path: root/src/widgets/styles/qmotifstyle.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/widgets/styles/qmotifstyle.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/src/widgets/styles/qmotifstyle.cpp b/src/widgets/styles/qmotifstyle.cpp
index 331b70f153..f02771ab61 100644
--- a/src/widgets/styles/qmotifstyle.cpp
+++ b/src/widgets/styles/qmotifstyle.cpp
@@ -346,41 +346,6 @@ void QMotifStyle::drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement pe, const QStyleOption *opt, QP
const QWidget *w) const
switch(pe) {
- case PE_Q3CheckListExclusiveIndicator:
- if (const QStyleOptionQ3ListView *lv = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionQ3ListView *>(opt)) {
- if (lv->items.isEmpty())
- return;
- if (lv->state & State_Enabled)
- p->setPen(QPen(opt->palette.text().color()));
- else
- p->setPen(QPen(lv->palette.color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text)));
- QPolygon a;
- int cx = opt->rect.width()/2 - 1;
- int cy = opt->rect.height()/2;
- int e = opt->rect.width()/2 - 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //penWidth 2 doesn't quite work
- a.setPoints(4, cx-e, cy, cx, cy-e, cx+e, cy, cx, cy+e);
- p->drawPolygon(a);
- e--;
- }
- if (opt->state & State_On) {
- if (lv->state & State_Enabled)
- p->setPen(QPen(opt->palette.text().color()));
- else
- p->setPen(QPen(lv->palette.color(QPalette::Disabled,
- QPalette::Text)));
- QBrush saveBrush = p->brush();
- p->setBrush(opt->palette.text());
- e = e - 2;
- a.setPoints(4, cx-e, cy, cx, cy-e, cx+e, cy, cx, cy+e);
- p->drawPolygon(a);
- p->setBrush(saveBrush);
- }
- }
- break;
case PE_FrameTabWidget:
case PE_FrameWindow:
qDrawShadePanel(p, opt->rect, opt->palette, QStyle::State_None, proxy()->pixelMetric(PM_DefaultFrameWidth));
@@ -1672,105 +1637,6 @@ void QMotifStyle::drawComplexControl(ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionComple
break; }
- case CC_Q3ListView:
- if (opt->subControls & (SC_Q3ListViewBranch | SC_Q3ListViewExpand)) {
- int i;
- if (opt->subControls & SC_Q3ListView)
- QCommonStyle::drawComplexControl(cc, opt, p, widget);
- if (const QStyleOptionQ3ListView *lv = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionQ3ListView *>(opt)) {
- QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem item = lv->;
- int y = opt->rect.y();
- int c;
- QPolygon dotlines;
- if ((opt->activeSubControls & SC_All) && (opt->subControls & SC_Q3ListViewExpand)) {
- c = 2;
- dotlines.resize(2);
- dotlines[0] = QPoint(opt->rect.right(), opt->;
- dotlines[1] = QPoint(opt->rect.right(), opt->rect.bottom());
- } else {
- int linetop = 0, linebot = 0;
- // each branch needs at most two lines, ie. four end points
- dotlines.resize(item.childCount * 4);
- c = 0;
- // skip the stuff above the exposed rectangle
- for (i = 1; i < lv->items.size(); ++i) {
- QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem child = lv->;
- if (child.height + y > 0)
- break;
- y += child.totalHeight;
- }
- int bx = opt->rect.width() / 2;
- // paint stuff in the magical area
- while (i < lv->items.size() && y < lv->rect.height()) {
- QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem child = lv->;
- if (child.features & QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Visible) {
- int lh;
- if (!(item.features & QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::MultiLine))
- lh = child.height;
- else
- lh = p->fontMetrics().height() + 2 * lv->itemMargin;
- lh = qMax(lh, QApplication::globalStrut().height());
- if (lh % 2 > 0)
- lh++;
- linebot = y + lh/2;
- if ((child.features & QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Expandable || child.childCount > 0) &&
- child.height > 0) {
- // needs a box
- p->setPen(opt->palette.text().color());
- p->drawRect(bx-4, linebot-4, 9, 9);
- QPolygon a;
- if ((child.state & State_Open))
- a.setPoints(3, bx-2, linebot-2,
- bx, linebot+2,
- bx+2, linebot-2); //Qt::RightArrow
- else
- a.setPoints(3, bx-2, linebot-2,
- bx+2, linebot,
- bx-2, linebot+2); //Qt::DownArrow
- p->setBrush(opt->palette.text());
- p->drawPolygon(a);
- p->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
- // dotlinery
- dotlines[c++] = QPoint(bx, linetop);
- dotlines[c++] = QPoint(bx, linebot - 5);
- dotlines[c++] = QPoint(bx + 5, linebot);
- dotlines[c++] = QPoint(opt->rect.width(), linebot);
- linetop = linebot + 5;
- } else {
- // just dotlinery
- dotlines[c++] = QPoint(bx+1, linebot);
- dotlines[c++] = QPoint(opt->rect.width(), linebot);
- }
- y += child.totalHeight;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- // Expand line height to edge of rectangle if there's any
- // visible child below
- while (i < lv->items.size() && lv-> <= 0)
- ++i;
- if (i < lv->items.size())
- linebot = opt->rect.height();
- if (linetop < linebot) {
- dotlines[c++] = QPoint(bx, linetop);
- dotlines[c++] = QPoint(bx, linebot);
- }
- }
- int line; // index into dotlines
- p->setPen(opt->palette.text().color());
- if (opt->subControls & SC_Q3ListViewBranch) for(line = 0; line < c; line += 2) {
- p->drawLine(dotlines[line].x(), dotlines[line].y(),
- dotlines[line+1].x(), dotlines[line+1].y());
- }
- }
- break; }
QCommonStyle::drawComplexControl(cc, opt, p, widget);
@@ -2123,20 +1989,6 @@ QMotifStyle::subElementRect(SubElement sr, const QStyleOption *opt, const QWidge
- case SE_Q3DockWindowHandleRect:
- if (const QStyleOptionQ3DockWindow *dw = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionQ3DockWindow *>(opt)) {
- if (!dw->docked || !dw->closeEnabled)
- rect.setRect(0, 0, opt->rect.width(), opt->rect.height());
- else {
- if (dw->state == State_Horizontal)
- rect.setRect(2, 15, opt->rect.width()-2, opt->rect.height() - 15);
- else
- rect.setRect(0, 2, opt->rect.width() - 15, opt->rect.height() - 2);
- }
- rect = visualRect(dw->direction, dw->rect, rect);
- }
- break;
case SE_ProgressBarLabel:
case SE_ProgressBarGroove:
case SE_ProgressBarContents: