path: root/tests/auto/corelib
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/corelib')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/corelib/itemmodels/qsortfilterproxymodel/tst_qsortfilterproxymodel.cpp b/tests/auto/corelib/itemmodels/qsortfilterproxymodel/tst_qsortfilterproxymodel.cpp
index 6444b76a3a..2346ca6d30 100644
--- a/tests/auto/corelib/itemmodels/qsortfilterproxymodel/tst_qsortfilterproxymodel.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/corelib/itemmodels/qsortfilterproxymodel/tst_qsortfilterproxymodel.cpp
@@ -148,6 +148,9 @@ private slots:
void sourceLayoutChangeLeavesValidPersistentIndexes();
void rowMoveLeavesValidPersistentIndexes();
+ void emitLayoutChangedOnlyIfSortingChanged_data();
+ void emitLayoutChangedOnlyIfSortingChanged();
void buildHierarchy(const QStringList &data, QAbstractItemModel *model);
void checkHierarchy(const QStringList &data, const QAbstractItemModel *model);
@@ -2057,8 +2060,6 @@ static void checkSortedTableModel(const QAbstractItemModel *model, const QString
void tst_QSortFilterProxyModel::changeSourceDataKeepsStableSorting_qtbug1548()
- QSKIP("This test will fail, see QTBUG-1548");
// Check that emitting dataChanged from the source model
// for a change of a role which is not the sorting role
// doesn't alter the sorting. In this case, we sort on the DisplayRole,
@@ -3568,6 +3569,13 @@ void tst_QSortFilterProxyModel::testParentLayoutChanged()
parentItem = item;
+ // item 0
+ // item 10
+ // - item 1
+ // - item 11
+ // - item 2
+ // - item 12
+ // ...
QSortFilterProxyModel proxy;
proxy.sort(0, Qt::AscendingOrder);
@@ -3609,11 +3617,12 @@ void tst_QSortFilterProxyModel::testParentLayoutChanged()
QStandardItem *item = model.invisibleRootItem()->child(1)->child(1);
+ QCOMPARE(item->text(), QStringLiteral("item 11"));
// Ensure mapped:
- item->setData("Changed");
+ item->setText("Changed");
QCOMPARE(dataChangedSpy.size(), 1);
QCOMPARE(layoutAboutToBeChangedSpy.size(), 1);
@@ -4353,5 +4362,129 @@ void tst_QSortFilterProxyModel::rowMoveLeavesValidPersistentIndexes()
+void tst_QSortFilterProxyModel::emitLayoutChangedOnlyIfSortingChanged_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("changedRow");
+ QTest::addColumn<Qt::ItemDataRole>("changedRole");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("newData");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("expectedSourceRowTexts");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("expectedProxyRowTexts");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedLayoutChanged");
+ // Starting point:
+ // a source model with 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
+ // a proxy model keeping only even rows and sorting them, therefore showing 2,4,6,8
+ // When setData changes ordering, layoutChanged should be emitted
+ QTest::newRow("ordering_change") << 0 << Qt::DisplayRole << "0" << "07654321" << "0246" << 1;
+ // When setData on visible row doesn't change ordering, layoutChanged should not be emitted
+ QTest::newRow("no_ordering_change") << 6 << Qt::DisplayRole << "0" << "87654301" << "0468" << 0;
+ // When setData happens on a filtered out row, layoutChanged should not be emitted
+ QTest::newRow("filtered_out") << 1 << Qt::DisplayRole << "9" << "89654321" << "2468" << 0;
+ // When setData makes a row visible, layoutChanged should not be emitted (rowsInserted is emitted instead)
+ QTest::newRow("make_row_visible") << 7 << Qt::DisplayRole << "0" << "87654320" << "02468" << 0;
