path: root/src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsbasicblocks.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsbasicblocks.cpp')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsbasicblocks.cpp b/src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsbasicblocks.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1696016f79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsbasicblocks.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include "qqmljsbasicblocks_p.h"
+#include "qqmljsutils_p.h"
+#include <QtQml/private/qv4instr_moth_p.h>
+using namespace Qt::Literals::StringLiterals;
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::dumpBasicBlocks()
+ qDebug().noquote() << "=== Basic Blocks for \"%1\""_L1.arg(m_context->name);
+ for (const auto &[blockOffset, block] : m_basicBlocks) {
+ QDebug debug = qDebug().nospace();
+ debug << "Block " << (blockOffset < 0 ? "Function prolog"_L1 : QString::number(blockOffset))
+ << ":\n";
+ debug << " jumpOrigins[" << block.jumpOrigins.size() << "]: ";
+ for (auto origin : block.jumpOrigins) {
+ debug << origin << ", ";
+ }
+ debug << "\n readRegisters[" << block.readRegisters.size() << "]: ";
+ for (auto reg : block.readRegisters) {
+ debug << reg << ", ";
+ }
+ debug << "\n jumpTarget: " << block.jumpTarget;
+ debug << "\n jumpIsUnConditional: " << block.jumpIsUnconditional;
+ debug << "\n isReturnBlock: " << block.isReturnBlock;
+ debug << "\n isThrowBlock: " << block.isThrowBlock;
+ }
+ qDebug() << "\n";
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::dumpDOTGraph()
+ QString output;
+ QTextStream s{ &output };
+ s << "=== Basic Blocks Graph in DOT format for \"%1\" (spaces are encoded as"
+ " &#160; to preserve formatting)\n"_L1.arg(m_context->name);
+ s << "digraph BasicBlocks {\n"_L1;
+ QFlatMap<int, BasicBlock> blocks{ m_basicBlocks };
+ for (const auto &[blockOffset, block] : blocks) {
+ for (int originOffset : block.jumpOrigins) {
+ const auto originBlockIt = basicBlockForInstruction(blocks, originOffset);
+ const auto isBackEdge = originOffset > blockOffset && originBlockIt->second.jumpIsUnconditional;
+ s << " %1 -> %2%3\n"_L1.arg(QString::number(originBlockIt.key()))
+ .arg(QString::number(blockOffset))
+ .arg(isBackEdge ? " [color=blue]"_L1 : ""_L1);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto &[blockOffset, block] : blocks) {
+ if (blockOffset < 0) {
+ s << " %1 [shape=record, fontname=\"Monospace\", label=\"Function Prolog\"]\n"_L1
+ .arg(QString::number(blockOffset));
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto nextBlockIt = blocks.lower_bound(blockOffset + 1);
+ int nextBlockOffset = nextBlockIt == blocks.end() ? m_context->code.size() : nextBlockIt->first;
+ QString dump = QV4::Moth::dumpBytecode(
+ m_context->code.constData(), m_context->code.size(), m_context->locals.size(),
+ m_context->formals->length(), blockOffset, nextBlockOffset - 1,
+ m_context->lineAndStatementNumberMapping);
+ dump = dump.replace(" "_L1, "&#160;"_L1); // prevent collapse of extra whitespace for formatting
+ dump = dump.replace("\n"_L1, "\\l"_L1); // new line + left aligned
+ s << " %1 [shape=record, fontname=\"Monospace\", label=\"{Block %1: | %2}\"]\n"_L1
+ .arg(QString::number(blockOffset))
+ .arg(dump);
+ }
+ s << "}\n"_L1;
+ // Have unique names to prevent overwriting of functions with the same name (eg. anonymous functions).
