path: root/tests/auto/gui/text/qtextdocument/tst_qtextdocument.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/gui/text/qtextdocument/tst_qtextdocument.cpp')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/gui/text/qtextdocument/tst_qtextdocument.cpp b/tests/auto/gui/text/qtextdocument/tst_qtextdocument.cpp
index 335ee06e2f..600b45575f 100644
--- a/tests/auto/gui/text/qtextdocument/tst_qtextdocument.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/gui/text/qtextdocument/tst_qtextdocument.cpp
@@ -4053,20 +4053,107 @@ void tst_QTextDocument::restoreStrokeFromHtml()
QTextDocument document;
QTextCursor textCursor(&document);
QTextCharFormat textOutline;
- textOutline.setTextOutline(QPen(Qt::red, 2.3));
- textCursor.insertText("Outlined text", textOutline);
+ // Set stroke color and width
+ {
+ QPen pen(Qt::red, 2.3, Qt::SolidLine);
+ textOutline.setTextOutline(pen);
+ textCursor.insertText("Outlined text", textOutline);
+ }
+ // Set Cap and Join styles
+ {
+ QPen pen;
+ pen.setCapStyle(Qt::FlatCap);
+ pen.setJoinStyle(Qt::RoundJoin);
+ textOutline.setTextOutline(pen);
+ textCursor.insertBlock();
+ textCursor.insertText("Cap and Join Style", textOutline);
+ }
+ // Set Miter limit
+ {
+ QPen pen;
+ pen.setJoinStyle(Qt::MiterJoin);
+ pen.setMiterLimit(4);
+ textOutline.setTextOutline(pen);
+ textCursor.insertBlock();
+ textCursor.insertText("Miter Limit", textOutline);
+ }
+ // Set Dash Array and Dash Offset
+ {
+ QPen pen;
+ QList<qreal> pattern;
+ const int dash = 2;
+ const int gap = 4;
+ pattern << dash << gap << dash << gap << dash << gap;
+ pen.setDashPattern(pattern);
+ pen.setDashOffset(3);
+ textOutline.setTextOutline(pen);
+ textCursor.insertBlock();
+ textCursor.insertText("Dash Pattern", textOutline);
+ }
QTextDocument otherDocument;
- QCOMPARE(otherDocument.blockCount(), 1);
- QTextBlock block = otherDocument.firstBlock();
- QTextFragment fragment = block.begin().fragment();
- QCOMPARE(fragment.text(), QStringLiteral("Outlined text"));
- QTextCharFormat fmt = fragment.charFormat();
- QVERIFY(fmt.hasProperty(QTextCharFormat::TextOutline));
- QPen pen = fmt.textOutline();
- QCOMPARE(pen.color(), QColor(Qt::red));
- QCOMPARE(pen.widthF(), 2.3);
+ QCOMPARE(otherDocument.blockCount(), document.blockCount());
+ QTextBlock block;
+ QTextFragment fragment;
+ QTextCharFormat fmt;
+ QPen pen;
+ {
+ block = otherDocument.findBlockByNumber(0);
+ fragment = block.begin().fragment();
+ QCOMPARE(fragment.text(), QStringLiteral("Outlined text"));
+ fmt = fragment.charFormat();
+ QVERIFY(fmt.hasProperty(QTextCharFormat::TextOutline));
+ pen = fmt.textOutline();
+ QCOMPARE(pen.color(), QColor(Qt::red));
+ QCOMPARE(pen.widthF(), 2.3);
+ }
+ {
+ block = otherDocument.findBlockByNumber(1);
+ qDebug() << block.text();
+ fragment = block.begin().fragment();
+ QCOMPARE(fragment.text(), QStringLiteral("Cap and Join Style"));
+ fmt = fragment.charFormat();
+ QVERIFY(fmt.hasProperty(QTextCharFormat::TextOutline));
+ pen = fmt.textOutline();
+ QCOMPARE(pen.capStyle(), Qt::FlatCap);
+ QCOMPARE(pen.joinStyle(), Qt::RoundJoin);
+ }
+ {
+ block = otherDocument.findBlockByNumber(2);
+ fragment = block.begin().fragment();
+ QCOMPARE(fragment.text(), QStringLiteral("Miter Limit"));
+ fmt = fragment.charFormat();
+ QVERIFY(fmt.hasProperty(QTextCharFormat::TextOutline));
+ pen = fmt.textOutline();
+ QCOMPARE(pen.joinStyle(), Qt::MiterJoin);
+ QCOMPARE(pen.miterLimit(), 4);
+ }
+ {
+ block = otherDocument.findBlockByNumber(3);
+ fragment = block.begin().fragment();
+ QCOMPARE(fragment.text(), QStringLiteral("Dash Pattern"));
+ fmt = fragment.charFormat();
+ QVERIFY(fmt.hasProperty(QTextCharFormat::TextOutline));
+ pen = fmt.textOutline();
+ QCOMPARE(pen.dashOffset(), 3);
+ QList<qreal> pattern;
+ const int dash = 2;
+ const int gap = 4;
+ pattern << dash << gap << dash << gap << dash << gap;
+ QCOMPARE(pen.dashPattern(), pattern);
+ }