path: root/src/corelib/time/qlocaltime.cpp
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diff --git a/src/corelib/time/qlocaltime.cpp b/src/corelib/time/qlocaltime.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "qlocaltime_p.h"
+#include "qplatformdefs.h"
+#include "private/qcalendarmath_p.h"
+#if QT_CONFIG(datetimeparser)
+#include "private/qdatetimeparser_p.h"
+#include "private/qgregoriancalendar_p.h"
+#include "private/qnumeric_p.h"
+#include "private/qtenvironmentvariables_p.h"
+#if QT_CONFIG(timezone)
+#include "private/qtimezoneprivate_p.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+# include <qt_windows.h>
+#ifdef __GLIBC__ // Extends struct tm with some extra fields:
+#define HAVE_TM_GMTOFF // tm_gmtoff is the UTC offset.
+#define HAVE_TM_ZONE // tm_zone is the zone abbreviation.
+using namespace QtPrivate::DateTimeConstants;
+namespace {
+ Qt represents n BCE as -n, whereas struct tm's tm_year field represents a
+ year by the number of years after (negative for before) 1900, so that 1+m
+ BCE is -1900 -m; so treating 1 BCE as 0 CE. We thus shift by different
+ offsets depending on whether the year is BCE or CE.
+constexpr int tmYearFromQYear(int year) { return year - (year < 0 ? 1899 : 1900); }
+constexpr int qYearFromTmYear(int year) { return year + (year < -1899 ? 1899 : 1900); }
+constexpr inline qint64 tmSecsWithinDay(const struct tm &when)
+ return (when.tm_hour * MINS_PER_HOUR + when.tm_min) * SECS_PER_MIN + when.tm_sec;
+/* Call mktime() and make sense of the result.
+ This packages the call to mktime() with the needed determination of whether
+ that succeeded and whether the call has materially perturbed, including
+ normalizing, the struct tm it was passed (as opposed to merely filling in
+ details).
+class MkTimeResult
+ // mktime()'s return on error; or last second of 1969 UTC:
+ static constexpr time_t maybeError = -1;
+ inline bool meansEnd1969();
+ bool changed(const struct tm &prior) const;
+ struct tm local = {}; // Describes the local time in familiar form.
+ time_t utcSecs = maybeError; // Seconds since UTC epoch.
+ bool good = false; // Ignore the rest unless this is true.
+ bool adjusted = true; // Is local at odds with prior ?
+ MkTimeResult() { local.tm_isdst = -1; }
+ // Note: the calls to qMkTime() and meansEnd1969() potentially modify local.
+ explicit MkTimeResult(const struct tm &prior)
+ : local(prior), utcSecs(qMkTime(&local)),
+ good(utcSecs != maybeError || meansEnd1969()),
+ adjusted(changed(prior))
+ {}
+/* If mktime() returns -1, is it really an error ?
+ It might return -1 because we're looking at the last second of 1969 and
+ mktime does support times before 1970 (POSIX says "If the year is <1970 or
+ the value is negative, the relationship is undefined" and MS rejects the
+ value, consistent with that; so we don't call mktime() on MS in this case and
+ can't get -1 unless it's a real error). However, on UNIX, that's -1 UTC time
+ and all we know, aside from mktime's return, is the local time. (We could
+ check errno, but we call mktime from within a qt_scoped_lock(QBasicMutex),
+ whose unlocking and destruction of the locker might frob errno.)
+ We can assume time-zone offsets are less than a day, so this can only arise
+ if the struct tm describes either the last day of 1969 or the first day of
+ 1970. When we do know the offset (a glibc extension supplies it as a member
+ of struct tm), we can determine whether we're on the last second of the day,
+ refining that check. That makes for a cheap pre-test; if it holds, we can ask
+ mktime() about the preceding second; if it gives us -2, then the -1 we
+ originally saw is not (or at least didn't need to be) an error. We can then
+ synthesize a corrected value for local using the -2 result.
