path: root/src/corelib/kernel/qjniobject.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "qjniobject.h"
+#include "qjnihelpers_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
+#include <QtCore/qhash.h>
+#include <QtCore/qreadwritelock.h>
+#include <QtCore/qloggingcategory.h>
+Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcJniThreadCheck, "qt.core.jni.threadcheck")
+using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
+ \class QJniObject
+ \inmodule QtCore
+ \since 6.1
+ \brief A convenience wrapper around the Java Native Interface (JNI).
+ The QJniObject class wraps a reference to a Java object, ensuring it isn't
+ garbage-collected and providing access to most \c JNIEnv method calls
+ (member, static) and fields (setter, getter). It eliminates much
+ boiler-plate that would normally be needed, with direct JNI access, for
+ every operation, including exception-handling.
+ \note This API has been designed and tested for use with Android.
+ It has not been tested for other platforms.
+ \sa QJniEnvironment
+ \section1 Method Signatures
+ QJniObject provides convenience functions that will use the correct signature based on the
+ provided or deduced template arguments.
+ \code
+ jint x = QJniObject::callMethod<jint>("getSize");
+ QJniObject::callMethod<void>("touch");
+ jint ret = jString1.callMethod<jint>("compareToIgnoreCase", jString2.object<jstring>());
+ \endcode
+ These functions are variadic templates, and the compiler will deduce the
+ signature from the actual argument types. Only the return type needs to be
+ provided explicitly. QJniObject can deduce the signature string for
+ functions that take \l {JNI types}, and for types that have been declared
+ with the QtJniTypes type mapping.
+ \code
+ // Java class
+ package org.qtproject.qt;
+ class TestClass
+ {
+ static TestClass create() { ... }
+ static String fromNumber(int x) { ... }
+ static String[] stringArray(String s1, String s2) { ... }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ \code
+ // C++ code
+ Q_DECLARE_JNI_CLASS(TestClass, "org/qtproject/qt/TestClass")
+ // ...
+ using namespace QtJniTypes;
+ TestClass testClass = TestClass::callStaticMethod<TestClass>("create");
+ \endcode
+ This allows working with arbitrary Java and Android types in C++ code, without having to
+ create JNI signature strings explicitly.
+ \section2 Explicit JNI Signatures
+ It is possible to supply the signature yourself. In that case, it is important
+ that the signature matches the function you want to call.
+ \list
+ \li Class names need to be fully-qualified, for example: \c "java/lang/String".
+ \li Method signatures are written as \c "(ArgumentsTypes)ReturnType", see \l {JNI Types}.
+ \li All object types are returned as a QJniObject.
+ \endlist
+ The example below demonstrates how to call different static functions:
+ The signature structure is \c "(ArgumentsTypes)ReturnType". Array types in the signature
+ must have the \c {[} prefix, and the fully-qualified \c Object type names must have the
+ \c L prefix and the \c ; suffix. The signature for the \c create function is
+ \c {"()Lorg/qtproject/qt/TestClass;}. The signatures for the second and third functions
+ are \c {"(I)Ljava/lang/String;"} and
+ \c {"(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;"}, respectively.
+ We can call the \c create() function like this:
+ \code
+ // C++ code
+ QJniObject testClass = QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod("org/qtproject/qt/TestClass",
+ "create",
+ "()Lorg/qtproject/qt/TestClass;");
+ \endcode
+ For the second and third function we can rely on QJniObject's template methods to create
+ the implicit signature string, but we can also pass the signature string explicitly:
+ \code
+ // C++ code
+ QJniObject stringNumber = QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod("org/qtproject/qt/TestClass",
+ "fromNumber",
+ "(I)Ljava/lang/String;", 10);
+ \endcode
+ For the implicit signature creation to work we need to specify the return type explicitly:
+ \code
+ // C++ code
+ QJniObject string1 = QJniObject::fromString("String1");
+ QJniObject string2 = QJniObject::fromString("String2");
+ QJniObject stringArray = QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod<jobjectArray>(
+ "org/qtproject/qt/TestClass",
+ "stringArray",
+ string1.object<jstring>(),
+ string2.object<jstring>());
+ \endcode
+ Note that while the first template parameter specifies the return type of the Java
+ function, the method will still return a QJniObject.
+ \section1 Handling Java Exception
+ After calling Java functions that might throw exceptions, it is important
+ to check for, handle and clear out any exception before continuing. All
+ QJniObject functions handle exceptions internally by reporting and clearing them,
+ saving client code the need to handle exceptions.
+ \note The user must handle exceptions manually when doing JNI calls using \c JNIEnv directly.
+ It is unsafe to make other JNI calls when exceptions are pending. For more information, see
+ QJniEnvironment::checkAndClearExceptions().
+ \section1 Java Native Methods
+ Java native methods makes it possible to call native code from Java, this is done by creating a
+ function declaration in Java and prefixing it with the \c native keyword.
+ Before a native function can be called from Java, you need to map the Java native function to a
+ native function in your code. Mapping functions can be done by calling
+ QJniEnvironment::registerNativeMethods().
+ The example below demonstrates how this could be done.
+ Java implementation:
+ \snippet jni/src_qjniobject.cpp Java native methods
+ C++ Implementation:
+ \snippet jni/src_qjniobject.cpp C++ native methods
+ \section1 The Lifetime of a Java Object
+ Most \l{Object types}{objects} received from Java will be local references
+ and will only stay valid until you return from the native method. After that,
+ the object becomes eligible for garbage collection. If your code creates
+ many local references in a loop you should delete them manually with each
+ iteration, otherwise you might run out of memory. For more information, see
+ \l {JNI Design Overview: Global and Local References}. Local references
+ created outside a native method scope must be deleted manually, since
+ the garbage collector will not free them automatically because we are using
+ \l {Java: AttachCurrentThread}{AttachCurrentThread}. For more information, see
+ \l {JNI tips: Local and global references}.
