path: root/src/plugins/platforms/wasm/qtloader.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/platforms/wasm/qtloader.js')
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 550 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/wasm/qtloader.js b/src/plugins/platforms/wasm/qtloader.js
index e0f7864627..8027dd8fa9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/wasm/qtloader.js
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/wasm/qtloader.js
@@ -1,588 +1,301 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only
-// QtLoader provides javascript API for managing Qt application modules.
-// QtLoader provides API on top of Emscripten which supports common lifecycle
-// tasks such as displaying placeholder content while the module downloads,
-// handing application exits, and checking for browser wasm support.
-// There are two usage modes:
-// * Managed: QtLoader owns and manages the HTML display elements like
-// the loader and canvas.
-// * External: The embedding HTML page owns the display elements. QtLoader
-// provides event callbacks which the page reacts to.
-// Managed mode usage:
-// var config = {
-// containerElements : [$("container-id")];
-// }
-// var qtLoader = new QtLoader(config);
-// qtLoader.loadEmscriptenModule("applicationName");
-// External mode usage:
-// var config = {
-// canvasElements : [$("canvas-id")],
-// showLoader: function() {
-// = 'block'
-// = 'hidden'
-// },
-// showCanvas: function() {
-// = 'hidden'
-// = 'block'
-// return canvas;
-// }
-// }
-// var qtLoader = new QtLoader(config);
-// qtLoader.loadEmscriptenModule("applicationName");
-// Config keys
-// moduleConfig : {}
-// Emscripten module configuration
-// containerElements : [container-element, ...]
-// One or more HTML elements. QtLoader will display loader elements
-// on these while loading the application, and replace the loader with a
-// canvas on load complete.
-// canvasElements : [canvas-element, ...]
-// One or more canvas elements.
-// showLoader : function(status, containerElement)
-// Optional loading element constructor function. Implement to create
-// a custom loading screen. This function may be called multiple times,
-// while preparing the application binary. "status" is a string
-// containing the loading sub-status, and may be either "Downloading",
-// or "Compiling". The browser may be using streaming compilation, in
-// which case the wasm module is compiled during downloading and the
-// there is no separate compile step.
-// showCanvas : function(containerElement)
-// Optional canvas constructor function. Implement to create custom
-// canvas elements.
-// showExit : function(crashed, exitCode, containerElement)
-// Optional exited element constructor function.
-// showError : function(crashed, exitCode, containerElement)
-// Optional error element constructor function.
-// statusChanged : function(newStatus)
-// Optional callback called when the status of the app has changed
-// path : <string>
-// Prefix path for wasm file, realative to the loading HMTL file.
-// restartMode : "DoNotRestart", "RestartOnExit", "RestartOnCrash"
-// Controls whether the application should be reloaded on exits. The default is "DoNotRestart"
-// restartType : "RestartModule", "ReloadPage"
-// restartLimit : <int>
-// Restart attempts limit. The default is 10.
-// stdoutEnabled : <bool>
-// stderrEnabled : <bool>
-// environment : <object>
-// key-value environment variable pairs.
-// QtLoader object API
-// webAssemblySupported : bool
-// webGLSupported : bool
-// canLoadQt : bool
-// Reports if WebAssembly and WebGL are supported. These are requirements for
-// running Qt applications.
-// loadEmscriptenModule(applicationName)
-// Loads the application from the given emscripten javascript module file and wasm file
-// status
-// One of "Created", "Loading", "Running", "Exited".
-// crashed
-// Set to true if there was an unclean exit.
-// exitCode
-// main()/emscripten_force_exit() return code. Valid on status change to
-// "Exited", iff crashed is false.
-// exitText
-// Abort/exit message.
-// addCanvasElement
-// Add canvas at run-time. Adds a corresponding QScreen,
-// removeCanvasElement
-// Remove canvas at run-time. Removes the corresponding QScreen.
-// resizeCanvasElement
-// Signals to the application that a canvas has been resized.
-// setFontDpi
-// Sets the logical font dpi for the application.
-// module
-// Returns the Emscripten module object, or undefined if the module
-// has not been created yet. Note that the module object becomes available
-// at the very end of the loading sequence, _after_ the transition from
-// Loading to Running occurs.
