path: root/test/harness/helper.js
diff options
authorDavid Fugate <dfugate@microsoft.com>2010-10-18 20:50:07 -0700
committerDavid Fugate <dfugate@microsoft.com>2010-10-18 20:50:07 -0700
commit7396642963683c7d1b1de761013cfc65e270ab71 (patch)
tree6fff4b80c87381c0d72e454455634a8940a24138 /test/harness/helper.js
parentfdb0cf1ed9f4a47bda2a7b5f6e07366601a84560 (diff)
This commit includes Microsoft's initial contributions to Test262:
- external\contributions\: test contributions to Test262 from external entities such as Microsoft and Google. This directory consists of the external tests without any modifications - test\harness\: test harness used to run Test262 tests. Presently web-based - test\suite\: suite of vendor-neutral ECMAScript test cases conforming to the ES5 spec - tools\: among other things this includes a set of tools used to convert various external test contributions to a format the Test262 test harness can consume - website\: an archived copy of the http://test262.ecmascript.org website
Diffstat (limited to 'test/harness/helper.js')
1 files changed, 578 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/harness/helper.js b/test/harness/helper.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb35add0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/harness/helper.js
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+(function() {
+ window.PageHelper = {};
+ window.TestConstants = {
+ }
+ var logger = null;
+ var loggerParent = null;
+ var progressBar = null;
+ var failedToLoad = 0;
+ function getDomain() {
+ return window.location.protocol + '//' + document.domain + '/';
+ }
+ function configureReportLink(executing) {
+ var reportLink = $('.test-report-link');
+ if (executing) {
+ reportLink.attr('testRunning', 'true');
+ reportLink.parent().attr('title', 'Please wait till the test run is completed or stop the test run before viewing the report.');
+ } else {
+ reportLink.parent().attr('title', '');
+ reportLink.attr('testRunning', 'false');
+ }
+ }
+ function init() {
+ $('.content-home').show();
+ logger = $('#tableLogger');
+ loggerParent = logger.parent();
+ progressBar = $('#progressbar');
+ failedToLoad = 0;
+ $('.nav-link').each(function(index) {
+ if (index === 0) {
+ $(this).attr('targetDiv', '.content-home');
+ } else if (index === 1) {
+ $(this).attr('targetDiv', '.content-tests');
+ } else if (index === 2) {
+ $(this).attr('targetDiv', '.content-results');
+ $(this).attr('testRunning', 'false');
+ } else if (index === 3) {
+ $(this).attr('targetDiv', '.content-dev');
+ }
+ else {
+ $(this).attr('targetDiv', '.content-browsers');
+ }
+ $(this).click(function() {
+ var target = $(this).attr('targetDiv');
+ //Report page call here
+ if ($(target).hasClass('content-results')) {
+ if ($(this).attr('testRunning') === 'true') { return; }
+ generateReportTable();
+ }
+ $('#contentContainer > div:visible').hide();
+ $('.navBar .selected').toggleClass('selected');
+ $(this).addClass('selected');
+ $(target).show();
+ if (target === '.content-browsers') {
+ $("body").addClass("busy");
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ buildTable();
+ }, 500);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ //attach the start button event
+ $('.button-start').click(function() {
+ $('#testsToRun').text(ES5Harness.getTotalTestsToRun());
+ $('#totalCounter').text(0);
+ $('#Pass').text(0);
+ $('#Fail').text(0);
+ $('#totalFailedCounter').text(0);
+ $('#failedToLoadCounter1').text(0);
+ $('#failedToLoadCounter').text(0);
+ var testStatus = $(this).data('testStatus');
+ switch (testStatus) {
+ case undefined:
+ case TestConstants.STOPPED:
+ ES5Harness.stop(TestConstants.STOPPED);
+ logger.find('tr').remove();
+ $(this).data('testStatus', TestConstants.RUNNING);
+ ES5Harness.startTesting(update, TestConstants.RESET);
+ $(this).attr('src', 'resources/images/pause.png');
+ configureReportLink(true);
+ break;
+ case TestConstants.RUNNING:
+ $(this).data('testStatus', TestConstants.PAUSED);
