path: root/src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsoptimizations.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsoptimizations.cpp')
1 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsoptimizations.cpp b/src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsoptimizations.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d542331be6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qmlcompiler/qqmljsoptimizations.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include "qqmljsoptimizations_p.h"
+#include "qqmljsbasicblocks_p.h"
+#include "qqmljsutils_p.h"
+using namespace Qt::Literals::StringLiterals;
+QQmlJSCompilePass::BlocksAndAnnotations QQmlJSOptimizations::run(const Function *function,
+ QQmlJS::DiagnosticMessage *error)
+ m_function = function;
+ m_error = error;
+ populateBasicBlocks();
+ populateReaderLocations();
+ adjustTypes();
+ return { std::move(m_basicBlocks), std::move(m_annotations) };
+struct PendingBlock
+ QQmlJSOptimizations::Conversions conversions;
+ int start = -1;
+ bool registerActive = false;
+template<typename ContainerA, typename ContainerB>
+static bool containsAny(const ContainerA &container, const ContainerB &elements)
+ for (const auto &element : elements) {
+ if (container.contains(element))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+template<class Key, class T, class Compare = std::less<Key>,
+ class KeyContainer = QList<Key>, class MappedContainer = QList<T>>
+class NewFlatMap
+ using OriginalFlatMap = QFlatMap<Key, T, Compare, KeyContainer, MappedContainer>;
+ void appendOrdered(const typename OriginalFlatMap::iterator &i)
+ {
+ keys.append(i.key());
+ values.append(i.value());
+ }
+ OriginalFlatMap take()
+ {
+ OriginalFlatMap result(Qt::OrderedUniqueRange, std::move(keys), std::move(values));
+ keys.clear();
+ values.clear();
+ return result;
+ }
+ typename OriginalFlatMap::key_container_type keys;
+ typename OriginalFlatMap::mapped_container_type values;
+void QQmlJSOptimizations::populateReaderLocations()
+ using NewInstructionAnnotations = NewFlatMap<int, InstructionAnnotation>;
+ bool erasedReaders = false;
+ auto eraseDeadStore = [&](const InstructionAnnotations::iterator &it) {
+ auto reader = m_readerLocations.find(it.key());
+ if (reader != m_readerLocations.end()
+ && (reader->typeReaders.isEmpty() || reader->registerReadersAndConversions.isEmpty())) {
+ if (it->second.isRename) {
+ // If it's a rename, it doesn't "own" its output type. The type may
+ // still be read elsewhere, even if this register isn't. However, we're
+ // not interested in the variant or any other details of the register.
+ // Therefore just delete it.
+ it->second.changedRegisterIndex = InvalidRegister;
+ it->second.changedRegister = QQmlJSRegisterContent();
+ } else {
+ // void the output, rather than deleting it. We still need its variant.
+ const bool adjusted = m_typeResolver->adjustTrackedType(
+ it->second.changedRegister.containedType(),
+ m_typeResolver->voidType());
+ Q_ASSERT(adjusted); // Can always convert to void
+ }
+ m_readerLocations.erase(reader);
+ // If it's not a label and has no side effects, we can drop the instruction.
+ if (!it->second.hasSideEffects) {
+ if (!it->second.readRegisters.isEmpty()) {
+ it->second.readRegisters.clear();
+ erasedReaders = true;
+ }
+ if (m_basicBlocks.find(it.key()) == m_basicBlocks.end())
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ NewInstructionAnnotations newAnnotations;
+ for (auto writeIt = m_annotations.begin(), writeEnd = m_annotations.end();
+ writeIt != writeEnd; ++writeIt) {
+ const int writtenRegister = writeIt->second.changedRegisterIndex;
+ if (writtenRegister == InvalidRegister) {
+ newAnnotations.appendOrdered(writeIt);
+ continue;
+ }
+ RegisterAccess &access = m_readerLocations[writeIt.key()];
+ access.trackedRegister = writtenRegister;
+ if (writeIt->second.changedRegister.isConversion()) {
+ // If it's a conversion, we have to check for all readers of the conversion origins.
+ // This happens at jump targets where different types are merged. A StoreReg or similar
+ // instruction must be optimized out if none of the types it can hold is read anymore.
+ access.trackedTypes = writeIt->second.changedRegister.conversionOrigins();
+ } else {
+ access.trackedTypes.append(
+ m_typeResolver->trackedContainedType(writeIt->second.changedRegister));
+ Q_ASSERT(!access.trackedTypes.last().isNull());
+ }
+ auto blockIt = QQmlJSBasicBlocks::basicBlockForInstruction(m_basicBlocks, writeIt.key());
+ QList<PendingBlock> blocks = { { {}, blockIt->first, true } };
+ QHash<int, PendingBlock> processedBlocks;
+ bool isFirstBlock = true;
+ while (!blocks.isEmpty()) {
+ const PendingBlock block = blocks.takeLast();
+ // We can re-enter the first block from the beginning.
