path: root/src/gui/painting/qcosmeticstroker.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/painting/qcosmeticstroker.cpp')
1 files changed, 958 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qcosmeticstroker.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qcosmeticstroker.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ee262fcf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qcosmeticstroker.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,958 @@
+#include "qcosmeticstroker_p.h"
+#include "private/qpainterpath_p.h"
+#include <qdebug.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#if 0
+inline QString capString(int caps)
+ QString str;
+ if (caps & QCosmeticStroker::CapBegin) {
+ str += "CapBegin ";
+ }
+ if (caps & QCosmeticStroker::CapEnd) {
+ str += "CapEnd ";
+ }
+ return str;
+#define toF26Dot6(x) ((int)((x)*64.))
+static inline uint sourceOver(uint d, uint color)
+ return color + BYTE_MUL(d, qAlpha(~color));
+inline static int F16Dot16FixedDiv(int x, int y)
+ if (qAbs(x) > 0x7fff)
+ return (((qlonglong)x) << 16) / y;
+ return (x << 16) / y;
+typedef void (*DrawPixel)(QCosmeticStroker *stroker, int x, int y, int coverage);
+namespace {
+struct Dasher {
+ QCosmeticStroker *stroker;
+ int *pattern;
+ int offset;
+ int dashIndex;
+ int dashOn;
+ Dasher(QCosmeticStroker *s, bool reverse, int start, int stop)
+ : stroker(s)
+ {
+ int delta = stop - start;
+ if (reverse) {
+ pattern = stroker->reversePattern;
+ offset = stroker->patternLength - stroker->patternOffset - delta - ((start & 63) - 32);
+ dashOn = 0;
+ } else {
+ pattern = stroker->pattern;
+ offset = stroker->patternOffset - ((start & 63) - 32);
+ dashOn = 1;
+ }
+ offset %= stroker->patternLength;
+ if (offset < 0)
+ offset += stroker->patternLength;
+ dashIndex = 0;
+ while (offset>= pattern[dashIndex])
+ ++dashIndex;
+// qDebug() << " dasher" << offset/64. << reverse << dashIndex;
+ stroker->patternOffset += delta;
+ stroker->patternOffset %= stroker->patternLength;
+ }
+ bool on() const {
+ return (dashIndex + dashOn) & 1;
+ }
+ void adjust() {
+ offset += 64;
+ if (offset >= pattern[dashIndex]) {
+ ++dashIndex;
+ dashIndex %= stroker->patternSize;
+ }
+ offset %= stroker->patternLength;
+// qDebug() << "dasher.adjust" << offset/64. << dashIndex;
+ }
+struct NoDasher {
+ NoDasher(QCosmeticStroker *, bool, int, int) {}
+ bool on() const { return true; }
+ void adjust(int = 0) {}
+template<DrawPixel drawPixel, class Dasher>
+static void drawLine(QCosmeticStroker *stroker, qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2, int caps);
+template<DrawPixel drawPixel, class Dasher>
+static void drawLineAA(QCosmeticStroker *stroker, qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2, int caps);
+inline void drawPixel(QCosmeticStroker *stroker, int x, int y, int coverage)
+ int lastx = stroker->spans[stroker->current_span-1].x + stroker->spans[stroker->current_span-1].len ;
+ int lasty = stroker->spans[stroker->current_span-1].y;
+ if (stroker->current_span == QCosmeticStroker::NSPANS || y < lasty || (y == lasty && x < lastx)) {
+ stroker->blend(stroker->current_span, stroker->spans, &stroker->state->penData);
+ stroker->current_span = 0;
+ }
+ stroker->spans[stroker->current_span].x = ushort(x);
+ stroker->spans[stroker->current_span].len = 1;
+ stroker->spans[stroker->current_span].y = y;
+ stroker->spans[stroker->current_span].coverage = coverage*stroker->opacity >> 8;
+ ++stroker->current_span;
+inline void drawPixelARGB32(QCosmeticStroker *stroker, int x, int y, int coverage)
+ const QRect &cl = stroker->clip;
+ if (x < cl.x() || x > cl.right() || y < cl.y() || y > cl.bottom())
+ return;
+ int offset = x + stroker->ppl*y;
+ uint c = BYTE_MUL(stroker->color, coverage);
+ stroker->pixels[offset] = sourceOver(stroker->pixels[offset], c);
+inline void drawPixelARGB32Opaque(QCosmeticStroker *stroker, int x, int y, int)
+ const QRect &cl = stroker->clip;
+ if (x < cl.x() || x > cl.right() || y < cl.y() || y > cl.bottom())
+ return;
+ int offset = x + stroker->ppl*y;
+ stroker->pixels[offset] = sourceOver(stroker->pixels[offset], stroker->color);
