path: root/examples
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authorMiikka Heikkinen <>2013-09-04 08:24:21 +0300
committerMiikka Heikkinen <>2013-09-04 08:28:42 +0300
commitdd3a2d591cfd775311f54425220263b1aa2f3798 (patch)
treeb8516337ef117a24826cb49106196a6965dd9699 /examples
parentbc1771d0ea20eb3b42beccddbe852541e107ab65 (diff)
Remove maps
Change-Id: I4414919764f5c33242847d9ac873ae03845a00b4 Reviewed-by: Tomi Korpipää <>
Diffstat (limited to 'examples')
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diff --git a/examples/mapdata/doc/images/mapdata-example.png b/examples/mapdata/doc/images/mapdata-example.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bd8fc18..00000000
--- a/examples/mapdata/doc/images/mapdata-example.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/mapdata/doc/src/mapdata.qdoc b/examples/mapdata/doc/src/mapdata.qdoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3014cadb..00000000
--- a/examples/mapdata/doc/src/mapdata.qdoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc
-** All rights reserved.
-** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at
-** This file is part of the QtDataVis3D module.
-** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and Digia.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use
-** contact form at
- \example mapdata
- \title Mapdata Example
- The mapdata example shows how to make a simple 3D maps visualization using Q3DMaps and
- combining the use of widgets for adjusting several adjustable qualities.
- \image mapdata-example.png
diff --git a/examples/mapdata/main.cpp b/examples/mapdata/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d176bd55..00000000
--- a/examples/mapdata/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc
-** All rights reserved.
-** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at
-** This file is part of the QtDataVis3D module.
-** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and Digia.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use
-** contact form at
-#include "mapdata.h"
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QWidget>
-#include <QHBoxLayout>
-#include <QVBoxLayout>
-#include <QPushButton>
-#include <QCheckBox>
-#include <QSlider>
-#include <QComboBox>
-#include <QFontComboBox>
-#include <QLabel>
-#include <QScreen>
-#include <QFontDatabase>
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- QApplication app(argc, argv);
- QWidget *widget = new QWidget;
- QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout(widget);
- QVBoxLayout *vLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
- Q3DMaps *chart = new Q3DMaps();
- QSize screenSize = chart->screen()->size();
- QWidget *container = QWidget::createWindowContainer(chart);
- container->setMinimumSize(QSize(screenSize.width() / 2, screenSize.height() / 2));
- container->setMaximumSize(screenSize);
- container->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
- container->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
- widget->setWindowTitle(QStringLiteral("Population of a few cities in Finland"));
- hLayout->addWidget(container, 1);
- hLayout->addLayout(vLayout);
-// QPushButton *dataButton = new QPushButton(widget);
-// dataButton->setText(QStringLiteral("Add a row of random data"));
-// dataButton->setEnabled(false);
- QPushButton *themeButton = new QPushButton(widget);
- themeButton->setText(QStringLiteral("Change theme"));
- QPushButton *labelButton = new QPushButton(widget);
- labelButton->setText(QStringLiteral("Change label style"));
- QPushButton *styleButton = new QPushButton(widget);
- styleButton->setText(QStringLiteral("Change bar style"));
- QPushButton *cameraButton = new QPushButton(widget);
- cameraButton->setText(QStringLiteral("Change camera preset"));
-// QPushButton *selectionButton = new QPushButton(widget);
-// selectionButton->setText(QStringLiteral("Change selection mode"));
-// QCheckBox *gridCheckBox = new QCheckBox(widget);
-// gridCheckBox->setText(QStringLiteral("Show grid"));
-// gridCheckBox->setChecked(true);
-// QCheckBox *rotationCheckBox = new QCheckBox(widget);
-// rotationCheckBox->setText("Rotate with slider");
-// QSlider *rotationSliderX = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, widget);
-// rotationSliderX->setTickInterval(1);
-// rotationSliderX->setMinimum(-180);
-// rotationSliderX->setValue(0);
-// rotationSliderX->setMaximum(180);
-// rotationSliderX->setEnabled(false);
-// QSlider *rotationSliderY = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, widget);
-// rotationSliderY->setTickInterval(1);
-// rotationSliderY->setMinimum(0);
-// rotationSliderY->setValue(0);
-// rotationSliderY->setMaximum(90);
-// rotationSliderY->setEnabled(false);
-// QSlider *sizeSliderX = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, widget);
-// sizeSliderX->setTickInterval(1);
-// sizeSliderX->setMinimum(1);
-// sizeSliderX->setValue(100);
-// sizeSliderX->setMaximum(100);
-// QSlider *sizeSliderZ = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, widget);
-// sizeSliderZ->setTickInterval(1);
-// sizeSliderZ->setMinimum(1);
-// sizeSliderZ->setValue(100);
-// sizeSliderZ->setMaximum(100);
- QComboBox *valueDimension = new QComboBox(widget);
- valueDimension->addItem(QStringLiteral("Height"));
- valueDimension->addItem(QStringLiteral("Width"));
- valueDimension->addItem(QStringLiteral("Depth"));
- valueDimension->addItem(QStringLiteral("Radius"));
- valueDimension->addItem(QStringLiteral("All"));
- valueDimension->setCurrentIndex(4);
- QComboBox *shadowQuality = new QComboBox(widget);
- shadowQuality->addItem(QStringLiteral("None"));
- shadowQuality->addItem(QStringLiteral("Low"));
- shadowQuality->addItem(QStringLiteral("Medium"));
- shadowQuality->addItem(QStringLiteral("High"));
- shadowQuality->setCurrentIndex(1);
- QFontComboBox *fontList = new QFontComboBox(widget);
- QSlider *fontSizeSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, widget);
- fontSizeSlider->setTickInterval(1);
- fontSizeSlider->setMinimum(1);
- fontSizeSlider->setValue(80);
- fontSizeSlider->setMaximum(200);
-// vLayout->addWidget(rotationCheckBox, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
-// vLayout->addWidget(rotationSliderX, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
-// vLayout->addWidget(rotationSliderY, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
-// vLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(QStringLiteral("Adjust relative bar size")));