+ If you want to keep a Java object alive you need to either create a new global
+ reference to the object and release it when you are done, or construct a new
+ QJniObject and let it manage the lifetime of the Java object.
+ \sa object()
+ \note The QJniObject only manages its own references, if you construct a QJniObject from a
+ global or local reference that reference will not be released by the QJniObject.
+ \section1 JNI Types
+ \section2 Object Types
+ \table
+ \header
+ \li Type
+ \li Signature
+ \row
+ \li jobject
+ \li Ljava/lang/Object;
+ \row
+ \li jclass
+ \li Ljava/lang/Class;
+ \row
+ \li jstring
+ \li Ljava/lang/String;
+ \row
+ \li jthrowable
+ \li Ljava/lang/Throwable;
+ \row
+ \li jobjectArray
+ \li [Ljava/lang/Object;
+ \row
+ \li jarray
+ \li [\e<type>
+ \row
+ \li jbooleanArray
+ \li [Z
+ \row
+ \li jbyteArray
+ \li [B
+ \row
+ \li jcharArray
+ \li [C
+ \row
+ \li jshortArray
+ \li [S
+ \row
+ \li jintArray
+ \li [I
+ \row
+ \li jlongArray
+ \li [J
+ \row
+ \li jfloatArray
+ \li [F
+ \row
+ \li jdoubleArray
+ \li [D
+ \endtable
+ \section2 Primitive Types
+ \table
+ \header
+ \li Type
+ \li Signature
+ \row
+ \li jboolean
+ \li Z
+ \row
+ \li jbyte
+ \li B
+ \row
+ \li jchar
+ \li C
+ \row
+ \li jshort
+ \li S
+ \row
+ \li jint
+ \li I
+ \row
+ \li jlong
+ \li J
+ \row
+ \li jfloat
+ \li F
+ \row
+ \li jdouble
+ \li D
+ \endtable
+ \section2 Other
+ \table
+ \header
+ \li Type
+ \li Signature
+ \row
+ \li void
+ \li V
+ \row
+ \li \e{Custom type}
+ \li L\e<fully-qualified-name>;
+ \endtable
+ For more information about JNI, see \l {Java Native Interface Specification}.
+ \fn bool operator==(const QJniObject &o1, const QJniObject &o2)
+ \relates QJniObject
+ Returns true if both objects, \a o1 and \a o2, are referencing the same Java object, or if both
+ are NULL. In any other cases false will be returned.
+ \fn bool operator!=(const QJniObject &o1, const QJniObject &o2)
+ \relates QJniObject
+ Returns true if \a o1 holds a reference to a different object than \a o2.
+class QJniObjectPrivate
+ QJniObjectPrivate()
+ {
+ }
+ ~QJniObjectPrivate() {
+ JNIEnv *env = QJniEnvironment::getJniEnv();
+ if (m_jobject)
+ env->DeleteGlobalRef(m_jobject);
+ if (m_jclass && m_own_jclass)
+ env->DeleteGlobalRef(m_jclass);
+ }
+ template <typename ...Args>
+ void construct(const char *signature = nullptr, Args &&...args)
+ {
+ if (m_jclass) {
+ JNIEnv *env = QJniEnvironment::getJniEnv();
+ // get default constructor
+ jmethodID constructorId = QJniObject::getCachedMethodID(env, m_jclass, m_className, "<init>",
+ signature ? signature : "()V");
+ if (constructorId) {
+ jobject obj = nullptr;
+ if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) == 0)
+ obj = env->NewObject(m_jclass, constructorId);
+ else
+ obj = env->NewObjectV(m_jclass, constructorId, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ if (obj) {
+ m_jobject = env->NewGlobalRef(obj);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(obj);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QByteArray m_className;
+ jobject m_jobject = nullptr;
+ jclass m_jclass = nullptr;
+ bool m_own_jclass = true;
+template <typename ...Args>
+static inline QByteArray cacheKey(Args &&...args)
+ return (QByteArrayView(":") + ... + QByteArrayView(args));
+typedef QHash<QByteArray, jclass> JClassHash;
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(JClassHash, cachedClasses)
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QReadWriteLock, cachedClassesLock)
+static jclass getCachedClass(const QByteArray &className)
+ QReadLocker locker(cachedClassesLock);
+ const auto &it = cachedClasses->constFind(className);
+ return it != cachedClasses->constEnd() ? it.value() : nullptr;
+ \internal
+ Get a JNI object from a jobject variant and do the necessary
+ exception clearing and delete the local reference before returning.
+ The JNI object can be null if there was an exception.
+static QJniObject getCleanJniObject(jobject object, JNIEnv *env)
+ if (QJniEnvironment::checkAndClearExceptions(env) || !object) {
+ if (object)
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(object);
+ return QJniObject();
+ }
+ QJniObject res(object);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(object);
+ return res;
+ \internal
+ \a className must be slash-encoded
+jclass QtAndroidPrivate::findClass(const char *className, JNIEnv *env)
+ Q_ASSERT(env);
+ QByteArray classNameArray(className);
+#ifdef QT_DEBUG
+ if (classNameArray.contains('.')) {
+ qWarning("QtAndroidPrivate::findClass: className '%s' should use slash separators!",
+ className);
+ }
+ classNameArray.replace('.', '/');
+ jclass clazz = getCachedClass(classNameArray);
+ if (clazz)
+ return clazz;
+ QWriteLocker locker(cachedClassesLock);
+ // Check again; another thread might have added the class to the cache after
+ // our call to getCachedClass and before we acquired the lock.