+enum StrokeSelection {
+ Aliased = 0,
+ AntiAliased = 1,
+ Solid = 0,
+ Dashed = 2,
+ RegularDraw = 0,
+ FastDraw = 4
+static StrokeLine strokeLine(int strokeSelection)
+ StrokeLine stroke;
+ switch (strokeSelection) {
+ case Aliased|Solid|RegularDraw:
+ stroke = &QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(drawLine)<drawPixel, NoDasher>;
+ break;
+ case Aliased|Solid|FastDraw:
+ stroke = &QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(drawLine)<drawPixelARGB32Opaque, NoDasher>;
+ break;
+ case Aliased|Dashed|RegularDraw:
+ stroke = &QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(drawLine)<drawPixel, Dasher>;
+ break;
+ case Aliased|Dashed|FastDraw:
+ stroke = &QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(drawLine)<drawPixelARGB32Opaque, Dasher>;
+ break;
+ case AntiAliased|Solid|RegularDraw:
+ stroke = &QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(drawLineAA)<drawPixel, NoDasher>;
+ break;
+ case AntiAliased|Solid|FastDraw:
+ stroke = &QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(drawLineAA)<drawPixelARGB32, NoDasher>;
+ break;
+ case AntiAliased|Dashed|RegularDraw:
+ stroke = &QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(drawLineAA)<drawPixel, Dasher>;
+ break;
+ case AntiAliased|Dashed|FastDraw:
+ stroke = &QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(drawLineAA)<drawPixelARGB32, Dasher>;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Q_ASSERT(false);
+ stroke = 0;
+ }
+ return stroke;
+void QCosmeticStroker::setup()
+ blend = state->penData.blend;
+ if (state->clip && state->clip->enabled && state->clip->hasRectClip && !state->clip->clipRect.isEmpty()) {
+ clip &= state->clip->clipRect;
+ blend = state->penData.unclipped_blend;
+ }
+ int strokeSelection = 0;
+ if (blend == state->penData.unclipped_blend
+ && state->penData.type == QSpanData::Solid
+ && (state->penData.rasterBuffer->format == QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied
+ || state->penData.rasterBuffer->format == QImage::Format_RGB32)
+ && state->compositionMode() == QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver)
+ strokeSelection |= FastDraw;
+ if (state->renderHints & QPainter::Antialiasing)
+ strokeSelection |= AntiAliased;
+ const QVector<qreal> &penPattern = state->lastPen.dashPattern();
+ if (penPattern.isEmpty()) {
+ Q_ASSERT(!pattern && !reversePattern);
+ pattern = 0;
+ reversePattern = 0;
+ patternLength = 0;
+ patternSize = 0;
+ } else {
+ pattern = (int *)malloc(penPattern.size()*sizeof(int));
+ reversePattern = (int *)malloc(penPattern.size()*sizeof(int));
+ patternSize = penPattern.size();
+ patternLength = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < patternSize; ++i) {
+ patternLength += (int) qMax(1. ,*64.);
+ pattern[i] = patternLength;
+ }
+ patternLength = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < patternSize; ++i) {
+ patternLength += (int) qMax(1., - 1 - i)*64.);
+ reversePattern[i] = patternLength;
+ }
+ strokeSelection |= Dashed;
+// qDebug() << "setup: size=" << patternSize << "length=" << patternLength/64.;
+ }
+ stroke = strokeLine(strokeSelection);
+ qreal width = state->lastPen.widthF();
+ if (width == 0)
+ opacity = 256;
+ else if (state->lastPen.isCosmetic())
+ opacity = (int) 256*width;
+ else
+ opacity = (int) 256*width*state->txscale;
+ opacity = qBound(0, opacity, 256);
+ drawCaps = state->lastPen.capStyle() != Qt::FlatCap;
+ if (strokeSelection & FastDraw) {
+ color = INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_256(state->penData.solid.color, opacity, 0, 0);
+ QRasterBuffer *buffer = state->penData.rasterBuffer;
+ pixels = (uint *)buffer->buffer();
+ ppl = buffer->bytesPerLine()>>2;
+ }
+ // setup FP clip bounds
+ xmin = clip.left() - 1;
+ xmax = clip.right() + 2;
+ ymin = - 1;
+ ymax = clip.bottom() + 2;
+ lastPixel.x = -1;
+// returns true if the whole line gets clipped away
+bool QCosmeticStroker::clipLine(qreal &x1, qreal &y1, qreal &x2, qreal &y2)
+ // basic/rough clipping is done in floating point coordinates to avoid
+ // integer overflow problems.
