path: root/src/corelib/platform/wasm/qstdweb.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/corelib/platform/wasm/qstdweb.cpp')
1 files changed, 673 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/platform/wasm/qstdweb.cpp b/src/corelib/platform/wasm/qstdweb.cpp
index a915c031fe..75e76a6806 100644
--- a/src/corelib/platform/wasm/qstdweb.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/platform/wasm/qstdweb.cpp
@@ -3,15 +3,377 @@
#include "qstdweb_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/qcoreapplication.h>
+#include <QtCore/qfile.h>
+#include <QtCore/qmimedata.h>
#include <emscripten/bind.h>
+#include <emscripten/emscripten.h>
+#include <emscripten/html5.h>
+#include <emscripten/threading.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
+#include <unordered_map>
+using namespace Qt::Literals::StringLiterals;
namespace qstdweb {
+static void usePotentialyUnusedSymbols()
+ // Using this adds a reference on JSEvents and specialHTMLTargets which are always exported.
+ // This hack is needed as it is currently impossible to specify a dollar sign in
+ // target_link_options. The following is impossible:
+ // TODO(mikolajboc): QTBUG-108444, review this when cmake gets fixed.
+ // Volatile is to make this unoptimizable, so that the function is referenced, but is not
+ // called at runtime.
+ volatile bool doIt = false;
+ if (doIt)
+ emscripten_set_wheel_callback(EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TARGET_WINDOW, 0, 0, NULL);
typedef double uint53_t; // see Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
+namespace {
+// Reads file in chunks in order to avoid holding two copies in memory at the same time
+struct ChunkedFileReader
+ static void read(File file, char *buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t end,
+ std::function<void()> onCompleted)
+ {
+ (new ChunkedFileReader(end, std::move(onCompleted), std::move(file)))
+ ->readNextChunk(offset, buffer);
+ }
+ ChunkedFileReader(uint32_t end, std::function<void()> onCompleted, File file)
+ : end(end), onCompleted(std::move(onCompleted)), file(std::move(file))
+ {
+ }
+ void readNextChunk(uint32_t chunkBegin, char *chunkBuffer)
+ {
+ // Copy current chunk from JS memory to Wasm memory
+ qstdweb::ArrayBuffer result = fileReader.result();
+ qstdweb::Uint8Array(result).copyTo(chunkBuffer);
+ // Read next chunk if not at buffer end
+ const uint32_t nextChunkBegin = std::min(chunkBegin + result.byteLength(), end);
+ if (nextChunkBegin == end) {
+ onCompleted();
+ delete this;
+ return;
+ }
+ char *nextChunkBuffer = chunkBuffer + result.byteLength();
+ fileReader.onLoad([this, nextChunkBegin, nextChunkBuffer](emscripten::val) {
+ readNextChunk(nextChunkBegin, nextChunkBuffer);
+ });
+ const uint32_t nextChunkEnd = std::min(nextChunkBegin + chunkSize, end);
+ qstdweb::Blob blob = file.slice(nextChunkBegin, nextChunkEnd);
+ fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob);
+ }
+ static constexpr uint32_t chunkSize = 256 * 1024;
+ qstdweb::FileReader fileReader;
+ uint32_t end;
+ std::function<void()> onCompleted;
+ File file;
+enum class CallbackType {
+ Then,
+ Catch,
+ Finally,
+void validateCallbacks(const PromiseCallbacks& callbacks) {
+ Q_ASSERT(!!callbacks.catchFunc || !!callbacks.finallyFunc || !!callbacks.thenFunc);
+using ThunkId = int;
+#define THUNK_NAME(type, i) callbackThunk##type##i
+// A resource pool for exported promise thunk functions. ThunkPool::poolSize sets of
+// 3 promise thunks (then, catch, finally) are exported and can be used by promises
+// in C++. To allocate a thunk, call allocateThunk. When a thunk is ready for use,
+// a callback with allocation RAII object ThunkAllocation will be returned. Deleting
+// the object frees the thunk and automatically makes any pending allocateThunk call
+// run its callback with a free thunk slot.
+class ThunkPool {
+ static constexpr size_t poolSize = 4;
+ // An allocation for a thunk function set. Following the RAII pattern, destruction of
+ // this objects frees a corresponding thunk pool entry.
