path: root/src/gui/opengl/platform/egl/qeglconvenience.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/opengl/platform/egl/qeglconvenience.cpp')
1 files changed, 596 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/opengl/platform/egl/qeglconvenience.cpp b/src/gui/opengl/platform/egl/qeglconvenience.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4af50d72f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/opengl/platform/egl/qeglconvenience.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
+#include <QtGui/qopenglcontext.h>
+#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <linux/fb.h>
+#include <QtGui/private/qmath_p.h>
+#include "qeglconvenience_p.h"
+#define EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR 0x0040
+QList<EGLint> q_createConfigAttributesFromFormat(const QSurfaceFormat &format)
+ int redSize = format.redBufferSize();
+ int greenSize = format.greenBufferSize();
+ int blueSize = format.blueBufferSize();
+ int alphaSize = format.alphaBufferSize();
+ int depthSize = format.depthBufferSize();
+ int stencilSize = format.stencilBufferSize();
+ int sampleCount = format.samples();
+ QList<EGLint> configAttributes;
+ // Map default, unspecified values (-1) to 0. This is important due to sorting rule #3
+ // in section 3.4.1 of the spec and allows picking a potentially faster 16-bit config
+ // over 32-bit ones when there is no explicit request for the color channel sizes:
+ //
+ // The red/green/blue sizes have a sort priority of 3, so they are sorted by
+ // first. (unless a caveat like SLOW or NON_CONFORMANT is present) The sort order is
+ // Special and described as "by larger _total_ number of color bits.". So EGL will put
+ // 32-bit configs in the list before the 16-bit configs. However, the spec also goes
+ // on to say "If the requested number of bits in attrib_list for a particular
+ // component is 0, then the number of bits for that component is not considered". This
+ // part of the spec also seems to imply that setting the red/green/blue bits to zero
+ // means none of the components are considered and EGL disregards the entire sorting
+ // rule. It then looks to the next highest priority rule, which is
+ // EGL_BUFFER_SIZE. Despite the selection criteria being "AtLeast" for
+ // EGL_BUFFER_SIZE, it's sort order is "smaller" meaning 16-bit configs are put in the
+ // list before 32-bit configs.
+ //
+ // This also means that explicitly specifying a size like 565 will still result in
+ // having larger (888) configs first in the returned list. We need to handle this
+ // ourselves later by manually filtering the list, instead of just blindly taking the
+ // first config from it.
+ configAttributes.append(EGL_RED_SIZE);
+ configAttributes.append(redSize > 0 ? redSize : 0);
+ configAttributes.append(EGL_GREEN_SIZE);
+ configAttributes.append(greenSize > 0 ? greenSize : 0);
+ configAttributes.append(EGL_BLUE_SIZE);
+ configAttributes.append(blueSize > 0 ? blueSize : 0);
+ configAttributes.append(EGL_ALPHA_SIZE);
+ configAttributes.append(alphaSize > 0 ? alphaSize : 0);
+ configAttributes.append(EGL_SAMPLES);
+ configAttributes.append(sampleCount > 0 ? sampleCount : 0);
+ configAttributes.append(EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS);
+ configAttributes.append(sampleCount > 0);
+ if (format.renderableType() != QSurfaceFormat::OpenVG) {
+ configAttributes.append(EGL_DEPTH_SIZE);
+ configAttributes.append(depthSize > 0 ? depthSize : 0);
+ configAttributes.append(EGL_STENCIL_SIZE);
+ configAttributes.append(stencilSize > 0 ? stencilSize : 0);
+ } else {
+ // OpenVG needs alpha mask for clipping
+ configAttributes.append(EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE);
+ configAttributes.append(8);
+ }
+ return configAttributes;
+bool q_reduceConfigAttributes(QList<EGLint> *configAttributes)
+ // Reduce the complexity of a configuration request to ask for less
+ // because the previous request did not result in success. Returns
+ // true if the complexity was reduced, or false if no further
+ // reductions in complexity are possible.