+ // We will then find any reads before the write we're currently examining.
+ if (!isFirstBlock)
+ processedBlocks.insert(block.start, block);
+ auto nextBlock = m_basicBlocks.find(block.start);
+ auto currentBlock = nextBlock++;
+ bool registerActive = block.registerActive;
+ Conversions conversions = block.conversions;
+ const auto blockEnd = (nextBlock == m_basicBlocks.end())
+ ? m_annotations.end()
+ : m_annotations.find(nextBlock->first);
+ auto blockInstr = isFirstBlock
+ ? (writeIt + 1)
+ : m_annotations.find(currentBlock->first);
+ for (; blockInstr != blockEnd; ++blockInstr) {
+ if (registerActive
+ && blockInstr->second.typeConversions.contains(writtenRegister)) {
+ conversions.insert(blockInstr.key());
+ }
+ for (auto readIt = blockInstr->second.readRegisters.constBegin(),
+ end = blockInstr->second.readRegisters.constEnd();
+ readIt != end; ++readIt) {
+ if (!blockInstr->second.isRename && containsAny(
+ readIt->second.content.conversionOrigins(), access.trackedTypes)) {
+ Q_ASSERT(readIt->second.content.isConversion());
+ Q_ASSERT(readIt->second.content.conversionResult());
+ access.typeReaders[blockInstr.key()]
+ = readIt->second.content.conversionResult();
+ }
+ if (registerActive && readIt->first == writtenRegister)
+ access.registerReadersAndConversions[blockInstr.key()] = conversions;
+ }
+ if (blockInstr->second.changedRegisterIndex == writtenRegister) {
+ conversions.clear();
+ registerActive = false;
+ }
+ }
+ auto scheduleBlock = [&](int blockStart) {
+ // If we find that an already processed block has the register activated by this jump,
+ // we need to re-evaluate it. We also need to propagate any newly found conversions.
+ const auto processed = processedBlocks.find(blockStart);
+ if (processed == processedBlocks.end()) {
+ blocks.append({conversions, blockStart, registerActive});
+ } else if (registerActive && !processed->registerActive) {
+ blocks.append({conversions, blockStart, registerActive});
+ } else {
+ // TODO: Use unite() once it is fixed.
+ // We don't use unite() here since it would be more expensive. unite()
+ // effectively loops on only insert() and insert() does a number of checks
+ // each time. We trade those checks for calculating the hash twice on each
+ // iteration. Calculating the hash is very cheap for integers.
+ Conversions merged = processed->conversions;
+ for (const int conversion : std::as_const(conversions)) {
+ if (!merged.contains(conversion))
+ merged.insert(conversion);
+ }
+ if (merged.size() > processed->conversions.size())
+ blocks.append({std::move(merged), blockStart, registerActive});
+ }
+ };
+ if (!currentBlock->second.jumpIsUnconditional && nextBlock != m_basicBlocks.end())
+ scheduleBlock(nextBlock->first);
+ const int jumpTarget = currentBlock->second.jumpTarget;
+ if (jumpTarget != -1)
+ scheduleBlock(jumpTarget);
+ if (isFirstBlock)
+ isFirstBlock = false;
+ }
+ if (!eraseDeadStore(writeIt))
+ newAnnotations.appendOrdered(writeIt);
+ }
+ m_annotations = newAnnotations.take();
+ while (erasedReaders) {
+ erasedReaders = false;
+ for (auto it = m_annotations.begin(), end = m_annotations.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+ InstructionAnnotation &instruction = it->second;
+ if (instruction.changedRegisterIndex < InvalidRegister) {
+ newAnnotations.appendOrdered(it);
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto readers = m_readerLocations.find(it.key());
+ if (readers != m_readerLocations.end()) {
+ for (auto typeIt = readers->typeReaders.begin();
+ typeIt != readers->typeReaders.end();) {
+ if (m_annotations.contains(typeIt.key()))
+ ++typeIt;
+ else
+ typeIt = readers->typeReaders.erase(typeIt);
+ }
+ for (auto registerIt = readers->registerReadersAndConversions.begin();
+ registerIt != readers->registerReadersAndConversions.end();) {
+ if (m_annotations.contains(registerIt.key()))
+ ++registerIt;
+ else
+ registerIt = readers->registerReadersAndConversions.erase(registerIt);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!eraseDeadStore(it))
+ newAnnotations.appendOrdered(it);
+ }
+ m_annotations = newAnnotations.take();
+ }
+bool QQmlJSOptimizations::canMove(int instructionOffset,
+ const QQmlJSOptimizations::RegisterAccess &access) const
+ if (access.registerReadersAndConversions.size() != 1)
+ return false;
+ return QQmlJSBasicBlocks::basicBlockForInstruction(m_basicBlocks, instructionOffset)
+ == QQmlJSBasicBlocks::basicBlockForInstruction(m_basicBlocks, access.registerReadersAndConversions.begin().key());
+QQmlJSBasicBlocks::objectAndArrayDefinitions() const
+ return m_objectAndArrayDefinitions;
+static QString adjustErrorMessage(
