path: root/src/plugins/platforms/wasm/qwasmwindow.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/platforms/wasm/qwasmwindow.cpp')
1 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/wasm/qwasmwindow.cpp b/src/plugins/platforms/wasm/qwasmwindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0489813929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/wasm/qwasmwindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version
+** approved by the KDE Free Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by
+** the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met:
+#include <qpa/qwindowsysteminterface.h>
+#include <private/qguiapplication_p.h>
+#include <QtGui/private/qopenglcontext_p.h>
+#include <QtGui/private/qwindow_p.h>
+#include <QtGui/qopenglcontext.h>
+#include "qwasmwindow.h"
+#include "qwasmscreen.h"
+#include "qwasmcompositor.h"
+#include "qwasmeventdispatcher.h"
+#include <iostream>
+Q_GUI_EXPORT int qt_defaultDpiX();
+QWasmWindow::QWasmWindow(QWindow *w, QWasmCompositor *compositor, QWasmBackingStore *backingStore)
+ : QPlatformWindow(w),
+ m_window(w),
+ m_compositor(compositor),
+ m_backingStore(backingStore)
+ m_needsCompositor = w->surfaceType() != QSurface::OpenGLSurface;
+ static int serialNo = 0;
+ m_winid = ++serialNo;
+ qWarning("QWasmWindow %p: %p 0x%x\n", this, w, uint(m_winid));
+ m_compositor->addWindow(this);
+ // Pure OpenGL windows draw directly using egl, disable the compositor.
+ m_compositor->setEnabled(w->surfaceType() != QSurface::OpenGLSurface);
+ m_compositor->removeWindow(this);
+void QWasmWindow::initialize()
+ QRect rect = windowGeometry();
+ QPlatformWindow::setGeometry(rect);
+ const QSize minimumSize = windowMinimumSize();
+ if (rect.width() > 0 || rect.height() > 0) {
+ rect.setWidth(qBound(1, rect.width(), 2000));
+ rect.setHeight(qBound(1, rect.height(), 2000));
+ } else if (minimumSize.width() > 0 || minimumSize.height() > 0) {
+ rect.setSize(minimumSize);
+ }
+ setWindowState(window()->windowStates());
+ setWindowFlags(window()->flags());
+ setWindowTitle(window()->title());
+ m_hasTitle = window()->flags().testFlag(Qt::WindowTitleHint) && m_needsCompositor;
+ if (window()->isTopLevel())
+ setWindowIcon(window()->icon());
+ m_normalGeometry = rect;
+QWasmScreen *QWasmWindow::platformScreen() const
+ return static_cast<QWasmScreen *>(window()->screen()->handle());
+void QWasmWindow::setGeometry(const QRect &rect)
+ QRect r = rect;
+ if (m_needsCompositor) {
+ int yMin = window()->geometry().top() - window()->frameGeometry().top();
+ if (r.y() < yMin)
+ r.moveTop(yMin);
+ }
+ QWindowSystemInterface::handleGeometryChange(window(), r);
+ QPlatformWindow::setGeometry(r);
+ QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents();
+ invalidate();
+void QWasmWindow::setVisible(bool visible)
+ QRect newGeom;
+ if (visible) {
+ const bool forceFullScreen = !m_needsCompositor;//make gl apps fullscreen for now
+ if (forceFullScreen || (m_windowState & Qt::WindowFullScreen))
+ newGeom = platformScreen()->geometry();
+ else if (m_windowState & Qt::WindowMaximized)
+ newGeom = platformScreen()->availableGeometry();
+ }
+ QPlatformWindow::setVisible(visible);
+ m_compositor->setVisible(this, visible);
+ if (!newGeom.isEmpty())
+ setGeometry(newGeom); // may or may not generate an expose
