path: root/src/network/access/qhttp2connection.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/network/access/qhttp2connection.cpp')
1 files changed, 1409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/network/access/qhttp2connection.cpp b/src/network/access/qhttp2connection.cpp
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index 0000000000..1d092f6eb7
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+++ b/src/network/access/qhttp2connection.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "qhttp2connection_p.h"
+#include <private/bitstreams_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/private/qnumeric_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/private/qiodevice_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/private/qnoncontiguousbytedevice_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/qcoreapplication.h>
+#include <QtCore/qloggingcategory.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "", QtCriticalMsg)
+using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
+using namespace Http2;
+static std::optional<QUrl> makeUrl(const HPack::HttpHeader &requestHeader)
+ constexpr QByteArrayView names[] = { ":authority", ":method", ":path", ":scheme" };
+ enum PseudoHeaderEnum
+ {
+ Authority,
+ Method,
+ Path,
+ Scheme
+ };
+ std::array<std::optional<QByteArrayView>, std::size(names)> pseudoHeaders{};
+ for (const auto &field : requestHeader) {
+ const auto *it = std::find(std::begin(names), std::end(names), QByteArrayView(;
+ if (it != std::end(names)) {
+ const auto index = std::distance(std::begin(names), it);
+ if (field.value.isEmpty() ||
+ return {};
+ pseudoHeaders[index] = field.value;
+ }
+ }
+ auto optionalIsSet = [](const auto &x) { return x.has_value(); };
+ if (!std::all_of(pseudoHeaders.begin(), pseudoHeaders.end(), optionalIsSet)) {
+ // All four required, HTTP/2
+ return {};
+ }
+ const QByteArrayView method = pseudoHeaders[Method].value();
+ if ("get", Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0 &&
+"head", Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ QUrl url;
+ url.setScheme(QLatin1StringView(pseudoHeaders[Scheme].value()));
+ url.setAuthority(QLatin1StringView(pseudoHeaders[Authority].value()));
+ url.setPath(QLatin1StringView(pseudoHeaders[Path].value()));
+ if (!url.isValid())
+ return {};
+ return url;
+QHttp2Stream::QHttp2Stream(QHttp2Connection *connection, quint32 streamID) noexcept
+ : QObject(connection), m_streamID(streamID)
+ Q_ASSERT(connection);
+ Q_ASSERT(streamID); // stream id 0 is reserved for connection control messages
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] new stream %u", connection, streamID);
+QHttp2Stream::~QHttp2Stream() noexcept = default;
+void QHttp2Stream::finishWithError(quint32 errorCode, const QString &message)
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] stream %u finished with error: %ls (error code: %u)",
+ getConnection(), m_streamID, qUtf16Printable(message), errorCode);
+ transitionState(StateTransition::RST);
+ emit errorOccurred(errorCode, message);
+void QHttp2Stream::finishWithError(quint32 errorCode)
+ QNetworkReply::NetworkError error = QNetworkReply::NoError;
+ QString message;
+ qt_error(errorCode, error, message);
+ finishWithError(error, message);
+ \internal
+ Sends a RST_STREAM frame with the given \a errorCode.
+ This closes the stream for both sides, any further frames will be dropped.
+ Returns \c false if the stream is closed or idle, also if it fails to send
+ the RST_STREAM frame. Otherwise, returns \c true.
+bool QHttp2Stream::sendRST_STREAM(quint32 errorCode)
+ if (m_state == State::Closed || m_state == State::Idle)
+ return false;
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] sending RST_STREAM on stream %u, code: %u", getConnection(),
+ m_streamID, errorCode);
+ transitionState(StateTransition::RST);
+ QHttp2Connection *connection = getConnection();
+ FrameWriter &frameWriter = connection->frameWriter;
+ frameWriter.start(FrameType::RST_STREAM, FrameFlag::EMPTY, m_streamID);
+ frameWriter.append(errorCode);
+ return frameWriter.write(*connection->getSocket());
+ \internal
+ Sends a DATA frame with the bytes obtained from \a device.
+ This function will send as many DATA frames as needed to send all the data
+ from \a device. If \a endStream is \c true, the END_STREAM flag will be set.
+ \a device must stay alive for the duration of the upload.
+ A way of doing this is to heap-allocate the \a device and parent it to the
+ QHttp2Stream.
+void QHttp2Stream::sendDATA(QIODevice *device, bool endStream)
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_uploadDevice);
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_uploadByteDevice);
+ Q_ASSERT(device);
+ if (m_state != State::Open && m_state != State::HalfClosedRemote)
+ return;
+ auto *byteDevice = QNonContiguousByteDeviceFactory::create(device);
+ connect(this, &QHttp2Stream::uploadFinished, byteDevice, &QObject::deleteLater);
+ byteDevice->setParent(this);
+ m_uploadDevice = device;
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] starting sendDATA on stream %u, of IODevice: %p",
+ getConnection(), m_streamID, device);
+ sendDATA(byteDevice, endStream);
+ \internal
+ Sends a DATA frame with the bytes obtained from \a device.
+ This function will send as many DATA frames as needed to send all the data
+ from \a device. If \a endStream is \c true, the END_STREAM flag will be set.
+ \a device must stay alive for the duration of the upload.
+ A way of doing this is to heap-allocate the \a device and parent it to the
+ QHttp2Stream.
+void QHttp2Stream::sendDATA(QNonContiguousByteDevice *device, bool endStream)
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_uploadByteDevice);
+ Q_ASSERT(device);
+ if (m_state != State::Open && m_state != State::HalfClosedRemote)
+ return;
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] starting sendDATA on stream %u, of device: %p",
+ getConnection(), m_streamID, device);
+ m_uploadByteDevice = device;
+ m_endStreamAfterDATA = endStream;
+ connect(m_uploadByteDevice, &QNonContiguousByteDevice::readyRead, this,
+ &QHttp2Stream::maybeResumeUpload);
+ connect(m_uploadByteDevice, &QObject::destroyed, this, &QHttp2Stream::uploadDeviceDestroyed);
+ internalSendDATA();
+void QHttp2Stream::internalSendDATA()
+ Q_ASSERT(m_uploadByteDevice);
+ QHttp2Connection *connection = getConnection();
+ Q_ASSERT(connection->maxFrameSize > frameHeaderSize);
+ QIODevice *socket = connection->getSocket();
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog,
+ "[%p] stream %u, about to write to socket, current session window size: %d, stream "
+ "window size: %d, bytes available: %lld",
+ connection, m_streamID, connection->sessionSendWindowSize, m_sendWindow,
+ m_uploadByteDevice->size() - m_uploadByteDevice->pos());
+ qint32 remainingWindowSize = std::min<qint32>(connection->sessionSendWindowSize, m_sendWindow);
+ FrameWriter &frameWriter = connection->frameWriter;
+ qint64 totalBytesWritten = 0;
+ const auto deviceCanRead = [this, connection] {
+ // We take advantage of knowing the internals of one of the devices used.
