path: root/src/qml/qml/ftw/qstringhash_p.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/qml/qml/ftw/qstringhash_p.h')
1 files changed, 803 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qml/qml/ftw/qstringhash_p.h b/src/qml/qml/ftw/qstringhash_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c431a4d6b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qml/qml/ftw/qstringhash_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include <private/qhashedstring_p.h>
+#include <private/qprimefornumbits_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
+#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
+#include <QtCore/qtaggedpointer.h>
+static inline QString::DataPointer &mutableStringData(const QHashedString &key)
+ return const_cast<QHashedString &>(key).data_ptr();
+class QStringHashData;
+class QStringHashNode
+ QStringHashNode()
+ {
+ }
+ QStringHashNode(const QHashedString &key)
+ : length(int(key.size())), hash(key.hash()), symbolId(0)
+ , arrayData(mutableStringData(key).d_ptr())
+ , strData(mutableStringData(key).data())
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(key.size() <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
+ if (arrayData)
+ arrayData->ref();
+ setQString(true);
+ }
+ QStringHashNode(const QHashedCStringRef &key)
+ : length(key.length()), hash(key.hash()), symbolId(0), ckey(key.constData())
+ {
+ }
+ QStringHashNode(const QStringHashNode &o)
+ : length(o.length), hash(o.hash), symbolId(o.symbolId), arrayData(o.arrayData)
+ {
+ setQString(o.isQString());
+ if (isQString()) {
+ strData = o.strData;
+ if (arrayData)
+ arrayData->ref();
+ } else {
+ ckey = o.ckey;
+ }
+ }
+ ~QStringHashNode()
+ {
+ if (isQString() && arrayData && !arrayData->deref())
+ QTypedArrayData<char16_t>::deallocate(arrayData);
+ }
+ enum Tag {
+ NodeIsCString,
+ NodeIsQString
+ };
+ QTaggedPointer<QStringHashNode, Tag> next;
+ qint32 length = 0;
+ quint32 hash = 0;
+ quint32 symbolId = 0;
+ QTypedArrayData<char16_t> *arrayData = nullptr;
+ union {
+ const char *ckey = nullptr;
+ char16_t *strData;
+ };
+ inline QHashedString key() const
+ {
+ if (isQString()) {
+ if (arrayData)
+ arrayData->ref();
+ return QHashedString(QString(QStringPrivate(arrayData, strData, length)), hash);
+ }
+ return QHashedString(QString::fromLatin1(ckey, length), hash);
+ }
+ bool isQString() const { return next.tag() == NodeIsQString; }
+ void setQString(bool v) { if (v) next.setTag(NodeIsQString); else next.setTag(NodeIsCString); }
+ inline qsizetype size() const { return length; }
+ inline const char *cStrData() const { return ckey; }
+ inline const char16_t *utf16Data() const { return strData; }
+ inline bool equals(const QV4::Value &string) const {
+ QString s = string.toQStringNoThrow();
+ if (isQString()) {
+ return QStringView(utf16Data(), length) == s;
+ } else {
+ return QLatin1String(cStrData(), length) == s;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool equals(const QV4::String *string) const {
+ if (length != string->d()->length() || hash != string->hashValue())
+ return false;
+ if (isQString()) {
+ return QStringView(utf16Data(), length) == string->toQString();
+ } else {
+ return QLatin1String(cStrData(), length) == string->toQString();
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool equals(const QHashedStringRef &string) const {
+ return length == string.length() &&
+ hash == string.hash() &&
+ (isQString()? string == QStringView {utf16Data(), length}:
+ QHashedString::compare(string.constData(), cStrData(), length));
+ }
+ inline bool equals(const QHashedCStringRef &string) const {
+ return length == string.length() &&
+ hash == string.hash() &&
+ (isQString()?QHashedString::compare((const QChar *)utf16Data(), string.constData(), length):
+ QHashedString::compare(string.constData(), cStrData(), length));
+ }
+class QStringHashData
+ QStringHashData() = default;
+ ~QStringHashData() = default;
+ /*
+ A QHash has initially around pow(2, MinNumBits) buckets. For
+ example, if MinNumBits is 4, it has 17 buckets.
