path: root/src/plugins/tls/openssl/qtls_openssl.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/tls/openssl/qtls_openssl.cpp')
1 files changed, 1860 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/tls/openssl/qtls_openssl.cpp b/src/plugins/tls/openssl/qtls_openssl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57d09a649b
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+++ b/src/plugins/tls/openssl/qtls_openssl.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h"
+#include "qx509_openssl_p.h"
+#include "qtls_openssl_p.h"
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+#include "qwindowscarootfetcher_p.h"
+#include <QtNetwork/private/qsslpresharedkeyauthenticator_p.h>
+#include <QtNetwork/private/qsslcertificate_p.h>
+#include <QtNetwork/private/qocspresponse_p.h>
+#include <QtNetwork/private/qsslsocket_p.h>
+#include <QtNetwork/qsslpresharedkeyauthenticator.h>
+#include <QtCore/qscopedvaluerollback.h>
+#include <QtCore/qscopeguard.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
+namespace {
+QSsl::AlertLevel tlsAlertLevel(int value)
+ using QSsl::AlertLevel;
+ if (const char *typeString = q_SSL_alert_type_string(value)) {
+ // Documented to return 'W' for warning, 'F' for fatal,
+ // 'U' for unknown.
+ switch (typeString[0]) {
+ case 'W':
+ return AlertLevel::Warning;
+ case 'F':
+ return AlertLevel::Fatal;
+ default:;
+ }
+ }
+ return AlertLevel::Unknown;
+QString tlsAlertDescription(int value)
+ QString description = QLatin1StringView(q_SSL_alert_desc_string_long(value));
+ if (!description.size())
+ description = "no description provided"_L1;
+ return description;
+QSsl::AlertType tlsAlertType(int value)
+ // In case for some reason openssl gives us a value,
+ // which is not in our enum actually, we leave it to
+ // an application to handle (supposedly they have
+ // if or switch-statements).
+ return QSsl::AlertType(value & 0xff);
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+QSslCertificate findCertificateToFetch(const QList<QSslError> &tlsErrors, bool checkAIA)
+ QSslCertificate certToFetch;
+ for (const auto &tlsError : tlsErrors) {
+ switch (tlsError.error()) {
+ case QSslError::UnableToGetLocalIssuerCertificate: // site presented intermediate cert, but root is unknown
+ case QSslError::SelfSignedCertificateInChain: // site presented a complete chain, but root is unknown
+ certToFetch = tlsError.certificate();
+ break;
+ case QSslError::SelfSignedCertificate:
+ case QSslError::CertificateBlacklisted:
+ //With these errors, we know it will be untrusted so save time by not asking windows
+ return QSslCertificate{};
+ default:
+ qCDebug(lcTlsBackend) << tlsError.errorString();
+ //TODO - this part is strange.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (checkAIA) {
+ const auto extensions = certToFetch.extensions();
+ for (const auto &ext : extensions) {
+ if (ext.oid() == u"") // See RFC 4325
+ return certToFetch;
+ }
+ //The only reason we check this extensions is because an application set trusted
+ //CA certificates explicitly, thus technically disabling CA fetch. So, if it's
+ //the case and an intermediate certificate is missing, and no extensions is
+ //present on the leaf certificate - we fail the handshake immediately.
+ return QSslCertificate{};
+ }
+ return certToFetch;
+#endif // Q_OS_WIN
+} // unnamed namespace
+namespace QTlsPrivate {
+extern "C" {
+int q_X509Callback(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
+ if (!ok) {
+ // Store the error and at which depth the error was detected.
+ using ErrorListPtr = QList<QSslErrorEntry> *;
+ ErrorListPtr errors = nullptr;
+ // Error list is attached to either 'SSL' or 'X509_STORE'.
+ if (X509_STORE *store = q_X509_STORE_CTX_get0_store(ctx)) // We try store first:
+ errors = ErrorListPtr(q_X509_STORE_get_ex_data(store, 0));
+ if (!errors) {
+ // Not found on store? Try SSL and its external data then. According to the OpenSSL's
+ // documentation:
+ //
+ // "Whenever a X509_STORE_CTX object is created for the verification of the
+ // peer's certificate during a handshake, a pointer to the SSL object is
+ // stored into the X509_STORE_CTX object to identify the connection affected.
+ // To retrieve this pointer the X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data() function can be
+ // used with the correct index."
+ const auto offset = QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData
+ + TlsCryptographOpenSSL::errorOffsetInExData;
+ if (SSL *ssl = static_cast<SSL *>(q_X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data(
+ ctx, q_SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx()))) {
+ // We may be in a renegotiation, check if we are inside a call to SSL_read:
+ const auto tlsOffset = QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData
+ + TlsCryptographOpenSSL::socketOffsetInExData;
+ auto tls = static_cast<TlsCryptographOpenSSL *>(q_SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, tlsOffset));
+ Q_ASSERT(tls);
+ if (tls->isInSslRead()) {
+ // We are in a renegotiation, make a note of this for later.
+ // We'll check that the certificate is the same as the one we got during
+ // the initial handshake
+ tls->setRenegotiated(true);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ errors = ErrorListPtr(q_SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, offset));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!errors) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "Neither X509_STORE, nor SSL contains error list, handshake failure");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ errors->append(X509CertificateOpenSSL::errorEntryFromStoreContext(ctx));
+ }
+ // Always return OK to allow verification to continue. We handle the
+ // errors gracefully after collecting all errors, after verification has
+ // completed.
+ return 1;
+int q_X509CallbackDirect(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
+ // Passed to SSL_CTX_set_verify()
+ //
+ // Returns 0 to abort verification, 1 to continue.
+ // This is a new, experimental verification callback, reporting
+ // errors immediately and returning 0 or 1 depending on an application
+ // either ignoring or not ignoring verification errors as they come.
+ if (!ctx) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "Invalid store context (nullptr)");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ // "Whenever a X509_STORE_CTX object is created for the verification of the
+ // peer's certificate during a handshake, a pointer to the SSL object is
+ // stored into the X509_STORE_CTX object to identify the connection affected.
+ // To retrieve this pointer the X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data() function can be
+ // used with the correct index."
+ SSL *ssl = static_cast<SSL *>(q_X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data(ctx, q_SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx()));
+ if (!ssl) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "No external data (SSL) found in X509 store object");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const auto offset = QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData
+ + TlsCryptographOpenSSL::socketOffsetInExData;
+ auto crypto = static_cast<TlsCryptographOpenSSL *>(q_SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, offset));
+ if (!crypto) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "No external data (TlsCryptographOpenSSL) found in SSL object");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return crypto->emitErrorFromCallback(ctx);
+ }
+ return 1;
+static unsigned q_ssl_psk_client_callback(SSL *ssl, const char *hint, char *identity, unsigned max_identity_len,
+ unsigned char *psk, unsigned max_psk_len)
+ auto *tls = static_cast<TlsCryptographOpenSSL *>(q_SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData));
+ return tls->pskClientTlsCallback(hint, identity, max_identity_len, psk, max_psk_len);
+static unsigned int q_ssl_psk_server_callback(SSL *ssl, const char *identity, unsigned char *psk,
+ unsigned int max_psk_len)
+ auto *tls = static_cast<TlsCryptographOpenSSL *>(q_SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData));
+ Q_ASSERT(tls);
+ return tls->pskServerTlsCallback(identity, psk, max_psk_len);
+#ifdef TLS1_3_VERSION
+static unsigned q_ssl_psk_restore_client(SSL *ssl, const char *hint, char *identity, unsigned max_identity_len,
+ unsigned char *psk, unsigned max_psk_len)
+ Q_UNUSED(hint);
+ Q_UNUSED(identity);
+ Q_UNUSED(max_identity_len);
+ Q_UNUSED(psk);
+ Q_UNUSED(max_psk_len);
+#ifdef QT_DEBUG
+ auto tls = static_cast<TlsCryptographOpenSSL *>(q_SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData));
+ Q_ASSERT(tls);
+ Q_ASSERT(tls->d);
+ Q_ASSERT(tls->d->tlsMode() == QSslSocket::SslClientMode);
+ unsigned retVal = 0;
+ // Let developers opt-in to having the normal PSK callback get called for TLS 1.3
+ // PSK (which works differently in a few ways, and is called at the start of every connection).
