path: root/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/platforms/ios/')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
index 68364d3c77..d16ad40414 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
@@ -328,6 +328,8 @@
QWindowSystemInterface::handleKeyEvent(qApp->focusWindow(), QEvent::KeyRelease, key, modifiers);
- (void)cut:(id)sender
@@ -360,6 +362,69 @@
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+- (void)keyCommandTriggered:(UIKeyCommand *)keyCommand
+ Qt::Key key = Qt::Key_unknown;
+ Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier;
+ if (keyCommand.input == UIKeyInputLeftArrow)
+ key = Qt::Key_Left;
+ else if (keyCommand.input == UIKeyInputRightArrow)
+ key = Qt::Key_Right;
+ else if (keyCommand.input == UIKeyInputUpArrow)
+ key = Qt::Key_Up;
+ else if (keyCommand.input == UIKeyInputDownArrow)
+ key = Qt::Key_Down;
+ else
+ if (keyCommand.modifierFlags & UIKeyModifierAlternate)
+ modifiers |= Qt::AltModifier;
+ if (keyCommand.modifierFlags & UIKeyModifierShift)
+ modifiers |= Qt::ShiftModifier;
+ if (keyCommand.modifierFlags & UIKeyModifierCommand)
+ modifiers |= Qt::ControlModifier;
+ [self sendKeyPressRelease:key modifiers:modifiers];
+- (void)addKeyCommandsToArray:(NSMutableArray *)array key:(NSString *)key
+ SEL s = @selector(keyCommandTriggered:);
+ [array addObject:[UIKeyCommand keyCommandWithInput:key modifierFlags:0 action:s]];
+ [array addObject:[UIKeyCommand keyCommandWithInput:key modifierFlags:UIKeyModifierShift action:s]];
+ [array addObject:[UIKeyCommand keyCommandWithInput:key modifierFlags:UIKeyModifierAlternate action:s]];
+ [array addObject:[UIKeyCommand keyCommandWithInput:key modifierFlags:UIKeyModifierAlternate|UIKeyModifierShift action:s]];
+ [array addObject:[UIKeyCommand keyCommandWithInput:key modifierFlags:UIKeyModifierCommand action:s]];
+ [array addObject:[UIKeyCommand keyCommandWithInput:key modifierFlags:UIKeyModifierCommand|UIKeyModifierShift action:s]];
+- (NSArray *)keyCommands
+ // Since keyCommands is called for every key
+ // press/release, we cache the result
+ static dispatch_once_t once;
+ static NSMutableArray *array;
+ dispatch_once(&once, ^{
+ // We let Qt move the cursor around when the arrow keys are being used. This
+ // is normally implemented through UITextInput, but since IM in Qt have poor
+ // support for moving the cursor vertically, and even less support for selecting
+ // text across multiple paragraphs, we do this through key events.
+ array = [NSMutableArray new];
+ [self addKeyCommandsToArray:array key:UIKeyInputUpArrow];
+ [self addKeyCommandsToArray:array key:UIKeyInputDownArrow];
+ [self addKeyCommandsToArray:array key:UIKeyInputLeftArrow];
+ [self addKeyCommandsToArray:array key:UIKeyInputRightArrow];
+ });
+ return array;
+#endif // QT_NO_SHORTCUT
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (void)notifyInputDelegate:(Qt::InputMethodQueries)updatedProperties
// As documented, we should not report textWillChange/textDidChange unless the text