+ if (x1 < xmin) {
+ if (x2 <= xmin)
+ goto clipped;
+ y1 += (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) * (xmin - x1);
+ x1 = xmin;
+ } else if (x1 > xmax) {
+ if (x2 >= xmax)
+ goto clipped;
+ y1 += (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) * (xmax - x1);
+ x1 = xmax;
+ }
+ if (x2 < xmin) {
+ lastPixel.x = -1;
+ y2 += (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) * (xmin - x2);
+ x2 = xmin;
+ } else if (x2 > xmax) {
+ lastPixel.x = -1;
+ y2 += (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) * (xmax - x2);
+ x2 = xmax;
+ }
+ if (y1 < ymin) {
+ if (y2 <= ymin)
+ goto clipped;
+ x1 += (x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1) * (ymin - y1);
+ y1 = ymin;
+ } else if (y1 > ymax) {
+ if (y2 >= ymax)
+ goto clipped;
+ x1 += (x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1) * (ymax - y1);
+ y1 = ymax;
+ }
+ if (y2 < ymin) {
+ lastPixel.x = -1;
+ x2 += (x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1) * (ymin - y2);
+ y2 = ymin;
+ } else if (y2 > ymax) {
+ lastPixel.x = -1;
+ x2 += (x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1) * (ymax - y2);
+ y2 = ymax;
+ }
+ return false;
+ clipped:
+ lastPixel.x = -1;
+ return true;
+void QCosmeticStroker::drawLine(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2)
+ QPointF start = p1 * state->matrix;
+ QPointF end = p2 * state->matrix;
+ patternOffset = state->lastPen.dashOffset()*64;
+ lastPixel.x = -1;
+ stroke(this, start.x(), start.y(), end.x(), end.y(), drawCaps ? CapBegin|CapEnd : 0);
+ blend(current_span, spans, &state->penData);
+ current_span = 0;
+void QCosmeticStroker::drawPoints(const QPoint *points, int num)
+ const QPoint *end = points + num;
+ while (points < end) {
+ QPointF p = QPointF(*points) * state->matrix;
+ drawPixel(this, qRound(p.x()), qRound(p.y()), 255);
+ ++points;
+ }
+ blend(current_span, spans, &state->penData);
+ current_span = 0;
+void QCosmeticStroker::drawPoints(const QPointF *points, int num)
+ const QPointF *end = points + num;
+ while (points < end) {
+ QPointF p = (*points) * state->matrix;
+ drawPixel(this, qRound(p.x()), qRound(p.y()), 255);
+ ++points;
+ }
+ blend(current_span, spans, &state->penData);
+ current_span = 0;
+void QCosmeticStroker::calculateLastPoint(qreal rx1, qreal ry1, qreal rx2, qreal ry2)
+ // this is basically the same code as used in the aliased stroke method,
+ // but it only determines the direction and last point of a line
+ //
+ // This is being used to have proper dropout control for closed contours
+ // by calculating the direction and last pixel of the last segment in the contour.