+ // When they do opt-in we just call the old callback from here.
+ if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QT_USE_TLS_1_3_PSK"))
+ retVal = q_ssl_psk_client_callback(ssl, hint, identity, max_identity_len, psk, max_psk_len);
+ q_SSL_set_psk_client_callback(ssl, &q_ssl_psk_client_callback);
+ return retVal;
+static int q_ssl_psk_use_session_callback(SSL *ssl, const EVP_MD *md, const unsigned char **id,
+ size_t *idlen, SSL_SESSION **sess)
+ Q_UNUSED(md);
+ Q_UNUSED(id);
+ Q_UNUSED(idlen);
+ Q_UNUSED(sess);
+#ifdef QT_DEBUG
+ auto *tls = static_cast<TlsCryptographOpenSSL *>(q_SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData));
+ Q_ASSERT(tls);
+ Q_ASSERT(tls->d);
+ Q_ASSERT(tls->d->tlsMode() == QSslSocket::SslClientMode);
+ // Temporarily rebind the psk because it will be called next. The function will restore it.
+ q_SSL_set_psk_client_callback(ssl, &q_ssl_psk_restore_client);
+ return 1; // need to return 1 or else "the connection setup fails."
+int q_ssl_sess_set_new_cb(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session)
+ if (!ssl) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "Invalid SSL (nullptr)");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!session) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "Invalid SSL_SESSION (nullptr)");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ auto *tls = static_cast<TlsCryptographOpenSSL *>(q_SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData));
+ Q_ASSERT(tls);
+ return tls->handleNewSessionTicket(ssl);
+#endif // TLS1_3_VERSION
+#endif // !OPENSSL_NO_PSK
+#if QT_CONFIG(ocsp)
+int qt_OCSP_status_server_callback(SSL *ssl, void *ocspRequest)
+ Q_UNUSED(ocspRequest);
+ if (!ssl)
+ auto crypto = static_cast<TlsCryptographOpenSSL *>(q_SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData));
+ if (!crypto)
+ Q_ASSERT(crypto->d);
+ Q_ASSERT(crypto->d->tlsMode() == QSslSocket::SslServerMode);
+ const QByteArray &response = crypto->ocspResponseDer;
+ Q_ASSERT(response.size());
+ unsigned char *derCopy = static_cast<unsigned char *>(q_OPENSSL_malloc(size_t(response.size())));
+ if (!derCopy)
+ std::copy(, + response.size(), derCopy);
+ // We don't check the return value: internally OpenSSL simply assigns the
+ // pointer (it assumes it now owns this memory btw!) and the length.
+ q_SSL_set_tlsext_status_ocsp_resp(ssl, derCopy, response.size());
+#endif // ocsp
+void qt_AlertInfoCallback(const SSL *connection, int from, int value)
+ // Passed to SSL_set_info_callback()
+ //
+ if (!connection) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "Invalid 'connection' parameter (nullptr)");
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto offset = QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData
+ + TlsCryptographOpenSSL::socketOffsetInExData;
+ auto crypto = static_cast<TlsCryptographOpenSSL *>(q_SSL_get_ex_data(connection, offset));
+ if (!crypto) {
+ // SSL_set_ex_data can fail:
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "No external data (socket backend) found for parameter 'connection'");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!(from & SSL_CB_ALERT)) {
+ // We only want to know about alerts (at least for now).
+ return;
+ }
+ if (from & SSL_CB_WRITE)
+ crypto->alertMessageSent(value);
+ else
+ crypto->alertMessageReceived(value);
+} // extern "C"
+#if QT_CONFIG(ocsp)
+namespace {
+QSslError::SslError qt_OCSP_response_status_to_SslError(long code)
+ switch (code) {
+ return QSslError::OcspMalformedRequest;
+ return QSslError::OcspInternalError;
+ return QSslError::OcspTryLater;
+ return QSslError::OcspSigRequred;
+ return QSslError::OcspUnauthorized;
+ default:
+ return {};
+ }
+QOcspRevocationReason qt_OCSP_revocation_reason(int reason)
+ switch (reason) {
+ return QOcspRevocationReason::None;
+ return QOcspRevocationReason::Unspecified;
+ return QOcspRevocationReason::KeyCompromise;
+ return QOcspRevocationReason::CACompromise;
+ return QOcspRevocationReason::AffiliationChanged;
+ return QOcspRevocationReason::Superseded;
+ return QOcspRevocationReason::CessationOfOperation;
+ return QOcspRevocationReason::CertificateHold;
+ return QOcspRevocationReason::RemoveFromCRL;
+ default:
+ return QOcspRevocationReason::None;
+ }
+bool qt_OCSP_certificate_match(OCSP_SINGLERESP *singleResponse, X509 *peerCert, X509 *issuer)
+ // OCSP_basic_verify does verify that the responder is legit, the response is
+ // correctly signed, CertID is correct. But it does not know which certificate
+ // we were presented with by our peer, so it does not check if it's a response
+ // for our peer's certificate.
+ Q_ASSERT(singleResponse && peerCert && issuer);
+ const OCSP_CERTID *certId = q_OCSP_SINGLERESP_get0_id(singleResponse); // Does not increment refcount.
+ if (!certId) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "A SingleResponse without CertID");
+ return false;
+ }
+ ASN1_OBJECT *md = nullptr;
+ ASN1_INTEGER *reportedSerialNumber = nullptr;
+ const int result = q_OCSP_id_get0_info(nullptr, &md, nullptr, &reportedSerialNumber, const_cast<OCSP_CERTID *>(certId));
+ if (result != 1 || !md || !reportedSerialNumber) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "Failed to extract a hash and serial number from CertID structure");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!q_X509_get_serialNumber(peerCert)) {
+ // Is this possible at all? But we have to check this,
+ // ASN1_INTEGER_cmp (called from OCSP_id_cmp) dereferences
+ // without any checks at all.
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "No serial number in peer's ceritificate");
+ return false;
+ }
+ const int nid = q_OBJ_obj2nid(md);
+ if (nid == NID_undef) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "Unknown hash algorithm in CertID");
+ return false;
+ }
+ const EVP_MD *digest = q_EVP_get_digestbynid(nid); // Does not increment refcount.
+ if (!digest) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend) << "No digest for nid" << nid;
+ return false;
+ }
+ OCSP_CERTID *recreatedId = q_OCSP_cert_to_id(digest, peerCert, issuer);
+ if (!recreatedId) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "Failed to re-create CertID");
+ return false;
+ }
+ const QSharedPointer<OCSP_CERTID> guard(recreatedId, q_OCSP_CERTID_free);
+ if (q_OCSP_id_cmp(const_cast<OCSP_CERTID *>(certId), recreatedId)) {
+ qCDebug(lcTlsBackend, "Certificate ID mismatch");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Bingo!
+ return true;
+} // unnamed namespace
+#endif // ocsp
+ destroySslContext();
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::init(QSslSocket *qObj, QSslSocketPrivate *dObj)
+ Q_ASSERT(qObj);
+ Q_ASSERT(dObj);
+ q = qObj;
+ d = dObj;
+ ocspResponses.clear();
+ ocspResponseDer.clear();
+ systemOrSslErrorDetected = false;
+ handshakeInterrupted = false;
+ fetchAuthorityInformation = false;
+ caToFetch.reset();
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::checkSettingSslContext(std::shared_ptr<QSslContext> tlsContext)
+ if (!sslContextPointer)
+ sslContextPointer = std::move(tlsContext);
+std::shared_ptr<QSslContext> TlsCryptographOpenSSL::sslContext() const
+ return sslContextPointer;
+QList<QSslError> TlsCryptographOpenSSL::tlsErrors() const
+ return sslErrors;
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::startClientEncryption()
+ if (!initSslContext()) {
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslInternalError,
+ QSslSocket::tr("Unable to init SSL Context: %1").arg(QTlsBackendOpenSSL::getErrorsFromOpenSsl()));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Start connecting. This will place outgoing data in the BIO, so we
+ // follow up with calling transmit().