+ qsizetype i = configAttributes->indexOf(EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ configAttributes->remove(i,2);
+ }
+ // For OpenVG, we sometimes try to create a surface using a pre-multiplied format. If we can't
+ // find a config which supports pre-multiplied formats, remove the flag on the surface type:
+ i = configAttributes->indexOf(EGL_SURFACE_TYPE);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ EGLint surfaceType = configAttributes->at(i +1);
+ if (surfaceType & EGL_VG_ALPHA_FORMAT_PRE_BIT) {
+ configAttributes->replace(i+1,surfaceType);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // EGL chooses configs with the highest color depth over
+ // those with smaller (but faster) lower color depths. One
+ // way around this is to set EGL_BUFFER_SIZE to 16, which
+ // trumps the others. Of course, there may not be a 16-bit
+ // config available, so it's the first restraint we remove.
+ i = configAttributes->indexOf(EGL_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ if (configAttributes->at(i+1) == 16) {
+ configAttributes->remove(i,2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ i = configAttributes->indexOf(EGL_SAMPLES);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ EGLint value = configAttributes->value(i+1, 0);
+ if (value > 1)
+ configAttributes->replace(i+1, qMin(EGLint(16), value / 2));
+ else
+ configAttributes->remove(i, 2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ i = configAttributes->indexOf(EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ configAttributes->remove(i,2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ i = configAttributes->indexOf(EGL_DEPTH_SIZE);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ if (configAttributes->at(i + 1) >= 32)
+ configAttributes->replace(i + 1, 24);
+ else if (configAttributes->at(i + 1) > 1)
+ configAttributes->replace(i + 1, 1);
+ else
+ configAttributes->remove(i, 2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ i = configAttributes->indexOf(EGL_ALPHA_SIZE);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ configAttributes->remove(i,2);
+ i = configAttributes->indexOf(EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ configAttributes->replace(i,EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGB);
+ configAttributes->replace(i+1,true);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ i = configAttributes->indexOf(EGL_STENCIL_SIZE);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ if (configAttributes->at(i + 1) > 1)
+ configAttributes->replace(i + 1, 1);
+ else
+ configAttributes->remove(i, 2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ i = configAttributes->indexOf(EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGB);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ configAttributes->remove(i,2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+QEglConfigChooser::QEglConfigChooser(EGLDisplay display)
+ : m_display(display)
+ , m_surfaceType(EGL_WINDOW_BIT)
+ , m_ignore(false)
+ , m_confAttrRed(0)
+ , m_confAttrGreen(0)
+ , m_confAttrBlue(0)
+ , m_confAttrAlpha(0)
+EGLConfig QEglConfigChooser::chooseConfig()
+ QList<EGLint> configureAttributes = q_createConfigAttributesFromFormat(m_format);
+ configureAttributes.append(EGL_SURFACE_TYPE);
+ configureAttributes.append(surfaceType());
+ configureAttributes.append(EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE);
+ bool needsES2Plus = false;
+ switch (m_format.renderableType()) {
+ case QSurfaceFormat::OpenVG:
+ configureAttributes.append(EGL_OPENVG_BIT);
+ break;
+#ifdef EGL_VERSION_1_4
+ case QSurfaceFormat::DefaultRenderableType: {
+#ifndef QT_NO_OPENGL
+ // NVIDIA EGL only provides desktop GL for development purposes, and recommends against using it.
