path: root/tools/converter/v8PosixPlatform.js
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authorMark Miller <erights@gmail.com>2011-09-06 23:32:28 -0700
committerMark Miller <erights@gmail.com>2011-09-06 23:32:28 -0700
commit15586369294f850f4ce4099d1529a57960797e78 (patch)
tree0c2a8f5828aa244ad3a33a67e62655d912917b15 /tools/converter/v8PosixPlatform.js
parent1f6f66cb196330290d890ac1e84481999b720e05 (diff)
Converts test cases to proposed new canonical form
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/converter/v8PosixPlatform.js')
1 files changed, 275 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/converter/v8PosixPlatform.js b/tools/converter/v8PosixPlatform.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfd849b07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/converter/v8PosixPlatform.js
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ * Each implementation of *Platform.js abstracts the underlying OS and JS
+ * engine peculiarities.
+ *
+ * <p>The implementation here is specific to the v8 shell running on a
+ * Posix platform.
+ */
+(function (global) {
+ "use strict";
+ /////////////////// Development Switches /////////////////
+ var VERBOSE = true;
+ // Affects side effecting os operations,
+ // currently only platform.writeSpawn and platform.mkdir.
+ var DRY_RUN = false;
+ // When converting paths to path strings, should the pathstring be
+ // relative to the TEST262_ROOT, or should it be relative to the
+ // current working directory?
+ var ABSOLUTE_PATHSTR = false;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ global.t262 = global.t262 || {};
+ var platform = global.t262.platform = {};
+ /**
+ * Appends a bunch of RegExps together into a single RegExp,
+ * solving both the RegExp-one-liner problem and the doubled
+ * backslash problem when composing literal string.
+ *
+ * <p>The arguments can be any mixture of RegExps and strings. The
+ * strings are added as is without escaping -- BEWARE. If
+ * arguments[0] is a RegExp, we use its flag on the resuting RegExp.
+ *
+ * <p>Not platform dependent, so does not really belong in this
+ * file.
+ */
+ function regExp(var_args) {
+ var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 0);
+ var reSrc = args.map(function(arg) {
+ return (typeof arg === 'string') ? arg : arg.source;
+ }).join('');
+ var flags = '';
+ if (typeof args[0] === 'object') {
+ var parts = (''+args[0]).split('/');
+ flags = parts[parts.length -1];
+ }
+ return new RegExp(reSrc, flags);
+ }
+ platform.regExp = regExp;
+ ////////////////// Needed for building and running //////////////
+ try {
+ read('tools/converter/v8PosixPlatform.js');
+ } catch (err) {
+ throw new Error('Must run in a test262 source root');
+ }
+ var ABS_ROOT = os.system('pwd', ['-P']).trim().split('/');
+ var TEST262_ROOT_STR = TEST262_ROOT.join('/');
+ var CONVERTER_PATH = ['tools', 'converter'];
+ var ME_PATH = CONVERTER_PATH.concat('v8PosixPlatform.js');
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ function validatePath(path) {
+ var pathStr = path.join('/');
+ path.forEach(function(segment) {
+ if (segment === '') {
+ throw new Error('A path cannot have empty segment: ' + pathStr);
+ }
+ if (segment === '/') {
+ throw new Error('Path insufficiently parsed: ' + pathStr);
+ }
+ if (segment === '..') {
+ throw new Error('Cannot use "..": ' + pathStr);
+ }
+ });
+ return path;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts a path to a pathStr.
+ *
+ * A path is an array of filenames relative to TEST262_ROOT. A
+ * pathStr is a (possibly fully qualified string) for referring to
+ * that string on the current platform, according to the operations
+ * in this *Platform.js file.
+ */
+ function toPathStr(path) {
+ validatePath(path);
+ return TEST262_ROOT.concat(path).join('/');
+ };
+ platform.toPathStr = toPathStr;
+ /**
+ * Returns the text found at path, with newlines normalized and
+ * any initial BOM (Unicode Byte Order Mark) removed.
+ */
+ platform.read = function(path) {
+ var text = read(toPathStr(path)).
+ replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').
+ replace(/\r/g, '\n');
+ if (text.charCodeAt(0) === 0xfeff) { return text.substring(1); }
+ return text;
+ };
+ /**
+ * How one JavaScript script possibly spawns another and possibly
+ * redirects its printed form to a chosen file (or resource).
+ *
+ * <p>For example, if !DRY_RUN, then<pre>
+ * writeSpawn([], '+arguments[0] + +arguments[1]', ['3', '5'])
+ * </pre>
+ * should return the string "8", whether or not writeSpawn decides
+ * to spawn.
+ *
+ * @param scriptPaths An array of path arrays of JavaScript source
+ * files to be loaded into the spawned JS engine (in addition to
+ * the spawning platform file) if we are indeed spawning.