+ // the info is then used to perform dropout control when drawing the first line segment
+ // of the contour
+ lastPixel.x = -1;
+ lastPixel.y = -1;
+ if (clipLine(rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2))
+ return;
+ int x1 = toF26Dot6(rx1);
+ int y1 = toF26Dot6(ry1);
+ int x2 = toF26Dot6(rx2);
+ int y2 = toF26Dot6(ry2);
+ int dx = qAbs(x2 - x1);
+ int dy = qAbs(y2 - y1);
+ if (dx < dy) {
+ // vertical
+ bool swapped = false;
+ if (y1 > y2) {
+ swapped = true;
+ qSwap(y1, y2);
+ qSwap(x1, x2);
+ }
+ int xinc = F16Dot16FixedDiv(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+ int x = x1 << 10;
+ int y = (y1+32) >> 6;
+ int ys = (y2+32) >> 6;
+ if (y != ys) {
+ x += ( ((((y << 6) + 32 - y1))) * xinc ) >> 6;
+ if (swapped) {
+ lastPixel.x = x >> 16;
+ lastPixel.y = y;
+ lastDir = QCosmeticStroker::BottomToTop;
+ } else {
+ lastPixel.x = (x + (ys - y - 1)*xinc) >> 16;
+ lastPixel.y = ys - 1;
+ lastDir = QCosmeticStroker::TopToBottom;
+ }
+ lastAxisAligned = qAbs(xinc) < (1 << 14);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // horizontal
+ if (!dx)
+ return;
+ bool swapped = false;
+ if (x1 > x2) {
+ swapped = true;
+ qSwap(x1, x2);
+ qSwap(y1, y2);
+ }
+ int yinc = F16Dot16FixedDiv(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
+ int y = y1 << 10;
+ int x = (x1+32) >> 6;
+ int xs = (x2+32) >> 6;
+ if (x != xs) {
+ y += ( ((((x << 6) + 32 - x1))) * yinc ) >> 6;
+ if (swapped) {
+ lastPixel.x = x;
+ lastPixel.y = y >> 16;
+ lastDir = QCosmeticStroker::RightToLeft;
+ } else {
+ lastPixel.x = xs - 1;
+ lastPixel.y = (y + (xs - x - 1)*yinc) >> 16;
+ lastDir = QCosmeticStroker::LeftToRight;
+ }
+ lastAxisAligned = qAbs(yinc) < (1 << 14);
+ }
+ }
+// qDebug() << " moveTo: setting last pixel to x/y dir" << lastPixel.x << lastPixel.y << lastDir;
+static inline const QPainterPath::ElementType *subPath(const QPainterPath::ElementType *t, const QPainterPath::ElementType *end,
+ const qreal *points, bool *closed)
+ const QPainterPath::ElementType *start = t;
+ ++t;
+ // find out if the subpath is closed
+ while (t < end) {
+ if (*t == QPainterPath::MoveToElement)
+ break;
+ ++t;
+ }
+ int offset = t - start - 1;
+// qDebug() << "subpath" << offset << points[0] << points[1] << points[2*offset] << points[2*offset+1];
+ *closed = (points[0] == points[2*offset] && points[1] == points[2*offset + 1]);
+ return t;
+void QCosmeticStroker::drawPath(const QVectorPath &path)
+// qDebug() << ">>>> drawpath" << path.convertToPainterPath()
+// << "antialiasing:" << (bool)(state->renderHints & QPainter::Antialiasing) << " implicit close:" << path.hasImplicitClose();
+ if (path.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ const qreal *points = path.points();
+ const QPainterPath::ElementType *type = path.elements();
+ if (type) {
+ const QPainterPath::ElementType *end = type + path.elementCount();
+ while (type < end) {
+ Q_ASSERT(type == path.elements() || *type == QPainterPath::MoveToElement);
+ QPointF p = QPointF(points[0], points[1]) * state->matrix;