+ const auto &it = cachedClasses->constFind(classNameArray);
+ if (it != cachedClasses->constEnd())
+ return it.value();
+ // JNIEnv::FindClass wants "a fully-qualified class name or an array type signature"
+ // which is a slash-separated class name.
+ jclass localClazz = env->FindClass(classNameArray.constData());
+ if (localClazz) {
+ clazz = static_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(localClazz));
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(localClazz);
+ } else {
+ // Clear the exception silently; we are going to try the ClassLoader next,
+ // so no need for warning unless that fails as well.
+ env->ExceptionClear();
+ }
+ if (!clazz) {
+ // Wrong class loader, try our own
+ QJniObject classLoader(QtAndroidPrivate::classLoader());
+ if (!classLoader.isValid())
+ return nullptr;
+ // ClassLoader::loadClass on the other hand wants the binary name of the class,
+ // e.g. dot-separated. In testing it works also with /, but better to stick to
+ // the specification.
+ const QString binaryClassName = QString::fromLatin1(className).replace(u'/', u'.');
+ jstring classNameObject = env->NewString(reinterpret_cast<const jchar*>(binaryClassName.constData()),
+ binaryClassName.length());
+ QJniObject classObject = classLoader.callMethod<jclass>("loadClass", classNameObject);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(classNameObject);
+ if (!QJniEnvironment::checkAndClearExceptions(env) && classObject.isValid())
+ clazz = static_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(classObject.object()));
+ }
+ if (clazz)
+ cachedClasses->insert(classNameArray, clazz);
+ return clazz;
+jclass QJniObject::loadClass(const QByteArray &className, JNIEnv *env)
+ return QtAndroidPrivate::findClass(className, env);
+typedef QHash<QByteArray, jmethodID> JMethodIDHash;
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(JMethodIDHash, cachedMethodID)
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QReadWriteLock, cachedMethodIDLock)
+jmethodID QJniObject::getMethodID(JNIEnv *env,
+ jclass clazz,
+ const char *name,
+ const char *signature,
+ bool isStatic)
+ jmethodID id = isStatic ? env->GetStaticMethodID(clazz, name, signature)
+ : env->GetMethodID(clazz, name, signature);
+ if (QJniEnvironment::checkAndClearExceptions(env))
+ return nullptr;
+ return id;
+void QJniObject::callVoidMethodV(JNIEnv *env, jmethodID id, ...) const
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, id);
+ env->CallVoidMethodV(d->m_jobject, id, args);
+ va_end(args);
+jmethodID QJniObject::getCachedMethodID(JNIEnv *env,
+ jclass clazz,
+ const QByteArray &className,
+ const char *name,
+ const char *signature,
+ bool isStatic)
+ if (className.isEmpty())
+ return getMethodID(env, clazz, name, signature, isStatic);
+ const QByteArray key = cacheKey(className, name, signature);
+ QHash<QByteArray, jmethodID>::const_iterator it;
+ {
+ QReadLocker locker(cachedMethodIDLock);
+ it = cachedMethodID->constFind(key);
+ if (it != cachedMethodID->constEnd())
+ return it.value();
+ }
+ {
+ QWriteLocker locker(cachedMethodIDLock);
+ it = cachedMethodID->constFind(key);
+ if (it != cachedMethodID->constEnd())
+ return it.value();
+ jmethodID id = getMethodID(env, clazz, name, signature, isStatic);
+ cachedMethodID->insert(key, id);
+ return id;
+ }
+jmethodID QJniObject::getCachedMethodID(JNIEnv *env, const char *name,
+ const char *signature, bool isStatic) const
+ return QJniObject::getCachedMethodID(env, d->m_jclass, d->m_className, name, signature, isStatic);
+typedef QHash<QByteArray, jfieldID> JFieldIDHash;
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(JFieldIDHash, cachedFieldID)
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QReadWriteLock, cachedFieldIDLock)
+jfieldID QJniObject::getFieldID(JNIEnv *env,
+ jclass clazz,
+ const char *name,
+ const char *signature,
+ bool isStatic)
+ jfieldID id = isStatic ? env->GetStaticFieldID(clazz, name, signature)
+ : env->GetFieldID(clazz, name, signature);
+ if (QJniEnvironment::checkAndClearExceptions(env))
+ return nullptr;
+ return id;
+jfieldID QJniObject::getCachedFieldID(JNIEnv *env,
+ jclass clazz,
+ const QByteArray &className,
+ const char *name,
+ const char *signature,
+ bool isStatic)
+ if (className.isNull())
+ return getFieldID(env, clazz, name, signature, isStatic);
+ const QByteArray key = cacheKey(className, name, signature);
+ QHash<QByteArray, jfieldID>::const_iterator it;
+ {
+ QReadLocker locker(cachedFieldIDLock);
+ it = cachedFieldID->constFind(key);
+ if (it != cachedFieldID->constEnd())
+ return it.value();
+ }
+ {
+ QWriteLocker locker(cachedFieldIDLock);
+ it = cachedFieldID->constFind(key);
+ if (it != cachedFieldID->constEnd())
+ return it.value();
+ jfieldID id = getFieldID(env, clazz, name, signature, isStatic);
+ cachedFieldID->insert(key, id);
+ return id;
+ }
+jfieldID QJniObject::getCachedFieldID(JNIEnv *env,
+ const char *name,
+ const char *signature,
+ bool isStatic) const
+ return QJniObject::getCachedFieldID(env, d->m_jclass, d->m_className, name, signature, isStatic);
+ \fn QJniObject::QJniObject()
+ Constructs an invalid JNI object.
