path: root/dist/changes-5.2.0
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Mark most of the contents of QtAlgorithms as deprecated.Robin Burchell2013-09-211-0/+29
* Fix QSpinBox size calculation problem with stylesheetsCaroline Chao2013-09-041-0/+3
* QTreeView - allow users to control data in the treestructureThorbjørn Lund Martsum2013-08-071-0/+3
* QSizePolicy - add retainSizeWhenHiddenThorbjørn Lund Martsum2013-07-101-0/+2
* Make QTime::toString output milliseconds for Qt::TextDate, Qt::ISODate.Mitch Curtis2013-06-031-0/+7
* Silently strip leading dot off QFileDialog default suffixes.Friedemann Kleint2013-05-211-0/+2
* QHeaderView - add parameter to control sizeHint precisionThorbjørn Martsum2013-05-131-0/+4
* QAbstractScrollArea - add SizeAdjustPolicy and viewportSizeHintChristoph Schleifenbaum2013-04-221-0/+27