path: root/src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3storage.cpp
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1 files changed, 686 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3storage.cpp b/src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3storage.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2877b28590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3storage.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include "qgtk3json_p.h"
+#include "qgtk3storage_p.h"
+#include <qpa/qwindowsysteminterface.h>
+ m_interface.reset(new QGtk3Interface(this));
+#if QT_CONFIG(dbus)
+ m_portalInterface.reset(new QGtk3PortalInterface(this));
+ populateMap();
+ \internal
+ \enum QGtk3Storage::SourceType
+ \brief This enum represents the type of a color source.
+ \value Gtk Color is read from a GTK widget
+ \value Fixed A fixed brush is specified
+ \value Modified The color is a modification of another color (fixed or read from GTK)
+ \omitvalue Invalid
+ */
+ \internal
+ \brief Find a brush from a source.
+ Returns a QBrush from a given \param source and a \param map of available brushes
+ to search from.
+ A null QBrush is returned, if no brush corresponding to the source has been found.
+ */
+QBrush QGtk3Storage::brush(const Source &source, const BrushMap &map) const
+ switch (source.sourceType) {
+ case SourceType::Gtk:
+ return m_interface ? QBrush(m_interface->brush(source.gtk3.gtkWidgetType,
+ source.gtk3.source, source.gtk3.state))
+ : QBrush();
+ case SourceType::Modified: {
+ // don't loop through modified sources, break if modified source not found
+ Source recSource = brush(TargetBrush(source.rec.colorGroup, source.rec.colorRole,
+ source.rec.colorScheme), map);
+ if (!recSource.isValid() || (recSource.sourceType == SourceType::Modified))
+ return QBrush();
+ // Set brush and alter color
+ QBrush b = brush(recSource, map);
+ if (source.rec.width > 0 && source.rec.height > 0)
+ b.setTexture(QPixmap(source.rec.width, source.rec.height));
+ QColor c = b.color().lighter(source.rec.lighter);
+ c = QColor(( + source.rec.deltaRed),
+ ( + source.rec.deltaGreen),
+ ( + source.rec.deltaBlue));
+ b.setColor(c);
+ return b;
+ }
+ case SourceType::Fixed:
+ return source.fix.fixedBrush;
+ case SourceType::Invalid:
+ return QBrush();
+ }
+ // needed because of the scope after recursive
+ \internal
+ \brief Recurse to find a source brush for modification.
+ Returns the source specified by the target brush \param b in the \param map of brushes.
+ Takes dark/light/unknown into consideration.
+ Returns an empty brush if no suitable one can be found.
+ */
+QGtk3Storage::Source QGtk3Storage::brush(const TargetBrush &b, const BrushMap &map) const
+#define FIND(brush) if (map.contains(brush))\
+ return map.value(brush)
+ // Return exact match
+ FIND(b);
+ // unknown color scheme can find anything
+ if (b.colorScheme == Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown) {
+ FIND(TargetBrush(b, Qt::ColorScheme::Dark));
+ FIND(TargetBrush(b, Qt::ColorScheme::Light));
+ }
+ // Color group All can always be found
+ if (b.colorGroup != QPalette::All)
+ return brush(TargetBrush(QPalette::All, b.colorRole, b.colorScheme), map);
+ // Brush not found
+ return Source();
+#undef FIND
+ \internal
+ \brief Returns a simple, hard coded base palette.
+ Create a hard coded palette with default colors as a fallback for any color that can't be
+ obtained from GTK.
+ \note This palette will be used as a default baseline for the system palette, which then
+ will be used as a default baseline for any other palette type.
+ */
+QPalette QGtk3Storage::standardPalette()
+ QColor backgroundColor(0xd4, 0xd0, 0xc8);
+ QColor lightColor(backgroundColor.lighter());
+ QColor darkColor(backgroundColor.darker());
+ const QBrush darkBrush(darkColor);
+ QColor midColor(Qt::gray);
+ QPalette palette(Qt::black, backgroundColor, lightColor, darkColor,
+ midColor, Qt::black, Qt::white);
+ palette.setBrush(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::WindowText, darkBrush);
+ palette.setBrush(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text, darkBrush);
+ palette.setBrush(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::ButtonText, darkBrush);
+ palette.setBrush(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Base, QBrush(backgroundColor));
+ return palette;
+ \internal
+ \brief Return a GTK styled QPalette.
+ Returns the pointer to a (cached) QPalette for \param type, with its brushes
+ populated according to the current GTK theme.