+ const char *vendor = eglQueryString(display(), EGL_VENDOR);
+ if (QOpenGLContext::openGLModuleType() == QOpenGLContext::LibGL && (!vendor || !strstr(vendor, "NVIDIA")))
+ configureAttributes.append(EGL_OPENGL_BIT);
+ else
+#endif // QT_NO_OPENGL
+ needsES2Plus = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ case QSurfaceFormat::OpenGL:
+ configureAttributes.append(EGL_OPENGL_BIT);
+ break;
+ case QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLES:
+ if (m_format.majorVersion() == 1) {
+ configureAttributes.append(EGL_OPENGL_ES_BIT);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ needsES2Plus = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (needsES2Plus) {
+ if (m_format.majorVersion() >= 3 && q_hasEglExtension(display(), "EGL_KHR_create_context"))
+ configureAttributes.append(EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR);
+ else
+ configureAttributes.append(EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT);
+ }
+ configureAttributes.append(EGL_NONE);
+ EGLConfig cfg = nullptr;
+ do {
+ // Get the number of matching configurations for this set of properties.
+ EGLint matching = 0;
+ if (!eglChooseConfig(display(), configureAttributes.constData(), nullptr, 0, &matching) || !matching)
+ continue;
+ // Fetch all of the matching configurations and find the
+ // first that matches the pixel format we wanted.
+ qsizetype i = configureAttributes.indexOf(EGL_RED_SIZE);
+ m_confAttrRed =;
+ i = configureAttributes.indexOf(EGL_GREEN_SIZE);
+ m_confAttrGreen =;
+ i = configureAttributes.indexOf(EGL_BLUE_SIZE);
+ m_confAttrBlue =;
+ i = configureAttributes.indexOf(EGL_ALPHA_SIZE);
+ m_confAttrAlpha = i == -1 ? 0 :;
+ QList<EGLConfig> configs(matching);
+ eglChooseConfig(display(), configureAttributes.constData(),,
+ EGLint(configs.size()), &matching);
+ if (!cfg && matching > 0)
+ cfg = configs.first();
+ // Filter the list. Due to the EGL sorting rules configs with higher depth are
+ // placed first when the minimum color channel sizes have been specified (i.e. the
+ // QSurfaceFormat contains color sizes > 0). To prevent returning a 888 config
+ // when the QSurfaceFormat explicitly asked for 565, go through the returned
+ // configs and look for one that exactly matches the requested sizes. When no
+ // sizes have been given, take the first, which will be a config with the smaller
+ // (e.g. 16-bit) depth.
+ for (int i = 0; i < configs.size(); ++i) {
+ if (filterConfig(configs[i]))
+ return;
+ }
+ } while (q_reduceConfigAttributes(&configureAttributes));
+ if (!cfg)
+ qWarning("Cannot find EGLConfig, returning null config");
+ return cfg;
+bool QEglConfigChooser::filterConfig(EGLConfig config) const
+ // If we are fine with the highest depth (e.g. RGB888 configs) even when something
+ // smaller (565) was explicitly requested, do nothing.
+ if (m_ignore)
+ return true;
+ EGLint red = 0;
+ EGLint green = 0;
+ EGLint blue = 0;
+ EGLint alpha = 0;
+ // Compare only if a size was given. Otherwise just accept.
