path: root/src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3storage_p.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3storage_p.h')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3storage_p.h b/src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3storage_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45192263a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3storage_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include "qgtk3interface_p.h"
+#if QT_CONFIG(dbus)
+#include "qgtk3portalinterface_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/QJsonDocument>
+#include <QtCore/QCache>
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
+#include <QtGui/QPalette>
+#include <qpa/qplatformtheme.h>
+#include <private/qflatmap_p.h>
+class QGtk3Storage
+ QGtk3Storage();
+ // Enum documented in cpp file. Please keep it in line with updates made here.
+ enum class SourceType {
+ Gtk,
+ Fixed,
+ Modified,
+ Invalid
+ };
+ Q_ENUM(SourceType)
+ // Standard GTK source: Populate a brush from GTK
+ struct Gtk3Source {
+ QGtk3Interface::QGtkWidget gtkWidgetType;
+ QGtk3Interface::QGtkColorSource source;
+ GtkStateFlags state;
+ int width = -1;
+ int height = -1;
+ QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg)
+ {
+ return dbg << "QGtkStorage::Gtk3Source(gtkwidgetType=" << gtkWidgetType << ", source="
+ << source << ", state=" << state << ", width=" << width << ", height="
+ << height << ")";
+ }
+ };
+ // Recursive source: Populate a brush by altering another source
+ struct RecursiveSource {
+ QPalette::ColorGroup colorGroup;
+ QPalette::ColorRole colorRole;
+ Qt::ColorScheme colorScheme;
+ int lighter = 100;
+ int deltaRed = 0;
+ int deltaGreen = 0;
+ int deltaBlue = 0;
+ int width = -1;
+ int height = -1;
+ QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg)
+ {
+ return dbg << "QGtkStorage::RecursiceSource(colorGroup=" << colorGroup << ", colorRole="
+ << colorRole << ", colorScheme=" << colorScheme << ", lighter=" << lighter
+ << ", deltaRed="<< deltaRed << "deltaBlue =" << deltaBlue << "deltaGreen="
+ << deltaGreen << ", width=" << width << ", height=" << height << ")";
+ }
+ };
+ // Fixed source: Populate a brush with fixed values rather than reading GTK
+ struct FixedSource {
+ QBrush fixedBrush;
+ QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg)
+ {
+ return dbg << "QGtkStorage::FixedSource(" << fixedBrush << ")";
+ }
+ };
+ // Data source for brushes
+ struct Source {
+ SourceType sourceType = SourceType::Invalid;
+ Gtk3Source gtk3;
+ RecursiveSource rec;
+ FixedSource fix;
+ // GTK constructor
+ Source(QGtk3Interface::QGtkWidget wtype, QGtk3Interface::QGtkColorSource csource,
+ GtkStateFlags cstate, int bwidth = -1, int bheight = -1) : sourceType(SourceType::Gtk)
+ {
+ gtk3.gtkWidgetType = wtype;
+ gtk3.source = csource;
+ gtk3.state = cstate;
+ gtk3.width = bwidth;
+ gtk3.height = bheight;
+ }
+ // Recursive constructor for darker/lighter colors
+ Source(QPalette::ColorGroup group, QPalette::ColorRole role,
+ Qt::ColorScheme scheme, int p_lighter = 100)
+ : sourceType(SourceType::Modified)
+ {
+ rec.colorGroup = group;
+ rec.colorRole = role;
+ rec.colorScheme = scheme;
+ rec.lighter = p_lighter;
+ }
+ // Recursive ocnstructor for color modification
+ Source(QPalette::ColorGroup group, QPalette::ColorRole role,
+ Qt::ColorScheme scheme, int p_red, int p_green, int p_blue)
+ : sourceType(SourceType::Modified)
+ {
+ rec.colorGroup = group;
+ rec.colorRole = role;
+ rec.colorScheme = scheme;
+ rec.deltaRed = p_red;
+ rec.deltaGreen = p_green;
+ rec.deltaBlue = p_blue;
+ }
+ // Recursive constructor for all: color modification and darker/lighter