+ // It will request X bytes to move over to the http thread if there's
+ // not enough left, so we give it a large size. It will anyway return
+ // the size it can actually provide.
+ const qint64 requestSize = connection->maxFrameSize * 10ll;
+ qint64 tmp = 0;
+ return m_uploadByteDevice->readPointer(requestSize, tmp) != nullptr && tmp > 0;
+ };
+ constexpr qint32 StackBufferSize = 4096;
+ QVarLengthArray<uchar, StackBufferSize> intermediateBuffer;
+ bool sentEND_STREAM = false;
+ while (remainingWindowSize && deviceCanRead()) {
+ quint32 bytesWritten = 0;
+ qint32 remainingBytesInFrame = qint32(connection->maxFrameSize);
+ frameWriter.start(FrameType::DATA, FrameFlag::EMPTY, streamID());
+ while (remainingWindowSize && deviceCanRead() && remainingBytesInFrame) {
+ const qint32 maxToWrite = std::min(remainingWindowSize, remainingBytesInFrame);
+ qint64 outBytesAvail = 0;
+ const char *readPointer = m_uploadByteDevice->readPointer(maxToWrite, outBytesAvail);
+ if (!readPointer || outBytesAvail <= 0) {
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog,
+ "[%p] stream %u, cannot write data, device (%p) has %lld bytes available",
+ connection, m_streamID, m_uploadByteDevice, outBytesAvail);
+ break;
+ }
+ const qint32 bytesToWrite = qint32(std::min<qint64>(maxToWrite, outBytesAvail));
+ frameWriter.append(QByteArrayView(readPointer, bytesToWrite));
+ m_uploadByteDevice->advanceReadPointer(bytesToWrite);
+ bytesWritten += bytesToWrite;
+ m_sendWindow -= bytesToWrite;
+ Q_ASSERT(m_sendWindow >= 0);
+ connection->sessionSendWindowSize -= bytesToWrite;
+ Q_ASSERT(connection->sessionSendWindowSize >= 0);
+ remainingBytesInFrame -= bytesToWrite;
+ Q_ASSERT(remainingBytesInFrame >= 0);
+ remainingWindowSize -= bytesToWrite;
+ Q_ASSERT(remainingWindowSize >= 0);
+ }
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] stream %u, writing %u bytes to socket", connection,
+ m_streamID, bytesWritten);
+ if (!deviceCanRead() && m_uploadByteDevice->atEnd() && m_endStreamAfterDATA) {
+ sentEND_STREAM = true;
+ frameWriter.addFlag(FrameFlag::END_STREAM);
+ }
+ if (!frameWriter.write(*socket)) {
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] stream %u, failed to write to socket", connection,
+ m_streamID);
+ finishWithError(QNetworkReply::ProtocolFailure, "failed to write to socket"_L1);
+ return;
+ }
+ totalBytesWritten += bytesWritten;
+ }
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog,
+ "[%p] stream %u, wrote %lld bytes total, if the device is not exhausted, we'll write "
+ "more later. Remaining window size: %d",
+ connection, m_streamID, totalBytesWritten, remainingWindowSize);
+ emit bytesWritten(totalBytesWritten);
+ if (sentEND_STREAM || (!deviceCanRead() && m_uploadByteDevice->atEnd())) {
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog,
+ "[%p] stream %u, exhausted device %p, sent END_STREAM? %d, %ssending end stream "
+ "after DATA",
+ connection, m_streamID, m_uploadByteDevice, sentEND_STREAM,
+ m_endStreamAfterDATA ? "" : "not ");
+ if (!sentEND_STREAM && m_endStreamAfterDATA) {
+ // We need to send an empty DATA frame with END_STREAM since we
+ // have exhausted the device, but we haven't sent END_STREAM yet.
+ // This can happen if we got a final readyRead to signify no more
+ // data available, but we hadn't sent the END_STREAM flag yet.
+ frameWriter.start(FrameType::DATA, FrameFlag::END_STREAM, streamID());
+ frameWriter.write(*socket);
+ }
+ finishSendDATA();
+ } else if (isUploadBlocked()) {
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] stream %u, upload blocked", connection, m_streamID);
+ emit uploadBlocked();
+ }
+void QHttp2Stream::finishSendDATA()
+ if (m_endStreamAfterDATA)
+ transitionState(StateTransition::CloseLocal);
+ disconnect(m_uploadByteDevice, nullptr, this, nullptr);
+ m_uploadDevice = nullptr;
+ m_uploadByteDevice = nullptr;
+ emit uploadFinished();
+void QHttp2Stream::maybeResumeUpload()
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog,
+ "[%p] stream %u, maybeResumeUpload. Upload device: %p, bytes available: %lld, blocked? "
+ "%d",
+ getConnection(), m_streamID, m_uploadByteDevice,
+ !m_uploadByteDevice ? 0 : m_uploadByteDevice->size() - m_uploadByteDevice->pos(),
+ isUploadBlocked());
+ if (isUploadingDATA() && !isUploadBlocked())
+ internalSendDATA();
+bool QHttp2Stream::isUploadBlocked() const noexcept
+ constexpr auto MinFrameSize = Http2::frameHeaderSize + 1; // 1 byte payload
+ return isUploadingDATA()
+ && (m_sendWindow <= MinFrameSize
+ || getConnection()->sessionSendWindowSize <= MinFrameSize);
+void QHttp2Stream::uploadDeviceReadChannelFinished()
+ maybeResumeUpload();
+bool QHttp2Stream::sendHEADERS(const HPack::HttpHeader &headers, bool endStream, quint8 priority)
+ using namespace HPack;
+ if (auto hs = header_size(headers);
+ !hs.first || hs.second > getConnection()->maxHeaderListSize()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ transitionState(StateTransition::Open);
+ Q_ASSERT(m_state == State::Open || m_state == State::HalfClosedRemote);
+ QHttp2Connection *connection = getConnection();
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] stream %u, sending HEADERS frame with %u entries",
+ connection, streamID(), uint(headers.size()));
+ QIODevice *socket = connection->getSocket();
+ FrameWriter &frameWriter = connection->frameWriter;
+ frameWriter.start(FrameType::HEADERS, FrameFlag::PRIORITY | FrameFlag::END_HEADERS, streamID());
+ if (endStream)
+ frameWriter.addFlag(FrameFlag::END_STREAM);
+ frameWriter.append(quint32()); // No stream dependency in Qt.