+ static int functionCount = 0;
+ static const auto dumpFolderPath = qEnvironmentVariable("QV4_DUMP_BASIC_BLOCKS");
+ QString expressionName = m_context->name == ""_L1
+ ? "anonymous"_L1
+ : QString(m_context->name).replace(" "_L1, "_"_L1);
+ QString fileName = "function"_L1 + QString::number(functionCount++) + "_"_L1 + expressionName + ".gv"_L1;
+ QFile dumpFile(dumpFolderPath + (dumpFolderPath.endsWith("/"_L1) ? ""_L1 : "/"_L1) + fileName);
+ if (dumpFolderPath == "-"_L1 || dumpFolderPath == "1"_L1 || dumpFolderPath == "true"_L1) {
+ qDebug().noquote() << output;
+ } else {
+ if (!dumpFile.open(QIODeviceBase::Truncate | QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
+ qDebug() << "Error: Could not open file to dump the basic blocks into";
+ } else {
+ dumpFile.write(("//"_L1 + output).toLatin1().toStdString().c_str());
+ dumpFile.close();
+ }
+ }
+QQmlJSBasicBlocks::run(const Function *function, QQmlJSAotCompiler::Flags compileFlags,
+ bool &basicBlocksValidationFailed)
+ basicBlocksValidationFailed = false;
+ m_function = function;
+ for (int i = 0, end = function->argumentTypes.size(); i != end; ++i) {
+ InstructionAnnotation annotation;
+ annotation.changedRegisterIndex = FirstArgument + i;
+ annotation.changedRegister = function->argumentTypes[i];
+ m_annotations[-annotation.changedRegisterIndex] = annotation;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0, end = function->registerTypes.size(); i != end; ++i) {
+ InstructionAnnotation annotation;
+ annotation.changedRegisterIndex = firstRegisterIndex() + i;
+ annotation.changedRegister = function->registerTypes[i];
+ m_annotations[-annotation.changedRegisterIndex] = annotation;
+ }
+ // Insert the function prolog block followed by the first "real" block.
+ m_basicBlocks.insert_or_assign(m_annotations.begin().key(), BasicBlock());
+ BasicBlock zeroBlock;
+ zeroBlock.jumpOrigins.append(m_basicBlocks.begin().key());
+ m_basicBlocks.insert(0, zeroBlock);
+ const QByteArray byteCode = function->code;
+ decode(byteCode.constData(), static_cast<uint>(byteCode.size()));
+ if (m_hadBackJumps) {
+ // We may have missed some connections between basic blocks if there were back jumps.
+ // Fill them in via a second pass.
+ // We also need to re-calculate the jump targets then because the basic block boundaries
+ // may have shifted.
+ for (auto it = m_basicBlocks.begin(), end = m_basicBlocks.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+ it->second.jumpTarget = -1;
+ it->second.jumpIsUnconditional = false;
+ }
+ m_skipUntilNextLabel = false;
+ reset();
+ decode(byteCode.constData(), static_cast<uint>(byteCode.size()));
+ for (auto it = m_basicBlocks.begin(), end = m_basicBlocks.end(); it != end; ++it)
+ QQmlJSUtils::deduplicate(it->second.jumpOrigins);
+ }
+ if (compileFlags.testFlag(QQmlJSAotCompiler::ValidateBasicBlocks) || qv4ValidateBasicBlocks()) {
+ if (auto validationResult = basicBlocksValidation(); !validationResult.success) {
+ qDebug() << "Basic blocks validation failed: %1."_L1.arg(validationResult.errorMessage);
+ basicBlocksValidationFailed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (qv4DumpBasicBlocks()) {
+ dumpBasicBlocks();
+ dumpDOTGraph();
+ }
+ return { std::move(m_basicBlocks), std::move(m_annotations) };
+QV4::Moth::ByteCodeHandler::Verdict QQmlJSBasicBlocks::startInstruction(QV4::Moth::Instr::Type type)
+ auto it = m_basicBlocks.find(currentInstructionOffset());
+ if (it != m_basicBlocks.end()) {
+ m_skipUntilNextLabel = false;
+ } else if (m_skipUntilNextLabel && !instructionManipulatesContext(type)) {
+ return SkipInstruction;
+ }
+ return ProcessInstruction;
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::endInstruction(QV4::Moth::Instr::Type)
+ if (m_skipUntilNextLabel)
+ return;
+ auto it = m_basicBlocks.find(nextInstructionOffset());
+ if (it != m_basicBlocks.end())
+ it->second.jumpOrigins.append(currentInstructionOffset());
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::generate_Jump(int offset)
+ processJump(offset, Unconditional);
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::generate_JumpTrue(int offset)
+ processJump(offset, Conditional);
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::generate_JumpFalse(int offset)
+ processJump(offset, Conditional);
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::generate_JumpNoException(int offset)
+ processJump(offset, Conditional);
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::generate_JumpNotUndefined(int offset)
+ processJump(offset, Conditional);