+ // To actually make the thunks react to a js promise's callbacks, call bindToPromise.
+ class ThunkAllocation {
+ public:
+ ThunkAllocation(int thunkId, ThunkPool* pool) : m_thunkId(thunkId), m_pool(pool) {}
+ ~ThunkAllocation() {
+ m_pool->free(m_thunkId);
+ }
+ // The id of the underlaying thunk set
+ int id() const { return m_thunkId; }
+ // Binds the corresponding thunk set to the js promise 'target'.
+ void bindToPromise(emscripten::val target, const PromiseCallbacks& callbacks) {
+ using namespace emscripten;
+ if (Q_LIKELY(callbacks.thenFunc)) {
+ target =<val>(
+ "then",
+ emscripten::val::module_property(thunkName(CallbackType::Then, id()).data()));
+ }
+ if (callbacks.catchFunc) {
+ target =<val>(
+ "catch",
+ emscripten::val::module_property(thunkName(CallbackType::Catch, id()).data()));
+ }
+ // Guarantee the invocation of at least one callback by always
+ // registering 'finally'. This is required by WebPromiseManager
+ // design
+ target =<val>(
+ "finally", emscripten::val::module_property(
+ thunkName(CallbackType::Finally, id()).data()));
+ }
+ private:
+ int m_thunkId;
+ ThunkPool* m_pool;
+ };
+ ThunkPool() {
+ std::iota(m_free.begin(), m_free.end(), 0);
+ }
+ void setThunkCallback(std::function<void(int, CallbackType, emscripten::val)> callback) {
+ m_callback = std::move(callback);
+ }
+ void allocateThunk(std::function<void(std::unique_ptr<ThunkAllocation>)> onAllocated) {
+ if (m_free.empty()) {
+ m_pendingAllocations.push_back(std::move(onAllocated));
+ return;
+ }
+ const int thunkId = m_free.back();
+ m_free.pop_back();
+ onAllocated(std::make_unique<ThunkAllocation>(thunkId, this));
+ }
+ static QByteArray thunkName(CallbackType type, size_t i) {
+ return QStringLiteral("promiseCallback%1%2").arg([type]() -> QString {
+ switch (type) {
+ case CallbackType::Then:
+ return QStringLiteral("Then");
+ case CallbackType::Catch:
+ return QStringLiteral("Catch");
+ case CallbackType::Finally:
+ return QStringLiteral("Finally");
+ }
+ }()).arg(i).toLatin1();
+ }
+ static ThunkPool* get();
+#define THUNK(i) \
+ static void THUNK_NAME(Then, i)(emscripten::val result) \
+ { \
+ get()->onThunkCalled(i, CallbackType::Then, std::move(result)); \
+ } \
+ static void THUNK_NAME(Catch, i)(emscripten::val result) \
+ { \
+ get()->onThunkCalled(i, CallbackType::Catch, std::move(result)); \
+ } \
+ static void THUNK_NAME(Finally, i)() \
+ { \
+ get()->onThunkCalled(i, CallbackType::Finally, emscripten::val::undefined()); \
+ }
+ THUNK(0);
+ THUNK(1);
+ THUNK(2);
+ THUNK(3);
+#undef THUNK
+ void onThunkCalled(int index, CallbackType type, emscripten::val result) {
+ m_callback(index, type, std::move(result));
+ }
+ void free(int thunkId) {
+ if (m_pendingAllocations.empty()) {
+ // Return the thunk to the free pool
+ m_free.push_back(thunkId);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Take the next enqueued allocation and reuse the thunk
+ auto allocation = m_pendingAllocations.back();
+ m_pendingAllocations.pop_back();
+ allocation(std::make_unique<ThunkAllocation>(thunkId, this));
+ }
+ std::function<void(int, CallbackType, emscripten::val)> m_callback;
+ std::vector<int> m_free = std::vector<int>(poolSize);
+ std::vector<std::function<void(std::unique_ptr<ThunkAllocation>)>> m_pendingAllocations;
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(ThunkPool, g_thunkPool)
+ThunkPool* ThunkPool::get()
+ return g_thunkPool;
+#define CALLBACK_BINDING(i) \
+ emscripten::function(ThunkPool::thunkName(CallbackType::Then, i).data(), \
+ &ThunkPool::THUNK_NAME(Then, i)); \
+ emscripten::function(ThunkPool::thunkName(CallbackType::Catch, i).data(), \
+ &ThunkPool::THUNK_NAME(Catch, i)); \
+ emscripten::function(ThunkPool::thunkName(CallbackType::Finally, i).data(), \
+ &ThunkPool::THUNK_NAME(Finally, i));
