path: root/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/')
1 files changed, 424 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/ b/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f786fc65c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
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+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "qcocoamessagedialog.h"
+#include "qcocoawindow.h"
+#include "qcocoahelpers.h"
+#include "qcocoaeventdispatcher.h"
+#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
+#include <QtCore/qscopedvaluerollback.h>
+#include <QtCore/qtimer.h>
+#include <QtGui/qtextdocument.h>
+#include <QtGui/private/qguiapplication_p.h>
+#include <QtGui/private/qcoregraphics_p.h>
+#include <QtGui/qpa/qplatformtheme.h>
+#include <AppKit/NSAlert.h>
+#include <AppKit/NSButton.h>
+using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
+ hide();
+ [m_alert release];
+static QString toPlainText(const QString &text)
+ // FIXME: QMessageDialog supports Qt::TextFormat, which
+ // nowadays includes Qt::MarkdownText, but we don't have
+ // the machinery to deal with that yet. We should as a
+ // start plumb the dialog's text format to the platform
+ // via the dialog options.
+ if (!Qt::mightBeRichText(text))
+ return text;
+ QTextDocument textDocument;
+ textDocument.setHtml(text);
+ return textDocument.toPlainText();
+static NSControlStateValue controlStateFor(Qt::CheckState state)
+ switch (state) {
+ case Qt::Checked: return NSControlStateValueOn;
+ case Qt::Unchecked: return NSControlStateValueOff;
+ case Qt::PartiallyChecked: return NSControlStateValueMixed;
+ }
+ Called from QDialogPrivate::setNativeDialogVisible() when the message box
+ is ready to be shown.
+ At this point the options() will reflect the specific dialog shown.
+ Returns true if the helper could successfully show the dialog, or
+ false if the cross platform fallback dialog should be used instead.
+bool QCocoaMessageDialog::show(Qt::WindowFlags windowFlags, Qt::WindowModality windowModality, QWindow *parent)
+ Q_UNUSED(windowFlags);
+ qCDebug(lcQpaDialogs) << "Asked to show" << windowModality << "dialog with parent" << parent;
+ if (m_alert.window.visible) {
+ qCDebug(lcQpaDialogs) << "Dialog already visible, ignoring request to show";
+ return true; // But we don't want to show the fallback dialog instead
+ }
+ // We can only do application and window modal dialogs
+ if (windowModality == Qt::NonModal)
+ return false;
+ // And only window modal if we have a parent
+ if (windowModality == Qt::WindowModal && (!parent || !parent->handle())) {
+ qCWarning(lcQpaDialogs, "Cannot run window modal dialog without parent window");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // And without options we don't know what to show
+ if (!options())
+ return false;
+ // NSAlert doesn't have a section for detailed text
+ if (!options()->detailedText().isEmpty()) {
+ qCWarning(lcQpaDialogs, "Message box contains detailed text");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (Qt::mightBeRichText(options()->text()) ||
+ Qt::mightBeRichText(options()->informativeText())) {
+ // Let's fallback to non-native message box,
+ // we only have plain NSString/text in NSAlert.
+ qCDebug(lcQpaDialogs, "Message box contains text in rich text format");
+ return false;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_alert);
+ m_alert = [NSAlert new];
+ m_alert.window.title = options()->windowTitle().toNSString();
+ const QString text = toPlainText(options()->text());
+ m_alert.messageText = text.toNSString();
+ m_alert.informativeText = toPlainText(options()->informativeText()).toNSString();
+ switch (options()->standardIcon()) {
+ case QMessageDialogOptions::NoIcon: {
+ // We only reflect the pixmap icon if the standard icon is unset,
+ // as setting a standard icon will also set a corresponding pixmap
+ // icon, which we don't want since it conflicts with the platform.
+ // If the user has set an explicit pixmap icon however, the standard
+ // icon will be NoIcon, so we're good.
