path: root/tools
diff options
authorjugglinmike <mike@mikepennisi.com>2016-08-22 17:23:26 -0400
committerTom Care <tcare@microsoft.com>2016-08-22 14:23:26 -0700
commitba32580be58d4c06b24f0328d9fcbf138cb6236b (patch)
tree61c924f0814d016fc9d0678eb3807de9d3f28162 /tools
parentcac55f2999b20917236dc30a021025fbfe2096a7 (diff)
Remove Python-based test runner (#748)
TC-39 agreed to remove this tool from the Test262 repository in May of 2016 [1]. It has since been re-published as a standalone project to facilitate independent development by interested parties [2]. Remove it from the Test262 repository. [1] https://github.com/tc39/tc39-notes/blob/master/es7/2016-05/may-25.md [2] https://github.com/test262-utils/test262-harness-py
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 1046 deletions
diff --git a/tools/CONSOLE-RUNNER.md b/tools/CONSOLE-RUNNER.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0088813ad..000000000
--- a/tools/CONSOLE-RUNNER.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-## Using the Console Test Runner
-**Note** This utility has been deprecated. It will not be updated with new
-features; future changes will be limited to bug fixes only.
-The console test runner is used to test browserless implementations of ECMAScript, e.g., [v8](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V8_(JavaScript_engine)), [node](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Node.js), or [js24](http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libmozjs-24-bin)
-### Requirements
-To use the `test262.py` runner, you must have the following:
- * a checkout of the [test262 project](https://github.com/tc39/test262/)
- * Python 2.7
- * the Python YAML library [PyYAML](http://www.pyyaml.org)
- * the javascript engine you intend to test (node, v8, etc.)
-### Quick Start
-To confirm the console test runner is working on a UNIX-like system
-test262$ ./tools/packaging/test262.py --command "node" 7.2_A1.1_T1
-ch07/7.2/S7.2_A1.1_T1 passed in non-strict mode
-On a Windows system:
-Z:\test262>tools\packaging\test262.py --command="node" 7.2_A1.1_T1
-ch07\7.2\S7.2_A1.1_T1 passed in non-strict mode
-If this does not work, see Troubleshooting (below)
-### Options
-Name | Action
--h, --help | displays a brief help message
---command=COMMAND | **required** command which invokes javascript engine to be tested
---tests=TESTS | path to the test suite; default is current directory
---cat | don't execute tests, just print code that would be run
---summary | generate a summary at end of execution
---full-summary | generate a longer summary with details of test failures
---strict_only | run only tests that are marked **onlyStrict**
---non_strict_only | run only tests that are marked **noStrict**
---unmarked_default=MODE | mode to use for tests that are not marked **onlyStrict** or **noStrict** ; MODE can be `strict` or `non_strict` or `both`
---logname=LOGNAME | write output to file (in addition to stdout)
---junitname=JUNITNAME | write test results to file in JUnit XML format
---loglevel=LOGLEVEL | set log level, primarily useful for debugging `test262.py`
---print-handle=FUNC | enable async test logging via javascript function e.g., `console.log`
-### Usage Notes
-Non-option arguments are used as filters to match test names. If no filters are found, the whole test suite is run.
