main program (or NULL) */
Table *pTriggerTab; /* Table triggers are being coded for */
+ Parse *pParentParse; /* Parent parser if this parser is nested */
int addrCrTab; /* Address of OP_CreateBtree opcode on CREATE TABLE */
u32 nQueryLoop; /* Est number of iterations of a query (10*log2(N)) */
u32 oldmask; /* Mask of old.* columns referenced */
@@ -18429,7 +18466,7 @@ struct TreeView {
#endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
-** This object is used in varioius ways, all related to window functions
+** This object is used in various ways, all related to window functions
** (1) A single instance of this structure is attached to the
** the Expr.pWin field for each window function in an expression tree.
@@ -18444,15 +18481,18 @@ struct TreeView {
** object on a linked list attached to Select.pWinDefn.
** The uses (1) and (2) are really the same Window object that just happens
-** to be accessible in two different ways. Use (3) is are separate objects.
+** to be accessible in two different ways. Use case (3) are separate objects.
struct Window {
char *zName; /* Name of window (may be NULL) */
+ char *zBase; /* Name of base window for chaining (may be NULL) */
ExprList *pPartition; /* PARTITION BY clause */
ExprList *pOrderBy; /* ORDER BY clause */
- u8 eType; /* TK_RANGE or TK_ROWS */
+ u8 eFrmType; /* TK_RANGE, TK_GROUPS, TK_ROWS, or 0 */
+ u8 bImplicitFrame; /* True if frame was implicitly specified */
+ u8 eExclude; /* TK_NO, TK_CURRENT, TK_TIES, TK_GROUP, or 0 */
Expr *pStart; /* Expression for "<expr> PRECEDING" */
Expr *pEnd; /* Expression for "<expr> FOLLOWING" */
Window *pNextWin; /* Next window function belonging to this SELECT */
@@ -18463,17 +18503,19 @@ struct Window {
int regResult;
int csrApp; /* Function cursor (used by min/max) */
int regApp; /* Function register (also used by min/max) */
- int regPart; /* First in a set of registers holding PARTITION BY
- ** and ORDER BY values for the window */
+ int regPart; /* Array of registers for PARTITION BY values */
Expr *pOwner; /* Expression object this window is attached to */
int nBufferCol; /* Number of columns in buffer table */
int iArgCol; /* Offset of first argument for this function */
+ int regOne; /* Register containing constant value 1 */
+ int regStartRowid;
+ int regEndRowid;
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowDelete(sqlite3*, Window*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowListDelete(sqlite3 *db, Window *p);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE Window *sqlite3WindowAlloc(Parse*, int, int, Expr*, int , Expr*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Window *sqlite3WindowAlloc(Parse*, int, int, Expr*, int , Expr*, u8);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowAttach(Parse*, Expr*, Window*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WindowCompare(Parse*, Window*, Window*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowCodeInit(Parse*, Window*);
@@ -18484,6 +18526,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowUpdate(Parse*, Window*, Window*, FuncDef*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE Window *sqlite3WindowDup(sqlite3 *db, Expr *pOwner, Window *p);
SQLITE_PRIVATE Window *sqlite3WindowListDup(sqlite3 *db, Window *p);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowFunctions(void);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowChain(Parse*, Window*, Window*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Window *sqlite3WindowAssemble(Parse*, Window*, ExprList*, ExprList*, Token*);
# define sqlite3WindowDelete(a,b)
# define sqlite3WindowFunctions()
@@ -18713,6 +18757,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TreeViewWinFunc(TreeView*, const Window*, u8);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SetString(char **, sqlite3*, const char*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ErrorMsg(Parse*, const char*, ...);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ErrorToParser(sqlite3*,int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Dequote(char*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3DequoteExpr(Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TokenInit(Token*,char*);
@@ -19174,7 +19219,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterRenameColumn(Parse*, SrcList*, Token*, Token*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3GetToken(const unsigned char *, int *);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3NestedParse(Parse*, const char*, ...);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(sqlite3*, int);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeRhsOfIN(Parse*, Expr*, int, int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeRhsOfIN(Parse*, Expr*, int);
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CodeSubselect(Parse*, Expr*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SelectPrep(Parse*, Select*, NameContext*);
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SelectWrongNumTermsError(Parse *pParse, Select *p);
@@ -20136,11 +20181,11 @@ struct sqlite3_value {
#define MEM_Real 0x0008 /* Value is a real number */
#define MEM_Blob 0x0010 /* Value is a BLOB */
#define MEM_AffMask 0x001f /* Mask of affinity bits */
-/* Available 0x0020 */
+#define MEM_FromBind 0x0020 /* Value originates from sqlite3_bind() */
/* Available 0x0040 */
#define MEM_Undefined 0x0080 /* Value is undefined */
#define MEM_Cleared 0x0100 /* NULL set by OP_Null, not from data */
-#define MEM_TypeMask 0xc1ff /* Mask of type bits */
+#define MEM_TypeMask 0xc1df /* Mask of type bits */
/* Whenever Mem contains a valid string or blob representation, one of
@@ -20173,6 +20218,12 @@ struct sqlite3_value {
((p)->flags = ((p)->flags&~(MEM_TypeMask|MEM_Zero))|f)
+** True if Mem X is a NULL-nochng type.
+#define MemNullNochng(X) \
+ ((X)->flags==(MEM_Null|MEM_Zero) && (X)->n==0 && (X)->u.nZero==0)
** Return true if a memory cell is not marked as invalid. This macro
** is for use inside assert() statements only.
@@ -27121,6 +27172,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3OomFault(sqlite3 *db){
db->u1.isInterrupted = 1;
+ if( db->pParse ){
+ db->pParse->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
+ }
@@ -27314,7 +27368,8 @@ static char et_getdigit(LONGDOUBLE_TYPE *val, int *cnt){
static void setStrAccumError(StrAccum *p, u8 eError){
assert( eError==SQLITE_NOMEM || eError==SQLITE_TOOBIG );
p->accError = eError;
- p->nAlloc = 0;
+ if( p->mxAlloc ) sqlite3_str_reset(p);
+ if( eError==SQLITE_TOOBIG ) sqlite3ErrorToParser(p->db, eError);
@@ -27344,6 +27399,7 @@ static char *getTextArg(PrintfArguments *p){
static char *printfTempBuf(sqlite3_str *pAccum, sqlite3_int64 n){
char *z;
+ if( pAccum->accError ) return 0;
if( n>pAccum->nAlloc && n>pAccum->mxAlloc ){
setStrAccumError(pAccum, SQLITE_TOOBIG);
return 0;
@@ -28063,9 +28119,8 @@ static int sqlite3StrAccumEnlarge(StrAccum *p, int N){
return 0;
if( p->mxAlloc==0 ){
- N = p->nAlloc - p->nChar - 1;
setStrAccumError(p, SQLITE_TOOBIG);
- return N;
+ return p->nAlloc - p->nChar - 1;
char *zOld = isMalloced(p) ? p->zText : 0;
i64 szNew = p->nChar;
@@ -28137,7 +28192,7 @@ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_str_append(sqlite3_str *p, const char *z, int N){
assert( z!=0 || N==0 );
assert( p->zText!=0 || p->nChar==0 || p->accError );
assert( N>=0 );
- assert( p->accError==0 || p->nAlloc==0 );
+ assert( p->accError==0 || p->nAlloc==0 || p->mxAlloc==0 );
if( p->nChar+N >= p->nAlloc ){
}else if( N ){
@@ -28770,24 +28825,62 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TreeViewBound(
** Generate a human-readable explanation for a Window object
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3TreeViewWindow(TreeView *pView, const Window *pWin, u8 more){
+ int nElement = 0;
+ if( pWin->pFilter ){
+ sqlite3TreeViewItem(pView, "FILTER", 1);
+ sqlite3TreeViewExpr(pView, pWin->pFilter, 0);
+ sqlite3TreeViewPop(pView);
+ }
pView = sqlite3TreeViewPush(pView, more);
if( pWin->zName ){
- sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "OVER %s", pWin->zName);
+ sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "OVER %s (%p)", pWin->zName, pWin);
- sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "OVER");
+ sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "OVER (%p)", pWin);
+ }
+ if( pWin->zBase ) nElement++;
+ if( pWin->pOrderBy ) nElement++;
+ if( pWin->eFrmType ) nElement++;
+ if( pWin->eExclude ) nElement++;
+ if( pWin->zBase ){
+ sqlite3TreeViewPush(pView, (--nElement)>0);
+ sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "window: %s", pWin->zBase);
+ sqlite3TreeViewPop(pView);
if( pWin->pPartition ){
- sqlite3TreeViewExprList(pView, pWin->pPartition, 1, "PARTITION-BY");
+ sqlite3TreeViewExprList(pView, pWin->pPartition, nElement>0,"PARTITION-BY");
if( pWin->pOrderBy ){
- sqlite3TreeViewExprList(pView, pWin->pOrderBy, 1, "ORDER-BY");
- }
- if( pWin->eType ){
- sqlite3TreeViewItem(pView, pWin->eType==TK_RANGE ? "RANGE" : "ROWS", 0);
+ sqlite3TreeViewExprList(pView, pWin->pOrderBy, (--nElement)>0, "ORDER-BY");
+ }
+ if( pWin->eFrmType ){
+ char zBuf[30];
+ const char *zFrmType = "ROWS";
+ if( pWin->eFrmType==TK_RANGE ) zFrmType = "RANGE";
+ if( pWin->eFrmType==TK_GROUPS ) zFrmType = "GROUPS";
+ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf),zBuf,"%s%s",zFrmType,
+ pWin->bImplicitFrame ? " (implied)" : "");
+ sqlite3TreeViewItem(pView, zBuf, (--nElement)>0);
sqlite3TreeViewBound(pView, pWin->eStart, pWin->pStart, 1);
sqlite3TreeViewBound(pView, pWin->eEnd, pWin->pEnd, 0);
+ if( pWin->eExclude ){
+ char zBuf[30];
+ const char *zExclude;
+ switch( pWin->eExclude ){
+ case TK_NO: zExclude = "NO OTHERS"; break;
+ case TK_CURRENT: zExclude = "CURRENT ROW"; break;
+ case TK_GROUP: zExclude = "GROUP"; break;
+ case TK_TIES: zExclude = "TIES"; break;
+ default:
+ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf),zBuf,"invalid(%d)", pWin->eExclude);
+ zExclude = zBuf;
+ break;
+ }
+ sqlite3TreeViewPush(pView, 0);
+ sqlite3TreeViewLine(pView, "EXCLUDE %s", zExclude);
+ sqlite3TreeViewPop(pView);
+ }
@@ -29767,11 +29860,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3Utf8Read(
** encoding, or if *pMem does not contain a string value.
SQLITE_PRIVATE SQLITE_NOINLINE int sqlite3VdbeMemTranslate(Mem *pMem, u8 desiredEnc){
- int len; /* Maximum length of output string in bytes */
- unsigned char *zOut; /* Output buffer */
- unsigned char *zIn; /* Input iterator */
- unsigned char *zTerm; /* End of input */
- unsigned char *z; /* Output iterator */
+ sqlite3_int64 len; /* Maximum length of output string in bytes */
+ unsigned char *zOut; /* Output buffer */
+ unsigned char *zIn; /* Input iterator */
+ unsigned char *zTerm; /* End of input */
+ unsigned char *z; /* Output iterator */
unsigned int c;
assert( pMem->db==0 || sqlite3_mutex_held(pMem->db->mutex) );
@@ -29820,14 +29913,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE SQLITE_NOINLINE int sqlite3VdbeMemTranslate(Mem *pMem, u8 desired
** nul-terminator.
pMem->n &= ~1;
- len = pMem->n * 2 + 1;
+ len = 2 * (sqlite3_int64)pMem->n + 1;
/* When converting from UTF-8 to UTF-16 the maximum growth is caused
** when a 1-byte UTF-8 character is translated into a 2-byte UTF-16
** character. Two bytes are required in the output buffer for the
** nul-terminator.
- len = pMem->n * 2 + 2;
+ len = 2 * (sqlite3_int64)pMem->n + 2;
/* Set zIn to point at the start of the input buffer and zTerm to point 1
@@ -30134,15 +30227,23 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Coverage(int x){
-** Give a callback to the test harness that can be used to simulate faults
-** in places where it is difficult or expensive to do so purely by means
-** of inputs.
+** Calls to sqlite3FaultSim() are used to simulate a failure during testing,
+** or to bypass normal error detection during testing in order to let
+** execute proceed futher downstream.
-** The intent of the integer argument is to let the fault simulator know
-** which of multiple sqlite3FaultSim() calls has been hit.
+** In deployment, sqlite3FaultSim() *always* return SQLITE_OK (0). The
+** sqlite3FaultSim() function only returns non-zero during testing.
-** Return whatever integer value the test callback returns, or return
-** SQLITE_OK if no test callback is installed.
+** During testing, if the test harness has set a fault-sim callback using
+** a call to sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_FAULT_INSTALL), then
+** each call to sqlite3FaultSim() is relayed to that application-supplied
+** callback and the integer return value form the application-supplied
+** callback is returned by sqlite3FaultSim().
+** The integer argument to sqlite3FaultSim() is a code to identify which
+** sqlite3FaultSim() instance is being invoked. Each call to sqlite3FaultSim()
+** should have a unique code. To prevent legacy testing applications from
+** breaking, the codes should not be changed or reused.
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FaultSim(int iTest){
@@ -30328,6 +30429,19 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ErrorMsg(Parse *pParse, const char *zFormat, ...){
+** If database connection db is currently parsing SQL, then transfer
+** error code errCode to that parser if the parser has not already
+** encountered some other kind of error.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ErrorToParser(sqlite3 *db, int errCode){
+ Parse *pParse;
+ if( db==0 || (pParse = db->pParse)==0 ) return errCode;
+ pParse->rc = errCode;
+ pParse->nErr++;
+ return errCode;
** Convert an SQL-style quoted string into a normal string by removing
** the quote characters. The conversion is done in-place. If the
** input does not begin with a quote character, then this routine
@@ -31678,7 +31792,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE VList *sqlite3VListAdd(
assert( pIn==0 || pIn[0]>=3 ); /* Verify ok to add new elements */
if( pIn==0 || pIn[1]+nInt > pIn[0] ){
/* Enlarge the allocation */
- int nAlloc = (pIn ? pIn[0]*2 : 10) + nInt;
+ sqlite3_int64 nAlloc = (pIn ? 2*(sqlite3_int64)pIn[0] : 10) + nInt;
VList *pOut = sqlite3DbRealloc(db, pIn, nAlloc*sizeof(int));
if( pOut==0 ) return pIn;
if( pIn==0 ) pOut[1] = 2;
@@ -31884,7 +31998,7 @@ static HashElem *findElementWithHash(
unsigned int *pHash /* Write the hash value here */
HashElem *elem; /* Used to loop thru the element list */
- int count; /* Number of elements left to test */
+ unsigned int count; /* Number of elements left to test */
unsigned int h; /* The computed hash */
static HashElem nullElement = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
@@ -31932,8 +32046,8 @@ static void removeElementGivenHash(
if( pEntry->chain==elem ){
pEntry->chain = elem->next;
+ assert( pEntry->count>0 );
- assert( pEntry->count>=0 );
sqlite3_free( elem );
@@ -32108,25 +32222,25 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3OpcodeName(int i){
/* 89 */ "Offset" OpHelp("r[P3] = sqlite_offset(P1)"),
/* 90 */ "Column" OpHelp("r[P3]=PX"),
/* 91 */ "Affinity" OpHelp("affinity(r[P1@P2])"),
- /* 92 */ "BitAnd" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]&r[P2]"),
- /* 93 */ "BitOr" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]|r[P2]"),
- /* 94 */ "ShiftLeft" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]<<r[P1]"),
- /* 95 */ "ShiftRight" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]>>r[P1]"),
- /* 96 */ "Add" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]+r[P2]"),
- /* 97 */ "Subtract" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]-r[P1]"),
- /* 98 */ "Multiply" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]*r[P2]"),
- /* 99 */ "Divide" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]/r[P1]"),
- /* 100 */ "Remainder" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]%r[P1]"),
- /* 101 */ "Concat" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]+r[P1]"),
- /* 102 */ "MakeRecord" OpHelp("r[P3]=mkrec(r[P1@P2])"),
- /* 103 */ "BitNot" OpHelp("r[P2]= ~r[P1]"),
- /* 104 */ "Count" OpHelp("r[P2]=count()"),
- /* 105 */ "ReadCookie" OpHelp(""),
- /* 106 */ "String8" OpHelp("r[P2]='P4'"),
- /* 107 */ "SetCookie" OpHelp(""),
- /* 108 */ "ReopenIdx" OpHelp("root=P2 iDb=P3"),
- /* 109 */ "OpenRead" OpHelp("root=P2 iDb=P3"),
- /* 110 */ "OpenWrite" OpHelp("root=P2 iDb=P3"),
+ /* 92 */ "MakeRecord" OpHelp("r[P3]=mkrec(r[P1@P2])"),
+ /* 93 */ "Count" OpHelp("r[P2]=count()"),
+ /* 94 */ "ReadCookie" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 95 */ "SetCookie" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 96 */ "BitAnd" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]&r[P2]"),
+ /* 97 */ "BitOr" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]|r[P2]"),
+ /* 98 */ "ShiftLeft" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]<<r[P1]"),
+ /* 99 */ "ShiftRight" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]>>r[P1]"),
+ /* 100 */ "Add" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]+r[P2]"),
+ /* 101 */ "Subtract" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]-r[P1]"),
+ /* 102 */ "Multiply" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P1]*r[P2]"),
+ /* 103 */ "Divide" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]/r[P1]"),
+ /* 104 */ "Remainder" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]%r[P1]"),
+ /* 105 */ "Concat" OpHelp("r[P3]=r[P2]+r[P1]"),
+ /* 106 */ "ReopenIdx" OpHelp("root=P2 iDb=P3"),
+ /* 107 */ "BitNot" OpHelp("r[P2]= ~r[P1]"),
+ /* 108 */ "OpenRead" OpHelp("root=P2 iDb=P3"),
+ /* 109 */ "OpenWrite" OpHelp("root=P2 iDb=P3"),
+ /* 110 */ "String8" OpHelp("r[P2]='P4'"),
/* 111 */ "OpenDup" OpHelp(""),
/* 112 */ "OpenAutoindex" OpHelp("nColumn=P2"),
/* 113 */ "OpenEphemeral" OpHelp("nColumn=P2"),
@@ -32139,57 +32253,56 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3OpcodeName(int i){
/* 120 */ "Sequence" OpHelp("r[P2]=cursor[P1].ctr++"),
/* 121 */ "NewRowid" OpHelp("r[P2]=rowid"),
/* 122 */ "Insert" OpHelp("intkey=r[P3] data=r[P2]"),
- /* 123 */ "InsertInt" OpHelp("intkey=P3 data=r[P2]"),
- /* 124 */ "Delete" OpHelp(""),
- /* 125 */ "ResetCount" OpHelp(""),
- /* 126 */ "SorterCompare" OpHelp("if key(P1)!=trim(r[P3],P4) goto P2"),
- /* 127 */ "SorterData" OpHelp("r[P2]=data"),
- /* 128 */ "RowData" OpHelp("r[P2]=data"),
- /* 129 */ "Rowid" OpHelp("r[P2]=rowid"),
- /* 130 */ "NullRow" OpHelp(""),
- /* 131 */ "SeekEnd" OpHelp(""),
- /* 132 */ "SorterInsert" OpHelp("key=r[P2]"),
- /* 133 */ "IdxInsert" OpHelp("key=r[P2]"),
- /* 134 */ "IdxDelete" OpHelp("key=r[P2@P3]"),
- /* 135 */ "DeferredSeek" OpHelp("Move P3 to P1.rowid if needed"),
- /* 136 */ "IdxRowid" OpHelp("r[P2]=rowid"),
- /* 137 */ "Destroy" OpHelp(""),
- /* 138 */ "Clear" OpHelp(""),
- /* 139 */ "ResetSorter" OpHelp(""),
- /* 140 */ "CreateBtree" OpHelp("r[P2]=root iDb=P1 flags=P3"),
- /* 141 */ "Real" OpHelp("r[P2]=P4"),
- /* 142 */ "SqlExec" OpHelp(""),
- /* 143 */ "ParseSchema" OpHelp(""),
- /* 144 */ "LoadAnalysis" OpHelp(""),
- /* 145 */ "DropTable" OpHelp(""),
- /* 146 */ "DropIndex" OpHelp(""),
- /* 147 */ "DropTrigger" OpHelp(""),
- /* 148 */ "IntegrityCk" OpHelp(""),
- /* 149 */ "RowSetAdd" OpHelp("rowset(P1)=r[P2]"),
- /* 150 */ "Param" OpHelp(""),
- /* 151 */ "FkCounter" OpHelp("fkctr[P1]+=P2"),
- /* 152 */ "MemMax" OpHelp("r[P1]=max(r[P1],r[P2])"),
- /* 153 */ "OffsetLimit" OpHelp("if r[P1]>0 then r[P2]=r[P1]+max(0,r[P3]) else r[P2]=(-1)"),
- /* 154 */ "AggInverse" OpHelp("accum=r[P3] inverse(r[P2@P5])"),
- /* 155 */ "AggStep" OpHelp("accum=r[P3] step(r[P2@P5])"),
- /* 156 */ "AggStep1" OpHelp("accum=r[P3] step(r[P2@P5])"),
- /* 157 */ "AggValue" OpHelp("r[P3]=value N=P2"),
- /* 158 */ "AggFinal" OpHelp("accum=r[P1] N=P2"),
- /* 159 */ "Expire" OpHelp(""),
- /* 160 */ "TableLock" OpHelp("iDb=P1 root=P2 write=P3"),
- /* 161 */ "VBegin" OpHelp(""),
- /* 162 */ "VCreate" OpHelp(""),
- /* 163 */ "VDestroy" OpHelp(""),
- /* 164 */ "VOpen" OpHelp(""),
- /* 165 */ "VColumn" OpHelp("r[P3]=vcolumn(P2)"),
- /* 166 */ "VRename" OpHelp(""),
- /* 167 */ "Pagecount" OpHelp(""),
- /* 168 */ "MaxPgcnt" OpHelp(""),
- /* 169 */ "Trace" OpHelp(""),
- /* 170 */ "CursorHint" OpHelp(""),
- /* 171 */ "Noop" OpHelp(""),
- /* 172 */ "Explain" OpHelp(""),
- /* 173 */ "Abortable" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 123 */ "Delete" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 124 */ "ResetCount" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 125 */ "SorterCompare" OpHelp("if key(P1)!=trim(r[P3],P4) goto P2"),
+ /* 126 */ "SorterData" OpHelp("r[P2]=data"),
+ /* 127 */ "RowData" OpHelp("r[P2]=data"),
+ /* 128 */ "Rowid" OpHelp("r[P2]=rowid"),
+ /* 129 */ "NullRow" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 130 */ "SeekEnd" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 131 */ "SorterInsert" OpHelp("key=r[P2]"),
+ /* 132 */ "IdxInsert" OpHelp("key=r[P2]"),
+ /* 133 */ "IdxDelete" OpHelp("key=r[P2@P3]"),
+ /* 134 */ "DeferredSeek" OpHelp("Move P3 to P1.rowid if needed"),
+ /* 135 */ "IdxRowid" OpHelp("r[P2]=rowid"),
+ /* 136 */ "Destroy" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 137 */ "Clear" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 138 */ "ResetSorter" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 139 */ "CreateBtree" OpHelp("r[P2]=root iDb=P1 flags=P3"),
+ /* 140 */ "SqlExec" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 141 */ "ParseSchema" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 142 */ "LoadAnalysis" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 143 */ "DropTable" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 144 */ "DropIndex" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 145 */ "Real" OpHelp("r[P2]=P4"),
+ /* 146 */ "DropTrigger" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 147 */ "IntegrityCk" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 148 */ "RowSetAdd" OpHelp("rowset(P1)=r[P2]"),
+ /* 149 */ "Param" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 150 */ "FkCounter" OpHelp("fkctr[P1]+=P2"),
+ /* 151 */ "MemMax" OpHelp("r[P1]=max(r[P1],r[P2])"),
+ /* 152 */ "OffsetLimit" OpHelp("if r[P1]>0 then r[P2]=r[P1]+max(0,r[P3]) else r[P2]=(-1)"),
+ /* 153 */ "AggInverse" OpHelp("accum=r[P3] inverse(r[P2@P5])"),
+ /* 154 */ "AggStep" OpHelp("accum=r[P3] step(r[P2@P5])"),
+ /* 155 */ "AggStep1" OpHelp("accum=r[P3] step(r[P2@P5])"),
+ /* 156 */ "AggValue" OpHelp("r[P3]=value N=P2"),
+ /* 157 */ "AggFinal" OpHelp("accum=r[P1] N=P2"),
+ /* 158 */ "Expire" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 159 */ "TableLock" OpHelp("iDb=P1 root=P2 write=P3"),
+ /* 160 */ "VBegin" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 161 */ "VCreate" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 162 */ "VDestroy" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 163 */ "VOpen" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 164 */ "VColumn" OpHelp("r[P3]=vcolumn(P2)"),
+ /* 165 */ "VRename" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 166 */ "Pagecount" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 167 */ "MaxPgcnt" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 168 */ "Trace" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 169 */ "CursorHint" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 170 */ "Noop" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 171 */ "Explain" OpHelp(""),
+ /* 172 */ "Abortable" OpHelp(""),
return azName[i];
@@ -49018,9 +49131,7 @@ static void pcache1FreePage(PgHdr1 *p){
** exists, this function falls back to sqlite3Malloc().
SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3PageMalloc(int sz){
- /* During rebalance operations on a corrupt database file, it is sometimes
- ** (rarely) possible to overread the temporary page buffer by a few bytes.
- ** Enlarge the allocation slightly so that this does not cause problems. */
+ assert( sz<=65536+8 ); /* These allocations are never very large */
return pcache1Alloc(sz);
@@ -51304,6 +51415,9 @@ static const unsigned char aJournalMagic[] = {
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerDirectReadOk(Pager *pPager, Pgno pgno){
if( pPager->fd->pMethods==0 ) return 0;
if( sqlite3PCacheIsDirty(pPager->pPCache) ) return 0;
+ if( pPager->xCodec!=0 ) return 0;
if( pPager->pWal ){
u32 iRead = 0;
@@ -54253,8 +54367,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(Pager *pPager, u32 *pPageSize, int nR
rc = sqlite3OsFileSize(pPager->fd, &nByte);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- pNew = (char *)sqlite3PageMalloc(pageSize);
- if( !pNew ) rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
+ /* 8 bytes of zeroed overrun space is sufficient so that the b-tree
+ * cell header parser will never run off the end of the allocation */
+ pNew = (char *)sqlite3PageMalloc(pageSize+8);
+ if( !pNew ){
+ }else{
+ memset(pNew+pageSize, 0, 8);
+ }
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -57635,8 +57755,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerMovepage(Pager *pPager, DbPage *pPg, Pgno pgno, i
pPg->flags &= ~PGHDR_NEED_SYNC;
pPgOld = sqlite3PagerLookup(pPager, pgno);
- assert( !pPgOld || pPgOld->nRef==1 );
+ assert( !pPgOld || pPgOld->nRef==1 || CORRUPT_DB );
if( pPgOld ){
+ if( pPgOld->nRef>1 ){
+ sqlite3PagerUnrefNotNull(pPgOld);
+ }
pPg->flags |= (pPgOld->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC);
if( pPager->tempFile ){
/* Do not discard pages from an in-memory database since we might
@@ -58164,7 +58288,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSnapshotCheck(Pager *pPager, sqlite3_snapshot *pS
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerSnapshotUnlock(Pager *pPager){
assert( pPager->pWal );
- return sqlite3WalSnapshotUnlock(pPager->pWal);
+ sqlite3WalSnapshotUnlock(pPager->pWal);
@@ -58765,7 +58889,7 @@ static SQLITE_NOINLINE int walIndexPageRealloc(
/* Enlarge the pWal->apWiData[] array if required */
if( pWal->nWiData<=iPage ){
- int nByte = sizeof(u32*)*(iPage+1);
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte = sizeof(u32*)*(iPage+1);
volatile u32 **apNew;
apNew = (volatile u32 **)sqlite3_realloc64((void *)pWal->apWiData, nByte);
if( !apNew ){
@@ -58869,6 +58993,7 @@ static void walChecksumBytes(
assert( nByte>=8 );
assert( (nByte&0x00000007)==0 );
+ assert( nByte<=65536 );
if( nativeCksum ){
do {
@@ -59176,6 +59301,7 @@ static void walCleanupHash(Wal *pWal){
int iLimit = 0; /* Zero values greater than this */
int nByte; /* Number of bytes to zero in aPgno[] */
int i; /* Used to iterate through aHash[] */
+ int rc; /* Return code form walHashGet() */
assert( pWal->writeLock );
testcase( pWal->hdr.mxFrame==HASHTABLE_NPAGE_ONE-1 );
@@ -59186,11 +59312,12 @@ static void walCleanupHash(Wal *pWal){
/* Obtain pointers to the hash-table and page-number array containing
** the entry that corresponds to frame pWal->hdr.mxFrame. It is guaranteed
- ** that the page said hash-table and array reside on is already mapped.
+ ** that the page said hash-table and array reside on is already mapped.(1)
assert( pWal->nWiData>walFramePage(pWal->hdr.mxFrame) );
assert( pWal->apWiData[walFramePage(pWal->hdr.mxFrame)] );
- walHashGet(pWal, walFramePage(pWal->hdr.mxFrame), &sLoc);
+ rc = walHashGet(pWal, walFramePage(pWal->hdr.mxFrame), &sLoc);
+ if( NEVER(rc) ) return; /* Defense-in-depth, in case (1) above is wrong */
/* Zero all hash-table entries that correspond to frame numbers greater
** than pWal->hdr.mxFrame.
@@ -59804,7 +59931,7 @@ static int walIteratorInit(Wal *pWal, u32 nBackfill, WalIterator **pp){
WalIterator *p; /* Return value */
int nSegment; /* Number of segments to merge */
u32 iLast; /* Last frame in log */
- int nByte; /* Number of bytes to allocate */
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte; /* Number of bytes to allocate */
int i; /* Iterator variable */
ht_slot *aTmp; /* Temp space used by merge-sort */
int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Return Code */
@@ -62340,7 +62467,7 @@ struct MemPage {
u16 maxLocal; /* Copy of BtShared.maxLocal or BtShared.maxLeaf */
u16 minLocal; /* Copy of BtShared.minLocal or BtShared.minLeaf */
u16 cellOffset; /* Index in aData of first cell pointer */
- u16 nFree; /* Number of free bytes on the page */
+ int nFree; /* Number of free bytes on the page. -1 for unknown */
u16 nCell; /* Number of cells on this page, local and ovfl */
u16 maskPage; /* Mask for page offset */
u16 aiOvfl[4]; /* Insert the i-th overflow cell before the aiOvfl-th
@@ -63894,14 +64021,18 @@ moveto_done:
static int btreeRestoreCursorPosition(BtCursor *pCur){
int rc;
- int skipNext;
+ int skipNext = 0;
assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
assert( pCur->eState>=CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK );
if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_FAULT ){
return pCur->skipNext;
pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
- rc = btreeMoveto(pCur, pCur->pKey, pCur->nKey, 0, &skipNext);
+ if( sqlite3FaultSim(410) ){
+ }else{
+ rc = btreeMoveto(pCur, pCur->pKey, pCur->nKey, 0, &skipNext);
+ }
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pCur->pKey = 0;
@@ -64482,7 +64613,7 @@ static int defragmentPage(MemPage *pPage, int nMaxFrag){
hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
cellOffset = pPage->cellOffset;
nCell = pPage->nCell;
- assert( nCell==get2byte(&data[hdr+3]) );
+ assert( nCell==get2byte(&data[hdr+3]) || CORRUPT_DB );
iCellFirst = cellOffset + 2*nCell;
usableSize = pPage->pBt->usableSize;
@@ -64493,11 +64624,7 @@ static int defragmentPage(MemPage *pPage, int nMaxFrag){
** reconstruct the entire page. */
if( (int)data[hdr+7]<=nMaxFrag ){
int iFree = get2byte(&data[hdr+1]);
- /* If the initial freeblock offset were out of bounds, that would
- ** have been detected by btreeInitPage() when it was computing the
- ** number of free bytes on the page. */
- assert( iFree<=usableSize-4 );
+ if( iFree>usableSize-4 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
if( iFree ){
int iFree2 = get2byte(&data[iFree]);
if( iFree2>usableSize-4 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
@@ -64516,7 +64643,10 @@ static int defragmentPage(MemPage *pPage, int nMaxFrag){
if( iFree2+sz2 > usableSize ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
memmove(&data[iFree+sz+sz2], &data[iFree+sz], iFree2-(iFree+sz));
sz += sz2;
+ }else if( iFree+sz>usableSize ){
+ return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
cbrk = top+sz;
assert( cbrk+(iFree-top) <= usableSize );
memmove(&data[cbrk], &data[top], iFree-top);
@@ -64567,6 +64697,7 @@ static int defragmentPage(MemPage *pPage, int nMaxFrag){
data[hdr+7] = 0;
+ assert( pPage->nFree>=0 );
if( data[hdr+7]+cbrk-iCellFirst!=pPage->nFree ){
@@ -64594,16 +64725,16 @@ static int defragmentPage(MemPage *pPage, int nMaxFrag){
** causes the fragmentation count to exceed 60.
static u8 *pageFindSlot(MemPage *pPg, int nByte, int *pRc){
- const int hdr = pPg->hdrOffset;
- u8 * const aData = pPg->aData;
- int iAddr = hdr + 1;
- int pc = get2byte(&aData[iAddr]);
- int x;
- int usableSize = pPg->pBt->usableSize;
- int size; /* Size of the free slot */
+ const int hdr = pPg->hdrOffset; /* Offset to page header */
+ u8 * const aData = pPg->aData; /* Page data */
+ int iAddr = hdr + 1; /* Address of ptr to pc */
+ int pc = get2byte(&aData[iAddr]); /* Address of a free slot */
+ int x; /* Excess size of the slot */
+ int maxPC = pPg->pBt->usableSize - nByte; /* Max address for a usable slot */
+ int size; /* Size of the free slot */
assert( pc>0 );
- while( pc<=usableSize-4 ){
+ while( pc<=maxPC ){
/* EVIDENCE-OF: R-22710-53328 The third and fourth bytes of each
** freeblock form a big-endian integer which is the size of the freeblock
** in bytes, including the 4-byte header. */
@@ -64611,10 +64742,7 @@ static u8 *pageFindSlot(MemPage *pPg, int nByte, int *pRc){
if( (x = size - nByte)>=0 ){
testcase( x==4 );
testcase( x==3 );
- if( size+pc > usableSize ){
- return 0;
- }else if( x<4 ){
+ if( x<4 ){
/* EVIDENCE-OF: R-11498-58022 In a well-formed b-tree page, the total
** number of bytes in fragments may not exceed 60. */
if( aData[hdr+7]>57 ) return 0;
@@ -64623,21 +64751,31 @@ static u8 *pageFindSlot(MemPage *pPg, int nByte, int *pRc){
** fragmented bytes within the page. */
memcpy(&aData[iAddr], &aData[pc], 2);
aData[hdr+7] += (u8)x;
+ }else if( x+pc > maxPC ){
+ /* This slot extends off the end of the usable part of the page */
+ return 0;
/* The slot remains on the free-list. Reduce its size to account
- ** for the portion used by the new allocation. */
+ ** for the portion used by the new allocation. */
put2byte(&aData[pc+2], x);
return &aData[pc + x];
iAddr = pc;
pc = get2byte(&aData[pc]);
- if( pc<iAddr+size ) break;
+ if( pc<=iAddr+size ){
+ if( pc ){
+ /* The next slot in the chain is not past the end of the current slot */
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
- if( pc ){
+ if( pc>maxPC+nByte-4 ){
+ /* The free slot chain extends off the end of the page */
return 0;
@@ -64687,9 +64825,9 @@ static int allocateSpace(MemPage *pPage, int nByte, int *pIdx){
- /* If there is enough space between gap and top for one more cell pointer
- ** array entry offset, and if the freelist is not empty, then search the
- ** freelist looking for a free slot big enough to satisfy the request.
+ /* If there is enough space between gap and top for one more cell pointer,
+ ** and if the freelist is not empty, then search the
+ ** freelist looking for a slot big enough to satisfy the request.
testcase( gap+2==top );
testcase( gap+1==top );
@@ -64711,6 +64849,7 @@ static int allocateSpace(MemPage *pPage, int nByte, int *pIdx){
testcase( gap+2+nByte==top );
if( gap+2+nByte>top ){
assert( pPage->nCell>0 || CORRUPT_DB );
+ assert( pPage->nFree>=0 );
rc = defragmentPage(pPage, MIN(4, pPage->nFree - (2+nByte)));
if( rc ) return rc;
top = get2byteNotZero(&data[hdr+5]);
@@ -64719,7 +64858,7 @@ static int allocateSpace(MemPage *pPage, int nByte, int *pIdx){
/* Allocate memory from the gap in between the cell pointer array
- ** and the cell content area. The btreeInitPage() call has already
+ ** and the cell content area. The btreeComputeFreeSpace() call has already
** validated the freelist. Given that the freelist is valid, there
** is no way that the allocation can extend off the end of the page.
** The assert() below verifies the previous sentence.
@@ -64738,7 +64877,7 @@ static int allocateSpace(MemPage *pPage, int nByte, int *pIdx){
** Adjacent freeblocks are coalesced.
-** Note that even though the freeblock list was checked by btreeInitPage(),
+** Even though the freeblock list was checked by btreeComputeFreeSpace(),
** that routine will not detect overlap between cells or freeblocks. Nor
** does it detect cells or freeblocks that encrouch into the reserved bytes
** at the end of the page. So do additional corruption checks inside this
@@ -64900,21 +65039,14 @@ static int decodeFlags(MemPage *pPage, int flagByte){
-** Initialize the auxiliary information for a disk block.
-** Return SQLITE_OK on success. If we see that the page does
-** not contain a well-formed database page, then return
-** SQLITE_CORRUPT. Note that a return of SQLITE_OK does not
-** guarantee that the page is well-formed. It only shows that
-** we failed to detect any corruption.
+** Compute the amount of freespace on the page. In other words, fill
+** in the pPage->nFree field.
-static int btreeInitPage(MemPage *pPage){
+static int btreeComputeFreeSpace(MemPage *pPage){
int pc; /* Address of a freeblock within pPage->aData[] */
u8 hdr; /* Offset to beginning of page header */
u8 *data; /* Equal to pPage->aData */
- BtShared *pBt; /* The main btree structure */
int usableSize; /* Amount of usable space on each page */
- u16 cellOffset; /* Offset from start of page to first cell pointer */
int nFree; /* Number of unused bytes on the page */
int top; /* First byte of the cell content area */
int iCellFirst; /* First allowable cell or freeblock offset */
@@ -64926,71 +65058,18 @@ static int btreeInitPage(MemPage *pPage){
assert( pPage->pgno==sqlite3PagerPagenumber(pPage->pDbPage) );
assert( pPage == sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pPage->pDbPage) );
assert( pPage->aData == sqlite3PagerGetData(pPage->pDbPage) );
- assert( pPage->isInit==0 );
+ assert( pPage->isInit==1 );
+ assert( pPage->nFree<0 );
- pBt = pPage->pBt;
+ usableSize = pPage->pBt->usableSize;
hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
data = pPage->aData;
- /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-28594-02890 The one-byte flag at offset 0 indicating
- ** the b-tree page type. */
- if( decodeFlags(pPage, data[hdr]) ){
- return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
- }
- assert( pBt->pageSize>=512 && pBt->pageSize<=65536 );
- pPage->maskPage = (u16)(pBt->pageSize - 1);
- pPage->nOverflow = 0;
- usableSize = pBt->usableSize;
- pPage->cellOffset = cellOffset = hdr + 8 + pPage->childPtrSize;
- pPage->aDataEnd = &data[usableSize];
- pPage->aCellIdx = &data[cellOffset];
- pPage->aDataOfst = &data[pPage->childPtrSize];
/* EVIDENCE-OF: R-58015-48175 The two-byte integer at offset 5 designates
** the start of the cell content area. A zero value for this integer is
** interpreted as 65536. */
top = get2byteNotZero(&data[hdr+5]);
- /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-37002-32774 The two-byte integer at offset 3 gives the
- ** number of cells on the page. */
- pPage->nCell = get2byte(&data[hdr+3]);
- if( pPage->nCell>MX_CELL(pBt) ){
- /* To many cells for a single page. The page must be corrupt */
- return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
- }
- testcase( pPage->nCell==MX_CELL(pBt) );
- /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-24089-57979 If a page contains no cells (which is only
- ** possible for a root page of a table that contains no rows) then the
- ** offset to the cell content area will equal the page size minus the
- ** bytes of reserved space. */
- assert( pPage->nCell>0 || top==usableSize || CORRUPT_DB );
- /* A malformed database page might cause us to read past the end
- ** of page when parsing a cell.
- **
- ** The following block of code checks early to see if a cell extends
- ** past the end of a page boundary and causes SQLITE_CORRUPT to be
- ** returned if it does.
- */
- iCellFirst = cellOffset + 2*pPage->nCell;
+ iCellFirst = hdr + 8 + pPage->childPtrSize + 2*pPage->nCell;
iCellLast = usableSize - 4;
- if( pBt->db->flags & SQLITE_CellSizeCk ){
- int i; /* Index into the cell pointer array */
- int sz; /* Size of a cell */
- if( !pPage->leaf ) iCellLast--;
- for(i=0; i<pPage->nCell; i++){
- pc = get2byteAligned(&data[cellOffset+i*2]);
- testcase( pc==iCellFirst );
- testcase( pc==iCellLast );
- if( pc<iCellFirst || pc>iCellLast ){
- return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
- }
- sz = pPage->xCellSize(pPage, &data[pc]);
- testcase( pc+sz==usableSize );
- if( pc+sz>usableSize ){
- return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
- }
- }
- if( !pPage->leaf ) iCellLast++;
- }
/* Compute the total free space on the page
** EVIDENCE-OF: R-23588-34450 The two-byte integer at offset 1 gives the
@@ -65038,7 +65117,100 @@ static int btreeInitPage(MemPage *pPage){
pPage->nFree = (u16)(nFree - iCellFirst);
+ return SQLITE_OK;
+** Do additional sanity check after btreeInitPage() if
+** PRAGMA cell_size_check=ON
+static SQLITE_NOINLINE int btreeCellSizeCheck(MemPage *pPage){
+ int iCellFirst; /* First allowable cell or freeblock offset */
+ int iCellLast; /* Last possible cell or freeblock offset */
+ int i; /* Index into the cell pointer array */
+ int sz; /* Size of a cell */
+ int pc; /* Address of a freeblock within pPage->aData[] */
+ u8 *data; /* Equal to pPage->aData */
+ int usableSize; /* Maximum usable space on the page */
+ int cellOffset; /* Start of cell content area */
+ iCellFirst = pPage->cellOffset + 2*pPage->nCell;
+ usableSize = pPage->pBt->usableSize;
+ iCellLast = usableSize - 4;
+ data = pPage->aData;
+ cellOffset = pPage->cellOffset;
+ if( !pPage->leaf ) iCellLast--;
+ for(i=0; i<pPage->nCell; i++){
+ pc = get2byteAligned(&data[cellOffset+i*2]);
+ testcase( pc==iCellFirst );
+ testcase( pc==iCellLast );
+ if( pc<iCellFirst || pc>iCellLast ){
+ return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
+ }
+ sz = pPage->xCellSize(pPage, &data[pc]);
+ testcase( pc+sz==usableSize );
+ if( pc+sz>usableSize ){
+ return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
+ }
+ }
+ return SQLITE_OK;
+** Initialize the auxiliary information for a disk block.
+** Return SQLITE_OK on success. If we see that the page does
+** not contain a well-formed database page, then return
+** SQLITE_CORRUPT. Note that a return of SQLITE_OK does not
+** guarantee that the page is well-formed. It only shows that
+** we failed to detect any corruption.
+static int btreeInitPage(MemPage *pPage){
+ u8 *data; /* Equal to pPage->aData */
+ BtShared *pBt; /* The main btree structure */
+ assert( pPage->pBt!=0 );
+ assert( pPage->pBt->db!=0 );
+ assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
+ assert( pPage->pgno==sqlite3PagerPagenumber(pPage->pDbPage) );
+ assert( pPage == sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pPage->pDbPage) );
+ assert( pPage->aData == sqlite3PagerGetData(pPage->pDbPage) );
+ assert( pPage->isInit==0 );
+ pBt = pPage->pBt;
+ data = pPage->aData + pPage->hdrOffset;
+ /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-28594-02890 The one-byte flag at offset 0 indicating
+ ** the b-tree page type. */
+ if( decodeFlags(pPage, data[0]) ){
+ return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
+ }
+ assert( pBt->pageSize>=512 && pBt->pageSize<=65536 );
+ pPage->maskPage = (u16)(pBt->pageSize - 1);
+ pPage->nOverflow = 0;
+ pPage->cellOffset = pPage->hdrOffset + 8 + pPage->childPtrSize;
+ pPage->aCellIdx = data + pPage->childPtrSize + 8;
+ pPage->aDataEnd = pPage->aData + pBt->usableSize;
+ pPage->aDataOfst = pPage->aData + pPage->childPtrSize;
+ /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-37002-32774 The two-byte integer at offset 3 gives the
+ ** number of cells on the page. */
+ pPage->nCell = get2byte(&data[3]);
+ if( pPage->nCell>MX_CELL(pBt) ){
+ /* To many cells for a single page. The page must be corrupt */
+ return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
+ }
+ testcase( pPage->nCell==MX_CELL(pBt) );
+ /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-24089-57979 If a page contains no cells (which is only
+ ** possible for a root page of a table that contains no rows) then the
+ ** offset to the cell content area will equal the page size minus the
+ ** bytes of reserved space. */
+ assert( pPage->nCell>0
+ || get2byteNotZero(&data[5])==(int)pBt->usableSize
+ || CORRUPT_DB );
+ pPage->nFree = -1; /* Indicate that this value is yet uncomputed */
pPage->isInit = 1;
+ if( pBt->db->flags & SQLITE_CellSizeCk ){
+ return btreeCellSizeCheck(pPage);
+ }
return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -65181,19 +65353,18 @@ static int getAndInitPage(
if( pgno>btreePagecount(pBt) ){
- goto getAndInitPage_error;
+ goto getAndInitPage_error1;
rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pBt->pPager, pgno, (DbPage**)&pDbPage, bReadOnly);
if( rc ){
- goto getAndInitPage_error;
+ goto getAndInitPage_error1;
*ppPage = (MemPage*)sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pDbPage);
if( (*ppPage)->isInit==0 ){
btreePageFromDbPage(pDbPage, pgno, pBt);
rc = btreeInitPage(*ppPage);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
- releasePage(*ppPage);
- goto getAndInitPage_error;
+ goto getAndInitPage_error2;
assert( (*ppPage)->pgno==pgno );
@@ -65203,12 +65374,13 @@ static int getAndInitPage(
** compatible with the root page. */
if( pCur && ((*ppPage)->nCell<1 || (*ppPage)->intKey!=pCur->curIntKey) ){
- releasePage(*ppPage);
- goto getAndInitPage_error;
+ goto getAndInitPage_error2;
return SQLITE_OK;
+ releasePage(*ppPage);
if( pCur ){
pCur->pPage = pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage];
@@ -68289,23 +68461,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeFirst(BtCursor *pCur, int *pRes){
return rc;
-** This function is a no-op if cursor pCur does not point to a valid row.
-** Otherwise, if pCur is valid, configure it so that the next call to
-** sqlite3BtreeNext() is a no-op.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeSkipNext(BtCursor *pCur){
- /* We believe that the cursor must always be in the valid state when
- ** this routine is called, but the proof is difficult, so we add an
- ** ALWaYS() test just in case we are wrong. */
- if( ALWAYS(pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID) ){
- pCur->eState = CURSOR_SKIPNEXT;
- pCur->skipNext = 1;
- }
/* Move the cursor to the last entry in the table. Return SQLITE_OK
** on success. Set *pRes to 0 if the cursor actually points to something
** or set *pRes to 1 if the table is empty.
@@ -68571,7 +68726,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(
goto moveto_finish;
- c = xRecordCompare(nCell, pCellKey, pIdxKey);
+ c = sqlite3VdbeRecordCompare(nCell, pCellKey, pIdxKey);
@@ -69203,13 +69358,15 @@ static int freePage2(BtShared *pBt, MemPage *pMemPage, Pgno iPage){
MemPage *pPage1 = pBt->pPage1; /* Local reference to page 1 */
MemPage *pPage; /* Page being freed. May be NULL. */
int rc; /* Return Code */
- int nFree; /* Initial number of pages on free-list */
+ u32 nFree; /* Initial number of pages on free-list */
assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
assert( CORRUPT_DB || iPage>1 );
assert( !pMemPage || pMemPage->pgno==iPage );
- if( iPage<2 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
+ if( iPage<2 || iPage>pBt->nPage ){
+ }
if( pMemPage ){
pPage = pMemPage;
@@ -69620,6 +69777,7 @@ static void dropCell(MemPage *pPage, int idx, int sz, int *pRC){
assert( CORRUPT_DB || sz==cellSize(pPage, idx) );
assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) );
assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
+ assert( pPage->nFree>=0 );
data = pPage->aData;
ptr = &pPage->aCellIdx[2*idx];
pc = get2byte(ptr);
@@ -69690,6 +69848,7 @@ static void insertCell(
** might be less than 8 (leaf-size + pointer) on the interior node. Hence
** the term after the || in the following assert(). */
assert( sz==pPage->xCellSize(pPage, pCell) || (sz==8 && iChild>0) );
+ assert( pPage->nFree>=0 );
if( pPage->nOverflow || sz+2>pPage->nFree ){
if( pTemp ){
memcpy(pTemp, pCell, sz);
@@ -69747,7 +69906,7 @@ static void insertCell(
/* increment the cell count */
if( (++data[pPage->hdrOffset+4])==0 ) data[pPage->hdrOffset+3]++;
- assert( get2byte(&data[pPage->hdrOffset+3])==pPage->nCell );
+ assert( get2byte(&data[pPage->hdrOffset+3])==pPage->nCell || CORRUPT_DB );
if( pPage->pBt->autoVacuum ){
/* The cell may contain a pointer to an overflow page. If so, write
@@ -69834,8 +69993,13 @@ static void insertCell(
** are used and they point to the leaf pages only, and the ixNx value are:
** ixNx[0] = Number of cells in Child-1.
-** ixNx[1] = Number of cells in Child-1 and Child-2 + 1 for 1st divider.
-** ixNx[2] = Number of cells in Child-1 and Child-2 + both divider cells
+** ixNx[1] = Number of cells in Child-1 and Child-2.
+** ixNx[2] = Total number of cells.
+** Sometimes when deleting, a child page can have zero cells. In those
+** cases, ixNx[] entries with higher indexes, and the corresponding apEnd[]
+** entries, shift down. The end result is that each ixNx[] entry should
+** be larger than the previous
typedef struct CellArray CellArray;
struct CellArray {
@@ -70164,8 +70328,9 @@ static int editPage(
int iCell = (iOld + pPg->aiOvfl[i]) - iNew;
if( iCell>=0 && iCell<nNew ){
pCellptr = &pPg->aCellIdx[iCell * 2];
- assert( nCell>=iCell );
- memmove(&pCellptr[2], pCellptr, (nCell - iCell) * 2);
+ if( nCell>iCell ){
+ memmove(&pCellptr[2], pCellptr, (nCell - iCell) * 2);
+ }
if( pageInsertArray(
pPg, pBegin, &pData, pCellptr,
@@ -70241,8 +70406,10 @@ static int balance_quick(MemPage *pParent, MemPage *pPage, u8 *pSpace){
assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pParent->pDbPage) );
assert( pPage->nOverflow==1 );
if( pPage->nCell==0 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; /* dbfuzz001.test */
+ assert( pPage->nFree>=0 );
+ assert( pParent->nFree>=0 );
/* Allocate a new page. This page will become the right-sibling of
** pPage. Make the parent page writable, so that the new divider cell
@@ -70412,6 +70579,7 @@ static void copyNodeContent(MemPage *pFrom, MemPage *pTo, int *pRC){
pTo->isInit = 0;
rc = btreeInitPage(pTo);
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = btreeComputeFreeSpace(pTo);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
*pRC = rc;
@@ -70520,6 +70688,7 @@ static int balance_nonroot(
if( !aOvflSpace ){
+ assert( pParent->nFree>=0 );
/* Find the sibling pages to balance. Also locate the cells in pParent
** that divide the siblings. An attempt is made to find NN siblings on
@@ -70559,7 +70728,13 @@ static int balance_nonroot(
memset(apOld, 0, (i+1)*sizeof(MemPage*));
goto balance_cleanup;
- nMaxCells += 1+apOld[i]->nCell+apOld[i]->nOverflow;
+ if( apOld[i]->nFree<0 ){
+ rc = btreeComputeFreeSpace(apOld[i]);
+ if( rc ){
+ memset(apOld, 0, (i)*sizeof(MemPage*));
+ goto balance_cleanup;
+ }
+ }
if( (i--)==0 ) break;
if( pParent->nOverflow && i+nxDiv==pParent->aiOvfl[0] ){
@@ -70603,6 +70778,7 @@ static int balance_nonroot(
/* Make nMaxCells a multiple of 4 in order to preserve 8-byte
** alignment */
+ nMaxCells = nOld*(MX_CELL(pBt) + ArraySize(pParent->apOvfl));
nMaxCells = (nMaxCells + 3)&~3;
@@ -70613,7 +70789,7 @@ static int balance_nonroot(
+ nMaxCells*sizeof(u16) /* b.szCell */
+ pBt->pageSize; /* aSpace1 */
- assert( szScratch<=6*(int)pBt->pageSize );
+ assert( szScratch<=7*(int)pBt->pageSize );
b.apCell = sqlite3StackAllocRaw(0, szScratch );
if( b.apCell==0 ){
@@ -70753,11 +70929,15 @@ static int balance_nonroot(
MemPage *p = apOld[i];
b.apEnd[k] = p->aDataEnd;
b.ixNx[k] = cntOld[i];
+ if( k && b.ixNx[k]==b.ixNx[k-1] ){
+ k--; /* Omit b.ixNx[] entry for child pages with no cells */
+ }
if( !leafData ){
b.apEnd[k] = pParent->aDataEnd;
b.ixNx[k] = cntOld[i]+1;
+ assert( p->nFree>=0 );
szNew[i] = usableSpace - p->nFree;
for(j=0; j<p->nOverflow; j++){
szNew[i] += 2 + p->xCellSize(p, p->apOvfl[j]);
@@ -70983,18 +71163,17 @@ static int balance_nonroot(
MemPage *pOld;
MemPage *pNew = pOld = apNew[0];
- u8 *aOld = pNew->aData;
int cntOldNext = pNew->nCell + pNew->nOverflow;
- int usableSize = pBt->usableSize;
int iNew = 0;
int iOld = 0;
for(i=0; i<b.nCell; i++){
u8 *pCell = b.apCell[i];
- if( i==cntOldNext ){
- pOld = (++iOld)<nNew ? apNew[iOld] : apOld[iOld];
+ while( i==cntOldNext ){
+ iOld++;
+ assert( iOld<nNew || iOld<nOld );
+ pOld = iOld<nNew ? apNew[iOld] : apOld[iOld];
cntOldNext += pOld->nCell + pOld->nOverflow + !leafData;
- aOld = pOld->aData;
if( i==cntNew[iNew] ){
pNew = apNew[++iNew];
@@ -71009,7 +71188,7 @@ static int balance_nonroot(
** overflow cell), we can skip updating the pointer map entries. */
if( iOld>=nNew
|| pNew->pgno!=aPgno[iOld]
- || !SQLITE_WITHIN(pCell,aOld,&aOld[usableSize])
+ || !SQLITE_WITHIN(pCell,pOld->aData,pOld->aDataEnd)
if( !leafCorrection ){
ptrmapPut(pBt, get4byte(pCell), PTRMAP_BTREE, pNew->pgno, &rc);
@@ -71160,7 +71339,8 @@ static int balance_nonroot(
rc = defragmentPage(apNew[0], -1);
testcase( rc!=SQLITE_OK );
assert( apNew[0]->nFree ==
- (get2byte(&apNew[0]->aData[5])-apNew[0]->cellOffset-apNew[0]->nCell*2)
+ (get2byteNotZero(&apNew[0]->aData[5]) - apNew[0]->cellOffset
+ - apNew[0]->nCell*2)
|| rc!=SQLITE_OK
copyNodeContent(apNew[0], pParent, &rc);
@@ -71259,7 +71439,7 @@ static int balance_deeper(MemPage *pRoot, MemPage **ppChild){
assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pChild->pDbPage) );
assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pRoot->pDbPage) );
- assert( pChild->nCell==pRoot->nCell );
+ assert( pChild->nCell==pRoot->nCell || CORRUPT_DB );
TRACE(("BALANCE: copy root %d into %d\n", pRoot->pgno, pChild->pgno));
@@ -71301,6 +71481,7 @@ static int balance(BtCursor *pCur){
int iPage = pCur->iPage;
MemPage *pPage = pCur->pPage;
+ if( NEVER(pPage->nFree<0) && btreeComputeFreeSpace(pPage) ) break;
if( iPage==0 ){
if( pPage->nOverflow ){
/* The root page of the b-tree is overfull. In this case call the
@@ -71329,6 +71510,9 @@ static int balance(BtCursor *pCur){
int const iIdx = pCur->aiIdx[iPage-1];
rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pParent->pDbPage);
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pParent->nFree<0 ){
+ rc = btreeComputeFreeSpace(pParent);
+ }
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
if( pPage->intKeyLeaf
@@ -71675,6 +71859,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeInsert(
pPage = pCur->pPage;
assert( pPage->intKey || pX->nKey>=0 );
assert( pPage->leaf || !pPage->intKey );
+ if( pPage->nFree<0 ){
+ rc = btreeComputeFreeSpace(pPage);
+ if( rc ) return rc;
+ }
TRACE(("INSERT: table=%d nkey=%lld ndata=%d page=%d %s\n",
pCur->pgnoRoot, pX->nKey, pX->nData, pPage->pgno,
@@ -71817,14 +72005,18 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeDelete(BtCursor *pCur, u8 flags){
assert( pCur->curFlags & BTCF_WriteFlag );
assert( hasSharedCacheTableLock(p, pCur->pgnoRoot, pCur->pKeyInfo!=0, 2) );
assert( !hasReadConflicts(p, pCur->pgnoRoot) );
- assert( pCur->ix<pCur->pPage->nCell );
- assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
assert( (flags & ~(BTREE_SAVEPOSITION | BTREE_AUXDELETE))==0 );
+ if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK ){
+ rc = btreeRestoreCursorPosition(pCur);
+ if( rc ) return rc;
+ }
+ assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
iCellDepth = pCur->iPage;
iCellIdx = pCur->ix;
pPage = pCur->pPage;
pCell = findCell(pPage, iCellIdx);
+ if( pPage->nFree<0 && btreeComputeFreeSpace(pPage) ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT;
/* If the bPreserve flag is set to true, then the cursor position must
** be preserved following this delete operation. If the current delete
@@ -71895,6 +72087,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeDelete(BtCursor *pCur, u8 flags){
Pgno n;
unsigned char *pTmp;
+ if( pLeaf->nFree<0 ){
+ rc = btreeComputeFreeSpace(pLeaf);
+ if( rc ) return rc;
+ }
if( iCellDepth<pCur->iPage-1 ){
n = pCur->apPage[iCellDepth+1]->pgno;
@@ -72253,6 +72449,9 @@ static int btreeDropTable(Btree *p, Pgno iTable, int *piMoved){
assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(p) );
assert( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE );
assert( iTable>=2 );
+ if( iTable>btreePagecount(pBt) ){
+ }
rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, (Pgno)iTable, &pPage, 0);
if( rc ) return rc;
@@ -72601,10 +72800,10 @@ static void checkList(
IntegrityCk *pCheck, /* Integrity checking context */
int isFreeList, /* True for a freelist. False for overflow page list */
int iPage, /* Page number for first page in the list */
- int N /* Expected number of pages in the list */
+ u32 N /* Expected number of pages in the list */
int i;
- int expected = N;
+ u32 expected = N;
int nErrAtStart = pCheck->nErr;
while( iPage!=0 && pCheck->mxErr ){
DbPage *pOvflPage;
@@ -72786,6 +72985,11 @@ static int checkTreePage(
"btreeInitPage() returns error code %d", rc);
goto end_of_check;
+ if( (rc = btreeComputeFreeSpace(pPage))!=0 ){
+ assert( rc==SQLITE_CORRUPT );
+ checkAppendMsg(pCheck, "free space corruption", rc);
+ goto end_of_check;
+ }
data = pPage->aData;
hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
@@ -72858,7 +73062,7 @@ static int checkTreePage(
/* Check the content overflow list */
if( info.nPayload>info.nLocal ){
- int nPage; /* Number of pages on the overflow chain */
+ u32 nPage; /* Number of pages on the overflow chain */
Pgno pgnoOvfl; /* First page of the overflow chain */
assert( pc + info.nSize - 4 <= usableSize );
nPage = (info.nPayload - info.nLocal + usableSize - 5)/(usableSize - 4);
@@ -72918,9 +73122,9 @@ static int checkTreePage(
i = get2byte(&data[hdr+1]);
while( i>0 ){
int size, j;
- assert( (u32)i<=usableSize-4 ); /* Enforced by btreeInitPage() */
+ assert( (u32)i<=usableSize-4 ); /* Enforced by btreeComputeFreeSpace() */
size = get2byte(&data[i+2]);
- assert( (u32)(i+size)<=usableSize ); /* Enforced by btreeInitPage() */
+ assert( (u32)(i+size)<=usableSize ); /* due to btreeComputeFreeSpace() */
btreeHeapInsert(heap, (((u32)i)<<16)|(i+size-1));
/* EVIDENCE-OF: R-58208-19414 The first 2 bytes of a freeblock are a
** big-endian integer which is the offset in the b-tree page of the next
@@ -72929,8 +73133,8 @@ static int checkTreePage(
j = get2byte(&data[i]);
/* EVIDENCE-OF: R-06866-39125 Freeblocks are always connected in order of
** increasing offset. */
- assert( j==0 || j>i+size ); /* Enforced by btreeInitPage() */
- assert( (u32)j<=usableSize-4 ); /* Enforced by btreeInitPage() */
+ assert( j==0 || j>i+size ); /* Enforced by btreeComputeFreeSpace() */
+ assert( (u32)j<=usableSize-4 ); /* Enforced by btreeComputeFreeSpace() */
i = j;
/* Analyze the min-heap looking for overlap between cells and/or
@@ -74274,7 +74478,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeCheckMemInvariants(Mem *p){
((p->flags&MEM_Static)!=0 ? 1 : 0) <= 1 );
/* No other bits set */
- assert( (p->flags & ~(MEM_Null|MEM_Term|MEM_Subtype
+ assert( (p->flags & ~(MEM_Null|MEM_Term|MEM_Subtype|MEM_FromBind
|MEM_Dyn|MEM_Ephem|MEM_Static))==0 );
/* A pure NULL might have other flags, such as MEM_Static, MEM_Dyn,
@@ -74395,8 +74599,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(Mem *pMem, int desiredEnc){
-** Make sure pMem->z points to a writable allocation of at least
-** min(n,32) bytes.
+** Make sure pMem->z points to a writable allocation of at least n bytes.
** If the bPreserve argument is true, then copy of the content of
** pMem->z into the new allocation. pMem must be either a string or
@@ -74415,7 +74618,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE SQLITE_NOINLINE int sqlite3VdbeMemGrow(Mem *pMem, int n, int bPre
assert( pMem->szMalloc==0
|| pMem->szMalloc==sqlite3DbMallocSize(pMem->db, pMem->zMalloc) );
- if( n<32 ) n = 32;
if( pMem->szMalloc>0 && bPreserve && pMem->z==pMem->zMalloc ){
pMem->z = pMem->zMalloc = sqlite3DbReallocOrFree(pMem->db, pMem->z, n);
bPreserve = 0;
@@ -74517,13 +74719,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemMakeWriteable(Mem *pMem){
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemExpandBlob(Mem *pMem){
int nByte;
assert( pMem->flags & MEM_Zero );
- assert( pMem->flags&MEM_Blob );
+ assert( (pMem->flags&MEM_Blob)!=0 || MemNullNochng(pMem) );
+ testcase( sqlite3_value_nochange(pMem) );
assert( !sqlite3VdbeMemIsRowSet(pMem) );
assert( pMem->db==0 || sqlite3_mutex_held(pMem->db->mutex) );
/* Set nByte to the number of bytes required to store the expanded blob. */
nByte = pMem->n + pMem->u.nZero;
if( nByte<=0 ){
+ if( (pMem->flags & MEM_Blob)==0 ) return SQLITE_OK;
nByte = 1;
if( sqlite3VdbeMemGrow(pMem, nByte, 1) ){
@@ -75264,7 +75468,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(
assert( enc!=0 );
if( enc==SQLITE_UTF8 ){
nByte = 0x7fffffff & (int)strlen(z);
- if( nByte>iLimit ) nByte = iLimit+1;
for(nByte=0; nByte<=iLimit && (z[nByte] | z[nByte+1]); nByte+=2){}
@@ -75276,29 +75479,30 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(
** management (one of MEM_Dyn or MEM_Static).
- int nAlloc = nByte;
+ u32 nAlloc = nByte;
if( flags&MEM_Term ){
nAlloc += (enc==SQLITE_UTF8?1:2);
if( nByte>iLimit ){
+ return sqlite3ErrorToParser(pMem->db, SQLITE_TOOBIG);
testcase( nAlloc==0 );
testcase( nAlloc==31 );
testcase( nAlloc==32 );
- if( sqlite3VdbeMemClearAndResize(pMem, MAX(nAlloc,32)) ){
+ if( sqlite3VdbeMemClearAndResize(pMem, (int)MAX(nAlloc,32)) ){
memcpy(pMem->z, z, nAlloc);
- }else if( xDel==SQLITE_DYNAMIC ){
- sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(pMem);
- pMem->zMalloc = pMem->z = (char *)z;
- pMem->szMalloc = sqlite3DbMallocSize(pMem->db, pMem->zMalloc);
pMem->z = (char *)z;
- pMem->xDel = xDel;
- flags |= ((xDel==SQLITE_STATIC)?MEM_Static:MEM_Dyn);
+ if( xDel==SQLITE_DYNAMIC ){
+ pMem->zMalloc = pMem->z;
+ pMem->szMalloc = sqlite3DbMallocSize(pMem->db, pMem->zMalloc);
+ }else{
+ pMem->xDel = xDel;
+ flags |= ((xDel==SQLITE_STATIC)?MEM_Static:MEM_Dyn);
+ }
pMem->n = nByte;
@@ -76266,9 +76470,11 @@ static int growOpArray(Vdbe *v, int nOp){
** operation (without SQLITE_TEST_REALLOC_STRESS) is to double the current
** size of the op array or add 1KB of space, whichever is smaller. */
- int nNew = (v->nOpAlloc>=512 ? v->nOpAlloc*2 : v->nOpAlloc+nOp);
+ sqlite3_int64 nNew = (v->nOpAlloc>=512 ? 2*(sqlite3_int64)v->nOpAlloc
+ : (sqlite3_int64)v->nOpAlloc+nOp);
- int nNew = (v->nOpAlloc ? v->nOpAlloc*2 : (int)(1024/sizeof(Op)));
+ sqlite3_int64 nNew = (v->nOpAlloc ? 2*(sqlite3_int64)v->nOpAlloc
+ : (sqlite3_int64)(1024/sizeof(Op)));
@@ -76748,6 +76954,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAssertMayAbort(Vdbe *v, int mayAbort){
int opcode = pOp->opcode;
if( opcode==OP_Destroy || opcode==OP_VUpdate || opcode==OP_VRename
|| opcode==OP_VDestroy
+ || (opcode==OP_Function0 && pOp->p4.pFunc->funcFlags&SQLITE_FUNC_INTERNAL)
|| ((opcode==OP_Halt || opcode==OP_HaltIfNull)
&& ((pOp->p1)!=SQLITE_OK && pOp->p2==OE_Abort))
@@ -77055,7 +77262,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeScanStatus(
LogEst nEst, /* Estimated number of output rows */
const char *zName /* Name of table or index being scanned */
- int nByte = (p->nScan+1) * sizeof(ScanStatus);
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte = (p->nScan+1) * sizeof(ScanStatus);
ScanStatus *aNew;
aNew = (ScanStatus*)sqlite3DbRealloc(p->db, p->aScan, nByte);
if( aNew ){
@@ -78176,9 +78383,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeIOTraceSql(Vdbe *p){
** of a ReusableSpace object by the allocSpace() routine below.
struct ReusableSpace {
- u8 *pSpace; /* Available memory */
- int nFree; /* Bytes of available memory */
- int nNeeded; /* Total bytes that could not be allocated */
+ u8 *pSpace; /* Available memory */
+ sqlite3_int64 nFree; /* Bytes of available memory */
+ sqlite3_int64 nNeeded; /* Total bytes that could not be allocated */
/* Try to allocate nByte bytes of 8-byte aligned bulk memory for pBuf
@@ -78198,7 +78405,7 @@ struct ReusableSpace {
static void *allocSpace(
struct ReusableSpace *p, /* Bulk memory available for allocation */
void *pBuf, /* Pointer to a prior allocation */
- int nByte /* Bytes of memory needed */
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte /* Bytes of memory needed */
assert( EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(p->pSpace) );
if( pBuf==0 ){
@@ -81155,7 +81362,7 @@ static SQLITE_NOINLINE void invokeProfileCallback(sqlite3 *db, Vdbe *p){
assert( p->zSql!=0 );
sqlite3OsCurrentTimeInt64(db->pVfs, &iNow);
iElapse = (iNow - p->startTime)*1000000;
if( db->xProfile ){
db->xProfile(db->pProfileArg, p->zSql, iElapse);
@@ -81363,6 +81570,11 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_nochange(sqlite3_value *pVal){
return (pVal->flags&(MEM_Null|MEM_Zero))==(MEM_Null|MEM_Zero);
+/* Return true if a parameter value originated from an sqlite3_bind() */
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_frombind(sqlite3_value *pVal){
+ return (pVal->flags&MEM_FromBind)!=0;
/* Make a copy of an sqlite3_value object
SQLITE_API sqlite3_value *sqlite3_value_dup(const sqlite3_value *pOrig){
@@ -82208,10 +82420,10 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_column_type(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int i){
** or a constant) then useTypes 2, 3, and 4 return NULL.
static const void *columnName(
- sqlite3_stmt *pStmt,
- int N,
- const void *(*xFunc)(Mem*),
- int useType
+ sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, /* The statement */
+ int N, /* Which column to get the name for */
+ int useUtf16, /* True to return the name as UTF16 */
+ int useType /* What type of name */
const void *ret;
Vdbe *p;
@@ -82232,8 +82444,15 @@ static const void *columnName(
N += useType*n;
assert( db->mallocFailed==0 );
- ret = xFunc(&p->aColName[N]);
- /* A malloc may have failed inside of the xFunc() call. If this
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
+ if( useUtf16 ){
+ ret = sqlite3_value_text16((sqlite3_value*)&p->aColName[N]);
+ }else
+ {
+ ret = sqlite3_value_text((sqlite3_value*)&p->aColName[N]);
+ }
+ /* A malloc may have failed inside of the _text() call. If this
** is the case, clear the mallocFailed flag and return NULL.
if( db->mallocFailed ){
@@ -82250,13 +82469,11 @@ static const void *columnName(
** statement pStmt.
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_column_name(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int N){
- return columnName(
- pStmt, N, (const void*(*)(Mem*))sqlite3_value_text, COLNAME_NAME);
+ return columnName(pStmt, N, 0, COLNAME_NAME);
SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_name16(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int N){
- return columnName(
- pStmt, N, (const void*(*)(Mem*))sqlite3_value_text16, COLNAME_NAME);
+ return columnName(pStmt, N, 1, COLNAME_NAME);
@@ -82275,13 +82492,11 @@ SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_name16(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int N){
** of the result set of SQL statement pStmt.
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_column_decltype(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int N){
- return columnName(
- pStmt, N, (const void*(*)(Mem*))sqlite3_value_text, COLNAME_DECLTYPE);
+ return columnName(pStmt, N, 0, COLNAME_DECLTYPE);
SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_decltype16(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int N){
- return columnName(
- pStmt, N, (const void*(*)(Mem*))sqlite3_value_text16, COLNAME_DECLTYPE);
+ return columnName(pStmt, N, 1, COLNAME_DECLTYPE);
#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */
@@ -82293,13 +82508,11 @@ SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_decltype16(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int N){
** anything else which is not an unambiguous reference to a database column.
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_column_database_name(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int N){
- return columnName(
- pStmt, N, (const void*(*)(Mem*))sqlite3_value_text, COLNAME_DATABASE);
+ return columnName(pStmt, N, 0, COLNAME_DATABASE);
SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_database_name16(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int N){
- return columnName(
- pStmt, N, (const void*(*)(Mem*))sqlite3_value_text16, COLNAME_DATABASE);
+ return columnName(pStmt, N, 1, COLNAME_DATABASE);
#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */
@@ -82309,13 +82522,11 @@ SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_database_name16(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int N
** anything else which is not an unambiguous reference to a database column.
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_column_table_name(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int N){
- return columnName(
- pStmt, N, (const void*(*)(Mem*))sqlite3_value_text, COLNAME_TABLE);
+ return columnName(pStmt, N, 0, COLNAME_TABLE);
SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_table_name16(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int N){
- return columnName(
- pStmt, N, (const void*(*)(Mem*))sqlite3_value_text16, COLNAME_TABLE);
+ return columnName(pStmt, N, 1, COLNAME_TABLE);
#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */
@@ -82325,13 +82536,11 @@ SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_table_name16(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int N){
** anything else which is not an unambiguous reference to a database column.
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_column_origin_name(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int N){
- return columnName(
- pStmt, N, (const void*(*)(Mem*))sqlite3_value_text, COLNAME_COLUMN);
+ return columnName(pStmt, N, 0, COLNAME_COLUMN);
SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_origin_name16(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int N){
- return columnName(
- pStmt, N, (const void*(*)(Mem*))sqlite3_value_text16, COLNAME_COLUMN);
+ return columnName(pStmt, N, 1, COLNAME_COLUMN);
#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */
@@ -82700,6 +82909,14 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stmt_readonly(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt){
+** Return 1 if the statement is an EXPLAIN and return 2 if the
+** statement is an EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt){
+ return pStmt ? ((Vdbe*)pStmt)->explain : 0;
** Return true if the prepared statement is in need of being reset.
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stmt_busy(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt){
@@ -83388,12 +83605,20 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_found_count = 0;
** feature is used for test suite validation only and does not appear an
** production builds.
-** M is an integer between 2 and 4. 2 indicates a ordinary two-way
-** branch (I=0 means fall through and I=1 means taken). 3 indicates
-** a 3-way branch where the third way is when one of the operands is
-** NULL. 4 indicates the OP_Jump instruction which has three destinations
-** depending on whether the first operand is less than, equal to, or greater
-** than the second.
