path: root/src/corelib/global/qttypetraits.qdoc
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+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+ \headerfile <QtTypeTraits>
+ \inmodule QtCore
+ \since 6.5
+ \title Qt Type Traits
+ \brief Functionality for type traits and transformations.
+ \fn template <typename Enum> std::underlying_type_t<Enum> qToUnderlying(Enum e)
+ \relates <QtTypeTraits>
+ \since 6.2
+ Converts the enumerator \a e to the equivalent value expressed in its
+ enumeration's underlying type.
+ \fn template <typename T> typename std::add_const<T>::type &qAsConst(T &t)
+ \relates <QtTypeTraits>
+ \since 5.7
+ \deprecated [6.6] Use std::as_const() instead.
+ Returns \a t cast to \c{const T}.
+ This function is a Qt implementation of C++17's std::as_const(),
+ a cast function like std::move(). But while std::move() turns
+ lvalues into rvalues, this function turns non-const lvalues into
+ const lvalues. Like std::as_const(), it doesn't work on rvalues,
+ because it cannot be efficiently implemented for rvalues without
+ leaving dangling references.
+ Its main use in Qt is to prevent implicitly-shared Qt containers
+ from detaching:
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_global_qglobal.cpp as-const-0
+ Of course, in this case, you could (and probably should) have declared
+ \c s as \c const in the first place:
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_global_qglobal.cpp as-const-1
+ but often that is not easily possible.
+ It is important to note that qAsConst() does not copy its argument,
+ it just performs a \c{const_cast<const T&>(t)}. This is also the reason
+ why it is designed to fail for rvalues: The returned reference would go
+ stale too soon. So while this works (but detaches the returned object):
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_global_qglobal.cpp as-const-2
+ this would not:
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_global_qglobal.cpp as-const-3
+ To prevent this construct from compiling (and failing at runtime), qAsConst() has
+ a second, deleted, overload which binds to rvalues.
+ \note You can make the qAsConst() function unavailable by defining
+ the \l{QT_NO_QASCONST} macro.
+ \since 6.8
+ \relates <QtTypeTraits>
+ Defining this macro removes the availability of the qAsConst()
+ function.
+ \sa qAsConst
+ \fn template <typename T> void qAsConst(const T &&t)
+ \relates <QtTypeTraits>
+ \since 5.7
+ \overload
+ \deprecated [6.6]
+ This overload is deleted to prevent a dangling reference in code like
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_global_qglobal.cpp as-const-4
+ \fn template <typename T, typename U = T> T qExchange(T &obj, U &&newValue)
+ \relates <QtTypeTraits>
+ \since 5.14
+ Replaces the value of \a obj with \a newValue and returns the old value of \a obj.
+ This is Qt's implementation of std::exchange(). It differs from std::exchange()
+ only in that it is \c constexpr already before C++20 and noexcept already before C++23.
+ We strongly advise to use std::exchange() when you don't need the C++20 or C++23 variants.
+ You can make qExchange() unavailable by defining the \l{QT_NO_QEXCHANGE} macro.
+ Here is how to use qExchange() to implement move constructors:
+ \code
+ MyClass(MyClass &&other)
+ : m_pointer{qExchange(other.m_pointer, nullptr)},
+ m_int{qExchange(other.m_int, 0)},
+ m_vector{std::move(other.m_vector)},
+ ...
+ \endcode
+ For members of class type, we can use std::move(), as their move-constructor will
+ do the right thing. But for scalar types such as raw pointers or integer type, move
+ is the same as copy, which, particularly for pointers, is not what we expect. So, we
+ cannot use std::move() for such types, but we can use std::exchange()/qExchange() to
+ make sure the source object's member is already reset by the time we get to the
+ initialization of our next data member, which might come in handy if the constructor
+ exits with an exception.
+ Here is how to use qExchange() to write a loop that consumes the collection it
+ iterates over:
+ \code
+ for (auto &e : qExchange(collection, {})
+ doSomethingWith(e);
+ \endcode
+ Which is equivalent to the following, much more verbose code:
+ \code
+ {
+ auto tmp = std::move(collection);
+ collection = {}; // or collection.clear()
+ for (auto &e : tmp)
+ doSomethingWith(e);
+ } // destroys 'tmp'
+ \endcode
+ This is perfectly safe, as the for-loop keeps the result of qExchange() alive for as
+ long as the loop runs, saving the declaration of a temporary variable. Be aware, though,
+ that qExchange() returns a non-const object, so Qt containers may detach.
+ \since 6.6
+ \relates <QtTypeTraits>
+ Defining this macro removes the availability of the qExchange()
+ function.
+ \sa qExchange