+ \sa isValid()
+ : d(new QJniObjectPrivate())
+ \fn QJniObject::QJniObject(const char *className)
+ Constructs a new JNI object by calling the default constructor of \a className.
+ \code
+ QJniObject myJavaString("java/lang/String");
+ \endcode
+QJniObject::QJniObject(const char *className)
+ : d(new QJniObjectPrivate())
+ d->m_className = className;
+ d->m_jclass = loadClass(d->m_className, jniEnv());
+ d->m_own_jclass = false;
+ d->construct();
+ \fn QJniObject::QJniObject(const char *className, const char *signature, ...)
+ Constructs a new JNI object by calling the constructor of \a className with
+ \a signature specifying the types of any subsequent arguments.
+ \code
+ QJniEnvironment env;
+ char* str = "Hello";
+ jstring myJStringArg = env->NewStringUTF(str);
+ QJniObject myNewJavaString("java/lang/String", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", myJStringArg);
+ \endcode
+QJniObject::QJniObject(const char *className, const char *signature, ...)
+ : d(new QJniObjectPrivate())
+ d->m_className = className;
+ d->m_jclass = loadClass(d->m_className, jniEnv());
+ d->m_own_jclass = false;
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, signature);
+ d->construct(signature, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ \fn template<typename ...Args> QJniObject::QJniObject(const char *className, Args &&...args)
+ \since 6.4
+ Constructs a new JNI object by calling the constructor of \a className with
+ the arguments \a args. This constructor is only available if all \a args are
+ known \l {JNI Types}.
+ \code
+ QJniEnvironment env;
+ char* str = "Hello";
+ jstring myJStringArg = env->NewStringUTF(str);
+ QJniObject myNewJavaString("java/lang/String", myJStringArg);
+ \endcode
+ Constructs a new JNI object from \a clazz by calling the constructor with
+ \a signature specifying the types of any subsequent arguments.
+ \code
+ QJniEnvironment env;
+ jclass myClazz = env.findClass("org/qtproject/qt/TestClass");
+ QJniObject(myClazz, "(I)V", 3);
+ \endcode
+QJniObject::QJniObject(jclass clazz, const char *signature, ...)
+ : d(new QJniObjectPrivate())
+ if (clazz) {
+ d->m_jclass = static_cast<jclass>(jniEnv()->NewGlobalRef(clazz));
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, signature);
+ d->construct(signature, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ }
+ \fn template<typename ...Args> QJniObject::QJniObject(jclass clazz, Args &&...args)
+ \since 6.4
+ Constructs a new JNI object from \a clazz by calling the constructor with
+ the arguments \a args. This constructor is only available if all \a args are
+ known \l {JNI Types}.
+ \code
+ QJniEnvironment env;
+ jclass myClazz = env.findClass("org/qtproject/qt/TestClass");
+ QJniObject(myClazz, 3);
+ \endcode
+ Constructs a new JNI object by calling the default constructor of \a clazz.
+ \note The QJniObject will create a new reference to the class \a clazz
+ and releases it again when it is destroyed. References to the class created
+ outside the QJniObject need to be managed by the caller.
+QJniObject::QJniObject(jclass clazz)
+ : QJniObject(clazz, "()V")
+ Constructs a new JNI object around the Java object \a object.
+ \note The QJniObject will hold a reference to the Java object \a object
+ and release it when destroyed. Any references to the Java object \a object
+ outside QJniObject needs to be managed by the caller. In most cases you
+ should never call this function with a local reference unless you intend
+ to manage the local reference yourself. See QJniObject::fromLocalRef()
+ for converting a local reference to a QJniObject.
+ \sa fromLocalRef()
+QJniObject::QJniObject(jobject object)
+ : d(new QJniObjectPrivate())
+ if (!object)
+ return;
+ JNIEnv *env = QJniEnvironment::getJniEnv();
+ d->m_jobject = env->NewGlobalRef(object);
+ jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass(object);
+ d->m_jclass = static_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(cls));
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(cls);
+ \fn template<typename Class, typename ...Args> static inline QJniObject QJniObject::construct(Args &&...args)
+ \since 6.4
+ Constructs an instance of the Java class that is the equivalent of \c Class and
+ returns a QJniObject containing the JNI object. The arguments in \a args are
+ passed to the Java constructor.
+ \code
+ QJniObject javaString = QJniObject::construct<jstring>();
+ \endcode
+ This function is only available if all \a args are known \l {JNI Types}.
+ \fn QJniObject::~QJniObject()
+ Destroys the JNI object and releases any references held by the JNI object.
+namespace {
+QByteArray getClassNameHelper(JNIEnv *env, const QJniObjectPrivate *d)
+ if (env->PushLocalFrame(3) != JNI_OK) // JVM out of memory
+ return QByteArray();
+ jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(d->m_jclass, "getClass", "()Ljava/lang/Class;");
+ jobject classObject = env->CallObjectMethod(d->m_jobject, mid);
+ jclass classObjectClass = env->GetObjectClass(classObject);
+ mid = env->GetMethodID(classObjectClass, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
+ jstring stringObject = static_cast<jstring>(env->CallObjectMethod(classObject, mid));
+ const jsize length = env->GetStringUTFLength(stringObject);
+ const char* nameString = env->GetStringUTFChars(stringObject, NULL);
+ const QByteArray result = QByteArray::fromRawData(nameString, length).replace('.', '/');
+ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(stringObject, nameString);
+ env->PopLocalFrame(nullptr);
+ return result;
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the JNIEnv of the calling thread.