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::generate_IteratorNext(int value, int offset)
+ Q_UNUSED(value);
+ processJump(offset, Conditional);
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::generate_GetOptionalLookup(int index, int offset)
+ Q_UNUSED(index);
+ processJump(offset, Conditional);
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::generate_Ret()
+ auto currentBlock = basicBlockForInstruction(m_basicBlocks, currentInstructionOffset());
+ currentBlock.value().isReturnBlock = true;
+ m_skipUntilNextLabel = true;
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::generate_ThrowException()
+ auto currentBlock = basicBlockForInstruction(m_basicBlocks, currentInstructionOffset());
+ currentBlock.value().isThrowBlock = true;
+ m_skipUntilNextLabel = true;
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::generate_DefineArray(int argc, int argv)
+ if (argc == 0)
+ return; // empty array/list, nothing to do
+ m_objectAndArrayDefinitions.append({
+ currentInstructionOffset(), ObjectOrArrayDefinition::ArrayClassId, argc, argv
+ });
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::generate_DefineObjectLiteral(int internalClassId, int argc, int argv)
+ if (argc == 0)
+ return;
+ m_objectAndArrayDefinitions.append({ currentInstructionOffset(), internalClassId, argc, argv });
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::generate_Construct(int func, int argc, int argv)
+ Q_UNUSED(func)
+ if (argc == 0)
+ return; // empty array/list, nothing to do
+ m_objectAndArrayDefinitions.append({
+ currentInstructionOffset(),
+ argc == 1
+ ? ObjectOrArrayDefinition::ArrayConstruct1ArgId
+ : ObjectOrArrayDefinition::ArrayClassId,
+ argc,
+ argv
+ });
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::processJump(int offset, JumpMode mode)
+ if (offset < 0)
+ m_hadBackJumps = true;
+ const int jumpTarget = absoluteOffset(offset);
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_basicBlocks.isEmpty());
+ auto currentBlock = basicBlockForInstruction(m_basicBlocks, currentInstructionOffset());
+ currentBlock->second.jumpTarget = jumpTarget;
+ currentBlock->second.jumpIsUnconditional = (mode == Unconditional);
+ m_basicBlocks[jumpTarget].jumpOrigins.append(currentInstructionOffset());
+ if (mode == Unconditional)
+ m_skipUntilNextLabel = true;
+ else
+ m_basicBlocks.insert(nextInstructionOffset(), BasicBlock());
+QQmlJSCompilePass::BasicBlocks::iterator QQmlJSBasicBlocks::basicBlockForInstruction(
+ QFlatMap<int, BasicBlock> &container, int instructionOffset)
+ auto block = container.lower_bound(instructionOffset);
+ if (block == container.end() || block->first != instructionOffset)
+ --block;
+ return block;
+QQmlJSCompilePass::BasicBlocks::const_iterator QQmlJSBasicBlocks::basicBlockForInstruction(
+ const BasicBlocks &container, int instructionOffset)
+ return basicBlockForInstruction(const_cast<BasicBlocks &>(container), instructionOffset);
+QQmlJSBasicBlocks::BasicBlocksValidationResult QQmlJSBasicBlocks::basicBlocksValidation()
+ if (m_basicBlocks.empty())
+ return {};
+ const QFlatMap<int, BasicBlock> blocks{ m_basicBlocks };
+ QList<QFlatMap<int, BasicBlock>::const_iterator> returnOrThrowBlocks;
+ for (auto it = blocks.cbegin(); it != blocks.cend(); ++it) {
+ if (it.value().isReturnBlock || it.value().isThrowBlock)
+ returnOrThrowBlocks.append(it);
+ }
+ // 1. Return blocks and throw blocks must not have a jump target
+ for (const auto &it : returnOrThrowBlocks) {
+ if (it.value().jumpTarget != -1)
+ return { false, "Return or throw block jumps to somewhere"_L1 };
+ }
+ // 2. The basic blocks graph must be connected.
+ QSet<int> visitedBlockOffsets;
+ QList<QFlatMap<int, BasicBlock>::const_iterator> toVisit;
+ toVisit.append(returnOrThrowBlocks);
+ while (!toVisit.empty()) {
+ const auto &[offset, block] = *toVisit.takeLast();
+ visitedBlockOffsets.insert(offset);
+ for (int originOffset : block.jumpOrigins) {
+ const auto originBlock = basicBlockForInstruction(blocks, originOffset);
+ if (visitedBlockOffsets.find(originBlock.key()) == visitedBlockOffsets.end()
+ && !toVisit.contains(originBlock))
+ toVisit.append(originBlock);
+ }
+ }
+ if (visitedBlockOffsets.size() != blocks.size())
+ return { false, "Basic blocks graph is not fully connected"_L1 };
+ // 3. A block's jump target must be the first offset of a block.
+ for (const auto &[blockOffset, block] : blocks) {
+ auto target = block.jumpTarget;
+ if (target != -1 && blocks.find(target) == blocks.end())
+ return { false, "Invalid jump; target is not the start of a block"_L1 };
+ }
+ return {};