+ if (m_confAttrRed)
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(display(), config, EGL_RED_SIZE, &red);
+ if (m_confAttrGreen)
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(display(), config, EGL_GREEN_SIZE, &green);
+ if (m_confAttrBlue)
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(display(), config, EGL_BLUE_SIZE, &blue);
+ if (m_confAttrAlpha)
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(display(), config, EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, &alpha);
+ return red == m_confAttrRed && green == m_confAttrGreen
+ && blue == m_confAttrBlue && alpha == m_confAttrAlpha;
+EGLConfig q_configFromGLFormat(EGLDisplay display, const QSurfaceFormat &format, bool highestPixelFormat, int surfaceType)
+ QEglConfigChooser chooser(display);
+ chooser.setSurfaceFormat(format);
+ chooser.setSurfaceType(surfaceType);
+ chooser.setIgnoreColorChannels(highestPixelFormat);
+ return chooser.chooseConfig();
+QSurfaceFormat q_glFormatFromConfig(EGLDisplay display, const EGLConfig config, const QSurfaceFormat &referenceFormat)
+ QSurfaceFormat format;
+ EGLint redSize = 0;
+ EGLint greenSize = 0;
+ EGLint blueSize = 0;
+ EGLint alphaSize = 0;
+ EGLint depthSize = 0;
+ EGLint stencilSize = 0;
+ EGLint sampleCount = 0;
+ EGLint renderableType = 0;
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_RED_SIZE, &redSize);
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_GREEN_SIZE, &greenSize);
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_BLUE_SIZE, &blueSize);
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, &alphaSize);
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, &depthSize);
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_STENCIL_SIZE, &stencilSize);
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_SAMPLES, &sampleCount);
+ eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE, &renderableType);
+ if (referenceFormat.renderableType() == QSurfaceFormat::OpenVG && (renderableType & EGL_OPENVG_BIT))
+ format.setRenderableType(QSurfaceFormat::OpenVG);
+#ifdef EGL_VERSION_1_4
+ else if (referenceFormat.renderableType() == QSurfaceFormat::OpenGL
+ && (renderableType & EGL_OPENGL_BIT))
+ format.setRenderableType(QSurfaceFormat::OpenGL);
+ else if (referenceFormat.renderableType() == QSurfaceFormat::DefaultRenderableType
+#ifndef QT_NO_OPENGL
+ && QOpenGLContext::openGLModuleType() == QOpenGLContext::LibGL
+ && !strstr(eglQueryString(display, EGL_VENDOR), "NVIDIA")
+ && (renderableType & EGL_OPENGL_BIT))
+ format.setRenderableType(QSurfaceFormat::OpenGL);
+ else
+ format.setRenderableType(QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLES);
+ format.setRedBufferSize(redSize);
+ format.setGreenBufferSize(greenSize);
+ format.setBlueBufferSize(blueSize);
+ format.setAlphaBufferSize(alphaSize);
+ format.setDepthBufferSize(depthSize);
+ format.setStencilBufferSize(stencilSize);
+ format.setSamples(sampleCount);
+ format.setStereo(false); // EGL doesn't support stereo buffers
+ format.setSwapInterval(referenceFormat.swapInterval());
+ // Clear the EGL error state because some of the above may
+ // have errored out because the attribute is not applicable
+ // to the surface type. Such errors don't matter.
+ eglGetError();
+ return format;
+bool q_hasEglExtension(EGLDisplay display, const char* extensionName)
+ QList<QByteArray> extensions =
+ QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char *>
+ (eglQueryString(display, EGL_EXTENSIONS))).split(' ');
+ return extensions.contains(extensionName);
+struct AttrInfo { EGLint attr; const char *name; };
+static struct AttrInfo attrs[] = {
+ {-1, nullptr}};
+void q_printEglConfig(EGLDisplay display, EGLConfig config)
+ EGLint index;
+ for (index = 0; attrs[index].attr != -1; ++index) {
+ EGLint value;
+ if (eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, attrs[index].attr, &value)) {
+ qDebug("\t%s: %d", attrs[index].name, (int)value);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
+QSizeF q_physicalScreenSizeFromFb(int framebufferDevice, const QSize &screenSize)
+#ifndef Q_OS_LINUX
+ Q_UNUSED(framebufferDevice);
+ const int defaultPhysicalDpi = 100;
+ static QSizeF size;
+ if (size.isEmpty()) {
+ // Note: in millimeters
+ int width = qEnvironmentVariableIntValue("QT_QPA_EGLFS_PHYSICAL_WIDTH");
+ int height = qEnvironmentVariableIntValue("QT_QPA_EGLFS_PHYSICAL_HEIGHT");
+ if (width && height) {
+ size.setWidth(width);
+ size.setHeight(height);
+ return size;
+ }
+ int w = -1;
+ int h = -1;
+ QSize screenResolution;
+#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
+ struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;
+ if (framebufferDevice != -1) {
+ if (ioctl(framebufferDevice, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo) == -1) {
+ qWarning("eglconvenience: Could not query screen info");
+ } else {
+ w = vinfo.width;
+ h = vinfo.height;
+ screenResolution = QSize(vinfo.xres, vinfo.yres);
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ // Use the provided screen size, when available, since some platforms may have their own
+ // specific way to query it. Otherwise try querying it from the framebuffer.