+ QPointF movedTo = p;
+ patternOffset = state->lastPen.dashOffset()*64;
+ lastPixel.x = -1;
+ bool closed;
+ const QPainterPath::ElementType *e = subPath(type, end, points, &closed);
+ if (closed) {
+ const qreal *p = points + 2*(e-type);
+ calculateLastPoint(p[-4], p[-3], p[-2], p[-1]);
+ }
+ int caps = (!closed & drawCaps) ? CapBegin : NoCaps;
+// qDebug() << "closed =" << closed << capString(caps);
+ points += 2;
+ ++type;
+ while (type < e) {
+ QPointF p2 = QPointF(points[0], points[1]) * state->matrix;
+ switch (*type) {
+ case QPainterPath::MoveToElement:
+ Q_ASSERT(!"Logic error");
+ break;
+ case QPainterPath::LineToElement:
+ if (!closed && drawCaps && type == e - 1)
+ caps |= CapEnd;
+ stroke(this, p.x(), p.y(), p2.x(), p2.y(), caps);
+ p = p2;
+ points += 2;
+ ++type;
+ break;
+ case QPainterPath::CurveToElement: {
+ if (!closed && drawCaps && type == e - 3)
+ caps |= CapEnd;
+ QPointF p3 = QPointF(points[2], points[3]) * state->matrix;
+ QPointF p4 = QPointF(points[4], points[5]) * state->matrix;
+ renderCubic(p, p2, p3, p4, caps);
+ p = p4;
+ type += 3;
+ points += 6;
+ break;
+ }
+ case QPainterPath::CurveToDataElement:
+ Q_ASSERT(!"QPainterPath::toSubpathPolygons(), bad element type");
+ break;
+ }
+ caps = NoCaps;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // !type, simple polygon
+ QPointF p = QPointF(points[0], points[1]) * state->matrix;
+ QPointF movedTo = p;
+ patternOffset = state->lastPen.dashOffset()*64;
+ lastPixel.x = -1;
+ const qreal *end = points + 2*path.elementCount();
+ // handle closed path case
+ bool closed = path.hasImplicitClose() || (points[0] == end[-2] && points[1] == end[-1]);
+ int caps = (!closed & drawCaps) ? CapBegin : NoCaps;
+ if (closed)
+ calculateLastPoint(end[-2], end[-1], points[0], points[1]);
+ points += 2;
+ while (points < end) {
+ QPointF p2 = QPointF(points[0], points[1]) * state->matrix;
+ if (!closed && drawCaps && points == end - 2)
+ caps |= CapEnd;
+ stroke(this, p.x(), p.y(), p2.x(), p2.y(), caps);
+ p = p2;
+ points += 2;
+ caps = NoCaps;
+ }
+ if (path.hasImplicitClose())
+ stroke(this, p.x(), p.y(), movedTo.x(), movedTo.y(), NoCaps);
+ }
+ blend(current_span, spans, &state->penData);
+ current_span = 0;
+void QCosmeticStroker::renderCubic(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3, const QPointF &p4, int caps)
+// qDebug() << ">>>> renderCubic" << p1 << p2 << p3 << p4 << capString(caps);
+ const int maxSubDivisions = 6;
+ PointF points[3*maxSubDivisions + 4];
+ points[3].x = p1.x();
+ points[3].y = p1.y();
+ points[2].x = p2.x();
+ points[2].y = p2.y();
+ points[1].x = p3.x();
+ points[1].y = p3.y();
+ points[0].x = p4.x();
+ points[0].y = p4.y();
+ PointF *p = points;
+ int level = maxSubDivisions;
+ renderCubicSubdivision(p, level, caps);
+static void splitCubic(QCosmeticStroker::PointF *points)
+ const qreal half = .5;
+ qreal a, b, c, d;
+ points[6].x = points[3].x;
+ c = points[1].x;
+ d = points[2].x;
+ points[1].x = a = ( points[0].x + c ) * half;
+ points[5].x = b = ( points[3].x + d ) * half;