+ startHandshake();
+ transmit();
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::startServerEncryption()
+ if (!initSslContext()) {
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslInternalError,
+ QSslSocket::tr("Unable to init SSL Context: %1").arg(QTlsBackendOpenSSL::getErrorsFromOpenSsl()));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Start connecting. This will place outgoing data in the BIO, so we
+ // follow up with calling transmit().
+ startHandshake();
+ transmit();
+bool TlsCryptographOpenSSL::startHandshake()
+ // Check if the connection has been established. Get all errors from the
+ // verification stage.
+ Q_ASSERT(q);
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ using ScopedBool = QScopedValueRollback<bool>;
+ if (inSetAndEmitError)
+ return false;
+ const auto mode = d->tlsMode();
+ pendingFatalAlert = false;
+ errorsReportedFromCallback = false;
+ QList<QSslErrorEntry> lastErrors;
+ q_SSL_set_ex_data(ssl, QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData + errorOffsetInExData, &lastErrors);
+ // SSL_set_ex_data can fail, but see the callback's code - we handle this there.
+ q_SSL_set_ex_data(ssl, QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData + socketOffsetInExData, this);
+ q_SSL_set_info_callback(ssl, qt_AlertInfoCallback);
+ int result = (mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode) ? q_SSL_connect(ssl) : q_SSL_accept(ssl);
+ q_SSL_set_ex_data(ssl, QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData + errorOffsetInExData, nullptr);
+ // Note, unlike errors as external data on SSL object, we do not unset
+ // a callback/ex-data if alert notifications are enabled: an alert can
+ // arrive after the handshake, for example, this happens when the server
+ // does not find a ClientCert or does not like it.
+ if (!lastErrors.isEmpty() || errorsReportedFromCallback)
+ storePeerCertificates();
+ // storePeerCertificate() if called above - would update the
+ // configuration with peer's certificates.
+ auto configuration = q->sslConfiguration();
+ if (!errorsReportedFromCallback) {
+ const auto &peerCertificateChain = configuration.peerCertificateChain();
+ for (const auto &currentError : std::as_const(lastErrors)) {
+ emit q->peerVerifyError(QTlsPrivate::X509CertificateOpenSSL::openSSLErrorToQSslError(currentError.code,
+ peerCertificateChain.value(currentError.depth)));
+ if (q->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ errorList << lastErrors;
+ // Connection aborted during handshake phase.
+ if (q->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState)
+ return false;
+ // Check if we're encrypted or not.
+ if (result <= 0) {
+ switch (q_SSL_get_error(ssl, result)) {
+ // The handshake is not yet complete.
+ break;
+ default:
+ QString errorString = QTlsBackendOpenSSL::msgErrorsDuringHandshake();
+ qCDebug(lcTlsBackend) << "TlsCryptographOpenSSL::startHandshake: error!" << errorString;
+ {
+ const ScopedBool bg(inSetAndEmitError, true);
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslHandshakeFailedError, errorString);
+ if (pendingFatalAlert) {
+ trySendFatalAlert();
+ pendingFatalAlert = false;
+ }
+ }
+ q->abort();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // store peer certificate chain
+ storePeerCertificates();
+ // Start translating errors.
+ QList<QSslError> errors;
+ // Note, the storePeerCerificates() probably updated the configuration at this point.
+ configuration = q->sslConfiguration();
+ // Check the whole chain for blacklisting (including root, as we check for subjectInfo and issuer)
+ const auto &peerCertificateChain = configuration.peerCertificateChain();
+ for (const QSslCertificate &cert : peerCertificateChain) {
+ if (QSslCertificatePrivate::isBlacklisted(cert)) {
+ QSslError error(QSslError::CertificateBlacklisted, cert);
+ errors << error;
+ emit q->peerVerifyError(error);
+ if (q->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ const bool doVerifyPeer = configuration.peerVerifyMode() == QSslSocket::VerifyPeer
+ || (configuration.peerVerifyMode() == QSslSocket::AutoVerifyPeer
+ && mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode);
+#if QT_CONFIG(ocsp)
+ // For now it's always QSslSocket::SslClientMode - initSslContext() will bail out early,
+ // if it's enabled in QSslSocket::SslServerMode. This can change.
+ if (!configuration.peerCertificate().isNull() && configuration.ocspStaplingEnabled() && doVerifyPeer) {
+ if (!checkOcspStatus()) {
+ if (ocspErrors.isEmpty()) {
+ {
+ const ScopedBool bg(inSetAndEmitError, true);
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslHandshakeFailedError, ocspErrorDescription);
+ }
+ q->abort();
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (const QSslError &error : ocspErrors) {
+ errors << error;
+ emit q->peerVerifyError(error);
+ if (q->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // ocsp
+ // Check the peer certificate itself. First try the subject's common name
+ // (CN) as a wildcard, then try all alternate subject name DNS entries the
+ // same way.
+ if (!configuration.peerCertificate().isNull()) {
+ // but only if we're a client connecting to a server
+ // if we're the server, don't check CN
+ const auto verificationPeerName = d->verificationName();
+ if (mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode) {
+ QString peerName = (verificationPeerName.isEmpty () ? q->peerName() : verificationPeerName);
+ if (!isMatchingHostname(configuration.peerCertificate(), peerName)) {
+ // No matches in common names or alternate names.
+ QSslError error(QSslError::HostNameMismatch, configuration.peerCertificate());
+ errors << error;
+ emit q->peerVerifyError(error);
+ if (q->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // No peer certificate presented. Report as error if the socket
+ // expected one.
+ if (doVerifyPeer) {
+ QSslError error(QSslError::NoPeerCertificate);
+ errors << error;
+ emit q->peerVerifyError(error);
+ if (q->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Translate errors from the error list into QSslErrors.
+ errors.reserve(errors.size() + errorList.size());
+ for (const auto &error : std::as_const(errorList))
+ errors << X509CertificateOpenSSL::openSSLErrorToQSslError(error.code, peerCertificateChain.value(error.depth));
+ if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
+ sslErrors = errors;
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+ const bool fetchEnabled = QSslSocketPrivate::rootCertOnDemandLoadingSupported()
+ && d->isRootsOnDemandAllowed();
+ // !fetchEnabled is a special case scenario, when we potentially have a missing
+ // intermediate certificate and a recoverable chain, but on demand cert loading
+ // was disabled by setCaCertificates call. For this scenario we check if "Authority
+ // Information Access" is present - wincrypt can deal with such certificates.
+ QSslCertificate certToFetch;
+ if (doVerifyPeer && !d->verifyErrorsHaveBeenIgnored())
+ certToFetch = findCertificateToFetch(sslErrors, !fetchEnabled);
+ //Skip this if not using system CAs, or if the SSL errors are configured in advance to be ignorable
+ if (!certToFetch.isNull()) {
+ fetchAuthorityInformation = !fetchEnabled;
+ //Windows desktop versions starting from vista ship with minimal set of roots and download on demand
+ //from the windows update server CA roots that are trusted by MS. It also can fetch a missing intermediate
+ //in case "Authority Information Access" extension is present.
+ //
+ //However, this is only transparent if using WinINET - we have to trigger it
+ //ourselves.
+ fetchCaRootForCert(certToFetch);
+ return false;
+ }
+#endif // Q_OS_WIN
+ if (!checkSslErrors())
+ return false;
+ // A slot, attached to sslErrors signal can call
+ // abort/close/disconnetFromHost/etc; no need to
+ // continue handshake then.
