path: root/src/qmldom/qqmldomconstants_p.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qmldom/qqmldomconstants_p.h')
1 files changed, 417 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qmldom/qqmldomconstants_p.h b/src/qmldom/qqmldomconstants_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac5f8f67c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qmldom/qqmldomconstants_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include "qqmldom_global.h"
+#include <QtCore/QObject>
+#include <QtCore/QMetaObject>
+#include <QtCore/private/qglobal_p.h>
+namespace QQmlJS{
+namespace Dom {
+enum class PathRoot {
+ Other,
+ Modules,
+ Cpp,
+ Libs,
+ Top,
+ Env,
+ Universe
+enum class PathCurrent {
+ Other,
+ Obj,
+ ObjChain,
+ ScopeChain,
+ Component,
+ Module,
+ Ids,
+ Types,
+ LookupStrict,
+ LookupDynamic,
+ Lookup
+enum class Language { QmlQuick1, QmlQuick2, QmlQuick3, QmlCompiled, QmlAnnotation, Qbs };
+enum class ResolveOption{
+ None=0,
+ TraceVisit=0x1 // call the function along all elements of the path, not just for the target (the function might be called even if the target is never reached)
+Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ResolveOptions, ResolveOption)
+enum class VisitOption {
+ None = 0,
+ VisitSelf = 0x1, // Visit the start item
+ VisitAdopted = 0x2, // Visit adopted types (but never recurses them)
+ Recurse = 0x4, // recurse non adopted types
+ NoPath = 0x8, // does not generate path consistent with visit
+ Default = VisitOption::VisitSelf | VisitOption::VisitAdopted | VisitOption::Recurse
+Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(VisitOptions, VisitOption)
+enum class LookupOption {
+ Normal = 0,
+ Strict = 0x1,
+ VisitTopClassType = 0x2, // static lookup of class (singleton) or attached type, the default is
+ // visiting instance methods
+ SkipFirstScope = 0x4
+Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(LookupOptions, LookupOption)
+enum class LookupType { PropertyDef, Binding, Property, Method, Type, CppType, Symbol };
+enum class VisitPrototypesOption {
+ Normal = 0,
+ SkipFirst = 0x1,
+ RevisitWarn = 0x2,
+ ManualProceedToScope = 0x4
+Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(VisitPrototypesOptions, VisitPrototypesOption)
+enum class DomKind { Empty, Object, List, Map, Value, ScriptElement };
+enum class DomType {
+ Empty, // only for default ctor
+ ExternalItemInfo, // base class for anything represented by an actual file
+ ExternalItemPair, // pair of newest version of item, and latest valid update ### REVISIT
+ // ExternalOwningItems refer to an external path and can be shared between environments
+ QmlDirectory, // dir e.g. used for implicit import
+ QmldirFile, // qmldir
+ JsFile, // file
+ QmlFile, // file
+ QmltypesFile, // qmltypes
+ GlobalScope, // language dependent (currently no difference)
+ /* enum A { B, C }
+ * *
+ EnumItem is marked with * */
+ EnumItem,
+ // types
+ EnumDecl, // A in above example
+ JsResource, // QML file contains QML object, JSFile contains JsResource
+ QmltypesComponent, // Component inside a qmltypes fles; compared to component it has exported
+ // meta-object revisions; singleton flag; can export multiple names
+ QmlComponent, // "normal" QML file based Component; also can represent inline components
+ GlobalComponent, // component of global object ### REVISIT, try to replace with one of the above
+ ModuleAutoExport, // dependent imports to automatically load when a module is imported
+ ModuleIndex, // index for all the imports of a major version
+ ModuleScope, // a specific import with full version
+ ImportScope, // the scope including the types coming from one or more imports
+ Export, // An exported type
+ // header stuff
+ Import, // wrapped
+ Pragma,
+ // qml elements
+ Id,
+ QmlObject, // the Item in Item {}; also used to represent types in qmltype files
+ ConstantData, // the 2 in "property int i: 2"; can be any generic data in a QML document
+ SimpleObjectWrap, // internal wrapping to give uniform DOMItem access; ### research more
+ ScriptExpression, // wraps an AST script expression as a DOMItem
+ Reference, // reference to another DOMItem; e.g. asking for a type of an object returns a
+ // Reference
+ PropertyDefinition, // _just_ the property definition; without the binding, even if it's one
+ // line
+ Binding, // the part after the ":"
+ MethodParameter,
+ MethodInfo, // container of MethodParameter
+ Version, // wrapped
+ Comment,
+ CommentedElement, // attached to AST if they have pre-/post-comments?