+ */
+const QPalette *QGtk3Storage::palette(QPlatformTheme::Palette type) const
+ if (type >= QPlatformTheme::NPalettes)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (m_paletteCache[type].has_value()) {
+ qCDebug(lcQGtk3Interface) << "Returning palette from cache:"
+ << QGtk3Json::fromPalette(type);
+ return &m_paletteCache[type].value();
+ }
+ // Read system palette as a baseline first
+ if (!m_paletteCache[QPlatformTheme::SystemPalette].has_value() && type != QPlatformTheme::SystemPalette)
+ palette();
+ // Fall back to system palette for unknown types
+ if (!m_palettes.contains(type) && type != QPlatformTheme::SystemPalette) {
+ qCDebug(lcQGtk3Interface) << "Returning system palette for unknown type"
+ << QGtk3Json::fromPalette(type);
+ return palette();
+ }
+ BrushMap brushes = m_palettes.value(type);
+ // Standard palette is base for system palette. System palette is base for all others.
+ QPalette p = QPalette( type == QPlatformTheme::SystemPalette ? standardPalette()
+ : m_paletteCache[QPlatformTheme::SystemPalette].value());
+ qCDebug(lcQGtk3Interface) << "Creating palette:" << QGtk3Json::fromPalette(type);
+ for (auto i = brushes.begin(); i != brushes.end(); ++i) {
+ Source source = i.value();
+ // Brush is set if
+ // - theme and source color scheme match
+ // - or either of them is unknown
+ const auto appSource = i.key().colorScheme;
+ const auto appTheme = colorScheme();
+ const bool setBrush = (appSource == appTheme) ||
+ (appSource == Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown) ||
+ (appTheme == Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown);
+ if (setBrush) {
+ p.setBrush(i.key().colorGroup, i.key().colorRole, brush(source, brushes));
+ }
+ }
+ m_paletteCache[type].emplace(p);
+ if (type == QPlatformTheme::SystemPalette)
+ qCDebug(lcQGtk3Interface) << "System Palette defined" << themeName() << colorScheme() << p;
+ return &m_paletteCache[type].value();
+ \internal
+ \brief Return a GTK styled font.
+ Returns a QFont of \param type, styled according to the current GTK theme.
+const QFont *QGtk3Storage::font(QPlatformTheme::Font type) const
+ if (m_fontCache[type].has_value())
+ return &m_fontCache[type].value();
+ m_fontCache[type].emplace(m_interface->font(type));
+ return &m_fontCache[type].value();
+ \internal
+ \brief Return a GTK styled standard pixmap if available.
+ Returns a pixmap specified by \param standardPixmap and \param size.
+ Returns an empty pixmap if GTK doesn't support the requested one.
+ */
+QPixmap QGtk3Storage::standardPixmap(QPlatformTheme::StandardPixmap standardPixmap,
+ const QSizeF &size) const
+ if (m_pixmapCache.contains(standardPixmap))
+ return QPixmap::fromImage(m_pixmapCache.object(standardPixmap)->scaled(size.toSize()));
+ if (!m_interface)
+ return QPixmap();
+ QImage image = m_interface->standardPixmap(standardPixmap);
+ if (image.isNull())
+ return QPixmap();
+ m_pixmapCache.insert(standardPixmap, new QImage(image));
+ return QPixmap::fromImage(image.scaled(size.toSize()));
+ \internal
+ \brief Returns a GTK styled file icon corresponding to \param fileInfo.
+ */
+QIcon QGtk3Storage::fileIcon(const QFileInfo &fileInfo) const
+ return m_interface ? m_interface->fileIcon(fileInfo) : QIcon();
+ \internal
+ \brief Clears all caches.
+ */
+void QGtk3Storage::clear()
+ m_colorScheme = Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown;
+ m_palettes.clear();
+ for (auto &cache : m_paletteCache)
+ cache.reset();
+ for (auto &cache : m_fontCache)
+ cache.reset();
+ \internal
+ \brief Handles a theme change at runtime.
+ Clear all caches, re-populate with current GTK theme and notify the window system interface.
+ This method is a callback for the theme change signal sent from GTK.
+ */
+void QGtk3Storage::handleThemeChange()
+ populateMap();
+ QWindowSystemInterface::handleThemeChange();
+ \internal
+ \brief Populates a map with information about how to locate colors in GTK.
+ This method creates a data structure to locate color information for each brush of a QPalette
+ within GTK. The structure can hold mapping information for each QPlatformTheme::Palette
+ enum value. If no specific mapping is stored for an enum value, the system palette is returned
+ instead of a specific one. If no mapping is stored for the system palette, it will fall back to
+ QGtk3Storage::standardPalette.