+ ES5Harness.stop(TestConstants.PAUSED);
+ $(this).attr('src', 'resources/images/resume.png');
+ configureReportLink(false);
+ break;
+ case TestConstants.PAUSED:
+ $(this).data('testStatus', TestConstants.RUNNING);
+ $(this).attr('src', 'resources/images/pause.png');
+ ES5Harness.startTesting(update, TestConstants.RESUME);
+ configureReportLink(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ //attach the start button event
+ $('.button-reset').click(function() {
+ configureReportLink(false);
+ $('.button-start').data('testStatus', TestConstants.STOPPED).attr('src', 'resources/images/start.png'); ;
+ logger.find('tr').remove();
+ ES5Harness.stop(TestConstants.RESET);
+ $('#failedToLoadCounter1').text(0);
+ $('#failedToLoadCounter').text(0);
+ $('#totalFailedCounter').text(0);
+ failedToLoad = 0;
+ });
+ $('#ancGenXMLReport').click(function(e) {
+ //e.preventDefault();
+ generateReportXml();
+ return false;
+ });
+ //delete all the below lines later
+ //$('#btnSetTimerValue').click(function(){
+ // ES5Harness.TIMER_PERIOD = parseInt($('#txtTimerValue').val());
+ //})
+ //load xml testcase path list
+ ES5Harness && ES5Harness.loadTestList();
+ }
+ function update(detailsObj) {
+ if (!isNaN(detailsObj.totalTestsRun)) {
+ $('#totalCounter').text(detailsObj.totalTestsRun);
+ }
+ if (detailsObj.completed) {
+ var btnStart = $('#btnStart').attr('src', 'resources/images/start.png');
+ btnStart.data('testStatus', TestConstants.STOPPED);
+ $('#totalFailedCounter').text(failedToLoad);
+ configureReportLink(false);
+ }
+ $('#Pass').text(detailsObj.totalTestsPassed);
+ $('#Fail').text(detailsObj.totalTestsFailed);
+ $('#failedToLoadCounter1').text(failedToLoad);
+ $('#failedToLoadCounter').text(failedToLoad);
+ $('#nextActivity').text(detailsObj.nextActivity);
+ var altStyle = (logger.children().length % 2) === 0 ? ' ' : 'alternate';
+ var appendStr = '';
+ var length = 0;
+ if (detailsObj.failedTestCases && detailsObj.failedTestCases.length > 0) {
+ length = detailsObj.failedTestCases.length;
+ var testObj;
+ while (length--) {
+ altStyle = (altStyle !== ' ') ? ' ' : 'alternate';
+ testObj = detailsObj.failedTestCases.shift();
+ appendStr += '<tbody><tr class=\"' + altStyle + '\"><td width=\"20%\">' + testObj.id + '</td><td>' + testObj.description + '</td><td align="right"><span class=\"Fail\">Fail</span></td></tr></tbody>';
+ }
+ logger.append(appendStr);
+ }
+ var testCasesPaths = this.ES5Harness.getFailToLoad();
+ appendStr = '';
+ if (testCasesPaths.length > 0) {
+ length = testCasesPaths.length;
+ while (length--) {
+ testObj = testCasesPaths.shift();
+ altStyle = (altStyle !== ' ') ? ' ' : 'alternate';
+ appendStr += '<tbody><tr class=\"' + altStyle + '\"><td width=\"20%\">' + testObj + '</td><td>' + '' + '</td><td align="right"><span class=\"Fail\">Not Loaded</span></td></tr></tbody>';
+ failedToLoad++;
+ }
+ logger.append(appendStr);
+ }
+ loggerParent.attr("scrollTop", loggerParent.attr("scrollHeight"));
+ progressBar.reportprogress(detailsObj.totalTestsRun, detailsObj.totalTestCasesForProgressBar);
+ }
+ function generateReportXml() {
+ var reportWindow, //window that will output the xml data
+ xmlData, //array instead of string concatenation
+ dateNow,
+ xml; // stop condition of for loop stored in a local variable to improve performance
+ dateNow = new Date();
+ xml = '<testRun>\r\n' +
+ '<userAgent>' + window.navigator.userAgent + '</userAgent>\r\n' +
+ '<browserName>REPLACE WITH BROWSERNAME BEFORE PUSHING TO HG</browserName>\r\n' +
+ '<Date>' + dateNow.toDateString() + '</Date>\r\n' +
+ '<Submitter> ADD SUBMITTER</Submitter>\r\n' +
+ '<targetTestSuiteName>' + this.XML_TARGETTESTSUITENAME + '</targetTestSuiteName>\r\n' +
+ '<targetTestSuiteVersion>' + this.XML_TARGETTESTSUITEVERSION + '</targetTestSuiteVersion>\r\n' +
+ '<targetTestSuiteDate>' + this.XML_TARGETTESTSUITEDATE + '</targetTestSuiteDate>\r\n' +
+ ' <Tests>\r\n\r\n';
+ reportWindow = window.open();
