path: root/src/android/java/src/org/qtproject/qt/android/bindings/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/android/java/src/org/qtproject/qt/android/bindings/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 386 deletions
diff --git a/src/android/java/src/org/qtproject/qt/android/bindings/ b/src/android/java/src/org/qtproject/qt/android/bindings/
deleted file mode 100644
index dcb0941556..0000000000
--- a/src/android/java/src/org/qtproject/qt/android/bindings/
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-// Copyright (c) 2019, BogDan Vatra <>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.content.ContextWrapper;
-import android.content.DialogInterface;
-import android.content.Intent;
-import android.content.res.Resources;
-import android.os.Build;
-import android.os.Bundle;
-import android.util.Log;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import dalvik.system.DexClassLoader;
-public abstract class QtLoader {
- public static final String ERROR_CODE_KEY = "error.code";
- public static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_KEY = "error.message";
- public static final String DEX_PATH_KEY = "dex.path";
- public static final String LIB_PATH_KEY = "lib.path";
- public static final String LOADER_CLASS_NAME_KEY = "";
- public static final String NATIVE_LIBRARIES_KEY = "native.libraries";
- public static final String ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_KEY = "environment.variables";
- public static final String APPLICATION_PARAMETERS_KEY = "application.parameters";
- public static final String BUNDLED_LIBRARIES_KEY = "bundled.libraries";
- public static final String MAIN_LIBRARY_KEY = "main.library";
- public static final String STATIC_INIT_CLASSES_KEY = "static.init.classes";
- public static final String EXTRACT_STYLE_KEY = "";
- private static final String EXTRACT_STYLE_MINIMAL_KEY = "";
- // These parameters matter in case of deploying application as system (embedded into firmware)
- public static final String SYSTEM_LIB_PATH = "/system/lib/";
- public String APPLICATION_PARAMETERS = null; // use this variable to pass any parameters to your application,
- // the parameters must not contain any white spaces
- // and must be separated with "\t"
- // e.g "-param1\t-param2=value2\t-param3\tvalue3"
- // use this variable to add any environment variables to your application.
- // the env vars must be separated with "\t"
- // e.g. "ENV_VAR1=1\tENV_VAR2=2\t"
- // Currently the following vars are used by the android plugin:
- // * QT_USE_ANDROID_NATIVE_DIALOGS -1 to use the android native dialogs.
- public String[] QT_ANDROID_THEMES = null; // A list with all themes that your application want to use.
- // The name of the theme must be the same with any theme from
- //
- // The most used themes are:
- // * "Theme" - (fallback) check
- // * "Theme_Black" - check
- // * "Theme_Light" - (default for API <=10) check
- // * "Theme_Holo" - check
- // * "Theme_Holo_Light" - (default for API 11-13) check
- // * "Theme_DeviceDefault" - check
- // * "Theme_DeviceDefault_Light" - (default for API 14+) check
- public String QT_ANDROID_DEFAULT_THEME = null; // sets the default theme.
- public ArrayList<String> m_qtLibs = null; // required qt libs
- public int m_displayDensity = -1;
- private ContextWrapper m_context;
- protected ComponentInfo m_contextInfo;
- private Class<?> m_delegateClass;
- private static ArrayList<FileOutputStream> m_fileOutputStreams = new ArrayList<FileOutputStream>();
- // List of open file streams associated with files copied during installation.