-// Forces the use of constructor on QtLoader instance.
-// This passthrough makes both the old-style:
-// const loader = QtLoader(config);
-// and the new-style:
-// const loader = new QtLoader(config);
-// instantiation types work.
-function QtLoader(config)
+ * Loads the instance of a WASM module.
+ *
+ * @param config May contain any key normally accepted by emscripten and the 'qt' extra key, with
+ * the following sub-keys:
+ * - environment: { [name:string] : string }
+ * environment variables set on the instance
+ * - onExit: (exitStatus: { text: string, code?: number, crashed: bool }) => void
+ * called when the application has exited for any reason. There are two cases:
+ * aborted: crashed is true, text contains an error message.
+ * exited: crashed is false, code contians the exit code.
+ *
+ * Note that by default Emscripten does not exit when main() returns. This behavior
+ * is controlled by the EXIT_RUNTIME linker flag; set "-s EXIT_RUNTIME=1" to make
+ * Emscripten tear down the runtime and exit when main() returns.
+ *
+ * - containerElements: HTMLDivElement[]
+ * Array of host elements for Qt screens. Each of these elements is mapped to a QScreen on
+ * launch.
+ * - fontDpi: number
+ * Specifies font DPI for the instance
+ * - onLoaded: () => void
+ * Called when the module has loaded, at the point in time where any loading placeholder
+ * should be hidden and the application window should be shown.
+ * - entryFunction: (emscriptenConfig: object) => Promise<EmscriptenModule>
+ * Qt always uses emscripten's MODULARIZE option. This is the MODULARIZE entry function.
+ * - module: Promise<WebAssembly.Module>
+ * The module to create the instance from (optional). Specifying the module allows optimizing
+ * use cases where several instances are created from a single WebAssembly source.
+ * - qtdir: string
+ * Path to Qt installation. This path will be used for loading Qt shared libraries and plugins.
+ * The path is set to 'qt' by default, and is relative to the path of the web page's html file.
+ * This property is not in use when static linking is used, since this build mode includes all
+ * libraries and plugins in the wasm file.
+ * - preload: [string]: Array of file paths to json-encoded files which specifying which files to preload.
+ * The preloaded files will be downloaded at application startup and copied to the in-memory file
+ * system provided by Emscripten.
+ *
+ * Each json file must contain an array of source, destination objects:
+ * [
+ * {
+ * "source": "path/to/source",
+ * "destination": "/path/to/destination"
+ * },
+ * ...
+ * ]
+ * The source path is relative to the html file path. The destination path must be
+ * an absolute path.
+ *
+ * $QTDIR may be used as a placeholder for the "qtdir" configuration property (see @qtdir), for instance:
+ * "source": "$QTDIR/plugins/imageformats/"
+ * - localFonts.requestPermission: bool
+ * Whether Qt should request for local fonts access permission on startup (default false).
+ * - localFonts.familiesCollection string
+ * Specifies a collection of local fonts to load. Possible values are:
+ * "NoFontFamilies" : Don't load any font families
+ * "DefaultFontFamilies" : A subset of available font families; currently the "web-safe" fonts (default).
+ * "AllFontFamilies" : All local font families (not reccomended)
+ * - localFonts.extraFamilies: [string]
+ * Adds additional font families to be loaded at startup.
+ *
+ * @return Promise<instance: EmscriptenModule>
+ * The promise is resolved when the module has been instantiated and its main function has been
+ * called.
+ *
+ * @see for
+ * EmscriptenModule
+ */
+async function qtLoad(config)
- return new _QtLoader(config);
-function _QtLoader(config)
- const self = this;
- // The Emscripten module and module configuration object. The module
- // object is created in completeLoadEmscriptenModule().
- self.module = undefined;
- self.moduleConfig = config.moduleConfig || {};
- // Qt properties. These are propagated to the Emscripten module after
- // it has been created.
- self.qtContainerElements = undefined;
- self.qtFontDpi = 96;
- function webAssemblySupported() {
- return typeof WebAssembly !== "undefined"
- }
- function webGLSupported() {
- // We expect that WebGL is supported if WebAssembly is; however
- // the GPU may be blacklisted.
