path: root/tools
diff options
authorDavid Fugate <dfugate@microsoft.com>2011-03-23 10:37:21 -0700
committerDavid Fugate <dfugate@microsoft.com>2011-03-23 10:37:21 -0700
commit61343f1b93ac26a679add009c4f271a9d850e797 (patch)
tree77fdc9736b67089aff1db49c0e0bb7430eb4d5a0 /tools
parent2282dfba34e36999b45bb016764112df0e4cec49 (diff)
TestCasePackager.py is a verbatim port of TestCasePackager.ps1. The
rationale behind the addition of this file is it's meant to replace TestCasePackager.ps1 outright and will be runnable on all major operating systems. There's still a bit of cleanup work needed as the Python port was hardly optimized for the language. A few side effects of this change: - it now takes under ten seconds to generate the test262 website (PS version was taking over a minute) - generated *.json files are ~5% smaller in size (PS was forcing '\r\n' and the Python version preserves the tests' newlines whether they're '\r\n' or '\n')
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
-rw-r--r--tools/TestCaseHTMLPackager/TestCasePackager.ps1bin23446 -> 23790 bytes
2 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/TestCaseHTMLPackager/TestCasePackager.ps1 b/tools/TestCaseHTMLPackager/TestCasePackager.ps1
index 6f2859606..79fdeeb33 100644
--- a/tools/TestCaseHTMLPackager/TestCasePackager.ps1
+++ b/tools/TestCaseHTMLPackager/TestCasePackager.ps1
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/TestCaseHTMLPackager/TestCasePackager.py b/tools/TestCaseHTMLPackager/TestCasePackager.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d7a8c8bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/TestCaseHTMLPackager/TestCasePackager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+import argparse
+import os
+import sys
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import base64
+import datetime
+import shutil
+import re
+max_tests_per_json = 1000
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Tool used to generate the test262 website')
+parser.add_argument('version', action='store',
+ help='Version of the test suite.')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+test262_root = os.path.join(cur_path, "..", "..")
+test262_root = os.path.abspath(test262_root)
+root_dir = os.path.join(test262_root, "test", "suite")
+web_root_path = os.path.join(test262_root, "website", "resources", "scripts", "testcases")
+web_root_path_on_server = "resources/scripts/testcases/"
+exclude_list_filename = os.path.join(test262_root, "test", "config", "excludelist.xml")
+test_harness_dir = os.path.join(test262_root, "test", "harness")
+test_harness_website_dir = os.path.join(test262_root, "website", "resources", "scripts", "global")
+test_harness_files = [x for x in os.listdir(test_harness_dir) if x.endswith(".js")]
+#--Sanity checks--------------------------------------------------------------#
+if not os.path.exists(root_dir):
+ print "Cannot generate (JSON) test262 tests when the path containing said tests, root_dir, does not exist!"
+ sys.exit(1)
+if not os.path.exists(web_root_path):
+ print "Cannot generate (JSON) test262 tests to 'web_root_path' when it does not exist!"
+ sys.exit(1)
+if not os.path.exists(exclude_list_filename):
+ print "Cannot generate (JSON) test262 tests without a file, exclude_list_filename, showing which tests have been disabled!"
+ sys.exit(1)
+if not hasattr(args, "version"):
+ print "A test262 suite version must be specified to run this script!"
+ sys.exit(1)
+if len(test_harness_files) < 3:
+ print "There are less than five test harness files under test_harness_dir. Something must be wrong!"
+ sys.exit(1)
+#Directories under "test\suite\" containing ES5 test chapter directories
+#with *.js tests underneath them
+contribution_dirs = ["sputnik_converted", "ietestcenter"]
+#a list of all ES5 test chapter directories
+chapters = []
+def getJSCount(dirName):
+ retVal = 0
+ if os.path.isfile(dirName) and dirName.endswith(".js"):
+ retVal = 1
+ elif os.path.isdir(dirName):
+ tempList = [os.path.join(dirName, x) for x in os.listdir(dirName)]
+ for x in tempList:
+ retVal += getJSCount(x)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("getJSCount: encountered a non-file/non-dir!")
