path: root/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/ b/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
index 5ff5d01a99..59b76370ae 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
@@ -317,6 +317,71 @@ static void qt_closePopups()
@synthesize helper = _helper;
++ (void)applicationActivationChanged:(NSNotification*)notification
+ const id sender = self;
+ NSEnumerator<NSWindow*> *windowEnumerator = nullptr;
+ NSApplication *application = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
+ if (QOperatingSystemVersion::current() >= QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOSSierra) {
+ // Unfortunately there's no NSWindowListOrderedBackToFront,
+ // so we have to manually reverse the order using an array.
+ NSMutableArray *windows = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
+ [application enumerateWindowsWithOptions:NSWindowListOrderedFrontToBack
+ usingBlock:^(NSWindow *window, BOOL *) {
+ // For some reason AppKit will give us nil-windows, skip those
+ if (!window)
+ return;
+ [(NSMutableArray*)windows addObject:window];
+ }
+ ];
+ windowEnumerator = windows.reverseObjectEnumerator;
+ } else
+ {
+ // No way to get ordered list of windows, so fall back to unordered,
+ // list, which typically corresponds to window creation order.
+ windowEnumerator =;
+ }
+ for (NSWindow *window in windowEnumerator) {
+ // We're meddling with normal and floating windows, so leave others alone
+ if (!(window.level == NSNormalWindowLevel || window.level == NSFloatingWindowLevel))
+ continue;
+ // Windows that hide automatically will keep their NSFloatingWindowLevel,
+ // and hence be on top of the window stack. We don't want to affect these
+ // windows, as otherwise we might end up with key windows being ordered
+ // behind these auto-hidden windows when activating the application by
+ // clicking on a new tool window.
+ if (window.hidesOnDeactivate)
+ continue;
+ if ([window conformsToProtocol:@protocol(QNSWindowProtocol)]) {
+ QCocoaWindow *cocoaWindow = static_cast<id<QNSWindowProtocol>>(window).helper.platformWindow;
+ window.level = == NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification ?
+ NSNormalWindowLevel : cocoaWindow->windowLevel(cocoaWindow->window()->flags());
+ }
+ // The documentation says that "when a window enters a new level, it’s ordered
+ // in front of all its peers in that level", but that doesn't seem to be the
+ // case in practice. To keep the order correct after meddling with the window
+ // levels, we explicitly order each window to the front. Since we are iterating
+ // the windows in back-to-front order, this is okey. The call also triggers AppKit
+ // to re-evaluate the level in relation to windows from other applications,
+ // working around an issue where our tool windows would stay on top of other
+ // application windows if activation was transferred to another application by
+ // clicking on it instead of via the application switcher or Dock. Finally, we
+ // do this re-ordering for all windows (except auto-hiding ones), otherwise we would
+ // end up triggering a bug in AppKit where the tool windows would disappear behind
+ // the application window.
+ [window orderFront:sender];
+ }
- (id)initWithContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect
@@ -330,6 +395,17 @@ static void qt_closePopups()
if (self) {
_helper = [[QNSWindowHelper alloc] initWithNSWindow:self platformWindow:qpw];
+ if (qpw->alwaysShowToolWindow()) {
+ static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
+ dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
+ NSNotificationCenter *center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
+ [center addObserver:[self class] selector:@selector(applicationActivationChanged:)
+ name:NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification object:nil];
+ [center addObserver:[self class] selector:@selector(applicationActivationChanged:)
+ name:NSApplicationWillBecomeActiveNotification object:nil];
+ });
+ }
return self;
@@ -1778,8 +1854,7 @@ QCocoaNSWindow *QCocoaWindow::createNSWindow(bool shouldBeChildNSWindow, bool sh
if (shouldBePanel) {
// Qt::Tool windows hide on app deactivation, unless Qt::WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow is set
- window.hidesOnDeactivate = ((type & Qt::Tool) == Qt::Tool) &&
- !qt_mac_resolveOption(false, QPlatformWindow::window(), "_q_macAlwaysShowToolWindow", "");
+ window.hidesOnDeactivate = ((type & Qt::Tool) == Qt::Tool) && !alwaysShowToolWindow();
// Make popup windows show on the same desktop as the parent full-screen window
window.collectionBehavior = NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenAuxiliary;
@@ -1805,6 +1880,11 @@ QCocoaNSWindow *QCocoaWindow::createNSWindow(bool shouldBeChildNSWindow, bool sh
return window;
+bool QCocoaWindow::alwaysShowToolWindow() const
+ return qt_mac_resolveOption(false, window(), "_q_macAlwaysShowToolWindow", "");
void QCocoaWindow::removeMonitor()
if (!monitor)