+** M is the type of branch. I is the direction taken for this instance of
+** the branch.
+** M: 2 - two-way branch (I=0: fall-thru 1: jump )
+** 3 - two-way + NULL (I=0: fall-thru 1: jump 2: NULL )
+** 4 - OP_Jump (I=0: jump p1 1: jump p2 2: jump p3)
+** In other words, if M is 2, then I is either 0 (for fall-through) or
+** 1 (for when the branch is taken). If M is 3, the I is 0 for an
+** ordinary fall-through, I is 1 if the branch was taken, and I is 2
+** if the result of comparison is NULL. For M=3, I=2 the jump may or
+** may not be taken, depending on the SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL flags in p5.
+** When M is 4, that means that an OP_Jump is being run. I is 0, 1, or 2
+** depending on if the operands are less than, equal, or greater than.
** iSrcLine is the source code line (from the __LINE__ macro) that
** generated the VDBE instruction combined with flag bits. The source
@@ -83404,9 +83629,9 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_found_count = 0;
** alternate branch are never taken. If a branch is never taken then
** flags should be 0x06 since only the fall-through approach is allowed.
-** Bit 0x04 of the flags indicates an OP_Jump opcode that is only
+** Bit 0x08 of the flags indicates an OP_Jump opcode that is only
** interested in equal or not-equal. In other words, I==0 and I==2
-** should be treated the same.
+** should be treated as equivalent
** Since only a line number is retained, not the filename, this macro
** only works for amalgamation builds. But that is ok, since these macros
@@ -83430,6 +83655,18 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_found_count = 0;
mNever = iSrcLine >> 24;
assert( (I & mNever)==0 );
if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xVdbeBranch==0 ) return; /*NO_TEST*/
+ /* Invoke the branch coverage callback with three arguments:
+ ** iSrcLine - the line number of the VdbeCoverage() macro, with
+ ** flags removed.
+ ** I - Mask of bits 0x07 indicating which cases are are
+ ** fulfilled by this instance of the jump. 0x01 means
+ ** fall-thru, 0x02 means taken, 0x04 means NULL. Any
+ ** impossible cases (ex: if the comparison is never NULL)
+ ** are filled in automatically so that the coverage
+ ** measurement logic does not flag those impossible cases
+ ** as missed coverage.
+ ** M - Type of jump. Same as M argument above
+ */
I |= mNever;
if( M==2 ) I |= 0x04;
if( M==4 ){
@@ -83977,6 +84214,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeExec(
assert( p->magic==VDBE_MAGIC_RUN ); /* sqlite3_step() verifies this */
+ if( db->xProgress ){
+ u32 iPrior = p->aCounter[SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_VM_STEP];
+ assert( 0 < db->nProgressOps );
+ nProgressLimit = db->nProgressOps - (iPrior % db->nProgressOps);
+ }else{
+ nProgressLimit = 0xffffffff;
+ }
if( p->rc==SQLITE_NOMEM ){
/* This happens if a malloc() inside a call to sqlite3_column_text() or
** sqlite3_column_text16() failed. */
@@ -83990,15 +84236,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeExec(
db->busyHandler.nBusy = 0;
if( db->u1.isInterrupted ) goto abort_due_to_interrupt;
- if( db->xProgress ){
- u32 iPrior = p->aCounter[SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_VM_STEP];
- assert( 0 < db->nProgressOps );
- nProgressLimit = db->nProgressOps - (iPrior % db->nProgressOps);
- }else{
- nProgressLimit = 0xffffffff;
- }
if( p->pc==0
@@ -84174,10 +84411,11 @@ check_for_interrupt:
** If the progress callback returns non-zero, exit the virtual machine with
** a return code SQLITE_ABORT.
- if( nVmStep>=nProgressLimit && db->xProgress!=0 ){
+ while( nVmStep>=nProgressLimit && db->xProgress!=0 ){
assert( db->nProgressOps!=0 );
- nProgressLimit = nVmStep + db->nProgressOps - (nVmStep%db->nProgressOps);
+ nProgressLimit += db->nProgressOps;
if( db->xProgress(db->pProgressArg) ){
+ nProgressLimit = 0xffffffff;
goto abort_due_to_error;
@@ -84456,6 +84694,7 @@ case OP_String8: { /* same as TK_STRING, out2 */
if( encoding!=SQLITE_UTF8 ){
rc = sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(pOut, pOp->p4.z, -1, SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_STATIC);
assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || rc==SQLITE_TOOBIG );
+ if( rc ) goto too_big;
if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(pOut, encoding) ) goto no_mem;
assert( pOut->szMalloc>0 && pOut->zMalloc==pOut->z );
assert( VdbeMemDynamic(pOut)==0 );
@@ -84468,7 +84707,6 @@ case OP_String8: { /* same as TK_STRING, out2 */
pOp->p4.z = pOut->z;
pOp->p1 = pOut->n;
- testcase( rc==SQLITE_TOOBIG );
if( pOp->p1>db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){
goto too_big;
@@ -84590,7 +84828,10 @@ case OP_Variable: { /* out2 */
goto too_big;
pOut = &aMem[pOp->p2];
- sqlite3VdbeMemShallowCopy(pOut, pVar, MEM_Static);
+ if( VdbeMemDynamic(pOut) ) sqlite3VdbeMemSetNull(pOut);
+ memcpy(pOut, pVar, MEMCELLSIZE);
+ pOut->flags &= ~(MEM_Dyn|MEM_Ephem);
+ pOut->flags |= MEM_Static|MEM_FromBind;
@@ -84723,18 +84964,6 @@ case OP_ResultRow: {
assert( pOp->p1>0 );
assert( pOp->p1+pOp->p2<=(p->nMem+1 - p->nCursor)+1 );
- /* Run the progress counter just before returning.
- */
- if( db->xProgress!=0
- && nVmStep>=nProgressLimit
- && db->xProgress(db->pProgressArg)!=0
- ){
- goto abort_due_to_error;
- }
/* If this statement has violated immediate foreign key constraints, do
** not return the number of rows modified. And do not RELEASE the statement
** transaction. It needs to be rolled back. */
@@ -85100,8 +85329,8 @@ case OP_MustBeInt: { /* jump, in1 */
pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
if( (pIn1->flags & MEM_Int)==0 ){
applyAffinity(pIn1, SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC, encoding);
- VdbeBranchTaken((pIn1->flags&MEM_Int)==0, 2);
if( (pIn1->flags & MEM_Int)==0 ){
+ VdbeBranchTaken(1, 2);
if( pOp->p2==0 ){
goto abort_due_to_error;
@@ -85110,6 +85339,7 @@ case OP_MustBeInt: { /* jump, in1 */
+ VdbeBranchTaken(0, 2);
MemSetTypeFlag(pIn1, MEM_Int);
@@ -85284,7 +85514,6 @@ case OP_Ge: { /* same as TK_GE, jump, in1, in3 */
** OP_Eq or OP_Ne) then take the jump or not depending on whether
** or not both operands are null.
- assert( pOp->opcode==OP_Eq || pOp->opcode==OP_Ne );
assert( (flags1 & MEM_Cleared)==0 );
assert( (pOp->p5 & SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL)==0 || CORRUPT_DB );
testcase( (pOp->p5 & SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL)!=0 );
@@ -85293,7 +85522,7 @@ case OP_Ge: { /* same as TK_GE, jump, in1, in3 */
res = 0; /* Operands are equal */
- res = 1; /* Operands are not equal */
+ res = ((flags3 & MEM_Null) ? -1 : +1); /* Operands are not equal */
/* SQLITE_NULLEQ is clear and at least one operand is NULL,
@@ -85411,7 +85640,7 @@ compare_op:
pOut->u.i = res2;
REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p2, pOut);
- VdbeBranchTaken(res!=0, (pOp->p5 & SQLITE_NULLEQ)?2:3);
+ VdbeBranchTaken(res2!=0, (pOp->p5 & SQLITE_NULLEQ)?2:3);
if( res2 ){
goto jump_to_p2;
@@ -85961,15 +86190,15 @@ case OP_Column: {
zEndHdr = zData + aOffset[0];
testcase( zHdr>=zEndHdr );
- if( (t = zHdr[0])<0x80 ){
+ if( (pC->aType[i] = t = zHdr[0])<0x80 ){
offset64 += sqlite3VdbeOneByteSerialTypeLen(t);
zHdr += sqlite3GetVarint32(zHdr, &t);
+ pC->aType[i] = t;
offset64 += sqlite3VdbeSerialTypeLen(t);
- pC->aType[i++] = t;
- aOffset[i] = (u32)(offset64 & 0xffffffff);
+ aOffset[++i] = (u32)(offset64 & 0xffffffff);
}while( i<=p2 && zHdr<zEndHdr );
/* The record is corrupt if any of the following are true:
@@ -86972,6 +87201,7 @@ case OP_OpenDup: {
pCx->pKeyInfo = pOrig->pKeyInfo;
pCx->isTable = pOrig->isTable;
pCx->pgnoRoot = pOrig->pgnoRoot;
+ pCx->isOrdered = pOrig->isOrdered;
rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(pOrig->pBtx, pCx->pgnoRoot, BTREE_WRCSR,
pCx->pKeyInfo, pCx->uc.pCursor);
/* The sqlite3BtreeCursor() routine can only fail for the first cursor
@@ -87935,14 +88165,7 @@ case OP_NewRowid: { /* out2 */
** This instruction only works on tables. The equivalent instruction
** for indices is OP_IdxInsert.
-/* Opcode: InsertInt P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
-** Synopsis: intkey=P3 data=r[P2]
-** This works exactly like OP_Insert except that the key is the
-** integer value P3, not the value of the integer stored in register P3.
-case OP_Insert:
-case OP_InsertInt: {
+case OP_Insert: {
Mem *pData; /* MEM cell holding data for the record to be inserted */
Mem *pKey; /* MEM cell holding key for the record */
VdbeCursor *pC; /* Cursor to table into which insert is written */
@@ -87963,16 +88186,11 @@ case OP_InsertInt: {
REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p2, pData);
sqlite3VdbeIncrWriteCounter(p, pC);
- if( pOp->opcode==OP_Insert ){
- pKey = &aMem[pOp->p3];
- assert( pKey->flags & MEM_Int );
- assert( memIsValid(pKey) );
- REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, pKey);
- x.nKey = pKey->u.i;
- }else{
- assert( pOp->opcode==OP_InsertInt );
- x.nKey = pOp->p3;
- }
+ pKey = &aMem[pOp->p3];
+ assert( pKey->flags & MEM_Int );
+ assert( memIsValid(pKey) );
+ REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, pKey);
+ x.nKey = pKey->u.i;
if( pOp->p4type==P4_TABLE && HAS_UPDATE_HOOK(db) ){
assert( pC->iDb>=0 );
@@ -88492,7 +88710,7 @@ case OP_Sort: { /* jump */
/* Fall through into OP_Rewind */
-/* Opcode: Rewind P1 P2 * * P5
+/* Opcode: Rewind P1 P2 * * *
** The next use of the Rowid or Column or Next instruction for P1
** will refer to the first entry in the database table or index.
@@ -88500,10 +88718,6 @@ case OP_Sort: { /* jump */
** If the table or index is not empty, fall through to the following
** instruction.
-** If P5 is non-zero and the table is not empty, then the "skip-next"
-** flag is set on the cursor so that the next OP_Next instruction
-** executed on it is a no-op.
** This opcode leaves the cursor configured to move in forward order,
** from the beginning toward the end. In other words, the cursor is
** configured to use Next, not Prev.
@@ -88514,6 +88728,7 @@ case OP_Rewind: { /* jump */
int res;
assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
+ assert( pOp->p5==0 );
pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
assert( pC!=0 );
assert( isSorter(pC)==(pOp->opcode==OP_SorterSort) );
@@ -88528,9 +88743,6 @@ case OP_Rewind: { /* jump */
pCrsr = pC->uc.pCursor;
assert( pCrsr );
rc = sqlite3BtreeFirst(pCrsr, &res);
- if( pOp->p5 ) sqlite3BtreeSkipNext(pCrsr);
pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
@@ -89540,8 +89752,7 @@ case OP_Program: { /* jump */
pOp = &aOp[-1];
- break;
+ goto check_for_interrupt;
/* Opcode: Param P1 P2 * * *
@@ -89913,6 +90124,7 @@ case OP_AggFinal: {
assert( (pMem->flags & ~(MEM_Null|MEM_Agg))==0 );
if( pOp->p3 ){
+ memAboutToChange(p, &aMem[pOp->p3]);
rc = sqlite3VdbeMemAggValue(pMem, &aMem[pOp->p3], pOp->p4.pFunc);
pMem = &aMem[pOp->p3];
@@ -90950,7 +91162,16 @@ abort_due_to_error:
** release the mutexes on btrees that were acquired at the
** top. */
- testcase( nVmStep>0 );
+ while( nVmStep>=nProgressLimit && db->xProgress!=0 ){
+ nProgressLimit += db->nProgressOps;
+ if( db->xProgress(db->pProgressArg) ){
+ nProgressLimit = 0xffffffff;
+ goto abort_due_to_error;
+ }
+ }
p->aCounter[SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_VM_STEP] += (int)nVmStep;
assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || nExtraDelete==0
@@ -92037,7 +92258,7 @@ static int vdbePmaReadBlob(
/* Extend the p->aAlloc[] allocation if required. */
if( p->nAlloc<nByte ){
u8 *aNew;
- int nNew = MAX(128, p->nAlloc*2);
+ sqlite3_int64 nNew = MAX(128, 2*(sqlite3_int64)p->nAlloc);
while( nByte>nNew ) nNew = nNew*2;
aNew = sqlite3Realloc(p->aAlloc, nNew);
if( !aNew ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
@@ -93328,15 +93549,19 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterWrite(
if( nMin>pSorter->nMemory ){
u8 *aNew;
- int iListOff = (u8*)pSorter->list.pList - pSorter->list.aMemory;
- int nNew = pSorter->nMemory * 2;
+ sqlite3_int64 nNew = 2 * (sqlite3_int64)pSorter->nMemory;
+ int iListOff = -1;
+ if( pSorter->list.pList ){
+ iListOff = (u8*)pSorter->list.pList - pSorter->list.aMemory;
+ }
while( nNew < nMin ) nNew = nNew*2;
if( nNew > pSorter->mxPmaSize ) nNew = pSorter->mxPmaSize;
if( nNew < nMin ) nNew = nMin;
aNew = sqlite3Realloc(pSorter->list.aMemory, nNew);
if( !aNew ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
- pSorter->list.pList = (SorterRecord*)&aNew[iListOff];
+ if( iListOff>=0 ){
+ pSorter->list.pList = (SorterRecord*)&aNew[iListOff];
+ }
pSorter->list.aMemory = aNew;
pSorter->nMemory = nNew;
@@ -95323,6 +95548,10 @@ static int lookupName(
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "misuse of aliased aggregate %s", zAs);
return WRC_Abort;
+ if( (pNC->ncFlags&NC_AllowWin)==0 && ExprHasProperty(pOrig, EP_Win) ){
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "misuse of aliased window function %s",zAs);
+ return WRC_Abort;
+ }
if( sqlite3ExprVectorSize(pOrig)!=1 ){
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "row value misused");
return WRC_Abort;
@@ -95613,6 +95842,7 @@ static int resolveExprStep(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
const char *zId; /* The function name. */
FuncDef *pDef; /* Information about the function */
u8 enc = ENC(pParse->db); /* The database encoding */
+ int savedAllowFlags = (pNC->ncFlags & (NC_AllowAgg | NC_AllowWin));
assert( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_xIsSelect) );
zId = pExpr->u.zToken;
@@ -95734,8 +95964,11 @@ static int resolveExprStep(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
if( is_agg ){
+ /* Window functions may not be arguments of aggregate functions.
+ ** Or arguments of other window functions. But aggregate functions
+ ** may be arguments for window functions. */
- pNC->ncFlags &= ~(pExpr->y.pWin ? NC_AllowWin : NC_AllowAgg);
+ pNC->ncFlags &= ~(NC_AllowWin | (!pExpr->y.pWin ? NC_AllowAgg : 0));
pNC->ncFlags &= ~NC_AllowAgg;
@@ -95756,7 +95989,7 @@ static int resolveExprStep(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
pExpr->y.pWin->pNextWin = pSel->pWin;
pSel->pWin = pExpr->y.pWin;
- pNC->ncFlags |= NC_AllowWin;
+ pNC->ncFlags |= NC_HasWin;
@@ -95774,8 +96007,8 @@ static int resolveExprStep(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
pNC2->ncFlags |= NC_HasAgg | (pDef->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_MINMAX);
- pNC->ncFlags |= NC_AllowAgg;
+ pNC->ncFlags |= savedAllowFlags;
/* FIX ME: Compute pExpr->affinity based on the expected return
** type of the function
@@ -96131,6 +96364,38 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ResolveOrderGroupBy(
return 0;
+** Walker callback for resolveRemoveWindows().
+static int resolveRemoveWindowsCb(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
+ if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_WinFunc) ){
+ Window **pp;
+ for(pp=&pWalker->u.pSelect->pWin; *pp; pp=&(*pp)->pNextWin){
+ if( *pp==pExpr->y.pWin ){
+ *pp = (*pp)->pNextWin;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return WRC_Continue;
+** Remove any Window objects owned by the expression pExpr from the
+** Select.pWin list of Select object pSelect.
+static void resolveRemoveWindows(Select *pSelect, Expr *pExpr){
+ Walker sWalker;
+ memset(&sWalker, 0, sizeof(Walker));
+ sWalker.xExprCallback = resolveRemoveWindowsCb;
+ sWalker.u.pSelect = pSelect;
+ sqlite3WalkExpr(&sWalker, pExpr);
+# define resolveRemoveWindows(x,y)
** pOrderBy is an ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause in SELECT statement pSelect.
** The Name context of the SELECT statement is pNC. zType is either
@@ -96197,19 +96462,10 @@ static int resolveOrderGroupBy(
for(j=0; j<pSelect->pEList->nExpr; j++){
if( sqlite3ExprCompare(0, pE, pSelect->pEList->a[j].pExpr, -1)==0 ){
- if( ExprHasProperty(pE, EP_WinFunc) ){
- /* Since this window function is being changed into a reference
- ** to the same window function the result set, remove the instance
- ** of this window function from the Select.pWin list. */
- Window **pp;
- for(pp=&pSelect->pWin; *pp; pp=&(*pp)->pNextWin){
- if( *pp==pE->y.pWin ){
- *pp = (*pp)->pNextWin;
- }
- }
- }
+ /* Since this expresion is being changed into a reference
+ ** to an identical expression in the result set, remove all Window
+ ** objects belonging to the expression from the Select.pWin list. */
+ resolveRemoveWindows(pSelect, pE);
pItem->u.x.iOrderByCol = j+1;
@@ -96289,7 +96545,7 @@ static int resolveSelectStep(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
for(i=0; i<p->pSrc->nSrc; i++){
struct SrcList_item *pItem = &p->pSrc->a[i];
- if( pItem->pSelect ){
+ if( pItem->pSelect && (pItem->pSelect->selFlags & SF_Resolved)==0 ){
NameContext *pNC; /* Used to iterate name contexts */
int nRef = 0; /* Refcount for pOuterNC and outer contexts */
const char *zSavedContext = pParse->zAuthContext;
@@ -96421,6 +96677,7 @@ static int resolveSelectStep(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
Window *pWin;
for(pWin=p->pWinDefn; pWin; pWin=pWin->pNextWin){
@@ -96431,6 +96688,7 @@ static int resolveSelectStep(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
/* If this is part of a compound SELECT, check that it has the right
** number of expressions in the select list. */
@@ -96511,8 +96769,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ResolveExprNames(
Walker w;
if( pExpr==0 ) return SQLITE_OK;
- savedHasAgg = pNC->ncFlags & (NC_HasAgg|NC_MinMaxAgg);
- pNC->ncFlags &= ~(NC_HasAgg|NC_MinMaxAgg);
+ savedHasAgg = pNC->ncFlags & (NC_HasAgg|NC_MinMaxAgg|NC_HasWin);
+ pNC->ncFlags &= ~(NC_HasAgg|NC_MinMaxAgg|NC_HasWin);
w.pParse = pNC->pParse;
w.xExprCallback = resolveExprStep;
w.xSelectCallback = resolveSelectStep;
@@ -96528,9 +96786,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ResolveExprNames(
w.pParse->nHeight -= pExpr->nHeight;
- if( pNC->ncFlags & NC_HasAgg ){
- ExprSetProperty(pExpr, EP_Agg);
- }
+ assert( EP_Agg==NC_HasAgg );
+ assert( EP_Win==NC_HasWin );
+ testcase( pNC->ncFlags & NC_HasAgg );
+ testcase( pNC->ncFlags & NC_HasWin );
+ ExprSetProperty(pExpr, pNC->ncFlags & (NC_HasAgg|NC_HasWin) );
pNC->ncFlags |= savedHasAgg;
return pNC->nErr>0 || w.pParse->nErr>0;
@@ -97486,7 +97746,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3PExpr(
p = sqlite3DbMallocRawNN(pParse->db, sizeof(Expr));
if( p ){
memset(p, 0, sizeof(Expr));
- p->op = op & TKFLG_MASK;
+ p->op = op & 0xff;
p->iAgg = -1;
sqlite3ExprAttachSubtrees(pParse->db, p, pLeft, pRight);
@@ -97951,7 +98211,7 @@ static Expr *exprDup(sqlite3 *db, Expr *p, int dupFlags, u8 **pzBuffer){
static With *withDup(sqlite3 *db, With *p){
With *pRet = 0;
if( p ){
- int nByte = sizeof(*p) + sizeof(p->a[0]) * (p->nCte-1);
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte = sizeof(*p) + sizeof(p->a[0]) * (p->nCte-1);
pRet = sqlite3DbMallocZero(db, nByte);
if( pRet ){
int i;
@@ -98216,7 +98476,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE ExprList *sqlite3ExprListAppend(
}else if( (pList->nExpr & (pList->nExpr-1))==0 ){
ExprList *pNew;
pNew = sqlite3DbRealloc(db, pList,
- sizeof(*pList)+(2*pList->nExpr - 1)*sizeof(pList->a[0]));
+ sizeof(*pList)+(2*(sqlite3_int64)pList->nExpr-1)*sizeof(pList->a[0]));
if( pNew==0 ){
goto no_mem;
@@ -99181,14 +99441,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FindInIndex(
if( inFlags & IN_INDEX_LOOP ){
pParse->nQueryLoop = 0;
- if( pX->pLeft->iColumn<0 && !ExprHasProperty(pX, EP_xIsSelect) ){
- }
}else if( prRhsHasNull ){
*prRhsHasNull = rMayHaveNull = ++pParse->nMem;
assert( pX->op==TK_IN );
- sqlite3CodeRhsOfIN(pParse, pX, iTab, eType==IN_INDEX_ROWID);
+ sqlite3CodeRhsOfIN(pParse, pX, iTab);
if( rMayHaveNull ){
sqlite3SetHasNullFlag(v, iTab, rMayHaveNull);
@@ -99289,12 +99546,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VectorErrorMsg(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
** however the cursor number returned might not be the same, as it might
** have been duplicated using OP_OpenDup.
-** If parameter isRowid is non-zero, then LHS of the IN operator is guaranteed
-** to be a non-null integer. In this case, the ephemeral table can be an
-** table B-Tree that keyed by only integers. The more general cases uses
-** an index B-Tree which can have arbitrary keys, but is slower to both
-** read and write.
** If the LHS expression ("x" in the examples) is a column value, or
** the SELECT statement returns a column value, then the affinity of that
** column is used to build the index keys. If both 'x' and the
@@ -99306,8 +99557,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VectorErrorMsg(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeRhsOfIN(
Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */
Expr *pExpr, /* The IN operator */
- int iTab, /* Use this cursor number */
- int isRowid /* If true, LHS is a rowid */
+ int iTab /* Use this cursor number */
int addrOnce = 0; /* Address of the OP_Once instruction at top */
int addr; /* Address of OP_OpenEphemeral instruction */
@@ -99360,14 +99610,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeRhsOfIN(
/* Check to see if this is a vector IN operator */
pLeft = pExpr->pLeft;
nVal = sqlite3ExprVectorSize(pLeft);
- assert( !isRowid || nVal==1 );
/* Construct the ephemeral table that will contain the content of
** RHS of the IN operator.
pExpr->iTable = iTab;
- addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenEphemeral,
- pExpr->iTable, (isRowid?0:nVal));
+ addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenEphemeral, pExpr->iTable, nVal);
if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_xIsSelect) ){
VdbeComment((v, "Result of SELECT %u", pExpr->x.pSelect->selId));
@@ -99375,7 +99623,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeRhsOfIN(
VdbeComment((v, "RHS of IN operator"));
- pKeyInfo = isRowid ? 0 : sqlite3KeyInfoAlloc(pParse->db, nVal, 1);
+ pKeyInfo = sqlite3KeyInfoAlloc(pParse->db, nVal, 1);
if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_xIsSelect) ){
/* Case 1: expr IN (SELECT ...)
@@ -99389,7 +99637,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeRhsOfIN(
ExplainQueryPlan((pParse, 1, "%sLIST SUBQUERY %d",
addrOnce?"":"CORRELATED ", pSelect->selId
- assert( !isRowid );
/* If the LHS and RHS of the IN operator do not match, that
** error will have been caught long before we reach this point. */
if( ALWAYS(pEList->nExpr==nVal) ){
@@ -99442,10 +99689,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeRhsOfIN(
/* Loop through each expression in <exprlist>. */
r1 = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
r2 = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
- if( isRowid ) sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Blob, 0, r2, 0, "", P4_STATIC);
for(i=pList->nExpr, pItem=pList->a; i>0; i--, pItem++){
Expr *pE2 = pItem->pExpr;
- int iValToIns;
/* If the expression is not constant then we will need to
** disable the test that was generated above that makes sure
@@ -99458,20 +99703,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeRhsOfIN(
/* Evaluate the expression and insert it into the temp table */
- if( isRowid && sqlite3ExprIsInteger(pE2, &iValToIns) ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_InsertInt, iTab, r2, iValToIns);
- }else{
- r3 = sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(pParse, pE2, r1);
- if( isRowid ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_MustBeInt, r3,
- sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Insert, iTab, r2, r3);
- }else{
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_MakeRecord, r3, 1, r2, &affinity, 1);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, OP_IdxInsert, iTab, r2, r3, 1);
- }
- }
+ r3 = sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(pParse, pE2, r1);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_MakeRecord, r3, 1, r2, &affinity, 1);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, OP_IdxInsert, iTab, r2, r3, 1);
sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, r1);
sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, r2);
@@ -101687,6 +101921,17 @@ static int impliesNotNullRow(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprImpliesNonNullRow(Expr *p, int iTab){
Walker w;
+ p = sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(p);
+ while( p ){
+ if( p->op==TK_NOTNULL ){
+ p = p->pLeft;
+ }else if( p->op==TK_AND ){
+ if( sqlite3ExprImpliesNonNullRow(p->pLeft, iTab) ) return 1;
+ p = p->pRight;
+ }else{
+ break;
+ }
+ }
w.xExprCallback = impliesNotNullRow;
w.xSelectCallback = 0;
w.xSelectCallback2 = 0;
@@ -102268,15 +102513,15 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterRenameTable(
- /* Begin a transaction for database iDb.
- ** Then modify the schema cookie (since the ALTER TABLE modifies the
- ** schema). Open a statement transaction if the table is a virtual
- ** table.
- */
+ /* Begin a transaction for database iDb. Then modify the schema cookie
+ ** (since the ALTER TABLE modifies the schema). Call sqlite3MayAbort(),
+ ** as the scalar functions (e.g. sqlite_rename_table()) invoked by the
+ ** nested SQL may raise an exception. */
v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
if( v==0 ){
goto exit_rename_table;
+ sqlite3MayAbort(pParse);
/* figure out how many UTF-8 characters are in zName */
zTabName = pTab->zName;
@@ -102345,7 +102590,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterRenameTable(
int i = ++pParse->nMem;
sqlite3VdbeLoadString(v, i, zName);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_VRename, i, 0, 0,(const char*)pVTab, P4_VTAB);
- sqlite3MayAbort(pParse);
@@ -102666,6 +102910,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterRenameColumn(
** uses the sqlite_rename_column() SQL function to compute the new
** CREATE statement text for the sqlite_master table.
+ sqlite3MayAbort(pParse);
zNew = sqlite3NameFromToken(db, pNew);
if( !zNew ) goto exit_rename_column;
assert( pNew->n>0 );
@@ -105920,12 +106165,14 @@ static void attachFunc(
db->init.iDb = 0;
db->mDbFlags &= ~(DBFLAG_SchemaKnownOk);
- rc = sqlite3Init(db, &zErrDyn);
+ if( !REOPEN_AS_MEMDB(db) ){
+ rc = sqlite3Init(db, &zErrDyn);
+ }
assert( zErrDyn==0 || rc!=SQLITE_OK );
- if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK && !REOPEN_AS_MEMDB(db) ){
u8 newAuth = 0;
rc = sqlite3UserAuthCheckLogin(db, zName, &newAuth);
if( newAuth<db->auth.authLevel ){
@@ -106854,7 +107101,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3NestedParse(Parse *pParse, const char *zFormat, ...){
zSql = sqlite3VMPrintf(db, zFormat, ap);
if( zSql==0 ){
- return; /* A malloc must have failed */
+ /* This can result either from an OOM or because the formatted string
+ ** exceeds SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH. In the latter case, we need to set
+ ** an error */
+ if( !db->mallocFailed ) pParse->rc = SQLITE_TOOBIG;
+ pParse->nErr++;
+ return;
memcpy(saveBuf, PARSE_TAIL(pParse), PARSE_TAIL_SZ);
@@ -107994,7 +108246,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AddPrimaryKey(
&& sortOrder!=SQLITE_SO_DESC
if( IN_RENAME_OBJECT && pList ){
- sqlite3RenameTokenRemap(pParse, &pTab->iPKey, pList->a[0].pExpr);
+ Expr *pCExpr = sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(pList->a[0].pExpr);
+ sqlite3RenameTokenRemap(pParse, &pTab->iPKey, pCExpr);
pTab->iPKey = iCol;
pTab->keyConf = (u8)onError;
@@ -108415,6 +108668,7 @@ static void convertToWithoutRowidTable(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab){
pTab->iPKey = -1;
pPk = sqlite3PrimaryKeyIndex(pTab);
+ assert( pPk!=0 );
** Remove all redundant columns from the PRIMARY KEY. For example, change
@@ -108584,6 +108838,11 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3EndTable(
if( p->tnum==1 ) p->tabFlags |= TF_Readonly;
+ assert( (p->tabFlags & TF_HasPrimaryKey)==0
+ || p->iPKey>=0 || sqlite3PrimaryKeyIndex(p)!=0 );
+ assert( (p->tabFlags & TF_HasPrimaryKey)!=0
+ || (p->iPKey<0 && sqlite3PrimaryKeyIndex(p)==0) );
/* Special processing for WITHOUT ROWID Tables */
if( tabOpts & TF_WithoutRowid ){
if( (p->tabFlags & TF_Autoincrement) ){
@@ -109737,13 +109996,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CreateIndex(
assert( pParse->nErr==0 );
if( sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7)==0
&& db->init.busy==0
+ && pTblName!=0
&& sqlite3UserAuthTable(pTab->zName)==0
&& sqlite3StrICmp(&pTab->zName[7],"master")!=0
- && sqlite3StrNICmp(&pTab->zName[7],"altertab_",9)!=0
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %s may not be indexed", pTab->zName);
goto exit_create_index;
@@ -109847,6 +110106,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CreateIndex(
sqlite3ExprListSetSortOrder(pList, sortOrder);
sqlite3ExprListCheckLength(pParse, pList, "index");
+ if( pParse->nErr ) goto exit_create_index;
/* Figure out how many bytes of space are required to store explicitly
@@ -109865,6 +110125,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CreateIndex(
nName = sqlite3Strlen30(zName);
nExtraCol = pPk ? pPk->nKeyCol : 1;
+ assert( pList->nExpr + nExtraCol <= 32767 /* Fits in i16 */ );
pIndex = sqlite3AllocateIndexObject(db, pList->nExpr + nExtraCol,
nName + nExtra + 1, &zExtra);
if( db->mallocFailed ){
@@ -110348,9 +110609,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3ArrayAllocate(
int *pIdx /* Write the index of a new slot here */
char *z;
- int n = *pnEntry;
+ sqlite3_int64 n = *pIdx = *pnEntry;
if( (n & (n-1))==0 ){
- int sz = (n==0) ? 1 : 2*n;
+ sqlite3_int64 sz = (n==0) ? 1 : 2*n;
void *pNew = sqlite3DbRealloc(db, pArray, sz*szEntry);
if( pNew==0 ){
*pIdx = -1;
@@ -110360,7 +110621,6 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3ArrayAllocate(
z = (char*)pArray;
memset(&z[n * szEntry], 0, szEntry);
- *pIdx = n;
return pArray;
@@ -110471,7 +110731,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE SrcList *sqlite3SrcListEnlarge(
/* Allocate additional space if needed */
if( (u32)pSrc->nSrc+nExtra>pSrc->nAlloc ){
SrcList *pNew;
- int nAlloc = pSrc->nSrc*2+nExtra;
+ sqlite3_int64 nAlloc = 2*(sqlite3_int64)pSrc->nSrc+nExtra;
sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
if( pSrc->nSrc+nExtra>=SQLITE_MAX_SRCLIST ){
@@ -110978,7 +111238,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3UniqueConstraint(
StrAccum errMsg;
Table *pTab = pIdx->pTable;
- sqlite3StrAccumInit(&errMsg, pParse->db, 0, 0, 200);
+ sqlite3StrAccumInit(&errMsg, pParse->db, 0, 0,
+ pParse->db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH]);
if( pIdx->aColExpr ){
sqlite3_str_appendf(&errMsg, "index '%q'", pIdx->zName);
@@ -111227,7 +111488,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE With *sqlite3WithAdd(
if( pWith ){
- int nByte = sizeof(*pWith) + (sizeof(pWith->a[1]) * pWith->nCte);
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte = sizeof(*pWith) + (sizeof(pWith->a[1]) * pWith->nCte);
pNew = sqlite3DbRealloc(db, pWith, nByte);
pNew = sqlite3DbMallocZero(db, sizeof(*pWith));
@@ -114535,6 +114796,10 @@ static void setLikeOptFlag(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName, u8 flagVal){
if( ALWAYS(pDef) ){
pDef->funcFlags |= flagVal;
+ pDef = sqlite3FindFunction(db, zName, 3, SQLITE_UTF8, 0);
+ if( pDef ){
+ pDef->funcFlags |= flagVal;
+ }
@@ -117857,7 +118122,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regIdx, pIdx->nColumn, aRegIdx[ix]);
VdbeComment((v, "for %s", pIdx->zName));
- if( pIdx->idxType==2 ) sqlite3SetMakeRecordP5(v, pIdx->pTable);
+ sqlite3SetMakeRecordP5(v, pIdx->pTable);
+ }
/* In an UPDATE operation, if this index is the PRIMARY KEY index
@@ -118107,10 +118374,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CompleteInsertion(
pik_flags |= (update_flags & OPFLAG_SAVEPOSITION);
if( update_flags==0 ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_InsertInt,
- iIdxCur+i, aRegIdx[i], 0, (char*)pTab, P4_TABLE
+ int r = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, r);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Insert,
+ iIdxCur+i, aRegIdx[i], r, (char*)pTab, P4_TABLE
sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_ISNOOP);
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, r);
@@ -118458,6 +118728,13 @@ static int xferOptimization(
if( pSrcIdx==0 ){
return 0; /* pDestIdx has no corresponding index in pSrc */
+ if( pSrcIdx->tnum==pDestIdx->tnum && pSrc->pSchema==pDest->pSchema
+ && sqlite3FaultSim(411)==SQLITE_OK ){
+ /* The sqlite3FaultSim() call allows this corruption test to be
+ ** bypassed during testing, in order to exercise other corruption tests
+ ** further downstream. */
+ return 0; /* Corrupt schema - two indexes on the same btree */
+ }
if( pDest->pCheck && sqlite3ExprListCompare(pSrc->pCheck,pDest->pCheck,-1) ){
@@ -118535,7 +118812,7 @@ static int xferOptimization(
sqlite3RowidConstraint(pParse, onError, pDest);
sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr2);
autoIncStep(pParse, regAutoinc, regRowid);
- }else if( pDest->pIndex==0 ){
+ }else if( pDest->pIndex==0 && !(db->mDbFlags & DBFLAG_VacuumInto) ){
addr1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_NewRowid, iDest, regRowid);
addr1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rowid, iSrc, regRowid);
@@ -118598,7 +118875,7 @@ static int xferOptimization(
sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_SeekEnd, iDest);
- if( !HasRowid(pSrc) && pDestIdx->idxType==2 ){
+ if( !HasRowid(pSrc) && pDestIdx->idxType==SQLITE_IDXTYPE_PRIMARYKEY ){
idxInsFlags |= OPFLAG_NCHANGE;
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IdxInsert, iDest, regData);
@@ -119110,6 +119387,9 @@ struct sqlite3_api_routines {
/* Version 3.26.0 and later */
const char *(*normalized_sql)(sqlite3_stmt*);
+ /* Version 3.28.0 and later */
+ int (*stmt_isexplain)(sqlite3_stmt*);
+ int (*value_frombind)(sqlite3_value*);
@@ -119399,6 +119679,9 @@ typedef int (*sqlite3_loadext_entry)(
#define sqlite3_create_window_function sqlite3_api->create_window_function
/* Version 3.26.0 and later */
#define sqlite3_normalized_sql sqlite3_api->normalized_sql
+/* Version 3.28.0 and later */
+#define sqlite3_stmt_isexplain sqlite3_api->isexplain
+#define sqlite3_value_frombind sqlite3_api->frombind
#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_CORE) && !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION) */
@@ -119858,10 +120141,13 @@ static const sqlite3_api_routines sqlite3Apis = {
/* Version 3.26.0 and later */
- sqlite3_normalized_sql
+ sqlite3_normalized_sql,
- 0
+ 0,
+ /* Version 3.28.0 and later */
+ sqlite3_stmt_isexplain,
+ sqlite3_value_frombind
@@ -129641,7 +129927,7 @@ static void finalizeAggFunctions(Parse *pParse, AggInfo *pAggInfo){
** If regAcc is non-zero and there are no min() or max() aggregates
** in pAggInfo, then only populate the pAggInfo->nAccumulator accumulator
-** registers i register regAcc contains 0. The caller will take care
+** registers if register regAcc contains 0. The caller will take care
** of setting and clearing regAcc.
static void updateAccumulator(Parse *pParse, int regAcc, AggInfo *pAggInfo){
@@ -133733,11 +134019,11 @@ build_vacuum_end:
** This routine implements the OP_Vacuum opcode of the VDBE.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RunVacuum(
char **pzErrMsg, /* Write error message here */
sqlite3 *db, /* Database connection */
int iDb, /* Which attached DB to vacuum */
- sqlite3_value *pOut /* Write results here, if not NULL */
+ sqlite3_value *pOut /* Write results here, if not NULL. VACUUM INTO */
int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Return code from service routines */
Btree *pMain; /* The database being vacuumed */
@@ -133746,6 +134032,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RunVacuum(
u64 saved_flags; /* Saved value of db->flags */
int saved_nChange; /* Saved value of db->nChange */
int saved_nTotalChange; /* Saved value of db->nTotalChange */
+ u32 saved_openFlags; /* Saved value of db->openFlags */
u8 saved_mTrace; /* Saved trace settings */
Db *pDb = 0; /* Database to detach at end of vacuum */
int isMemDb; /* True if vacuuming a :memory: database */
@@ -133756,18 +134043,21 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RunVacuum(
if( !db->autoCommit ){
sqlite3SetString(pzErrMsg, db, "cannot VACUUM from within a transaction");
- return SQLITE_ERROR;
+ return SQLITE_ERROR; /* IMP: R-12218-18073 */
if( db->nVdbeActive>1 ){
sqlite3SetString(pzErrMsg, db,"cannot VACUUM - SQL statements in progress");
- return SQLITE_ERROR;
+ return SQLITE_ERROR; /* IMP: R-15610-35227 */
+ saved_openFlags = db->openFlags;
if( pOut ){
if( sqlite3_value_type(pOut)!=SQLITE_TEXT ){
sqlite3SetString(pzErrMsg, db, "non-text filename");
zOut = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(pOut);
+ db->openFlags &= ~SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY;
zOut = "";
@@ -133806,6 +134096,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RunVacuum(
nDb = db->nDb;
rc = execSqlF(db, pzErrMsg, "ATTACH %Q AS vacuum_db", zOut);
+ db->openFlags = saved_openFlags;
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_of_vacuum;
assert( (db->nDb-1)==nDb );
pDb = &db->aDb[nDb];
@@ -133819,6 +134110,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RunVacuum(
sqlite3SetString(pzErrMsg, db, "output file already exists");
goto end_of_vacuum;
+ db->mDbFlags |= DBFLAG_VacuumInto;
nRes = sqlite3BtreeGetOptimalReserve(pMain);
@@ -134307,9 +134599,13 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VtabClear(sqlite3 *db, Table *p){
** string will be freed automatically when the table is
** deleted.
-static void addModuleArgument(sqlite3 *db, Table *pTable, char *zArg){
- int nBytes = sizeof(char *)*(2+pTable->nModuleArg);
+static void addModuleArgument(Parse *pParse, Table *pTable, char *zArg){
+ sqlite3_int64 nBytes = sizeof(char *)*(2+pTable->nModuleArg);
char **azModuleArg;
+ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+ if( pTable->nModuleArg+3>=db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_COLUMN] ){
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "too many columns on %s", pTable->zName);
+ }
azModuleArg = sqlite3DbRealloc(db, pTable->azModuleArg, nBytes);
if( azModuleArg==0 ){
sqlite3DbFree(db, zArg);
@@ -134344,9 +134640,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VtabBeginParse(
db = pParse->db;
assert( pTable->nModuleArg==0 );
- addModuleArgument(db, pTable, sqlite3NameFromToken(db, pModuleName));
- addModuleArgument(db, pTable, 0);
- addModuleArgument(db, pTable, sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pTable->zName));
+ addModuleArgument(pParse, pTable, sqlite3NameFromToken(db, pModuleName));
+ addModuleArgument(pParse, pTable, 0);
+ addModuleArgument(pParse, pTable, sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pTable->zName));
assert( (pParse->sNameToken.z==pName2->z && pName2->z!=0)
|| (pParse->sNameToken.z==pName1->z && pName2->z==0)
@@ -134379,7 +134675,7 @@ static void addArgumentToVtab(Parse *pParse){
const char *z = (const char*)pParse->sArg.z;
int n = pParse->sArg.n;
sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
- addModuleArgument(db, pParse->pNewTable, sqlite3DbStrNDup(db, z, n));
+ addModuleArgument(pParse, pParse->pNewTable, sqlite3DbStrNDup(db, z, n));
@@ -134668,7 +134964,8 @@ static int growVTrans(sqlite3 *db){
/* Grow the sqlite3.aVTrans array if required */
if( (db->nVTrans%ARRAY_INCR)==0 ){
VTable **aVTrans;
- int nBytes = sizeof(sqlite3_vtab *) * (db->nVTrans + ARRAY_INCR);
+ sqlite3_int64 nBytes = sizeof(sqlite3_vtab*)*
+ ((sqlite3_int64)db->nVTrans + ARRAY_INCR);
aVTrans = sqlite3DbRealloc(db, (void *)db->aVTrans, nBytes);
if( !aVTrans ){
@@ -135164,9 +135461,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VtabEponymousTableInit(Parse *pParse, Module *pMod){
pTab->pSchema = db->aDb[0].pSchema;
assert( pTab->nModuleArg==0 );
pTab->iPKey = -1;
- addModuleArgument(db, pTab, sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pTab->zName));
- addModuleArgument(db, pTab, 0);
- addModuleArgument(db, pTab, sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pTab->zName));
+ addModuleArgument(pParse, pTab, sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pTab->zName));
+ addModuleArgument(pParse, pTab, 0);
+ addModuleArgument(pParse, pTab, sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pTab->zName));
rc = vtabCallConstructor(db, pTab, pMod, pModule->xConnect, &zErr);
if( rc ){
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "%s", zErr);
@@ -136427,7 +136724,6 @@ static int codeEqualityTerm(
if( pLoop->aLTerm[i]->pExpr==pX ){
int iOut = iReg + i - iEq;
if( eType==IN_INDEX_ROWID ){
- testcase( nEq>1 ); /* Happens with a UNIQUE index on ROWID */
pIn->addrInTop = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rowid, iTab, iOut);
int iCol = aiMap ? aiMap[iMap++] : 0;
@@ -137006,6 +137302,34 @@ static void whereIndexExprTrans(
+** The pTruth expression is always true because it is the WHERE clause
+** a partial index that is driving a query loop. Look through all of the
+** WHERE clause terms on the query, and if any of those terms must be
+** true because pTruth is true, then mark those WHERE clause terms as
+** coded.
+static void whereApplyPartialIndexConstraints(
+ Expr *pTruth,
+ int iTabCur,
+ WhereClause *pWC
+ int i;
+ WhereTerm *pTerm;
+ while( pTruth->op==TK_AND ){
+ whereApplyPartialIndexConstraints(pTruth->pLeft, iTabCur, pWC);
+ pTruth = pTruth->pRight;
+ }
+ for(i=0, pTerm=pWC->a; i<pWC->nTerm; i++, pTerm++){
+ Expr *pExpr;
+ if( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_CODED ) continue;
+ pExpr = pTerm->pExpr;
+ if( sqlite3ExprCompare(0, pExpr, pTruth, iTabCur)==0 ){
+ pTerm->wtFlags |= TERM_CODED;
+ }
+ }
** Generate code for the start of the iLevel-th loop in the WHERE clause
** implementation described by pWInfo.
@@ -137189,6 +137513,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_SeekRowid, iCur, addrNxt, iRowidReg);
pLevel->op = OP_Noop;
+ if( (pTerm->prereqAll & pLevel->notReady)==0 ){
+ pTerm->wtFlags |= TERM_CODED;
+ }
}else if( (pLoop->wsFlags & WHERE_IPK)!=0
&& (pLoop->wsFlags & WHERE_COLUMN_RANGE)!=0
@@ -137611,6 +137938,14 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
whereIndexExprTrans(pIdx, iCur, iIdxCur, pWInfo);
+ /* If a partial index is driving the loop, try to eliminate WHERE clause
+ ** terms from the query that must be true due to the WHERE clause of
+ ** the partial index
+ */
+ if( pIdx->pPartIdxWhere ){
+ whereApplyPartialIndexConstraints(pIdx->pPartIdxWhere, iCur, pWC);
+ }
/* Record the instruction used to terminate the loop. */
if( pLoop->wsFlags & WHERE_ONEROW ){
pLevel->op = OP_Noop;
@@ -137774,7 +138109,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
pAndExpr = sqlite3ExprAnd(db, pAndExpr, pExpr);
if( pAndExpr ){
- pAndExpr = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_AND|TKFLG_DONTFOLD, 0, pAndExpr);
+ /* The extra 0x10000 bit on the opcode is masked off and does not
+ ** become part of the new Expr.op. However, it does make the
+ ** op==TK_AND comparison inside of sqlite3PExpr() false, and this
+ ** prevents sqlite3PExpr() from implementing AND short-circuit
+ ** optimization, which we do not want here. */
+ pAndExpr = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_AND|0x10000, 0, pAndExpr);
@@ -138004,8 +138344,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereCodeOneLoopStart(
u32 x = pLevel->iLikeRepCntr;
if( x>0 ){
skipLikeAddr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, (x&1)?OP_IfNot:OP_If,(int)(x>>1));
+ VdbeCoverageIf(v, (x&1)==1);
+ VdbeCoverageIf(v, (x&1)==0);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
#ifdef WHERETRACE_ENABLED /* 0xffff */
@@ -139607,6 +139948,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereExprUsageNN(WhereMaskSet *pMaskSet, Expr *p){
}else if( p->x.pList ){
mask |= sqlite3WhereExprListUsage(pMaskSet, p->x.pList);
+ if( p->op==TK_FUNCTION && p->y.pWin ){
+ mask |= sqlite3WhereExprListUsage(pMaskSet, p->y.pWin->pPartition);
+ mask |= sqlite3WhereExprListUsage(pMaskSet, p->y.pWin->pOrderBy);
+ }
return mask;
SQLITE_PRIVATE Bitmask sqlite3WhereExprUsage(WhereMaskSet *pMaskSet, Expr *p){
@@ -143023,11 +143370,11 @@ static int whereLoopAddVirtual(
rc = whereLoopAddVirtualOne(pBuilder, mPrereq, ALLBITS, 0, p, mNoOmit, &bIn);
/* If the call to xBestIndex() with all terms enabled produced a plan
- ** that does not require any source tables (IOW: a plan with mBest==0),
- ** then there is no point in making any further calls to xBestIndex()
- ** since they will all return the same result (if the xBestIndex()
- ** implementation is sane). */
- if( rc==SQLITE_OK && (mBest = (pNew->prereq & ~mPrereq))!=0 ){
+ ** that does not require any source tables (IOW: a plan with mBest==0)
+ ** and does not use an IN(...) operator, then there is no point in making
+ ** any further calls to xBestIndex() since they will all return the same
+ ** result (if the xBestIndex() implementation is sane). */
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK && ((mBest = (pNew->prereq & ~mPrereq))!=0 || bIn) ){
int seenZero = 0; /* True if a plan with no prereqs seen */
int seenZeroNoIN = 0; /* Plan with no prereqs and no IN(...) seen */
Bitmask mPrev = 0;
@@ -145261,6 +145608,96 @@ static void dense_rankValueFunc(sqlite3_context *pCtx){
+** Implementation of built-in window function nth_value(). This
+** implementation is used in "slow mode" only - when the EXCLUDE clause
+** is not set to the default value "NO OTHERS".
+struct NthValueCtx {
+ i64 nStep;
+ sqlite3_value *pValue;
+static void nth_valueStepFunc(
+ sqlite3_context *pCtx,
+ int nArg,
+ sqlite3_value **apArg
+ struct NthValueCtx *p;
+ p = (struct NthValueCtx*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, sizeof(*p));
+ if( p ){
+ i64 iVal;
+ switch( sqlite3_value_numeric_type(apArg[1]) ){
+ iVal = sqlite3_value_int64(apArg[1]);
+ break;
+ case SQLITE_FLOAT: {
+ double fVal = sqlite3_value_double(apArg[1]);
+ if( ((i64)fVal)!=fVal ) goto error_out;
+ iVal = (i64)fVal;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ goto error_out;
+ }
+ if( iVal<=0 ) goto error_out;
+ p->nStep++;
+ if( iVal==p->nStep ){
+ p->pValue = sqlite3_value_dup(apArg[0]);
+ if( !p->pValue ){
+ sqlite3_result_error_nomem(pCtx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ error_out:
+ sqlite3_result_error(
+ pCtx, "second argument to nth_value must be a positive integer", -1
+ );
+static void nth_valueFinalizeFunc(sqlite3_context *pCtx){
+ struct NthValueCtx *p;
+ p = (struct NthValueCtx*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, 0);
+ if( p && p->pValue ){
+ sqlite3_result_value(pCtx, p->pValue);
+ sqlite3_value_free(p->pValue);
+ p->pValue = 0;
+ }
+#define nth_valueInvFunc noopStepFunc
+#define nth_valueValueFunc noopValueFunc
+static void first_valueStepFunc(
+ sqlite3_context *pCtx,
+ int nArg,
+ sqlite3_value **apArg
+ struct NthValueCtx *p;
+ p = (struct NthValueCtx*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, sizeof(*p));
+ if( p && p->pValue==0 ){
+ p->pValue = sqlite3_value_dup(apArg[0]);
+ if( !p->pValue ){
+ sqlite3_result_error_nomem(pCtx);
+ }
+ }
+static void first_valueFinalizeFunc(sqlite3_context *pCtx){
+ struct NthValueCtx *p;
+ p = (struct NthValueCtx*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, sizeof(*p));
+ if( p && p->pValue ){
+ sqlite3_result_value(pCtx, p->pValue);
+ sqlite3_value_free(p->pValue);
+ p->pValue = 0;
+ }
+#define first_valueInvFunc noopStepFunc
+#define first_valueValueFunc noopValueFunc
** Implementation of built-in window function rank(). Assumes that
** the window frame has been set to:
@@ -145295,7 +145732,7 @@ static void rankValueFunc(sqlite3_context *pCtx){
** Implementation of built-in window function percent_rank(). Assumes that
** the window frame has been set to:
static void percent_rankStepFunc(
sqlite3_context *pCtx,
@@ -145303,38 +145740,44 @@ static void percent_rankStepFunc(
sqlite3_value **apArg
struct CallCount *p;
- UNUSED_PARAMETER(nArg); assert( nArg==1 );
+ UNUSED_PARAMETER(nArg); assert( nArg==0 );
p = (struct CallCount*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, sizeof(*p));
if( p ){
- if( p->nTotal==0 ){
- p->nTotal = sqlite3_value_int64(apArg[0]);
- }
- p->nStep++;
- if( p->nValue==0 ){
- p->nValue = p->nStep;
- }
+ p->nTotal++;
+static void percent_rankInvFunc(
+ sqlite3_context *pCtx,
+ int nArg,
+ sqlite3_value **apArg
+ struct CallCount *p;
+ UNUSED_PARAMETER(nArg); assert( nArg==0 );
+ p = (struct CallCount*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, sizeof(*p));
+ p->nStep++;
static void percent_rankValueFunc(sqlite3_context *pCtx){
struct CallCount *p;
p = (struct CallCount*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, sizeof(*p));
if( p ){
+ p->nValue = p->nStep;
if( p->nTotal>1 ){
- double r = (double)(p->nValue-1) / (double)(p->nTotal-1);
+ double r = (double)p->nValue / (double)(p->nTotal-1);
sqlite3_result_double(pCtx, r);
sqlite3_result_double(pCtx, 0.0);
- p->nValue = 0;
+#define percent_rankFinalizeFunc percent_rankValueFunc
** Implementation of built-in window function cume_dist(). Assumes that
** the window frame has been set to:
static void cume_distStepFunc(
sqlite3_context *pCtx,
@@ -145342,24 +145785,33 @@ static void cume_distStepFunc(
sqlite3_value **apArg
struct CallCount *p;
- assert( nArg==1 ); UNUSED_PARAMETER(nArg);
+ UNUSED_PARAMETER(nArg); assert( nArg==0 );
p = (struct CallCount*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, sizeof(*p));
if( p ){
- if( p->nTotal==0 ){
- p->nTotal = sqlite3_value_int64(apArg[0]);
- }
- p->nStep++;
+ p->nTotal++;
-static void cume_distValueFunc(sqlite3_context *pCtx){
+static void cume_distInvFunc(
+ sqlite3_context *pCtx,
+ int nArg,
+ sqlite3_value **apArg
struct CallCount *p;
+ UNUSED_PARAMETER(nArg); assert( nArg==0 );
p = (struct CallCount*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, sizeof(*p));
- if( p && p->nTotal ){
+ p->nStep++;
+static void cume_distValueFunc(sqlite3_context *pCtx){
+ struct CallCount *p;
+ p = (struct CallCount*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, 0);
+ if( p ){
double r = (double)(p->nStep) / (double)(p->nTotal);
sqlite3_result_double(pCtx, r);
+#define cume_distFinalizeFunc cume_distValueFunc
** Context object for ntile() window function.
@@ -145374,7 +145826,7 @@ struct NtileCtx {
** Implementation of ntile(). This assumes that the window frame has
** been coerced to:
static void ntileStepFunc(
sqlite3_context *pCtx,
@@ -145382,32 +145834,42 @@ static void ntileStepFunc(
sqlite3_value **apArg
struct NtileCtx *p;
- assert( nArg==2 ); UNUSED_PARAMETER(nArg);
+ assert( nArg==1 ); UNUSED_PARAMETER(nArg);
p = (struct NtileCtx*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, sizeof(*p));
if( p ){
if( p->nTotal==0 ){
p->nParam = sqlite3_value_int64(apArg[0]);
- p->nTotal = sqlite3_value_int64(apArg[1]);
if( p->nParam<=0 ){
pCtx, "argument of ntile must be a positive integer", -1
- p->iRow++;
+ p->nTotal++;
+static void ntileInvFunc(
+ sqlite3_context *pCtx,
+ int nArg,
+ sqlite3_value **apArg
+ struct NtileCtx *p;
+ assert( nArg==1 ); UNUSED_PARAMETER(nArg);
+ p = (struct NtileCtx*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, sizeof(*p));
+ p->iRow++;
static void ntileValueFunc(sqlite3_context *pCtx){
struct NtileCtx *p;
p = (struct NtileCtx*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, sizeof(*p));
if( p && p->nParam>0 ){
int nSize = (p->nTotal / p->nParam);
if( nSize==0 ){
- sqlite3_result_int64(pCtx, p->iRow);
+ sqlite3_result_int64(pCtx, p->iRow+1);
i64 nLarge = p->nTotal - p->nParam*nSize;
i64 iSmall = nLarge*(nSize+1);
- i64 iRow = p->iRow-1;
+ i64 iRow = p->iRow;
assert( (nLarge*(nSize+1) + (p->nParam-nLarge)*nSize)==p->nTotal );
@@ -145419,6 +145881,7 @@ static void ntileValueFunc(sqlite3_context *pCtx){
+#define ntileFinalizeFunc ntileValueFunc
** Context object for last_value() window function.
@@ -145468,7 +145931,7 @@ static void last_valueInvFunc(
static void last_valueValueFunc(sqlite3_context *pCtx){
struct LastValueCtx *p;
- p = (struct LastValueCtx*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, sizeof(*p));
+ p = (struct LastValueCtx*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, 0);
if( p && p->pVal ){
sqlite3_result_value(pCtx, p->pVal);
@@ -145558,12 +146021,12 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowFunctions(void){
WINDOWFUNCX(row_number, 0, 0),
WINDOWFUNCX(dense_rank, 0, 0),
WINDOWFUNCX(rank, 0, 0),
+ WINDOWFUNCALL(percent_rank, 0, 0),
+ WINDOWFUNCALL(cume_dist, 0, 0),
+ WINDOWFUNCALL(ntile, 1, 0),
WINDOWFUNCALL(last_value, 1, 0),
- WINDOWFUNCNOOP(nth_value, 2, 0),
- WINDOWFUNCNOOP(first_value, 1, 0),
+ WINDOWFUNCALL(nth_value, 2, 0),
+ WINDOWFUNCALL(first_value, 1, 0),
@@ -145574,6 +146037,17 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowFunctions(void){
sqlite3InsertBuiltinFuncs(aWindowFuncs, ArraySize(aWindowFuncs));
+static Window *windowFind(Parse *pParse, Window *pList, const char *zName){
+ Window *p;
+ for(p=pList; p; p=p->pNextWin){
+ if( sqlite3StrICmp(p->zName, zName)==0 ) break;
+ }
+ if( p==0 ){
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such window: %s", zName);
+ }
+ return p;
** This function is called immediately after resolving the function name
** for a window function within a SELECT statement. Argument pList is a
@@ -145597,48 +146071,66 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowUpdate(
Window *pWin, /* Window frame to update */
FuncDef *pFunc /* Window function definition */
- if( pWin->zName && pWin->eType==0 ){
- Window *p;
- for(p=pList; p; p=p->pNextWin){
- if( sqlite3StrICmp(p->zName, pWin->zName)==0 ) break;
- }
- if( p==0 ){
- sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such window: %s", pWin->zName);
- return;
- }
+ if( pWin->zName && pWin->eFrmType==0 ){
+ Window *p = windowFind(pParse, pList, pWin->zName);
+ if( p==0 ) return;
pWin->pPartition = sqlite3ExprListDup(pParse->db, p->pPartition, 0);
pWin->pOrderBy = sqlite3ExprListDup(pParse->db, p->pOrderBy, 0);
pWin->pStart = sqlite3ExprDup(pParse->db, p->pStart, 0);
pWin->pEnd = sqlite3ExprDup(pParse->db, p->pEnd, 0);
pWin->eStart = p->eStart;
pWin->eEnd = p->eEnd;
- pWin->eType = p->eType;
+ pWin->eFrmType = p->eFrmType;
+ pWin->eExclude = p->eExclude;
+ }else{
+ sqlite3WindowChain(pParse, pWin, pList);
+ if( (pWin->eFrmType==TK_RANGE)
+ && (pWin->pStart || pWin->pEnd)
+ && (pWin->pOrderBy==0 || pWin->pOrderBy->nExpr!=1)
+ ){
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,
+ "RANGE with offset PRECEDING/FOLLOWING requires one ORDER BY expression"
+ );
+ }else
if( pFunc->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_WINDOW ){
sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
if( pWin->pFilter ){
"FILTER clause may only be used with aggregate window functions"
- }else
- if( pFunc->zName==row_numberName || pFunc->zName==ntileName ){
- sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pWin->pStart);
- sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pWin->pEnd);
- pWin->pStart = pWin->pEnd = 0;
- pWin->eType = TK_ROWS;
- pWin->eStart = TK_UNBOUNDED;
- pWin->eEnd = TK_CURRENT;
- }else
- if( pFunc->zName==dense_rankName || pFunc->zName==rankName
- || pFunc->zName==percent_rankName || pFunc->zName==cume_distName
- ){
- sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pWin->pStart);
- sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pWin->pEnd);
- pWin->pStart = pWin->pEnd = 0;
- pWin->eType = TK_RANGE;
- pWin->eStart = TK_UNBOUNDED;
- pWin->eEnd = TK_CURRENT;
+ }else{
+ struct WindowUpdate {
+ const char *zFunc;
+ int eFrmType;
+ int eStart;
+ int eEnd;
+ } aUp[] = {
+ { row_numberName, TK_ROWS, TK_UNBOUNDED, TK_CURRENT },
+ { dense_rankName, TK_RANGE, TK_UNBOUNDED, TK_CURRENT },
+ { percent_rankName, TK_GROUPS, TK_CURRENT, TK_UNBOUNDED },
+ };
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aUp); i++){
+ if( pFunc->zName==aUp[i].zFunc ){
+ sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pWin->pStart);
+ sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pWin->pEnd);
+ pWin->pEnd = pWin->pStart = 0;
+ pWin->eFrmType = aUp[i].eFrmType;
+ pWin->eStart = aUp[i].eStart;
+ pWin->eEnd = aUp[i].eEnd;
+ pWin->eExclude = 0;
+ if( pWin->eStart==TK_FOLLOWING ){
+ pWin->pStart = sqlite3Expr(db, TK_INTEGER, "1");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
pWin->pFunc = pFunc;
@@ -145843,6 +146335,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WindowRewrite(Parse *pParse, Select *p){
** The OpenEphemeral instruction is coded later, after it is known how
** many columns the table will have. */
pMWin->iEphCsr = pParse->nTab++;
+ pParse->nTab += 3;
selectWindowRewriteEList(pParse, pMWin, pSrc, p->pEList, &pSublist);
selectWindowRewriteEList(pParse, pMWin, pSrc, p->pOrderBy, &pSublist);
@@ -145898,6 +146391,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WindowRewrite(Parse *pParse, Select *p){
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenEphemeral, pMWin->iEphCsr, pSublist->nExpr);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, pMWin->iEphCsr+1, pMWin->iEphCsr);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, pMWin->iEphCsr+2, pMWin->iEphCsr);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, pMWin->iEphCsr+3, pMWin->iEphCsr);
sqlite3SelectDelete(db, pSub);
@@ -145918,6 +146414,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowDelete(sqlite3 *db, Window *p){
sqlite3ExprDelete(db, p->pEnd);
sqlite3ExprDelete(db, p->pStart);
sqlite3DbFree(db, p->zName);
+ sqlite3DbFree(db, p->zBase);
sqlite3DbFree(db, p);
@@ -145954,16 +146451,18 @@ static Expr *sqlite3WindowOffsetExpr(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
SQLITE_PRIVATE Window *sqlite3WindowAlloc(
Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */
- int eType, /* Frame type. TK_RANGE or TK_ROWS */
+ int eType, /* Frame type. TK_RANGE, TK_ROWS, TK_GROUPS, or 0 */
Expr *pStart, /* Start window size if TK_PRECEDING or FOLLOWING */
- Expr *pEnd /* End window size if TK_FOLLOWING or PRECEDING */
+ Expr *pEnd, /* End window size if TK_FOLLOWING or PRECEDING */
+ u8 eExclude /* EXCLUDE clause */
Window *pWin = 0;
+ int bImplicitFrame = 0;
/* Parser assures the following: */
- assert( eType==TK_RANGE || eType==TK_ROWS );
+ assert( eType==0 || eType==TK_RANGE || eType==TK_ROWS || eType==TK_GROUPS );
assert( eStart==TK_CURRENT || eStart==TK_PRECEDING
|| eStart==TK_UNBOUNDED || eStart==TK_FOLLOWING );
assert( eEnd==TK_CURRENT || eEnd==TK_FOLLOWING
@@ -145971,13 +146470,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Window *sqlite3WindowAlloc(
assert( (eStart==TK_PRECEDING || eStart==TK_FOLLOWING)==(pStart!=0) );
assert( (eEnd==TK_FOLLOWING || eEnd==TK_PRECEDING)==(pEnd!=0) );
- /* If a frame is declared "RANGE" (not "ROWS"), then it may not use
- ** either "<expr> PRECEDING" or "<expr> FOLLOWING".
