path: root/tests/manual/rhi/texturearray
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/manual/rhi/texturearray')
2 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/manual/rhi/texturearray/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/manual/rhi/texturearray/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4618f939e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/manual/rhi/texturearray/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ texturearray.cpp
+ Qt::Gui
+ Qt::GuiPrivate
+ PROPERTIES QT_RESOURCE_ALIAS "texture_arr.vert.qsb"
+ PROPERTIES QT_RESOURCE_ALIAS "texture_arr.frag.qsb"
+ "../shared/texture_arr.vert.qsb"
+ "../shared/texture_arr.frag.qsb"
+qt_internal_add_resource(texturearray "texturearray"
+ "/"
+ ${texturearray_resource_files}
diff --git a/tests/manual/rhi/texturearray/texturearray.cpp b/tests/manual/rhi/texturearray/texturearray.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..241f440e01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/manual/rhi/texturearray/texturearray.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "../shared/examplefw.h"
+#include <QElapsedTimer>
+// Creates a texture array object with size 4, uploads a different
+// image to each, and cycles through them on-screen.
+static const int ARRAY_SIZE = 4;
+static const int UBUF_SIZE = 72;
+static float vertexData[] =
+{ // Y up, CCW
+ -0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
+ -0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ 0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f,
+ 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f
+static quint16 indexData[] =
+ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3
+struct {
+ QList<QRhiResource *> releasePool;
+ QRhiTexture *texArr = nullptr;
+ QRhiSampler *sampler = nullptr;
+ QRhiShaderResourceBindings *srb = nullptr;
+ QRhiBuffer *vbuf = nullptr;
+ QRhiBuffer *ibuf = nullptr;
+ QRhiBuffer *ubuf = nullptr;
+ QRhiGraphicsPipeline *ps = nullptr;
+ QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *initialUpdates = nullptr;
+ QMatrix4x4 winProj;
+ QElapsedTimer t;
+ int arrayIndex = 0;
+} d;
+void Window::customInit()
+ if (!m_r->isFeatureSupported(QRhi::TextureArrays))
+ qFatal("Texture array objects are not supported by this backend");
+ d.texArr = m_r->newTextureArray(QRhiTexture::RGBA8, ARRAY_SIZE, QSize(512, 512), 1,
+ // mipmaps will be generated, to exercise that too
+ QRhiTexture::MipMapped | QRhiTexture::UsedWithGenerateMips);
+ d.releasePool << d.texArr;
+ d.texArr->create();
+ d.initialUpdates = m_r->nextResourceUpdateBatch();
+ QImage img(512, 512, QImage::Format_RGBA8888);
+ img.fill(Qt::red);
+ d.initialUpdates->uploadTexture(d.texArr, QRhiTextureUploadDescription(QRhiTextureUploadEntry(0, 0, QRhiTextureSubresourceUploadDescription(img))));
+ img.fill(Qt::green);
+ d.initialUpdates->uploadTexture(d.texArr, QRhiTextureUploadDescription(QRhiTextureUploadEntry(1, 0, QRhiTextureSubresourceUploadDescription(img))));
+ img.fill(Qt::blue);
+ d.initialUpdates->uploadTexture(d.texArr, QRhiTextureUploadDescription(QRhiTextureUploadEntry(2, 0, QRhiTextureSubresourceUploadDescription(img))));
+ img.fill(Qt::yellow);