+ QPixmap iconPixmap = options()->iconPixmap();
+ if (!iconPixmap.isNull())
+ m_alert.icon = [NSImage imageFromQImage:iconPixmap.toImage()];
+ break;
+ }
+ case QMessageDialogOptions::Information:
+ case QMessageDialogOptions::Question:
+ [m_alert setAlertStyle:NSAlertStyleInformational];
+ break;
+ case QMessageDialogOptions::Warning:
+ [m_alert setAlertStyle:NSAlertStyleWarning];
+ break;
+ case QMessageDialogOptions::Critical:
+ [m_alert setAlertStyle:NSAlertStyleCritical];
+ break;
+ }
+ auto defaultButton = options()->defaultButton();
+ auto escapeButton = options()->escapeButton();
+ const auto addButton = [&](auto title, auto tag, auto role) {
+ title = QPlatformTheme::removeMnemonics(title);
+ NSButton *button = [m_alert addButtonWithTitle:title.toNSString()];
+ // Calling addButtonWithTitle places buttons starting at the right side/top of the alert
+ // and going toward the left/bottom. By default, the first button has a key equivalent of
+ // Return, any button with a title of "Cancel" has a key equivalent of Escape, and any button
+ // with the title "Don't Save" has a key equivalent of Command-D (but only if it's not the first
+ // button). If an explicit default or escape button has been set, we respect these,
+ // and otherwise we fall back to role-based default and escape buttons.
+ qCDebug(lcQpaDialogs).verbosity(0) << "Adding button" << title << "with" << role;
+ if (!defaultButton && role == AcceptRole)
+ defaultButton = tag;
+ if (tag == defaultButton)
+ button.keyEquivalent = @"\r";
+ else if ([button.keyEquivalent isEqualToString:@"\r"])
+ button.keyEquivalent = @"";
+ if (!escapeButton && role == RejectRole)
+ escapeButton = tag;
+ // Don't override default button with escape button, to match AppKit default
+ if (tag == escapeButton && ![button.keyEquivalent isEqualToString:@"\r"])
+ button.keyEquivalent = @"\e";
+ else if ([button.keyEquivalent isEqualToString:@"\e"])
+ button.keyEquivalent = @"";
+ button.hasDestructiveAction = role == DestructiveRole;
+ // The NSModalResponse of showing an NSAlert normally depends on the order of the
+ // button that was clicked, starting from the right with NSAlertFirstButtonReturn (1000),
+ // NSAlertSecondButtonReturn (1001), NSAlertThirdButtonReturn (1002), and after that
+ // NSAlertThirdButtonReturn + n. The response can also be customized per button via its
+ // tag, which, following the above logic, can include any positive value from 1000 and up.
+ // In addition the system reserves the values from -1000 and down for its own modal responses,
+ // such as NSModalResponseStop, NSModalResponseAbort, and NSModalResponseContinue.
+ // Luckily for us, the QPlatformDialogHelper::StandardButton enum values all fall within
+ // the positive range, so we can use the standard button value as the tag directly.
+ // The same applies to the custom button IDs, as these are generated in sequence after
+ // the QPlatformDialogHelper::LastButton.
+ Q_ASSERT(tag >= NSAlertFirstButtonReturn);
+ button.tag = tag;
+ };
+ // Resolve all dialog buttons from the options, both standard and custom
+ struct Button { QString title; int identifier; ButtonRole role; };
+ std::vector<Button> buttons;
+ const auto *platformTheme = QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformTheme();
+ if (auto standardButtons = options()->standardButtons()) {
+ for (int standardButton = FirstButton; standardButton <= LastButton; standardButton <<= 1) {
+ if (standardButtons & standardButton) {
+ auto title = platformTheme->standardButtonText(standardButton);
+ buttons.push_back({
+ title, standardButton, buttonRole(StandardButton(standardButton))
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const auto customButtons = options()->customButtons();
+ for (auto customButton : customButtons)
+ buttons.push_back({customButton.label,, customButton.role});
+ // Sort them according to the QPlatformDialogHelper::ButtonLayout for macOS
+ // The ButtonLayout adds one additional role, AlternateRole, which is used
+ // for any AcceptRole beyond the first one, and should be ordered before the
+ // AcceptRole. Set this up by fixing the roles up front.