+JNIEnv *QJniObject::jniEnv() const noexcept
+ return QJniEnvironment::getJniEnv();
+ \fn jobject QJniObject::object() const
+ \fn template <typename T> T QJniObject::object() const
+ Returns the object held by the QJniObject either as jobject or as type T.
+ T can be one of \l {Object Types}{JNI Object Types}.
+ \code
+ QJniObject string = QJniObject::fromString("Hello, JNI");
+ jstring jstring = string.object<jstring>();
+ \endcode
+ \note The returned object is still kept alive by this QJniObject. To keep the
+ object alive beyond the lifetime of this QJniObject, for example to record it
+ for later use, the easiest approach is to store it in another QJniObject with
+ a suitable lifetime. Alternatively, you may create a new global reference to the
+ object and store it, taking care to free it when you are done with it.
+ \snippet jni/src_qjniobject.cpp QJniObject scope
+jobject QJniObject::object() const
+ return javaObject();
+ \fn jclass QJniObject::objectClass() const
+ Returns the class object held by the QJniObject as a \c jclass.
+ \note The returned object is still kept alive by this QJniObject. To keep the
+ object alive beyond the lifetime of this QJniObject, for example to record it
+ for later use, the easiest approach is to store it in another QJniObject with
+ a suitable lifetime. Alternatively, you may create a new global reference to the
+ object and store it, taking care to free it when you are done with it.
+ \since 6.2
+jclass QJniObject::objectClass() const
+ return d->m_jclass;
+ \fn QByteArray QJniObject::className() const
+ Returns the name of the class object held by the QJniObject as a \c QByteArray.
+ \since 6.2
+QByteArray QJniObject::className() const
+ if (d->m_className.isEmpty() && d->m_jclass && d->m_jobject) {
+ JNIEnv *env = jniEnv();
+ d->m_className = getClassNameHelper(env, d.get());
+ }
+ return d->m_className;
+ \fn template <typename Ret, typename ...Args> auto QJniObject::callMethod(const char *methodName, const char *signature, Args &&...args) const
+ \since 6.4
+ Calls the object's method \a methodName with \a signature specifying the types of any
+ subsequent arguments \a args, and returns the value (unless \c Ret is \c void). If \c Ret
+ is a jobject type, then the returned value will be a QJniObject.
+ \code
+ QJniObject myJavaStrin("org/qtproject/qt/TestClass");
+ jint index = myJavaString.callMethod<jint>("indexOf", "(I)I", 0x0051);
+ \endcode
+ \fn template <typename Ret, typename ...Args> auto QJniObject::callMethod(const char *methodName, Args &&...args) const
+ \since 6.4
+ Calls the method \a methodName with arguments \a args and returns the value
+ (unless \c Ret is \c void). If \c Ret is a jobject type, then the returned value
+ will be a QJniObject.
+ \code
+ QJniObject myJavaStrin("org/qtproject/qt/TestClass");
+ jint size = myJavaString.callMethod<jint>("length");
+ \endcode
+ The method signature is deduced at compile time from \c Ret and the types of \a args.
+ \fn template <typename Ret, typename ...Args> auto QJniObject::callStaticMethod(const char *className, const char *methodName, const char *signature, Args &&...args)
+ \since 6.4
+ Calls the static method \a methodName from class \a className with \a signature
+ specifying the types of any subsequent arguments \a args. Returns the result of
+ the method (unless \c Ret is \c void). If \c Ret is a jobject type, then the
+ returned value will be a QJniObject.
+ \code
+ jint a = 2;
+ jint b = 4;
+ jint max = QJniObject::callStaticMethod<jint>("java/lang/Math", "max", "(II)I", a, b);
+ \endcode
+ \fn template <typename Ret, typename ...Args> auto QJniObject::callStaticMethod(const char *className, const char *methodName, Args &&...args)
+ \since 6.4
+ Calls the static method \a methodName on class \a className with arguments \a args,
+ and returns the value of type \c Ret (unless \c Ret is \c void). If \c Ret
+ is a jobject type, then the returned value will be a QJniObject.
+ \code
+ jint value = QJniObject::callStaticMethod<jint>("MyClass", "staticMethod");
+ \endcode
+ The method signature is deduced at compile time from \c Ret and the types of \a args.
+ \fn template <typename Ret, typename ...Args> auto QJniObject::callStaticMethod(jclass clazz, const char *methodName, const char *signature, Args &&...args)
+ Calls the static method \a methodName from \a clazz with \a signature
+ specifying the types of any subsequent arguments. Returns the result of
+ the method (unless \c Ret is \c void). If \c Ret is a jobject type, then the
+ returned value will be a QJniObject.
+ \code
+ QJniEnvironment env;
+ jclass javaMathClass = env.findClass("java/lang/Math");
+ jint a = 2;
+ jint b = 4;
+ jint max = QJniObject::callStaticMethod<jint>(javaMathClass, "max", "(II)I", a, b);
+ \endcode
+ \fn template <typename Ret, typename ...Args> auto QJniObject::callStaticMethod(jclass clazz, jmethodID methodId, Args &&...args)
+ \since 6.4
+ Calls the static method identified by \a methodId from the class \a clazz
+ with any subsequent arguments, and returns the value of type \c Ret (unless
+ \c Ret is \c void). If \c Ret is a jobject type, then the returned value will
+ be a QJniObject.