+ d.initialUpdates->uploadTexture(d.texArr, QRhiTextureUploadDescription(QRhiTextureUploadEntry(3, 0, QRhiTextureSubresourceUploadDescription(img))));
+ d.initialUpdates->generateMips(d.texArr);
+ d.sampler = m_r->newSampler(QRhiSampler::Linear, QRhiSampler::Linear, QRhiSampler::Linear,
+ QRhiSampler::ClampToEdge, QRhiSampler::ClampToEdge);
+ d.releasePool << d.sampler;
+ d.sampler->create();
+ d.ubuf = m_r->newBuffer(QRhiBuffer::Dynamic, QRhiBuffer::UniformBuffer, UBUF_SIZE);
+ d.releasePool << d.ubuf;
+ d.ubuf->create();
+ d.srb = m_r->newShaderResourceBindings();
+ d.releasePool << d.srb;
+ d.srb->setBindings({
+ QRhiShaderResourceBinding::uniformBuffer(0, QRhiShaderResourceBinding::VertexStage | QRhiShaderResourceBinding::FragmentStage, d.ubuf, 0, UBUF_SIZE),
+ QRhiShaderResourceBinding::sampledTexture(1, QRhiShaderResourceBinding::FragmentStage, d.texArr, d.sampler)
+ });
+ d.srb->create();
+ d.vbuf = m_r->newBuffer(QRhiBuffer::Immutable, QRhiBuffer::VertexBuffer, sizeof(vertexData));
+ d.releasePool << d.vbuf;
+ d.vbuf->create();
+ d.ibuf = m_r->newBuffer(QRhiBuffer::Immutable, QRhiBuffer::IndexBuffer, sizeof(indexData));
+ d.releasePool << d.ibuf;
+ d.ibuf->create();
+ d.initialUpdates->uploadStaticBuffer(d.vbuf, 0, sizeof(vertexData), vertexData);
+ d.initialUpdates->uploadStaticBuffer(d.ibuf, indexData);
+ = m_r->newGraphicsPipeline();
+ d.releasePool <<;
+ { QRhiShaderStage::Vertex, getShader(QLatin1String(":/texture_arr.vert.qsb")) },
+ { QRhiShaderStage::Fragment, getShader(QLatin1String(":/texture_arr.frag.qsb")) }
+ });
+ QRhiVertexInputLayout inputLayout;
+ inputLayout.setBindings({ { 4 * sizeof(float) } });
+ inputLayout.setAttributes({
+ { 0, 0, QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float2, 0 },
+ { 0, 1, QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float2, quint32(2 * sizeof(float)) }
+ });
+ d.t.start();
+void Window::customRelease()
+ qDeleteAll(d.releasePool);
+ d.releasePool.clear();
+void Window::customRender()
+ QRhiCommandBuffer *cb = m_sc->currentFrameCommandBuffer();
+ QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *u = m_r->nextResourceUpdateBatch();
+ if (d.initialUpdates) {
+ u->merge(d.initialUpdates);
+ d.initialUpdates->release();
+ d.initialUpdates = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (d.winProj != m_proj) {
+ d.winProj = m_proj;
+ QMatrix4x4 mvp = m_proj;
+ mvp.scale(2);
+ u->updateDynamicBuffer(d.ubuf, 0, 64, mvp.constData());
+ const qint32 flip = 0;
+ u->updateDynamicBuffer(d.ubuf, 64, 4, &flip);
+ u->updateDynamicBuffer(d.ubuf, 68, 4, &d.arrayIndex);
+ }
+ if (d.t.elapsed() > 2000) {
+ d.t.restart();
+ d.arrayIndex = (d.arrayIndex + 1) % ARRAY_SIZE;
+ u->updateDynamicBuffer(d.ubuf, 68, 4, &d.arrayIndex);
+ }
+ const QSize outputSizeInPixels = m_sc->currentPixelSize();
+ cb->beginPass(m_sc->currentFrameRenderTarget(), m_clearColor, { 1.0f, 0 }, u);
+ cb->setGraphicsPipeline(;
+ cb->setViewport({ 0, 0, float(outputSizeInPixels.width()), float(outputSizeInPixels.height()) });
+ cb->setShaderResources();
+ QRhiCommandBuffer::VertexInput vbufBinding(d.vbuf, 0);
+ cb->setVertexInput(0, 1, &vbufBinding, d.ibuf, 0, QRhiCommandBuffer::IndexUInt16);
+ cb->drawIndexed(6);
+ cb->endPass();