+#undef THUNK_NAME
+class WebPromiseManager
+ WebPromiseManager();
+ ~WebPromiseManager();
+ WebPromiseManager(const WebPromiseManager& other) = delete;
+ WebPromiseManager(WebPromiseManager&& other) = delete;
+ WebPromiseManager& operator=(const WebPromiseManager& other) = delete;
+ WebPromiseManager& operator=(WebPromiseManager&& other) = delete;
+ void adoptPromise(emscripten::val target, PromiseCallbacks callbacks);
+ static WebPromiseManager* get();
+ struct RegistryEntry {
+ PromiseCallbacks callbacks;
+ std::unique_ptr<ThunkPool::ThunkAllocation> allocation;
+ };
+ static std::optional<CallbackType> parseCallbackType(emscripten::val callbackType);
+ void subscribeToJsPromiseCallbacks(int i, const PromiseCallbacks& callbacks, emscripten::val jsContextfulPromise);
+ void promiseThunkCallback(int i, CallbackType type, emscripten::val result);
+ void registerPromise(std::unique_ptr<ThunkPool::ThunkAllocation> allocation, PromiseCallbacks promise);
+ void unregisterPromise(ThunkId context);
+ std::array<RegistryEntry, ThunkPool::poolSize> m_promiseRegistry;
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(WebPromiseManager, webPromiseManager)
+ ThunkPool::get()->setThunkCallback(std::bind(
+ &WebPromiseManager::promiseThunkCallback, this,
+ std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3));
+WebPromiseManager::parseCallbackType(emscripten::val callbackType)
+ if (!callbackType.isString())
+ return std::nullopt;
+ const std::string data =<std::string>();
+ if (data == "then")
+ return CallbackType::Then;
+ if (data == "catch")
+ return CallbackType::Catch;
+ if (data == "finally")
+ return CallbackType::Finally;
+ return std::nullopt;
+WebPromiseManager::~WebPromiseManager() = default;
+WebPromiseManager *WebPromiseManager::get()
+ return webPromiseManager();
+void WebPromiseManager::promiseThunkCallback(int context, CallbackType type, emscripten::val result)
+ auto* promiseState = &m_promiseRegistry[context];
+ auto* callbacks = &promiseState->callbacks;
+ switch (type) {
+ case CallbackType::Then:
+ callbacks->thenFunc(result);
+ break;
+ case CallbackType::Catch:
+ callbacks->catchFunc(result);
+ break;
+ case CallbackType::Finally:
+ // Final callback may be empty, used solely for promise unregistration
+ if (callbacks->finallyFunc) {
+ callbacks->finallyFunc();
+ }
+ unregisterPromise(context);
+ break;
+ }
+void WebPromiseManager::registerPromise(
+ std::unique_ptr<ThunkPool::ThunkAllocation> allocation,
+ PromiseCallbacks callbacks)
+ const ThunkId id = allocation->id();
+ m_promiseRegistry[id] =
+ RegistryEntry {std::move(callbacks), std::move(allocation)};
+void WebPromiseManager::unregisterPromise(ThunkId context)
+ m_promiseRegistry[context] = {};
+void WebPromiseManager::adoptPromise(emscripten::val target, PromiseCallbacks callbacks) {
+ ThunkPool::get()->allocateThunk([=](std::unique_ptr<ThunkPool::ThunkAllocation> allocation) {
+ allocation->bindToPromise(std::move(target), callbacks);
+ registerPromise(std::move(allocation), std::move(callbacks));
+ });
+#if defined(QT_STATIC)
+EM_JS(bool, jsHaveAsyncify, (), { return typeof Asyncify !== "undefined"; });
+EM_JS(bool, jsHaveJspi, (),
+ { return typeof Asyncify !== "undefined" && !!Asyncify.makeAsyncFunction && !!WebAssembly.Function; });
+bool jsHaveAsyncify() { return false; }
+bool jsHaveJspi() { return false; }
+} // namespace
ArrayBuffer::ArrayBuffer(uint32_t size)
@@ -32,7 +394,12 @@ uint32_t ArrayBuffer::byteLength() const
return m_arrayBuffer["byteLength"].as<uint32_t>();
-emscripten::val ArrayBuffer::val()
+ArrayBuffer ArrayBuffer::slice(uint32_t begin, uint32_t end) const
+ return ArrayBuffer(<emscripten::val>("slice", begin, end));
+emscripten::val ArrayBuffer::val() const
return m_arrayBuffer;