+ Useful when \a clazz and \a methodId are already cached from previous operations.
+ \code
+ QJniEnvironment env;
+ jclass javaMathClass = env.findClass("java/lang/Math");
+ jmethodID methodId = env.findStaticMethod(javaMathClass, "max", "(II)I");
+ if (methodId != 0) {
+ jint a = 2;
+ jint b = 4;
+ jint max = QJniObject::callStaticMethod<jint>(javaMathClass, methodId, a, b);
+ }
+ \endcode
+ \fn template <typename Ret, typename ...Args> auto QJniObject::callStaticMethod(jclass clazz, const char *methodName, Args &&...args)
+ \since 6.4
+ Calls the static method \a methodName on \a clazz and returns the value of type \c Ret
+ (unless \c Ret is \c void). If \c Ret is a jobject type, then the returned value will
+ be a QJniObject.
+ \code
+ QJniEnvironment env;
+ jclass javaMathClass = env.findClass("java/lang/Math");
+ jdouble randNr = QJniObject::callStaticMethod<jdouble>(javaMathClass, "random");
+ \endcode
+ The method signature is deduced at compile time from \c Ret and the types of \a args.
+ \fn template <typename Klass, typename Ret, typename ...Args> auto QJniObject::callStaticMethod(const char *methodName, Args &&...args)
+ \since 6.7
+ Calls the static method \a methodName on the class \c Klass and returns the value of type
+ \c Ret (unless \c Ret is \c void). If \c Ret is a jobject type, then the returned value will
+ be a QJniObject.
+ The method signature is deduced at compile time from \c Ret and the types of \a args.
+ \c Klass needs to be a C++ type with a registered type mapping to a Java type.
+ \fn QJniObject QJniObject::callObjectMethod(const char *methodName, const char *signature, ...) const
+ Calls the Java object's method \a methodName with \a signature specifying
+ the types of any subsequent arguments.
+ \code
+ QJniObject myJavaString = QJniObject::fromString("Hello, Java");
+ QJniObject mySubstring = myJavaString.callObjectMethod("substring",
+ "(II)Ljava/lang/String;", 7, 11);
+ \endcode
+QJniObject QJniObject::callObjectMethod(const char *methodName, const char *signature, ...) const
+ jmethodID id = getCachedMethodID(jniEnv(), methodName, signature);
+ if (id) {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, signature);
+ QJniObject res = getCleanJniObject(jniEnv()->CallObjectMethodV(d->m_jobject, id, args), jniEnv());
+ va_end(args);
+ return res;
+ }
+ return QJniObject();
+ \fn QJniObject QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod(const char *className, const char *methodName, const char *signature, ...)
+ Calls the static method \a methodName from the class \a className with \a signature
+ specifying the types of any subsequent arguments.
+ \code
+ QJniObject thread = QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod("java/lang/Thread", "currentThread",
+ "()Ljava/lang/Thread;");
+ QJniObject string = QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod("java/lang/String", "valueOf",
+ "(I)Ljava/lang/String;", 10);
+ \endcode
+QJniObject QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod(const char *className, const char *methodName,
+ const char *signature, ...)
+ JNIEnv *env = QJniEnvironment::getJniEnv();
+ jclass clazz = QJniObject::loadClass(className, env);
+ if (clazz) {
+ jmethodID id = QJniObject::getCachedMethodID(env, clazz,
+ className,
+ methodName, signature, true);
+ if (id) {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, signature);
+ QJniObject res = getCleanJniObject(env->CallStaticObjectMethodV(clazz, id, args), env);
+ va_end(args);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ return QJniObject();
+ \fn QJniObject QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod(jclass clazz, const char *methodName, const char *signature, ...)
+ Calls the static method \a methodName from class \a clazz with \a signature
+ specifying the types of any subsequent arguments.
+QJniObject QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod(jclass clazz, const char *methodName,
+ const char *signature, ...)
+ if (clazz) {
+ QJniEnvironment env;
+ jmethodID id = getMethodID(env.jniEnv(), clazz, methodName, signature, true);
+ if (id) {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, signature);
+ QJniObject res = getCleanJniObject(env->CallStaticObjectMethodV(clazz, id, args), env.jniEnv());
+ va_end(args);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ return QJniObject();
+ \fn QJniObject QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod(jclass clazz, jmethodID methodId, ...)
+ Calls the static method identified by \a methodId from the class \a clazz
+ with any subsequent arguments. Useful when \a clazz and \a methodId are
+ already cached from previous operations.
+ \code
+ QJniEnvironment env;
+ jclass clazz = env.findClass("java/lang/String");
+ jmethodID methodId = env.findStaticMethod(clazz, "valueOf", "(I)Ljava/lang/String;");
+ if (methodId != 0)
+ QJniObject str = QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod(clazz, methodId, 10);
+ \endcode
+QJniObject QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod(jclass clazz, jmethodID methodId, ...)
+ if (clazz && methodId) {
+ QJniEnvironment env;
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, methodId);
+ QJniObject res = getCleanJniObject(env->CallStaticObjectMethodV(clazz, methodId, args), env.jniEnv());
+ va_end(args);
+ return res;
+ }
+ return QJniObject();
+ \fn template<typename Ret, typename ...Args> QJniObject QJniObject::callObjectMethod(const char *methodName, Args &&...args) const
+ \since 6.4
+ Calls the Java objects method \a methodName with arguments \a args and returns a
+ new QJniObject for the returned Java object.