+ c = ( c + d ) * half;
+ points[2].x = a = ( a + c ) * half;
+ points[4].x = b = ( b + c ) * half;
+ points[3].x = ( a + b ) * half;
+ points[6].y = points[3].y;
+ c = points[1].y;
+ d = points[2].y;
+ points[1].y = a = ( points[0].y + c ) * half;
+ points[5].y = b = ( points[3].y + d ) * half;
+ c = ( c + d ) * half;
+ points[2].y = a = ( a + c ) * half;
+ points[4].y = b = ( b + c ) * half;
+ points[3].y = ( a + b ) * half;
+void QCosmeticStroker::renderCubicSubdivision(QCosmeticStroker::PointF *points, int level, int caps)
+ if (level) {
+ qreal dx = points[3].x - points[0].x;
+ qreal dy = points[3].y - points[0].y;
+ qreal len = ((qreal).25) * (qAbs(dx) + qAbs(dy));
+ if (qAbs(dx * (points[0].y - points[2].y) - dy * (points[0].x - points[2].x)) > len ||
+ qAbs(dx * (points[0].y - points[1].y) - dy * (points[0].x - points[1].x)) > len) {
+ splitCubic(points);
+ --level;
+ renderCubicSubdivision(points + 3, level, caps & CapBegin);
+ renderCubicSubdivision(points, level, caps & CapEnd);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ stroke(this, points[3].x, points[3].y, points[0].x, points[0].y, caps);
+static inline int swapCaps(int caps)
+ return ((caps & QCosmeticStroker::CapBegin) << 1) |
+ ((caps & QCosmeticStroker::CapEnd) >> 1);
+// adjust line by half a pixel
+static inline void capAdjust(int caps, int &x1, int &x2, int &y, int yinc)
+ if (caps & QCosmeticStroker::CapBegin) {
+ x1 -= 32;
+ y -= yinc >> 1;
+ }
+ if (caps & QCosmeticStroker::CapEnd) {
+ x2 += 32;
+ }
+ The hard part about this is dropout control and avoiding douple drawing of points when
+ the drawing shifts from horizontal to vertical or back.
+ */
+template<DrawPixel drawPixel, class Dasher>
+static void drawLine(QCosmeticStroker *stroker, qreal rx1, qreal ry1, qreal rx2, qreal ry2, int caps)
+ if (stroker->clipLine(rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2))
+ return;
+ static const int half = 32;
+ int x1 = toF26Dot6(rx1) + half;
+ int y1 = toF26Dot6(ry1) + half;
+ int x2 = toF26Dot6(rx2) + half;
+ int y2 = toF26Dot6(ry2) + half;
+ int dx = qAbs(x2 - x1);
+ int dy = qAbs(y2 - y1);
+ QCosmeticStroker::Point last = stroker->lastPixel;
+// qDebug() << "stroke" << x1/64. << y1/64. << x2/64. << y2/64. << capString(caps);
+ if (dx < dy) {
+ // vertical
+ bool swapped = false;
+ if (y1 > y2) {
+ swapped = true;
+ qSwap(y1, y2);
+ qSwap(x1, x2);
+ caps = swapCaps(caps);
+ --x1; --x2; --y1; --y2;
+ }
+ int xinc = F16Dot16FixedDiv(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+ int x = x1 << 10;
+ capAdjust(caps, y1, y2, x, xinc);
+ int y = (y1+32) >> 6;
+ int ys = (y2+32) >> 6;
+ if (y != ys) {
+ x += ( ((((y << 6) + 32 - y1))) * xinc ) >> 6;
+ // calculate first and last pixel and perform dropout control
+ QCosmeticStroker::Direction dir = QCosmeticStroker::TopToBottom;
+ QCosmeticStroker::Point first;
+ first.x = x >> 16;
+ first.y = y;
+ last.x = (x + (ys - y - 1)*xinc) >> 16;
+ last.y = ys - 1;
+ if (swapped) {
+ qSwap(first, last);
+ dir = QCosmeticStroker::BottomToTop;