+ frameWriter.append(priority);
+ // Compress in-place:
+ BitOStream outputStream(frameWriter.outboundFrame().buffer);
+ if (connection->m_connectionType == QHttp2Connection::Type::Client) {
+ if (!connection->encoder.encodeRequest(outputStream, headers))
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if (!connection->encoder.encodeResponse(outputStream, headers))
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool result = frameWriter.writeHEADERS(*socket, connection->maxFrameSize);
+ if (endStream)
+ transitionState(StateTransition::CloseLocal);
+ return result;
+void QHttp2Stream::sendWINDOW_UPDATE(quint32 delta)
+ QHttp2Connection *connection = getConnection();
+ m_recvWindow += qint32(delta);
+ connection->sendWINDOW_UPDATE(streamID(), delta);
+void QHttp2Stream::uploadDeviceDestroyed()
+ if (isUploadingDATA()) {
+ // We're in the middle of sending DATA frames, we need to abort
+ // the stream.
+ emit uploadDeviceError("Upload device destroyed while uploading"_L1);
+ }
+ m_uploadDevice = nullptr;
+void QHttp2Stream::setState(State newState)
+ if (m_state == newState)
+ return;
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] stream %u, state changed from %d to %d", getConnection(),
+ streamID(), int(m_state), int(newState));
+ m_state = newState;
+ emit stateChanged(newState);
+// Changes the state as appropriate given the current state and the transition.
+// Always call this before emitting any signals since the recipient might rely
+// on the new state!
+void QHttp2Stream::transitionState(StateTransition transition)
+ switch (m_state) {
+ case State::Idle:
+ if (transition == StateTransition::Open)
+ setState(State::Open);
+ else
+ Q_UNREACHABLE(); // We should transition to Open before ever getting here
+ break;
+ case State::Open:
+ switch (transition) {
+ case StateTransition::CloseLocal:
+ setState(State::HalfClosedLocal);
+ break;
+ case StateTransition::CloseRemote:
+ setState(State::HalfClosedRemote);
+ break;
+ case StateTransition::RST:
+ setState(State::Closed);
+ break;
+ case StateTransition::Open: // no-op
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case State::HalfClosedLocal:
+ if (transition == StateTransition::CloseRemote || transition == StateTransition::RST)
+ setState(State::Closed);
+ break;
+ case State::HalfClosedRemote:
+ if (transition == StateTransition::CloseLocal || transition == StateTransition::RST)
+ setState(State::Closed);
+ break;
+ case State::ReservedRemote:
+ if (transition == StateTransition::RST) {
+ setState(State::Closed);
+ } else if (transition == StateTransition::CloseLocal) { // Receiving HEADER closes local
+ setState(State::HalfClosedLocal);
+ }
+ break;
+ case State::Closed:
+ break;
+ }
+void QHttp2Stream::handleDATA(const Frame &inboundFrame)
+ QHttp2Connection *connection = getConnection();
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] stream %u, received DATA frame with payload of %u bytes",
+ connection, m_streamID, inboundFrame.payloadSize());
+ if (qint32(inboundFrame.payloadSize()) > m_recvWindow) {
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog,
+ "[%p] stream %u, received DATA frame with payload size %u, "
+ "but recvWindow is %d, sending FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR",
+ connection, m_streamID, inboundFrame.payloadSize(), m_recvWindow);
+ finishWithError(QNetworkReply::ProtocolFailure, "flow control error"_L1);
+ return;
+ }
+ m_recvWindow -= qint32(inboundFrame.payloadSize());
+ const bool endStream = inboundFrame.flags().testFlag(FrameFlag::END_STREAM);
+ // Uncompress data if needed and append it ...
+ if (inboundFrame.dataSize() > 0 || endStream) {
+ QByteArray fragment(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(inboundFrame.dataBegin()),
+ inboundFrame.dataSize());
+ if (endStream)
+ transitionState(StateTransition::CloseRemote);
+ emit dataReceived(fragment, endStream);
+ m_downloadBuffer.append(std::move(fragment));
+ }
+ if (!endStream && m_recvWindow < connection->streamInitialReceiveWindowSize / 2) {
+ // @future[consider]: emit signal instead
+ sendWINDOW_UPDATE(quint32(connection->streamInitialReceiveWindowSize - m_recvWindow));
+ }
+void QHttp2Stream::handleHEADERS(Http2::FrameFlags frameFlags, const HPack::HttpHeader &headers)
+ if (m_state == State::Idle)
+ transitionState(StateTransition::Open);
+ const bool endStream = frameFlags.testFlag(FrameFlag::END_STREAM);
+ if (endStream)
+ transitionState(StateTransition::CloseRemote);
+ if (!headers.empty()) {
+ m_headers.insert(m_headers.end(), headers.begin(), headers.end());
+ emit headersUpdated();
+ }
+ emit headersReceived(headers, endStream);
+void QHttp2Stream::handleRST_STREAM(const Frame &inboundFrame)
+ transitionState(StateTransition::RST);
+ m_RST_STREAM_code = qFromBigEndian<quint32>(inboundFrame.dataBegin());
+ if (isUploadingDATA()) {
+ disconnect(m_uploadByteDevice, nullptr, this, nullptr);
+ m_uploadDevice = nullptr;
+ m_uploadByteDevice = nullptr;
+ }
+ finishWithError(*m_RST_STREAM_code, ""_L1);
+void QHttp2Stream::handleWINDOW_UPDATE(const Frame &inboundFrame)
+ const quint32 delta = qFromBigEndian<quint32>(inboundFrame.dataBegin());
+ const bool valid = delta && delta <= quint32(std::numeric_limits<qint32>::max());
+ qint32 sum = 0;
+ if (!valid || qAddOverflow(m_sendWindow, qint32(delta), &sum)) {
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog,
+ "[%p] stream %u, received WINDOW_UPDATE frame with invalid delta %u, sending "
+ getConnection(), m_streamID, delta);
+ finishWithError(QNetworkReply::ProtocolFailure, "invalid WINDOW_UPDATE delta"_L1);
+ return;
+ }
+ m_sendWindow = sum;
+ // Stream may have been unblocked, so maybe try to write again
+ if (isUploadingDATA())
+ maybeResumeUpload();
+ Create a new HTTP2 connection given a \a config and a \a socket.