+ */
+ enum { MinNumBits = 4 };
+ QStringHashNode **buckets = nullptr; // life cycle managed by QStringHash
+ int numBuckets = 0;
+ int size = 0;
+ short numBits = 0;
+ template<typename StringHash>
+ struct IteratorData {
+ IteratorData(QStringHashNode *n = nullptr, StringHash *p = nullptr) : n(n), p(p) {}
+ template<typename OtherData>
+ IteratorData(const OtherData &other) : n(other.n), p(other.p) {}
+ QStringHashNode *n;
+ StringHash *p;
+ };
+ void rehashToBits(short bits)
+ {
+ numBits = qMax(short(MinNumBits), bits);
+ int nb = qPrimeForNumBits(numBits);
+ if (nb == numBuckets && buckets)
+ return;
+ QStringHashNode **newBuckets = new QStringHashNode *[nb];
+ ::memset(newBuckets, 0, sizeof(QStringHashNode *) * nb);
+ // Preserve the existing order within buckets so that items with the
+ // same key will retain the same find/findNext order
+ for (int i = 0; i < numBuckets; ++i) {
+ QStringHashNode *bucket = buckets[i];
+ if (bucket)
+ rehashNode(newBuckets, nb, bucket);
+ }
+ delete [] buckets;
+ buckets = newBuckets;
+ numBuckets = nb;
+ }
+ void rehashToSize(int size)
+ {
+ short bits = qMax(short(MinNumBits), numBits);
+ while (qPrimeForNumBits(bits) < size)
+ bits++;
+ if (bits > numBits)
+ rehashToBits(bits);
+ }
+ void rehashNode(QStringHashNode **newBuckets, int nb, QStringHashNode *node)
+ {
+ QStringHashNode *next = node->next.data();
+ if (next)
+ rehashNode(newBuckets, nb, next);
+ int bucket = node->hash % nb;
+ node->next = newBuckets[bucket];
+ newBuckets[bucket] = node;
+ }
+// For a supplied key type, in what form do we need to keep a hashed version?
+template<typename T>
+struct HashedForm {};
+template<> struct HashedForm<QString> { typedef QHashedString Type; };
+template<> struct HashedForm<QStringView> { typedef QHashedStringRef Type; };
+template<> struct HashedForm<QHashedString> { typedef const QHashedString &Type; };
+template<> struct HashedForm<QV4::String *> { typedef const QV4::String *Type; };
+template<> struct HashedForm<const QV4::String *> { typedef const QV4::String *Type; };
+template<> struct HashedForm<QHashedStringRef> { typedef const QHashedStringRef &Type; };
+template<> struct HashedForm<QLatin1String> { typedef QHashedCStringRef Type; };
+template<> struct HashedForm<QHashedCStringRef> { typedef const QHashedCStringRef &Type; };
+class QStringHashBase
+ static HashedForm<QString>::Type hashedString(const QString &s) { return QHashedString(s);}
+ static HashedForm<QStringView>::Type hashedString(QStringView s)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(s.size() <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
+ return QHashedStringRef(s.constData(), int(s.size()));
+ }
+ static HashedForm<QHashedString>::Type hashedString(const QHashedString &s) { return s; }
+ static HashedForm<QV4::String *>::Type hashedString(QV4::String *s) { return s; }
+ static HashedForm<const QV4::String *>::Type hashedString(const QV4::String *s) { return s; }
+ static HashedForm<QHashedStringRef>::Type hashedString(const QHashedStringRef &s) { return s; }
+ static HashedForm<QLatin1StringView>::Type hashedString(QLatin1StringView s)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(s.size() <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
+ return QHashedCStringRef(s.data(), int(s.size()));
+ }
+ static HashedForm<QHashedCStringRef>::Type hashedString(const QHashedCStringRef &s) { return s; }
+ static const QString &toQString(const QString &s) { return s; }
+ static const QString &toQString(const QHashedString &s) { return s; }
+ static QString toQString(const QV4::String *s) { return s->toQString(); }
+ static QString toQString(const QHashedStringRef &s) { return s.toString(); }
+ static QString toQString(const QLatin1String &s) { return QString(s); }
+ static QString toQString(const QHashedCStringRef &s) { return s.toUtf16(); }
+ static inline quint32 hashOf(const QHashedStringRef &s) { return s.hash(); }
+ static inline quint32 hashOf(QV4::String *s) { return s->hashValue(); }
+ static inline quint32 hashOf(const QV4::String *s) { return s->hashValue(); }
+ template<typename K>