-Example | Result
-test262.py --command="node" | run all tests
-test262.py --command="node" ch07 ch11 | run tests from chapters 7 and 11
-test262.py --command="node" 4.4 | run all tests with "4.4" in the name
-The COMMAND argument can be a quoted string. This is useful when testing ECMAScript6 features in node, because node requires the command-line argument `--harmony` to enable ES6:
-$ test262.py --command="node --harmony" es6
-#### Async Tests
-Async tests require a 'print' function to be supplied to the test runner. Here are some good defaults:
-Engine | Filename | Print Function
-V8/Node | node | console.log
-V8/shell | shell | print
-SpiderMonkey<sup>1</sup> | js | print
-JavaScriptCore<sup>2</sup> | jsc | print
-1. As of 2014-Jul-23, SpiderMonkey does not support Promise in the `js` executable ([see bug 911216](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=911216) )
-2. As of 2014-Jul-23, JavaScriptCore does not support Promise in the `jsc` executable
-### Troubleshooting
-#### ImportError: No module named yaml
-On Windows, the message "No module named yaml" can mean that the PyYAML library is installed but not found. If you have this problem, you may be able to use `yaml` interactively from python:
-ActivePython (ActiveState Software Inc.) based on
-Python 2.7.5 (default, Sep 16 2013, 23:16:52) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win
-Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
->>> import yaml
->>> yaml
-<module 'yaml' from 'C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\yaml\__init__.pyc'>
-If you can load `yaml` interactively but get the `ImportError` when running `test262.py`:
-Z:\Code\github\test262>tools\packaging\test262.py --command="node --harmony" --p
-rint-handle="console.log" ch25
-Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "Z:\Code\github\test262\tools\packaging\test262.py", line 31, in <module>
- from parseTestRecord import parseTestRecord, stripHeader
- File "Z:\Code\github\test262\tools\packaging\parseTestRecord.py", line 20, in
- import yaml
-ImportError: No module named yaml
-Then the fix is to explicitly set the PYTHONPATH environment variable. The location may vary from system to system, but it is typically `'C:\Python27\lib\site-packages`.
-set PYTHONPATH=C:\Python27\lib\site-packages
diff --git a/tools/packaging/test/test_test262.py b/tools/packaging/test/test_test262.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8073a3c1f..000000000
--- a/tools/packaging/test/test_test262.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2014 by Sam Mikes. All rights reserved.
-# This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
-import unittest
-import sys
-import os
-import cStringIO
-from functools import wraps
-sys.path.insert(0, "..")
-import test262
-class TestTest262(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_that_tests_run(self):
- self.assertEqual(1 + 2, 3)
-class MockTest(object):
- def __init__(self, name, negative):
- self.name = name
- self.negative = negative if negative else False
- self.strict_mode = False
- def GetName(self):
- return self.name
- def IsNegative(self):
- return self.negative
- def GetMode(self):
- if self.strict_mode:
- return "strict mode"
- return "non-strict mode"
-class MockResult(object):
- def __init__(self, case):
- self.case = case
-class TestTestSuite(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_that_tests_run(self):
- self.assertEqual(1 + 2, 3)
- def test_create_test_suite(self):
- test_suite = test262.TestSuite(".",
- False,
- False,
- False,
- None)
- self.assertNotEqual(test_suite, None)
- def test_summary(self):
- test_suite = test262.TestSuite(".",
- False,
- False,
- False,
- None)
- progress = test262.ProgressIndicator(100)
- progress.succeeded = 98
- progress.failed = 2
- result = mute(True)(test_suite.PrintSummary)(progress, None)
- self.assertEqual("""
-=== Summary ===
- - Ran 100 tests
- - Passed 98 tests (98.0%)
- - Failed 2 tests (2.0%)
-""", result)
- def test_summary_logfile(self):
- test_suite = test262.TestSuite(".",
- False,
- False,
- False,
- None)
- progress = test262.ProgressIndicator(100)
- progress.succeeded = 98
- progress.failed = 2
- fake_log = cStringIO.StringIO()
- test_suite.logf = fake_log
- result = mute(True)(test_suite.PrintSummary)(progress, True)
- expected_out = """
-=== Summary ===
