path: root/src/network/access/qhttpheaderparser.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/network/access/qhttpheaderparser.cpp')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/network/access/qhttpheaderparser.cpp b/src/network/access/qhttpheaderparser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b7882c18a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network/access/qhttpheaderparser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "qhttpheaderparser_p.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+ : statusCode(100) // Required by tst_QHttpNetworkConnection::ignoresslerror(failure)
+ , majorVersion(0)
+ , minorVersion(0)
+void QHttpHeaderParser::clear()
+ statusCode = 100;
+ majorVersion = 0;
+ minorVersion = 0;
+ reasonPhrase.clear();
+ fields.clear();
+static bool fieldNameCheck(QByteArrayView name)
+ static constexpr QByteArrayView otherCharacters("!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~");
+ static const auto fieldNameChar = [](char c) {
+ return ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
+ || otherCharacters.contains(c);
+ };
+ return !name.empty() && std::all_of(name.begin(), name.end(), fieldNameChar);
+bool QHttpHeaderParser::parseHeaders(QByteArrayView header)
+ // see rfc2616, sec 4 for information about HTTP/1.1 headers.
+ // allows relaxed parsing here, accepts both CRLF & LF line endings
+ Q_ASSERT(fields.isEmpty());
+ const auto hSpaceStart = [](QByteArrayView h) {
+ return h.startsWith(' ') || h.startsWith('\t');
+ };
+ // Headers, if non-empty, start with a non-space and end with a newline:
+ if (hSpaceStart(header) || (!header.empty() && !header.endsWith('\n')))
+ return false;
+ while (int tail = header.endsWith("\n\r\n") ? 2 : header.endsWith("\n\n") ? 1 : 0)
+ header.chop(tail);
+ if (header.size() - (header.endsWith("\r\n") ? 2 : 1) > maxTotalSize)
+ return false;
+ QHttpHeaders result;
+ while (!header.empty()) {
+ const qsizetype colon = header.indexOf(':');
+ if (colon == -1) // if no colon check if empty headers
+ return result.isEmpty() && (header == "\n" || header == "\r\n");
+ if (result.size() >= maxFieldCount)
+ return false;
+ QByteArrayView name = header.first(colon);
+ if (!fieldNameCheck(name))
+ return false;
+ header = header.sliced(colon + 1);
+ QByteArray value;
+ qsizetype valueSpace = maxFieldSize - name.size() - 1;
+ do {
+ const qsizetype endLine = header.indexOf('\n');
+ Q_ASSERT(endLine != -1);
+ auto line = header.first(endLine); // includes space
+ valueSpace -= line.size() - (line.endsWith('\r') ? 1 : 0);
+ if (valueSpace < 0)
+ return false;
+ line = line.trimmed();
+ if (!line.empty()) {
+ if (value.size())
+ value += ' ' + line;
+ else
+ value = line.toByteArray();
+ }
+ header = header.sliced(endLine + 1);
+ } while (hSpaceStart(header));
+ Q_ASSERT(name.size() + 1 + value.size() <= maxFieldSize);
+ result.append(name, value);
+ }
+ fields = result;
+ return true;
+bool QHttpHeaderParser::parseStatus(QByteArrayView status)
+ // from RFC 2616:
+ // Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF
+ // HTTP-Version = "HTTP" "/" 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT
+ // that makes: 'HTTP/n.n xxx Message'
+ // byte count: 0123456789012
+ static const int minLength = 11;
+ static const int dotPos = 6;
+ static const int spacePos = 8;
+ static const char httpMagic[] = "HTTP/";
+ if (status.size() < minLength
+ || !status.startsWith(httpMagic)
+ || != '.'
+ || != ' ') {
+ // I don't know how to parse this status line
+ return false;
+ }
+ // optimize for the valid case: defer checking until the end
+ majorVersion = - 1) - '0';
+ minorVersion = + 1) - '0';
+ int i = spacePos;
+ qsizetype j = status.indexOf(' ', i + 1);
+ const QByteArrayView code = j > i ? status.sliced(i + 1, j - i - 1)
+ : status.sliced(i + 1);
+ bool ok = false;
+ statusCode = code.toInt(&ok);
+ reasonPhrase = j > i ? QString::fromLatin1(status.sliced(j + 1))
+ : QString();
+ return ok && uint(majorVersion) <= 9 && uint(minorVersion) <= 9;
+const QHttpHeaders& QHttpHeaderParser::headers() const
+ return fields;
+QByteArray QHttpHeaderParser::firstHeaderField(QByteArrayView name,
+ const QByteArray &defaultValue) const
+ return fields.value(name, defaultValue).toByteArray();
+QByteArray QHttpHeaderParser::combinedHeaderValue(QByteArrayView name, const QByteArray &defaultValue) const
+ const QList<QByteArray> allValues = headerFieldValues(name);
+ if (allValues.isEmpty())
+ return defaultValue;
+ return allValues.join(", ");
+QList<QByteArray> QHttpHeaderParser::headerFieldValues(QByteArrayView name) const
+ return fields.values(name);
+void QHttpHeaderParser::removeHeaderField(QByteArrayView name)
+ fields.removeAll(name);
+void QHttpHeaderParser::setHeaderField(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &data)
+ removeHeaderField(name);
+ fields.append(name, data);
+void QHttpHeaderParser::prependHeaderField(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &data)
+ fields.insert(0, name, data);
+void QHttpHeaderParser::appendHeaderField(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &data)
+ fields.append(name, data);
+void QHttpHeaderParser::clearHeaders()
+ fields.clear();
+int QHttpHeaderParser::getStatusCode() const
+ return statusCode;
+void QHttpHeaderParser::setStatusCode(int code)
+ statusCode = code;
+int QHttpHeaderParser::getMajorVersion() const
+ return majorVersion;
+void QHttpHeaderParser::setMajorVersion(int version)
+ majorVersion = version;
+int QHttpHeaderParser::getMinorVersion() const
+ return minorVersion;
+void QHttpHeaderParser::setMinorVersion(int version)
+ minorVersion = version;
+QString QHttpHeaderParser::getReasonPhrase() const
+ return reasonPhrase;
+void QHttpHeaderParser::setReasonPhrase(const QString &reason)
+ reasonPhrase = reason;