+ This function assumes that the Upgrade headers etc. in http/1 have already
+ been sent and that the connection is already upgraded to http/2.
+ The object returned will be a child to the \a socket, or null on failure.
+QHttp2Connection *QHttp2Connection::createUpgradedConnection(QIODevice *socket,
+ const QHttp2Configuration &config)
+ Q_ASSERT(socket);
+ auto connection = std::unique_ptr<QHttp2Connection>(new QHttp2Connection(socket));
+ connection->setH2Configuration(config);
+ connection->m_connectionType = QHttp2Connection::Type::Client;
+ // HTTP2 connection is already established and request was sent, so stream 1
+ // is already 'active' and is closed for any further outgoing data.
+ QHttp2Stream *stream = connection->createStreamInternal().unwrap();
+ Q_ASSERT(stream->streamID() == 1);
+ stream->setState(QHttp2Stream::State::HalfClosedLocal);
+ connection->m_upgradedConnection = true;
+ if (!connection->sendClientPreface()) {
+ qCWarning(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Failed to send client preface", connection.get());
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return connection.release();
+ Create a new HTTP2 connection given a \a config and a \a socket.
+ This function will immediately send the client preface.
+ The object returned will be a child to the \a socket, or null on failure.
+QHttp2Connection *QHttp2Connection::createDirectConnection(QIODevice *socket,
+ const QHttp2Configuration &config)
+ auto connection = std::unique_ptr<QHttp2Connection>(new QHttp2Connection(socket));
+ connection->setH2Configuration(config);
+ connection->m_connectionType = QHttp2Connection::Type::Client;
+ if (!connection->sendClientPreface()) {
+ qCWarning(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Failed to send client preface", connection.get());
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return connection.release();
+ Create a new HTTP2 connection given a \a config and a \a socket.
+ The object returned will be a child to the \a socket, or null on failure.
+QHttp2Connection *QHttp2Connection::createDirectServerConnection(QIODevice *socket,
+ const QHttp2Configuration &config)
+ auto connection = std::unique_ptr<QHttp2Connection>(new QHttp2Connection(socket));
+ connection->setH2Configuration(config);
+ connection->m_connectionType = QHttp2Connection::Type::Server;
+ connection->m_nextStreamID = 2; // server-initiated streams must be even
+ connection->m_waitingForClientPreface = true;
+ return connection.release();
+QH2Expected<QHttp2Stream *, QHttp2Connection::CreateStreamError> QHttp2Connection::createStream()
+ Q_ASSERT(m_nextStreamID <= lastValidStreamID);
+ Q_ASSERT(m_connectionType == Type::Client); // This overload is just for clients
+ return createStreamInternal();
+QH2Expected<QHttp2Stream *, QHttp2Connection::CreateStreamError>
+ if (m_goingAway)
+ return { QHttp2Connection::CreateStreamError::ReceivedGOAWAY };
+ const quint32 streamID = m_nextStreamID;
+ if (size_t(m_maxConcurrentStreams) <= size_t(numActiveStreams()))
+ return { QHttp2Connection::CreateStreamError::MaxConcurrentStreamsReached };
+ m_nextStreamID += 2;
+ return { createStreamInternal_impl(streamID) };
+QHttp2Stream *QHttp2Connection::createStreamInternal_impl(quint32 streamID)
+ QPointer<QHttp2Stream> &stream = m_streams[streamID];
+ if (stream)
+ return nullptr;
+ stream = new QHttp2Stream(this, streamID);
+ stream->m_recvWindow = streamInitialReceiveWindowSize;
+ stream->m_sendWindow = streamInitialSendWindowSize;
+ return stream;
+qsizetype QHttp2Connection::numActiveStreams() const noexcept
+ return std::count_if(m_streams.cbegin(), m_streams.cend(),
+ [](const QPointer<QHttp2Stream> &stream) {
+ return stream && stream->state() == QHttp2Stream::State::Open;
+ });
+QHttp2Stream *QHttp2Connection::getStream(quint32 streamID) const
+ return m_streams.value(streamID, nullptr).get();
+QHttp2Connection::QHttp2Connection(QIODevice *socket) : QObject(socket)
+ Q_ASSERT(socket);
+ Q_ASSERT(socket->isOpen());
+ Q_ASSERT(socket->openMode() & QIODevice::ReadWrite);
+ // We don't make any connections directly because this is used in
+ // in the http2 protocol handler, which is used by
+ // QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel. Which in turn owns and deals with all the
+ // socket connections.
+QHttp2Connection::~QHttp2Connection() noexcept
+ // delete streams now so that any calls it might make back to this
+ // Connection will operate on a valid object.