+ invalidate();
+QMargins QWasmWindow::frameMargins() const
+ int border = m_hasTitle ? 4. * (qreal(qt_defaultDpiX()) / 96.0) : 0;
+ int titleBarHeight = m_hasTitle ? titleHeight() : 0;
+ QMargins margins;
+ margins.setLeft(border);
+ margins.setRight(border);
+ margins.setTop(2*border + titleBarHeight);
+ margins.setBottom(border);
+ return margins;
+void QWasmWindow::raise()
+ m_compositor->raise(this);
+ QWindowSystemInterface::handleExposeEvent(window(), QRect(QPoint(0, 0), geometry().size()));
+ invalidate();
+void QWasmWindow::lower()
+ m_compositor->lower(this);
+ QWindowSystemInterface::handleExposeEvent(window(), QRect(QPoint(0, 0), geometry().size()));
+ invalidate();
+WId QWasmWindow::winId() const
+ return m_winid;
+void QWasmWindow::propagateSizeHints()
+// get rid of base class warning
+void QWasmWindow::injectMousePressed(const QPoint &local, const QPoint &global,
+ Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods)
+ Q_UNUSED(local);
+ Q_UNUSED(mods);
+ if (!m_hasTitle || button != Qt::LeftButton)
+ return;
+ if (maxButtonRect().contains(global))
+ m_activeControl = QWasmCompositor::SC_TitleBarMaxButton;
+ else if (minButtonRect().contains(global))
+ m_activeControl = QWasmCompositor::SC_TitleBarMinButton;
+ else if (closeButtonRect().contains(global))
+ m_activeControl = QWasmCompositor::SC_TitleBarCloseButton;
+ else if (normButtonRect().contains(global))
+ m_activeControl = QWasmCompositor::SC_TitleBarNormalButton;
+ invalidate();
+void QWasmWindow::injectMouseReleased(const QPoint &local, const QPoint &global,
+ Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods)
+ Q_UNUSED(local);
+ Q_UNUSED(mods);
+ if (!m_hasTitle || button != Qt::LeftButton)
+ return;
+ if (closeButtonRect().contains(global) && m_activeControl == QWasmCompositor::SC_TitleBarCloseButton)
+ window()->close();
+ if (maxButtonRect().contains(global) && m_activeControl == QWasmCompositor::SC_TitleBarMaxButton) {
+ window()->setWindowState(Qt::WindowMaximized);
+ platformScreen()->resizeMaximizedWindows();
+ }
+ if (normButtonRect().contains(global) && m_activeControl == QWasmCompositor::SC_TitleBarNormalButton) {
+ window()->setWindowState(Qt::WindowNoState);
+ setGeometry(normalGeometry());
+ }
+ m_activeControl = QWasmCompositor::SC_None;
+ invalidate();
+int QWasmWindow::titleHeight() const
+ return 18. * (qreal(qt_defaultDpiX()) / 96.0);//dpiScaled(18.);
+int QWasmWindow::borderWidth() const
+ return 4. * (qreal(qt_defaultDpiX()) / 96.0);// dpiScaled(4.);
+QRegion QWasmWindow::titleGeometry() const
+ int border = borderWidth();
+ QRegion result(window()->frameGeometry().x() + border,
+ window()->frameGeometry().y() + border,
+ window()->frameGeometry().width() - 2*border,
+ titleHeight());
+ result -= titleControlRegion();
+ return result;
+QRegion QWasmWindow::resizeRegion() const
+ int border = borderWidth();
+ QRegion result(window()->frameGeometry().adjusted(-border, -border, border, border));
+ result -= window()->frameGeometry().adjusted(border, border, -border, -border);
+ return result;
+bool QWasmWindow::isPointOnTitle(QPoint point) const
+ bool ok = titleGeometry().contains(point);
+ return ok;
+bool QWasmWindow::isPointOnResizeRegion(QPoint point) const
+ return resizeRegion().contains(point);