+ The method will populate the data structure with a standard mapping, covering the following
+ palette types:
+ \list
+ \li QPlatformTheme::SystemPalette
+ \li QPlatformTheme::CheckBoxPalette
+ \li QPlatformTheme::RadioButtonPalette
+ \li QPlatformTheme::ComboBoxPalette
+ \li QPlatformTheme::GroupBoxPalette
+ \li QPlatformTheme::MenuPalette
+ \li QPlatformTheme::TextLineEditPalette
+ \endlist
+ The method will check the environment variable {{QT_GUI_GTK_JSON_SAVE}}. If it points to a
+ valid path with write access, it will write the standard mapping into a Json file.
+ That Json file can be modified and/or extended.
+ The Json syntax is
+ - "QGtk3Palettes" (top level value)
+ - QPlatformTheme::Palette
+ - QPalette::ColorRole
+ - Qt::ColorScheme
+ - Qt::ColorGroup
+ - Source data
+ - Source Type
+ - [source data]
+ If the environment variable {{QT_GUI_GTK_JSON_HARDCODED}} contains the keyword \c true,
+ all sources are converted to fixed sources. In that case, they contain the hard coded HexRGBA
+ values read from GTK.
+ The method will also check the environment variable {{QT_GUI_GTK_JSON}}. If it points to a valid
+ Json file with read access, it will be parsed instead of creating a standard mapping.
+ Parsing errors will be printed out with qCInfo if the logging category {{qt.qpa.gtk}} is activated.
+ In case of a parsing error, the method will fall back to creating a standard mapping.
+ \note
+ If a Json file contains only fixed brushes (e.g. exported with {{QT_GUI_GTK_JSON_HARDCODED=true}}),
+ no colors will be imported from GTK.
+ */
+void QGtk3Storage::populateMap()
+ static QString m_themeName;
+ // Distiguish initialization, theme change or call without theme change
+ Qt::ColorScheme newColorScheme = Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown;
+ const QString newThemeName = themeName();
+#if QT_CONFIG(dbus)
+ // Prefer color scheme we get from xdg-desktop-portal as this is what GNOME
+ // relies on these days
+ newColorScheme = m_portalInterface->colorScheme();
+ if (newColorScheme == Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown) {
+ // Derive color scheme from theme name
+ newColorScheme = newThemeName.contains("dark"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive)
+ ? Qt::ColorScheme::Dark : m_interface->colorSchemeByColors();
+ }
+ if (m_themeName == newThemeName && m_colorScheme == newColorScheme)
+ return;
+ clear();
+ if (m_themeName.isEmpty()) {
+ qCDebug(lcQGtk3Interface) << "GTK theme initialized:" << newThemeName << newColorScheme;
+ } else {
+ qCDebug(lcQGtk3Interface) << "GTK theme changed to:" << newThemeName << newColorScheme;
+ }
+ m_colorScheme = newColorScheme;
+ m_themeName = newThemeName;
+ // create standard mapping or load from Json file?
+ const QString jsonInput = qEnvironmentVariable("QT_GUI_GTK_JSON");
+ if (!jsonInput.isEmpty()) {
+ if (load(jsonInput)) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ qWarning() << "Falling back to standard GTK mapping.";
+ }
+ }
+ createMapping();
+ const QString jsonOutput = qEnvironmentVariable("QT_GUI_GTK_JSON_SAVE");
+ if (!jsonOutput.isEmpty() && !save(jsonOutput))
+ qWarning() << "File" << jsonOutput << "could not be saved.\n";
+ \internal
+ \brief Return a palette map for saving.
+ This method returns the existing palette map, if the environment variable
+ {{QT_GUI_GTK_JSON_HARDCODED}} is not set or does not contain the keyword \c true.
+ If it contains the keyword \c true, it returns a palette map with all brush
+ sources converted to fixed sources.
+ */
+const QGtk3Storage::PaletteMap QGtk3Storage::savePalettes() const
+ const QString hard = qEnvironmentVariable("QT_GUI_GTK_JSON_HARDCODED");
+ if (!hard.contains("true"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+ return m_palettes;
+ // Json output is supposed to be readable without GTK connection
+ // convert palette map into hard coded brushes
+ PaletteMap map = m_palettes;
+ for (auto paletteIterator = map.begin(); paletteIterator != map.end();
+ ++paletteIterator) {
+ QGtk3Storage::BrushMap &bm = paletteIterator.value();
+ for (auto brushIterator = bm.begin(); brushIterator != bm.end();
+ ++brushIterator) {
+ QGtk3Storage::Source &s = brushIterator.value();
+ switch (s.sourceType) {
+ // Read the brush and convert it into a fixed brush
+ case SourceType::Gtk: {
+ const QBrush fixedBrush = brush(s, bm);
+ s.fix.fixedBrush = fixedBrush;
+ s.sourceType = SourceType::Fixed;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SourceType::Fixed:
+ case SourceType::Modified:
+ case SourceType::Invalid:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return map;
+ \internal
+ \brief Saves current palette mapping to a \param filename with Json format \param f.