+ // When setData makes a row hidden, layoutChanged should not be emitted (rowsRemoved is emitted instead)
+ QTest::newRow("make_row_hidden") << 4 << Qt::DisplayRole << "1" << "87651321" << "268" << 0;
+ // When setData happens on an unrelated role, layoutChanged should not be emitted
+ QTest::newRow("unrelated_role") << 0 << Qt::DecorationRole << "" << "87654321" << "2468" << 0;
+ // When many changes happen together... and trigger removal, insertion, and layoutChanged
+ QTest::newRow("many_changes") << -1 << Qt::DisplayRole << "3,4,2,5,6,0,7,9" << "34256079" << "0246" << 1;
+ // When many changes happen together... and trigger removal, insertion, but no change in ordering of visible rows => no layoutChanged
+ QTest::newRow("many_changes_no_layoutChanged") << -1 << Qt::DisplayRole << "7,5,4,3,2,1,0,8" << "75432108" << "0248" << 0;
+void tst_QSortFilterProxyModel::emitLayoutChangedOnlyIfSortingChanged()
+ QFETCH(int, changedRow);
+ QFETCH(QString, newData);
+ QFETCH(Qt::ItemDataRole, changedRole);
+ QFETCH(QString, expectedSourceRowTexts);
+ QFETCH(QString, expectedProxyRowTexts);
+ QFETCH(int, expectedLayoutChanged);
+ // Custom version of QStringListModel which supports emitting dataChanged for many rows at once
+ class CustomStringListModel : public QAbstractListModel
+ {
+ public:
+ bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) override
+ {
+ if (index.row() >= 0 && index.row() < lst.size()
+ && (role == Qt::EditRole || role == Qt::DisplayRole)) {
+ lst.replace(index.row(), value.toString());
+ emit dataChanged(index, index, {Qt::DisplayRole, Qt::EditRole});
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override
+ {
+ if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole)
+ return;
+ return QVariant();
+ }
+ int rowCount(const QModelIndex & = QModelIndex()) const override
+ {
+ return lst.count();
+ }
+ void replaceData(const QStringList &newData)
+ {
+ lst = newData;
+ emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(rowCount()-1, 0), {Qt::DisplayRole, Qt::EditRole});
+ }
+ void emitDecorationChangedSignal()
+ {
+ const QModelIndex idx = index(0, 0);
+ emit dataChanged(idx, idx, {Qt::DecorationRole});
+ }
+ private:
+ QStringList lst;
+ };
+ CustomStringListModel model;
+ QStringList strings;
+ for (auto i = 8; i >= 1; --i)
+ strings.append(QString::number(i));
+ model.replaceData(strings);
+ QCOMPARE(rowTexts(&model), QStringLiteral("87654321"));
+ class FilterEvenRowsProxyModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel
+ {
+ public:
+ bool filterAcceptsRow(int srcRow, const QModelIndex& srcParent) const override
+ {
+ return sourceModel()->index(srcRow, 0, srcParent).data().toInt() % 2 == 0;
+ }
+ };
+ FilterEvenRowsProxyModel proxy;
+ proxy.sort(0);
+ proxy.setSourceModel(&model);
+ QCOMPARE(rowTexts(&proxy), QStringLiteral("2468"));
+ QSignalSpy modelDataChangedSpy(&model, &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged);
+ QSignalSpy proxyLayoutChangedSpy(&proxy, &QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged);
+ if (changedRole == Qt::DecorationRole)
+ model.emitDecorationChangedSignal();
+ else if (changedRow == -1)
+ model.replaceData(newData.split(QLatin1Char(',')));
+ else
+ model.setData(model.index(changedRow, 0), newData, changedRole);
+ QCOMPARE(rowTexts(&model), expectedSourceRowTexts);
+ QCOMPARE(rowTexts(&proxy), expectedProxyRowTexts);
+ QCOMPARE(modelDataChangedSpy.size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(proxyLayoutChangedSpy.size(), expectedLayoutChanged);
#include "tst_qsortfilterproxymodel.moc"