-// vLayout->addWidget(sizeSliderX, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
-// vLayout->addWidget(sizeSliderZ, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
-// vLayout->addWidget(dataButton, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
- vLayout->addWidget(themeButton, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
- vLayout->addWidget(labelButton, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
- vLayout->addWidget(styleButton, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
- vLayout->addWidget(cameraButton, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
- vLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(QStringLiteral("Apply value to:")));
- vLayout->addWidget(valueDimension, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
-// vLayout->addWidget(selectionButton, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
-// vLayout->addWidget(gridCheckBox);
- vLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(QStringLiteral("Adjust shadow quality")));
- vLayout->addWidget(shadowQuality);
- vLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(QStringLiteral("Change font")));
- vLayout->addWidget(fontList);
- vLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(QStringLiteral("Adjust font size")));
- vLayout->addWidget(fontSizeSlider, 1, Qt::AlignTop);
-// // TODO: Add example for setMeshFileName
- widget->show();
- MapsModifier *modifier = new MapsModifier(chart);
-// QObject::connect(rotationSliderX, &QSlider::valueChanged, modifier, &MapsModifier::rotateX);
-// QObject::connect(rotationSliderY, &QSlider::valueChanged, modifier, &MapsModifier::rotateY);
-// QObject::connect(sizeSliderX, &QSlider::valueChanged, modifier, &MapsModifier::setSpecsX);
-// QObject::connect(sizeSliderZ, &QSlider::valueChanged, modifier, &MapsModifier::setSpecsZ);
- QObject::connect(fontSizeSlider, &QSlider::valueChanged, modifier,
- &MapsModifier::changeFontSize);
- QObject::connect(styleButton, &QPushButton::clicked, modifier, &MapsModifier::changeStyle);
- QObject::connect(cameraButton, &QPushButton::clicked, modifier,
- &MapsModifier::changePresetCamera);
- QObject::connect(themeButton, &QPushButton::clicked, modifier, &MapsModifier::changeTheme);
- QObject::connect(labelButton, &QPushButton::clicked, modifier,
- &MapsModifier::changeTransparency);
-// QObject::connect(dataButton, &QPushButton::clicked, modifier, &MapsModifier::addBars);
-// QObject::connect(selectionButton, &QPushButton::clicked, modifier,
-// &MapsModifier::changeSelectionMode);
- QObject::connect(valueDimension, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), modifier,
- SLOT(changeValueDimension(int)));
- QObject::connect(shadowQuality, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), modifier,
- SLOT(changeShadowQuality(int)));
- QObject::connect(modifier, &MapsModifier::shadowQuality, shadowQuality,
- &QComboBox::setCurrentIndex);
- QObject::connect(fontList, &QFontComboBox::currentFontChanged, modifier,
- &MapsModifier::changeFont);
-// QObject::connect(gridCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, modifier,
-// &MapsModifier::setGridEnabled);
-// QObject::connect(rotationCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, rotationSliderX,
-// &QSlider::setEnabled);
-// QObject::connect(rotationCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, rotationSliderX,
-// &QSlider::setValue);
-// QObject::connect(rotationCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, rotationSliderY,
-// &QSlider::setEnabled);
-// QObject::connect(rotationCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, rotationSliderY,
-// &QSlider::setValue);
- modifier->start();
- return app.exec();
diff --git a/examples/mapdata/mapdata.cpp b/examples/mapdata/mapdata.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 744de129..00000000
--- a/examples/mapdata/mapdata.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc
-** All rights reserved.
-** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at
-** This file is part of the QtDataVis3D module.
-** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and Digia.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use
-** contact form at
-#include "mapdata.h"
-#include <QtDataVis3D/qmapdataproxy.h>
-#include <QImage>
-#include <QFile>
-using namespace QtDataVis3D;
-MapsModifier::MapsModifier(Q3DMaps *maps)
- : m_chart(maps),
- m_imageRect(QRect()),
- m_fontSize(80.0f),
- m_barSpecs(QVector3D(30.0f, 30.0f, 30.0f))
- QImage image = QImage(QStringLiteral(":/images/finland"));
- m_imageRect = image.rect();
- m_chart->setAreaSpecs(m_imageRect, image);
- QFont font = m_chart->font();
- font.setPointSize(m_fontSize);
- m_chart->setFont(font);
-#if 0
- m_chart->setBarSpecs(m_barSpecs, Q3DMaps::AdjustHeight);
- m_chart->setBarType(BevelBars, true);
- m_chart->setTheme(ThemeBlueIcy);
- m_chart->setShadowQuality(ShadowMedium);
- m_chart->setBarSpecs(m_barSpecs, Q3DMaps::AdjustAll);
- m_chart->setMeshFileName(QStringLiteral(":/meshes/weirdthing"));
- QMapDataProxy *proxy = new QMapDataProxy;
- m_chart->setDataProxy(proxy);
- delete m_chart;
-void MapsModifier::start()
- addData();
-void MapsModifier::addData()
- QMapDataArray *dataArray = new QMapDataArray;
- QMapDataItem *item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(191050);
- item->setLabel("Oulu");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(963, 1604));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(22274);
- item->setLabel("Kemi");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(857, 1383));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(60887);
- item->setLabel("Rovaniemi");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(1061, 1119));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(16176);
- item->setLabel("Kuusamo");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(1459, 1284));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(3998);
- item->setLabel("Ivalo");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(1239, 474));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(37978);
- item->setLabel("Kajaani");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(1285, 1859));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(46809);
- item->setLabel("Kokkola");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(580, 1973));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(105236);
- item->setLabel("Kuopio");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(1292, 2283));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(133557);