+ screenResolution = screenSize.isEmpty() ? q_screenSizeFromFb(framebufferDevice) : screenSize;
+ }
+ size.setWidth(w <= 0 ? screenResolution.width() * Q_MM_PER_INCH / defaultPhysicalDpi : qreal(w));
+ size.setHeight(h <= 0 ? screenResolution.height() * Q_MM_PER_INCH / defaultPhysicalDpi : qreal(h));
+ if (w <= 0 || h <= 0)
+ qWarning("Unable to query physical screen size, defaulting to %d dpi.\n"
+ "To override, set QT_QPA_EGLFS_PHYSICAL_WIDTH "
+ "and QT_QPA_EGLFS_PHYSICAL_HEIGHT (in millimeters).", defaultPhysicalDpi);
+ }
+ return size;
+QSize q_screenSizeFromFb(int framebufferDevice)
+#ifndef Q_OS_LINUX
+ Q_UNUSED(framebufferDevice);
+ const int defaultWidth = 800;
+ const int defaultHeight = 600;
+ static QSize size;
+ if (size.isEmpty()) {
+ int width = qEnvironmentVariableIntValue("QT_QPA_EGLFS_WIDTH");
+ int height = qEnvironmentVariableIntValue("QT_QPA_EGLFS_HEIGHT");
+ if (width && height) {
+ size.setWidth(width);
+ size.setHeight(height);
+ return size;
+ }
+#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
+ struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;
+ int xres = -1;
+ int yres = -1;
+ if (framebufferDevice != -1) {
+ if (ioctl(framebufferDevice, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo) == -1) {
+ qWarning("eglconvenience: Could not read screen info");
+ } else {
+ xres = vinfo.xres;
+ yres = vinfo.yres;
+ }
+ }
+ size.setWidth(xres <= 0 ? defaultWidth : xres);
+ size.setHeight(yres <= 0 ? defaultHeight : yres);
+ size.setWidth(defaultWidth);
+ size.setHeight(defaultHeight);
+ }
+ return size;
+int q_screenDepthFromFb(int framebufferDevice)
+#ifndef Q_OS_LINUX
+ Q_UNUSED(framebufferDevice);
+ const int defaultDepth = 32;
+ static int depth = qEnvironmentVariableIntValue("QT_QPA_EGLFS_DEPTH");
+ if (depth == 0) {
+#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
+ struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;
+ if (framebufferDevice != -1) {
+ if (ioctl(framebufferDevice, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo) == -1)
+ qWarning("eglconvenience: Could not query screen info");
+ else
+ depth = vinfo.bits_per_pixel;
+ }
+ if (depth <= 0)
+ depth = defaultDepth;
+ depth = defaultDepth;
+ }
+ return depth;
+qreal q_refreshRateFromFb(int framebufferDevice)
+#ifndef Q_OS_LINUX
+ Q_UNUSED(framebufferDevice);
+ static qreal rate = 0;
+#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
+ if (rate == 0) {
+ if (framebufferDevice != -1) {
+ struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;
+ if (ioctl(framebufferDevice, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo) != -1) {
+ const quint64 quot = quint64(vinfo.left_margin + vinfo.right_margin + vinfo.xres + vinfo.hsync_len)
+ * quint64(vinfo.upper_margin + vinfo.lower_margin + vinfo.yres + vinfo.vsync_len)
+ * vinfo.pixclock;
+ if (quot)
+ rate = 1000000000000LLU / quot;
+ } else {
+ qWarning("eglconvenience: Could not query screen info");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (rate == 0)
+ rate = 60;
+ return rate;
+#endif // Q_OS_UNIX