@@ -43,24 +410,55 @@ Blob::Blob(const emscripten::val &blob)
+Blob Blob::fromArrayBuffer(const ArrayBuffer &arrayBuffer)
+ auto array = emscripten::val::array();
+<void>("push", arrayBuffer.val());
+ return Blob(emscripten::val::global("Blob").new_(array));
uint32_t Blob::size() const
return m_blob["size"].as<uint32_t>();
-// Copies content from the given buffer into a Blob object
-Blob Blob::copyFrom(const char *buffer, uint32_t size)
+Blob Blob::copyFrom(const char *buffer, uint32_t size, std::string mimeType)
Uint8Array contentCopy = Uint8Array::copyFrom(buffer, size);
emscripten::val contentArray = emscripten::val::array();<void>("push", contentCopy.val());
emscripten::val type = emscripten::val::object();
- type.set("type","application/octet-stream");
+ type.set("type", std::move(mimeType));
return Blob(emscripten::val::global("Blob").new_(contentArray, type));
-emscripten::val Blob::val()
+// Copies content from the given buffer into a Blob object
+Blob Blob::copyFrom(const char *buffer, uint32_t size)
+ return copyFrom(buffer, size, "application/octet-stream");
+Blob Blob::slice(uint32_t begin, uint32_t end) const
+ return Blob(<emscripten::val>("slice", begin, end));
+ArrayBuffer Blob::arrayBuffer_sync() const
+ QEventLoop loop;
+ emscripten::val buffer;
+ qstdweb::Promise::make(m_blob, QStringLiteral("arrayBuffer"), {
+ .thenFunc = [&loop, &buffer](emscripten::val arrayBuffer) {
+ buffer = arrayBuffer;
+ loop.quit();
+ }
+ });
+ loop.exec();
+ return ArrayBuffer(buffer);
+emscripten::val Blob::val() const
return m_blob;
@@ -71,6 +469,17 @@ File::File(const emscripten::val &file)
+File::~File() = default;
+File::File(const File &other) = default;
+File::File(File &&other) = default;
+File &File::operator=(const File &other) = default;
+File &File::operator=(File &&other) = default;
Blob File::slice(uint64_t begin, uint64_t end) const
return Blob(<emscripten::val>("slice", uint53_t(begin), uint53_t(end)));
@@ -93,47 +502,17 @@ std::string Blob::type() const
// Streams partial file content into the given buffer asynchronously. The completed
// callback is called on completion.
-void File::stream(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, char *buffer, const std::function<void ()> &completed) const
+void File::stream(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, char *buffer,
+ std::function<void()> completed) const
- // Read file in chunks in order to avoid holding two copies in memory at the same time
- const uint32_t chunkSize = 256 * 1024;
- const uint32_t end = offset + length;
- // assert end < file.size
- auto fileReader = std::make_shared<qstdweb::FileReader>();
- // "this" is valid now, but may not be by the time the chunkCompleted callback
- // below is made. Make a copy of the file handle.
- const File fileHandle = *this;
- auto chunkCompleted = std::make_shared<std::function<void (uint32_t, char *buffer)>>();
- *chunkCompleted = [=](uint32_t chunkBegin, char *chunkBuffer) mutable {
- // Copy current chunk from JS memory to Wasm memory
- qstdweb::ArrayBuffer result = fileReader->result();
- qstdweb::Uint8Array(result).copyTo(chunkBuffer);
- // Read next chunk if not at buffer end
- uint32_t nextChunkBegin = std::min(chunkBegin + result.byteLength(), end);
- uint32_t nextChunkEnd = std::min(nextChunkBegin + chunkSize, end);
- if (nextChunkBegin == end) {
- completed();
- chunkCompleted.reset();
- return;
- }
- char *nextChunkBuffer = chunkBuffer + result.byteLength();
- fileReader->onLoad([=](emscripten::val) { (*chunkCompleted)(nextChunkBegin, nextChunkBuffer); });
- qstdweb::Blob blob = fileHandle.slice(nextChunkBegin, nextChunkEnd);
- fileReader->readAsArrayBuffer(blob);
- };
- // Read first chunk. First iteration is a dummy iteration with no available data.