- try {
- var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
- return !!(window.WebGLRenderingContext && (canvas.getContext("webgl") || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl")));
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
+ const throwIfEnvUsedButNotExported = (instance, config) =>
+ {
+ const environment = config.environment;
+ if (!environment || Object.keys(environment).length === 0)
+ return;
+ const isEnvExported = typeof instance.ENV === 'object';
+ if (!isEnvExported)
+ throw new Error('ENV must be exported if environment variables are passed');
+ };
+ if (typeof config !== 'object')
+ throw new Error('config is required, expected an object');
+ if (typeof config.qt !== 'object')
+ throw new Error('config.qt is required, expected an object');
+ if (typeof config.qt.entryFunction !== 'function')
+ throw new Error('config.qt.entryFunction is required, expected a function');
+ config.qt.qtdir ??= 'qt';
+ config.qt.preload ??= [];
+ config.qtContainerElements = config.qt.containerElements;
+ delete config.qt.containerElements;
+ config.qtFontDpi = config.qt.fontDpi;
+ delete config.qt.fontDpi;
+ // Make Emscripten not call main(); this gives us more control over
+ // the startup sequence.
+ const originalNoInitialRun = config.noInitialRun;
+ const originalArguments = config.arguments;
+ config.noInitialRun = true;
+ // Used for rejecting a failed load's promise where emscripten itself does not allow it,
+ // like in instantiateWasm below. This allows us to throw in case of a load error instead of
+ // hanging on a promise to entry function, which emscripten unfortunately does.
+ let circuitBreakerReject;
+ const circuitBreaker = new Promise((_, reject) => { circuitBreakerReject = reject; });
+ // If module async getter is present, use it so that module reuse is possible.
+ if (config.qt.module) {
+ config.instantiateWasm = async (imports, successCallback) =>
+ {
+ try {
+ const module = await config.qt.module;
+ successCallback(
+ await WebAssembly.instantiate(module, imports), module);
+ } catch (e) {
+ circuitBreakerReject(e);
+ }
- function canLoadQt() {
- // The current Qt implementation requires WebAssembly (asm.js is not in use),
- // and also WebGL (there is no raster fallback).
- return webAssemblySupported() && webGLSupported();
- }
- function removeChildren(element) {
- while (element.firstChild) element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
- }
- // Set default state handler functions
- if (config.containerElements !== undefined) {
- config.showError = config.showError || function(errorText, container) {
- removeChildren(container);
- var errorTextElement = document.createElement("text");
- errorTextElement.className = "QtError"
- errorTextElement.innerHTML = errorText;
- return errorTextElement;
+ const fetchJsonHelper = async path => (await fetch(path)).json();
+ const filesToPreload = (await Promise.all(;
+ const qtPreRun = (instance) => {
+ // Copy qt.environment to instance.ENV
+ throwIfEnvUsedButNotExported(instance, config);
+ for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(config.qt.environment ?? {}))
+ instance.ENV[name] = value;
+ // Preload files from qt.preload
+ const makeDirs = (FS, filePath) => {
+ const parts = filePath.split("/");
+ let path = "/";
+ for (let i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; ++i) {
+ const part = parts[i];
+ if (part == "")
+ continue;
+ path += part + "/";
+ try {
+ FS.mkdir(path);
+ } catch (error) {
+ const EEXIST = 20;
+ if (error.errno != EEXIST)
+ throw error;
+ }
+ }
- config.showLoader = config.showLoader || function(loadingState, container) {
- removeChildren(container);
- var loadingText = document.createElement("text");
- loadingText.className = "QtLoading"
- loadingText.innerHTML = "<p><center>" + loadingState + "</center><p>";
- return loadingText;
- };
- config.showCanvas = config.showCanvas || function(canvas, container) {
- removeChildren(container);
+ const extractFilenameAndDir = (path) => {
