path: root/src/corelib/io/qdirlisting.cpp
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1 files changed, 696 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qdirlisting.cpp b/src/corelib/io/qdirlisting.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7366aadf06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qdirlisting.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// Copyright (C) 2024 Ahmad Samir <>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+ \since 6.8
+ \class QDirListing
+ \inmodule QtCore
+ \brief The QDirListing class provides an STL-style iterator for directory entries.
+ You can use QDirListing to navigate entries of a directory one at a time.
+ It is similar to QDir::entryList() and QDir::entryInfoList(), but because
+ it lists entries one at a time instead of all at once, it scales better
+ and is more suitable for large directories. It also supports listing
+ directory contents recursively, and following symbolic links. Unlike
+ QDir::entryList(), QDirListing does not support sorting.
+ The QDirListing constructor takes a QDir or a directory path as
+ argument. Here's how to iterate over all entries recursively:
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_io_qdirlisting.cpp 0
+ Here's how to find and read all files filtered by name, recursively:
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_io_qdirlisting.cpp 1
+ Iterators constructed by QDirListing (QDirListing::const_iterator) are
+ forward-only, single-pass iterators, that don't allow random access. They
+ can be used in ranged-for loops (or with STL alogrithms that don't
+ require random access iterators). Dereferencing a valid iterator returns
+ a QDirListing::DirEntry object. The (c)end() iterator marks the end of
+ the iteration. Dereferencing the end iterator is undefined behavior.
+ QDirListing::DirEntry offers a subset of QFileInfo's API (for example,
+ fileName(), filePath(), exists()). Internally, DirEntry only constructs
+ a QFileInfo object if needed, that is, if the info hasn't been already
+ fetched by other system functions. You can use DirEntry::fileInfo()
+ to get a QFileInfo. For example:
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_io_qdirlisting.cpp 3
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_io_qdirlisting.cpp 4
+ \sa QDir, QDir::entryList()
+/*! \enum QDirListing::IteratorFlag
+ This enum class describes flags can be used to configure the behavior of
+ QDirListing. These flags can be bitwise OR'ed together.
+ \value NoFlag The default value, representing no flags. The iterator
+ will return entries for the assigned path.
+ \value FollowSymlinks When combined with Recursive, this flag enables
+ iterating through all subdirectories of the assigned path, following
+ all symbolic links. Symbolic link loops (e.g., link => . or link =>
+ ..) are automatically detected and ignored.
+ \value Recursive List entries inside all subdirectories as well.
+#include "qdirlisting.h"
+#include "qdirentryinfo_p.h"
+#include "qdir_p.h"
+#include "qabstractfileengine_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/qset.h>
+#if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
+#include <QtCore/qregularexpression.h>
+#include <QtCore/private/qfilesystemiterator_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/private/qfilesystementry_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/private/qfilesystemmetadata_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/private/qfilesystemengine_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/private/qfileinfo_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/private/qduplicatetracker_p.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
+class QDirListingPrivate
+ void init(bool resolveEngine);
+ void advance();
+ void beginIterating();
+ bool entryMatches(QDirEntryInfo &info);
+ void pushDirectory(QDirEntryInfo &info);
+ void pushInitialDirectory();
+ void checkAndPushDirectory(QDirEntryInfo &info);
+ bool matchesFilters(QDirEntryInfo &data) const;
+ bool hasIterators() const;
+ std::unique_ptr<QAbstractFileEngine> engine;
+ QDirEntryInfo initialEntryInfo;
+ QStringList nameFilters;
+ QDir::Filters filters;
+ QDirListing::IteratorFlags iteratorFlags;
+ QDirEntryInfo currentEntryInfo;
+#if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
+ QList<QRegularExpression> nameRegExps;
+ using FEngineIteratorPtr = std::unique_ptr<QAbstractFileEngineIterator>;
+ std::vector<FEngineIteratorPtr> fileEngineIterators;
+ using FsIteratorPtr = std::unique_ptr<QFileSystemIterator>;
+ std::vector<FsIteratorPtr> nativeIterators;
+ // Loop protection
+ QDuplicateTracker<QString> visitedLinks;
+void QDirListingPrivate::init(bool resolveEngine = true)
+ if (nameFilters.contains("*"_L1))
+ nameFilters.clear();
+ if (filters == QDir::NoFilter)
+ filters = QDir::AllEntries;
+#if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
+ nameRegExps.reserve(nameFilters.size());
+ const auto cs = filters.testAnyFlags(QDir::CaseSensitive) ? Qt::CaseSensitive
+ : Qt::CaseInsensitive;
+ for (const auto &filter : nameFilters)
+ nameRegExps.emplace_back(QRegularExpression::fromWildcard(filter, cs));
+ if (resolveEngine) {
+ engine = QFileSystemEngine::createLegacyEngine(initialEntryInfo.entry,
+ initialEntryInfo.metaData);
+ }
+ \internal
+ Resets the iteration state (if any), so that calling begin()/cbegin()
+ always starts iterating anew.