- */
- if( eType==TK_RANGE && (pStart!=0 || pEnd!=0) ){
- sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "RANGE must use only UNBOUNDED or CURRENT ROW");
- goto windowAllocErr;
+ if( eType==0 ){
+ bImplicitFrame = 1;
+ eType = TK_RANGE;
/* Additionally, the
@@ -145997,15 +146492,20 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Window *sqlite3WindowAlloc(
if( (eStart==TK_CURRENT && eEnd==TK_PRECEDING)
|| (eStart==TK_FOLLOWING && (eEnd==TK_PRECEDING || eEnd==TK_CURRENT))
- sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "unsupported frame delimiter for ROWS");
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "unsupported frame specification");
goto windowAllocErr;
pWin = (Window*)sqlite3DbMallocZero(pParse->db, sizeof(Window));
if( pWin==0 ) goto windowAllocErr;
- pWin->eType = eType;
+ pWin->eFrmType = eType;
pWin->eStart = eStart;
pWin->eEnd = eEnd;
+ if( eExclude==0 && OptimizationDisabled(pParse->db, SQLITE_WindowFunc) ){
+ eExclude = TK_NO;
+ }
+ pWin->eExclude = eExclude;
+ pWin->bImplicitFrame = bImplicitFrame;
pWin->pEnd = sqlite3WindowOffsetExpr(pParse, pEnd);
pWin->pStart = sqlite3WindowOffsetExpr(pParse, pStart);
return pWin;
@@ -146017,6 +146517,69 @@ windowAllocErr:
+** Attach PARTITION and ORDER BY clauses pPartition and pOrderBy to window
+** pWin. Also, if parameter pBase is not NULL, set pWin->zBase to the
+** equivalent nul-terminated string.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Window *sqlite3WindowAssemble(
+ Parse *pParse,
+ Window *pWin,
+ ExprList *pPartition,
+ ExprList *pOrderBy,
+ Token *pBase
+ if( pWin ){
+ pWin->pPartition = pPartition;
+ pWin->pOrderBy = pOrderBy;
+ if( pBase ){
+ pWin->zBase = sqlite3DbStrNDup(pParse->db, pBase->z, pBase->n);
+ }
+ }else{
+ sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, pPartition);
+ sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, pOrderBy);
+ }
+ return pWin;
+** Window *pWin has just been created from a WINDOW clause. Tokne pBase
+** is the base window. Earlier windows from the same WINDOW clause are
+** stored in the linked list starting at pWin->pNextWin. This function
+** either updates *pWin according to the base specification, or else
+** leaves an error in pParse.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowChain(Parse *pParse, Window *pWin, Window *pList){
+ if( pWin->zBase ){
+ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+ Window *pExist = windowFind(pParse, pList, pWin->zBase);
+ if( pExist ){
+ const char *zErr = 0;
+ /* Check for errors */
+ if( pWin->pPartition ){
+ zErr = "PARTITION clause";
+ }else if( pExist->pOrderBy && pWin->pOrderBy ){
+ zErr = "ORDER BY clause";
+ }else if( pExist->bImplicitFrame==0 ){
+ zErr = "frame specification";
+ }
+ if( zErr ){
+ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,
+ "cannot override %s of window: %s", zErr, pWin->zBase
+ );
+ }else{
+ pWin->pPartition = sqlite3ExprListDup(db, pExist->pPartition, 0);
+ if( pExist->pOrderBy ){
+ assert( pWin->pOrderBy==0 );
+ pWin->pOrderBy = sqlite3ExprListDup(db, pExist->pOrderBy, 0);
+ }
+ sqlite3DbFree(db, pWin->zBase);
+ pWin->zBase = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
** Attach window object pWin to expression p.
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowAttach(Parse *pParse, Expr *p, Window *pWin){
@@ -146044,9 +146607,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowAttach(Parse *pParse, Expr *p, Window *pWin){
** Identical window objects can be processed in a single scan.
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WindowCompare(Parse *pParse, Window *p1, Window *p2){
- if( p1->eType!=p2->eType ) return 1;
+ if( p1->eFrmType!=p2->eFrmType ) return 1;
if( p1->eStart!=p2->eStart ) return 1;
if( p1->eEnd!=p2->eEnd ) return 1;
+ if( p1->eExclude!=p2->eExclude ) return 1;
if( sqlite3ExprCompare(pParse, p1->pStart, p2->pStart, -1) ) return 1;
if( sqlite3ExprCompare(pParse, p1->pEnd, p2->pEnd, -1) ) return 1;
if( sqlite3ExprListCompare(p1->pPartition, p2->pPartition, -1) ) return 1;
@@ -146063,12 +146627,27 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WindowCompare(Parse *pParse, Window *p1, Window *p2){
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowCodeInit(Parse *pParse, Window *pMWin){
Window *pWin;
Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
- int nPart = (pMWin->pPartition ? pMWin->pPartition->nExpr : 0);
- nPart += (pMWin->pOrderBy ? pMWin->pOrderBy->nExpr : 0);
- if( nPart ){
+ /* Allocate registers to use for PARTITION BY values, if any. Initialize
+ ** said registers to NULL. */
+ if( pMWin->pPartition ){
+ int nExpr = pMWin->pPartition->nExpr;
pMWin->regPart = pParse->nMem+1;
- pParse->nMem += nPart;
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Null, 0, pMWin->regPart, pMWin->regPart+nPart-1);
+ pParse->nMem += nExpr;
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Null, 0, pMWin->regPart, pMWin->regPart+nExpr-1);
+ }
+ pMWin->regOne = ++pParse->nMem;
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 1, pMWin->regOne);
+ if( pMWin->eExclude ){
+ pMWin->regStartRowid = ++pParse->nMem;
+ pMWin->regEndRowid = ++pParse->nMem;
+ pMWin->csrApp = pParse->nTab++;
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 1, pMWin->regStartRowid);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, pMWin->regEndRowid);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, pMWin->csrApp, pMWin->iEphCsr);
+ return;
for(pWin=pMWin; pWin; pWin=pWin->pNextWin){
@@ -146097,20 +146676,24 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowCodeInit(Parse *pParse, Window *pMWin){
else if( p->zName==nth_valueName || p->zName==first_valueName ){
/* Allocate two registers at pWin->regApp. These will be used to
** store the start and end index of the current frame. */
- assert( pMWin->iEphCsr );
pWin->regApp = pParse->nMem+1;
pWin->csrApp = pParse->nTab++;
pParse->nMem += 2;
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, pWin->csrApp, pMWin->iEphCsr);
else if( p->zName==leadName || p->zName==lagName ){
- assert( pMWin->iEphCsr );
pWin->csrApp = pParse->nTab++;
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, pWin->csrApp, pMWin->iEphCsr);
** A "PRECEDING <expr>" (eCond==0) or "FOLLOWING <expr>" (eCond==1) or the
** value of the second argument to nth_value() (eCond==2) has just been
@@ -146118,25 +146701,42 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowCodeInit(Parse *pParse, Window *pMWin){
** code to check that the value is a non-negative integer and throws an
** exception if it is not.
-static void windowCheckIntValue(Parse *pParse, int reg, int eCond){
+static void windowCheckValue(Parse *pParse, int reg, int eCond){
static const char *azErr[] = {
"frame starting offset must be a non-negative integer",
"frame ending offset must be a non-negative integer",
- "second argument to nth_value must be a positive integer"
+ "second argument to nth_value must be a positive integer",
+ "frame starting offset must be a non-negative number",
+ "frame ending offset must be a non-negative number",
- static int aOp[] = { OP_Ge, OP_Ge, OP_Gt };
+ static int aOp[] = { OP_Ge, OP_Ge, OP_Gt, OP_Ge, OP_Ge };
Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
int regZero = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
- assert( eCond==0 || eCond==1 || eCond==2 );
+ assert( eCond>=0 && eCond<ArraySize(azErr) );
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, regZero);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_MustBeInt, reg, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2);
- VdbeCoverageIf(v, eCond==0);
- VdbeCoverageIf(v, eCond==1);
- VdbeCoverageIf(v, eCond==2);
+ int regString = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_String8, 0, regString, 0, "", P4_STATIC);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Ge, regString, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2, reg);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ assert( eCond==3 || eCond==4 );
+ VdbeCoverageIf(v, eCond==3);
+ VdbeCoverageIf(v, eCond==4);
+ }else{
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_MustBeInt, reg, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ assert( eCond==0 || eCond==1 || eCond==2 );
+ VdbeCoverageIf(v, eCond==0);
+ VdbeCoverageIf(v, eCond==1);
+ VdbeCoverageIf(v, eCond==2);
+ }
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, aOp[eCond], regZero, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2, reg);
- VdbeCoverageNeverNullIf(v, eCond==0);
- VdbeCoverageNeverNullIf(v, eCond==1);
+ VdbeCoverageNeverNullIf(v, eCond==0); /* NULL case captured by */
+ VdbeCoverageNeverNullIf(v, eCond==1); /* the OP_MustBeInt */
VdbeCoverageNeverNullIf(v, eCond==2);
+ VdbeCoverageNeverNullIf(v, eCond==3); /* NULL case caught by */
+ VdbeCoverageNeverNullIf(v, eCond==4); /* the OP_Ge */
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_ERROR, OE_Abort);
sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, (void*)azErr[eCond], P4_STATIC);
@@ -146176,37 +146776,28 @@ static void windowAggStep(
Window *pMWin, /* Linked list of window functions */
int csr, /* Read arguments from this cursor */
int bInverse, /* True to invoke xInverse instead of xStep */
- int reg, /* Array of registers */
- int regPartSize /* Register containing size of partition */
+ int reg /* Array of registers */
Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
Window *pWin;
for(pWin=pMWin; pWin; pWin=pWin->pNextWin){
- int flags = pWin->pFunc->funcFlags;
+ FuncDef *pFunc = pWin->pFunc;
int regArg;
int nArg = windowArgCount(pWin);
+ int i;
- if( csr>=0 ){
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
+ for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
+ if( i!=1 || pFunc->zName!=nth_valueName ){
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, csr, pWin->iArgCol+i, reg+i);
+ }else{
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, pMWin->iEphCsr, pWin->iArgCol+i, reg+i);
- regArg = reg;
- if( flags & SQLITE_FUNC_WINDOW_SIZE ){
- if( nArg==0 ){
- regArg = regPartSize;
- }else{
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, regPartSize, reg+nArg);
- }
- nArg++;
- }
- }else{
- assert( !(flags & SQLITE_FUNC_WINDOW_SIZE) );
- regArg = reg + pWin->iArgCol;
+ regArg = reg;
- if( (pWin->pFunc->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_MINMAX)
- && pWin->eStart!=TK_UNBOUNDED
+ if( pMWin->regStartRowid==0
+ && (pFunc->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_MINMAX)
+ && (pWin->eStart!=TK_UNBOUNDED)
int addrIsNull = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_IsNull, regArg);
@@ -146223,34 +146814,24 @@ static void windowAggStep(
sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrIsNull);
}else if( pWin->regApp ){
- assert( pWin->pFunc->zName==nth_valueName
- || pWin->pFunc->zName==first_valueName
+ assert( pFunc->zName==nth_valueName
+ || pFunc->zName==first_valueName
assert( bInverse==0 || bInverse==1 );
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_AddImm, pWin->regApp+1-bInverse, 1);
- }else if( pWin->pFunc->zName==leadName
- || pWin->pFunc->zName==lagName
- ){
- /* no-op */
- }else{
+ }else if( pFunc->xSFunc!=noopStepFunc ){
int addrIf = 0;
if( pWin->pFilter ){
int regTmp;
assert( nArg==0 || nArg==pWin->pOwner->x.pList->nExpr );
assert( nArg || pWin->pOwner->x.pList==0 );
- if( csr>0 ){
- regTmp = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, csr, pWin->iArgCol+nArg,regTmp);
- }else{
- regTmp = regArg + nArg;
- }
+ regTmp = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, csr, pWin->iArgCol+nArg,regTmp);
addrIf = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IfNot, regTmp, 0, 1);
- if( csr>0 ){
- sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, regTmp);
- }
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, regTmp);
- if( pWin->pFunc->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_NEEDCOLL ){
+ if( pFunc->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_NEEDCOLL ){
CollSeq *pColl;
assert( nArg>0 );
pColl = sqlite3ExprNNCollSeq(pParse, pWin->pOwner->x.pList->a[0].pExpr);
@@ -146258,45 +146839,96 @@ static void windowAggStep(
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, bInverse? OP_AggInverse : OP_AggStep,
bInverse, regArg, pWin->regAccum);
- sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, pWin->pFunc, P4_FUNCDEF);
+ sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, pFunc, P4_FUNCDEF);
sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, (u8)nArg);
if( addrIf ) sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrIf);
+typedef struct WindowCodeArg WindowCodeArg;
+typedef struct WindowCsrAndReg WindowCsrAndReg;
+struct WindowCsrAndReg {
+ int csr;
+ int reg;
+struct WindowCodeArg {
+ Parse *pParse;
+ Window *pMWin;
+ Vdbe *pVdbe;
+ int regGosub;
+ int addrGosub;
+ int regArg;
+ int eDelete;
+ WindowCsrAndReg start;
+ WindowCsrAndReg current;
+ WindowCsrAndReg end;
+** Values that may be passed as the second argument to windowCodeOp().
+** Generate VM code to read the window frames peer values from cursor csr into
+** an array of registers starting at reg.
+static void windowReadPeerValues(
+ WindowCodeArg *p,
+ int csr,
+ int reg
+ Window *pMWin = p->pMWin;
+ ExprList *pOrderBy = pMWin->pOrderBy;
+ if( pOrderBy ){
+ Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(p->pParse);
+ ExprList *pPart = pMWin->pPartition;
+ int iColOff = pMWin->nBufferCol + (pPart ? pPart->nExpr : 0);
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<pOrderBy->nExpr; i++){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, csr, iColOff+i, reg+i);
+ }
+ }
-** Generate VM code to invoke either xValue() (bFinal==0) or xFinalize()
-** (bFinal==1) for each window function in the linked list starting at
+** Generate VM code to invoke either xValue() (bFin==0) or xFinalize()
+** (bFin==1) for each window function in the linked list starting at
** pMWin. Or, for built-in window-functions that do not use the standard
** API, generate the equivalent VM code.
-static void windowAggFinal(Parse *pParse, Window *pMWin, int bFinal){
+static void windowAggFinal(WindowCodeArg *p, int bFin){
+ Parse *pParse = p->pParse;
+ Window *pMWin = p->pMWin;
Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
Window *pWin;
for(pWin=pMWin; pWin; pWin=pWin->pNextWin){
- if( (pWin->pFunc->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_MINMAX)
- && pWin->eStart!=TK_UNBOUNDED
+ if( pMWin->regStartRowid==0
+ && (pWin->pFunc->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_MINMAX)
+ && (pWin->eStart!=TK_UNBOUNDED)
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, pWin->regResult);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Last, pWin->csrApp);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, pWin->csrApp, 0, pWin->regResult);
sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)-2);
- if( bFinal ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_ResetSorter, pWin->csrApp);
- }
}else if( pWin->regApp ){
+ assert( pMWin->regStartRowid==0 );
- if( bFinal ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_AggFinal, pWin->regAccum, windowArgCount(pWin));
+ int nArg = windowArgCount(pWin);
+ if( bFin ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_AggFinal, pWin->regAccum, nArg);
sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, pWin->pFunc, P4_FUNCDEF);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Copy, pWin->regAccum, pWin->regResult);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, pWin->regAccum);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_AggValue, pWin->regAccum, windowArgCount(pWin),
- pWin->regResult);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_AggValue,pWin->regAccum,nArg,pWin->regResult);
sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, pWin->pFunc, P4_FUNCDEF);
@@ -146304,66 +146936,97 @@ static void windowAggFinal(Parse *pParse, Window *pMWin, int bFinal){
-** This function generates VM code to invoke the sub-routine at address
-** lblFlushPart once for each partition with the entire partition cached in
-** the Window.iEphCsr temp table.
+** Generate code to calculate the current values of all window functions in the
+** p->pMWin list by doing a full scan of the current window frame. Store the
+** results in the Window.regResult registers, ready to return the upper
+** layer.
-static void windowPartitionCache(
- Parse *pParse,
- Select *p, /* The rewritten SELECT statement */
- WhereInfo *pWInfo, /* WhereInfo to call WhereEnd() on */
- int regFlushPart, /* Register to use with Gosub lblFlushPart */
- int lblFlushPart, /* Subroutine to Gosub to */
- int *pRegSize /* OUT: Register containing partition size */
- Window *pMWin = p->pWin;
- Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
- int iSubCsr = p->pSrc->a[0].iCursor;
- int nSub = p->pSrc->a[0].pTab->nCol;
- int k;
+static void windowFullScan(WindowCodeArg *p){
+ Window *pWin;
+ Parse *pParse = p->pParse;
+ Window *pMWin = p->pMWin;
+ Vdbe *v = p->pVdbe;
- int reg = pParse->nMem+1;
- int regRecord = reg+nSub;
- int regRowid = regRecord+1;
+ int regCRowid = 0; /* Current rowid value */
+ int regCPeer = 0; /* Current peer values */
+ int regRowid = 0; /* AggStep rowid value */
+ int regPeer = 0; /* AggStep peer values */
- *pRegSize = regRowid;
- pParse->nMem += nSub + 2;
+ int nPeer;
+ int lblNext;
+ int lblBrk;
+ int addrNext;
+ int csr = pMWin->csrApp;
- /* Load the column values for the row returned by the sub-select
- ** into an array of registers starting at reg. */
- for(k=0; k<nSub; k++){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iSubCsr, k, reg+k);
+ nPeer = (pMWin->pOrderBy ? pMWin->pOrderBy->nExpr : 0);
+ lblNext = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
+ lblBrk = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
+ regCRowid = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
+ regRowid = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
+ if( nPeer ){
+ regCPeer = sqlite3GetTempRange(pParse, nPeer);
+ regPeer = sqlite3GetTempRange(pParse, nPeer);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, reg, nSub, regRecord);
- /* Check if this is the start of a new partition. If so, call the
- ** flush_partition sub-routine. */
- if( pMWin->pPartition ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rowid, pMWin->iEphCsr, regCRowid);
+ windowReadPeerValues(p, pMWin->iEphCsr, regCPeer);
+ for(pWin=pMWin; pWin; pWin=pWin->pNextWin){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, pWin->regAccum);
+ }
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_SeekGE, csr, lblBrk, pMWin->regStartRowid);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ addrNext = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rowid, csr, regRowid);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Gt, pMWin->regEndRowid, lblBrk, regRowid);
+ VdbeCoverageNeverNull(v);
+ if( pMWin->eExclude==TK_CURRENT ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Eq, regCRowid, lblNext, regRowid);
+ VdbeCoverageNeverNull(v);
+ }else if( pMWin->eExclude!=TK_NO ){
int addr;
- ExprList *pPart = pMWin->pPartition;
- int nPart = pPart->nExpr;
- int regNewPart = reg + pMWin->nBufferCol;
- KeyInfo *pKeyInfo = sqlite3KeyInfoFromExprList(pParse, pPart, 0, 0);
+ int addrEq = 0;
+ KeyInfo *pKeyInfo = 0;
- addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Compare, regNewPart, pMWin->regPart,nPart);
- sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, (void*)pKeyInfo, P4_KEYINFO);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Jump, addr+2, addr+4, addr+2);
- VdbeCoverageEqNe(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Copy, regNewPart, pMWin->regPart, nPart-1);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Gosub, regFlushPart, lblFlushPart);
- VdbeComment((v, "call flush_partition"));
+ if( pMWin->pOrderBy ){
+ pKeyInfo = sqlite3KeyInfoFromExprList(pParse, pMWin->pOrderBy, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if( pMWin->eExclude==TK_TIES ){
+ addrEq = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Eq, regCRowid, 0, regRowid);
+ VdbeCoverageNeverNull(v);
+ }
+ if( pKeyInfo ){
+ windowReadPeerValues(p, csr, regPeer);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Compare, regPeer, regCPeer, nPeer);
+ sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, (void*)pKeyInfo, P4_KEYINFO);
+ addr = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+1;
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Jump, addr, lblNext, addr);
+ VdbeCoverageEqNe(v);
+ }else{
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, lblNext);
+ }
+ if( addrEq ) sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrEq);
- /* Buffer the current row in the ephemeral table. */
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_NewRowid, pMWin->iEphCsr, regRowid);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Insert, pMWin->iEphCsr, regRecord, regRowid);
+ windowAggStep(pParse, pMWin, csr, 0, p->regArg);
- /* End of the input loop */
- sqlite3WhereEnd(pWInfo);
+ sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lblNext);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, csr, addrNext);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrNext-1);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrNext+1);
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, regRowid);
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, regCRowid);
+ if( nPeer ){
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, regPeer, nPeer);
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, regCPeer, nPeer);
+ }
- /* Invoke "flush_partition" to deal with the final (or only) partition */
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Gosub, regFlushPart, lblFlushPart);
- VdbeComment((v, "call flush_partition"));
+ windowAggFinal(p, 1);
@@ -146379,110 +147042,74 @@ static void windowPartitionCache(
** lag()
** lead()
-static void windowReturnOneRow(
- Parse *pParse,
- Window *pMWin,
- int regGosub,
- int addrGosub
- Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
- Window *pWin;
- for(pWin=pMWin; pWin; pWin=pWin->pNextWin){
- FuncDef *pFunc = pWin->pFunc;
- if( pFunc->zName==nth_valueName
- || pFunc->zName==first_valueName
- ){
- int csr = pWin->csrApp;
- int lbl = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
- int tmpReg = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, pWin->regResult);
+static void windowReturnOneRow(WindowCodeArg *p){
+ Window *pMWin = p->pMWin;
+ Vdbe *v = p->pVdbe;
- if( pFunc->zName==nth_valueName ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, pMWin->iEphCsr, pWin->iArgCol+1,tmpReg);
- windowCheckIntValue(pParse, tmpReg, 2);
- }else{
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 1, tmpReg);
- }
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Add, tmpReg, pWin->regApp, tmpReg);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Gt, pWin->regApp+1, lbl, tmpReg);
- VdbeCoverageNeverNull(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_SeekRowid, csr, 0, tmpReg);
- VdbeCoverageNeverTaken(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, csr, pWin->iArgCol, pWin->regResult);
- sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lbl);
- sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, tmpReg);
- }
- else if( pFunc->zName==leadName || pFunc->zName==lagName ){
- int nArg = pWin->pOwner->x.pList->nExpr;
- int iEph = pMWin->iEphCsr;
- int csr = pWin->csrApp;
- int lbl = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
- int tmpReg = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
- if( nArg<3 ){
+ if( pMWin->regStartRowid ){
+ windowFullScan(p);
+ }else{
+ Parse *pParse = p->pParse;
+ Window *pWin;
+ for(pWin=pMWin; pWin; pWin=pWin->pNextWin){
+ FuncDef *pFunc = pWin->pFunc;
+ if( pFunc->zName==nth_valueName
+ || pFunc->zName==first_valueName
+ ){
+ int csr = pWin->csrApp;
+ int lbl = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
+ int tmpReg = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, pWin->regResult);
- }else{
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iEph, pWin->iArgCol+2, pWin->regResult);
- }
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rowid, iEph, tmpReg);
- if( nArg<2 ){
- int val = (pFunc->zName==leadName ? 1 : -1);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_AddImm, tmpReg, val);
- }else{
- int op = (pFunc->zName==leadName ? OP_Add : OP_Subtract);
- int tmpReg2 = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iEph, pWin->iArgCol+1, tmpReg2);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, op, tmpReg2, tmpReg, tmpReg);
- sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, tmpReg2);
+ if( pFunc->zName==nth_valueName ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column,pMWin->iEphCsr,pWin->iArgCol+1,tmpReg);
+ windowCheckValue(pParse, tmpReg, 2);
+ }else{
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 1, tmpReg);
+ }
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Add, tmpReg, pWin->regApp, tmpReg);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Gt, pWin->regApp+1, lbl, tmpReg);
+ VdbeCoverageNeverNull(v);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_SeekRowid, csr, 0, tmpReg);
+ VdbeCoverageNeverTaken(v);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, csr, pWin->iArgCol, pWin->regResult);
+ sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lbl);
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, tmpReg);
+ }
+ else if( pFunc->zName==leadName || pFunc->zName==lagName ){
+ int nArg = pWin->pOwner->x.pList->nExpr;
+ int csr = pWin->csrApp;
+ int lbl = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
+ int tmpReg = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
+ int iEph = pMWin->iEphCsr;
+ if( nArg<3 ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, pWin->regResult);
+ }else{
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iEph,pWin->iArgCol+2,pWin->regResult);
+ }
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rowid, iEph, tmpReg);
+ if( nArg<2 ){
+ int val = (pFunc->zName==leadName ? 1 : -1);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_AddImm, tmpReg, val);
+ }else{
+ int op = (pFunc->zName==leadName ? OP_Add : OP_Subtract);
+ int tmpReg2 = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iEph, pWin->iArgCol+1, tmpReg2);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, op, tmpReg2, tmpReg, tmpReg);
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, tmpReg2);
+ }
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_SeekRowid, csr, lbl, tmpReg);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, csr, pWin->iArgCol, pWin->regResult);
+ sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lbl);
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, tmpReg);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_SeekRowid, csr, lbl, tmpReg);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, csr, pWin->iArgCol, pWin->regResult);
- sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lbl);
- sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, tmpReg);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Gosub, regGosub, addrGosub);
-** Invoke the code generated by windowReturnOneRow() and, optionally, the
-** xInverse() function for each window function, for one or more rows
-** from the Window.iEphCsr temp table. This routine generates VM code
-** similar to:
-** while( regCtr>0 ){
-** regCtr--;
-** windowReturnOneRow()
-** if( bInverse ){
-** AggInverse
-** }
-** Next (Window.iEphCsr)
-** }
-static void windowReturnRows(
- Parse *pParse,
- Window *pMWin, /* List of window functions */
- int regCtr, /* Register containing number of rows */
- int regGosub, /* Register for Gosub addrGosub */
- int addrGosub, /* Address of sub-routine for ReturnOneRow */
- int regInvArg, /* Array of registers for xInverse args */
- int regInvSize /* Register containing size of partition */
- int addr;
- Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
- windowAggFinal(pParse, pMWin, 0);
- addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IfPos, regCtr, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2 ,1);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, 0);
- windowReturnOneRow(pParse, pMWin, regGosub, addrGosub);
- if( regInvArg ){
- windowAggStep(pParse, pMWin, pMWin->iEphCsr, 1, regInvArg, regInvSize);
- }
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, pMWin->iEphCsr, addr);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr+1); /* The OP_Goto */
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Gosub, p->regGosub, p->addrGosub);
@@ -146500,17 +147127,17 @@ static int windowInitAccum(Parse *pParse, Window *pMWin){
FuncDef *pFunc = pWin->pFunc;
sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, pWin->regAccum);
nArg = MAX(nArg, windowArgCount(pWin));
- if( pFunc->zName==nth_valueName
- || pFunc->zName==first_valueName
- ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, pWin->regApp);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, pWin->regApp+1);
- }
+ if( pMWin->regStartRowid==0 ){
+ if( pFunc->zName==nth_valueName || pFunc->zName==first_valueName ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, pWin->regApp);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, pWin->regApp+1);
+ }
- if( (pFunc->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_MINMAX) && pWin->csrApp ){
- assert( pWin->eStart!=TK_UNBOUNDED );
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_ResetSorter, pWin->csrApp);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, pWin->regApp+1);
+ if( (pFunc->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_MINMAX) && pWin->csrApp ){
+ assert( pWin->eStart!=TK_UNBOUNDED );
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_ResetSorter, pWin->csrApp);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, pWin->regApp+1);
+ }
regArg = pParse->nMem+1;
@@ -146518,672 +147145,248 @@ static int windowInitAccum(Parse *pParse, Window *pMWin){
return regArg;
+** Return true if the current frame should be cached in the ephemeral table,
+** even if there are no xInverse() calls required.
+static int windowCacheFrame(Window *pMWin){
+ Window *pWin;
+ if( pMWin->regStartRowid ) return 1;
+ for(pWin=pMWin; pWin; pWin=pWin->pNextWin){
+ FuncDef *pFunc = pWin->pFunc;
+ if( (pFunc->zName==nth_valueName)
+ || (pFunc->zName==first_valueName)
+ || (pFunc->zName==leadName)
+ || (pFunc->zName==lagName)
+ ){
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
-** This function does the work of sqlite3WindowCodeStep() for all "ROWS"
-** window frame types except for "BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT
-** ROW". Pseudo-code for each follows.
-** ...
-** if( new partition ){
-** Gosub flush_partition
-** }
-** Insert (record in eph-table)
-** sqlite3WhereEnd()
-** Gosub flush_partition
-** flush_partition:
-** Once {
-** OpenDup (iEphCsr -> csrStart)
-** OpenDup (iEphCsr -> csrEnd)
-** }
-** regStart = <expr1> // PRECEDING expression
-** regEnd = <expr2> // FOLLOWING expression
-** if( regStart<0 || regEnd<0 ){ error! }
-** Rewind (csr,csrStart,csrEnd) // if EOF goto flush_partition_done
-** Next(csrEnd) // if EOF skip Aggstep
-** Aggstep (csrEnd)
-** if( (regEnd--)<=0 ){
-** AggFinal (xValue)
-** Gosub addrGosub
-** Next(csr) // if EOF goto flush_partition_done
-** if( (regStart--)<=0 ){
-** AggInverse (csrStart)
-** Next(csrStart)
-** }
-** }
-** flush_partition_done:
-** ResetSorter (csr)
-** Return
-** These are similar to the above. For "CURRENT ROW", intialize the
-** register to 0. For "UNBOUNDED PRECEDING" to infinity.
-** Rewind (csr,csrStart,csrEnd) // if EOF goto flush_partition_done
-** while( 1 ){
-** Next(csrEnd) // Exit while(1) at EOF
-** Aggstep (csrEnd)
-** }
-** while( 1 ){
-** AggFinal (xValue)
-** Gosub addrGosub
-** Next(csr) // if EOF goto flush_partition_done
-** if( (regStart--)<=0 ){
-** AggInverse (csrStart)
-** Next(csrStart)
-** }
-** }
-** For the "CURRENT ROW AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING" case, the final if()
-** condition is always true (as if regStart were initialized to 0).
-** This is the only RANGE case handled by this routine. It modifies the
-** second while( 1 ) loop in "ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ... UNBOUNDED..." to
-** be:
-** while( 1 ){
-** AggFinal (xValue)
-** while( 1 ){
-** regPeer++
-** Gosub addrGosub
-** Next(csr) // if EOF goto flush_partition_done
-** if( new peer ) break;
-** }
-** while( (regPeer--)>0 ){
-** AggInverse (csrStart)
-** Next(csrStart)
-** }
-** }
-** regEnd = regEnd - regStart
-** Rewind (csr,csrStart,csrEnd) // if EOF goto flush_partition_done
-** Aggstep (csrEnd)
-** Next(csrEnd) // if EOF fall-through
-** if( (regEnd--)<=0 ){
-** if( (regStart--)<=0 ){
-** AggFinal (xValue)
-** Gosub addrGosub
-** Next(csr) // if EOF goto flush_partition_done
-** }
-** AggInverse (csrStart)
-** Next (csrStart)
-** }
-** Replace the bit after "Rewind" in the above with:
-** if( (regEnd--)<=0 ){
-** AggStep (csrEnd)
-** Next (csrEnd)
-** }
-** AggFinal (xValue)
-** Gosub addrGosub
-** Next(csr) // if EOF goto flush_partition_done
-** if( (regStart--)<=0 ){
-** AggInverse (csr2)
-** Next (csr2)
-** }
+** regOld and regNew are each the first register in an array of size
+** pOrderBy->nExpr. This function generates code to compare the two
+** arrays of registers using the collation sequences and other comparison
+** parameters specified by pOrderBy.
+** If the two arrays are not equal, the contents of regNew is copied to
+** regOld and control falls through. Otherwise, if the contents of the arrays
+** are equal, an OP_Goto is executed. The address of the OP_Goto is returned.
-static void windowCodeRowExprStep(
- Parse *pParse,
- Select *p,
- WhereInfo *pWInfo,
- int regGosub,
- int addrGosub
+static void windowIfNewPeer(
+ Parse *pParse,
+ ExprList *pOrderBy,
+ int regNew, /* First in array of new values */
+ int regOld, /* First in array of old values */
+ int addr /* Jump here */
- Window *pMWin = p->pWin;
Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
- int regFlushPart; /* Register for "Gosub flush_partition" */
- int lblFlushPart; /* Label for "Gosub flush_partition" */
- int lblFlushDone; /* Label for "Gosub flush_partition_done" */
- int regArg;
- int addr;
- int csrStart = pParse->nTab++;
- int csrEnd = pParse->nTab++;
- int regStart; /* Value of <expr> PRECEDING */
- int regEnd; /* Value of <expr> FOLLOWING */
- int addrGoto;
- int addrTop;
- int addrIfPos1 = 0;
- int addrIfPos2 = 0;
- int regSize = 0;
- assert( pMWin->eStart==TK_PRECEDING
- || pMWin->eStart==TK_CURRENT
- || pMWin->eStart==TK_FOLLOWING
- || pMWin->eStart==TK_UNBOUNDED
- );
- assert( pMWin->eEnd==TK_FOLLOWING
- || pMWin->eEnd==TK_CURRENT
- || pMWin->eEnd==TK_UNBOUNDED
- || pMWin->eEnd==TK_PRECEDING
- );
- /* Allocate register and label for the "flush_partition" sub-routine. */
- regFlushPart = ++pParse->nMem;
- lblFlushPart = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
- lblFlushDone = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
- regStart = ++pParse->nMem;
- regEnd = ++pParse->nMem;
- windowPartitionCache(pParse, p, pWInfo, regFlushPart, lblFlushPart, &regSize);
- addrGoto = sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(v, OP_Goto);
- /* Start of "flush_partition" */
- sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lblFlushPart);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Once, 0, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+3);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- VdbeComment((v, "Flush_partition subroutine"));
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, csrStart, pMWin->iEphCsr);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, csrEnd, pMWin->iEphCsr);
- /* If either regStart or regEnd are not non-negative integers, throw
- ** an exception. */
- if( pMWin->pStart ){
- sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pMWin->pStart, regStart);
- windowCheckIntValue(pParse, regStart, 0);
- }
- if( pMWin->pEnd ){
- sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pMWin->pEnd, regEnd);
- windowCheckIntValue(pParse, regEnd, 1);
- }
- /* If this is "ROWS <expr1> FOLLOWING AND ROWS <expr2> FOLLOWING", do:
- **
- ** if( regEnd<regStart ){
- ** // The frame always consists of 0 rows
- ** regStart = regSize;
- ** }
- ** regEnd = regEnd - regStart;
- */
- if( pMWin->pEnd && pMWin->eStart==TK_FOLLOWING ){
- assert( pMWin->pStart!=0 );
- assert( pMWin->eEnd==TK_FOLLOWING );
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Ge, regStart, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2, regEnd);
- VdbeCoverageNeverNull(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Copy, regSize, regStart);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Subtract, regStart, regEnd, regEnd);
- }
- if( pMWin->pStart && pMWin->eEnd==TK_PRECEDING ){
- assert( pMWin->pEnd!=0 );
- assert( pMWin->eStart==TK_PRECEDING );
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Le, regStart, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+3, regEnd);
- VdbeCoverageNeverNull(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Copy, regSize, regStart);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Copy, regSize, regEnd);
- }
- /* Initialize the accumulator register for each window function to NULL */
- regArg = windowInitAccum(pParse, pMWin);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, pMWin->iEphCsr, lblFlushDone);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, csrStart, lblFlushDone);
- VdbeCoverageNeverTaken(v);
- sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, 1);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, csrEnd, lblFlushDone);
- VdbeCoverageNeverTaken(v);
- sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, 1);
- /* Invoke AggStep function for each window function using the row that
- ** csrEnd currently points to. Or, if csrEnd is already at EOF,
- ** do nothing. */
- addrTop = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
- if( pMWin->eEnd==TK_PRECEDING ){
- addrIfPos1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IfPos, regEnd, 0 , 1);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- }
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, csrEnd, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(v, OP_Goto);
- windowAggStep(pParse, pMWin, csrEnd, 0, regArg, regSize);
- if( pMWin->eEnd==TK_UNBOUNDED ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, addrTop);
- sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr);
- addrTop = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+ if( pOrderBy ){
+ int nVal = pOrderBy->nExpr;
+ KeyInfo *pKeyInfo = sqlite3KeyInfoFromExprList(pParse, pOrderBy, 0, 0);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Compare, regOld, regNew, nVal);
+ sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, (void*)pKeyInfo, P4_KEYINFO);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Jump,
+ sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+1, addr, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+1
+ );
+ VdbeCoverageEqNe(v);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Copy, regNew, regOld, nVal-1);
- sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr);
- if( pMWin->eEnd==TK_PRECEDING ){
- sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrIfPos1);
- }
- }
- if( pMWin->eEnd==TK_FOLLOWING ){
- addrIfPos1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IfPos, regEnd, 0 , 1);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- }
- if( pMWin->eStart==TK_FOLLOWING ){
- addrIfPos2 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IfPos, regStart, 0 , 1);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- }
- windowAggFinal(pParse, pMWin, 0);
- windowReturnOneRow(pParse, pMWin, regGosub, addrGosub);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, pMWin->iEphCsr, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, lblFlushDone);
- if( pMWin->eStart==TK_FOLLOWING ){
- sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrIfPos2);
- }
- if( pMWin->eStart==TK_CURRENT
- || pMWin->eStart==TK_PRECEDING
- || pMWin->eStart==TK_FOLLOWING
- ){
- int lblSkipInverse = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);;
- if( pMWin->eStart==TK_PRECEDING ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IfPos, regStart, lblSkipInverse, 1);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- }
- if( pMWin->eStart==TK_FOLLOWING ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, csrStart, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, lblSkipInverse);
- }else{
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, csrStart, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+1);
- VdbeCoverageAlwaysTaken(v);
- }
- windowAggStep(pParse, pMWin, csrStart, 1, regArg, regSize);
- sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lblSkipInverse);
- }
- if( pMWin->eEnd==TK_FOLLOWING ){
- sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrIfPos1);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, addr);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, addrTop);
- /* flush_partition_done: */
- sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lblFlushDone);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_ResetSorter, pMWin->iEphCsr);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Return, regFlushPart);
- VdbeComment((v, "end flush_partition subroutine"));
- /* Jump to here to skip over flush_partition */
- sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrGoto);
-** This function does the work of sqlite3WindowCodeStep() for cases that
-** would normally be handled by windowCodeDefaultStep() when there are
-** one or more built-in window-functions that require the entire partition
-** to be cached in a temp table before any rows can be returned. Additionally.
-** this function.
-** Pseudo-code corresponding to the VM code generated by this function
-** for each type of window follows.
-** flush_partition:
-** Once {
-** OpenDup (iEphCsr -> csrLead)
-** }
-** Integer ctr 0
-** foreach row (csrLead){
-** if( new peer ){
-** AggFinal (xValue)
-** for(i=0; i<ctr; i++){
-** Gosub addrGosub
-** Next iEphCsr
-** }
-** Integer ctr 0
-** }
-** AggStep (csrLead)
-** Incr ctr
-** }
+** This function is called as part of generating VM programs for RANGE
+** offset PRECEDING/FOLLOWING frame boundaries. Assuming "ASC" order for
+** the ORDER BY term in the window, it generates code equivalent to:
-** AggFinal (xFinalize)
-** for(i=0; i<ctr; i++){
-** Gosub addrGosub
-** Next iEphCsr
-** }
-** ResetSorter (csr)
-** Return
-** As above, except that the "if( new peer )" branch is always taken.
+** if( csr1.peerVal + regVal >= csr2.peerVal ) goto lbl;
-** As above, except that each of the for() loops becomes:
-** for(i=0; i<ctr; i++){
-** Gosub addrGosub
-** AggInverse (iEphCsr)
-** Next iEphCsr
-** }
-** flush_partition:
-** Once {
-** OpenDup (iEphCsr -> csrLead)
-** }
-** foreach row (csrLead) {
-** AggStep (csrLead)
-** }
-** foreach row (iEphCsr) {
-** Gosub addrGosub
-** }
-** flush_partition:
-** Once {
-** OpenDup (iEphCsr -> csrLead)
-** }
-** foreach row (csrLead){
-** AggStep (csrLead)
-** }
-** Rewind (csrLead)
-** Integer ctr 0
-** foreach row (csrLead){
-** if( new peer ){
-** AggFinal (xValue)
-** for(i=0; i<ctr; i++){
-** Gosub addrGosub
-** AggInverse (iEphCsr)
-** Next iEphCsr
-** }
-** Integer ctr 0
-** }
-** Incr ctr
-** }
-** AggFinal (xFinalize)
-** for(i=0; i<ctr; i++){
-** Gosub addrGosub
-** Next iEphCsr
-** }
-** ResetSorter (csr)
-** Return
+** A special type of arithmetic is used such that if csr.peerVal is not
+** a numeric type (real or integer), then the result of the addition is
+** a copy of csr1.peerVal.
-static void windowCodeCacheStep(
- Parse *pParse,
- Select *p,
- WhereInfo *pWInfo,
- int regGosub,
- int addrGosub
+static void windowCodeRangeTest(
+ WindowCodeArg *p,
+ int op, /* OP_Ge or OP_Gt */
+ int csr1,
+ int regVal,
+ int csr2,
+ int lbl
- Window *pMWin = p->pWin;
+ Parse *pParse = p->pParse;
Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
- int k;
- int addr;
- ExprList *pPart = pMWin->pPartition;
- ExprList *pOrderBy = pMWin->pOrderBy;
- int nPeer = pOrderBy ? pOrderBy->nExpr : 0;
- int regNewPeer;
- int addrGoto; /* Address of Goto used to jump flush_par.. */
- int addrNext; /* Jump here for next iteration of loop */
- int regFlushPart;
- int lblFlushPart;
- int csrLead;
- int regCtr;
- int regArg; /* Register array to martial function args */
- int regSize;
- int lblEmpty;
- int bReverse = pMWin->pOrderBy && pMWin->eStart==TK_CURRENT
- && pMWin->eEnd==TK_UNBOUNDED;
- assert( (pMWin->eStart==TK_UNBOUNDED && pMWin->eEnd==TK_CURRENT)
- || (pMWin->eStart==TK_UNBOUNDED && pMWin->eEnd==TK_UNBOUNDED)
- || (pMWin->eStart==TK_CURRENT && pMWin->eEnd==TK_CURRENT)
- || (pMWin->eStart==TK_CURRENT && pMWin->eEnd==TK_UNBOUNDED)
- );
+ int reg1 = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
+ int reg2 = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
+ int arith = OP_Add;
+ int addrGe;
- lblEmpty = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
- regNewPeer = pParse->nMem+1;
- pParse->nMem += nPeer;
+ int regString = ++pParse->nMem;
- /* Allocate register and label for the "flush_partition" sub-routine. */
- regFlushPart = ++pParse->nMem;
- lblFlushPart = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
- csrLead = pParse->nTab++;
- regCtr = ++pParse->nMem;
- windowPartitionCache(pParse, p, pWInfo, regFlushPart, lblFlushPart, &regSize);
- addrGoto = sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(v, OP_Goto);
- /* Start of "flush_partition" */
- sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lblFlushPart);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Once, 0, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenDup, csrLead, pMWin->iEphCsr);
- /* Initialize the accumulator register for each window function to NULL */
- regArg = windowInitAccum(pParse, pMWin);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, regCtr);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, csrLead, lblEmpty);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, pMWin->iEphCsr, lblEmpty);
- VdbeCoverageNeverTaken(v);
- if( bReverse ){
- int addr2 = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
- windowAggStep(pParse, pMWin, csrLead, 0, regArg, regSize);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, csrLead, addr2);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, csrLead, lblEmpty);
- VdbeCoverageNeverTaken(v);
- }
- addrNext = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
- if( pOrderBy && (pMWin->eEnd==TK_CURRENT || pMWin->eStart==TK_CURRENT) ){
- int bCurrent = (pMWin->eStart==TK_CURRENT);
- int addrJump = 0; /* Address of OP_Jump below */
- if( pMWin->eType==TK_RANGE ){
- int iOff = pMWin->nBufferCol + (pPart ? pPart->nExpr : 0);
- int regPeer = pMWin->regPart + (pPart ? pPart->nExpr : 0);
- KeyInfo *pKeyInfo = sqlite3KeyInfoFromExprList(pParse, pOrderBy, 0, 0);
- for(k=0; k<nPeer; k++){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, csrLead, iOff+k, regNewPeer+k);
- }
- addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Compare, regNewPeer, regPeer, nPeer);
- sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, (void*)pKeyInfo, P4_KEYINFO);
- addrJump = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Jump, addr+2, 0, addr+2);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Copy, regNewPeer, regPeer, nPeer-1);
+ assert( op==OP_Ge || op==OP_Gt || op==OP_Le );
+ assert( p->pMWin->pOrderBy && p->pMWin->pOrderBy->nExpr==1 );
+ if( p->pMWin->pOrderBy->a[0].sortOrder ){
+ switch( op ){
+ case OP_Ge: op = OP_Le; break;
+ case OP_Gt: op = OP_Lt; break;
+ default: assert( op==OP_Le ); op = OP_Ge; break;
- windowReturnRows(pParse, pMWin, regCtr, regGosub, addrGosub,
- (bCurrent ? regArg : 0), (bCurrent ? regSize : 0)
- );
- if( addrJump ) sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrJump);
+ arith = OP_Subtract;
- if( bReverse==0 ){
- windowAggStep(pParse, pMWin, csrLead, 0, regArg, regSize);
- }
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_AddImm, regCtr, 1);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, csrLead, addrNext);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- windowReturnRows(pParse, pMWin, regCtr, regGosub, addrGosub, 0, 0);
+ windowReadPeerValues(p, csr1, reg1);
+ windowReadPeerValues(p, csr2, reg2);
- sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lblEmpty);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_ResetSorter, pMWin->iEphCsr);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Return, regFlushPart);
+ /* Check if the peer value for csr1 value is a text or blob by comparing
+ ** it to the smallest possible string - ''. If it is, jump over the
+ ** OP_Add or OP_Subtract operation and proceed directly to the comparison. */
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_String8, 0, regString, 0, "", P4_STATIC);
+ addrGe = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Ge, regString, 0, reg1);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, arith, regVal, reg1, reg1);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrGe);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, op, reg2, lbl, reg1); VdbeCoverage(v);
+ sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, SQLITE_NULLEQ);
+ assert( op==OP_Ge || op==OP_Gt || op==OP_Lt || op==OP_Le );
+ testcase(op==OP_Ge); VdbeCoverageIf(v, op==OP_Ge);
+ testcase(op==OP_Lt); VdbeCoverageIf(v, op==OP_Lt);
+ testcase(op==OP_Le); VdbeCoverageIf(v, op==OP_Le);
+ testcase(op==OP_Gt); VdbeCoverageIf(v, op==OP_Gt);
- /* Jump to here to skip over flush_partition */
- sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrGoto);
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, reg1);
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, reg2);
-** ...
-** if( new partition ){
-** AggFinal (xFinalize)
-** Gosub addrGosub
-** ResetSorter eph-table
-** }
-** else if( new peer ){
-** AggFinal (xValue)
-** Gosub addrGosub
-** ResetSorter eph-table
-** }
-** AggStep
-** Insert (record into eph-table)
-** sqlite3WhereEnd()
-** AggFinal (xFinalize)
-** Gosub addrGosub
-** As above, except take no action for a "new peer". Invoke
-** the sub-routine once only for each partition.
-** As above, except that the "new peer" condition is handled in the
-** same way as "new partition" (so there is no "else if" block).
-** As above, except assume every row is a "new peer".
+** Helper function for sqlite3WindowCodeStep(). Each call to this function
+** generates VM code for a single RETURN_ROW, AGGSTEP or AGGINVERSE
+** operation. Refer to the header comment for sqlite3WindowCodeStep() for
+** details.
-static void windowCodeDefaultStep(
- Parse *pParse,
- Select *p,
- WhereInfo *pWInfo,
- int regGosub,
- int addrGosub
+static int windowCodeOp(
+ WindowCodeArg *p, /* Context object */
+ int regCountdown, /* Register for OP_IfPos countdown */
+ int jumpOnEof /* Jump here if stepped cursor reaches EOF */
- Window *pMWin = p->pWin;
- Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
- int k;
- int iSubCsr = p->pSrc->a[0].iCursor;
- int nSub = p->pSrc->a[0].pTab->nCol;
- int reg = pParse->nMem+1;
- int regRecord = reg+nSub;
- int regRowid = regRecord+1;
- int addr;
- ExprList *pPart = pMWin->pPartition;
- ExprList *pOrderBy = pMWin->pOrderBy;
- assert( pMWin->eType==TK_RANGE
- || (pMWin->eStart==TK_UNBOUNDED && pMWin->eEnd==TK_CURRENT)
- );
- assert( (pMWin->eStart==TK_UNBOUNDED && pMWin->eEnd==TK_CURRENT)
- || (pMWin->eStart==TK_UNBOUNDED && pMWin->eEnd==TK_UNBOUNDED)
- || (pMWin->eStart==TK_CURRENT && pMWin->eEnd==TK_CURRENT)
- || (pMWin->eStart==TK_CURRENT && pMWin->eEnd==TK_UNBOUNDED && !pOrderBy)
- );
- if( pMWin->eEnd==TK_UNBOUNDED ){
- pOrderBy = 0;
- }
- pParse->nMem += nSub + 2;
- /* Load the individual column values of the row returned by
- ** the sub-select into an array of registers. */
- for(k=0; k<nSub; k++){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iSubCsr, k, reg+k);
+ int csr, reg;
+ Parse *pParse = p->pParse;
+ Window *pMWin = p->pMWin;
+ int ret = 0;
+ Vdbe *v = p->pVdbe;
+ int addrIf = 0;
+ int addrContinue = 0;
+ int addrGoto = 0;
+ int bPeer = (pMWin->eFrmType!=TK_ROWS);
+ int lblDone = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
+ int addrNextRange = 0;
+ /* Special case - WINDOW_AGGINVERSE is always a no-op if the frame
+ ** starts with UNBOUNDED PRECEDING. */
+ if( op==WINDOW_AGGINVERSE && pMWin->eStart==TK_UNBOUNDED ){
+ assert( regCountdown==0 && jumpOnEof==0 );
+ return 0;
- /* Check if this is the start of a new partition or peer group. */
- if( pPart || pOrderBy ){
- int nPart = (pPart ? pPart->nExpr : 0);
- int addrGoto = 0;
- int addrJump = 0;
- int nPeer = (pOrderBy ? pOrderBy->nExpr : 0);
- if( pPart ){
- int regNewPart = reg + pMWin->nBufferCol;
- KeyInfo *pKeyInfo = sqlite3KeyInfoFromExprList(pParse, pPart, 0, 0);
- addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Compare, regNewPart, pMWin->regPart,nPart);
- sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, (void*)pKeyInfo, P4_KEYINFO);
- addrJump = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Jump, addr+2, 0, addr+2);
- VdbeCoverageEqNe(v);
- windowAggFinal(pParse, pMWin, 1);
- if( pOrderBy ){
- addrGoto = sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(v, OP_Goto);
+ if( regCountdown>0 ){
+ if( pMWin->eFrmType==TK_RANGE ){
+ addrNextRange = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+ if( pMWin->eStart==TK_FOLLOWING ){
+ windowCodeRangeTest(
+ p, OP_Le, p->current.csr, regCountdown, p->start.csr, lblDone
+ );
+ }else{
+ windowCodeRangeTest(
+ p, OP_Ge, p->start.csr, regCountdown, p->current.csr, lblDone
+ );
+ }
+ }else{
+ windowCodeRangeTest(
+ p, OP_Gt, p->end.csr, regCountdown, p->current.csr, lblDone
+ );
+ }else{
+ addrIf = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IfPos, regCountdown, 0, 1);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ }
- if( pOrderBy ){
- int regNewPeer = reg + pMWin->nBufferCol + nPart;
- int regPeer = pMWin->regPart + nPart;
+ if( op==WINDOW_RETURN_ROW && pMWin->regStartRowid==0 ){
+ windowAggFinal(p, 0);
+ }
+ addrContinue = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+ switch( op ){
+ csr = p->current.csr;
+ reg = p->current.reg;
+ windowReturnOneRow(p);
+ break;
- if( addrJump ) sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrJump);
- if( pMWin->eType==TK_RANGE ){
- KeyInfo *pKeyInfo = sqlite3KeyInfoFromExprList(pParse, pOrderBy, 0, 0);
- addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Compare, regNewPeer, regPeer, nPeer);
- sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, (void*)pKeyInfo, P4_KEYINFO);
- addrJump = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Jump, addr+2, 0, addr+2);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
+ csr = p->start.csr;
+ reg = p->start.reg;
+ if( pMWin->regStartRowid ){
+ assert( pMWin->regEndRowid );
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_AddImm, pMWin->regStartRowid, 1);
- addrJump = 0;
+ windowAggStep(pParse, pMWin, csr, 1, p->regArg);
- windowAggFinal(pParse, pMWin, pMWin->eStart==TK_CURRENT);
- if( addrGoto ) sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrGoto);
- }
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, pMWin->iEphCsr,sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+3);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Gosub, regGosub, addrGosub);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, pMWin->iEphCsr, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)-1);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_ResetSorter, pMWin->iEphCsr);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(
- v, OP_Copy, reg+pMWin->nBufferCol, pMWin->regPart, nPart+nPeer-1
- );
+ break;
- if( addrJump ) sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrJump);
+ default:
+ assert( op==WINDOW_AGGSTEP );
+ csr = p->end.csr;
+ reg = p->end.reg;
+ if( pMWin->regStartRowid ){
+ assert( pMWin->regEndRowid );
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_AddImm, pMWin->regEndRowid, 1);
+ }else{
+ windowAggStep(pParse, pMWin, csr, 0, p->regArg);
+ }
+ break;
- /* Invoke step function for window functions */
- windowAggStep(pParse, pMWin, -1, 0, reg, 0);
+ if( op==p->eDelete ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Delete, csr);
+ sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_SAVEPOSITION);
+ }
- /* Buffer the current row in the ephemeral table. */
- if( pMWin->nBufferCol>0 ){
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, reg, pMWin->nBufferCol, regRecord);
+ if( jumpOnEof ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, csr, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ ret = sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(v, OP_Goto);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Blob, 0, regRecord);
- sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, (void*)"", 0);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, csr, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+1+bPeer);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ if( bPeer ){
+ addrGoto = sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(v, OP_Goto);
+ }
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_NewRowid, pMWin->iEphCsr, regRowid);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Insert, pMWin->iEphCsr, regRecord, regRowid);
- /* End the database scan loop. */
- sqlite3WhereEnd(pWInfo);
+ if( bPeer ){
+ int nReg = (pMWin->pOrderBy ? pMWin->pOrderBy->nExpr : 0);
+ int regTmp = (nReg ? sqlite3GetTempRange(pParse, nReg) : 0);
+ windowReadPeerValues(p, csr, regTmp);
+ windowIfNewPeer(pParse, pMWin->pOrderBy, regTmp, reg, addrContinue);
+ sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, regTmp, nReg);
+ }
- windowAggFinal(pParse, pMWin, 1);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, pMWin->iEphCsr,sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+3);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Gosub, regGosub, addrGosub);
- sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, pMWin->iEphCsr, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)-1);
- VdbeCoverage(v);
+ if( addrNextRange ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, addrNextRange);
+ }
+ sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lblDone);
+ if( addrGoto ) sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrGoto);
+ if( addrIf ) sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrIf);
+ return ret;
** Allocate and return a duplicate of the Window object indicated by the
** third argument. Set the Window.pOwner field of the new object to
@@ -147199,9 +147402,10 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Window *sqlite3WindowDup(sqlite3 *db, Expr *pOwner, Window *p){
pNew->pFunc = p->pFunc;
pNew->pPartition = sqlite3ExprListDup(db, p->pPartition, 0);
pNew->pOrderBy = sqlite3ExprListDup(db, p->pOrderBy, 0);
- pNew->eType = p->eType;
+ pNew->eFrmType = p->eFrmType;
pNew->eEnd = p->eEnd;
pNew->eStart = p->eStart;
+ pNew->eExclude = p->eExclude;
pNew->pStart = sqlite3ExprDup(db, p->pStart, 0);
pNew->pEnd = sqlite3ExprDup(db, p->pEnd, 0);
pNew->pOwner = pOwner;
@@ -147229,11 +147433,359 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE Window *sqlite3WindowListDup(sqlite3 *db, Window *p){
+** Return true if it can be determined at compile time that expression
+** pExpr evaluates to a value that, when cast to an integer, is greater
+** than zero. False otherwise.
+** If an OOM error occurs, this function sets the Parse.db.mallocFailed
+** flag and returns zero.
+static int windowExprGtZero(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
+ int ret = 0;
+ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+ sqlite3_value *pVal = 0;
+ sqlite3ValueFromExpr(db, pExpr, db->enc, SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC, &pVal);
+ if( pVal && sqlite3_value_int(pVal)>0 ){
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ sqlite3ValueFree(pVal);
+ return ret;
** sqlite3WhereBegin() has already been called for the SELECT statement
** passed as the second argument when this function is invoked. It generates
-** code to populate the Window.regResult register for each window function and
-** invoke the sub-routine at instruction addrGosub once for each row.
-** This function calls sqlite3WhereEnd() before returning.
+** code to populate the Window.regResult register for each window function
+** and invoke the sub-routine at instruction addrGosub once for each row.
+** sqlite3WhereEnd() is always called before returning.
+** This function handles several different types of window frames, which
+** require slightly different processing. The following pseudo code is
+** used to implement window frames of the form:
+** Other window frame types use variants of the following:
+** ... loop started by sqlite3WhereBegin() ...
+** if( new partition ){
+** Gosub flush
+** }
+** Insert new row into eph table.
+** if( first row of partition ){
+** // Rewind three cursors, all open on the eph table.
+** Rewind(csrEnd);
+** Rewind(csrStart);
+** Rewind(csrCurrent);
+** regEnd = <expr2> // FOLLOWING expression
+** regStart = <expr1> // PRECEDING expression
+** }else{
+** // First time this branch is taken, the eph table contains two
+** // rows. The first row in the partition, which all three cursors
+** // currently point to, and the following row.
+** if( (regEnd--)<=0 ){
+** if( (regStart--)<=0 ){
+** }
+** }
+** }
+** }
+** flush:
+** while( 1 ){
+** if( csrCurrent is EOF ) break;
+** if( (regStart--)<=0 ){
+** AggInverse(csrStart)
+** Next(csrStart)
+** }
+** }
+** The pseudo-code above uses the following shorthand:
+** AGGSTEP: invoke the aggregate xStep() function for each window function
+** with arguments read from the current row of cursor csrEnd, then
+** step cursor csrEnd forward one row (i.e. sqlite3BtreeNext()).
+** RETURN_ROW: return a row to the caller based on the contents of the
+** current row of csrCurrent and the current state of all
+** aggregates. Then step cursor csrCurrent forward one row.
+** AGGINVERSE: invoke the aggregate xInverse() function for each window
+** functions with arguments read from the current row of cursor
+** csrStart. Then step csrStart forward one row.
+** There are two other ROWS window frames that are handled significantly
+** differently from the above - "BETWEEN <expr> PRECEDING AND <expr> PRECEDING"
+** and "BETWEEN <expr> FOLLOWING AND <expr> FOLLOWING". These are special
+** cases because they change the order in which the three cursors (csrStart,
+** csrCurrent and csrEnd) iterate through the ephemeral table. Cases that
+** use UNBOUNDED or CURRENT ROW are much simpler variations on one of these
+** three.
+** ... loop started by sqlite3WhereBegin() ...
+** if( new partition ){
+** Gosub flush
+** }
+** Insert new row into eph table.
+** if( first row of partition ){
+** Rewind(csrEnd) ; Rewind(csrStart) ; Rewind(csrCurrent)
+** regEnd = <expr2>
+** regStart = <expr1>
+** }else{
+** if( (regEnd--)<=0 ){
+** }
+** if( (regStart--)<=0 ){
+** }
+** }
+** }
+** flush:
+** if( (regEnd--)<=0 ){
+** }
+** ... loop started by sqlite3WhereBegin() ...
+** if( new partition ){
+** Gosub flush
+** }
+** Insert new row into eph table.
+** if( first row of partition ){
+** Rewind(csrEnd) ; Rewind(csrStart) ; Rewind(csrCurrent)
+** regEnd = <expr2>
+** regStart = regEnd - <expr1>
+** }else{
+** if( (regEnd--)<=0 ){
+** }
+** if( (regStart--)<=0 ){
+** }
+** }
+** }
+** flush:
+** while( 1 ){
+** if( (regEnd--)<=0 ){
+** if( eof ) break;
+** }
+** if( (regStart--)<=0 ){
+** if( eof ) break
+** }
+** }
+** while( !eof csrCurrent ){
+** }
+** For the most part, the patterns above are adapted to support UNBOUNDED by
+** assuming that it is equivalent to "infinity PRECEDING/FOLLOWING" and
+** CURRENT ROW by assuming that it is equivilent to "0 PRECEDING/FOLLOWING".
+** This is optimized of course - branches that will never be taken and
+** conditions that are always true are omitted from the VM code. The only
+** exceptional case is:
+** ... loop started by sqlite3WhereBegin() ...
+** if( new partition ){
+** Gosub flush
+** }
+** Insert new row into eph table.
+** if( first row of partition ){
+** Rewind(csrEnd) ; Rewind(csrStart) ; Rewind(csrCurrent)
+** regStart = <expr1>
+** }else{
+** }
+** }
+** flush:
+** while( 1 ){
+** if( (regStart--)<=0 ){
+** if( eof ) break
+** }
+** }
+** while( !eof csrCurrent ){
+** }
+** Also requiring special handling are the cases:
+** when (expr1 < expr2). This is detected at runtime, not by this function.
+** To handle this case, the pseudo-code programs depicted above are modified
+** slightly to be:
+** ... loop started by sqlite3WhereBegin() ...
+** if( new partition ){
+** Gosub flush
+** }
+** Insert new row into eph table.
+** if( first row of partition ){
+** Rewind(csrEnd) ; Rewind(csrStart) ; Rewind(csrCurrent)
+** regEnd = <expr2>
+** regStart = <expr1>
+** if( regEnd < regStart ){
+** delete eph table contents
+** continue
+** }
+** ...
+** The new "continue" statement in the above jumps to the next iteration
+** of the outer loop - the one started by sqlite3WhereBegin().
+** The various GROUPS cases are implemented using the same patterns as
+** ROWS. The VM code is modified slightly so that:
+** 1. The else branch in the main loop is only taken if the row just
+** added to the ephemeral table is the start of a new group. In
+** other words, it becomes:
+** ... loop started by sqlite3WhereBegin() ...
+** if( new partition ){
+** Gosub flush
+** }
+** Insert new row into eph table.
+** if( first row of partition ){
+** Rewind(csrEnd) ; Rewind(csrStart) ; Rewind(csrCurrent)
+** regEnd = <expr2>
+** regStart = <expr1>
+** }else if( new group ){
+** ...
+** }
+** }
+** 2. Instead of processing a single row, each RETURN_ROW, AGGSTEP or
+** AGGINVERSE step processes the current row of the relevant cursor and
+** all subsequent rows belonging to the same group.
+** RANGE window frames are a little different again. As for GROUPS, the
+** main loop runs once per group only. And RETURN_ROW, AGGSTEP and AGGINVERSE
+** deal in groups instead of rows. As for ROWS and GROUPS, there are three
+** basic cases:
+** ... loop started by sqlite3WhereBegin() ...
+** if( new partition ){
+** Gosub flush
+** }
+** Insert new row into eph table.
+** if( first row of partition ){
+** Rewind(csrEnd) ; Rewind(csrStart) ; Rewind(csrCurrent)
+** regEnd = <expr2>
+** regStart = <expr1>
+** }else{
+** while( (csrCurrent.key + regEnd) < csrEnd.key ){
+** while( csrStart.key + regStart) < csrCurrent.key ){
+** }
+** }
+** }
+** }
+** flush:
+** while( 1 ){
+** if( csrCurrent is EOF ) break;
+** while( csrStart.key + regStart) < csrCurrent.key ){
+** }
+** }
+** }
+** In the above notation, "csr.key" means the current value of the ORDER BY
+** expression (there is only ever 1 for a RANGE that uses an <expr> FOLLOWING
+** or <expr PRECEDING) read from cursor csr.
+** ... loop started by sqlite3WhereBegin() ...
+** if( new partition ){
+** Gosub flush
+** }
+** Insert new row into eph table.
+** if( first row of partition ){
+** Rewind(csrEnd) ; Rewind(csrStart) ; Rewind(csrCurrent)
+** regEnd = <expr2>
+** regStart = <expr1>
+** }else{
+** if( (csrEnd.key + regEnd) <= csrCurrent.key ){
+** }
+** while( (csrStart.key + regStart) < csrCurrent.key ){
+** }
+** }
+** }
+** flush:
+** while( (csrEnd.key + regEnd) <= csrCurrent.key ){
+** }
+** while( (csrStart.key + regStart) < csrCurrent.key ){
+** }
+** ... loop started by sqlite3WhereBegin() ...
+** if( new partition ){
+** Gosub flush
+** }
+** Insert new row into eph table.
+** if( first row of partition ){
+** Rewind(csrEnd) ; Rewind(csrStart) ; Rewind(csrCurrent)
+** regEnd = <expr2>
+** regStart = <expr1>
+** }else{
+** while( (csrCurrent.key + regEnd) < csrEnd.key ){
+** while( (csrCurrent.key + regStart) > csrStart.key ){
+** }
+** }
+** }
+** }
+** flush:
+** while( 1 ){
+** while( (csrCurrent.key + regStart) > csrStart.key ){
+** if( eof ) break "while( 1 )" loop.
+** }
+** }
+** while( !eof csrCurrent ){
+** }
+** The text above leaves out many details. Refer to the code and comments
+** below for a more complete picture.
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowCodeStep(
Parse *pParse, /* Parse context */
@@ -147243,75 +147795,321 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WindowCodeStep(
int addrGosub /* OP_Gosub here to return each row */
Window *pMWin = p->pWin;
+ ExprList *pOrderBy = pMWin->pOrderBy;
+ Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+ int csrWrite; /* Cursor used to write to eph. table */
+ int csrInput = p->pSrc->a[0].iCursor; /* Cursor of sub-select */
+ int nInput = p->pSrc->a[0].pTab->nCol; /* Number of cols returned by sub */
+ int iInput; /* To iterate through sub cols */
+ int addrNe; /* Address of OP_Ne */
+ int addrGosubFlush = 0; /* Address of OP_Gosub to flush: */
+ int addrInteger = 0; /* Address of OP_Integer */
+ int addrEmpty; /* Address of OP_Rewind in flush: */
+ int regStart = 0; /* Value of <expr> PRECEDING */
+ int regEnd = 0; /* Value of <expr> FOLLOWING */
+ int regNew; /* Array of registers holding new input row */
+ int regRecord; /* regNew array in record form */
+ int regRowid; /* Rowid for regRecord in eph table */
+ int regNewPeer = 0; /* Peer values for new row (part of regNew) */
+ int regPeer = 0; /* Peer values for current row */
+ int regFlushPart = 0; /* Register for "Gosub flush_partition" */
+ WindowCodeArg s; /* Context object for sub-routines */
+ int lblWhereEnd; /* Label just before sqlite3WhereEnd() code */
+ assert( pMWin->eStart==TK_PRECEDING || pMWin->eStart==TK_CURRENT
+ || pMWin->eStart==TK_FOLLOWING || pMWin->eStart==TK_UNBOUNDED
+ );
+ assert( pMWin->eEnd==TK_FOLLOWING || pMWin->eEnd==TK_CURRENT
+ || pMWin->eEnd==TK_UNBOUNDED || pMWin->eEnd==TK_PRECEDING
+ );
+ assert( pMWin->eExclude==0 || pMWin->eExclude==TK_CURRENT
+ || pMWin->eExclude==TK_GROUP || pMWin->eExclude==TK_TIES
+ || pMWin->eExclude==TK_NO
+ );
- /* There are three different functions that may be used to do the work
- ** of this one, depending on the window frame and the specific built-in
- ** window functions used (if any).
- **
- ** windowCodeRowExprStep() handles all "ROWS" window frames, except for:
- **
- **
- ** The exception is because windowCodeRowExprStep() implements all window
- ** frame types by caching the entire partition in a temp table, and
- ** implement without such a cache.
- **
- ** windowCodeCacheStep() is used for:
- **
- **
- ** It is also used for anything not handled by windowCodeRowExprStep()
- ** that invokes a built-in window function that requires the entire
- ** partition to be cached in a temp table before any rows are returned
- ** (e.g. nth_value() or percent_rank()).
- **
- ** Finally, assuming there is no built-in window function that requires
- ** the partition to be cached, windowCodeDefaultStep() is used for:
- **
- **
- ** windowCodeDefaultStep() is the only one of the three functions that
- ** does not cache each partition in a temp table before beginning to
- ** return rows.