- item->setLabel("Jyväskylä");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(991, 2496));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(65771);
- item->setLabel("Vaasa");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(441, 2184));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(217603);
- item->setLabel("Tampere");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(686, 2656));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(180350);
- item->setLabel("Turku");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(430, 3046));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(72400);
- item->setLabel("Lappeenranta");
- item->setMapPosition(QPoint(1365, 2852));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(14754);
- item->setLabel("Tammisaari");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(605, 3215));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(1879);
- item->setLabel("Enontekiö");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(752, 556));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(36624);
- item->setLabel("Savonlinna");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(1445, 2586));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(605022);
- item->setLabel("Helsinki");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(822, 3130));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(54887);
- item->setLabel("Kotka");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(1162, 3051));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(11372);
- item->setLabel("Maarianhamina");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(56, 3101));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(9266);
- item->setLabel("Hanko");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(527, 3228));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- item = new QMapDataItem();
- item->setValue(1287);
- item->setLabel("Utsjoki");
- item->setMapPosition(QPointF(1180, 72));
- dataArray->append(*item);
- delete item;
- static_cast<QMapDataProxy *>(m_chart->dataProxy())->resetArray(dataArray);
-void MapsModifier::changeStyle()
- static int model = 0;
- switch (model) {
- case 0:
- m_chart->setBarType(QDataVis::Cylinders, false);
- break;
- case 1:
- m_chart->setBarType(QDataVis::Cylinders, true);
- break;
- case 2:
- m_chart->setBarType(QDataVis::Cones, false);
- break;
- case 3:
- m_chart->setBarType(QDataVis::Cones, true);
- break;
- case 4:
- m_chart->setBarType(QDataVis::Bars, false);
- break;
- case 5:
- m_chart->setBarType(QDataVis::Bars, true);
- break;
- case 6:
- m_chart->setBarType(QDataVis::Pyramids, false);
- break;
- case 7:
- m_chart->setBarType(QDataVis::Pyramids, true);
- break;
- case 8:
- m_chart->setBarType(QDataVis::BevelBars, false);
- break;
- case 9:
- m_chart->setBarType(QDataVis::BevelBars, true);
- break;
- case 10:
- m_chart->setBarType(QDataVis::Spheres, false);
- break;
- case 11:
- m_chart->setBarType(QDataVis::Spheres, true);
- break;
- }
- model++;
- if (model > 11)
- model = 0;
-void MapsModifier::changePresetCamera()
- static int preset = QDataVis::PresetFrontLow;
- m_chart->setCameraPreset((QDataVis::CameraPreset)preset);
- if (++preset > QDataVis::PresetDirectlyAboveCCW45)
- preset = QDataVis::PresetFrontLow;
-void MapsModifier::changeTheme()
- static int theme = QDataVis::ThemeSystem;
- m_chart->setTheme((QDataVis::ColorTheme)theme);
- if (++theme > QDataVis::ThemeLight)
- theme = QDataVis::ThemeSystem;
-void MapsModifier::changeTransparency()
- static int transparency = QDataVis::TransparencyNone;
- m_chart->setLabelTransparency((QDataVis::LabelTransparency)transparency);
- if (++transparency > QDataVis::TransparencyNoBackground)
- transparency = QDataVis::TransparencyFromTheme;
-void MapsModifier::changeValueDimension(int dimension)
- m_chart->setBarSpecs(m_barSpecs, (Q3DMaps::AdjustmentDirection)dimension);
-void MapsModifier::changeFont(const QFont &font)
- QFont newFont = font;
- newFont.setPointSizeF(m_fontSize);
- m_chart->setFont(newFont);
-void MapsModifier::changeFontSize(int fontsize)
- m_fontSize = fontsize;
- QFont font = m_chart->font();
- font.setPointSize(m_fontSize);
- m_chart->setFont(font);
-void MapsModifier::changeShadowQuality(int quality)
- QDataVis::ShadowQuality sq = QDataVis::ShadowNone;
- switch (quality) {
- case 1:
- sq = QDataVis::ShadowLow;
- break;
- case 2:
- sq = QDataVis::ShadowMedium;
- break;
- case 3:
- sq = QDataVis::ShadowHigh;
- break;
- }
- QDataVis::ShadowQuality realquality = m_chart->setShadowQuality(sq);
- // Check if it setting quality was successful
- if (realquality != sq) {
- switch (realquality) {
- case QDataVis::ShadowLow:
- quality = 1;
- break;
- case QDataVis::ShadowMedium:
- quality = 2;
- break;
- case QDataVis::ShadowHigh:
- quality = 3;
- break;
- }
- emit shadowQuality(quality);
- }
-//void MapsModifier::setGridEnabled(int enabled)
-// m_chart->setGridEnabled((bool)enabled);
-//void MapsModifier::rotateX(int rotation)
-// m_xRotation = rotation;
-// m_chart->setCameraPosition(m_xRotation, m_yRotation);
-//void MapsModifier::rotateY(int rotation)
-// m_yRotation = rotation;
-// m_chart->setCameraPosition(m_xRotation, m_yRotation);
diff --git a/examples/mapdata/mapdata.h b/examples/mapdata/mapdata.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8aed69fe..00000000
--- a/examples/mapdata/mapdata.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc
-** All rights reserved.
-** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at
-** This file is part of the QtDataVis3D module.
-** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and Digia.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use
-** contact form at
-#include <QtDataVis3D/q3dmaps.h>
-#include <QFont>
-#include <QDebug>
-using namespace QtDataVis3D;
-class MapsModifier : public QObject
- explicit MapsModifier(Q3DMaps *maps);
- ~MapsModifier();
- void addData();
- void changeStyle();
- void changePresetCamera();
- void changeTheme();
-// void changeSelectionMode();
- void changeTransparency();
- void changeFont(const QFont &font);
- void changeFontSize(int fontsize);
-// void rotateX(int rotation);
-// void rotateY(int rotation);
-// void setGridEnabled(int enabled);
-// void setSpecsX(int barwidth);
-// void setSpecsZ(int bardepth);
- void start();
-public slots:
- void changeValueDimension(int dimension);
- void changeShadowQuality(int quality);
- void shadowQuality(int quality);
- Q3DMaps *m_chart;
- QRect m_imageRect;
- int m_fontSize;