+ const parts = path.split('/');
+ const filename = parts.pop();
+ const dir = parts.join('/');
+ return {
+ filename: filename,
+ dir: dir
+ };
- config.showExit = config.showExit || function(crashed, exitCode, container) {
- if (!crashed)
- return undefined;
- removeChildren(container);
- var fontSize = 54;
- var crashSymbols = ["\u{1F615}", "\u{1F614}", "\u{1F644}", "\u{1F928}", "\u{1F62C}",
- "\u{1F915}", "\u{2639}", "\u{1F62E}", "\u{1F61E}", "\u{1F633}"];
- var symbolIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * crashSymbols.length);
- var errorHtml = `<font size='${fontSize}'> ${crashSymbols[symbolIndex]} </font>`
- var errorElement = document.createElement("text");
- errorElement.className = "QtExit"
- errorElement.innerHTML = errorHtml;
- return errorElement;
+ const preloadFile = (file) => {
+ makeDirs(instance.FS, file.destination);
+ const source = file.source.replace('$QTDIR', config.qt.qtdir);
+ const filenameAndDir = extractFilenameAndDir(file.destination);
+ instance.FS.createPreloadedFile(filenameAndDir.dir, filenameAndDir.filename, source, true, true);
- } else {
- config.containerElements = config.canvasElements
- }
- config.restartMode = config.restartMode || "DoNotRestart";
- config.restartLimit = config.restartLimit || 10;
- if (config.stdoutEnabled === undefined) config.stdoutEnabled = true;
- if (config.stderrEnabled === undefined) config.stderrEnabled = true;
- // Make sure config.path is defined and ends with "/" if needed
- if (config.path === undefined)
- config.path = "";
- if (config.path.length > 0 && !config.path.endsWith("/"))
- config.path = config.path.concat("/");
- if (config.environment === undefined)
- config.environment = {};
- var publicAPI = {};
- publicAPI.webAssemblySupported = webAssemblySupported();
- publicAPI.webGLSupported = webGLSupported();
- publicAPI.canLoadQt = canLoadQt();
- publicAPI.canLoadApplication = canLoadQt();
- publicAPI.status = undefined;
- publicAPI.loadEmscriptenModule = loadEmscriptenModule;
- publicAPI.addCanvasElement = addCanvasElement;
- publicAPI.removeCanvasElement = removeCanvasElement;
- publicAPI.resizeCanvasElement = resizeCanvasElement;
- publicAPI.setFontDpi = setFontDpi;
- publicAPI.fontDpi = fontDpi;
- publicAPI.module = module;
- self.restartCount = 0;
- function handleError(error) {
- self.error = error;
- setStatus("Error");
- console.error(error);
+ const isFsExported = typeof instance.FS === 'object';
+ if (!isFsExported)
+ throw new Error('FS must be exported if preload is used');
+ filesToPreload.forEach(preloadFile);
- function fetchResource(filePath) {
- var fullPath = config.path + filePath;
- return fetch(fullPath).then(function(response) {
- if (!response.ok) {
- let err = response.status + " " + response.statusText + " " + response.url;
- handleError(err);
- return Promise.reject(err)
- } else {
- return response;
- }
- });
- }
- function fetchText(filePath) {
- return fetchResource(filePath).then(function(response) {
- return response.text();
- });
- }
+ if (!config.preRun)
+ config.preRun = [];
+ config.preRun.push(qtPreRun);
- function fetchThenCompileWasm(response) {
- return response.arrayBuffer().then(function(data) {
- self.loaderSubState = "Compiling";
- setStatus("Loading") // trigger loaderSubState update
- return WebAssembly.compile(data);
- });
+ const originalOnRuntimeInitialized = config.onRuntimeInitialized;
+ config.onRuntimeInitialized = () => {
+ originalOnRuntimeInitialized?.();
+ config.qt.onLoaded?.();
- function fetchCompileWasm(filePath) {
- return fetchResource(filePath).then(function(response) {
- if (typeof WebAssembly.compileStreaming !== "undefined") {
- self.loaderSubState = "Downloading/Compiling";
- setStatus("Loading");
- return WebAssembly.compileStreaming(response).catch(function(error) {
- // compileStreaming may/will fail if the server does not set the correct
- // mime type (application/wasm) for the wasm file. Fall back to fetch,
- // then compile in this case.
