path: root/src/corelib/text/qlocale.cpp
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1 files changed, 45 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/text/qlocale.cpp b/src/corelib/text/qlocale.cpp
index ca4f7733f3..52d3938516 100644
--- a/src/corelib/text/qlocale.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/text/qlocale.cpp
@@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ size_t qHash(const QLocale &key, size_t seed) noexcept
Sets the \a options related to number conversions for this
QLocale instance.
- \sa numberOptions()
+ \sa numberOptions(), FloatingPointPrecisionOption
void QLocale::setNumberOptions(NumberOptions options)
@@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ void QLocale::setNumberOptions(NumberOptions options)
By default, no options are set for the standard locales, except
for the "C" locale, which has OmitGroupSeparator set by default.
- \sa setNumberOptions(), toString(), groupSeparator()
+ \sa setNumberOptions(), toString(), groupSeparator(), FloatingPointPrecisionOption
QLocale::NumberOptions QLocale::numberOptions() const
@@ -2528,18 +2528,46 @@ static char qToLower(char c)
- \a f and \a prec have the same meaning as in QString::number(double, char, int).
- \sa toDouble(), numberOptions(), exponential(), decimalPoint(), zeroDigit(), positiveSign(), percent()
+ Returns a string representing the floating-point number \a f.
+ The form of the representation is controlled by the \a format and \a
+ precision parameters.
+ The \a format defaults to \c{'g'}. It can be any of the following:
+ \table
+ \header \li Format \li Meaning
+ \row \li \c 'e' \li format as [-]9.9e[+|-]999
+ \row \li \c 'E' \li format as [-]9.9E[+|-]999
+ \row \li \c 'f' \li format as [-]9.9
+ \row \li \c 'g' \li use \c 'e' or \c 'f' format, whichever is more concise
+ \row \li \c 'G' \li use \c 'E' or \c 'f' format, whichever is more concise
+ \endtable
+ For the \c 'e', \c 'E', and \c 'f' formats, the \a precision represents the
+ number of digits \e after the decimal point. For the \c 'g' and \c 'G'
+ formats, the \a precision represents the maximum number of significant
+ digits (trailing zeroes are omitted). The special \a precision value
+ QLocale::FloatingPointShortest selects the shortest representation that,
+ when read as a number, gets back the original floating-point value. Aside
+ from that, any negative \a precision is ignored in favor of the default, 6.
+ For the \c 'e', \c 'f' and \c 'g' formats, positive infinity is represented
+ as "inf", negative infinity as "-inf" and floating-point NaN (not-a-number)
+ values are represented as "nan". For the \c 'E' and \c 'G' formats, "INF"
+ and "NAN" are used instead. This does not vary with locale.
+ \sa toDouble(), numberOptions(), exponential(), decimalPoint(), zeroDigit(),
+ positiveSign(), percent(), toCurrencyString(), formattedDataSize(),
+ QLocale::FloatingPointPrecisionOption
-QString QLocale::toString(double i, char f, int prec) const
+QString QLocale::toString(double f, char format, int precision) const
QLocaleData::DoubleForm form = QLocaleData::DFDecimal;
- uint flags = qIsUpper(f) ? QLocaleData::CapitalEorX : 0;
+ uint flags = qIsUpper(format) ? QLocaleData::CapitalEorX : 0;
- switch (qToLower(f)) {
+ switch (qToLower(format)) {
case 'f':
form = QLocaleData::DFDecimal;
@@ -2559,7 +2587,7 @@ QString QLocale::toString(double i, char f, int prec) const
flags |= QLocaleData::ZeroPadExponent;
if (d->m_numberOptions & IncludeTrailingZeroesAfterDot)
flags |= QLocaleData::AddTrailingZeroes;
- return d->m_data->doubleToString(i, prec, form, -1, flags);
+ return d->m_data->doubleToString(f, precision, form, -1, flags);
@@ -3374,8 +3402,11 @@ QString QCalendarBackend::dateTimeToString(QStringView format, const QDateTime &
QString QLocaleData::doubleToString(double d, int precision, DoubleForm form,
int width, unsigned flags) const
- // Undocumented: aside from F.P.Shortest, precision < 0 is treated as
- // default, 6 - same as printf().
+ // Although the special handling of F.P.Shortest below is limited to
+ // DFSignificantDigits, the double-conversion library does treat it
+ // specially for the other forms, shedding trailing zeros for DFDecimal and
+ // using the shortest mantissa that faithfully represents the value for
+ // DFExponent.
if (precision != QLocale::FloatingPointShortest && precision < 0)
precision = 6;
if (width < 0)
@@ -3387,8 +3418,8 @@ QString QLocaleData::doubleToString(double d, int precision, DoubleForm form,
bufSize += std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10;
else if (form == DFDecimal && qIsFinite(d))
bufSize += wholePartSpace(qAbs(d)) + precision;
- else // Add extra digit due to different interpretations of precision. Also, "nan" has to fit.
- bufSize += qMax(2, precision) + 1;
+ else // Add extra digit due to different interpretations of precision.
+ bufSize += qMax(2, precision) + 1; // Must also be big enough for "nan" or "inf"
QVarLengthArray<char> buf(bufSize);
int length;