+void QDirListingPrivate::beginIterating()
+ nativeIterators.clear();
+ fileEngineIterators.clear();
+ visitedLinks.clear();
+ pushDirectory(initialEntryInfo);
+void QDirListingPrivate::pushDirectory(QDirEntryInfo &entryInfo)
+ const QString path = [&entryInfo] {
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+ if (entryInfo.isSymLink())
+ return entryInfo.canonicalFilePath();
+ return entryInfo.filePath();
+ }();
+ if (iteratorFlags.testAnyFlags(QDirListing::IteratorFlag::FollowSymlinks)) {
+ // Stop link loops
+ if (visitedLinks.hasSeen(entryInfo.canonicalFilePath()))
+ return;
+ }
+ if (engine) {
+ engine->setFileName(path);
+ if (auto it = engine->beginEntryList(path, filters, nameFilters)) {
+ fileEngineIterators.emplace_back(std::move(it));
+ } else {
+ // No iterator; no entry list.
+ }
+ } else {
+ QFileSystemEntry *fentry = nullptr;
+ if (entryInfo.fileInfoOpt)
+ fentry = &entryInfo.fileInfoOpt->d_ptr->fileEntry;
+ else
+ fentry = &entryInfo.entry;
+ nativeIterators.emplace_back(std::make_unique<QFileSystemIterator>(*fentry, filters));
+ qWarning("Qt was built with -no-feature-filesystemiterator: no files/plugins will be found!");
+ }
+bool QDirListingPrivate::entryMatches(QDirEntryInfo &entryInfo)
+ checkAndPushDirectory(entryInfo);
+ return matchesFilters(entryInfo);
+ \internal
+ Advances the internal iterator, either a QAbstractFileEngineIterator (e.g.
+ QResourceFileEngineIterator) or a QFileSystemIterator (which uses low-level
+ system methods, e.g. readdir() on Unix). The iterators are stored in a
+ vector.
+ A typical example of doing recursive iteration:
+ - while iterating directory A we find a sub-dir B
+ - an iterator for B is added to the vector
+ - B's iterator is processed (vector.back()) first; then the loop
+ goes back to processing A's iterator
+void QDirListingPrivate::advance()
+ // Use get() in both code paths below because the iterator returned by back()
+ // may be invalidated due to reallocation when appending new iterators in
+ // pushDirectory().
+ if (engine) {
+ while (!fileEngineIterators.empty()) {
+ // Find the next valid iterator that matches the filters.
+ QAbstractFileEngineIterator *it;
+ while (it = fileEngineIterators.back().get(), it->advance()) {
+ QDirEntryInfo entryInfo;
+ entryInfo.fileInfoOpt = it->currentFileInfo();
+ if (entryMatches(entryInfo)) {
+ currentEntryInfo = std::move(entryInfo);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ fileEngineIterators.pop_back();
+ }
+ } else {
+ QDirEntryInfo entryInfo;
+ while (!nativeIterators.empty()) {
+ // Find the next valid iterator that matches the filters.
+ QFileSystemIterator *it;
+ while (it = nativeIterators.back().get(),
+ it->advance(entryInfo.entry, entryInfo.metaData)) {
+ if (entryMatches(entryInfo)) {
+ currentEntryInfo = std::move(entryInfo);
+ return;
+ }
+ entryInfo = {};
+ }
+ nativeIterators.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+void QDirListingPrivate::checkAndPushDirectory(QDirEntryInfo &entryInfo)
+ using F = QDirListing::IteratorFlag;
+ // If we're doing flat iteration, we're done.
+ if (!iteratorFlags.testAnyFlags(F::Recursive))
+ return;
+ // Never follow non-directory entries
+ if (!entryInfo.isDir())
+ return;
+ // Follow symlinks only when asked
+ if (!iteratorFlags.testAnyFlags(F::FollowSymlinks) && entryInfo.isSymLink())
+ return;
+ // Never follow . and ..