- return fetchThenCompileWasm(response);
- });
- } else {
- // Fall back to fetch, then compile if compileStreaming is not supported
- return fetchThenCompileWasm(response);
- }
- });
+ const originalLocateFile = config.locateFile;
+ config.locateFile = filename => {
+ const originalLocatedFilename = originalLocateFile ? originalLocateFile(filename) : filename;
+ if (originalLocatedFilename.startsWith('libQt6'))
+ return `${config.qt.qtdir}/lib/${originalLocatedFilename}`;
+ return originalLocatedFilename;
- function loadEmscriptenModule(applicationName) {
- // Loading in qtloader.js goes through four steps:
- // 1) Check prerequisites
- // 2) Download resources
- // 3) Configure the emscripten Module object
- // 4) Start the emcripten runtime, after which emscripten takes over
- // Check for Wasm & WebGL support; set error and return before downloading resources if missing
- if (!webAssemblySupported()) {
- handleError("Error: WebAssembly is not supported");
- return;
- }
- if (!webGLSupported()) {
- handleError("Error: WebGL is not supported");
- return;
- }
+ let onExitCalled = false;
+ const originalOnExit = config.onExit;
+ config.onExit = code => {
+ originalOnExit?.();
- // Continue waiting if loadEmscriptenModule() is called again
- if (publicAPI.status == "Loading")
- return;
- self.loaderSubState = "Downloading";
- setStatus("Loading");
- // Fetch emscripten generated javascript runtime
- var emscriptenModuleSource = undefined
- var emscriptenModuleSourcePromise = fetchText(applicationName + ".js").then(function(source) {
- emscriptenModuleSource = source
- });
- // Fetch and compile wasm module
- var wasmModule = undefined;
- var wasmModulePromise = fetchCompileWasm(applicationName + ".wasm").then(function (module) {
- wasmModule = module;
- });
- // Wait for all resources ready
- Promise.all([emscriptenModuleSourcePromise, wasmModulePromise]).then(function(){
- completeLoadEmscriptenModule(applicationName, emscriptenModuleSource, wasmModule);
- }).catch(function(error) {
- handleError(error);
- // An error here is fatal, abort
- self.moduleConfig.onAbort(error)
- });
- }
- function completeLoadEmscriptenModule(applicationName, emscriptenModuleSource, wasmModule) {
- // The wasm binary has been compiled into a module during resource download,
- // and is ready to be instantiated. Define the instantiateWasm callback which
- // emscripten will call to create the instance.
- self.moduleConfig.instantiateWasm = function(imports, successCallback) {
- WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmModule, imports).then(function(instance) {
- successCallback(instance, wasmModule);
- }, function(error) {
- handleError(error)
+ if (!onExitCalled) {
+ onExitCalled = true;
+ config.qt.onExit?.({
+ code,
+ crashed: false
- return {};
- };
- self.moduleConfig.locateFile = self.moduleConfig.locateFile || function(filename) {
- return config.path + filename;
- };
- // Attach status callbacks
- self.moduleConfig.setStatus = self.moduleConfig.setStatus || function(text) {
- // Currently the only usable status update from this function
- // is "Running..."
- if (text.startsWith("Running"))
- setStatus("Running");
- };
- self.moduleConfig.monitorRunDependencies = self.moduleConfig.monitorRunDependencies || function(left) {
- // console.log("monitorRunDependencies " + left)
- };
- // Attach standard out/err callbacks.
- self.moduleConfig.print = self.moduleConfig.print || function(text) {
- if (config.stdoutEnabled)
- console.log(text)
- };
- self.moduleConfig.printErr = self.moduleConfig.printErr || function(text) {
- if (config.stderrEnabled)
- console.warn(text)
- };
- // Error handling: set status to "Exited", update crashed and
- // exitCode according to exit type.
- // Emscripten will typically call printErr with the error text
- // as well. Note that emscripten may also throw exceptions from
- // async callbacks. These should be handled in window.onerror by user code.
