path: root/src/corelib/kernel/qobject.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/corelib/kernel/qobject.h')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/kernel/qobject.h b/src/corelib/kernel/qobject.h
index 7beaa32855..aaa09fac50 100644
--- a/src/corelib/kernel/qobject.h
+++ b/src/corelib/kernel/qobject.h
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Copyright (C) 2013 Olivier Goffart <>
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
@@ -265,27 +266,50 @@ public:
static inline typename QtPrivate::QEnableIf<QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func2>::ArgumentCount == -1, QMetaObject::Connection>::Type
connect(const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func1>::Object *sender, Func1 signal, Func2 slot)
+ typedef QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func1> SignalType;
+ const int FunctorArgumentCount = QtPrivate::ComputeFunctorArgumentCount<Func2 , typename SignalType::Arguments>::Value;
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X((FunctorArgumentCount >= 0),
+ "Signal and slot arguments are not compatible.");
+ const int SlotArgumentCount = (FunctorArgumentCount >= 0) ? FunctorArgumentCount : 0;
+ typedef typename QtPrivate::FunctorReturnType<Func2, typename QtPrivate::List_Left<typename SignalType::Arguments, SlotArgumentCount>::Value>::Value SlotReturnType;
+ // Without variadic template, we don't detect the best overload of operator(). We just
+ // assume there is only one simple operator() and connect to &Func2::operator()
+ /* If you get an error such as:
+ couldn't deduce template parameter 'Func2Operator'
+ or
+ cannot resolve address of overloaded function
+ It means the functor does not have a single operator().
+ Functors with overloaded or templated operator() are only supported if the compiler supports
+ C++11 variadic templates
+ */
#ifndef Q_COMPILER_DECLTYPE //Workaround the lack of decltype using another function as indirection
return connect_functor(sender, signal, slot, &Func2::operator()); }
template <typename Func1, typename Func2, typename Func2Operator>
static inline QMetaObject::Connection connect_functor(const QObject *sender, Func1 signal, Func2 slot, Func2Operator) {
typedef QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func2Operator> SlotType ;
typedef QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<decltype(&Func2::operator())> SlotType ;
typedef QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func1> SignalType;
+ typedef typename SlotType::ReturnType SlotReturnType;
+ const int SlotArgumentCount = SlotType::ArgumentCount;
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(int(SignalType::ArgumentCount) >= int(SlotType::ArgumentCount),
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(int(SignalType::ArgumentCount) >= SlotArgumentCount,
"The slot requires more arguments than the signal provides.");
Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X((QtPrivate::CheckCompatibleArguments<typename SignalType::Arguments, typename SlotType::Arguments>::value),
"Signal and slot arguments are not compatible.");
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X((QtPrivate::AreArgumentsCompatible<typename SlotType::ReturnType, typename SignalType::ReturnType>::value),
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X((QtPrivate::AreArgumentsCompatible<SlotReturnType, typename SignalType::ReturnType>::value),
"Return type of the slot is not compatible with the return type of the signal.");
return connectImpl(sender, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&signal), sender, 0,
- new QtPrivate::QFunctorSlotObject<Func2, SlotType::ArgumentCount,
- typename QtPrivate::List_Left<typename SignalType::Arguments, SlotType::ArgumentCount>::Value,
+ new QtPrivate::QFunctorSlotObject<Func2, SlotArgumentCount,
+ typename QtPrivate::List_Left<typename SignalType::Arguments, SlotArgumentCount>::Value,
typename SignalType::ReturnType>(slot),
Qt::DirectConnection, 0, &SignalType::Object::staticMetaObject);