+ const QString &fileName = entryInfo.fileName();
+ if ("."_L1 == fileName || ".."_L1 == fileName)
+ return;
+ // No hidden directories unless requested
+ if (!filters.testAnyFlags(QDir::AllDirs | QDir::Hidden) && entryInfo.isHidden())
+ return;
+ pushDirectory(entryInfo);
+ \internal
+ This functions returns \c true if the current entry matches the filters
+ (i.e., the current entry will be returned as part of the directory
+ iteration); otherwise, \c false is returned.
+bool QDirListingPrivate::matchesFilters(QDirEntryInfo &entryInfo) const
+ const QString &fileName = entryInfo.fileName();
+ if (fileName.isEmpty())
+ return false;
+ // filter . and ..?
+ const qsizetype fileNameSize = fileName.size();
+ const bool dotOrDotDot = fileName[0] == u'.'
+ && ((fileNameSize == 1)
+ ||(fileNameSize == 2 && fileName[1] == u'.'));
+ if ((filters & QDir::NoDot) && dotOrDotDot && fileNameSize == 1)
+ return false;
+ if ((filters & QDir::NoDotDot) && dotOrDotDot && fileNameSize == 2)
+ return false;
+ // name filter
+#if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
+ // Pass all entries through name filters, except dirs if AllDirs is set
+ if (!nameRegExps.isEmpty() && !(filters.testAnyFlags(QDir::AllDirs) && entryInfo.isDir())) {
+ auto regexMatchesName = [&fileName](const auto &re) {
+ return re.match(fileName).hasMatch();
+ };
+ if (std::none_of(nameRegExps.cbegin(), nameRegExps.cend(), regexMatchesName))
+ return false;
+ }
+ // skip symlinks
+ const bool skipSymlinks = filters.testAnyFlag(QDir::NoSymLinks);
+ const bool includeSystem = filters.testAnyFlag(QDir::System);
+ if (skipSymlinks && entryInfo.isSymLink()) {
+ // The only reason to save this file is if it is a broken link and we are requesting system files.
+ if (!includeSystem || entryInfo.exists())
+ return false;
+ }
+ // filter hidden
+ const bool includeHidden = filters.testAnyFlag(QDir::Hidden);
+ if (!includeHidden && !dotOrDotDot && entryInfo.isHidden())
+ return false;
+ // filter system files
+ if (!includeSystem) {
+ if (!entryInfo.isFile() && !entryInfo.isDir() && !entryInfo.isSymLink())
+ return false;
+ if (entryInfo.isSymLink() && !entryInfo.exists())
+ return false;
+ }
+ // skip directories
+ const bool skipDirs = !(filters & (QDir::Dirs | QDir::AllDirs));
+ if (skipDirs && entryInfo.isDir())
+ return false;
+ // skip files
+ const bool skipFiles = !(filters & QDir::Files);
+ if (skipFiles && entryInfo.isFile())
+ // Basically we need a reason not to exclude this file otherwise we just eliminate it.
+ return false;
+ // filter permissions
+ const auto perms = filters & QDir::PermissionMask;
+ const bool filterPermissions = perms != 0 && perms != QDir::PermissionMask;
+ if (filterPermissions) {
+ const bool doWritable = filters.testAnyFlags(QDir::Writable);
+ const bool doExecutable = filters.testAnyFlags(QDir::Executable);
+ const bool doReadable = filters.testAnyFlags(QDir::Readable);
+ if ((doReadable && !entryInfo.isReadable())
+ || (doWritable && !entryInfo.isWritable())
+ || (doExecutable && !entryInfo.isExecutable())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool QDirListingPrivate::hasIterators() const
+ if (engine)
+ return !fileEngineIterators.empty();
+ return !nativeIterators.empty();
+ return false;
+ Constructs a QDirListing that can iterate over \a dir's entries, using
+ \a dir's name filters and the QDir::Filters set in \a dir. You can pass
+ options via \a flags to decide how the directory should be iterated.
+ By default, \a flags is NoIteratorFlags, which provides the same behavior
+ as in QDir::entryList().
+ The sorting in \a dir is ignored.
+ \note To list symlinks that point to non existing files, QDir::System
+ must be set in \a dir's QDir::Filters.