+inline bool MkTimeResult::meansEnd1969()
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+ return false;
+ if (local.tm_year < 69 || local.tm_year > 70
+ // Africa/Monrovia had offset 00:44:30 at the epoch, so (although all
+ // other zones' offsets were round multiples of five minutes) we need
+ // the offset to determine whether the time might match:
+ || (tmSecsWithinDay(local) - local.tm_gmtoff + 1) % SECS_PER_DAY
+# endif
+ || (local.tm_year == 69 // ... and less than a day:
+ ? local.tm_mon < 11 || local.tm_mday < 31
+ : local.tm_mon > 0 || local.tm_mday > 1)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ struct tm copy = local;
+ copy.tm_sec--; // Preceding second should get -2, not -1
+ if (qMkTime(&copy) != -2)
+ return false;
+ // The original call to qMkTime() may have returned -1 as failure, not
+ // updating local, even though it could have; so fake it here. Assumes there
+ // was no transition in the last minute of the day !
+ local = copy;
+ local.tm_sec++; // Advance back to the intended second
+ return true;
+bool MkTimeResult::changed(const struct tm &prior) const
+ // If mktime() has been passed a copy of prior and local is its value on
+ // return, this checks whether mktime() has made a material change
+ // (including normalization) to the value, as opposed to merely filling in
+ // the fields that it's specified to fill in. It returns true if there has
+ // been any material change.
+ return !(prior.tm_year == local.tm_year && prior.tm_mon == local.tm_mon
+ && prior.tm_mday == local.tm_mday && prior.tm_hour == local.tm_hour
+ && prior.tm_min == local.tm_min && prior.tm_sec == local.tm_sec
+ && (prior.tm_isdst == -1
+ ? local.tm_isdst >= 0 : prior.tm_isdst == local.tm_isdst));
+struct tm timeToTm(qint64 localDay, int secs)
+ Q_ASSERT(0 <= secs && secs < SECS_PER_DAY);
+ const auto ymd = QGregorianCalendar::partsFromJulian(JULIAN_DAY_FOR_EPOCH + localDay);
+ struct tm local = {};
+ local.tm_year = tmYearFromQYear(ymd.year);
+ local.tm_mon = ymd.month - 1;
+ local.tm_mday =;
+ local.tm_hour = secs / 3600;
+ local.tm_min = (secs % 3600) / 60;
+ local.tm_sec = (secs % 60);
+ local.tm_isdst = -1;
+ return local;
+// Transitions account for a small fraction of 1% of the time.
+// So mark functions only used in handling them as cold.
+struct tm matchYearMonth(struct tm when, const struct tm &base)
+ // Adjust *when to be a denormal representation of the same point in time
+ // but with tm_year and tm_mon the same as base. In practice this will
+ // represent an adjacent month, so don't worry too much about optimising for
+ // any other case; we almost certainly run zero or one iteration of one of
+ // the year loops then zero or one iteration of one of the month loops.
+ while (when.tm_year > base.tm_year) {
+ --when.tm_year;
+ when.tm_mon += 12;
+ }
+ while (when.tm_year < base.tm_year) {
+ ++when.tm_year;
+ when.tm_mon -= 12;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(when.tm_year == base.tm_year);
+ while (when.tm_mon > base.tm_mon) {
+ const auto yearMon = QRoundingDown::qDivMod<12>(when.tm_mon);
+ int year = yearMon.quotient;
+ // We want the month before's Qt month number, which is the tm_mon mod 12:
+ int month = yearMon.remainder;
+ if (month == 0) {
+ --year;
+ month = 12;
+ }
+ year += when.tm_year;
+ when.tm_mday += QGregorianCalendar::monthLength(month, qYearFromTmYear(year));
+ --when.tm_mon;
+ }
+ while (when.tm_mon < base.tm_mon) {
+ const auto yearMon = QRoundingDown::qDivMod<12>(when.tm_mon);
+ // Qt month number is offset from tm_mon by one:
+ when.tm_mday -= QGregorianCalendar::monthLength(
+ yearMon.remainder + 1, qYearFromTmYear(yearMon.quotient + when.tm_year));
+ ++when.tm_mon;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(when.tm_mon == base.tm_mon);
+ return when;
+struct tm adjacentDay(struct tm when, int dayStep)
+ // Before we adjust it, when is a return from timeToTm(), so in normal form.