+ bool seenAccept = false;
+ for (auto &button : buttons) {
+ if (button.role == AcceptRole) {
+ if (!seenAccept)
+ seenAccept = true;
+ else
+ button.role = AlternateRole;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<Button> orderedButtons;
+ const int *layoutEntry = buttonLayout(Qt::Horizontal, ButtonLayout::MacLayout);
+ while (*layoutEntry != QPlatformDialogHelper::EOL) {
+ const auto role = ButtonRole(*layoutEntry & ~ButtonRole::Reverse);
+ const bool reverse = *layoutEntry & ButtonRole::Reverse;
+ auto addButton = [&](const Button &button) {
+ if (button.role == role)
+ orderedButtons.push_back(button);
+ };
+ if (reverse)
+ std::for_each(std::crbegin(buttons), std::crend(buttons), addButton);
+ else
+ std::for_each(std::cbegin(buttons), std::cend(buttons), addButton);
+ ++layoutEntry;
+ }
+ // Add them to the alert in reverse order, since buttons are added right to left
+ for (auto button = orderedButtons.crbegin(); button != orderedButtons.crend(); ++button)
+ addButton(button->title, button->identifier, button->role);
+ // If we didn't find a an explicit or implicit default button above
+ // we restore the AppKit behavior of making the first button default.
+ if (!defaultButton)
+ m_alert.buttons.firstObject.keyEquivalent = @"\r";
+ if (auto checkBoxLabel = options()->checkBoxLabel(); !checkBoxLabel.isNull()) {
+ checkBoxLabel = QPlatformTheme::removeMnemonics(checkBoxLabel);
+ m_alert.suppressionButton.title = checkBoxLabel.toNSString();
+ auto state = options()->checkBoxState();
+ m_alert.suppressionButton.allowsMixedState = state == Qt::PartiallyChecked;
+ m_alert.suppressionButton.state = controlStateFor(state);
+ m_alert.showsSuppressionButton = YES;
+ }
+ qCDebug(lcQpaDialogs) << "Showing" << m_alert;
+ if (windowModality == Qt::WindowModal) {
+ auto *cocoaWindow = static_cast<QCocoaWindow*>(parent->handle());
+ [m_alert beginSheetModalForWindow:cocoaWindow->nativeWindow()
+ completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse response) {
+ processResponse(response);
+ }
+ ];
+ } else {
+ // The dialog is application modal, so we need to call runModal,
+ // but we can't call it here as the nativeDialogInUse state of QDialog
+ // depends on the result of show(), and we can't rely on doing it
+ // in exec(), as we can't guarantee that the user will call exec()
+ // after showing the dialog. As a workaround, we call it from exec(),
+ // but also make sure that if the user returns to the main runloop
+ // we'll run the modal dialog from there.
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [this]{
+ if (m_alert && !m_alert.window.visible) {
+ qCDebug(lcQpaDialogs) << "Running deferred modal" << m_alert;
+ QCocoaEventDispatcher::clearCurrentThreadCocoaEventDispatcherInterruptFlag();
+ processResponse(runModal());
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return true;
+// We shouldn't get NSModalResponseContinue as a response from NSAlert::runModal,
+// and processResponse must not be called with that value (if we are there, it's
+// too late to do anything about it.
+// However, as QTBUG-114546 shows, there are scenarios where we might get that
+// response anyway. We interpret it to keep the modal loop running, and we only
+// return if we got something else to pass to processResponse.
