path: root/examples/quickcontrols/wearable/qml/LauncherPage.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/quickcontrols/wearable/qml/LauncherPage.qml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/examples/quickcontrols/wearable/qml/LauncherPage.qml b/examples/quickcontrols/wearable/qml/LauncherPage.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4017a81c57..0000000000
--- a/examples/quickcontrols/wearable/qml/LauncherPage.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
-import QtQuick
-import QtQuick.Controls as QQC2
-import "Style"
-PathView {
- id: circularView
- signal launched(string page)
- readonly property int cX: width / 2
- readonly property int cY: height / 2
- readonly property int itemSize: size / 4
- readonly property int size: Math.min(width - 80, height)
- readonly property int radius: size / 2 - itemSize / 3
- snapMode: PathView.SnapToItem
- model: ListModel {
- ListElement {
- title: qsTr("World Clock")
- icon: "worldclock"
- page: "WorldClock/WorldClockPage.qml"
- }
- ListElement {
- title: qsTr("Navigation")
- icon: "navigation"
- page: "Navigation/NavigationPage.qml"
- }
- ListElement {
- title: qsTr("Weather")
- icon: "weather"
- page: "Weather/WeatherPage.qml"
- }
- ListElement {
- title: qsTr("Fitness")
- icon: "fitness"
- page: "Fitness/FitnessPage.qml"
- }
- ListElement {
- title: qsTr("Notifications")
- icon: "notifications"
- page: "Notifications/NotificationsPage.qml"
- }
- ListElement {
- title: qsTr("Alarm")
- icon: "alarms"
- page: "Alarms/AlarmsPage.qml"
- }
- ListElement {
- title: qsTr("Settings")
- icon: "settings"
- page: "Settings/SettingsPage.qml"
- }
- }
- delegate: QQC2.RoundButton {
- width: circularView.itemSize
- height: circularView.itemSize
- property string title: model.title
- icon.width: 36
- icon.height: 36
- icon.name: model.icon
- opacity: PathView.itemOpacity
- padding: 12
- background: Rectangle {
- radius: width / 2
- border.width: 3
- border.color: parent.PathView.isCurrentItem ? UIStyle.colorQtPrimGreen : UIStyle.themeColorQtGray4
- }
- onClicked: {
- if (PathView.isCurrentItem)
- circularView.launched(Qt.resolvedUrl(page))
- else
- circularView.currentIndex = index
- }
- }
- path: Path {
- startX: circularView.cX
- startY: circularView.cY
- PathAttribute {
- name: "itemOpacity"
- value: 1.0
- }
- PathLine {
- x: circularView.cX + circularView.radius
- y: circularView.cY
- }
- PathAttribute {
- name: "itemOpacity"
- value: 0.7
- }
- PathArc {
- x: circularView.cX - circularView.radius
- y: circularView.cY
- radiusX: circularView.radius
- radiusY: circularView.radius
- useLargeArc: true
- direction: PathArc.Clockwise
- }
- PathAttribute {
- name: "itemOpacity"
- value: 0.5
- }
- PathArc {
- x: circularView.cX + circularView.radius
- y: circularView.cY
- radiusX: circularView.radius
- radiusY: circularView.radius
- useLargeArc: true
- direction: PathArc.Clockwise
- }
- PathAttribute {
- name: "itemOpacity"
- value: 0.3
- }
- }
- Text {
- id: appTitle
- property Item currentItem: circularView.currentItem
- visible: currentItem ? currentItem.PathView.itemOpacity === 1.0 : 0
- text: currentItem ? currentItem.title : ""
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- anchors.verticalCenterOffset: (circularView.itemSize + height) / 2
- font.bold: true
- font.pixelSize: circularView.itemSize / 3
- font.letterSpacing: 1
- color: UIStyle.themeColorQtGray1
- }