+ Saves the current palette mapping into a QJson file,
+ taking {{QT_GUI_GTK_JSON_HARDCODED}} into consideration.
+ Returns \c true if saving was successful and \c false otherwise.
+ */
+bool QGtk3Storage::save(const QString &filename, QJsonDocument::JsonFormat f) const
+ return QGtk3Json::save(savePalettes(), filename, f);
+ \internal
+ \brief Returns a QJsonDocument with current palette mapping.
+ Saves the current palette mapping into a QJsonDocument,
+ taking {{QT_GUI_GTK_JSON_HARDCODED}} into consideration.
+ Returns \c true if saving was successful and \c false otherwise.
+ */
+QJsonDocument QGtk3Storage::save() const
+ return QGtk3Json::save(savePalettes());
+ \internal
+ \brief Loads palette mapping from Json file \param filename.
+ Returns \c true if the file was successfully parsed and \c false otherwise.
+ */
+bool QGtk3Storage::load(const QString &filename)
+ return QGtk3Json::load(m_palettes, filename);
+ \internal
+ \brief Creates a standard palette mapping.
+ The method creates a hard coded standard mapping, used if no external Json file
+ containing a valid mapping has been specified in the environment variable {{QT_GUI_GTK_JSON}}.
+ */
+void QGtk3Storage::createMapping()
+ // Hard code standard mapping
+ BrushMap map;
+ Source source;
+ // Define a GTK source
+#define GTK(wtype, colorSource, state)\
+ source = Source(QGtk3Interface::QGtkWidget::gtk_ ##wtype,\
+ QGtk3Interface::QGtkColorSource::colorSource, GTK_STATE_FLAG_ ##state)
+ // Define a modified source
+#define LIGHTER(group, role, lighter)\
+ source = Source(QPalette::group, QPalette::role,\
+ Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown, lighter)
+#define MODIFY(group, role, red, green, blue)\
+ source = Source(QPalette::group, QPalette::role,\
+ Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown, red, green, blue)
+ // Define fixed source
+#define FIX(color) source = FixedSource(color);
+ // Add the source to a target brush
+ // Use default Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown, if no color scheme was specified
+#define ADD_2(group, role) map.insert(TargetBrush(QPalette::group, QPalette::role), source);
+#define ADD_3(group, role, app) map.insert(TargetBrush(QPalette::group, QPalette::role,\
+ Qt::ColorScheme::app), source);
+#define ADD_X(x, group, role, app, FUNC, ...) FUNC
+#define ADD(...) ADD_X(,##__VA_ARGS__, ADD_3(__VA_ARGS__), ADD_2(__VA_ARGS__))
+ // Save target brushes to a palette type
+#define SAVE(palette) m_palettes.insert(QPlatformTheme::palette, map)
+ // Clear brushes to start next palette
+#define CLEAR map.clear()
+ /*
+ Macro usage:
+ 1. Define a source
+ GTK(QGtkWidget, QGtkColorSource, GTK_STATE_FLAG)
+ Fetch the color from a GtkWidget, related to a source and a state.
+ LIGHTER(ColorGroup, ColorROle, lighter)
+ Use a color of the same QPalette related to ColorGroup and ColorRole.
+ Make the color lighter (if lighter >100) or darker (if lighter < 100)
+ MODIFY(ColorGroup, ColorRole, red, green, blue)
+ Use a color of the same QPalette related to ColorGroup and ColorRole.
+ Modify it by adding red, green, blue.
+ FIX(const QBrush &)
+ Use a fixed brush without querying GTK
+ 2. Define the target
+ Use ADD(ColorGroup, ColorRole) to use the defined source for the
+ color group / role in the current palette.
+ Use ADD(ColorGroup, ColorRole, ColorScheme) to use the defined source
+ only for a specific color scheme
+ 3. Save mapping
+ Save the defined mappings for a specific palette.
+ If a mapping entry does not cover all color groups and roles of a palette,
+ the system palette will be used for the remaining values.
+ If the system palette does not have all combination of color groups and roles,
+ the remaining ones will be populated by a hard coded fusion-style like palette.