- - Ran 100 tests
- - Passed 98 tests (98.0%)
- - Failed 2 tests (2.0%)
- expected_log = """=== Summary ===
- - Ran 100 tests
- - Passed 98 tests (98.0%)
- - Failed 2 tests (2.0%)
- self.assertEqual(expected_out, result)
- self.assertEqual(expected_log, fake_log.getvalue())
- def test_summary_withfails(self):
- test_suite = test262.TestSuite(".",
- False,
- False,
- False,
- None)
- progress = test262.ProgressIndicator(100)
- progress.succeeded = 98
- progress.failed = 2
- progress.failed_tests = [
- MockResult(MockTest("foo", False)),
- MockResult(MockTest("bar", True))
- ]
- result = mute(True)(test_suite.PrintSummary)(progress, None)
- self.assertEqual("""
-=== Summary ===
- - Ran 100 tests
- - Passed 98 tests (98.0%)
- - Failed 2 tests (2.0%)
-Failed Tests
- foo in non-strict mode
-Expected to fail but passed ---
- bar in non-strict mode
-""", result)
- def test_summary_withfails_andlog(self):
- test_suite = test262.TestSuite(".",
- False,
- False,
- False,
- None)
- progress = test262.ProgressIndicator(100)
- progress.succeeded = 98
- progress.failed = 2
- progress.failed_tests = [
- MockResult(MockTest("foo", False)),
- MockResult(MockTest("bar", True))
- ]
- fake_log = cStringIO.StringIO()
- test_suite.logf = fake_log
- expected_out = """
-=== Summary ===
- - Ran 100 tests
- - Passed 98 tests (98.0%)
- - Failed 2 tests (2.0%)
-Failed Tests
- foo in non-strict mode
-Expected to fail but passed ---
- bar in non-strict mode
- expected_log = """=== Summary ===
- - Ran 100 tests
- - Passed 98 tests (98.0%)
- - Failed 2 tests (2.0%)
-Failed Tests
- foo in non-strict mode
-Expected to fail but passed ---
- bar in non-strict mode
- result = mute(True)(test_suite.PrintSummary)(progress, True)
- self.assertEqual(expected_out, result)
- self.assertEqual(expected_log, fake_log.getvalue())
- def test_summary_success_logfile(self):
- test_suite = test262.TestSuite(".",
- False,
- False,
- False,
- None)
- progress = test262.ProgressIndicator(100)
- progress.succeeded = 100
- progress.failed = 0
- fake_log = cStringIO.StringIO()
- test_suite.logf = fake_log
- result = mute(True)(test_suite.PrintSummary)(progress, True)
- expected_out = """
-=== Summary ===
- - Ran 100 tests
- - All tests succeeded
- expected_log = """=== Summary ===
- - Ran 100 tests
- - All tests succeeded
- self.assertEqual(expected_out, result)
- self.assertEqual(expected_log, fake_log.getvalue())
- def test_percent_format(self):
- self.assertEqual(test262.PercentFormat(1, 100), "1 test (1.0%)")
- self.assertEqual(test262.PercentFormat(0, 100), "0 tests (0.0%)")
- self.assertEqual(test262.PercentFormat(99, 100), "99 tests (99.0%)")
-# module level utility functions
-# copied from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2828953/silence-the-stdout-of-a-function-in-python-without-trashing-sys-stdout-and-resto
-def mute(returns_output=False):
- """
- Decorate a function that prints to stdout, intercepting the output.
- If "returns_output" is True, the function will return a generator
- yielding the printed lines instead of the return values.
- The decorator litterally hijack sys.stdout during each function
- execution for ALL THE THREADS, so be careful with what you apply it to
- and in which context.
- >>> def numbers():
- print "42"
- print "1984"
- ...
- >>> numbers()
- 42
- 1984
- >>> mute()(numbers)()
- >>> list(mute(True)(numbers)())
- ['42', '1984']
- """
- def decorator(func):
- @wraps(func)
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- saved_stdout = sys.stdout
- sys.stdout = cStringIO.StringIO()
- try:
- out = func(*args, **kwargs)
- if returns_output:
- out = sys.stdout.getvalue()
- finally:
- sys.stdout = saved_stdout
- return out
- return wrapper
- return decorator
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/tools/packaging/test262.py b/tools/packaging/test262.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c87609b8c..000000000
--- a/tools/packaging/test262.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,646 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
-# This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
-# This is derived from sputnik.py, the Sputnik console test runner,
-# with elements from packager.py, which is separately
-# copyrighted. TODO: Refactor so there is less duplication between
-# test262.py and packager.py.