+QWasmWindow::ResizeMode QWasmWindow::resizeModeAtPoint(QPoint point) const
+ QPoint p1 = window()->frameGeometry().topLeft() - QPoint(5, 5);
+ QPoint p2 = window()->frameGeometry().bottomRight() + QPoint(5, 5);
+ int corner = 20;
+ QRect top(p1, QPoint(p2.x(), p1.y() + corner));
+ QRect middle(QPoint(p1.x(), p1.y() + corner), QPoint(p2.x(), p2.y() - corner));
+ QRect bottom(QPoint(p1.x(), p2.y() - corner), p2);
+ QRect left(p1, QPoint(p1.x() + corner, p2.y()));
+ QRect center(QPoint(p1.x() + corner, p1.y()), QPoint(p2.x() - corner, p2.y()));
+ QRect right(QPoint(p2.x() - corner, p1.y()), p2);
+ if (top.contains(point)) {
+ // Top
+ if (left.contains(point))
+ return ResizeTopLeft;
+ if (center.contains(point))
+ return ResizeTop;
+ if (right.contains(point))
+ return ResizeTopRight;
+ } else if (middle.contains(point)) {
+ // Middle
+ if (left.contains(point))
+ return ResizeLeft;
+ if (right.contains(point))
+ return ResizeRight;
+ } else if (bottom.contains(point)) {
+ // Bottom
+ if (left.contains(point))
+ return ResizeBottomLeft;
+ if (center.contains(point))
+ return ResizeBottom;
+ if (right.contains(point))
+ return ResizeBottomRight;
+ }
+ return ResizeNone;
+QRect getSubControlRect(const QWasmWindow *window, QWasmCompositor::SubControls subControl)
+ QWasmCompositor::QWasmTitleBarOptions options = QWasmCompositor::makeTitleBarOptions(window);
+ QRect r = QWasmCompositor::titlebarRect(options, subControl);
+ r.translate(window->window()->frameGeometry().x(), window->window()->frameGeometry().y());
+ return r;
+QRect QWasmWindow::maxButtonRect() const
+ return getSubControlRect(this, QWasmCompositor::SC_TitleBarMaxButton);
+QRect QWasmWindow::minButtonRect() const
+ return getSubControlRect(this, QWasmCompositor::SC_TitleBarMinButton);
+QRect QWasmWindow::closeButtonRect() const
+ return getSubControlRect(this, QWasmCompositor::SC_TitleBarCloseButton);
+QRect QWasmWindow::normButtonRect() const
+ return getSubControlRect(this, QWasmCompositor::SC_TitleBarNormalButton);
+QRect QWasmWindow::sysMenuRect() const
+ return getSubControlRect(this, QWasmCompositor::SC_TitleBarSysMenu);
+QRegion QWasmWindow::titleControlRegion() const
+ QRegion result;
+ result += closeButtonRect();
+ result += minButtonRect();
+ result += maxButtonRect();
+ result += sysMenuRect();
+ return result;
+void QWasmWindow::invalidate()
+ m_compositor->requestRedraw();
+QWasmCompositor::SubControls QWasmWindow::activeSubControl() const
+ return m_activeControl;
+void QWasmWindow::setWindowState(Qt::WindowStates states)
+ m_windowState = Qt::WindowNoState;
+ if (states & Qt::WindowMinimized)
+ m_windowState = Qt::WindowMinimized;
+ else if (states & Qt::WindowFullScreen)
+ m_windowState = Qt::WindowFullScreen;
+ else if (states & Qt::WindowMaximized)
+ m_windowState = Qt::WindowMaximized;
+QRect QWasmWindow::normalGeometry() const
+ return m_normalGeometry;
+qreal QWasmWindow::devicePixelRatio() const
+ return screen()->devicePixelRatio();
+void QWasmWindow::requestUpdate()
+ QPointer<QWindow> windowPointer(window());
+ bool registered = QWasmEventDispatcher::registerRequestUpdateCallback([=](){
+ if (windowPointer.isNull())
+ return;
+ deliverUpdateRequest();
+ });
+ if (!registered)
+ QPlatformWindow::requestUpdate();