+ for (QPointer<QHttp2Stream> &stream : std::exchange(m_streams, {}))
+ delete stream.get();
+bool QHttp2Connection::serverCheckClientPreface()
+ if (!m_waitingForClientPreface)
+ return true;
+ auto *socket = getSocket();
+ if (socket->bytesAvailable() < Http2::clientPrefaceLength)
+ return false;
+ if (!readClientPreface()) {
+ socket->close();
+ emit errorOccurred(Http2Error::PROTOCOL_ERROR, "invalid client preface"_L1);
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Invalid client preface", this);
+ return false;
+ }
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Peer sent valid client preface", this);
+ m_waitingForClientPreface = false;
+ if (!sendServerPreface()) {
+ connectionError(Http2::INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to send server preface");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void QHttp2Connection::handleReadyRead()
+ /* event loop */
+ if (m_connectionType == Type::Server && !serverCheckClientPreface())
+ return;
+ const auto streamIsActive = [](const QPointer<QHttp2Stream> &stream) {
+ return stream && stream->isActive();
+ };
+ if (m_goingAway && std::none_of(m_streams.cbegin(), m_streams.cend(), streamIsActive)) {
+ close();
+ return;
+ }
+ QIODevice *socket = getSocket();
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Receiving data, %lld bytes available", this,
+ socket->bytesAvailable());
+ using namespace Http2;
+ while (!m_goingAway || std::any_of(m_streams.cbegin(), m_streams.cend(), streamIsActive)) {
+ const auto result =*socket);
+ if (result != FrameStatus::goodFrame)
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Tried to read frame, got %d", this, int(result));
+ switch (result) {
+ case FrameStatus::incompleteFrame:
+ return;
+ case FrameStatus::protocolError:
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "invalid frame");
+ case FrameStatus::sizeError:
+ return connectionError(FRAME_SIZE_ERROR, "invalid frame size");
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(result == FrameStatus::goodFrame);
+ inboundFrame = std::move(frameReader.inboundFrame());
+ const auto frameType = inboundFrame.type();
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Successfully read a frame, with type: %d", this,
+ int(frameType));
+ if (continuationExpected && frameType != FrameType::CONTINUATION)
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "CONTINUATION expected");
+ switch (frameType) {
+ case FrameType::DATA:
+ handleDATA();
+ break;
+ case FrameType::HEADERS:
+ handleHEADERS();
+ break;
+ case FrameType::PRIORITY:
+ handlePRIORITY();
+ break;
+ case FrameType::RST_STREAM:
+ handleRST_STREAM();
+ break;
+ case FrameType::SETTINGS:
+ handleSETTINGS();
+ break;
+ case FrameType::PUSH_PROMISE:
+ handlePUSH_PROMISE();
+ break;
+ case FrameType::PING:
+ handlePING();
+ break;
+ case FrameType::GOAWAY:
+ handleGOAWAY();
+ break;
+ case FrameType::WINDOW_UPDATE:
+ handleWINDOW_UPDATE();
+ break;
+ case FrameType::CONTINUATION:
+ break;
+ case FrameType::LAST_FRAME_TYPE:
+ // 5.1 - ignore unknown frames.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+bool QHttp2Connection::readClientPreface()
+ auto *socket = getSocket();
+ Q_ASSERT(socket->bytesAvailable() >= Http2::clientPrefaceLength);
+ char buffer[Http2::clientPrefaceLength];
+ const qint64 read = socket->read(buffer, Http2::clientPrefaceLength);
+ if (read != Http2::clientPrefaceLength)
+ return false;
+ return memcmp(buffer, Http2::Http2clientPreface, Http2::clientPrefaceLength) == 0;
+void QHttp2Connection::handleConnectionClosure()
+ const auto errorString = QCoreApplication::translate("QHttp", "Connection closed");
+ for (auto it = m_streams.begin(), end = m_streams.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+ auto stream = it.value();
+ if (stream && stream->isActive())
+ stream->finishWithError(QNetworkReply::RemoteHostClosedError, errorString);
+ }
+void QHttp2Connection::setH2Configuration(QHttp2Configuration config)
+ m_config = std::move(config);
+ // These values comes from our own API so trust it to be sane.
+ maxSessionReceiveWindowSize = qint32(m_config.sessionReceiveWindowSize());
+ pushPromiseEnabled = m_config.serverPushEnabled();
+ streamInitialReceiveWindowSize = qint32(m_config.streamReceiveWindowSize());
+ encoder.setCompressStrings(m_config.huffmanCompressionEnabled());
+void QHttp2Connection::connectionError(Http2Error errorCode, const char *message)
+ Q_ASSERT(message);
+ if (m_goingAway)
+ return;
+ qCCritical(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Connection error: %s (%d)", this, message,
+ int(errorCode));
+ m_goingAway = true;
+ sendGOAWAY(errorCode);
+ const auto error = qt_error(errorCode);
+ auto messageView = QLatin1StringView(message);
+ for (QHttp2Stream *stream : m_streams) {
+ if (stream && stream->isActive())
+ stream->finishWithError(error, messageView);
+ }
+ closeSession();
+void QHttp2Connection::closeSession()
+ emit connectionClosed();
+bool QHttp2Connection::streamWasReset(quint32 streamID) noexcept
+ return m_resetStreamIDs.contains(streamID);
+bool QHttp2Connection::isInvalidStream(quint32 streamID) noexcept
+ auto stream = m_streams.value(streamID, nullptr);
+ return !stream && !streamWasReset(streamID);
+bool QHttp2Connection::sendClientPreface()
+ QIODevice *socket = getSocket();
+ // 3.5 HTTP/2 Connection Preface
+ const qint64 written = socket->write(Http2clientPreface, clientPrefaceLength);
+ if (written != clientPrefaceLength)
+ return false;
+ if (!sendSETTINGS()) {
+ qCWarning(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Failed to send SETTINGS", this);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool QHttp2Connection::sendServerPreface()
+ // We send our SETTINGS frame and ACK the client's SETTINGS frame when it
+ // arrives.
+ if (!sendSETTINGS()) {
+ qCWarning(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Failed to send SETTINGS", this);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool QHttp2Connection::sendSETTINGS()
+ QIODevice *socket = getSocket();
+ // 6.5 SETTINGS
+ frameWriter.setOutboundFrame(configurationToSettingsFrame(m_config));
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Sending SETTINGS frame, %d bytes", this,
+ frameWriter.outboundFrame().payloadSize());
+ Q_ASSERT(frameWriter.outboundFrame().payloadSize());
+ if (!frameWriter.write(*socket))
+ return false;
+ sessionReceiveWindowSize = maxSessionReceiveWindowSize;
+ // We only send WINDOW_UPDATE for the connection if the size differs from the
+ // default 64 KB:
+ const auto delta = maxSessionReceiveWindowSize - defaultSessionWindowSize;
+ if (delta && !sendWINDOW_UPDATE(connectionStreamID, delta))
+ return false;
+ waitingForSettingsACK = true;
+ return true;
+bool QHttp2Connection::sendWINDOW_UPDATE(quint32 streamID, quint32 delta)
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Sending WINDOW_UPDATE frame, stream %d, delta %u", this,
+ streamID, delta);
+ frameWriter.start(FrameType::WINDOW_UPDATE, FrameFlag::EMPTY, streamID);
+ frameWriter.append(delta);
+ return frameWriter.write(*getSocket());