- QtLoader(ContextWrapper context, Class<?> clazz) {
- m_context = context;
- m_delegateClass = clazz;
- }
- // Implement in subclass
- protected void finish() {}
- protected String getTitle() {
- return "Qt";
- }
- protected void runOnUiThread(Runnable run) {
- }
- protected abstract String loaderClassName();
- protected abstract Class<?> contextClassName();
- Intent getIntent()
- {
- return null;
- }
- // Implement in subclass
- private final List<String> supportedAbis = Arrays.asList(Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS);
- private String preferredAbi = null;
- private ArrayList<String> prefferedAbiLibs(String []libs)
- {
- HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> abisLibs = new HashMap<>();
- for (String lib : libs) {
- String[] archLib = lib.split(";", 2);
- if (preferredAbi != null && !archLib[0].equals(preferredAbi))
- continue;
- if (!abisLibs.containsKey(archLib[0]))
- abisLibs.put(archLib[0], new ArrayList<String>());
- abisLibs.get(archLib[0]).add(archLib[1]);
- }
- if (preferredAbi != null) {
- if (abisLibs.containsKey(preferredAbi)) {
- return abisLibs.get(preferredAbi);
- }
- return new ArrayList<String>();
- }
- for (String abi: supportedAbis) {
- if (abisLibs.containsKey(abi)) {
- preferredAbi = abi;
- return abisLibs.get(abi);
- }
- }
- return new ArrayList<String>();
- }
- // this function is used to load and start the loader
- private void loadApplication(Bundle loaderParams)
- {
- final Resources resources = m_context.getResources();
- final String packageName = m_context.getPackageName();
- try {
- final int errorCode = loaderParams.getInt(ERROR_CODE_KEY);
- if (errorCode != 0) {
- // fatal error, show the error and quit
- AlertDialog errorDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(m_context).create();
- errorDialog.setMessage(loaderParams.getString(ERROR_MESSAGE_KEY));
- errorDialog.setButton(Dialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE,
- resources.getString(android.R.string.ok),
- new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
- @Override
- public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
- finish();
- }
- });
- return;
- }
- // add all bundled Qt libs to loader params
- int id = resources.getIdentifier("bundled_libs", "array", packageName);
- final String[] bundledLibs = resources.getStringArray(id);
- ArrayList<String> libs = new ArrayList<>(prefferedAbiLibs(bundledLibs));
- String libName = null;
- if (m_contextInfo.metaData.containsKey("")) {
- libName = m_contextInfo.metaData.getString("") + "_" + preferredAbi;
- loaderParams.putString(MAIN_LIBRARY_KEY, libName); //main library contains main() function
- }
- loaderParams.putStringArrayList(BUNDLED_LIBRARIES_KEY, libs);
- // load and start QtLoader class
- DexClassLoader classLoader = new DexClassLoader(loaderParams.getString(DEX_PATH_KEY), // .jar/.apk files
- m_context.getDir("outdex", Context.MODE_PRIVATE).getAbsolutePath(), // directory where optimized DEX files should be written.
- loaderParams.containsKey(LIB_PATH_KEY) ? loaderParams.getString(LIB_PATH_KEY) : null, // libs folder (if exists)
- m_context.getClassLoader()); // parent loader
- Class<?> loaderClass = classLoader.loadClass(loaderParams.getString(LOADER_CLASS_NAME_KEY)); // load QtLoader class
- Object qtLoader = loaderClass.newInstance(); // create an instance
- Method prepareAppMethod = qtLoader.getClass().getMethod("loadApplication",
- contextClassName(),
- ClassLoader.class,
- Bundle.class);
- if (!(Boolean)prepareAppMethod.invoke(qtLoader, m_context, classLoader, loaderParams))
- throw new Exception("");
- QtApplication.setQtContextDelegate(m_delegateClass, qtLoader);
- Method startAppMethod=qtLoader.getClass().getMethod("startApplication");
- if (!(Boolean)startAppMethod.invoke(qtLoader))
- throw new Exception("");
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- AlertDialog errorDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(m_context).create();
- int id = resources.getIdentifier("fatal_error_msg", "string",
- packageName);
- errorDialog.setMessage(resources.getString(id));
- errorDialog.setButton(Dialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE,
- resources.getString(android.R.string.ok),
- new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
- @Override
- public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
- finish();
- }
- });
- }
- }
- public void startApp(final boolean firstStart)
- {
- try {
- final Resources resources = m_context.getResources();
- final String packageName = m_context.getPackageName();
- int id = resources.getIdentifier("qt_libs", "array", packageName);
- m_qtLibs = prefferedAbiLibs(resources.getStringArray(id));
- id = resources.getIdentifier("use_local_qt_libs", "string", packageName);
- final int useLocalLibs = Integer.parseInt(resources.getString(id));
- if (useLocalLibs == 1) {
- ArrayList<String> libraryList = new ArrayList<>();
- String libsDir = null;
- String bundledLibsDir = null;
- id = resources.getIdentifier("bundle_local_qt_libs", "string", packageName);
- final int bundleLocalLibs = Integer.parseInt(resources.getString(id));