+ static inline quint32 hashOf(const K &key) { return hashedString(key).hash(); }
+template<class T>
+class QStringHash : public QStringHashBase
+ typedef QHashedString key_type;
+ typedef T mapped_type;
+ using MutableIteratorData = QStringHashData::IteratorData<QStringHash<T>>;
+ using ConstIteratorData = QStringHashData::IteratorData<const QStringHash<T>>;
+ struct Node : public QStringHashNode {
+ Node(const QHashedString &key, const T &value) : QStringHashNode(key), value(value) {}
+ Node(const QHashedCStringRef &key, const T &value) : QStringHashNode(key), value(value) {}
+ Node(const Node &o) : QStringHashNode(o), value(o.value) {}
+ Node() {}
+ T value;
+ };
+ struct NewedNode : public Node {
+ NewedNode(const QHashedString &key, const T &value) : Node(key, value), nextNewed(nullptr) {}
+ NewedNode(const QHashedCStringRef &key, const T &value) : Node(key, value), nextNewed(nullptr) {}
+ NewedNode(const Node &o) : Node(o), nextNewed(nullptr) {}
+ NewedNode *nextNewed;
+ };
+ struct ReservedNodePool
+ {
+ ReservedNodePool() : nodes(nullptr) {}
+ ~ReservedNodePool() { delete [] nodes; }
+ int count = 0;
+ int used = 0;
+ Node *nodes;
+ };
+ QStringHashData data;
+ NewedNode *newedNodes;
+ ReservedNodePool *nodePool;
+ template<typename K>
+ inline Node *findNode(const K &) const;
+ inline Node *createNode(const Node &o);
+ template<typename K>
+ inline Node *createNode(const K &, const T &);
+ inline Node *insertNode(Node *, quint32);
+ inline void initializeNode(Node *, const QHashedString &key);
+ inline void initializeNode(Node *, const QHashedCStringRef &key);
+ template<typename K>
+ inline Node *takeNode(const K &key, const T &value);
+ inline Node *takeNode(const Node &o);
+ inline void copy(const QStringHash<T> &);
+ void copyNode(const QStringHashNode *otherNode);
+ template<typename StringHash, typename Data>
+ static inline Data iterateFirst(StringHash *self);
+ template<typename Data>
+ static inline Data iterateNext(const Data &);
+ inline QStringHash();
+ inline QStringHash(const QStringHash &);
+ inline ~QStringHash();
+ QStringHash &operator=(const QStringHash<T> &);
+ void copyAndReserve(const QStringHash<T> &other, int additionalReserve);
+ inline bool isEmpty() const;
+ inline void clear();
+ inline int count() const;
+ inline int numBuckets() const;
+ template<typename Data, typename Value>
+ class Iterator {
+ public:
+ inline Iterator() = default;
+ inline Iterator(const Data &d) : d(d) {}
+ inline Iterator &operator++()
+ {
+ d = QStringHash<T>::iterateNext(d);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const Iterator &o) const { return d.n == o.d.n; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const Iterator &o) const { return d.n != o.d.n; }
+ template<typename K>
+ inline bool equals(const K &key) const { return d.n->equals(key); }
+ inline QHashedString key() const { return static_cast<Node *>(d.n)->key(); }
+ inline Value &value() const { return static_cast<Node *>(d.n)->value; }
+ inline Value &operator*() const { return static_cast<Node *>(d.n)->value; }
+ Node *node() const { return static_cast<Node *>(d.n); }
+ private:
+ Data d;
+ };
+ using MutableIterator = Iterator<MutableIteratorData, T>;
+ using ConstIterator = Iterator<ConstIteratorData, const T>;
+ template<typename K>
+ inline void insert(const K &, const T &);
+ inline void insert(const MutableIterator &);
+ inline void insert(const ConstIterator &);
+ template<typename K>
+ inline T *value(const K &) const;
+ inline T *value(const QV4::String *string) const;
+ inline T *value(const MutableIterator &) const;
+ inline T *value(const ConstIterator &) const;
+ template<typename K>
+ inline bool contains(const K &) const;
+ template<typename K>
+ inline T &operator[](const K &);
+ inline MutableIterator begin();
+ inline ConstIterator begin() const;
+ inline ConstIterator constBegin() const { return begin(); }
+ inline MutableIterator end();
+ inline ConstIterator end() const;
+ inline ConstIterator constEnd() const { return end(); }
+ template<typename K>
+ inline MutableIterator find(const K &);
+ template<typename K>
+ inline ConstIterator find(const K &) const;
