path: root/src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsbasicblocks.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsbasicblocks.cpp')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsbasicblocks.cpp b/src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsbasicblocks.cpp
index e819313b54..95e7ca8d55 100644
--- a/src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsbasicblocks.cpp
+++ b/src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsbasicblocks.cpp
@@ -3,8 +3,105 @@
#include "qqmljsbasicblocks_p.h"
+#include <QtQml/private/qv4instr_moth_p.h>
+using namespace Qt::Literals::StringLiterals;
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::dumpBasicBlocks()
+ qDebug().noquote() << "=== Basic Blocks for \"%1\""_L1.arg(m_context->name);
+ for (const auto &[blockOffset, block] : m_basicBlocks) {
+ QDebug debug = qDebug().nospace();
+ debug << "Block " << blockOffset << ":\n";
+ debug << " jumpOrigins[" << block.jumpOrigins.size() << "]: ";
+ for (auto origin : block.jumpOrigins) {
+ debug << origin << ", ";
+ }
+ debug << "\n readRegisters[" << block.readRegisters.size() << "]: ";
+ for (auto reg : block.readRegisters) {
+ debug << reg << ", ";
+ }
+ debug << "\n readTypes[" << block.readTypes.size() << "]: ";
+ for (auto type : block.readTypes) {
+ debug << type->augmentedInternalName() << ", ";
+ }
+ debug << "\n jumpTarget: " << block.jumpTarget;
+ debug << "\n jumpIsUnConditional: " << block.jumpIsUnconditional;
+ }
+ qDebug() << "\n";
+void QQmlJSBasicBlocks::dumpDOTGraph()
+ auto isBackEdge = [](const BasicBlock &originBlock, int originOffset, int destinationOffset) {
+ return originOffset > destinationOffset && originBlock.jumpIsUnconditional;
+ };
+ QString output;
+ QTextStream s{ &output };
+ s << "=== Basic Blocks Graph in DOT format for \"%1\" (spaces are encoded as"
+ " &#160; to preserve formatting)\n"_L1.arg(m_context->name);
+ s << "digraph BasicBlocks {\n"_L1;
+ std::map<int, BasicBlock> blocks{ m_basicBlocks.begin(), m_basicBlocks.end() };
+ for (const auto &[blockOffset, block] : blocks) {
+ for (int originOffset : block.jumpOrigins) {
+ int originBlockOffset;
+ auto originBlockIt = blocks.find(originOffset);
+ if (originBlockIt != blocks.end())
+ originBlockOffset = originOffset;
+ else
+ originBlockOffset = std::prev(blocks.lower_bound(originOffset))->first;
+ s << " %1 -> %2%3\n"_L1.arg(QString::number(originBlockOffset))
+ .arg(QString::number(blockOffset))
+ .arg(isBackEdge(originBlockIt->second, originOffset, blockOffset)
+ ? " [color=blue]"_L1
+ : ""_L1);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto &[blockOffset, block] : blocks) {
+ int beginOffset = std::max(0, blockOffset);
+ auto nextBlockIt = blocks.lower_bound(blockOffset + 1);
+ int nextBlockOffset = nextBlockIt == blocks.end() ? m_context->code.size() : nextBlockIt->first;
+ QString dump = QV4::Moth::dumpBytecode(
+ m_context->code.constData(), m_context->code.size(), m_context->locals.size(),
+ m_context->formals->length(), beginOffset, nextBlockOffset - 1,
+ m_context->lineAndStatementNumberMapping);
+ dump = dump.replace(" "_L1, "&#160;"_L1); // prevent collapse of extra whitespace for formatting
+ dump = dump.replace("\n"_L1, "\\l"_L1); // new line + left aligned
+ s << " %1 [shape=record, fontname=\"Monospace\", label=\"{Block %1: | %2}\"]\n"_L1
+ .arg(QString::number(blockOffset))
+ .arg(dump);
+ }
+ s << "}\n"_L1;
+ // Have unique names to prevent overwriting of functions with the same name (eg. anonymous functions).
+ static int functionCount = 0;
+ static const auto dumpFolderPath = qEnvironmentVariable("QV4_DUMP_BASIC_BLOCKS");
+ QString expressionName = m_context->name == ""_L1
+ ? "anonymous"_L1
+ : QString(m_context->name).replace(" "_L1, "_"_L1);
+ QString fileName = "function"_L1 + QString::number(functionCount++) + "_"_L1 + expressionName + ".gv"_L1;
+ QFile dumpFile(dumpFolderPath + (dumpFolderPath.endsWith("/"_L1) ? ""_L1 : "/"_L1) + fileName);
+ if (dumpFolderPath == "-"_L1 || dumpFolderPath == "1"_L1 || dumpFolderPath == "true"_L1) {
+ qDebug().noquote() << output;
+ } else {
+ if (!dumpFile.open(QIODeviceBase::Truncate | QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
+ qDebug() << "Error: Could not open file to dump the basic blocks into";
+ } else {
+ dumpFile.write(("//"_L1 + output).toLatin1().toStdString().c_str());
+ dumpFile.close();
+ }
+ }
template<typename Container>
void deduplicate(Container &container)
@@ -62,6 +159,12 @@ QQmlJSCompilePass::InstructionAnnotations QQmlJSBasicBlocks::run(
+ if (qv4DumpBasicBlocks()) {
+ dumpBasicBlocks();
+ dumpDOTGraph();
+ }
return std::move(m_annotations);