- */
- if( pMWin->eType==TK_ROWS
- && (pMWin->eStart!=TK_UNBOUNDED||pMWin->eEnd!=TK_CURRENT||!pMWin->pOrderBy)
- ){
- VdbeModuleComment((pParse->pVdbe, "Begin RowExprStep()"));
- windowCodeRowExprStep(pParse, p, pWInfo, regGosub, addrGosub);
- }else{
- Window *pWin;
- int bCache = 0; /* True to use CacheStep() */
- if( pMWin->eStart==TK_CURRENT && pMWin->eEnd==TK_UNBOUNDED ){
- bCache = 1;
- }else{
- for(pWin=pMWin; pWin; pWin=pWin->pNextWin){
- FuncDef *pFunc = pWin->pFunc;
- if( (pFunc->funcFlags & SQLITE_FUNC_WINDOW_SIZE)
- || (pFunc->zName==nth_valueName)
- || (pFunc->zName==first_valueName)
- || (pFunc->zName==leadName)
- || (pFunc->zName==lagName)
- ){
- bCache = 1;
- break;
+ lblWhereEnd = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
+ /* Fill in the context object */
+ memset(&s, 0, sizeof(WindowCodeArg));
+ s.pParse = pParse;
+ s.pMWin = pMWin;
+ s.pVdbe = v;
+ s.regGosub = regGosub;
+ s.addrGosub = addrGosub;
+ s.current.csr = pMWin->iEphCsr;
+ csrWrite = s.current.csr+1;
+ s.start.csr = s.current.csr+2;
+ s.end.csr = s.current.csr+3;
+ /* Figure out when rows may be deleted from the ephemeral table. There
+ ** are four options - they may never be deleted (eDelete==0), they may
+ ** be deleted as soon as they are no longer part of the window frame
+ ** (eDelete==WINDOW_AGGINVERSE), they may be deleted as after the row
+ ** has been returned to the caller (WINDOW_RETURN_ROW), or they may
+ ** be deleted after they enter the frame (WINDOW_AGGSTEP). */
+ switch( pMWin->eStart ){
+ if( pMWin->eFrmType!=TK_RANGE
+ && windowExprGtZero(pParse, pMWin->pStart)
+ ){
+ s.eDelete = WINDOW_RETURN_ROW;
+ }
+ break;
+ if( windowCacheFrame(pMWin)==0 ){
+ if( pMWin->eEnd==TK_PRECEDING ){
+ if( pMWin->eFrmType!=TK_RANGE
+ && windowExprGtZero(pParse, pMWin->pEnd)
+ ){
+ s.eDelete = WINDOW_AGGSTEP;
+ }
+ }else{
+ s.eDelete = WINDOW_RETURN_ROW;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Allocate registers for the array of values from the sub-query, the
+ ** samve values in record form, and the rowid used to insert said record
+ ** into the ephemeral table. */
+ regNew = pParse->nMem+1;
+ pParse->nMem += nInput;
+ regRecord = ++pParse->nMem;
+ regRowid = ++pParse->nMem;
+ /* If the window frame contains an "<expr> PRECEDING" or "<expr> FOLLOWING"
+ ** clause, allocate registers to store the results of evaluating each
+ ** <expr>. */
+ if( pMWin->eStart==TK_PRECEDING || pMWin->eStart==TK_FOLLOWING ){
+ regStart = ++pParse->nMem;
+ }
+ if( pMWin->eEnd==TK_PRECEDING || pMWin->eEnd==TK_FOLLOWING ){
+ regEnd = ++pParse->nMem;
+ }
+ /* If this is not a "ROWS BETWEEN ..." frame, then allocate arrays of
+ ** registers to store copies of the ORDER BY expressions (peer values)
+ ** for the main loop, and for each cursor (start, current and end). */
+ if( pMWin->eFrmType!=TK_ROWS ){
+ int nPeer = (pOrderBy ? pOrderBy->nExpr : 0);
+ regNewPeer = regNew + pMWin->nBufferCol;
+ if( pMWin->pPartition ) regNewPeer += pMWin->pPartition->nExpr;
+ regPeer = pParse->nMem+1; pParse->nMem += nPeer;
+ s.start.reg = pParse->nMem+1; pParse->nMem += nPeer;
+ s.current.reg = pParse->nMem+1; pParse->nMem += nPeer;
+ s.end.reg = pParse->nMem+1; pParse->nMem += nPeer;
+ }
+ /* Load the column values for the row returned by the sub-select
+ ** into an array of registers starting at regNew. Assemble them into
+ ** a record in register regRecord. */
+ for(iInput=0; iInput<nInput; iInput++){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, csrInput, iInput, regNew+iInput);
+ }
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regNew, nInput, regRecord);
+ /* An input row has just been read into an array of registers starting
+ ** at regNew. If the window has a PARTITION clause, this block generates
+ ** VM code to check if the input row is the start of a new partition.
+ ** If so, it does an OP_Gosub to an address to be filled in later. The
+ ** address of the OP_Gosub is stored in local variable addrGosubFlush. */
+ if( pMWin->pPartition ){
+ int addr;
+ ExprList *pPart = pMWin->pPartition;
+ int nPart = pPart->nExpr;
+ int regNewPart = regNew + pMWin->nBufferCol;
+ KeyInfo *pKeyInfo = sqlite3KeyInfoFromExprList(pParse, pPart, 0, 0);
+ regFlushPart = ++pParse->nMem;
+ addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Compare, regNewPart, pMWin->regPart, nPart);
+ sqlite3VdbeAppendP4(v, (void*)pKeyInfo, P4_KEYINFO);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Jump, addr+2, addr+4, addr+2);
+ VdbeCoverageEqNe(v);
+ addrGosubFlush = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Gosub, regFlushPart);
+ VdbeComment((v, "call flush_partition"));
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Copy, regNewPart, pMWin->regPart, nPart-1);
+ }
+ /* Insert the new row into the ephemeral table */
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_NewRowid, csrWrite, regRowid);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Insert, csrWrite, regRecord, regRowid);
+ addrNe = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Ne, pMWin->regOne, 0, regRowid);
+ VdbeCoverageNeverNull(v);
+ /* This block is run for the first row of each partition */
+ s.regArg = windowInitAccum(pParse, pMWin);
+ if( regStart ){
+ sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pMWin->pStart, regStart);
+ windowCheckValue(pParse, regStart, 0 + (pMWin->eFrmType==TK_RANGE ? 3 : 0));
+ }
+ if( regEnd ){
+ sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pMWin->pEnd, regEnd);
+ windowCheckValue(pParse, regEnd, 1 + (pMWin->eFrmType==TK_RANGE ? 3 : 0));
+ }
+ if( pMWin->eStart==pMWin->eEnd && regStart ){
+ int op = ((pMWin->eStart==TK_FOLLOWING) ? OP_Ge : OP_Le);
+ int addrGe = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, op, regStart, 0, regEnd);
+ VdbeCoverageNeverNullIf(v, op==OP_Ge); /* NeverNull because bound <expr> */
+ VdbeCoverageNeverNullIf(v, op==OP_Le); /* values previously checked */
+ windowAggFinal(&s, 0);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, s.current.csr, 1);
+ VdbeCoverageNeverTaken(v);
+ windowReturnOneRow(&s);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_ResetSorter, s.current.csr);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, lblWhereEnd);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrGe);
+ }
+ if( pMWin->eStart==TK_FOLLOWING && pMWin->eFrmType!=TK_RANGE && regEnd ){
+ assert( pMWin->eEnd==TK_FOLLOWING );
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Subtract, regStart, regEnd, regStart);
+ }
+ if( pMWin->eStart!=TK_UNBOUNDED ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, s.start.csr, 1);
+ VdbeCoverageNeverTaken(v);
+ }
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, s.current.csr, 1);
+ VdbeCoverageNeverTaken(v);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, s.end.csr, 1);
+ VdbeCoverageNeverTaken(v);
+ if( regPeer && pOrderBy ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Copy, regNewPeer, regPeer, pOrderBy->nExpr-1);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Copy, regPeer, s.start.reg, pOrderBy->nExpr-1);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Copy, regPeer, s.current.reg, pOrderBy->nExpr-1);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Copy, regPeer, s.end.reg, pOrderBy->nExpr-1);
+ }
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, lblWhereEnd);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrNe);
+ /* Beginning of the block executed for the second and subsequent rows. */
+ if( regPeer ){
+ windowIfNewPeer(pParse, pOrderBy, regNewPeer, regPeer, lblWhereEnd);
+ }
+ if( pMWin->eStart==TK_FOLLOWING ){
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGSTEP, 0, 0);
+ if( pMWin->eEnd!=TK_UNBOUNDED ){
+ if( pMWin->eFrmType==TK_RANGE ){
+ int lbl = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
+ int addrNext = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+ windowCodeRangeTest(&s, OP_Ge, s.current.csr, regEnd, s.end.csr, lbl);
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGINVERSE, regStart, 0);
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_RETURN_ROW, 0, 0);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, addrNext);
+ sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lbl);
+ }else{
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_RETURN_ROW, regEnd, 0);
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGINVERSE, regStart, 0);
+ }
+ }else
+ if( pMWin->eEnd==TK_PRECEDING ){
+ int bRPS = (pMWin->eStart==TK_PRECEDING && pMWin->eFrmType==TK_RANGE);
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGSTEP, regEnd, 0);
+ if( bRPS ) windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGINVERSE, regStart, 0);
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_RETURN_ROW, 0, 0);
+ if( !bRPS ) windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGINVERSE, regStart, 0);
+ }else{
+ int addr = 0;
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGSTEP, 0, 0);
+ if( pMWin->eEnd!=TK_UNBOUNDED ){
+ if( pMWin->eFrmType==TK_RANGE ){
+ int lbl = 0;
+ addr = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+ if( regEnd ){
+ lbl = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(pParse);
+ windowCodeRangeTest(&s, OP_Ge, s.current.csr, regEnd, s.end.csr, lbl);
+ }
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_RETURN_ROW, 0, 0);
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGINVERSE, regStart, 0);
+ if( regEnd ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, addr);
+ sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lbl);
+ }
+ }else{
+ if( regEnd ){
+ addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IfPos, regEnd, 0, 1);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ }
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_RETURN_ROW, 0, 0);
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGINVERSE, regStart, 0);
+ if( regEnd ) sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- /* Otherwise, call windowCodeDefaultStep(). */
- if( bCache ){
- VdbeModuleComment((pParse->pVdbe, "Begin CacheStep()"));
- windowCodeCacheStep(pParse, p, pWInfo, regGosub, addrGosub);
- }else{
- VdbeModuleComment((pParse->pVdbe, "Begin DefaultStep()"));
- windowCodeDefaultStep(pParse, p, pWInfo, regGosub, addrGosub);
+ /* End of the main input loop */
+ sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lblWhereEnd);
+ sqlite3WhereEnd(pWInfo);
+ /* Fall through */
+ if( pMWin->pPartition ){
+ addrInteger = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, regFlushPart);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrGosubFlush);
+ }
+ addrEmpty = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Rewind, csrWrite);
+ VdbeCoverage(v);
+ if( pMWin->eEnd==TK_PRECEDING ){
+ int bRPS = (pMWin->eStart==TK_PRECEDING && pMWin->eFrmType==TK_RANGE);
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGSTEP, regEnd, 0);
+ if( bRPS ) windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGINVERSE, regStart, 0);
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_RETURN_ROW, 0, 0);
+ }else if( pMWin->eStart==TK_FOLLOWING ){
+ int addrStart;
+ int addrBreak1;
+ int addrBreak2;
+ int addrBreak3;
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGSTEP, 0, 0);
+ if( pMWin->eFrmType==TK_RANGE ){
+ addrStart = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+ addrBreak2 = windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGINVERSE, regStart, 1);
+ addrBreak1 = windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_RETURN_ROW, 0, 1);
+ }else
+ if( pMWin->eEnd==TK_UNBOUNDED ){
+ addrStart = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+ addrBreak1 = windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_RETURN_ROW, regStart, 1);
+ addrBreak2 = windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGINVERSE, 0, 1);
+ }else{
+ assert( pMWin->eEnd==TK_FOLLOWING );
+ addrStart = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+ addrBreak1 = windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_RETURN_ROW, regEnd, 1);
+ addrBreak2 = windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGINVERSE, regStart, 1);
+ }
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, addrStart);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrBreak2);
+ addrStart = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+ addrBreak3 = windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_RETURN_ROW, 0, 1);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, addrStart);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrBreak1);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrBreak3);
+ }else{
+ int addrBreak;
+ int addrStart;
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGSTEP, 0, 0);
+ addrStart = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+ addrBreak = windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_RETURN_ROW, 0, 1);
+ windowCodeOp(&s, WINDOW_AGGINVERSE, regStart, 0);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, addrStart);
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrBreak);
+ }
+ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrEmpty);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_ResetSorter, s.current.csr);
+ if( pMWin->pPartition ){
+ if( pMWin->regStartRowid ){
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 1, pMWin->regStartRowid);
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, pMWin->regEndRowid);
+ sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, addrInteger, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v));
+ sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Return, regFlushPart);
@@ -147500,6 +148298,10 @@ static void disableLookaside(Parse *pParse){
sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, p, pIdToken, 1);
return p;
+#if TK_SPAN>255
+# error too many tokens in the grammar
/**************** End of %include directives **********************************/
/* These constants specify the various numeric values for terminal symbols
** in a format understandable to "makeheaders". This section is blank unless
@@ -147563,27 +148365,28 @@ static void disableLookaside(Parse *pParse){
/************* Begin control #defines *****************************************/
#define YYCODETYPE unsigned short int
-#define YYNOCODE 278
+#define YYNOCODE 301
#define YYACTIONTYPE unsigned short int
-#define YYWILDCARD 91
+#define YYWILDCARD 95
#define sqlite3ParserTOKENTYPE Token
typedef union {
int yyinit;
sqlite3ParserTOKENTYPE yy0;
- ExprList* yy42;
- int yy96;
- TriggerStep* yy119;
- Window* yy147;
- SrcList* yy167;
- Upsert* yy266;
- struct FrameBound yy317;
- IdList* yy336;
- struct TrigEvent yy350;
- struct {int value; int mask;} yy367;
- Select* yy423;
- const char* yy464;
- Expr* yy490;
- With* yy499;
+ With* yy59;
+ IdList* yy62;
+ struct TrigEvent yy90;
+ Upsert* yy136;
+ struct FrameBound yy201;
+ u8 yy238;
+ const char* yy294;
+ Window* yy295;
+ struct {int value; int mask;} yy355;
+ ExprList* yy434;
+ TriggerStep* yy455;
+ Select* yy457;
+ SrcList* yy483;
+ int yy494;
+ Expr* yy524;
#define YYSTACKDEPTH 100
@@ -147599,17 +148402,17 @@ typedef union {
#define sqlite3ParserCTX_FETCH Parse *pParse=yypParser->pParse;
#define sqlite3ParserCTX_STORE yypParser->pParse=pParse;
#define YYFALLBACK 1
-#define YYNSTATE 524
-#define YYNRULE 369
-#define YYNTOKEN 155
-#define YY_MAX_SHIFT 523
-#define YY_MAX_SHIFTREDUCE 1128
-#define YY_ERROR_ACTION 1129
-#define YY_ACCEPT_ACTION 1130
-#define YY_NO_ACTION 1131
-#define YY_MIN_REDUCE 1132
-#define YY_MAX_REDUCE 1500
+#define YYNSTATE 541
+#define YYNRULE 375
+#define YYNTOKEN 176
+#define YY_MAX_SHIFT 540
+#define YY_MAX_SHIFTREDUCE 1158
+#define YY_ERROR_ACTION 1159
+#define YY_ACCEPT_ACTION 1160
+#define YY_NO_ACTION 1161
+#define YY_MIN_REDUCE 1162
+#define YY_MAX_REDUCE 1536
/************* End control #defines *******************************************/
#define YY_NLOOKAHEAD ((int)(sizeof(yy_lookahead)/sizeof(yy_lookahead[0])))
@@ -147676,569 +148479,603 @@ typedef union {
** yy_default[] Default action for each state.
*********** Begin parsing tables **********************************************/
-#define YY_ACTTAB_COUNT (2009)
+#define YY_ACTTAB_COUNT (2142)
static const YYACTIONTYPE yy_action[] = {
- /* 0 */ 377, 518, 371, 107, 104, 200, 1293, 518, 1130, 1,
- /* 10 */ 1, 523, 2, 1134, 518, 1203, 1203, 1262, 277, 373,
- /* 20 */ 129, 495, 37, 37, 1397, 1201, 1201, 1211, 65, 65,
- /* 30 */ 480, 891, 107, 104, 200, 37, 37, 1043, 1494, 892,
- /* 40 */ 346, 1494, 342, 114, 115, 105, 1106, 1106, 957, 960,
- /* 50 */ 950, 950, 112, 112, 113, 113, 113, 113, 285, 254,
- /* 60 */ 254, 518, 254, 254, 500, 518, 495, 518, 107, 104,
- /* 70 */ 200, 1085, 515, 481, 386, 515, 1464, 442, 501, 230,
- /* 80 */ 197, 439, 37, 37, 1172, 210, 65, 65, 65, 65,
- /* 90 */ 254, 254, 111, 111, 111, 111, 110, 110, 109, 109,
- /* 100 */ 109, 108, 404, 515, 404, 155, 1041, 431, 401, 400,
- /* 110 */ 254, 254, 373, 1431, 1427, 408, 1110, 1085, 1086, 1087,
- /* 120 */ 284, 1112, 500, 515, 500, 368, 1433, 1421, 1428, 1111,
- /* 130 */ 1261, 499, 373, 502, 108, 404, 114, 115, 105, 1106,
- /* 140 */ 1106, 957, 960, 950, 950, 112, 112, 113, 113, 113,
- /* 150 */ 113, 276, 509, 1113, 369, 1113, 114, 115, 105, 1106,
- /* 160 */ 1106, 957, 960, 950, 950, 112, 112, 113, 113, 113,
- /* 170 */ 113, 496, 1420, 1431, 493, 1468, 1065, 260, 1063, 433,
- /* 180 */ 74, 107, 104, 200, 498, 111, 111, 111, 111, 110,
- /* 190 */ 110, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404, 373, 113, 113, 113,
- /* 200 */ 113, 106, 131, 91, 1361, 111, 111, 111, 111, 110,
- /* 210 */ 110, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404, 113, 113, 113, 113,
- /* 220 */ 114, 115, 105, 1106, 1106, 957, 960, 950, 950, 112,
- /* 230 */ 112, 113, 113, 113, 113, 111, 111, 111, 111, 110,
- /* 240 */ 110, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404, 116, 110, 110, 109,
- /* 250 */ 109, 109, 108, 404, 111, 111, 111, 111, 110, 110,
- /* 260 */ 109, 109, 109, 108, 404, 917, 512, 512, 512, 111,
- /* 270 */ 111, 111, 111, 110, 110, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404,
- /* 280 */ 517, 1198, 1177, 181, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404, 373,
- /* 290 */ 1198, 402, 402, 402, 75, 360, 111, 111, 111, 111,
- /* 300 */ 110, 110, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404, 382, 299, 419,
- /* 310 */ 287, 170, 518, 114, 115, 105, 1106, 1106, 957, 960,
- /* 320 */ 950, 950, 112, 112, 113, 113, 113, 113, 1444, 523,
- /* 330 */ 2, 1134, 518, 13, 13, 337, 277, 1085, 129, 226,
- /* 340 */ 937, 1058, 1000, 471, 917, 1211, 453, 384, 1085, 395,
- /* 350 */ 162, 1057, 155, 45, 45, 416, 928, 401, 400, 479,
- /* 360 */ 927, 12, 111, 111, 111, 111, 110, 110, 109, 109,
- /* 370 */ 109, 108, 404, 226, 286, 254, 254, 254, 254, 518,
- /* 380 */ 16, 16, 373, 1085, 1086, 1087, 314, 299, 515, 472,
- /* 390 */ 515, 927, 927, 929, 1085, 1086, 1087, 378, 276, 509,
- /* 400 */ 65, 65, 1113, 210, 1113, 1085, 114, 115, 105, 1106,
- /* 410 */ 1106, 957, 960, 950, 950, 112, 112, 113, 113, 113,
- /* 420 */ 113, 1448, 222, 1134, 1089, 461, 458, 457, 277, 180,
- /* 430 */ 129, 378, 392, 408, 423, 456, 500, 1211, 240, 257,
- /* 440 */ 324, 464, 319, 463, 227, 470, 12, 317, 424, 300,
- /* 450 */ 317, 1085, 1086, 1087, 485, 111, 111, 111, 111, 110,
- /* 460 */ 110, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404, 181, 118, 1085, 254,
- /* 470 */ 254, 1089, 518, 90, 351, 373, 518, 1181, 365, 798,
- /* 480 */ 1440, 339, 515, 248, 248, 77, 325, 133, 1085, 249,
- /* 490 */ 424, 300, 794, 49, 49, 210, 515, 65, 65, 114,
- /* 500 */ 115, 105, 1106, 1106, 957, 960, 950, 950, 112, 112,
- /* 510 */ 113, 113, 113, 113, 1085, 1086, 1087, 222, 1085, 438,
- /* 520 */ 461, 458, 457, 937, 787, 408, 171, 857, 362, 1021,
- /* 530 */ 456, 136, 198, 486, 1085, 1086, 1087, 448, 794, 928,
- /* 540 */ 5, 193, 192, 927, 1022, 107, 104, 200, 111, 111,
- /* 550 */ 111, 111, 110, 110, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404, 1023,
- /* 560 */ 254, 254, 803, 1085, 1085, 1086, 1087, 437, 373, 1085,
- /* 570 */ 344, 787, 791, 515, 927, 927, 929, 1085, 1408, 1396,
- /* 580 */ 832, 1085, 176, 3, 852, 1085, 518, 1439, 429, 851,
- /* 590 */ 833, 518, 114, 115, 105, 1106, 1106, 957, 960, 950,
- /* 600 */ 950, 112, 112, 113, 113, 113, 113, 13, 13, 1085,
- /* 610 */ 1086, 1087, 13, 13, 518, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1496, 358,
- /* 620 */ 1085, 389, 1234, 1085, 1086, 1087, 391, 1085, 1086, 1087,
- /* 630 */ 448, 1085, 1086, 1087, 518, 65, 65, 947, 947, 958,
- /* 640 */ 961, 111, 111, 111, 111, 110, 110, 109, 109, 109,
- /* 650 */ 108, 404, 518, 382, 878, 13, 13, 518, 877, 518,
- /* 660 */ 263, 373, 518, 431, 448, 1070, 1085, 1086, 1087, 267,
- /* 670 */ 448, 488, 1360, 64, 64, 431, 812, 155, 50, 50,
- /* 680 */ 65, 65, 518, 65, 65, 114, 115, 105, 1106, 1106,
- /* 690 */ 957, 960, 950, 950, 112, 112, 113, 113, 113, 113,
- /* 700 */ 518, 951, 382, 13, 13, 415, 411, 462, 414, 1085,
- /* 710 */ 1366, 777, 1210, 292, 297, 813, 399, 497, 181, 403,
- /* 720 */ 261, 15, 15, 276, 509, 414, 413, 1366, 1368, 410,
- /* 730 */ 372, 345, 1209, 264, 111, 111, 111, 111, 110, 110,
- /* 740 */ 109, 109, 109, 108, 404, 265, 254, 254, 229, 1405,
- /* 750 */ 268, 1215, 268, 1103, 373, 1085, 1086, 1087, 938, 515,
- /* 760 */ 393, 409, 876, 515, 254, 254, 1152, 482, 473, 262,
- /* 770 */ 422, 476, 325, 503, 289, 518, 291, 515, 114, 115,
- /* 780 */ 105, 1106, 1106, 957, 960, 950, 950, 112, 112, 113,
- /* 790 */ 113, 113, 113, 414, 1021, 1366, 39, 39, 254, 254,
- /* 800 */ 254, 254, 980, 254, 254, 254, 254, 255, 255, 1022,
- /* 810 */ 279, 515, 516, 515, 846, 846, 515, 138, 515, 518,
- /* 820 */ 515, 1043, 1495, 251, 1023, 1495, 876, 111, 111, 111,
- /* 830 */ 111, 110, 110, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404, 518, 1353,
- /* 840 */ 51, 51, 518, 199, 518, 506, 290, 373, 518, 276,
- /* 850 */ 509, 922, 9, 483, 233, 1005, 1005, 445, 189, 52,
- /* 860 */ 52, 325, 280, 53, 53, 54, 54, 373, 876, 55,
- /* 870 */ 55, 114, 115, 105, 1106, 1106, 957, 960, 950, 950,
- /* 880 */ 112, 112, 113, 113, 113, 113, 97, 518, 95, 1104,
- /* 890 */ 1041, 114, 115, 105, 1106, 1106, 957, 960, 950, 950,
- /* 900 */ 112, 112, 113, 113, 113, 113, 135, 199, 56, 56,
- /* 910 */ 765, 766, 767, 225, 224, 223, 518, 283, 437, 233,
- /* 920 */ 111, 111, 111, 111, 110, 110, 109, 109, 109, 108,
- /* 930 */ 404, 1002, 876, 326, 518, 1002, 1104, 40, 40, 518,
- /* 940 */ 111, 111, 111, 111, 110, 110, 109, 109, 109, 108,
- /* 950 */ 404, 518, 448, 518, 1104, 41, 41, 518, 17, 518,
- /* 960 */ 43, 43, 1155, 379, 518, 448, 518, 443, 518, 390,
- /* 970 */ 518, 194, 44, 44, 57, 57, 1247, 518, 58, 58,
- /* 980 */ 59, 59, 518, 466, 326, 14, 14, 60, 60, 120,
- /* 990 */ 120, 61, 61, 449, 1206, 93, 518, 425, 46, 46,
- /* 1000 */ 518, 1104, 518, 62, 62, 518, 437, 305, 518, 852,
- /* 1010 */ 518, 298, 518, 1246, 851, 373, 518, 63, 63, 1293,
- /* 1020 */ 397, 47, 47, 142, 142, 1467, 143, 143, 821, 70,
- /* 1030 */ 70, 48, 48, 66, 66, 373, 518, 121, 121, 114,
- /* 1040 */ 115, 105, 1106, 1106, 957, 960, 950, 950, 112, 112,
- /* 1050 */ 113, 113, 113, 113, 518, 418, 518, 67, 67, 114,
- /* 1060 */ 115, 105, 1106, 1106, 957, 960, 950, 950, 112, 112,
- /* 1070 */ 113, 113, 113, 113, 312, 122, 122, 123, 123, 1293,
- /* 1080 */ 518, 357, 1126, 88, 518, 435, 325, 387, 111, 111,
- /* 1090 */ 111, 111, 110, 110, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404, 266,
- /* 1100 */ 518, 119, 119, 518, 1293, 141, 141, 518, 111, 111,
- /* 1110 */ 111, 111, 110, 110, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404, 518,
- /* 1120 */ 801, 140, 140, 518, 127, 127, 511, 379, 126, 126,
- /* 1130 */ 518, 137, 518, 1308, 518, 307, 518, 310, 518, 203,
- /* 1140 */ 124, 124, 1307, 96, 125, 125, 207, 388, 1441, 468,
- /* 1150 */ 1127, 69, 69, 71, 71, 68, 68, 38, 38, 42,
- /* 1160 */ 42, 357, 1042, 373, 1293, 276, 509, 801, 185, 469,
- /* 1170 */ 494, 436, 444, 6, 380, 156, 253, 197, 469, 134,
- /* 1180 */ 426, 33, 1038, 373, 1121, 359, 1411, 114, 115, 105,
- /* 1190 */ 1106, 1106, 957, 960, 950, 950, 112, 112, 113, 113,
- /* 1200 */ 113, 113, 914, 296, 27, 293, 90, 114, 103, 105,
- /* 1210 */ 1106, 1106, 957, 960, 950, 950, 112, 112, 113, 113,
- /* 1220 */ 113, 113, 919, 275, 430, 232, 891, 232, 432, 256,
- /* 1230 */ 1127, 232, 398, 370, 892, 28, 111, 111, 111, 111,
- /* 1240 */ 110, 110, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404, 301, 454, 1385,
- /* 1250 */ 90, 228, 209, 987, 811, 810, 111, 111, 111, 111,
- /* 1260 */ 110, 110, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404, 315, 818, 819,
- /* 1270 */ 90, 323, 983, 931, 885, 228, 373, 232, 999, 849,
- /* 1280 */ 999, 322, 102, 998, 1384, 998, 785, 850, 440, 132,
- /* 1290 */ 102, 302, 1243, 306, 309, 311, 373, 313, 1194, 1180,
- /* 1300 */ 987, 115, 105, 1106, 1106, 957, 960, 950, 950, 112,
- /* 1310 */ 112, 113, 113, 113, 113, 1178, 1179, 318, 327, 328,
- /* 1320 */ 931, 1255, 105, 1106, 1106, 957, 960, 950, 950, 112,
- /* 1330 */ 112, 113, 113, 113, 113, 1292, 1230, 1457, 273, 1241,
- /* 1340 */ 504, 505, 1298, 100, 510, 246, 4, 1161, 1154, 111,
- /* 1350 */ 111, 111, 111, 110, 110, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404,
- /* 1360 */ 513, 1143, 187, 1142, 202, 1144, 1451, 356, 1227, 111,
- /* 1370 */ 111, 111, 111, 110, 110, 109, 109, 109, 108, 404,
- /* 1380 */ 11, 1277, 330, 405, 332, 334, 191, 1285, 364, 195,
- /* 1390 */ 295, 417, 288, 100, 510, 507, 4, 434, 459, 321,
- /* 1400 */ 1177, 349, 1357, 1356, 336, 155, 190, 1454, 1121, 158,
- /* 1410 */ 513, 508, 235, 1404, 937, 1402, 1118, 381, 77, 428,
- /* 1420 */ 98, 98, 8, 1282, 168, 30, 152, 99, 160, 405,
- /* 1430 */ 520, 519, 88, 405, 927, 1362, 1274, 420, 163, 73,
- /* 1440 */ 164, 76, 165, 166, 421, 507, 452, 212, 361, 363,
- /* 1450 */ 427, 276, 509, 31, 1288, 172, 491, 441, 216, 1351,
- /* 1460 */ 82, 490, 447, 1373, 937, 927, 927, 929, 930, 24,
- /* 1470 */ 98, 98, 304, 247, 218, 177, 308, 99, 219, 405,
- /* 1480 */ 520, 519, 450, 1145, 927, 220, 366, 1197, 100, 510,
- /* 1490 */ 465, 4, 1188, 1196, 1195, 394, 803, 1169, 1187, 367,
- /* 1500 */ 1168, 396, 484, 320, 1167, 513, 1466, 87, 475, 100,
- /* 1510 */ 510, 271, 4, 272, 478, 927, 927, 929, 930, 24,
- /* 1520 */ 1443, 1074, 407, 1238, 1239, 258, 513, 329, 405, 331,
- /* 1530 */ 355, 355, 354, 243, 352, 234, 489, 774, 498, 184,
- /* 1540 */ 507, 338, 1422, 339, 117, 1220, 10, 341, 333, 405,
- /* 1550 */ 204, 491, 282, 1219, 1237, 1236, 492, 335, 343, 937,
- /* 1560 */ 281, 507, 94, 1337, 186, 98, 98, 347, 89, 487,
- /* 1570 */ 348, 241, 99, 29, 405, 520, 519, 274, 1151, 927,
- /* 1580 */ 937, 521, 1080, 245, 242, 244, 98, 98, 856, 522,
- /* 1590 */ 206, 1140, 1135, 99, 144, 405, 520, 519, 147, 375,
- /* 1600 */ 927, 149, 376, 157, 1389, 1390, 1388, 1387, 205, 145,
- /* 1610 */ 927, 927, 929, 930, 24, 146, 130, 761, 1165, 1164,
- /* 1620 */ 72, 100, 510, 1162, 4, 269, 406, 188, 278, 201,
- /* 1630 */ 259, 927, 927, 929, 930, 24, 128, 911, 513, 997,
- /* 1640 */ 995, 159, 374, 208, 148, 161, 835, 276, 509, 211,
- /* 1650 */ 294, 1011, 915, 167, 150, 383, 169, 78, 385, 79,
- /* 1660 */ 80, 405, 81, 151, 1014, 213, 214, 1010, 139, 18,
- /* 1670 */ 412, 215, 303, 507, 232, 1115, 1003, 446, 173, 217,
- /* 1680 */ 174, 32, 776, 451, 491, 322, 221, 175, 814, 490,
- /* 1690 */ 83, 455, 937, 19, 460, 316, 20, 84, 98, 98,
- /* 1700 */ 270, 182, 85, 467, 153, 99, 154, 405, 520, 519,
- /* 1710 */ 1074, 407, 927, 183, 258, 963, 1046, 86, 34, 355,
- /* 1720 */ 355, 354, 243, 352, 474, 1047, 774, 35, 477, 196,
- /* 1730 */ 250, 100, 510, 252, 4, 884, 178, 231, 1060, 204,
- /* 1740 */ 21, 282, 102, 927, 927, 929, 930, 24, 513, 281,
- /* 1750 */ 879, 22, 1064, 1062, 1051, 7, 340, 23, 978, 179,
- /* 1760 */ 90, 92, 510, 964, 4, 236, 962, 966, 1020, 1019,
- /* 1770 */ 237, 405, 967, 25, 36, 514, 932, 786, 513, 206,
- /* 1780 */ 101, 26, 845, 507, 238, 239, 1459, 147, 350, 1458,
- /* 1790 */ 149, 353, 1075, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 205, 1131, 1131,
- /* 1800 */ 1131, 405, 937, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 98, 98,
- /* 1810 */ 1131, 1131, 1131, 507, 1131, 99, 1131, 405, 520, 519,
- /* 1820 */ 1131, 1131, 927, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131,
- /* 1830 */ 1131, 374, 937, 1131, 1131, 1131, 276, 509, 98, 98,
- /* 1840 */ 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 99, 1131, 405, 520, 519,
- /* 1850 */ 1131, 1131, 927, 927, 927, 929, 930, 24, 1131, 412,
- /* 1860 */ 1131, 1131, 1131, 258, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 355, 355,
- /* 1870 */ 354, 243, 352, 1131, 1131, 774, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131,
- /* 1880 */ 1131, 1131, 1131, 927, 927, 929, 930, 24, 204, 1131,
- /* 1890 */ 282, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 281, 1131,
- /* 1900 */ 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131,
- /* 1910 */ 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131,
- /* 1920 */ 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 206, 1131,
- /* 1930 */ 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 147, 1131, 1131, 149,
- /* 1940 */ 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 205, 1131, 1131, 1131,
- /* 1950 */ 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131,
- /* 1960 */ 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131,
- /* 1970 */ 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131,
- /* 1980 */ 374, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 276, 509, 1131, 1131, 1131,
- /* 1990 */ 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131,
- /* 2000 */ 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 1131, 412,
+ /* 0 */ 535, 1323, 112, 109, 209, 112, 109, 209, 1160, 1,
+ /* 10 */ 1, 540, 2, 1164, 535, 1292, 1228, 1207, 289, 384,
+ /* 20 */ 134, 42, 42, 1427, 382, 1228, 9, 1241, 242, 492,
+ /* 30 */ 1291, 915, 373, 379, 1026, 70, 70, 427, 1026, 916,
+ /* 40 */ 529, 529, 529, 119, 120, 110, 1136, 1136, 981, 984,
+ /* 50 */ 974, 974, 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 380, 264,
+ /* 60 */ 264, 264, 264, 1134, 264, 264, 112, 109, 209, 397,
+ /* 70 */ 454, 517, 532, 491, 532, 1233, 1233, 532, 239, 206,
+ /* 80 */ 493, 112, 109, 209, 464, 219, 118, 118, 118, 118,
+ /* 90 */ 111, 393, 440, 444, 16, 16, 116, 116, 116, 116,
+ /* 100 */ 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 415, 971, 971, 982,
+ /* 110 */ 985, 235, 1463, 351, 1134, 419, 384, 116, 116, 116,
+ /* 120 */ 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 415, 116, 116,
+ /* 130 */ 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 415, 961,
+ /* 140 */ 119, 120, 110, 1136, 1136, 981, 984, 974, 974, 117,
+ /* 150 */ 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 952, 415, 941, 298, 951,
+ /* 160 */ 941, 1480, 540, 2, 1164, 1115, 535, 1458, 160, 289,
+ /* 170 */ 6, 134, 1504, 389, 406, 975, 338, 1024, 1241, 337,
+ /* 180 */ 1089, 1476, 1089, 118, 118, 118, 118, 42, 42, 329,
+ /* 190 */ 951, 951, 953, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114,
+ /* 200 */ 114, 114, 113, 415, 311, 430, 299, 311, 881, 160,
+ /* 210 */ 264, 264, 401, 384, 324, 1115, 1116, 1117, 288, 526,
+ /* 220 */ 96, 159, 1441, 532, 141, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115,
+ /* 230 */ 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 415, 219, 119, 120, 110,
+ /* 240 */ 1136, 1136, 981, 984, 974, 974, 117, 117, 118, 118,
+ /* 250 */ 118, 118, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 415, 288,
+ /* 260 */ 526, 403, 533, 121, 870, 870, 419, 250, 267, 336,
+ /* 270 */ 475, 331, 474, 236, 160, 319, 1084, 322, 1465, 329,
+ /* 280 */ 350, 12, 535, 384, 502, 1115, 1084, 435, 312, 1084,
+ /* 290 */ 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113,
+ /* 300 */ 415, 535, 836, 42, 42, 138, 426, 119, 120, 110,
+ /* 310 */ 1136, 1136, 981, 984, 974, 974, 117, 117, 118, 118,
+ /* 320 */ 118, 118, 70, 70, 288, 526, 412, 411, 480, 1457,
+ /* 330 */ 335, 79, 6, 473, 1140, 1115, 1116, 1117, 501, 1142,
+ /* 340 */ 334, 837, 811, 1484, 512, 1164, 534, 1141, 123, 187,
+ /* 350 */ 289, 384, 134, 448, 434, 1115, 80, 349, 498, 1241,
+ /* 360 */ 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113,
+ /* 370 */ 415, 1143, 1115, 1143, 459, 119, 120, 110, 1136, 1136,
+ /* 380 */ 981, 984, 974, 974, 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118,
+ /* 390 */ 404, 264, 264, 811, 1463, 506, 368, 1156, 535, 114,
+ /* 400 */ 114, 114, 113, 415, 532, 1115, 1116, 1117, 231, 518,
+ /* 410 */ 1500, 472, 469, 468, 175, 497, 422, 219, 1202, 70,
+ /* 420 */ 70, 467, 1115, 1116, 1117, 176, 201, 200, 116, 116,
+ /* 430 */ 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 415, 535,
+ /* 440 */ 1115, 264, 264, 435, 312, 1115, 273, 419, 384, 513,
+ /* 450 */ 1450, 1115, 326, 1084, 532, 517, 82, 1084, 167, 388,
+ /* 460 */ 69, 69, 1115, 1084, 519, 509, 1084, 1084, 12, 1157,
+ /* 470 */ 1084, 420, 119, 120, 110, 1136, 1136, 981, 984, 974,
+ /* 480 */ 974, 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 258, 258, 535,
+ /* 490 */ 1115, 1116, 1117, 1045, 535, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1323, 535,
+ /* 500 */ 532, 1115, 1116, 1117, 296, 483, 1211, 818, 1046, 448,
+ /* 510 */ 70, 70, 1115, 1116, 1117, 50, 50, 448, 356, 500,
+ /* 520 */ 70, 70, 207, 1047, 32, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115,
+ /* 530 */ 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 415, 453, 264, 264, 1115,
+ /* 540 */ 450, 449, 961, 508, 856, 384, 517, 5, 900, 822,
+ /* 550 */ 532, 484, 181, 1115, 857, 516, 517, 818, 952, 507,
+ /* 560 */ 3, 1115, 951, 1231, 1231, 482, 398, 1115, 1095, 119,
+ /* 570 */ 120, 110, 1136, 1136, 981, 984, 974, 974, 117, 117,
+ /* 580 */ 118, 118, 118, 118, 1115, 535, 238, 1115, 1391, 1115,
+ /* 590 */ 1116, 1117, 159, 951, 951, 953, 231, 1115, 259, 472,
+ /* 600 */ 469, 468, 310, 1115, 1116, 1117, 13, 13, 297, 467,
+ /* 610 */ 276, 1115, 1116, 1117, 412, 411, 1095, 1115, 1116, 1117,
+ /* 620 */ 395, 355, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114,
+ /* 630 */ 114, 113, 415, 208, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1115, 1116, 1117,
+ /* 640 */ 264, 264, 384, 337, 902, 393, 815, 1115, 1116, 1117,
+ /* 650 */ 413, 413, 413, 532, 112, 109, 209, 309, 900, 1143,
+ /* 660 */ 535, 1143, 535, 393, 901, 1210, 119, 120, 110, 1136,
+ /* 670 */ 1136, 981, 984, 974, 974, 117, 117, 118, 118, 118,
+ /* 680 */ 118, 13, 13, 13, 13, 265, 265, 535, 143, 264,
+ /* 690 */ 264, 288, 526, 535, 1119, 400, 535, 402, 532, 510,
+ /* 700 */ 1457, 512, 532, 6, 113, 415, 1067, 1530, 70, 70,
+ /* 710 */ 1530, 535, 271, 535, 70, 70, 535, 13, 13, 116,
+ /* 720 */ 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 415,
+ /* 730 */ 272, 277, 13, 13, 13, 13, 535, 13, 13, 384,
+ /* 740 */ 535, 304, 425, 1100, 284, 1119, 184, 801, 185, 338,
+ /* 750 */ 285, 514, 1532, 369, 1239, 1438, 1182, 70, 70, 425,
+ /* 760 */ 424, 70, 70, 119, 120, 110, 1136, 1136, 981, 984,
+ /* 770 */ 974, 974, 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 190, 1065,
+ /* 780 */ 1067, 1531, 442, 107, 1531, 408, 264, 264, 264, 264,
+ /* 790 */ 383, 1396, 261, 410, 95, 900, 485, 414, 421, 532,
+ /* 800 */ 1045, 532, 301, 1133, 303, 488, 433, 1451, 1396, 1398,
+ /* 810 */ 278, 535, 278, 520, 1435, 1046, 116, 116, 116, 116,
+ /* 820 */ 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113, 415, 425, 264, 264,
+ /* 830 */ 1047, 190, 54, 54, 535, 291, 384, 264, 264, 362,
+ /* 840 */ 962, 532, 1004, 376, 1084, 264, 264, 1029, 1029, 456,
+ /* 850 */ 532, 523, 270, 1065, 1084, 55, 55, 1084, 532, 442,
+ /* 860 */ 119, 120, 110, 1136, 1136, 981, 984, 974, 974, 117,
+ /* 870 */ 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 535, 1396, 190, 302, 1383,
+ /* 880 */ 208, 535, 789, 790, 791, 535, 515, 535, 1323, 371,
+ /* 890 */ 337, 234, 233, 232, 459, 515, 15, 15, 459, 477,
+ /* 900 */ 459, 459, 44, 44, 136, 900, 56, 56, 57, 57,
+ /* 910 */ 1185, 390, 197, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114,
+ /* 920 */ 114, 114, 113, 415, 535, 876, 535, 442, 535, 274,
+ /* 930 */ 875, 1323, 357, 384, 353, 140, 1426, 946, 1455, 1323,
+ /* 940 */ 1390, 6, 1240, 1236, 292, 58, 58, 59, 59, 60,
+ /* 950 */ 60, 535, 1456, 384, 535, 6, 399, 119, 120, 110,
+ /* 960 */ 1136, 1136, 981, 984, 974, 974, 117, 117, 118, 118,
+ /* 970 */ 118, 118, 61, 61, 535, 45, 45, 119, 120, 110,
+ /* 980 */ 1136, 1136, 981, 984, 974, 974, 117, 117, 118, 118,
+ /* 990 */ 118, 118, 1477, 479, 202, 46, 46, 275, 95, 455,
+ /* 1000 */ 535, 212, 535, 337, 535, 1454, 535, 409, 6, 242,
+ /* 1010 */ 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113,
+ /* 1020 */ 415, 48, 48, 49, 49, 62, 62, 63, 63, 535,
+ /* 1030 */ 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114, 113,
+ /* 1040 */ 415, 535, 459, 535, 1134, 535, 1151, 535, 142, 535,
+ /* 1050 */ 64, 64, 535, 1338, 535, 494, 535, 446, 535, 1264,
+ /* 1060 */ 535, 1337, 14, 14, 65, 65, 125, 125, 66, 66,
+ /* 1070 */ 51, 51, 535, 67, 67, 68, 68, 52, 52, 147,
+ /* 1080 */ 147, 148, 148, 1453, 317, 98, 6, 535, 1245, 481,
+ /* 1090 */ 535, 827, 535, 75, 75, 1134, 102, 481, 100, 535,
+ /* 1100 */ 532, 535, 368, 1066, 1503, 384, 535, 845, 53, 53,
+ /* 1110 */ 93, 71, 71, 126, 126, 295, 528, 390, 288, 526,
+ /* 1120 */ 72, 72, 127, 127, 139, 384, 38, 128, 128, 119,
+ /* 1130 */ 120, 110, 1136, 1136, 981, 984, 974, 974, 117, 117,
+ /* 1140 */ 118, 118, 118, 118, 535, 495, 535, 447, 535, 119,
+ /* 1150 */ 120, 110, 1136, 1136, 981, 984, 974, 974, 117, 117,
+ /* 1160 */ 118, 118, 118, 118, 235, 124, 124, 146, 146, 145,
+ /* 1170 */ 145, 287, 535, 1277, 535, 1157, 535, 391, 161, 263,
+ /* 1180 */ 206, 381, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114,
+ /* 1190 */ 114, 113, 415, 132, 132, 131, 131, 129, 129, 535,
+ /* 1200 */ 30, 535, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114,
+ /* 1210 */ 114, 113, 415, 535, 216, 1062, 1276, 535, 370, 535,
+ /* 1220 */ 130, 130, 74, 74, 535, 915, 389, 876, 17, 437,
+ /* 1230 */ 429, 31, 875, 916, 76, 76, 266, 101, 73, 73,
+ /* 1240 */ 43, 43, 835, 834, 308, 47, 47, 95, 825, 943,
+ /* 1250 */ 441, 938, 241, 241, 305, 443, 313, 384, 241, 95,
+ /* 1260 */ 842, 843, 193, 465, 1209, 327, 237, 436, 95, 1011,
+ /* 1270 */ 1007, 909, 873, 237, 241, 107, 1023, 384, 1023, 955,
+ /* 1280 */ 1415, 119, 120, 110, 1136, 1136, 981, 984, 974, 974,
+ /* 1290 */ 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 1022, 809, 1022, 825,
+ /* 1300 */ 137, 119, 108, 110, 1136, 1136, 981, 984, 974, 974,
+ /* 1310 */ 117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 874, 1414, 451, 107,
+ /* 1320 */ 1011, 314, 1273, 318, 218, 321, 323, 325, 1224, 1208,
+ /* 1330 */ 955, 330, 339, 340, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115,
+ /* 1340 */ 114, 114, 114, 113, 415, 1285, 1322, 1260, 1493, 1470,
+ /* 1350 */ 1271, 283, 521, 1328, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115,
+ /* 1360 */ 114, 114, 114, 113, 415, 1191, 1184, 1173, 1172, 1174,
+ /* 1370 */ 522, 1487, 211, 460, 384, 256, 199, 367, 1257, 342,
+ /* 1380 */ 195, 470, 307, 344, 11, 333, 525, 445, 1307, 1315,
+ /* 1390 */ 375, 203, 1207, 1151, 384, 346, 1387, 188, 360, 120,
+ /* 1400 */ 110, 1136, 1136, 981, 984, 974, 974, 117, 117, 118,
+ /* 1410 */ 118, 118, 118, 1386, 428, 1490, 245, 300, 348, 1148,
+ /* 1420 */ 110, 1136, 1136, 981, 984, 974, 974, 117, 117, 118,
+ /* 1430 */ 118, 118, 118, 189, 198, 1434, 1432, 78, 81, 163,
+ /* 1440 */ 82, 392, 439, 1392, 173, 105, 527, 35, 4, 157,
+ /* 1450 */ 1312, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114,
+ /* 1460 */ 113, 415, 530, 165, 93, 1304, 431, 432, 168, 463,
+ /* 1470 */ 221, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 115, 114, 114, 114,
+ /* 1480 */ 113, 415, 169, 452, 170, 416, 171, 374, 372, 438,
+ /* 1490 */ 36, 1318, 177, 225, 1381, 87, 458, 524, 1403, 316,
+ /* 1500 */ 257, 105, 527, 227, 4, 182, 461, 160, 320, 228,
+ /* 1510 */ 377, 1175, 476, 229, 1227, 1226, 405, 1225, 530, 1218,
+ /* 1520 */ 961, 378, 1199, 1198, 827, 332, 103, 103, 1197, 407,
+ /* 1530 */ 8, 1217, 1502, 104, 487, 416, 537, 536, 281, 282,
+ /* 1540 */ 951, 416, 490, 1268, 496, 92, 341, 243, 1269, 343,
+ /* 1550 */ 244, 1267, 122, 524, 345, 1461, 515, 288, 526, 10,
+ /* 1560 */ 354, 1266, 1460, 352, 504, 1250, 99, 1367, 94, 503,
+ /* 1570 */ 499, 951, 951, 953, 954, 27, 961, 347, 1249, 194,
+ /* 1580 */ 251, 358, 103, 103, 359, 1181, 34, 538, 1110, 104,
+ /* 1590 */ 255, 416, 537, 536, 286, 252, 951, 254, 539, 149,
+ /* 1600 */ 1170, 1419, 1165, 1420, 1418, 150, 1417, 135, 279, 785,
+ /* 1610 */ 151, 417, 1195, 196, 290, 210, 386, 1194, 269, 387,
+ /* 1620 */ 162, 1021, 133, 77, 1192, 1019, 935, 951, 951, 953,
+ /* 1630 */ 954, 27, 1479, 1104, 418, 164, 153, 268, 217, 166,
+ /* 1640 */ 859, 306, 366, 366, 365, 253, 363, 220, 1035, 798,
+ /* 1650 */ 172, 939, 105, 527, 155, 4, 394, 174, 396, 156,
+ /* 1660 */ 83, 1038, 213, 84, 294, 85, 86, 223, 222, 530,
+ /* 1670 */ 1034, 144, 293, 18, 224, 315, 241, 1027, 1145, 178,
+ /* 1680 */ 457, 226, 179, 37, 800, 334, 462, 230, 328, 466,
+ /* 1690 */ 180, 471, 416, 88, 19, 20, 89, 280, 838, 158,
+ /* 1700 */ 191, 90, 215, 478, 524, 1097, 204, 192, 987, 91,
+ /* 1710 */ 152, 1070, 39, 154, 1071, 504, 486, 40, 489, 205,
+ /* 1720 */ 505, 260, 105, 527, 214, 4, 908, 961, 262, 183,
+ /* 1730 */ 240, 21, 903, 103, 103, 107, 22, 1086, 23, 530,
+ /* 1740 */ 104, 1088, 416, 537, 536, 24, 1093, 951, 25, 1074,
+ /* 1750 */ 1090, 1094, 7, 33, 511, 186, 26, 1002, 385, 95,
+ /* 1760 */ 988, 986, 416, 288, 526, 990, 1044, 246, 1043, 247,
+ /* 1770 */ 991, 28, 41, 106, 524, 956, 810, 29, 951, 951,
+ /* 1780 */ 953, 954, 27, 531, 361, 504, 423, 248, 869, 249,
+ /* 1790 */ 503, 1495, 364, 1105, 1161, 1494, 1161, 961, 1161, 1161,
+ /* 1800 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 103, 103, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161,
+ /* 1810 */ 104, 1161, 416, 537, 536, 1104, 418, 951, 1161, 268,
+ /* 1820 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 366, 366, 365, 253, 363, 1161,
+ /* 1830 */ 1161, 798, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 105, 527, 1161, 4,
+ /* 1840 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 213, 1161, 294, 1161, 951, 951,
+ /* 1850 */ 953, 954, 27, 530, 293, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161,
+ /* 1860 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161,
+ /* 1870 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 416, 1161, 1161, 1161,
+ /* 1880 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 215, 1161, 1161, 1161, 524, 1161,
+ /* 1890 */ 1161, 1161, 152, 1161, 1161, 154, 105, 527, 1161, 4,
+ /* 1900 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 214, 1161, 1161, 1161,
+ /* 1910 */ 1161, 961, 1161, 530, 1161, 1161, 1161, 103, 103, 880,
+ /* 1920 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 104, 1161, 416, 537, 536, 1161,
+ /* 1930 */ 1161, 951, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 416, 1161, 1161, 1161,
+ /* 1940 */ 385, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 288, 526, 1161, 524, 1161,
+ /* 1950 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 97, 527, 1161, 4,
+ /* 1960 */ 1161, 1161, 951, 951, 953, 954, 27, 1161, 423, 1161,
+ /* 1970 */ 1161, 961, 1161, 530, 1161, 1161, 1161, 103, 103, 1161,
+ /* 1980 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 104, 1161, 416, 537, 536, 1161,
+ /* 1990 */ 1161, 951, 268, 1161, 1161, 1161, 416, 366, 366, 365,
+ /* 2000 */ 253, 363, 1161, 1161, 798, 1161, 1161, 1161, 524, 1161,
+ /* 2010 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 213, 1161, 294,
+ /* 2020 */ 1161, 1161, 951, 951, 953, 954, 27, 293, 1161, 1161,
+ /* 2030 */ 1161, 961, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 103, 103, 1161,
+ /* 2040 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 104, 1161, 416, 537, 536, 1161,
+ /* 2050 */ 1161, 951, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 215, 1161, 1161,
+ /* 2060 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 152, 1161, 1161, 154, 1161,
+ /* 2070 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 214,
+ /* 2080 */ 1161, 1161, 951, 951, 953, 954, 27, 1161, 1161, 1161,
+ /* 2090 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161,
+ /* 2100 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161,
+ /* 2110 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 385, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 288, 526,
+ /* 2120 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161,
+ /* 2130 */ 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161,
+ /* 2140 */ 1161, 423,
static const YYCODETYPE yy_lookahead[] = {
- /* 0 */ 168, 163, 184, 238, 239, 240, 163, 163, 155, 156,
- /* 10 */ 157, 158, 159, 160, 163, 202, 203, 187, 165, 19,
- /* 20 */ 167, 163, 184, 185, 259, 202, 203, 174, 184, 185,
- /* 30 */ 174, 31, 238, 239, 240, 184, 185, 22, 23, 39,
- /* 40 */ 216, 26, 218, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
- /* 50 */ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 174, 206,
- /* 60 */ 207, 163, 206, 207, 220, 163, 163, 163, 238, 239,
- /* 70 */ 240, 59, 219, 229, 231, 219, 183, 245, 174, 223,
- /* 80 */ 224, 249, 184, 185, 191, 232, 184, 185, 184, 185,
- /* 90 */ 206, 207, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,
- /* 100 */ 100, 101, 102, 219, 102, 81, 91, 163, 96, 97,
- /* 110 */ 206, 207, 19, 275, 276, 262, 104, 105, 106, 107,
- /* 120 */ 163, 109, 220, 219, 220, 184, 275, 269, 277, 117,
- /* 130 */ 187, 229, 19, 229, 101, 102, 43, 44, 45, 46,
- /* 140 */ 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
- /* 150 */ 57, 127, 128, 141, 184, 143, 43, 44, 45, 46,
- /* 160 */ 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
- /* 170 */ 57, 268, 269, 275, 276, 197, 83, 233, 85, 163,
- /* 180 */ 67, 238, 239, 240, 134, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,
- /* 190 */ 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 19, 54, 55, 56,
- /* 200 */ 57, 58, 152, 26, 247, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,
- /* 210 */ 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 54, 55, 56, 57,
- /* 220 */ 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
- /* 230 */ 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,
- /* 240 */ 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 69, 96, 97, 98,
- /* 250 */ 99, 100, 101, 102, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,
- /* 260 */ 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 73, 179, 180, 181, 92,
- /* 270 */ 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102,
- /* 280 */ 163, 191, 192, 163, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 19,
- /* 290 */ 200, 179, 180, 181, 24, 175, 92, 93, 94, 95,
- /* 300 */ 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 163, 116, 117,
- /* 310 */ 118, 22, 163, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
- /* 320 */ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 157, 158,
- /* 330 */ 159, 160, 163, 184, 185, 163, 165, 59, 167, 46,
- /* 340 */ 90, 76, 11, 174, 73, 174, 19, 198, 59, 19,
- /* 350 */ 72, 86, 81, 184, 185, 234, 106, 96, 97, 163,
- /* 360 */ 110, 182, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,
- /* 370 */ 100, 101, 102, 46, 230, 206, 207, 206, 207, 163,
- /* 380 */ 184, 185, 19, 105, 106, 107, 23, 116, 219, 220,
- /* 390 */ 219, 141, 142, 143, 105, 106, 107, 104, 127, 128,
- /* 400 */ 184, 185, 141, 232, 143, 59, 43, 44, 45, 46,
- /* 410 */ 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
- /* 420 */ 57, 158, 108, 160, 59, 111, 112, 113, 165, 250,
- /* 430 */ 167, 104, 102, 262, 255, 121, 220, 174, 108, 109,
- /* 440 */ 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 229, 182, 120, 117, 118,
- /* 450 */ 120, 105, 106, 107, 163, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,
- /* 460 */ 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 163, 22, 59, 206,
- /* 470 */ 207, 106, 163, 26, 171, 19, 163, 193, 175, 23,
- /* 480 */ 163, 22, 219, 206, 207, 139, 163, 22, 59, 182,
- /* 490 */ 117, 118, 59, 184, 185, 232, 219, 184, 185, 43,
- /* 500 */ 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
- /* 510 */ 54, 55, 56, 57, 105, 106, 107, 108, 59, 255,
- /* 520 */ 111, 112, 113, 90, 59, 262, 22, 98, 174, 12,
- /* 530 */ 121, 208, 163, 220, 105, 106, 107, 163, 105, 106,
- /* 540 */ 22, 96, 97, 110, 27, 238, 239, 240, 92, 93,
- /* 550 */ 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 42,
- /* 560 */ 206, 207, 115, 59, 105, 106, 107, 163, 19, 59,
- /* 570 */ 163, 106, 23, 219, 141, 142, 143, 59, 163, 205,
- /* 580 */ 63, 59, 72, 22, 124, 59, 163, 270, 234, 129,
- /* 590 */ 73, 163, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
- /* 600 */ 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 184, 185, 105,
- /* 610 */ 106, 107, 184, 185, 163, 105, 106, 107, 265, 266,
- /* 620 */ 59, 198, 225, 105, 106, 107, 198, 105, 106, 107,
- /* 630 */ 163, 105, 106, 107, 163, 184, 185, 46, 47, 48,
- /* 640 */ 49, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,
- /* 650 */ 101, 102, 163, 163, 132, 184, 185, 163, 132, 163,
- /* 660 */ 256, 19, 163, 163, 163, 23, 105, 106, 107, 198,
- /* 670 */ 163, 220, 205, 184, 185, 163, 35, 81, 184, 185,
- /* 680 */ 184, 185, 163, 184, 185, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
- /* 690 */ 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
- /* 700 */ 163, 110, 163, 184, 185, 109, 205, 66, 163, 59,
- /* 710 */ 163, 21, 205, 16, 174, 74, 220, 198, 163, 220,
- /* 720 */ 230, 184, 185, 127, 128, 180, 181, 180, 181, 163,
- /* 730 */ 175, 242, 174, 233, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,
- /* 740 */ 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 233, 206, 207, 26, 163,
- /* 750 */ 195, 207, 197, 26, 19, 105, 106, 107, 23, 219,
- /* 760 */ 119, 260, 26, 219, 206, 207, 174, 19, 174, 230,
- /* 770 */ 80, 174, 163, 174, 77, 163, 79, 219, 43, 44,
- /* 780 */ 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
- /* 790 */ 55, 56, 57, 248, 12, 248, 184, 185, 206, 207,
- /* 800 */ 206, 207, 112, 206, 207, 206, 207, 206, 207, 27,
- /* 810 */ 163, 219, 123, 219, 125, 126, 219, 208, 219, 163,
- /* 820 */ 219, 22, 23, 23, 42, 26, 26, 92, 93, 94,
- /* 830 */ 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 163, 149,
- /* 840 */ 184, 185, 163, 107, 163, 63, 149, 19, 163, 127,
- /* 850 */ 128, 23, 22, 105, 24, 116, 117, 118, 131, 184,
- /* 860 */ 185, 163, 163, 184, 185, 184, 185, 19, 132, 184,
- /* 870 */ 185, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,
- /* 880 */ 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 146, 163, 148, 59,
- /* 890 */ 91, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,
- /* 900 */ 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 208, 107, 184, 185,
- /* 910 */ 7, 8, 9, 116, 117, 118, 163, 163, 163, 24,
- /* 920 */ 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
- /* 930 */ 102, 29, 132, 163, 163, 33, 106, 184, 185, 163,
- /* 940 */ 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
- /* 950 */ 102, 163, 163, 163, 59, 184, 185, 163, 22, 163,
- /* 960 */ 184, 185, 177, 178, 163, 163, 163, 65, 163, 199,
- /* 970 */ 163, 26, 184, 185, 184, 185, 163, 163, 184, 185,
- /* 980 */ 184, 185, 163, 98, 163, 184, 185, 184, 185, 184,
- /* 990 */ 185, 184, 185, 252, 205, 147, 163, 61, 184, 185,
- /* 1000 */ 163, 106, 163, 184, 185, 163, 163, 205, 163, 124,
- /* 1010 */ 163, 256, 163, 163, 129, 19, 163, 184, 185, 163,
- /* 1020 */ 199, 184, 185, 184, 185, 23, 184, 185, 26, 184,
- /* 1030 */ 185, 184, 185, 184, 185, 19, 163, 184, 185, 43,
- /* 1040 */ 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
- /* 1050 */ 54, 55, 56, 57, 163, 163, 163, 184, 185, 43,
- /* 1060 */ 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
- /* 1070 */ 54, 55, 56, 57, 16, 184, 185, 184, 185, 163,
- /* 1080 */ 163, 22, 23, 138, 163, 19, 163, 231, 92, 93,
- /* 1090 */ 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 256,
- /* 1100 */ 163, 184, 185, 163, 163, 184, 185, 163, 92, 93,
- /* 1110 */ 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 163,
- /* 1120 */ 59, 184, 185, 163, 184, 185, 177, 178, 184, 185,
- /* 1130 */ 163, 208, 163, 237, 163, 77, 163, 79, 163, 15,
- /* 1140 */ 184, 185, 237, 147, 184, 185, 24, 231, 153, 154,
- /* 1150 */ 91, 184, 185, 184, 185, 184, 185, 184, 185, 184,
- /* 1160 */ 185, 22, 23, 19, 163, 127, 128, 106, 24, 273,
- /* 1170 */ 271, 105, 231, 274, 263, 264, 223, 224, 273, 22,
- /* 1180 */ 118, 24, 23, 19, 60, 26, 163, 43, 44, 45,
- /* 1190 */ 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
- /* 1200 */ 56, 57, 140, 23, 22, 163, 26, 43, 44, 45,
- /* 1210 */ 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
- /* 1220 */ 56, 57, 23, 211, 23, 26, 31, 26, 23, 22,
- /* 1230 */ 91, 26, 231, 221, 39, 53, 92, 93, 94, 95,
- /* 1240 */ 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 23, 23, 163,
- /* 1250 */ 26, 26, 130, 59, 109, 110, 92, 93, 94, 95,
- /* 1260 */ 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 23, 7, 8,
- /* 1270 */ 26, 110, 23, 59, 23, 26, 19, 26, 141, 23,
- /* 1280 */ 143, 120, 26, 141, 163, 143, 23, 23, 163, 26,
- /* 1290 */ 26, 163, 163, 163, 163, 163, 19, 163, 163, 193,
- /* 1300 */ 106, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
- /* 1310 */ 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 163, 193, 163, 163, 163,
- /* 1320 */ 106, 163, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
- /* 1330 */ 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 163, 163, 130, 222, 163,
- /* 1340 */ 163, 203, 163, 19, 20, 251, 22, 163, 163, 92,
- /* 1350 */ 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102,
- /* 1360 */ 36, 163, 209, 163, 261, 163, 163, 161, 222, 92,
- /* 1370 */ 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102,
- /* 1380 */ 210, 213, 222, 59, 222, 222, 182, 213, 213, 196,
- /* 1390 */ 257, 226, 226, 19, 20, 71, 22, 257, 188, 187,
- /* 1400 */ 192, 212, 187, 187, 226, 81, 210, 166, 60, 261,
- /* 1410 */ 36, 244, 130, 170, 90, 170, 38, 170, 139, 104,
- /* 1420 */ 96, 97, 48, 236, 22, 235, 43, 103, 201, 105,
- /* 1430 */ 106, 107, 138, 59, 110, 247, 213, 18, 204, 258,
- /* 1440 */ 204, 258, 204, 204, 170, 71, 18, 169, 213, 236,
- /* 1450 */ 213, 127, 128, 235, 201, 201, 82, 170, 169, 213,
- /* 1460 */ 146, 87, 62, 254, 90, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145,
- /* 1470 */ 96, 97, 253, 170, 169, 22, 170, 103, 169, 105,
- /* 1480 */ 106, 107, 189, 170, 110, 169, 189, 186, 19, 20,
- /* 1490 */ 104, 22, 194, 186, 186, 64, 115, 186, 194, 189,
- /* 1500 */ 188, 102, 133, 186, 186, 36, 186, 104, 189, 19,
- /* 1510 */ 20, 246, 22, 246, 189, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145,
- /* 1520 */ 0, 1, 2, 228, 228, 5, 36, 227, 59, 227,
- /* 1530 */ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 170, 84, 17, 134, 216,
- /* 1540 */ 71, 272, 270, 22, 137, 217, 22, 216, 227, 59,
- /* 1550 */ 30, 82, 32, 217, 228, 228, 87, 227, 170, 90,
- /* 1560 */ 40, 71, 146, 241, 215, 96, 97, 214, 136, 135,
- /* 1570 */ 213, 25, 103, 26, 105, 106, 107, 243, 173, 110,