+ return retVal
+def dirWalker(dirName):
+ #First check to see if it has test files directly inside it
+ temp = [os.path.join(dirName, x) for x in os.listdir(dirName) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirName, x))]
+ if len(temp)!=0:
+ chapters.append(dirName)
+ return
+ #Next check to see if all *.js files under this directory exceed our max
+ #for a JSON file
+ temp = getJSCount(dirName)
+ if temp==0:
+ print "ERROR: expected there to be JavaScript tests under dirName!"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif temp < max_tests_per_json:
+ chapters.append(dirName)
+ return
+ else:
+ #Max has been exceeded. We need to look at each subdir individually
+ temp = os.listdir(dirName)
+ for tempSubdir in temp:
+ dirWalker(os.path.join(dirName, tempSubdir))
+for tempDirName in contribution_dirs:
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root_dir, tempDirName)):
+ print "The expected ES5 test directory, root_dir\$tempDirName, did not exist!"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ dirWalker(os.path.join(root_dir, tempDirName))
+#total number of tests accross the entire set of tests.
+excludeList = xml.dom.minidom.parse(exclude_list_filename)
+excludeList = excludeList.getElementsByTagName("test")
+excludeList = [x.getAttribute("id") for x in excludeList]
+multilineComment = False
+def isTestStarted(line):
+ #Note this is a naive approach on the sense that "/*abc*/" could be on one
+ #line. However, we know for a fact this is not the case in IE Test Center
+ #or Sputnik tests.
+ global multilineComment
+ if multilineComment and ("*/" in line): #End of a newline comment
+ multilineComment = False
+ return False
+ elif "/*" in line: #Beginning of a newline comment
+ multilineComment = True
+ return False
+ elif multilineComment: #//we're already in a multi-line comment that hasn't ended
+ return False
+ elif "//" in line: #//blah
+ return False
+ elif re.match("^\s*$", line)!=None: #newlines
+ return False
+ elif "ES5Harness" in line: #definitely start of the test!
+ return True
+ return True
+#add quotes around a string to package it in JSON
+def Encode(tstr):
+ return '"' + str(tstr) + '"'
+#the following functions open and close json dictionary and array
+def OpenDict():
+ return "{"
+def CloseDict(d):
+ return d + "}"
+def OpenArray():
+ return "["
+def CloseArray(a):
+ return a + "]"
+#add a node to an open dictionary. If it is first, do not add a comma.
+#Some json parsers are sensitive and won't parse if the last element has a comma at the end
+def AddDictNode(d, n, IsFirst):
+ if IsFirst:
+ o = d+n
+ else:
+ o = d + "," + n
+ return o
+#add a node to an open array
+def AddArrayElement(a, n, IsFirst):
+ if IsFirst:
+ o = a + n
+ else:
+ o = a + "," + n
+ return o
+#this creates a dictionary node for a given key and value which is non-string
+def CreateNode(k, v):
+ t = Encode(k)
+ return t + ":" + str(v)
+# a similar node except where the value is a string
+def CreateStringNode(a, b):
+ t1 = Encode(a)
+ t2 = Encode(b)
+ return t1 + ":" + t2
+def IsNullOrEmpty(str):
+ if (str):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+testSuite = OpenArray()
+count = 0
+def getAllJSFiles(dirName):
+ retVal = []
+ for fullPath,dontCare,files in os.walk(dirName):
+ retVal += [os.path.join(fullPath,b) for b in files if b.endswith(".js")]
+ return retVal
+for chapter in chapters:
+ chapterName = chapter.rsplit(os.path.sep, 1)[1]
+ print "Generating test cases for ES5 chapter:", chapterName
+ #create dictionaries for all our tests and a section
+ testsList = OpenDict()
+ sect = OpenDict()
+ sectionName ="Chapter - " + chapterName
+ sectionNameNode = CreateStringNode("name", sectionName)
+ #create an array for tests in a chapter
+ tests = OpenArray()
+ sourceFiles = getAllJSFiles(chapter)
+ if len(sourceFiles)!=0:
+ excluded=0
+ testCount = 0
+ for test in sourceFiles:
+ testName=test.rsplit(".", 1)[0] #12.4.6
+ testName=testName.rsplit(os.path.sep, 1)[1]
+ if excludeList.count(testName)==0:
+ # dictionary for each test
+ testDict = OpenDict()
+ idNode = CreateStringNode("id", testName)
+ #id node is our first node in the test dictionary
+ testDict = AddDictNode(testDict, idNode, True)
+ tempFile = open(test, "r")
+ scriptCode = tempFile.readlines()
+ tempFile.close()
+ scriptCodeContent=""
+ #Rip out license headers that add unnecessary bytes to the JSON'ized test cases
+ inBeginning = True
+ multilineComment = False
+ for line in scriptCode:
+ if inBeginning:
+ isStarted = isTestStarted(line)
+ if not isStarted:
+ continue
+ inBeginning = False
+ scriptCodeContent += line
+ if scriptCodeContent=="":
+ print "WARNING (" + test + "): unable to strip comments/license header/etc."