+ \sa hasNext(), next(), IteratorFlags
+QDirListing::QDirListing(const QDir &dir, IteratorFlags flags)
+ : d(new QDirListingPrivate)
+ const QDirPrivate *other = dir.d_ptr.constData();
+ d->initialEntryInfo.entry = other->dirEntry;
+ d->nameFilters = other->nameFilters;
+ d->filters = other->filters;
+ d->iteratorFlags = flags;
+ const bool resolveEngine = other->fileEngine ? true : false;
+ d->init(resolveEngine);
+ Constructs a QDirListing that can iterate over \a path. Entries are
+ filtered according to \a filters. You can pass options via \a flags to
+ decide how the directory should be iterated.
+ By default, \a filters is QDir::NoFilter, and \a flags is NoIteratorFlags,
+ which provides the same behavior as in QDir::entryList().
+ \note To list symlinks that point to non existing files, QDir::System
+ must be set in \a filters.
+ \sa hasNext(), next(), IteratorFlags
+QDirListing::QDirListing(const QString &path, QDir::Filters filters, IteratorFlags flags)
+ : d(new QDirListingPrivate)
+ d->initialEntryInfo.entry = QFileSystemEntry(path);
+ d->filters = filters;
+ d->iteratorFlags = flags;
+ d->init();
+ Constructs a QDirListing that can iterate over \a path. You can pass
+ options via \a flags to decide how the directory should be iterated.
+ By default, \a flags is NoIteratorFlags, which provides the same behavior
+ as in QDir::entryList().
+ \sa hasNext(), next(), IteratorFlags
+QDirListing::QDirListing(const QString &path, IteratorFlags flags)
+ : d(new QDirListingPrivate)
+ d->initialEntryInfo.entry = QFileSystemEntry(path);
+ d->filters = QDir::NoFilter;
+ d->iteratorFlags = flags;
+ d->init();
+ Constructs a QDirListing that can iterate over \a path, using \a
+ nameFilters and \a filters. You can pass options via \a flags to decide
+ how the directory should be iterated.
+ By default, \a flags is NoIteratorFlags, which provides the same behavior
+ as QDir::entryList().
+ For example, the following iterator could be used to iterate over audio
+ files:
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_io_qdirlisting.cpp 2
+ \note To list symlinks that point to non existing files, QDir::System
+ must be set in \a flags.
+ \sa hasNext(), next(), IteratorFlags, QDir::setNameFilters()
+QDirListing::QDirListing(const QString &path, const QStringList &nameFilters, QDir::Filters filters,
+ IteratorFlags flags)
+ : d(new QDirListingPrivate)
+ d->initialEntryInfo.entry = QFileSystemEntry(path);
+ d->nameFilters = nameFilters;
+ d->filters = filters;
+ d->iteratorFlags = flags;
+ d->init();
+ Destroys the QDirListing.
+QDirListing::~QDirListing() = default;
+ Returns the directory path used to construct this QDirListing.
+QString QDirListing::iteratorPath() const
+ return d->initialEntryInfo.filePath();
+ \fn QDirListing::const_iterator QDirListing::begin() const
+ \fn QDirListing::const_iterator QDirListing::cbegin() const
+ \fn QDirListing::const_iterator QDirListing::end() const
+ \fn QDirListing::const_iterator QDirListing::cend() const
+ (c)begin() returns a QDirListing::const_iterator that can be used to
+ iterate over directory entries.
+ \list
+ \li This is a forward-only, single-pass iterator (you cannot iterate
+ directory entries in reverse order)
+ \li Doesn't allow random access
+ \li Can be used in ranged-for loops; or with STL algorithms that don't
+ require random access iterators
+ \li Dereferencing a valid iterator returns a \c{const DirEntry &}
+ \li (c)end() returns a sentinel-like const_iterator that signals the
+ end of the iteration. Dereferencing the end() iterator is undefined
+ behavior
+ \li Each time (c)begin() is called on the same QDirListing object,
+ the internal state is reset and the iteration starts anew
+ \endlist
+ (Some of the above restrictions are dictated by the underlying system
+ library functions' implementation).