+ reportWindow.document.writeln("<title>ECMAScript Test262 XML</title>");
+ reportWindow.document.writeln("<div>Instructions: Update the BROWSERNAME value and submit to Hg. Send email to the <a href='mailto:body@ecmascript.org' >list</a> for assistance.</div>");
+ reportWindow.document.write("<textarea id='results' style='width: 100%; height: 800px;'>");
+ reportWindow.document.write(xml);
+ xml = "";
+ function parseSection(section) {
+ xml += "<section id='" + section.id + "' name='" + section.name + "'>\r\n";
+ for (var i = 0; i < section.testCaseArray.length; i++) {
+ xml += '<test>\r\n' +
+ ' <testId>' + section.testCaseArray[i].id + '</testId>\r\n' +
+ ' <res>' + section.testCaseArray[i].res + '</res>\r\n' +
+ '</test>\r\n';
+ }
+ if (section.subSections !== undefined) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < section.subSections.length; i++) {
+ parseSection(section.subSections[i]);
+ xml += '</section>\r\n';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (var index = 0; index < sections.length; index++) {
+ parseSection(sections[index]);
+ xml += '</section>\r\n';
+ }
+ reportWindow.document.write(xml);
+ reportWindow.document.write('</Tests>\r\n</testRun>\r\n</textarea>\r\n');
+ reportWindow.document.close();
+ }
+ function htmlEscape(str) {
+ return str.replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
+ }
+ function numTests(section) {
+ nTest = 0;
+ for (var subSectionIndex = 0; subSectionIndex < section.subSections.length; subSectionIndex++) {
+ if (section.subSections[subSectionIndex].total !== 0) {
+ nTest++;
+ }
+ }
+ return nTest;
+ }
+ var RED_LIMIT = 50;
+ var YELLOW_LIMIT = 75;
+ var GREEN_LIMIT = 99.9;
+ function generateReportTable() {
+ var bResultsdisplayed = false;
+ $('#backlinkDiv').hide();
+ //define local scope to sections array
+ var sections = window.sections;
+ var dataTable = $('.results-data-table');
+ $('.results-data-table').find("tr").remove();
+ //set the total, pass and fail count
+ $('.totalCases').text(ES5Harness.getTotalTestsRun());
+ $('.passedCases').text(ES5Harness.getTotalTestsPassed());
+ $('.failedCases').text(ES5Harness.getTotalTestsFailed());
+ $('#failedToLoadCounterDetails').text(failedToLoad);
+ $('.crumbs #link1').remove();
+ $('.crumbs #link2').remove();
+ $('.crumbs #link3').remove();
+ //set the navigation bar
+ var anc1 = $('<a id="link1">Test Report ></a>');
+ anc1.attr('href', 'javascript:PageHelper.generateReportTable();');
+ $('.crumbs').append(anc1);
+ $('.crumbs #link1').removeClass().addClass("setBlack");
+ var totalSubSectionPassed = 0;
+ for (var sectionIndex = 0; sectionIndex < sections.length; sectionIndex++) {
+ if (numTests(sections[sectionIndex]) !== 0) {
+ bResultsdisplayed = true;
+ dataTable.append('<tbody><tr><td class="tblHeader" colspan="2">' + 'Chapter ' + sections[sectionIndex].id + '- ' + sections[sectionIndex].name + '</td></tr></tbody>');
+ var mainSectionPercentageStyle = "reportRed";
+ // if there are any cases directly inside the chapter instead of in subsections
+ if (sections[sectionIndex].testCaseArray.length > 0) {
+ for (var index = 0; index < sections[sectionIndex].subSections.length; index++) {
+ totalSubSectionPassed = totalSubSectionPassed + sections[sectionIndex].subSections[index].passed;
+ }
+ var calculatedLimit = (sections[sectionIndex].passed - totalSubSectionPassed) / sections[sectionIndex].testCaseArray.length * 100;
+ if (calculatedLimit >= GREEN_LIMIT) {
+ mainSectionPercentageStyle = "reportGreen";
+ }
+ else if (Math.round(calculatedLimit) >= YELLOW_LIMIT) {
+ mainSectionPercentageStyle = "reportLightGreen";
+ }
+ else if (Math.round(calculatedLimit) >= RED_LIMIT) {
+ mainSectionPercentageStyle = "reportYellow";
+ }
+ else {
+ mainSectionPercentageStyle = "reportRed";
+ }
+ dataTable.append('<tbody><tr><td><a href="javascript:PageHelper.generateDetailedReportTable(' + sectionIndex + ',-1);">' + "In Chapter " + sections[sectionIndex].id + '</a></td><td class="' + mainSectionPercentageStyle + '">' + (Math.round(calculatedLimit)) + '%' + '</td></tr></tbody>');