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-from os import path
-import platform
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import time
-import xml.dom.minidom
-import datetime
-import shutil
-import json
-import stat
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as xmlj
-import unicodedata
-from collections import Counter
-from parseTestRecord import parseTestRecord, stripHeader
-from packagerConfig import *
-class Test262Error(Exception):
- def __init__(self, message):
- self.message = message
-def ReportError(s):
- raise Test262Error(s)
-if not os.path.exists(EXCLUDED_FILENAME):
- print "Cannot generate (JSON) test262 tests without a file," + \
- " %s, showing which tests have been disabled!" % EXCLUDED_FILENAME
- sys.exit(1)
-EXCLUDE_LIST = xml.dom.minidom.parse(EXCLUDED_FILENAME)
-EXCLUDE_REASON = EXCLUDE_LIST.getElementsByTagName("reason")
-EXCLUDE_LIST = EXCLUDE_LIST.getElementsByTagName("test")
-EXCLUDE_LIST = [x.getAttribute("id") for x in EXCLUDE_LIST]
-def BuildOptions():
- result = optparse.OptionParser()
- result.add_option("--command", default=None, help="The command-line to run")
- result.add_option("--tests", default=path.abspath('.'),
- help="Path to the tests")
- result.add_option("--cat", default=False, action="store_true",
- help="Print packaged test code that would be run")
- result.add_option("--summary", default=False, action="store_true",
- help="Print summary after running tests")
- result.add_option("--full-summary", default=False, action="store_true",
- help="Print summary and test output after running tests")
- result.add_option("--strict_only", default=False, action="store_true",
- help="Test only strict mode")
- result.add_option("--non_strict_only", default=False, action="store_true",
- help="Test only non-strict mode")
- result.add_option("--unmarked_default", default="both",
- help="default mode for tests of unspecified strictness")
- result.add_option("--logname", help="Filename to save stdout to")
- result.add_option("--junitname", help="Filename to save test results in JUnit XML format")
- result.add_option("--loglevel", default="warning",
- help="sets log level to debug, info, warning, error, or critical")
- result.add_option("--print-handle", default="print", help="Command to print from console")
- result.add_option("--list-includes", default=False, action="store_true",
- help="List includes required by tests")
- return result
-def ValidateOptions(options):
- if not options.command:
- ReportError("A --command must be specified.")
- if not path.exists(options.tests):
- ReportError("Couldn't find test path '%s'" % options.tests)
-placeHolderPattern = re.compile(r"\{\{(\w+)\}\}")
-def IsWindows():
- p = platform.system()
- return (p == 'Windows') or (p == 'Microsoft')
-class TempFile(object):
- def __init__(self, suffix="", prefix="tmp", text=False):
- self.suffix = suffix
- self.prefix = prefix
- self.text = text
- self.fd = None
- self.name = None
- self.is_closed = False
- self.Open()
- def Open(self):
- (self.fd, self.name) = tempfile.mkstemp(
- suffix = self.suffix,
- prefix = self.prefix,
- text = self.text)
- def Write(self, str):
- os.write(self.fd, str)
- def Read(self):
- f = file(self.name)
- result = f.read()
- f.close()
- return result
- def Close(self):
- if not self.is_closed:
- self.is_closed = True
- os.close(self.fd)
- def Dispose(self):
- try:
- self.Close()
- os.unlink(self.name)
- except OSError, e:
- logging.error("Error disposing temp file: %s", str(e))
-class TestResult(object):
- def __init__(self, exit_code, stdout, stderr, case):
- self.exit_code = exit_code
- self.stdout = stdout
- self.stderr = stderr
- self.case = case
- def ReportOutcome(self, long_format):
- name = self.case.GetName()
- mode = self.case.GetMode()
- if self.HasUnexpectedOutcome():
- if self.case.IsNegative():
- print "=== %s was expected to fail in %s, but didn't ===" % (name, mode)
- print "--- expected error: %s ---\n" % self.case.GetNegative()
- else:
- if long_format:
- print "=== %s failed in %s ===" % (name, mode)
- else:
- print "%s in %s: " % (name, mode)
- self.WriteOutput(sys.stdout)
- if long_format:
- print "==="
- elif self.case.IsNegative():
- print "%s failed in %s as expected" % (name, mode)
- else:
- print "%s passed in %s" % (name, mode)
- def WriteOutput(self, target):
- out = self.stdout.strip()
- if len(out) > 0:
- target.write("--- output --- \n %s" % out)
- err = self.stderr.strip()
- if len(err) > 0:
- target.write("--- errors --- \n %s" % err)
- # This is a way to make the output from the "whitespace" tests into valid XML
- def SafeFormat(self, msg):
- try:
- msg = msg.encode(encoding='ascii', errors='strict')
- msg = msg.replace('\u000Bx', '?')