- QVector3D m_barSpecs;
diff --git a/examples/mapdata/ b/examples/mapdata/
deleted file mode 100644
index 091fdc7c..00000000
--- a/examples/mapdata/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-!include( ../examples.pri ) {
- error( "Couldn't find the examples.pri file!" )
-SOURCES += main.cpp mapdata.cpp
-HEADERS += mapdata.h
-QT += widgets
-INSTALLS += target
- mapdata.qrc
diff --git a/examples/mapdata/mapdata.qrc b/examples/mapdata/mapdata.qrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 76ea5f05..00000000
--- a/examples/mapdata/mapdata.qrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- <qresource prefix="/images">
- <file alias="finland">Suomi.karttapohja.svg</file>
- </qresource>
- <qresource prefix="/meshes">
- <file alias="weirdthing">weirdthing.obj</file>
- </qresource>
diff --git a/examples/mapdata/weirdthing.obj b/examples/mapdata/weirdthing.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 46c9e789..00000000
--- a/examples/mapdata/weirdthing.obj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1232 +0,0 @@
-# Blender v2.66 (sub 0) OBJ File: 'kummajuttu.blend'
-o Sphere
-v 0.003570 0.980785 -0.198744
-v 0.003570 0.923880 -0.386337
-v 0.003570 0.831470 -0.559224
-v 0.003570 0.707107 -0.710760
-v 0.003570 0.555570 -0.835123
-v 0.003570 0.382683 -0.927533
-v 0.003570 0.195090 -0.984439
-v 0.003570 0.000000 -1.003654
-v 0.003570 -0.195090 -0.984439
-v 0.003570 -0.382683 -0.927533
-v 0.003570 -0.555570 -0.835123
-v 0.003570 -0.707107 -0.710760
-v 0.003570 -0.831470 -0.559224
-v 0.003570 -0.923880 -0.386337
-v 0.003570 -0.980785 -0.198744
-v 0.078228 0.980785 -0.183894
-v 0.150016 0.923880 -0.357207
-v 0.216177 0.831470 -0.516933
-v 0.274168 0.707107 -0.656935
-v 0.321760 0.555570 -0.771831
-v 0.357123 0.382683 -0.857207
-v 0.378900 0.195090 -0.909781
-v 0.386254 0.000000 -0.927533
-v 0.378900 -0.195090 -0.909781
-v 0.357124 -0.382683 -0.857207
-v 0.321760 -0.555570 -0.771831
-v 0.274168 -0.707107 -0.656935
-v 0.216177 -0.831470 -0.516933
-v 0.150016 -0.923880 -0.357207
-v 0.078227 -0.980785 -0.183893
-v 0.003569 -1.000000 -0.003653
-v 0.141519 0.980785 -0.141603
-v 0.274168 0.923880 -0.274251
-v 0.396417 0.831470 -0.396501
-v 0.503570 0.707107 -0.503653
-v 0.591508 0.555570 -0.591591
-v 0.656851 0.382683 -0.656934
-v 0.697090 0.195090 -0.697173
-v 0.710677 0.000000 -0.710760
-v 0.697090 -0.195090 -0.697173
-v 0.656852 -0.382683 -0.656935
-v 0.591508 -0.555570 -0.591591
-v 0.503570 -0.707107 -0.503653
-v 0.396417 -0.831470 -0.396501
-v 0.274168 -0.923880 -0.274251
-v 0.141519 -0.980785 -0.141603
-v 0.183810 0.980785 -0.078311
-v 0.357123 0.923880 -0.150100
-v 0.516850 0.831470 -0.216261
-v 0.656851 0.707107 -0.274251
-v 0.771748 0.555570 -0.321843
-v 0.857123 0.382683 -0.357206
-v 0.909697 0.195090 -0.378983
-v 0.927450 0.000000 -0.386336
-v 0.909697 -0.195090 -0.378983
-v 0.857123 -0.382683 -0.357206
-v 0.771748 -0.555570 -0.321843
-v 0.656851 -0.707107 -0.274251
-v 0.516850 -0.831470 -0.216261
-v 0.357123 -0.923880 -0.150100
-v 0.183810 -0.980785 -0.078311
-v 0.198660 0.980785 -0.003653
-v 0.677357 1.471222 -0.125912
-v 0.559140 0.831470 -0.003653
-v 0.710676 0.707107 -0.003653
-v 0.835039 0.555570 -0.003653
-v 0.927449 0.382683 -0.003653
-v 0.984355 0.195090 -0.003653
-v 1.003570 0.000000 -0.003653
-v 0.984355 -0.195090 -0.003653
-v 0.927449 -0.382683 -0.003653
-v 0.835039 -0.555570 -0.003653
-v 0.710676 -0.707107 -0.003653
-v 0.559140 -0.831470 -0.003653
-v 0.386253 -0.923880 -0.003653
-v 0.198660 -0.980785 -0.003653
-v 0.183810 0.980785 0.071005
-v 0.357123 0.923880 0.142794
-v 0.516850 0.831470 0.208955
-v 0.656851 0.707107 0.266945
-v 0.771747 0.555570 0.314537
-v 0.857123 0.382683 0.349901
-v 0.909697 0.195090 0.371678
-v 0.927449 0.000000 0.379031
-v 0.909697 -0.195090 0.371678
-v 0.857123 -0.382683 0.349901
-v 0.771747 -0.555570 0.314537
-v 0.656851 -0.707107 0.266945
-v 0.516850 -0.831470 0.208955
-v 0.357123 -0.923880 0.142794
-v 0.183809 -0.980785 0.071005
-v 0.141519 0.980785 0.134297
-v 0.274168 0.923880 0.266945
-v 0.396417 0.831470 0.389194
-v 0.503569 0.707107 0.496347
-v 0.510364 0.555081 0.463719
-v 0.656851 0.382683 0.649629
-v 0.697089 0.195090 0.689867
-v 0.710676 0.000000 0.703454
-v 0.748412 -0.191114 0.569205
-v 0.656851 -0.382683 0.649629
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-vn 0.150395 0.919523 0.363109
-vn 0.215796 0.825831 0.520981
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-vn 0.000000 0.919523 0.393017
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-vn 0.000000 -0.825831 0.563891
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-vn -0.150395 -0.919523 0.363109
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-vn -0.150395 0.919523 0.363109
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-vn -0.658803 -0.701041 0.272866
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-vn -0.520981 -0.825831 0.215796
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-vn -0.925596 0.378430 0.000000
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-vn -0.981231 0.192785 0.000000
-vn -0.393017 -0.919523 0.000000
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-vn -0.835139 0.550005 0.000000
-vn -0.855159 -0.378430 -0.354198
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-vn -0.771569 0.550005 -0.319590
-vn -0.658803 -0.701041 -0.272866
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-vn -0.277902 -0.919523 -0.277902
-vn -0.906522 0.192785 -0.375500
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-vn -0.693838 -0.192785 -0.693838
-vn -0.520981 0.825831 -0.215796
-vn -0.398724 0.825831 -0.398724
-vn -0.654500 -0.378430 -0.654500
-vn -0.504227 0.701041 -0.504227
-vn -0.590533 -0.550005 -0.590533
-vn -0.590533 0.550005 -0.590533
-vn -0.504227 -0.701041 -0.504227
-vn -0.654500 0.378430 -0.654500
-vn -0.398724 -0.825831 -0.398724
-vn -0.693838 0.192785 -0.693838
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-vn -0.319590 0.550005 -0.771569
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-s 1
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-f 15/14/14 14/7/7 29/15/15
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-f 25/25/25 24/21/21 40/34/34
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-f 51/59/59 50/57/57 65/61/61
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-f 50/57/57 49/55/55 64/73/73
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-f 83/87/87 82/85/85 97/91/91
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-f 79/79/79 78/77/77 93/98/98