+ Q_ASSERT(dayStep * dayStep == 1);
+ when.tm_mday += dayStep;
+ // That may have bumped us across a month boundary or even a year one.
+ // So now we normalize it.
+ if (dayStep < 0) {
+ if (when.tm_mday <= 0) {
+ // Month before's day-count; but tm_mon's value is one less than Qt's
+ // month numbering so, before we decrement it, it has the value we need,
+ // unless it's 0.
+ int daysInMonth = when.tm_mon
+ ? QGregorianCalendar::monthLength(when.tm_mon, qYearFromTmYear(when.tm_year))
+ : QGregorianCalendar::monthLength(12, qYearFromTmYear(when.tm_year - 1));
+ when.tm_mday += daysInMonth;
+ if (--when.tm_mon < 0) {
+ --when.tm_year;
+ when.tm_mon = 11;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(when.tm_mday >= 1);
+ }
+ } else if (when.tm_mday > 28) {
+ // We have to wind through months one at a time, since their lengths vary.
+ int daysInMonth = QGregorianCalendar::monthLength(
+ when.tm_mon + 1, qYearFromTmYear(when.tm_year));
+ if (when.tm_mday > daysInMonth) {
+ when.tm_mday -= daysInMonth;
+ if (++when.tm_mon > 11) {
+ ++when.tm_year;
+ when.tm_mon = 0;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(when.tm_mday <= QGregorianCalendar::monthLength(
+ when.tm_mon + 1, qYearFromTmYear(when.tm_year)));
+ }
+ }
+ return when;
+qint64 secondsBetween(const struct tm &start, const struct tm &stop)
+ // Nominal difference between start and stop, in seconds (negative if start
+ // is after stop); may differ from actual UTC difference if there's a
+ // transition between them.
+ struct tm from = matchYearMonth(start, stop);
+ qint64 diff = stop.tm_mday - from.tm_mday; // in days
+ diff = diff * 24 + stop.tm_hour - from.tm_hour; // in hours
+ diff = diff * 60 + stop.tm_min - from.tm_min; // in minutes
+ return diff * 60 + stop.tm_sec - from.tm_sec; // in seconds
+MkTimeResult hopAcrossGap(const MkTimeResult &outside, const struct tm &base)
+ // base fell in a gap; outside is one resolution
+ // This returns the other resolution, if possible.
+ const qint64 shift = secondsBetween(outside.local, base);
+ struct tm across;
+ // Shift is the nominal time adjustment between outside and base; now obtain
+ // the actual time that far from outside:
+ if (qLocalTime(outside.utcSecs + shift, &across)) {
+ const qint64 wider = secondsBetween(outside.local, across);
+ // That should be bigger than shift (typically by a factor of two), in
+ // the same direction:
+ if (shift > 0 ? wider > shift : wider < shift) {
+ MkTimeResult result(across);
+ if (result.good && !result.adjusted)
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ // This can surely only arise if the other resolution lies outside the
+ // time_t-range supported by the system functions.
+ return {};
+MkTimeResult resolveRejected(struct tm base, MkTimeResult result,
+ QDateTimePrivate::TransitionOptions resolve)
+ // May result from a time outside the supported range of system time_t
+ // functions, or from a gap (on a platform where mktime() rejects them).
+ // QDateTime filters on times well outside the supported range, but may
+ // pass values only slightly outside the range.