+ 4. Clear mapping
+ Use CLEAR to clear the mapping and begin a new one.
+ */
+ // System palette
+ {
+ // background color and calculate derivates
+ GTK(Default, Background, INSENSITIVE);
+ ADD(All, Window);
+ ADD(All, Button);
+ ADD(All, Base);
+ LIGHTER(Normal, Window, 125);
+ ADD(Normal, Light);
+ ADD(Inactive, Light);
+ LIGHTER(Normal, Window, 70);
+ ADD(Normal, Shadow);
+ LIGHTER(Normal, Window, 80);
+ ADD(Normal, Dark);
+ ADD(Inactive, Dark)
+ GTK(button, Foreground, ACTIVE);
+ ADD(Inactive, WindowText);
+ LIGHTER(Normal, WindowText, 50);
+ ADD(Disabled, Text);
+ ADD(Disabled, WindowText);
+ ADD(Disabled, ButtonText);
+ GTK(button, Text, NORMAL);
+ ADD(Inactive, ButtonText);
+ // special background colors
+ GTK(Default, Background, SELECTED);
+ ADD(Disabled, Highlight);
+ ADD(Normal, Highlight);
+ ADD(Inactive, Highlight);
+ GTK(entry, Foreground, SELECTED);
+ ADD(Normal, HighlightedText);
+ ADD(Inactive, HighlightedText);
+ // text color and friends
+ GTK(entry, Text, NORMAL);
+ ADD(Normal, ButtonText);
+ ADD(Normal, WindowText);
+ ADD(Disabled, HighlightedText);
+ GTK(Default, Text, NORMAL);
+ ADD(Normal, Text);
+ ADD(Inactive, Text);
+ ADD(Normal, HighlightedText);
+ LIGHTER(Normal, Base, 93);
+ ADD(All, AlternateBase);
+ GTK(Default, Foreground, NORMAL);
+ MODIFY(Normal, Text, 100, 100, 100);
+ ADD(All, PlaceholderText, Light);
+ MODIFY(Normal, Text, -100, -100, -100);
+ ADD(All, PlaceholderText, Dark);
+ // Light, midlight, dark, mid, shadow colors
+ LIGHTER(Normal, Button, 125);
+ ADD(All, Light)
+ LIGHTER(Normal, Button, 113);
+ ADD(All, Midlight)
+ LIGHTER(Normal, Button, 113);
+ ADD(All, Mid)
+ LIGHTER(Normal, Button, 87);
+ ADD(All, Dark)
+ LIGHTER(Normal, Button, 5);
+ ADD(All, Shadow)
+ SAVE(SystemPalette);
+ }
+ // Label and TabBar Palette
+ {
+ GTK(entry, Text, NORMAL);
+ ADD(Normal, WindowText);
+ ADD(Inactive, WindowText);
+ SAVE(LabelPalette);
+ SAVE(TabBarPalette);
+ }
+ // Checkbox and RadioButton Palette
+ {
+ GTK(button, Text, ACTIVE);
+ ADD(Normal, Base, Dark);
+ ADD(Inactive, WindowText, Dark);
+ GTK(Default, Foreground, NORMAL);
+ ADD(All, Text);
+ GTK(Default, Background, NORMAL);
+ ADD(All, Base);
+ GTK(button, Text, NORMAL);
+ ADD(Normal, Base, Light);
+ ADD(Inactive, WindowText, Light);
+ SAVE(CheckBoxPalette);
+ SAVE(RadioButtonPalette);
+ }
+ // ComboBox, GroupBox & Frame Palette
+ {
+ GTK(combo_box, Text, NORMAL);
+ ADD(Normal, ButtonText, Dark);
+ ADD(Normal, Text, Dark);
+ ADD(Inactive, WindowText, Dark);
+ GTK(combo_box, Text, ACTIVE);
+ ADD(Normal, ButtonText, Light);
+ ADD(Normal, Text, Light);
+ ADD(Inactive, WindowText, Light);
+ SAVE(ComboBoxPalette);
+ SAVE(GroupBoxPalette);
+ }
+ // MenuBar Palette
+ {
+ GTK(Default, Text, ACTIVE);
+ ADD(Normal, ButtonText);
+ SAVE(MenuPalette);
+ }
+ // LineEdit Palette
+ {
+ GTK(Default, Background, NORMAL);
+ ADD(All, Base);
+ SAVE(TextLineEditPalette);
+ }
+#undef GTK
+#undef REC
+#undef FIX
+#undef ADD
+#undef ADD_2
+#undef ADD_3
+#undef ADD_X
+#undef SAVE
+#undef LOAD