+ inline void reserve(int);
+template<class T>
+: newedNodes(nullptr), nodePool(nullptr)
+template<class T>
+QStringHash<T>::QStringHash(const QStringHash<T> &other)
+: newedNodes(nullptr), nodePool(nullptr)
+ data.numBits = other.data.numBits;
+ data.size = other.data.size;
+ reserve(other.count());
+ copy(other);
+template<class T>
+QStringHash<T> &QStringHash<T>::operator=(const QStringHash<T> &other)
+ if (&other == this)
+ return *this;
+ clear();
+ data.numBits = other.data.numBits;
+ data.size = other.data.size;
+ reserve(other.count());
+ copy(other);
+ return *this;
+template<class T>
+void QStringHash<T>::copyAndReserve(const QStringHash<T> &other, int additionalReserve)
+ clear();
+ data.numBits = other.data.numBits;
+ reserve(other.count() + additionalReserve);
+ copy(other);
+template<class T>
+ clear();
+template<class T>
+void QStringHash<T>::clear()
+ // Delete the individually allocated nodes
+ NewedNode *n = newedNodes;
+ while (n) {
+ NewedNode *c = n;
+ n = c->nextNewed;
+ delete c;
+ }
+ // Delete the pool allocated nodes
+ if (nodePool) delete nodePool;
+ delete [] data.buckets;
+ data.buckets = nullptr;
+ data.numBuckets = 0;
+ data.numBits = 0;
+ data.size = 0;
+ newedNodes = nullptr;
+ nodePool = nullptr;
+template<class T>
+bool QStringHash<T>::isEmpty() const
+ return data.size== 0;
+template<class T>
+int QStringHash<T>::count() const
+ return data.size;
+template<class T>
+int QStringHash<T>::numBuckets() const
+ return data.numBuckets;
+template<class T>
+void QStringHash<T>::initializeNode(Node *node, const QHashedString &key)
+ node->length = key.size();
+ node->hash = key.hash();
+ node->arrayData = mutableStringData(key).d_ptr();
+ node->strData = mutableStringData(key).data();
+ if (node->arrayData)
+ node->arrayData->ref();
+ node->setQString(true);
+template<class T>
+void QStringHash<T>::initializeNode(Node *node, const QHashedCStringRef &key)
+ node->length = key.length();
+ node->hash = key.hash();
+ node->ckey = key.constData();
+template<class T>
+template<class K>
+typename QStringHash<T>::Node *QStringHash<T>::takeNode(const K &key, const T &value)
+ if (nodePool && nodePool->used != nodePool->count) {
+ Node *rv = nodePool->nodes + nodePool->used++;
+ initializeNode(rv, hashedString(key));
+ rv->value = value;
+ return rv;
+ } else {
+ NewedNode *rv = new NewedNode(hashedString(key), value);
+ rv->nextNewed = newedNodes;
+ newedNodes = rv;
+ return rv;
+ }
+template<class T>
+typename QStringHash<T>::Node *QStringHash<T>::takeNode(const Node &o)
+ if (nodePool && nodePool->used != nodePool->count) {
+ Node *rv = nodePool->nodes + nodePool->used++;
+ rv->length = o.length;
+ rv->hash = o.hash;
+ rv->arrayData = o.arrayData;
+ if (o.isQString()) {
+ rv->strData = o.strData;
+ rv->setQString(true);
+ if (rv->arrayData)
+ rv->arrayData->ref();
+ } else {
+ rv->ckey = o.ckey;
+ }
+ rv->symbolId = o.symbolId;
+ rv->value = o.value;
+ return rv;
+ } else {
+ NewedNode *rv = new NewedNode(o);
+ rv->nextNewed = newedNodes;
+ newedNodes = rv;
+ return rv;
+ }
+template<class T>
+void QStringHash<T>::copyNode(const QStringHashNode *otherNode)
+ // Copy the predecessor before the successor
+ QStringHashNode *next = otherNode->next.data();
+ if (next)
+ copyNode(next);
+ Node *mynode = takeNode(*(const Node *)otherNode);
+ int bucket = mynode->hash % data.numBuckets;
+ mynode->next = data.buckets[bucket];
+ data.buckets[bucket] = mynode;
+template<class T>
+void QStringHash<T>::copy(const QStringHash<T> &other)
+ Q_ASSERT(data.size == 0);
+ data.size = other.data.size;
+ // Ensure buckets array is created
+ data.rehashToBits(data.numBits);
+ // Preserve the existing order within buckets
+ for (int i = 0; i < other.data.numBuckets; ++i) {
+ QStringHashNode *bucket = other.data.buckets[i];
+ if (bucket)
+ copyNode(bucket);
+ }
+template<class T>
+template<typename Data>
+Data QStringHash<T>::iterateNext(const Data &d)
+ auto *This = d.p;
+ Node *node = (Node *)d.n;
+ if (This->nodePool && node >= This->nodePool->nodes &&
+ node < (This->nodePool->nodes + This->nodePool->used)) {
+ node--;
+ if (node < This->nodePool->nodes)