+ // The easy case - no need to find a resolution anyway:
+ if (!resolve.testAnyFlags(QDateTimePrivate::GapMask))
+ return {};
+ constexpr time_t twoDaysInSeconds = 2 * 24 * 60 * 60;
+ // Bracket base, one day each side (in case the zone skipped a whole day):
+ MkTimeResult early(adjacentDay(base, -1));
+ MkTimeResult later(adjacentDay(base, +1));
+ if (!early.good || !later.good) // Assume out of range, rather than gap.
+ return {};
+ // OK, looks like a gap.
+ Q_ASSERT(twoDaysInSeconds + early.utcSecs > later.utcSecs);
+ result.adjusted = true;
+ // Extrapolate backwards from later if this option is set:
+ QDateTimePrivate::TransitionOption beforeLater = QDateTimePrivate::GapUseBefore;
+ if (resolve.testFlag(QDateTimePrivate::FlipForReverseDst)) {
+ // Reverse DST has DST before a gap and not after:
+ if (early.local.tm_isdst == 1 && !later.local.tm_isdst)
+ beforeLater = QDateTimePrivate::GapUseAfter;
+ }
+ if (resolve.testFlag(beforeLater)) // Result will be before the gap:
+ result.utcSecs = later.utcSecs - secondsBetween(base, later.local);
+ else // Result will be after the gap:
+ result.utcSecs = early.utcSecs + secondsBetween(early.local, base);
+ if (!qLocalTime(result.utcSecs, &result.local)) // Abandon hope.
+ return {};
+ return result;
+bool preferAlternative(QDateTimePrivate::TransitionOptions resolve,
+ // is_dst flags of incumbent and an alternative:
+ int gotDst, int altDst,
+ // True precisely if alternative selects a later UTC time:
+ bool altIsLater,
+ // True for a gap, false for a fold:
+ bool inGap)
+ // If resolve has this option set, prefer the later candidate, else the earlier:
+ QDateTimePrivate::TransitionOption preferLater = inGap ? QDateTimePrivate::GapUseAfter
+ : QDateTimePrivate::FoldUseAfter;
+ if (resolve.testFlag(QDateTimePrivate::FlipForReverseDst)) {
+ // gotDst and altDst are {-1: unknown, 0: standard, 1: daylight-saving}
+ // So gotDst ^ altDst is 1 precisely if exactly one candidate thinks it's DST.
+ if ((altDst ^ gotDst) == 1) {
+ // In this case, we can tell whether we have reversed DST: that's a
+ // gap with DST before it or a fold with DST after it.
+#if 1
+ const bool isReversed = (altDst == 1) != (altIsLater == inGap);
+#else // Pedagogic version of the same thing:
+ bool isReversed;
+ if (altIsLater == inGap) // alt is after a gap or before a fold, so summer-time
+ isReversed = altDst != 1; // flip if summer-time isn't DST
+ else // alt is before a gap or after a fold, so winter-time
+ isReversed = altDst == 1; // flip if winter-time is DST
+ if (isReversed) {
+ preferLater = inGap ? QDateTimePrivate::GapUseBefore
+ : QDateTimePrivate::FoldUseBefore;
+ }
+ } // Otherwise, we can't tell, so assume not.
+ }
+ return resolve.testFlag(preferLater) == altIsLater;
+ Determine UTC time and offset, if possible, at a given local time.
+ The local time is specified as a number of seconds since the epoch (so, in
+ effect, a time_t, albeit delivered as qint64). If the specified local time
+ falls in a transition, resolve determines what to do.
+ If the specified local time is outside what the system time_t APIs will
+ handle, this fails.