+ const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &origin, const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &conversion) {
+ return QLatin1String("Cannot convert from ")
+ + origin->internalName() + QLatin1String(" to ") + conversion->internalName();
+static QString adjustErrorMessage(
+ const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &origin, const QList<QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr> &conversions) {
+ if (conversions.size() == 1)
+ return adjustErrorMessage(origin, conversions[0]);
+ QString types;
+ for (const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &type : conversions) {
+ if (!types.isEmpty())
+ types += QLatin1String(", ");
+ types += type->internalName();
+ }
+ return QLatin1String("Cannot convert from ")
+ + origin->internalName() + QLatin1String(" to union of ") + types;
+void QQmlJSOptimizations::adjustTypes()
+ using NewVirtualRegisters = NewFlatMap<int, VirtualRegister>;
+ QHash<int, QList<int>> liveConversions;
+ QHash<int, QList<int>> movableReads;
+ const auto handleRegisterReadersAndConversions
+ = [&](QHash<int, RegisterAccess>::const_iterator it) {
+ for (auto conversions = it->registerReadersAndConversions.constBegin(),
+ end = it->registerReadersAndConversions.constEnd(); conversions != end;
+ ++conversions) {
+ if (conversions->isEmpty() && canMove(it.key(), it.value()))
+ movableReads[conversions.key()].append(it->trackedRegister);
+ for (int conversion : *conversions)
+ liveConversions[conversion].append(it->trackedRegister);
+ }
+ };
+ // Handle the array definitions first.
+ // Changing the array type changes the expected element types.
+ auto adjustArray = [&](int instructionOffset, int mode) {
+ auto it = m_readerLocations.find(instructionOffset);
+ if (it == m_readerLocations.end())
+ return;
+ const InstructionAnnotation &annotation = m_annotations[instructionOffset];
+ if (annotation.readRegisters.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ Q_ASSERT(it->trackedTypes.size() == 1);
+ Q_ASSERT(it->trackedTypes[0] == annotation.changedRegister.containedType());
+ if (it->trackedTypes[0]->accessSemantics() != QQmlJSScope::AccessSemantics::Sequence)
+ return; // Constructed something else.
+ if (!m_typeResolver->adjustTrackedType(it->trackedTypes[0], it->typeReaders.values()))
+ setError(adjustErrorMessage(it->trackedTypes[0], it->typeReaders.values()));
+ // Now we don't adjust the type we store, but rather the type we expect to read. We
+ // can do this because we've tracked the read type when we defined the array in
+ // QQmlJSTypePropagator.
+ if (QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr valueType = it->trackedTypes[0]->valueType()) {
+ const QQmlJSRegisterContent content = annotation.readRegisters.begin().value().content;
+ const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr contained = content.containedType();
+ // If it's the 1-arg Array ctor, and the argument is a number, that's special.
+ if (mode != ObjectOrArrayDefinition::ArrayConstruct1ArgId
+ || !m_typeResolver->equals(contained, m_typeResolver->realType())) {
+ if (!m_typeResolver->adjustTrackedType(contained, valueType))
+ setError(adjustErrorMessage(contained, valueType));
+ }
+ }
+ handleRegisterReadersAndConversions(it);
+ m_readerLocations.erase(it);
+ };
+ // Handle the object definitions.
+ // Changing the object type changes the expected property types.
+ const auto adjustObject = [&](const ObjectOrArrayDefinition &object) {
+ auto it = m_readerLocations.find(object.instructionOffset);
+ if (it == m_readerLocations.end())
+ return;
+ const InstructionAnnotation &annotation = m_annotations[object.instructionOffset];
+ Q_ASSERT(it->trackedTypes.size() == 1);
+ QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr resultType = it->trackedTypes[0];
+ Q_ASSERT(resultType == annotation.changedRegister.containedType());
+ Q_ASSERT(!annotation.readRegisters.isEmpty());
+ if (!m_typeResolver->adjustTrackedType(resultType, it->typeReaders.values()))
+ setError(adjustErrorMessage(resultType, it->typeReaders.values()));
+ if (m_typeResolver->equals(resultType, m_typeResolver->varType())
+ || m_typeResolver->equals(resultType, m_typeResolver->variantMapType())) {
+ // It's all variant anyway
+ return;
+ }
+ const int classSize = m_jsUnitGenerator->jsClassSize(object.internalClassId);
+ Q_ASSERT(object.argc >= classSize);
+ for (int i = 0; i < classSize; ++i) {
+ // Now we don't adjust the type we store, but rather the types we expect to read. We
+ // can do this because we've tracked the read types when we defined the object in
+ // QQmlJSTypePropagator.