- self.moduleConfig.onAbort = self.moduleConfig.onAbort || function(text) {
- publicAPI.crashed = true;
- publicAPI.exitText = text;
- setStatus("Exited");
- };
- self.moduleConfig.quit = self.moduleConfig.quit || function(code, exception) {
- // Emscripten (and Qt) supports exiting from main() while keeping the app
- // running. Don't transition into the "Exited" state for clean exits.
- if (code == 0)
- return;
- if ( == "ExitStatus") {
- // Clean exit with code
- publicAPI.exitText = undefined
- publicAPI.exitCode = code;
- } else {
- publicAPI.exitText = exception.toString();
- publicAPI.crashed = true;
- // Print stack trace to console
- console.log(exception);
- }
- setStatus("Exited");
- };
- self.moduleConfig.preRun = self.moduleConfig.preRun || []
- self.moduleConfig.preRun.push(function(module) {
- // Set environment variables
- for (var [key, value] of Object.entries(config.environment)) {
- module.ENV[key.toUpperCase()] = value;
- }
- // Propagate Qt module properties
- module.qtContainerElements = self.qtContainerElements;
- module.qtFontDpi = self.qtFontDpi;
- });
- self.moduleConfig.mainScriptUrlOrBlob = new Blob([emscriptenModuleSource], {type: 'text/javascript'});
- self.qtContainerElements = config.containerElements;
- config.restart = function() {
- // Restart by reloading the page. This will wipe all state which means
- // reload loops can't be prevented.
- if (config.restartType == "ReloadPage") {
- location.reload();
- }
- // Restart by readling the emscripten app module.
- ++self.restartCount;
- if (self.restartCount > config.restartLimit) {
- handleError("Error: This application has crashed too many times and has been disabled. Reload the page to try again.");
- return;
- }
- loadEmscriptenModule(applicationName);
- };
- publicAPI.exitCode = undefined;
- publicAPI.exitText = undefined;
- publicAPI.crashed = false;
- // Load the Emscripten application module. This is done by eval()'ing the
- // javascript runtime generated by Emscripten, and then calling
- // createQtAppInstance(), which was added to the global scope.
- eval(emscriptenModuleSource);
- createQtAppInstance(self.moduleConfig).then(function(module) {
- self.module = module;
- });
- }
- function setErrorContent() {
- if (config.containerElements === undefined) {
- if (config.showError !== undefined)
- config.showError(self.error);
- return;
- }
- for (container of config.containerElements) {
- var errorElement = config.showError(self.error, container);
- container.appendChild(errorElement);
- function setLoaderContent() {
- if (config.containerElements === undefined) {
- if (config.showLoader !== undefined)
- config.showLoader(self.loaderSubState);
- return;
- }
- for (container of config.containerElements) {
- var loaderElement = config.showLoader(self.loaderSubState, container);
- if (loaderElement !== undefined)
- container.appendChild(loaderElement);
+ const originalOnAbort = config.onAbort;
+ config.onAbort = text =>
+ {
+ originalOnAbort?.();
+ if (!onExitCalled) {
+ onExitCalled = true;
+ config.qt.onExit?.({
+ text,
+ crashed: true
+ });
- }
- function setCanvasContent() {
- if (config.containerElements === undefined) {
- if (config.showCanvas !== undefined)
- config.showCanvas();
+ };
+ // Call app/emscripten module entry function. It may either come from the emscripten
+ // runtime script or be customized as needed.
+ let instance;
+ try {
+ instance = await Promise.race(
+ [circuitBreaker, config.qt.entryFunction(config)]);
+ // Call main after creating the instance. We've opted into manually
+ // calling main() by setting noInitialRun in the config. Thie Works around
+ // issue where Emscripten suppresses all exceptions thrown during main.
+ if (!originalNoInitialRun)
+ instance.callMain(originalArguments);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // If this is the exception thrown by app.exec() then that is a normal
+ // case and we suppress it.