- /* 1580 */ 90, 172, 13, 6, 164, 164, 96, 97, 98, 162,
- /* 1590 */ 70, 162, 162, 103, 176, 105, 106, 107, 78, 267,
- /* 1600 */ 110, 81, 267, 264, 182, 182, 182, 182, 88, 176,
- /* 1610 */ 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 176, 190, 4, 182, 182,
- /* 1620 */ 182, 19, 20, 182, 22, 190, 3, 22, 151, 15,
- /* 1630 */ 89, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 16, 128, 36, 23,
- /* 1640 */ 23, 139, 122, 24, 119, 131, 20, 127, 128, 133,
- /* 1650 */ 16, 1, 140, 131, 119, 61, 139, 53, 37, 53,
- /* 1660 */ 53, 59, 53, 119, 105, 34, 130, 1, 5, 22,
- /* 1670 */ 150, 104, 149, 71, 26, 75, 68, 41, 68, 130,
- /* 1680 */ 104, 24, 20, 19, 82, 120, 114, 22, 28, 87,
- /* 1690 */ 22, 67, 90, 22, 67, 23, 22, 22, 96, 97,
- /* 1700 */ 67, 23, 138, 22, 37, 103, 153, 105, 106, 107,
- /* 1710 */ 1, 2, 110, 23, 5, 23, 23, 26, 22, 10,
- /* 1720 */ 11, 12, 13, 14, 24, 23, 17, 22, 24, 130,
- /* 1730 */ 23, 19, 20, 23, 22, 105, 22, 34, 85, 30,
- /* 1740 */ 34, 32, 26, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 36, 40,
- /* 1750 */ 132, 34, 75, 83, 23, 44, 24, 34, 23, 26,
- /* 1760 */ 26, 19, 20, 23, 22, 26, 23, 23, 23, 23,
- /* 1770 */ 22, 59, 11, 22, 22, 26, 23, 23, 36, 70,
- /* 1780 */ 22, 22, 124, 71, 130, 130, 130, 78, 23, 130,
- /* 1790 */ 81, 15, 1, 278, 278, 278, 278, 88, 278, 278,
- /* 1800 */ 278, 59, 90, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 96, 97,
- /* 1810 */ 278, 278, 278, 71, 278, 103, 278, 105, 106, 107,
- /* 1820 */ 278, 278, 110, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278,
- /* 1830 */ 278, 122, 90, 278, 278, 278, 127, 128, 96, 97,
- /* 1840 */ 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 103, 278, 105, 106, 107,
- /* 1850 */ 278, 278, 110, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 278, 150,
- /* 1860 */ 278, 278, 278, 5, 278, 278, 278, 278, 10, 11,
- /* 1870 */ 12, 13, 14, 278, 278, 17, 278, 278, 278, 278,
- /* 1880 */ 278, 278, 278, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 30, 278,
- /* 1890 */ 32, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 40, 278,
- /* 1900 */ 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278,
- /* 1910 */ 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278,
- /* 1920 */ 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 70, 278,
- /* 1930 */ 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 78, 278, 278, 81,
- /* 1940 */ 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 88, 278, 278, 278,
- /* 1950 */ 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278,
- /* 1960 */ 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278,
- /* 1970 */ 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278,
- /* 1980 */ 122, 278, 278, 278, 278, 127, 128, 278, 278, 278,
- /* 1990 */ 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278,
- /* 2000 */ 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 150, 278,
- /* 2010 */ 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278,
+ /* 0 */ 184, 184, 259, 260, 261, 259, 260, 261, 176, 177,
+ /* 10 */ 178, 179, 180, 181, 184, 208, 212, 213, 186, 19,
+ /* 20 */ 188, 205, 206, 280, 205, 221, 22, 195, 24, 195,
+ /* 30 */ 208, 31, 195, 205, 29, 205, 206, 255, 33, 39,
+ /* 40 */ 200, 201, 202, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
+ /* 50 */ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 205, 227,
+ /* 60 */ 228, 227, 228, 59, 227, 228, 259, 260, 261, 252,
+ /* 70 */ 65, 241, 240, 184, 240, 223, 224, 240, 244, 245,
+ /* 80 */ 250, 259, 260, 261, 19, 253, 54, 55, 56, 57,
+ /* 90 */ 58, 184, 255, 184, 205, 206, 96, 97, 98, 99,
+ /* 100 */ 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 46, 47, 48,
+ /* 110 */ 49, 46, 296, 297, 110, 283, 19, 96, 97, 98,
+ /* 120 */ 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 96, 97,
+ /* 130 */ 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 94,
+ /* 140 */ 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
+ /* 150 */ 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 110, 106, 73, 251, 114,
+ /* 160 */ 73, 178, 179, 180, 181, 59, 184, 292, 81, 186,
+ /* 170 */ 295, 188, 218, 108, 19, 114, 184, 11, 195, 184,
+ /* 180 */ 83, 184, 85, 54, 55, 56, 57, 205, 206, 124,
+ /* 190 */ 145, 146, 147, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102,
+ /* 200 */ 103, 104, 105, 106, 120, 121, 122, 120, 102, 81,
+ /* 210 */ 227, 228, 220, 19, 16, 109, 110, 111, 131, 132,
+ /* 220 */ 26, 184, 184, 240, 229, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,
+ /* 230 */ 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 253, 43, 44, 45,
+ /* 240 */ 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
+ /* 250 */ 56, 57, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 131,
+ /* 260 */ 132, 106, 127, 69, 129, 130, 283, 112, 113, 114,
+ /* 270 */ 115, 116, 117, 118, 81, 77, 76, 79, 296, 124,
+ /* 280 */ 298, 203, 184, 19, 84, 59, 86, 121, 122, 89,
+ /* 290 */ 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,
+ /* 300 */ 106, 184, 35, 205, 206, 22, 113, 43, 44, 45,
+ /* 310 */ 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
+ /* 320 */ 56, 57, 205, 206, 131, 132, 100, 101, 291, 292,
+ /* 330 */ 114, 67, 295, 66, 108, 109, 110, 111, 138, 113,
+ /* 340 */ 124, 74, 59, 179, 184, 181, 184, 121, 22, 271,
+ /* 350 */ 186, 19, 188, 184, 276, 59, 24, 184, 241, 195,
+ /* 360 */ 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,
+ /* 370 */ 106, 145, 59, 147, 184, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
+ /* 380 */ 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
+ /* 390 */ 123, 227, 228, 110, 296, 297, 22, 23, 184, 102,
+ /* 400 */ 103, 104, 105, 106, 240, 109, 110, 111, 112, 195,
+ /* 410 */ 204, 115, 116, 117, 22, 184, 226, 253, 212, 205,
+ /* 420 */ 206, 125, 109, 110, 111, 22, 100, 101, 96, 97,
+ /* 430 */ 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 184,
+ /* 440 */ 59, 227, 228, 121, 122, 59, 277, 283, 19, 289,
+ /* 450 */ 290, 59, 23, 76, 240, 241, 143, 76, 72, 189,
+ /* 460 */ 205, 206, 59, 86, 250, 84, 89, 86, 203, 95,
+ /* 470 */ 89, 281, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
+ /* 480 */ 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 227, 228, 184,
+ /* 490 */ 109, 110, 111, 12, 184, 109, 110, 111, 184, 184,
+ /* 500 */ 240, 109, 110, 111, 184, 195, 214, 59, 27, 184,
+ /* 510 */ 205, 206, 109, 110, 111, 205, 206, 184, 263, 138,
+ /* 520 */ 205, 206, 184, 42, 22, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,
+ /* 530 */ 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 266, 227, 228, 59,
+ /* 540 */ 270, 276, 94, 66, 63, 19, 241, 22, 26, 23,
+ /* 550 */ 240, 241, 72, 59, 73, 250, 241, 109, 110, 82,
+ /* 560 */ 22, 59, 114, 223, 224, 250, 252, 59, 91, 43,
+ /* 570 */ 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
+ /* 580 */ 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 184, 26, 59, 268, 109,
+ /* 590 */ 110, 111, 184, 145, 146, 147, 112, 59, 203, 115,
+ /* 600 */ 116, 117, 277, 109, 110, 111, 205, 206, 195, 125,
+ /* 610 */ 277, 109, 110, 111, 100, 101, 139, 109, 110, 111,
+ /* 620 */ 219, 184, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103,
+ /* 630 */ 104, 105, 106, 111, 109, 110, 111, 109, 110, 111,
+ /* 640 */ 227, 228, 19, 184, 136, 184, 23, 109, 110, 111,
+ /* 650 */ 200, 201, 202, 240, 259, 260, 261, 195, 136, 145,
+ /* 660 */ 184, 147, 184, 184, 136, 214, 43, 44, 45, 46,
+ /* 670 */ 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
+ /* 680 */ 57, 205, 206, 205, 206, 227, 228, 184, 229, 227,
+ /* 690 */ 228, 131, 132, 184, 59, 219, 184, 219, 240, 291,
+ /* 700 */ 292, 184, 240, 295, 105, 106, 22, 23, 205, 206,
+ /* 710 */ 26, 184, 251, 184, 205, 206, 184, 205, 206, 96,
+ /* 720 */ 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106,
+ /* 730 */ 251, 219, 205, 206, 205, 206, 184, 205, 206, 19,
+ /* 740 */ 184, 16, 184, 23, 241, 110, 219, 21, 219, 184,
+ /* 750 */ 241, 219, 286, 287, 195, 184, 195, 205, 206, 201,
+ /* 760 */ 202, 205, 206, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
+ /* 770 */ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 184, 95,
+ /* 780 */ 22, 23, 184, 26, 26, 220, 227, 228, 227, 228,
+ /* 790 */ 196, 184, 23, 241, 26, 26, 195, 241, 184, 240,
+ /* 800 */ 12, 240, 77, 26, 79, 195, 80, 290, 201, 202,
+ /* 810 */ 216, 184, 218, 195, 184, 27, 96, 97, 98, 99,
+ /* 820 */ 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 269, 227, 228,
+ /* 830 */ 42, 184, 205, 206, 184, 184, 19, 227, 228, 192,
+ /* 840 */ 23, 240, 116, 196, 76, 227, 228, 120, 121, 122,
+ /* 850 */ 240, 63, 254, 95, 86, 205, 206, 89, 240, 184,
+ /* 860 */ 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
+ /* 870 */ 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 184, 269, 184, 153, 153,
+ /* 880 */ 111, 184, 7, 8, 9, 184, 138, 184, 184, 196,
+ /* 890 */ 184, 120, 121, 122, 184, 138, 205, 206, 184, 102,
+ /* 900 */ 184, 184, 205, 206, 156, 136, 205, 206, 205, 206,
+ /* 910 */ 198, 199, 135, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102,
+ /* 920 */ 103, 104, 105, 106, 184, 128, 184, 184, 184, 254,
+ /* 930 */ 133, 184, 237, 19, 239, 229, 226, 23, 292, 184,
+ /* 940 */ 226, 295, 226, 226, 184, 205, 206, 205, 206, 205,
+ /* 950 */ 206, 184, 292, 19, 184, 295, 252, 43, 44, 45,
+ /* 960 */ 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
+ /* 970 */ 56, 57, 205, 206, 184, 205, 206, 43, 44, 45,
+ /* 980 */ 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
+ /* 990 */ 56, 57, 157, 158, 26, 205, 206, 254, 26, 252,
+ /* 1000 */ 184, 15, 184, 184, 184, 292, 184, 252, 295, 24,
+ /* 1010 */ 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,
+ /* 1020 */ 106, 205, 206, 205, 206, 205, 206, 205, 206, 184,
+ /* 1030 */ 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,
+ /* 1040 */ 106, 184, 184, 184, 59, 184, 60, 184, 229, 184,
+ /* 1050 */ 205, 206, 184, 258, 184, 19, 184, 19, 184, 246,
+ /* 1060 */ 184, 258, 205, 206, 205, 206, 205, 206, 205, 206,
+ /* 1070 */ 205, 206, 184, 205, 206, 205, 206, 205, 206, 205,
+ /* 1080 */ 206, 205, 206, 292, 226, 151, 295, 184, 228, 294,
+ /* 1090 */ 184, 119, 184, 205, 206, 110, 150, 294, 152, 184,
+ /* 1100 */ 240, 184, 22, 23, 23, 19, 184, 26, 205, 206,
+ /* 1110 */ 142, 205, 206, 205, 206, 184, 198, 199, 131, 132,
+ /* 1120 */ 205, 206, 205, 206, 22, 19, 24, 205, 206, 43,
+ /* 1130 */ 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
+ /* 1140 */ 54, 55, 56, 57, 184, 109, 184, 109, 184, 43,
+ /* 1150 */ 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
+ /* 1160 */ 54, 55, 56, 57, 46, 205, 206, 205, 206, 205,
+ /* 1170 */ 206, 232, 184, 184, 184, 95, 184, 284, 285, 244,
+ /* 1180 */ 245, 242, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103,
+ /* 1190 */ 104, 105, 106, 205, 206, 205, 206, 205, 206, 184,
+ /* 1200 */ 22, 184, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103,
+ /* 1210 */ 104, 105, 106, 184, 24, 23, 184, 184, 26, 184,
+ /* 1220 */ 205, 206, 205, 206, 184, 31, 108, 128, 22, 122,
+ /* 1230 */ 184, 53, 133, 39, 205, 206, 22, 151, 205, 206,
+ /* 1240 */ 205, 206, 113, 114, 23, 205, 206, 26, 59, 23,
+ /* 1250 */ 23, 144, 26, 26, 184, 23, 23, 19, 26, 26,
+ /* 1260 */ 7, 8, 24, 23, 214, 23, 26, 61, 26, 59,
+ /* 1270 */ 23, 23, 23, 26, 26, 26, 145, 19, 147, 59,
+ /* 1280 */ 184, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,
+ /* 1290 */ 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 145, 23, 147, 110,
+ /* 1300 */ 26, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,
+ /* 1310 */ 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 23, 184, 184, 26,
+ /* 1320 */ 110, 184, 184, 184, 134, 184, 184, 184, 184, 184,
+ /* 1330 */ 110, 184, 184, 184, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
+ /* 1340 */ 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 184, 184, 184, 134, 300,
+ /* 1350 */ 184, 243, 184, 184, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
+ /* 1360 */ 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 184, 184, 184, 184, 184,
+ /* 1370 */ 224, 184, 282, 273, 19, 272, 203, 182, 243, 243,
+ /* 1380 */ 230, 209, 278, 243, 231, 208, 265, 278, 234, 234,
+ /* 1390 */ 234, 217, 213, 60, 19, 243, 208, 237, 233, 44,
+ /* 1400 */ 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
+ /* 1410 */ 55, 56, 57, 208, 247, 187, 134, 247, 247, 38,
+ /* 1420 */ 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
+ /* 1430 */ 55, 56, 57, 237, 231, 191, 191, 279, 279, 282,
+ /* 1440 */ 143, 191, 108, 268, 22, 19, 20, 256, 22, 43,
+ /* 1450 */ 257, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104,
+ /* 1460 */ 105, 106, 36, 222, 142, 234, 18, 191, 225, 18,
+ /* 1470 */ 190, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104,
+ /* 1480 */ 105, 106, 225, 191, 225, 59, 225, 257, 234, 234,
+ /* 1490 */ 256, 222, 222, 190, 234, 150, 62, 71, 275, 274,
+ /* 1500 */ 191, 19, 20, 190, 22, 22, 210, 81, 191, 190,
+ /* 1510 */ 210, 191, 108, 190, 207, 207, 64, 207, 36, 215,
+ /* 1520 */ 94, 210, 207, 209, 119, 207, 100, 101, 207, 106,
+ /* 1530 */ 48, 215, 207, 107, 210, 109, 110, 111, 267, 267,
+ /* 1540 */ 114, 59, 210, 249, 137, 108, 248, 191, 249, 248,
+ /* 1550 */ 88, 249, 141, 71, 248, 299, 138, 131, 132, 22,
+ /* 1560 */ 191, 249, 299, 237, 82, 238, 150, 262, 140, 87,
+ /* 1570 */ 139, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 94, 248, 238, 236,
+ /* 1580 */ 25, 235, 100, 101, 234, 194, 26, 193, 13, 107,
+ /* 1590 */ 6, 109, 110, 111, 264, 185, 114, 185, 183, 197,
+ /* 1600 */ 183, 203, 183, 203, 203, 197, 203, 211, 211, 4,
+ /* 1610 */ 197, 3, 203, 22, 155, 15, 288, 203, 93, 288,
+ /* 1620 */ 285, 23, 16, 203, 203, 23, 132, 145, 146, 147,
+ /* 1630 */ 148, 149, 0, 1, 2, 143, 123, 5, 24, 135,
+ /* 1640 */ 20, 16, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 137, 1, 17,
+ /* 1650 */ 135, 144, 19, 20, 123, 22, 61, 143, 37, 123,
+ /* 1660 */ 53, 109, 30, 53, 32, 53, 53, 134, 34, 36,
+ /* 1670 */ 1, 5, 40, 22, 108, 153, 26, 68, 75, 68,
+ /* 1680 */ 41, 134, 108, 24, 20, 124, 19, 118, 23, 67,
+ /* 1690 */ 22, 67, 59, 22, 22, 22, 22, 67, 28, 37,
+ /* 1700 */ 23, 142, 70, 22, 71, 23, 157, 23, 23, 26,
+ /* 1710 */ 78, 23, 22, 81, 23, 82, 24, 22, 24, 134,
+ /* 1720 */ 87, 23, 19, 20, 92, 22, 109, 94, 23, 22,
+ /* 1730 */ 34, 34, 136, 100, 101, 26, 34, 85, 34, 36,
+ /* 1740 */ 107, 83, 109, 110, 111, 34, 90, 114, 34, 23,
+ /* 1750 */ 75, 75, 44, 22, 24, 26, 34, 23, 126, 26,
+ /* 1760 */ 23, 23, 59, 131, 132, 23, 23, 26, 23, 22,
+ /* 1770 */ 11, 22, 22, 22, 71, 23, 23, 22, 145, 146,
+ /* 1780 */ 147, 148, 149, 26, 23, 82, 154, 134, 128, 134,
+ /* 1790 */ 87, 134, 15, 1, 301, 134, 301, 94, 301, 301,
+ /* 1800 */ 301, 301, 301, 100, 101, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301,
+ /* 1810 */ 107, 301, 109, 110, 111, 1, 2, 114, 301, 5,
+ /* 1820 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 301,
+ /* 1830 */ 301, 17, 301, 301, 301, 301, 19, 20, 301, 22,
+ /* 1840 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 30, 301, 32, 301, 145, 146,
+ /* 1850 */ 147, 148, 149, 36, 40, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301,
+ /* 1860 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301,
+ /* 1870 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 59, 301, 301, 301,
+ /* 1880 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 70, 301, 301, 301, 71, 301,
+ /* 1890 */ 301, 301, 78, 301, 301, 81, 19, 20, 301, 22,
+ /* 1900 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 92, 301, 301, 301,
+ /* 1910 */ 301, 94, 301, 36, 301, 301, 301, 100, 101, 102,
+ /* 1920 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 107, 301, 109, 110, 111, 301,
+ /* 1930 */ 301, 114, 301, 301, 301, 301, 59, 301, 301, 301,
+ /* 1940 */ 126, 301, 301, 301, 301, 131, 132, 301, 71, 301,
+ /* 1950 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 19, 20, 301, 22,
+ /* 1960 */ 301, 301, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 301, 154, 301,
+ /* 1970 */ 301, 94, 301, 36, 301, 301, 301, 100, 101, 301,
+ /* 1980 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 107, 301, 109, 110, 111, 301,
+ /* 1990 */ 301, 114, 5, 301, 301, 301, 59, 10, 11, 12,
+ /* 2000 */ 13, 14, 301, 301, 17, 301, 301, 301, 71, 301,
+ /* 2010 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 30, 301, 32,
+ /* 2020 */ 301, 301, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 40, 301, 301,
+ /* 2030 */ 301, 94, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 100, 101, 301,
+ /* 2040 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 107, 301, 109, 110, 111, 301,
+ /* 2050 */ 301, 114, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 70, 301, 301,
+ /* 2060 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 78, 301, 301, 81, 301,
+ /* 2070 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 92,
+ /* 2080 */ 301, 301, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 301, 301, 301,
+ /* 2090 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301,
+ /* 2100 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301,
+ /* 2110 */ 301, 301, 301, 126, 301, 301, 301, 301, 131, 132,
+ /* 2120 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301,
+ /* 2130 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301,
+ /* 2140 */ 301, 154, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301,
+ /* 2150 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301,
+ /* 2160 */ 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301, 301,
-#define YY_SHIFT_COUNT (523)
+#define YY_SHIFT_COUNT (540)
#define YY_SHIFT_MIN (0)
-#define YY_SHIFT_MAX (1858)
+#define YY_SHIFT_MAX (1987)
static const unsigned short int yy_shift_ofst[] = {
- /* 0 */ 1709, 1520, 1858, 1324, 1324, 24, 1374, 1469, 1602, 1712,
- /* 10 */ 1712, 1712, 271, 0, 0, 113, 1016, 1712, 1712, 1712,
- /* 20 */ 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 12, 12, 409,
- /* 30 */ 596, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 93, 177, 270,
- /* 40 */ 363, 456, 549, 642, 735, 828, 848, 996, 1144, 1016,
- /* 50 */ 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016,
- /* 60 */ 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1164, 1016, 1257,
- /* 70 */ 1277, 1277, 1490, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712,
- /* 80 */ 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712,
- /* 90 */ 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712,
- /* 100 */ 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1742, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712,
- /* 110 */ 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 143,
- /* 120 */ 162, 162, 162, 162, 162, 204, 151, 186, 650, 690,
- /* 130 */ 327, 650, 261, 261, 650, 722, 722, 722, 722, 373,
- /* 140 */ 33, 2, 2009, 2009, 330, 330, 330, 346, 289, 278,
- /* 150 */ 289, 289, 517, 517, 459, 510, 15, 799, 650, 650,
- /* 160 */ 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650,
- /* 170 */ 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650,
- /* 180 */ 331, 365, 995, 995, 265, 365, 50, 1038, 2009, 2009,
- /* 190 */ 2009, 433, 250, 250, 504, 314, 429, 518, 522, 526,
- /* 200 */ 561, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650,
- /* 210 */ 192, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650,
- /* 220 */ 650, 650, 650, 641, 641, 641, 650, 650, 650, 650,
- /* 230 */ 800, 650, 650, 650, 830, 650, 650, 782, 650, 650,
- /* 240 */ 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 650, 739, 902, 689, 895,
- /* 250 */ 895, 895, 895, 736, 689, 689, 885, 445, 903, 1124,
- /* 260 */ 945, 748, 748, 1066, 945, 945, 1066, 447, 1002, 293,
- /* 270 */ 1195, 1195, 1195, 748, 740, 727, 460, 1157, 1348, 1282,
- /* 280 */ 1282, 1378, 1378, 1282, 1279, 1315, 1402, 1383, 1294, 1419,
- /* 290 */ 1419, 1419, 1419, 1282, 1428, 1294, 1294, 1315, 1402, 1383,
- /* 300 */ 1383, 1294, 1282, 1428, 1314, 1400, 1282, 1428, 1453, 1282,
- /* 310 */ 1428, 1282, 1428, 1453, 1386, 1386, 1386, 1431, 1453, 1386,
- /* 320 */ 1381, 1386, 1431, 1386, 1386, 1453, 1399, 1399, 1453, 1369,
- /* 330 */ 1403, 1369, 1403, 1369, 1403, 1369, 1403, 1282, 1404, 1452,
- /* 340 */ 1521, 1407, 1404, 1524, 1282, 1416, 1407, 1432, 1434, 1294,
- /* 350 */ 1546, 1547, 1569, 1569, 1577, 1577, 1577, 2009, 2009, 2009,
- /* 360 */ 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009,
- /* 370 */ 2009, 2009, 2009, 591, 697, 1059, 1139, 1058, 797, 465,
- /* 380 */ 1159, 1182, 1122, 1062, 1180, 936, 1199, 1201, 1205, 1224,
- /* 390 */ 1225, 1244, 1061, 1145, 1261, 1161, 1194, 1249, 1251, 1256,
- /* 400 */ 1137, 1142, 1263, 1264, 1214, 1207, 1613, 1623, 1605, 1477,
- /* 410 */ 1614, 1541, 1620, 1616, 1617, 1509, 1502, 1525, 1619, 1514,
- /* 420 */ 1626, 1516, 1634, 1650, 1522, 1512, 1535, 1594, 1621, 1517,
- /* 430 */ 1604, 1606, 1607, 1609, 1544, 1559, 1631, 1536, 1666, 1663,
- /* 440 */ 1647, 1567, 1523, 1608, 1648, 1610, 1600, 1636, 1549, 1576,
- /* 450 */ 1657, 1662, 1664, 1565, 1572, 1665, 1624, 1668, 1671, 1672,
- /* 460 */ 1674, 1627, 1660, 1675, 1633, 1667, 1678, 1564, 1681, 1553,
- /* 470 */ 1690, 1692, 1691, 1693, 1696, 1700, 1702, 1705, 1704, 1599,
- /* 480 */ 1707, 1710, 1630, 1703, 1714, 1618, 1716, 1706, 1716, 1717,
- /* 490 */ 1653, 1677, 1670, 1711, 1731, 1732, 1733, 1734, 1723, 1735,
- /* 500 */ 1716, 1740, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1739, 1746, 1748, 1761, 1751,
- /* 510 */ 1752, 1753, 1754, 1758, 1759, 1749, 1658, 1654, 1655, 1656,
- /* 520 */ 1659, 1765, 1776, 1791,
+ /* 0 */ 1814, 1632, 1987, 1426, 1426, 128, 1482, 1633, 1703, 1877,
+ /* 10 */ 1877, 1877, 87, 0, 0, 264, 1106, 1877, 1877, 1877,
+ /* 20 */ 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877,
+ /* 30 */ 226, 226, 381, 381, 296, 193, 128, 128, 128, 128,
+ /* 40 */ 128, 128, 97, 194, 332, 429, 526, 623, 720, 817,
+ /* 50 */ 914, 934, 1086, 1238, 1106, 1106, 1106, 1106, 1106, 1106,
+ /* 60 */ 1106, 1106, 1106, 1106, 1106, 1106, 1106, 1106, 1106, 1106,
+ /* 70 */ 1106, 1106, 1258, 1106, 1355, 1375, 1375, 1817, 1877, 1877,
+ /* 80 */ 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877,
+ /* 90 */ 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877,
+ /* 100 */ 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877,
+ /* 110 */ 1937, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877,
+ /* 120 */ 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 32, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129,
+ /* 130 */ 21, 152, 297, 494, 726, 65, 494, 514, 514, 494,
+ /* 140 */ 560, 560, 560, 560, 322, 599, 50, 2142, 2142, 155,
+ /* 150 */ 155, 155, 313, 392, 386, 392, 392, 481, 481, 200,
+ /* 160 */ 480, 684, 758, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494,
+ /* 170 */ 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494,
+ /* 180 */ 494, 494, 494, 494, 768, 768, 494, 166, 377, 377,
+ /* 190 */ 635, 835, 835, 635, 748, 987, 2142, 2142, 2142, 448,
+ /* 200 */ 45, 45, 403, 484, 502, 106, 525, 508, 528, 538,
+ /* 210 */ 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 84,
+ /* 220 */ 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494,
+ /* 230 */ 494, 494, 267, 267, 267, 494, 494, 494, 494, 769,
+ /* 240 */ 494, 494, 494, 4, 477, 494, 494, 788, 494, 494,
+ /* 250 */ 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 494, 727, 5, 135, 985,
+ /* 260 */ 985, 985, 985, 522, 135, 135, 797, 326, 875, 986,
+ /* 270 */ 968, 1036, 1036, 1038, 968, 968, 1038, 972, 1081, 1118,
+ /* 280 */ 1194, 1194, 1194, 1036, 757, 757, 946, 777, 1099, 1102,
+ /* 290 */ 1333, 1282, 1282, 1381, 1381, 1282, 1297, 1334, 1422, 1406,
+ /* 300 */ 1322, 1448, 1448, 1448, 1448, 1282, 1451, 1322, 1322, 1334,
+ /* 310 */ 1422, 1406, 1406, 1322, 1282, 1451, 1345, 1434, 1282, 1451,
+ /* 320 */ 1483, 1282, 1451, 1282, 1451, 1483, 1404, 1404, 1404, 1452,
+ /* 330 */ 1483, 1404, 1405, 1404, 1452, 1404, 1404, 1483, 1423, 1423,
+ /* 340 */ 1483, 1407, 1437, 1407, 1437, 1407, 1437, 1407, 1437, 1282,
+ /* 350 */ 1462, 1462, 1411, 1418, 1537, 1282, 1416, 1411, 1428, 1431,
+ /* 360 */ 1322, 1555, 1560, 1575, 1575, 1584, 1584, 1584, 2142, 2142,
+ /* 370 */ 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142,
+ /* 380 */ 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 61, 725, 374, 1080, 198, 771,
+ /* 390 */ 283, 1192, 1178, 1190, 1107, 1221, 1206, 1226, 1227, 1232,
+ /* 400 */ 1233, 1240, 1242, 1189, 1129, 1253, 216, 1210, 1247, 1248,
+ /* 410 */ 1249, 1131, 1151, 1274, 1293, 1220, 1214, 1605, 1608, 1591,
+ /* 420 */ 1459, 1600, 1525, 1606, 1598, 1602, 1494, 1492, 1513, 1614,
+ /* 430 */ 1504, 1620, 1510, 1625, 1647, 1515, 1507, 1531, 1595, 1621,
+ /* 440 */ 1514, 1607, 1610, 1612, 1613, 1536, 1552, 1634, 1533, 1669,
+ /* 450 */ 1666, 1651, 1566, 1522, 1609, 1650, 1611, 1603, 1639, 1547,
+ /* 460 */ 1574, 1659, 1664, 1667, 1561, 1569, 1668, 1622, 1671, 1672,
+ /* 470 */ 1665, 1673, 1624, 1670, 1674, 1630, 1662, 1677, 1559, 1681,
+ /* 480 */ 1682, 1549, 1684, 1685, 1683, 1688, 1690, 1692, 1691, 1695,
+ /* 490 */ 1694, 1585, 1698, 1705, 1617, 1696, 1707, 1596, 1709, 1697,
+ /* 500 */ 1702, 1704, 1711, 1652, 1675, 1658, 1708, 1676, 1656, 1714,
+ /* 510 */ 1726, 1731, 1730, 1729, 1733, 1722, 1734, 1709, 1737, 1738,
+ /* 520 */ 1742, 1743, 1741, 1745, 1747, 1759, 1749, 1750, 1752, 1753,
+ /* 530 */ 1751, 1755, 1757, 1660, 1653, 1655, 1657, 1661, 1761, 1777,
+ /* 540 */ 1792,
-#define YY_REDUCE_COUNT (372)
-#define YY_REDUCE_MIN (-235)
-#define YY_REDUCE_MAX (1441)
+#define YY_REDUCE_COUNT (383)
+#define YY_REDUCE_MIN (-257)
+#define YY_REDUCE_MAX (1421)
static const short yy_reduce_ofst[] = {
- /* 0 */ -147, 171, 263, -96, 169, -144, -162, -149, -102, -156,
- /* 10 */ -98, 216, 354, -170, -57, -235, 307, 149, 423, 428,
- /* 20 */ 471, 313, 451, 519, 489, 496, 499, 545, 547, 555,
- /* 30 */ -116, 540, 558, 592, 594, 597, 599, -206, -206, -206,
- /* 40 */ -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206,
- /* 50 */ -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206,
- /* 60 */ -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206,
- /* 70 */ -206, -206, 196, 309, 494, 537, 612, 656, 675, 679,
- /* 80 */ 681, 685, 724, 753, 771, 776, 788, 790, 794, 796,
- /* 90 */ 801, 803, 805, 807, 814, 819, 833, 837, 839, 842,
- /* 100 */ 845, 847, 849, 853, 873, 891, 893, 917, 921, 937,
- /* 110 */ 940, 944, 956, 960, 967, 969, 971, 973, 975, -206,
- /* 120 */ -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, -206, 501, -168,
- /* 130 */ 90, -97, 87, 112, 303, 277, 601, 277, 601, 179,
- /* 140 */ -206, -206, -206, -206, -107, -107, -107, -43, -56, 323,
- /* 150 */ 500, 512, -187, -177, 317, 609, 353, 353, 120, 144,
- /* 160 */ 490, 539, 698, 374, 467, 507, 789, 404, -157, 755,
- /* 170 */ 856, 916, 843, 941, 802, 770, 923, 821, 1001, -142,
- /* 180 */ 264, 785, 896, 905, 899, 949, -176, 544, 911, 953,
- /* 190 */ 1012, -182, -59, -30, 16, -22, 117, 172, 291, 369,
- /* 200 */ 407, 415, 566, 586, 647, 699, 754, 813, 850, 892,
- /* 210 */ 121, 1023, 1042, 1086, 1121, 1125, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1131,
- /* 220 */ 1132, 1134, 1135, 284, 1106, 1123, 1152, 1154, 1155, 1156,
- /* 230 */ 397, 1158, 1172, 1173, 1116, 1176, 1177, 1138, 1179, 117,
- /* 240 */ 1184, 1185, 1198, 1200, 1202, 1203, 741, 1094, 1153, 1146,
- /* 250 */ 1160, 1162, 1163, 397, 1153, 1153, 1170, 1204, 1206, 1103,
- /* 260 */ 1168, 1165, 1166, 1133, 1174, 1175, 1140, 1210, 1193, 1208,
- /* 270 */ 1212, 1215, 1216, 1178, 1167, 1189, 1196, 1241, 1148, 1243,
- /* 280 */ 1245, 1181, 1183, 1247, 1188, 1187, 1190, 1227, 1223, 1234,
- /* 290 */ 1236, 1238, 1239, 1274, 1278, 1235, 1237, 1213, 1218, 1253,
- /* 300 */ 1254, 1246, 1287, 1289, 1209, 1219, 1303, 1305, 1293, 1306,
- /* 310 */ 1309, 1313, 1316, 1297, 1301, 1307, 1308, 1298, 1310, 1311,
- /* 320 */ 1312, 1317, 1304, 1318, 1320, 1319, 1265, 1267, 1325, 1295,
- /* 330 */ 1300, 1296, 1302, 1326, 1321, 1327, 1330, 1365, 1323, 1269,
- /* 340 */ 1272, 1328, 1331, 1322, 1388, 1334, 1336, 1349, 1353, 1357,
- /* 350 */ 1405, 1409, 1420, 1421, 1427, 1429, 1430, 1332, 1335, 1339,
- /* 360 */ 1418, 1422, 1423, 1424, 1425, 1433, 1426, 1435, 1436, 1437,
- /* 370 */ 1438, 1441, 1439,
+ /* 0 */ -168, -17, 164, 214, 310, -166, -184, -18, 98, -170,
+ /* 10 */ 305, 315, -163, -193, -178, -257, 395, 401, 476, 478,
+ /* 20 */ 512, 117, 527, 529, 503, 509, 532, 255, 552, 556,
+ /* 30 */ 558, 607, 37, 408, 594, 413, 462, 559, 561, 601,
+ /* 40 */ 610, 618, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254,
+ /* 50 */ -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254,
+ /* 60 */ -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254,
+ /* 70 */ -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -111, 627, 650,
+ /* 80 */ 691, 697, 701, 703, 740, 742, 744, 767, 770, 790,
+ /* 90 */ 816, 818, 820, 822, 845, 857, 859, 861, 863, 865,
+ /* 100 */ 868, 870, 872, 874, 876, 888, 903, 906, 908, 915,
+ /* 110 */ 917, 922, 960, 962, 964, 988, 990, 992, 1015, 1017,
+ /* 120 */ 1029, 1033, 1035, 1040, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254, -254,
+ /* 130 */ -254, -254, -254, 190, 270, -196, 160, -160, 450, 647,
+ /* 140 */ 260, 458, 260, 458, 78, -254, -254, -254, -254, 206,
+ /* 150 */ 206, 206, 320, 598, -5, 675, 743, -148, 340, -125,
+ /* 160 */ 459, 466, 466, 693, -93, 461, 479, 706, 710, 714,
+ /* 170 */ 716, 717, 169, -183, 325, 314, 704, 333, 747, 858,
+ /* 180 */ -8, 819, 565, 755, 646, 660, 517, 265, 713, 791,
+ /* 190 */ 712, 795, 803, 918, 695, 860, 893, 935, 939, -181,
+ /* 200 */ -172, -147, -91, -46, -3, 162, 173, 231, 338, 437,
+ /* 210 */ 571, 614, 630, 651, 760, 931, 989, 1032, 1046, -218,
+ /* 220 */ 38, 1070, 1096, 1133, 1134, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1141, 1142,
+ /* 230 */ 1143, 1144, 292, 451, 1050, 1145, 1147, 1148, 1149, 813,
+ /* 240 */ 1161, 1162, 1163, 1108, 1049, 1166, 1168, 1146, 1169, 162,
+ /* 250 */ 1181, 1182, 1183, 1184, 1185, 1187, 1100, 1103, 1150, 1135,
+ /* 260 */ 1136, 1140, 1152, 813, 1150, 1150, 1153, 1173, 1195, 1090,
+ /* 270 */ 1154, 1167, 1170, 1104, 1155, 1156, 1109, 1172, 1174, 1179,
+ /* 280 */ 1177, 1188, 1205, 1171, 1160, 1196, 1121, 1165, 1203, 1228,
+ /* 290 */ 1157, 1244, 1245, 1158, 1159, 1250, 1175, 1193, 1191, 1241,
+ /* 300 */ 1231, 1243, 1257, 1259, 1261, 1276, 1280, 1254, 1255, 1230,
+ /* 310 */ 1234, 1269, 1270, 1260, 1292, 1303, 1223, 1225, 1309, 1313,
+ /* 320 */ 1296, 1317, 1319, 1320, 1323, 1300, 1307, 1308, 1310, 1304,
+ /* 330 */ 1311, 1315, 1314, 1318, 1316, 1321, 1325, 1324, 1271, 1272,
+ /* 340 */ 1332, 1294, 1298, 1299, 1301, 1302, 1306, 1312, 1329, 1356,
+ /* 350 */ 1256, 1263, 1327, 1326, 1305, 1369, 1330, 1340, 1343, 1346,
+ /* 360 */ 1350, 1391, 1394, 1410, 1412, 1415, 1417, 1419, 1328, 1331,
+ /* 370 */ 1335, 1402, 1398, 1400, 1401, 1403, 1408, 1396, 1397, 1409,
+ /* 380 */ 1414, 1420, 1421, 1413,
static const YYACTIONTYPE yy_default[] = {
- /* 0 */ 1500, 1500, 1500, 1346, 1129, 1235, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1346,
- /* 10 */ 1346, 1346, 1129, 1265, 1265, 1399, 1160, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 20 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1345, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 30 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1271, 1129,
- /* 40 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1347, 1348, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1398,
- /* 50 */ 1400, 1363, 1281, 1280, 1279, 1278, 1381, 1252, 1276, 1269,
- /* 60 */ 1273, 1341, 1342, 1340, 1344, 1348, 1347, 1129, 1272, 1312,
- /* 70 */ 1326, 1311, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 80 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 90 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 100 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 110 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1320,
- /* 120 */ 1325, 1331, 1324, 1321, 1314, 1313, 1315, 1316, 1129, 1150,
- /* 130 */ 1199, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1417, 1416, 1129, 1129, 1160,
- /* 140 */ 1317, 1318, 1328, 1327, 1406, 1456, 1455, 1364, 1129, 1129,
- /* 150 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 160 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 170 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 180 */ 1160, 1156, 1306, 1305, 1426, 1156, 1259, 1129, 1412, 1235,
- /* 190 */ 1226, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 200 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1403, 1401, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 210 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 220 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 230 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1231, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 240 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1450, 1129, 1376, 1213, 1231,
- /* 250 */ 1231, 1231, 1231, 1233, 1214, 1212, 1225, 1160, 1136, 1492,
- /* 260 */ 1275, 1254, 1254, 1489, 1275, 1275, 1489, 1174, 1470, 1171,
- /* 270 */ 1265, 1265, 1265, 1254, 1343, 1232, 1225, 1129, 1492, 1240,
- /* 280 */ 1240, 1491, 1491, 1240, 1364, 1284, 1290, 1202, 1275, 1208,
- /* 290 */ 1208, 1208, 1208, 1240, 1147, 1275, 1275, 1284, 1290, 1202,
- /* 300 */ 1202, 1275, 1240, 1147, 1380, 1486, 1240, 1147, 1354, 1240,
- /* 310 */ 1147, 1240, 1147, 1354, 1200, 1200, 1200, 1189, 1354, 1200,
- /* 320 */ 1174, 1200, 1189, 1200, 1200, 1354, 1358, 1358, 1354, 1258,
- /* 330 */ 1253, 1258, 1253, 1258, 1253, 1258, 1253, 1240, 1259, 1425,
- /* 340 */ 1129, 1270, 1259, 1349, 1240, 1129, 1270, 1268, 1266, 1275,
- /* 350 */ 1153, 1192, 1453, 1453, 1449, 1449, 1449, 1497, 1497, 1412,
- /* 360 */ 1465, 1160, 1160, 1160, 1160, 1465, 1176, 1176, 1160, 1160,
- /* 370 */ 1160, 1160, 1465, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1460,
- /* 380 */ 1129, 1365, 1244, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 390 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 400 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1295, 1129, 1132, 1409, 1129,
- /* 410 */ 1129, 1407, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1245, 1129,
- /* 420 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 430 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1488, 1129, 1129,
- /* 440 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1379, 1378, 1129, 1129, 1242, 1129,
- /* 450 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 460 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 470 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 480 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1267, 1129, 1424, 1129,
- /* 490 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1438, 1260, 1129, 1129,
- /* 500 */ 1479, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129,
- /* 510 */ 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1129, 1474, 1216, 1297, 1129, 1296,
- /* 520 */ 1300, 1129, 1141, 1129,
+ /* 0 */ 1536, 1536, 1536, 1376, 1159, 1265, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1376,
+ /* 10 */ 1376, 1376, 1159, 1295, 1295, 1429, 1190, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 20 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1375, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 30 */ 1159, 1159, 1459, 1459, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 40 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1301, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1377,
+ /* 50 */ 1378, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1428, 1430, 1393, 1311, 1310, 1309,
+ /* 60 */ 1308, 1411, 1282, 1306, 1299, 1303, 1371, 1372, 1370, 1374,
+ /* 70 */ 1378, 1377, 1159, 1302, 1342, 1356, 1341, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 80 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 90 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 100 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 110 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 120 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1350, 1355, 1361, 1354, 1351, 1344,
+ /* 130 */ 1343, 1345, 1346, 1159, 1180, 1229, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 140 */ 1447, 1446, 1159, 1159, 1190, 1347, 1348, 1358, 1357, 1436,
+ /* 150 */ 1492, 1491, 1394, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1459,
+ /* 160 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 170 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 180 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1459, 1459, 1159, 1190, 1459, 1459,
+ /* 190 */ 1186, 1336, 1335, 1186, 1289, 1159, 1442, 1265, 1256, 1159,
+ /* 200 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 210 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1433, 1431, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 220 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 230 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 240 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1261, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 250 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1486, 1159, 1406, 1243, 1261,
+ /* 260 */ 1261, 1261, 1261, 1263, 1244, 1242, 1255, 1190, 1166, 1528,
+ /* 270 */ 1305, 1284, 1284, 1525, 1305, 1305, 1525, 1204, 1506, 1201,
+ /* 280 */ 1295, 1295, 1295, 1284, 1289, 1289, 1373, 1262, 1255, 1159,
+ /* 290 */ 1528, 1270, 1270, 1527, 1527, 1270, 1394, 1314, 1320, 1232,
+ /* 300 */ 1305, 1238, 1238, 1238, 1238, 1270, 1177, 1305, 1305, 1314,
+ /* 310 */ 1320, 1232, 1232, 1305, 1270, 1177, 1410, 1522, 1270, 1177,
+ /* 320 */ 1384, 1270, 1177, 1270, 1177, 1384, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1219,
+ /* 330 */ 1384, 1230, 1204, 1230, 1219, 1230, 1230, 1384, 1388, 1388,
+ /* 340 */ 1384, 1288, 1283, 1288, 1283, 1288, 1283, 1288, 1283, 1270,
+ /* 350 */ 1469, 1469, 1300, 1289, 1379, 1270, 1159, 1300, 1298, 1296,
+ /* 360 */ 1305, 1183, 1222, 1489, 1489, 1485, 1485, 1485, 1533, 1533,
+ /* 370 */ 1442, 1501, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1501, 1206, 1206, 1190,
+ /* 380 */ 1190, 1190, 1190, 1501, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 390 */ 1496, 1159, 1395, 1274, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 400 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 410 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1325, 1159, 1162, 1439,
+ /* 420 */ 1159, 1159, 1437, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1275,
+ /* 430 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 440 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1524, 1159,
+ /* 450 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1409, 1408, 1159, 1159, 1272,
+ /* 460 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 470 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 480 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 490 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1297, 1159,
+ /* 500 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 510 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1474, 1290, 1159, 1159, 1515, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 520 */ 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159,
+ /* 530 */ 1159, 1159, 1510, 1246, 1327, 1159, 1326, 1330, 1159, 1171,
+ /* 540 */ 1159,
/********** End of lemon-generated parsing tables *****************************/
@@ -148346,6 +149183,10 @@ static const YYCODETYPE yyFallback[] = {
59, /* PRECEDING => ID */
59, /* RANGE => ID */
59, /* UNBOUNDED => ID */
+ 59, /* EXCLUDE => ID */
+ 59, /* GROUPS => ID */
+ 59, /* OTHERS => ID */
+ 59, /* TIES => ID */
59, /* REINDEX => ID */
59, /* RENAME => ID */
59, /* CTIME_KW => ID */
@@ -148524,196 +149365,219 @@ static const char *const yyTokenName[] = {
/* 85 */ "PRECEDING",
/* 86 */ "RANGE",
/* 87 */ "UNBOUNDED",
- /* 88 */ "REINDEX",
- /* 89 */ "RENAME",
- /* 90 */ "CTIME_KW",
- /* 91 */ "ANY",
- /* 92 */ "BITAND",
- /* 93 */ "BITOR",
- /* 94 */ "LSHIFT",
- /* 95 */ "RSHIFT",
- /* 96 */ "PLUS",
- /* 97 */ "MINUS",
- /* 98 */ "STAR",
- /* 99 */ "SLASH",
- /* 100 */ "REM",
- /* 101 */ "CONCAT",
- /* 102 */ "COLLATE",
- /* 103 */ "BITNOT",
- /* 104 */ "ON",
- /* 105 */ "INDEXED",
- /* 106 */ "STRING",
- /* 107 */ "JOIN_KW",
- /* 108 */ "CONSTRAINT",
- /* 109 */ "DEFAULT",
- /* 110 */ "NULL",
- /* 111 */ "PRIMARY",
- /* 112 */ "UNIQUE",
- /* 113 */ "CHECK",
- /* 114 */ "REFERENCES",
- /* 115 */ "AUTOINCR",
- /* 116 */ "INSERT",
- /* 117 */ "DELETE",
- /* 118 */ "UPDATE",
- /* 119 */ "SET",
- /* 120 */ "DEFERRABLE",
- /* 121 */ "FOREIGN",
- /* 122 */ "DROP",
- /* 123 */ "UNION",
- /* 124 */ "ALL",
- /* 125 */ "EXCEPT",
- /* 126 */ "INTERSECT",
- /* 127 */ "SELECT",
- /* 128 */ "VALUES",
- /* 129 */ "DISTINCT",
- /* 130 */ "DOT",
- /* 131 */ "FROM",
- /* 132 */ "JOIN",
- /* 133 */ "USING",
- /* 134 */ "ORDER",
- /* 135 */ "GROUP",
- /* 136 */ "HAVING",
- /* 137 */ "LIMIT",
- /* 138 */ "WHERE",
- /* 139 */ "INTO",
- /* 140 */ "NOTHING",
- /* 141 */ "FLOAT",
- /* 142 */ "BLOB",
- /* 143 */ "INTEGER",
- /* 144 */ "VARIABLE",
- /* 145 */ "CASE",
- /* 146 */ "WHEN",
- /* 147 */ "THEN",
- /* 148 */ "ELSE",
- /* 149 */ "INDEX",
- /* 150 */ "ALTER",
- /* 151 */ "ADD",
- /* 152 */ "WINDOW",
- /* 153 */ "OVER",
- /* 154 */ "FILTER",
- /* 155 */ "input",
- /* 156 */ "cmdlist",
- /* 157 */ "ecmd",
- /* 158 */ "cmdx",
- /* 159 */ "explain",
- /* 160 */ "cmd",
- /* 161 */ "transtype",
- /* 162 */ "trans_opt",
- /* 163 */ "nm",
- /* 164 */ "savepoint_opt",
- /* 165 */ "create_table",
- /* 166 */ "create_table_args",
- /* 167 */ "createkw",
- /* 168 */ "temp",
- /* 169 */ "ifnotexists",
- /* 170 */ "dbnm",
- /* 171 */ "columnlist",
- /* 172 */ "conslist_opt",
- /* 173 */ "table_options",
- /* 174 */ "select",
- /* 175 */ "columnname",
- /* 176 */ "carglist",
- /* 177 */ "typetoken",
- /* 178 */ "typename",
- /* 179 */ "signed",
- /* 180 */ "plus_num",
- /* 181 */ "minus_num",
- /* 182 */ "scanpt",
- /* 183 */ "ccons",
- /* 184 */ "term",
- /* 185 */ "expr",
- /* 186 */ "onconf",
- /* 187 */ "sortorder",
- /* 188 */ "autoinc",
- /* 189 */ "eidlist_opt",
- /* 190 */ "refargs",
- /* 191 */ "defer_subclause",
- /* 192 */ "refarg",
- /* 193 */ "refact",
- /* 194 */ "init_deferred_pred_opt",
- /* 195 */ "conslist",
- /* 196 */ "tconscomma",
- /* 197 */ "tcons",
- /* 198 */ "sortlist",
- /* 199 */ "eidlist",
- /* 200 */ "defer_subclause_opt",
- /* 201 */ "orconf",
- /* 202 */ "resolvetype",
- /* 203 */ "raisetype",
- /* 204 */ "ifexists",
- /* 205 */ "fullname",
- /* 206 */ "selectnowith",
- /* 207 */ "oneselect",
- /* 208 */ "wqlist",
- /* 209 */ "multiselect_op",
- /* 210 */ "distinct",
- /* 211 */ "selcollist",
- /* 212 */ "from",
- /* 213 */ "where_opt",
- /* 214 */ "groupby_opt",
- /* 215 */ "having_opt",
- /* 216 */ "orderby_opt",
- /* 217 */ "limit_opt",
- /* 218 */ "window_clause",
- /* 219 */ "values",
- /* 220 */ "nexprlist",
- /* 221 */ "sclp",
- /* 222 */ "as",
- /* 223 */ "seltablist",
- /* 224 */ "stl_prefix",
- /* 225 */ "joinop",
- /* 226 */ "indexed_opt",
- /* 227 */ "on_opt",
- /* 228 */ "using_opt",
- /* 229 */ "exprlist",
- /* 230 */ "xfullname",
- /* 231 */ "idlist",
- /* 232 */ "with",
- /* 233 */ "setlist",
- /* 234 */ "insert_cmd",
- /* 235 */ "idlist_opt",
- /* 236 */ "upsert",
- /* 237 */ "over_clause",
- /* 238 */ "likeop",
- /* 239 */ "between_op",
- /* 240 */ "in_op",
- /* 241 */ "paren_exprlist",
- /* 242 */ "case_operand",
- /* 243 */ "case_exprlist",
- /* 244 */ "case_else",
- /* 245 */ "uniqueflag",
- /* 246 */ "collate",
- /* 247 */ "vinto",
- /* 248 */ "nmnum",
- /* 249 */ "trigger_decl",
- /* 250 */ "trigger_cmd_list",
- /* 251 */ "trigger_time",
- /* 252 */ "trigger_event",
- /* 253 */ "foreach_clause",
- /* 254 */ "when_clause",
- /* 255 */ "trigger_cmd",
- /* 256 */ "trnm",
- /* 257 */ "tridxby",
- /* 258 */ "database_kw_opt",
- /* 259 */ "key_opt",
- /* 260 */ "add_column_fullname",
- /* 261 */ "kwcolumn_opt",
- /* 262 */ "create_vtab",
- /* 263 */ "vtabarglist",
- /* 264 */ "vtabarg",
- /* 265 */ "vtabargtoken",
- /* 266 */ "lp",
- /* 267 */ "anylist",
- /* 268 */ "windowdefn_list",
- /* 269 */ "windowdefn",
- /* 270 */ "window",
- /* 271 */ "frame_opt",
- /* 272 */ "part_opt",
- /* 273 */ "filter_opt",
- /* 274 */ "range_or_rows",
- /* 275 */ "frame_bound",
- /* 276 */ "frame_bound_s",
- /* 277 */ "frame_bound_e",
+ /* 88 */ "EXCLUDE",
+ /* 89 */ "GROUPS",
+ /* 90 */ "OTHERS",
+ /* 91 */ "TIES",
+ /* 92 */ "REINDEX",
+ /* 93 */ "RENAME",
+ /* 94 */ "CTIME_KW",
+ /* 95 */ "ANY",
+ /* 96 */ "BITAND",
+ /* 97 */ "BITOR",
+ /* 98 */ "LSHIFT",
+ /* 99 */ "RSHIFT",
+ /* 100 */ "PLUS",
+ /* 101 */ "MINUS",
+ /* 102 */ "STAR",
+ /* 103 */ "SLASH",
+ /* 104 */ "REM",
+ /* 105 */ "CONCAT",
+ /* 106 */ "COLLATE",
+ /* 107 */ "BITNOT",
+ /* 108 */ "ON",
+ /* 109 */ "INDEXED",
+ /* 110 */ "STRING",
+ /* 111 */ "JOIN_KW",
+ /* 112 */ "CONSTRAINT",
+ /* 113 */ "DEFAULT",
+ /* 114 */ "NULL",
+ /* 115 */ "PRIMARY",
+ /* 116 */ "UNIQUE",
+ /* 117 */ "CHECK",
+ /* 118 */ "REFERENCES",
+ /* 119 */ "AUTOINCR",
+ /* 120 */ "INSERT",
+ /* 121 */ "DELETE",
+ /* 122 */ "UPDATE",
+ /* 123 */ "SET",
+ /* 124 */ "DEFERRABLE",
+ /* 125 */ "FOREIGN",
+ /* 126 */ "DROP",
+ /* 127 */ "UNION",
+ /* 128 */ "ALL",
+ /* 129 */ "EXCEPT",
+ /* 130 */ "INTERSECT",
+ /* 131 */ "SELECT",
+ /* 132 */ "VALUES",
+ /* 133 */ "DISTINCT",
+ /* 134 */ "DOT",
+ /* 135 */ "FROM",
+ /* 136 */ "JOIN",
+ /* 137 */ "USING",
+ /* 138 */ "ORDER",
+ /* 139 */ "GROUP",
+ /* 140 */ "HAVING",
+ /* 141 */ "LIMIT",
+ /* 142 */ "WHERE",
+ /* 143 */ "INTO",
+ /* 144 */ "NOTHING",
+ /* 145 */ "FLOAT",
+ /* 146 */ "BLOB",
+ /* 147 */ "INTEGER",
+ /* 148 */ "VARIABLE",
+ /* 149 */ "CASE",
+ /* 150 */ "WHEN",
+ /* 151 */ "THEN",
+ /* 152 */ "ELSE",
+ /* 153 */ "INDEX",
+ /* 154 */ "ALTER",
+ /* 155 */ "ADD",
+ /* 156 */ "WINDOW",
+ /* 157 */ "OVER",
+ /* 158 */ "FILTER",
+ /* 159 */ "TRUEFALSE",
+ /* 160 */ "ISNOT",
+ /* 161 */ "FUNCTION",
+ /* 162 */ "COLUMN",
+ /* 163 */ "AGG_FUNCTION",
+ /* 164 */ "AGG_COLUMN",
+ /* 165 */ "UMINUS",
+ /* 166 */ "UPLUS",
+ /* 167 */ "TRUTH",
+ /* 168 */ "REGISTER",
+ /* 169 */ "VECTOR",
+ /* 170 */ "SELECT_COLUMN",
+ /* 171 */ "IF_NULL_ROW",
+ /* 172 */ "ASTERISK",
+ /* 173 */ "SPAN",
+ /* 174 */ "SPACE",
+ /* 175 */ "ILLEGAL",
+ /* 176 */ "input",
+ /* 177 */ "cmdlist",
+ /* 178 */ "ecmd",
+ /* 179 */ "cmdx",
+ /* 180 */ "explain",
+ /* 181 */ "cmd",
+ /* 182 */ "transtype",
+ /* 183 */ "trans_opt",
+ /* 184 */ "nm",
+ /* 185 */ "savepoint_opt",
+ /* 186 */ "create_table",
+ /* 187 */ "create_table_args",
+ /* 188 */ "createkw",
+ /* 189 */ "temp",
+ /* 190 */ "ifnotexists",
+ /* 191 */ "dbnm",
+ /* 192 */ "columnlist",
+ /* 193 */ "conslist_opt",
+ /* 194 */ "table_options",
+ /* 195 */ "select",
+ /* 196 */ "columnname",
+ /* 197 */ "carglist",
+ /* 198 */ "typetoken",
+ /* 199 */ "typename",
+ /* 200 */ "signed",
+ /* 201 */ "plus_num",
+ /* 202 */ "minus_num",
+ /* 203 */ "scanpt",
+ /* 204 */ "ccons",
+ /* 205 */ "term",
+ /* 206 */ "expr",
+ /* 207 */ "onconf",
+ /* 208 */ "sortorder",
+ /* 209 */ "autoinc",
+ /* 210 */ "eidlist_opt",
+ /* 211 */ "refargs",
+ /* 212 */ "defer_subclause",
+ /* 213 */ "refarg",
+ /* 214 */ "refact",
+ /* 215 */ "init_deferred_pred_opt",
+ /* 216 */ "conslist",
+ /* 217 */ "tconscomma",
+ /* 218 */ "tcons",
+ /* 219 */ "sortlist",
+ /* 220 */ "eidlist",
+ /* 221 */ "defer_subclause_opt",
+ /* 222 */ "orconf",
+ /* 223 */ "resolvetype",
+ /* 224 */ "raisetype",
+ /* 225 */ "ifexists",
+ /* 226 */ "fullname",
+ /* 227 */ "selectnowith",
+ /* 228 */ "oneselect",
+ /* 229 */ "wqlist",
+ /* 230 */ "multiselect_op",
+ /* 231 */ "distinct",
+ /* 232 */ "selcollist",
+ /* 233 */ "from",
+ /* 234 */ "where_opt",
+ /* 235 */ "groupby_opt",
+ /* 236 */ "having_opt",
+ /* 237 */ "orderby_opt",
+ /* 238 */ "limit_opt",
+ /* 239 */ "window_clause",
+ /* 240 */ "values",
+ /* 241 */ "nexprlist",
+ /* 242 */ "sclp",
+ /* 243 */ "as",
+ /* 244 */ "seltablist",
+ /* 245 */ "stl_prefix",
+ /* 246 */ "joinop",
+ /* 247 */ "indexed_opt",
+ /* 248 */ "on_opt",
+ /* 249 */ "using_opt",
+ /* 250 */ "exprlist",
+ /* 251 */ "xfullname",
+ /* 252 */ "idlist",
+ /* 253 */ "with",
+ /* 254 */ "setlist",
+ /* 255 */ "insert_cmd",
+ /* 256 */ "idlist_opt",
+ /* 257 */ "upsert",
+ /* 258 */ "over_clause",
+ /* 259 */ "likeop",
+ /* 260 */ "between_op",
+ /* 261 */ "in_op",
+ /* 262 */ "paren_exprlist",
+ /* 263 */ "case_operand",
+ /* 264 */ "case_exprlist",
+ /* 265 */ "case_else",
+ /* 266 */ "uniqueflag",
+ /* 267 */ "collate",
+ /* 268 */ "vinto",
+ /* 269 */ "nmnum",
+ /* 270 */ "trigger_decl",
+ /* 271 */ "trigger_cmd_list",
+ /* 272 */ "trigger_time",
+ /* 273 */ "trigger_event",
+ /* 274 */ "foreach_clause",
+ /* 275 */ "when_clause",
+ /* 276 */ "trigger_cmd",
+ /* 277 */ "trnm",
+ /* 278 */ "tridxby",
+ /* 279 */ "database_kw_opt",
+ /* 280 */ "key_opt",
+ /* 281 */ "add_column_fullname",
+ /* 282 */ "kwcolumn_opt",
+ /* 283 */ "create_vtab",
+ /* 284 */ "vtabarglist",
+ /* 285 */ "vtabarg",
+ /* 286 */ "vtabargtoken",
+ /* 287 */ "lp",
+ /* 288 */ "anylist",
+ /* 289 */ "windowdefn_list",
+ /* 290 */ "windowdefn",
+ /* 291 */ "window",
+ /* 292 */ "frame_opt",
+ /* 293 */ "part_opt",
+ /* 294 */ "filter_opt",
+ /* 295 */ "range_or_rows",
+ /* 296 */ "frame_bound",
+ /* 297 */ "frame_bound_s",
+ /* 298 */ "frame_bound_e",
+ /* 299 */ "frame_exclude_opt",
+ /* 300 */ "frame_exclude",
#endif /* defined(YYCOVERAGE) || !defined(NDEBUG) */
@@ -149011,85 +149875,91 @@ static const char *const yyRuleName[] = {
/* 287 */ "wqlist ::= wqlist COMMA nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP",
/* 288 */ "windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn",
/* 289 */ "windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn_list COMMA windowdefn",
- /* 290 */ "windowdefn ::= nm AS window",
- /* 291 */ "window ::= LP part_opt orderby_opt frame_opt RP",
- /* 292 */ "part_opt ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist",
- /* 293 */ "part_opt ::=",
- /* 294 */ "frame_opt ::=",
- /* 295 */ "frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s",
- /* 296 */ "frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e",
- /* 297 */ "range_or_rows ::= RANGE",
- /* 298 */ "range_or_rows ::= ROWS",
- /* 299 */ "frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound",
- /* 300 */ "frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING",
- /* 301 */ "frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound",
- /* 302 */ "frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING",
- /* 303 */ "frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING",
- /* 304 */ "frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW",
- /* 305 */ "frame_bound ::= expr FOLLOWING",
- /* 306 */ "window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list",
- /* 307 */ "over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER window",
- /* 308 */ "over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER nm",
- /* 309 */ "filter_opt ::=",
- /* 310 */ "filter_opt ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP",
- /* 311 */ "input ::= cmdlist",
- /* 312 */ "cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd",
- /* 313 */ "cmdlist ::= ecmd",
- /* 314 */ "ecmd ::= SEMI",
- /* 315 */ "ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI",
- /* 316 */ "ecmd ::= explain cmdx",
- /* 317 */ "trans_opt ::=",
- /* 318 */ "trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION",
- /* 319 */ "trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm",
- /* 320 */ "savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT",
- /* 321 */ "savepoint_opt ::=",
- /* 322 */ "cmd ::= create_table create_table_args",
- /* 323 */ "columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist",
- /* 324 */ "columnlist ::= columnname carglist",
- /* 325 */ "nm ::= ID|INDEXED",
- /* 326 */ "nm ::= STRING",
- /* 327 */ "nm ::= JOIN_KW",
- /* 328 */ "typetoken ::= typename",
- /* 329 */ "typename ::= ID|STRING",
- /* 330 */ "signed ::= plus_num",
- /* 331 */ "signed ::= minus_num",
- /* 332 */ "carglist ::= carglist ccons",
- /* 333 */ "carglist ::=",
- /* 334 */ "ccons ::= NULL onconf",
- /* 335 */ "conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist",
- /* 336 */ "conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons",
- /* 337 */ "conslist ::= tcons",
- /* 338 */ "tconscomma ::=",
- /* 339 */ "defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause",
- /* 340 */ "resolvetype ::= raisetype",
- /* 341 */ "selectnowith ::= oneselect",
- /* 342 */ "oneselect ::= values",
- /* 343 */ "sclp ::= selcollist COMMA",
- /* 344 */ "as ::= ID|STRING",
- /* 345 */ "expr ::= term",
- /* 346 */ "likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH",
- /* 347 */ "exprlist ::= nexprlist",
- /* 348 */ "nmnum ::= plus_num",
- /* 349 */ "nmnum ::= nm",
- /* 350 */ "nmnum ::= ON",
- /* 351 */ "nmnum ::= DELETE",
- /* 352 */ "nmnum ::= DEFAULT",
- /* 353 */ "plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT",
- /* 354 */ "foreach_clause ::=",
- /* 355 */ "foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW",
- /* 356 */ "trnm ::= nm",
- /* 357 */ "tridxby ::=",
- /* 358 */ "database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE",
- /* 359 */ "database_kw_opt ::=",
- /* 360 */ "kwcolumn_opt ::=",
- /* 361 */ "kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW",
- /* 362 */ "vtabarglist ::= vtabarg",
- /* 363 */ "vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg",
- /* 364 */ "vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken",
- /* 365 */ "anylist ::=",
- /* 366 */ "anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP",
- /* 367 */ "anylist ::= anylist ANY",
- /* 368 */ "with ::=",
+ /* 290 */ "windowdefn ::= nm AS LP window RP",
+ /* 291 */ "window ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt",
+ /* 292 */ "window ::= nm PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt",
+ /* 293 */ "window ::= ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt",
+ /* 294 */ "window ::= nm ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt",
+ /* 295 */ "window ::= frame_opt",
+ /* 296 */ "window ::= nm frame_opt",
+ /* 297 */ "frame_opt ::=",
+ /* 298 */ "frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s frame_exclude_opt",
+ /* 299 */ "frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e frame_exclude_opt",
+ /* 300 */ "range_or_rows ::= RANGE|ROWS|GROUPS",
+ /* 301 */ "frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound",
+ /* 302 */ "frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING",
+ /* 303 */ "frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound",
+ /* 304 */ "frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING",
+ /* 305 */ "frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING|FOLLOWING",
+ /* 306 */ "frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW",
+ /* 307 */ "frame_exclude_opt ::=",
+ /* 308 */ "frame_exclude_opt ::= EXCLUDE frame_exclude",
+ /* 309 */ "frame_exclude ::= NO OTHERS",
+ /* 310 */ "frame_exclude ::= CURRENT ROW",
+ /* 311 */ "frame_exclude ::= GROUP|TIES",
+ /* 312 */ "window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list",
+ /* 313 */ "over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER LP window RP",