+ }
+ }
+ for (var subSectionIndex = 0; subSectionIndex < sections[sectionIndex].subSections.length; subSectionIndex++) {
+ var styleClass;
+ if (sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].total !== 0) {
+ var passedPercentage = sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].getPassPercentage();
+ if (passedPercentage >= GREEN_LIMIT) {
+ styleClass = "reportGreen";
+ }
+ else if (passedPercentage >= YELLOW_LIMIT) {
+ styleClass = "reportLightGreen";
+ }
+ else if (passedPercentage >= RED_LIMIT) {
+ styleClass = "reportYellow";
+ }
+ else {
+ styleClass = "reportRed";
+ }
+ dataTable.append('<tbody><tr><td class="sectionName"><a href="javascript:PageHelper.generateSubSectionReportTable(' + sectionIndex + ',' + subSectionIndex + ');">' + sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].name + '</a></td><td class="' + styleClass + '">' + (Math.round(passedPercentage)) + '%' + '</td></tr></tbody>');
+ bResultsdisplayed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ totalSubSectionPassed = 0;
+ }
+ // append the legend if results have been displayed
+ if (bResultsdisplayed) {
+ $('#legend').show();
+ }
+ }
+ function generateSubSectionReportTable(sectionIndex, subSectionIndex) {
+ var sections = window.sections;
+ var dataTable = $('.results-data-table');
+ $('.results-data-table').find("tr").remove();
+ var styleClass;
+ var totalSubSectionPassed = 0;
+ // if there is no subsections under a section(say 7.1) then directly display the detailed test report
+ if (!sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].subSections) {
+ generateDetailedReportTable(sectionIndex, subSectionIndex);
+ }
+ else {
+ $('.crumbs #link2').remove();
+ var anc2 = $('<a id="link2">' + " Chapter " + sections[sectionIndex].id + ": " + sections[sectionIndex].name + ": " + sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].name + " > " + '</a>');
+ anc2.attr('href', 'javascript:PageHelper.generateSubSectionReportTable(' + sectionIndex + ',' + subSectionIndex + ');');
+ $('.crumbs').append(anc2);
+ $('.crumbs #link2').removeClass().addClass("setBlack");
+ $('.crumbs #link1').removeClass().addClass("setBlue");
+ var anc = $('.crumbs').find('a');
+ anc.click(function() {
+ $(this).next('a').remove();
+ });
+ $('.crumbs #link3').remove();
+ $('.totalCases').text(sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].total);
+ $('.passedCases').text(sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].passed);
+ $('.failedCases').text(sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].failed);
+ for (var index = 0; index < sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].subSections.length; index++) {
+ totalSubSectionPassed = totalSubSectionPassed + sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].subSections[index].passed;
+ }
+ if (sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].testCaseArray.length > 0) {
+ var calculatedLimit = Math.round((sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].passed - totalSubSectionPassed) / sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].testCaseArray.length * 100);
+ if (calculatedLimit >= 75) {
+ styleClass = "reportGreen";
+ }
+ else if (calculatedLimit >= 50) {
+ styleClass = "reportYellow";
+ }
+ else {
+ styleClass = "reportRed";
+ }
+ dataTable.append('<tr><td class="tblSectionHeader"><a href="javascript:PageHelper.generateDetailedReportTable(' + sectionIndex + ',' + subSectionIndex + ');">' + "Section: " + sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].id + " cases" + '</a></td><td class="' + styleClass + '">' + calculatedLimit + '%' + '</td></tr>');
+ }
+ if (sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].subSections) {
+ for (var objIndex = 0; objIndex < sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].subSections.length; objIndex++) {
+ if (sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].subSections[objIndex].total !== 0) {