+ For example:
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_io_qdirlisting.cpp 0
+ Here's how to find and read all files filtered by name, recursively:
+ \snippet code/src_corelib_io_qdirlisting.cpp 1
+ \sa fileInfo(), fileName(), filePath()
+QDirListing::const_iterator QDirListing::begin() const
+ d->beginIterating();
+ const_iterator it{d.get()};
+ return ++it;
+ \fn const QDirListing::DirEntry &QDirListing::const_iterator::operator*() const
+ Returns a \c{const QDirListing::DirEntry &} of the directory entry this
+ iterator points to.
+ \fn const QDirListing::DirEntry *QDirListing::const_iterator::operator->() const
+ Returns a \c{const QDirListing::DirEntry *} to the directory entry this
+ iterator points to.
+ Advances the iterator and returns a reference to it.
+QDirListing::const_iterator &QDirListing::const_iterator::operator++()
+ dirListPtr->advance();
+ if (!dirListPtr->hasIterators())
+ *this = {}; // All done, make `this` the end() iterator
+ return *this;
+ \fn QFileInfo QDirListing::DirEntry::fileInfo() const
+ \fn QString QDirListing::DirEntry::fileName() const
+ \fn QString QDirListing::DirEntry::baseName() const
+ \fn QString QDirListing::DirEntry::completeBaseName() const
+ \fn QString QDirListing::DirEntry::suffix() const
+ \fn QString QDirListing::DirEntry::bundleName() const
+ \fn QString QDirListing::DirEntry::completeSuffix() const
+ \fn QString QDirListing::DirEntry::filePath() const
+ \fn QString QDirListing::DirEntry::canonicalFilePath() const
+ \fn QString QDirListing::DirEntry::absoluteFilePath() const
+ \fn QString QDirListing::DirEntry::absolutePath() const
+ \fn bool QDirListing::DirEntry::isDir() const
+ \fn bool QDirListing::DirEntry::isFile() const
+ \fn bool QDirListing::DirEntry::isSymLink() const
+ \fn bool QDirListing::DirEntry::exists() const
+ \fn bool QDirListing::DirEntry::isHidden() const
+ \fn bool QDirListing::DirEntry::isReadable() const
+ \fn bool QDirListing::DirEntry::isWritable() const
+ \fn bool QDirListing::DirEntry::isExecutable() const
+ \fn qint64 QDirListing::DirEntry::size() const
+ \fn QDateTime QDirListing::DirEntry::fileTime(QFile::FileTime type, const QTimeZone &tz) const
+ \fn QDateTime QDirListing::DirEntry::birthTime(const QTimeZone &tz) const;
+ \fn QDateTime QDirListing::DirEntry::metadataChangeTime(const QTimeZone &tz) const;
+ \fn QDateTime QDirListing::DirEntry::lastModified(const QTimeZone &tz) const;
+ \fn QDateTime QDirListing::DirEntry::lastRead(const QTimeZone &tz) const;
+ See the QFileInfo methods with the same names.
+QFileInfo QDirListing::DirEntry::fileInfo() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.fileInfo();
+QString QDirListing::DirEntry::fileName() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.fileName();
+QString QDirListing::DirEntry::baseName() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.baseName();
+QString QDirListing::DirEntry::completeBaseName() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.completeBaseName();
+QString QDirListing::DirEntry::suffix() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.suffix();
+QString QDirListing::DirEntry::bundleName() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.bundleName();
+QString QDirListing::DirEntry::completeSuffix() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.completeSuffix();
+QString QDirListing::DirEntry::filePath() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.filePath();
+QString QDirListing::DirEntry::canonicalFilePath() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.canonicalFilePath();
+QString QDirListing::DirEntry::absoluteFilePath() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.absoluteFilePath();
+QString QDirListing::DirEntry::absolutePath() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.absolutePath();
+bool QDirListing::DirEntry::isDir() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.isDir();
+bool QDirListing::DirEntry::isFile() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.isFile();
+bool QDirListing::DirEntry::isSymLink() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.isSymLink();
+bool QDirListing::DirEntry::exists() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.exists();
+bool QDirListing::DirEntry::isHidden() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.isHidden();
+bool QDirListing::DirEntry::isReadable() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.isReadable();
+bool QDirListing::DirEntry::isWritable() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.isWritable();
+bool QDirListing::DirEntry::isExecutable() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.isExecutable();
+qint64 QDirListing::DirEntry::size() const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.size();
+QDateTime QDirListing::DirEntry::fileTime(QFile::FileTime type, const QTimeZone &tz) const
+ return dirListPtr->currentEntryInfo.fileTime(type, tz);