- msg = msg.replace('\u000Cx', '?')
- except:
- return 'Output contained invalid characters'
- def XmlAssemble(self, result):
- test_name = self.case.GetName()
- test_mode = self.case.GetMode()
- testCaseElement = xmlj.Element("testcase")
- testpath = self.TestPathManipulation(test_name)
- testCaseElement.attrib["classname"] = "%s.%s" % (testpath[0] , testpath[1])
- testCaseElement.attrib["name"] = "%s %s" % (testpath[2].replace('.','_') , test_mode)
- if self.HasUnexpectedOutcome():
- failureElement = xmlj.Element("failure")
- out = self.stdout.strip().decode('utf-8')
- err = self.stderr.strip().decode('utf-8')
- if len(out) > 0:
- failureElement.text = self.SafeFormat(out)
- if len(err) > 0:
- failureElement.text = self.SafeFormat(err)
- testCaseElement.append(failureElement)
- return testCaseElement
- def TestPathManipulation(self, test_name):
- testdirlist = test_name.split('/')
- testcase = testdirlist.pop()
- testclass = testdirlist.pop()
- testclass = testclass.replace('.','_')
- if len(testdirlist) >= 1:
- testpackage = testdirlist.pop(0)
- else:
- testpackage = testclass
- return(testpackage,testclass,testcase)
- def HasFailed(self):
- return self.exit_code != 0
- def AsyncHasFailed(self):
- return 'Test262:AsyncTestComplete' not in self.stdout
- def HasUnexpectedOutcome(self):
- if self.case.IsAsyncTest():
- return self.AsyncHasFailed() or self.HasFailed()
- elif self.case.IsNegative():
- return not (self.HasFailed() and self.case.NegativeMatch(self.GetErrorOutput()))
- else:
- return self.HasFailed()
- def GetErrorOutput(self):
- if len(self.stderr) != 0:
- return self.stderr
- return self.stdout
-class TestCase(object):
- def __init__(self, suite, name, full_path, strict_mode):
- self.suite = suite
- self.name = name
- self.full_path = full_path
- self.strict_mode = strict_mode
- f = open(self.full_path)
- self.contents = f.read()
- f.close()
- testRecord = parseTestRecord(self.contents, name)
- self.test = testRecord["test"]
- del testRecord["test"]
- del testRecord["header"]
- testRecord.pop("commentary", None) # do not throw if missing
- self.testRecord = testRecord;
- self.validate()
- def NegativeMatch(self, stderr):
- neg = re.compile(self.GetNegative())
- return re.search(neg, stderr)
- def GetNegative(self):
- return self.testRecord['negative']
- def GetName(self):
- return path.join(*self.name)
- def GetMode(self):
- if self.strict_mode:
- return "strict mode"
- else:
- return "non-strict mode"
- def GetPath(self):
- return self.name
- def IsNegative(self):
- return 'negative' in self.testRecord
- def IsOnlyStrict(self):
- return 'onlyStrict' in self.testRecord
- def IsNoStrict(self):
- return 'noStrict' in self.testRecord or self.IsRaw()
- def IsRaw(self):
- return 'raw' in self.testRecord
- def IsAsyncTest(self):
- return 'async' in self.testRecord
- def GetIncludeList(self):
- if self.testRecord.get('includes'):
- return self.testRecord['includes']
- return []
- def GetAdditionalIncludes(self):
- return '\n'.join([self.suite.GetInclude(include) for include in self.GetIncludeList()])
- def GetSource(self):
- if self.IsRaw():
- return self.test
- source = self.suite.GetInclude("sta.js") + \
- self.suite.GetInclude("cth.js") + \
- self.suite.GetInclude("assert.js")
- if self.IsAsyncTest():
- source = source + \
- self.suite.GetInclude("timer.js") + \