+ RegionComments, // DomItems have attached RegionComments; can attach comments to fine grained
+ // "regions" in a DomItem; like the default keyword of a property definition
+ AstComments, // hash-table from AST node to commented element
+ FileLocations, // mapping from DomItem to file location ### REVISIT: try to move out of
+ // hierarchy?
+ UpdatedScriptExpression, // used in writeOut method when formatting changes ### Revisit: try to
+ // move out of DOM hierarchy
+ // convenience collecting types
+ PropertyInfo, // not a DOM Item, just a convenience class
+ // Moc objects, mainly for testing ### Try to remove them; replace their usage in tests with
+ // "real" instances
+ MockObject,
+ MockOwner,
+ // containers
+ Map,
+ List,
+ ListP,
+ // supporting objects
+ LoadInfo, // owning, used inside DomEnvironment ### REVISIT: move out of hierarchy
+ ErrorMessage, // wrapped
+ AttachedInfo, // owning
+ // Dom top level
+ DomEnvironment, // a consistent view of modules, types, files, etc.
+ DomUniverse, // a cache of what can be found in the DomEnvironment, contains the latest valid
+ // version for every file/type, etc. + latest overall
+ // Dom Script elements
+ // TODO
+ ScriptElementWrap, // internal wrapping to give uniform access of script elements (e.g. for
+ // statement lists)
+ ScriptElementStart, // marker to check if a DomType is a scriptelement or not
+ ScriptBlockStatement = ScriptElementStart,
+ ScriptIdentifierExpression,
+ ScriptLiteral,
+ ScriptForStatement,
+ ScriptIfStatement,
+ ScriptPostExpression,
+ ScriptUnaryExpression,
+ ScriptBinaryExpression,
+ ScriptVariableDeclaration,
+ ScriptVariableDeclarationEntry,
+ ScriptReturnStatement,
+ ScriptGenericElement,
+ ScriptCallExpression,
+ ScriptFormalParameter,
+ ScriptArray,
+ ScriptObject,
+ ScriptProperty,
+ ScriptType,
+ ScriptElision,
+ ScriptArrayEntry,
+ ScriptPattern,
+ ScriptSwitchStatement,
+ ScriptCaseBlock,
+ ScriptCaseClause,
+ ScriptDefaultClause,
+ ScriptWhileStatement,
+ ScriptDoWhileStatement,
+ ScriptForEachStatement,
+ ScriptTryCatchStatement,
+ ScriptThrowStatement,
+ ScriptLabelledStatement,
+ ScriptBreakStatement,
+ ScriptContinueStatement,
+ ScriptConditionalExpression,
+ ScriptEmptyStatement,
+ ScriptParenthesizedExpression,
+ ScriptFunctionExpression,
+ ScriptYieldExpression,
+ ScriptElementStop, // marker to check if a DomType is a scriptelement or not
+enum class SimpleWrapOption { None = 0, ValueType = 1 };
+Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(SimpleWrapOptions, SimpleWrapOption)
+enum class BindingValueKind { Object, ScriptExpression, Array, Empty };
+enum class BindingType { Normal, OnBinding };
+enum class ListOptions {
+ Normal,
+ Reverse
+enum class EscapeOptions{
+ OuterQuotes,
+ NoOuterQuotes
+enum class ErrorLevel{
+ Debug = QtMsgType::QtDebugMsg,
+ Info = QtMsgType::QtInfoMsg,
+ Warning = QtMsgType::QtWarningMsg,
+ Error = QtMsgType::QtCriticalMsg,
+ Fatal = QtMsgType::QtFatalMsg
+enum class AstDumperOption {
+ None=0,
+ NoLocations=0x1,
+ NoAnnotations=0x2,
+ DumpNode=0x4,
+ SloppyCompare=0x8
+Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(AstDumperOptions, AstDumperOption)
+enum class GoTo {
+ Strict, // never go to an non uniquely defined result
+ MostLikely // if needed go up to the most likely location between multiple options
+enum class AddOption { KeepExisting, Overwrite };
+FilterUpOptions decide in which direction the filtering is done.