- (*chunkCompleted)(offset, buffer);
+ ChunkedFileReader::read(*this, buffer, offset, offset + length, std::move(completed));
// Streams file content into the given buffer asynchronously. The completed
// callback is called on completion.
-void File::stream(char *buffer, const std::function<void ()> &completed) const
+void File::stream(char *buffer, std::function<void()> completed) const
- stream(0, size(), buffer, completed);
+ stream(0, size(), buffer, std::move(completed));
std::string File::type() const
@@ -141,11 +520,27 @@ std::string File::type() const
return m_file["type"].as<std::string>();
-emscripten::val File::val()
+emscripten::val File::val() const
return m_file;
+FileUrlRegistration::FileUrlRegistration(File file)
+ m_path = QString::fromStdString(emscripten::val::global("window")["URL"].call<std::string>(
+ "createObjectURL", file.file()));
+ emscripten::val::global("window")["URL"].call<void>("revokeObjectURL",
+ emscripten::val(m_path.toStdString()));
+FileUrlRegistration::FileUrlRegistration(FileUrlRegistration &&other) = default;
+FileUrlRegistration &FileUrlRegistration::operator=(FileUrlRegistration &&other) = default;
FileList::FileList(const emscripten::val &fileList)
@@ -167,6 +562,11 @@ File FileList::operator[](int index) const
return item(index);
+emscripten::val FileList::val() const
+ return m_fileList;
ArrayBuffer FileReader::result() const
return ArrayBuffer(m_fileReader["result"]);
@@ -179,20 +579,23 @@ void FileReader::readAsArrayBuffer(const Blob &blob) const
void FileReader::onLoad(const std::function<void(emscripten::val)> &onLoad)
- m_onLoad.reset(new EventCallback(m_fileReader, "load", onLoad));
+ m_onLoad.reset();
+ m_onLoad = std::make_unique<EventCallback>(m_fileReader, "load", onLoad);
void FileReader::onError(const std::function<void(emscripten::val)> &onError)
- m_onError.reset(new EventCallback(m_fileReader, "error", onError));
+ m_onError.reset();
+ m_onError = std::make_unique<EventCallback>(m_fileReader, "error", onError);
void FileReader::onAbort(const std::function<void(emscripten::val)> &onAbort)
- m_onAbort.reset(new EventCallback(m_fileReader, "abort", onAbort));
+ m_onAbort.reset();
+ m_onAbort = std::make_unique<EventCallback>(m_fileReader, "abort", onAbort);
-emscripten::val FileReader::val()
+emscripten::val FileReader::val() const
return m_fileReader;
@@ -225,7 +628,7 @@ Uint8Array::Uint8Array(const ArrayBuffer &buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t leng
// Constructs a Uint8Array which references an area on the heap.
Uint8Array::Uint8Array(const char *buffer, uint32_t size)
-:m_uint8Array(Uint8Array::constructor_().new_(Uint8Array::heap().buffer().m_arrayBuffer, uint32_t(buffer), size))
+:m_uint8Array(Uint8Array::constructor_().new_(Uint8Array::heap().buffer().m_arrayBuffer, uintptr_t(buffer), size))
@@ -252,12 +655,31 @@ void Uint8Array::set(const Uint8Array &source)<void>("set", source.m_uint8Array); // copies source content
+Uint8Array Uint8Array::subarray(uint32_t begin, uint32_t end)
+ // Note: using uint64_t here errors with "Cannot convert a BigInt value to a number"
+ // (see JS BigInt and Number types). Use uint32_t for now.