+ if (q->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState)
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ sslErrors.clear();
+ }
+ continueHandshake();
+ return true;
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::enableHandshakeContinuation()
+ handshakeInterrupted = false;
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::cancelCAFetch()
+ fetchAuthorityInformation = false;
+ caToFetch.reset();
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::continueHandshake()
+ Q_ASSERT(q);
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ auto *plainSocket = d->plainTcpSocket();
+ Q_ASSERT(plainSocket);
+ const auto mode = d->tlsMode();
+ // if we have a max read buffer size, reset the plain socket's to match
+ if (const auto maxSize = d->maxReadBufferSize())
+ plainSocket->setReadBufferSize(maxSize);
+ if (q_SSL_session_reused(ssl))
+ QTlsBackend::setPeerSessionShared(d, true);
+ if (q_SSL_get_session(ssl)) {
+ size_t master_key_len = q_SSL_SESSION_get_master_key(q_SSL_get_session(ssl), nullptr, 0);
+ size_t client_random_len = q_SSL_get_client_random(ssl, nullptr, 0);
+ QByteArray masterKey(int(master_key_len), Qt::Uninitialized); // Will not overflow
+ QByteArray clientRandom(int(client_random_len), Qt::Uninitialized); // Will not overflow
+ q_SSL_SESSION_get_master_key(q_SSL_get_session(ssl),
+ reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(,
+ masterKey.size());
+ q_SSL_get_client_random(ssl, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(,
+ clientRandom.size());
+ QByteArray debugLineClientRandom("CLIENT_RANDOM ");
+ debugLineClientRandom.append(clientRandom.toHex().toUpper());
+ debugLineClientRandom.append(" ");
+ debugLineClientRandom.append(masterKey.toHex().toUpper());
+ debugLineClientRandom.append("\n");
+ QString sslKeyFile = QDir::tempPath() + "/qt-ssl-keys"_L1;
+ QFile file(sslKeyFile);
+ if (!
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend) << "could not open file" << sslKeyFile << "for appending";
+ if (!file.write(debugLineClientRandom))
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend) << "could not write to file" << sslKeyFile;
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "could not decrypt SSL traffic");
+ }
+ const auto &configuration = q->sslConfiguration();
+ // Cache this SSL session inside the QSslContext
+ if (!(configuration.testSslOption(QSsl::SslOptionDisableSessionSharing))) {
+ if (!sslContextPointer->cacheSession(ssl)) {
+ sslContextPointer.reset(); // we could not cache the session
+ } else {
+ // Cache the session for permanent usage as well
+ if (!(configuration.testSslOption(QSsl::SslOptionDisableSessionPersistence))) {
+ if (!sslContextPointer->sessionASN1().isEmpty())
+ QTlsBackend::setSessionAsn1(d, sslContextPointer->sessionASN1());
+ QTlsBackend::setSessionLifetimeHint(d, sslContextPointer->sessionTicketLifeTimeHint());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QTlsBackend::setAlpnStatus(d, sslContextPointer->npnContext().status);
+ if (sslContextPointer->npnContext().status == QSslConfiguration::NextProtocolNegotiationUnsupported) {
+ // we could not agree -> be conservative and use HTTP/1.1
+ // T.P.: I have to admit, this is a really strange notion of 'conservative',
+ // given the protocol-neutral nature of ALPN/NPN.
+ QTlsBackend::setNegotiatedProtocol(d, QByteArrayLiteral("http/1.1"));
+ } else {
+ const unsigned char *proto = nullptr;
+ unsigned int proto_len = 0;
+ q_SSL_get0_alpn_selected(ssl, &proto, &proto_len);
+ if (proto_len && mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode) {
+ // Client does not have a callback that sets it ...
+ QTlsBackend::setAlpnStatus(d, QSslConfiguration::NextProtocolNegotiationNegotiated);
+ }
+ if (!proto_len) { // Test if NPN was more lucky ...
+ q_SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated(ssl, &proto, &proto_len);
+ }
+ if (proto_len)
+ QTlsBackend::setNegotiatedProtocol(d, QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(proto), proto_len));
+ else
+ QTlsBackend::setNegotiatedProtocol(d,{});
+ }
+#endif // !defined(OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG)
+ if (mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode) {
+ EVP_PKEY *key;
+ if (q_SSL_get_server_tmp_key(ssl, &key))
+ QTlsBackend::setEphemeralKey(d, QSslKey(key, QSsl::PublicKey));
+ }
+ d->setEncrypted(true);
+ emit q->encrypted();
+ if (d->isAutoStartingHandshake() && d->isPendingClose()) {
+ d->setPendingClose(false);
+ q->disconnectFromHost();
+ }
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::transmit()
+ Q_ASSERT(q);
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ using ScopedBool = QScopedValueRollback<bool>;
+ if (inSetAndEmitError)
+ return;
+ // If we don't have any SSL context, don't bother transmitting.
+ if (!ssl)
+ return;
+ auto &writeBuffer = d->tlsWriteBuffer();
+ auto &buffer = d->tlsBuffer();
+ auto *plainSocket = d->plainTcpSocket();
+ Q_ASSERT(plainSocket);
+ bool &emittedBytesWritten = d->tlsEmittedBytesWritten();
+ bool transmitting;
+ do {
+ transmitting = false;
+ // If the connection is secure, we can transfer data from the write
+ // buffer (in plain text) to the write BIO through SSL_write.
+ if (q->isEncrypted() && !writeBuffer.isEmpty()) {
+ qint64 totalBytesWritten = 0;
+ int nextDataBlockSize;
+ while ((nextDataBlockSize = writeBuffer.nextDataBlockSize()) > 0) {
+ int writtenBytes = q_SSL_write(ssl, writeBuffer.readPointer(), nextDataBlockSize);
+ if (writtenBytes <= 0) {
+ int error = q_SSL_get_error(ssl, writtenBytes);
+ //write can result in a want_write_error - not an error - continue transmitting
+ if (error == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) {
+ transmitting = true;
+ break;
+ } else if (error == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
+ //write can result in a want_read error, possibly due to renegotiation - not an error - stop transmitting
+ transmitting = false;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ // ### Better error handling.
+ const ScopedBool bg(inSetAndEmitError, true);
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslInternalError,
+ QSslSocket::tr("Unable to write data: %1").arg(
+ QTlsBackendOpenSSL::getErrorsFromOpenSsl()));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ qCDebug(lcTlsBackend) << "TlsCryptographOpenSSL::transmit: encrypted" << writtenBytes << "bytes";
+ totalBytesWritten += writtenBytes;
+ if (writtenBytes < nextDataBlockSize) {
+ // break out of the writing loop and try again after we had read
+ transmitting = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (totalBytesWritten > 0) {
+ // Don't emit bytesWritten() recursively.
+ if (!emittedBytesWritten) {
+ emittedBytesWritten = true;
+ emit q->bytesWritten(totalBytesWritten);
+ emittedBytesWritten = false;
+ }
+ emit q->channelBytesWritten(0, totalBytesWritten);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if we've got any data to be written to the socket.
+ QVarLengthArray<char, 4096> data;
+ int pendingBytes;
+ while (plainSocket->isValid() && (pendingBytes = q_BIO_pending(writeBio)) > 0
+ && plainSocket->openMode() != QIODevice::NotOpen) {
+ // Read encrypted data from the write BIO into a buffer.
+ data.resize(pendingBytes);
+ int encryptedBytesRead = q_BIO_read(writeBio,, pendingBytes);
+ // Write encrypted data from the buffer to the socket.
+ qint64 actualWritten = plainSocket->write(data.constData(), encryptedBytesRead);
+ qCDebug(lcTlsBackend) << "TlsCryptographOpenSSL::transmit: wrote" << encryptedBytesRead
+ << "encrypted bytes to the socket" << actualWritten << "actual.";
+ if (actualWritten < 0) {
+ //plain socket write fails if it was in the pending close state.
+ const ScopedBool bg(inSetAndEmitError, true);
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, plainSocket->error(), plainSocket->errorString());
+ return;
+ }
+ transmitting = true;
+ }
+ // Check if we've got any data to be read from the socket.
+ if (!q->isEncrypted() || !d->maxReadBufferSize() || buffer.size() < d->maxReadBufferSize())
+ while ((pendingBytes = plainSocket->bytesAvailable()) > 0) {
+ // Read encrypted data from the socket into a buffer.
+ data.resize(pendingBytes);
+ // just peek() here because q_BIO_write could write less data than expected
+ int encryptedBytesRead = plainSocket->peek(, pendingBytes);
+ qCDebug(lcTlsBackend) << "TlsCryptographOpenSSL::transmit: read" << encryptedBytesRead << "encrypted bytes from the socket";
+ // Write encrypted data from the buffer into the read BIO.
+ int writtenToBio = q_BIO_write(readBio, data.constData(), encryptedBytesRead);
+ // Throw away the results.