+MkTimeResult resolveLocalTime(qint64 local, QDateTimePrivate::TransitionOptions resolve)
+ const auto localDaySecs = QRoundingDown::qDivMod<SECS_PER_DAY>(local);
+ struct tm base = timeToTm(localDaySecs.quotient, localDaySecs.remainder);
+ // Get provisional result (correct > 99.9 % of the time):
+ MkTimeResult result(base);
+ // Our callers (mostly) deal with questions of being within the range that
+ // system time_t functions can handle, and timeToTm() gave us data in
+ // normalized form, so the only excuse for !good or a change to the HH:mm:ss
+ // fields (aside from being at the boundary of time_t's supported range) is
+ // that we hit a gap, although we have to handle these cases differently:
+ if (!result.good) {
+ // Rejected. The tricky case: maybe mktime() doesn't resolve gaps.
+ return resolveRejected(base, result, resolve);
+ } else if (result.local.tm_isdst < 0) {
+ // Apparently success without knowledge of whether this is DST or not.
+ // Should not happen, but that means our usual understanding of what the
+ // system is up to has gone out the window. So just let it be.
+ } else if (result.adjusted) {
+ // Shunted out of a gap.
+ if (!resolve.testAnyFlags(QDateTimePrivate::GapMask)) {
+ result = {};
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Try to obtain a matching point on the other side of the gap:
+ const MkTimeResult flipped = hopAcrossGap(result, base);
+ // Even if that failed, result may be the correct resolution
+ if (preferAlternative(resolve, result.local.tm_isdst, flipped.local.tm_isdst,
+ flipped.utcSecs > result.utcSecs, true)) {
+ // If hopAcrossGap() failed and we do need its answer, give up.
+ if (!flipped.good || flipped.adjusted)
+ return {};
+ // As resolution of local, flipped involves adjustment (across gap):
+ result = flipped;
+ result.adjusted = true;
+ }
+ } else if (resolve.testFlag(QDateTimePrivate::FlipForReverseDst)
+ // In fold, DST counts as before and standard as after -
+ // we may not need to check whether we're in a transition:
+ && resolve.testFlag(result.local.tm_isdst ? QDateTimePrivate::FoldUseBefore
+ : QDateTimePrivate::FoldUseAfter)) {
+ // We prefer DST or standard and got what we wanted, so we're good.
+ // As below, but we don't need to check, because we're on the side of
+ // the transition that it would select as valid, if we were near one.
+ // NB: this branch is routinely exercised, when QDT::Data::isShort()
+ // obliges us to rediscover an offsetFromUtc that ShortData has no space
+ // to store, as it does remember the DST status we got before.
+ } else {
+ // What we gave was valid. However, it might have been in a fall-back.
+ // If so, the same input but with tm_isdst flipped should also be valid.
+ struct tm copy = base;
+ copy.tm_isdst = !result.local.tm_isdst;
+ const MkTimeResult flipped(copy);
+ if (flipped.good && !flipped.adjusted) {
+ // We're in a fall-back
+ if (!resolve.testAnyFlags(QDateTimePrivate::FoldMask)) {
+ result = {};
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Work out which repeat to use:
+ if (preferAlternative(resolve, result.local.tm_isdst, flipped.local.tm_isdst,
+ flipped.utcSecs > result.utcSecs, false)) {
+ result = flipped;
+ }
+ } // else: not in a transition, nothing to worry about.
+ }
+ return result;
+inline std::optional<qint64> tmToJd(const struct tm &date)
+ return QGregorianCalendar::julianFromParts(qYearFromTmYear(date.tm_year),
+ date.tm_mon + 1, date.tm_mday);
+#define IC(N) std::integral_constant<qint64, N>()
+// True if combining day and seconds overflows qint64; otherwise, sets *epochSeconds
+inline bool daysAndSecondsOverflow(qint64 julianDay, qint64 daySeconds, qint64 *epochSeconds)
+ return qMulOverflow(julianDay - JULIAN_DAY_FOR_EPOCH, IC(SECS_PER_DAY), epochSeconds)
+ || qAddOverflow(*epochSeconds, daySeconds, epochSeconds);
+// True if combining seconds and millis overflows; otherwise sets *epochMillis
+inline bool secondsAndMillisOverflow(qint64 epochSeconds, qint64 millis, qint64 *epochMillis)
+ return qMulOverflow(epochSeconds, IC(MSECS_PER_SEC), epochMillis)
+ || qAddOverflow(*epochMillis, millis, epochMillis);
+#undef IC
+} // namespace
+namespace QLocalTime {
+// Even if local time is currently in DST, this returns the standard time offset
+// (in seconds) nominally in effect at present:
+int getCurrentStandardUtcOffset()
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+ if (GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzInfo) != TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) {
+ int bias = tzInfo.Bias; // In minutes.