+ /* 314 */ "over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER nm",
+ /* 315 */ "filter_opt ::=",
+ /* 316 */ "filter_opt ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP",
+ /* 317 */ "input ::= cmdlist",
+ /* 318 */ "cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd",
+ /* 319 */ "cmdlist ::= ecmd",
+ /* 320 */ "ecmd ::= SEMI",
+ /* 321 */ "ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI",
+ /* 322 */ "ecmd ::= explain cmdx",
+ /* 323 */ "trans_opt ::=",
+ /* 324 */ "trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION",
+ /* 325 */ "trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm",
+ /* 326 */ "savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT",
+ /* 327 */ "savepoint_opt ::=",
+ /* 328 */ "cmd ::= create_table create_table_args",
+ /* 329 */ "columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist",
+ /* 330 */ "columnlist ::= columnname carglist",
+ /* 331 */ "nm ::= ID|INDEXED",
+ /* 332 */ "nm ::= STRING",
+ /* 333 */ "nm ::= JOIN_KW",
+ /* 334 */ "typetoken ::= typename",
+ /* 335 */ "typename ::= ID|STRING",
+ /* 336 */ "signed ::= plus_num",
+ /* 337 */ "signed ::= minus_num",
+ /* 338 */ "carglist ::= carglist ccons",
+ /* 339 */ "carglist ::=",
+ /* 340 */ "ccons ::= NULL onconf",
+ /* 341 */ "conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist",
+ /* 342 */ "conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons",
+ /* 343 */ "conslist ::= tcons",
+ /* 344 */ "tconscomma ::=",
+ /* 345 */ "defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause",
+ /* 346 */ "resolvetype ::= raisetype",
+ /* 347 */ "selectnowith ::= oneselect",
+ /* 348 */ "oneselect ::= values",
+ /* 349 */ "sclp ::= selcollist COMMA",
+ /* 350 */ "as ::= ID|STRING",
+ /* 351 */ "expr ::= term",
+ /* 352 */ "likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH",
+ /* 353 */ "exprlist ::= nexprlist",
+ /* 354 */ "nmnum ::= plus_num",
+ /* 355 */ "nmnum ::= nm",
+ /* 356 */ "nmnum ::= ON",
+ /* 357 */ "nmnum ::= DELETE",
+ /* 358 */ "nmnum ::= DEFAULT",
+ /* 359 */ "plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT",
+ /* 360 */ "foreach_clause ::=",
+ /* 361 */ "foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW",
+ /* 362 */ "trnm ::= nm",
+ /* 363 */ "tridxby ::=",
+ /* 364 */ "database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE",
+ /* 365 */ "database_kw_opt ::=",
+ /* 366 */ "kwcolumn_opt ::=",
+ /* 367 */ "kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW",
+ /* 368 */ "vtabarglist ::= vtabarg",
+ /* 369 */ "vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg",
+ /* 370 */ "vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken",
+ /* 371 */ "anylist ::=",
+ /* 372 */ "anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP",
+ /* 373 */ "anylist ::= anylist ANY",
+ /* 374 */ "with ::=",
#endif /* NDEBUG */
@@ -149215,97 +150085,97 @@ static void yy_destructor(
** inside the C code.
/********* Begin destructor definitions ***************************************/
- case 174: /* select */
- case 206: /* selectnowith */
- case 207: /* oneselect */
- case 219: /* values */
+ case 195: /* select */
+ case 227: /* selectnowith */
+ case 228: /* oneselect */
+ case 240: /* values */
-sqlite3SelectDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy423));
+sqlite3SelectDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy457));
- case 184: /* term */
- case 185: /* expr */
- case 213: /* where_opt */
- case 215: /* having_opt */
- case 227: /* on_opt */
- case 242: /* case_operand */
- case 244: /* case_else */
- case 247: /* vinto */
- case 254: /* when_clause */
- case 259: /* key_opt */
- case 273: /* filter_opt */
+ case 205: /* term */
+ case 206: /* expr */
+ case 234: /* where_opt */
+ case 236: /* having_opt */
+ case 248: /* on_opt */
+ case 263: /* case_operand */
+ case 265: /* case_else */
+ case 268: /* vinto */
+ case 275: /* when_clause */
+ case 280: /* key_opt */
+ case 294: /* filter_opt */
-sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy490));
+sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy524));
- case 189: /* eidlist_opt */
- case 198: /* sortlist */
- case 199: /* eidlist */
- case 211: /* selcollist */
- case 214: /* groupby_opt */
- case 216: /* orderby_opt */
- case 220: /* nexprlist */
- case 221: /* sclp */
- case 229: /* exprlist */
- case 233: /* setlist */
- case 241: /* paren_exprlist */
- case 243: /* case_exprlist */
- case 272: /* part_opt */
+ case 210: /* eidlist_opt */
+ case 219: /* sortlist */
+ case 220: /* eidlist */
+ case 232: /* selcollist */
+ case 235: /* groupby_opt */
+ case 237: /* orderby_opt */
+ case 241: /* nexprlist */
+ case 242: /* sclp */
+ case 250: /* exprlist */
+ case 254: /* setlist */
+ case 262: /* paren_exprlist */
+ case 264: /* case_exprlist */
+ case 293: /* part_opt */
-sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy42));
+sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy434));
- case 205: /* fullname */
- case 212: /* from */
- case 223: /* seltablist */
- case 224: /* stl_prefix */
- case 230: /* xfullname */
+ case 226: /* fullname */
+ case 233: /* from */
+ case 244: /* seltablist */
+ case 245: /* stl_prefix */
+ case 251: /* xfullname */
-sqlite3SrcListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy167));
+sqlite3SrcListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy483));
- case 208: /* wqlist */
+ case 229: /* wqlist */
-sqlite3WithDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy499));
+sqlite3WithDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy59));
- case 218: /* window_clause */
- case 268: /* windowdefn_list */
+ case 239: /* window_clause */
+ case 289: /* windowdefn_list */
-sqlite3WindowListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy147));
+sqlite3WindowListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy295));
- case 228: /* using_opt */
- case 231: /* idlist */
- case 235: /* idlist_opt */
+ case 249: /* using_opt */
+ case 252: /* idlist */
+ case 256: /* idlist_opt */
-sqlite3IdListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy336));
+sqlite3IdListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy62));
- case 237: /* over_clause */
- case 269: /* windowdefn */
- case 270: /* window */
- case 271: /* frame_opt */
+ case 258: /* over_clause */
+ case 290: /* windowdefn */
+ case 291: /* window */
+ case 292: /* frame_opt */
-sqlite3WindowDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy147));
+sqlite3WindowDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy295));
- case 250: /* trigger_cmd_list */
- case 255: /* trigger_cmd */
+ case 271: /* trigger_cmd_list */
+ case 276: /* trigger_cmd */
-sqlite3DeleteTriggerStep(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy119));
+sqlite3DeleteTriggerStep(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy455));
- case 252: /* trigger_event */
+ case 273: /* trigger_event */
-sqlite3IdListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy350).b);
+sqlite3IdListDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy90).b);
- case 275: /* frame_bound */
- case 276: /* frame_bound_s */
- case 277: /* frame_bound_e */
+ case 296: /* frame_bound */
+ case 297: /* frame_bound_s */
+ case 298: /* frame_bound_e */
-sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy317).pExpr);
+sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, (yypminor->yy201).pExpr);
/********* End destructor definitions *****************************************/
@@ -149600,375 +150470,381 @@ static void yy_shift(
/* For rule J, yyRuleInfoLhs[J] contains the symbol on the left-hand side
** of that rule */
static const YYCODETYPE yyRuleInfoLhs[] = {
- 159, /* (0) explain ::= EXPLAIN */
- 159, /* (1) explain ::= EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN */
- 158, /* (2) cmdx ::= cmd */
- 160, /* (3) cmd ::= BEGIN transtype trans_opt */
- 161, /* (4) transtype ::= */
- 161, /* (5) transtype ::= DEFERRED */
- 161, /* (6) transtype ::= IMMEDIATE */
- 161, /* (7) transtype ::= EXCLUSIVE */
- 160, /* (8) cmd ::= COMMIT|END trans_opt */
- 160, /* (9) cmd ::= ROLLBACK trans_opt */
- 160, /* (10) cmd ::= SAVEPOINT nm */
- 160, /* (11) cmd ::= RELEASE savepoint_opt nm */
- 160, /* (12) cmd ::= ROLLBACK trans_opt TO savepoint_opt nm */
- 165, /* (13) create_table ::= createkw temp TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm */
- 167, /* (14) createkw ::= CREATE */
- 169, /* (15) ifnotexists ::= */
- 169, /* (16) ifnotexists ::= IF NOT EXISTS */
- 168, /* (17) temp ::= TEMP */
- 168, /* (18) temp ::= */
- 166, /* (19) create_table_args ::= LP columnlist conslist_opt RP table_options */
- 166, /* (20) create_table_args ::= AS select */
- 173, /* (21) table_options ::= */
- 173, /* (22) table_options ::= WITHOUT nm */
- 175, /* (23) columnname ::= nm typetoken */
- 177, /* (24) typetoken ::= */
- 177, /* (25) typetoken ::= typename LP signed RP */
- 177, /* (26) typetoken ::= typename LP signed COMMA signed RP */
- 178, /* (27) typename ::= typename ID|STRING */
- 182, /* (28) scanpt ::= */
- 183, /* (29) ccons ::= CONSTRAINT nm */
- 183, /* (30) ccons ::= DEFAULT scanpt term scanpt */
- 183, /* (31) ccons ::= DEFAULT LP expr RP */
- 183, /* (32) ccons ::= DEFAULT PLUS term scanpt */
- 183, /* (33) ccons ::= DEFAULT MINUS term scanpt */
- 183, /* (34) ccons ::= DEFAULT scanpt ID|INDEXED */
- 183, /* (35) ccons ::= NOT NULL onconf */
- 183, /* (36) ccons ::= PRIMARY KEY sortorder onconf autoinc */
- 183, /* (37) ccons ::= UNIQUE onconf */
- 183, /* (38) ccons ::= CHECK LP expr RP */
- 183, /* (39) ccons ::= REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs */
- 183, /* (40) ccons ::= defer_subclause */
- 183, /* (41) ccons ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */
- 188, /* (42) autoinc ::= */
- 188, /* (43) autoinc ::= AUTOINCR */
- 190, /* (44) refargs ::= */
- 190, /* (45) refargs ::= refargs refarg */
- 192, /* (46) refarg ::= MATCH nm */
- 192, /* (47) refarg ::= ON INSERT refact */
- 192, /* (48) refarg ::= ON DELETE refact */
- 192, /* (49) refarg ::= ON UPDATE refact */
- 193, /* (50) refact ::= SET NULL */
- 193, /* (51) refact ::= SET DEFAULT */
- 193, /* (52) refact ::= CASCADE */
- 193, /* (53) refact ::= RESTRICT */
- 193, /* (54) refact ::= NO ACTION */
- 191, /* (55) defer_subclause ::= NOT DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
- 191, /* (56) defer_subclause ::= DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
- 194, /* (57) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= */
- 194, /* (58) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY DEFERRED */
- 194, /* (59) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY IMMEDIATE */
- 172, /* (60) conslist_opt ::= */
- 196, /* (61) tconscomma ::= COMMA */
- 197, /* (62) tcons ::= CONSTRAINT nm */
- 197, /* (63) tcons ::= PRIMARY KEY LP sortlist autoinc RP onconf */
- 197, /* (64) tcons ::= UNIQUE LP sortlist RP onconf */
- 197, /* (65) tcons ::= CHECK LP expr RP onconf */
- 197, /* (66) tcons ::= FOREIGN KEY LP eidlist RP REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs defer_subclause_opt */
- 200, /* (67) defer_subclause_opt ::= */
- 186, /* (68) onconf ::= */
- 186, /* (69) onconf ::= ON CONFLICT resolvetype */
- 201, /* (70) orconf ::= */
- 201, /* (71) orconf ::= OR resolvetype */
- 202, /* (72) resolvetype ::= IGNORE */
- 202, /* (73) resolvetype ::= REPLACE */
- 160, /* (74) cmd ::= DROP TABLE ifexists fullname */
- 204, /* (75) ifexists ::= IF EXISTS */
- 204, /* (76) ifexists ::= */
- 160, /* (77) cmd ::= createkw temp VIEW ifnotexists nm dbnm eidlist_opt AS select */
- 160, /* (78) cmd ::= DROP VIEW ifexists fullname */
- 160, /* (79) cmd ::= select */
- 174, /* (80) select ::= WITH wqlist selectnowith */
- 174, /* (81) select ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist selectnowith */
- 174, /* (82) select ::= selectnowith */
- 206, /* (83) selectnowith ::= selectnowith multiselect_op oneselect */
- 209, /* (84) multiselect_op ::= UNION */
- 209, /* (85) multiselect_op ::= UNION ALL */
- 209, /* (86) multiselect_op ::= EXCEPT|INTERSECT */
- 207, /* (87) oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt orderby_opt limit_opt */
- 207, /* (88) oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt window_clause orderby_opt limit_opt */
- 219, /* (89) values ::= VALUES LP nexprlist RP */
- 219, /* (90) values ::= values COMMA LP nexprlist RP */
- 210, /* (91) distinct ::= DISTINCT */
- 210, /* (92) distinct ::= ALL */
- 210, /* (93) distinct ::= */
- 221, /* (94) sclp ::= */
- 211, /* (95) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt expr scanpt as */
- 211, /* (96) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt STAR */
- 211, /* (97) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt nm DOT STAR */
- 222, /* (98) as ::= AS nm */
- 222, /* (99) as ::= */
- 212, /* (100) from ::= */
- 212, /* (101) from ::= FROM seltablist */
- 224, /* (102) stl_prefix ::= seltablist joinop */
- 224, /* (103) stl_prefix ::= */
- 223, /* (104) seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm as indexed_opt on_opt using_opt */
- 223, /* (105) seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm LP exprlist RP as on_opt using_opt */
- 223, /* (106) seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP select RP as on_opt using_opt */
- 223, /* (107) seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP seltablist RP as on_opt using_opt */
- 170, /* (108) dbnm ::= */
- 170, /* (109) dbnm ::= DOT nm */
- 205, /* (110) fullname ::= nm */
- 205, /* (111) fullname ::= nm DOT nm */
- 230, /* (112) xfullname ::= nm */
- 230, /* (113) xfullname ::= nm DOT nm */
- 230, /* (114) xfullname ::= nm DOT nm AS nm */
- 230, /* (115) xfullname ::= nm AS nm */
- 225, /* (116) joinop ::= COMMA|JOIN */
- 225, /* (117) joinop ::= JOIN_KW JOIN */
- 225, /* (118) joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm JOIN */
- 225, /* (119) joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm nm JOIN */
- 227, /* (120) on_opt ::= ON expr */
- 227, /* (121) on_opt ::= */
- 226, /* (122) indexed_opt ::= */
- 226, /* (123) indexed_opt ::= INDEXED BY nm */
- 226, /* (124) indexed_opt ::= NOT INDEXED */
- 228, /* (125) using_opt ::= USING LP idlist RP */
- 228, /* (126) using_opt ::= */
- 216, /* (127) orderby_opt ::= */
- 216, /* (128) orderby_opt ::= ORDER BY sortlist */
- 198, /* (129) sortlist ::= sortlist COMMA expr sortorder */
- 198, /* (130) sortlist ::= expr sortorder */
- 187, /* (131) sortorder ::= ASC */
- 187, /* (132) sortorder ::= DESC */
- 187, /* (133) sortorder ::= */
- 214, /* (134) groupby_opt ::= */
- 214, /* (135) groupby_opt ::= GROUP BY nexprlist */
- 215, /* (136) having_opt ::= */
- 215, /* (137) having_opt ::= HAVING expr */
- 217, /* (138) limit_opt ::= */
- 217, /* (139) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr */
- 217, /* (140) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr OFFSET expr */
- 217, /* (141) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr COMMA expr */
- 160, /* (142) cmd ::= with DELETE FROM xfullname indexed_opt where_opt */
- 213, /* (143) where_opt ::= */
- 213, /* (144) where_opt ::= WHERE expr */
- 160, /* (145) cmd ::= with UPDATE orconf xfullname indexed_opt SET setlist where_opt */
- 233, /* (146) setlist ::= setlist COMMA nm EQ expr */
- 233, /* (147) setlist ::= setlist COMMA LP idlist RP EQ expr */
- 233, /* (148) setlist ::= nm EQ expr */
- 233, /* (149) setlist ::= LP idlist RP EQ expr */
- 160, /* (150) cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt select upsert */
- 160, /* (151) cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt DEFAULT VALUES */
- 236, /* (152) upsert ::= */
- 236, /* (153) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO UPDATE SET setlist where_opt */
- 236, /* (154) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO NOTHING */
- 236, /* (155) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING */
- 234, /* (156) insert_cmd ::= INSERT orconf */
- 234, /* (157) insert_cmd ::= REPLACE */
- 235, /* (158) idlist_opt ::= */
- 235, /* (159) idlist_opt ::= LP idlist RP */
- 231, /* (160) idlist ::= idlist COMMA nm */
- 231, /* (161) idlist ::= nm */
- 185, /* (162) expr ::= LP expr RP */
- 185, /* (163) expr ::= ID|INDEXED */
- 185, /* (164) expr ::= JOIN_KW */
- 185, /* (165) expr ::= nm DOT nm */
- 185, /* (166) expr ::= nm DOT nm DOT nm */
- 184, /* (167) term ::= NULL|FLOAT|BLOB */
- 184, /* (168) term ::= STRING */
- 184, /* (169) term ::= INTEGER */
- 185, /* (170) expr ::= VARIABLE */
- 185, /* (171) expr ::= expr COLLATE ID|STRING */
- 185, /* (172) expr ::= CAST LP expr AS typetoken RP */
- 185, /* (173) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP */
- 185, /* (174) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP */
- 185, /* (175) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP over_clause */
- 185, /* (176) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP over_clause */
- 184, /* (177) term ::= CTIME_KW */
- 185, /* (178) expr ::= LP nexprlist COMMA expr RP */
- 185, /* (179) expr ::= expr AND expr */
- 185, /* (180) expr ::= expr OR expr */
- 185, /* (181) expr ::= expr LT|GT|GE|LE expr */
- 185, /* (182) expr ::= expr EQ|NE expr */
- 185, /* (183) expr ::= expr BITAND|BITOR|LSHIFT|RSHIFT expr */
- 185, /* (184) expr ::= expr PLUS|MINUS expr */
- 185, /* (185) expr ::= expr STAR|SLASH|REM expr */
- 185, /* (186) expr ::= expr CONCAT expr */
- 238, /* (187) likeop ::= NOT LIKE_KW|MATCH */
- 185, /* (188) expr ::= expr likeop expr */
- 185, /* (189) expr ::= expr likeop expr ESCAPE expr */
- 185, /* (190) expr ::= expr ISNULL|NOTNULL */
- 185, /* (191) expr ::= expr NOT NULL */
- 185, /* (192) expr ::= expr IS expr */
- 185, /* (193) expr ::= expr IS NOT expr */
- 185, /* (194) expr ::= NOT expr */
- 185, /* (195) expr ::= BITNOT expr */
- 185, /* (196) expr ::= PLUS|MINUS expr */
- 239, /* (197) between_op ::= BETWEEN */
- 239, /* (198) between_op ::= NOT BETWEEN */
- 185, /* (199) expr ::= expr between_op expr AND expr */
- 240, /* (200) in_op ::= IN */
- 240, /* (201) in_op ::= NOT IN */
- 185, /* (202) expr ::= expr in_op LP exprlist RP */
- 185, /* (203) expr ::= LP select RP */
- 185, /* (204) expr ::= expr in_op LP select RP */
- 185, /* (205) expr ::= expr in_op nm dbnm paren_exprlist */
- 185, /* (206) expr ::= EXISTS LP select RP */
- 185, /* (207) expr ::= CASE case_operand case_exprlist case_else END */
- 243, /* (208) case_exprlist ::= case_exprlist WHEN expr THEN expr */
- 243, /* (209) case_exprlist ::= WHEN expr THEN expr */
- 244, /* (210) case_else ::= ELSE expr */
- 244, /* (211) case_else ::= */
- 242, /* (212) case_operand ::= expr */
- 242, /* (213) case_operand ::= */
- 229, /* (214) exprlist ::= */
- 220, /* (215) nexprlist ::= nexprlist COMMA expr */
- 220, /* (216) nexprlist ::= expr */
- 241, /* (217) paren_exprlist ::= */
- 241, /* (218) paren_exprlist ::= LP exprlist RP */
- 160, /* (219) cmd ::= createkw uniqueflag INDEX ifnotexists nm dbnm ON nm LP sortlist RP where_opt */
- 245, /* (220) uniqueflag ::= UNIQUE */
- 245, /* (221) uniqueflag ::= */
- 189, /* (222) eidlist_opt ::= */
- 189, /* (223) eidlist_opt ::= LP eidlist RP */
- 199, /* (224) eidlist ::= eidlist COMMA nm collate sortorder */
- 199, /* (225) eidlist ::= nm collate sortorder */
- 246, /* (226) collate ::= */
- 246, /* (227) collate ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */
- 160, /* (228) cmd ::= DROP INDEX ifexists fullname */
- 160, /* (229) cmd ::= VACUUM vinto */
- 160, /* (230) cmd ::= VACUUM nm vinto */
- 247, /* (231) vinto ::= INTO expr */
- 247, /* (232) vinto ::= */
- 160, /* (233) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm */
- 160, /* (234) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ nmnum */
- 160, /* (235) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP nmnum RP */
- 160, /* (236) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ minus_num */
- 160, /* (237) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP minus_num RP */
- 180, /* (238) plus_num ::= PLUS INTEGER|FLOAT */
- 181, /* (239) minus_num ::= MINUS INTEGER|FLOAT */
- 160, /* (240) cmd ::= createkw trigger_decl BEGIN trigger_cmd_list END */
- 249, /* (241) trigger_decl ::= temp TRIGGER ifnotexists nm dbnm trigger_time trigger_event ON fullname foreach_clause when_clause */
- 251, /* (242) trigger_time ::= BEFORE|AFTER */
- 251, /* (243) trigger_time ::= INSTEAD OF */
- 251, /* (244) trigger_time ::= */
- 252, /* (245) trigger_event ::= DELETE|INSERT */
- 252, /* (246) trigger_event ::= UPDATE */
- 252, /* (247) trigger_event ::= UPDATE OF idlist */
- 254, /* (248) when_clause ::= */
- 254, /* (249) when_clause ::= WHEN expr */
- 250, /* (250) trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd_list trigger_cmd SEMI */
- 250, /* (251) trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd SEMI */
- 256, /* (252) trnm ::= nm DOT nm */
- 257, /* (253) tridxby ::= INDEXED BY nm */
- 257, /* (254) tridxby ::= NOT INDEXED */
- 255, /* (255) trigger_cmd ::= UPDATE orconf trnm tridxby SET setlist where_opt scanpt */
- 255, /* (256) trigger_cmd ::= scanpt insert_cmd INTO trnm idlist_opt select upsert scanpt */
- 255, /* (257) trigger_cmd ::= DELETE FROM trnm tridxby where_opt scanpt */
- 255, /* (258) trigger_cmd ::= scanpt select scanpt */
- 185, /* (259) expr ::= RAISE LP IGNORE RP */
- 185, /* (260) expr ::= RAISE LP raisetype COMMA nm RP */
- 203, /* (261) raisetype ::= ROLLBACK */
- 203, /* (262) raisetype ::= ABORT */
- 203, /* (263) raisetype ::= FAIL */
- 160, /* (264) cmd ::= DROP TRIGGER ifexists fullname */
- 160, /* (265) cmd ::= ATTACH database_kw_opt expr AS expr key_opt */
- 160, /* (266) cmd ::= DETACH database_kw_opt expr */
- 259, /* (267) key_opt ::= */
- 259, /* (268) key_opt ::= KEY expr */
- 160, /* (269) cmd ::= REINDEX */
- 160, /* (270) cmd ::= REINDEX nm dbnm */
- 160, /* (271) cmd ::= ANALYZE */
- 160, /* (272) cmd ::= ANALYZE nm dbnm */
- 160, /* (273) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME TO nm */
- 160, /* (274) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE add_column_fullname ADD kwcolumn_opt columnname carglist */
- 260, /* (275) add_column_fullname ::= fullname */
- 160, /* (276) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME kwcolumn_opt nm TO nm */
- 160, /* (277) cmd ::= create_vtab */
- 160, /* (278) cmd ::= create_vtab LP vtabarglist RP */
- 262, /* (279) create_vtab ::= createkw VIRTUAL TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm USING nm */
- 264, /* (280) vtabarg ::= */
- 265, /* (281) vtabargtoken ::= ANY */
- 265, /* (282) vtabargtoken ::= lp anylist RP */
- 266, /* (283) lp ::= LP */
- 232, /* (284) with ::= WITH wqlist */
- 232, /* (285) with ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist */
- 208, /* (286) wqlist ::= nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
- 208, /* (287) wqlist ::= wqlist COMMA nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
- 268, /* (288) windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn */
- 268, /* (289) windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn_list COMMA windowdefn */
- 269, /* (290) windowdefn ::= nm AS window */
- 270, /* (291) window ::= LP part_opt orderby_opt frame_opt RP */
- 272, /* (292) part_opt ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist */
- 272, /* (293) part_opt ::= */
- 271, /* (294) frame_opt ::= */
- 271, /* (295) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s */
- 271, /* (296) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e */
- 274, /* (297) range_or_rows ::= RANGE */
- 274, /* (298) range_or_rows ::= ROWS */
- 276, /* (299) frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound */
- 276, /* (300) frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING */
- 277, /* (301) frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound */
- 277, /* (302) frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING */
- 275, /* (303) frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING */
- 275, /* (304) frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW */
- 275, /* (305) frame_bound ::= expr FOLLOWING */
- 218, /* (306) window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list */
- 237, /* (307) over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER window */
- 237, /* (308) over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER nm */
- 273, /* (309) filter_opt ::= */
- 273, /* (310) filter_opt ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP */
- 155, /* (311) input ::= cmdlist */
- 156, /* (312) cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd */
- 156, /* (313) cmdlist ::= ecmd */
- 157, /* (314) ecmd ::= SEMI */
- 157, /* (315) ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI */
- 157, /* (316) ecmd ::= explain cmdx */
- 162, /* (317) trans_opt ::= */
- 162, /* (318) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION */
- 162, /* (319) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm */
- 164, /* (320) savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT */
- 164, /* (321) savepoint_opt ::= */
- 160, /* (322) cmd ::= create_table create_table_args */
- 171, /* (323) columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist */
- 171, /* (324) columnlist ::= columnname carglist */
- 163, /* (325) nm ::= ID|INDEXED */
- 163, /* (326) nm ::= STRING */
- 163, /* (327) nm ::= JOIN_KW */
- 177, /* (328) typetoken ::= typename */
- 178, /* (329) typename ::= ID|STRING */
- 179, /* (330) signed ::= plus_num */
- 179, /* (331) signed ::= minus_num */
- 176, /* (332) carglist ::= carglist ccons */
- 176, /* (333) carglist ::= */
- 183, /* (334) ccons ::= NULL onconf */
- 172, /* (335) conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist */
- 195, /* (336) conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons */
- 195, /* (337) conslist ::= tcons */
- 196, /* (338) tconscomma ::= */
- 200, /* (339) defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause */
- 202, /* (340) resolvetype ::= raisetype */
- 206, /* (341) selectnowith ::= oneselect */
- 207, /* (342) oneselect ::= values */
- 221, /* (343) sclp ::= selcollist COMMA */
- 222, /* (344) as ::= ID|STRING */
- 185, /* (345) expr ::= term */
- 238, /* (346) likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH */
- 229, /* (347) exprlist ::= nexprlist */
- 248, /* (348) nmnum ::= plus_num */
- 248, /* (349) nmnum ::= nm */
- 248, /* (350) nmnum ::= ON */
- 248, /* (351) nmnum ::= DELETE */
- 248, /* (352) nmnum ::= DEFAULT */
- 180, /* (353) plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT */
- 253, /* (354) foreach_clause ::= */
- 253, /* (355) foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW */
- 256, /* (356) trnm ::= nm */
- 257, /* (357) tridxby ::= */
- 258, /* (358) database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE */
- 258, /* (359) database_kw_opt ::= */
- 261, /* (360) kwcolumn_opt ::= */
- 261, /* (361) kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW */
- 263, /* (362) vtabarglist ::= vtabarg */
- 263, /* (363) vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg */
- 264, /* (364) vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken */
- 267, /* (365) anylist ::= */
- 267, /* (366) anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP */
- 267, /* (367) anylist ::= anylist ANY */
- 232, /* (368) with ::= */
+ 180, /* (0) explain ::= EXPLAIN */
+ 180, /* (1) explain ::= EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN */
+ 179, /* (2) cmdx ::= cmd */
+ 181, /* (3) cmd ::= BEGIN transtype trans_opt */
+ 182, /* (4) transtype ::= */
+ 182, /* (5) transtype ::= DEFERRED */
+ 182, /* (6) transtype ::= IMMEDIATE */
+ 182, /* (7) transtype ::= EXCLUSIVE */
+ 181, /* (8) cmd ::= COMMIT|END trans_opt */
+ 181, /* (9) cmd ::= ROLLBACK trans_opt */
+ 181, /* (10) cmd ::= SAVEPOINT nm */
+ 181, /* (11) cmd ::= RELEASE savepoint_opt nm */
+ 181, /* (12) cmd ::= ROLLBACK trans_opt TO savepoint_opt nm */
+ 186, /* (13) create_table ::= createkw temp TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm */
+ 188, /* (14) createkw ::= CREATE */
+ 190, /* (15) ifnotexists ::= */
+ 190, /* (16) ifnotexists ::= IF NOT EXISTS */
+ 189, /* (17) temp ::= TEMP */
+ 189, /* (18) temp ::= */
+ 187, /* (19) create_table_args ::= LP columnlist conslist_opt RP table_options */
+ 187, /* (20) create_table_args ::= AS select */
+ 194, /* (21) table_options ::= */
+ 194, /* (22) table_options ::= WITHOUT nm */
+ 196, /* (23) columnname ::= nm typetoken */
+ 198, /* (24) typetoken ::= */
+ 198, /* (25) typetoken ::= typename LP signed RP */
+ 198, /* (26) typetoken ::= typename LP signed COMMA signed RP */
+ 199, /* (27) typename ::= typename ID|STRING */
+ 203, /* (28) scanpt ::= */
+ 204, /* (29) ccons ::= CONSTRAINT nm */
+ 204, /* (30) ccons ::= DEFAULT scanpt term scanpt */
+ 204, /* (31) ccons ::= DEFAULT LP expr RP */
+ 204, /* (32) ccons ::= DEFAULT PLUS term scanpt */
+ 204, /* (33) ccons ::= DEFAULT MINUS term scanpt */
+ 204, /* (34) ccons ::= DEFAULT scanpt ID|INDEXED */
+ 204, /* (35) ccons ::= NOT NULL onconf */
+ 204, /* (36) ccons ::= PRIMARY KEY sortorder onconf autoinc */
+ 204, /* (37) ccons ::= UNIQUE onconf */
+ 204, /* (38) ccons ::= CHECK LP expr RP */
+ 204, /* (39) ccons ::= REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs */
+ 204, /* (40) ccons ::= defer_subclause */
+ 204, /* (41) ccons ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */
+ 209, /* (42) autoinc ::= */
+ 209, /* (43) autoinc ::= AUTOINCR */
+ 211, /* (44) refargs ::= */
+ 211, /* (45) refargs ::= refargs refarg */
+ 213, /* (46) refarg ::= MATCH nm */
+ 213, /* (47) refarg ::= ON INSERT refact */
+ 213, /* (48) refarg ::= ON DELETE refact */
+ 213, /* (49) refarg ::= ON UPDATE refact */
+ 214, /* (50) refact ::= SET NULL */
+ 214, /* (51) refact ::= SET DEFAULT */
+ 214, /* (52) refact ::= CASCADE */
+ 214, /* (53) refact ::= RESTRICT */
+ 214, /* (54) refact ::= NO ACTION */
+ 212, /* (55) defer_subclause ::= NOT DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
+ 212, /* (56) defer_subclause ::= DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
+ 215, /* (57) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= */
+ 215, /* (58) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY DEFERRED */
+ 215, /* (59) init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY IMMEDIATE */
+ 193, /* (60) conslist_opt ::= */
+ 217, /* (61) tconscomma ::= COMMA */
+ 218, /* (62) tcons ::= CONSTRAINT nm */
+ 218, /* (63) tcons ::= PRIMARY KEY LP sortlist autoinc RP onconf */
+ 218, /* (64) tcons ::= UNIQUE LP sortlist RP onconf */
+ 218, /* (65) tcons ::= CHECK LP expr RP onconf */
+ 218, /* (66) tcons ::= FOREIGN KEY LP eidlist RP REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs defer_subclause_opt */
+ 221, /* (67) defer_subclause_opt ::= */
+ 207, /* (68) onconf ::= */
+ 207, /* (69) onconf ::= ON CONFLICT resolvetype */
+ 222, /* (70) orconf ::= */
+ 222, /* (71) orconf ::= OR resolvetype */
+ 223, /* (72) resolvetype ::= IGNORE */
+ 223, /* (73) resolvetype ::= REPLACE */
+ 181, /* (74) cmd ::= DROP TABLE ifexists fullname */
+ 225, /* (75) ifexists ::= IF EXISTS */
+ 225, /* (76) ifexists ::= */
+ 181, /* (77) cmd ::= createkw temp VIEW ifnotexists nm dbnm eidlist_opt AS select */
+ 181, /* (78) cmd ::= DROP VIEW ifexists fullname */
+ 181, /* (79) cmd ::= select */
+ 195, /* (80) select ::= WITH wqlist selectnowith */
+ 195, /* (81) select ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist selectnowith */
+ 195, /* (82) select ::= selectnowith */
+ 227, /* (83) selectnowith ::= selectnowith multiselect_op oneselect */
+ 230, /* (84) multiselect_op ::= UNION */
+ 230, /* (85) multiselect_op ::= UNION ALL */
+ 230, /* (86) multiselect_op ::= EXCEPT|INTERSECT */
+ 228, /* (87) oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt orderby_opt limit_opt */
+ 228, /* (88) oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt window_clause orderby_opt limit_opt */
+ 240, /* (89) values ::= VALUES LP nexprlist RP */
+ 240, /* (90) values ::= values COMMA LP nexprlist RP */
+ 231, /* (91) distinct ::= DISTINCT */
+ 231, /* (92) distinct ::= ALL */
+ 231, /* (93) distinct ::= */
+ 242, /* (94) sclp ::= */
+ 232, /* (95) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt expr scanpt as */
+ 232, /* (96) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt STAR */
+ 232, /* (97) selcollist ::= sclp scanpt nm DOT STAR */
+ 243, /* (98) as ::= AS nm */
+ 243, /* (99) as ::= */
+ 233, /* (100) from ::= */
+ 233, /* (101) from ::= FROM seltablist */
+ 245, /* (102) stl_prefix ::= seltablist joinop */
+ 245, /* (103) stl_prefix ::= */
+ 244, /* (104) seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm as indexed_opt on_opt using_opt */
+ 244, /* (105) seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm LP exprlist RP as on_opt using_opt */
+ 244, /* (106) seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP select RP as on_opt using_opt */
+ 244, /* (107) seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP seltablist RP as on_opt using_opt */
+ 191, /* (108) dbnm ::= */
+ 191, /* (109) dbnm ::= DOT nm */
+ 226, /* (110) fullname ::= nm */
+ 226, /* (111) fullname ::= nm DOT nm */
+ 251, /* (112) xfullname ::= nm */
+ 251, /* (113) xfullname ::= nm DOT nm */
+ 251, /* (114) xfullname ::= nm DOT nm AS nm */
+ 251, /* (115) xfullname ::= nm AS nm */
+ 246, /* (116) joinop ::= COMMA|JOIN */
+ 246, /* (117) joinop ::= JOIN_KW JOIN */
+ 246, /* (118) joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm JOIN */
+ 246, /* (119) joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm nm JOIN */
+ 248, /* (120) on_opt ::= ON expr */
+ 248, /* (121) on_opt ::= */
+ 247, /* (122) indexed_opt ::= */
+ 247, /* (123) indexed_opt ::= INDEXED BY nm */
+ 247, /* (124) indexed_opt ::= NOT INDEXED */
+ 249, /* (125) using_opt ::= USING LP idlist RP */
+ 249, /* (126) using_opt ::= */
+ 237, /* (127) orderby_opt ::= */
+ 237, /* (128) orderby_opt ::= ORDER BY sortlist */
+ 219, /* (129) sortlist ::= sortlist COMMA expr sortorder */
+ 219, /* (130) sortlist ::= expr sortorder */
+ 208, /* (131) sortorder ::= ASC */
+ 208, /* (132) sortorder ::= DESC */
+ 208, /* (133) sortorder ::= */
+ 235, /* (134) groupby_opt ::= */
+ 235, /* (135) groupby_opt ::= GROUP BY nexprlist */
+ 236, /* (136) having_opt ::= */
+ 236, /* (137) having_opt ::= HAVING expr */
+ 238, /* (138) limit_opt ::= */
+ 238, /* (139) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr */
+ 238, /* (140) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr OFFSET expr */
+ 238, /* (141) limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr COMMA expr */
+ 181, /* (142) cmd ::= with DELETE FROM xfullname indexed_opt where_opt */
+ 234, /* (143) where_opt ::= */
+ 234, /* (144) where_opt ::= WHERE expr */
+ 181, /* (145) cmd ::= with UPDATE orconf xfullname indexed_opt SET setlist where_opt */
+ 254, /* (146) setlist ::= setlist COMMA nm EQ expr */
+ 254, /* (147) setlist ::= setlist COMMA LP idlist RP EQ expr */
+ 254, /* (148) setlist ::= nm EQ expr */
+ 254, /* (149) setlist ::= LP idlist RP EQ expr */
+ 181, /* (150) cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt select upsert */
+ 181, /* (151) cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt DEFAULT VALUES */
+ 257, /* (152) upsert ::= */
+ 257, /* (153) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO UPDATE SET setlist where_opt */
+ 257, /* (154) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO NOTHING */
+ 257, /* (155) upsert ::= ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING */
+ 255, /* (156) insert_cmd ::= INSERT orconf */
+ 255, /* (157) insert_cmd ::= REPLACE */
+ 256, /* (158) idlist_opt ::= */
+ 256, /* (159) idlist_opt ::= LP idlist RP */
+ 252, /* (160) idlist ::= idlist COMMA nm */
+ 252, /* (161) idlist ::= nm */
+ 206, /* (162) expr ::= LP expr RP */
+ 206, /* (163) expr ::= ID|INDEXED */
+ 206, /* (164) expr ::= JOIN_KW */
+ 206, /* (165) expr ::= nm DOT nm */
+ 206, /* (166) expr ::= nm DOT nm DOT nm */
+ 205, /* (167) term ::= NULL|FLOAT|BLOB */
+ 205, /* (168) term ::= STRING */
+ 205, /* (169) term ::= INTEGER */
+ 206, /* (170) expr ::= VARIABLE */
+ 206, /* (171) expr ::= expr COLLATE ID|STRING */
+ 206, /* (172) expr ::= CAST LP expr AS typetoken RP */
+ 206, /* (173) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP */
+ 206, /* (174) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP */
+ 206, /* (175) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP over_clause */
+ 206, /* (176) expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP over_clause */
+ 205, /* (177) term ::= CTIME_KW */
+ 206, /* (178) expr ::= LP nexprlist COMMA expr RP */
+ 206, /* (179) expr ::= expr AND expr */
+ 206, /* (180) expr ::= expr OR expr */
+ 206, /* (181) expr ::= expr LT|GT|GE|LE expr */
+ 206, /* (182) expr ::= expr EQ|NE expr */
+ 206, /* (183) expr ::= expr BITAND|BITOR|LSHIFT|RSHIFT expr */
+ 206, /* (184) expr ::= expr PLUS|MINUS expr */
+ 206, /* (185) expr ::= expr STAR|SLASH|REM expr */
+ 206, /* (186) expr ::= expr CONCAT expr */
+ 259, /* (187) likeop ::= NOT LIKE_KW|MATCH */
+ 206, /* (188) expr ::= expr likeop expr */
+ 206, /* (189) expr ::= expr likeop expr ESCAPE expr */
+ 206, /* (190) expr ::= expr ISNULL|NOTNULL */
+ 206, /* (191) expr ::= expr NOT NULL */
+ 206, /* (192) expr ::= expr IS expr */
+ 206, /* (193) expr ::= expr IS NOT expr */
+ 206, /* (194) expr ::= NOT expr */
+ 206, /* (195) expr ::= BITNOT expr */
+ 206, /* (196) expr ::= PLUS|MINUS expr */
+ 260, /* (197) between_op ::= BETWEEN */
+ 260, /* (198) between_op ::= NOT BETWEEN */
+ 206, /* (199) expr ::= expr between_op expr AND expr */
+ 261, /* (200) in_op ::= IN */
+ 261, /* (201) in_op ::= NOT IN */
+ 206, /* (202) expr ::= expr in_op LP exprlist RP */
+ 206, /* (203) expr ::= LP select RP */
+ 206, /* (204) expr ::= expr in_op LP select RP */
+ 206, /* (205) expr ::= expr in_op nm dbnm paren_exprlist */
+ 206, /* (206) expr ::= EXISTS LP select RP */
+ 206, /* (207) expr ::= CASE case_operand case_exprlist case_else END */
+ 264, /* (208) case_exprlist ::= case_exprlist WHEN expr THEN expr */
+ 264, /* (209) case_exprlist ::= WHEN expr THEN expr */
+ 265, /* (210) case_else ::= ELSE expr */
+ 265, /* (211) case_else ::= */
+ 263, /* (212) case_operand ::= expr */
+ 263, /* (213) case_operand ::= */
+ 250, /* (214) exprlist ::= */
+ 241, /* (215) nexprlist ::= nexprlist COMMA expr */
+ 241, /* (216) nexprlist ::= expr */
+ 262, /* (217) paren_exprlist ::= */
+ 262, /* (218) paren_exprlist ::= LP exprlist RP */
+ 181, /* (219) cmd ::= createkw uniqueflag INDEX ifnotexists nm dbnm ON nm LP sortlist RP where_opt */
+ 266, /* (220) uniqueflag ::= UNIQUE */
+ 266, /* (221) uniqueflag ::= */
+ 210, /* (222) eidlist_opt ::= */
+ 210, /* (223) eidlist_opt ::= LP eidlist RP */
+ 220, /* (224) eidlist ::= eidlist COMMA nm collate sortorder */
+ 220, /* (225) eidlist ::= nm collate sortorder */
+ 267, /* (226) collate ::= */
+ 267, /* (227) collate ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */
+ 181, /* (228) cmd ::= DROP INDEX ifexists fullname */
+ 181, /* (229) cmd ::= VACUUM vinto */
+ 181, /* (230) cmd ::= VACUUM nm vinto */
+ 268, /* (231) vinto ::= INTO expr */
+ 268, /* (232) vinto ::= */
+ 181, /* (233) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm */
+ 181, /* (234) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ nmnum */
+ 181, /* (235) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP nmnum RP */
+ 181, /* (236) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm EQ minus_num */
+ 181, /* (237) cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm LP minus_num RP */
+ 201, /* (238) plus_num ::= PLUS INTEGER|FLOAT */
+ 202, /* (239) minus_num ::= MINUS INTEGER|FLOAT */
+ 181, /* (240) cmd ::= createkw trigger_decl BEGIN trigger_cmd_list END */
+ 270, /* (241) trigger_decl ::= temp TRIGGER ifnotexists nm dbnm trigger_time trigger_event ON fullname foreach_clause when_clause */
+ 272, /* (242) trigger_time ::= BEFORE|AFTER */
+ 272, /* (243) trigger_time ::= INSTEAD OF */
+ 272, /* (244) trigger_time ::= */
+ 273, /* (245) trigger_event ::= DELETE|INSERT */
+ 273, /* (246) trigger_event ::= UPDATE */
+ 273, /* (247) trigger_event ::= UPDATE OF idlist */
+ 275, /* (248) when_clause ::= */
+ 275, /* (249) when_clause ::= WHEN expr */
+ 271, /* (250) trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd_list trigger_cmd SEMI */
+ 271, /* (251) trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd SEMI */
+ 277, /* (252) trnm ::= nm DOT nm */
+ 278, /* (253) tridxby ::= INDEXED BY nm */
+ 278, /* (254) tridxby ::= NOT INDEXED */
+ 276, /* (255) trigger_cmd ::= UPDATE orconf trnm tridxby SET setlist where_opt scanpt */
+ 276, /* (256) trigger_cmd ::= scanpt insert_cmd INTO trnm idlist_opt select upsert scanpt */
+ 276, /* (257) trigger_cmd ::= DELETE FROM trnm tridxby where_opt scanpt */
+ 276, /* (258) trigger_cmd ::= scanpt select scanpt */
+ 206, /* (259) expr ::= RAISE LP IGNORE RP */
+ 206, /* (260) expr ::= RAISE LP raisetype COMMA nm RP */
+ 224, /* (261) raisetype ::= ROLLBACK */
+ 224, /* (262) raisetype ::= ABORT */
+ 224, /* (263) raisetype ::= FAIL */
+ 181, /* (264) cmd ::= DROP TRIGGER ifexists fullname */
+ 181, /* (265) cmd ::= ATTACH database_kw_opt expr AS expr key_opt */
+ 181, /* (266) cmd ::= DETACH database_kw_opt expr */
+ 280, /* (267) key_opt ::= */
+ 280, /* (268) key_opt ::= KEY expr */
+ 181, /* (269) cmd ::= REINDEX */
+ 181, /* (270) cmd ::= REINDEX nm dbnm */
+ 181, /* (271) cmd ::= ANALYZE */
+ 181, /* (272) cmd ::= ANALYZE nm dbnm */
+ 181, /* (273) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME TO nm */
+ 181, /* (274) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE add_column_fullname ADD kwcolumn_opt columnname carglist */
+ 281, /* (275) add_column_fullname ::= fullname */
+ 181, /* (276) cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME kwcolumn_opt nm TO nm */
+ 181, /* (277) cmd ::= create_vtab */
+ 181, /* (278) cmd ::= create_vtab LP vtabarglist RP */
+ 283, /* (279) create_vtab ::= createkw VIRTUAL TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm USING nm */
+ 285, /* (280) vtabarg ::= */
+ 286, /* (281) vtabargtoken ::= ANY */
+ 286, /* (282) vtabargtoken ::= lp anylist RP */
+ 287, /* (283) lp ::= LP */
+ 253, /* (284) with ::= WITH wqlist */
+ 253, /* (285) with ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist */
+ 229, /* (286) wqlist ::= nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
+ 229, /* (287) wqlist ::= wqlist COMMA nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
+ 289, /* (288) windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn */
+ 289, /* (289) windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn_list COMMA windowdefn */
+ 290, /* (290) windowdefn ::= nm AS LP window RP */
+ 291, /* (291) window ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
+ 291, /* (292) window ::= nm PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
+ 291, /* (293) window ::= ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
+ 291, /* (294) window ::= nm ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
+ 291, /* (295) window ::= frame_opt */
+ 291, /* (296) window ::= nm frame_opt */
+ 292, /* (297) frame_opt ::= */
+ 292, /* (298) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s frame_exclude_opt */
+ 292, /* (299) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e frame_exclude_opt */
+ 295, /* (300) range_or_rows ::= RANGE|ROWS|GROUPS */
+ 297, /* (301) frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound */
+ 297, /* (302) frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING */
+ 298, /* (303) frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound */
+ 298, /* (304) frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING */
+ 296, /* (305) frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING|FOLLOWING */
+ 296, /* (306) frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW */
+ 299, /* (307) frame_exclude_opt ::= */
+ 299, /* (308) frame_exclude_opt ::= EXCLUDE frame_exclude */
+ 300, /* (309) frame_exclude ::= NO OTHERS */
+ 300, /* (310) frame_exclude ::= CURRENT ROW */
+ 300, /* (311) frame_exclude ::= GROUP|TIES */
+ 239, /* (312) window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list */
+ 258, /* (313) over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER LP window RP */
+ 258, /* (314) over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER nm */
+ 294, /* (315) filter_opt ::= */
+ 294, /* (316) filter_opt ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP */
+ 176, /* (317) input ::= cmdlist */
+ 177, /* (318) cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd */
+ 177, /* (319) cmdlist ::= ecmd */
+ 178, /* (320) ecmd ::= SEMI */
+ 178, /* (321) ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI */
+ 178, /* (322) ecmd ::= explain cmdx */
+ 183, /* (323) trans_opt ::= */
+ 183, /* (324) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION */
+ 183, /* (325) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm */
+ 185, /* (326) savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT */
+ 185, /* (327) savepoint_opt ::= */
+ 181, /* (328) cmd ::= create_table create_table_args */
+ 192, /* (329) columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist */
+ 192, /* (330) columnlist ::= columnname carglist */
+ 184, /* (331) nm ::= ID|INDEXED */
+ 184, /* (332) nm ::= STRING */
+ 184, /* (333) nm ::= JOIN_KW */
+ 198, /* (334) typetoken ::= typename */
+ 199, /* (335) typename ::= ID|STRING */
+ 200, /* (336) signed ::= plus_num */
+ 200, /* (337) signed ::= minus_num */
+ 197, /* (338) carglist ::= carglist ccons */
+ 197, /* (339) carglist ::= */
+ 204, /* (340) ccons ::= NULL onconf */
+ 193, /* (341) conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist */
+ 216, /* (342) conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons */
+ 216, /* (343) conslist ::= tcons */
+ 217, /* (344) tconscomma ::= */
+ 221, /* (345) defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause */
+ 223, /* (346) resolvetype ::= raisetype */
+ 227, /* (347) selectnowith ::= oneselect */
+ 228, /* (348) oneselect ::= values */
+ 242, /* (349) sclp ::= selcollist COMMA */
+ 243, /* (350) as ::= ID|STRING */
+ 206, /* (351) expr ::= term */
+ 259, /* (352) likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH */
+ 250, /* (353) exprlist ::= nexprlist */
+ 269, /* (354) nmnum ::= plus_num */
+ 269, /* (355) nmnum ::= nm */
+ 269, /* (356) nmnum ::= ON */
+ 269, /* (357) nmnum ::= DELETE */
+ 269, /* (358) nmnum ::= DEFAULT */
+ 201, /* (359) plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT */
+ 274, /* (360) foreach_clause ::= */
+ 274, /* (361) foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW */
+ 277, /* (362) trnm ::= nm */
+ 278, /* (363) tridxby ::= */
+ 279, /* (364) database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE */
+ 279, /* (365) database_kw_opt ::= */
+ 282, /* (366) kwcolumn_opt ::= */
+ 282, /* (367) kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW */
+ 284, /* (368) vtabarglist ::= vtabarg */
+ 284, /* (369) vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg */
+ 285, /* (370) vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken */
+ 288, /* (371) anylist ::= */
+ 288, /* (372) anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP */
+ 288, /* (373) anylist ::= anylist ANY */
+ 253, /* (374) with ::= */
/* For rule J, yyRuleInfoNRhs[J] contains the negative of the number
@@ -150264,85 +151140,91 @@ static const signed char yyRuleInfoNRhs[] = {
-8, /* (287) wqlist ::= wqlist COMMA nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
-1, /* (288) windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn */
-3, /* (289) windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn_list COMMA windowdefn */
- -3, /* (290) windowdefn ::= nm AS window */
- -5, /* (291) window ::= LP part_opt orderby_opt frame_opt RP */
- -3, /* (292) part_opt ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist */
- 0, /* (293) part_opt ::= */
- 0, /* (294) frame_opt ::= */
- -2, /* (295) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s */
- -5, /* (296) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e */
- -1, /* (297) range_or_rows ::= RANGE */
- -1, /* (298) range_or_rows ::= ROWS */
- -1, /* (299) frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound */
- -2, /* (300) frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING */
- -1, /* (301) frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound */
- -2, /* (302) frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING */
- -2, /* (303) frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING */
- -2, /* (304) frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW */
- -2, /* (305) frame_bound ::= expr FOLLOWING */
- -2, /* (306) window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list */
- -3, /* (307) over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER window */
- -3, /* (308) over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER nm */
- 0, /* (309) filter_opt ::= */
- -5, /* (310) filter_opt ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP */
- -1, /* (311) input ::= cmdlist */
- -2, /* (312) cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd */
- -1, /* (313) cmdlist ::= ecmd */
- -1, /* (314) ecmd ::= SEMI */
- -2, /* (315) ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI */
- -2, /* (316) ecmd ::= explain cmdx */
- 0, /* (317) trans_opt ::= */
- -1, /* (318) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION */
- -2, /* (319) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm */
- -1, /* (320) savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT */
- 0, /* (321) savepoint_opt ::= */
- -2, /* (322) cmd ::= create_table create_table_args */
- -4, /* (323) columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist */
- -2, /* (324) columnlist ::= columnname carglist */
- -1, /* (325) nm ::= ID|INDEXED */
- -1, /* (326) nm ::= STRING */
- -1, /* (327) nm ::= JOIN_KW */
- -1, /* (328) typetoken ::= typename */
- -1, /* (329) typename ::= ID|STRING */
- -1, /* (330) signed ::= plus_num */
- -1, /* (331) signed ::= minus_num */
- -2, /* (332) carglist ::= carglist ccons */
- 0, /* (333) carglist ::= */
- -2, /* (334) ccons ::= NULL onconf */
- -2, /* (335) conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist */
- -3, /* (336) conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons */
- -1, /* (337) conslist ::= tcons */
- 0, /* (338) tconscomma ::= */
- -1, /* (339) defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause */
- -1, /* (340) resolvetype ::= raisetype */
- -1, /* (341) selectnowith ::= oneselect */
- -1, /* (342) oneselect ::= values */
- -2, /* (343) sclp ::= selcollist COMMA */
- -1, /* (344) as ::= ID|STRING */
- -1, /* (345) expr ::= term */
- -1, /* (346) likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH */
- -1, /* (347) exprlist ::= nexprlist */
- -1, /* (348) nmnum ::= plus_num */
- -1, /* (349) nmnum ::= nm */
- -1, /* (350) nmnum ::= ON */
- -1, /* (351) nmnum ::= DELETE */
- -1, /* (352) nmnum ::= DEFAULT */
- -1, /* (353) plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT */
- 0, /* (354) foreach_clause ::= */
- -3, /* (355) foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW */
- -1, /* (356) trnm ::= nm */
- 0, /* (357) tridxby ::= */
- -1, /* (358) database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE */
- 0, /* (359) database_kw_opt ::= */
- 0, /* (360) kwcolumn_opt ::= */
- -1, /* (361) kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW */
- -1, /* (362) vtabarglist ::= vtabarg */
- -3, /* (363) vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg */
- -2, /* (364) vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken */
- 0, /* (365) anylist ::= */
- -4, /* (366) anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP */
- -2, /* (367) anylist ::= anylist ANY */
- 0, /* (368) with ::= */
+ -5, /* (290) windowdefn ::= nm AS LP window RP */
+ -5, /* (291) window ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
+ -6, /* (292) window ::= nm PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
+ -4, /* (293) window ::= ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
+ -5, /* (294) window ::= nm ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
+ -1, /* (295) window ::= frame_opt */
+ -2, /* (296) window ::= nm frame_opt */
+ 0, /* (297) frame_opt ::= */
+ -3, /* (298) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s frame_exclude_opt */
+ -6, /* (299) frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e frame_exclude_opt */
+ -1, /* (300) range_or_rows ::= RANGE|ROWS|GROUPS */
+ -1, /* (301) frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound */
+ -2, /* (302) frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING */
+ -1, /* (303) frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound */
+ -2, /* (304) frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING */
+ -2, /* (305) frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING|FOLLOWING */
+ -2, /* (306) frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW */
+ 0, /* (307) frame_exclude_opt ::= */
+ -2, /* (308) frame_exclude_opt ::= EXCLUDE frame_exclude */
+ -2, /* (309) frame_exclude ::= NO OTHERS */
+ -2, /* (310) frame_exclude ::= CURRENT ROW */
+ -1, /* (311) frame_exclude ::= GROUP|TIES */
+ -2, /* (312) window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list */
+ -5, /* (313) over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER LP window RP */
+ -3, /* (314) over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER nm */
+ 0, /* (315) filter_opt ::= */
+ -5, /* (316) filter_opt ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP */
+ -1, /* (317) input ::= cmdlist */
+ -2, /* (318) cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd */
+ -1, /* (319) cmdlist ::= ecmd */
+ -1, /* (320) ecmd ::= SEMI */
+ -2, /* (321) ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI */
+ -2, /* (322) ecmd ::= explain cmdx */
+ 0, /* (323) trans_opt ::= */
+ -1, /* (324) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION */
+ -2, /* (325) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm */
+ -1, /* (326) savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT */
+ 0, /* (327) savepoint_opt ::= */
+ -2, /* (328) cmd ::= create_table create_table_args */
+ -4, /* (329) columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist */
+ -2, /* (330) columnlist ::= columnname carglist */
+ -1, /* (331) nm ::= ID|INDEXED */
+ -1, /* (332) nm ::= STRING */
+ -1, /* (333) nm ::= JOIN_KW */
+ -1, /* (334) typetoken ::= typename */
+ -1, /* (335) typename ::= ID|STRING */
+ -1, /* (336) signed ::= plus_num */
+ -1, /* (337) signed ::= minus_num */
+ -2, /* (338) carglist ::= carglist ccons */
+ 0, /* (339) carglist ::= */
+ -2, /* (340) ccons ::= NULL onconf */
+ -2, /* (341) conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist */
+ -3, /* (342) conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons */
+ -1, /* (343) conslist ::= tcons */
+ 0, /* (344) tconscomma ::= */
+ -1, /* (345) defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause */
+ -1, /* (346) resolvetype ::= raisetype */
+ -1, /* (347) selectnowith ::= oneselect */
+ -1, /* (348) oneselect ::= values */
+ -2, /* (349) sclp ::= selcollist COMMA */
+ -1, /* (350) as ::= ID|STRING */
+ -1, /* (351) expr ::= term */
+ -1, /* (352) likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH */
+ -1, /* (353) exprlist ::= nexprlist */
+ -1, /* (354) nmnum ::= plus_num */
+ -1, /* (355) nmnum ::= nm */
+ -1, /* (356) nmnum ::= ON */
+ -1, /* (357) nmnum ::= DELETE */
+ -1, /* (358) nmnum ::= DEFAULT */
+ -1, /* (359) plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT */
+ 0, /* (360) foreach_clause ::= */
+ -3, /* (361) foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW */
+ -1, /* (362) trnm ::= nm */
+ 0, /* (363) tridxby ::= */
+ -1, /* (364) database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE */
+ 0, /* (365) database_kw_opt ::= */
+ 0, /* (366) kwcolumn_opt ::= */
+ -1, /* (367) kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW */
+ -1, /* (368) vtabarglist ::= vtabarg */
+ -3, /* (369) vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg */
+ -2, /* (370) vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken */
+ 0, /* (371) anylist ::= */
+ -4, /* (372) anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP */
+ -2, /* (373) anylist ::= anylist ANY */
+ 0, /* (374) with ::= */
static void yy_accept(yyParser*); /* Forward Declaration */
@@ -150439,15 +151321,16 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
{ sqlite3FinishCoding(pParse); }
case 3: /* cmd ::= BEGIN transtype trans_opt */
-{sqlite3BeginTransaction(pParse, yymsp[-1].minor.yy96);}
+{sqlite3BeginTransaction(pParse, yymsp[-1].minor.yy494);}
case 4: /* transtype ::= */
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy96 = TK_DEFERRED;}
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy494 = TK_DEFERRED;}
case 5: /* transtype ::= DEFERRED */
case 6: /* transtype ::= IMMEDIATE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==6);
case 7: /* transtype ::= EXCLUSIVE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==7);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/}
+ case 300: /* range_or_rows ::= RANGE|ROWS|GROUPS */ yytestcase(yyruleno==300);
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/}
case 8: /* cmd ::= COMMIT|END trans_opt */
case 9: /* cmd ::= ROLLBACK trans_opt */ yytestcase(yyruleno==9);
@@ -150470,7 +151353,7 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 13: /* create_table ::= createkw temp TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm */
- sqlite3StartTable(pParse,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0,yymsp[-4].minor.yy96,0,0,yymsp[-2].minor.yy96);
+ sqlite3StartTable(pParse,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0,yymsp[-4].minor.yy494,0,0,yymsp[-2].minor.yy494);
case 14: /* createkw ::= CREATE */
@@ -150485,32 +151368,32 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 76: /* ifexists ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==76);
case 93: /* distinct ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==93);
case 226: /* collate ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==226);
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy96 = 0;}
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy494 = 0;}
case 16: /* ifnotexists ::= IF NOT EXISTS */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy96 = 1;}
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy494 = 1;}
case 17: /* temp ::= TEMP */
case 43: /* autoinc ::= AUTOINCR */ yytestcase(yyruleno==43);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = 1;}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = 1;}
case 19: /* create_table_args ::= LP columnlist conslist_opt RP table_options */
- sqlite3EndTable(pParse,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0,yymsp[0].minor.yy96,0);
+ sqlite3EndTable(pParse,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0,yymsp[0].minor.yy494,0);
case 20: /* create_table_args ::= AS select */
- sqlite3EndTable(pParse,0,0,0,yymsp[0].minor.yy423);
- sqlite3SelectDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[0].minor.yy423);
+ sqlite3EndTable(pParse,0,0,0,yymsp[0].minor.yy457);
+ sqlite3SelectDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[0].minor.yy457);
case 22: /* table_options ::= WITHOUT nm */
if( yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n==5 && sqlite3_strnicmp(yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z,"rowid",5)==0 ){
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy96 = TF_WithoutRowid | TF_NoVisibleRowid;
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy494 = TF_WithoutRowid | TF_NoVisibleRowid;
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy96 = 0;
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy494 = 0;
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "unknown table option: %.*s", yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n, yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z);
@@ -150539,7 +151422,7 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 28: /* scanpt ::= */
assert( yyLookahead!=YYNOCODE );
- yymsp[1].minor.yy464 = yyLookaheadToken.z;
+ yymsp[1].minor.yy294 = yyLookaheadToken.z;
case 29: /* ccons ::= CONSTRAINT nm */
@@ -150547,18 +151430,18 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
{pParse->constraintName = yymsp[0].minor.yy0;}
case 30: /* ccons ::= DEFAULT scanpt term scanpt */
case 31: /* ccons ::= DEFAULT LP expr RP */
case 32: /* ccons ::= DEFAULT PLUS term scanpt */
case 33: /* ccons ::= DEFAULT MINUS term scanpt */
- Expr *p = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_UMINUS, yymsp[-1].minor.yy490, 0);
- sqlite3AddDefaultValue(pParse,p,yymsp[-2].minor.yy0.z,yymsp[0].minor.yy464);
+ Expr *p = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_UMINUS, yymsp[-1].minor.yy524, 0);
+ sqlite3AddDefaultValue(pParse,p,yymsp[-2].minor.yy0.z,yymsp[0].minor.yy294);
case 34: /* ccons ::= DEFAULT scanpt ID|INDEXED */
@@ -150572,170 +151455,170 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 35: /* ccons ::= NOT NULL onconf */
-{sqlite3AddNotNull(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy96);}
+{sqlite3AddNotNull(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy494);}
case 36: /* ccons ::= PRIMARY KEY sortorder onconf autoinc */
case 37: /* ccons ::= UNIQUE onconf */
case 38: /* ccons ::= CHECK LP expr RP */
case 39: /* ccons ::= REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs */
case 40: /* ccons ::= defer_subclause */
case 41: /* ccons ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */
{sqlite3AddCollateType(pParse, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);}
case 44: /* refargs ::= */
-{ yymsp[1].minor.yy96 = OE_None*0x0101; /* EV: R-19803-45884 */}
+{ yymsp[1].minor.yy494 = OE_None*0x0101; /* EV: R-19803-45884 */}
case 45: /* refargs ::= refargs refarg */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy96 = (yymsp[-1].minor.yy96 & ~yymsp[0].minor.yy367.mask) | yymsp[0].minor.yy367.value; }
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy494 = (yymsp[-1].minor.yy494 & ~yymsp[0].minor.yy355.mask) | yymsp[0].minor.yy355.value; }
case 46: /* refarg ::= MATCH nm */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy367.value = 0; yymsp[-1].minor.yy367.mask = 0x000000; }
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy355.value = 0; yymsp[-1].minor.yy355.mask = 0x000000; }
case 47: /* refarg ::= ON INSERT refact */
-{ yymsp[-2].minor.yy367.value = 0; yymsp[-2].minor.yy367.mask = 0x000000; }
+{ yymsp[-2].minor.yy355.value = 0; yymsp[-2].minor.yy355.mask = 0x000000; }
case 48: /* refarg ::= ON DELETE refact */
-{ yymsp[-2].minor.yy367.value = yymsp[0].minor.yy96; yymsp[-2].minor.yy367.mask = 0x0000ff; }
+{ yymsp[-2].minor.yy355.value = yymsp[0].minor.yy494; yymsp[-2].minor.yy355.mask = 0x0000ff; }
case 49: /* refarg ::= ON UPDATE refact */
-{ yymsp[-2].minor.yy367.value = yymsp[0].minor.yy96<<8; yymsp[-2].minor.yy367.mask = 0x00ff00; }
+{ yymsp[-2].minor.yy355.value = yymsp[0].minor.yy494<<8; yymsp[-2].minor.yy355.mask = 0x00ff00; }
case 50: /* refact ::= SET NULL */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy96 = OE_SetNull; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy494 = OE_SetNull; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
case 51: /* refact ::= SET DEFAULT */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy96 = OE_SetDflt; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy494 = OE_SetDflt; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
case 52: /* refact ::= CASCADE */
-{ yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = OE_Cascade; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
+{ yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = OE_Cascade; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
case 53: /* refact ::= RESTRICT */
-{ yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = OE_Restrict; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
+{ yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = OE_Restrict; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
case 54: /* refact ::= NO ACTION */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy96 = OE_None; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy494 = OE_None; /* EV: R-33326-45252 */}
case 55: /* defer_subclause ::= NOT DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy96 = 0;}
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy494 = 0;}
case 56: /* defer_subclause ::= DEFERRABLE init_deferred_pred_opt */
case 71: /* orconf ::= OR resolvetype */ yytestcase(yyruleno==71);
case 156: /* insert_cmd ::= INSERT orconf */ yytestcase(yyruleno==156);
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy96 = yymsp[0].minor.yy96;}
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy494 = yymsp[0].minor.yy494;}
case 58: /* init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY DEFERRED */
case 75: /* ifexists ::= IF EXISTS */ yytestcase(yyruleno==75);
case 198: /* between_op ::= NOT BETWEEN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==198);
case 201: /* in_op ::= NOT IN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==201);
case 227: /* collate ::= COLLATE ID|STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==227);
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy96 = 1;}
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy494 = 1;}
case 59: /* init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY IMMEDIATE */
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy96 = 0;}
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy494 = 0;}
case 61: /* tconscomma ::= COMMA */
{pParse->constraintName.n = 0;}
case 63: /* tcons ::= PRIMARY KEY LP sortlist autoinc RP onconf */
case 64: /* tcons ::= UNIQUE LP sortlist RP onconf */
case 65: /* tcons ::= CHECK LP expr RP onconf */
case 66: /* tcons ::= FOREIGN KEY LP eidlist RP REFERENCES nm eidlist_opt refargs defer_subclause_opt */
- sqlite3CreateForeignKey(pParse, yymsp[-6].minor.yy42, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy42, yymsp[-1].minor.yy96);
- sqlite3DeferForeignKey(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy96);
+ sqlite3CreateForeignKey(pParse, yymsp[-6].minor.yy434, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy434, yymsp[-1].minor.yy494);
+ sqlite3DeferForeignKey(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy494);
case 68: /* onconf ::= */
case 70: /* orconf ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==70);
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy96 = OE_Default;}
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy494 = OE_Default;}
case 69: /* onconf ::= ON CONFLICT resolvetype */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy96 = yymsp[0].minor.yy96;}
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy494 = yymsp[0].minor.yy494;}
case 72: /* resolvetype ::= IGNORE */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = OE_Ignore;}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = OE_Ignore;}
case 73: /* resolvetype ::= REPLACE */
case 157: /* insert_cmd ::= REPLACE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==157);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = OE_Replace;}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = OE_Replace;}
case 74: /* cmd ::= DROP TABLE ifexists fullname */
- sqlite3DropTable(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy167, 0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy96);
+ sqlite3DropTable(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy483, 0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy494);
case 77: /* cmd ::= createkw temp VIEW ifnotexists nm dbnm eidlist_opt AS select */
- sqlite3CreateView(pParse, &yymsp[-8].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy42, yymsp[0].minor.yy423, yymsp[-7].minor.yy96, yymsp[-5].minor.yy96);
+ sqlite3CreateView(pParse, &yymsp[-8].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy434, yymsp[0].minor.yy457, yymsp[-7].minor.yy494, yymsp[-5].minor.yy494);
case 78: /* cmd ::= DROP VIEW ifexists fullname */
- sqlite3DropTable(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy167, 1, yymsp[-1].minor.yy96);
+ sqlite3DropTable(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy483, 1, yymsp[-1].minor.yy494);
case 79: /* cmd ::= select */
SelectDest dest = {SRT_Output, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
- sqlite3Select(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy423, &dest);
- sqlite3SelectDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[0].minor.yy423);
+ sqlite3Select(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy457, &dest);
+ sqlite3SelectDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[0].minor.yy457);
case 80: /* select ::= WITH wqlist selectnowith */
- Select *p = yymsp[0].minor.yy423;
+ Select *p = yymsp[0].minor.yy457;
if( p ){
- p->pWith = yymsp[-1].minor.yy499;
+ p->pWith = yymsp[-1].minor.yy59;
parserDoubleLinkSelect(pParse, p);
- sqlite3WithDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy499);
+ sqlite3WithDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy59);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy423 = p;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy457 = p;
case 81: /* select ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist selectnowith */
- Select *p = yymsp[0].minor.yy423;
+ Select *p = yymsp[0].minor.yy457;
if( p ){
- p->pWith = yymsp[-1].minor.yy499;
+ p->pWith = yymsp[-1].minor.yy59;
parserDoubleLinkSelect(pParse, p);
- sqlite3WithDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy499);
+ sqlite3WithDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy59);
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy423 = p;
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy457 = p;
case 82: /* select ::= selectnowith */
- Select *p = yymsp[0].minor.yy423;
+ Select *p = yymsp[0].minor.yy457;
if( p ){
parserDoubleLinkSelect(pParse, p);
- yymsp[0].minor.yy423 = p; /*A-overwrites-X*/
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy457 = p; /*A-overwrites-X*/
case 83: /* selectnowith ::= selectnowith multiselect_op oneselect */
- Select *pRhs = yymsp[0].minor.yy423;
- Select *pLhs = yymsp[-2].minor.yy423;
+ Select *pRhs = yymsp[0].minor.yy457;
+ Select *pLhs = yymsp[-2].minor.yy457;
if( pRhs && pRhs->pPrior ){
SrcList *pFrom;
Token x;
@@ -150745,63 +151628,63 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
pRhs = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,0,pFrom,0,0,0,0,0,0);
if( pRhs ){
- pRhs->op = (u8)yymsp[-1].minor.yy96;
+ pRhs->op = (u8)yymsp[-1].minor.yy494;
pRhs->pPrior = pLhs;
if( ALWAYS(pLhs) ) pLhs->selFlags &= ~SF_MultiValue;
pRhs->selFlags &= ~SF_MultiValue;
- if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy96!=TK_ALL ) pParse->hasCompound = 1;
+ if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy494!=TK_ALL ) pParse->hasCompound = 1;
sqlite3SelectDelete(pParse->db, pLhs);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy423 = pRhs;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy457 = pRhs;
case 84: /* multiselect_op ::= UNION */
case 86: /* multiselect_op ::= EXCEPT|INTERSECT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==86);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-OP*/}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-OP*/}
case 85: /* multiselect_op ::= UNION ALL */
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy96 = TK_ALL;}
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy494 = TK_ALL;}
case 87: /* oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt orderby_opt limit_opt */
- yymsp[-8].minor.yy423 = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy42,yymsp[-5].minor.yy167,yymsp[-4].minor.yy490,yymsp[-3].minor.yy42,yymsp[-2].minor.yy490,yymsp[-1].minor.yy42,yymsp[-7].minor.yy96,yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
+ yymsp[-8].minor.yy457 = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy434,yymsp[-5].minor.yy483,yymsp[-4].minor.yy524,yymsp[-3].minor.yy434,yymsp[-2].minor.yy524,yymsp[-1].minor.yy434,yymsp[-7].minor.yy494,yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
case 88: /* oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt window_clause orderby_opt limit_opt */
- yymsp[-9].minor.yy423 = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-7].minor.yy42,yymsp[-6].minor.yy167,yymsp[-5].minor.yy490,yymsp[-4].minor.yy42,yymsp[-3].minor.yy490,yymsp[-1].minor.yy42,yymsp[-8].minor.yy96,yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
- if( yymsp[-9].minor.yy423 ){
- yymsp[-9].minor.yy423->pWinDefn = yymsp[-2].minor.yy147;
+ yymsp[-9].minor.yy457 = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-7].minor.yy434,yymsp[-6].minor.yy483,yymsp[-5].minor.yy524,yymsp[-4].minor.yy434,yymsp[-3].minor.yy524,yymsp[-1].minor.yy434,yymsp[-8].minor.yy494,yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
+ if( yymsp[-9].minor.yy457 ){
+ yymsp[-9].minor.yy457->pWinDefn = yymsp[-2].minor.yy295;
- sqlite3WindowListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-2].minor.yy147);
+ sqlite3WindowListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-2].minor.yy295);
case 89: /* values ::= VALUES LP nexprlist RP */
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy423 = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-1].minor.yy42,0,0,0,0,0,SF_Values,0);
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy457 = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-1].minor.yy434,0,0,0,0,0,SF_Values,0);
case 90: /* values ::= values COMMA LP nexprlist RP */
- Select *pRight, *pLeft = yymsp[-4].minor.yy423;
- pRight = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-1].minor.yy42,0,0,0,0,0,SF_Values|SF_MultiValue,0);
+ Select *pRight, *pLeft = yymsp[-4].minor.yy457;
+ pRight = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-1].minor.yy434,0,0,0,0,0,SF_Values|SF_MultiValue,0);
if( ALWAYS(pLeft) ) pLeft->selFlags &= ~SF_MultiValue;
if( pRight ){
pRight->op = TK_ALL;
pRight->pPrior = pLeft;
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy423 = pRight;
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy457 = pRight;
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy423 = pLeft;
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy457 = pLeft;
case 91: /* distinct ::= DISTINCT */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = SF_Distinct;}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = SF_Distinct;}
case 92: /* distinct ::= ALL */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = SF_All;}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = SF_All;}
case 94: /* sclp ::= */
case 127: /* orderby_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==127);
@@ -150809,19 +151692,19 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 214: /* exprlist ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==214);
case 217: /* paren_exprlist ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==217);
case 222: /* eidlist_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==222);
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy42 = 0;}
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy434 = 0;}
case 95: /* selcollist ::= sclp scanpt expr scanpt as */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy42, yymsp[-2].minor.yy490);
- if( yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n>0 ) sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy42, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 1);
- sqlite3ExprListSetSpan(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy42,yymsp[-3].minor.yy464,yymsp[-1].minor.yy464);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy434, yymsp[-2].minor.yy524);
+ if( yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n>0 ) sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy434, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 1);
+ sqlite3ExprListSetSpan(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy434,yymsp[-3].minor.yy294,yymsp[-1].minor.yy294);
case 96: /* selcollist ::= sclp scanpt STAR */
Expr *p = sqlite3Expr(pParse->db, TK_ASTERISK, 0);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy42, p);
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy434, p);
case 97: /* selcollist ::= sclp scanpt nm DOT STAR */
@@ -150829,7 +151712,7 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
Expr *pRight = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_ASTERISK, 0, 0);
Expr *pLeft = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_ID, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, 1);