+ node = nullptr;
+ } else {
+ NewedNode *nn = (NewedNode *)node;
+ node = nn->nextNewed;
+ if (node == nullptr && This->nodePool && This->nodePool->used)
+ node = This->nodePool->nodes + This->nodePool->used - 1;
+ }
+ Data rv;
+ rv.n = node;
+ rv.p = d.p;
+ return rv;
+template<class T>
+template<typename StringHash, typename Data>
+Data QStringHash<T>::iterateFirst(StringHash *self)
+ typename StringHash::Node *n = nullptr;
+ if (self->newedNodes)
+ n = self->newedNodes;
+ else if (self->nodePool && self->nodePool->used)
+ n = self->nodePool->nodes + self->nodePool->used - 1;
+ Data rv;
+ rv.n = n;
+ rv.p = self;
+ return rv;
+template<class T>
+typename QStringHash<T>::Node *QStringHash<T>::createNode(const Node &o)
+ Node *n = takeNode(o);
+ return insertNode(n, n->hash);
+template<class T>
+template<class K>
+typename QStringHash<T>::Node *QStringHash<T>::createNode(const K &key, const T &value)
+ Node *n = takeNode(key, value);
+ return insertNode(n, hashOf(key));
+template<class T>
+typename QStringHash<T>::Node *QStringHash<T>::insertNode(Node *n, quint32 hash)
+ if (data.size >= data.numBuckets)
+ data.rehashToBits(data.numBits + 1);
+ int bucket = hash % data.numBuckets;
+ n->next = data.buckets[bucket];
+ data.buckets[bucket] = n;
+ data.size++;
+ return n;
+template<class T>
+template<class K>
+void QStringHash<T>::insert(const K &key, const T &value)
+ Node *n = findNode(key);
+ if (n)
+ n->value = value;
+ else
+ createNode(key, value);
+template<class T>
+void QStringHash<T>::insert(const MutableIterator &iter)
+ insert(iter.key(), iter.value());
+template<class T>
+void QStringHash<T>::insert(const ConstIterator &iter)
+ insert(iter.key(), iter.value());
+template<class T>
+template<class K>
+typename QStringHash<T>::Node *QStringHash<T>::findNode(const K &key) const
+ QStringHashNode *node = data.numBuckets?data.buckets[hashOf(key) % data.numBuckets]:nullptr;
+ typename HashedForm<K>::Type hashedKey(hashedString(key));
+ while (node && !node->equals(hashedKey))
+ node = node->next.data();
+ return (Node *)node;
+template<class T>
+template<class K>
+T *QStringHash<T>::value(const K &key) const
+ Node *n = findNode(key);
+ return n?&n->value:nullptr;
+template<typename T>
+T *QStringHash<T>::value(const MutableIterator &iter) const
+ return value(iter.node()->key());
+template<class T>
+T *QStringHash<T>::value(const ConstIterator &iter) const
+ return value(iter.node()->key());
+template<class T>
+T *QStringHash<T>::value(const QV4::String *string) const
+ Node *n = findNode(string);
+ return n?&n->value:nullptr;
+template<class T>
+template<class K>
+bool QStringHash<T>::contains(const K &key) const
+ return nullptr != value(key);
+template<class T>
+template<class K>
+T &QStringHash<T>::operator[](const K &key)
+ Node *n = findNode(key);
+ if (n) return n->value;
+ else return createNode(key, T())->value;
+template<class T>
+void QStringHash<T>::reserve(int n)
+ if (nodePool || 0 == n)
+ return;
+ nodePool = new ReservedNodePool;
+ nodePool->count = n;
+ nodePool->used = 0;
+ nodePool->nodes = new Node[n];
+ data.rehashToSize(n);
+template<class T>
+typename QStringHash<T>::MutableIterator QStringHash<T>::begin()
+ return MutableIterator(iterateFirst<QStringHash<T>, MutableIteratorData>(this));
+template<class T>
+typename QStringHash<T>::ConstIterator QStringHash<T>::begin() const
+ return ConstIterator(iterateFirst<const QStringHash<T>, ConstIteratorData>(this));
+template<class T>
+typename QStringHash<T>::MutableIterator QStringHash<T>::end()
+ return MutableIterator();
+template<class T>
+typename QStringHash<T>::ConstIterator QStringHash<T>::end() const
+ return ConstIterator();
+template<class T>
+template<class K>
+typename QStringHash<T>::MutableIterator QStringHash<T>::find(const K &key)
+ Node *n = findNode(key);
+ return n ? MutableIterator(MutableIteratorData(n, this)) : MutableIterator();
+template<class T>
+template<class K>
+typename QStringHash<T>::ConstIterator QStringHash<T>::find(const K &key) const
+ Node *n = findNode(key);
+ return n ? ConstIterator(ConstIteratorData(n, this)) : ConstIterator();
+#endif // QSTRINGHASH_P_H