+ }
+ bool axisAligned = qAbs(xinc) < (1 << 14);
+ if (stroker->lastPixel.x >= 0) {
+ if (first.x == stroker->lastPixel.x &&
+ first.y == stroker->lastPixel.y) {
+ // remove duplicated pixel
+ if (swapped) {
+ --ys;
+ } else {
+ ++y;
+ x += xinc;
+ }
+ } else if (stroker->lastDir != dir &&
+ (((axisAligned && stroker->lastAxisAligned) &&
+ stroker->lastPixel.x != first.x && stroker->lastPixel.y != first.y) ||
+ (qAbs(stroker->lastPixel.x - first.x) > 1 &&
+ qAbs(stroker->lastPixel.y - first.y) > 1))) {
+ // have a missing pixel, insert it
+ if (swapped) {
+ ++ys;
+ } else {
+ --y;
+ x -= xinc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ stroker->lastDir = dir;
+ stroker->lastAxisAligned = axisAligned;
+ Dasher dasher(stroker, swapped, y << 6, ys << 6);
+ do {
+ if (dasher.on())
+ drawPixel(stroker, x >> 16, y, 255);
+ dasher.adjust();
+ x += xinc;
+ } while (++y < ys);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // horizontal
+ if (!dx)
+ return;
+ bool swapped = false;
+ if (x1 > x2) {
+ swapped = true;
+ qSwap(x1, x2);
+ qSwap(y1, y2);
+ caps = swapCaps(caps);
+ --x1; --x2; --y1; --y2;
+ }
+ int yinc = F16Dot16FixedDiv(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
+ int y = y1 << 10;
+ capAdjust(caps, x1, x2, y, yinc);
+ int x = (x1+32) >> 6;
+ int xs = (x2+32) >> 6;
+ if (x != xs) {
+ y += ( ((((x << 6) + 32 - x1))) * yinc ) >> 6;
+ // calculate first and last pixel to perform dropout control
+ QCosmeticStroker::Direction dir = QCosmeticStroker::LeftToRight;
+ QCosmeticStroker::Point first;
+ first.x = x;
+ first.y = y >> 16;
+ last.x = xs - 1;
+ last.y = (y + (xs - x - 1)*yinc) >> 16;
+ if (swapped) {
+ qSwap(first, last);
+ dir = QCosmeticStroker::RightToLeft;
+ }
+ bool axisAligned = qAbs(yinc) < (1 << 14);
+ if (stroker->lastPixel.x >= 0) {
+ if (first.x == stroker->lastPixel.x && first.y == stroker->lastPixel.y) {
+ // remove duplicated pixel
+ if (swapped) {
+ --xs;
+ } else {
+ ++x;
+ y += yinc;
+ }
+ } else if (stroker->lastDir != dir &&
+ (((axisAligned && stroker->lastAxisAligned) &&
+ stroker->lastPixel.x != first.x && stroker->lastPixel.y != first.y) ||
+ (qAbs(stroker->lastPixel.x - first.x) > 1 &&
+ qAbs(stroker->lastPixel.y - first.y) > 1))) {
+ // have a missing pixel, insert it
+ if (swapped) {
+ ++xs;
+ } else {
+ --x;
+ y -= yinc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ stroker->lastDir = dir;
+ stroker->lastAxisAligned = axisAligned;
+ Dasher dasher(stroker, swapped, x << 6, xs << 6);
+ do {
+ if (dasher.on())
+ drawPixel(stroker, x, y >> 16, 255);
+ dasher.adjust();
+ y += yinc;
+ } while (++x < xs);
+ }
+ }
+ stroker->lastPixel = last;
+template<DrawPixel drawPixel, class Dasher>
+static void drawLineAA(QCosmeticStroker *stroker, qreal rx1, qreal ry1, qreal rx2, qreal ry2, int caps)
+ if (stroker->clipLine(rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2))
+ return;
+ int x1 = toF26Dot6(rx1);
+ int y1 = toF26Dot6(ry1);
+ int x2 = toF26Dot6(rx2);
+ int y2 = toF26Dot6(ry2);
+ int dx = x2 - x1;