- if (bundleLocalLibs == 0) {
- String systemLibsPrefix;
- final String systemLibsKey = "";
- // First check if user has provided system libs prefix in AndroidManifest
- if (m_contextInfo.applicationInfo.metaData != null &&
- m_contextInfo.applicationInfo.metaData.containsKey(systemLibsKey)) {
- systemLibsPrefix = m_contextInfo.applicationInfo.metaData.getString(systemLibsKey);
- } else {
- // If not, check if it's provided by androiddeployqt in libs.xml
- id = resources.getIdentifier("system_libs_prefix","string",
- packageName);
- systemLibsPrefix = resources.getString(id);
- }
- if (systemLibsPrefix.isEmpty()) {
- systemLibsPrefix = SYSTEM_LIB_PATH;
- Log.e(QtApplication.QtTAG, "It looks like app deployed using Unbundled "
- + "deployment. It may be necessary to specify path to directory "
- + "where Qt libraries are installed using either "
- + " metadata variable in your "
- + "AndroidManifest.xml or QT_ANDROID_SYSTEM_LIBS_PATH in your "
- + "CMakeLists.txt");
- Log.e(QtApplication.QtTAG, "Using " + SYSTEM_LIB_PATH + " as default path");
- }
- File systemLibraryDir = new File(systemLibsPrefix);
- if (systemLibraryDir.exists() && systemLibraryDir.isDirectory()
- && systemLibraryDir.list().length > 0) {
- libsDir = systemLibsPrefix;
- bundledLibsDir = systemLibsPrefix;
- } else {
- Log.e(QtApplication.QtTAG,
- "System library directory " + systemLibsPrefix
- + " does not exist or is empty.");
- }
- } else {
- String nativeLibraryPrefix = m_context.getApplicationInfo().nativeLibraryDir + "/";
- File nativeLibraryDir = new File(nativeLibraryPrefix);
- if (nativeLibraryDir.exists() && nativeLibraryDir.isDirectory() && nativeLibraryDir.list().length > 0) {
- libsDir = nativeLibraryPrefix;
- bundledLibsDir = nativeLibraryPrefix;
- } else {
- Log.e(QtApplication.QtTAG,
- "Native library directory " + nativeLibraryPrefix
- + " does not exist or is empty.");
- }
- }
- if (libsDir == null)
- throw new Exception("");
- if (m_qtLibs != null) {
- String libPrefix = libsDir + "lib";
- for (String lib : m_qtLibs)
- libraryList.add(libPrefix + lib + ".so");
- }
- id = resources.getIdentifier("load_local_libs", "array", packageName);
- ArrayList<String> localLibs = prefferedAbiLibs(resources.getStringArray(id));
- for (String libs : localLibs) {
- for (String lib : libs.split(":")) {
- if (!lib.isEmpty())
- libraryList.add(libsDir + lib);
- }
- }
- if (bundledLibsDir != null) {
- }
- Bundle loaderParams = new Bundle();
- loaderParams.putInt(ERROR_CODE_KEY, 0);
- loaderParams.putString(DEX_PATH_KEY, new String());
- loaderParams.putString(LOADER_CLASS_NAME_KEY, loaderClassName());
- id = resources.getIdentifier("static_init_classes", "string", packageName);
- loaderParams.putStringArray(STATIC_INIT_CLASSES_KEY, resources.getString(id)
- .split(":"));
- loaderParams.putStringArrayList(NATIVE_LIBRARIES_KEY, libraryList);
- String themePath = m_context.getApplicationInfo().dataDir + "/qt-reserved-files/android-style/";
- String stylePath = themePath + m_displayDensity + "/";
- String extractOption = "default";
- if (m_contextInfo.metaData.containsKey("")) {
- extractOption = m_contextInfo.metaData.getString("");
- if (!extractOption.equals("default") && !extractOption.equals("full") && !extractOption.equals("minimal") && !extractOption.equals("none")) {
- Log.e(QtApplication.QtTAG, "Invalid extract_android_style option \"" + extractOption + "\", defaulting to \"default\"");
- extractOption = "default";
- }
- }
- // QTBUG-69810: The extraction code will trigger compatibility warnings on Android SDK version >= 28
- // when the target SDK version is set to something lower then 28, so default to "none" and issue a warning
- // if that is the case.
- if (extractOption.equals("default")) {
- final int targetSdkVersion = m_context.getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion;
- if (targetSdkVersion < 28 && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28) {
- Log.e(QtApplication.QtTAG, "extract_android_style option set to \"none\" when targetSdkVersion is less then 28");
- extractOption = "none";
- }
- }
- if (!extractOption.equals("none")) {
- loaderParams.putString(EXTRACT_STYLE_KEY, stylePath);
- loaderParams.putBoolean(EXTRACT_STYLE_MINIMAL_KEY, extractOption.equals("minimal"));
- }
- if (extractOption.equals("full"))
- if (m_contextInfo.metaData.containsKey("")) {
- String loc = m_contextInfo.metaData.getString("");
- }
- String appParams = null;
- Intent intent = getIntent();
- if (intent != null) {
- String parameters = intent.getStringExtra("applicationArguments");
- if (parameters != null)
- if (appParams == null)
- appParams = parameters;
- else
- appParams += '\t' + parameters;
- }
- if (m_contextInfo.metaData.containsKey("")) {
- String parameters = m_contextInfo.metaData.getString("");
- if (appParams == null)
- appParams = parameters;
- else
- appParams += '\t' + parameters;
- }
- if (appParams != null)
- loaderParams.putString(APPLICATION_PARAMETERS_KEY, appParams);
- loadApplication(loaderParams);
- return;
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- Log.e(QtApplication.QtTAG, "Can't create main activity", e);
- }
- }