- self.suite.GetInclude("doneprintHandle.js").replace('print', self.suite.print_handle)
- source = source + \
- self.GetAdditionalIncludes() + \
- self.test + '\n'
- if self.strict_mode:
- source = '"use strict";\nvar strict_mode = true;\n' + source
- else:
- # add comment line so line numbers match in both strict and non-strict version
- source = '//"no strict";\nvar strict_mode = false;\n' + source
- return source
- def InstantiateTemplate(self, template, params):
- def GetParameter(match):
- key = match.group(1)
- return params.get(key, match.group(0))
- return placeHolderPattern.sub(GetParameter, template)
- def Execute(self, command):
- if IsWindows():
- args = '%s' % command
- else:
- args = command.split(" ")
- stdout = TempFile(prefix="test262-out-")
- stderr = TempFile(prefix="test262-err-")
- try:
- logging.info("exec: %s", str(args))
- process = subprocess.Popen(
- args,
- shell = IsWindows(),
- stdout = stdout.fd,
- stderr = stderr.fd
- )
- code = process.wait()
- out = stdout.Read()
- err = stderr.Read()
- finally:
- stdout.Dispose()
- stderr.Dispose()
- return (code, out, err)
- def RunTestIn(self, command_template, tmp):
- tmp.Write(self.GetSource())
- tmp.Close()
- command = self.InstantiateTemplate(command_template, {
- 'path': tmp.name
- })
- (code, out, err) = self.Execute(command)
- return TestResult(code, out, err, self)
- def Run(self, command_template):
- tmp = TempFile(suffix=".js", prefix="test262-", text=True)
- try:
- result = self.RunTestIn(command_template, tmp)
- finally:
- tmp.Dispose()
- return result
- def Print(self):
- print self.GetSource()
- def validate(self):
- flags = self.testRecord.get("flags")
- if not flags:
- return
- if 'raw' in flags:
- if 'noStrict' in flags:
- raise TypeError("The `raw` flag implies the `noStrict` flag")
- elif 'onlyStrict' in flags:
- raise TypeError(
- "The `raw` flag is incompatible with the `onlyStrict` flag")
- elif len(self.GetIncludeList()) > 0:
- raise TypeError(
- "The `raw` flag is incompatible with the `includes` tag")
-class ProgressIndicator(object):
- def __init__(self, count):
- self.count = count
- self.succeeded = 0
- self.failed = 0
- self.failed_tests = []
- def HasRun(self, result):
- result.ReportOutcome(True)
- if result.HasUnexpectedOutcome():
- self.failed += 1
- self.failed_tests.append(result)
- else:
- self.succeeded += 1
-def MakePlural(n):
- if (n == 1):
- return (n, "")
- else:
- return (n, "s")
-def PercentFormat(partial, total):
- return "%i test%s (%.1f%%)" % (MakePlural(partial) +
- ((100.0 * partial)/total,))
-class TestSuite(object):
- def __init__(self, root, strict_only, non_strict_only, unmarked_default, print_handle):
- # TODO: derive from packagerConfig.py
- self.test_root = path.join(root, 'test')
- self.lib_root = path.join(root, 'harness')
- self.strict_only = strict_only
- self.non_strict_only = non_strict_only
- self.unmarked_default = unmarked_default
- self.print_handle = print_handle
- self.include_cache = { }
- def Validate(self):
- if not path.exists(self.test_root):
- ReportError("No test repository found")
- if not path.exists(self.lib_root):
- ReportError("No test library found")
- def IsHidden(self, path):
- return path.startswith('.') or path == 'CVS'
- def IsTestCase(self, path):
- return path.endswith('.js')
- def ShouldRun(self, rel_path, tests):
- if len(tests) == 0:
- return True
- for test in tests:
- if test in rel_path:
- return True
- return False
- def GetInclude(self, name):
- if not name in self.include_cache:
- static = path.join(self.lib_root, name)
- if path.exists(static):
- f = open(static)
- contents = stripHeader(f.read())
- contents = re.sub(r'\r\n', '\n', contents)
- self.include_cache[name] = contents + "\n"
- f.close()
- else:
- ReportError("Can't find: " + static)
- return self.include_cache[name]
- def EnumerateTests(self, tests):
- logging.info("Listing tests in %s", self.test_root)
- cases = []
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.test_root):
- for f in [x for x in dirs if self.IsHidden(x)]:
- dirs.remove(f)
- dirs.sort()
- for f in sorted(files):
- if self.IsTestCase(f):
- full_path = path.join(root, f)
- if full_path.startswith(self.test_root):
- rel_path = full_path[len(self.test_root)+1:]
- else:
- logging.warning("Unexpected path %s", full_path)
- rel_path = full_path
- if self.ShouldRun(rel_path, tests):
- basename = path.basename(full_path)[:-3]
- name = rel_path.split(path.sep)[:-1] + [basename]
- if EXCLUDE_LIST.count(basename) >= 1:
- print 'Excluded: ' + basename
- else:
- if not self.non_strict_only:
- strict_case = TestCase(self, name, full_path, True)
- if not strict_case.IsNoStrict():
- if strict_case.IsOnlyStrict() or \
- self.unmarked_default in ['both', 'strict']:
- cases.append(strict_case)
- if not self.strict_only:
- non_strict_case = TestCase(self, name, full_path, False)
- if not non_strict_case.IsOnlyStrict():
- if non_strict_case.IsNoStrict() or \
- self.unmarked_default in ['both', 'non_strict']:
- cases.append(non_strict_case)
- logging.info("Done listing tests")
- return cases
- def PrintSummary(self, progress, logfile):
- def write(s):
- if logfile:
- self.logf.write(s + "\n")
- print s
- print
- write("=== Summary ===");
- count = progress.count
- succeeded = progress.succeeded
- failed = progress.failed
- write(" - Ran %i test%s" % MakePlural(count))
- if progress.failed == 0:
- write(" - All tests succeeded")
- else:
- write(" - Passed " + PercentFormat(succeeded, count))
- write(" - Failed " + PercentFormat(failed, count))
- positive = [c for c in progress.failed_tests if not c.case.IsNegative()]
- negative = [c for c in progress.failed_tests if c.case.IsNegative()]
- if len(positive) > 0:
- print
- write("Failed Tests")
- for result in positive:
- write(" %s in %s" % (result.case.GetName(), result.case.GetMode()))
- if len(negative) > 0:
- print
- write("Expected to fail but passed ---")
- for result in negative:
- write(" %s in %s" % (result.case.GetName(), result.case.GetMode()))
- def PrintFailureOutput(self, progress, logfile):
- for result in progress.failed_tests:
- if logfile:
- self.WriteLog(result)
- print
- result.ReportOutcome(False)
- def Run(self, command_template, tests, print_summary, full_summary, logname, junitfile):
- if not "{{path}}" in command_template:
- command_template += " {{path}}"
- cases = self.EnumerateTests(tests)
- if len(cases) == 0:
- ReportError("No tests to run")
- progress = ProgressIndicator(len(cases))
- if logname:
- self.logf = open(logname, "w")
- if junitfile:
- self.outfile = open(junitfile, "w")
- TestSuitesElement = xmlj.Element("testsuites")
- TestSuiteElement = xmlj.Element("testsuite")
- TestSuitesElement.append(TestSuiteElement)