+NSModalResponse QCocoaMessageDialog::runModal() const
+ NSModalResponse response = NSModalResponseContinue;
+ while (response == NSModalResponseContinue)
+ response = [m_alert runModal];
+ return response;
+void QCocoaMessageDialog::exec()
+ Q_ASSERT(m_alert);
+ if (modality() == Qt::WindowModal) {
+ qCDebug(lcQpaDialogs) << "Running local event loop for window modal" << m_alert;
+ QEventLoop eventLoop;
+ QScopedValueRollback updateGuard(m_eventLoop, &eventLoop);
+ m_eventLoop->exec(QEventLoop::DialogExec);
+ } else {
+ qCDebug(lcQpaDialogs) << "Running modal" << m_alert;
+ QCocoaEventDispatcher::clearCurrentThreadCocoaEventDispatcherInterruptFlag();
+ processResponse(runModal());
+ }
+// Custom modal response code to record that the dialog was hidden by us
+static const NSInteger kModalResponseDialogHidden = NSAlertThirdButtonReturn + 1;
+static Qt::CheckState checkStateFor(NSControlStateValue state)
+ switch (state) {
+ case NSControlStateValueOn: return Qt::Checked;
+ case NSControlStateValueOff: return Qt::Unchecked;
+ case NSControlStateValueMixed: return Qt::PartiallyChecked;
+ }
+void QCocoaMessageDialog::processResponse(NSModalResponse response)
+ qCDebug(lcQpaDialogs) << "Processing response" << response << "for" << m_alert;
+ // We can't re-use the same dialog for the next show() anyways,
+ // since the options may have changed, so get rid of it now,
+ // before we emit anything that might recurse back to hide/show/etc.
+ auto alert = std::exchange(m_alert, nil);
+ [alert autorelease];
+ if (alert.showsSuppressionButton)
+ emit checkBoxStateChanged(checkStateFor(alert.suppressionButton.state));
+ if (response >= NSAlertFirstButtonReturn) {
+ // Safe range for user-defined modal responses
+ if (response == kModalResponseDialogHidden) {
+ // Dialog was explicitly hidden by us, so nothing to report
+ qCDebug(lcQpaDialogs) << "Dialog was hidden; ignoring response";
+ } else {
+ // Dialog buttons
+ if (response <= StandardButton::LastButton) {
+ Q_ASSERT(response >= StandardButton::FirstButton);
+ auto standardButton = StandardButton(response);
+ emit clicked(standardButton, buttonRole(standardButton));
+ } else {
+ auto *customButton = options()->customButton(response);
+ Q_ASSERT(customButton);
+ emit clicked(StandardButton(customButton->id), customButton->role);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We have to consider NSModalResponses beyond the ones specific to
+ // the alert buttons as the alert may be canceled programmatically.
+ switch (response) {
+ case NSModalResponseContinue:
+ // Modal session is continuing (returned by runModalSession: only)
+ case NSModalResponseOK:
+ emit accept();
+ break;
+ case NSModalResponseCancel:
+ case NSModalResponseStop: // Modal session was broken with stopModal
+ case NSModalResponseAbort: // Modal session was broken with abortModal
+ emit reject();
+ break;
+ default:
+ qCWarning(lcQpaDialogs) << "Unrecognized modal response" << response;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_eventLoop)
+ m_eventLoop->exit(response);
+void QCocoaMessageDialog::hide()
+ if (!m_alert)
+ return;
+ if (m_alert.window.visible) {
+ qCDebug(lcQpaDialogs) << "Hiding" << modality() << m_alert;
+ // Note: Just hiding or closing the NSAlert's NWindow here is not sufficient,
+ // as the dialog is running a modal event loop as well, which we need to end.
+ if (modality() == Qt::WindowModal) {
+ // Will call processResponse() synchronously
+ [m_alert.window.sheetParent endSheet:m_alert.window returnCode:kModalResponseDialogHidden];
+ } else {
+ if (NSApp.modalWindow == m_alert.window) {
+ // Will call processResponse() asynchronously
+ [NSApp stopModalWithCode:kModalResponseDialogHidden];
+ } else {
+ qCWarning(lcQpaDialogs, "Dialog is not top level modal window. Cannot hide.");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ qCDebug(lcQpaDialogs) << "No need to hide already hidden" << m_alert;
+ auto alert = std::exchange(m_alert, nil);
+ [alert autorelease];
+ }
+Qt::WindowModality QCocoaMessageDialog::modality() const
+ Q_ASSERT(m_alert && m_alert.window);
+ return m_alert.window.sheetParent ? Qt::WindowModal : Qt::ApplicationModal;