+ Source(QPalette::ColorGroup group, QPalette::ColorRole role,
+ Qt::ColorScheme scheme, int p_lighter,
+ int p_red, int p_green, int p_blue) : sourceType(SourceType::Modified)
+ {
+ rec.colorGroup = group;
+ rec.colorRole = role;
+ rec.colorScheme = scheme;
+ rec.lighter = p_lighter;
+ rec.deltaRed = p_red;
+ rec.deltaGreen = p_green;
+ rec.deltaBlue = p_blue;
+ }
+ // Fixed Source constructor
+ Source(const QBrush &brush) : sourceType(SourceType::Fixed)
+ {
+ fix.fixedBrush = brush;
+ };
+ // Invalid constructor and getter
+ Source() : sourceType(SourceType::Invalid) {};
+ bool isValid() const { return sourceType != SourceType::Invalid; }
+ // Debug
+ QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg)
+ {
+ return dbg << "QGtk3Storage::Source(sourceType=" << sourceType << ")";
+ }
+ };
+ // Struct with key attributes to identify a brush: color group, color role and color scheme
+ struct TargetBrush {
+ QPalette::ColorGroup colorGroup;
+ QPalette::ColorRole colorRole;
+ Qt::ColorScheme colorScheme;
+ // Generic constructor
+ TargetBrush(QPalette::ColorGroup group, QPalette::ColorRole role,
+ Qt::ColorScheme scheme = Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown) :
+ colorGroup(group), colorRole(role), colorScheme(scheme) {};
+ // Copy constructor with color scheme modifier for dark/light aware search
+ TargetBrush(const TargetBrush &other, Qt::ColorScheme scheme) :
+ colorGroup(other.colorGroup), colorRole(other.colorRole), colorScheme(scheme) {};
+ // struct becomes key of a map, so operator< is needed
+ bool operator<(const TargetBrush& other) const {
+ return std::tie(colorGroup, colorRole, colorScheme) <
+ std::tie(other.colorGroup, other.colorRole, other.colorScheme);
+ }
+ };
+ // Mapping a palette's brushes to their GTK sources
+ typedef QFlatMap<TargetBrush, Source> BrushMap;
+ // Storage of palettes and their GTK sources
+ typedef QFlatMap<QPlatformTheme::Palette, BrushMap> PaletteMap;
+ // Public getters
+ const QPalette *palette(QPlatformTheme::Palette = QPlatformTheme::SystemPalette) const;
+ QPixmap standardPixmap(QPlatformTheme::StandardPixmap standardPixmap, const QSizeF &size) const;
+ Qt::ColorScheme colorScheme() const { return m_colorScheme; };
+ static QPalette standardPalette();
+ const QString themeName() const { return m_interface ? m_interface->themeName() : QString(); };
+ const QFont *font(QPlatformTheme::Font type) const;
+ QIcon fileIcon(const QFileInfo &fileInfo) const;
+ // Initialization
+ void populateMap();
+ void handleThemeChange();
+ // Storage for palettes and their brushes
+ PaletteMap m_palettes;
+ std::unique_ptr<QGtk3Interface> m_interface;
+#if QT_CONFIG(dbus)
+ std::unique_ptr<QGtk3PortalInterface> m_portalInterface;
+ Qt::ColorScheme m_colorScheme = Qt::ColorScheme::Unknown;
+ // Caches for Pixmaps, fonts and palettes
+ mutable QCache<QPlatformTheme::StandardPixmap, QImage> m_pixmapCache;
+ mutable std::array<std::optional<QPalette>, QPlatformTheme::Palette::NPalettes> m_paletteCache;
+ mutable std::array<std::optional<QFont>, QPlatformTheme::NFonts> m_fontCache;
+ // Search brush with a given GTK3 source
+ QBrush brush(const Source &source, const BrushMap &map) const;
+ // Get GTK3 source for a target brush
+ Source brush (const TargetBrush &brush, const BrushMap &map) const;
+ // clear cache, palettes and color scheme
+ void clear();
+ // Data creation, import & export
+ void createMapping ();
+ const PaletteMap savePalettes() const;
+ bool save(const QString &filename, const QJsonDocument::JsonFormat f = QJsonDocument::Indented) const;
+ QJsonDocument save() const;
+ bool load(const QString &filename);
+#endif // QGTK3STORAGE_H