+ * @param opt_exprSrc An expression to be evaluated in an
+ * environment in which "arguments" is bound to the list of strings
+ * provided by opt_args. The result is the value of the expression
+ * coerced to a string, unfortunately, as prepended by whatever
+ * these scripts (if spawned) have already written to their
+ * stdout. On platforms (like SES) where this can be a safely
+ * confining evaluation, it should be. The implementation here is
+ * not safe.
+ * @param opt_args A list of strings to be bound to 'arguments'
+ * both in opt_expr and in the possibly spawed scripts.
+ * @param opt_targetPath A path array naming a file where the
+ * result of opt_exprSrc should be written. On v8 currently, if
+ * this is provided, then writeSpawn will spawn, since we have no
+ * other way to implement this functionality. In the browser
+ * context, the result is PUT (using XHR) to the target resource.
+ * @param opt_spawn_required If truthy, forces spawning.
+ * @returns If there is a target, then the null string. Otherwise,
+ * the string result of evaluating opt_exprSrc.
+ */
+ platform.writeSpawn = function(scriptPaths,
+ opt_exprSrc,
+ opt_args,
+ opt_targetPath,
+ opt_spawn_required,
+ opt_forceNonStrict) {
+ if (opt_exprSrc && !opt_targetPath && !opt_spawn_required) {
+ var str = '(function(/*var_args*/) {';
+ if (opt_forceNonStrict !== 'forceNonStrict') {
+ str += '"use strict";';
+ }
+ str += ' return (' + opt_exprSrc + '); })';
+ return ''+(1,eval)(str).apply(void 0, opt_args || []);
+ }
+ var cmd = 'v8 ' + toPathStr(ME_PATH) + ' ';
+ cmd += scriptPaths.map(toPathStr).join(' ');
+ if (opt_exprSrc) {
+ cmd += ' -e ' + JSON.stringify('print(' + opt_exprSrc + ')');
+ }
+ if (opt_args) {
+ cmd += ' -- ' + opt_args.map(JSON.stringify).join(' ');
+ }
+ if (opt_targetPath) {
+ cmd += ' > ' + toPathStr(opt_targetPath);
+ }
+ if (VERBOSE || DRY_RUN) { print(cmd); }
+ if (DRY_RUN) { return ''; }
+ return os.system('bash', ['-c', cmd]);
+ };
+ ////////////////// Only needed for building /////////////////////
+ /**
+ * Calls a non-strict indirect eval function on exprSrc.
+ *
+ * On platforms (like SES) where this can be a safely confining
+ * evaluation, it should be. The implementation here is not safe.
+ */
+ platform.evalExprIn = function(exprSrc, env, opt_forceNonStrict) {
+ var varNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(env);
+ var str = '(function(' + varNames.join(',') + ') {';
+ if (opt_forceNonStrict !== 'forceNonStrict') {
+ str += '"use strict";';
+ }
+ str += ' return (' + exprSrc + '); })';
+ return (1,eval)(str).apply(void 0, varNames.map(function(varName) {
+ return env[varName];
+ }));
+ };
+ /**
+ * Converts a pathStr to a path.
+ *
+ * See toPathStr.
+ */
+ function toPath(pathStr) {
+ if (pathStr[0] === '/') {
+ if (pathStr.indexOf(TEST262_ROOT_STR + '/') !== 0) {
+ throw new Error('"' + pathStr + '" must start with "' +
+ TEST262_ROOT_STR + '/"');
+ }
+ pathStr = pathStr.substring(TEST262_ROOT_STR.length + 1);
+ }
+ return validatePath(pathStr.split('/'));
+ }
+ platform.toPath = toPath;
+ /**
+ * Does path name a directory?
+ */
+ platform.isDirectory = function(path) {
+ var fileOut = os.system('file', [toPathStr(path)]);
+ var fileMatch = fileOut.match(/:\s*([^:]*)\s*$/);
+ if (!fileMatch) { return null; }
+ var fileType = fileMatch[1].trim();
+ return fileType === 'directory';
+ };
+ /**
+ * A list of the filenames found in path, which must name a
+ * directory.
+ */
+ platform.ls = function(path) {
+ var pathStr = toPathStr(path);
+ var lines = os.system('ls', [pathStr]).trim();
+ if (lines === '') { return []; }
+ return lines.split('\n');
+ };
+ /**
+ * Emits the jsonRecord serialized as JSON, either compactly or
+ * readably according to VERBOSE.
+ */
+ function asJSONTxt(jsonRecord) {
+ if (VERBOSE) {
+ return JSON.stringify(jsonRecord, void 0, ' ');
+ } else {
+ return JSON.stringify(jsonRecord);
+ }
+ }
+ global.t262.asJSONTxt = platform.asJSONTxt = asJSONTxt;
+ platform.mkdir = function(path) {
+ var pathStr = toPathStr(path);
+ if (DRY_RUN) {
+ print('mkdir ' + pathStr);
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ os.mkdirp(pathStr);
+ } catch (err) {
+ print('***could not mkdir: ' + pathStr);
+ throw err;
+ }
+ };
+ ////////////////// Only needed for running //////////////////////
+ })(this);