path: root/tests/auto/corelib
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1 files changed, 165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qobject/tst_qobject.cpp b/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qobject/tst_qobject.cpp
index 31268c5cf3..b823ca2aab 100644
--- a/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qobject/tst_qobject.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/corelib/kernel/qobject/tst_qobject.cpp
@@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ private slots:
void mutableFunctor();
void checkArgumentsForNarrowing();
void nullReceiver();
+ void functorReferencesConnection();
+ void disconnectDisconnects();
struct QObjectCreatedOnShutdown
@@ -7487,6 +7489,169 @@ void tst_QObject::nullReceiver()
QVERIFY(!connect(&o, SIGNAL(destroyed()), nullObj, SLOT(deleteLater())));
+void tst_QObject::functorReferencesConnection()
+ countedStructObjectsCount = 0;
+ QMetaObject::Connection globalCon;
+ {
+ GetSenderObject obj;
+ CountedStruct counted(&obj);
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 1);
+ auto c = QSharedPointer<QMetaObject::Connection>::create();
+ int slotCalled = 0;
+ *c = connect(&obj, &GetSenderObject::aSignal, &obj, [&slotCalled, c, counted] {
+ QObject::disconnect(*c);
+ slotCalled++;
+ });
+ globalCon = *c; // keep a handle to the connection somewhere;
+ QVERIFY(globalCon);
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 2);
+ obj.triggerSignal();
+ QCOMPARE(slotCalled, 1);
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 1);
+ QVERIFY(!globalCon);
+ obj.triggerSignal();
+ QCOMPARE(slotCalled, 1);
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 1);
+ }
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 0);
+ {
+ GetSenderObject obj;
+ CountedStruct counted(&obj);
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 1);
+ auto *rec = new QObject;
+ int slotCalled = 0;
+ globalCon = connect(&obj, &GetSenderObject::aSignal, rec, [&slotCalled, rec, counted] {
+ delete rec;
+ slotCalled++;
+ });
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 2);
+ obj.triggerSignal();
+ QCOMPARE(slotCalled, 1);
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 1);
+ QVERIFY(!globalCon);
+ obj.triggerSignal();
+ QCOMPARE(slotCalled, 1);
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 1);
+ }
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 0);
+ {
+ int slotCalled = 0;
+ QEventLoop eventLoop;
+ {
+ // Sender will be destroyed when the labda goes out of scope lambda, so it will exit the event loop
+ auto sender = QSharedPointer<GetSenderObject>::create();
+ connect(, &QObject::destroyed, &eventLoop, &QEventLoop::quit, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ globalCon = connect(, &GetSenderObject::aSignal, this, [&slotCalled, sender, &globalCon, this] {
+ ++slotCalled;
+ // This signal will be connected, but should never be called as the sender will be destroyed before
+ auto c2 = connect(, &GetSenderObject::aSignal, [] { QFAIL("Should not be called"); });
+ QVERIFY(c2);
+ QVERIFY(QObject::disconnect(, nullptr, this, nullptr));
+ QVERIFY(!globalCon); // this connection has been disconnected
+ QVERIFY(c2); // sender should not have been deleted yet, only after the emission is done
+ });
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(, &GetSenderObject::triggerSignal, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(, &GetSenderObject::triggerSignal, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(, &GetSenderObject::triggerSignal, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ }
+ eventLoop.exec();
+ QCOMPARE(slotCalled, 1);
+ }
+ {
+ GetSenderObject obj;
+ CountedStruct counted(&obj);
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 1);
+ auto c1 = QSharedPointer<QMetaObject::Connection>::create();
+ auto c2 = QSharedPointer<QMetaObject::Connection>::create();
+ int slot1Called = 0;
+ int slot3Called = 0;
+ *c1 = connect(&obj, &GetSenderObject::aSignal, &obj, [&slot1Called, &slot3Called, &obj, c1, c2, counted] {
+ auto c3 = connect(&obj, &GetSenderObject::aSignal, [counted, &slot3Called] {
+ slot3Called++;
+ });
+ // top-level + the one in the 3 others lambdas
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 4);
+ QObject::disconnect(*c2);
+ // the one in the c2's lambda is gone
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 3);
+ slot1Called++;
+ });
+ connect(&obj, &GetSenderObject::aSignal, [] {}); // just a dummy signal to fill the connection list
+ *c2 = connect(&obj, &GetSenderObject::aSignal, [counted, c2] { QFAIL("should not be called"); });
+ QVERIFY(c1 && c2);
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 3); // top-level + c1 + c2
+ obj.triggerSignal();
+ QCOMPARE(slot1Called, 1);
+ QCOMPARE(slot3Called, 0);
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 3); // top-level + c1 + c3
+ QObject::disconnect(*c1);
+ QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 2); // top-level + c3
+ obj.triggerSignal();
+ QCOMPARE(slot1Called, 1);
+ QCOMPARE(slot3Called, 1);
+ }
+ {
+ struct DestroyEmit {
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(DestroyEmit);
+ explicit DestroyEmit(SenderObject *obj) : obj(obj) {}
+ SenderObject *obj;
+ ~DestroyEmit() {
+ obj->emitSignal1();
+ }
+ };
+ SenderObject obj;
+ int slot1Called = 0;
+ int slot2Called = 0;
+ int slot3Called = 0;
+ auto c1 = QSharedPointer<QMetaObject::Connection>::create();
+ auto de = QSharedPointer<DestroyEmit>::create(&obj);
+ *c1 = connect(&obj, &SenderObject::signal1, [&slot1Called, &slot3Called, de, c1, &obj] {
+ connect(&obj, &SenderObject::signal1, [&slot3Called] { slot3Called++; });
+ slot1Called++;
+ QObject::disconnect(*c1);
+ });
+ de.clear();
+ connect(&obj, &SenderObject::signal1, [&slot2Called] { slot2Called++; });
+ obj.emitSignal1();
+ QCOMPARE(slot1Called, 1);
+ QCOMPARE(slot2Called, 2); // because also called from ~DestroyEmit
+ QCOMPARE(slot3Called, 1);
+ }
+void tst_QObject::disconnectDisconnects()
+ // Test what happens if the destructor of an functor slot also disconnects more slot;
+ SenderObject s1;
+ QScopedPointer<QObject> receiver(new QObject);
+ auto s2 = QSharedPointer<SenderObject>::create();
+ QPointer<QObject> s2_tracker =;
+ int count = 0;
+ connect(&s1, &SenderObject::signal1, [&count] { count++; }); // α
+ connect(&s1, &SenderObject::signal1,, [s2] { QFAIL("!!"); }); // β
+ connect(, &SenderObject::signal1,, [] { QFAIL("!!"); });
+ connect(&s1, &SenderObject::signal2,, [] { QFAIL("!!"); });
+ connect(, &SenderObject::signal2,, [] { QFAIL("!!"); });
+ connect(&s1, &SenderObject::signal1, [&count] { count++; }); // γ
+ connect(&s1, &SenderObject::signal2, [&count] { count++; }); // δ
+ s2.clear();
+ QVERIFY(s2_tracker);
+ receiver
+ .reset(); // this will delete the receiver which must also delete s2 as β is disconnected
+ QVERIFY(!s2_tracker);
+ // test that the data structures are still in order
+ s1.emitSignal1();
+ QCOMPARE(count, 2); // α + γ
+ s1.emitSignal2();
+ QCOMPARE(count, 3); // + δ
// Test for QtPrivate::HasQ_OBJECT_Macro