+ return Uint8Array(<emscripten::val>("subarray", begin, end));
// Copies the Uint8Array content to a destination on the heap
void Uint8Array::copyTo(char *destination) const
Uint8Array(destination, length()).set(*this);
+// Copies the Uint8Array content to a destination QByteArray
+QByteArray Uint8Array::copyToQByteArray() const
+ if (length() > std::numeric_limits<qsizetype>::max())
+ return QByteArray();
+ QByteArray destinationArray;
+ destinationArray.resize(length());
+ copyTo(;
+ return destinationArray;
// Copies the Uint8Array content to a destination on the heap
void Uint8Array::copy(char *destination, const Uint8Array &source)
@@ -272,7 +694,13 @@ Uint8Array Uint8Array::copyFrom(const char *buffer, uint32_t size)
return contentCopy;
-emscripten::val Uint8Array::val()
+// Copies content from a QByteArray to a new Uint8Array object
+Uint8Array Uint8Array::copyFrom(const QByteArray &buffer)
+ return copyFrom(buffer.constData(), buffer.size());
+emscripten::val Uint8Array::val() const
return m_uint8Array;
@@ -287,41 +715,221 @@ emscripten::val Uint8Array::constructor_()
return emscripten::val::global("Uint8Array");
+class EventListener {
+ EventListener(uintptr_t handler)
+ :m_handler(handler)
+ {
+ }
+ // Special function - addEventListender() allows adding an object with a
+ // handleEvent() function which eceives the event.
+ void handleEvent(emscripten::val event) {
+ auto handlerPtr = reinterpret_cast<std::function<void(emscripten::val)> *>(m_handler);
+ (*handlerPtr)(event);
+ }
+ uintptr_t m_handler;
// Registers a callback function for a named event on the given element. The event
// name must be the name as returned by the Event.type property: e.g. "load", "error".
- // Clean up if this instance's callback is still installed on the element
- if (m_element[contextPropertyName(m_eventName).c_str()].as<intptr_t>() == intptr_t(this)) {
- m_element.set(contextPropertyName(m_eventName).c_str(), emscripten::val::undefined());
- m_element.set((std::string("on") + m_eventName).c_str(), emscripten::val::undefined());
- }
+<void>("removeEventListener", m_eventName, m_eventListener);
-EventCallback::EventCallback(emscripten::val element, const std::string &name, const std::function<void(emscripten::val)> &fn)
+EventCallback::EventCallback(emscripten::val element, const std::string &name, const std::function<void(emscripten::val)> &handler)
- ,m_fn(fn)
+ ,m_handler(std::make_unique<std::function<void(emscripten::val)>>(handler))
+ uintptr_t handlerUint = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(m_handler.get()); // FIXME: pass pointer directly instead
+ m_eventListener = emscripten::val::module_property("QtEventListener").new_(handlerUint);
+<void>("addEventListener", m_eventName, m_eventListener);
+ emscripten::class_<EventListener>("QtEventListener")
+ .constructor<uintptr_t>()
+ .function("handleEvent", &EventListener::handleEvent);
+namespace Promise {
+ void adoptPromise(emscripten::val promiseObject, PromiseCallbacks callbacks) {
+ validateCallbacks(callbacks);
+ WebPromiseManager::get()->adoptPromise(
+ std::move(promiseObject), std::move(callbacks));
+ }
+ void all(std::vector<emscripten::val> promises, PromiseCallbacks callbacks) {
+ struct State {
+ std::map<int, emscripten::val> results;
+ int remainingThenCallbacks;
+ int remainingFinallyCallbacks;
+ };
+ validateCallbacks(callbacks);
+ auto state = std::make_shared<State>();
+ state->remainingThenCallbacks = state->remainingFinallyCallbacks = promises.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < promises.size(); ++i) {
+ PromiseCallbacks individualPromiseCallback;
+ if (callbacks.thenFunc) {
+ individualPromiseCallback.thenFunc = [i, state, callbacks](emscripten::val partialResult) mutable {
+ state->results.emplace(i, std::move(partialResult));
+ if (!--(state->remainingThenCallbacks)) {
+ std::vector<emscripten::val> transformed;
+ for (auto& data : state->results) {
+ transformed.push_back(std::move(data.second));
+ }
+ callbacks.thenFunc(emscripten::val::array(std::move(transformed)));
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ if (callbacks.catchFunc) {
+ individualPromiseCallback.catchFunc = [state, callbacks](emscripten::val error) mutable {
+ callbacks.catchFunc(error);
+ };
+ }
+ individualPromiseCallback.finallyFunc = [state, callbacks]() mutable {
+ if (!--(state->remainingFinallyCallbacks)) {
+ if (callbacks.finallyFunc)
+ callbacks.finallyFunc();
+ // Explicitly reset here for verbosity, this would have been done automatically with the
+ // destruction of the adopted promise in WebPromiseManager.