+ReturnInner starts the search at top(), and work its way down to the current
+ReturnOuter and ReturnOuterNoSelf starts the search at the current element and
+works their way up to to top().
+enum class FilterUpOptions { ReturnOuter, ReturnOuterNoSelf, ReturnInner };
+enum class WriteOutCheck {
+ None = 0x0,
+ UpdatedDomCompare = 0x1,
+ UpdatedDomStable = 0x2,
+ Reparse = 0x4,
+ ReparseCompare = 0x8,
+ ReparseStable = 0x10,
+ DumpOnFailure = 0x20,
+ All = 0x3F,
+ Default = Reparse | ReparseCompare | ReparseStable
+Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(WriteOutChecks, WriteOutCheck)
+enum class LocalSymbolsType {
+ None = 0x0,
+ ObjectType = 0x1,
+ ValueType = 0x2,
+ Signal = 0x4,
+ Method = 0x8,
+ Attribute = 0x10,
+ Id = 0x20,
+ Namespace = 0x40,
+ Global = 0x80,
+ MethodParameter = 0x100,
+ Singleton = 0x200,
+ AttachedType = 0x400,
+Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(LocalSymbolsTypes, LocalSymbolsType)
+The FileLocationRegion allows to map the different FileLocation subregions to their position in
+the actual code. For example, \c{ColonTokenRegion} denotes the position of the ':' token in a
+binding like `myProperty: something()`, or the ':' token in a pragma like `pragma Hello: World`.
+These are used for formatting in qmlformat and autocompletion in qmlls.
+MainRegion denotes the entire FileLocation region.
+\sa{OutWriter::regionToString}, {FileLocations::regionName}
+enum FileLocationRegion : int {
+ AsTokenRegion,
+ BreakKeywordRegion,
+ DoKeywordRegion,
+ CaseKeywordRegion,
+ CatchKeywordRegion,
+ ColonTokenRegion,
+ CommaTokenRegion,
+ ComponentKeywordRegion,
+ ContinueKeywordRegion,
+ DefaultKeywordRegion,
+ EllipsisTokenRegion,
+ ElseKeywordRegion,
+ EnumKeywordRegion,
+ EnumValueRegion,
+ EqualTokenRegion,
+ ForKeywordRegion,
+ FinallyKeywordRegion,
+ FirstSemicolonTokenRegion,
+ FunctionKeywordRegion,
+ IdColonTokenRegion,
+ IdNameRegion,
+ IdTokenRegion,
+ IdentifierRegion,
+ IfKeywordRegion,
+ ImportTokenRegion,
+ ImportUriRegion,
+ InOfTokenRegion,
+ LeftBraceRegion,
+ LeftBracketRegion,
+ LeftParenthesisRegion,
+ MainRegion,
+ OperatorTokenRegion,
+ OnTargetRegion,
+ OnTokenRegion,
+ PragmaKeywordRegion,
+ PragmaValuesRegion,
+ PropertyKeywordRegion,
+ QuestionMarkTokenRegion,
+ ReadonlyKeywordRegion,
+ RequiredKeywordRegion,
+ ReturnKeywordRegion,
+ RightBraceRegion,
+ RightBracketRegion,
+ RightParenthesisRegion,
+ SecondSemicolonRegion,
+ SemicolonTokenRegion,
+ SignalKeywordRegion,
+ SwitchKeywordRegion,
+ ThrowKeywordRegion,
+ TryKeywordRegion,
+ TypeIdentifierRegion,
+ VersionRegion,
+ WhileKeywordRegion,
+ YieldKeywordRegion,
+enum DomCreationOption : char {
+ None = 0,
+ WithSemanticAnalysis = 1,
+ WithScriptExpressions = 2,
+ WithRecovery = 4
+Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(DomCreationOptions, DomCreationOption);
+} // end namespace Dom
+} // end namespace QQmlJS