+ scriptCodeContent = "".join(scriptCode)
+ scriptCodeContent = base64.b64encode(scriptCodeContent)
+ codeNode = CreateStringNode("code", scriptCodeContent)
+ #add the test encoded code node to our test dictionary
+ testDict = AddDictNode(testDict, codeNode, False)
+ #now close the dictionary for the test
+ testDict = CloseDict(testDict)
+ #this adds the test to our tests array. Should we add a comma or not
+ if testCount==0:
+ tests = AddArrayElement(tests, testDict, True)
+ else:
+ tests = AddArrayElement(tests, testDict, False)
+ testCount += 1
+ else:
+ excluded = excluded + 1
+ #we have completed our tests. Close the tests array
+ tests = CloseArray(tests)
+ testsNode = CreateNode ("tests", tests)
+ num_tests = str(len(sourceFiles)-excluded)
+ #number of tests in our chapter. Create a node
+ num_testsNode = CreateStringNode("numTests", num_tests)
+ # add sectiopn node, number of tests and the tests themselves.
+ sect = AddDictNode(sect, sectionNameNode, True)
+ sect = AddDictNode(sect, num_testsNode, False)
+ sect = AddDictNode(sect, testsNode, False)
+ #close the section dictionary node
+ sect = CloseDict(sect)
+ #create a node for the tests and add it to our testsLists
+ testCollectionNode = CreateNode("testsCollection", sect)
+ testsList = AddDictNode(testsList, testCollectionNode, True)
+ testsList = CloseDict(testsList)
+ testGroupPathname = web_root_path + os.path.sep + chapterName + ".json"
+ #if you want to use jsmin to minimize the .json file, use the 2nd line. Otherwise 1st
+ with open(testGroupPathname, "w") as f:
+ f.write(testsList)
+ #add the name of the chapter test to our complete list
+ filename = web_root_path_on_server + chapterName + ".json"
+ filenameEnc = Encode(filename)
+ if count==0:
+ testSuite = AddArrayElement(testSuite, filenameEnc, True)
+ else:
+ testSuite = AddArrayElement(testSuite, filenameEnc, False)
+ count += 1
+ total_num_tests += len(sourceFiles) - excluded
+#we now have the list of files for each chapter. Close that array
+testSuite = CloseArray(testSuite)
+#create a root node for our suite
+testSuiteRoot = OpenDict()
+#create a node for total number of tests across all chapters
+total_num_testsNode = CreateNode("numTests", total_num_tests)
+#create suiteversion node
+args.versionEnc = Encode(args.version)
+args.versionNode = CreateNode("version", args.versionEnc)
+#create a date node
+dateStr = str(datetime.datetime.now().date())
+dateEnc = Encode(dateStr)
+dateNode = CreateNode("date", dateEnc)
+#add the nodes to our suites dictionary
+testSuiteRoot = AddDictNode(testSuiteRoot,total_num_testsNode, True)
+testSuiteRoot = AddDictNode(testSuiteRoot, args.versionNode, False)
+testSuiteRoot = AddDictNode(testSuiteRoot, dateNode, False)
+testSuiteNode = CreateNode("testSuite", testSuite)
+testSuiteRoot = AddDictNode(testSuiteRoot, testSuiteNode, False)
+#close the testsuite and write it to the root file
+testSuiteRoot = CloseDict(testSuiteRoot)
+testcaseslistPathName = web_root_path + os.path.sep + "testcaseslist.json"
+with open(testcaseslistPathName, "w") as f:
+ f.write(testSuiteRoot)
+#Deploy test harness to website as well
+print ""
+print "Deploying test harness files to 'test_harness_website_dir'..."
+for filename in test_harness_files:
+ shutil.copy(os.path.join(test_harness_dir, filename),
+ os.path.join(test_harness_website_dir, filename))
+print "Done."