+ if (writtenToBio > 0) {
+ plainSocket->skip(writtenToBio);
+ } else {
+ // ### Better error handling.
+ const ScopedBool bg(inSetAndEmitError, true);
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslInternalError,
+ QSslSocket::tr("Unable to decrypt data: %1")
+ .arg(QTlsBackendOpenSSL::getErrorsFromOpenSsl()));
+ return;
+ }
+ transmitting = true;
+ }
+ // If the connection isn't secured yet, this is the time to retry the
+ // connect / accept.
+ if (!q->isEncrypted()) {
+ qCDebug(lcTlsBackend) << "TlsCryptographOpenSSL::transmit: testing encryption";
+ if (startHandshake()) {
+ qCDebug(lcTlsBackend) << "TlsCryptographOpenSSL::transmit: encryption established";
+ d->setEncrypted(true);
+ transmitting = true;
+ } else if (plainSocket->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) {
+ qCDebug(lcTlsBackend) << "TlsCryptographOpenSSL::transmit: connection lost";
+ break;
+ } else if (d->isPaused()) {
+ // just wait until the user continues
+ return;
+ } else {
+ qCDebug(lcTlsBackend) << "TlsCryptographOpenSSL::transmit: encryption not done yet";
+ }
+ }
+ // If the request is small and the remote host closes the transmission
+ // after sending, there's a chance that startHandshake() will already
+ // have triggered a shutdown.
+ if (!ssl)
+ continue;
+ // We always read everything from the SSL decryption buffers, even if
+ // we have a readBufferMaxSize. There's no point in leaving data there
+ // just so that readBuffer.size() == readBufferMaxSize.
+ int readBytes = 0;
+ const int bytesToRead = 4096;
+ do {
+ if (q->readChannelCount() == 0) {
+ // The read buffer is deallocated, don't try resize or write to it.
+ break;
+ }
+ // Don't use SSL_pending(). It's very unreliable.
+ inSslRead = true;
+ readBytes = q_SSL_read(ssl, buffer.reserve(bytesToRead), bytesToRead);
+ inSslRead = false;
+ if (renegotiated) {
+ renegotiated = false;
+ X509 *x509 = q_SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl);
+ const auto peerCertificate =
+ QTlsPrivate::X509CertificateOpenSSL::certificateFromX509(x509);
+ // Fail the renegotiate if the certificate has changed, else: continue.
+ if (peerCertificate != q->peerCertificate()) {
+ const ScopedBool bg(inSetAndEmitError, true);
+ setErrorAndEmit(
+ d, QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError,
+ QSslSocket::tr(
+ "TLS certificate unexpectedly changed during renegotiation!"));
+ q->abort();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (readBytes > 0) {
+ qCDebug(lcTlsBackend) << "TlsCryptographOpenSSL::transmit: decrypted" << readBytes << "bytes";
+ buffer.chop(bytesToRead - readBytes);
+ if (bool *readyReadEmittedPointer = d->readyReadPointer())
+ *readyReadEmittedPointer = true;
+ emit q->readyRead();
+ emit q->channelReadyRead(0);
+ transmitting = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ buffer.chop(bytesToRead);
+ // Error.
+ switch (q_SSL_get_error(ssl, readBytes)) {
+ // Out of data.
+ break;
+ // The remote host closed the connection.
+ qCDebug(lcTlsBackend) << "TlsCryptographOpenSSL::transmit: remote disconnect";
+ shutdown = true; // the other side shut down, make sure we do not send shutdown ourselves
+ {
+ const ScopedBool bg(inSetAndEmitError, true);
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError,
+ QSslSocket::tr("The TLS/SSL connection has been closed"));
+ }
+ return;
+ case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: // some IO error
+ case SSL_ERROR_SSL: // error in the SSL library
+ // we do not know exactly what the error is, nor whether we can recover from it,
+ // so just return to prevent an endless loop in the outer "while" statement
+ systemOrSslErrorDetected = true;
+ {
+ const ScopedBool bg(inSetAndEmitError, true);
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslInternalError,
+ QSslSocket::tr("Error while reading: %1")
+ .arg(QTlsBackendOpenSSL::getErrorsFromOpenSsl()));
+ }
+ return;
+ default:
+ // SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT, SSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT: can only happen with a
+ // BIO_s_connect() or BIO_s_accept(), which we do not call.
+ // SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: can only happen with a
+ // SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb(), which we do not call.
+ // So this default case should never be triggered.
+ {
+ const ScopedBool bg(inSetAndEmitError, true);
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslInternalError,
+ QSslSocket::tr("Error while reading: %1")
+ .arg(QTlsBackendOpenSSL::getErrorsFromOpenSsl()));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (ssl && readBytes > 0);
+ } while (ssl && transmitting);
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::disconnectFromHost()
+ if (ssl) {
+ if (!shutdown && !q_SSL_in_init(ssl) && !systemOrSslErrorDetected) {
+ if (q_SSL_shutdown(ssl) != 1) {
+ // Some error may be queued, clear it.
+ QTlsBackendOpenSSL::clearErrorQueue();
+ }
+ shutdown = true;
+ transmit();
+ }
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ auto *plainSocket = d->plainTcpSocket();
+ Q_ASSERT(plainSocket);
+ plainSocket->disconnectFromHost();
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::disconnected()
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ auto *plainSocket = d->plainTcpSocket();
+ Q_ASSERT(plainSocket);
+ d->setEncrypted(false);
+ if (plainSocket->bytesAvailable() <= 0) {
+ destroySslContext();
+ } else {
+ // Move all bytes into the plain buffer.
+ const qint64 tmpReadBufferMaxSize = d->maxReadBufferSize();
+ // Reset temporarily, so the plain socket buffer is completely drained:
+ d->setMaxReadBufferSize(0);
+ transmit();
+ d->setMaxReadBufferSize(tmpReadBufferMaxSize);
+ }
+ //if there is still buffered data in the plain socket, don't destroy the ssl context yet.
+ //it will be destroyed when the socket is deleted.
+QSslCipher TlsCryptographOpenSSL::sessionCipher() const
+ if (!ssl)
+ return {};
+ const SSL_CIPHER *sessionCipher = q_SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl);
+ return sessionCipher ? QTlsBackendOpenSSL::qt_OpenSSL_cipher_to_QSslCipher(sessionCipher) : QSslCipher{};
+QSsl::SslProtocol TlsCryptographOpenSSL::sessionProtocol() const
+ if (!ssl)
+ return QSsl::UnknownProtocol;
+ const int ver = q_SSL_version(ssl);
+ switch (ver) {
+ case 0x301:
+ return QSsl::TlsV1_0;
+ case 0x302:
+ return QSsl::TlsV1_1;
+ case 0x303:
+ return QSsl::TlsV1_2;
+ case 0x304:
+ return QSsl::TlsV1_3;
+ }
+ return QSsl::UnknownProtocol;
+QList<QOcspResponse> TlsCryptographOpenSSL::ocsps() const
+ return ocspResponses;
+bool TlsCryptographOpenSSL::checkSslErrors()
+ Q_ASSERT(q);
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ if (sslErrors.isEmpty())
+ return true;
+ emit q->sslErrors(sslErrors);
+ const auto vfyMode = q->peerVerifyMode();
+ const auto mode = d->tlsMode();
+ bool doVerifyPeer = vfyMode == QSslSocket::VerifyPeer || (vfyMode == QSslSocket::AutoVerifyPeer
+ && mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode);
+ bool doEmitSslError = !d->verifyErrorsHaveBeenIgnored();
+ // check whether we need to emit an SSL handshake error
+ if (doVerifyPeer && doEmitSslError) {
+ if (q->pauseMode() & QAbstractSocket::PauseOnSslErrors) {
+ QSslSocketPrivate::pauseSocketNotifiers(q);
+ d->setPaused(true);
+ } else {
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslHandshakeFailedError, sslErrors.constFirst().errorString());
+ auto *plainSocket = d->plainTcpSocket();
+ Q_ASSERT(plainSocket);
+ plainSocket->disconnectFromHost();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+int TlsCryptographOpenSSL::handleNewSessionTicket(SSL *connection)
+ // If we return 1, this means we own the session, but we don't.