+ int dy = y2 - y1;
+ if (qAbs(dx) < qAbs(dy)) {
+ // vertical
+ int xinc = F16Dot16FixedDiv(dx, dy);
+ bool swapped = false;
+ if (y1 > y2) {
+ qSwap(y1, y2);
+ qSwap(x1, x2);
+ swapped = true;
+ caps = swapCaps(caps);
+ }
+ int x = (x1 - 32) << 10;
+ x -= ( ((y1 & 63) - 32) * xinc ) >> 6;
+ capAdjust(caps, y1, y2, x, xinc);
+ Dasher dasher(stroker, swapped, y1, y2);
+ int y = y1 >> 6;
+ int ys = y2 >> 6;
+ int alphaStart, alphaEnd;
+ if (y == ys) {
+ alphaStart = y2 - y1;
+ Q_ASSERT(alphaStart >= 0 && alphaStart < 64);
+ alphaEnd = 0;
+ } else {
+ alphaStart = 64 - (y1 & 63);
+ alphaEnd = (y2 & 63);
+ }
+// qDebug() << "vertical" << x1/64. << y1/64. << x2/64. << y2/64.;
+// qDebug() << " x=" << x << "dx=" << dx << "xi=" << (x>>16) << "xsi=" << ((x+(ys-y)*dx)>>16) << "y=" << y << "ys=" << ys;
+ // draw first pixel
+ if (dasher.on()) {
+ uint alpha = (quint8)(x >> 8);
+ drawPixel(stroker, x>>16, y, (255-alpha) * alphaStart >> 6);
+ drawPixel(stroker, (x>>16) + 1, y, alpha * alphaStart >> 6);
+ }
+ dasher.adjust();
+ x += xinc;
+ ++y;
+ if (y < ys) {
+ do {
+ if (dasher.on()) {
+ uint alpha = (quint8)(x >> 8);
+ drawPixel(stroker, x>>16, y, (255-alpha));
+ drawPixel(stroker, (x>>16) + 1, y, alpha);
+ }
+ dasher.adjust();
+ x += xinc;
+ } while (++y < ys);
+ }
+ // draw last pixel
+ if (alphaEnd && dasher.on()) {
+ uint alpha = (quint8)(x >> 8);
+ drawPixel(stroker, x>>16, y, (255-alpha) * alphaEnd >> 6);
+ drawPixel(stroker, (x>>16) + 1, y, alpha * alphaEnd >> 6);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // horizontal
+ if (!dx)
+ return;
+ int yinc = F16Dot16FixedDiv(dy, dx);
+ bool swapped = false;
+ if (x1 > x2) {
+ qSwap(x1, x2);
+ qSwap(y1, y2);
+ swapped = true;
+ caps = swapCaps(caps);
+ }
+ int y = (y1 - 32) << 10;
+ y -= ( ((x1 & 63) - 32) * yinc ) >> 6;
+ capAdjust(caps, x1, x2, y, yinc);
+ Dasher dasher(stroker, swapped, x1, x2);
+ int x = x1 >> 6;
+ int xs = x2 >> 6;
+// qDebug() << "horizontal" << x1/64. << y1/64. << x2/64. << y2/64.;
+// qDebug() << " y=" << y << "dy=" << dy << "x=" << x << "xs=" << xs << "yi=" << (y>>16) << "ysi=" << ((y+(xs-x)*dy)>>16);
+ int alphaStart, alphaEnd;
+ if (x == xs) {
+ alphaStart = x2 - x1;
+ Q_ASSERT(alphaStart >= 0 && alphaStart < 64);
+ alphaEnd = 0;
+ } else {
+ alphaStart = 64 - (x1 & 63);
+ alphaEnd = (x2 & 63);
+ }
+ // draw first pixel
+ if (dasher.on()) {
+ uint alpha = (quint8)(y >> 8);
+ drawPixel(stroker, x, y>>16, (255-alpha) * alphaStart >> 6);
+ drawPixel(stroker, x, (y>>16) + 1, alpha * alphaStart >> 6);
+ }
+ dasher.adjust();
+ y += yinc;
+ ++x;
+ // draw line
+ if (x < xs) {
+ do {
+ if (dasher.on()) {
+ uint alpha = (quint8)(y >> 8);
+ drawPixel(stroker, x, y>>16, (255-alpha));
+ drawPixel(stroker, x, (y>>16) + 1, alpha);
+ }
+ dasher.adjust();
+ y += yinc;
+ } while (++x < xs);
+ }
+ // draw last pixel
+ if (alphaEnd && dasher.on()) {
+ uint alpha = (quint8)(y >> 8);
+ drawPixel(stroker, x, y>>16, (255-alpha) * alphaEnd >> 6);
+ drawPixel(stroker, x, (y>>16) + 1, alpha * alphaEnd >> 6);
+ }
+ }