-f 86/80/80 85/78/78 100/97/97
-f 80/81/81 79/79/79 94/99/99
-f 87/82/82 86/80/80 101/100/100
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-f 88/84/84 87/82/82 102/102/102
-f 82/85/85 81/83/83 97/91/91
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-f 101/100/100 100/97/97 115/115/115
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-f 109/117/117 108/116/116 123/123/123
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-f 111/107/107 110/105/105 125/126/126
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-f 144/138/138 143/136/136 159/158/158
-f 138/139/139 137/159/159 153/160/160
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-f 153/160/160 152/166/165 168/167/166
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-f 161/171/170 160/149/149 175/169/168
-f 155/150/150 154/163/162 170/172/171
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-f 156/154/154 155/150/150 171/174/173
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-f 157/176/175 156/154/154 171/174/173
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-f 158/156/156 157/176/175 173/178/177
-f 178/175/174 177/173/172 193/179/178
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-f 173/178/177 172/180/179 188/183/182
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-f 192/194/193 191/192/191 207/198/197
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-f 188/183/182 187/181/180 202/201/200
-f 195/184/183 194/182/181 210/203/202
-f 189/185/184 188/183/182 204/204/203
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-f 196/188/187 195/184/183 211/207/206
-f 190/189/188 189/185/184 205/208/207
-f 184/190/189 183/205/204 198/206/205
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-f 204/204/203 203/210/209 220/211/210
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-f 200/197/196 199/216/215 216/219/218
-f 207/198/197 206/196/195 223/220/219
-f 201/199/198 200/197/196 217/221/220
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-f 218/223/222 217/221/220 233/227/226
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-f 223/220/219 222/218/217 238/239/238
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-f 31/242/241 30/30/30 46/50/50
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-f 31/242/241 76/74/74 91/95/95
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-f 77/89/89 212/241/240 92/94/94
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-f 92/94/94 212/241/240 107/112/112
-f 31/242/241 106/113/113 121/119/119
-f 31/242/241 121/119/119 136/140/140
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-f 122/118/118 212/241/240 137/159/159
-f 31/242/241 136/140/140 151/141/141
-f 137/159/159 212/241/240 152/166/165
-f 31/242/241 151/141/141 166/243/161
-f 31/242/241 166/243/161 181/244/167
-f 152/166/165 212/241/240 167/186/185
-f 167/186/185 212/241/240 182/187/186
-f 31/242/241 181/244/167 196/245/187
-f 31/242/241 196/245/187 211/246/206
-f 182/187/186 212/241/240 197/212/211
-f 31/242/241 211/246/206 227/247/213
-f 197/212/211 212/241/240 213/232/231
-f 213/232/231 212/241/240 228/248/242
-f 31/242/241 227/247/213 242/249/233
-f 31/242/241 242/249/233 15/14/14
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-f 238/239/238 237/237/236 10/250/20
-f 232/240/239 231/238/237 5/252/26
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-f 28/8/8 13/1/1 27/3/3
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-f 30/30/30 15/14/14 29/15/15
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-f 48/53/53 33/33/33 47/49/49
-f 61/69/69 46/50/50 60/51/51
-f 55/54/54 40/34/34 54/52/52
-f 49/55/55 34/35/35 48/53/53
-f 56/56/56 41/36/36 55/54/54
-f 50/57/57 35/37/37 49/55/55
-f 57/58/58 42/38/38 56/56/56
-f 51/59/59 36/39/39 50/57/57
-f 58/45/45 43/40/40 57/58/58
-f 52/46/46 37/41/41 51/59/59
-f 72/62/62 57/58/58 71/60/60
-f 66/63/63 51/59/59 65/61/61
-f 73/64/64 58/45/45 72/62/62
-f 67/65/65 52/46/46 66/63/63
-f 74/66/66 59/47/47 73/64/64
-f 68/67/67 53/48/48 67/65/65
-f 75/70/70 60/51/51 74/66/66
-f 69/71/71 54/52/52 68/67/67
-f 47/49/49 62/88/88 63/68/68
-f 76/74/74 61/69/69 75/70/70
-f 70/72/72 55/54/54 69/71/71
-f 64/73/73 49/55/55 63/68/68
-f 71/60/60 56/56/56 70/72/72
-f 65/61/61 50/57/57 64/73/73
-f 91/95/95 76/74/74 90/75/75
-f 85/78/78 70/72/72 84/76/76
-f 79/79/79 64/73/73 78/77/77
-f 86/80/80 71/60/60 85/78/78
-f 80/81/81 65/61/61 79/79/79
-f 87/82/82 72/62/62 86/80/80
-f 81/83/83 66/63/63 80/81/81
-f 88/84/84 73/64/64 87/82/82
-f 82/85/85 67/65/65 81/83/83
-f 89/86/86 74/66/66 88/84/84
-f 83/87/87 68/67/67 82/85/85
-f 90/75/75 75/70/70 89/86/86
-f 84/76/76 69/71/71 83/87/87
-f 78/77/77 63/68/68 77/89/89
-f 104/92/92 89/86/86 103/90/90
-f 98/93/93 83/87/87 97/91/91
-f 105/96/96 90/75/75 104/92/92
-f 99/111/111 84/76/76 98/93/93
-f 93/98/98 78/77/77 92/94/94
-f 106/113/113 91/95/95 105/96/96
-f 84/76/76 99/111/111 100/97/97
-f 94/99/99 79/79/79 93/98/98
-f 101/100/100 86/80/80 100/97/97
-f 95/104/104 80/81/81 94/99/99
-f 102/102/102 87/82/82 101/100/100
-f 80/81/81 95/104/104 96/101/101
-f 103/90/90 88/84/84 102/102/102
-f 81/83/83 96/101/101 97/91/91
-f 117/106/106 102/102/102 116/103/103
-f 111/107/107 96/101/101 110/105/105
-f 118/108/108 103/90/90 117/106/106
-f 112/128/128 97/91/91 111/107/107
-f 119/110/110 104/92/92 118/108/108
-f 97/91/91 112/128/128 113/109/109
-f 120/114/114 105/96/96 119/110/110
-f 114/121/121 99/111/111 113/109/109
-f 108/116/116 93/98/98 107/112/112
-f 121/119/119 106/113/113 120/114/114
-f 99/111/111 114/121/121 115/115/115
-f 109/117/117 94/99/99 108/116/116
-f 116/103/103 101/100/100 115/115/115
-f 110/105/105 95/104/104 109/117/117
-f 123/123/123 108/116/116 122/118/118
-f 136/140/140 121/119/119 135/120/120
-f 130/142/142 115/115/115 129/122/122
-f 124/125/125 109/117/117 123/123/123
-f 115/115/115 130/142/142 131/124/124
-f 125/126/126 110/105/105 124/125/125
-f 132/127/127 117/106/106 131/124/124
-f 126/129/129 111/107/107 125/126/126
-f 133/130/130 118/108/108 132/127/127
-f 127/133/133 112/128/128 126/129/129
-f 134/132/132 119/110/110 133/130/130
-f 112/128/128 127/133/133 128/131/131
-f 135/120/120 120/114/114 134/132/132
-f 113/109/109 128/131/131 129/122/122
-f 142/153/153 127/133/133 141/134/134
-f 133/130/130 148/148/148 149/135/135
-f 127/133/133 142/153/153 143/136/136
-f 134/132/132 149/135/135 150/137/137
-f 128/131/131 143/136/136 144/138/138
-f 122/118/118 137/159/159 138/139/139
-f 135/120/120 150/263/137 151/141/141
-f 129/122/122 144/138/138 145/143/143