+ // StandardBias is usually zero, but include it if given:
+ if (tzInfo.StandardDate.wMonth) // Zero month means ignore StandardBias.
+ bias += tzInfo.StandardBias;
+ // MS's bias is +ve in the USA, so minutes *behind* UTC - we want seconds *ahead*:
+ return -bias * SECS_PER_MIN;
+ }
+ qTzSet();
+ const time_t curr = time(nullptr);
+ if (curr != -1) {
+ /* Set t to the UTC representation of curr; the time whose local
+ standard time representation coincides with that differs from curr by
+ local time's standard offset. Note that gmtime() leaves the tm_isdst
+ flag set to 0, so mktime() will, even if local time is currently
+ using DST, return the time since epoch at which local standard time
+ would have the same representation as UTC's representation of
+ curr. The fact that mktime() also flips tm_isdst and updates the time
+ fields to the DST-equivalent time needn't concern us here; all that
+ matters is that it returns the time after epoch at which standard
+ time's representation would have matched UTC's, had it been in
+ effect.
+ */
+ struct tm t;
+ if (gmtime_r(&curr, &t)) {
+ time_t mkt = qMkTime(&t);
+ int offset = int(curr - mkt);
+ Q_ASSERT(std::abs(offset) <= SECS_PER_DAY);
+ return offset;
+ }
+# else
+ if (struct tm *tp = gmtime(&curr)) {
+ struct tm t = *tp; // Copy it quick, hopefully before it can get stomped
+ time_t mkt = qMkTime(&t);
+ int offset = int(curr - mkt);
+ Q_ASSERT(std::abs(offset) <= SECS_PER_DAY);
+ return offset;
+ }
+# endif
+ } // else, presumably: errno == EOVERFLOW
+#endif // Platform choice
+ qDebug("Unable to determine current standard time offset from UTC");
+ // We can't tell, presume UTC.
+ return 0;
+// This is local time's offset (in seconds), at the specified time, including
+// any DST part.
+int getUtcOffset(qint64 atMSecsSinceEpoch)
+ return QDateTimePrivate::expressUtcAsLocal(atMSecsSinceEpoch).offset;
+// Calls the platform variant of localtime() for the given utcMillis, and
+// returns the local milliseconds, offset from UTC and DST status.