+ const QString propName = m_jsUnitGenerator->jsClassMember(object.internalClassId, i);
+ const QQmlJSMetaProperty property = resultType->property(propName);
+ if (!property.isValid()) {
+ setError(resultType->internalName() + QLatin1String(" has no property called ")
+ + propName);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr propType = property.type();
+ if (propType.isNull()) {
+ setError(QLatin1String("Cannot resolve type of property ") + propName);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const QQmlJSRegisterContent content = annotation.readRegisters[object.argv + i].content;
+ const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr contained = content.containedType();
+ if (!m_typeResolver->adjustTrackedType(contained, propType))
+ setError(adjustErrorMessage(contained, propType));
+ }
+ // The others cannot be adjusted. We don't know their names, yet.
+ // But we might still be able to use the variants.
+ };
+ // Iterate in reverse so that we can have nested lists and objects and the types are propagated
+ // from the outer lists/objects to the inner ones.
+ for (auto it = m_objectAndArrayDefinitions.crbegin(), end = m_objectAndArrayDefinitions.crend();
+ it != end; ++it) {
+ switch (it->internalClassId) {
+ case ObjectOrArrayDefinition::ArrayClassId:
+ case ObjectOrArrayDefinition::ArrayConstruct1ArgId:
+ adjustArray(it->instructionOffset, it->internalClassId);
+ break;
+ default:
+ adjustObject(*it);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto it = m_readerLocations.begin(), end = m_readerLocations.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+ handleRegisterReadersAndConversions(it);
+ // There is always one first occurrence of any tracked type. Conversions don't change
+ // the type.
+ if (it->trackedTypes.size() != 1)
+ continue;
+ // Don't adjust renamed values. We only adjust the originals.
+ const int writeLocation = it.key();
+ if (writeLocation >= 0 && m_annotations[writeLocation].isRename)
+ continue;
+ if (!m_typeResolver->adjustTrackedType(it->trackedTypes[0], it->typeReaders.values()))
+ setError(adjustErrorMessage(it->trackedTypes[0], it->typeReaders.values()));
+ }
+ NewVirtualRegisters newRegisters;
+ for (auto i = m_annotations.begin(), iEnd = m_annotations.end(); i != iEnd; ++i) {
+ for (auto conversion = i->second.typeConversions.begin(),
+ conversionEnd = i->second.typeConversions.end(); conversion != conversionEnd;
+ ++conversion) {
+ if (!liveConversions[i.key()].contains(conversion.key()))
+ continue;
+ QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr newResult;
+ const auto content = conversion->second.content;
+ if (content.isConversion()) {
+ QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr conversionResult = content.conversionResult();
+ const auto conversionOrigins = content.conversionOrigins();
+ for (const auto &origin : conversionOrigins)
+ newResult = m_typeResolver->merge(newResult, origin);
+ if (!m_typeResolver->adjustTrackedType(conversionResult, newResult))
+ setError(adjustErrorMessage(conversionResult, newResult));
+ }
+ newRegisters.appendOrdered(conversion);
+ }
+ i->second.typeConversions = newRegisters.take();
+ for (int movable : std::as_const(movableReads[i.key()]))
+ i->second.readRegisters[movable].canMove = true;
+ }
+void QQmlJSOptimizations::populateBasicBlocks()
+ for (auto blockNext = m_basicBlocks.begin(), blockEnd = m_basicBlocks.end();
+ blockNext != blockEnd;) {
+ const auto blockIt = blockNext++;
+ BasicBlock &block = blockIt->second;
+ QList<QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr> writtenTypes;
+ QList<int> writtenRegisters;
+ const auto instrEnd = (blockNext == blockEnd) ? m_annotations.end()
+ : m_annotations.find(blockNext->first);
+ for (auto instrIt = m_annotations.find(blockIt->first); instrIt != instrEnd; ++instrIt) {
+ const InstructionAnnotation &instruction = instrIt->second;
+ for (auto it = instruction.readRegisters.begin(), end = instruction.readRegisters.end();
+ it != end; ++it) {
+ Q_ASSERT(instruction.isRename || it->second.content.isConversion());
+ if (!writtenRegisters.contains(it->first))
+ block.readRegisters.append(it->first);
+ }
+ // If it's just a renaming, the type has existed in a different register before.
+ if (instruction.changedRegisterIndex != InvalidRegister) {
+ if (!instruction.isRename) {
+ writtenTypes.append(m_typeResolver->trackedContainedType(
+ instruction.changedRegister));
+ }
+ writtenRegisters.append(instruction.changedRegisterIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ QQmlJSUtils::deduplicate(block.readRegisters);
+ }