Expr *pDot = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_DOT, pLeft, pRight);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy42, pDot);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy434, pDot);
case 98: /* as ::= AS nm */
@@ -150839,48 +151722,48 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
{yymsp[-1].minor.yy0 = yymsp[0].minor.yy0;}
case 100: /* from ::= */
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy167 = sqlite3DbMallocZero(pParse->db, sizeof(*yymsp[1].minor.yy167));}
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy483 = sqlite3DbMallocZero(pParse->db, sizeof(*yymsp[1].minor.yy483));}
case 101: /* from ::= FROM seltablist */
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy167 = yymsp[0].minor.yy167;
- sqlite3SrcListShiftJoinType(yymsp[-1].minor.yy167);
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy483 = yymsp[0].minor.yy483;
+ sqlite3SrcListShiftJoinType(yymsp[-1].minor.yy483);
case 102: /* stl_prefix ::= seltablist joinop */
- if( ALWAYS(yymsp[-1].minor.yy167 && yymsp[-1].minor.yy167->nSrc>0) ) yymsp[-1].minor.yy167->a[yymsp[-1].minor.yy167->nSrc-1].fg.jointype = (u8)yymsp[0].minor.yy96;
+ if( ALWAYS(yymsp[-1].minor.yy483 && yymsp[-1].minor.yy483->nSrc>0) ) yymsp[-1].minor.yy483->a[yymsp[-1].minor.yy483->nSrc-1].fg.jointype = (u8)yymsp[0].minor.yy494;
case 103: /* stl_prefix ::= */
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy167 = 0;}
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy483 = 0;}
case 104: /* seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm as indexed_opt on_opt using_opt */
- yymsp[-6].minor.yy167 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy167,&yymsp[-5].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-3].minor.yy0,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy490,yymsp[0].minor.yy336);
- sqlite3SrcListIndexedBy(pParse, yymsp[-6].minor.yy167, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0);
+ yymsp[-6].minor.yy483 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy483,&yymsp[-5].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-3].minor.yy0,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy524,yymsp[0].minor.yy62);
+ sqlite3SrcListIndexedBy(pParse, yymsp[-6].minor.yy483, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0);
case 105: /* seltablist ::= stl_prefix nm dbnm LP exprlist RP as on_opt using_opt */
- yymsp[-8].minor.yy167 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-8].minor.yy167,&yymsp[-7].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-6].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy490,yymsp[0].minor.yy336);
- sqlite3SrcListFuncArgs(pParse, yymsp[-8].minor.yy167, yymsp[-4].minor.yy42);
+ yymsp[-8].minor.yy483 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-8].minor.yy483,&yymsp[-7].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-6].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy524,yymsp[0].minor.yy62);
+ sqlite3SrcListFuncArgs(pParse, yymsp[-8].minor.yy483, yymsp[-4].minor.yy434);
case 106: /* seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP select RP as on_opt using_opt */
- yymsp[-6].minor.yy167 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy167,0,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,yymsp[-4].minor.yy423,yymsp[-1].minor.yy490,yymsp[0].minor.yy336);
+ yymsp[-6].minor.yy483 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy483,0,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,yymsp[-4].minor.yy457,yymsp[-1].minor.yy524,yymsp[0].minor.yy62);
case 107: /* seltablist ::= stl_prefix LP seltablist RP as on_opt using_opt */
- if( yymsp[-6].minor.yy167==0 && yymsp[-2].minor.yy0.n==0 && yymsp[-1].minor.yy490==0 && yymsp[0].minor.yy336==0 ){
- yymsp[-6].minor.yy167 = yymsp[-4].minor.yy167;
- }else if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy167->nSrc==1 ){
- yymsp[-6].minor.yy167 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy167,0,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy490,yymsp[0].minor.yy336);
- if( yymsp[-6].minor.yy167 ){
- struct SrcList_item *pNew = &yymsp[-6].minor.yy167->a[yymsp[-6].minor.yy167->nSrc-1];
- struct SrcList_item *pOld = yymsp[-4].minor.yy167->a;
+ if( yymsp[-6].minor.yy483==0 && yymsp[-2].minor.yy0.n==0 && yymsp[-1].minor.yy524==0 && yymsp[0].minor.yy62==0 ){
+ yymsp[-6].minor.yy483 = yymsp[-4].minor.yy483;
+ }else if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy483->nSrc==1 ){
+ yymsp[-6].minor.yy483 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy483,0,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy524,yymsp[0].minor.yy62);
+ if( yymsp[-6].minor.yy483 ){
+ struct SrcList_item *pNew = &yymsp[-6].minor.yy483->a[yymsp[-6].minor.yy483->nSrc-1];
+ struct SrcList_item *pOld = yymsp[-4].minor.yy483->a;
pNew->zName = pOld->zName;
pNew->zDatabase = pOld->zDatabase;
pNew->pSelect = pOld->pSelect;
@@ -150893,12 +151776,12 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
pOld->zName = pOld->zDatabase = 0;
pOld->pSelect = 0;
- sqlite3SrcListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-4].minor.yy167);
+ sqlite3SrcListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-4].minor.yy483);
Select *pSubquery;
- sqlite3SrcListShiftJoinType(yymsp[-4].minor.yy167);
- pSubquery = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,0,yymsp[-4].minor.yy167,0,0,0,0,SF_NestedFrom,0);
- yymsp[-6].minor.yy167 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy167,0,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,pSubquery,yymsp[-1].minor.yy490,yymsp[0].minor.yy336);
+ sqlite3SrcListShiftJoinType(yymsp[-4].minor.yy483);
+ pSubquery = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,0,yymsp[-4].minor.yy483,0,0,0,0,SF_NestedFrom,0);
+ yymsp[-6].minor.yy483 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy483,0,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,pSubquery,yymsp[-1].minor.yy524,yymsp[0].minor.yy62);
@@ -150908,54 +151791,54 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 110: /* fullname ::= nm */
- yylhsminor.yy167 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0,0);
- if( IN_RENAME_OBJECT && yylhsminor.yy167 ) sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, yylhsminor.yy167->a[0].zName, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ yylhsminor.yy483 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0,0);
+ if( IN_RENAME_OBJECT && yylhsminor.yy483 ) sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, yylhsminor.yy483->a[0].zName, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
- yymsp[0].minor.yy167 = yylhsminor.yy167;
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy483 = yylhsminor.yy483;
case 111: /* fullname ::= nm DOT nm */
- yylhsminor.yy167 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
- if( IN_RENAME_OBJECT && yylhsminor.yy167 ) sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, yylhsminor.yy167->a[0].zName, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ yylhsminor.yy483 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ if( IN_RENAME_OBJECT && yylhsminor.yy483 ) sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, yylhsminor.yy483->a[0].zName, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy167 = yylhsminor.yy167;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy483 = yylhsminor.yy483;
case 112: /* xfullname ::= nm */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy167 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0,0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy483 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0,0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
case 113: /* xfullname ::= nm DOT nm */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy167 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy483 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
case 114: /* xfullname ::= nm DOT nm AS nm */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy167 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/
- if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy167 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy167->a[0].zAlias = sqlite3NameFromToken(pParse->db, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy483 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/
+ if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy483 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy483->a[0].zAlias = sqlite3NameFromToken(pParse->db, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
case 115: /* xfullname ::= nm AS nm */
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy167 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,0); /*A-overwrites-X*/
- if( yymsp[-2].minor.yy167 ) yymsp[-2].minor.yy167->a[0].zAlias = sqlite3NameFromToken(pParse->db, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy483 = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,0); /*A-overwrites-X*/
+ if( yymsp[-2].minor.yy483 ) yymsp[-2].minor.yy483->a[0].zAlias = sqlite3NameFromToken(pParse->db, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
case 116: /* joinop ::= COMMA|JOIN */
-{ yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = JT_INNER; }
+{ yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = JT_INNER; }
case 117: /* joinop ::= JOIN_KW JOIN */
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy96 = sqlite3JoinType(pParse,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0,0,0); /*X-overwrites-A*/}
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy494 = sqlite3JoinType(pParse,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0,0,0); /*X-overwrites-A*/}
case 118: /* joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm JOIN */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy96 = sqlite3JoinType(pParse,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0,0); /*X-overwrites-A*/}
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy494 = sqlite3JoinType(pParse,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0,0); /*X-overwrites-A*/}
case 119: /* joinop ::= JOIN_KW nm nm JOIN */
-{yymsp[-3].minor.yy96 = sqlite3JoinType(pParse,&yymsp[-3].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);/*X-overwrites-A*/}
+{yymsp[-3].minor.yy494 = sqlite3JoinType(pParse,&yymsp[-3].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);/*X-overwrites-A*/}
case 120: /* on_opt ::= ON expr */
case 137: /* having_opt ::= HAVING expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==137);
case 144: /* where_opt ::= WHERE expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==144);
case 210: /* case_else ::= ELSE expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==210);
case 231: /* vinto ::= INTO expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==231);
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy490 = yymsp[0].minor.yy490;}
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy524 = yymsp[0].minor.yy524;}
case 121: /* on_opt ::= */
case 136: /* having_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==136);
@@ -150964,7 +151847,7 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 211: /* case_else ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==211);
case 213: /* case_operand ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==213);
case 232: /* vinto ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==232);
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy490 = 0;}
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy524 = 0;}
case 123: /* indexed_opt ::= INDEXED BY nm */
{yymsp[-2].minor.yy0 = yymsp[0].minor.yy0;}
@@ -150973,119 +151856,119 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
{yymsp[-1].minor.yy0.z=0; yymsp[-1].minor.yy0.n=1;}
case 125: /* using_opt ::= USING LP idlist RP */
-{yymsp[-3].minor.yy336 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy336;}
+{yymsp[-3].minor.yy62 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy62;}
case 126: /* using_opt ::= */
case 158: /* idlist_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==158);
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy336 = 0;}
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy62 = 0;}
case 128: /* orderby_opt ::= ORDER BY sortlist */
case 135: /* groupby_opt ::= GROUP BY nexprlist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==135);
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy42 = yymsp[0].minor.yy42;}
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy434 = yymsp[0].minor.yy434;}
case 129: /* sortlist ::= sortlist COMMA expr sortorder */
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-3].minor.yy42,yymsp[-1].minor.yy490);
- sqlite3ExprListSetSortOrder(yymsp[-3].minor.yy42,yymsp[0].minor.yy96);
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-3].minor.yy434,yymsp[-1].minor.yy524);
+ sqlite3ExprListSetSortOrder(yymsp[-3].minor.yy434,yymsp[0].minor.yy494);
case 130: /* sortlist ::= expr sortorder */
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy490); /*A-overwrites-Y*/
- sqlite3ExprListSetSortOrder(yymsp[-1].minor.yy42,yymsp[0].minor.yy96);
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy524); /*A-overwrites-Y*/
+ sqlite3ExprListSetSortOrder(yymsp[-1].minor.yy434,yymsp[0].minor.yy494);
case 131: /* sortorder ::= ASC */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = SQLITE_SO_ASC;}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = SQLITE_SO_ASC;}
case 132: /* sortorder ::= DESC */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = SQLITE_SO_DESC;}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = SQLITE_SO_DESC;}
case 133: /* sortorder ::= */
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy96 = SQLITE_SO_UNDEFINED;}
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy494 = SQLITE_SO_UNDEFINED;}
case 139: /* limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr */
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_LIMIT,yymsp[0].minor.yy490,0);}
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_LIMIT,yymsp[0].minor.yy524,0);}
case 140: /* limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr OFFSET expr */
-{yymsp[-3].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_LIMIT,yymsp[-2].minor.yy490,yymsp[0].minor.yy490);}
+{yymsp[-3].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_LIMIT,yymsp[-2].minor.yy524,yymsp[0].minor.yy524);}
case 141: /* limit_opt ::= LIMIT expr COMMA expr */
-{yymsp[-3].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_LIMIT,yymsp[0].minor.yy490,yymsp[-2].minor.yy490);}
+{yymsp[-3].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_LIMIT,yymsp[0].minor.yy524,yymsp[-2].minor.yy524);}
case 142: /* cmd ::= with DELETE FROM xfullname indexed_opt where_opt */
- sqlite3SrcListIndexedBy(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy167, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);
- sqlite3DeleteFrom(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy167,yymsp[0].minor.yy490,0,0);
+ sqlite3SrcListIndexedBy(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy483, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);
+ sqlite3DeleteFrom(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy483,yymsp[0].minor.yy524,0,0);
case 145: /* cmd ::= with UPDATE orconf xfullname indexed_opt SET setlist where_opt */
- sqlite3SrcListIndexedBy(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy167, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0);
- sqlite3ExprListCheckLength(pParse,yymsp[-1].minor.yy42,"set list");
- sqlite3Update(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy167,yymsp[-1].minor.yy42,yymsp[0].minor.yy490,yymsp[-5].minor.yy96,0,0,0);
+ sqlite3SrcListIndexedBy(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy483, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0);
+ sqlite3ExprListCheckLength(pParse,yymsp[-1].minor.yy434,"set list");
+ sqlite3Update(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy483,yymsp[-1].minor.yy434,yymsp[0].minor.yy524,yymsp[-5].minor.yy494,0,0,0);
case 146: /* setlist ::= setlist COMMA nm EQ expr */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy42, yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
- sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy42, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, 1);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy434, yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
+ sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy434, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, 1);
case 147: /* setlist ::= setlist COMMA LP idlist RP EQ expr */
- yymsp[-6].minor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppendVector(pParse, yymsp[-6].minor.yy42, yymsp[-3].minor.yy336, yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
+ yymsp[-6].minor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppendVector(pParse, yymsp[-6].minor.yy434, yymsp[-3].minor.yy62, yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
case 148: /* setlist ::= nm EQ expr */
- yylhsminor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, 0, yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
- sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, yylhsminor.yy42, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, 1);
+ yylhsminor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, 0, yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
+ sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, yylhsminor.yy434, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, 1);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy42 = yylhsminor.yy42;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy434 = yylhsminor.yy434;
case 149: /* setlist ::= LP idlist RP EQ expr */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppendVector(pParse, 0, yymsp[-3].minor.yy336, yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppendVector(pParse, 0, yymsp[-3].minor.yy62, yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
case 150: /* cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt select upsert */
- sqlite3Insert(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy167, yymsp[-1].minor.yy423, yymsp[-2].minor.yy336, yymsp[-5].minor.yy96, yymsp[0].minor.yy266);
+ sqlite3Insert(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy483, yymsp[-1].minor.yy457, yymsp[-2].minor.yy62, yymsp[-5].minor.yy494, yymsp[0].minor.yy136);
case 151: /* cmd ::= with insert_cmd INTO xfullname idlist_opt DEFAULT VALUES */
- sqlite3Insert(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy167, 0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy336, yymsp[-5].minor.yy96, 0);
+ sqlite3Insert(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy483, 0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy62, yymsp[-5].minor.yy494, 0);
case 152: /* upsert ::= */
-{ yymsp[1].minor.yy266 = 0; }
+{ yymsp[1].minor.yy136 = 0; }
case 153: /* upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO UPDATE SET setlist where_opt */
-{ yymsp[-10].minor.yy266 = sqlite3UpsertNew(pParse->db,yymsp[-7].minor.yy42,yymsp[-5].minor.yy490,yymsp[-1].minor.yy42,yymsp[0].minor.yy490);}
+{ yymsp[-10].minor.yy136 = sqlite3UpsertNew(pParse->db,yymsp[-7].minor.yy434,yymsp[-5].minor.yy524,yymsp[-1].minor.yy434,yymsp[0].minor.yy524);}
case 154: /* upsert ::= ON CONFLICT LP sortlist RP where_opt DO NOTHING */
-{ yymsp[-7].minor.yy266 = sqlite3UpsertNew(pParse->db,yymsp[-4].minor.yy42,yymsp[-2].minor.yy490,0,0); }
+{ yymsp[-7].minor.yy136 = sqlite3UpsertNew(pParse->db,yymsp[-4].minor.yy434,yymsp[-2].minor.yy524,0,0); }
case 155: /* upsert ::= ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING */
-{ yymsp[-3].minor.yy266 = sqlite3UpsertNew(pParse->db,0,0,0,0); }
+{ yymsp[-3].minor.yy136 = sqlite3UpsertNew(pParse->db,0,0,0,0); }
case 159: /* idlist_opt ::= LP idlist RP */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy336 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy336;}
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy62 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy62;}
case 160: /* idlist ::= idlist COMMA nm */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy336 = sqlite3IdListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy336,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0);}
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy62 = sqlite3IdListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy62,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0);}
case 161: /* idlist ::= nm */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy336 = sqlite3IdListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-Y*/}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy62 = sqlite3IdListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-Y*/}
case 162: /* expr ::= LP expr RP */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy490 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy490;}
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy524 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy524;}
case 163: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED */
case 164: /* expr ::= JOIN_KW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==164);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy490=tokenExpr(pParse,TK_ID,yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy524=tokenExpr(pParse,TK_ID,yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
case 165: /* expr ::= nm DOT nm */
@@ -151095,9 +151978,9 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, (void*)temp2, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, (void*)temp1, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0);
- yylhsminor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_DOT, temp1, temp2);
+ yylhsminor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_DOT, temp1, temp2);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy490 = yylhsminor.yy490;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy524 = yylhsminor.yy524;
case 166: /* expr ::= nm DOT nm DOT nm */
@@ -151109,26 +151992,26 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, (void*)temp3, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, (void*)temp2, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0);
- yylhsminor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_DOT, temp1, temp4);
+ yylhsminor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_DOT, temp1, temp4);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = yylhsminor.yy490;
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = yylhsminor.yy524;
case 167: /* term ::= NULL|FLOAT|BLOB */
case 168: /* term ::= STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==168);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy490=tokenExpr(pParse,yymsp[0].major,yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy524=tokenExpr(pParse,yymsp[0].major,yymsp[0].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-X*/}
case 169: /* term ::= INTEGER */
- yylhsminor.yy490 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_INTEGER, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 1);
+ yylhsminor.yy524 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_INTEGER, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 1);
- yymsp[0].minor.yy490 = yylhsminor.yy490;
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy524 = yylhsminor.yy524;
case 170: /* expr ::= VARIABLE */
if( !(yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z[0]=='#' && sqlite3Isdigit(yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z[1])) ){
u32 n = yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n;
- yymsp[0].minor.yy490 = tokenExpr(pParse, TK_VARIABLE, yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
- sqlite3ExprAssignVarNumber(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy490, n);
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy524 = tokenExpr(pParse, TK_VARIABLE, yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ sqlite3ExprAssignVarNumber(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy524, n);
/* When doing a nested parse, one can include terms in an expression
** that look like this: #1 #2 ... These terms refer to registers
@@ -151137,63 +152020,63 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
assert( t.n>=2 );
if( pParse->nested==0 ){
sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "near \"%T\": syntax error", &t);
- yymsp[0].minor.yy490 = 0;
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy524 = 0;
- yymsp[0].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_REGISTER, 0, 0);
- if( yymsp[0].minor.yy490 ) sqlite3GetInt32(&t.z[1], &yymsp[0].minor.yy490->iTable);
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_REGISTER, 0, 0);
+ if( yymsp[0].minor.yy524 ) sqlite3GetInt32(&t.z[1], &yymsp[0].minor.yy524->iTable);
case 171: /* expr ::= expr COLLATE ID|STRING */
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy490 = sqlite3ExprAddCollateToken(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy490, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 1);
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy524 = sqlite3ExprAddCollateToken(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy524, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 1);
case 172: /* expr ::= CAST LP expr AS typetoken RP */
- yymsp[-5].minor.yy490 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_CAST, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 1);
- sqlite3ExprAttachSubtrees(pParse->db, yymsp[-5].minor.yy490, yymsp[-3].minor.yy490, 0);
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy524 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_CAST, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 1);
+ sqlite3ExprAttachSubtrees(pParse->db, yymsp[-5].minor.yy524, yymsp[-3].minor.yy524, 0);
case 173: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP */
- yylhsminor.yy490 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, yymsp[-1].minor.yy42, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy96);
+ yylhsminor.yy524 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, yymsp[-1].minor.yy434, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy494);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = yylhsminor.yy490;
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = yylhsminor.yy524;
case 174: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP */
- yylhsminor.yy490 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, 0);
+ yylhsminor.yy524 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, 0);
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy490 = yylhsminor.yy490;
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy524 = yylhsminor.yy524;
case 175: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP distinct exprlist RP over_clause */
- yylhsminor.yy490 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy42, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-3].minor.yy96);
- sqlite3WindowAttach(pParse, yylhsminor.yy490, yymsp[0].minor.yy147);
+ yylhsminor.yy524 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy434, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-3].minor.yy494);
+ sqlite3WindowAttach(pParse, yylhsminor.yy524, yymsp[0].minor.yy295);
- yymsp[-5].minor.yy490 = yylhsminor.yy490;
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy524 = yylhsminor.yy524;
case 176: /* expr ::= ID|INDEXED LP STAR RP over_clause */
- yylhsminor.yy490 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0, 0);
- sqlite3WindowAttach(pParse, yylhsminor.yy490, yymsp[0].minor.yy147);
+ yylhsminor.yy524 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0, 0);
+ sqlite3WindowAttach(pParse, yylhsminor.yy524, yymsp[0].minor.yy295);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = yylhsminor.yy490;
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = yylhsminor.yy524;
case 177: /* term ::= CTIME_KW */
- yylhsminor.yy490 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, 0, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 0);
+ yylhsminor.yy524 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, 0, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, 0);
- yymsp[0].minor.yy490 = yylhsminor.yy490;
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy524 = yylhsminor.yy524;
case 178: /* expr ::= LP nexprlist COMMA expr RP */
- ExprList *pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy42, yymsp[-1].minor.yy490);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_VECTOR, 0, 0);
- if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 ){
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490->x.pList = pList;
+ ExprList *pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy434, yymsp[-1].minor.yy524);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_VECTOR, 0, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 ){
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524->x.pList = pList;
sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, pList);
@@ -151207,7 +152090,7 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 184: /* expr ::= expr PLUS|MINUS expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==184);
case 185: /* expr ::= expr STAR|SLASH|REM expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==185);
case 186: /* expr ::= expr CONCAT expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==186);
case 187: /* likeop ::= NOT LIKE_KW|MATCH */
{yymsp[-1].minor.yy0=yymsp[0].minor.yy0; yymsp[-1].minor.yy0.n|=0x80000000; /*yymsp[-1].minor.yy0-overwrite-yymsp[0].minor.yy0*/}
@@ -151217,11 +152100,11 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
ExprList *pList;
int bNot = yymsp[-1].minor.yy0.n & 0x80000000;
yymsp[-1].minor.yy0.n &= 0x7fffffff;
- pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
- pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[-2].minor.yy490);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy490 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, pList, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 0);
- if( bNot ) yymsp[-2].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-2].minor.yy490, 0);
- if( yymsp[-2].minor.yy490 ) yymsp[-2].minor.yy490->flags |= EP_InfixFunc;
+ pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
+ pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[-2].minor.yy524);
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy524 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, pList, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 0);
+ if( bNot ) yymsp[-2].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-2].minor.yy524, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-2].minor.yy524 ) yymsp[-2].minor.yy524->flags |= EP_InfixFunc;
case 189: /* expr ::= expr likeop expr ESCAPE expr */
@@ -151229,62 +152112,62 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
ExprList *pList;
int bNot = yymsp[-3].minor.yy0.n & 0x80000000;
yymsp[-3].minor.yy0.n &= 0x7fffffff;
- pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy490);
- pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490);
- pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, pList, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, 0);
- if( bNot ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490, 0);
- if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy490->flags |= EP_InfixFunc;
+ pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy524);
+ pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524);
+ pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, pList, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, 0);
+ if( bNot ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy524->flags |= EP_InfixFunc;
case 190: /* expr ::= expr ISNULL|NOTNULL */
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,yymsp[0].major,yymsp[-1].minor.yy490,0);}
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,yymsp[0].major,yymsp[-1].minor.yy524,0);}
case 191: /* expr ::= expr NOT NULL */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_NOTNULL,yymsp[-2].minor.yy490,0);}
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_NOTNULL,yymsp[-2].minor.yy524,0);}
case 192: /* expr ::= expr IS expr */
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_IS,yymsp[-2].minor.yy490,yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
- binaryToUnaryIfNull(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy490, yymsp[-2].minor.yy490, TK_ISNULL);
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_IS,yymsp[-2].minor.yy524,yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
+ binaryToUnaryIfNull(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy524, yymsp[-2].minor.yy524, TK_ISNULL);
case 193: /* expr ::= expr IS NOT expr */
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_ISNOT,yymsp[-3].minor.yy490,yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
- binaryToUnaryIfNull(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy490, yymsp[-3].minor.yy490, TK_NOTNULL);
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse,TK_ISNOT,yymsp[-3].minor.yy524,yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
+ binaryToUnaryIfNull(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy524, yymsp[-3].minor.yy524, TK_NOTNULL);
case 194: /* expr ::= NOT expr */
case 195: /* expr ::= BITNOT expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==195);
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, yymsp[-1].major, yymsp[0].minor.yy490, 0);/*A-overwrites-B*/}
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, yymsp[-1].major, yymsp[0].minor.yy524, 0);/*A-overwrites-B*/}
case 196: /* expr ::= PLUS|MINUS expr */
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, yymsp[-1].major==TK_PLUS ? TK_UPLUS : TK_UMINUS, yymsp[0].minor.yy490, 0);
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, yymsp[-1].major==TK_PLUS ? TK_UPLUS : TK_UMINUS, yymsp[0].minor.yy524, 0);
case 197: /* between_op ::= BETWEEN */
case 200: /* in_op ::= IN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==200);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = 0;}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = 0;}
case 199: /* expr ::= expr between_op expr AND expr */
- ExprList *pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy490);
- pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_BETWEEN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490, 0);
- if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 ){
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490->x.pList = pList;
+ ExprList *pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy524);
+ pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,pList, yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_BETWEEN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 ){
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524->x.pList = pList;
sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, pList);
- if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy96 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy494 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524, 0);
case 202: /* expr ::= expr in_op LP exprlist RP */
- if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy42==0 ){
+ if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy434==0 ){
/* Expressions of the form
** expr1 IN ()
@@ -151294,10 +152177,10 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
** regardless of the value of expr1.
- sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_INTEGER,&sqlite3IntTokens[yymsp[-3].minor.yy96],1);
+ sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_INTEGER,&sqlite3IntTokens[yymsp[-3].minor.yy494],1);
- }else if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy42->nExpr==1 ){
+ }else if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy434->nExpr==1 ){
/* Expressions of the form:
** expr1 IN (?1)
@@ -151314,100 +152197,100 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
** affinity or the collating sequence to use for comparison. Otherwise,
** the semantics would be subtly different from IN or NOT IN.
- Expr *pRHS = yymsp[-1].minor.yy42->a[0].pExpr;
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy42->a[0].pExpr = 0;
- sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy42);
+ Expr *pRHS = yymsp[-1].minor.yy434->a[0].pExpr;
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy434->a[0].pExpr = 0;
+ sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy434);
/* pRHS cannot be NULL because a malloc error would have been detected
** before now and control would have never reached this point */
if( ALWAYS(pRHS) ){
pRHS->flags &= ~EP_Collate;
pRHS->flags |= EP_Generic;
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy96 ? TK_NE : TK_EQ, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490, pRHS);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy494 ? TK_NE : TK_EQ, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524, pRHS);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_IN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490, 0);
- if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 ){
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490->x.pList = yymsp[-1].minor.yy42;
- sqlite3ExprSetHeightAndFlags(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_IN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 ){
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524->x.pList = yymsp[-1].minor.yy434;
+ sqlite3ExprSetHeightAndFlags(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524);
- sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy42);
+ sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy434);
- if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy96 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy494 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524, 0);
case 203: /* expr ::= LP select RP */
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_SELECT, 0, 0);
- sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy490, yymsp[-1].minor.yy423);
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_SELECT, 0, 0);
+ sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy524, yymsp[-1].minor.yy457);
case 204: /* expr ::= expr in_op LP select RP */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_IN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490, 0);
- sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490, yymsp[-1].minor.yy423);
- if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy96 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490, 0);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_IN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524, 0);
+ sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524, yymsp[-1].minor.yy457);
+ if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy494 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524, 0);
case 205: /* expr ::= expr in_op nm dbnm paren_exprlist */
SrcList *pSrc = sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse, 0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,&yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);
Select *pSelect = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse, 0,pSrc,0,0,0,0,0,0);
- if( yymsp[0].minor.yy42 ) sqlite3SrcListFuncArgs(pParse, pSelect ? pSrc : 0, yymsp[0].minor.yy42);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_IN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490, 0);
- sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490, pSelect);
- if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy96 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490, 0);
+ if( yymsp[0].minor.yy434 ) sqlite3SrcListFuncArgs(pParse, pSelect ? pSrc : 0, yymsp[0].minor.yy434);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_IN, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524, 0);
+ sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524, pSelect);
+ if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy494 ) yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NOT, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524, 0);
case 206: /* expr ::= EXISTS LP select RP */
Expr *p;
- p = yymsp[-3].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_EXISTS, 0, 0);
- sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, p, yymsp[-1].minor.yy423);
+ p = yymsp[-3].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_EXISTS, 0, 0);
+ sqlite3PExprAddSelect(pParse, p, yymsp[-1].minor.yy457);
case 207: /* expr ::= CASE case_operand case_exprlist case_else END */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_CASE, yymsp[-3].minor.yy490, 0);
- if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 ){
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy490->x.pList = yymsp[-1].minor.yy490 ? sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy42,yymsp[-1].minor.yy490) : yymsp[-2].minor.yy42;
- sqlite3ExprSetHeightAndFlags(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy490);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_CASE, yymsp[-3].minor.yy524, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 ){
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524->x.pList = yymsp[-1].minor.yy524 ? sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy434,yymsp[-1].minor.yy524) : yymsp[-2].minor.yy434;
+ sqlite3ExprSetHeightAndFlags(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy524);
- sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-2].minor.yy42);
- sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy490);
+ sqlite3ExprListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-2].minor.yy434);
+ sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy524);
case 208: /* case_exprlist ::= case_exprlist WHEN expr THEN expr */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy42, yymsp[-2].minor.yy490);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy42, yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy434, yymsp[-2].minor.yy524);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy434, yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
case 209: /* case_exprlist ::= WHEN expr THEN expr */
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy490);
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-3].minor.yy42, yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy524);
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-3].minor.yy434, yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
case 212: /* case_operand ::= expr */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy490 = yymsp[0].minor.yy490; /*A-overwrites-X*/}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy524 = yymsp[0].minor.yy524; /*A-overwrites-X*/}
case 215: /* nexprlist ::= nexprlist COMMA expr */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy42,yymsp[0].minor.yy490);}
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-2].minor.yy434,yymsp[0].minor.yy524);}
case 216: /* nexprlist ::= expr */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy42 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0,yymsp[0].minor.yy490); /*A-overwrites-Y*/}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy434 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0,yymsp[0].minor.yy524); /*A-overwrites-Y*/}
case 218: /* paren_exprlist ::= LP exprlist RP */
case 223: /* eidlist_opt ::= LP eidlist RP */ yytestcase(yyruleno==223);
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy42 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy42;}
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy434 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy434;}
case 219: /* cmd ::= createkw uniqueflag INDEX ifnotexists nm dbnm ON nm LP sortlist RP where_opt */
sqlite3CreateIndex(pParse, &yymsp[-7].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-6].minor.yy0,
- sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,0), yymsp[-2].minor.yy42, yymsp[-10].minor.yy96,
- &yymsp[-11].minor.yy0, yymsp[0].minor.yy490, SQLITE_SO_ASC, yymsp[-8].minor.yy96, SQLITE_IDXTYPE_APPDEF);
+ sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse,0,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,0), yymsp[-2].minor.yy434, yymsp[-10].minor.yy494,
+ &yymsp[-11].minor.yy0, yymsp[0].minor.yy524, SQLITE_SO_ASC, yymsp[-8].minor.yy494, SQLITE_IDXTYPE_APPDEF);
if( IN_RENAME_OBJECT && pParse->pNewIndex ){
sqlite3RenameTokenMap(pParse, pParse->pNewIndex->zName, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0);
@@ -151415,29 +152298,29 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 220: /* uniqueflag ::= UNIQUE */
case 262: /* raisetype ::= ABORT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==262);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = OE_Abort;}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = OE_Abort;}
case 221: /* uniqueflag ::= */
-{yymsp[1].minor.yy96 = OE_None;}
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy494 = OE_None;}
case 224: /* eidlist ::= eidlist COMMA nm collate sortorder */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy42 = parserAddExprIdListTerm(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy42, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy96, yymsp[0].minor.yy96);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy434 = parserAddExprIdListTerm(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy434, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy494, yymsp[0].minor.yy494);
case 225: /* eidlist ::= nm collate sortorder */
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy42 = parserAddExprIdListTerm(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy96, yymsp[0].minor.yy96); /*A-overwrites-Y*/
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy434 = parserAddExprIdListTerm(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy494, yymsp[0].minor.yy494); /*A-overwrites-Y*/
case 228: /* cmd ::= DROP INDEX ifexists fullname */
-{sqlite3DropIndex(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy167, yymsp[-1].minor.yy96);}
+{sqlite3DropIndex(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy483, yymsp[-1].minor.yy494);}
case 229: /* cmd ::= VACUUM vinto */
case 230: /* cmd ::= VACUUM nm vinto */
case 233: /* cmd ::= PRAGMA nm dbnm */
@@ -151459,51 +152342,51 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
Token all;
all.z = yymsp[-3].minor.yy0.z;
all.n = (int)(yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z - yymsp[-3].minor.yy0.z) + yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n;
- sqlite3FinishTrigger(pParse, yymsp[-1].minor.yy119, &all);
+ sqlite3FinishTrigger(pParse, yymsp[-1].minor.yy455, &all);
case 241: /* trigger_decl ::= temp TRIGGER ifnotexists nm dbnm trigger_time trigger_event ON fullname foreach_clause when_clause */
- sqlite3BeginTrigger(pParse, &yymsp[-7].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-6].minor.yy0, yymsp[-5].minor.yy96, yymsp[-4].minor.yy350.a, yymsp[-4].minor.yy350.b, yymsp[-2].minor.yy167, yymsp[0].minor.yy490, yymsp[-10].minor.yy96, yymsp[-8].minor.yy96);
+ sqlite3BeginTrigger(pParse, &yymsp[-7].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-6].minor.yy0, yymsp[-5].minor.yy494, yymsp[-4].minor.yy90.a, yymsp[-4].minor.yy90.b, yymsp[-2].minor.yy483, yymsp[0].minor.yy524, yymsp[-10].minor.yy494, yymsp[-8].minor.yy494);
yymsp[-10].minor.yy0 = (yymsp[-6].minor.yy0.n==0?yymsp[-7].minor.yy0:yymsp[-6].minor.yy0); /*A-overwrites-T*/
case 242: /* trigger_time ::= BEFORE|AFTER */
-{ yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/ }
+{ yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/ }
case 243: /* trigger_time ::= INSTEAD OF */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy96 = TK_INSTEAD;}
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy494 = TK_INSTEAD;}
case 244: /* trigger_time ::= */
-{ yymsp[1].minor.yy96 = TK_BEFORE; }
+{ yymsp[1].minor.yy494 = TK_BEFORE; }
case 245: /* trigger_event ::= DELETE|INSERT */
case 246: /* trigger_event ::= UPDATE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==246);
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy350.a = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/ yymsp[0].minor.yy350.b = 0;}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy90.a = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/ yymsp[0].minor.yy90.b = 0;}
case 247: /* trigger_event ::= UPDATE OF idlist */
-{yymsp[-2].minor.yy350.a = TK_UPDATE; yymsp[-2].minor.yy350.b = yymsp[0].minor.yy336;}
+{yymsp[-2].minor.yy90.a = TK_UPDATE; yymsp[-2].minor.yy90.b = yymsp[0].minor.yy62;}
case 248: /* when_clause ::= */
case 267: /* key_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==267);
- case 309: /* filter_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==309);
-{ yymsp[1].minor.yy490 = 0; }
+ case 315: /* filter_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==315);
+{ yymsp[1].minor.yy524 = 0; }
case 249: /* when_clause ::= WHEN expr */
case 268: /* key_opt ::= KEY expr */ yytestcase(yyruleno==268);
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy490 = yymsp[0].minor.yy490; }
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy524 = yymsp[0].minor.yy524; }
case 250: /* trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd_list trigger_cmd SEMI */
- assert( yymsp[-2].minor.yy119!=0 );
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy119->pLast->pNext = yymsp[-1].minor.yy119;
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy119->pLast = yymsp[-1].minor.yy119;
+ assert( yymsp[-2].minor.yy455!=0 );
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy455->pLast->pNext = yymsp[-1].minor.yy455;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy455->pLast = yymsp[-1].minor.yy455;
case 251: /* trigger_cmd_list ::= trigger_cmd SEMI */
- assert( yymsp[-1].minor.yy119!=0 );
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy119->pLast = yymsp[-1].minor.yy119;
+ assert( yymsp[-1].minor.yy455!=0 );
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy455->pLast = yymsp[-1].minor.yy455;
case 252: /* trnm ::= nm DOT nm */
@@ -151529,58 +152412,58 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 255: /* trigger_cmd ::= UPDATE orconf trnm tridxby SET setlist where_opt scanpt */
-{yylhsminor.yy119 = sqlite3TriggerUpdateStep(pParse, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy42, yymsp[-1].minor.yy490, yymsp[-6].minor.yy96, yymsp[-7].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[0].minor.yy464);}
- yymsp[-7].minor.yy119 = yylhsminor.yy119;
+{yylhsminor.yy455 = sqlite3TriggerUpdateStep(pParse, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-2].minor.yy434, yymsp[-1].minor.yy524, yymsp[-6].minor.yy494, yymsp[-7].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[0].minor.yy294);}
+ yymsp[-7].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
case 256: /* trigger_cmd ::= scanpt insert_cmd INTO trnm idlist_opt select upsert scanpt */
- yylhsminor.yy119 = sqlite3TriggerInsertStep(pParse,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,yymsp[-3].minor.yy336,yymsp[-2].minor.yy423,yymsp[-6].minor.yy96,yymsp[-1].minor.yy266,yymsp[-7].minor.yy464,yymsp[0].minor.yy464);/*yylhsminor.yy119-overwrites-yymsp[-6].minor.yy96*/
+ yylhsminor.yy455 = sqlite3TriggerInsertStep(pParse,&yymsp[-4].minor.yy0,yymsp[-3].minor.yy62,yymsp[-2].minor.yy457,yymsp[-6].minor.yy494,yymsp[-1].minor.yy136,yymsp[-7].minor.yy294,yymsp[0].minor.yy294);/*yylhsminor.yy455-overwrites-yymsp[-6].minor.yy494*/
- yymsp[-7].minor.yy119 = yylhsminor.yy119;
+ yymsp[-7].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
case 257: /* trigger_cmd ::= DELETE FROM trnm tridxby where_opt scanpt */
-{yylhsminor.yy119 = sqlite3TriggerDeleteStep(pParse, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy490, yymsp[-5].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[0].minor.yy464);}
- yymsp[-5].minor.yy119 = yylhsminor.yy119;
+{yylhsminor.yy455 = sqlite3TriggerDeleteStep(pParse, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy524, yymsp[-5].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[0].minor.yy294);}
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
case 258: /* trigger_cmd ::= scanpt select scanpt */
-{yylhsminor.yy119 = sqlite3TriggerSelectStep(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy423, yymsp[-2].minor.yy464, yymsp[0].minor.yy464); /*yylhsminor.yy119-overwrites-yymsp[-1].minor.yy423*/}
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy119 = yylhsminor.yy119;
+{yylhsminor.yy455 = sqlite3TriggerSelectStep(pParse->db, yymsp[-1].minor.yy457, yymsp[-2].minor.yy294, yymsp[0].minor.yy294); /*yylhsminor.yy455-overwrites-yymsp[-1].minor.yy457*/}
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy455 = yylhsminor.yy455;
case 259: /* expr ::= RAISE LP IGNORE RP */
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy490 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_RAISE, 0, 0);
- if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy490 ){
- yymsp[-3].minor.yy490->affinity = OE_Ignore;
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy524 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_RAISE, 0, 0);
+ if( yymsp[-3].minor.yy524 ){
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy524->affinity = OE_Ignore;
case 260: /* expr ::= RAISE LP raisetype COMMA nm RP */
- yymsp[-5].minor.yy490 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_RAISE, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 1);
- if( yymsp[-5].minor.yy490 ) {
- yymsp[-5].minor.yy490->affinity = (char)yymsp[-3].minor.yy96;
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy524 = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_RAISE, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 1);
+ if( yymsp[-5].minor.yy524 ) {
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy524->affinity = (char)yymsp[-3].minor.yy494;
case 261: /* raisetype ::= ROLLBACK */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = OE_Rollback;}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = OE_Rollback;}
case 263: /* raisetype ::= FAIL */
-{yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = OE_Fail;}
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy494 = OE_Fail;}
case 264: /* cmd ::= DROP TRIGGER ifexists fullname */
- sqlite3DropTrigger(pParse,yymsp[0].minor.yy167,yymsp[-1].minor.yy96);
+ sqlite3DropTrigger(pParse,yymsp[0].minor.yy483,yymsp[-1].minor.yy494);
case 265: /* cmd ::= ATTACH database_kw_opt expr AS expr key_opt */
- sqlite3Attach(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy490, yymsp[-1].minor.yy490, yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
+ sqlite3Attach(pParse, yymsp[-3].minor.yy524, yymsp[-1].minor.yy524, yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
case 266: /* cmd ::= DETACH database_kw_opt expr */
- sqlite3Detach(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy490);
+ sqlite3Detach(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy524);
case 269: /* cmd ::= REINDEX */
@@ -151597,7 +152480,7 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 273: /* cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME TO nm */
- sqlite3AlterRenameTable(pParse,yymsp[-3].minor.yy167,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ sqlite3AlterRenameTable(pParse,yymsp[-3].minor.yy483,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
case 274: /* cmd ::= ALTER TABLE add_column_fullname ADD kwcolumn_opt columnname carglist */
@@ -151609,12 +152492,12 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 275: /* add_column_fullname ::= fullname */
- sqlite3AlterBeginAddColumn(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy167);
+ sqlite3AlterBeginAddColumn(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy483);
case 276: /* cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname RENAME kwcolumn_opt nm TO nm */
- sqlite3AlterRenameColumn(pParse, yymsp[-5].minor.yy167, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+ sqlite3AlterRenameColumn(pParse, yymsp[-5].minor.yy483, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
case 277: /* cmd ::= create_vtab */
@@ -151625,7 +152508,7 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 279: /* create_vtab ::= createkw VIRTUAL TABLE ifnotexists nm dbnm USING nm */
- sqlite3VtabBeginParse(pParse, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, yymsp[-4].minor.yy96);
+ sqlite3VtabBeginParse(pParse, &yymsp[-3].minor.yy0, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0, yymsp[-4].minor.yy494);
case 280: /* vtabarg ::= */
@@ -151638,182 +152521,204 @@ static YYACTIONTYPE yy_reduce(
case 284: /* with ::= WITH wqlist */
case 285: /* with ::= WITH RECURSIVE wqlist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==285);
-{ sqlite3WithPush(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy499, 1); }
+{ sqlite3WithPush(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy59, 1); }
case 286: /* wqlist ::= nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
- yymsp[-5].minor.yy499 = sqlite3WithAdd(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-4].minor.yy42, yymsp[-1].minor.yy423); /*A-overwrites-X*/
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy59 = sqlite3WithAdd(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-4].minor.yy434, yymsp[-1].minor.yy457); /*A-overwrites-X*/
case 287: /* wqlist ::= wqlist COMMA nm eidlist_opt AS LP select RP */
- yymsp[-7].minor.yy499 = sqlite3WithAdd(pParse, yymsp[-7].minor.yy499, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-4].minor.yy42, yymsp[-1].minor.yy423);
+ yymsp[-7].minor.yy59 = sqlite3WithAdd(pParse, yymsp[-7].minor.yy59, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0, yymsp[-4].minor.yy434, yymsp[-1].minor.yy457);
case 288: /* windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn */
-{ yylhsminor.yy147 = yymsp[0].minor.yy147; }
- yymsp[0].minor.yy147 = yylhsminor.yy147;
+{ yylhsminor.yy295 = yymsp[0].minor.yy295; }
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy295 = yylhsminor.yy295;
case 289: /* windowdefn_list ::= windowdefn_list COMMA windowdefn */
- assert( yymsp[0].minor.yy147!=0 );
- yymsp[0].minor.yy147->pNextWin = yymsp[-2].minor.yy147;
- yylhsminor.yy147 = yymsp[0].minor.yy147;
+ assert( yymsp[0].minor.yy295!=0 );
+ sqlite3WindowChain(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy295, yymsp[-2].minor.yy295);
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy295->pNextWin = yymsp[-2].minor.yy295;
+ yylhsminor.yy295 = yymsp[0].minor.yy295;
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy147 = yylhsminor.yy147;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy295 = yylhsminor.yy295;
- case 290: /* windowdefn ::= nm AS window */
+ case 290: /* windowdefn ::= nm AS LP window RP */
- if( ALWAYS(yymsp[0].minor.yy147) ){
- yymsp[0].minor.yy147->zName = sqlite3DbStrNDup(pParse->db, yymsp[-2].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[-2].minor.yy0.n);
+ if( ALWAYS(yymsp[-1].minor.yy295) ){
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy295->zName = sqlite3DbStrNDup(pParse->db, yymsp[-4].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[-4].minor.yy0.n);
- yylhsminor.yy147 = yymsp[0].minor.yy147;
+ yylhsminor.yy295 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy295;
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy147 = yylhsminor.yy147;
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy295 = yylhsminor.yy295;
- case 291: /* window ::= LP part_opt orderby_opt frame_opt RP */
+ case 291: /* window ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy147 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy147;
- if( ALWAYS(yymsp[-4].minor.yy147) ){
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy147->pPartition = yymsp[-3].minor.yy42;
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy147->pOrderBy = yymsp[-2].minor.yy42;
- }
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy295 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy295, yymsp[-2].minor.yy434, yymsp[-1].minor.yy434, 0);
+ break;
+ case 292: /* window ::= nm PARTITION BY nexprlist orderby_opt frame_opt */
+ yylhsminor.yy295 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy295, yymsp[-2].minor.yy434, yymsp[-1].minor.yy434, &yymsp[-5].minor.yy0);
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy295 = yylhsminor.yy295;
+ break;
+ case 293: /* window ::= ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
+ yymsp[-3].minor.yy295 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy295, 0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy434, 0);
- case 292: /* part_opt ::= PARTITION BY nexprlist */
-{ yymsp[-2].minor.yy42 = yymsp[0].minor.yy42; }
+ case 294: /* window ::= nm ORDER BY sortlist frame_opt */
+ yylhsminor.yy295 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy295, 0, yymsp[-1].minor.yy434, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0);
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy295 = yylhsminor.yy295;
+ break;
+ case 295: /* window ::= frame_opt */
+ yylhsminor.yy295 = yymsp[0].minor.yy295;
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy295 = yylhsminor.yy295;
- case 293: /* part_opt ::= */
-{ yymsp[1].minor.yy42 = 0; }
+ case 296: /* window ::= nm frame_opt */
+ yylhsminor.yy295 = sqlite3WindowAssemble(pParse, yymsp[0].minor.yy295, 0, 0, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy295 = yylhsminor.yy295;
- case 294: /* frame_opt ::= */
+ case 297: /* frame_opt ::= */
- yymsp[1].minor.yy147 = sqlite3WindowAlloc(pParse, TK_RANGE, TK_UNBOUNDED, 0, TK_CURRENT, 0);
+ yymsp[1].minor.yy295 = sqlite3WindowAlloc(pParse, 0, TK_UNBOUNDED, 0, TK_CURRENT, 0, 0);
- case 295: /* frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s */
+ case 298: /* frame_opt ::= range_or_rows frame_bound_s frame_exclude_opt */
- yylhsminor.yy147 = sqlite3WindowAlloc(pParse, yymsp[-1].minor.yy96, yymsp[0].minor.yy317.eType, yymsp[0].minor.yy317.pExpr, TK_CURRENT, 0);
+ yylhsminor.yy295 = sqlite3WindowAlloc(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy494, yymsp[-1].minor.yy201.eType, yymsp[-1].minor.yy201.pExpr, TK_CURRENT, 0, yymsp[0].minor.yy238);
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy147 = yylhsminor.yy147;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy295 = yylhsminor.yy295;
- case 296: /* frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e */
+ case 299: /* frame_opt ::= range_or_rows BETWEEN frame_bound_s AND frame_bound_e frame_exclude_opt */
- yylhsminor.yy147 = sqlite3WindowAlloc(pParse, yymsp[-4].minor.yy96, yymsp[-2].minor.yy317.eType, yymsp[-2].minor.yy317.pExpr, yymsp[0].minor.yy317.eType, yymsp[0].minor.yy317.pExpr);
+ yylhsminor.yy295 = sqlite3WindowAlloc(pParse, yymsp[-5].minor.yy494, yymsp[-3].minor.yy201.eType, yymsp[-3].minor.yy201.pExpr, yymsp[-1].minor.yy201.eType, yymsp[-1].minor.yy201.pExpr, yymsp[0].minor.yy238);
- yymsp[-4].minor.yy147 = yylhsminor.yy147;
+ yymsp[-5].minor.yy295 = yylhsminor.yy295;
- case 297: /* range_or_rows ::= RANGE */
-{ yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = TK_RANGE; }
+ case 301: /* frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound */
+ case 303: /* frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound */ yytestcase(yyruleno==303);
+{yylhsminor.yy201 = yymsp[0].minor.yy201;}
+ yymsp[0].minor.yy201 = yylhsminor.yy201;
- case 298: /* range_or_rows ::= ROWS */
-{ yymsp[0].minor.yy96 = TK_ROWS; }
+ case 302: /* frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING */
+ case 304: /* frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==304);
+ case 306: /* frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==306);
+{yylhsminor.yy201.eType = yymsp[-1].major; yylhsminor.yy201.pExpr = 0;}
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy201 = yylhsminor.yy201;
- case 299: /* frame_bound_s ::= frame_bound */
- case 301: /* frame_bound_e ::= frame_bound */ yytestcase(yyruleno==301);
-{ yylhsminor.yy317 = yymsp[0].minor.yy317; }
- yymsp[0].minor.yy317 = yylhsminor.yy317;
+ case 305: /* frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING|FOLLOWING */
+{yylhsminor.yy201.eType = yymsp[0].major; yylhsminor.yy201.pExpr = yymsp[-1].minor.yy524;}
+ yymsp[-1].minor.yy201 = yylhsminor.yy201;
- case 300: /* frame_bound_s ::= UNBOUNDED PRECEDING */
- case 302: /* frame_bound_e ::= UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==302);
-{yymsp[-1].minor.yy317.eType = TK_UNBOUNDED; yymsp[-1].minor.yy317.pExpr = 0;}
+ case 307: /* frame_exclude_opt ::= */
+{yymsp[1].minor.yy238 = 0;}
- case 303: /* frame_bound ::= expr PRECEDING */
-{ yylhsminor.yy317.eType = TK_PRECEDING; yylhsminor.yy317.pExpr = yymsp[-1].minor.yy490; }
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy317 = yylhsminor.yy317;
+ case 308: /* frame_exclude_opt ::= EXCLUDE frame_exclude */
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy238 = yymsp[0].minor.yy238;}
- case 304: /* frame_bound ::= CURRENT ROW */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy317.eType = TK_CURRENT ; yymsp[-1].minor.yy317.pExpr = 0; }
+ case 309: /* frame_exclude ::= NO OTHERS */
+ case 310: /* frame_exclude ::= CURRENT ROW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==310);
+{yymsp[-1].minor.yy238 = yymsp[-1].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/}
- case 305: /* frame_bound ::= expr FOLLOWING */
-{ yylhsminor.yy317.eType = TK_FOLLOWING; yylhsminor.yy317.pExpr = yymsp[-1].minor.yy490; }
- yymsp[-1].minor.yy317 = yylhsminor.yy317;
+ case 311: /* frame_exclude ::= GROUP|TIES */
+{yymsp[0].minor.yy238 = yymsp[0].major; /*A-overwrites-X*/}
- case 306: /* window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list */
-{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy147 = yymsp[0].minor.yy147; }
+ case 312: /* window_clause ::= WINDOW windowdefn_list */
+{ yymsp[-1].minor.yy295 = yymsp[0].minor.yy295; }
- case 307: /* over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER window */
+ case 313: /* over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER LP window RP */
- yylhsminor.yy147 = yymsp[0].minor.yy147;
- assert( yylhsminor.yy147!=0 );
- yylhsminor.yy147->pFilter = yymsp[-2].minor.yy490;
+ yylhsminor.yy295 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy295;
+ assert( yylhsminor.yy295!=0 );
+ yylhsminor.yy295->pFilter = yymsp[-4].minor.yy524;
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy147 = yylhsminor.yy147;
+ yymsp[-4].minor.yy295 = yylhsminor.yy295;
- case 308: /* over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER nm */
+ case 314: /* over_clause ::= filter_opt OVER nm */
- yylhsminor.yy147 = (Window*)sqlite3DbMallocZero(pParse->db, sizeof(Window));
- if( yylhsminor.yy147 ){
- yylhsminor.yy147->zName = sqlite3DbStrNDup(pParse->db, yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n);
- yylhsminor.yy147->pFilter = yymsp[-2].minor.yy490;
+ yylhsminor.yy295 = (Window*)sqlite3DbMallocZero(pParse->db, sizeof(Window));
+ if( yylhsminor.yy295 ){
+ yylhsminor.yy295->zName = sqlite3DbStrNDup(pParse->db, yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z, yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n);
+ yylhsminor.yy295->pFilter = yymsp[-2].minor.yy524;
- sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-2].minor.yy490);
+ sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-2].minor.yy524);
- yymsp[-2].minor.yy147 = yylhsminor.yy147;
+ yymsp[-2].minor.yy295 = yylhsminor.yy295;
- case 310: /* filter_opt ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP */
-{ yymsp[-4].minor.yy490 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy490; }
+ case 316: /* filter_opt ::= FILTER LP WHERE expr RP */
+{ yymsp[-4].minor.yy524 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy524; }
- /* (311) input ::= cmdlist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==311);
- /* (312) cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd */ yytestcase(yyruleno==312);
- /* (313) cmdlist ::= ecmd (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=313);
- /* (314) ecmd ::= SEMI */ yytestcase(yyruleno==314);
- /* (315) ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI */ yytestcase(yyruleno==315);
- /* (316) ecmd ::= explain cmdx */ yytestcase(yyruleno==316);
- /* (317) trans_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==317);
- /* (318) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION */ yytestcase(yyruleno==318);
- /* (319) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm */ yytestcase(yyruleno==319);
- /* (320) savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==320);
- /* (321) savepoint_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==321);
- /* (322) cmd ::= create_table create_table_args */ yytestcase(yyruleno==322);
- /* (323) columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==323);
- /* (324) columnlist ::= columnname carglist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==324);
- /* (325) nm ::= ID|INDEXED */ yytestcase(yyruleno==325);
- /* (326) nm ::= STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==326);
- /* (327) nm ::= JOIN_KW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==327);
- /* (328) typetoken ::= typename */ yytestcase(yyruleno==328);
- /* (329) typename ::= ID|STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==329);
- /* (330) signed ::= plus_num (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=330);
- /* (331) signed ::= minus_num (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=331);
- /* (332) carglist ::= carglist ccons */ yytestcase(yyruleno==332);
- /* (333) carglist ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==333);
- /* (334) ccons ::= NULL onconf */ yytestcase(yyruleno==334);
- /* (335) conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==335);
- /* (336) conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons */ yytestcase(yyruleno==336);
- /* (337) conslist ::= tcons (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=337);
- /* (338) tconscomma ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==338);
- /* (339) defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=339);
- /* (340) resolvetype ::= raisetype (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=340);
- /* (341) selectnowith ::= oneselect (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=341);
- /* (342) oneselect ::= values */ yytestcase(yyruleno==342);
- /* (343) sclp ::= selcollist COMMA */ yytestcase(yyruleno==343);
- /* (344) as ::= ID|STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==344);
- /* (345) expr ::= term (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=345);
- /* (346) likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH */ yytestcase(yyruleno==346);
- /* (347) exprlist ::= nexprlist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==347);
- /* (348) nmnum ::= plus_num (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=348);
- /* (349) nmnum ::= nm (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=349);
- /* (350) nmnum ::= ON */ yytestcase(yyruleno==350);
- /* (351) nmnum ::= DELETE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==351);
- /* (352) nmnum ::= DEFAULT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==352);
- /* (353) plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==353);
- /* (354) foreach_clause ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==354);
- /* (355) foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==355);
- /* (356) trnm ::= nm */ yytestcase(yyruleno==356);
- /* (357) tridxby ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==357);
- /* (358) database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==358);
- /* (359) database_kw_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==359);
- /* (360) kwcolumn_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==360);
- /* (361) kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==361);
- /* (362) vtabarglist ::= vtabarg */ yytestcase(yyruleno==362);
- /* (363) vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg */ yytestcase(yyruleno==363);
- /* (364) vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken */ yytestcase(yyruleno==364);
- /* (365) anylist ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==365);
- /* (366) anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP */ yytestcase(yyruleno==366);
- /* (367) anylist ::= anylist ANY */ yytestcase(yyruleno==367);
- /* (368) with ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==368);
+ /* (317) input ::= cmdlist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==317);
+ /* (318) cmdlist ::= cmdlist ecmd */ yytestcase(yyruleno==318);
+ /* (319) cmdlist ::= ecmd (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=319);
+ /* (320) ecmd ::= SEMI */ yytestcase(yyruleno==320);
+ /* (321) ecmd ::= cmdx SEMI */ yytestcase(yyruleno==321);
+ /* (322) ecmd ::= explain cmdx */ yytestcase(yyruleno==322);
+ /* (323) trans_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==323);
+ /* (324) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION */ yytestcase(yyruleno==324);
+ /* (325) trans_opt ::= TRANSACTION nm */ yytestcase(yyruleno==325);
+ /* (326) savepoint_opt ::= SAVEPOINT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==326);
+ /* (327) savepoint_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==327);
+ /* (328) cmd ::= create_table create_table_args */ yytestcase(yyruleno==328);
+ /* (329) columnlist ::= columnlist COMMA columnname carglist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==329);
+ /* (330) columnlist ::= columnname carglist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==330);
+ /* (331) nm ::= ID|INDEXED */ yytestcase(yyruleno==331);
+ /* (332) nm ::= STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==332);
+ /* (333) nm ::= JOIN_KW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==333);
+ /* (334) typetoken ::= typename */ yytestcase(yyruleno==334);
+ /* (335) typename ::= ID|STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==335);
+ /* (336) signed ::= plus_num (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=336);
+ /* (337) signed ::= minus_num (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=337);
+ /* (338) carglist ::= carglist ccons */ yytestcase(yyruleno==338);
+ /* (339) carglist ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==339);
+ /* (340) ccons ::= NULL onconf */ yytestcase(yyruleno==340);
+ /* (341) conslist_opt ::= COMMA conslist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==341);
+ /* (342) conslist ::= conslist tconscomma tcons */ yytestcase(yyruleno==342);
+ /* (343) conslist ::= tcons (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=343);
+ /* (344) tconscomma ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==344);
+ /* (345) defer_subclause_opt ::= defer_subclause (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=345);
+ /* (346) resolvetype ::= raisetype (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=346);
+ /* (347) selectnowith ::= oneselect (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=347);
+ /* (348) oneselect ::= values */ yytestcase(yyruleno==348);
+ /* (349) sclp ::= selcollist COMMA */ yytestcase(yyruleno==349);
+ /* (350) as ::= ID|STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==350);
+ /* (351) expr ::= term (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=351);
+ /* (352) likeop ::= LIKE_KW|MATCH */ yytestcase(yyruleno==352);
+ /* (353) exprlist ::= nexprlist */ yytestcase(yyruleno==353);
+ /* (354) nmnum ::= plus_num (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=354);
+ /* (355) nmnum ::= nm (OPTIMIZED OUT) */ assert(yyruleno!=355);
+ /* (356) nmnum ::= ON */ yytestcase(yyruleno==356);
+ /* (357) nmnum ::= DELETE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==357);
+ /* (358) nmnum ::= DEFAULT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==358);
+ /* (359) plus_num ::= INTEGER|FLOAT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==359);
+ /* (360) foreach_clause ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==360);
+ /* (361) foreach_clause ::= FOR EACH ROW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==361);
+ /* (362) trnm ::= nm */ yytestcase(yyruleno==362);
+ /* (363) tridxby ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==363);
+ /* (364) database_kw_opt ::= DATABASE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==364);
+ /* (365) database_kw_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==365);
+ /* (366) kwcolumn_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==366);
+ /* (367) kwcolumn_opt ::= COLUMNKW */ yytestcase(yyruleno==367);
+ /* (368) vtabarglist ::= vtabarg */ yytestcase(yyruleno==368);
+ /* (369) vtabarglist ::= vtabarglist COMMA vtabarg */ yytestcase(yyruleno==369);
+ /* (370) vtabarg ::= vtabarg vtabargtoken */ yytestcase(yyruleno==370);
+ /* (371) anylist ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==371);
+ /* (372) anylist ::= anylist LP anylist RP */ yytestcase(yyruleno==372);
+ /* (373) anylist ::= anylist ANY */ yytestcase(yyruleno==373);
+ /* (374) with ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==374);