+QDateTimePrivate::ZoneState utcToLocal(qint64 utcMillis)
+ const auto epoch = QRoundingDown::qDivMod<MSECS_PER_SEC>(utcMillis);
+ const time_t epochSeconds = epoch.quotient;
+ const int msec = epoch.remainder;
+ Q_ASSERT(msec >= 0 && msec < MSECS_PER_SEC);
+ if (qint64(epochSeconds) * MSECS_PER_SEC + msec != utcMillis) // time_t range too narrow
+ return {utcMillis};
+ tm local;
+ if (!qLocalTime(epochSeconds, &local))
+ return {utcMillis};
+ auto jd = tmToJd(local);
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(!jd))
+ return {utcMillis};
+ const qint64 daySeconds = tmSecsWithinDay(local);
+ Q_ASSERT(0 <= daySeconds && daySeconds < SECS_PER_DAY);
+ qint64 localSeconds, localMillis;
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(daysAndSecondsOverflow(*jd, daySeconds, &localSeconds)
+ || secondsAndMillisOverflow(localSeconds, qint64(msec), &localMillis))) {
+ return {utcMillis};
+ }
+ const auto dst
+ = local.tm_isdst ? QDateTimePrivate::DaylightTime : QDateTimePrivate::StandardTime;
+ return { localMillis, int(localSeconds - epochSeconds), dst };
+QString localTimeAbbbreviationAt(qint64 local, QDateTimePrivate::TransitionOptions resolve)
+ auto use = resolveLocalTime(QRoundingDown::qDiv<MSECS_PER_SEC>(local), resolve);
+ if (!use.good)
+ return {};
+#ifdef HAVE_TM_ZONE
+ if (use.local.tm_zone)
+ return QString::fromLocal8Bit(use.local.tm_zone);
+ return qTzName(use.local.tm_isdst > 0 ? 1 : 0);
+QDateTimePrivate::ZoneState mapLocalTime(qint64 local, QDateTimePrivate::TransitionOptions resolve)
+ // Revised later to match what use.local tells us:
+ qint64 localSecs = local / MSECS_PER_SEC;
+ auto use = resolveLocalTime(localSecs, resolve);
+ if (!use.good)
+ return {local};
+ qint64 millis = local - localSecs * MSECS_PER_SEC;
+ // Division is defined to round towards zero:
+ Q_ASSERT(local < 0 ? (millis <= 0 && millis > -MSECS_PER_SEC)
+ : (millis >= 0 && millis < MSECS_PER_SEC));
+ QDateTimePrivate::DaylightStatus dst =
+ use.local.tm_isdst > 0 ? QDateTimePrivate::DaylightTime : QDateTimePrivate::StandardTime;
+ const int offset = use.local.tm_gmtoff;
+ localSecs = offset + use.utcSecs;
+ // Provisional offset, until we have a revised localSecs:
+ int offset = localSecs - use.utcSecs;
+ auto jd = tmToJd(use.local);
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(!jd))
+ return {local, offset, dst, false};
+ qint64 daySecs = tmSecsWithinDay(use.local);
+ Q_ASSERT(0 <= daySecs && daySecs < SECS_PER_DAY);
+ if (daySecs > 0 && *jd < JULIAN_DAY_FOR_EPOCH) {
+ jd = *jd + 1;
+ daySecs -= SECS_PER_DAY;
+ }
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(daysAndSecondsOverflow(*jd, daySecs, &localSecs)))
+ return {local, offset, dst, false};
+ // Use revised localSecs to refine offset:
+ offset = localSecs - use.utcSecs;
+#endif // HAVE_TM_GMTOFF
+ // The only way localSecs and millis can now have opposite sign is for
+ // resolution of the local time to have kicked us across the epoch, in which
+ // case there's no danger of overflow. So if overflow is in danger of
+ // happening, we're already doing the best we can to avoid it.
+ qint64 revised;
+ if (secondsAndMillisOverflow(localSecs, millis, &revised))
+ return {local, offset, QDateTimePrivate::UnknownDaylightTime, false};
+ return {revised, offset, dst, true};
+ \internal
+ Determine the range of the system time_t functions.
+ On MS-systems (where time_t is 64-bit by default), the start-point is the
+ epoch, the end-point is the end of the year 3000 (for mktime(); for
+ _localtime64_s it's 18 days later, but we ignore that here). Darwin's range
+ runs from the beginning of 1900 to the end of its 64-bit time_t and Linux
+ uses the full range of time_t (but this might still be 32-bit on some
+ embedded systems).
+ (One potential constraint might appear to be the range of struct tm's int
+ tm_year, only allowing time_t to represent times from the start of year
+ 1900+INT_MIN to the end of year INT_MAX. The 26-bit number of seconds in a
+ year means that a 64-bit time_t can indeed represent times outside the range
+ of 32-bit years, by a factor of 32 - but the range of representable
+ milliseconds needs ten more bits than that of seconds, so can't reach the
+ ends of the 32-bit year range.)