+ \code
+ QJniObject myJavaString = QJniObject::fromString("Hello, Java");
+ QJniObject myJavaString2 = myJavaString1.callObjectMethod<jstring>("toString");
+ \endcode
+ The method signature is deduced at compile time from \c Ret and the types of \a args.
+ \fn template<typename Ret, typename ...Args> QJniObject QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod(const char *className, const char *methodName, Args &&...args)
+ \since 6.4
+ Calls the static method with \a methodName on the class \a className, passing
+ arguments \a args, and returns a new QJniObject for the returned Java object.
+ \code
+ QJniObject string = QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod<jstring>("CustomClass", "getClassName");
+ \endcode
+ The method signature is deduced at compile time from \c Ret and the types of \a args.
+ \fn template<typename Ret, typename ...Args> QJniObject QJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod(jclass clazz, const char *methodName, Args &&...args)
+ \since 6.4
+ Calls the static method with \a methodName on \a clazz, passing arguments \a args,
+ and returns a new QJniObject for the returned Java object.
+ \fn template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<T, jobject>, bool> = true> QJniObject &QJniObject::operator=(T object)
+ Replace the current object with \a object. The old Java object will be released.
+ \fn template <typename T> void QJniObject::setStaticField(const char *className, const char *fieldName, const char *signature, T value);
+ Sets the static field \a fieldName on the class \a className to \a value
+ using the setter with \a signature.
+ \fn template <typename T> void QJniObject::setStaticField(jclass clazz, const char *fieldName, const char *signature, T value);
+ Sets the static field \a fieldName on the class \a clazz to \a value using
+ the setter with \a signature.
+ \fn template<typename T> T QJniObject::getField(const char *fieldName) const
+ Retrieves the value of the field \a fieldName.
+ \code
+ QJniObject volumeControl("org/qtproject/qt/TestClass");
+ jint fieldValue = volumeControl.getField<jint>("FIELD_NAME");
+ \endcode
+ \fn template<typename T> T QJniObject::getStaticField(const char *className, const char *fieldName)
+ Retrieves the value from the static field \a fieldName on the class \a className.
+ \fn template<typename T> T QJniObject::getStaticField(jclass clazz, const char *fieldName)
+ Retrieves the value from the static field \a fieldName on \a clazz.
+ \fn template <typename Klass, typename T> auto QJniObject::getStaticField(const char *fieldName)
+ Retrieves the value from the static field \a fieldName for the class \c Klass.
+ \c Klass needs to be a C++ type with a registered type mapping to a Java type.
+ \fn template <typename T> void QJniObject::setStaticField(const char *className, const char *fieldName, T value)
+ Sets the static field \a fieldName of the class \a className to \a value.
+ \fn template <typename T> void QJniObject::setStaticField(jclass clazz, const char *fieldName, T value)
+ Sets the static field \a fieldName of the class \a clazz to \a value.
+ \fn template <typename Klass, typename T> auto QJniObject::setStaticField(const char *fieldName, T value)
+ Sets the static field \a fieldName of the class \c Klass to \a value.
+ \c Klass needs to be a C++ type with a registered type mapping to a Java type.
+ \fn QJniObject QJniObject::getStaticObjectField(const char *className, const char *fieldName, const char *signature)
+ Retrieves a JNI object from the field \a fieldName with \a signature from
+ class \a className.
+ \note This function can be used without a template type.
+ \code
+ QJniObject jobj = QJniObject::getStaticObjectField("class/with/Fields", "FIELD_NAME",
+ "Ljava/lang/String;");
+ \endcode
+QJniObject QJniObject::getStaticObjectField(const char *className,
+ const char *fieldName,
+ const char *signature)
+ JNIEnv *env = QJniEnvironment::getJniEnv();
+ jclass clazz = QJniObject::loadClass(className, env);
+ if (!clazz)
+ return QJniObject();
+ jfieldID id = QJniObject::getCachedFieldID(env, clazz,
+ className,
+ fieldName,
+ signature, true);
+ if (!id)
+ return QJniObject();
+ return getCleanJniObject(env->GetStaticObjectField(clazz, id), env);
+ \fn QJniObject QJniObject::getStaticObjectField(jclass clazz, const char *fieldName, const char *signature)
+ Retrieves a JNI object from the field \a fieldName with \a signature from
+ class \a clazz.
+ \note This function can be used without a template type.
+ \code
+ QJniObject jobj = QJniObject::getStaticObjectField(clazz, "FIELD_NAME", "Ljava/lang/String;");
+ \endcode
+QJniObject QJniObject::getStaticObjectField(jclass clazz, const char *fieldName,
+ const char *signature)
+ JNIEnv *env = QJniEnvironment::getJniEnv();
+ jfieldID id = getFieldID(env, clazz, fieldName, signature, true);
+ return getCleanJniObject(env->GetStaticObjectField(clazz, id), env);
+ \fn template <typename T> void QJniObject::setField(const char *fieldName, const char *signature, T value)
+ Sets the value of \a fieldName with \a signature to \a value.
+ \code
+ QJniObject stringArray = ...;
+ QJniObject obj = ...;
+ obj.setObjectField<jobjectArray>("KEY_VALUES", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V",
+ stringArray.object<jobjectArray>())
+ \endcode
+ \fn template<typename T> QJniObject QJniObject::getObjectField(const char *fieldName) const
+ Retrieves a JNI object from the field \a fieldName.