+bool QHttp2Connection::sendGOAWAY(quint32 errorCode)
+ frameWriter.start(FrameType::GOAWAY, FrameFlag::EMPTY,
+ Http2PredefinedParameters::connectionStreamID);
+ frameWriter.append(quint32(m_lastIncomingStreamID));
+ frameWriter.append(errorCode);
+ return frameWriter.write(*getSocket());
+bool QHttp2Connection::sendSETTINGS_ACK()
+ frameWriter.start(FrameType::SETTINGS, FrameFlag::ACK, Http2::connectionStreamID);
+ return frameWriter.write(*getSocket());
+void QHttp2Connection::handleDATA()
+ Q_ASSERT(inboundFrame.type() == FrameType::DATA);
+ const auto streamID = inboundFrame.streamID();
+ if (streamID == connectionStreamID)
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "DATA on the connection stream");
+ if (isInvalidStream(streamID))
+ return connectionError(ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM, "DATA on invalid stream");
+ if (qint32(inboundFrame.payloadSize()) > sessionReceiveWindowSize) {
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog,
+ "[%p] Received DATA frame with payload size %u, "
+ "but recvWindow is %d, sending FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR",
+ this, inboundFrame.payloadSize(), sessionReceiveWindowSize);
+ return connectionError(FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR, "Flow control error");
+ }
+ sessionReceiveWindowSize -= inboundFrame.payloadSize();
+ auto it = m_streams.find(streamID);
+ if (it != m_streams.end() && it.value())
+ it.value()->handleDATA(inboundFrame);
+ if (sessionReceiveWindowSize < maxSessionReceiveWindowSize / 2) {
+ // @future[consider]: emit signal instead
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &QHttp2Connection::sendWINDOW_UPDATE, Qt::QueuedConnection,
+ quint32(connectionStreamID),
+ quint32(maxSessionReceiveWindowSize - sessionReceiveWindowSize));
+ sessionReceiveWindowSize = maxSessionReceiveWindowSize;
+ }
+void QHttp2Connection::handleHEADERS()
+ Q_ASSERT(inboundFrame.type() == FrameType::HEADERS);
+ const auto streamID = inboundFrame.streamID();
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Received HEADERS frame on stream %d", this, streamID);
+ if (streamID == connectionStreamID)
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "HEADERS on 0x0 stream");
+ if (QPointer<QHttp2Stream> stream = m_streams.value(streamID); !stream) {
+ QHttp2Stream *newStream = createStreamInternal_impl(streamID);
+ m_lastIncomingStreamID = streamID;
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Created new incoming stream %d", this, streamID);
+ emit newIncomingStream(newStream);
+ } else if (streamWasReset(streamID)) {
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Received HEADERS on reset stream %d", this, streamID);
+ return connectionError(ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM, "HEADERS on invalid stream");
+ }
+ const auto flags = inboundFrame.flags();
+ if (flags.testFlag(FrameFlag::PRIORITY)) {
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] HEADERS frame on stream %d has PRIORITY flag", this,
+ streamID);
+ handlePRIORITY();
+ if (m_goingAway)
+ return;
+ }
+ const bool endHeaders = flags.testFlag(FrameFlag::END_HEADERS);
+ continuedFrames.clear();
+ continuedFrames.push_back(std::move(inboundFrame));
+ if (!endHeaders) {
+ continuationExpected = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ handleContinuedHEADERS();
+void QHttp2Connection::handlePRIORITY()
+ Q_ASSERT(inboundFrame.type() == FrameType::PRIORITY
+ || inboundFrame.type() == FrameType::HEADERS);
+ const auto streamID = inboundFrame.streamID();
+ if (streamID == connectionStreamID)
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PRIORITY on 0x0 stream");
+ if (isInvalidStream(streamID))
+ return connectionError(ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM, "PRIORITY on invalid stream");
+ quint32 streamDependency = 0;
+ uchar weight = 0;
+ const bool noErr = inboundFrame.priority(&streamDependency, &weight);
+ Q_UNUSED(noErr);
+ Q_ASSERT(noErr);
+ const bool exclusive = streamDependency & 0x80000000;
+ streamDependency &= ~0x80000000;
+ // Ignore this for now ...
+ // Can be used for streams (re)prioritization - 5.3
+ Q_UNUSED(exclusive);
+ Q_UNUSED(weight);
+void QHttp2Connection::handleRST_STREAM()
+ Q_ASSERT(inboundFrame.type() == FrameType::RST_STREAM);
+ // "RST_STREAM frames MUST be associated with a stream.
+ // If a RST_STREAM frame is received with a stream identifier of 0x0,
+ // the recipient MUST treat this as a connection error (Section 5.4.1)
+ // of type PROTOCOL_ERROR.
+ const auto streamID = inboundFrame.streamID();
+ if (streamID == connectionStreamID)
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "RST_STREAM on 0x0");
+ if (!(streamID & 0x1)) { // @future[server]: must be updated for server-side handling
+ // RST_STREAM on a promised stream:
+ // since we do not keep track of such streams,
+ // just ignore.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Anything greater than m_nextStreamID has not been started yet.
+ if (streamID >= m_nextStreamID) {
+ // "RST_STREAM frames MUST NOT be sent for a stream
+ // in the "idle" state. .. the recipient MUST treat this
+ // as a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR."
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "RST_STREAM on idle stream");
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(inboundFrame.dataSize() == 4);
+ if (QPointer<QHttp2Stream> stream = m_streams[streamID])
+ stream->handleRST_STREAM(inboundFrame);
+void QHttp2Connection::handleSETTINGS()
+ // 6.5 SETTINGS.
+ Q_ASSERT(inboundFrame.type() == FrameType::SETTINGS);
+ if (inboundFrame.streamID() != connectionStreamID)
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "SETTINGS on invalid stream");
+ if (inboundFrame.flags().testFlag(FrameFlag::ACK)) {
+ if (!waitingForSettingsACK)
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "unexpected SETTINGS ACK");
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Received SETTINGS ACK", this);
+ waitingForSettingsACK = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Received SETTINGS frame", this);
+ if (inboundFrame.dataSize()) {
+ auto src = inboundFrame.dataBegin();
+ for (const uchar *end = src + inboundFrame.dataSize(); src != end; src += 6) {
+ const Settings identifier = Settings(qFromBigEndian<quint16>(src));
+ const quint32 intVal = qFromBigEndian<quint32>(src + 2);
+ if (!acceptSetting(identifier, intVal)) {
+ // If not accepted - we finish with connectionError.
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Received an unacceptable setting, %u, %u", this,
+ quint32(identifier), intVal);
+ return; // connectionError already called in acceptSetting.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Sending SETTINGS ACK", this);
+ emit settingsFrameReceived();
+void QHttp2Connection::handlePUSH_PROMISE()
+ // 6.6 PUSH_PROMISE.
+ Q_ASSERT(inboundFrame.type() == FrameType::PUSH_PROMISE);
+ if (!pushPromiseEnabled && !waitingForSettingsACK) {
+ // This means, server ACKed our 'NO PUSH',
+ // but sent us PUSH_PROMISE anyway.