/********** End reduce actions ************************************************/
@@ -152276,144 +153181,144 @@ const unsigned char ebcdicToAscii[] = {
** is substantially reduced. This is important for embedded applications
** on platforms with limited memory.
-/* Hash score: 208 */
-/* zKWText[] encodes 923 bytes of keyword text in 614 bytes */
+/* Hash score: 214 */
+/* zKWText[] encodes 950 bytes of keyword text in 629 bytes */
-static const char zKWText[613] = {
+static const char zKWText[628] = {
- 'E','R','R','A','B','L','E','L','S','E','X','C','E','P','T','R','A','N',
- 'S','A','C','T','I','O','N','A','T','U','R','A','L','T','E','R','A','I',
- 'S','E','X','C','L','U','S','I','V','E','X','I','S','T','S','A','V','E',
- 'P','O','I','N','T','E','R','S','E','C','T','R','I','G','G','E','R','E',
- 'F','E','R','E','N','C','E','S','C','O','N','S','T','R','A','I','N','T',
- 'O','F','F','S','E','T','E','M','P','O','R','A','R','Y','U','N','I','Q',
- 'U','E','R','Y','W','I','T','H','O','U','T','E','R','E','L','E','A','S',
- 'E','A','T','T','A','C','H','A','V','I','N','G','R','O','U','P','D','A',
- 'T','E','B','E','G','I','N','N','E','R','A','N','G','E','B','E','T','W',
- 'E','E','N','O','T','H','I','N','G','L','O','B','Y','C','A','S','C','A',
- 'D','E','L','E','T','E','C','A','S','E','C','O','L','L','A','T','E','C',
- 'R','E','A','T','E','C','U','R','R','E','N','T','_','D','A','T','E','D',
- 'E','T','A','C','H','I','M','M','E','D','I','A','T','E','J','O','I','N',
- 'S','E','R','T','L','I','K','E','M','A','T','C','H','P','L','A','N','A',
- 'L','Y','Z','E','P','R','A','G','M','A','B','O','R','T','V','A','L','U',
- 'E','S','V','I','R','T','U','A','L','I','M','I','T','W','H','E','N','O',
- 'T','N','U','L','L','W','H','E','R','E','C','U','R','S','I','V','E','A',
- 'F','T','E','R','E','N','A','M','E','A','N','D','E','F','A','U','L','T',
- 'A','U','T','O','I','N','C','R','E','M','E','N','T','C','A','S','T','C',
- 'O','L','U','M','N','C','O','M','M','I','T','C','O','N','F','L','I','C',
- 'T','C','R','O','S','S','C','U','R','R','E','N','T','_','T','I','M','E',
- 'S','T','A','M','P','A','R','T','I','T','I','O','N','D','E','F','E','R',
- 'R','E','D','I','S','T','I','N','C','T','D','R','O','P','R','E','C','E',
- 'D','I','N','G','F','A','I','L','F','I','L','T','E','R','E','P','L','A',
- 'C','E','F','O','L','L','O','W','I','N','G','F','R','O','M','F','U','L',
- 'L','I','F','I','S','N','U','L','L','O','R','D','E','R','E','S','T','R',
- 'I','C','T','O','V','E','R','I','G','H','T','R','O','L','L','B','A','C',
- 'K','R','O','W','S','U','N','B','O','U','N','D','E','D','U','N','I','O',
- 'N','U','S','I','N','G','V','A','C','U','U','M','V','I','E','W','I','N',
- 'D','O','W','I','N','I','T','I','A','L','L','Y','P','R','I','M','A','R',
- 'Y',
+ 'E','R','R','A','B','L','E','L','S','E','X','C','L','U','D','E','L','E',
+ 'T','E','M','P','O','R','A','R','Y','C','O','N','S','T','R','A','I','N',
+ 'T','E','R','S','E','C','T','I','E','S','A','V','E','P','O','I','N','T',
+ 'O','F','F','S','E','T','R','A','N','S','A','C','T','I','O','N','A','T',
+ 'U','R','A','L','T','E','R','A','I','S','E','X','C','E','P','T','R','I',
+ 'G','G','E','R','E','F','E','R','E','N','C','E','S','U','N','I','Q','U',
+ 'E','R','Y','W','I','T','H','O','U','T','E','R','E','L','E','A','S','E',
+ 'X','C','L','U','S','I','V','E','X','I','S','T','S','A','T','T','A','C',
+ 'H','A','V','I','N','G','L','O','B','E','G','I','N','N','E','R','A','N',
+ 'G','E','B','E','T','W','E','E','N','O','T','H','I','N','G','R','O','U',
+ 'P','S','C','A','S','C','A','D','E','T','A','C','H','C','A','S','E','C',
+ 'O','L','L','A','T','E','C','R','E','A','T','E','C','U','R','R','E','N',
+ 'T','_','D','A','T','E','I','M','M','E','D','I','A','T','E','J','O','I',
+ 'N','S','E','R','T','L','I','K','E','M','A','T','C','H','P','L','A','N',
+ 'A','L','Y','Z','E','P','R','A','G','M','A','B','O','R','T','U','P','D',
+ 'A','T','E','V','A','L','U','E','S','V','I','R','T','U','A','L','I','M',
+ 'I','T','W','H','E','N','O','T','N','U','L','L','W','H','E','R','E','C',
+ 'U','R','S','I','V','E','A','F','T','E','R','E','N','A','M','E','A','N',
+ 'D','E','F','A','U','L','T','A','U','T','O','I','N','C','R','E','M','E',
+ 'N','T','C','A','S','T','C','O','L','U','M','N','C','O','M','M','I','T',
+ 'C','O','N','F','L','I','C','T','C','R','O','S','S','C','U','R','R','E',
+ 'N','T','_','T','I','M','E','S','T','A','M','P','A','R','T','I','T','I',
+ 'O','N','D','E','F','E','R','R','E','D','I','S','T','I','N','C','T','D',
+ 'R','O','P','R','E','C','E','D','I','N','G','F','A','I','L','F','I','L',
+ 'T','E','R','E','P','L','A','C','E','F','O','L','L','O','W','I','N','G',
+ 'F','R','O','M','F','U','L','L','I','F','I','S','N','U','L','L','O','R',
+ 'D','E','R','E','S','T','R','I','C','T','O','T','H','E','R','S','O','V',
+ 'E','R','I','G','H','T','R','O','L','L','B','A','C','K','R','O','W','S',
+ 'U','N','B','O','U','N','D','E','D','U','N','I','O','N','U','S','I','N',
+ 'G','V','A','C','U','U','M','V','I','E','W','I','N','D','O','W','B','Y',
+ 'I','N','I','T','I','A','L','L','Y','P','R','I','M','A','R','Y',
/* aKWHash[i] is the hash value for the i-th keyword */
static const unsigned char aKWHash[127] = {
- 74, 109, 124, 72, 106, 45, 0, 0, 81, 0, 76, 61, 0,
- 42, 12, 77, 15, 0, 123, 84, 54, 118, 125, 19, 0, 0,
- 130, 0, 128, 121, 0, 22, 96, 0, 9, 0, 0, 115, 69,
- 0, 67, 6, 0, 48, 93, 136, 0, 126, 104, 0, 0, 44,
- 0, 107, 24, 0, 17, 0, 131, 53, 23, 0, 5, 62, 132,
- 99, 0, 0, 135, 110, 60, 134, 57, 113, 55, 0, 94, 0,
- 103, 26, 0, 102, 0, 0, 0, 98, 95, 100, 105, 117, 14,
- 39, 116, 0, 80, 0, 133, 114, 92, 59, 0, 129, 79, 119,
- 86, 46, 83, 0, 0, 97, 40, 122, 120, 0, 127, 0, 0,
- 29, 0, 89, 87, 88, 0, 20, 85, 111, 56,
+ 75, 111, 127, 73, 108, 29, 0, 0, 83, 0, 77, 63, 0,
+ 37, 33, 78, 15, 0, 126, 86, 57, 120, 128, 19, 0, 0,
+ 133, 0, 131, 123, 0, 22, 98, 0, 9, 0, 0, 117, 71,
+ 0, 69, 6, 0, 49, 95, 140, 0, 129, 106, 0, 0, 54,
+ 0, 109, 24, 0, 17, 0, 134, 56, 23, 26, 5, 58, 135,
+ 101, 0, 0, 139, 112, 62, 138, 59, 115, 65, 0, 96, 0,
+ 105, 45, 0, 104, 0, 0, 0, 100, 97, 102, 107, 119, 14,
+ 31, 118, 0, 81, 0, 136, 116, 137, 61, 124, 132, 80, 121,
+ 88, 30, 85, 0, 0, 99, 35, 125, 122, 0, 130, 0, 0,
+ 41, 0, 91, 89, 90, 0, 20, 87, 113, 82,
/* aKWNext[] forms the hash collision chain. If aKWHash[i]==0
** then the i-th keyword has no more hash collisions. Otherwise,
** the next keyword with the same hash is aKWHash[i]-1. */
-static const unsigned char aKWNext[136] = {
+static const unsigned char aKWNext[140] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50,
- 0, 43, 3, 47, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 1, 64, 0, 0, 65, 0, 41, 0, 38, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 49, 75, 0, 0, 30, 0, 58, 0, 0, 0, 31,
- 63, 16, 34, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 70,
- 91, 0, 0, 8, 0, 108, 0, 101, 28, 52, 68, 0, 112,
- 0, 73, 51, 0, 90, 27, 37, 0, 71, 36, 82, 0, 35,
- 66, 25, 18, 0, 0, 78,
+ 0, 0, 0, 21, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 51, 28, 0, 0, 38, 0, 0, 0, 44, 0, 0, 0, 3,
+ 0, 0, 67, 1, 66, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0, 47, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 48, 50, 76, 0, 0, 42, 0, 60, 0, 0,
+ 0, 43, 0, 16, 55, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 11, 72, 93, 0, 0, 8, 0, 110, 0, 103, 40, 53, 70,
+ 0, 114, 0, 74, 52, 0, 0, 92, 39, 46, 0, 68, 32,
+ 84, 0, 34, 27, 25, 18, 94, 0, 64, 79,
/* aKWLen[i] is the length (in bytes) of the i-th keyword */
-static const unsigned char aKWLen[136] = {
+static const unsigned char aKWLen[140] = {
7, 7, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7, 3, 6, 6,
- 7, 7, 3, 8, 2, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 10, 4, 6,
- 11, 6, 2, 7, 5, 5, 9, 6, 9, 9, 7, 10, 10,
- 4, 6, 2, 3, 9, 4, 2, 6, 5, 7, 4, 5, 7,
- 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 4, 2, 7, 3,
- 6, 4, 7, 6, 12, 6, 9, 4, 6, 4, 5, 4, 7,
- 6, 5, 6, 7, 5, 4, 7, 3, 2, 4, 5, 9, 5,
- 6, 3, 7, 13, 2, 2, 4, 6, 6, 8, 5, 17, 12,
- 7, 9, 8, 8, 2, 4, 9, 4, 6, 7, 9, 4, 4,
- 2, 6, 5, 8, 4, 5, 8, 4, 3, 9, 5, 5, 6,
- 4, 6, 2, 9, 3, 7,
+ 7, 7, 3, 8, 2, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 10, 4, 7,
+ 6, 9, 4, 2, 10, 9, 4, 9, 4, 6, 2, 3, 11,
+ 6, 2, 7, 5, 5, 6, 7, 10, 6, 5, 7, 4, 5,
+ 7, 9, 6, 6, 6, 4, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 6, 5,
+ 7, 3, 6, 4, 7, 6, 12, 9, 4, 6, 4, 5, 4,
+ 7, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5, 4, 7, 3, 2, 4, 5,
+ 9, 5, 6, 3, 7, 13, 2, 2, 4, 6, 6, 8, 5,
+ 17, 12, 7, 9, 8, 8, 2, 4, 9, 4, 6, 7, 9,
+ 4, 4, 2, 6, 5, 8, 6, 4, 5, 8, 4, 3, 9,
+ 5, 5, 6, 4, 6, 2, 2, 9, 3, 7,
/* aKWOffset[i] is the index into zKWText[] of the start of
** the text for the i-th keyword. */
-static const unsigned short int aKWOffset[136] = {
+static const unsigned short int aKWOffset[140] = {
0, 2, 2, 8, 9, 14, 16, 20, 23, 25, 25, 29, 33,
36, 41, 46, 48, 53, 54, 59, 62, 65, 67, 69, 78, 81,
- 86, 91, 95, 96, 101, 105, 109, 117, 122, 128, 136, 142, 152,
- 159, 162, 162, 165, 167, 167, 171, 176, 179, 184, 184, 188, 192,
- 199, 204, 209, 212, 218, 221, 225, 230, 236, 242, 245, 247, 248,
- 252, 258, 262, 269, 275, 287, 293, 302, 304, 310, 314, 319, 321,
- 328, 333, 338, 344, 350, 355, 358, 358, 358, 361, 365, 368, 377,
- 381, 387, 389, 396, 398, 400, 409, 413, 419, 425, 433, 438, 438,
- 438, 454, 463, 470, 471, 478, 481, 490, 494, 499, 506, 515, 519,
- 523, 525, 531, 535, 543, 546, 551, 559, 559, 563, 572, 577, 582,
- 588, 591, 594, 597, 602, 606,
+ 86, 90, 90, 94, 99, 106, 114, 117, 123, 126, 126, 129, 131,
+ 136, 140, 141, 146, 150, 154, 159, 165, 175, 178, 183, 183, 187,
+ 191, 197, 205, 211, 216, 221, 224, 227, 231, 236, 242, 248, 248,
+ 254, 255, 259, 265, 269, 276, 282, 294, 303, 305, 311, 315, 320,
+ 322, 329, 334, 339, 345, 351, 357, 362, 365, 365, 365, 368, 372,
+ 375, 384, 388, 394, 396, 403, 405, 407, 416, 420, 426, 432, 440,
+ 445, 445, 445, 461, 470, 477, 478, 485, 488, 497, 501, 506, 513,
+ 522, 526, 530, 532, 538, 542, 550, 556, 559, 564, 572, 572, 576,
+ 585, 590, 595, 601, 604, 607, 610, 612, 617, 621,
/* aKWCode[i] is the parser symbol code for the i-th keyword */
-static const unsigned char aKWCode[136] = {
+static const unsigned char aKWCode[140] = {
/* Check to see if z[0..n-1] is a keyword. If it is, write the
** parser symbol code for that keyword into *pType. Always
@@ -152459,117 +153364,121 @@ static int keywordCode(const char *z, int n, int *pType){
testcase( i==22 ); /* END */
testcase( i==23 ); /* DEFERRABLE */
testcase( i==24 ); /* ELSE */
- testcase( i==25 ); /* EXCEPT */
- testcase( i==26 ); /* TRANSACTION */
- testcase( i==27 ); /* ACTION */
- testcase( i==28 ); /* ON */
- testcase( i==29 ); /* NATURAL */
- testcase( i==30 ); /* ALTER */
- testcase( i==31 ); /* RAISE */
- testcase( i==32 ); /* EXCLUSIVE */
- testcase( i==33 ); /* EXISTS */
- testcase( i==34 ); /* SAVEPOINT */
- testcase( i==35 ); /* INTERSECT */
- testcase( i==36 ); /* TRIGGER */
- testcase( i==37 ); /* REFERENCES */
- testcase( i==38 ); /* CONSTRAINT */
- testcase( i==39 ); /* INTO */
- testcase( i==40 ); /* OFFSET */
- testcase( i==41 ); /* OF */
- testcase( i==42 ); /* SET */
- testcase( i==43 ); /* TEMPORARY */
- testcase( i==44 ); /* TEMP */
- testcase( i==45 ); /* OR */
- testcase( i==46 ); /* UNIQUE */
- testcase( i==47 ); /* QUERY */
- testcase( i==48 ); /* WITHOUT */
- testcase( i==49 ); /* WITH */
- testcase( i==50 ); /* OUTER */
- testcase( i==51 ); /* RELEASE */
- testcase( i==52 ); /* ATTACH */
- testcase( i==53 ); /* HAVING */
- testcase( i==54 ); /* GROUP */
- testcase( i==55 ); /* UPDATE */
- testcase( i==56 ); /* BEGIN */
- testcase( i==57 ); /* INNER */
- testcase( i==58 ); /* RANGE */
- testcase( i==59 ); /* BETWEEN */
- testcase( i==60 ); /* NOTHING */
- testcase( i==61 ); /* GLOB */
- testcase( i==62 ); /* BY */
- testcase( i==63 ); /* CASCADE */
- testcase( i==64 ); /* ASC */
- testcase( i==65 ); /* DELETE */
- testcase( i==66 ); /* CASE */
- testcase( i==67 ); /* COLLATE */
- testcase( i==68 ); /* CREATE */
- testcase( i==69 ); /* CURRENT_DATE */
- testcase( i==70 ); /* DETACH */
- testcase( i==71 ); /* IMMEDIATE */
- testcase( i==72 ); /* JOIN */
- testcase( i==73 ); /* INSERT */
- testcase( i==74 ); /* LIKE */
- testcase( i==75 ); /* MATCH */
- testcase( i==76 ); /* PLAN */
- testcase( i==77 ); /* ANALYZE */
- testcase( i==78 ); /* PRAGMA */
- testcase( i==79 ); /* ABORT */
- testcase( i==80 ); /* VALUES */
- testcase( i==81 ); /* VIRTUAL */
- testcase( i==82 ); /* LIMIT */
- testcase( i==83 ); /* WHEN */
- testcase( i==84 ); /* NOTNULL */
- testcase( i==85 ); /* NOT */
- testcase( i==86 ); /* NO */
- testcase( i==87 ); /* NULL */
- testcase( i==88 ); /* WHERE */
- testcase( i==89 ); /* RECURSIVE */
- testcase( i==90 ); /* AFTER */
- testcase( i==91 ); /* RENAME */
- testcase( i==92 ); /* AND */
- testcase( i==93 ); /* DEFAULT */
- testcase( i==94 ); /* AUTOINCREMENT */
- testcase( i==95 ); /* TO */
- testcase( i==96 ); /* IN */
- testcase( i==97 ); /* CAST */
- testcase( i==98 ); /* COLUMN */
- testcase( i==99 ); /* COMMIT */
- testcase( i==100 ); /* CONFLICT */
- testcase( i==101 ); /* CROSS */
- testcase( i==102 ); /* CURRENT_TIMESTAMP */
- testcase( i==103 ); /* CURRENT_TIME */
- testcase( i==104 ); /* CURRENT */
- testcase( i==105 ); /* PARTITION */
- testcase( i==106 ); /* DEFERRED */
- testcase( i==107 ); /* DISTINCT */
- testcase( i==108 ); /* IS */
- testcase( i==109 ); /* DROP */
- testcase( i==110 ); /* PRECEDING */
- testcase( i==111 ); /* FAIL */
- testcase( i==112 ); /* FILTER */
- testcase( i==113 ); /* REPLACE */
- testcase( i==114 ); /* FOLLOWING */
- testcase( i==115 ); /* FROM */
- testcase( i==116 ); /* FULL */
- testcase( i==117 ); /* IF */
- testcase( i==118 ); /* ISNULL */
- testcase( i==119 ); /* ORDER */
- testcase( i==120 ); /* RESTRICT */
- testcase( i==121 ); /* OVER */
- testcase( i==122 ); /* RIGHT */
- testcase( i==123 ); /* ROLLBACK */
- testcase( i==124 ); /* ROWS */
- testcase( i==125 ); /* ROW */
- testcase( i==126 ); /* UNBOUNDED */
- testcase( i==127 ); /* UNION */
- testcase( i==128 ); /* USING */
- testcase( i==129 ); /* VACUUM */
- testcase( i==130 ); /* VIEW */
- testcase( i==131 ); /* WINDOW */
- testcase( i==132 ); /* DO */
- testcase( i==133 ); /* INITIALLY */
- testcase( i==134 ); /* ALL */
- testcase( i==135 ); /* PRIMARY */
+ testcase( i==25 ); /* EXCLUDE */
+ testcase( i==26 ); /* DELETE */
+ testcase( i==27 ); /* TEMPORARY */
+ testcase( i==28 ); /* TEMP */
+ testcase( i==29 ); /* OR */
+ testcase( i==30 ); /* CONSTRAINT */
+ testcase( i==31 ); /* INTERSECT */
+ testcase( i==32 ); /* TIES */
+ testcase( i==33 ); /* SAVEPOINT */
+ testcase( i==34 ); /* INTO */
+ testcase( i==35 ); /* OFFSET */
+ testcase( i==36 ); /* OF */
+ testcase( i==37 ); /* SET */
+ testcase( i==38 ); /* TRANSACTION */
+ testcase( i==39 ); /* ACTION */
+ testcase( i==40 ); /* ON */
+ testcase( i==41 ); /* NATURAL */
+ testcase( i==42 ); /* ALTER */
+ testcase( i==43 ); /* RAISE */
+ testcase( i==44 ); /* EXCEPT */
+ testcase( i==45 ); /* TRIGGER */
+ testcase( i==46 ); /* REFERENCES */
+ testcase( i==47 ); /* UNIQUE */
+ testcase( i==48 ); /* QUERY */
+ testcase( i==49 ); /* WITHOUT */
+ testcase( i==50 ); /* WITH */
+ testcase( i==51 ); /* OUTER */
+ testcase( i==52 ); /* RELEASE */
+ testcase( i==53 ); /* EXCLUSIVE */
+ testcase( i==54 ); /* EXISTS */
+ testcase( i==55 ); /* ATTACH */
+ testcase( i==56 ); /* HAVING */
+ testcase( i==57 ); /* GLOB */
+ testcase( i==58 ); /* BEGIN */
+ testcase( i==59 ); /* INNER */
+ testcase( i==60 ); /* RANGE */
+ testcase( i==61 ); /* BETWEEN */
+ testcase( i==62 ); /* NOTHING */
+ testcase( i==63 ); /* GROUPS */
+ testcase( i==64 ); /* GROUP */
+ testcase( i==65 ); /* CASCADE */
+ testcase( i==66 ); /* ASC */
+ testcase( i==67 ); /* DETACH */
+ testcase( i==68 ); /* CASE */
+ testcase( i==69 ); /* COLLATE */
+ testcase( i==70 ); /* CREATE */
+ testcase( i==71 ); /* CURRENT_DATE */
+ testcase( i==72 ); /* IMMEDIATE */
+ testcase( i==73 ); /* JOIN */
+ testcase( i==74 ); /* INSERT */
+ testcase( i==75 ); /* LIKE */
+ testcase( i==76 ); /* MATCH */
+ testcase( i==77 ); /* PLAN */
+ testcase( i==78 ); /* ANALYZE */
+ testcase( i==79 ); /* PRAGMA */
+ testcase( i==80 ); /* ABORT */
+ testcase( i==81 ); /* UPDATE */
+ testcase( i==82 ); /* VALUES */
+ testcase( i==83 ); /* VIRTUAL */
+ testcase( i==84 ); /* LIMIT */
+ testcase( i==85 ); /* WHEN */
+ testcase( i==86 ); /* NOTNULL */
+ testcase( i==87 ); /* NOT */
+ testcase( i==88 ); /* NO */
+ testcase( i==89 ); /* NULL */
+ testcase( i==90 ); /* WHERE */
+ testcase( i==91 ); /* RECURSIVE */
+ testcase( i==92 ); /* AFTER */
+ testcase( i==93 ); /* RENAME */
+ testcase( i==94 ); /* AND */
+ testcase( i==95 ); /* DEFAULT */
+ testcase( i==96 ); /* AUTOINCREMENT */
+ testcase( i==97 ); /* TO */
+ testcase( i==98 ); /* IN */
+ testcase( i==99 ); /* CAST */
+ testcase( i==100 ); /* COLUMN */
+ testcase( i==101 ); /* COMMIT */
+ testcase( i==102 ); /* CONFLICT */
+ testcase( i==103 ); /* CROSS */
+ testcase( i==104 ); /* CURRENT_TIMESTAMP */
+ testcase( i==105 ); /* CURRENT_TIME */
+ testcase( i==106 ); /* CURRENT */
+ testcase( i==107 ); /* PARTITION */
+ testcase( i==108 ); /* DEFERRED */
+ testcase( i==109 ); /* DISTINCT */
+ testcase( i==110 ); /* IS */
+ testcase( i==111 ); /* DROP */
+ testcase( i==112 ); /* PRECEDING */
+ testcase( i==113 ); /* FAIL */
+ testcase( i==114 ); /* FILTER */
+ testcase( i==115 ); /* REPLACE */
+ testcase( i==116 ); /* FOLLOWING */
+ testcase( i==117 ); /* FROM */
+ testcase( i==118 ); /* FULL */
+ testcase( i==119 ); /* IF */
+ testcase( i==120 ); /* ISNULL */
+ testcase( i==121 ); /* ORDER */
+ testcase( i==122 ); /* RESTRICT */
+ testcase( i==123 ); /* OTHERS */
+ testcase( i==124 ); /* OVER */
+ testcase( i==125 ); /* RIGHT */
+ testcase( i==126 ); /* ROLLBACK */
+ testcase( i==127 ); /* ROWS */
+ testcase( i==128 ); /* ROW */
+ testcase( i==129 ); /* UNBOUNDED */
+ testcase( i==130 ); /* UNION */
+ testcase( i==131 ); /* USING */
+ testcase( i==132 ); /* VACUUM */
+ testcase( i==133 ); /* VIEW */
+ testcase( i==134 ); /* WINDOW */
+ testcase( i==135 ); /* DO */
+ testcase( i==136 ); /* BY */
+ testcase( i==137 ); /* INITIALLY */
+ testcase( i==138 ); /* ALL */
+ testcase( i==139 ); /* PRIMARY */
*pType = aKWCode[i];
@@ -152581,7 +153490,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3KeywordCode(const unsigned char *z, int n){
keywordCode((char*)z, n, &id);
return id;
-#define SQLITE_N_KEYWORD 136
+#define SQLITE_N_KEYWORD 140
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_keyword_name(int i,const char **pzName,int *pnName){
if( i<0 || i>=SQLITE_N_KEYWORD ) return SQLITE_ERROR;
*pzName = zKWText + aKWOffset[i];
@@ -153014,6 +153923,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RunParser(Parse *pParse, const char *zSql, char **pzEr
#ifdef sqlite3Parser_ENGINEALWAYSONSTACK
yyParser sEngine; /* Space to hold the Lemon-generated Parser object */
+ VVA_ONLY( u8 startedWithOom = db->mallocFailed );
assert( zSql!=0 );
mxSqlLen = db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_SQL_LENGTH];
@@ -153045,6 +153955,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RunParser(Parse *pParse, const char *zSql, char **pzEr
assert( pParse->pNewTrigger==0 );
assert( pParse->nVar==0 );
assert( pParse->pVList==0 );
+ pParse->pParentParse = db->pParse;
+ db->pParse = pParse;
while( 1 ){
n = sqlite3GetToken((u8*)zSql, &tokenType);
mxSqlLen -= n;
@@ -153101,7 +154013,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RunParser(Parse *pParse, const char *zSql, char **pzEr
sqlite3Parser(pEngine, tokenType, pParse->sLastToken);
lastTokenParsed = tokenType;
zSql += n;
- if( pParse->rc!=SQLITE_OK || db->mallocFailed ) break;
+ assert( db->mallocFailed==0 || pParse->rc!=SQLITE_OK || startedWithOom );
+ if( pParse->rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
assert( nErr==0 );
@@ -153169,6 +154082,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RunParser(Parse *pParse, const char *zSql, char **pzEr
pParse->pZombieTab = p->pNextZombie;
sqlite3DeleteTable(db, p);
+ db->pParse = pParse->pParentParse;
+ pParse->pParentParse = 0;
assert( nErr==0 || pParse->rc!=SQLITE_OK );
return nErr;
@@ -154405,7 +155320,7 @@ static int setupLookaside(sqlite3 *db, void *pBuf, int sz, int cnt){
pStart = 0;
}else if( pBuf==0 ){
- pStart = sqlite3Malloc( sz*cnt ); /* IMP: R-61949-35727 */
+ pStart = sqlite3Malloc( sz*(sqlite3_int64)cnt ); /* IMP: R-61949-35727 */
if( pStart ) cnt = sqlite3MallocSize(pStart)/sz;
@@ -154543,6 +155458,8 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_config(sqlite3 *db, int op, ...){
+ SQLITE_NoSchemaError },
unsigned int i;
rc = SQLITE_ERROR; /* IMP: R-42790-23372 */
@@ -161211,7 +162128,7 @@ static int fts3ScanInteriorNode(
zCsr += fts3GetVarint32(zCsr, &nSuffix);
assert( nPrefix>=0 && nSuffix>=0 );
- if( nPrefix>zCsr-zNode || nSuffix>zEnd-zCsr ){
+ if( nPrefix>zCsr-zNode || nSuffix>zEnd-zCsr || nSuffix==0 ){
goto finish_scan;
@@ -168324,7 +169241,7 @@ static void fts3TokenizerFunc(
nName = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0])+1;
if( argc==2 ){
- if( fts3TokenizerEnabled(context) ){
+ if( fts3TokenizerEnabled(context) || sqlite3_value_frombind(argv[1]) ){
void *pOld;
int n = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[1]);
if( zName==0 || n!=sizeof(pPtr) ){
@@ -168351,7 +169268,9 @@ static void fts3TokenizerFunc(
- sqlite3_result_blob(context, (void *)&pPtr, sizeof(pPtr), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+ if( fts3TokenizerEnabled(context) || sqlite3_value_frombind(argv[0]) ){
+ sqlite3_result_blob(context, (void *)&pPtr, sizeof(pPtr), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+ }
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3IsIdChar(char c){
@@ -168439,8 +169358,8 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3InitTokenizer(
int iArg = 0;
z = &z[n+1];
while( z<zEnd && (NULL!=(z = (char *)sqlite3Fts3NextToken(z, &n))) ){
- int nNew = sizeof(char *)*(iArg+1);
- char const **aNew = (const char **)sqlite3_realloc((void *)aArg, nNew);
+ sqlite3_int64 nNew = sizeof(char *)*(iArg+1);
+ char const **aNew = (const char **)sqlite3_realloc64((void *)aArg, nNew);
if( !aNew ){
sqlite3_free((void *)aArg);
@@ -169347,7 +170266,7 @@ static int fts3tokFilterMethod(
if( idxNum==1 ){
const char *zByte = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[0]);
int nByte = sqlite3_value_bytes(apVal[0]);
- pCsr->zInput = sqlite3_malloc(nByte+1);
+ pCsr->zInput = sqlite3_malloc64(nByte+1);
if( pCsr->zInput==0 ){
@@ -170807,7 +171726,9 @@ static int fts3SegReaderNext(
/* If iCurrentBlock>=iLeafEndBlock, this is an EOF condition. All leaf
** blocks have already been traversed. */
- assert( pReader->iCurrentBlock<=pReader->iLeafEndBlock );
+#ifdef CORRUPT_DB
+ assert( pReader->iCurrentBlock<=pReader->iLeafEndBlock || CORRUPT_DB );
if( pReader->iCurrentBlock>=pReader->iLeafEndBlock ){
return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -171209,8 +172130,9 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderPending(
if( nElem>0 ){
- int nByte = sizeof(Fts3SegReader) + (nElem+1)*sizeof(Fts3HashElem *);
- pReader = (Fts3SegReader *)sqlite3_malloc(nByte);
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte;
+ nByte = sizeof(Fts3SegReader) + (nElem+1)*sizeof(Fts3HashElem *);
+ pReader = (Fts3SegReader *)sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
if( !pReader ){
@@ -172694,8 +173616,10 @@ static int fts3SegmentMerge(
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished;
assert( csr.nSegment>0 );
- assert( iNewLevel>=getAbsoluteLevel(p, iLangid, iIndex, 0) );
- assert( iNewLevel<getAbsoluteLevel(p, iLangid, iIndex,FTS3_SEGDIR_MAXLEVEL) );
+ assert_fts3_nc( iNewLevel>=getAbsoluteLevel(p, iLangid, iIndex, 0) );
+ assert_fts3_nc(
+ iNewLevel<getAbsoluteLevel(p, iLangid, iIndex,FTS3_SEGDIR_MAXLEVEL)
+ );
memset(&filter, 0, sizeof(Fts3SegFilter));
filter.flags = FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS;
@@ -172822,7 +173746,7 @@ static void fts3InsertDocsize(
int rc; /* Result code from subfunctions */
if( *pRC ) return;
- pBlob = sqlite3_malloc( 10*p->nColumn );
+ pBlob = sqlite3_malloc64( 10*(sqlite3_int64)p->nColumn );
if( pBlob==0 ){
@@ -172872,7 +173796,7 @@ static void fts3UpdateDocTotals(
const int nStat = p->nColumn+2;
if( *pRC ) return;
- a = sqlite3_malloc( (sizeof(u32)+10)*nStat );
+ a = sqlite3_malloc64( (sizeof(u32)+10)*(sqlite3_int64)nStat );
if( a==0 ){
@@ -172993,8 +173917,8 @@ static int fts3DoRebuild(Fts3Table *p){
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- int nByte = sizeof(u32) * (p->nColumn+1)*3;
- aSz = (u32 *)sqlite3_malloc(nByte);
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte = sizeof(u32) * ((sqlite3_int64)p->nColumn+1)*3;
+ aSz = (u32 *)sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
if( aSz==0 ){
@@ -173060,12 +173984,12 @@ static int fts3IncrmergeCsr(
int rc; /* Return Code */
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0; /* Statement used to read %_segdir entry */
- int nByte; /* Bytes allocated at pCsr->apSegment[] */
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte; /* Bytes allocated at pCsr->apSegment[] */
/* Allocate space for the Fts3MultiSegReader.aCsr[] array */
memset(pCsr, 0, sizeof(*pCsr));
nByte = sizeof(Fts3SegReader *) * nSeg;
- pCsr->apSegment = (Fts3SegReader **)sqlite3_malloc(nByte);
+ pCsr->apSegment = (Fts3SegReader **)sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
if( pCsr->apSegment==0 ){
@@ -175045,7 +175969,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3UpdateMethod(
/* Allocate space to hold the change in document sizes */
- aSzDel = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(aSzDel[0])*(p->nColumn+1)*2 );
+ aSzDel = sqlite3_malloc64(sizeof(aSzDel[0])*((sqlite3_int64)p->nColumn+1)*2);
if( aSzDel==0 ){
goto update_out;
@@ -175299,17 +176223,19 @@ struct StrBuffer {
** Allocate a two-slot MatchinfoBuffer object.
-static MatchinfoBuffer *fts3MIBufferNew(int nElem, const char *zMatchinfo){
+static MatchinfoBuffer *fts3MIBufferNew(size_t nElem, const char *zMatchinfo){
MatchinfoBuffer *pRet;
- int nByte = sizeof(u32) * (2*nElem + 1) + sizeof(MatchinfoBuffer);
- int nStr = (int)strlen(zMatchinfo);
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte = sizeof(u32) * (2*(sqlite3_int64)nElem + 1)
+ + sizeof(MatchinfoBuffer);
+ sqlite3_int64 nStr = strlen(zMatchinfo);
- pRet = sqlite3_malloc(nByte + nStr+1);
+ pRet = sqlite3_malloc64(nByte + nStr+1);
if( pRet ){
memset(pRet, 0, nByte);
pRet->aMatchinfo[0] = (u8*)(&pRet->aMatchinfo[1]) - (u8*)pRet;
- pRet->aMatchinfo[1+nElem] = pRet->aMatchinfo[0] + sizeof(u32)*(nElem+1);
- pRet->nElem = nElem;
+ pRet->aMatchinfo[1+nElem] = pRet->aMatchinfo[0]
+ + sizeof(u32)*((int)nElem+1);
+ pRet->nElem = (int)nElem;
pRet->zMatchinfo = ((char*)pRet) + nByte;
memcpy(pRet->zMatchinfo, zMatchinfo, nStr+1);
pRet->aRef[0] = 1;
@@ -175600,7 +176526,7 @@ static void fts3SnippetDetails(
char *pCsr = pPhrase->pTail;
int iCsr = pPhrase->iTail;
- while( iCsr<(iStart+pIter->nSnippet) ){
+ while( iCsr<(iStart+pIter->nSnippet) && iCsr>=iStart ){
int j;
u64 mPhrase = (u64)1 << i;
u64 mPos = (u64)1 << (iCsr - iStart);
@@ -176170,8 +177096,8 @@ static int fts3MatchinfoCheck(
-static int fts3MatchinfoSize(MatchInfo *pInfo, char cArg){
- int nVal; /* Number of integers output by cArg */
+static size_t fts3MatchinfoSize(MatchInfo *pInfo, char cArg){
+ size_t nVal; /* Number of integers output by cArg */
switch( cArg ){
@@ -176455,7 +177381,7 @@ static int fts3MatchinfoValues(
- int nZero = fts3MatchinfoSize(pInfo, zArg[i]) * sizeof(u32);
+ size_t nZero = fts3MatchinfoSize(pInfo, zArg[i]) * sizeof(u32);
memset(pInfo->aMatchinfo, 0, nZero);
rc = fts3ExprLHitGather(pCsr->pExpr, pInfo);
@@ -176524,7 +177450,7 @@ static void fts3GetMatchinfo(
** initialize those elements that are constant for every row.
if( pCsr->pMIBuffer==0 ){
- int nMatchinfo = 0; /* Number of u32 elements in match-info */
+ size_t nMatchinfo = 0; /* Number of u32 elements in match-info */
int i; /* Used to iterate through zArg */
/* Determine the number of phrases in the query */
@@ -176714,7 +177640,7 @@ static int fts3ExprTermOffsetInit(Fts3Expr *pExpr, int iPhrase, void *ctx){
nTerm = pExpr->pPhrase->nToken;
if( pList ){
fts3GetDeltaPosition(&pList, &iPos);
- assert( iPos>=0 );
+ assert_fts3_nc( iPos>=0 );
for(iTerm=0; iTerm<nTerm; iTerm++){
@@ -176824,7 +177750,7 @@ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3Offsets(
/* All offsets for this column have been gathered. */
- assert( iCurrent<=iMinPos );
+ assert_fts3_nc( iCurrent<=iMinPos );
if( 0==(0xFE&*pTerm->pList) ){
pTerm->pList = 0;
@@ -183982,49 +184908,45 @@ rtreeInit_fail:
** <num-dimension>*2 coordinates.
static void rtreenode(sqlite3_context *ctx, int nArg, sqlite3_value **apArg){
- char *zText = 0;
RtreeNode node;
Rtree tree;
int ii;
+ int nData;
+ int errCode;
+ sqlite3_str *pOut;
memset(&node, 0, sizeof(RtreeNode));
memset(&tree, 0, sizeof(Rtree));
tree.nDim = (u8)sqlite3_value_int(apArg[0]);
+ if( tree.nDim<1 || tree.nDim>5 ) return;
tree.nDim2 = tree.nDim*2;
tree.nBytesPerCell = 8 + 8 * tree.nDim;
node.zData = (u8 *)sqlite3_value_blob(apArg[1]);
+ nData = sqlite3_value_bytes(apArg[1]);
+ if( nData<4 ) return;
+ if( nData<NCELL(&node)*tree.nBytesPerCell ) return;
+ pOut = sqlite3_str_new(0);
for(ii=0; ii<NCELL(&node); ii++){
- char zCell[512];
- int nCell = 0;
RtreeCell cell;
int jj;
nodeGetCell(&tree, &node, ii, &cell);
- sqlite3_snprintf(512-nCell,&zCell[nCell],"%lld", cell.iRowid);
- nCell = (int)strlen(zCell);
+ if( ii>0 ) sqlite3_str_append(pOut, " ", 1);
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(pOut, "{%lld", cell.iRowid);
for(jj=0; jj<tree.nDim2; jj++){
- sqlite3_snprintf(512-nCell,&zCell[nCell], " %g",
- (double)cell.aCoord[jj].f);
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(pOut, " %g", (double)cell.aCoord[jj].f);
- sqlite3_snprintf(512-nCell,&zCell[nCell], " %d",
- cell.aCoord[jj].i);
+ sqlite3_str_appendf(pOut, " %d", cell.aCoord[jj].i);
- nCell = (int)strlen(zCell);
- }
- if( zText ){
- char *zTextNew = sqlite3_mprintf("%s {%s}", zText, zCell);
- sqlite3_free(zText);
- zText = zTextNew;
- }else{
- zText = sqlite3_mprintf("{%s}", zCell);
+ sqlite3_str_append(pOut, "}", 1);
- sqlite3_result_text(ctx, zText, -1, sqlite3_free);
+ errCode = sqlite3_str_errcode(pOut);
+ sqlite3_result_text(ctx, sqlite3_str_finish(pOut), -1, sqlite3_free);
+ sqlite3_result_error_code(ctx, errCode);
/* This routine implements an SQL function that returns the "depth" parameter
@@ -184789,7 +185711,7 @@ static GeoPoly *geopolyParseJson(const unsigned char *z, int *pRc){
GeoPoly *pOut;
int x = 1;
s.nVertex--; /* Remove the redundant vertex at the end */
- pOut = sqlite3_malloc64( GEOPOLY_SZ(s.nVertex) );
+ pOut = sqlite3_malloc64( GEOPOLY_SZ((sqlite3_int64)s.nVertex) );
x = 1;
if( pOut==0 ) goto parse_json_err;
pOut->nVertex = s.nVertex;
@@ -185175,7 +186097,7 @@ static GeoPoly *geopolyBBox(
if( pRc ) *pRc = SQLITE_OK;
if( aCoord==0 ){
- pOut = sqlite3_realloc(p, GEOPOLY_SZ(4));
+ pOut = sqlite3_realloc64(p, GEOPOLY_SZ(4));
if( pOut==0 ){
if( context ) sqlite3_result_error_nomem(context);
@@ -185571,9 +186493,9 @@ static GeoSegment *geopolySortSegmentsByYAndC(GeoSegment *pList){
** Determine the overlap between two polygons
static int geopolyOverlap(GeoPoly *p1, GeoPoly *p2){
- int nVertex = p1->nVertex + p2->nVertex + 2;
+ sqlite3_int64 nVertex = p1->nVertex + p2->nVertex + 2;
GeoOverlap *p;
- int nByte;
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte;
GeoEvent *pThisEvent;
double rX;
int rc = 0;
@@ -185585,7 +186507,7 @@ static int geopolyOverlap(GeoPoly *p1, GeoPoly *p2){
nByte = sizeof(GeoEvent)*nVertex*2
+ sizeof(GeoSegment)*nVertex
+ sizeof(GeoOverlap);
- p = sqlite3_malloc( nByte );
+ p = sqlite3_malloc64( nByte );
if( p==0 ) return -1;
p->aEvent = (GeoEvent*)&p[1];
p->aSegment = (GeoSegment*)&p->aEvent[nVertex*2];
@@ -185744,8 +186666,8 @@ static int geopolyInit(
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
Rtree *pRtree;
- int nDb; /* Length of string argv[1] */
- int nName; /* Length of string argv[2] */
+ sqlite3_int64 nDb; /* Length of string argv[1] */
+ sqlite3_int64 nName; /* Length of string argv[2] */
sqlite3_str *pSql;
char *zSql;
int ii;
@@ -185753,9 +186675,9 @@ static int geopolyInit(
sqlite3_vtab_config(db, SQLITE_VTAB_CONSTRAINT_SUPPORT, 1);
/* Allocate the sqlite3_vtab structure */
- nDb = (int)strlen(argv[1]);
- nName = (int)strlen(argv[2]);
- pRtree = (Rtree *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Rtree)+nDb+nName+2);
+ nDb = strlen(argv[1]);
+ nName = strlen(argv[2]);
+ pRtree = (Rtree *)sqlite3_malloc64(sizeof(Rtree)+nDb+nName+2);
if( !pRtree ){
@@ -188180,6 +189102,11 @@ struct RbuUpdateStmt {
** it points to an array of flags nTblCol elements in size. The flag is
** set for each column that is either a part of the PK or a part of an
** index. Or clear otherwise.
+** If there are one or more partial indexes on the table, all fields of
+** this array set set to 1. This is because in that case, the module has
+** no way to tell which fields will be required to add and remove entries
+** from the partial indexes.
struct RbuObjIter {
@@ -188624,6 +189551,7 @@ static void rbuFossilDeltaFunc(
nOut2 = rbuDeltaApply(aOrig, nOrig, aDelta, nDelta, aOut);
if( nOut2!=nOut ){
+ sqlite3_free(aOut);
sqlite3_result_error(context, "corrupt fossil delta", -1);
sqlite3_result_blob(context, aOut, nOut, sqlite3_free);
@@ -188974,7 +189902,7 @@ static int rbuMPrintfExec(sqlite3rbu *p, sqlite3 *db, const char *zFmt, ...){
** immediately without attempting the allocation or modifying the stored
** error code.
-static void *rbuMalloc(sqlite3rbu *p, int nByte){
+static void *rbuMalloc(sqlite3rbu *p, sqlite3_int64 nByte){
void *pRet = 0;
if( p->rc==SQLITE_OK ){
assert( nByte>0 );
@@ -188995,7 +189923,7 @@ static void *rbuMalloc(sqlite3rbu *p, int nByte){
** error code in the RBU handle passed as the first argument.
static void rbuAllocateIterArrays(sqlite3rbu *p, RbuObjIter *pIter, int nCol){
- int nByte = (2*sizeof(char*) + sizeof(int) + 3*sizeof(u8)) * nCol;
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte = (2*sizeof(char*) + sizeof(int) + 3*sizeof(u8)) * nCol;
char **azNew;
azNew = (char**)rbuMalloc(p, nByte);
@@ -189189,8 +190117,12 @@ static void rbuObjIterCacheIndexedCols(sqlite3rbu *p, RbuObjIter *pIter){
pIter->nIndex = 0;
while( p->rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pList) ){
const char *zIdx = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pList, 1);
+ int bPartial = sqlite3_column_int(pList, 4);
sqlite3_stmt *pXInfo = 0;
if( zIdx==0 ) break;
+ if( bPartial ){
+ memset(pIter->abIndexed, 0x01, sizeof(u8)*pIter->nTblCol);
+ }
p->rc = prepareFreeAndCollectError(p->dbMain, &pXInfo, &p->zErrmsg,
sqlite3_mprintf("PRAGMA main.index_xinfo = %Q", zIdx)
@@ -189635,7 +190567,7 @@ static char *rbuObjIterGetSetlist(
static char *rbuObjIterGetBindlist(sqlite3rbu *p, int nBind){
char *zRet = 0;
- int nByte = nBind*2 + 1;
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte = 2*(sqlite3_int64)nBind + 1;
zRet = (char*)rbuMalloc(p, nByte);
if( zRet ){
@@ -189897,6 +190829,62 @@ static void rbuTmpInsertFunc(
+static char *rbuObjIterGetIndexWhere(sqlite3rbu *p, RbuObjIter *pIter){
+ sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
+ int rc = p->rc;
+ char *zRet = 0;
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+ rc = prepareAndCollectError(p->dbMain, &pStmt, &p->zErrmsg,
+ "SELECT trim(sql) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='index' AND name=?"
+ );
+ }
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+ int rc2;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, 1, pIter->zIdx, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
+ const char *zSql = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0);
+ if( zSql ){
+ int nParen = 0; /* Number of open parenthesis */
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; zSql[i]; i++){
+ char c = zSql[i];
+ if( c=='(' ){
+ nParen++;
+ }
+ else if( c==')' ){
+ nParen--;
+ if( nParen==0 ){
+ i++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }else if( c=='"' || c=='\'' || c=='`' ){
+ for(i++; 1; i++){
+ if( zSql[i]==c ){
+ if( zSql[i+1]!=c ) break;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }else if( c=='[' ){
+ for(i++; 1; i++){
+ if( zSql[i]==']' ) break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( zSql[i] ){
+ zRet = rbuStrndup(&zSql[i], &rc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rc2 = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
+ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = rc2;
+ }
+ p->rc = rc;
+ return zRet;
** Ensure that the SQLite statement handles required to update the
** target database object currently indicated by the iterator passed
@@ -189926,6 +190914,7 @@ static int rbuObjIterPrepareAll(
char *zImposterPK = 0; /* Primary key declaration for imposter */
char *zWhere = 0; /* WHERE clause on PK columns */
char *zBind = 0;
+ char *zPart = 0;
int nBind = 0;
assert( pIter->eType!=RBU_PK_VTAB );
@@ -189933,6 +190922,7 @@ static int rbuObjIterPrepareAll(
p, pIter, &zImposterCols, &zImposterPK, &zWhere, &nBind
zBind = rbuObjIterGetBindlist(p, nBind);
+ zPart = rbuObjIterGetIndexWhere(p, pIter);
/* Create the imposter table used to write to this index. */
sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_IMPOSTER, p->dbMain, "main", 0, 1);
@@ -189965,28 +190955,30 @@ static int rbuObjIterPrepareAll(
char *zSql;
if( rbuIsVacuum(p) ){
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
- "SELECT %s, 0 AS rbu_control FROM '%q' ORDER BY %s%s",
+ "SELECT %s, 0 AS rbu_control FROM '%q' %s ORDER BY %s%s",
- zCollist, zLimit
+ zPart, zCollist, zLimit
if( pIter->eType==RBU_PK_EXTERNAL || pIter->eType==RBU_PK_NONE ){
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
- "SELECT %s, rbu_control FROM %s.'rbu_tmp_%q' ORDER BY %s%s",
+ "SELECT %s, rbu_control FROM %s.'rbu_tmp_%q' %s ORDER BY %s%s",
zCollist, p->zStateDb, pIter->zDataTbl,
- zCollist, zLimit
+ zPart, zCollist, zLimit
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
- "SELECT %s, rbu_control FROM %s.'rbu_tmp_%q' "
+ "SELECT %s, rbu_control FROM %s.'rbu_tmp_%q' %s "
"SELECT %s, rbu_control FROM '%q' "
- "WHERE typeof(rbu_control)='integer' AND rbu_control!=1 "
+ "%s %s typeof(rbu_control)='integer' AND rbu_control!=1 "
"ORDER BY %s%s",
- zCollist, p->zStateDb, pIter->zDataTbl,
+ zCollist, p->zStateDb, pIter->zDataTbl, zPart,
zCollist, pIter->zDataTbl,
+ zPart,
+ (zPart ? "AND" : "WHERE"),
zCollist, zLimit
@@ -189997,6 +190989,7 @@ static int rbuObjIterPrepareAll(
+ sqlite3_free(zPart);
int bRbuRowid = (pIter->eType==RBU_PK_VTAB)
@@ -192430,7 +193423,7 @@ static int rbuVfsShmMap(
assert( p->openFlags & (SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB|SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB) );
if( eStage==RBU_STAGE_OAL || eStage==RBU_STAGE_MOVE ){
if( iRegion<=p->nShm ){
- int nByte = (iRegion+1) * sizeof(char*);
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte = (iRegion+1) * sizeof(char*);
char **apNew = (char**)sqlite3_realloc64(p->apShm, nByte);
if( apNew==0 ){
@@ -194941,7 +195934,7 @@ static int sessionGrowHash(int bPatchset, SessionTable *pTab){
if( pTab->nChange==0 || pTab->nEntry>=(pTab->nChange/2) ){
int i;
SessionChange **apNew;
- int nNew = (pTab->nChange ? pTab->nChange : 128) * 2;
+ sqlite3_int64 nNew = 2*(sqlite3_int64)(pTab->nChange ? pTab->nChange : 128);
apNew = (SessionChange **)sqlite3_malloc64(sizeof(SessionChange *) * nNew);
if( apNew==0 ){
@@ -195868,7 +196861,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3session_attach(
** If successful, return zero. Otherwise, if an OOM condition is encountered,
** set *pRc to SQLITE_NOMEM and return non-zero.
-static int sessionBufferGrow(SessionBuffer *p, int nByte, int *pRc){
+static int sessionBufferGrow(SessionBuffer *p, size_t nByte, int *pRc){
if( *pRc==SQLITE_OK && p->nAlloc-p->nBuf<nByte ){
u8 *aNew;
i64 nNew = p->nAlloc ? p->nAlloc : 128;
@@ -196986,7 +197979,7 @@ static int sessionChangesetReadTblhdr(sqlite3_changeset_iter *p){
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- int iPK = sizeof(sqlite3_value*)*p->nCol*2;
+ size_t iPK = sizeof(sqlite3_value*)*p->nCol*2;
memset(p->tblhdr.aBuf, 0, iPK);
memcpy(&p->tblhdr.aBuf[iPK], &p->in.aData[p->in.iNext], nCopy);
p->in.iNext += nCopy;
@@ -197901,7 +198894,7 @@ static int sessionSeekToRow(
-** This function is called from within sqlite3changset_apply_v2() when
+** This function is called from within sqlite3changeset_apply_v2() when
** a conflict is encountered and resolved using conflict resolution
** It adds a conflict resolution record to the buffer in
@@ -198290,7 +199283,7 @@ static int sessionRetryConstraints(
rc = sessionChangesetStart(&pIter2, 0, 0, cons.nBuf, cons.aBuf, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
- int nByte = 2*pApply->nCol*sizeof(sqlite3_value*);
+ size_t nByte = 2*pApply->nCol*sizeof(sqlite3_value*);
int rc2;
pIter2->bPatchset = bPatchset;
pIter2->zTab = (char*)zTab;
@@ -199683,7 +200676,7 @@ struct Fts5PhraseIter {
** Save the pointer passed as the second argument as the extension functions
** "auxiliary data". The pointer may then be retrieved by the current or any
** future invocation of the same fts5 extension function made as part of
-** of the same MATCH query using the xGetAuxdata() API.
+** the same MATCH query using the xGetAuxdata() API.
** Each extension function is allocated a single auxiliary data slot for
** each FTS query (MATCH expression). If the extension function is invoked
@@ -199698,7 +200691,7 @@ struct Fts5PhraseIter {
** The xDelete callback, if one is specified, is also invoked on the
** auxiliary data pointer after the FTS5 query has finished.
-** If an error (e.g. an OOM condition) occurs within this function, an
+** If an error (e.g. an OOM condition) occurs within this function,
** the auxiliary data is set to NULL and an error code returned. If the
** xDelete parameter was not NULL, it is invoked on the auxiliary data
** pointer before returning.
@@ -200680,8 +201673,9 @@ static void sqlite3Fts5HashClear(Fts5Hash*);
static int sqlite3Fts5HashQuery(
Fts5Hash*, /* Hash table to query */
+ int nPre,
const char *pTerm, int nTerm, /* Query term */
- const u8 **ppDoclist, /* OUT: Pointer to doclist for pTerm */
+ void **ppObj, /* OUT: Pointer to doclist for pTerm */
int *pnDoclist /* OUT: Size of doclist in bytes */
@@ -202751,7 +203745,7 @@ static int fts5SnippetScore(
sqlite3_int64 iAdj = iFirst - (nToken - (iLast-iFirst)) / 2;
if( (iAdj+nToken)>nDocsize ) iAdj = nDocsize - nToken;
if( iAdj<0 ) iAdj = 0;
- *piPos = iAdj;
+ *piPos = (int)iAdj;
return rc;
@@ -202979,7 +203973,7 @@ static int fts5Bm25GetData(
if( p==0 ){
- memset(p, 0, nByte);
+ memset(p, 0, (size_t)nByte);
p->nPhrase = nPhrase;
p->aIDF = (double*)&p[1];
p->aFreq = &p->aIDF[nPhrase];
@@ -203142,7 +204136,7 @@ static int sqlite3Fts5BufferSize(int *pRc, Fts5Buffer *pBuf, u32 nByte){
return 1;
- pBuf->nSpace = nNew;
+ pBuf->nSpace = (int)nNew;
pBuf->p = pNew;
@@ -203366,7 +204360,7 @@ static void *sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(int *pRc, sqlite3_int64 nByte){
if( pRet==0 ){
if( nByte>0 ) *pRc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
- memset(pRet, 0, nByte);
+ memset(pRet, 0, (size_t)nByte);
return pRet;
@@ -203835,7 +204829,7 @@ static int fts5ConfigParseSpecial(
rc = sqlite3Fts5GetTokenizer(pGlobal,
- (const char**)azArg, nArg, &pConfig->pTok, &pConfig->pTokApi,
+ (const char**)azArg, (int)nArg, &pConfig->pTok, &pConfig->pTokApi,
@@ -203945,7 +204939,7 @@ static const char *fts5ConfigGobbleWord(
if( zOut==0 ){
- memcpy(zOut, zIn, nIn+1);
+ memcpy(zOut, zIn, (size_t)(nIn+1));
if( fts5_isopenquote(zOut[0]) ){
int ii = fts5Dequote(zOut);
zRet = &zIn[ii];
@@ -205959,7 +206953,7 @@ static Fts5ExprNearset *sqlite3Fts5ParseNearset(
if( pRet==0 ){
pParse->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
- memset(pRet, 0, nByte);
+ memset(pRet, 0, (size_t)nByte);
}else if( (pNear->nPhrase % SZALLOC)==0 ){
int nNew = pNear->nPhrase + SZALLOC;
@@ -206035,7 +207029,7 @@ static int fts5ParseTokenize(
if( pSyn==0 ){
- memset(pSyn, 0, nByte);
+ memset(pSyn, 0, (size_t)nByte);
pSyn->zTerm = ((char*)pSyn) + sizeof(Fts5ExprTerm) + sizeof(Fts5Buffer);
memcpy(pSyn->zTerm, pToken, nToken);
pSyn->pSynonym = pPhrase->aTerm[pPhrase->nTerm-1].pSynonym;
@@ -206195,7 +207189,7 @@ static int sqlite3Fts5ExprClonePhrase(
nByte = sizeof(Fts5Colset) + (pColsetOrig->nCol-1) * sizeof(int);
pColset = (Fts5Colset*)sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&rc, nByte);
if( pColset ){
- memcpy(pColset, pColsetOrig, nByte);
+ memcpy(pColset, pColsetOrig, (size_t)nByte);
pNew->pRoot->pNear->pColset = pColset;
@@ -206412,7 +207406,7 @@ static Fts5Colset *fts5CloneColset(int *pRc, Fts5Colset *pOrig){
sqlite3_int64 nByte = sizeof(Fts5Colset) + (pOrig->nCol-1) * sizeof(int);
pRet = (Fts5Colset*)sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(pRc, nByte);
if( pRet ){
- memcpy(pRet, pOrig, nByte);
+ memcpy(pRet, pOrig, (size_t)nByte);
pRet = 0;
@@ -207429,7 +208423,7 @@ static int sqlite3Fts5HashNew(Fts5Config *pConfig, Fts5Hash **ppNew, int *pnByte
*ppNew = 0;
- memset(pNew->aSlot, 0, nByte);
+ memset(pNew->aSlot, 0, (size_t)nByte);
return rc;
@@ -207513,19 +208507,25 @@ static int fts5HashResize(Fts5Hash *pHash){
return SQLITE_OK;
-static void fts5HashAddPoslistSize(Fts5Hash *pHash, Fts5HashEntry *p){
+static int fts5HashAddPoslistSize(
+ Fts5Hash *pHash,
+ Fts5HashEntry *p,
+ Fts5HashEntry *p2
+ int nRet = 0;
if( p->iSzPoslist ){
- u8 *pPtr = (u8*)p;
+ u8 *pPtr = p2 ? (u8*)p2 : (u8*)p;
+ int nData = p->nData;
if( pHash->eDetail==FTS5_DETAIL_NONE ){
- assert( p->nData==p->iSzPoslist );
+ assert( nData==p->iSzPoslist );
if( p->bDel ){
- pPtr[p->nData++] = 0x00;
+ pPtr[nData++] = 0x00;
if( p->bContent ){
- pPtr[p->nData++] = 0x00;
+ pPtr[nData++] = 0x00;
- int nSz = (p->nData - p->iSzPoslist - 1); /* Size in bytes */
+ int nSz = (nData - p->iSzPoslist - 1); /* Size in bytes */
int nPos = nSz*2 + p->bDel; /* Value of nPos field */
assert( p->bDel==0 || p->bDel==1 );
@@ -207535,14 +208535,19 @@ static void fts5HashAddPoslistSize(Fts5Hash *pHash, Fts5HashEntry *p){
int nByte = sqlite3Fts5GetVarintLen((u32)nPos);
memmove(&pPtr[p->iSzPoslist + nByte], &pPtr[p->iSzPoslist + 1], nSz);
sqlite3Fts5PutVarint(&pPtr[p->iSzPoslist], nPos);
- p->nData += (nByte-1);
+ nData += (nByte-1);
- p->iSzPoslist = 0;
- p->bDel = 0;
- p->bContent = 0;
+ nRet = nData - p->nData;
+ if( p2==0 ){
+ p->iSzPoslist = 0;
+ p->bDel = 0;
+ p->bContent = 0;
+ p->nData = nData;
+ }
+ return nRet;
@@ -207599,7 +208604,7 @@ static int sqlite3Fts5HashWrite(
p = (Fts5HashEntry*)sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
if( !p ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
memset(p, 0, sizeof(Fts5HashEntry));
- p->nAlloc = nByte;
+ p->nAlloc = (int)nByte;
zKey = fts5EntryKey(p);
zKey[0] = bByte;
memcpy(&zKey[1], pToken, nToken);
@@ -207654,7 +208659,7 @@ static int sqlite3Fts5HashWrite(
/* If this is a new rowid, append the 4-byte size field for the previous
** entry, and the new rowid for this entry. */
if( iRowid!=p->iRowid ){
- fts5HashAddPoslistSize(pHash, p);
+ fts5HashAddPoslistSize(pHash, p, 0);
p->nData += sqlite3Fts5PutVarint(&pPtr[p->nData], iRowid - p->iRowid);
p->iRowid = iRowid;
bNew = 1;
@@ -207771,7 +208776,9 @@ static int fts5HashEntrySort(
for(iSlot=0; iSlot<pHash->nSlot; iSlot++){
Fts5HashEntry *pIter;
for(pIter=pHash->aSlot[iSlot]; pIter; pIter=pIter->pHashNext){
- if( pTerm==0 || 0==memcmp(fts5EntryKey(pIter), pTerm, nTerm) ){
+ if( pTerm==0
+ || (pIter->nKey+1>=nTerm && 0==memcmp(fts5EntryKey(pIter), pTerm, nTerm))
+ ){
Fts5HashEntry *pEntry = pIter;
pEntry->pScanNext = 0;
for(i=0; ap[i]; i++){
@@ -207799,8 +208806,9 @@ static int fts5HashEntrySort(
static int sqlite3Fts5HashQuery(
Fts5Hash *pHash, /* Hash table to query */
+ int nPre,
const char *pTerm, int nTerm, /* Query term */
- const u8 **ppDoclist, /* OUT: Pointer to doclist for pTerm */
+ void **ppOut, /* OUT: Pointer to new object */
int *pnDoclist /* OUT: Size of doclist in bytes */
unsigned int iHash = fts5HashKey(pHash->nSlot, (const u8*)pTerm, nTerm);
@@ -207814,11 +208822,20 @@ static int sqlite3Fts5HashQuery(
if( p ){
- fts5HashAddPoslistSize(pHash, p);
- *ppDoclist = (const u8*)&zKey[nTerm+1];
- *pnDoclist = p->nData - (sizeof(Fts5HashEntry) + nTerm + 1);
+ int nHashPre = sizeof(Fts5HashEntry) + nTerm + 1;
+ int nList = p->nData - nHashPre;
+ u8 *pRet = (u8*)(*ppOut = sqlite3_malloc64(nPre + nList + 10));
+ if( pRet ){
+ Fts5HashEntry *pFaux = (Fts5HashEntry*)&pRet[nPre-nHashPre];
+ memcpy(&pRet[nPre], &((u8*)p)[nHashPre], nList);
+ nList += fts5HashAddPoslistSize(pHash, p, pFaux);
+ *pnDoclist = nList;
+ }else{
+ *pnDoclist = 0;
+ return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+ }
- *ppDoclist = 0;
+ *ppOut = 0;
*pnDoclist = 0;
@@ -207851,7 +208868,7 @@ static void sqlite3Fts5HashScanEntry(
if( (p = pHash->pScan) ){
char *zKey = fts5EntryKey(p);
int nTerm = (int)strlen(zKey);
- fts5HashAddPoslistSize(pHash, p);
+ fts5HashAddPoslistSize(pHash, p, 0);
*pzTerm = zKey;
*ppDoclist = (const u8*)&zKey[nTerm+1];
*pnDoclist = p->nData - (sizeof(Fts5HashEntry) + nTerm + 1);
@@ -210321,31 +211338,40 @@ static void fts5SegIterHashInit(
int flags, /* Mask of FTS5INDEX_XXX flags */
Fts5SegIter *pIter /* Object to populate */
- const u8 *pList = 0;
int nList = 0;
const u8 *z = 0;
int n = 0;
+ Fts5Data *pLeaf = 0;
assert( p->pHash );
assert( p->rc==SQLITE_OK );
if( pTerm==0 || (flags & FTS5INDEX_QUERY_SCAN) ){
+ const u8 *pList = 0;
p->rc = sqlite3Fts5HashScanInit(p->pHash, (const char*)pTerm, nTerm);
sqlite3Fts5HashScanEntry(p->pHash, (const char**)&z, &pList, &nList);
n = (z ? (int)strlen((const char*)z) : 0);
+ if( pList ){
+ pLeaf = fts5IdxMalloc(p, sizeof(Fts5Data));
+ if( pLeaf ){
+ pLeaf->p = (u8*)pList;
+ }
+ }
- pIter->flags |= FTS5_SEGITER_ONETERM;
- sqlite3Fts5HashQuery(p->pHash, (const char*)pTerm, nTerm, &pList, &nList);
+ p->rc = sqlite3Fts5HashQuery(p->pHash, sizeof(Fts5Data),
+ (const char*)pTerm, nTerm, (void**)&pLeaf, &nList
+ );
+ if( pLeaf ){
+ pLeaf->p = (u8*)&pLeaf[1];
+ }
z = pTerm;
n = nTerm;
+ pIter->flags |= FTS5_SEGITER_ONETERM;
- if( pList ){
- Fts5Data *pLeaf;
+ if( pLeaf ){
sqlite3Fts5BufferSet(&p->rc, &pIter->term, n, z);
- pLeaf = fts5IdxMalloc(p, sizeof(Fts5Data));
- if( pLeaf==0 ) return;
- pLeaf->p = (u8*)pList;
pLeaf->nn = pLeaf->szLeaf = nList;
pIter->pLeaf = pLeaf;
pIter->iLeafOffset = fts5GetVarint(pLeaf->p, (u64*)&pIter->iRowid);
@@ -210498,8 +211524,8 @@ static int fts5MultiIterDoCompare(Fts5Iter *pIter, int iOut){
int res = fts5BufferCompare(&p1->term, &p2->term);
if( res==0 ){
- assert( i2>i1 );
- assert( i2!=0 );
+ assert_nc( i2>i1 );
+ assert_nc( i2!=0 );
pRes->bTermEq = 1;
if( p1->iRowid==p2->iRowid ){
p1->bDel = p2->bDel;
@@ -211546,7 +212572,7 @@ static int fts5WriteDlidxGrow(
if( aDlidx==0 ){
- int nByte = sizeof(Fts5DlidxWriter) * (nLvl - pWriter->nDlidx);
+ size_t nByte = sizeof(Fts5DlidxWriter) * (nLvl - pWriter->nDlidx);
memset(&aDlidx[pWriter->nDlidx], 0, nByte);
pWriter->aDlidx = aDlidx;
pWriter->nDlidx = nLvl;
@@ -212033,13 +213059,14 @@ static void fts5TrimSegments(Fts5Index *p, Fts5Iter *pIter){
/* Set up the new page-index array */
fts5BufferAppendVarint(&p->rc, &buf, 4);
if( pSeg->iLeafPgno==pSeg->iTermLeafPgno
- && pSeg->iEndofDoclist<pData->szLeaf
- ){
+ && pSeg->iEndofDoclist<pData->szLeaf
+ && pSeg->iPgidxOff<=pData->nn
+ ){
int nDiff = pData->szLeaf - pSeg->iEndofDoclist;
fts5BufferAppendVarint(&p->rc, &buf, buf.n - 1 - nDiff - 4);
fts5BufferAppendBlob(&p->rc, &buf,
pData->nn - pSeg->iPgidxOff, &pData->p[pSeg->iPgidxOff]
- );
+ );
pSeg->pSeg->pgnoFirst = pSeg->iTermLeafPgno;
@@ -215061,7 +216088,7 @@ static int fts5OpenMethod(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCsr){
pCsr = (Fts5Cursor*)sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
if( pCsr ){
Fts5Global *pGlobal = pTab->pGlobal;
- memset(pCsr, 0, nByte);
+ memset(pCsr, 0, (size_t)nByte);
pCsr->aColumnSize = (int*)&pCsr[1];
pCsr->pNext = pGlobal->pCsr;
pGlobal->pCsr = pCsr;
@@ -215342,7 +216369,7 @@ static int fts5CursorFirstSorted(
nByte = sizeof(Fts5Sorter) + sizeof(int) * (nPhrase-1);
pSorter = (Fts5Sorter*)sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
if( pSorter==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
- memset(pSorter, 0, nByte);
+ memset(pSorter, 0, (size_t)nByte);
pSorter->nIdx = nPhrase;
/* TODO: It would be better to have some system for reusing statement
@@ -216896,14 +217923,14 @@ static int fts5CreateAux(
int rc = sqlite3_overload_function(pGlobal->db, zName, -1);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
Fts5Auxiliary *pAux;
- int nName; /* Size of zName in bytes, including \0 */
- int nByte; /* Bytes of space to allocate */
+ sqlite3_int64 nName; /* Size of zName in bytes, including \0 */
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte; /* Bytes of space to allocate */
- nName = (int)strlen(zName) + 1;
+ nName = strlen(zName) + 1;
nByte = sizeof(Fts5Auxiliary) + nName;
- pAux = (Fts5Auxiliary*)sqlite3_malloc(nByte);
+ pAux = (Fts5Auxiliary*)sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
if( pAux ){
- memset(pAux, 0, nByte);
+ memset(pAux, 0, (size_t)nByte);
pAux->zFunc = (char*)&pAux[1];
memcpy(pAux->zFunc, zName, nName);
pAux->pGlobal = pGlobal;
@@ -216933,15 +217960,15 @@ static int fts5CreateTokenizer(
Fts5Global *pGlobal = (Fts5Global*)pApi;
Fts5TokenizerModule *pNew;
- int nName; /* Size of zName and its \0 terminator */
- int nByte; /* Bytes of space to allocate */
+ sqlite3_int64 nName; /* Size of zName and its \0 terminator */
+ sqlite3_int64 nByte; /* Bytes of space to allocate */
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
- nName = (int)strlen(zName) + 1;
+ nName = strlen(zName) + 1;
nByte = sizeof(Fts5TokenizerModule) + nName;
- pNew = (Fts5TokenizerModule*)sqlite3_malloc(nByte);
+ pNew = (Fts5TokenizerModule*)sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
if( pNew ){
- memset(pNew, 0, nByte);
+ memset(pNew, 0, (size_t)nByte);
pNew->zName = (char*)&pNew[1];
memcpy(pNew->zName, zName, nName);
pNew->pUserData = pUserData;
@@ -217076,7 +218103,7 @@ static void fts5SourceIdFunc(
assert( nArg==0 );
UNUSED_PARAM2(nArg, apUnused);
- sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, "fts5: 2019-02-08 13:17:39 0eca3dd3d38b31c92b49ca2d311128b74584714d9e7de895b1a6286ef959a1dd", -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+ sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, "fts5: 2019-04-16 19:49:53 884b4b7e502b4e991677b53971277adfaf0a04a284f8e483e2553d0f83156b50", -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
@@ -217499,7 +218526,7 @@ static int sqlite3Fts5StorageOpen(
*pp = p = (Fts5Storage*)sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
if( !p ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
- memset(p, 0, nByte);
+ memset(p, 0, (size_t)nByte);
p->aTotalSize = (i64*)&p[1];
p->pConfig = pConfig;
p->pIndex = pIndex;
@@ -218721,7 +219748,7 @@ static int fts5UnicodeCreate(
p->nFold = 64;
- p->aFold = sqlite3_malloc(p->nFold * sizeof(char));
+ p->aFold = sqlite3_malloc64(p->nFold * sizeof(char));
if( p->aFold==0 ){
@@ -220409,7 +221436,7 @@ static void sqlite3Fts5UnicodeAscii(u8 *aArray, u8 *aAscii){
int bToken = aArray[ aFts5UnicodeData[iTbl] & 0x1F ];
int n = (aFts5UnicodeData[iTbl] >> 5) + i;
for(; i<128 && i<n; i++){
- aAscii[i] = bToken;
+ aAscii[i] = (u8)bToken;
@@ -221840,9 +222867,9 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stmt_init(
#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_STMTVTAB) */
/************** End of stmt.c ************************************************/
-#if __LINE__!=221843
+#if __LINE__!=222870
-#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "2019-02-08 13:17:39 0eca3dd3d38b31c92b49ca2d311128b74584714d9e7de895b1a6286ef959alt2"
+#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "2019-04-16 19:49:53 884b4b7e502b4e991677b53971277adfaf0a04a284f8e483e2553d0f8315alt2"
/* Return the source-id for this library */
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_sourceid(void){ return SQLITE_SOURCE_ID; }
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/sqlite/sqlite3.h b/src/3rdparty/sqlite/sqlite3.h
index 686aa8b739..fadfe1e152 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/sqlite/sqlite3.h
+++ b/src/3rdparty/sqlite/sqlite3.h
@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ extern "C" {
** [sqlite3_libversion_number()], [sqlite3_sourceid()],
** [sqlite_version()] and [sqlite_source_id()].
-#define SQLITE_VERSION "3.27.1"
-#define SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER 3027001
-#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "2019-02-08 13:17:39 0eca3dd3d38b31c92b49ca2d311128b74584714d9e7de895b1a6286ef959a1dd"
+#define SQLITE_VERSION "3.28.0"
+#define SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER 3028000
+#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "2019-04-16 19:49:53 884b4b7e502b4e991677b53971277adfaf0a04a284f8e483e2553d0f83156b50"
** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Library Version Numbers
@@ -189,6 +189,9 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_libversion_number(void);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_compileoption_used(const char *zOptName);
SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_compileoption_get(int N);
+# define sqlite3_compileoption_used(X) 0
+# define sqlite3_compileoption_get(X) ((void*)0)
@@ -2086,8 +2089,8 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
-** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable the two-argument
-** version of the [fts3_tokenizer()] function which is part of the
+** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable the
+** [fts3_tokenizer()] function which is part of the
** [FTS3] full-text search engine extension.
** There should be two additional arguments.
** The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable fts3_tokenizer() or
@@ -2199,6 +2202,17 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
** <li> Direct writes to [shadow tables].
** </ul>
** </dd>
+** <dd>The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_WRITABLE_SCHEMA option activates or deactivates the
+** "writable_schema" flag. This has the same effect and is logically equivalent
+** to setting [PRAGMA writable_schema=ON] or [PRAGMA writable_schema=OFF].
+** The first argument to this setting is an integer which is 0 to disable
+** the writable_schema, positive to enable writable_schema, or negative to
+** leave the setting unchanged. The second parameter is a pointer to an
+** integer into which is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether the writable_schema
+** is enabled or disabled following this call.
+** </dd>
** </dl>
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAINDBNAME 1000 /* const char* */
@@ -2212,7 +2226,8 @@ struct sqlite3_mem_methods {
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRIGGER_EQP 1008 /* int int* */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_RESET_DATABASE 1009 /* int int* */
#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE 1010 /* int int* */
-#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAX 1010 /* Largest DBCONFIG */
+#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_WRITABLE_SCHEMA 1011 /* int int* */
+#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAX 1011 /* Largest DBCONFIG */
** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Extended Result Codes
@@ -2369,7 +2384,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_changes(sqlite3*);
** not. ^Changes to a view that are intercepted by INSTEAD OF triggers
** are not counted.
-** This the [sqlite3_total_changes(D)] interface only reports the number
+** The [sqlite3_total_changes(D)] interface only reports the number
** of rows that changed due to SQL statement run against database
** connection D. Any changes by other database connections are ignored.
** To detect changes against a database file from other database
@@ -3895,6 +3910,18 @@ SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_normalized_sql(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stmt_readonly(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
+** CAPI3REF: Query The EXPLAIN Setting For A Prepared Statement
+** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
+** ^The sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(S) interface returns 1 if the
+** prepared statement S is an EXPLAIN statement, or 2 if the
+** statement S is an EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN.
+** ^The sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(S) interface returns 0 if S is
+** an ordinary statement or a NULL pointer.
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
** CAPI3REF: Determine If A Prepared Statement Has Been Reset
** METHOD: sqlite3_stmt
@@ -4033,7 +4060,9 @@ typedef struct sqlite3_context sqlite3_context;
** ^The fifth argument to the BLOB and string binding interfaces
** is a destructor used to dispose of the BLOB or
** string after SQLite has finished with it. ^The destructor is called
-** to dispose of the BLOB or string even if the call to bind API fails.
+** to dispose of the BLOB or string even if the call to the bind API fails,
+** except the destructor is not called if the third parameter is a NULL
+** pointer or the fourth parameter is negative.
** ^If the fifth argument is
** the special value [SQLITE_STATIC], then SQLite assumes that the
** information is in static, unmanaged space and does not need to be freed.
@@ -4950,6 +4979,8 @@ SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_memory_alarm(void(*)(void*,sqlite3_int6
** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_nochange&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>
** <td>&rarr;&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>True if the column is unchanged in an UPDATE
** against a virtual table.
+** <tr><td><b>sqlite3_value_frombind&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>
+** <td>&rarr;&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>True if value originated from a [bound parameter]
** </table></blockquote>
** <b>Details:</b>
@@ -5011,6 +5042,11 @@ SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_memory_alarm(void(*)(void*,sqlite3_int6
** than within an [xUpdate] method call for an UPDATE statement, then
** the return value is arbitrary and meaningless.
+** ^The sqlite3_value_frombind(X) interface returns non-zero if the
+** value X originated from one of the [sqlite3_bind_int|sqlite3_bind()]
+** interfaces. ^If X comes from an SQL literal value, or a table column,
+** and expression, then sqlite3_value_frombind(X) returns zero.
** Please pay particular attention to the fact that the pointer returned
** from [sqlite3_value_blob()], [sqlite3_value_text()], or
** [sqlite3_value_text16()] can be invalidated by a subsequent call to
@@ -5056,6 +5092,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_bytes16(sqlite3_value*);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_type(sqlite3_value*);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_numeric_type(sqlite3_value*);
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_nochange(sqlite3_value*);
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_frombind(sqlite3_value*);
** CAPI3REF: Finding The Subtype Of SQL Values
@@ -5791,7 +5828,7 @@ SQLITE_API sqlite3 *sqlite3_db_handle(sqlite3_stmt*);
** associated with database N of connection D. ^The main database file
** has the name "main". If there is no attached database N on the database
** connection D, or if database N is a temporary or in-memory database, then
-** a NULL pointer is returned.
+** this function will return either a NULL pointer or an empty string.
** ^The filename returned by this function is the output of the
** xFullPathname method of the [VFS]. ^In other words, the filename
@@ -10892,7 +10929,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3rebaser_configure(
** in size. This function allocates and populates a buffer with a copy
** of the changeset rebased rebased according to the configuration of the
** rebaser object passed as the first argument. If successful, (*ppOut)
-** is set to point to the new buffer containing the rebased changset and
+** is set to point to the new buffer containing the rebased changeset and
** (*pnOut) to its size in bytes and SQLITE_OK returned. It is the
** responsibility of the caller to eventually free the new buffer using
** sqlite3_free(). Otherwise, if an error occurs, (*ppOut) and (*pnOut)
@@ -11301,7 +11338,7 @@ struct Fts5PhraseIter {
** Save the pointer passed as the second argument as the extension functions
** "auxiliary data". The pointer may then be retrieved by the current or any
** future invocation of the same fts5 extension function made as part of
-** of the same MATCH query using the xGetAuxdata() API.
+** the same MATCH query using the xGetAuxdata() API.
** Each extension function is allocated a single auxiliary data slot for
** each FTS query (MATCH expression). If the extension function is invoked
@@ -11316,7 +11353,7 @@ struct Fts5PhraseIter {
** The xDelete callback, if one is specified, is also invoked on the
** auxiliary data pointer after the FTS5 query has finished.
-** If an error (e.g. an OOM condition) occurs within this function, an
+** If an error (e.g. an OOM condition) occurs within this function,
** the auxiliary data is set to NULL and an error code returned. If the
** xDelete parameter was not NULL, it is invoked on the auxiliary data
** pointer before returning.