+ var passedPercentage = sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].subSections[objIndex].getPassPercentage();
+ if (passedPercentage >= YELLOW_LIMIT) {
+ styleClass = "reportGreen";
+ }
+ else if (passedPercentage >= RED_LIMIT) {
+ styleClass = "reportYellow";
+ }
+ else {
+ styleClass = "reportRed";
+ }
+ dataTable.append('<tr><td class="tblSectionHeader"><a href="javascript:PageHelper.generateDetailedReportTable(' + sectionIndex + ',' + subSectionIndex + ',' + objIndex + ');">' + sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].subSections[objIndex].name + '</a></td><td class="' + styleClass + '">' + (Math.round(passedPercentage)) + '%' + '</td></tr>');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ doBackButtonTasks();
+ }
+ function doBackButtonTasks() {
+ $('#backlinkDiv').show();
+ var anchors = $('.crumbs a');
+ var contextAnchor = anchors[anchors.length - 2];
+ $('#backlinkDiv').attr('href', contextAnchor.href);
+ }
+ function generateDetailedReportTable(sectionIndex, subSectionIndex, subInnerSectionIndex) {
+ var sections = window.sections;
+ var dataTable = $('.results-data-table');
+ $('.results-data-table').find("tr").remove();
+ var mainSectionPassed = 0;
+ var mainSectionfailed = 0;
+ var subSectionPassed = 0;
+ var subSectionfailed = 0;
+ var resultStyle = "pass";
+ var subSectionObj;
+ // sub sections
+ if (subSectionIndex !== -1) {
+ // if there is only one level of subsections example: 7.1
+ if (!sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].subSections) {
+ subSectionObj = sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex];
+ $('.totalCases').text(subSectionObj.total);
+ $('.passedCases').text(subSectionObj.passed);
+ $('.failedCases').text(subSectionObj.failed);
+ }
+ // cases directly under sub-subsections example: 7.1.1
+ else if (sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].subSections.length > 0 && subInnerSectionIndex !== undefined) {
+ subSectionObj = sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].subSections[subInnerSectionIndex];
+ $('.sectionId').text("section: " + subSectionObj.id);
+ $('.totalCases').text(subSectionObj.total);
+ $('.passedCases').text(subSectionObj.passed);
+ $('.failedCases').text(subSectionObj.failed);
+ }
+ // cases directly under subsections example: 7.1
+ else if (sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].testCaseArray.length > 0) {
+ subSectionObj = sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex];
+ for (var index = 0; index < sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].subSections.length; index++) {
+ subSectionPassed = subSectionPassed + sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].subSections[index].passed;
+ subSectionfailed = subSectionfailed + sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].subSections[index].failed;
+ }
+ $('.totalCases').text(subSectionObj.testCaseArray.length);
+ $('.passedCases').text(subSectionObj.passed - subSectionPassed);
+ $('.failedCases').text(subSectionObj.failed - subSectionfailed);
+ }
+ // $('#backlinkDiv').remove();
+ var anc3 = $('<a id="link3">' + " Section: " + subSectionObj.id + " " + subSectionObj.name + '</a>');
+ $('.crumbs').append(anc3);
+ $('.crumbs #link3').removeClass().addClass("setBlack");
+ $('.crumbs #link2').removeClass().addClass("setBlue");
+ $('.crumbs #link1').removeClass().addClass("setBlue");
+ for (var objIndex = 0; objIndex < subSectionObj.testCaseArray.length; objIndex++) {
+ if (subSectionObj.testCaseArray[objIndex].res.toLowerCase() === 'pass') {
+ resultStyle = "pass";
+ }
+ else {
+ resultStyle = "fail";
+ }
+ var path = subSectionObj.testCaseArray[objIndex].path.indexOf('resources/') === -1 ? 'resources/scripts/' + subSectionObj.testCaseArray[objIndex].path : subSectionObj.testCaseArray[objIndex].path;