-f 123/123/123 138/139/139 139/144/144
-f 130/142/142 145/143/143 146/145/145
-f 124/125/125 139/144/144 140/146/146
-f 131/124/124 146/145/145 147/147/147
-f 141/134/134 126/129/129 140/146/146
-f 132/127/127 147/147/147 148/148/148
-f 161/171/170 146/145/145 160/149/149
-f 139/144/144 154/163/162 155/150/150
-f 146/145/145 161/171/170 162/151/151
-f 156/154/154 141/134/134 155/150/150
-f 147/147/147 162/151/151 163/152/152
-f 157/176/175 142/153/153 156/154/154
-f 148/148/148 163/152/152 164/155/155
-f 142/153/153 157/176/175 158/156/156
-f 149/135/135 164/155/155 165/157/157
-f 143/136/136 158/156/156 159/158/158
-f 137/159/159 152/166/165 153/160/160
-f 150/137/137 165/157/157 166/162/161
-f 144/138/138 159/158/158 160/149/149
-f 138/139/139 153/160/160 154/163/162
-f 164/155/155 179/177/176 180/164/163
-f 158/156/156 173/178/177 174/165/164
-f 152/166/165 167/186/185 168/167/166
-f 165/157/157 180/164/163 181/168/167
-f 159/158/158 174/165/164 175/169/168
-f 153/160/160 168/167/166 169/170/169
-f 176/191/190 161/171/170 175/169/168
-f 154/163/162 169/170/169 170/172/171
-f 161/171/170 176/191/190 177/173/172
-f 155/150/150 170/172/171 171/174/173
-f 162/151/151 177/173/172 178/175/174
-f 172/180/179 157/176/175 171/174/173
-f 163/152/152 178/175/174 179/177/176
-f 157/176/175 172/180/179 173/178/177
-f 177/173/172 192/194/193 193/179/178
-f 171/174/173 186/195/194 187/181/180
-f 178/175/174 193/179/178 194/182/181
-f 172/180/179 187/181/180 188/183/182
-f 179/177/176 194/182/181 195/184/183
-f 173/178/177 188/183/182 189/185/184
-f 183/205/204 168/167/166 182/187/186
-f 180/164/163 195/184/183 196/188/187
-f 174/165/164 189/185/184 190/189/188
-f 168/167/166 183/205/204 184/190/189
-f 175/169/168 190/189/188 191/192/191
-f 169/170/169 184/190/189 185/193/192
-f 176/191/190 191/192/191 192/194/193
-f 170/172/171 185/193/192 186/195/194
-f 190/189/188 205/208/207 206/196/195
-f 184/190/189 199/216/215 200/197/196
-f 191/192/191 206/196/195 207/198/197
-f 185/193/192 200/197/196 201/199/198
-f 192/194/193 207/198/197 208/200/199
-f 186/195/194 201/199/198 202/201/200
-f 193/179/178 208/200/199 209/202/201
-f 203/210/209 188/183/182 202/201/200
-f 194/182/181 209/202/201 210/203/202
-f 188/183/182 203/210/209 204/204/203
-f 182/187/186 197/212/211 198/206/205
-f 195/184/183 210/203/202 211/207/206
-f 189/185/184 204/204/203 205/208/207
-f 199/216/215 184/190/189 198/206/205
-f 209/202/201 225/224/223 226/209/208
-f 203/210/209 219/225/224 220/211/210
-f 197/212/211 213/232/231 214/213/212
-f 210/203/202 226/209/208 227/214/213
-f 204/204/203 220/211/210 221/215/214
-f 198/206/205 214/213/212 215/217/216
-f 205/208/207 221/215/214 222/218/217
-f 199/216/215 215/217/216 216/219/218
-f 206/196/195 222/218/217 223/220/219
-f 200/197/196 216/219/218 217/221/220
-f 207/198/197 223/220/219 224/222/221
-f 201/199/198 217/221/220 218/223/222
-f 208/200/199 224/222/221 225/224/223
-f 202/201/200 218/223/222 219/225/224
-f 223/220/219 238/239/238 239/226/225
-f 217/221/220 232/240/239 233/227/226
-f 224/222/221 239/226/225 240/228/227
-f 218/223/222 233/227/226 234/229/228
-f 225/224/223 240/228/227 241/230/229
-f 219/225/224 234/229/228 235/231/230
-f 213/232/231 228/248/242 229/233/232
-f 226/209/208 241/230/229 242/234/233
-f 220/211/210 235/231/230 236/235/234
-f 214/213/212 229/233/232 230/236/235
-f 221/215/214 236/235/234 237/237/236
-f 215/217/216 230/236/235 231/238/237
-f 222/218/217 237/237/236 238/239/238
-f 216/219/218 231/238/237 232/240/239
-f 236/235/234 9/261/16 10/250/20
-f 230/236/235 3/262/18 4/251/22
-f 11/253/24 238/239/238 10/250/20
-f 231/238/237 4/251/22 5/252/26
-f 12/264/2 239/226/225 11/253/24
-f 232/240/239 5/252/26 6/254/5
-f 239/256/225 12/2/2 13/1/1
-f 233/227/226 6/254/5 7/257/4
-f 240/255/227 13/1/1 14/7/7
-f 234/229/228 7/257/4 8/259/9
-f 228/248/242 1/12/12 2/260/11
-f 241/258/229 14/7/7 15/14/14
-f 235/231/230 8/259/9 9/261/16
-f 229/233/232 2/260/11 3/262/18
diff --git a/examples/qmlmaps/doc/src/qmlmaps.qdoc b/examples/qmlmaps/doc/src/qmlmaps.qdoc
deleted file mode 100644
index f27dc126..00000000
--- a/examples/qmlmaps/doc/src/qmlmaps.qdoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc
-** All rights reserved.
-** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at
-** This file is part of the QtDataVis3D module.
-** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and Digia.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use
-** contact form at
- \example qmlmaps
- \title Qt Quick 2 Maps Example
- The Qt Quick 2 maps example shows how to make a simple maps visualization using Q3DMaps using Qt
- Quick 2.
- \image qmlmaps-example.png
diff --git a/examples/qmlmaps/floorplan.jpg b/examples/qmlmaps/floorplan.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 578d8252..00000000
--- a/examples/qmlmaps/floorplan.jpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/qmlmaps/main.cpp b/examples/qmlmaps/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b58e66f8..00000000
--- a/examples/qmlmaps/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc
-** All rights reserved.
-** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at
-** This file is part of the QtDataVis3D module.
-** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and Digia.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use
-** contact form at
-#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
-#include "qtquick2applicationviewer.h"
-#ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QQmlEngine>
-#include <QDebug>
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
- QtQuick2ApplicationViewer viewer;
-#ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID
- viewer.addImportPath(QString::fromLatin1("assets:/qml"));
- viewer.engine()->addPluginPath(QString::fromLatin1("%1/../%2").arg(QDir::homePath(),
- QString::fromLatin1("lib")));
- viewer.addImportPath(QString::fromLatin1("%1/%2").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(),
- QString::fromLatin1("qml")));
- viewer.setSource(QUrl("qrc:/qml/main.qml"));
- viewer.setResizeMode(QQuickView::SizeRootObjectToView);
- return app.exec();
diff --git a/examples/qmlmaps/qml/qmlmaps/main.qml b/examples/qmlmaps/qml/qmlmaps/main.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a8fa93b..00000000
--- a/examples/qmlmaps/qml/qmlmaps/main.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc
-** All rights reserved.
-** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at
-** This file is part of the QtDataVis3D module.
-** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and Digia.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use
-** contact form at
-import QtQuick 2.1
-import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
-import com.digia.QtDataVis3D 1.0
-Item {
- id: mainview
- width: 800
- height: 500
- visible: true
- //title: "Noise levels from construction site"
- Item {
- id: dataView
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height - shadowToggle.height
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- Image {
- id: testimage
- source: "qrc:/images/floorplan.jpg"
- visible: false
- }
- MapDataMapping {
- id: mapMapping
- labelRole: "label"
- valueRole: "value"
- xPosRole: "xPos"
- yPosRole: "yPos"
- }
- ListModel {
- id: dataModel
- ListElement{ label: "dB"; value: 76; xPos: 95.0; yPos: 490.0 }
- ListElement{ label: "dB"; value: 88; xPos: 185.0; yPos: 105.0 }
- ListElement{ label: "dB"; value: 85; xPos: 700.0; yPos: 465.0 }
- ListElement{ label: "dB"; value: 92; xPos: 505.0; yPos: 225.0 }
- }
- Maps3D {
- id: testmap
- width: dataView.width
- height: dataView.height
- fontSize: 300.0
- mapping: mapMapping
- Component.onCompleted: {
- console.log("testmap complete");
- console.log(testimage);
- console.log(testimage.sourceSize);
- setBarSpecs(Qt.vector3d(10.0, 10.0, 10.0));
- setAreaSpecs(Qt.rect(0, 0, testimage.sourceSize.width, testimage.sourceSize.height),
- testimage);
- //setImage(testimage);
- setImage(":/images/floorplan.jpg");
- shadowQuality = Maps3D.ShadowNone
- selectionMode = Maps3D.ModeBar
- labelTransparency = Maps3D.TransparencyNoBackground//.TransparencyFromTheme
- data = dataModel
- }
- }
- }
- Component.onCompleted: {
- console.log("mainview complete");
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: shadowToggle
- color: "#FFFFFF"
- x: 0
- y: 0
- width: parent.width
- height: 60
- TextArea {
- id: buttonText
- text: "Toggle Shadows"
- anchors.fill: parent
- textColor: "#000000"
- }
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: {
- if (testmap.shadowQuality === Maps3D.ShadowNone) {
- testmap.shadowQuality = Maps3D.ShadowLow;
- buttonText.textColor = "#999999";
- } else {
- testmap.shadowQuality = Maps3D.ShadowNone;
- buttonText.textColor = "#000000";
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/examples/qmlmaps/qmlmaps.desktop b/examples/qmlmaps/qmlmaps.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 25959510..00000000
--- a/examples/qmlmaps/qmlmaps.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
diff --git a/examples/qmlmaps/ b/examples/qmlmaps/
deleted file mode 100644
index 44963d48..00000000
--- a/examples/qmlmaps/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-!include( ../examples.pri ) {
- error( "Couldn't find the examples.pri file!" )
-# Add more folders to ship with the application, here
-folder_01.source = qml/qmlmaps = qml
-# Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Creator's code model
-# If your application uses the Qt Mobility libraries, uncomment the following
-# lines and add the respective components to the MOBILITY variable.
-# CONFIG += mobility
-# The .cpp file which was generated for your project. Feel free to hack it.
-SOURCES += main.cpp
-# Installation path
-# target.path =
-# Please do not modify the following two lines. Required for deployment.
- qmlmaps.qrc
diff --git a/examples/qmlmaps/qmlmaps.qrc b/examples/qmlmaps/qmlmaps.qrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 81f1f83c..00000000
--- a/examples/qmlmaps/qmlmaps.qrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- <qresource prefix="/images">
- <file>floorplan.jpg</file>
- </qresource>
- <qresource prefix="/qml">
- <file alias="main.qml">qml/qmlmaps/main.qml</file>
- </qresource>
diff --git a/examples/qmlmaps/qmlmaps64.png b/examples/qmlmaps/qmlmaps64.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 707d5c4e..00000000
--- a/examples/qmlmaps/qmlmaps64.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/qmlmaps/qtquick2applicationviewer/qtquick2applicationviewer.cpp b/examples/qmlmaps/qtquick2applicationviewer/qtquick2applicationviewer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 10709d7a..00000000
--- a/examples/qmlmaps/qtquick2applicationviewer/qtquick2applicationviewer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// checksum 0x4f6f version 0x90005
- This file was generated by the Qt Quick 2 Application wizard of Qt Creator.
- QtQuick2ApplicationViewer is a convenience class containing mobile device specific
- code such as screen orientation handling. Also QML paths and debugging are
- handled here.
- It is recommended not to modify this file, since newer versions of Qt Creator
- may offer an updated version of it.
-#include "qtquick2applicationviewer.h"
-#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
-#include <QtCore/QDir>
-#include <QtQml/QQmlEngine>
-class QtQuick2ApplicationViewerPrivate
- QString mainQmlFile;
- friend class QtQuick2ApplicationViewer;
- static QString adjustPath(const QString &path);
-QString QtQuick2ApplicationViewerPrivate::adjustPath(const QString &path)
-#if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
- if (!QDir::isAbsolutePath(path))
- return QString::fromLatin1("%1/../Resources/%2")
- .arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), path);
-#elif defined(Q_OS_BLACKBERRY)
- if (!QDir::isAbsolutePath(path))
- return QString::fromLatin1("app/native/%1").arg(path);
-#elif !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID)
- QString pathInInstallDir =
- QString::fromLatin1("%1/../%2").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), path);
- if (QFileInfo(pathInInstallDir).exists())
- return pathInInstallDir;
- pathInInstallDir =
- QString::fromLatin1("%1/%2").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), path);
- if (QFileInfo(pathInInstallDir).exists())
- return pathInInstallDir;
- return path;
-QtQuick2ApplicationViewer::QtQuick2ApplicationViewer(QWindow *parent)
- : QQuickView(parent)
- , d(new QtQuick2ApplicationViewerPrivate())
- connect(engine(), SIGNAL(quit()), SLOT(close()));
- setResizeMode(QQuickView::SizeRootObjectToView);
- delete d;
-void QtQuick2ApplicationViewer::setMainQmlFile(const QString &file)
- d->mainQmlFile = QtQuick2ApplicationViewerPrivate::adjustPath(file);
-#ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID
- setSource(QUrl(QLatin1String("assets:/")+d->mainQmlFile));
- setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile(d->mainQmlFile));
-void QtQuick2ApplicationViewer::addImportPath(const QString &path)
- engine()->addImportPath(QtQuick2ApplicationViewerPrivate::adjustPath(path));
-void QtQuick2ApplicationViewer::showExpanded()
-#if defined(Q_WS_SIMULATOR) || defined(Q_OS_QNX)
- showFullScreen();
- show();
diff --git a/examples/qmlmaps/qtquick2applicationviewer/qtquick2applicationviewer.h b/examples/qmlmaps/qtquick2applicationviewer/qtquick2applicationviewer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cf66f140..00000000
--- a/examples/qmlmaps/qtquick2applicationviewer/qtquick2applicationviewer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-// checksum 0xfde6 version 0x90005
- This file was generated by the Qt Quick 2 Application wizard of Qt Creator.
- QtQuick2ApplicationViewer is a convenience class containing mobile device specific
- code such as screen orientation handling. Also QML paths and debugging are
- handled here.
- It is recommended not to modify this file, since newer versions of Qt Creator
- may offer an updated version of it.