+ if (e == "unwind") // not much to go on
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < config.containerElements.length; ++i) {
- var container = config.containerElements[i];
- var canvas = undefined;
- if (config.canvasElements !== undefined)
- canvas = config.canvasElements[i];
- config.showCanvas(canvas, container);
+ if (!onExitCalled) {
+ onExitCalled = true;
+ config.qt.onExit?.({
+ text: e.message,
+ crashed: true
+ });
+ throw e;
- function setExitContent() {
- // publicAPI.crashed = true;
- if (publicAPI.status != "Exited")
- return;
- if (config.containerElements === undefined) {
- if (config.showExit !== undefined)
- config.showExit(publicAPI.crashed, publicAPI.exitCode);
- return;
- }
- if (!publicAPI.crashed)
- return;
+ return instance;
- for (container of config.containerElements) {
- var loaderElement = config.showExit(publicAPI.crashed, publicAPI.exitCode, container);
- if (loaderElement !== undefined)
- container.appendChild(loaderElement);
- }
+// Compatibility API. This API is deprecated,
+// and will be removed in a future version of Qt.
+function QtLoader(qtConfig) {
+ const warning = 'Warning: The QtLoader API is deprecated and will be removed in ' +
+ 'a future version of Qt. Please port to the new qtLoad() API.';
+ console.warn(warning);
+ let emscriptenConfig = qtConfig.moduleConfig || {}
+ qtConfig.moduleConfig = undefined;
+ const showLoader = qtConfig.showLoader;
+ qtConfig.showLoader = undefined;
+ const showError = qtConfig.showError;
+ qtConfig.showError = undefined;
+ const showExit = qtConfig.showExit;
+ qtConfig.showExit = undefined;
+ const showCanvas = qtConfig.showCanvas;
+ qtConfig.showCanvas = undefined;
+ if (qtConfig.canvasElements) {
+ qtConfig.containerElements = qtConfig.canvasElements
+ qtConfig.canvasElements = undefined;
+ } else {
+ qtConfig.containerElements = qtConfig.containerElements;
+ qtConfig.containerElements = undefined;
- var committedStatus = undefined;
- function handleStatusChange() {
- if (publicAPI.status != "Loading" && committedStatus == publicAPI.status)
- return;
- committedStatus = publicAPI.status;
- if (publicAPI.status == "Error") {
- setErrorContent();
- } else if (publicAPI.status == "Loading") {
- setLoaderContent();
- } else if (publicAPI.status == "Running") {
- setCanvasContent();
- } else if (publicAPI.status == "Exited") {
- if (config.restartMode == "RestartOnExit" ||
- config.restartMode == "RestartOnCrash" && publicAPI.crashed) {
- committedStatus = undefined;
- config.restart();
- } else {
- setExitContent();
+ emscriptenConfig.qt = qtConfig;
+ let qtloader = {
+ exitCode: undefined,
+ exitText: "",
+ loadEmscriptenModule: _name => {
+ try {
+ qtLoad(emscriptenConfig);
+ } catch (e) {
+ showError?.(e.message);
- // Send status change notification
- if (config.statusChanged)
- config.statusChanged(publicAPI.status);
- function setStatus(status) {
- if (status != "Loading" && publicAPI.status == status)
- return;
- publicAPI.status = status;
- window.setTimeout(function() { handleStatusChange(); }, 0);
- }
- function addCanvasElement(element) {
- if (publicAPI.status == "Running")
- self.module.qtAddContainerElement(element);
- else
- console.log("Error: addCanvasElement can only be called in the Running state");
+ qtConfig.onLoaded = () => {
+ showCanvas?.();
- function removeCanvasElement(element) {
- if (publicAPI.status == "Running")
- self.module.qtRemoveContainerElement(element);
- else
- console.log("Error: removeCanvasElement can only be called in the Running state");
+ qtConfig.onExit = exit => {
+ qtloader.exitCode = exit.code
+ qtloader.exitText = exit.text;
+ showExit?.();
- function resizeCanvasElement(element) {
- if (publicAPI.status == "Running")
- self.module.qtResizeContainerElement(element);
- }
- function setFontDpi(dpi) {
- self.qtFontDpi = dpi;
- if (publicAPI.status == "Running")
- self.module.qtUpdateDpi();
- }
+ showLoader?.("Loading");
- function fontDpi() {
- return self.qtFontDpi;
- }
- function module() {
- return self.module;
- }
- setStatus("Created");
- return publicAPI;
+ return qtloader;