+ dataTable.append('<tbody><tr><td>' + subSectionObj.testCaseArray[objIndex].id + '</td><td>' + subSectionObj.testCaseArray[objIndex].description + '</td><td class="' + resultStyle + '">' + subSectionObj.testCaseArray[objIndex].res + '</td><td><a href="javascript:ES5Harness.openSourceWindow(' + subSectionObj.testCaseArray[objIndex].registrationIndex + ');">[source]</a></td></tr></tbody>');
+ }
+ }
+ // testcases directly under a chapter when there are no sections in a chapter
+ else {
+ anc3 = $('<a id="link3">' + " Chapter: " + sections[sectionIndex].id + ": " + sections[sectionIndex].name + '</a>');
+ $('.crumbs').append(anc3);
+ $('.crumbs #link3').removeClass().addClass("setBlack");
+ $('.crumbs #link2').removeClass().addClass("setBlue");
+ $('.crumbs #link1').removeClass().addClass("setBlue");
+ $('.sectionId').text("section: " + sections[sectionIndex].id);
+ for (subSectionIndex = 0; subSectionIndex < sections[sectionIndex].subSections.length; subSectionIndex++) {
+ mainSectionPassed = mainSectionPassed + sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].passed;
+ mainSectionfailed = mainSectionfailed + sections[sectionIndex].subSections[subSectionIndex].failed;
+ }
+ $('.totalCases').text(sections[sectionIndex].testCaseArray.length);
+ $('.passedCases').text(sections[sectionIndex].passed - mainSectionPassed);
+ $('.failedCases').text(sections[sectionIndex].failed - mainSectionfailed);
+ $('.detailedResult').text("Total tests: " + sections[sectionIndex].testCaseArray.length + " Passed: " + (sections[sectionIndex].passed - mainSectionPassed) + " Failed: " + (sections[sectionIndex].failed - mainSectionfailed));
+ for (var arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < sections[sectionIndex].testCaseArray.length; arrayIndex++) {
+ if (sections[sectionIndex].testCaseArray[arrayIndex].res.toLowerCase() === 'pass') {
+ resultStyle = "pass";
+ }
+ else {
+ resultStyle = "fail";
+ }
+ path = sections[sectionIndex].testCaseArray[arrayIndex].path.indexOf('resources/') === -1 ? 'resources/scripts/' + sections[sectionIndex].testCaseArray[arrayIndex].path : sections[sectionIndex].testCaseArray[arrayIndex].path;
+ dataTable.append('<tbody><tr><td>' + sections[sectionIndex].testCaseArray[arrayIndex].id + '</td><td>' + sections[sectionIndex].testCaseArray[arrayIndex].description + '</td><td class="' + resultStyle + '">' + sections[sectionIndex].testCaseArray[arrayIndex].res + '</td><td><a href="javascript:ES5Harness.openSourceWindow(' + sections[sectionIndex].testCaseArray[arrayIndex].registrationIndex + ');">[source]</a></td></tr></tbody>');
+ }
+ }
+ doBackButtonTasks();
+ }
+ //Register the variables in the namespce
+ window.PageHelper.init = init;
+ // window.$ERROR = $ERROR;
+ window.PageHelper.generateReportXml = generateReportXml;
+ window.PageHelper.generateDetailedReportTable = generateDetailedReportTable;
+ //window.PageHelper.logger = this.logger;
+ //window.PageHelper.loggerParent = this.loggerParent;
+ window.PageHelper.generateSubSectionReportTable = generateSubSectionReportTable;
+ window.PageHelper.generateReportTable = generateReportTable;
+ window.PageHelper.progressBar = this.progressBar;
+$(window).ready(function() {
+ PageHelper.init();
+//Extend the array type
+Array.prototype.getCloneOfObject = function(oldObject) {
+ var tempClone = {};
+ if (typeof (oldObject) === "object") {
+ for (prop in oldObject) {
+ if ((typeof (oldObject[prop]) === "object") && (oldObject[prop]).__isArray) {
+ tempClone[prop] = this.getCloneOfArray(oldObject[prop]);
+ }
+ else if (typeof (oldObject[prop]) === "object") {
+ tempClone[prop] = this.getCloneOfObject(oldObject[prop]);
+ }
+ else {
+ tempClone[prop] = oldObject[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return tempClone;
+Array.prototype.clone = function() {
+ var tempClone = [];
+ for (var arrIndex = 0; arrIndex <= this.length; arrIndex++) {
+ if (typeof (this[arrIndex]) === "object") {
+ tempClone.push(this.getCloneOfObject(this[arrIndex]));
+ } else {
+ tempClone.push(this[arrIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ return tempClone;