-#include <QtQuick/QQuickView>
-class QtQuick2ApplicationViewer : public QQuickView
- explicit QtQuick2ApplicationViewer(QWindow *parent = 0);
- virtual ~QtQuick2ApplicationViewer();
- void setMainQmlFile(const QString &file);
- void addImportPath(const QString &path);
- void showExpanded();
- class QtQuick2ApplicationViewerPrivate *d;
diff --git a/examples/qmlmaps/qtquick2applicationviewer/qtquick2applicationviewer.pri b/examples/qmlmaps/qtquick2applicationviewer/qtquick2applicationviewer.pri
deleted file mode 100644
index e5f7990f..00000000
--- a/examples/qmlmaps/qtquick2applicationviewer/qtquick2applicationviewer.pri
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-# checksum 0x7b0d version 0x90005
-# This file was generated by the Qt Quick 2 Application wizard of Qt Creator.
-# The code below adds the QtQuick2ApplicationViewer to the project and handles
-# the activation of QML debugging.
-# It is recommended not to modify this file, since newer versions of Qt Creator
-# may offer an updated version of it.
-QT += qml quick
-SOURCES += $$PWD/qtquick2applicationviewer.cpp
-HEADERS += $$PWD/qtquick2applicationviewer.h
-# This file was generated by an application wizard of Qt Creator.
-# The code below handles deployment to Android and Maemo, aswell as copying
-# of the application data to shadow build directories on desktop.
-# It is recommended not to modify this file, since newer versions of Qt Creator
-# may offer an updated version of it.
-defineTest(qtcAddDeployment) {
-for(deploymentfolder, DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS) {
- item = item$${deploymentfolder}
- greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) {
- itemsources = $${item}.files
- } else {
- itemsources = $${item}.sources
- }
- $$itemsources = $$eval($${deploymentfolder}.source)
- itempath = $${item}.path
- $$itempath= $$eval($${deploymentfolder}.target)
- export($$itemsources)
- export($$itempath)
- DEPLOYMENT += $$item
-android-no-sdk {
- for(deploymentfolder, DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS) {
- item = item$${deploymentfolder}
- itemfiles = $${item}.files
- $$itemfiles = $$eval($${deploymentfolder}.source)
- itempath = $${item}.path
- $$itempath = /data/user/qt/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.target)
- export($$itemfiles)
- export($$itempath)
- INSTALLS += $$item
- }
- target.path = /data/user/qt
- export(target.path)
- INSTALLS += target
-} else:android {
- for(deploymentfolder, DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS) {
- item = item$${deploymentfolder}
- itemfiles = $${item}.files
- $$itemfiles = $$eval($${deploymentfolder}.source)
- itempath = $${item}.path
- $$itempath = /assets/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.target)
- export($$itemfiles)
- export($$itempath)
- INSTALLS += $$item
- }
- x86 {
- target.path = /libs/x86
- } else: armeabi-v7a {
- target.path = /libs/armeabi-v7a
- } else {
- target.path = /libs/armeabi
- }
- export(target.path)
- INSTALLS += target
-} else:win32 {
- copyCommand =
- for(deploymentfolder, DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS) {
- source = $$MAINPROFILEPWD/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.source)
- source = $$replace(source, /, \\)
- sourcePathSegments = $$split(source, \\)
- target = $$OUT_PWD/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.target)/$$last(sourcePathSegments)
- target = $$replace(target, /, \\)
- target ~= s,\\\\\\.?\\\\,\\,
- !isEqual(source,$$target) {
- !isEmpty(copyCommand):copyCommand += &&
- isEqual(QMAKE_DIR_SEP, \\) {
- copyCommand += $(COPY_DIR) \"$$source\" \"$$target\"
- } else {
- source = $$replace(source, \\\\, /)
- target = $$OUT_PWD/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.target)
- target = $$replace(target, \\\\, /)
- copyCommand += test -d \"$$target\" || mkdir -p \"$$target\" && cp -r \"$$source\" \"$$target\"
- }
- }
- }
- !isEmpty(copyCommand) {
- copyCommand = @echo Copying application data... && $$copyCommand
- copydeploymentfolders.commands = $$copyCommand
- first.depends = $(first) copydeploymentfolders
- export(first.depends)
- export(copydeploymentfolders.commands)
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += first copydeploymentfolders
- }
-} else:unix {
- maemo5 {
- desktopfile.files = $${TARGET}.desktop
- desktopfile.path = /usr/share/applications/hildon
- icon.files = $${TARGET}64.png
- icon.path = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps
- } else:!isEmpty(MEEGO_VERSION_MAJOR) {
- desktopfile.files = $${TARGET}_harmattan.desktop
- desktopfile.path = /usr/share/applications
- icon.files = $${TARGET}80.png
- icon.path = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/80x80/apps
- } else { # Assumed to be a Desktop Unix
- copyCommand =
- for(deploymentfolder, DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS) {
- source = $$MAINPROFILEPWD/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.source)
- source = $$replace(source, \\\\, /)
- macx {
- target = $$OUT_PWD/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/Resources/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.target)
- } else {
- target = $$OUT_PWD/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.target)
- }
- target = $$replace(target, \\\\, /)
- sourcePathSegments = $$split(source, /)
- targetFullPath = $$target/$$last(sourcePathSegments)
- targetFullPath ~= s,/\\.?/,/,
- !isEqual(source,$$targetFullPath) {
- !isEmpty(copyCommand):copyCommand += &&
- copyCommand += $(MKDIR) \"$$target\"
- copyCommand += && $(COPY_DIR) \"$$source\" \"$$target\"
- }
- }
- !isEmpty(copyCommand) {
- copyCommand = @echo Copying application data... && $$copyCommand
- copydeploymentfolders.commands = $$copyCommand
- first.depends = $(first) copydeploymentfolders
- export(first.depends)
- export(copydeploymentfolders.commands)
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += first copydeploymentfolders
- }
- }
- !isEmpty(target.path) {
- installPrefix = $${target.path}
- } else {
- installPrefix = /opt/$${TARGET}
- }
- for(deploymentfolder, DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS) {
- item = item$${deploymentfolder}
- itemfiles = $${item}.files
- $$itemfiles = $$eval($${deploymentfolder}.source)
- itempath = $${item}.path
- $$itempath = $${installPrefix}/$$eval($${deploymentfolder}.target)
- export($$itemfiles)
- export($$itempath)
- INSTALLS += $$item
- }
- !isEmpty(desktopfile.path) {
- export(icon.files)
- export(icon.path)
- export(desktopfile.files)
- export(desktopfile.path)
- INSTALLS += icon desktopfile
- }
- isEmpty(target.path) {
- target.path = $${installPrefix}/bin
- export(target.path)
- }
- INSTALLS += target
-export (ICON)
-export (INSTALLS)
-export (DEPLOYMENT)
-export (LIBS)