+ Given the diversity of ranges, we conservatively estimate the actual
+ supported range by experiment on the first call to qdatetime.cpp's
+ millisInSystemRange() by exploration among the known candidates, converting
+ the result to milliseconds and flagging whether each end is the qint64
+ range's bound (so millisInSystemRange will know not to try to pad beyond
+ those bounds). The probed date-times are somewhat inside the range, but
+ close enough to the relevant bound that we can be fairly sure the bound is
+ reached, if the probe succeeds.
+SystemMillisRange computeSystemMillisRange()
+ // Assert this here, as this is called just once, in a static initialization.
+ Q_ASSERT(QGregorianCalendar::julianFromParts(1970, 1, 1) == JULIAN_DAY_FOR_EPOCH);
+ constexpr qint64 TIME_T_MAX = std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max();
+ using Bounds = std::numeric_limits<qint64>;
+ constexpr bool isNarrow = Bounds::max() / MSECS_PER_SEC > TIME_T_MAX;
+ if constexpr (isNarrow) {
+ const qint64 msecsMax = quint64(TIME_T_MAX) * MSECS_PER_SEC - 1 + MSECS_PER_SEC;
+ const qint64 msecsMin = -1 - msecsMax; // TIME_T_MIN is -1 - TIME_T_MAX
+ // If we reach back to msecsMin, use it; otherwise, assume 1970 cut-off (MS).
+ struct tm local = {};
+ local.tm_year = tmYearFromQYear(1901);
+ local.tm_mon = 11;
+ local.tm_mday = 15; // A day and a bit after the start of 32-bit time_t:
+ local.tm_isdst = -1;
+ return {qMkTime(&local) == -1 ? 0 : msecsMin, msecsMax, false, false};
+ } else {
+ const struct { int year; qint64 millis; } starts[] = {
+ { int(QDateTime::YearRange::First) + 1, Bounds::min() },
+ // Beginning of the Common Era:
+ { 1, -Q_INT64_C(62135596800000) },
+ // Invention of the Gregorian calendar:
+ { 1582, -Q_INT64_C(12244089600000) },
+ // Its adoption by the anglophone world:
+ { 1752, -Q_INT64_C(6879427200000) },
+ // Before this, struct tm's tm_year is negative (Darwin):
+ { 1900, -Q_INT64_C(2208988800000) },
+ }, ends[] = {
+ { int(QDateTime::YearRange::Last) - 1, Bounds::max() },
+ // MS's end-of-range, end of year 3000:
+ { 3000, Q_INT64_C(32535215999999) },
+ };
+ // Assume we do at least reach the end of a signed 32-bit time_t (since
+ // our actual time_t is bigger than that):
+ qint64 stop =
+ quint64(std::numeric_limits<qint32>::max()) * MSECS_PER_SEC - 1 + MSECS_PER_SEC;
+ // Cleared if first pass round loop fails:
+ bool stopMax = true;
+ for (const auto c : ends) {
+ struct tm local = {};
+ local.tm_year = tmYearFromQYear(c.year);
+ local.tm_mon = 11;
+ local.tm_mday = 31;
+ local.tm_hour = 23;
+ local.tm_min = local.tm_sec = 59;
+ local.tm_isdst = -1;
+ if (qMkTime(&local) != -1) {
+ stop = c.millis;
+ break;
+ }
+ stopMax = false;
+ }
+ bool startMin = true;
+ for (const auto c : starts) {
+ struct tm local {};
+ local.tm_year = tmYearFromQYear(c.year);
+ local.tm_mon = 1;
+ local.tm_mday = 1;
+ local.tm_isdst = -1;
+ if (qMkTime(&local) != -1)
+ return {c.millis, stop, startMin, stopMax};
+ startMin = false;
+ }
+ return {0, stop, false, stopMax};
+ }
+} // QLocalTime