path: root/src/corelib/io/qurl_p.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/corelib/io/qurl_p.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qurl_p.h b/src/corelib/io/qurl_p.h
index 780fb387d9..b31a74570a 100644
--- a/src/corelib/io/qurl_p.h
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qurl_p.h
@@ -58,123 +58,6 @@
-class QUrlPrivate
- enum Section {
- Scheme = 0x01,
- UserName = 0x02,
- Password = 0x04,
- UserInfo = UserName | Password,
- Host = 0x08,
- Port = 0x10,
- Authority = UserInfo | Host | Port,
- Path = 0x20,
- Hierarchy = Authority | Path,
- Query = 0x40,
- Fragment = 0x80,
- FullUrl = 0xff
- };
- enum ErrorCode {
- // the high byte of the error code matches the Section
- InvalidSchemeError = Scheme << 8,
- InvalidUserNameError = UserName << 8,
- InvalidPasswordError = Password << 8,
- InvalidRegNameError = Host << 8,
- InvalidIPv4AddressError,
- InvalidIPv6AddressError,
- InvalidIPvFutureError,
- HostMissingEndBracket,
- InvalidPortError = Port << 8,
- PortEmptyError,
- InvalidPathError = Path << 8,
- InvalidQueryError = Query << 8,
- InvalidFragmentError = Fragment << 8,
- // the following two cases are only possible in combination
- // with presence/absence of the authority and scheme. See validityError().
- AuthorityPresentAndPathIsRelative = Authority << 8 | Path << 8 | 0x10000,
- RelativeUrlPathContainsColonBeforeSlash = Scheme << 8 | Authority << 8 | Path << 8 | 0x10000,
- NoError = 0
- };
- QUrlPrivate();
- QUrlPrivate(const QUrlPrivate &copy);
- void parse(const QString &url, QUrl::ParsingMode parsingMode);
- bool isEmpty() const
- { return sectionIsPresent == 0 && port == -1 && path.isEmpty(); }
- ErrorCode validityError() const;
- // no QString scheme() const;
- void appendAuthority(QString &appendTo, QUrl::FormattingOptions options, Section appendingTo) const;
- void appendUserInfo(QString &appendTo, QUrl::FormattingOptions options, Section appendingTo) const;
- void appendUserName(QString &appendTo, QUrl::FormattingOptions options) const;
- void appendPassword(QString &appendTo, QUrl::FormattingOptions options) const;
- void appendHost(QString &appendTo, QUrl::FormattingOptions options) const;
- void appendPath(QString &appendTo, QUrl::FormattingOptions options, Section appendingTo) const;
- void appendQuery(QString &appendTo, QUrl::FormattingOptions options, Section appendingTo) const;
- void appendFragment(QString &appendTo, QUrl::FormattingOptions options) const;
- // the "end" parameters are like STL iterators: they point to one past the last valid element
- bool setScheme(const QString &value, int len);
- void setAuthority(const QString &auth, int from, int end, QUrl::ParsingMode mode);
- void setUserInfo(const QString &userInfo, int from, int end);
- void setUserName(const QString &value, int from, int end);
- void setPassword(const QString &value, int from, int end);
- bool setHost(const QString &value, int from, int end, QUrl::ParsingMode mode);
- void setPath(const QString &value, int from, int end);
- void setQuery(const QString &value, int from, int end);
- void setFragment(const QString &value, int from, int end);
- inline bool hasScheme() const { return sectionIsPresent & Scheme; }
- inline bool hasAuthority() const { return sectionIsPresent & Authority; }
- inline bool hasUserInfo() const { return sectionIsPresent & UserInfo; }
- inline bool hasUserName() const { return sectionIsPresent & UserName; }
- inline bool hasPassword() const { return sectionIsPresent & Password; }
- inline bool hasHost() const { return sectionIsPresent & Host; }
- inline bool hasPort() const { return port != -1; }
- inline bool hasPath() const { return !path.isEmpty(); }
- inline bool hasQuery() const { return sectionIsPresent & Query; }
- inline bool hasFragment() const { return sectionIsPresent & Fragment; }
- QString mergePaths(const QString &relativePath) const;
- QAtomicInt ref;
- int port;
- QString scheme;
- QString userName;
- QString password;
- QString host;
- QString path;
- QString query;
- QString fragment;
- ushort errorCode;
- ushort errorSupplement;
- // not used for:
- // - Port (port == -1 means absence)
- // - Path (there's no path delimiter, so we optimize its use out of existence)
- // Schemes are never supposed to be empty, but we keep the flag anyway
- uchar sectionIsPresent;
- // UserName, Password, Path, Query, and Fragment never contain errors in TolerantMode.
- // Those flags are set only by the strict parser.
- uchar sectionHasError;
// in qurlrecode.cpp
extern Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT int qt_urlRecode(QString &appendTo, const QChar *begin, const QChar *end,
QUrl::ComponentFormattingOptions encoding, const ushort *tableModifications = 0);