+ \code
+ QJniObject field = jniObject.getObjectField<jstring>("FIELD_NAME");
+ \endcode
+ \fn QJniObject QJniObject::getObjectField(const char *fieldName, const char *signature) const
+ Retrieves a JNI object from the field \a fieldName with \a signature.
+ \note This function can be used without a template type.
+ \code
+ QJniObject field = jniObject.getObjectField("FIELD_NAME", "Ljava/lang/String;");
+ \endcode
+QJniObject QJniObject::getObjectField(const char *fieldName, const char *signature) const
+ jfieldID id = getCachedFieldID(jniEnv(), fieldName, signature);
+ if (!id)
+ return QJniObject();
+ return getCleanJniObject(jniEnv()->GetObjectField(d->m_jobject, id), jniEnv());
+ \fn template <typename T> void QJniObject::setField(const char *fieldName, T value)
+ Sets the value of \a fieldName to \a value.
+ \code
+ QJniObject obj;
+ obj.setField<jint>("AN_INT_FIELD", 10);
+ jstring myString = ...;
+ obj.setField<jstring>("A_STRING_FIELD", myString);
+ \endcode
+ \fn template<typename T> QJniObject QJniObject::getStaticObjectField(const char *className, const char *fieldName)
+ Retrieves the object from the field \a fieldName on the class \a className.
+ \code
+ QJniObject jobj = QJniObject::getStaticObjectField<jstring>("class/with/Fields", "FIELD_NAME");
+ \endcode
+ \fn template<typename T> QJniObject QJniObject::getStaticObjectField(jclass clazz, const char *fieldName)
+ Retrieves the object from the field \a fieldName on \a clazz.
+ \code
+ QJniObject jobj = QJniObject::getStaticObjectField<jstring>(clazz, "FIELD_NAME");
+ \endcode
+ \fn QJniObject QJniObject::fromString(const QString &string)
+ Creates a Java string from the QString \a string and returns a QJniObject holding that string.
+ \code
+ QString myQString = "QString";
+ QJniObject myJavaString = QJniObject::fromString(myQString);
+ \endcode
+ \sa toString()
+QJniObject QJniObject::fromString(const QString &string)
+ QJniEnvironment env;
+ jstring stringRef = env->NewString(reinterpret_cast<const jchar*>(string.constData()),
+ string.length());
+ QJniObject stringObject = getCleanJniObject(stringRef, env.jniEnv());
+ stringObject.d->m_className = "java/lang/String";
+ return stringObject;
+ \fn QString QJniObject::toString() const
+ Returns a QString with a string representation of the java object.
+ Calling this function on a Java String object is a convenient way of getting the actual string
+ data.
+ \code
+ QJniObject string = ...; // "Hello Java"
+ QString qstring = string.toString(); // "Hello Java"
+ \endcode
+ \sa fromString()
+QString QJniObject::toString() const
+ if (!isValid())
+ return QString();
+ QJniObject string = callObjectMethod<jstring>("toString");
+ const int strLength = string.jniEnv()->GetStringLength(string.object<jstring>());
+ QString res(strLength, Qt::Uninitialized);
+ string.jniEnv()->GetStringRegion(string.object<jstring>(), 0, strLength, reinterpret_cast<jchar *>(;
+ return res;
+ \fn bool QJniObject::isClassAvailable(const char *className)
+ Returns true if the Java class \a className is available.
+ \code
+ if (QJniObject::isClassAvailable("java/lang/String")) {
+ // condition statement
+ }
+ \endcode
+bool QJniObject::isClassAvailable(const char *className)
+ QJniEnvironment env;
+ if (!env.jniEnv())
+ return false;
+ return loadClass(className, env.jniEnv());
+ \fn bool QJniObject::isValid() const
+ Returns true if this instance holds a valid Java object.
+ \code
+ QJniObject qjniObject; // ==> isValid() == false
+ QJniObject qjniObject(0) // ==> isValid() == false
+ QJniObject qjniObject("could/not/find/Class") // ==> isValid() == false
+ \endcode
+bool QJniObject::isValid() const
+ return d->m_jobject;
+ \fn QJniObject QJniObject::fromLocalRef(jobject localRef)
+ Creates a QJniObject from the local JNI reference \a localRef.
+ This function takes ownership of \a localRef and frees it before returning.
+ \note Only call this function with a local JNI reference. For example, most raw JNI calls,
+ through the JNI environment, return local references to a java object.
+ \code
+ jobject localRef = env->GetObjectArrayElement(array, index);
+ QJniObject element = QJniObject::fromLocalRef(localRef);
+ \endcode
+QJniObject QJniObject::fromLocalRef(jobject lref)
+ QJniObject obj(lref);
+ obj.jniEnv()->DeleteLocalRef(lref);
+ return obj;
+bool QJniObject::isSameObject(jobject obj) const
+ if (d->m_jobject == obj)
+ return true;
+ if (!d->m_jobject || !obj)
+ return false;
+ return jniEnv()->IsSameObject(d->m_jobject, obj);
+bool QJniObject::isSameObject(const QJniObject &other) const
+ return isSameObject(other.d->m_jobject);
+void QJniObject::assign(jobject obj)
+ if (d && isSameObject(obj))
+ return;
+ d = QSharedPointer<QJniObjectPrivate>::create();
+ if (obj) {
+ JNIEnv *env = QJniEnvironment::getJniEnv();
+ d->m_jobject = env->NewGlobalRef(obj);
+ jclass objectClass = env->GetObjectClass(obj);
+ d->m_jclass = static_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(objectClass));
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(objectClass);
+ }
+jobject QJniObject::javaObject() const
+ return d->m_jobject;