+ // 0 would tell OpenSSL to deref (but they still have it in the
+ // internal cache).
+ Q_ASSERT(connection);
+ Q_ASSERT(q);
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ if (q->sslConfiguration().testSslOption(QSsl::SslOptionDisableSessionPersistence)) {
+ // We silently ignore, do nothing, remove from cache.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ SSL_SESSION *currentSession = q_SSL_get_session(connection);
+ if (!currentSession) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend,
+ "New session ticket callback, the session is invalid (nullptr)");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (q_SSL_version(connection) < 0x304) {
+ // We only rely on this mechanics with TLS >= 1.3
+ return 0;
+ }
+#ifdef TLS1_3_VERSION
+ if (!q_SSL_SESSION_is_resumable(currentSession)) {
+ qCDebug(lcTlsBackend, "New session ticket, but the session is non-resumable");
+ return 0;
+ }
+#endif // TLS1_3_VERSION
+ const int sessionSize = q_i2d_SSL_SESSION(currentSession, nullptr);
+ if (sessionSize <= 0) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "could not store persistent version of SSL session");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // We have somewhat perverse naming, it's not a ticket, it's a session.
+ QByteArray sessionTicket(sessionSize, 0);
+ auto data = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(;
+ if (!q_i2d_SSL_SESSION(currentSession, &data)) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "could not store persistent version of SSL session");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ QTlsBackend::setSessionAsn1(d, sessionTicket);
+ QTlsBackend::setSessionLifetimeHint(d, q_SSL_SESSION_get_ticket_lifetime_hint(currentSession));
+ emit q->newSessionTicketReceived();
+ return 0;
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::alertMessageSent(int value)
+ Q_ASSERT(q);
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ const auto level = tlsAlertLevel(value);
+ if (level == QSsl::AlertLevel::Fatal && !q->isEncrypted()) {
+ // Note, this logic is handshake-time only:
+ pendingFatalAlert = true;
+ }
+ emit q->alertSent(level, tlsAlertType(value), tlsAlertDescription(value));
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::alertMessageReceived(int value)
+ Q_ASSERT(q);
+ emit q->alertReceived(tlsAlertLevel(value), tlsAlertType(value), tlsAlertDescription(value));
+int TlsCryptographOpenSSL::emitErrorFromCallback(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
+ // Returns 0 to abort verification, 1 to continue despite error (as
+ // OpenSSL expects from the verification callback).
+ Q_ASSERT(q);
+ Q_ASSERT(ctx);
+ using ScopedBool = QScopedValueRollback<bool>;
+ // While we are not setting, we are emitting and in general -
+ // we want to prevent accidental recursive startHandshake()
+ // calls:
+ const ScopedBool bg(inSetAndEmitError, true);
+ X509 *x509 = q_X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(ctx);
+ if (!x509) {
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "Could not obtain the certificate (that failed to verify)");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const QSslCertificate certificate = QTlsPrivate::X509CertificateOpenSSL::certificateFromX509(x509);
+ const auto errorAndDepth = QTlsPrivate::X509CertificateOpenSSL::errorEntryFromStoreContext(ctx);
+ const QSslError tlsError = QTlsPrivate::X509CertificateOpenSSL::openSSLErrorToQSslError(errorAndDepth.code, certificate);
+ errorsReportedFromCallback = true;
+ handshakeInterrupted = true;
+ emit q->handshakeInterruptedOnError(tlsError);
+ // Conveniently so, we also can access 'lastErrors' external data set
+ // in startHandshake, we store it for the case an application later
+ // wants to check errors (ignored or not):
+ const auto offset = QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData
+ + TlsCryptographOpenSSL::errorOffsetInExData;
+ if (auto errorList = static_cast<QList<QSslErrorEntry> *>(q_SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, offset)))
+ errorList->append(errorAndDepth);
+ // An application is expected to ignore this error (by calling ignoreSslErrors)
+ // in its directly connected slot:
+ return !handshakeInterrupted;
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::trySendFatalAlert()
+ Q_ASSERT(pendingFatalAlert);
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ auto *plainSocket = d->plainTcpSocket();
+ pendingFatalAlert = false;
+ QVarLengthArray<char, 4096> data;
+ int pendingBytes = 0;
+ while (plainSocket->isValid() && (pendingBytes = q_BIO_pending(writeBio)) > 0
+ && plainSocket->openMode() != QIODevice::NotOpen) {
+ // Read encrypted data from the write BIO into a buffer.
+ data.resize(pendingBytes);
+ const int bioReadBytes = q_BIO_read(writeBio,, pendingBytes);
+ // Write encrypted data from the buffer to the socket.
+ qint64 actualWritten = plainSocket->write(data.constData(), bioReadBytes);
+ if (actualWritten < 0)
+ return;
+ plainSocket->flush();
+ }
+bool TlsCryptographOpenSSL::initSslContext()
+ Q_ASSERT(q);
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ // If no external context was set (e.g. by QHttpNetworkConnection) we will
+ // create a new one.
+ const auto mode = d->tlsMode();
+ const auto configuration = q->sslConfiguration();
+ if (!sslContextPointer)
+ sslContextPointer = QSslContext::sharedFromConfiguration(mode, configuration, d->isRootsOnDemandAllowed());
+ if (sslContextPointer->error() != QSslError::NoError) {
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslInvalidUserDataError, sslContextPointer->errorString());
+ sslContextPointer.reset();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Create and initialize SSL session
+ if (!(ssl = sslContextPointer->createSsl())) {
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslInternalError,
+ QSslSocket::tr("Error creating SSL session, %1").arg(QTlsBackendOpenSSL::getErrorsFromOpenSsl()));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (configuration.protocol() != QSsl::UnknownProtocol && mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode) {
+ const auto verificationPeerName = d->verificationName();
+ // Set server hostname on TLS extension. RFC4366 section 3.1 requires it in ACE format.
+ QString tlsHostName = verificationPeerName.isEmpty() ? q->peerName() : verificationPeerName;
+ if (tlsHostName.isEmpty())
+ tlsHostName = d->tlsHostName();
+ QByteArray ace = QUrl::toAce(tlsHostName);
+ // only send the SNI header if the URL is valid and not an IP
+ if (!ace.isEmpty()
+ && !QHostAddress().setAddress(tlsHostName)
+ && !(configuration.testSslOption(QSsl::SslOptionDisableServerNameIndication))) {
+ // We don't send the trailing dot from the host header if present see
+ //
+ if (ace.endsWith('.'))
+ ace.chop(1);
+ qCWarning(lcTlsBackend, "could not set SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_HOSTNAME, Server Name Indication disabled");
+ }
+ }
+ // Clear the session.
+ errorList.clear();
+ // Initialize memory BIOs for encryption and decryption.
+ readBio = q_BIO_new(q_BIO_s_mem());
+ writeBio = q_BIO_new(q_BIO_s_mem());
+ if (!readBio || !writeBio) {
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslInternalError,
+ QSslSocket::tr("Error creating SSL session: %1").arg(QTlsBackendOpenSSL::getErrorsFromOpenSsl()));
+ if (readBio)
+ q_BIO_free(readBio);
+ if (writeBio)
+ q_BIO_free(writeBio);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Assign the bios.
+ q_SSL_set_bio(ssl, readBio, writeBio);
+ if (mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode)
+ q_SSL_set_connect_state(ssl);
+ else
+ q_SSL_set_accept_state(ssl);
+ q_SSL_set_ex_data(ssl, QTlsBackendOpenSSL::s_indexForSSLExtraData, this);
+ // Set the client callback for PSK
+ if (mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode)
+ q_SSL_set_psk_client_callback(ssl, &q_ssl_psk_client_callback);
+ else if (mode == QSslSocket::SslServerMode)
+ q_SSL_set_psk_server_callback(ssl, &q_ssl_psk_server_callback);
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10101006L
+ // Set the client callback for TLSv1.3 PSK
+ if (mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode
+ && QSslSocket::sslLibraryBuildVersionNumber() >= 0x10101006L) {
+ q_SSL_set_psk_use_session_callback(ssl, &q_ssl_psk_use_session_callback);
+ }
+#endif // openssl version >= 0x10101006L
+#endif // OPENSSL_NO_PSK
+#if QT_CONFIG(ocsp)
+ if (configuration.ocspStaplingEnabled()) {
+ if (mode == QSslSocket::SslServerMode) {
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslInvalidUserDataError,
+ QSslSocket::tr("Server-side QSslSocket does not support OCSP stapling"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (q_SSL_set_tlsext_status_type(ssl, TLSEXT_STATUSTYPE_ocsp) != 1) {
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslInternalError,
+ QSslSocket::tr("Failed to enable OCSP stapling"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ ocspResponseDer.clear();
+ const auto backendConfig = configuration.backendConfiguration();
+ auto responsePos = backendConfig.find("Qt-OCSP-response");
+ if (responsePos != backendConfig.end()) {
+ // This is our private, undocumented 'API' we use for the auto-testing of
+ // OCSP-stapling. It must be a der-encoded OCSP response, presumably set
+ // by tst_QOcsp.
