path: root/src/corelib/tools
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1 files changed, 11 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp b/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp
index 7d409708bb..79365b11b1 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp
@@ -559,11 +559,13 @@ static int ucstrncmp(const QChar *a, const uchar *c, int l)
- // we'll read uc[offset..offset+7] (16 bytes) and c[offset-8..offset+7] (16 bytes)
+# ifdef Q_PROCESSOR_X86_64
+ enum { MaxTailLength = 7 };
+ // we'll read uc[offset..offset+7] (16 bytes) and c[offset..offset+7] (8 bytes)
if (uc + offset + 7 < e) {
- // same, but we'll throw away half the data
- __m128i chunk = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(c + offset - 8));
- __m128i secondHalf = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(chunk, nullmask);
+ // same, but we're using an 8-byte load
+ __m128i chunk = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(*(long long *)(c + offset));
+ __m128i secondHalf = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(chunk, nullmask);
__m128i ucdata = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(uc + offset));
__m128i result = _mm_cmpeq_epi16(secondHalf, ucdata);
@@ -577,6 +579,10 @@ static int ucstrncmp(const QChar *a, const uchar *c, int l)
// still matched
offset += 8;
+# else
+ // 32-bit, we can't do MOVQ to load 8 bytes
+ enum { MaxTailLength = 15 };
+# endif
// reset uc and c
uc += offset;
@@ -584,7 +590,7 @@ static int ucstrncmp(const QChar *a, const uchar *c, int l)
const auto &lambda = [=](int i) { return uc[i] - ushort(c[i]); };
- return UnrollTailLoop<7>::exec(e - uc, 0, lambda, lambda);
+ return UnrollTailLoop<MaxTailLength>::exec(e - uc, 0, lambda, lambda);
# endif