- TestSuiteElement.attrib["name "] = "test262"
- for x in range(len(EXCLUDE_LIST)):
- if self.ShouldRun (unicode(EXCLUDE_LIST[x].encode('utf-8','ignore')), tests):
- SkipCaseElement = xmlj.Element("testcase")
- SkipCaseElement.attrib["classname"] = unicode(EXCLUDE_LIST[x]).encode('utf-8','ignore')
- SkipCaseElement.attrib["name"] = unicode(EXCLUDE_LIST[x]).encode('utf-8','ignore')
- SkipElement = xmlj.Element("skipped")
- SkipElement.attrib["message"] = unicode(EXCLUDE_REASON[x].firstChild.nodeValue)
- SkipCaseElement.append(SkipElement)
- TestSuiteElement.append(SkipCaseElement)
- for case in cases:
- result = case.Run(command_template)
- if junitfile:
- TestCaseElement = result.XmlAssemble(result)
- TestSuiteElement.append(TestCaseElement)
- if case == cases[len(cases)-1]:
- xmlj.ElementTree(TestSuitesElement).write(junitfile, "UTF-8")
- if logname:
- self.WriteLog(result)
- progress.HasRun(result)
- if print_summary:
- self.PrintSummary(progress, logname)
- if full_summary:
- self.PrintFailureOutput(progress, logname)
- else:
- print
- print "Use --full-summary to see output from failed tests"
- print
- return progress.failed
- def WriteLog(self, result):
- name = result.case.GetName()
- mode = result.case.GetMode()
- if result.HasUnexpectedOutcome():
- if result.case.IsNegative():
- self.logf.write("=== %s was expected to fail in %s, but didn't === \n" % (name, mode))
- self.logf.write("--- expected error: %s ---\n" % result.case.GetNegative())
- result.WriteOutput(self.logf)
- else:
- self.logf.write("=== %s failed in %s === \n" % (name, mode))
- result.WriteOutput(self.logf)
- self.logf.write("===\n")
- elif result.case.IsNegative():
- self.logf.write("%s failed in %s as expected \n" % (name, mode))
- else:
- self.logf.write("%s passed in %s \n" % (name, mode))
- def Print(self, tests):
- cases = self.EnumerateTests(tests)
- if len(cases) > 0:
- cases[0].Print()
- def ListIncludes(self, tests):
- cases = self.EnumerateTests(tests)
- includes_dict = Counter()
- for case in cases:
- includes = case.GetIncludeList()
- includes_dict.update(includes)
- print includes_dict
-def Main():
- code = 0
- parser = BuildOptions()
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- ValidateOptions(options)
- test_suite = TestSuite(options.tests,
- options.strict_only,
- options.non_strict_only,
- options.unmarked_default,
- options.print_handle)
- test_suite.Validate()
- if options.loglevel == 'debug':
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
- elif options.loglevel == 'info':
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
- elif options.loglevel == 'warning':
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING)
- elif options.loglevel == 'error':
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR)
- elif options.loglevel == 'critical':
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.CRITICAL)
- if options.cat:
- test_suite.Print(args)
- elif options.list_includes:
- test_suite.ListIncludes(args)
- else:
- code = test_suite.Run(options.command, args,
- options.summary or options.full_summary,
- options.full_summary,
- options.logname,
- options.junitname)
- return code
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- try:
- code = Main()
- sys.exit(code)
- except Test262Error, e:
- print "Error: %s" % e.message
- sys.exit(1)