+ const QVariant data(responsePos.value());
+ if (data.canConvert<QByteArray>())
+ ocspResponseDer = data.toByteArray();
+ }
+ if (ocspResponseDer.size()) {
+ if (mode != QSslSocket::SslServerMode) {
+ setErrorAndEmit(d, QAbstractSocket::SslInvalidUserDataError,
+ QSslSocket::tr("Client-side sockets do not send OCSP responses"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // ocsp
+ return true;
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::destroySslContext()
+ if (ssl) {
+ if (!q_SSL_in_init(ssl) && !systemOrSslErrorDetected) {
+ // We do not send a shutdown alert here. Just mark the session as
+ // resumable for qhttpnetworkconnection's "optimization", otherwise
+ // OpenSSL won't start a session resumption.
+ if (q_SSL_shutdown(ssl) != 1) {
+ // Some error may be queued, clear it.
+ const auto errors = QTlsBackendOpenSSL::getErrorsFromOpenSsl();
+ Q_UNUSED(errors);
+ }
+ }
+ q_SSL_free(ssl);
+ ssl = nullptr;
+ }
+ sslContextPointer.reset();
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::storePeerCertificates()
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ // Store the peer certificate and chain. For clients, the peer certificate
+ // chain includes the peer certificate; for servers, it doesn't. Both the
+ // peer certificate and the chain may be empty if the peer didn't present
+ // any certificate.
+ X509 *x509 = q_SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl);
+ const auto peerCertificate = QTlsPrivate::X509CertificateOpenSSL::certificateFromX509(x509);
+ QTlsBackend::storePeerCertificate(d, peerCertificate);
+ q_X509_free(x509);
+ auto peerCertificateChain = q->peerCertificateChain();
+ if (peerCertificateChain.isEmpty()) {
+ peerCertificateChain = QTlsPrivate::X509CertificateOpenSSL::stackOfX509ToQSslCertificates(q_SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(ssl));
+ if (!peerCertificate.isNull() && d->tlsMode() == QSslSocket::SslServerMode)
+ peerCertificateChain.prepend(peerCertificate);
+ QTlsBackend::storePeerCertificateChain(d, peerCertificateChain);
+ }
+#if QT_CONFIG(ocsp)
+bool TlsCryptographOpenSSL::checkOcspStatus()
+ Q_ASSERT(ssl);
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ const auto &configuration = q->sslConfiguration();
+ Q_ASSERT(d->tlsMode() == QSslSocket::SslClientMode); // See initSslContext() for SslServerMode
+ Q_ASSERT(configuration.peerVerifyMode() != QSslSocket::VerifyNone);
+ const auto clearErrorQueue = qScopeGuard([] {
+ QTlsBackendOpenSSL::logAndClearErrorQueue();
+ });
+ ocspResponses.clear();
+ ocspErrorDescription.clear();
+ ocspErrors.clear();
+ const unsigned char *responseData = nullptr;
+ const long responseLength = q_SSL_get_tlsext_status_ocsp_resp(ssl, &responseData);
+ if (responseLength <= 0 || !responseData) {
+ ocspErrors.push_back(QSslError(QSslError::OcspNoResponseFound));
+ return false;
+ }
+ OCSP_RESPONSE *response = q_d2i_OCSP_RESPONSE(nullptr, &responseData, responseLength);
+ if (!response) {
+ // Treat this as a fatal SslHandshakeError.
+ ocspErrorDescription = QSslSocket::tr("Failed to decode OCSP response");
+ return false;
+ }
+ const QSharedPointer<OCSP_RESPONSE> responseGuard(response, q_OCSP_RESPONSE_free);
+ const int ocspStatus = q_OCSP_response_status(response);
+ // It's not a definitive response, it's an error message (not signed by the responder).
+ ocspErrors.push_back(QSslError(qt_OCSP_response_status_to_SslError(ocspStatus)));
+ return false;
+ }
+ OCSP_BASICRESP *basicResponse = q_OCSP_response_get1_basic(response);
+ if (!basicResponse) {
+ // SslHandshakeError.
+ ocspErrorDescription = QSslSocket::tr("Failed to extract basic OCSP response");
+ return false;
+ }
+ const QSharedPointer<OCSP_BASICRESP> basicResponseGuard(basicResponse, q_OCSP_BASICRESP_free);
+ SSL_CTX *ctx = q_SSL_get_SSL_CTX(ssl); // Does not increment refcount.
+ Q_ASSERT(ctx);
+ X509_STORE *store = q_SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(ctx); // Does not increment refcount.
+ if (!store) {
+ // SslHandshakeError.
+ ocspErrorDescription = QSslSocket::tr("No certificate verification store, cannot verify OCSP response");
+ return false;
+ }
+ STACK_OF(X509) *peerChain = q_SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(ssl); // Does not increment refcount.
+ X509 *peerX509 = q_SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl);
+ Q_ASSERT(peerChain || peerX509);
+ const QSharedPointer<X509> peerX509Guard(peerX509, q_X509_free);
+ // OCSP_basic_verify with 0 as verificationFlags:
+ //
+ // 0) Tries to find the OCSP responder's certificate in either peerChain
+ // or basicResponse->certs. If not found, verification fails.
+ // 1) It checks the signature using the responder's public key.
+ // 2) Then it tries to validate the responder's cert (building a chain
+ // etc.)
+ // 3) It checks CertID in response.
+ // 4) Ensures the responder is authorized to sign the status respond.
+ //
+ // Note, OpenSSL prior to 1.0.2b would only use bs->certs to
+ // verify the responder's chain (see their commit 4ba9a4265bd).
+ // Working this around - is too much fuss for ancient versions we
+ // are dropping quite soon anyway.
+ const unsigned long verificationFlags = 0;
+ const int success = q_OCSP_basic_verify(basicResponse, peerChain, store, verificationFlags);
+ if (success <= 0)
+ ocspErrors.push_back(QSslError(QSslError::OcspResponseCannotBeTrusted));
+ if (q_OCSP_resp_count(basicResponse) != 1) {
+ ocspErrors.push_back(QSslError(QSslError::OcspMalformedResponse));
+ return false;
+ }
+ OCSP_SINGLERESP *singleResponse = q_OCSP_resp_get0(basicResponse, 0);
+ if (!singleResponse) {
+ ocspErrors.clear();
+ // A fatal problem -> SslHandshakeError.
+ ocspErrorDescription = QSslSocket::tr("Failed to decode a SingleResponse from OCSP status response");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Let's make sure the response is for the correct certificate - we
+ // can re-create this CertID using our peer's certificate and its
+ // issuer's public key.
+ ocspResponses.push_back(QOcspResponse());
+ QOcspResponsePrivate *dResponse = ocspResponses.back();
+ dResponse->subjectCert = configuration.peerCertificate();
+ bool matchFound = false;
+ if (dResponse->subjectCert.isSelfSigned()) {
+ dResponse->signerCert = configuration.peerCertificate();
+ matchFound = qt_OCSP_certificate_match(singleResponse, peerX509, peerX509);
+ } else {
+ const STACK_OF(X509) *certs = q_SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(ssl);
+ if (!certs) // Oh, what a cataclysm! Last try:
+ certs = q_OCSP_resp_get0_certs(basicResponse);
+ if (certs) {
+ // It could be the first certificate in 'certs' is our peer's
+ // certificate. Since it was not captured by the 'self-signed' branch
+ // above, the CertID will not match and we'll just iterate on to the
+ // next certificate. So we start from 0, not 1.