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "unexpected PUSH_PROMISE frame");
+ }
+ const auto streamID = inboundFrame.streamID();
+ if (streamID == connectionStreamID)
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PUSH_PROMISE with invalid associated stream (0x0)");
+ auto it = m_streams.constFind(streamID);
+#if 0 // Needs to be done after some timeout in case the stream has only just been reset
+ if (it != m_streams.constEnd()) {
+ QHttp2Stream *associatedStream = it->get();
+ if (associatedStream->state() != QHttp2Stream::State::Open
+ && associatedStream->state() != QHttp2Stream::State::HalfClosedLocal) {
+ // Cause us to error out below:
+ it = m_streams.constEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ if (it == m_streams.constEnd())
+ return connectionError(ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM, "PUSH_PROMISE with invalid associated stream");
+ const auto reservedID = qFromBigEndian<quint32>(inboundFrame.dataBegin());
+ if ((reservedID & 1) || reservedID <= lastPromisedID || reservedID > lastValidStreamID)
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PUSH_PROMISE with invalid promised stream ID");
+ auto *stream = createStreamInternal_impl(reservedID);
+ if (!stream)
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PUSH_PROMISE with already active stream ID");
+ lastPromisedID = reservedID;
+ stream->setState(QHttp2Stream::State::ReservedRemote);
+ if (!pushPromiseEnabled) {
+ // "ignoring a PUSH_PROMISE frame causes the stream state to become
+ // indeterminate" - let's send RST_STREAM frame with REFUSE_STREAM code.
+ }
+ const bool endHeaders = inboundFrame.flags().testFlag(FrameFlag::END_HEADERS);
+ continuedFrames.clear();
+ continuedFrames.push_back(std::move(inboundFrame));
+ if (!endHeaders) {
+ continuationExpected = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ handleContinuedHEADERS();
+void QHttp2Connection::handlePING()
+ // @future[server]
+ // Since we're implementing a client and not
+ // a server, we only reply to a PING, ACKing it.
+ Q_ASSERT(inboundFrame.type() == FrameType::PING);
+ if (inboundFrame.streamID() != connectionStreamID)
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PING on invalid stream");
+ if (inboundFrame.flags() & FrameFlag::ACK)
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "unexpected PING ACK");
+ Q_ASSERT(inboundFrame.dataSize() == 8);
+ frameWriter.start(FrameType::PING, FrameFlag::ACK, connectionStreamID);
+ frameWriter.append(inboundFrame.dataBegin(), inboundFrame.dataBegin() + 8);
+ frameWriter.write(*getSocket());
+void QHttp2Connection::handleGOAWAY()
+ // 6.8 GOAWAY
+ Q_ASSERT(inboundFrame.type() == FrameType::GOAWAY);
+ // "An endpoint MUST treat a GOAWAY frame with a stream identifier
+ // other than 0x0 as a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR."
+ if (inboundFrame.streamID() != connectionStreamID)
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "GOAWAY on invalid stream");
+ const uchar *const src = inboundFrame.dataBegin();
+ quint32 lastStreamID = qFromBigEndian<quint32>(src);
+ const quint32 errorCode = qFromBigEndian<quint32>(src + 4);
+ if (!lastStreamID) {
+ // "The last stream identifier can be set to 0 if no
+ // streams were processed."
+ lastStreamID = 1;
+ } else if (!(lastStreamID & 0x1)) {
+ // 5.1.1 - we (client) use only odd numbers as stream identifiers.
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "GOAWAY with invalid last stream ID");
+ } else if (lastStreamID >= m_nextStreamID) {
+ // "A server that is attempting to gracefully shut down a connection SHOULD
+ // send an initial GOAWAY frame with the last stream identifier set to 2^31-1
+ // and a NO_ERROR code."
+ if (lastStreamID != lastValidStreamID || errorCode != HTTP2_NO_ERROR)
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "GOAWAY invalid stream/error code");
+ } else {
+ lastStreamID += 2;
+ }
+ m_goingAway = true;
+ emit receivedGOAWAY(errorCode, lastStreamID);
+ for (quint32 id = lastStreamID; id < m_nextStreamID; id += 2) {
+ QHttp2Stream *stream = m_streams.value(id, nullptr);
+ if (stream && stream->isActive())
+ stream->finishWithError(errorCode, "Received GOAWAY"_L1);
+ }
+ const auto isActive = [](const QHttp2Stream *stream) { return stream && stream->isActive(); };
+ if (std::none_of(m_streams.cbegin(), m_streams.cend(), isActive))
+ closeSession();
+void QHttp2Connection::handleWINDOW_UPDATE()
+ Q_ASSERT(inboundFrame.type() == FrameType::WINDOW_UPDATE);
+ const quint32 delta = qFromBigEndian<quint32>(inboundFrame.dataBegin());
+ const bool valid = delta && delta <= quint32(std::numeric_limits<qint32>::max());
+ const auto streamID = inboundFrame.streamID();
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog(), "[%p] Received WINDOW_UPDATE, stream %d, delta %d", this,
+ streamID, delta);
+ if (streamID == connectionStreamID) {
+ qint32 sum = 0;
+ if (!valid || qAddOverflow(sessionSendWindowSize, qint32(delta), &sum))
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "WINDOW_UPDATE invalid delta");
+ sessionSendWindowSize = sum;
+ for (auto &stream : m_streams) {
+ if (!stream || !stream->isActive())
+ continue;
+ // Stream may have been unblocked, so maybe try to write again
+ if (stream->isUploadingDATA() && !stream->isUploadBlocked())
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(stream, &QHttp2Stream::maybeResumeUpload,
+ Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ }
+ } else {
+ QHttp2Stream *stream = m_streams.value(streamID);
+ if (!stream || !stream->isActive()) {
+ // WINDOW_UPDATE on closed streams can be ignored.
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Received WINDOW_UPDATE on closed stream %d", this,
+ streamID);
+ return;
+ }
+ stream->handleWINDOW_UPDATE(inboundFrame);
+ }
+void QHttp2Connection::handleCONTINUATION()
+ Q_ASSERT(inboundFrame.type() == FrameType::CONTINUATION);
+ Q_ASSERT(!continuedFrames.empty()); // HEADERS frame must be already in.
+ if (inboundFrame.streamID() != continuedFrames.front().streamID())
+ return connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "CONTINUATION on invalid stream");
+ const bool endHeaders = inboundFrame.flags().testFlag(FrameFlag::END_HEADERS);
+ continuedFrames.push_back(std::move(inboundFrame));
+ if (!endHeaders)
+ return;
+ continuationExpected = false;
+ handleContinuedHEADERS();
+void QHttp2Connection::handleContinuedHEADERS()
+ // 'Continued' HEADERS can be: the initial HEADERS/PUSH_PROMISE frame
+ // with/without END_HEADERS flag set plus, if no END_HEADERS flag,
+ // a sequence of one or more CONTINUATION frames.