+ state.reset();
+ }
+ };
+ adoptPromise(std::move(, std::move(individualPromiseCallback));
+ }
+ }
+// Asyncify and thread blocking: Normally, it's not possible to block the main
+// thread, except if asyncify is enabled. Secondary threads can always block.
+// haveAsyncify(): returns true if the main thread can block on QEventLoop::exec(),
+// if either asyncify 1 or 2 (JSPI) is available.
+// haveJspi(): returns true if asyncify 2 (JSPI) is available.
+// canBlockCallingThread(): returns true if the calling thread can block on
+// QEventLoop::exec(), using either asyncify or as a seconarday thread.
+bool haveJspi()
- m_element.set(contextPropertyName(m_eventName).c_str(), emscripten::val(intptr_t(this)));
- m_element.set((std::string("on") + m_eventName).c_str(), emscripten::val::module_property("qtStdWebEventCallbackActivate"));
+ static bool HaveJspi = jsHaveJspi();
+ return HaveJspi;
-void EventCallback::activate(emscripten::val event)
+bool haveAsyncify()
- emscripten::val target = event["target"];
- std::string eventName = event["type"].as<std::string>();
- EventCallback *that = reinterpret_cast<EventCallback *>(target[contextPropertyName(eventName).c_str()].as<intptr_t>());
- that->m_fn(event);
+ static bool HaveAsyncify = jsHaveAsyncify() || haveJspi();
+ return HaveAsyncify;
-std::string EventCallback::contextPropertyName(const std::string &eventName)
+bool canBlockCallingThread()
- return std::string("data-qtEventCallbackContext") + eventName;
+ return haveAsyncify() || !emscripten_is_main_runtime_thread();
- emscripten::function("qtStdWebEventCallbackActivate", &EventCallback::activate);
+BlobIODevice::BlobIODevice(Blob blob)
+ : m_blob(blob)
+bool BlobIODevice::open(QIODevice::OpenMode mode)
+ if (mode.testFlag(QIODevice::WriteOnly))
+ return false;
+ return QIODevice::open(mode);
+bool BlobIODevice::isSequential() const
+ return false;
+qint64 BlobIODevice::size() const
+ return m_blob.size();
+bool BlobIODevice::seek(qint64 pos)
+ if (pos >= size())
+ return false;
+ return QIODevice::seek(pos);
+qint64 BlobIODevice::readData(char *data, qint64 maxSize)
+ uint64_t begin = QIODevice::pos();
+ uint64_t end = std::min<uint64_t>(begin + maxSize, size());
+ uint64_t size = end - begin;
+ if (size > 0) {
+ qstdweb::ArrayBuffer buffer = m_blob.slice(begin, end).arrayBuffer_sync();
+ qstdweb::Uint8Array(buffer).copyTo(data);
+ }
+ return size;
+qint64 BlobIODevice::writeData(const char *, qint64)
+Uint8ArrayIODevice::Uint8ArrayIODevice(Uint8Array array)
+ : m_array(array)
+bool Uint8ArrayIODevice::open(QIODevice::OpenMode mode)
+ return QIODevice::open(mode);
+bool Uint8ArrayIODevice::isSequential() const
+ return false;
+qint64 Uint8ArrayIODevice::size() const
+ return m_array.length();
+bool Uint8ArrayIODevice::seek(qint64 pos)
+ if (pos >= size())
+ return false;
+ return QIODevice::seek(pos);
+qint64 Uint8ArrayIODevice::readData(char *data, qint64 maxSize)
+ uint64_t begin = QIODevice::pos();
+ uint64_t end = std::min<uint64_t>(begin + maxSize, size());
+ uint64_t size = end - begin;
+ if (size > 0)
+ m_array.subarray(begin, end).copyTo(data);
+ return size;
+qint64 Uint8ArrayIODevice::writeData(const char *data, qint64 maxSize)
+ uint64_t begin = QIODevice::pos();
+ uint64_t end = std::min<uint64_t>(begin + maxSize, size());
+ uint64_t size = end - begin;
+ if (size > 0)
+ m_array.subarray(begin, end).set(Uint8Array(data, size));
+ return size;
} // namespace qstdweb