+ for (int i = 0, e = q_sk_X509_num(certs); i < e; ++i) {
+ X509 *issuer = q_sk_X509_value(certs, i);
+ matchFound = qt_OCSP_certificate_match(singleResponse, peerX509, issuer);
+ if (matchFound) {
+ if (q_X509_check_issued(issuer, peerX509) == X509_V_OK) {
+ dResponse->signerCert = QTlsPrivate::X509CertificateOpenSSL::certificateFromX509(issuer);
+ break;
+ }
+ matchFound = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!matchFound) {
+ dResponse->signerCert.clear();
+ ocspErrors.push_back({QSslError::OcspResponseCertIdUnknown, configuration.peerCertificate()});
+ }
+ // Check if the response is valid time-wise:
+ ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME *revTime = nullptr;
+ ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME *thisUpdate = nullptr;
+ ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME *nextUpdate = nullptr;
+ int reason;
+ const int certStatus = q_OCSP_single_get0_status(singleResponse, &reason, &revTime, &thisUpdate, &nextUpdate);
+ if (!thisUpdate) {
+ // This is unexpected, treat as SslHandshakeError, OCSP_check_validity assumes this pointer
+ // to be != nullptr.
+ ocspErrors.clear();
+ ocspResponses.clear();
+ ocspErrorDescription = QSslSocket::tr("Failed to extract 'this update time' from the SingleResponse");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // OCSP_check_validity(this, next, nsec, maxsec) does this check:
+ // this <= now <= next. They allow some freedom to account
+ // for delays/time inaccuracy.
+ // this > now + nsec ? -> NOT_YET_VALID
+ // if maxsec >= 0:
+ // now - maxsec > this ? -> TOO_OLD
+ // now - nsec > next ? -> EXPIRED
+ // next < this ? -> NEXT_BEFORE_THIS
+ // OK.
+ if (!q_OCSP_check_validity(thisUpdate, nextUpdate, 60, -1))
+ ocspErrors.push_back({QSslError::OcspResponseExpired, configuration.peerCertificate()});
+ // And finally, the status:
+ switch (certStatus) {
+ // This certificate was not found among the revoked ones.
+ dResponse->certificateStatus = QOcspCertificateStatus::Good;
+ break;
+ dResponse->certificateStatus = QOcspCertificateStatus::Revoked;
+ dResponse->revocationReason = qt_OCSP_revocation_reason(reason);
+ ocspErrors.push_back({QSslError::CertificateRevoked, configuration.peerCertificate()});
+ break;
+ dResponse->certificateStatus = QOcspCertificateStatus::Unknown;
+ ocspErrors.push_back({QSslError::OcspStatusUnknown, configuration.peerCertificate()});
+ }
+ return !ocspErrors.size();
+#endif // QT_CONFIG(ocsp)
+unsigned TlsCryptographOpenSSL::pskClientTlsCallback(const char *hint, char *identity,
+ unsigned max_identity_len,
+ unsigned char *psk, unsigned max_psk_len)
+ Q_ASSERT(q);
+ QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator authenticator;
+ // Fill in some read-only fields (for the user)
+ const int hintLength = hint ? int(std::strlen(hint)) : 0;
+ QTlsBackend::setupClientPskAuth(&authenticator, hint, hintLength, max_identity_len, max_psk_len);
+ // Let the client provide the remaining bits...
+ emit q->preSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(&authenticator);
+ // No PSK set? Return now to make the handshake fail
+ if (authenticator.preSharedKey().isEmpty())
+ return 0;
+ // Copy data back into OpenSSL
+ const int identityLength = qMin(authenticator.identity().size(), authenticator.maximumIdentityLength());
+ std::memcpy(identity, authenticator.identity().constData(), identityLength);
+ identity[identityLength] = 0;
+ const int pskLength = qMin(authenticator.preSharedKey().size(), authenticator.maximumPreSharedKeyLength());
+ std::memcpy(psk, authenticator.preSharedKey().constData(), pskLength);
+ return pskLength;
+unsigned TlsCryptographOpenSSL::pskServerTlsCallback(const char *identity, unsigned char *psk,
+ unsigned max_psk_len)
+ Q_ASSERT(q);
+ QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator authenticator;
+ // Fill in some read-only fields (for the user)
+ QTlsBackend::setupServerPskAuth(&authenticator, identity, q->sslConfiguration().preSharedKeyIdentityHint(),
+ max_psk_len);
+ emit q->preSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(&authenticator);
+ // No PSK set? Return now to make the handshake fail
+ if (authenticator.preSharedKey().isEmpty())
+ return 0;
+ // Copy data back into OpenSSL
+ const int pskLength = qMin(authenticator.preSharedKey().size(), authenticator.maximumPreSharedKeyLength());
+ std::memcpy(psk, authenticator.preSharedKey().constData(), pskLength);
+ return pskLength;
+bool TlsCryptographOpenSSL::isInSslRead() const
+ return inSslRead;
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::setRenegotiated(bool renegotiated)
+ this->renegotiated = renegotiated;
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::fetchCaRootForCert(const QSslCertificate &cert)
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ Q_ASSERT(q);
+ //The root certificate is downloaded from windows update, which blocks for 15 seconds in the worst case
+ //so the request is done in a worker thread.
+ QList<QSslCertificate> customRoots;
+ if (fetchAuthorityInformation)
+ customRoots = q->sslConfiguration().caCertificates();
+ //Remember we are fetching and what we are fetching:
+ caToFetch = cert;
+ QWindowsCaRootFetcher *fetcher = new QWindowsCaRootFetcher(cert, d->tlsMode(), customRoots,
+ q->peerVerifyName());
+ connect(fetcher, &QWindowsCaRootFetcher::finished, this, &TlsCryptographOpenSSL::caRootLoaded,
+ Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(fetcher, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ QSslSocketPrivate::pauseSocketNotifiers(q);
+ d->setPaused(true);
+void TlsCryptographOpenSSL::caRootLoaded(QSslCertificate cert, QSslCertificate trustedRoot)
+ if (caToFetch != cert) {
+ //Ooops, something from the previous connection attempt, ignore!
+ return;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(d);
+ Q_ASSERT(q);
+ //Done, fetched already:
+ caToFetch.reset();
+ if (fetchAuthorityInformation) {
+ if (!q->sslConfiguration().caCertificates().contains(trustedRoot))
+ trustedRoot = QSslCertificate{};
+ fetchAuthorityInformation = false;
+ }
+ if (!trustedRoot.isNull() && !trustedRoot.isBlacklisted()) {
+ if (QSslSocketPrivate::rootCertOnDemandLoadingSupported()) {
+ //Add the new root cert to default cert list for use by future sockets
+ auto defaultConfig = QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration();
+ defaultConfig.addCaCertificate(trustedRoot);
+ QSslConfiguration::setDefaultConfiguration(defaultConfig);
+ }
+ //Add the new root cert to this socket for future connections
+ QTlsBackend::addTustedRoot(d, trustedRoot);
+ //Remove the broken chain ssl errors (as chain is verified by windows)
+ for (int i=sslErrors.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ if ( == cert) {
+ switch ( {
+ case QSslError::UnableToGetLocalIssuerCertificate:
+ case QSslError::CertificateUntrusted:
+ case QSslError::UnableToVerifyFirstCertificate:
+ case QSslError::SelfSignedCertificateInChain:
+ // error can be ignored if OS says the chain is trusted
+ sslErrors.removeAt(i);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // error cannot be ignored
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ auto *plainSocket = d->plainTcpSocket();
+ Q_ASSERT(plainSocket);
+ // Continue with remaining errors
+ if (plainSocket)
+ plainSocket->resume();
+ d->setPaused(false);
+ if (checkSslErrors() && ssl) {
+ bool willClose = (d->isAutoStartingHandshake() && d->isPendingClose());
+ continueHandshake();
+ if (!willClose)
+ transmit();
+ }
+#endif // Q_OS_WIN
+} // namespace QTlsPrivate