+ Q_ASSERT(!continuedFrames.empty());
+ const auto firstFrameType = continuedFrames[0].type();
+ Q_ASSERT(firstFrameType == FrameType::HEADERS || firstFrameType == FrameType::PUSH_PROMISE);
+ const auto streamID = continuedFrames[0].streamID();
+ const auto streamIt = m_streams.find(streamID);
+ if (firstFrameType == FrameType::HEADERS) {
+ if (streamIt != m_streams.end()) {
+ QHttp2Stream *stream = streamIt.value();
+ if (stream->state() != QHttp2Stream::State::HalfClosedLocal
+ && stream->state() != QHttp2Stream::State::ReservedRemote
+ && stream->state() != QHttp2Stream::State::Idle
+ && stream->state() != QHttp2Stream::State::Open) {
+ // We can receive HEADERS on streams initiated by our requests
+ // (these streams are in halfClosedLocal or open state) or
+ // remote-reserved streams from a server's PUSH_PROMISE.
+ stream->finishWithError(QNetworkReply::ProtocolFailure,
+ "HEADERS on invalid stream"_L1);
+ stream->sendRST_STREAM(CANCEL);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Else: we cannot just ignore our peer's HEADERS frames - they change
+ // HPACK context - even though the stream was reset; apparently the peer
+ // has yet to see the reset.
+ }
+ std::vector<uchar> hpackBlock(assemble_hpack_block(continuedFrames));
+ const bool hasHeaderFields = !hpackBlock.empty();
+ if (hasHeaderFields) {
+ HPack::BitIStream inputStream{, + hpackBlock.size() };
+ if (!decoder.decodeHeaderFields(inputStream))
+ return connectionError(COMPRESSION_ERROR, "HPACK decompression failed");
+ } else if (firstFrameType == FrameType::PUSH_PROMISE) {
+ // It could be a PRIORITY sent in HEADERS - already handled by this
+ // point in handleHEADERS. If it was PUSH_PROMISE (HTTP/2 8.2.1):
+ // "The header fields in PUSH_PROMISE and any subsequent CONTINUATION
+ // frames MUST be a valid and complete set of request header fields
+ // (Section ... If a client receives a PUSH_PROMISE that does
+ // not include a complete and valid set of header fields or the :method
+ // pseudo-header field identifies a method that is not safe, it MUST
+ // respond with a stream error (Section 5.4.2) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR."
+ if (streamIt != m_streams.end())
+ (*streamIt)->sendRST_STREAM(PROTOCOL_ERROR);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (streamIt == m_streams.end()) // No more processing without a stream from here on.
+ return;
+ switch (firstFrameType) {
+ case FrameType::HEADERS:
+ streamIt.value()->handleHEADERS(continuedFrames[0].flags(), decoder.decodedHeader());
+ break;
+ case FrameType::PUSH_PROMISE: {
+ std::optional<QUrl> promiseKey = makeUrl(decoder.decodedHeader());
+ if (!promiseKey)
+ return; // invalid URL/key !
+ if (m_promisedStreams.contains(*promiseKey))
+ return; // already promised!
+ const auto promiseID = qFromBigEndian<quint32>(continuedFrames[0].dataBegin());
+ QHttp2Stream *stream = m_streams.value(promiseID);
+ stream->transitionState(QHttp2Stream::StateTransition::CloseLocal);
+ stream->handleHEADERS(continuedFrames[0].flags(), decoder.decodedHeader());
+ emit newPromisedStream(stream); // @future[consider] add promise key as argument?
+ m_promisedStreams.emplace(*promiseKey, promiseID);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+bool QHttp2Connection::acceptSetting(Http2::Settings identifier, quint32 newValue)
+ switch (identifier) {
+ case Settings::HEADER_TABLE_SIZE_ID: {
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Received SETTINGS HEADER_TABLE_SIZE %d", this, newValue);
+ if (newValue > maxAcceptableTableSize) {
+ connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "SETTINGS invalid table size");
+ return false;
+ }
+ encoder.setMaxDynamicTableSize(newValue);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Settings::INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE_ID: {
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Received SETTINGS INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE %d", this,
+ newValue);
+ // For every active stream - adjust its window
+ // (and handle possible overflows as errors).
+ if (newValue > quint32(std::numeric_limits<qint32>::max())) {
+ connectionError(FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR, "SETTINGS invalid initial window size");
+ return false;
+ }
+ const qint32 delta = qint32(newValue) - streamInitialSendWindowSize;
+ streamInitialSendWindowSize = qint32(newValue);
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Adjusting initial window size for %zu streams by %d",
+ this, size_t(m_streams.size()), delta);
+ for (const QPointer<QHttp2Stream> &stream : std::as_const(m_streams)) {
+ if (!stream || !stream->isActive())
+ continue;
+ qint32 sum = 0;
+ if (qAddOverflow(stream->m_sendWindow, delta, &sum)) {
+ stream->finishWithError(QNetworkReply::ProtocolFailure,
+ "SETTINGS window overflow"_L1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ stream->m_sendWindow = sum;
+ if (delta > 0 && stream->isUploadingDATA() && !stream->isUploadBlocked()) {
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(stream, &QHttp2Stream::maybeResumeUpload,
+ Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Received SETTINGS MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS %d", this,
+ newValue);
+ m_maxConcurrentStreams = newValue;
+ break;
+ }
+ case Settings::MAX_FRAME_SIZE_ID: {
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Received SETTINGS MAX_FRAME_SIZE %d", this, newValue);
+ if (newValue < Http2::minPayloadLimit || newValue > Http2::maxPayloadSize) {
+ connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "SETTINGS max frame size is out of range");
+ return false;
+ }
+ maxFrameSize = newValue;
+ break;
+ }
+ case Settings::MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE_ID: {
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Received SETTINGS MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE %d", this,
+ newValue);
+ // We just remember this value, it can later
+ // prevent us from sending any request (and this
+ // will end up in request/reply error).
+ m_maxHeaderListSize = newValue;
+ break;
+ }
+ case Http2::Settings::ENABLE_PUSH_ID:
+ qCDebug(qHttp2ConnectionLog, "[%p] Received SETTINGS ENABLE_PUSH %d", this, newValue);
+ if (newValue != 0 && newValue != 1) {
+ connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "SETTINGS peer sent illegal value for ENABLE_PUSH");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (m_connectionType == Type::Client) {
+ if (newValue == 1) {
+ connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "SETTINGS server sent ENABLE_PUSH=1");
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else { // server-side
+ pushPromiseEnabled = newValue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+#include "moc_qhttp2connection_p.cpp"